Bible ZEP Checks


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Trailing space at end of line in ZEP -1:0

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ZEP -1:0 Removed trailing space in id: ZEP Zephaniah

ZEP -1:1 Removed trailing space in h: Zephaniah

ZEP -1:2 Removed trailing space in toc1: Zephaniah

ZEP -1:3 Removed trailing space in toc2: Zephaniah

ZEP -1:4 Removed trailing space in toc3: Zep

ZEP -1:5 Removed trailing space in mt1: Zephaniah

ZEP 1:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

ZEP 1:0 Removed trailing space in c: 1

ZEP 1:1 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w word|strong="H1697"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* which came unto \w Zephaniah|strong="H6846"\w* the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Cushi|strong="H3570"\w*, the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Gedaliah|strong="H1436"\w*, the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Amariah|strong="H0568"\w*, the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Hizkiah|strong="H2396"\w*, in the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of \w Josiah|strong="H2977"\w* the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Amon|strong="H0526"\w*, \w king|strong="H4428"\w* of \w Judah|strong="H3063"\w*.

ZEP 1:1 Found (first) straight quote sign (") in \v~: The \w word|strong="H1697"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* which came unto \w Zephaniah|strong="H6846"\w* the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Cushi|strong="H3570"\w*, the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Gedaliah|strong="H1436"\w*, the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Amariah|strong="H0568"\w*, the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Hizkiah|strong="H2396"\w*, in the \w days|strong="H3117"\w* of \w Josiah|strong="H2977"\w* the \w son|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Amon|strong="H0526"\w*, \w king|strong="H4428"\w* of \w Judah|strong="H3063"\w*.

ZEP 1:2 Removed trailing space in v~: I will \w utterly|strong="H0622"\w* \w consume|strong="H5486"\w* all \add things\add* from off the \w land|strong="H6440"\w*, \w saith|strong="H5002"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*.\f + \fr 1.2 \ft I will…: Heb. By taking away I will make an end\f*\f + \fr 1.2 \ft the land: Heb. the face of the land\f*

ZEP 1:3 Removed trailing space in v~: I will \w consume|strong="H5486"\w* \w man|strong="H0120"\w* and \w beast|strong="H0929"\w*; I will \w consume|strong="H5486"\w* the \w fowls|strong="H5775"\w* of the \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*, and the \w fishes|strong="H1709"\w* of the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*, and the \w stumblingblocks|strong="H4384"\w* with the \w wicked|strong="H7563"\w*; and I will cut \w off|strong="H3772"\w* \w man|strong="H0120"\w* from \w off|strong="H6440"\w* the \w land|strong="H0127"\w*, \w saith|strong="H5002"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*.\f + \fr 1.3 \ft stumblingblocks: or, idols\f*

ZEP 1:4 Removed trailing space in v~: I will also stretch \w out|strong="H5186"\w* mine \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* upon \w Judah|strong="H3063"\w*, and upon all the \w inhabitants|strong="H3427"\w* of \w Jerusalem|strong="H3389"\w*; and I will cut \w off|strong="H3772"\w* the \w remnant|strong="H7605"\w* of \w Baal|strong="H1168"\w* from this \w place|strong="H4725"\w*, \add and\add* the \w name|strong="H8034"\w* of the \w Chemarims|strong="H3649"\w* with the \w priests|strong="H3548"\w*;

ZEP 1:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And them that \w worship|strong="H7812"\w* the \w host|strong="H6635"\w* of \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w* upon the \w housetops|strong="H1406"\w*; and them that \w worship|strong="H7812"\w* \add and\add* that \w swear|strong="H7650"\w* by the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, and that \w swear|strong="H7650"\w* by \w Malcham|strong="H4428"\w*;\f + \fr 1.5 \ft by the…: or, to the \ft \+nd LORD\+nd*\f*

ZEP 1:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And them that are turned \w back|strong="H5472"\w* \w from|strong="H0310"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*; and \add those\add* that have not \w sought|strong="H1245"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, nor \w enquired|strong="H1875"\w* for him.

ZEP 1:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Hold thy \w peace|strong="H2013"\w* at the \w presence|strong="H6440"\w* of the \w Lord|strong="H0136"\w* \nd \+w GOD|strong="H3069"\+w*\nd*: for the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \add is\add* at \w hand|strong="H7138"\w*: for the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* hath \w prepared|strong="H3559"\w* a \w sacrifice|strong="H2077"\w*, he hath \w bid|strong="H6942"\w* his \w guests|strong="H7121"\w*.\f + \fr 1.7 \ft bid: Heb. sanctified, or, prepared\f*

ZEP 1:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And it shall come to pass in the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD’s|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w sacrifice|strong="H2077"\w*, that I will \w punish|strong="H6485"\w* the \w princes|strong="H8269"\w*, and the \w king’s|strong="H4428"\w* \w children|strong="H1121"\w*, and all such as are \w clothed|strong="H3847"\w* with \w strange|strong="H5237"\w* \w apparel|strong="H4403"\w*.\f + \fr 1.8 \ft punish: Heb. visit upon\f*

ZEP 1:9 Removed trailing space in v~: In the same \w day|strong="H3117"\w* also will I \w punish|strong="H6485"\w* all those that \w leap|strong="H1801"\w* on the \w threshold|strong="H4670"\w*, which \w fill|strong="H4390"\w* their \w masters’|strong="H0113"\w* \w houses|strong="H1004"\w* with \w violence|strong="H2555"\w* and \w deceit|strong="H4820"\w*.

