Bible JOS Checks


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Trailing space at end of line in JOS -1:0

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JOS -1:0 Removed trailing space in id: JOS

JOS -1:1 Removed trailing space in h: Joshua

JOS -1:2 Removed trailing space in toc1: JOSHUA

JOS -1:3 Removed trailing space in toc2: Joshua

JOS -1:4 Removed trailing space in toc3: JOS

JOS -1:5 Removed trailing space in mt1: JOSHUA

JOS 1:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 1:0 Removed trailing space in c: 1

JOS 1:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass after the death of Moses, that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Naue, the minister of Moses, saying,

JOS 1:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Moses my servant is dead; now then arise, go over Jordan, you and all this people, into the land, which I give them.

JOS 1:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Every spot on which you° shall tread I will give it to you, as I said to Moses.

JOS 1:4 Removed trailing space in v~: The wilderness and Antilibanus, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, and as far as the \f + \fr 1:4 \fl Or, \ft last, \fl or, \ft farthest sea. \f* extremity of the sea; your coasts shall be from the setting of the sun.

JOS 1:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: The wilderness and Antilibanus, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, and as far as the \f + \fr 1:4 \fl Or, \ft last, \fl or, \ft farthest sea. \f* extremity of the sea; your coasts shall be from the setting of the sun.

JOS 1:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: The wilderness and Antilibanus, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, and as far as the \f + \fr 1:4 \fl Or, \ft last, \fl or, \ft farthest sea. \f* extremity of the sea; your coasts shall be from the setting of the sun.

JOS 1:5 Removed trailing space in v~: Not a man shall stand against you all the days of your life; and as I was with Moses, so will I also be with you, and \x + \xo 1:5 \xt Heb 13:5 \x* I will not fail you, or neglect you.

JOS 1:5 Found cross-reference ending with space in \v~: Not a man shall stand against you all the days of your life; and as I was with Moses, so will I also be with you, and \x + \xo 1:5 \xt Heb 13:5 \x* I will not fail you, or neglect you.

JOS 1:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Be strong and 'quit yourself like a man, for you shall divide the land to this people, which I sware to give to \f + \fr 1:6 \fl Gr. \ft to your fathers, to give them. \f* your fathers.

JOS 1:6 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Be strong and 'quit yourself like a man, for you shall divide the land to this people, which I sware to give to \f + \fr 1:6 \fl Gr. \ft to your fathers, to give them. \f* your fathers.

JOS 1:6 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Be strong and 'quit yourself like a man, for you shall divide the land to this people, which I sware to give to \f + \fr 1:6 \fl Gr. \ft to your fathers, to give them. \f* your fathers.

JOS 1:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Be strong, therefore, and quit yourself like a man, to observe and do as Moses my servant commanded you; and you shall not turn \f + \fr 1:7 \fl Gr. \ft from them, \fl sc. \ft the commands. \f* therefrom to the right hand or to the left, that you may be wise in whatever you may do.

JOS 1:7 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Be strong, therefore, and quit yourself like a man, to observe and do as Moses my servant commanded you; and you shall not turn \f + \fr 1:7 \fl Gr. \ft from them, \fl sc. \ft the commands. \f* therefrom to the right hand or to the left, that you may be wise in whatever you may do.

JOS 1:7 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Be strong, therefore, and quit yourself like a man, to observe and do as Moses my servant commanded you; and you shall not turn \f + \fr 1:7 \fl Gr. \ft from them, \fl sc. \ft the commands. \f* therefrom to the right hand or to the left, that you may be wise in whatever you may do.

JOS 1:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And the book of this law shall not depart out of your mouth, and you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may know how to do all the things that are written \add in it\add*; then shall you prosper, and make your ways prosperous, and then shall you be wise.

JOS 1:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold! I have commanded you; be strong and courageous, be not cowardly nor fearful, for the Lord your God is with you in all places whither you go.

JOS 1:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua commanded the scribes of the people, saying,

JOS 1:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Go into the midst of the camp of the people, and command the people, saying, Prepare provisions; for yet three days and you° \f + \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft do go over. \f* shall go over this Jordan, entering in to take possession of the land, which the Lord God of your fathers gives to you.

JOS 1:11 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Go into the midst of the camp of the people, and command the people, saying, Prepare provisions; for yet three days and you° \f + \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft do go over. \f* shall go over this Jordan, entering in to take possession of the land, which the Lord God of your fathers gives to you.

JOS 1:11 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Go into the midst of the camp of the people, and command the people, saying, Prepare provisions; for yet three days and you° \f + \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft do go over. \f* shall go over this Jordan, entering in to take possession of the land, which the Lord God of your fathers gives to you.

JOS 1:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And to Ruben, and to Gad, and to the half tribe of Manasse, Joshua said,

JOS 1:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, the Lord your God has caused you to rest, and has given you this land.

JOS 1:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Let your wives and your children and your cattle dwell in the land, which he has given you; and you° shall go over \f + \fr 1:14 \fl Or, \ft in good order. \f* well armed before your brethren, every one of you who is strong; and you° shall fight on their side;

JOS 1:14 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Let your wives and your children and your cattle dwell in the land, which he has given you; and you° shall go over \f + \fr 1:14 \fl Or, \ft in good order. \f* well armed before your brethren, every one of you who is strong; and you° shall fight on their side;

JOS 1:14 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Let your wives and your children and your cattle dwell in the land, which he has given you; and you° shall go over \f + \fr 1:14 \fl Or, \ft in good order. \f* well armed before your brethren, every one of you who is strong; and you° shall fight on their side;

JOS 1:15 Removed trailing space in v~: until the Lord your God shall have given your brethren rest, as also to you, and they also shall have inherited the land, which the Lord your God gives them; then you° shall depart each one to his inheritance, which Moses gave you beyond Jordan eastward.

JOS 1:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And they answered Joshua and said, We will do all things which you command us, and we will go to every place whither you shall send us.

JOS 1:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Whereinsoever we listened to Moses we will listen to you; only let the Lord our God be with you, as he was with Moses.

JOS 1:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And whoever shall disobey you, and whoever shall not listen to your words as you shall command him, let him die; but be you strong and courageous.

JOS 2:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 2:0 Removed trailing space in c: 2

JOS 2:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua the son of Naue sent out of Sattin two young men to spy \add the land\add*, saying, Go up and view the land and Jericho: and the two young men went and entered into Jericho; and they entered into the house of a harlot, whose name \add was\add* Raab, and lodged there.

JOS 2:2 Removed trailing space in v~: An it was reported to the king of Jericho, saying, Men of the sons of Israel have come in hither to spy the land.

JOS 2:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And the king of Jericho sent and spoke to Raab, saying, Bring out the men that entered into your house this night; for they are come to spy out the land.

JOS 2:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And the woman took the two men and hid them; and she spoke to \f + \fr 2:4 \fl Gr. \ft them. \f* the messengers, saying, The men came in to me,

JOS 2:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the woman took the two men and hid them; and she spoke to \f + \fr 2:4 \fl Gr. \ft them. \f* the messengers, saying, The men came in to me,

JOS 2:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the woman took the two men and hid them; and she spoke to \f + \fr 2:4 \fl Gr. \ft them. \f* the messengers, saying, The men came in to me,

JOS 2:5 Removed trailing space in v~: but when the gate was shut in the \f + \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft dark. \f* evening, the men went out; I know not whither they are gone: follow after them, if you° \f + \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft shall. \f* may overtake them.

JOS 2:5 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: but when the gate was shut in the \f + \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft dark. \f* evening, the men went out; I know not whither they are gone: follow after them, if you° \f + \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft shall. \f* may overtake them.

JOS 2:5 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: but when the gate was shut in the \f + \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft dark. \f* evening, the men went out; I know not whither they are gone: follow after them, if you° \f + \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft shall. \f* may overtake them.

JOS 2:5 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: but when the gate was shut in the evening, the men went out; I know not whither they are gone: follow after them, if you° \f + \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft shall. \f* may overtake them.

JOS 2:5 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: but when the gate was shut in the evening, the men went out; I know not whither they are gone: follow after them, if you° \f + \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft shall. \f* may overtake them.

JOS 2:6 Removed trailing space in v~: But she \add had\add* brought them up upon the house, and hid them in the flax-stalks that were spread by her on the house.

JOS 2:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And the men followed after them in the way to Jordan to the fords; and the gate was shut.

JOS 2:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass when the men who pursued after them were gone forth, and before the spies had lain down to sleep, that she came up to them on the top of the house;

JOS 2:9 Removed trailing space in v~: and she said to them, I know that the Lord has given you the land; for the fear of you has fallen upon us.

JOS 2:10 Removed trailing space in v~: For we have heard that the Lord God dried up the Red Sea before you, when you° came out of the land of Egypt, and all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond Jordan, to Seon and Og, whom you° utterly destroyed.

JOS 2:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And when we heard it we were amazed in our heart, and there was no longer any spirit in any of us because of you, for the Lord your god \add is\add* God in heaven above, and on the earth beneath.

JOS 2:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And now swear to me by the Lord God; since I deal mercifully with you, so do you° also deal mercifully with the house of my father:

JOS 2:13 Removed trailing space in v~: and save alive the house of my father, my mother, and my brethren, and all my house, and all that they have, and you° shall rescue my soul from death.

JOS 2:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And the men said to her, Our life for yours \add even\add* to death: and she said, When the Lord shall have delivered the city to you, you° shall deal mercifully and truly with me.

JOS 2:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And she let them down by the window;

JOS 2:16 Removed trailing space in v~: and she said to them, Depart into the hill-country, lest the pursuers meet you, and you° shall be hidden there three days until your pursuers return from after you, and afterwards you° shall depart on your way.

JOS 2:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And the men said to her, We are clear of this your oath.

JOS 2:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, \f + \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft do enter. \f* we shall enter into a part of the city, and you shall set \f + \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft the sign. \f* a sign; you shall bind this scarlet cord in the window, by which you have let us down, and you shall bring in to yourself, into your house, your father, and your mother, and your brethren, and all the family of your father.

JOS 2:18 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Behold, \f + \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft do enter. \f* we shall enter into a part of the city, and you shall set \f + \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft the sign. \f* a sign; you shall bind this scarlet cord in the window, by which you have let us down, and you shall bring in to yourself, into your house, your father, and your mother, and your brethren, and all the family of your father.

JOS 2:18 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Behold, \f + \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft do enter. \f* we shall enter into a part of the city, and you shall set \f + \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft the sign. \f* a sign; you shall bind this scarlet cord in the window, by which you have let us down, and you shall bring in to yourself, into your house, your father, and your mother, and your brethren, and all the family of your father.

JOS 2:18 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Behold, we shall enter into a part of the city, and you shall set \f + \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft the sign. \f* a sign; you shall bind this scarlet cord in the window, by which you have let us down, and you shall bring in to yourself, into your house, your father, and your mother, and your brethren, and all the family of your father.

JOS 2:18 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Behold, we shall enter into a part of the city, and you shall set \f + \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft the sign. \f* a sign; you shall bind this scarlet cord in the window, by which you have let us down, and you shall bring in to yourself, into your house, your father, and your mother, and your brethren, and all the family of your father.

JOS 2:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And it shall come to pass that whoever shall go outside the door of your house, his guilt shall be upon him, and we shall be quit of this your oath; and we will be responsible for all that shall be found with you in your house.

JOS 2:20 Removed trailing space in v~: But if any one should injure us, or betray these our matters, we shall be quit of this your oath.

JOS 2:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And she said to them, Let it be according to your word; and she sent them out, and they departed.

JOS 2:22 Removed trailing space in v~: And they came to the hill-country, and remained there three days; and the pursuers searched all the roads, and found them not.

JOS 2:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And the two young men returned, and came down out of the mountain; and they went over to Joshua the son of Naue, and told him all things that had happened to them.

JOS 2:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And they said to Joshua, The Lord has delivered all the land into our power, and all the inhabitants of that land tremble because of us.

JOS 3:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 3:0 Removed trailing space in c: 3

JOS 3:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua rose up early in the morning, and departed from Sattin; and they came as far as Jordan, and lodged there before they crossed over.

JOS 3:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass after three days, \add that\add* the scribes went through the camp;

JOS 3:3 Removed trailing space in v~: and they charged the people, saying, When you° shall see the ark of the covenant of the Lord our God, and our priests and the Levites bearing it, you° shall depart from your places, and you° shall go after it.

JOS 3:4 Removed trailing space in v~: But let there be a distance between you and it; you° shall stand as much as two thousand cubits \add from it\add*. Do not draw near to it, that you° may know the way which you° are to go; for you° have not gone the way \f + \fr 3:4 \fl Gr. \ft from yesterday and the third day. A frequent Hebraism. \f* before.

JOS 3:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: But let there be a distance between you and it; you° shall stand as much as two thousand cubits \add from it\add*. Do not draw near to it, that you° may know the way which you° are to go; for you° have not gone the way \f + \fr 3:4 \fl Gr. \ft from yesterday and the third day. A frequent Hebraism. \f* before.

JOS 3:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: But let there be a distance between you and it; you° shall stand as much as two thousand cubits \add from it\add*. Do not draw near to it, that you° may know the way which you° are to go; for you° have not gone the way \f + \fr 3:4 \fl Gr. \ft from yesterday and the third day. A frequent Hebraism. \f* before.

JOS 3:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to the people, Sanctify yourselves against to-morrow, for to-morrow the Lord will do wonders among you.

JOS 3:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to the priests, Take up the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and go before the people: and the priests took up the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and went before the people.

JOS 3:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord said to Joshua, This day do I begin to exalt you before all the children of Israel, that they may know that as I was with Moses, so will I also be with you.

JOS 3:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And now charge the priests that bear the ark of the covenant, saying, As soon as you° shall enter on a part of the water of Jordan, then you° shall stand in Jordan.

JOS 3:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to the children of Israel, \f + \fr 3:9 \fl Gr. \ft bring hither. \fl sc. \ft yourselves. \f* Come hither, and listen to the word of the Lord our God.

JOS 3:9 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua said to the children of Israel, \f + \fr 3:9 \fl Gr. \ft bring hither. \fl sc. \ft yourselves. \f* Come hither, and listen to the word of the Lord our God.

JOS 3:9 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua said to the children of Israel, \f + \fr 3:9 \fl Gr. \ft bring hither. \fl sc. \ft yourselves. \f* Come hither, and listen to the word of the Lord our God.

JOS 3:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Hereby you° shall know that the living God \add is\add* among you, and will utterly destroy from before our face the Chananite, and the Chettite and Pherezite, and the Evite, and the Amorite, and the Gergesite, and the Jebusite.

JOS 3:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth passes over Jordan.

JOS 3:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Choose for yourselves twelve men of the sons of Israel, one of each tribe.

JOS 3:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And it shall come to pass, when the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord of the whole earth rest in the water of Jordan, the water of Jordan \add below\add* shall fail, and the water coming down from above shall stop.

JOS 3:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And the people removed from their tents to cross over Jordan, and the priests bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord before the people.

JOS 3:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And when the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord entered upon Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord were dipped in part of the water of Jordan; (now Jordan \f + \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft its whole channel. \f* overflowed all its banks \f + \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft as on the days. \f* about the time of wheat harvest:)

JOS 3:15 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And when the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord entered upon Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord were dipped in part of the water of Jordan; (now Jordan \f + \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft its whole channel. \f* overflowed all its banks \f + \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft as on the days. \f* about the time of wheat harvest:)

JOS 3:15 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And when the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord entered upon Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord were dipped in part of the water of Jordan; (now Jordan \f + \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft its whole channel. \f* overflowed all its banks \f + \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft as on the days. \f* about the time of wheat harvest:)

JOS 3:15 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And when the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord entered upon Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord were dipped in part of the water of Jordan; (now Jordan overflowed all its banks \f + \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft as on the days. \f* about the time of wheat harvest:)

JOS 3:15 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And when the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord entered upon Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord were dipped in part of the water of Jordan; (now Jordan overflowed all its banks \f + \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft as on the days. \f* about the time of wheat harvest:)

JOS 3:16 Removed trailing space in v~: then the waters that came down from above stopped; there stood one solid heap very far off, as far as \f + \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft a part. \f* the region of Kariathiarim, and \f + \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft that which came down. \f* the lower part came down to the sea of Araba, the salt sea, till it completely failed; and the people stood opposite Jericho.

JOS 3:16 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: then the waters that came down from above stopped; there stood one solid heap very far off, as far as \f + \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft a part. \f* the region of Kariathiarim, and \f + \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft that which came down. \f* the lower part came down to the sea of Araba, the salt sea, till it completely failed; and the people stood opposite Jericho.

JOS 3:16 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: then the waters that came down from above stopped; there stood one solid heap very far off, as far as \f + \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft a part. \f* the region of Kariathiarim, and \f + \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft that which came down. \f* the lower part came down to the sea of Araba, the salt sea, till it completely failed; and the people stood opposite Jericho.

JOS 3:16 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: then the waters that came down from above stopped; there stood one solid heap very far off, as far as the region of Kariathiarim, and \f + \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft that which came down. \f* the lower part came down to the sea of Araba, the salt sea, till it completely failed; and the people stood opposite Jericho.

JOS 3:16 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: then the waters that came down from above stopped; there stood one solid heap very far off, as far as the region of Kariathiarim, and \f + \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft that which came down. \f* the lower part came down to the sea of Araba, the salt sea, till it completely failed; and the people stood opposite Jericho.

JOS 3:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood on dry land in the midst of Jordan; and all the children of Israel went through on dry land, until all the people had completely gone over Jordan.

JOS 4:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 4:0 Removed trailing space in c: 4

JOS 4:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And when the people had completely passed over Jordan, the Lord spoke to Joshua, saying,

JOS 4:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Take men from the people, one of each tribe,

JOS 4:3 Removed trailing space in v~: and charge them; and you° shall take out of the midst of Jordan twelve \f + \fr 4:3 \fl Gr. \ft ready. \fqa Heb. הכיך. \fl A.V. firm, \fqa applied to the foot of the priests. \f* fit stones, and having carried them across together with yourselves, place them in your camp, where you° shall encamp for the night.

JOS 4:3 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: and charge them; and you° shall take out of the midst of Jordan twelve \f + \fr 4:3 \fl Gr. \ft ready. \fqa Heb. הכיך. \fl A.V. firm, \fqa applied to the foot of the priests. \f* fit stones, and having carried them across together with yourselves, place them in your camp, where you° shall encamp for the night.

JOS 4:3 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: and charge them; and you° shall take out of the midst of Jordan twelve \f + \fr 4:3 \fl Gr. \ft ready. \fqa Heb. הכיך. \fl A.V. firm, \fqa applied to the foot of the priests. \f* fit stones, and having carried them across together with yourselves, place them in your camp, where you° shall encamp for the night.

JOS 4:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua having called twelve men \f + \fr 4:4 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious. \f* of distinction among the children of Israel, one of each tribe,

JOS 4:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua having called twelve men \f + \fr 4:4 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious. \f* of distinction among the children of Israel, one of each tribe,

JOS 4:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua having called twelve men \f + \fr 4:4 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious. \f* of distinction among the children of Israel, one of each tribe,

JOS 4:5 Removed trailing space in v~: said to them, Advance before me in the presence of the Lord into the midst of Jordan, and each having taken up a stone from thence, let him carry it on his shoulders, according to the number of the twelve tribes of Israel:

JOS 4:6 Removed trailing space in v~: that these may be to you continually for an appointed sign, that when your son asks you \f + \fr 4:6 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious. \f* in future, saying, What are these stones to us?

JOS 4:6 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: that these may be to you continually for an appointed sign, that when your son asks you \f + \fr 4:6 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious. \f* in future, saying, What are these stones to us?

JOS 4:6 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: that these may be to you continually for an appointed sign, that when your son asks you \f + \fr 4:6 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious. \f* in future, saying, What are these stones to us?

JOS 4:7 Removed trailing space in v~: then you may explain to your son, saying, The river Jordan was \f + \fr 4:7 \fl Gr. \ft failed. \f* dried up from before the ark of the covenant of the Lord of the whole earth, when it passed it: and these stones shall be for a memorial for you for the children of Israel for ever.

JOS 4:7 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: then you may explain to your son, saying, The river Jordan was \f + \fr 4:7 \fl Gr. \ft failed. \f* dried up from before the ark of the covenant of the Lord of the whole earth, when it passed it: and these stones shall be for a memorial for you for the children of Israel for ever.

JOS 4:7 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: then you may explain to your son, saying, The river Jordan was \f + \fr 4:7 \fl Gr. \ft failed. \f* dried up from before the ark of the covenant of the Lord of the whole earth, when it passed it: and these stones shall be for a memorial for you for the children of Israel for ever.

JOS 4:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel did so, as the Lord commanded Joshua; and they took up twelve stones out of the midst of Jordan, (as the Lord commanded Joshua, when the children of Israel had completely passed over,) and carried these stones with them into the camp, and laid them down there.

JOS 4:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua set also other twelve stones in Jordan itself, in the place that was under the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord; and there they are to this day.

JOS 4:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And the priests that bore the ark of the covenant stood in Jordan, until Joshua \add had\add* finished all that the Lord commanded him to report to the people; and the people hasted and passed over.

JOS 4:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass when all the people had passed over, that the ark of the covenant of the Lord passed over, and the stones before them.

JOS 4:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse passed over \f + \fr 4:12 \fl Or, \ft equipped. \f* armed before the children of Israel, as Moses commanded them.

JOS 4:12 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse passed over \f + \fr 4:12 \fl Or, \ft equipped. \f* armed before the children of Israel, as Moses commanded them.

JOS 4:12 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse passed over \f + \fr 4:12 \fl Or, \ft equipped. \f* armed before the children of Israel, as Moses commanded them.

JOS 4:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Forty thousand \f + \fr 4:13 \fl Gr. \ft in good order. \f* armed for battle went over before the Lord to war, to the city of Jericho.

JOS 4:13 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Forty thousand \f + \fr 4:13 \fl Gr. \ft in good order. \f* armed for battle went over before the Lord to war, to the city of Jericho.

JOS 4:13 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Forty thousand \f + \fr 4:13 \fl Gr. \ft in good order. \f* armed for battle went over before the Lord to war, to the city of Jericho.

JOS 4:14 Removed trailing space in v~: In that day the Lord magnified Joshua before all the people of Israel; and they feared him, as \add they did\add* Moses, as long as he lived.