ZEP 1:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And it shall come to pass in that \w day|strong="H3117"\w*, \w saith|strong="H5002"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, \add that there shall be\add* the \w noise|strong="H6963"\w* of a \w cry|strong="H6818"\w* from the \w fish|strong="H1709"\w* \w gate|strong="H8179"\w*, and an \w howling|strong="H3215"\w* from the \w second|strong="H4932"\w*, and a \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w crashing|strong="H7667"\w* from the \w hills|strong="H1389"\w*.

ZEP 1:11 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Howl|strong="H3213"\w*, ye \w inhabitants|strong="H3427"\w* of \w Maktesh|strong="H4389"\w*, for all the \w merchant|strong="H3667"\w* \w people|strong="H5971"\w* are cut \w down|strong="H1820"\w*; all they that \w bear|strong="H5187"\w* \w silver|strong="H3701"\w* are cut \w off|strong="H3772"\w*.

ZEP 1:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And it shall come to pass at that \w time|strong="H6256"\w*, \add that\add* I will \w search|strong="H2664"\w* \w Jerusalem|strong="H3389"\w* with \w candles|strong="H5216"\w*, and \w punish|strong="H6485"\w* the \w men|strong="H0582"\w* that are \w settled|strong="H7087"\w* on their \w lees|strong="H8105"\w*: that \w say|strong="H0559"\w* in their \w heart|strong="H3824"\w*, The \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* will not do \w good|strong="H3190"\w*, neither will he do \w evil|strong="H7489"\w*.\f + \fr 1.12 \ft settled: Heb. curded, or, thickened\f*

ZEP 1:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore their \w goods|strong="H2428"\w* shall become a \w booty|strong="H4933"\w*, and their \w houses|strong="H1004"\w* a \w desolation|strong="H8077"\w*: they shall also \w build|strong="H1129"\w* \w houses|strong="H1004"\w*, but not \w inhabit|strong="H3427"\w* \add them;\add* and they shall \w plant|strong="H5193"\w* \w vineyards|strong="H3754"\w*, but not \w drink|strong="H8354"\w* the \w wine|strong="H3196"\w* thereof.

ZEP 1:14 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \add is\add* \w near|strong="H7138"\w*, \add it is\add* \w near|strong="H7138"\w*, and \w hasteth|strong="H4118"\w* \w greatly|strong="H3966"\w*, \add even\add* the \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* of the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*: the mighty \w man|strong="H1368"\w* shall \w cry|strong="H6873"\w* there \w bitterly|strong="H4751"\w*.

ZEP 1:15 Removed trailing space in v~: That \w day|strong="H3117"\w* \add is\add* a \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of \w wrath|strong="H5678"\w*, a \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of \w trouble|strong="H6869"\w* and \w distress|strong="H4691"\w*, a \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of \w wasteness|strong="H7722"\w* and \w desolation|strong="H4875"\w*, a \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of \w darkness|strong="H2822"\w* and \w gloominess|strong="H0653"\w*, a \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of \w clouds|strong="H6051"\w* and thick \w darkness|strong="H6205"\w*,

ZEP 1:16 Removed trailing space in v~: A \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of the \w trumpet|strong="H7782"\w* and \w alarm|strong="H8643"\w* against the \w fenced|strong="H1219"\w* \w cities|strong="H5892"\w*, and against the \w high|strong="H1364"\w* \w towers|strong="H6438"\w*.

ZEP 1:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And I will bring \w distress|strong="H6887"\w* upon \w men|strong="H0120"\w*, that they shall \w walk|strong="H1980"\w* like blind \w men|strong="H5787"\w*, because they have \w sinned|strong="H2398"\w* against the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*: and their \w blood|strong="H1818"\w* shall be poured \w out|strong="H8210"\w* as \w dust|strong="H6083"\w*, and their \w flesh|strong="H3894"\w* as the \w dung|strong="H1561"\w*.

ZEP 1:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Neither their \w silver|strong="H3701"\w* nor their \w gold|strong="H2091"\w* shall be \w able|strong="H3201"\w* to \w deliver|strong="H5337"\w* them in the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD’s|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w wrath|strong="H5678"\w*; but the whole \w land|strong="H0776"\w* shall be \w devoured|strong="H0398"\w* by the \w fire|strong="H0784"\w* of his \w jealousy|strong="H7068"\w*: for he shall \w make|strong="H6213"\w* even a \w speedy|strong="H0926"\w* \w riddance|strong="H3617"\w* of all them that \w dwell|strong="H3427"\w* in the \w land|strong="H0776"\w*.

ZEP 2:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

ZEP 2:0 Removed trailing space in c: 2

ZEP 2:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Gather yourselves \w together|strong="H7197"\w*, yea, gather \w together|strong="H7197"\w*, O \w nation|strong="H1471"\w* not \w desired|strong="H3700"\w*;\f + \fr 2.1 \ft not…: or, not desirous\f*

ZEP 2:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Before the \w decree|strong="H2706"\w* bring \w forth|strong="H3205"\w*, \add before\add* the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* \w pass|strong="H5674"\w* as the \w chaff|strong="H4671"\w*, \w before|strong="H3808"\w* the \w fierce|strong="H2740"\w* \w anger|strong="H0639"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w come|strong="H0935"\w* upon you, before the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD’s|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w anger|strong="H0639"\w* \w come|strong="H0935"\w* upon you.

ZEP 2:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Seek|strong="H1245"\w* ye the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, all ye \w meek|strong="H6035"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, which have \w wrought|strong="H6466"\w* his \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w*; \w seek|strong="H1245"\w* \w righteousness|strong="H6664"\w*, \w seek|strong="H1245"\w* \w meekness|strong="H6038"\w*: it may \w be|strong="H0194"\w* ye shall be \w hid|strong="H5641"\w* in the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD’s|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \w anger|strong="H0639"\w*.

ZEP 2:4 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ For \w Gaza|strong="H5804"\w* shall be \w forsaken|strong="H5800"\w*, and \w Ashkelon|strong="H0831"\w* a \w desolation|strong="H8077"\w*: they shall drive \w out|strong="H1644"\w* \w Ashdod|strong="H0795"\w* at the noon \w day|strong="H6672"\w*, and \w Ekron|strong="H6138"\w* shall be rooted \w up|strong="H6131"\w*.

ZEP 2:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Woe|strong="H1945"\w* unto the \w inhabitants|strong="H3427"\w* of the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* \w coast|strong="H2256"\w*, the \w nation|strong="H1471"\w* of the \w Cherethites|strong="H3774"\w*! the \w word|strong="H1697"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \add is\add* against you; O \w Canaan|strong="H3667"\w*, the \w land|strong="H0776"\w* of the \w Philistines|strong="H6430"\w*, I will even \w destroy|strong="H0006"\w* thee, that there shall be no \w inhabitant|strong="H3427"\w*.

ZEP 2:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* \w coast|strong="H2256"\w* shall be \w dwellings|strong="H5116"\w* \add and\add* \w cottages|strong="H3741"\w* for \w shepherds|strong="H7462"\w*, and \w folds|strong="H1448"\w* for \w flocks|strong="H6629"\w*.

ZEP 2:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And the \w coast|strong="H2256"\w* shall be for the \w remnant|strong="H7611"\w* of the \w house|strong="H1004"\w* of \w Judah|strong="H3063"\w*; they shall \w feed|strong="H7462"\w* thereupon: in the \w houses|strong="H1004"\w* of \w Ashkelon|strong="H0831"\w* shall they lie \w down|strong="H7257"\w* in the \w evening|strong="H6153"\w*: for the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* their \w God|strong="H0430"\w* shall \w visit|strong="H6485"\w* them, and turn \w away|strong="H7725"\w* their \w captivity|strong="H7622"\w*.\f + \fr 2.7 \ft for the \ft \+nd LORD\+nd*: or, when, etc\f*

ZEP 2:8 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ I have \w heard|strong="H8085"\w* the \w reproach|strong="H2781"\w* of \w Moab|strong="H4124"\w*, and the \w revilings|strong="H1421"\w* of the \w children|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Ammon|strong="H5983"\w*, whereby they have \w reproached|strong="H2778"\w* my \w people|strong="H5971"\w*, and \w magnified|strong="H1431"\w* \add themselves\add* against their \w border|strong="H1366"\w*.

ZEP 2:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore \add as\add* I \w live|strong="H2416"\w*, \w saith|strong="H5002"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* of \w hosts|strong="H6635"\w*, the \w God|strong="H0430"\w* of \w Israel|strong="H3478"\w*, Surely \w Moab|strong="H4124"\w* shall be as \w Sodom|strong="H5467"\w*, and the \w children|strong="H1121"\w* of \w Ammon|strong="H5983"\w* as \w Gomorrah|strong="H6017"\w*, \add even\add* the \w breeding|strong="H4476"\w* of \w nettles|strong="H2738"\w*, and \w saltpits|strong="H4379"\w*, and a \w perpetual|strong="H5704"\w* \w desolation|strong="H8077"\w*: the \w residue|strong="H7611"\w* of my \w people|strong="H5971"\w* shall \w spoil|strong="H0962"\w* them, and the \w remnant|strong="H3499"\w* of my \w people|strong="H1471"\w* shall \w possess|strong="H5157"\w* them.