JOS 4:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord spoke to Joshua, saying,

JOS 4:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Charge the priests that bear the ark of the covenant of the testimony of the Lord, to go up out of Jordan.

JOS 4:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua charged the priests, saying, Go up out of Jordan.

JOS 4:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass when the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord were gone up out of Jordan, and set their feet upon the land, \add that\add* the water of Jordan returned impetuously to its place, and went as before over all its banks.

JOS 4:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And the people went up out of Jordan on the tenth day of the first month; and the children of Israel encamped in Galgala in the region eastward from Jericho.

JOS 4:20 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua set these twelve stones which he took out of Jordan, in Galgala,

JOS 4:21 Removed trailing space in v~: saying, When your sons ask you, saying, What are these stones?

JOS 4:22 Removed trailing space in v~: Tell your sons, that Israel went over this Jordan on dry land,

JOS 4:23 Removed trailing space in v~: when the Lord our God had dried up the water of Jordan from before them, until they had passed over; as the Lord our God did to the Red Sea, which the Lord our God dried up from before us, until we passed over.

JOS 4:24 Removed trailing space in v~: That all the nations of the earth might know, that the power of the Lord is mighty, and that you° might worship the Lord our God in every work.

JOS 5:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 5:0 Removed trailing space in c: 5

JOS 5:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass when the kings of the Amorites who were beyond Jordan heard, and the kings of Phoenicia by the sea, that the Lord God had dried up the river Jordan from before the children of Israel when they passed over, that their hearts failed, and \f + \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft their minds or thoughts melted. \f* they were terror-stricken, and there was no sense in them \f + \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of. \f* because of the children of Israel.

JOS 5:1 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And it came to pass when the kings of the Amorites who were beyond Jordan heard, and the kings of Phoenicia by the sea, that the Lord God had dried up the river Jordan from before the children of Israel when they passed over, that their hearts failed, and \f + \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft their minds or thoughts melted. \f* they were terror-stricken, and there was no sense in them \f + \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of. \f* because of the children of Israel.

JOS 5:1 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And it came to pass when the kings of the Amorites who were beyond Jordan heard, and the kings of Phoenicia by the sea, that the Lord God had dried up the river Jordan from before the children of Israel when they passed over, that their hearts failed, and \f + \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft their minds or thoughts melted. \f* they were terror-stricken, and there was no sense in them \f + \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of. \f* because of the children of Israel.

JOS 5:1 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And it came to pass when the kings of the Amorites who were beyond Jordan heard, and the kings of Phoenicia by the sea, that the Lord God had dried up the river Jordan from before the children of Israel when they passed over, that their hearts failed, and they were terror-stricken, and there was no sense in them \f + \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of. \f* because of the children of Israel.

JOS 5:1 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And it came to pass when the kings of the Amorites who were beyond Jordan heard, and the kings of Phoenicia by the sea, that the Lord God had dried up the river Jordan from before the children of Israel when they passed over, that their hearts failed, and they were terror-stricken, and there was no sense in them \f + \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of. \f* because of the children of Israel.

JOS 5:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And about this time the Lord said to Joshua, Make you stone knives of sharp stone, and sit down and circumcise the children of Israel the second time.

JOS 5:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua made sharp knives of stone, and circumcised the children of Israel at the place called the “Hill of Foreskins.”

JOS 5:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And \add this is\add* the way in which Joshua purified the children of Israel; as many as were born in the way, and as many as were uncircumcised of them that came out of Egypt,

JOS 5:5 Removed trailing space in v~: all these Joshua circumcised; for forty and two years Israel wondered in the wilderness of Mabdaris—

JOS 5:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore most of the fighting men that came out of the land of Egypt, were uncircumcised, who disobeyed the commands of God; concerning whom also he determined that they should not see the land, which the Lord sware to give to their fathers, \add even\add* a land flowing with milk and honey.

JOS 5:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And in their place he raised up their sons, whom Joshua circumcised, because they were uncircumcised, having been born by the way.

JOS 5:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And when they had been circumcised they rested \f + \fr 5:8 \fl Gr. \ft sitting. A frequent Hebraism. \f* continuing there in the camp till they were healed.

JOS 5:8 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And when they had been circumcised they rested \f + \fr 5:8 \fl Gr. \ft sitting. A frequent Hebraism. \f* continuing there in the camp till they were healed.

JOS 5:8 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And when they had been circumcised they rested \f + \fr 5:8 \fl Gr. \ft sitting. A frequent Hebraism. \f* continuing there in the camp till they were healed.

JOS 5:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord said to Joshua the son of Naue, On this day have I removed the reproach of Egypt from you: and he called the name of that place Galgala.

JOS 5:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, to the westward of Jericho on the opposite side of the Jordan in the plain.

JOS 5:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And they ate of the grain of the earth unleavened and new \add corn\add*.

JOS 5:12 Removed trailing space in v~: In this day the manna failed, after they had eaten of the corn of the land, and the children of Israel no longer had manna: and they took the fruits of the land of the Phoenicians in that year.

JOS 5:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass when Joshua was in Jericho, that he looked up with his eyes and saw a man standing before him, and \add there was\add* a drawn sword in his hand; and Joshua drew near and said to him, Are you for us or on the side of our enemies?

JOS 5:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And he said to him, I am now come, the chief captain of the host of the Lord.

JOS 5:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua fell on his face upon the earth, and said to him, Lord, what command you your servant?

JOS 5:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And the captain of the Lord's host said to Joshua, Loose your shoe off your feet, for the place whereon you now stand is holy.

JOS 6:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 6:0 Removed trailing space in c: 6

JOS 6:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Now Jericho was closely shut up and besieged, and none went out of it, and none came in.

JOS 6:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord said to Joshua, Behold, I deliver Jericho into your power, and its king in it, \f + \fr 6:2 \fl Gr. \ft mighty in strength. \f* \add and its\add* mighty men.

JOS 6:2 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the Lord said to Joshua, Behold, I deliver Jericho into your power, and its king in it, \f + \fr 6:2 \fl Gr. \ft mighty in strength. \f* \add and its\add* mighty men.

JOS 6:2 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the Lord said to Joshua, Behold, I deliver Jericho into your power, and its king in it, \f + \fr 6:2 \fl Gr. \ft mighty in strength. \f* \add and its\add* mighty men.

JOS 6:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And do you set the men of war round about it.

JOS 6:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And it shall be \add that\add* when you° shall sound with the trumpet, \f + \fr 6:4 \fl Gr. \ft let all the people, etc. \f* all the people shall shout together.

JOS 6:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And it shall be \add that\add* when you° shall sound with the trumpet, \f + \fr 6:4 \fl Gr. \ft let all the people, etc. \f* all the people shall shout together.

JOS 6:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And it shall be \add that\add* when you° shall sound with the trumpet, \f + \fr 6:4 \fl Gr. \ft let all the people, etc. \f* all the people shall shout together.

JOS 6:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And when they have shouted, the walls of the city shall fall \f + \fr 6:5 \fl Or, \ft of their own accord. \f* of themselves; and all the people shall enter, each one rushing direct into the city.

JOS 6:5 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And when they have shouted, the walls of the city shall fall \f + \fr 6:5 \fl Or, \ft of their own accord. \f* of themselves; and all the people shall enter, each one rushing direct into the city.

JOS 6:5 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And when they have shouted, the walls of the city shall fall \f + \fr 6:5 \fl Or, \ft of their own accord. \f* of themselves; and all the people shall enter, each one rushing direct into the city.

JOS 6:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua the \add son\add* of Naue went in to the priests, and spoke to them, saying,

JOS 6:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And let seven priests having seven \f + \fr 6:7 \fqa Heb. שופרוה היוכליס \fl A.V. \ft 'ram's horns.' Only in this place. \f* sacred trumpets proceed thus before the Lord, and let them sound loudly; and let the ark of the covenant of the Lord follow.

JOS 6:7 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And let seven priests having seven \f + \fr 6:7 \fqa Heb. שופרוה היוכליס \fl A.V. \ft 'ram's horns.' Only in this place. \f* sacred trumpets proceed thus before the Lord, and let them sound loudly; and let the ark of the covenant of the Lord follow.

JOS 6:7 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And let seven priests having seven \f + \fr 6:7 \fqa Heb. שופרוה היוכליס \fl A.V. \ft 'ram's horns.' Only in this place. \f* sacred trumpets proceed thus before the Lord, and let them sound loudly; and let the ark of the covenant of the Lord follow.

JOS 6:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Charge the people to go round, and encompass the city; and let your men of war pass on armed before the Lord.

JOS 6:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And let the men of war proceed before, and the priests bringing up the rear behind the ark of the covenant of the Lord \add proceed\add* sounding the trumpets.

JOS 6:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua commanded the people, saying, Cry not out, nor let any one hear your voice, until he himself declare to you the \f + \fr 6:10 \fl Gr. \ft day. \f* time to cry out, and then you° shall cry out.

JOS 6:10 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua commanded the people, saying, Cry not out, nor let any one hear your voice, until he himself declare to you the \f + \fr 6:10 \fl Gr. \ft day. \f* time to cry out, and then you° shall cry out.

JOS 6:10 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua commanded the people, saying, Cry not out, nor let any one hear your voice, until he himself declare to you the \f + \fr 6:10 \fl Gr. \ft day. \f* time to cry out, and then you° shall cry out.

JOS 6:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And the ark of the covenant of God having gone round immediately returned into the camp, and lodged there.

JOS 6:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And on the second day Joshua rose up in the morning, and the priests took up the ark of the covenant of the Lord.

JOS 6:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And the seven priests bearing the seven trumpets went on before the Lord; and afterwards the men of war went on, and the remainder of the multitude went after the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and the priests sounded with the trumpets.

JOS 6:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And all the rest of the multitude compassed the city six times from within a short distance, and went back again into the camp; this they did six days.

JOS 6:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And on the seventh day they rose up early, and compassed the city on that day seven times.

JOS 6:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass at the seventh circuit the priests blew the trumpets; and Joshua said to the children of Israel, Shout, for the Lord has given you the city.

JOS 6:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And the city shall be \f + \fr 6:17 \fl Or, \ft an accursed thing. \f* devoted, it and all things that are in it, to the Lord of Hosts: only do you° save Raab the harlot, and all things in her house.

JOS 6:17 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the city shall be \f + \fr 6:17 \fl Or, \ft an accursed thing. \f* devoted, it and all things that are in it, to the Lord of Hosts: only do you° save Raab the harlot, and all things in her house.

JOS 6:17 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the city shall be \f + \fr 6:17 \fl Or, \ft an accursed thing. \f* devoted, it and all things that are in it, to the Lord of Hosts: only do you° save Raab the harlot, and all things in her house.

JOS 6:18 Removed trailing space in v~: But keep yourselves strictly from the accursed thing, lest you° set your mind upon and take of the accursed thing, and you° make the camp of the children of Israel and accursed thing, and destroy us.

JOS 6:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And all the silver, or gold, or brass, or iron, shall be holy to the Lord; it shall be carried into the treasury of the Lord.

JOS 6:20 Removed trailing space in v~: And the priests sounded with the trumpets: and when the people heard the trumpets, all the people shouted at once with a loud and strong shout; and all the wall fell round about, and all the people went up into the city:

JOS 6:21 Removed trailing space in v~: and Joshua devoted it to destruction, and all things that were in the city, man and woman, young man and old, and calf and ass, with the \f + \fr 6:21 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword.

JOS 6:21 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: and Joshua devoted it to destruction, and all things that were in the city, man and woman, young man and old, and calf and ass, with the \f + \fr 6:21 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword.

JOS 6:21 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: and Joshua devoted it to destruction, and all things that were in the city, man and woman, young man and old, and calf and ass, with the \f + \fr 6:21 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword.

JOS 6:22 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to the two young men who had acted a spies, Go into the house of the woman, and bring her out thence, and all that she has.

JOS 6:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And the two young men who had spied out the city entered into the house of the woman, and brought out Raab the harlot, and her father, and her mother, and her brethren, and her kindred, and all that she had; and they set her without the camp of Israel.

JOS 6:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And the city was burnt with fire with all things that were in it; only of the silver, and gold, and brass, and iron, they gave to be brought into the treasury of the Lord.

JOS 6:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua saved alive Raab the harlot, and all the house of her father, and caused her to dwell in Israel until this day, because she hid the spies which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.

JOS 6:26 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua adjured \add them\add* on that day before the Lord, saying, Cursed \add be\add* the man who shall build that city: he shall lay the foundation of it in his firstborn, and he shall set up the gates of it in his youngest son. And so did Hozan of Baethel; he laid the foundation in Abiron his firstborn, and set up the gates of it in his youngest \f + \fr 6:26 \fl Gr. \ft saved. \f* surviving son.

JOS 6:26 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua adjured \add them\add* on that day before the Lord, saying, Cursed \add be\add* the man who shall build that city: he shall lay the foundation of it in his firstborn, and he shall set up the gates of it in his youngest son. And so did Hozan of Baethel; he laid the foundation in Abiron his firstborn, and set up the gates of it in his youngest \f + \fr 6:26 \fl Gr. \ft saved. \f* surviving son.

JOS 6:26 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua adjured \add them\add* on that day before the Lord, saying, Cursed \add be\add* the man who shall build that city: he shall lay the foundation of it in his firstborn, and he shall set up the gates of it in his youngest son. And so did Hozan of Baethel; he laid the foundation in Abiron his firstborn, and set up the gates of it in his youngest \f + \fr 6:26 \fl Gr. \ft saved. \f* surviving son.

JOS 6:27 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord was with Joshua, and his name was in all the land.

JOS 7:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 7:0 Removed trailing space in c: 7

JOS 7:1 Removed trailing space in v~: But the children of Israel committed a great trespass, and purloined \add part\add* of the accursed thing; and Achar the son of Charmi, the son of Zambri, the son of Zara, of the tribe of Juda, took of the accursed thing; and the Lord was very angry with the children of Israel.

JOS 7:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua sent men to Gai, which is by Baethel, saying, Spy out Gai: and the men went up and spied Gai.

JOS 7:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And they returned to Joshua, and said to him, Let not all the people go up, but let about two or three thousand men go up and take the city by siege: carry not up there the whole people, for \add the enemy\add* are few.

JOS 7:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And there went up about three thousand men, and they fled from before the men of Gai.

JOS 7:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And the men of Gai killed of them to the number of thirty-six men, and they pursued them from the gate, and destroyed them from the steep hill; and the heart of the people was alarmed and became as water.

JOS 7:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua tore his garments; and Joshua fell on the earth on his face before the Lord until evening, he and the elders of Israel; and they cast dust on their heads.

JOS 7:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said, I pray, Lord, therefore has your servant brought this people over Jordan to deliver them to the Amorite to destroy us? \f + \fr 7:7 \fl Gr. \ft and if we had. \f* would we had remained and settled ourselves beyond Jordan.

JOS 7:7 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua said, I pray, Lord, therefore has your servant brought this people over Jordan to deliver them to the Amorite to destroy us? \f + \fr 7:7 \fl Gr. \ft and if we had. \f* would we had remained and settled ourselves beyond Jordan.

JOS 7:7 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua said, I pray, Lord, therefore has your servant brought this people over Jordan to deliver them to the Amorite to destroy us? \f + \fr 7:7 \fl Gr. \ft and if we had. \f* would we had remained and settled ourselves beyond Jordan.

JOS 7:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And what shall I say since Israel has turned his \f + \fr 7:8 \fl Gr. \ft neck. \fqa Heb. שף the back of the neck. \f* back before his enemy?

JOS 7:8 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And what shall I say since Israel has turned his \f + \fr 7:8 \fl Gr. \ft neck. \fqa Heb. שף the back of the neck. \f* back before his enemy?

JOS 7:8 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And what shall I say since Israel has turned his \f + \fr 7:8 \fl Gr. \ft neck. \fqa Heb. שף the back of the neck. \f* back before his enemy?

JOS 7:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And when the Chananite and all the inhabitants of the land hear it, they shall compass us round and destroy us from off the land: and what will you do \add for\add* your great name?

JOS 7:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord said to Joshua, Rise up; why have you fallen upon your face?

JOS 7:11 Removed trailing space in v~: The people has sinned, and transgressed the covenant which I made with them; they have stolen from the cursed thing, and put it into their store.

JOS 7:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel will not be able to stand before their enemies; they will turn their back before their enemies, for they have become an accursed thing: I will not any longer be with you, unless you° remove the cursed thing from yourselves.

JOS 7:13 Removed trailing space in v~: Rise, sanctify the people and tell them to sanctify themselves for the morrow: thus says the Lord God of Israel, The accursed thing is among you; you° shall not be able to stand before your enemies, until you° shall have removed the cursed thing from among you.

JOS 7:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And you° shall all be gathered together by your tribes in the morning, and it shall come to pass that the tribe which the Lord shall show, you° shall bring by families; and the family which the Lord shall show, you° shall bring by households; and the household which the Lord shall show, you° shall bring man by man.

JOS 7:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And the man who shall be pointed out, shall be burnt with fire, and all that he has; because he has transgressed the covenant of the Lord, and has wrought wickedness in Israel.

JOS 7:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua rose up early, and brought the people by their tribes; and the tribe of Juda was pointed out.

JOS 7:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And it was brought by their families, and family of the Zaraites was pointed out.

JOS 7:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And it was brought man by man, and Achar the son of Zambri the son of Zara was pointed out.

JOS 7:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to Achar, Give glory this day to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession; and tell me what you have done, and hide it not from me.

JOS 7:20 Removed trailing space in v~: And Achar answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel: thus and thus have I done:

JOS 7:21 Removed trailing space in v~: I saw in the spoil an embroidered mantle, and two hundred didrachmas of silver, and one golden wedge of fifty didrachmas, and I desired them and took them; and, behold, they are hid in my tent, and the silver is hid under them.

JOS 7:22 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua sent messengers, and they ran to the tent into the camp; and these things were hidden in his tent, and the silver under them.

JOS 7:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And they brought them out of the tent, and brought them to Joshua and the elders of Israel, and they laid them before the Lord.

JOS 7:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua took Achar the son of Zara, and brought him to the valley of Achor, and his sons, and his daughters, and his calves, and his asses, and all his sheep, and his tent, and all his property, and all the people \add were\add* with him; and he brought them to \f + \fr 7:24 \fqa Heb. צמק צכור valley of trouble. \f* Emec Achor.

JOS 7:24 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua took Achar the son of Zara, and brought him to the valley of Achor, and his sons, and his daughters, and his calves, and his asses, and all his sheep, and his tent, and all his property, and all the people \add were\add* with him; and he brought them to \f + \fr 7:24 \fqa Heb. צמק צכור valley of trouble. \f* Emec Achor.

JOS 7:24 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua took Achar the son of Zara, and brought him to the valley of Achor, and his sons, and his daughters, and his calves, and his asses, and all his sheep, and his tent, and all his property, and all the people \add were\add* with him; and he brought them to \f + \fr 7:24 \fqa Heb. צמק צכור valley of trouble. \f* Emec Achor.

JOS 7:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to Achar, Why have you destroyed us? the Lord destroy you \f + \fr 7:25 \fl Gr. \ft as also today. \f* as at this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones.

JOS 7:25 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua said to Achar, Why have you destroyed us? the Lord destroy you \f + \fr 7:25 \fl Gr. \ft as also today. \f* as at this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones.

JOS 7:25 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua said to Achar, Why have you destroyed us? the Lord destroy you \f + \fr 7:25 \fl Gr. \ft as also today. \f* as at this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones.

JOS 7:26 Removed trailing space in v~: And they set up over him a great heap of stones; and the Lord ceased from his fierce anger. Therefore he called \f + \fr 7:26 \fl Gr. \ft it. \f* the place Emecachor until this day.

JOS 7:26 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And they set up over him a great heap of stones; and the Lord ceased from his fierce anger. Therefore he called \f + \fr 7:26 \fl Gr. \ft it. \f* the place Emecachor until this day.

JOS 7:26 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And they set up over him a great heap of stones; and the Lord ceased from his fierce anger. Therefore he called \f + \fr 7:26 \fl Gr. \ft it. \f* the place Emecachor until this day.

JOS 8:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 8:0 Removed trailing space in c: 8

JOS 8:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord said to Joshua, Fear not, nor be timorous: take with you all the men of war, and arise, go up to Gai; behold, I have given into your hands the king of Gai, and his land.

JOS 8:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And you shall do to Gai, as you did to Jericho and its king; and you shall take to yourself the spoil of its cattle; set now for yourself an ambush for the city behind.

JOS 8:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua and all the men of war rose to go up to Gai; and Joshua chose out thirty thousand mighty men, and he sent them away by night.

JOS 8:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And he charged them, saying, Do you° lie in ambush behind the city: do not go far from the city, and you° shall all be ready.

JOS 8:5 Removed trailing space in v~: I and all with me will draw near to the city: and it shall come to pass when the inhabitants of Gai shall come forth to meet us, as before, that we will flee from before them.

JOS 8:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And when they shall come out after us, we will draw them away from the city; and they will say, These men flee from before us, as also before.

JOS 8:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And you° shall rise up out of the ambuscade, and go into the city.

JOS 8:8 Removed trailing space in v~: You° shall do according to this word, behold! I have commanded you.

JOS 8:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua sent them, and they went to lie in ambush; and they lay between Baethel and Gai, westward of Gai.

JOS 8:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua rose up early in the morning, and \f + \fr 8:10 \fl Gr. \ft reviewed. \f* numbered the people; and he went up, he and the elders before the people to Gai.

JOS 8:10 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua rose up early in the morning, and \f + \fr 8:10 \fl Gr. \ft reviewed. \f* numbered the people; and he went up, he and the elders before the people to Gai.

JOS 8:10 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua rose up early in the morning, and \f + \fr 8:10 \fl Gr. \ft reviewed. \f* numbered the people; and he went up, he and the elders before the people to Gai.

JOS 8:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And all the men of war went up with him, and they went forward and came over against the city eastward.

JOS 8:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And the ambuscade \add was\add* on the west side of the city.

JOS 8:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass when the king of Gai saw \add it\add*, he hasted and went out to meet them direct to the battle, he and all the people \add that were\add* with him: and he knew not that there was an ambuscade \add formed\add* against him behind the city.

JOS 8:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua and Israel saw, and retreated from before them.

JOS 8:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And they pursued after the children of Israel, and they themselves went to a distance from the city.