ZEP 2:10 Removed trailing space in v~: This shall they have for their \w pride|strong="H1347"\w*, because they have \w reproached|strong="H2778"\w* and \w magnified|strong="H1431"\w* \add themselves\add* against the \w people|strong="H5971"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* of \w hosts|strong="H6635"\w*.

ZEP 2:11 Removed trailing space in v~: The \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \add will be\add* \w terrible|strong="H3372"\w* unto them: for he will \w famish|strong="H7329"\w* all the \w gods|strong="H0430"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*; and \add men\add* shall \w worship|strong="H7812"\w* him, every \w one|strong="H0376"\w* from his \w place|strong="H4725"\w*, \add even\add* all the \w isles|strong="H0339"\w* of the \w heathen|strong="H1471"\w*.\f + \fr 2.11 \ft famish: Heb. make lean\f*

ZEP 2:12 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ Ye \w Ethiopians|strong="H3569"\w* also, \w ye|strong="H1992"\w* \add shall be\add* \w slain|strong="H2491"\w* by my \w sword|strong="H2719"\w*.

ZEP 2:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And he will stretch \w out|strong="H5186"\w* his \w hand|strong="H3027"\w* against the \w north|strong="H6828"\w*, and \w destroy|strong="H0006"\w* \w Assyria|strong="H0804"\w*; and will \w make|strong="H7760"\w* \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w* a \w desolation|strong="H8077"\w*, \add and\add* \w dry|strong="H6723"\w* like a \w wilderness|strong="H4057"\w*.

ZEP 2:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And \w flocks|strong="H5739"\w* shall lie \w down|strong="H7257"\w* in the \w midst|strong="H8432"\w* of her, all the \w beasts|strong="H2416"\w* of the \w nations|strong="H1471"\w*: both the \w cormorant|strong="H6893"\w* and the \w bittern|strong="H7090"\w* shall \w lodge|strong="H3885"\w* in the upper \w lintels|strong="H3730"\w* of it; \add their\add* \w voice|strong="H6963"\w* shall \w sing|strong="H7891"\w* in the \w windows|strong="H2474"\w*; \w desolation|strong="H2721"\w* \add shall be\add* in the \w thresholds|strong="H5592"\w*: for he shall \w uncover|strong="H6168"\w* the cedar \w work|strong="H0731"\w*.\f + \fr 2.14 \ft cormorant: or, pelican\f*\f + \fr 2.14 \ft upper…: or, knops, or, chapiters\f*\f + \fr 2.14 \ft for…: or, when he hath uncovered\f*

ZEP 2:15 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the \w rejoicing|strong="H5947"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w* that \w dwelt|strong="H3427"\w* \w carelessly|strong="H0983"\w*, that \w said|strong="H0559"\w* in her \w heart|strong="H3824"\w*, I \add am\add*, and \add there is\add* none \w beside|strong="H0657"\w* me: how is she become a \w desolation|strong="H8047"\w*, a place for \w beasts|strong="H2416"\w* to lie down \w in|strong="H4769"\w*! every one that passeth \w by|strong="H5674"\w* her shall \w hiss|strong="H8319"\w*, \add and\add* \w wag|strong="H5128"\w* his \w hand|strong="H3027"\w*.

ZEP 3:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

ZEP 3:0 Removed trailing space in c: 3

ZEP 3:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Woe|strong="H1945"\w* to her that is \w filthy|strong="H4754"\w* and \w polluted|strong="H1351"\w*, to the \w oppressing|strong="H3238"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w*!\f + \fr 3.1 \ft her…: or, gluttonous: Heb. craw\f*

ZEP 3:2 Removed trailing space in v~: She \w obeyed|strong="H8085"\w* not the \w voice|strong="H6963"\w*; she \w received|strong="H3947"\w* not \w correction|strong="H4148"\w*; she \w trusted|strong="H0982"\w* not in the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*; she drew not \w near|strong="H7126"\w* to her \w God|strong="H0430"\w*.\f + \fr 3.2 \ft correction: or, instruction\f*

ZEP 3:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Her \w princes|strong="H8269"\w* \w within|strong="H7130"\w* her \add are\add* \w roaring|strong="H7580"\w* \w lions|strong="H0738"\w*; her \w judges|strong="H8199"\w* \add are\add* \w evening|strong="H6153"\w* \w wolves|strong="H2061"\w*; they gnaw not the \w bones|strong="H1633"\w* till the \w morrow|strong="H1242"\w*.

ZEP 3:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Her \w prophets|strong="H5030"\w* \add are\add* \w light|strong="H6348"\w* \add and\add* \w treacherous|strong="H0900"\w* \w persons|strong="H0582"\w*: her \w priests|strong="H3548"\w* have \w polluted|strong="H2490"\w* the \w sanctuary|strong="H6944"\w*, they have done \w violence|strong="H2554"\w* to the \w law|strong="H8451"\w*.

ZEP 3:5 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w just|strong="H6662"\w* \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* \add is\add* in the \w midst|strong="H7130"\w* thereof; he will not \w do|strong="H6213"\w* \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w*: \w every|strong="H1242"\w* \w morning|strong="H1242"\w* doth he \w bring|strong="H5414"\w* his \w judgment|strong="H4941"\w* to \w light|strong="H0216"\w*, he \w faileth|strong="H5737"\w* not; but the \w unjust|strong="H5767"\w* \w knoweth|strong="H3045"\w* no \w shame|strong="H1322"\w*.\f + \fr 3.5 \ft every…: Heb. morning by morning\f*

ZEP 3:6 Removed trailing space in v~: I have cut \w off|strong="H3772"\w* the \w nations|strong="H1471"\w*: their \w towers|strong="H6438"\w* are \w desolate|strong="H8074"\w*; I made their \w streets|strong="H2351"\w* \w waste|strong="H2717"\w*, that none passeth \w by|strong="H5674"\w*: their \w cities|strong="H5892"\w* are \w destroyed|strong="H6658"\w*, so that there is no \w man|strong="H0376"\w*, that there is none \w inhabitant|strong="H3427"\w*.\f + \fr 3.6 \ft towers: or, corners\f*

ZEP 3:7 Removed trailing space in v~: I \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, Surely thou wilt \w fear|strong="H3372"\w* me, thou wilt \w receive|strong="H3947"\w* \w instruction|strong="H4148"\w*; so their \w dwelling|strong="H4583"\w* should not be cut \w off|strong="H3772"\w*, \w howsoever|strong="H0834"\w* I \w punished|strong="H6485"\w* them: \w but|strong="H0403"\w* they rose \w early|strong="H7925"\w*, \add and\add* \w corrupted|strong="H7843"\w* all their \w doings|strong="H5949"\w*.

ZEP 3:8 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ Therefore \w wait|strong="H2442"\w* ye upon me, \w saith|strong="H5002"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, until the \w day|strong="H3117"\w* that I rise \w up|strong="H6965"\w* to the \w prey|strong="H5706"\w*: for my \w determination|strong="H4941"\w* \add is\add* to \w gather|strong="H0622"\w* the \w nations|strong="H1471"\w*, that I may \w assemble|strong="H6908"\w* the \w kingdoms|strong="H4467"\w*, to \w pour|strong="H8210"\w* upon them mine \w indignation|strong="H2195"\w*, \add even\add* all my \w fierce|strong="H2740"\w* \w anger|strong="H0639"\w*: for all the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w* shall be \w devoured|strong="H0398"\w* with the \w fire|strong="H0784"\w* of my \w jealousy|strong="H7068"\w*.

ZEP 3:9 Removed trailing space in v~: For then will I \w turn|strong="H2015"\w* to the \w people|strong="H5971"\w* a \w pure|strong="H1305"\w* \w language|strong="H8193"\w*, that they may all \w call|strong="H7121"\w* upon the \w name|strong="H8034"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, to \w serve|strong="H5647"\w* him with \w one|strong="H0259"\w* \w consent|strong="H7926"\w*.\f + \fr 3.9 \ft language: Heb. lip\f*\f + \fr 3.9 \ft consent: Heb. shoulder\f*

ZEP 3:10 Removed trailing space in v~: From \w beyond|strong="H5676"\w* the \w rivers|strong="H5104"\w* of \w Ethiopia|strong="H3568"\w* my \w suppliants|strong="H6282"\w*, \add even\add* the \w daughter|strong="H1323"\w* of my \w dispersed|strong="H6327"\w*, shall \w bring|strong="H2986"\w* mine \w offering|strong="H4503"\w*.

ZEP 3:11 Removed trailing space in v~: In that \w day|strong="H3117"\w* shalt thou not be \w ashamed|strong="H0954"\w* for all thy \w doings|strong="H5949"\w*, wherein thou hast \w transgressed|strong="H6586"\w* against me: for then I will take \w away|strong="H5493"\w* out of the \w midst|strong="H7130"\w* of thee them that \w rejoice|strong="H5947"\w* in thy \w pride|strong="H1346"\w*, and thou shalt no \w more|strong="H3254"\w* be \w haughty|strong="H1361"\w* because of my \w holy|strong="H6944"\w* \w mountain|strong="H2022"\w*.\f + \fr 3.11 \ft because…: Heb. in my holy\f*

ZEP 3:12 Removed trailing space in v~: I will also \w leave|strong="H7604"\w* in the \w midst|strong="H7130"\w* of thee an \w afflicted|strong="H6041"\w* and \w poor|strong="H1800"\w* \w people|strong="H5971"\w*, and they shall \w trust|strong="H2620"\w* in the \w name|strong="H8034"\w* of the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*.