JOS 8:17 Removed trailing space in v~: There was no one left in Gai who did not pursue after Israel; and they left the city open, and pursued after Israel.

JOS 8:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord said to Joshua, Stretch forth your hand with the spear that is in your hand toward the city, for I have delivered it into your hands; and the liers in wait shall rise up quickly out of their place.

JOS 8:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua stretched out his hand \add and\add* his spear toward the city, and the ambuscade rose up quickly out of their place; and they came forth when he stretched out his hand; and they entered into the city, and took it; and they hasted and \f + \fr 8:19 \fl Or, \ft set it on fire. \f* burnt the city with fire.

JOS 8:19 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua stretched out his hand \add and\add* his spear toward the city, and the ambuscade rose up quickly out of their place; and they came forth when he stretched out his hand; and they entered into the city, and took it; and they hasted and \f + \fr 8:19 \fl Or, \ft set it on fire. \f* burnt the city with fire.

JOS 8:19 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua stretched out his hand \add and\add* his spear toward the city, and the ambuscade rose up quickly out of their place; and they came forth when he stretched out his hand; and they entered into the city, and took it; and they hasted and \f + \fr 8:19 \fl Or, \ft set it on fire. \f* burnt the city with fire.

JOS 8:20 Removed trailing space in v~: And when the inhabitants of Gai looked round behind them, then they saw the smoke going up out of the city to heaven, and they were no longer able to flee this way or that way.

JOS 8:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambuscade \f + \fr 8:21 \fl Gr. \ft took. \f* had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city went up to heaven; and they turned and struck the men of Gai.

JOS 8:21 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambuscade \f + \fr 8:21 \fl Gr. \ft took. \f* had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city went up to heaven; and they turned and struck the men of Gai.

JOS 8:21 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambuscade \f + \fr 8:21 \fl Gr. \ft took. \f* had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city went up to heaven; and they turned and struck the men of Gai.

JOS 8:22 Removed trailing space in v~: And these came forth out of the city to meet them; and they were in the midst of the army, some \add being\add* on this side, and some on that; and they struck them until there was not left of them one who survived and escaped.

JOS 8:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And they took the king of Gai alive, and brought him to Joshua.

JOS 8:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And when the children of Israel had ceased slaying all that were in Gai, and in the fields, and in the mountain on the descent, from whence they pursued them \add even\add* to the end, then Joshua returned to Gai, and struck it with the edge of the sword.

JOS 8:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And they that fell in that day, men and women, were twelve thousand: \add they killed\add* all the inhabitants of Gai.

JOS 8:27 Removed trailing space in v~: Beside the spoils that were in the city, all things which the children of Israel took as spoil for themselves according to the command of the Lord, as the Lord commanded Joshua.

JOS 8:28 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua burnt the city with fire: he made it an uninhabited heap for ever, \add even\add* to this day.

JOS 8:29 Removed trailing space in v~: And he hanged the king of Gai on a \f + \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft double tree. \f* gallows; and he remained on the tree till evening: and when the sun went down, Joshua gave charge, and they took down his body from the tree, and cast it into \f + \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft the pit or trench. For vv. 30-35, see chap. 8. 2. \f* a pit, and they set over him a heap of stones until this day.

JOS 8:29 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And he hanged the king of Gai on a \f + \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft double tree. \f* gallows; and he remained on the tree till evening: and when the sun went down, Joshua gave charge, and they took down his body from the tree, and cast it into \f + \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft the pit or trench. For vv. 30-35, see chap. 8. 2. \f* a pit, and they set over him a heap of stones until this day.

JOS 8:29 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And he hanged the king of Gai on a \f + \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft double tree. \f* gallows; and he remained on the tree till evening: and when the sun went down, Joshua gave charge, and they took down his body from the tree, and cast it into \f + \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft the pit or trench. For vv. 30-35, see chap. 8. 2. \f* a pit, and they set over him a heap of stones until this day.

JOS 8:29 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And he hanged the king of Gai on a gallows; and he remained on the tree till evening: and when the sun went down, Joshua gave charge, and they took down his body from the tree, and cast it into \f + \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft the pit or trench. For vv. 30-35, see chap. 8. 2. \f* a pit, and they set over him a heap of stones until this day.

JOS 8:29 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And he hanged the king of Gai on a gallows; and he remained on the tree till evening: and when the sun went down, Joshua gave charge, and they took down his body from the tree, and cast it into \f + \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft the pit or trench. For vv. 30-35, see chap. 8. 2. \f* a pit, and they set over him a heap of stones until this day.

JOS 8:30 Removed trailing space in v~: Then Joshua built an altar to the Lord God of Israel in mount Gaebal,

JOS 8:31 Removed trailing space in v~: as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded the children of Israel, as it is written in the law of Moses, an altar of unhewn stones, on which iron \f + \fr 8:31 \fl Gr. \ft was not lifted up. \f* had not been lifted up; and he offered there whole burnt offerings to the Lord, and a peace-offering.

JOS 8:31 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded the children of Israel, as it is written in the law of Moses, an altar of unhewn stones, on which iron \f + \fr 8:31 \fl Gr. \ft was not lifted up. \f* had not been lifted up; and he offered there whole burnt offerings to the Lord, and a peace-offering.

JOS 8:31 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded the children of Israel, as it is written in the law of Moses, an altar of unhewn stones, on which iron \f + \fr 8:31 \fl Gr. \ft was not lifted up. \f* had not been lifted up; and he offered there whole burnt offerings to the Lord, and a peace-offering.

JOS 8:32 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua wrote upon the stones \f + \fr 8:32 \fl Or, \ft a Deuteronomy. \f* a copy of the law, even the law of Moses, before the children of Israel.

JOS 8:32 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua wrote upon the stones \f + \fr 8:32 \fl Or, \ft a Deuteronomy. \f* a copy of the law, even the law of Moses, before the children of Israel.

JOS 8:32 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua wrote upon the stones \f + \fr 8:32 \fl Or, \ft a Deuteronomy. \f* a copy of the law, even the law of Moses, before the children of Israel.

JOS 8:33 Removed trailing space in v~: And all Israel, and their elders, and their judges, and their scribes, passed on one side and on the other before the ark; and the priests and the Levites took up the ark of the covenant of the Lord; and the stranger and the native were there, who were half of them near mount Garizin, and half near mount Gaebal, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded at first, to bless the people.

JOS 8:34 Removed trailing space in v~: And afterwards Joshua read accordingly all the words of this law, the blessings and the curses, according to all things written in the law of Moses.

JOS 8:35 Removed trailing space in v~: There was not a word of all that Moses charged Joshua, which Joshua read not in the ears of all the assembly of the children of Israel, the men, and the women, and the children, and the strangers that joined themselves to Israel.

JOS 9:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 9:0 Removed trailing space in c: 9

JOS 9:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \f + \fr 9:1 \fl Note: \ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text \f* And when the kings of the Amorites on the other side of Jordan, who were in the mountain country, and in the plain, and in all the coast of the great sea, and those who were near Antilibanus, and the Chettites, and the Chananites, and the Pherezites, and the Evites, and the Amorites, and the Gergesites, and the Jebusites, heard \add of it\add*,

JOS 9:1 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: \f + \fr 9:1 \fl Note: \ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text \f* And when the kings of the Amorites on the other side of Jordan, who were in the mountain country, and in the plain, and in all the coast of the great sea, and those who were near Antilibanus, and the Chettites, and the Chananites, and the Pherezites, and the Evites, and the Amorites, and the Gergesites, and the Jebusites, heard \add of it\add*,

JOS 9:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \f + \fr 9:2 \fl Note: \ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text \f* they came all together at the same time to make war against Joshua and Israel.

JOS 9:2 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: \f + \fr 9:2 \fl Note: \ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text \f* they came all together at the same time to make war against Joshua and Israel.

JOS 9:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And the inhabitants of Gabaon heard of all that the Lord did to Jericho and Gai.

JOS 9:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And they also wrought craftily, and they went and made provision and prepared themselves; and having taken old sacks on their shoulders, and old and torn and patched bottles of wine,

JOS 9:5 Removed trailing space in v~: and the upper part of their shoes and their sandals old and clouted on their feet, and their garments old upon them—and the bread of their provision was dry and moldy and \f + \fr 9:5 \fl Gr. \ft eaten, \fl sc. \ft of worms and maggots. \f* corrupt.

JOS 9:5 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: and the upper part of their shoes and their sandals old and clouted on their feet, and their garments old upon them—and the bread of their provision was dry and moldy and \f + \fr 9:5 \fl Gr. \ft eaten, \fl sc. \ft of worms and maggots. \f* corrupt.

JOS 9:5 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: and the upper part of their shoes and their sandals old and clouted on their feet, and their garments old upon them—and the bread of their provision was dry and moldy and \f + \fr 9:5 \fl Gr. \ft eaten, \fl sc. \ft of worms and maggots. \f* corrupt.

JOS 9:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And they came to Joshua into the camp of Israel to Galgala, and said to Joshua and Israel, We are come from a far land: now then make a covenant with us.

JOS 9:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel said to the Chorrhaean, Peradventure you dwell among us; and how should I make a covenant with you?

JOS 9:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And they said to Joshua, We are your servants: and Joshua said to them, Whence are you°, and whence have you° come?

JOS 9:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And they said, Your servants are come from a very far country in the name of the Lord your God: for we have heard his name, and all that he did in Egypt,

JOS 9:10 Removed trailing space in v~: and all that he did to the kings of the Amorites, who were beyond Jordan, to Seon king of the Amorites, and Og king of Basan, who lived in Astaroth and in Edrain.

JOS 9:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And our elders and all that inhabit our land when they heard spoke to us, saying, Take to yourselves provision for the way, and go to meet them; and you° shall say to them, We are your servants, and now make a covenant with us.

JOS 9:12 Removed trailing space in v~: These \add are\add* the loaves—we took them hot for our journey on the day on which we came out to come to you; and now they are dried and become moldy.

JOS 9:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And these \add are\add* the skins of wine which we filled when new, and they are torn; and our garments and our shoes are worn out because of the very long journey.

JOS 9:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And the chiefs took of their provision, and asked not \add counsel of\add* the Lord.

JOS 9:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua made peace with them, and they made a covenant with them to preserve them; and the princes of the congregation sware to them.

JOS 9:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass \f + \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft after three days after, etc. \f* three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were near neighbors, and that they \f + \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft dwell. \f* lived among them.

JOS 9:16 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And it came to pass \f + \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft after three days after, etc. \f* three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were near neighbors, and that they \f + \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft dwell. \f* lived among them.

JOS 9:16 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And it came to pass \f + \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft after three days after, etc. \f* three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were near neighbors, and that they \f + \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft dwell. \f* lived among them.

JOS 9:16 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And it came to pass three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were near neighbors, and that they \f + \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft dwell. \f* lived among them.

JOS 9:16 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And it came to pass three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were near neighbors, and that they \f + \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft dwell. \f* lived among them.

JOS 9:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel departed and came to their cities; and their cities \add were\add* Gabaon, and Kephira, and Berot, and the cities of Jarin.

JOS 9:18 Removed trailing space in v~: Land the children of Israel fought not with them, because all the princes sware to them by the Lord God of Israel; and all the congregation murmured at the princes.

JOS 9:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And the princes said to all the congregation: We have sworn to them by the Lord God of Israel, and now we shall not be able to touch them.

JOS 9:20 Removed trailing space in v~: This we will do; take them alive, and we will preserve them: so there shall not be wrath against us by reason of the oath which we swore to them.

JOS 9:21 Removed trailing space in v~: They shall live, and shall be hewers of wood and drawers of water to all the congregation, as the princes said to them.

JOS 9:22 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua called them together and said to them, Why have you° deceived me, saying, We live very far from you; whereas you° are fellow-countrymen of those who dwell among us?

JOS 9:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And now you° are cursed: there shall not fail of you a slave, or a hewer of wood, or a drawer of water to me and my God.

JOS 9:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And they answered Joshua, saying, It was reported to us what the Lord your God charged his servant Moses, to give you this land, and to destroy us and all that lived on it from before you; and we feared very much for our lives \f + \fr 9:24 \fl Gr. \ft from before you. \f* because of you, and \add therefore\add* we did this thing.

JOS 9:24 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And they answered Joshua, saying, It was reported to us what the Lord your God charged his servant Moses, to give you this land, and to destroy us and all that lived on it from before you; and we feared very much for our lives \f + \fr 9:24 \fl Gr. \ft from before you. \f* because of you, and \add therefore\add* we did this thing.

JOS 9:24 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And they answered Joshua, saying, It was reported to us what the Lord your God charged his servant Moses, to give you this land, and to destroy us and all that lived on it from before you; and we feared very much for our lives \f + \fr 9:24 \fl Gr. \ft from before you. \f* because of you, and \add therefore\add* we did this thing.

JOS 9:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And now, behold, we \add are\add* in your power; do to us as it is pleasing to you, and as it seems \add good\add* to you.

JOS 9:26 Removed trailing space in v~: And they did so to them; and Joshua rescued them in that day out of the hands of the children of Israel, and they did not kill them.

JOS 9:27 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua made them in that day hewers of wood and drawers of water to the whole congregation, and for the altar of God: therefore the inhabitants of Gabaon became hewers of wood and drawers of water for the altar of God until this day, even for the place which the Lord should choose. \f + \fr 9:27 \ft The following verses are additions to Brenton's text from the alexandrine codex. Verses after 33 appear only in the Hebrew text. \f*

JOS 9:27 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua made them in that day hewers of wood and drawers of water to the whole congregation, and for the altar of God: therefore the inhabitants of Gabaon became hewers of wood and drawers of water for the altar of God until this day, even for the place which the Lord should choose. \f + \fr 9:27 \ft The following verses are additions to Brenton's text from the alexandrine codex. Verses after 33 appear only in the Hebrew text. \f*

JOS 9:27 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua made them in that day hewers of wood and drawers of water to the whole congregation, and for the altar of God: therefore the inhabitants of Gabaon became hewers of wood and drawers of water for the altar of God until this day, even for the place which the Lord should choose. \f + \fr 9:27 \ft The following verses are additions to Brenton's text from the alexandrine codex. Verses after 33 appear only in the Hebrew text. \f*

JOS 9:27 Removed trailing space before note in \v~: "And Joshua made them in that day hewers of wood and drawers of water to the whole congregation, and for the altar of God: therefore the inhabitants of Gabaon became hewers of wood and drawers of water for the altar of God until this day, even for the place which the Lord should choose. \\f + \\fr 9:27 \\ft The following verses are additions to Brenton's text from the alexandrine codex. Verses after 33 appear only in the Hebrew text. \\f* "

JOS 9:30 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Then Joshua built an altar to the Lord God of Israel in mount Gebal, \add*

JOS 9:31 Removed trailing space in v~: \add as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded the children of Israel, as it was written in the law of Moses, an altar of unhewn stones, on which iron had not been lifted up: and he offered there whole burnt offerings to the Lord, and a piece offering. And Joshua wrote upon the stones a copy of the law, even the law of Moses, before the children of Israel. \add*

JOS 9:33 Removed trailing space in v~: \add And all Israel, and their elders, and their judges, and their scribes, passed on one side and on the other, before the ark; and the priests and the levites took up the ark of the covenant of the Lord; and the stranger and the native were there, who were half of them near mount Gebal, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded at first, to bless the people. \add*

JOS 10:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 10:0 Removed trailing space in c: 10

JOS 10:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And when Adoni-bezec king of Jerusalem heard that Joshua had taken Gai, and had destroyed it, as he did to Jericho and its king, even so they did to Gai and its king, and that the inhabitants of Gabaon had gone over to Joshua and Israel;

JOS 10:2 Removed trailing space in v~: then they were greatly terrified by them, for \add the king\add* knew that Gabaon \add was\add* a great city, as one of the \f + \fr 10:2 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities. \f* chief cities, and all its men \add were\add* mighty.

JOS 10:2 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: then they were greatly terrified by them, for \add the king\add* knew that Gabaon \add was\add* a great city, as one of the \f + \fr 10:2 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities. \f* chief cities, and all its men \add were\add* mighty.

JOS 10:2 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: then they were greatly terrified by them, for \add the king\add* knew that Gabaon \add was\add* a great city, as one of the \f + \fr 10:2 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities. \f* chief cities, and all its men \add were\add* mighty.

JOS 10:3 Removed trailing space in v~: So Adoni-bezec king of Jerusalem sent to Elam king of Hebron, and to Phidon king of Jerimuth, and to Jephtha king of Lachis, and to Dabin king of Odollam, saying,

JOS 10:4 Removed trailing space in v~: Come up hither to me, and help me, and let us take Gabaon; for the \f + \fr 10:4 \fl Gr. \ft they. \f* Gabaonites have gone over to Joshua and to the children of Israel.

JOS 10:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Come up hither to me, and help me, and let us take Gabaon; for the \f + \fr 10:4 \fl Gr. \ft they. \f* Gabaonites have gone over to Joshua and to the children of Israel.

JOS 10:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Come up hither to me, and help me, and let us take Gabaon; for the \f + \fr 10:4 \fl Gr. \ft they. \f* Gabaonites have gone over to Joshua and to the children of Israel.

JOS 10:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And the five kings of the Jebusites went up, the king of Jerusalem, and the king of Chebron, and the king of Jerimuth, and the king of Lachis, and the king of Odollam, they and all their people; and encamped around Gabaon, and besieged it.

JOS 10:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And the inhabitants of Gabaon sent to Joshua into the camp to Galgala, saying, Slack not your hands from your servants: come up quickly to us, and help us, and rescue us; for all the kings of the Amorites who dwell in the hill country are gathered together against us.

JOS 10:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua went up from Galgala, he and all the people of war with him, every one mighty in strength.

JOS 10:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord said to Joshua, Fear them not, for I have delivered them into your hands; there shall not one of them be left before you.

JOS 10:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And when Joshua came suddenly upon them, he \add had\add* advanced all the night out of Galgala.

JOS 10:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord struck them with terror before the children of Israel; and the Lord destroyed them with a great slaughter at Gabaon; and they pursued them by the way of the going up of Oronin, and they struck them to Azeca and to Makeda.

JOS 10:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And when they fled from the face of the children of Israel at the descent of Oronin, then the Lord cast upon them hailstones from heaven to Azeca; and they were more that died by the hailstones, than those whom the children of Israel killed with the sword in the battle.

JOS 10:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Then Joshua spoke to the Lord, in the day in which the Lord delivered the Amorite into the power of Israel, when he destroyed them in Gabaon, and they were destroyed from before the children of Israel: and Joshua said, Let the sun stand over against Gabaon, and the moon over against the valley of Aelon.

JOS 10:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sun and the moon stood still, until God executed vengeance on their enemies; and the sun stood still in the midst of heaven; it did not proceed to set till the end of \f + \fr 10:13 \fl i.e. \ft additional day without a night between. \f* one day.

JOS 10:13 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the sun and the moon stood still, until God executed vengeance on their enemies; and the sun stood still in the midst of heaven; it did not proceed to set till the end of \f + \fr 10:13 \fl i.e. \ft additional day without a night between. \f* one day.

JOS 10:13 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the sun and the moon stood still, until God executed vengeance on their enemies; and the sun stood still in the midst of heaven; it did not proceed to set till the end of \f + \fr 10:13 \fl i.e. \ft additional day without a night between. \f* one day.

JOS 10:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And there was not such a day either before or after, so that God should listen to a man, because the Lord fought on the side of Israel.

JOS 10:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And these five kings fled, and hid themselves in a cave that is in Makeda.

JOS 10:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And it was told Joshua, saying, The five kings have been found hid in the cave that is in Makeda.

JOS 10:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said, Roll stones to the mouth of the cave, and set men to watch over them.

JOS 10:19 Removed trailing space in v~: But do not you° stand, but pursue after your enemies, and \f + \fr 10:19 \fl Gr. \ft fasten upon or seize. \f* attack the rear of them, and do not suffer them to enter into their cities; for the Lord our God has delivered them into our hands.

JOS 10:19 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: But do not you° stand, but pursue after your enemies, and \f + \fr 10:19 \fl Gr. \ft fasten upon or seize. \f* attack the rear of them, and do not suffer them to enter into their cities; for the Lord our God has delivered them into our hands.

JOS 10:19 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: But do not you° stand, but pursue after your enemies, and \f + \fr 10:19 \fl Gr. \ft fasten upon or seize. \f* attack the rear of them, and do not suffer them to enter into their cities; for the Lord our God has delivered them into our hands.

JOS 10:20 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass when Joshua and all Israel ceased destroying them utterly with a very great slaughter, that they that escaped took refuge in the strong cities.

JOS 10:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And all the people returned \f + \fr 10:21 \fl Gr. \ft sound, or healthy. \f* safe to Joshua to Makeda; and no one of the children of Israel murmured with his tongue.

JOS 10:21 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And all the people returned \f + \fr 10:21 \fl Gr. \ft sound, or healthy. \f* safe to Joshua to Makeda; and no one of the children of Israel murmured with his tongue.

JOS 10:21 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And all the people returned \f + \fr 10:21 \fl Gr. \ft sound, or healthy. \f* safe to Joshua to Makeda; and no one of the children of Israel murmured with his tongue.

JOS 10:22 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said, Open the cave, and bring out these five kings out of the cave.

JOS 10:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And they brought out the five kings out of the cave, the king of Jerusalem, and the king of Chebron, and the king of Jerimuth, and the king of Lachis, and the king of Odollam.

JOS 10:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And when they brought them out to Joshua, then Joshua called together all Israel, and the chiefs \f + \fr 10:24 \fl Gr. \ft of the war. \f* of the army that went with him, saying to them, Come forward and set your feet on their necks; and they came and set their feet on their necks.

JOS 10:24 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And when they brought them out to Joshua, then Joshua called together all Israel, and the chiefs \f + \fr 10:24 \fl Gr. \ft of the war. \f* of the army that went with him, saying to them, Come forward and set your feet on their necks; and they came and set their feet on their necks.

JOS 10:24 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And when they brought them out to Joshua, then Joshua called together all Israel, and the chiefs \f + \fr 10:24 \fl Gr. \ft of the war. \f* of the army that went with him, saying to them, Come forward and set your feet on their necks; and they came and set their feet on their necks.

JOS 10:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to them, Do not fear them, neither be cowardly; be courageous and strong, for thus the Lord will do to all your enemies, against whom you° fight.