ZEP 3:13 Removed trailing space in v~: The \w remnant|strong="H7611"\w* of \w Israel|strong="H3478"\w* shall not \w do|strong="H6213"\w* \w iniquity|strong="H5766"\w*, nor \w speak|strong="H1696"\w* \w lies|strong="H3577"\w*; neither shall a \w deceitful|strong="H8649"\w* \w tongue|strong="H3956"\w* be \w found|strong="H4672"\w* in their \w mouth|strong="H6310"\w*: for they shall \w feed|strong="H7462"\w* and lie \w down|strong="H7257"\w*, and none shall make \add them\add* \w afraid|strong="H2729"\w*.

ZEP 3:14 Removed trailing space in v~: ¶ \w Sing|strong="H7442"\w*, O \w daughter|strong="H1323"\w* of \w Zion|strong="H6726"\w*; \w shout|strong="H7321"\w*, O \w Israel|strong="H3478"\w*; be \w glad|strong="H8055"\w* and \w rejoice|strong="H5937"\w* with all the \w heart|strong="H3820"\w*, O \w daughter|strong="H1323"\w* of \w Jerusalem|strong="H3389"\w*.

ZEP 3:15 Removed trailing space in v~: The \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* hath taken \w away|strong="H5493"\w* thy \w judgments|strong="H4941"\w*, he hath cast \w out|strong="H6437"\w* thine \w enemy|strong="H0341"\w*: the \w king|strong="H4428"\w* of \w Israel|strong="H3478"\w*, \add even\add* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*, \add is\add* in the \w midst|strong="H7130"\w* of thee: thou shalt not \w see|strong="H7200"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* any more.

ZEP 3:16 Removed trailing space in v~: In that \w day|strong="H3117"\w* it shall be \w said|strong="H0559"\w* to \w Jerusalem|strong="H3389"\w*, \w Fear|strong="H3372"\w* thou not: \add and to\add* \w Zion|strong="H6726"\w*, Let not thine \w hands|strong="H3027"\w* be \w slack|strong="H7503"\w*.\f + \fr 3.16 \ft slack: or, faint\f*

ZEP 3:17 Removed trailing space in v~: The \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd* thy \w God|strong="H0430"\w* in the \w midst|strong="H7130"\w* of thee \add is\add* \w mighty|strong="H1368"\w*; he will \w save|strong="H3467"\w*, he will \w rejoice|strong="H7797"\w* over thee with \w joy|strong="H8057"\w*; he will \w rest|strong="H2790"\w* in his \w love|strong="H0160"\w*, he will \w joy|strong="H1523"\w* over thee with \w singing|strong="H7440"\w*.\f + \fr 3.17 \ft rest: Heb. be silent\f*

ZEP 3:18 Removed trailing space in v~: I will \w gather|strong="H0622"\w* \add them that are\add* \w sorrowful|strong="H3013"\w* for the solemn \w assembly|strong="H4150"\w*, \add who\add* are of thee, \add to whom\add* the \w reproach|strong="H2781"\w* of it \add was\add* a \w burden|strong="H4864"\w*.\f + \fr 3.18 \ft reproach…: Heb. the burden upon it was reproach\f*

ZEP 3:19 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, at that \w time|strong="H6256"\w* I will \w undo|strong="H6213"\w* all that \w afflict|strong="H6031"\w* thee: and I will \w save|strong="H3467"\w* her that \w halteth|strong="H6760"\w*, and \w gather|strong="H6908"\w* her that was driven \w out|strong="H5080"\w*; and I will \w get|strong="H7760"\w* them \w praise|strong="H8416"\w* and \w fame|strong="H8034"\w* in every \w land|strong="H0776"\w* where they have been put to \w shame|strong="H1322"\w*.\f + \fr 3.19 \ft get…: Heb. set them for a praise\f*\f + \fr 3.19 \ft where…: Heb. of their shame\f*

ZEP 3:20 Removed trailing space in v~: At that \w time|strong="H6256"\w* will I \w bring|strong="H0935"\w* you \add again\add*, even in the \w time|strong="H6256"\w* that I \w gather|strong="H6908"\w* you: for I will \w make|strong="H5414"\w* you a \w name|strong="H8034"\w* and a \w praise|strong="H8416"\w* among all \w people|strong="H5971"\w* of the \w earth|strong="H0776"\w*, when I turn \w back|strong="H7725"\w* your \w captivity|strong="H7622"\w* before your \w eyes|strong="H5869"\w*, \w saith|strong="H0559"\w* the \nd \+w LORD|strong="H3068"\+w*\nd*.


Newline Marker Errors

ZEP 1:0 Missing Introduction section (went from Header straight to Numbering section with c marker)

Modified Marker List

id h toc1 toc2 toc3 mt1
c p v* p v* p v*
c p v* p v* p v* p v*
c p v* p v* p v*

All Newline Marker Counts

 c: 3    h: 1    id: 1    mt1: 1    p: 10    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    Total: 72    v: 53  

All Newline Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 id: 1    h: 1    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    mt1: 1    c: 3    p: 10    v: 53    Total: 72  

Functional Marker Counts

 Book Header: 1    Book ID: 1    Chapters: 3    Paragraphs: 10    Verses: 53  

Functional Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 Book ID: 1    Book Header: 1    Chapters: 3    Paragraphs: 10    Verses: 53  


Possible Character Errors

ZEP 1:1 Multiple spaces in 'The word of the··LORD which came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hizkiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah.'

ZEP 1:2 Multiple spaces in 'I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the··LORD.'

ZEP 1:2 Multiple spaces in '1.2··I will…: Heb. By taking away I will make an end'

ZEP 1:2 Multiple spaces in '1.2··the land: Heb. the face of the land'

ZEP 1:3 Multiple spaces in 'I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumblingblocks with the wicked; and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the··LORD.'

ZEP 1:3 Multiple spaces in '1.3··stumblingblocks: or, idols'

ZEP 1:5 Multiple spaces in 'And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship and that swear by the··LORD, and that swear by Malcham;'

ZEP 1:5 Multiple spaces in '1.5··by the…: or, to the··LORD'

ZEP 1:6 Multiple spaces in 'And them that are turned back from the··LORD; and those that have not sought the··LORD, nor enquired for him.'

ZEP 1:7 Multiple spaces in 'Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord··GOD: for the day of the··LORD is at hand: for the··LORD hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests.'

ZEP 1:7 Multiple spaces in '1.7··bid: Heb. sanctified, or, prepared'

ZEP 1:8 Multiple spaces in 'And it shall come to pass in the day of the··LORD’s sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king’s children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel.'

ZEP 1:8 Multiple spaces in '1.8··punish: Heb. visit upon'

ZEP 1:10 Multiple spaces in 'And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the··LORD, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills.'

ZEP 1:12 Multiple spaces in 'And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, The··LORD will not do good, neither will he do evil.'

ZEP 1:12 Multiple spaces in '1.12··settled: Heb. curded, or, thickened'

ZEP 1:14 Multiple spaces in 'The great day of the··LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the··LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.'

ZEP 1:17 Multiple spaces in 'And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the··LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.'

ZEP 1:18 Multiple spaces in 'Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the··LORD’s wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.'

ZEP 2:1 Multiple spaces in '2.1··not…: or, not desirous'

ZEP 2:2 Multiple spaces in 'Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the··LORD come upon you, before the day of the··LORD’s anger come upon you.'

ZEP 2:3 Multiple spaces in 'Seek ye the··LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the··LORD’s anger.'

ZEP 2:5 Multiple spaces in 'Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the··LORD is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.'

ZEP 2:7 Multiple spaces in 'And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah; they shall feed thereupon: in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening: for the··LORD their God shall visit them, and turn away their captivity.'

ZEP 2:7 Multiple spaces in '2.7··for the··LORD: or, when, etc'

ZEP 2:9 Multiple spaces in 'Therefore as I live, saith the··LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Surely Moab shall be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah, even the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, and a perpetual desolation: the residue of my people shall spoil them, and the remnant of my people shall possess them.'

ZEP 2:10 Multiple spaces in 'This shall they have for their pride, because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the··LORD of hosts.'

ZEP 2:11 Multiple spaces in 'The··LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen.'

ZEP 2:11 Multiple spaces in '2.11··famish: Heb. make lean'

ZEP 2:14 Multiple spaces in '2.14··cormorant: or, pelican'

ZEP 2:14 Multiple spaces in '2.14··upper…: or, knops, or, chapiters'

ZEP 2:14 Multiple spaces in '2.14··for…: or, when he hath uncovered'

ZEP 3:1 Multiple spaces in '3.1··her…: or, gluttonous: Heb. craw'

ZEP 3:2 Multiple spaces in 'She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the··LORD; she drew not near to her God.'

ZEP 3:2 Multiple spaces in '3.2··correction: or, instruction'

ZEP 3:5 Multiple spaces in 'The just··LORD is in the midst thereof; he will not do iniquity: every morning doth he bring his judgment to light, he faileth not; but the unjust knoweth no shame.'

ZEP 3:5 Multiple spaces in '3.5··every…: Heb. morning by morning'

ZEP 3:6 Multiple spaces in '3.6··towers: or, corners'

ZEP 3:8 Multiple spaces in '¶ Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the··LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.'

ZEP 3:9 Multiple spaces in 'For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the··LORD, to serve him with one consent.'