JOS 10:26 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua killed them, and hanged them on five trees; and they hung upon the trees until the evening.

JOS 10:27 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass toward the setting of the sun, Joshua commanded, and they took them down from the trees, and cast them into the cave into which they \add had\add* fled for refuge, and rolled stones to the cave, \add which remain\add* till this day.

JOS 10:28 Removed trailing space in v~: And they took Makeda on that day, and killed \f + \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft it. \f* the inhabitants with the \f + \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword, and they utterly destroyed every living thing that was in it; and there was none left in it that was preserved and had escaped; and they did to the king of Makeda, as they did to the king of Jericho.

JOS 10:28 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And they took Makeda on that day, and killed \f + \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft it. \f* the inhabitants with the \f + \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword, and they utterly destroyed every living thing that was in it; and there was none left in it that was preserved and had escaped; and they did to the king of Makeda, as they did to the king of Jericho.

JOS 10:28 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And they took Makeda on that day, and killed \f + \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft it. \f* the inhabitants with the \f + \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword, and they utterly destroyed every living thing that was in it; and there was none left in it that was preserved and had escaped; and they did to the king of Makeda, as they did to the king of Jericho.

JOS 10:28 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And they took Makeda on that day, and killed the inhabitants with the \f + \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword, and they utterly destroyed every living thing that was in it; and there was none left in it that was preserved and had escaped; and they did to the king of Makeda, as they did to the king of Jericho.

JOS 10:28 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And they took Makeda on that day, and killed the inhabitants with the \f + \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword, and they utterly destroyed every living thing that was in it; and there was none left in it that was preserved and had escaped; and they did to the king of Makeda, as they did to the king of Jericho.

JOS 10:29 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua and all Israel with him departed out of Makeda to Lebna, and besieged Lebna.

JOS 10:30 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord delivered it into the hands of Israel: and they took it, and its king, and killed the inhabitants with the edge of the sword, and every thing breathing in it; and there was not left in it any that survived and escaped; and they did to its king, as they did to the king of Jericho.

JOS 10:31 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua and all Israel with him departed from Lebna to Lachis, and he encamped about it, and besieged it.

JOS 10:32 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord delivered Lachis into the hands of Israel; and \f + \fr 10:32 \fl Gr. \ft he, \fl i.e. \ft Israel. \f* they took it on the second day, and they put the inhabitants to death with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed it, as they had done to Lebna.

JOS 10:32 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the Lord delivered Lachis into the hands of Israel; and \f + \fr 10:32 \fl Gr. \ft he, \fl i.e. \ft Israel. \f* they took it on the second day, and they put the inhabitants to death with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed it, as they had done to Lebna.

JOS 10:32 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the Lord delivered Lachis into the hands of Israel; and \f + \fr 10:32 \fl Gr. \ft he, \fl i.e. \ft Israel. \f* they took it on the second day, and they put the inhabitants to death with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed it, as they had done to Lebna.

JOS 10:33 Removed trailing space in v~: Then Elam the king of Gazer went up to help Lachis; and Joshua struck him and his people with the edge of the sword, until there was not left to him one that was preserved and escaped.

JOS 10:34 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua and all Israel with him departed from Lachis to Odollam, and he besieged it and \f + \fr 10:34 \fl Or, \ft vigourously attacked it. \f* took it.

JOS 10:34 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua and all Israel with him departed from Lachis to Odollam, and he besieged it and \f + \fr 10:34 \fl Or, \ft vigourously attacked it. \f* took it.

JOS 10:34 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua and all Israel with him departed from Lachis to Odollam, and he besieged it and \f + \fr 10:34 \fl Or, \ft vigourously attacked it. \f* took it.

JOS 10:35 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord delivered it into the hand of Israel; and he took it on that day, and killed the inhabitants with the edge of the sword, and killed every thing breathing in it, as they did to Lachis.

JOS 10:36 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua and all Israel with him departed to Chebron, and encamped about it.

JOS 10:37 Removed trailing space in v~: And he struck it with the edge of the sword, and all the living creatures that were in it; there was no one preserved: they destroyed it and all things in it, as they did to Odollam.

JOS 10:38 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua and all Israel returned to Dabir; and they encamped about it;

JOS 10:39 Removed trailing space in v~: and they took it, and its king, and its villages: and he struck it with the edge of the sword, and they destroyed it, and every thing breathing in it; and they did not leave in it any one that was preserved: as they did to Chebron and her king, so they did to Dabir and her king.

JOS 10:40 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua struck all the land of the hill country, and \f + \fr 10:40 \fl Heb. \ft south. \f* Nageb and the plain country, and Asedoth, and her kings, they did not leave of them one that was saved: and they utterly destroyed every thing that had the breath of life, as the Lord God of Israel commanded,

JOS 10:40 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua struck all the land of the hill country, and \f + \fr 10:40 \fl Heb. \ft south. \f* Nageb and the plain country, and Asedoth, and her kings, they did not leave of them one that was saved: and they utterly destroyed every thing that had the breath of life, as the Lord God of Israel commanded,

JOS 10:40 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua struck all the land of the hill country, and \f + \fr 10:40 \fl Heb. \ft south. \f* Nageb and the plain country, and Asedoth, and her kings, they did not leave of them one that was saved: and they utterly destroyed every thing that had the breath of life, as the Lord God of Israel commanded,

JOS 10:41 Removed trailing space in v~: from Cades Barne to Gaza, all Gosom, as far as Gabaon.

JOS 10:42 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua struck, once for all, all their kings, and their land, because the Lord God of Israel fought on the side of Israel.

JOS 11:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 11:0 Removed trailing space in c: 11

JOS 11:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And when Jabis the king of Asor heard, he sent to Jobab king of Maron, and to the king of Symoon, and to the king of Aziph,

JOS 11:2 Removed trailing space in v~: and to the kings who were by the great Sidon, to the hill country and to Araba opposite Keneroth, and to the plain, and to Phenaeddor,

JOS 11:3 Removed trailing space in v~: and to the Chananites on the coast eastward, and to the Amorites on the coast, and the Chettites, and the Pherezites, and the Jebusites in the mountain, and the Evites, and those dwelling under \add mount\add* Aermon in the land Massyma.

JOS 11:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And they and their kings with them went forth, as the sand of the sea in multitude, and horses, and very many chariots.

JOS 11:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And all the kings assembled in person, and came to the same place, and encamped at the waters of Maron to war with Israel.

JOS 11:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord said to Joshua, Be not afraid of them, for to-morrow \add at\add* this time I will put them to flight before Israel: you shall hough their horses, and burn their chariots with fire

JOS 11:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua and all the men of war came upon them \f + \fr 11:7 \fl Gr. \ft to. \f* at the water of Maron suddenly; and they attacked them in the hill country.

JOS 11:7 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua and all the men of war came upon them \f + \fr 11:7 \fl Gr. \ft to. \f* at the water of Maron suddenly; and they attacked them in the hill country.

JOS 11:7 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua and all the men of war came upon them \f + \fr 11:7 \fl Gr. \ft to. \f* at the water of Maron suddenly; and they attacked them in the hill country.

JOS 11:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord delivered them into the power of Israel; and they struck them and pursued them to great Sidon, and to Maseron, and to the plains of Massoch eastward; and they destroyed them till there was not one of them left that survived.

JOS 11:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua did to them, as the Lord commanded him: he houghed their horses, and burned their chariots with fire.

JOS 11:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua returned at that time, and took Asor and her king; now Asor in former time was the chief of these kingdoms.

JOS 11:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And they killed with the sword all that breathed in it, and utterly destroyed them all, and there was no living thing left in it; and they burnt Asor with fire.

JOS 11:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua took all the cities of the kingdoms, and their kings, and killed them with the edge of the sword; and utterly killed them, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded.

JOS 11:13 Removed trailing space in v~: But all the walled cities Israel burnt not; but Israel burnt Asor only.

JOS 11:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel took all its spoils to themselves; and they killed all the men with the edge of the sword, until he destroyed them; they left not one of them breathing.

JOS 11:15 Removed trailing space in v~: As the Lord commanded his servant Moses, even so Moses commanded Joshua; and so Joshua did, he transgressed no precept of all that Moses commanded him.

JOS 11:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua took all the hill country, and all the land of Nageb, and all the land of Gosom, and the plain country, and that toward the west, and the mountain of Israel and the low country by the mountain;

JOS 11:17 Removed trailing space in v~: from the mountain of Chelcha, and that which goes up to Seir, and as far as Balagad, and the plains of Libanus, under mount Aermon; and he took all their kings, and destroyed, and killed them.

JOS 11:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And for many days Joshua waged war with these kings.

JOS 11:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And there was no city which Israel took not; they took all in war.

JOS 11:20 Removed trailing space in v~: For it was of the Lord to \f + \fr 11:20 \fl Gr. \ft strengthen. \f* harden their hearts to go forth to war against Israel, that they might be utterly destroyed, that mercy should not be granted to them, but that they should be utterly destroyed, as the Lord said to Moses.

JOS 11:20 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: For it was of the Lord to \f + \fr 11:20 \fl Gr. \ft strengthen. \f* harden their hearts to go forth to war against Israel, that they might be utterly destroyed, that mercy should not be granted to them, but that they should be utterly destroyed, as the Lord said to Moses.

JOS 11:20 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: For it was of the Lord to \f + \fr 11:20 \fl Gr. \ft strengthen. \f* harden their hearts to go forth to war against Israel, that they might be utterly destroyed, that mercy should not be granted to them, but that they should be utterly destroyed, as the Lord said to Moses.

JOS 11:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua came at that time, and utterly destroyed the Enakim out of the hill country, from Chebron and from Dabir, and from Anaboth, and from all the \f + \fr 11:21 \fqa Heb. ישראל הר probably הר for רור a mountain, not a generation. \f* race of Israel, and from all the mountain of Juda with their cities; and Joshua utterly destroyed them.

JOS 11:21 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua came at that time, and utterly destroyed the Enakim out of the hill country, from Chebron and from Dabir, and from Anaboth, and from all the \f + \fr 11:21 \fqa Heb. ישראל הר probably הר for רור a mountain, not a generation. \f* race of Israel, and from all the mountain of Juda with their cities; and Joshua utterly destroyed them.

JOS 11:21 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua came at that time, and utterly destroyed the Enakim out of the hill country, from Chebron and from Dabir, and from Anaboth, and from all the \f + \fr 11:21 \fqa Heb. ישראל הר probably הר for רור a mountain, not a generation. \f* race of Israel, and from all the mountain of Juda with their cities; and Joshua utterly destroyed them.

JOS 11:22 Removed trailing space in v~: There was not \add any one\add* left of the Enakim by the children of Israel, only there was left of them in Gaza, and in Gath, and in Aseldo.

JOS 11:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua took all the land, as the Lord commanded Moses; and Joshua gave them for an inheritance to Israel by division according to their tribes; and the land ceased from war.

JOS 12:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 12:0 Removed trailing space in c: 12

JOS 12:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And these \add are\add* the kings of the land, whom the children of Israel killed, and inherited their land beyond Jordan from the east, from the valley of Arnon to the mount of Aermon, and all the land of Araba on the east.

JOS 12:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Seon king of the Amorites, who lived in Esebon, ruling from Arnon, which is in the valley, \f + \fr 12:2 \ft another reading is ἐπὶ τοῦ χείλους, on the slope \fl or, \ft edge. \f* on the side of the valley, and half of Galaad as far as Jaboc, the borders of the children of Ammon.

JOS 12:2 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Seon king of the Amorites, who lived in Esebon, ruling from Arnon, which is in the valley, \f + \fr 12:2 \ft another reading is ἐπὶ τοῦ χείλους, on the slope \fl or, \ft edge. \f* on the side of the valley, and half of Galaad as far as Jaboc, the borders of the children of Ammon.

JOS 12:2 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Seon king of the Amorites, who lived in Esebon, ruling from Arnon, which is in the valley, \f + \fr 12:2 \ft another reading is ἐπὶ τοῦ χείλους, on the slope \fl or, \ft edge. \f* on the side of the valley, and half of Galaad as far as Jaboc, the borders of the children of Ammon.

JOS 12:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And Araba as far as the sea of Chenereth eastward, and as far as the sea of Araba; the salt sea eastward \add by\add* the way to Asimoth, from Thaeman under Asedoth Phasga.

JOS 12:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And Og king of Basan, who lived in Astaroth and in Edrain, was left of the giants

JOS 12:5 Removed trailing space in v~: ruling from mount Aermon and from Secchai, and \add over\add* all the land of Basan to the borders of Gergesi, and Machi, and the half of Galaad of the borders of Seon king of Esebon.

JOS 12:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Moses the servant of the Lord and the children of Israel struck them; and Moses gave them by way of inheritance to Ruben, and Gad, and to the half tribe of Manasse.

JOS 12:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And these \add are\add* the kings of the Amorites, whom Joshua and the children of Israel killed beyond Jordan by the sea of Balagad in the plain of Libanus, and as far as the mountain of Chelcha, as men go up to Seir: and Joshua gave it to the tribes of Israel to inherit according to their portion;

JOS 12:8 Removed trailing space in v~: in the mountain, and in the plain, and in Araba, and in Asedoth, and in the wilderness, and Nageb; the Chettite, and the Amorite, and the Chananite, and the Pherezite, and the Evite, and the Jebusite.

JOS 12:9 Removed trailing space in v~: The king of Jericho, and the king of Gai, which is near Baethel;

JOS 12:10 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Jerusalem, the king of Chebron,

JOS 12:11 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Jerimuth, the king of Lachis;

JOS 12:12 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Aelam, the king of Gazer;

JOS 12:13 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Dabir, the king of Gader:

JOS 12:14 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Hermath, the king of Ader;

JOS 12:15 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Lebna, the king of Odollam,

JOS 12:16 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Elath,

JOS 12:17 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Taphut, the king of Opher,

JOS 12:18 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Ophec of Aroc,

JOS 12:19 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Asom,

JOS 12:20 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Symoon, the king of Mambroth, the king of Aziph,

JOS 12:21 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Cades, the king of Zachac,

JOS 12:22 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Maredoth, the king of Jecom of Chermel,

JOS 12:23 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of \f + \fr 12:23 \fqa Heb. Dor, in the coast of Dor. \f* Odollam \add belonging to\add* Phennealdor, the king of Gei of Galilee:

JOS 12:23 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: the king of \f + \fr 12:23 \fqa Heb. Dor, in the coast of Dor. \f* Odollam \add belonging to\add* Phennealdor, the king of Gei of Galilee:

JOS 12:23 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: the king of \f + \fr 12:23 \fqa Heb. Dor, in the coast of Dor. \f* Odollam \add belonging to\add* Phennealdor, the king of Gei of Galilee:

JOS 12:24 Removed trailing space in v~: the king of Thersa: all these \add were\add* twenty-nine kings.

JOS 13:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 13:0 Removed trailing space in c: 13

JOS 13:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua \add was\add* old and very advanced in years; and the Lord said to Joshua, You are advanced in \f + \fr 13:1 \fl Gr. \ft days. \f* years, and there is much land left to inherit.

JOS 13:1 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua \add was\add* old and very advanced in years; and the Lord said to Joshua, You are advanced in \f + \fr 13:1 \fl Gr. \ft days. \f* years, and there is much land left to inherit.

JOS 13:1 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua \add was\add* old and very advanced in years; and the Lord said to Joshua, You are advanced in \f + \fr 13:1 \fl Gr. \ft days. \f* years, and there is much land left to inherit.

JOS 13:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And this \add is\add* the land that is left: the borders of the Phylistines, the Gesirite, and the Chananite,

JOS 13:3 Removed trailing space in v~: from the \f + \fr 13:3 \fl Gr. \ft uninhabited country. \f* wilderness before Egypt, as far as the borders of Accaron on the left of the Chananites \add the land\add* is reckoned to the five principalities of the Phylistines, to the inhabitant of Gaza, and of Azotus, and of Ascalon, and of Geth, and of Accaron, and to the Evite;

JOS 13:3 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: from the \f + \fr 13:3 \fl Gr. \ft uninhabited country. \f* wilderness before Egypt, as far as the borders of Accaron on the left of the Chananites \add the land\add* is reckoned to the five principalities of the Phylistines, to the inhabitant of Gaza, and of Azotus, and of Ascalon, and of Geth, and of Accaron, and to the Evite;

JOS 13:3 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: from the \f + \fr 13:3 \fl Gr. \ft uninhabited country. \f* wilderness before Egypt, as far as the borders of Accaron on the left of the Chananites \add the land\add* is reckoned to the five principalities of the Phylistines, to the inhabitant of Gaza, and of Azotus, and of Ascalon, and of Geth, and of Accaron, and to the Evite;

JOS 13:4 Removed trailing space in v~: from Thaeman even to all the land of Chanaan before Gaza, and the Sidonians as far as Aphec, as far as the borders of the Amorites.

JOS 13:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And all the land of Galiath of the Phylistines, and all Libanus eastward from Galgal, under the mountain Aermon as far as the entering in of Emath;

JOS 13:6 Removed trailing space in v~: every one that inhabits the hill country from Libanus as far as Masereth Memphomaim. All the Sidonians, I will destroy them from before Israel; but do you give them by inheritance to Israel, as I charged you.

JOS 13:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And now divide this land by lot to the nine tribes, and to the half tribe of Manasse.

JOS 13:8 Removed trailing space in v~: From Jordan to the great sea westward you shall give it \add them\add*: the great sea shall be the boundary. \add But\add* to the two tribes and to the half tribe of Manasse, to Ruben and to Gad Moses gave \add an inheritance\add* beyond Jordan: Moses the servant of the Lord gave \add it\add* to \f + \fr 13:8 \fl Gr. \ft him. \f* them eastward,

JOS 13:8 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: From Jordan to the great sea westward you shall give it \add them\add*: the great sea shall be the boundary. \add But\add* to the two tribes and to the half tribe of Manasse, to Ruben and to Gad Moses gave \add an inheritance\add* beyond Jordan: Moses the servant of the Lord gave \add it\add* to \f + \fr 13:8 \fl Gr. \ft him. \f* them eastward,

JOS 13:8 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: From Jordan to the great sea westward you shall give it \add them\add*: the great sea shall be the boundary. \add But\add* to the two tribes and to the half tribe of Manasse, to Ruben and to Gad Moses gave \add an inheritance\add* beyond Jordan: Moses the servant of the Lord gave \add it\add* to \f + \fr 13:8 \fl Gr. \ft him. \f* them eastward,

JOS 13:9 Removed trailing space in v~: from Aroer, which is on the bank of the brook of Arnon, and the city in the midst of the valley, and all Misor from Maedaban.

JOS 13:10 Removed trailing space in v~: All the cities of Seon king of the Amorites, who reigned from Esebon to the coasts of the children of Ammon;

JOS 13:11 Removed trailing space in v~: and the region of Galaad, and the borders of the Gesirites and the Machatites, the whole mount of Aermon, and all the land of Basan to Acha.

JOS 13:12 Removed trailing space in v~: All the kingdom of Og in the region of Basan, who reigned in Astaroth and in Edrain: he was left of the giants; and Moses struck him, and destroyed him.

JOS 13:13 Removed trailing space in v~: But the children of Israel destroyed not the Gesirite and the Machatite and the Chananite; and the king of the Gesiri and the Machatite lived among the children of Israel until this day.

JOS 13:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Only no inheritance was given to the tribe of Levi: the Lord God of Israel, he \add is\add* their inheritance, as the Lord said to them; and this \add is\add* the division which Moses made to the children of Israel in Araboth Moab, on the other side of Jordan, by Jericho.

JOS 13:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And Moses gave the land to the tribe of Ruben according to their families.

JOS 13:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And their borders were from Aroer, which is opposite the brook of Arnon, and \add theirs is\add* the city that is in the valley of Arnon; and all Misor,

JOS 13:17 Removed trailing space in v~: to Esebon, and all the cities in Misor, and Daebon, and Baemon-Baal, and the house of Meelboth;

JOS 13:18 Removed trailing space in v~: and Basan, and Bakedmoth, and Maephaad,

JOS 13:19 Removed trailing space in v~: and Kariathaim, and Sebama, and Serada, and Sion in mount Enab;

JOS 13:20 Removed trailing space in v~: and Baethphogor, and Asedoth Phasga, and Baetthasinoth,

JOS 13:21 Removed trailing space in v~: and all the cities of Misor, and all the kingdom of Seon king of the Amorites, whom Moses struck, even him and the princes of Madian, and Evi, and Roboc, and Sur, and Ur, and Robe prince of the spoils of Sion, and the inhabitants of Sion.

JOS 13:22 Removed trailing space in v~: And Balaam the son of Baeor the prophet they killed in the battle.

JOS 13:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders of Ruben were—\add even\add* Jordan \add was the\add* boundary; this \add is\add* the inheritance of the children of Ruben according to their families, \add these were\add* their cities and their villages.

JOS 13:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And Moses gave inheritance to the sons of Gad according to their families.

JOS 13:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And their borders were Jazer, all the cities of Galaad, and half the land of the children of Ammon to Araba, which is before Arad.

JOS 13:26 Removed trailing space in v~: And from Esebon to Araboth by Massepha, and Botanim, and Maan to the borders of Daebon,

JOS 13:27 Removed trailing space in v~: and Enadom, and Othargai, and Baenthanabra, and Soccotha, and Saphan, and the rest of the kingdom of Sean king of Esebon: and Jordan shall be the boundary as far as part of the sea of Chenereth beyond Jordan eastward.

JOS 13:28 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the inheritance of the children of Gad according to their families and according to their cities: according to their families they will turn their \f + \fr 13:28 \fl Gr. \ft necks. See note on chap. 7. 12. \f* backs before their enemies, because their cities and their villages were according to their families.

JOS 13:28 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: This \add is\add* the inheritance of the children of Gad according to their families and according to their cities: according to their families they will turn their \f + \fr 13:28 \fl Gr. \ft necks. See note on chap. 7. 12. \f* backs before their enemies, because their cities and their villages were according to their families.

JOS 13:28 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: This \add is\add* the inheritance of the children of Gad according to their families and according to their cities: according to their families they will turn their \f + \fr 13:28 \fl Gr. \ft necks. See note on chap. 7. 12. \f* backs before their enemies, because their cities and their villages were according to their families.

JOS 13:29 Removed trailing space in v~: And Moses gave to half the tribe of Manasse according to their families.

JOS 13:30 Removed trailing space in v~: And their borders were from Maan, and all the kingdom of Basan, and all the kingdom of Og king of Basan, and all the villages of Jair, which are in the region of Basan, sixty cities:

JOS 13:31 Removed trailing space in v~: and the half of Galaad, and in Astaroth, and in Edrain, royal cities of Og in the land of Basan, \add Moses gave\add* to the sons of Machir the sons of Manasse, even to the half-tribe sons of Machir the sons of Manasse, according to their families.

JOS 13:32 Removed trailing space in v~: These \add are\add* they whom Moses caused to inherit beyond Jordan in Araboth Moab, beyond Jordan by Jericho eastward.

JOS 14:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 14:0 Removed trailing space in c: 14

JOS 14:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And these \add are\add* they of the children of Israel that received their inheritance in the land of Chanaan, to whom Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the \add son\add* of Naue, and the heads of the families of the tribes of the children of Israel, gave inheritance.

JOS 14:2 Removed trailing space in v~: They inherited according to their lots, as the Lord commanded by the hand of Joshua to the nine tribes and the half tribe, on the other side of Jordan.

JOS 14:3 Removed trailing space in v~: But to the Levites he gave no inheritance among them.

JOS 14:4 Removed trailing space in v~: For the sons of Joseph were two tribes, Manasse and Ephraim; and there was none inheritance in the land given to the Levites, only cities to dwell in, and their suburbs separated for the cattle, and their cattle.

JOS 14:5 Removed trailing space in v~: As the Lord commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel; and they divided the land.

JOS 14:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Juda came to Joshua in Galgal, and Chaleb the \add son\add* of Jephone the Kenezite said to him, You know the word that the Lord spoke to Moses the man of God concerning me and you in Cades Barne.

JOS 14:7 Removed trailing space in v~: For I was forty years old when Moses the servant of God sent me out of Cades Barne to spy out the land; and I returned him an answer according to his mind.

JOS 14:8 Removed trailing space in v~: My brethren that went up with me turned away the heart of the people, but I \f + \fr 14:8 \fl Or, \ft according to the Heb. idiom, 'fully followed.' \f* applied my self to follow the Lord my God.

JOS 14:8 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: My brethren that went up with me turned away the heart of the people, but I \f + \fr 14:8 \fl Or, \ft according to the Heb. idiom, 'fully followed.' \f* applied my self to follow the Lord my God.

JOS 14:8 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: My brethren that went up with me turned away the heart of the people, but I \f + \fr 14:8 \fl Or, \ft according to the Heb. idiom, 'fully followed.' \f* applied my self to follow the Lord my God.

JOS 14:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And Moses sware on that day, saying, The land on which you are gone up, it shall be your inheritance and your children's for ever, because you have applied yourself to follow the Lord our God.

JOS 14:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And now the Lord has kept me alive as he said: this \add is\add* the forty-fifth year since the Lord spoke that word to Moses; and Israel journeyed in the wilderness; and now, behold, I \add am\add* this day eighty-five years old.

JOS 14:11 Removed trailing space in v~: I am still strong this day, as when the Lord sent me: just so strong am I now to go out and to come in for war.

JOS 14:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And now I ask of you this mountain, as the Lord said in that day; for you heard this word on that day; and now the Enakim are there, cities great and strong: if then the Lord should be with me, I will utterly destroy them, as the Lord said to me.

JOS 14:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua blessed him, and gave Chebron to Chaleb the son of Jephone the son of Kenez for an inheritance.

JOS 14:14 Removed trailing space in v~: Therefore Chebron became the inheritance of Chaleb the \add son\add* of Jephone the Kenezite until this day, because he followed the commandment of the Lord God of Israel.

JOS 14:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And the name of Chebron before was the city Argob, it \add is\add* the \f + \fr 14:15 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities. \f* metropolis of the Enakim: and the land rested from war.

JOS 14:15 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the name of Chebron before was the city Argob, it \add is\add* the \f + \fr 14:15 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities. \f* metropolis of the Enakim: and the land rested from war.

JOS 14:15 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the name of Chebron before was the city Argob, it \add is\add* the \f + \fr 14:15 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities. \f* metropolis of the Enakim: and the land rested from war.

JOS 15:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 15:0 Removed trailing space in c: 15

JOS 15:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders of the tribe of Juda according to their families were from the borders of Idumea from the wilderness of sin, as far as Cades southward.

JOS 15:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And their borders were from the south as far as a part of the salt sea from the \f + \fr 15:2 \fl Gr. \ft neck. \fqa Heb. tongue.\f* high country that extends southward.

JOS 15:2 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And their borders were from the south as far as a part of the salt sea from the \f + \fr 15:2 \fl Gr. \ft neck. \fqa Heb. tongue.\f* high country that extends southward.

JOS 15:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And they proceed before the ascent of Acrabin, and go out round Sena, and go up from the south to Cades Barne; and go out to Asoron, and proceed up to Sarada, and go out by the way that is west of Cades.

JOS 15:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And they go out to Selmona, and issue at the valley of Egypt; and the termination of its boundaries shall be at the sea: these are their boundaries southward.

JOS 15:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And their boundaries eastward \add are\add* all the salt sea as far as Jordan; and their borders from the north, and from the border of the sea, and from part of Jordan—

JOS 15:6 Removed trailing space in v~: the borders go up to Baethaglaam, and they go along from the north to Baetharaba, and the borders go on up to the stone of Baeon the son of Ruben.

JOS 15:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders continue on to \f + \fr 15:7 \ft So the Greek. There seems to be a reading of the word רכרה as if part of רכצ. \f* the fourth part of the valley of Achor, and go down to Galgal, which is before the approach of Adammin, which is southward in the valley, and terminate at the water of the fountain of the sun; and their going forth shall be the fountain of Rogel.

JOS 15:7 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the borders continue on to \f + \fr 15:7 \ft So the Greek. There seems to be a reading of the word רכרה as if part of רכצ. \f* the fourth part of the valley of Achor, and go down to Galgal, which is before the approach of Adammin, which is southward in the valley, and terminate at the water of the fountain of the sun; and their going forth shall be the fountain of Rogel.

JOS 15:7 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the borders continue on to \f + \fr 15:7 \ft So the Greek. There seems to be a reading of the word רכרה as if part of רכצ. \f* the fourth part of the valley of Achor, and go down to Galgal, which is before the approach of Adammin, which is southward in the valley, and terminate at the water of the fountain of the sun; and their going forth shall be the fountain of Rogel.

JOS 15:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders go up to the valley of Ennom, behind Jebus southward; this is Jerusalem: and the borders terminate at the top of the mountain, which is before the valley of Ennom toward the sea, which is by the side of the land of Raphain northward.

JOS 15:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And the border \add going forth\add* from the top of the mountain terminates at the fountain of the water of Naphtho, and terminates at mount Ephron; and the border will lead to Baal; this is the city of Jarim.

JOS 15:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And the border will go round from Baal to the sea, and will go on to the mount of Assar behind the city of Jarin northwards; this is Chaslon: and it will come down to the city of Sun, and will go on to the south.

JOS 15:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And the border terminates behind Accaron northward, and the borders will terminate at Socchoth, and the borders will go on to the south, and will terminate at Lebna, and the issue of the borders will be at the sea; and their borders \add shall be\add* toward the sea, the great sea shall be the boundary.

JOS 15:12 Removed trailing space in v~: These \add are\add* the borders of the children of Juda round about according to their families.

JOS 15:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And to Chaleb the son of Jephone he gave a portion in the midst of the children of Juda by the command of God; and Joshua gave him the city of Arboc the metropolis of Enac; this is Chebron.

JOS 15:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And Chaleb the son of Jephone destroyed thence the three sons of Enac, Susi, and Tholami, and Achima.

JOS 15:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And Chaleb went up thence to the inhabitants of Dabir; and the name of Dabir before was \f + \fr 15:15 \fqa Heb. Kirjath-sepher. \f* the city of Letters.

JOS 15:15 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Chaleb went up thence to the inhabitants of Dabir; and the name of Dabir before was \f + \fr 15:15 \fqa Heb. Kirjath-sepher. \f* the city of Letters.

JOS 15:15 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Chaleb went up thence to the inhabitants of Dabir; and the name of Dabir before was \f + \fr 15:15 \fqa Heb. Kirjath-sepher. \f* the city of Letters.

JOS 15:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And Chaleb said, Whosoever shall take and destroy the city of Letters, and master it, to him will I give my daughter Ascha to wife.

JOS 15:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And Gothoniel the son of Chenez the brother of Chaleb took it; and he gave him Ascha his daughter to wife.

JOS 15:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass as she went out that she counselled him, saying, I will ask of my father a field; and she cried from off her ass; and Chaleb said to her, \f + \fr 15:18 \ft What has you to say? \ft \+add or \+add* of what have you need? \f* What is it?

JOS 15:18 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And it came to pass as she went out that she counselled him, saying, I will ask of my father a field; and she cried from off her ass; and Chaleb said to her, \f + \fr 15:18 \ft What has you to say? \ft \+add or \+add* of what have you need? \f* What is it?

JOS 15:18 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And it came to pass as she went out that she counselled him, saying, I will ask of my father a field; and she cried from off her ass; and Chaleb said to her, \f + \fr 15:18 \ft What has you to say? \ft \+add or \+add* of what have you need? \f* What is it?

JOS 15:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And she said to him, Give me a blessing, for you have set me in the land of Nageb; give me Botthanis: and he gave her Gonaethla the upper, and Gonaethla the lower.

JOS 15:20 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Juda.

JOS 15:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And their cities were cities belonging to the tribe of the children of Juda on the borders of Edom by the wilderness, and Baeseleel, and Ara, and Asor,

JOS 15:22 Removed trailing space in v~: and Icam, and Regma, and Aruel,

JOS 15:23 Removed trailing space in v~: and Cades, and Asorionain, and Maenam,

JOS 15:24 Removed trailing space in v~: and Balmaenan, and their villages,

JOS 15:25 Removed trailing space in v~: and the cities of Aseron, this \add is\add* Asor,

JOS 15:26 Removed trailing space in v~: and Sen, and Salmaa, and Molada,

JOS 15:27 Removed trailing space in v~: and Seri, and Baephalath,

JOS 15:28 Removed trailing space in v~: and Cholaseola, and Beersabee; and their villages, and their hamlets,

JOS 15:29 Removed trailing space in v~: Bala and Bacoc, and Asom,

JOS 15:30 Removed trailing space in v~: and Elboudad, and Baethel, and Herma,

JOS 15:31 Removed trailing space in v~: and Sekelac, and Macharim, and Sethennac,

JOS 15:32 Removed trailing space in v~: and Labos, and Sale, and Eromoth; twenty-nine cities, and their villages.

JOS 15:33 Removed trailing space in v~: In the plain country Astaol, and Raa, and Assa,

JOS 15:34 Removed trailing space in v~: and Ramen, and Tano, and Iluthoth, and Maeani,

JOS 15:35 Removed trailing space in v~: and Jermuth, and Odollam, and Membra, and Saocho, and Jazeca.

JOS 15:36 Removed trailing space in v~: And Sacarim and Gadera, and its villages; fourteen cities, and their villages;

JOS 15:37 Removed trailing space in v~: Senna, and Adasan, and Magadalgad,

JOS 15:38 Removed trailing space in v~: and Dalad, and Maspha, and Jachareel,

JOS 15:39 Removed trailing space in v~: and Basedoth, and Ideadalea;

JOS 15:40 Removed trailing space in v~: and Chabra, and Maches, and Maachos,

JOS 15:41 Removed trailing space in v~: and Geddor, and Bagadiel, and Noman, and Machedan: sixteen cities, and their villages;

JOS 15:42 Removed trailing space in v~: Lebna, and Ithac, and Anoch,

JOS 15:43 Removed trailing space in v~: and Jana, and Nasib,

JOS 15:44 Removed trailing space in v~: and Keilam, and Akiezi, and Kezib, and Bathesar, and Aelom: ten cities, and their villages;

JOS 15:45 Removed trailing space in v~: Accaron and her villages, and their hamlets:

JOS 15:46 Removed trailing space in v~: from Accaron, Gemna, and all the cities that are near Asedoth; and their villages.

JOS 15:47 Removed trailing space in v~: Asiedoth, and her villages, and her hamlets; Gaza, and its villages and its hamlets as far as the river of Egypt, and the great sea is the boundary.

JOS 15:48 Removed trailing space in v~: And in the hill country Samir, and Jether, and Socha,

JOS 15:49 Removed trailing space in v~: and Renna and the city of Letters, this \add is\add* Dabir;

JOS 15:50 Removed trailing space in v~: and Anon, and Es, and Man, and Aesam,

JOS 15:51 Removed trailing space in v~: and Gosom, and Chalu, and Channa, and Gelom: eleven cities, and their villages;

JOS 15:52 Removed trailing space in v~: Aerem, and Remna, and Soma,

JOS 15:53 Removed trailing space in v~: and Jemain, and Baethachu, and Phacua,

JOS 15:54 Removed trailing space in v~: and Euma, and the city Arboc, this is Chebron, and Soraith: nine cities and their villages:

JOS 15:55 Removed trailing space in v~: Maor, and Chermel, and Ozib, and Itan,

JOS 15:56 Removed trailing space in v~: and Jariel, and Aricam, and Zacanaim,

JOS 15:57 Removed trailing space in v~: and Gabaa, and Thamnatha; nine cities, and their villages;

JOS 15:58 Removed trailing space in v~: Aelua, and Bethsur, and Geddon,

JOS 15:59 Removed trailing space in v~: and Magaroth, and Baethanam, and Thecum; six cities, and their villages; Theco, and Ephratha, this is Baethleem, and Phagor, and Aetan, and Culon, and Tatam, and Thobes, and Carem, and Galem, and Thether, and Manocho: eleven cities, and their villages,

JOS 15:60 Removed trailing space in v~: Cariathbaal, this \add is\add* the city of Jarim, and Sotheba: two cities, and their villages:

JOS 15:61 Removed trailing space in v~: and Baddargeis, and Tharabaam, and Aenon;

JOS 15:62 Removed trailing space in v~: and Aeochioza, and Naphlazon, and the cities of Sadon, and Ancades; seven cities, and their villages.

JOS 15:63 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Jebusite lived in Jerusalem, and the children of Juda could not destroy them; and the Jebusites lived in Jerusalem to this day.

JOS 16:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 16:0 Removed trailing space in c: 16

JOS 16:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders of the children of Joseph were from Jordan by Jericho eastward; and they will go up from Jericho to the hill country, to the wilderness, to Baethel Luza.

JOS 16:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And they will go out to Baethel, and will proceed to the borders of Achatarothi.

JOS 16:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And they will go across to the sea to the borders of Aptalim, as far as the borders of Baethoron the lower, and the going forth of them shall be to the sea.

JOS 16:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasse, took their inheritance.

JOS 16:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders of the children of Ephraim were according to their families, and the borders of their inheritance were eastward to Ataroth, and Eroc as far as Baethoron the upper, and Gazara.

JOS 16:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders will proceed to the sea to Icasmon north of Therma; they will go round eastward to Thenasa, and Selles, and will pass on eastward to Janoca,

JOS 16:7 Removed trailing space in v~: and to Macho, and Ataroth, and \add these are\add* their villages; and they will come to Jericho, and will issue at Jordan.

JOS 16:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders will proceed from \f + \fr 16:8 \fl Or, \ft Taphos, \fl or \ft Taphon, etc. \f* Tapho to the sea to Chelcana; and their termination will be at the sea; this \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim according to their families.

JOS 16:8 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the borders will proceed from \f + \fr 16:8 \fl Or, \ft Taphos, \fl or \ft Taphon, etc. \f* Tapho to the sea to Chelcana; and their termination will be at the sea; this \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim according to their families.

JOS 16:8 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the borders will proceed from \f + \fr 16:8 \fl Or, \ft Taphos, \fl or \ft Taphon, etc. \f* Tapho to the sea to Chelcana; and their termination will be at the sea; this \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim according to their families.

JOS 16:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And the cities separated to the sons of Ephraim \add were\add* in the midst of the inheritance of the sons of Manasse, all the cities and their villages.

JOS 16:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And Ephraim did not destroy the Chananite who lived in Gazer; and the Chananite lived in Ephraim until this day, until Pharao the king of Egypt went up and took it, and burnt it with fire; and the Chananites, and Pherezites, and the dwellers in Gaza they destroyed, and Pharao gave them for a dowry to his daughter.

JOS 17:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 17:0 Removed trailing space in c: 17

JOS 17:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders of the tribe of the children of Manasse, (for he \add was\add* the firstborn \f + \fr 17:1 \fl Gr. \ft to. \f* of Joseph,) \add assigned\add* to Machir the firstborn of Manasse the father of Galaad, for he was a warrior, \add were\add* in the land of Galaad and of Basan.

JOS 17:1 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the borders of the tribe of the children of Manasse, (for he \add was\add* the firstborn \f + \fr 17:1 \fl Gr. \ft to. \f* of Joseph,) \add assigned\add* to Machir the firstborn of Manasse the father of Galaad, for he was a warrior, \add were\add* in the land of Galaad and of Basan.

JOS 17:1 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the borders of the tribe of the children of Manasse, (for he \add was\add* the firstborn \f + \fr 17:1 \fl Gr. \ft to. \f* of Joseph,) \add assigned\add* to Machir the firstborn of Manasse the father of Galaad, for he was a warrior, \add were\add* in the land of Galaad and of Basan.

JOS 17:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And there was \add land\add* assigned to the other sons of Manasse according to their families; to the sons of Jezi, and to the sons of Kelez, and to the sons of Jeziel, and to the sons of Sychem, and to the sons of Symarim, and to the sons of Opher: these \add are\add* the males according to their families.

JOS 17:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And Salpaad the sons of Opher had no sons but daughters: and these \add are\add* the names of the daughters of Salpaad; Maala, and Nua, and Egla, and Melcha, and Thersa.

JOS 17:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And they stood before Eleazar the priest, and before Joshua, and before the rulers, saying, God gave a charge by the hand of Moses, to give us an inheritance in the midst of our brethren: so there was given to them by the command of the Lord an inheritance among the brethren of their father.

JOS 17:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And their lot fell \add to them\add* from Anassa, and \add to the\add* plain of Labec of the land of Galaad, which is beyond Jordan.

JOS 17:6 Removed trailing space in v~: For the daughters of the sons of Manasse inherited a portion in the midst of their brethren, and the land of Galaad was assigned to the remainder of the sons of Manasse.

JOS 17:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders of the sons of Manasse were Delanath, which is before the sons of Anath, and it proceeds to the borders \add even\add* to Jamin and Jassib to the fountain of Thaphthoth.

JOS 17:8 Removed trailing space in v~: It shall belong to Manasse, and Thapheth on the borders of Manasse \add shall belong\add* to the sons of Ephraim.

JOS 17:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders shall go down to the valley of Carana southward by the valley of Jariel, (\add there is\add* a turpentine tree \add belonging\add* to Ephraim between \add that and\add* the city of Manasse:) and the borders of Manasse \add are\add* northward to the brook; and the sea shall be its termination.

JOS 17:10 Removed trailing space in v~: Southward \add the land belongs\add* to Ephraim, and northward to Manasse; and the sea shall be their coast; and northward they shall border upon \f + \fr 17:10 \fl Alex. \ft Aser. \f* Aseb, and eastward upon Issachar.

JOS 17:10 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Southward \add the land belongs\add* to Ephraim, and northward to Manasse; and the sea shall be their coast; and northward they shall border upon \f + \fr 17:10 \fl Alex. \ft Aser. \f* Aseb, and eastward upon Issachar.

JOS 17:10 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Southward \add the land belongs\add* to Ephraim, and northward to Manasse; and the sea shall be their coast; and northward they shall border upon \f + \fr 17:10 \fl Alex. \ft Aser. \f* Aseb, and eastward upon Issachar.

JOS 17:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And Manasses shall have in \add the portion of\add* Issachar and Aser Baethsan and their villages, and the inhabitants of Dor, and its villages, and the inhabitants of Mageddo, and its villages, and the third part of Mapheta, and its villages.

JOS 17:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sons of Manasse were not able to destroy these cities; and the Chananite began to dwell in \f + \fr 17:12 \fl Gr. \ft this. \f* that land.

JOS 17:12 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the sons of Manasse were not able to destroy these cities; and the Chananite began to dwell in \f + \fr 17:12 \fl Gr. \ft this. \f* that land.

JOS 17:12 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the sons of Manasse were not able to destroy these cities; and the Chananite began to dwell in \f + \fr 17:12 \fl Gr. \ft this. \f* that land.

JOS 17:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass that when the children of Israel were strong, they made the Chananites subject, but they did not utterly destroy them.

JOS 17:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sons of Joseph answered Joshua, saying, Therefore have you caused us to inherit one inheritance, and one line? whereas I am a great people, and God has blessed me.

JOS 17:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to them, If you be a great people, go up to the forest, and clear \add the land\add* for yourself, If mount Ephraim be too little for you.

JOS 17:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And they said, The mount of Ephraim does not please us, and the Chananite dwelling in it in Baethsan, and in its villages, \add and\add* in the valley of Jezrael, has choice cavalry and iron.

JOS 17:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to the sons of Joseph, If you are a great people, and have great strength, you shall not have \add only\add* one inheritance.

JOS 17:18 Removed trailing space in v~: For you shall have the wood, for there is a wood, and you shall clear it, and \add the land\add* shall be yours; even when you shall have utterly destroyed the Chananite, for he has chosen cavalry; yet you are stronger than he.

JOS 18:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 18:0 Removed trailing space in c: 18

JOS 18:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And all the congregation of the children of Israel were assembled at Selo, and there they pitched the tabernacle of witness; and the land was subdued by them.

JOS 18:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sons of Israel remained, \add even\add* those who \add had\add* not received their inheritance, seven tribes.

JOS 18:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to the sons of Israel, How long will you° be slack to inherit the land, which the Lord our God has given you?

JOS 18:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \f + \fr 18:4 \fl Gr. \ft give. \f* Appoint of yourselves three men of each tribe, and let them rise up and go through the land, and let them describe it before me, as it will be proper to divide it.

JOS 18:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: \f + \fr 18:4 \fl Gr. \ft give. \f* Appoint of yourselves three men of each tribe, and let them rise up and go through the land, and let them describe it before me, as it will be proper to divide it.