ZEP 3:9 Multiple spaces in '3.9··language: Heb. lip'

ZEP 3:9 Multiple spaces in '3.9··consent: Heb. shoulder'

ZEP 3:11 Multiple spaces in '3.11··because…: Heb. in my holy'

ZEP 3:12 Multiple spaces in 'I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the··LORD.'

ZEP 3:15 Multiple spaces in 'The··LORD hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the··LORD, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.'

ZEP 3:16 Multiple spaces in '3.16··slack: or, faint'

ZEP 3:17 Multiple spaces in 'The··LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.'

ZEP 3:17 Multiple spaces in '3.17··rest: Heb. be silent'

ZEP 3:18 Multiple spaces in '3.18··reproach…: Heb. the burden upon it was reproach'

ZEP 3:19 Multiple spaces in '3.19··get…: Heb. set them for a praise'

ZEP 3:19 Multiple spaces in '3.19··where…: Heb. of their shame'

ZEP 3:20 Multiple spaces in 'At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the··LORD.'

All Character Counts

 0: 4    1: 32    2: 8    3: 7    4: 6    5: 6    6: 5    7: 5    8: 5    9: 4    a: 8    e: 5    h: 8    i: 4    n: 4    p: 5    Total: 121    Z: 5  

All Character Counts (sorted by count)

 n: 4    i: 4    9: 4    0: 4    Z: 5    e: 5    p: 5    6: 5    7: 5    8: 5    4: 6    5: 6    3: 7    h: 8    a: 8    2: 8    1: 32    Total: 121  

Letter Counts

 a: 8    e: 5    h: 8    i: 4    n: 4    p: 5    Total: 39    Z: 5  

Letter Counts (sorted by count)

 n: 4    i: 4    Z: 5    e: 5    p: 5    h: 8    a: 8    Total: 39  

Speech Marks

Possible Matching Errors

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

ZEP 1:8 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:9 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

ZEP 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:9 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

ZEP 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 1:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 1:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 2:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 2:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:17 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:17 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:18 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:18 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:19 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:19 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

ZEP 3:20 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

ZEP 3:20 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note


All Word Counts

All Word Counts (sorted by count)

Case Insensitive Word Counts

Case Insensitive Word Counts (sorted by count)


Title Lines

ZEP -1:5 Main Title 1:Zephaniah


Footnote Errors

ZEP 1:5 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 1.5 \\ft by the…: or, to the \\ft \\+nd LORD\\+nd*'

ZEP 2:7 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 2.7 \\ft for the \\ft \\+nd LORD\\+nd*: or, when, etc'

Footnote Lines

ZEP 1:2+ \fr 1.2 \ft I will…: Heb. By taking away I will make an end
ZEP 1:2+ \fr 1.2 \ft the land: Heb. the face of the land
ZEP 1:3+ \fr 1.3 \ft stumblingblocks: or, idols
ZEP 1:5+ \fr 1.5 \ft by the…: or, to the \ft \+nd LORD\+nd*
ZEP 1:7+ \fr 1.7 \ft bid: Heb. sanctified, or, prepared
ZEP 1:8+ \fr 1.8 \ft punish: Heb. visit upon
ZEP 1:12+ \fr 1.12 \ft settled: Heb. curded, or, thickened
ZEP 2:1+ \fr 2.1 \ft not…: or, not desirous
ZEP 2:7+ \fr 2.7 \ft for the \ft \+nd LORD\+nd*: or, when, etc
ZEP 2:11+ \fr 2.11 \ft famish: Heb. make lean
ZEP 2:14+ \fr 2.14 \ft cormorant: or, pelican
ZEP 2:14+ \fr 2.14 \ft upper…: or, knops, or, chapiters
ZEP 2:14+ \fr 2.14 \ft for…: or, when he hath uncovered
ZEP 3:1+ \fr 3.1 \ft her…: or, gluttonous: Heb. craw
ZEP 3:2+ \fr 3.2 \ft correction: or, instruction
ZEP 3:5+ \fr 3.5 \ft every…: Heb. morning by morning
ZEP 3:6+ \fr 3.6 \ft towers: or, corners
ZEP 3:9+ \fr 3.9 \ft language: Heb. lip
ZEP 3:9+ \fr 3.9 \ft consent: Heb. shoulder
ZEP 3:11+ \fr 3.11 \ft because…: Heb. in my holy
ZEP 3:16+ \fr 3.16 \ft slack: or, faint
ZEP 3:17+ \fr 3.17 \ft rest: Heb. be silent
ZEP 3:18+ \fr 3.18 \ft reproach…: Heb. the burden upon it was reproach
ZEP 3:19+ \fr 3.19 \ft get…: Heb. set them for a praise
ZEP 3:19+ \fr 3.19 \ft where…: Heb. of their shame

Leader Counts

 Footnote leader '+': 25    Footnotes: 25  

Leader Counts (sorted by count)

 Footnotes: 25    Footnote leader '+': 25