JOS 18:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And they \f + \fr 18:5 \fl Gr. \ft went through. \f* came to him: and he divided to them seven portions, \add saying\add*, Juda shall stand to them a border southward, and the sons of Joseph shall stand to them northward.

JOS 18:5 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And they \f + \fr 18:5 \fl Gr. \ft went through. \f* came to him: and he divided to them seven portions, \add saying\add*, Juda shall stand to them a border southward, and the sons of Joseph shall stand to them northward.

JOS 18:5 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And they \f + \fr 18:5 \fl Gr. \ft went through. \f* came to him: and he divided to them seven portions, \add saying\add*, Juda shall stand to them a border southward, and the sons of Joseph shall stand to them northward.

JOS 18:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And do you° divide the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, and I will \f + \fr 18:6 \fl Gr. \ft bring out. \f* give you a lot before the Lord our God.

JOS 18:6 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And do you° divide the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, and I will \f + \fr 18:6 \fl Gr. \ft bring out. \f* give you a lot before the Lord our God.

JOS 18:6 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And do you° divide the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, and I will \f + \fr 18:6 \fl Gr. \ft bring out. \f* give you a lot before the Lord our God.

JOS 18:7 Removed trailing space in v~: For the sons of Levi have no part among you; for the priesthood of the Lord \add is\add* his portion; and Gad, and Ruben, and the half tribe of Manasse, have received their inheritance beyond Jordan eastward, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave to them.

JOS 18:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And the men rose up and went; and Joshua charged the men who went to \f + \fr 18:8 \fl Or, \ft walk through. \f* explore the land, saying, Go and explore the land, and come to me, and I will bring you forth a lot here before the Lord in Selo.

JOS 18:8 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the men rose up and went; and Joshua charged the men who went to \f + \fr 18:8 \fl Or, \ft walk through. \f* explore the land, saying, Go and explore the land, and come to me, and I will bring you forth a lot here before the Lord in Selo.

JOS 18:8 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the men rose up and went; and Joshua charged the men who went to \f + \fr 18:8 \fl Or, \ft walk through. \f* explore the land, saying, Go and explore the land, and come to me, and I will bring you forth a lot here before the Lord in Selo.

JOS 18:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And they went, and explored the land: and they viewed it, and described it according to the cities, seven parts in a book, and brought \add the book\add* to Joshua.

JOS 18:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua cast the lot for them in Selo before the Lord.

JOS 18:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And the lot of the tribe of Benjamin came forth first according to their families: and the borders of their lot came forth between the children of Juda and the children of Joseph.

JOS 18:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And their borders were northward: the borders shall go up from Jordan behind Jericho northward, and shall go up to the mountain westward, and the issue of it shall be Baethon of Mabdara.

JOS 18:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders will go forth thence to Luz, behind Luz, from the south of it; this is Baethel: and the borders shall go down to Maatarob Orech, to the hill country, which is southward of Baethoron the lower.

JOS 18:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders shall pass through and proceed to the part that looks toward the sea, on the south, from the mountain in front of Baethoron southward, and its termination shall be at Cariath-Baal, this is Cariath-Jarin, a city of the children of Juda; this is the part toward the west.

JOS 18:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And the south side on the part of Cariath-Baal; and the borders shall go across to Gasin, to the fountain of the water of Naphtho.

JOS 18:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders shall extend down on one side, this is in front of the forest of Sonnam, which is on the side of Emec Raphain northward, and it shall come down to Gaeenna behind Jebusai southward: it shall come down to the fountain of Rogel.

JOS 18:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And \add the borders\add* shall go across to the fountain of Baethsamys:

JOS 18:18 Removed trailing space in v~: and shall proceed to Galiloth, which is in front by the going up of Aethamin; and they shall come down to the stone of Baeon of the sons of Ruben; and shall pass over behind Baetharaba northward, and shall go down to the borders behind the sea northward.

JOS 18:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And the termination of the borders shall be at the creek of the salt sea northward to the side of Jordan southward: these are their southern borders.

JOS 18:20 Removed trailing space in v~: And Jordan shall be their boundary on the east: this \add is\add* the inheritance of the children of Benjamin, these \add are\add* their borders round about according to their families.

JOS 18:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And the cities of the children of Benjamin according to their families \add were\add* Jericho, and Bethagaeo, and the Amecasis,

JOS 18:22 Removed trailing space in v~: and Baethabara, and Sara, and Besana,

JOS 18:23 Removed trailing space in v~: and Aeein, and Phara, and Ephratha,

JOS 18:24 Removed trailing space in v~: and Carapha, and Cephira, and Moni, and Gabaa, twelve cities and their villages:

JOS 18:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Gabaon, and Rama, and Beerotha;

JOS 18:26 Removed trailing space in v~: and Massema, and Miron, and Amoke;

JOS 18:27 Removed trailing space in v~: and Phira, and Caphan, and Nacan, and Selecan, and Thareela,

JOS 18:28 Removed trailing space in v~: and Jebus (this is Jerusalem); and Gabaoth, Jarim, thirteen cities, and their villages; this \add is\add* the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin according to their families.

JOS 19:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 19:0 Removed trailing space in c: 19

JOS 19:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And the second lot came out for the children of Symeon; and their inheritance was in the midst of the lots of the children of Juda.

JOS 19:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And their lot was Beersabee, and Samaa, and Caladam,

JOS 19:3 Removed trailing space in v~: and Arsola, and Bola, and Jason,

JOS 19:4 Removed trailing space in v~: and Erthula, and Bula, and Herma,

JOS 19:5 Removed trailing space in v~: and Sikelac, and Baethmachereb, and Sarsusin,

JOS 19:6 Removed trailing space in v~: and Batharoth, and their fields, thirteen cities, and their villages.

JOS 19:7 Removed trailing space in v~: Eremmon, and Thalcha, and Jether, and Asan; four cities and their villages,

JOS 19:8 Removed trailing space in v~: round about their cities as far as Balec as \add men\add* go to Bameth southward: this \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Symeon according to their families.

JOS 19:9 Removed trailing space in v~: The inheritance of the tribe of the children of Symeon \add was a part\add* of the lot of Juda, for the portion of the children of Juda was greater than theirs; and the children of Symeon inherited in the midst of their lot.

JOS 19:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And the third lot came out to Zabulon according to their families: the bounds of their inheritance shall be—Esedekgola shall be their border,

JOS 19:11 Removed trailing space in v~: the sea and Magelda, and it shall reach to \f + \fr 19:11 \fl Or, \ft at or towards. \f* Baetharaba in the valley, which is opposite Jekman.

JOS 19:11 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: the sea and Magelda, and it shall reach to \f + \fr 19:11 \fl Or, \ft at or towards. \f* Baetharaba in the valley, which is opposite Jekman.

JOS 19:11 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: the sea and Magelda, and it shall reach to \f + \fr 19:11 \fl Or, \ft at or towards. \f* Baetharaba in the valley, which is opposite Jekman.

JOS 19:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And the border returned from Sedduc in a contrary direction eastward from Baethsamys, to the borders of Chaselothaith, and shall pass on to Dabiroth, and shall proceed upward to Phangai.

JOS 19:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And thence it shall come round in the opposite direction eastward to Gebere to the city of Catasem, and shall go on to Remmonaa Matharaoza.

JOS 19:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders shall come round northward to Amoth, and their going out shall be at Gaephael,

JOS 19:15 Removed trailing space in v~: and Catanath, and Nabaal, and Symoon, and Jericho, and Baethman.

JOS 19:16 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Zabulon according to their families, \add these\add* cities and their villages.

JOS 19:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And the fourth lot came out to Issachar.

JOS 19:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And their borders were Jazel, and Chasaloth, and Sunam,

JOS 19:19 Removed trailing space in v~: and Agin, and Siona, and Reeroth,

JOS 19:20 Removed trailing space in v~: and Anachereth, and Dabiron, and Kison, and Rebes,

JOS 19:21 Removed trailing space in v~: and Remmas, and Jeon, and Tomman, and Aemarec, and Bersaphes.

JOS 19:22 Removed trailing space in v~: And the boundaries shall border upon Gaethbor, and upon Salim westward, and Baethsamys; and the extremity of his bounds shall be Jordan.

JOS 19:23 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Issachar according to their families, the cities and their villages.

JOS 19:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And the fifth lot came out to Aser according to their families.

JOS 19:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And their borders were Exeleketh, and Aleph, and Baethok, and Keaph,

JOS 19:26 Removed trailing space in v~: and Elimelech, and Amiel, and Maasa, and the lot will border on Carmel westward, and on Sion, and Labanath.

JOS 19:27 Removed trailing space in v~: And it will return \f + \fr 19:27 \fl Gr. \ft from the rising of the sun. \f* westward from Baethegeneth, and will join Zabulon and Ekgai, and Phthaeel northwards, and the borders will come to Saphthaebaethme, and Inael, and will go on to Chobamasomel,

JOS 19:27 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And it will return \f + \fr 19:27 \fl Gr. \ft from the rising of the sun. \f* westward from Baethegeneth, and will join Zabulon and Ekgai, and Phthaeel northwards, and the borders will come to Saphthaebaethme, and Inael, and will go on to Chobamasomel,

JOS 19:27 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And it will return \f + \fr 19:27 \fl Gr. \ft from the rising of the sun. \f* westward from Baethegeneth, and will join Zabulon and Ekgai, and Phthaeel northwards, and the borders will come to Saphthaebaethme, and Inael, and will go on to Chobamasomel,

JOS 19:28 Removed trailing space in v~: and Elbon, and Raab, and Ememaon, and Canthan to great Sidon.

JOS 19:29 Removed trailing space in v~: And the borders shall turn back to Rama, and to the fountain of Masphassat, and the Tyrians; and the borders shall return to Jasiph, and their going forth shall be the sea, and Apoleb, and Echozob,

JOS 19:30 Removed trailing space in v~: and Archob, and Aphec, and Raau.

JOS 19:31 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Aser according to their families, the cities and their villages.

JOS 19:32 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sixth lot came out to Nephthali.

JOS 19:33 Removed trailing space in v~: And their borders were Moolam, and Mola, and Besemiin, and Arme, and Naboc, and Jephthamai, as far as Dodam; and their goings out were Jordan.

JOS 19:34 Removed trailing space in v~: And the coasts will return westward by Athabor, and will go out thence to Jacana, and will border on Zabulon southward, and Aser will join \add it\add* westward, and Jordan eastward.

JOS 19:35 Removed trailing space in v~: And the walled cities of the Tyrians, Tyre, and Omathadaketh, and Kenereth,

JOS 19:36 Removed trailing space in v~: and Armaith, and Areal, and Asor,

JOS 19:37 Removed trailing space in v~: and Cades, and Assari, and the well of Asor;

JOS 19:38 Removed trailing space in v~: and Keroe, and Megalaarim, and Baetthame, and Thessamys.

JOS 19:39 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Nephthali.

JOS 19:40 Removed trailing space in v~: And the seventh lot came out to Dan.

JOS 19:41 Removed trailing space in v~: And their borders were Sarath, and Asa, and the cities of Sammaus,

JOS 19:42 Removed trailing space in v~: and Salamin, and Ammon, and Silatha,

JOS 19:43 Removed trailing space in v~: and Elon, and Thamnatha, and Accaron;

JOS 19:44 Removed trailing space in v~: and Alcatha, and Begethon, and Gebeelan,

JOS 19:45 Removed trailing space in v~: and Azor, and Banaebacat, and Gethremmon.

JOS 19:46 Removed trailing space in v~: And westward of Hieracon the border \add was\add* near to Joppa.

JOS 19:47 Removed trailing space in v~: This \add is\add* the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Dan, according to their families, these \add are\add* their cities and their villages: and the children of Dan did not drive out the Amorite who afflicted them in the mountain; and the Amorite would not suffer them to come down into the valley, but they forcibly took from them the border of their portion.

JOS 19:48 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sons of Dan went and fought against Lachis, and took it, and struck it with the \f + \fr 19:48 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword; and they lived in it, and called the name of it Lasendan: and the Amorite continued to dwell in Edom and in Salamin: and the hand of Ephraim prevailed against them, and they became tribute to them.

JOS 19:48 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the sons of Dan went and fought against Lachis, and took it, and struck it with the \f + \fr 19:48 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword; and they lived in it, and called the name of it Lasendan: and the Amorite continued to dwell in Edom and in Salamin: and the hand of Ephraim prevailed against them, and they became tribute to them.

JOS 19:48 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the sons of Dan went and fought against Lachis, and took it, and struck it with the \f + \fr 19:48 \fl Gr. \ft mouth. \f* edge of the sword; and they lived in it, and called the name of it Lasendan: and the Amorite continued to dwell in Edom and in Salamin: and the hand of Ephraim prevailed against them, and they became tribute to them.

JOS 19:49 Removed trailing space in v~: And they proceeded to take possession of the land according to their borders, and the children of Israel gave an inheritance to Joshua the son of Naue among them,

JOS 19:50 Removed trailing space in v~: by the command of God, and they gave him the city which he asked for, Thamnasarach, which is in the mount of Ephraim; and he built the city, and lived in it.

JOS 19:51 Removed trailing space in v~: These \add are\add* the divisions which Eleazar the priest divided by lot, and Joshua the \add son\add* of Naue, and the heads of families among the tribes of Israel, according to the lots, in Selo before the Lord by the doors of the tabernacle of testimony, and they \f + \fr 19:51 \fqa Heb. finished dividing. The LXX seems to have read הלך for חלקץ. \f* went to take possession of the land.

JOS 19:51 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: These \add are\add* the divisions which Eleazar the priest divided by lot, and Joshua the \add son\add* of Naue, and the heads of families among the tribes of Israel, according to the lots, in Selo before the Lord by the doors of the tabernacle of testimony, and they \f + \fr 19:51 \fqa Heb. finished dividing. The LXX seems to have read הלך for חלקץ. \f* went to take possession of the land.

JOS 19:51 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: These \add are\add* the divisions which Eleazar the priest divided by lot, and Joshua the \add son\add* of Naue, and the heads of families among the tribes of Israel, according to the lots, in Selo before the Lord by the doors of the tabernacle of testimony, and they \f + \fr 19:51 \fqa Heb. finished dividing. The LXX seems to have read הלך for חלקץ. \f* went to take possession of the land.

JOS 20:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 20:0 Removed trailing space in c: 20

JOS 20:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord spoke to Joshua, saying,

JOS 20:2 Removed trailing space in v~: Speak to the children of Israel, saying, \f + \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft give. \f* Assign the cities \f + \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft refugees. \f* of refuge, \add of\add* which I spoke to you by Moses.

JOS 20:2 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Speak to the children of Israel, saying, \f + \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft give. \f* Assign the cities \f + \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft refugees. \f* of refuge, \add of\add* which I spoke to you by Moses.

JOS 20:2 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Speak to the children of Israel, saying, \f + \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft give. \f* Assign the cities \f + \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft refugees. \f* of refuge, \add of\add* which I spoke to you by Moses.

JOS 20:2 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Speak to the children of Israel, saying, Assign the cities \f + \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft refugees. \f* of refuge, \add of\add* which I spoke to you by Moses.

JOS 20:2 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Speak to the children of Israel, saying, Assign the cities \f + \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft refugees. \f* of refuge, \add of\add* which I spoke to you by Moses.

JOS 20:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \add Even\add* a refuge to the slayer who has struck a \f + \fr 20:3 \fl Gr. \ft life or soul. \f* man unintentionally; and the cities shall be to you a refuge, and the slayer shall not be put to death by the avenger of blood, until he have stood before the congregation for judgment.

JOS 20:3 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: \add Even\add* a refuge to the slayer who has struck a \f + \fr 20:3 \fl Gr. \ft life or soul. \f* man unintentionally; and the cities shall be to you a refuge, and the slayer shall not be put to death by the avenger of blood, until he have stood before the congregation for judgment.

JOS 20:3 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: \add Even\add* a refuge to the slayer who has struck a \f + \fr 20:3 \fl Gr. \ft life or soul. \f* man unintentionally; and the cities shall be to you a refuge, and the slayer shall not be put to death by the avenger of blood, until he have stood before the congregation for judgment.

JOS 20:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And \f + \fr 20:4 \fl Gr. \ft he. \f* Joshua separated Cades in Galilee in the mount \f + \fr 20:4 \fl Or, \ft of N. \f* Nephthali, and Sychem in the mount Ephraim, and the city of Arboc; this is Chebron, in the mountain of Juda.

JOS 20:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And \f + \fr 20:4 \fl Gr. \ft he. \f* Joshua separated Cades in Galilee in the mount \f + \fr 20:4 \fl Or, \ft of N. \f* Nephthali, and Sychem in the mount Ephraim, and the city of Arboc; this is Chebron, in the mountain of Juda.

JOS 20:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And \f + \fr 20:4 \fl Gr. \ft he. \f* Joshua separated Cades in Galilee in the mount \f + \fr 20:4 \fl Or, \ft of N. \f* Nephthali, and Sychem in the mount Ephraim, and the city of Arboc; this is Chebron, in the mountain of Juda.

JOS 20:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Joshua separated Cades in Galilee in the mount \f + \fr 20:4 \fl Or, \ft of N. \f* Nephthali, and Sychem in the mount Ephraim, and the city of Arboc; this is Chebron, in the mountain of Juda.

JOS 20:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Joshua separated Cades in Galilee in the mount \f + \fr 20:4 \fl Or, \ft of N. \f* Nephthali, and Sychem in the mount Ephraim, and the city of Arboc; this is Chebron, in the mountain of Juda.

JOS 20:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And beyond Jordan he \f + \fr 20:5 \fl Gr. \ft gave. \f* appointed Bosor in the wilderness in the plain out of the tribe of Ruben, and Aremoth in Galaad out of the tribe of Gad, and Gaulon in the country of Basan out of the tribe of Manasse.

JOS 20:5 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And beyond Jordan he \f + \fr 20:5 \fl Gr. \ft gave. \f* appointed Bosor in the wilderness in the plain out of the tribe of Ruben, and Aremoth in Galaad out of the tribe of Gad, and Gaulon in the country of Basan out of the tribe of Manasse.

JOS 20:5 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And beyond Jordan he \f + \fr 20:5 \fl Gr. \ft gave. \f* appointed Bosor in the wilderness in the plain out of the tribe of Ruben, and Aremoth in Galaad out of the tribe of Gad, and Gaulon in the country of Basan out of the tribe of Manasse.

JOS 20:6 Removed trailing space in v~: These \add were\add* the cities selected for the sons of Israel, and for the stranger dwelling among them, that every one who smites a soul unintentionally should flee there, that he should not die by the hand of the avenger of blood, until he should stand before the congregation for judgment.

JOS 21:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 21:0 Removed trailing space in c: 21

JOS 21:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And the heads of the families of the sons of Levi drew near to Eleazar the priest, and to Joshua the \add son\add* of Naue, and to the heads of families of the tribes of Israel.

JOS 21:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And they spoke to them in Selo in the land of Chanaan, saying, The Lord gave commandment by \f + \fr 21:2 \fl Gr. \ft the hand of Moses. \f* Moses to give us cities to dwell in, and the country round about for our cattle.

JOS 21:2 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And they spoke to them in Selo in the land of Chanaan, saying, The Lord gave commandment by \f + \fr 21:2 \fl Gr. \ft the hand of Moses. \f* Moses to give us cities to dwell in, and the country round about for our cattle.

JOS 21:2 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And they spoke to them in Selo in the land of Chanaan, saying, The Lord gave commandment by \f + \fr 21:2 \fl Gr. \ft the hand of Moses. \f* Moses to give us cities to dwell in, and the country round about for our cattle.

JOS 21:3 Removed trailing space in v~: So the children of Israel gave to the Levites in their inheritance by the command of the Lord the cities and the country round.

JOS 21:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And the lot came out for the children of Caath; and the sons of Aaron, the priests the Levites, had by lot thirteen cities \f + \fr 21:4 \fl Gr. \ft from. \f* out of the tribe of Juda, and out of the tribe of Symeon, and out of the tribe of Benjamin.

JOS 21:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the lot came out for the children of Caath; and the sons of Aaron, the priests the Levites, had by lot thirteen cities \f + \fr 21:4 \fl Gr. \ft from. \f* out of the tribe of Juda, and out of the tribe of Symeon, and out of the tribe of Benjamin.

JOS 21:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the lot came out for the children of Caath; and the sons of Aaron, the priests the Levites, had by lot thirteen cities \f + \fr 21:4 \fl Gr. \ft from. \f* out of the tribe of Juda, and out of the tribe of Symeon, and out of the tribe of Benjamin.

JOS 21:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And to the sons of Caath that were left were \add given by\add* lot ten cities, out of the tribe of Ephraim, and out of the tribe of Dan, and out of the half tribe of Manasse.

JOS 21:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sons of Gedson had thirteen cities, out of the tribe of Issachar, and out of the tribe of Aser, and out of the tribe of Nephthali, and out of the half tribe of Manasse in \f + \fr 21:6 \fl Or, \ft the land of Basan. \f* Basan.

JOS 21:6 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And the sons of Gedson had thirteen cities, out of the tribe of Issachar, and out of the tribe of Aser, and out of the tribe of Nephthali, and out of the half tribe of Manasse in \f + \fr 21:6 \fl Or, \ft the land of Basan. \f* Basan.

JOS 21:6 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And the sons of Gedson had thirteen cities, out of the tribe of Issachar, and out of the tribe of Aser, and out of the tribe of Nephthali, and out of the half tribe of Manasse in \f + \fr 21:6 \fl Or, \ft the land of Basan. \f* Basan.

JOS 21:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sons of Merari according to their families had by lot twelve cities, out of the tribe of Ruben, and out of the tribe of Gad, and out of the tribe of Zabulon.

JOS 21:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel gave to the Levites the cities and their suburbs, as the Lord commanded Moses, by lot.

JOS 21:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And the tribe of the children of Juda, and the tribe of the children of Symeon, and \add part\add* of the tribe of the children of Benjamin gave these cities, and they were assigned

JOS 21:10 Removed trailing space in v~: to the sons of Aaron of the family of Caath of the sons of Levi, for the lot \f + \fr 21:10 \fl Gr. \ft was. \f* fell to these.

JOS 21:10 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: to the sons of Aaron of the family of Caath of the sons of Levi, for the lot \f + \fr 21:10 \fl Gr. \ft was. \f* fell to these.

JOS 21:10 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: to the sons of Aaron of the family of Caath of the sons of Levi, for the lot \f + \fr 21:10 \fl Gr. \ft was. \f* fell to these.

JOS 21:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And \f + \fr 21:11 \fl Gr. \ft he. \f* they gave to them Cariatharboc the \f + \fr 21:11 \fl Or, \ft parent city. See note chap. 10. 2. \f* metropolis of the sons of Enac; this is Chebron in the mountain \add country\add* of Juda, and the suburbs round it.

JOS 21:11 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And \f + \fr 21:11 \fl Gr. \ft he. \f* they gave to them Cariatharboc the \f + \fr 21:11 \fl Or, \ft parent city. See note chap. 10. 2. \f* metropolis of the sons of Enac; this is Chebron in the mountain \add country\add* of Juda, and the suburbs round it.

JOS 21:11 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And \f + \fr 21:11 \fl Gr. \ft he. \f* they gave to them Cariatharboc the \f + \fr 21:11 \fl Or, \ft parent city. See note chap. 10. 2. \f* metropolis of the sons of Enac; this is Chebron in the mountain \add country\add* of Juda, and the suburbs round it.

JOS 21:11 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And they gave to them Cariatharboc the \f + \fr 21:11 \fl Or, \ft parent city. See note chap. 10. 2. \f* metropolis of the sons of Enac; this is Chebron in the mountain \add country\add* of Juda, and the suburbs round it.

JOS 21:11 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And they gave to them Cariatharboc the \f + \fr 21:11 \fl Or, \ft parent city. See note chap. 10. 2. \f* metropolis of the sons of Enac; this is Chebron in the mountain \add country\add* of Juda, and the suburbs round it.

JOS 21:12 Removed trailing space in v~: But the lands of the city, and its villages Joshua gave to the sons of Chaleb the son of Jephonne for a possession.

JOS 21:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And to the sons of Aaron he gave the city of refuge for the slayer, Chebron, and the \f + \fr 21:13 \ft The Greek word is different from that translated 'suburbs.' above. - \fl q.d. glebe.\f* suburbs belonging to it; and Lemna and the suburbs belonging to it;

JOS 21:13 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And to the sons of Aaron he gave the city of refuge for the slayer, Chebron, and the \f + \fr 21:13 \ft The Greek word is different from that translated 'suburbs.' above. - \fl q.d. glebe.\f* suburbs belonging to it; and Lemna and the suburbs belonging to it;

JOS 21:14 Removed trailing space in v~: and Aelom and its suburbs; and Tema and its suburbs;

JOS 21:15 Removed trailing space in v~: and Gella and its suburbs; and Dabir and its suburbs;

JOS 21:16 Removed trailing space in v~: and Asa and its suburbs; and Tany and its suburbs; and Baethsamys and its suburbs: nine cities from these two tribes.

JOS 21:17 Removed trailing space in v~: And from the tribe of Benjamin, Gabaon and its suburbs; and Gatheth and its suburbs;

JOS 21:18 Removed trailing space in v~: and Anathoth and its suburbs; and Gamala and its suburbs; four cities.

JOS 21:19 Removed trailing space in v~: All the cities of the sons of Aaron the priests, thirteen.

JOS 21:20 Removed trailing space in v~: And to the families, \add even\add* the sons of Caath the Levites, that were left of the sons of Caath, there was \add given\add* \f + \fr 21:20 \fqa Heb. the cities of their lot. \f* their priests' city,

JOS 21:20 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And to the families, \add even\add* the sons of Caath the Levites, that were left of the sons of Caath, there was \add given\add* \f + \fr 21:20 \fqa Heb. the cities of their lot. \f* their priests' city,

JOS 21:20 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And to the families, \add even\add* the sons of Caath the Levites, that were left of the sons of Caath, there was \add given\add* \f + \fr 21:20 \fqa Heb. the cities of their lot. \f* their priests' city,

JOS 21:21 Removed trailing space in v~: out of the tribe of Ephraim; and they gave them the slayer's city of refuge, Sychem, and its suburbs, and Gazara and its appendages, and its suburbs;

JOS 21:22 Removed trailing space in v~: and Baethoron and its suburbs: four cities:

JOS 21:23 Removed trailing space in v~: and the tribe of Dan, Helcothaim and its suburbs; and Gethedan and its suburbs:

JOS 21:24 Removed trailing space in v~: and Aelon and its suburbs; and Getheremmon and its suburbs: four cities.

JOS 21:25 Removed trailing space in v~: And out of the half tribe of Manasse, Tanach and its suburbs; and Jebatha and its suburbs; two cities.

JOS 21:26 Removed trailing space in v~: In all \add were given\add* ten cities, and the suburbs of each belonging to them, to the families of the sons of Caath that remained.

JOS 21:27 Removed trailing space in v~: And \add Joshua gave\add* to the sons of Gedson the Levites out of the other half tribe of Manasse cities set apart for the slayers, Gaulon in the country of Basan, and its suburbs; and Bosora and its suburbs; two cities.

JOS 21:28 Removed trailing space in v~: And out of the tribe of Issachar, Kison and its suburbs; and Debba and its suburbs;

JOS 21:29 Removed trailing space in v~: and Remmath and its suburbs; and the well of Letters, and its suburbs; four cities.

JOS 21:30 Removed trailing space in v~: And out of the tribe of Aser, Basella and its suburbs; and Dabbon and its suburbs;

JOS 21:31 Removed trailing space in v~: and Chelcat and its suburbs; and Raab and its suburbs; four cities.

JOS 21:32 Removed trailing space in v~: And of the tribe of Nephthali, the city set apart for the slayer, Cades in Galilee, and its suburbs; and Nemmath, and its suburbs; and Themmon and its suburbs; three cities.

JOS 21:33 Removed trailing space in v~: All the cities of Gedson according to their families \add were\add* thirteen cities.

JOS 21:34 Removed trailing space in v~: And to the family of the sons of Merari the Levites that remained, \add he gave\add* out of the tribe of Zabulon, Maan and its suburbs; and Cades and its suburbs,

JOS 21:35 Removed trailing space in v~: and Sella and its suburbs: three cities.

JOS 21:36 Removed trailing space in v~: And beyond Jordan over against Jericho, out of the tribe of Ruben, the city of refuge for the slayer, Bosor in the wilderness; Miso and its suburbs; and Jazer and its suburbs; and Decmon and its suburbs; and Mapha and its suburbs; four cities.

JOS 21:37 Removed trailing space in v~: And out of the tribe of Gad the city of refuge for the slayer, both Ramoth in Galaad, and its suburbs; Camin and its suburbs; and Esbon and its suburbs; and Jazer and its suburbs: the cities \add were\add* four in all.

JOS 21:38 Removed trailing space in v~: All \add these\add* cities \add were given\add* to the sons of Merari according to the families of them that were left out of the tribe of Levi; and \f + \fr 21:38 \fl i.e. \ft the portion allotted, or assigned them. \f* their limits were the twelve cities.

JOS 21:38 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: All \add these\add* cities \add were given\add* to the sons of Merari according to the families of them that were left out of the tribe of Levi; and \f + \fr 21:38 \fl i.e. \ft the portion allotted, or assigned them. \f* their limits were the twelve cities.

JOS 21:38 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: All \add these\add* cities \add were given\add* to the sons of Merari according to the families of them that were left out of the tribe of Levi; and \f + \fr 21:38 \fl i.e. \ft the portion allotted, or assigned them. \f* their limits were the twelve cities.

JOS 21:39 Removed trailing space in v~: All the cities of the Levites in the midst of the possession of the children of Israel, \add were\add* forty-eight cities,

JOS 21:40 Removed trailing space in v~: and their suburbs round about these cities: a city and the suburbs round about the city to all these cities: and Joshua ceased dividing the land by their borders: and the children of Israel gave a portion to Joshua because of the commandment of the Lord: they gave him the city which he asked: they gave him Thamnasachar in mount Ephraim; and Joshua built the city, and lived in it: and Joshua took the knives of stone, wherewith he circumcised the children of Israel that were born in the desert by the way, and put them in Thamnasachar.

JOS 21:41 Removed trailing space in v~: So the Lord gave to Israel all the land which he sware to give to their fathers: and they inherited it, and lived in it.

JOS 21:42 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord gave them rest round about, as he sware to their fathers: not one of all their enemies maintained his ground against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hands.

JOS 21:43 Removed trailing space in v~: There failed not one of the good things which the Lord spoke to the children of Israel; all came to pass.

JOS 22:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 22:0 Removed trailing space in c: 22

JOS 22:1 Removed trailing space in v~: Then Joshua called together the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse,

JOS 22:2 Removed trailing space in v~: and said to them, You° have heard all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, and you° have listened to my voice in all that he commanded you.

JOS 22:3 Removed trailing space in v~: You° have not deserted your brethren these many days: until this day you° have kept the commandment of the Lord your God.

JOS 22:4 Removed trailing space in v~: And now the Lord our God has given our brethren rest, as he told them: now then return and depart to your homes, and to the land of your possession, which Moses gave you on the other side Jordan.

JOS 22:5 Removed trailing space in v~: But take great heed to do the commands and the law, which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you to do; to love the Lord our God, to walk in all his ways, to keep his commands, and to cleave to him, and serve him with all your mind, and with all your soul.

JOS 22:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua blessed them, and dismissed them; and they went to their homes.

JOS 22:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And to \add one\add* half the tribe of Manasse Moses gave a portion in the land of Basan, and to \add the other\add* half Joshua gave a portion with his brethren on the other side of Jordan westward: and when Joshua sent them away to their homes, then he blessed them.

JOS 22:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And they departed with much wealth to their houses, and they divided the spoil of their enemies with their brethren; very much cattle, and silver, and gold, and iron, and much raiment.

JOS 22:9 Removed trailing space in v~: So the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse, departed from the children of Israel in Selo in the land of Chanaan, to go away into Galaad, into the land of their possession, which they inherited by the command of the Lord, by the hand of Moses.

JOS 22:10 Removed trailing space in v~: And they came to Galaad of Jordan, which is in the land of Chanaan: and the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse built there an altar by Jordan, a great altar to look at.

JOS 22:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel heard say, Behold, the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse have built an altar at the borders of the land of Chanaan at Galaad of Jordan, on the opposite side to the children of Israel.

JOS 22:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And all the children of Israel gathered together to Selo, so as to go up and fight against them.

JOS 22:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel sent to the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and to the sons of the half tribe of Manasse into the land of Galaad, both Phinees the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest,

JOS 22:14 Removed trailing space in v~: and ten of the chiefs with him; \add there was\add* one chief of every household out of all the tribes of Israel; (the heads of families are the captains of thousands in Israel.)

JOS 22:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And they came to the sons of Ruben, and to the sons of Gad, and to the \f + \fr 22:15 \fl Gr. \ft halves, \fl adj. q.d. \ft dimidios \fl viros\f* half tribe of Manasse into the land of Galaad; and they spoke to them, saying,

JOS 22:15 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And they came to the sons of Ruben, and to the sons of Gad, and to the \f + \fr 22:15 \fl Gr. \ft halves, \fl adj. q.d. \ft dimidios \fl viros\f* half tribe of Manasse into the land of Galaad; and they spoke to them, saying,

JOS 22:16 Removed trailing space in v~: Thus says the whole congregation of the Lord, What \add is\add* this transgression that you° have transgressed before the God of Israel, to turn away today from the Lord, in that you° have built for yourselves an altar, so that you° should be apostates from the Lord?

JOS 22:17 Removed trailing space in v~: Is the sin of Phogor too little for you, whereas we have not been cleansed from it until this day, though there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord?

JOS 22:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And you° have this day revolted from the Lord; and it shall come to pass if you° revolt this day from the Lord, that to-morrow there shall be wrath upon all Israel.

JOS 22:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And now if the land of your possession \add be too\add* little, cross over to the land of the possession of the Lord, where the tabernacle of the Lord dwells, and receive you° an inheritance among us; and do not become apostates from God, neither do you° apostatize from the Lord, because of your having built an altar apart from the altar of the Lord our God.

JOS 22:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Behold! did not Achar the \add son\add* of Zara commit a trespass \add taking\add* of the accursed thing, and there was wrath on the whole congregation of Israel? and he himself died alone in his own sin.

JOS 22:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse answered, and spoke to the captains of the thousands of Israel, saying,

JOS 22:22 Removed trailing space in v~: God \add even\add* God is the Lord, and God \add even\add* God himself knows, and Israel he shall know; if we have transgressed before the Lord by apostasy, let him not deliver us this day.

JOS 22:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And if we have built to ourselves an altar, so as to apostatize from the Lord our God, so as to offer upon it a sacrifice of whole burnt offerings, so as to offer upon it a sacrifice of peace-offering, —the Lord shall require it.

JOS 22:24 Removed trailing space in v~: But we have done this for the sake of precaution \add concerning this\add* thing, saying, Lest \f + \fr 22:24 \fl Gr. \ft to-morrow. \f* hereafter your sons should say to our sons, What have you° to do with the Lord God of Israel?

JOS 22:24 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: But we have done this for the sake of precaution \add concerning this\add* thing, saying, Lest \f + \fr 22:24 \fl Gr. \ft to-morrow. \f* hereafter your sons should say to our sons, What have you° to do with the Lord God of Israel?

JOS 22:24 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: But we have done this for the sake of precaution \add concerning this\add* thing, saying, Lest \f + \fr 22:24 \fl Gr. \ft to-morrow. \f* hereafter your sons should say to our sons, What have you° to do with the Lord God of Israel?

JOS 22:25 Removed trailing space in v~: Whereas the Lord has set boundaries between us and you, even Jordan, and you° have no portion \f + \fr 22:25 \fl Gr. \ft of. \f* in the Lord: so your sons shall alienate our sons, that they should not worship the Lord.

JOS 22:25 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Whereas the Lord has set boundaries between us and you, even Jordan, and you° have no portion \f + \fr 22:25 \fl Gr. \ft of. \f* in the Lord: so your sons shall alienate our sons, that they should not worship the Lord.

JOS 22:25 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Whereas the Lord has set boundaries between us and you, even Jordan, and you° have no portion \f + \fr 22:25 \fl Gr. \ft of. \f* in the Lord: so your sons shall alienate our sons, that they should not worship the Lord.

JOS 22:26 Removed trailing space in v~: And we \f + \fr 22:26 \fl Gr. \ft spoke. \f* gave orders to do thus, to build this altar, not for burnt offerings, nor for meat-offerings;

JOS 22:26 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And we \f + \fr 22:26 \fl Gr. \ft spoke. \f* gave orders to do thus, to build this altar, not for burnt offerings, nor for meat-offerings;

JOS 22:26 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And we \f + \fr 22:26 \fl Gr. \ft spoke. \f* gave orders to do thus, to build this altar, not for burnt offerings, nor for meat-offerings;

JOS 22:27 Removed trailing space in v~: but that this may be a witness between you and us, and between our posterity after us, that we may do service to the Lord before him, with our burnt offerings and our meat-offerings and our peace-offerings: so your sons shall not say to our sons, hereafter, You° have no portion in the Lord.

JOS 22:28 Removed trailing space in v~: And we said, If ever it should come to pass that they should speak \add so\add* to us, or to our posterity hereafter; then shall they say, Behold the likeness of the altar of the Lord, which our fathers made, not for the sake of burnt offerings, nor for the sake of meat-offerings, but it is a witness between you and us, and between our sons.

JOS 22:29 Removed trailing space in v~: Far be it from us therefore that we should turn away from the Lord this day so as to apostatize from the Lord, so as that we should build an altar for burnt offerings, and for \f + \fr 22:29 \ft A double translation in Greek. \f* peace-offerings, besides the altar of the Lord which is before his tabernacle.

JOS 22:29 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Far be it from us therefore that we should turn away from the Lord this day so as to apostatize from the Lord, so as that we should build an altar for burnt offerings, and for \f + \fr 22:29 \ft A double translation in Greek. \f* peace-offerings, besides the altar of the Lord which is before his tabernacle.

JOS 22:29 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Far be it from us therefore that we should turn away from the Lord this day so as to apostatize from the Lord, so as that we should build an altar for burnt offerings, and for \f + \fr 22:29 \ft A double translation in Greek. \f* peace-offerings, besides the altar of the Lord which is before his tabernacle.

JOS 22:30 Removed trailing space in v~: And Phinees the priest and all the chiefs of the congregation of Israel who were with him \f + \fr 22:30 \fl Gr. \ft having heard. \f* heard the words which the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse spoke; and it pleased them.

JOS 22:30 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Phinees the priest and all the chiefs of the congregation of Israel who were with him \f + \fr 22:30 \fl Gr. \ft having heard. \f* heard the words which the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse spoke; and it pleased them.

JOS 22:30 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Phinees the priest and all the chiefs of the congregation of Israel who were with him \f + \fr 22:30 \fl Gr. \ft having heard. \f* heard the words which the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse spoke; and it pleased them.

JOS 22:31 Removed trailing space in v~: And Phinees the priest said to the sons of Ruben, and to the sons of Gad, and to the half of the tribe of Manasse, To-day we know that the Lord \add is\add* with us, because you° have not trespassed grievously against the Lord, and because you° have delivered the children of Israel out of the hand of the Lord.

JOS 22:32 Removed trailing space in v~: So Phinees the priest and the princes departed from the children of Ruben, and from the children of Gad, and from the half tribe of Manasse out of Galaad into the land of Chanaan to the children of Israel; and reported the words to them.

JOS 22:33 Removed trailing space in v~: And it pleased the children of Israel; and they spoke to the children of Israel, and blessed the God of the children of Israel, and told them to go up no more to war against \f + \fr 22:33 \fl Gr. \ft them. \f* the others to destroy the land of the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse: so they lived upon it.

JOS 22:33 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And it pleased the children of Israel; and they spoke to the children of Israel, and blessed the God of the children of Israel, and told them to go up no more to war against \f + \fr 22:33 \fl Gr. \ft them. \f* the others to destroy the land of the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse: so they lived upon it.

JOS 22:33 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And it pleased the children of Israel; and they spoke to the children of Israel, and blessed the God of the children of Israel, and told them to go up no more to war against \f + \fr 22:33 \fl Gr. \ft them. \f* the others to destroy the land of the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse: so they lived upon it.

JOS 22:34 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua gave a name to the altar of the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse; and said, It is a testimony in the midst of them, that the Lord is their God.

JOS 23:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 23:0 Removed trailing space in c: 23

JOS 23:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass after many days after the Lord had given Israel rest from all his enemies round about, that Joshua was old and advanced in \f + \fr 23:1 \fl Gr. \ft days. \f* years.

JOS 23:1 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And it came to pass after many days after the Lord had given Israel rest from all his enemies round about, that Joshua was old and advanced in \f + \fr 23:1 \fl Gr. \ft days. \f* years.

JOS 23:1 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And it came to pass after many days after the Lord had given Israel rest from all his enemies round about, that Joshua was old and advanced in \f + \fr 23:1 \fl Gr. \ft days. \f* years.

JOS 23:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua called together all the children of Israel, and their elders, and their chiefs, and their judges, and their officers; and said to them, I am old and advanced in years.

JOS 23:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And you° have seen all that the Lord our God has done to all these nations before us; \add for it\add* is the Lord your God who has fought for you.

JOS 23:4 Removed trailing space in v~: See, that I have \f + \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft cast upon you. \f* given to you these nations that are left to you by lots to your tribes, all the nations beginning at Jordan; and \add some\add* I have destroyed; and \f + \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft he shall bound. \f* the boundaries shall be at the great sea westward.

JOS 23:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: See, that I have \f + \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft cast upon you. \f* given to you these nations that are left to you by lots to your tribes, all the nations beginning at Jordan; and \add some\add* I have destroyed; and \f + \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft he shall bound. \f* the boundaries shall be at the great sea westward.

JOS 23:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: See, that I have \f + \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft cast upon you. \f* given to you these nations that are left to you by lots to your tribes, all the nations beginning at Jordan; and \add some\add* I have destroyed; and \f + \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft he shall bound. \f* the boundaries shall be at the great sea westward.

JOS 23:4 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: See, that I have given to you these nations that are left to you by lots to your tribes, all the nations beginning at Jordan; and \add some\add* I have destroyed; and \f + \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft he shall bound. \f* the boundaries shall be at the great sea westward.

JOS 23:4 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: See, that I have given to you these nations that are left to you by lots to your tribes, all the nations beginning at Jordan; and \add some\add* I have destroyed; and \f + \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft he shall bound. \f* the boundaries shall be at the great sea westward.

JOS 23:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord our God, he shall destroy them before us, until they utterly perish; and he shall send against them the wild beasts, until he shall have utterly destroyed them and their kings from before you; and you° shall inherit their land, as the Lord our God said to you.

JOS 23:6 Removed trailing space in v~: Do you° therefore strive diligently to observe and do all things written in the book of the law of Moses, that you° turn not to the right hand or to the left;

JOS 23:7 Removed trailing space in v~: that you° go not in among these nations that are left; and the names of their gods shall not be named among you, neither shall you° serve them, neither shall you° bow down to them.

JOS 23:8 Removed trailing space in v~: But you° shall cleave to the Lord our God, as you° have done until this day.

JOS 23:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord shall destroy them before you, \add even\add* great and strong nations; and no one has stood before us until this day.

JOS 23:10 Removed trailing space in v~: One of you has chased a thousand, for the Lord our God, he fought for you, as he said to us.

JOS 23:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And take you° great heed to love the Lord our God.

JOS 23:12 Removed trailing space in v~: For if you° shall turn aside and attach yourselves to these nations that are left with you, and make marriages with them, and become mingled with them and they with you,

JOS 23:13 Removed trailing space in v~: know that the Lord will no more destroy these nations from before you; and they will be to you snares and stumbling blocks, and nails in your heels, and darts in your eyes, until you° be destroyed from off this good land, which the Lord your God has given you.

JOS 23:14 Removed trailing space in v~: But I hasten to go the way \add of death\add*, as all that are upon the earth also \add do\add*: and you° know in your heart and in your soul, that not one word has fallen \add to the ground\add* of all the words which the Lord our God has spoken respecting all that concerns us; there has not one of them failed.

JOS 23:15 Removed trailing space in v~: And it shall come to pass, that as all the good things are come upon us which the Lord God will bring upon you all the evil things, until he shall have destroyed you from off this good land, which the Lord has given you,

JOS 23:16 Removed trailing space in v~: when you° transgress the covenant of the Lord our God, which he has charged us, and go and serve other gods, and bow down to them.

JOS 24:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JOS 24:0 Removed trailing space in c: 24

JOS 24:1 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua gathered all the tribe of Israel to Selo, and convoked their elders, and their officers, and their judges, and set them before God.

JOS 24:2 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to all the people, Thus says the Lord God of Israel, Your fathers at first sojourned beyond the river, \add even\add* Thara, the father of Abraam and the father of Nachor; and they served other gods.

JOS 24:3 Removed trailing space in v~: And I took your father Abraam from the other side of the river, and I guided him \f + \fr 24:3 \fl Gr. \ft in. \f* through all the land, and I multiplied his seed;

JOS 24:3 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And I took your father Abraam from the other side of the river, and I guided him \f + \fr 24:3 \fl Gr. \ft in. \f* through all the land, and I multiplied his seed;

JOS 24:3 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And I took your father Abraam from the other side of the river, and I guided him \f + \fr 24:3 \fl Gr. \ft in. \f* through all the land, and I multiplied his seed;

JOS 24:4 Removed trailing space in v~: and I gave to him Isaac, and to Isaac Jacob and Esau: and I gave to Esau mount Seir for him to inherit: and Jacob and his sons went down to Egypt, and became there a great and populous and mighty nation: and the Egyptians afflicted them.

JOS 24:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And I struck Egypt with the wonders that I wrought among them.

JOS 24:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And afterwards \add God\add* brought out our fathers from Egypt, and you° entered into the Red Sea; and the Egyptians pursued after our fathers with chariots and horses into the Red Sea.

JOS 24:7 Removed trailing space in v~: And we cried aloud to the Lord; and he \f + \fr 24:7 \fl Gr. \ft gave. \f* put a cloud and darkness between us and the Egyptians, and he brought the sea upon them, and covered them; and your eyes have seen all that the Lord did in the land of Egypt; and you° were in the wilderness many days.

JOS 24:7 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And we cried aloud to the Lord; and he \f + \fr 24:7 \fl Gr. \ft gave. \f* put a cloud and darkness between us and the Egyptians, and he brought the sea upon them, and covered them; and your eyes have seen all that the Lord did in the land of Egypt; and you° were in the wilderness many days.

JOS 24:7 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And we cried aloud to the Lord; and he \f + \fr 24:7 \fl Gr. \ft gave. \f* put a cloud and darkness between us and the Egyptians, and he brought the sea upon them, and covered them; and your eyes have seen all that the Lord did in the land of Egypt; and you° were in the wilderness many days.

JOS 24:8 Removed trailing space in v~: And he brought us into the land of the Amorites that lived beyond Jordan, and the Lord delivered them into our hands; and you° inherited their land, and utterly destroyed them from before you.

JOS 24:9 Removed trailing space in v~: And Balac, king of Moab, son of Sepphor, rose up, and \f + \fr 24:9 \fl Gr. \ft set himself in array. \f* made war against Israel, and sent and called Balaam to curse us.

JOS 24:9 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Balac, king of Moab, son of Sepphor, rose up, and \f + \fr 24:9 \fl Gr. \ft set himself in array. \f* made war against Israel, and sent and called Balaam to curse us.

JOS 24:9 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And Balac, king of Moab, son of Sepphor, rose up, and \f + \fr 24:9 \fl Gr. \ft set himself in array. \f* made war against Israel, and sent and called Balaam to curse us.

JOS 24:10 Removed trailing space in v~: But the Lord your God would not destroy you; and he greatly blessed us, and rescued us out of their hands, and delivered them \add to us\add*.

JOS 24:11 Removed trailing space in v~: And you° crossed over Jordan, and came to Jericho; and the inhabitants of Jericho fought against us, the Amorite, and the Chananite, and the Pherezite, and the Evite, and the Jebusite, and the Chettite, and the Gergesite, and the Lord delivered them into our hands.

JOS 24:12 Removed trailing space in v~: And he sent forth the hornet before you; and he drove them out from before you, \add even\add* twelve kings of the Amorites, not with your sword, nor with your bow.

JOS 24:13 Removed trailing space in v~: And he gave you a land on which you° did not labor, and cities which you° did not build, and you° were settled in them; and you° \f + \fr 24:13 \fl Or, \ft shall eat. \f* eat \add of\add* vineyards and olive yards which you° did not plant.

JOS 24:13 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And he gave you a land on which you° did not labor, and cities which you° did not build, and you° were settled in them; and you° \f + \fr 24:13 \fl Or, \ft shall eat. \f* eat \add of\add* vineyards and olive yards which you° did not plant.

JOS 24:13 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And he gave you a land on which you° did not labor, and cities which you° did not build, and you° were settled in them; and you° \f + \fr 24:13 \fl Or, \ft shall eat. \f* eat \add of\add* vineyards and olive yards which you° did not plant.

JOS 24:14 Removed trailing space in v~: And now fear the Lord, and serve him in righteousness and justice; and remove the strange gods, which our fathers served beyond the river, and in Egypt; and serve the Lord.

JOS 24:15 Removed trailing space in v~: But if it seem not good to you to serve the Lord, choose to yourselves this day whom you° will serve, whether the gods of your fathers that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, among whom you° dwell upon their land: but I and my house will serve the Lord, for he is holy.

JOS 24:16 Removed trailing space in v~: And the people answered and said, Far be it from us to forsake the Lord, so as to serve other gods.

JOS 24:17 Removed trailing space in v~: The Lord our God, he is God; he brought up us and our fathers from Egypt, and kept us in all the way wherein we walked, and among all the nations \f + \fr 24:17 \fl Gr. \ft whom we passed through them. \fl Hebraism \ft See Mark 1. 7. Luke 3. 16. 1 Pet 2. 24. \f* through whom we passed.

JOS 24:17 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: The Lord our God, he is God; he brought up us and our fathers from Egypt, and kept us in all the way wherein we walked, and among all the nations \f + \fr 24:17 \fl Gr. \ft whom we passed through them. \fl Hebraism \ft See Mark 1. 7. Luke 3. 16. 1 Pet 2. 24. \f* through whom we passed.

JOS 24:17 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: The Lord our God, he is God; he brought up us and our fathers from Egypt, and kept us in all the way wherein we walked, and among all the nations \f + \fr 24:17 \fl Gr. \ft whom we passed through them. \fl Hebraism \ft See Mark 1. 7. Luke 3. 16. 1 Pet 2. 24. \f* through whom we passed.

JOS 24:18 Removed trailing space in v~: And the Lord cast out the Amorite, and all the nations that inhabited the land from before us: yes, we will serve the Lord, for he is our God.

JOS 24:19 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to the people, Indeed you° will not be able to serve the Lord, for God is holy; and he being jealous will not forgive your sins and your transgressions.

JOS 24:20 Removed trailing space in v~: Whenever you° shall forsake the Lord and serve other gods, then he shall come upon you and afflict you, and consume you, \f + \fr 24:20 \fl Or, \ft whereas on the contrary. \f* because he has done you good.

JOS 24:20 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: Whenever you° shall forsake the Lord and serve other gods, then he shall come upon you and afflict you, and consume you, \f + \fr 24:20 \fl Or, \ft whereas on the contrary. \f* because he has done you good.

JOS 24:20 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: Whenever you° shall forsake the Lord and serve other gods, then he shall come upon you and afflict you, and consume you, \f + \fr 24:20 \fl Or, \ft whereas on the contrary. \f* because he has done you good.

JOS 24:21 Removed trailing space in v~: And the people said to Joshua, Nay, but we will serve the Lord.

JOS 24:22 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to the people, You° \add are\add* witnesses against yourselves, that you° have chosen the Lord to serve him.

JOS 24:23 Removed trailing space in v~: And now take away the strange gods that are among you, and set your heart right toward the Lord God of Israel.

JOS 24:24 Removed trailing space in v~: And the people said to Joshua, We will serve the Lord, and we will listen to his voice.

JOS 24:25 Removed trailing space in v~: So Joshua made a covenant with the people on that day, and gave them a law and an ordinance in Selo before the tabernacle of the God of Israel.

JOS 24:26 Removed trailing space in v~: And he wrote these words in the book of the laws of God: and Joshua took a great stone, and set it up under the \f + \fr 24:26 \fl Gr. \ft Properly a pine or turpentine tree. So chap. 17. 9. \f* oak before the Lord.

JOS 24:26 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And he wrote these words in the book of the laws of God: and Joshua took a great stone, and set it up under the \f + \fr 24:26 \fl Gr. \ft Properly a pine or turpentine tree. So chap. 17. 9. \f* oak before the Lord.

JOS 24:26 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: And he wrote these words in the book of the laws of God: and Joshua took a great stone, and set it up under the \f + \fr 24:26 \fl Gr. \ft Properly a pine or turpentine tree. So chap. 17. 9. \f* oak before the Lord.

JOS 24:27 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua said to the people, Behold, this stone shall be among you for a witness, for it has heard all the words that have been spoken to it by the Lord; for he has spoken to you this day; and this \add stone\add* shall be among you for a witness in the last days, whenever you° shall deal falsely with the Lord my God.

JOS 24:28 Removed trailing space in v~: And Joshua dismissed the people, and they went every man to his place.

JOS 24:29 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass after these things that Joshua the son of Naue the servant of the Lord died, \add at the age\add* of a hundred and ten years.

JOS 24:30 Removed trailing space in v~: And they buried him by the borders of his inheritance in Thamnasarach in the mount of Ephraim, northward of the mount of Galaad: there they put with him into the tomb in which they buried him, the knives of stone with which he circumcised the children of Israel in Galgala, when he brought them out of Egypt, as the Lord appointed them; and there they are to this day.

JOS 24:31 Removed trailing space in v~: And Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that \f + \fr 24:31 \fl Gr. \ft drew out the time with Joshua. \fl Hebraism.\f* lived as long as Joshua, and all that knew all the works of the Lord which he wrought for Israel.

JOS 24:31 Found footnote preceded by a space in \v~: And Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that \f + \fr 24:31 \fl Gr. \ft drew out the time with Joshua. \fl Hebraism.\f* lived as long as Joshua, and all that knew all the works of the Lord which he wrought for Israel.

JOS 24:32 Removed trailing space in v~: And the children of Israel brought up the bones of Joseph out of Egypt, and buried \add them\add* in Sicima, in the portion of the land which Jacob bought of the Amorites who lived in Sicima for a hundred ewe-lambs; and he gave it to Joseph for a portion.

JOS 24:33 Removed trailing space in v~: And it came to pass afterwards that Eleazar the high-priest the son of Aaron died, and was buried in Gabaar of Phinees his son, which he gave him in mount Ephraim. In that day the children of Israel took the ark of God, and carried it about among them; and Phinees exercised the priest's office in the room of Eleazar his father till he died, and he was buried in his own place Gabaar: but the children of Israel departed every one to their place, and to their own city: and the children of Israel worshipped Astarte, and Astaroth, and the gods of the nations round about them; and the Lord delivered them into the hands of Eglom king of Moab and he ruled over them eighteen years.


Newline Marker Errors

JOS 1:0 Missing Introduction section (went from Header straight to Numbering section with c marker)

Modified Marker List

All Newline Marker Counts

 c: 24    h: 1    id: 1    mt1: 1    p: 24    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    Total: 706    v: 652  

All Newline Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 id: 1    h: 1    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    mt1: 1    c: 24    p: 24    v: 652    Total: 706  

Functional Marker Counts

 Book Header: 1    Book ID: 1    Chapters: 24    Paragraphs: 24    Verses: 652  

Functional Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 Book ID: 1    Book Header: 1    Chapters: 24    Paragraphs: 24    Verses: 652  


Possible Character Errors

JOS 1:4 Multiple spaces in 'The wilderness and Antilibanus, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, and as far as the··extremity of the sea; your coasts shall be from the setting of the sun.'

JOS 1:4 Multiple spaces in '1:4··Or, last, or, farthest sea.'

JOS 1:5 Multiple spaces in 'Not a man shall stand against you all the days of your life; and as I was with Moses, so will I also be with you, and··I will not fail you, or neglect you.'

JOS 1:5 Multiple spaces in '1:5··Heb 13:5'

JOS 1:6 Multiple spaces in "Be strong and 'quit yourself like a man, for you shall divide the land to this people, which I sware to give to··your fathers."

JOS 1:6 Multiple spaces in '1:6··Gr. to your fathers, to give them.'

JOS 1:7 Multiple spaces in 'Be strong, therefore, and quit yourself like a man, to observe and do as Moses my servant commanded you; and you shall not turn··therefrom to the right hand or to the left, that you may be wise in whatever you may do.'

JOS 1:7 Multiple spaces in '1:7··Gr. from them, sc. the commands.'

JOS 1:11 Multiple spaces in 'Go into the midst of the camp of the people, and command the people, saying, Prepare provisions; for yet three days and you°··shall go over this Jordan, entering in to take possession of the land, which the Lord God of your fathers gives to you.'

JOS 1:11 Multiple spaces in '1:11··Gr. do go over.'

JOS 1:14 Multiple spaces in 'Let your wives and your children and your cattle dwell in the land, which he has given you; and you° shall go over··well armed before your brethren, every one of you who is strong; and you° shall fight on their side;'

JOS 1:14 Multiple spaces in '1:14··Or, in good order.'

JOS 2:4 Multiple spaces in 'And the woman took the two men and hid them; and she spoke to··the messengers, saying, The men came in to me,'

JOS 2:4 Multiple spaces in '2:4··Gr. them.'

JOS 2:5 Multiple spaces in 'but when the gate was shut in the··evening, the men went out; I know not whither they are gone: follow after them, if you°··may overtake them.'

JOS 2:5 Multiple spaces in '2:5··Gr. dark.'

JOS 2:5 Multiple spaces in '2:5··Gr. shall.'

JOS 2:18 Multiple spaces in 'Behold,··we shall enter into a part of the city, and you shall set··a sign; you shall bind this scarlet cord in the window, by which you have let us down, and you shall bring in to yourself, into your house, your father, and your mother, and your brethren, and all the family of your father.'

JOS 2:18 Multiple spaces in '2:18··Gr. do enter.'

JOS 2:18 Multiple spaces in '2:18··Gr. the sign.'

JOS 3:4 Multiple spaces in 'But let there be a distance between you and it; you° shall stand as much as two thousand cubits from it. Do not draw near to it, that you° may know the way which you° are to go; for you° have not gone the way··before.'

JOS 3:4 Multiple spaces in '3:4··Gr. from yesterday and the third day. A frequent Hebraism.'

JOS 3:9 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua said to the children of Israel,··Come hither, and listen to the word of the Lord our God.'

JOS 3:9 Multiple spaces in '3:9··Gr. bring hither. sc. yourselves.'

JOS 3:15 Multiple spaces in 'And when the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord entered upon Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord were dipped in part of the water of Jordan; (now Jordan··overflowed all its banks··about the time of wheat harvest:)'

JOS 3:15 Multiple spaces in '3:15··Gr. its whole channel.'

JOS 3:15 Multiple spaces in '3:15··Gr. as on the days.'

JOS 3:16 Multiple spaces in 'then the waters that came down from above stopped; there stood one solid heap very far off, as far as··the region of Kariathiarim, and··the lower part came down to the sea of Araba, the salt sea, till it completely failed; and the people stood opposite Jericho.'

JOS 3:16 Multiple spaces in '3:16··Gr. a part.'

JOS 3:16 Multiple spaces in '3:16··Gr. that which came down.'

JOS 4:3 Multiple spaces in 'and charge them; and you° shall take out of the midst of Jordan twelve··fit stones, and having carried them across together with yourselves, place them in your camp, where you° shall encamp for the night.'

JOS 4:3 Multiple spaces in '4:3··Gr. ready. Heb. הכיך. A.V. firm, applied to the foot of the priests.'

JOS 4:4 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua having called twelve men··of distinction among the children of Israel, one of each tribe,'

JOS 4:4 Multiple spaces in '4:4··Gr. of the distinguished, or, illustrious.'

JOS 4:6 Multiple spaces in 'that these may be to you continually for an appointed sign, that when your son asks you··in future, saying, What are these stones to us?'

JOS 4:6 Multiple spaces in '4:6··Gr. of the distinguished, or, illustrious.'

JOS 4:7 Multiple spaces in 'then you may explain to your son, saying, The river Jordan was··dried up from before the ark of the covenant of the Lord of the whole earth, when it passed it: and these stones shall be for a memorial for you for the children of Israel for ever.'

JOS 4:7 Multiple spaces in '4:7··Gr. failed.'

JOS 4:12 Multiple spaces in 'And the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse passed over··armed before the children of Israel, as Moses commanded them.'

JOS 4:12 Multiple spaces in '4:12··Or, equipped.'

JOS 4:13 Multiple spaces in 'Forty thousand··armed for battle went over before the Lord to war, to the city of Jericho.'

JOS 4:13 Multiple spaces in '4:13··Gr. in good order.'

JOS 5:1 Multiple spaces in 'And it came to pass when the kings of the Amorites who were beyond Jordan heard, and the kings of Phoenicia by the sea, that the Lord God had dried up the river Jordan from before the children of Israel when they passed over, that their hearts failed, and··they were terror-stricken, and there was no sense in them··because of the children of Israel.'

JOS 5:1 Multiple spaces in '5:1··Gr. their minds or thoughts melted.'

JOS 5:1 Multiple spaces in '5:1··Gr. from the face of.'

JOS 5:8 Multiple spaces in 'And when they had been circumcised they rested··continuing there in the camp till they were healed.'

JOS 5:8 Multiple spaces in '5:8··Gr. sitting. A frequent Hebraism.'

JOS 6:2 Multiple spaces in 'And the Lord said to Joshua, Behold, I deliver Jericho into your power, and its king in it,··and its mighty men.'

JOS 6:2 Multiple spaces in '6:2··Gr. mighty in strength.'

JOS 6:4 Multiple spaces in 'And it shall be that when you° shall sound with the trumpet,··all the people shall shout together.'

JOS 6:4 Multiple spaces in '6:4··Gr. let all the people, etc.'

JOS 6:5 Multiple spaces in 'And when they have shouted, the walls of the city shall fall··of themselves; and all the people shall enter, each one rushing direct into the city.'

JOS 6:5 Multiple spaces in '6:5··Or, of their own accord.'

JOS 6:7 Multiple spaces in 'And let seven priests having seven··sacred trumpets proceed thus before the Lord, and let them sound loudly; and let the ark of the covenant of the Lord follow.'

JOS 6:7 Multiple spaces in "6:7··Heb. שופרוה היוכליס A.V. 'ram's horns.' Only in this place."

JOS 6:10 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua commanded the people, saying, Cry not out, nor let any one hear your voice, until he himself declare to you the··time to cry out, and then you° shall cry out.'

JOS 6:10 Multiple spaces in '6:10··Gr. day.'

JOS 6:17 Multiple spaces in 'And the city shall be··devoted, it and all things that are in it, to the Lord of Hosts: only do you° save Raab the harlot, and all things in her house.'

JOS 6:17 Multiple spaces in '6:17··Or, an accursed thing.'

JOS 6:21 Multiple spaces in 'and Joshua devoted it to destruction, and all things that were in the city, man and woman, young man and old, and calf and ass, with the··edge of the sword.'

JOS 6:21 Multiple spaces in '6:21··Gr. mouth.'

JOS 6:26 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua adjured them on that day before the Lord, saying, Cursed be the man who shall build that city: he shall lay the foundation of it in his firstborn, and he shall set up the gates of it in his youngest son. And so did Hozan of Baethel; he laid the foundation in Abiron his firstborn, and set up the gates of it in his youngest··surviving son.'

JOS 6:26 Multiple spaces in '6:26··Gr. saved.'

JOS 7:7 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua said, I pray, Lord, therefore has your servant brought this people over Jordan to deliver them to the Amorite to destroy us?··would we had remained and settled ourselves beyond Jordan.'

JOS 7:7 Multiple spaces in '7:7··Gr. and if we had.'

JOS 7:8 Multiple spaces in 'And what shall I say since Israel has turned his··back before his enemy?'

JOS 7:8 Multiple spaces in '7:8··Gr. neck. Heb. שף the back of the neck.'

JOS 7:24 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua took Achar the son of Zara, and brought him to the valley of Achor, and his sons, and his daughters, and his calves, and his asses, and all his sheep, and his tent, and all his property, and all the people were with him; and he brought them to··Emec Achor.'

JOS 7:24 Multiple spaces in '7:24··Heb. צמק צכור valley of trouble.'

JOS 7:25 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua said to Achar, Why have you destroyed us? the Lord destroy you··as at this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones.'

JOS 7:25 Multiple spaces in '7:25··Gr. as also today.'

JOS 7:26 Multiple spaces in 'And they set up over him a great heap of stones; and the Lord ceased from his fierce anger. Therefore he called··the place Emecachor until this day.'

JOS 7:26 Multiple spaces in '7:26··Gr. it.'

JOS 8:10 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua rose up early in the morning, and··numbered the people; and he went up, he and the elders before the people to Gai.'

JOS 8:10 Multiple spaces in '8:10··Gr. reviewed.'

JOS 8:19 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua stretched out his hand and his spear toward the city, and the ambuscade rose up quickly out of their place; and they came forth when he stretched out his hand; and they entered into the city, and took it; and they hasted and··burnt the city with fire.'

JOS 8:19 Multiple spaces in '8:19··Or, set it on fire.'

JOS 8:21 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambuscade··had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city went up to heaven; and they turned and struck the men of Gai.'

JOS 8:21 Multiple spaces in '8:21··Gr. took.'

JOS 8:29 Multiple spaces in 'And he hanged the king of Gai on a··gallows; and he remained on the tree till evening: and when the sun went down, Joshua gave charge, and they took down his body from the tree, and cast it into··a pit, and they set over him a heap of stones until this day.'

JOS 8:29 Multiple spaces in '8:29··Gr. double tree.'

JOS 8:29 Multiple spaces in '8:29··Gr. the pit or trench. For vv. 30-35, see chap. 8. 2.'

JOS 8:31 Multiple spaces in 'as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded the children of Israel, as it is written in the law of Moses, an altar of unhewn stones, on which iron··had not been lifted up; and he offered there whole burnt offerings to the Lord, and a peace-offering.'

JOS 8:31 Multiple spaces in '8:31··Gr. was not lifted up.'

JOS 8:32 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua wrote upon the stones··a copy of the law, even the law of Moses, before the children of Israel.'

JOS 8:32 Multiple spaces in '8:32··Or, a Deuteronomy.'

JOS 9:1 Multiple spaces in '9:1··Note: Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text'

JOS 9:2 Multiple spaces in '9:2··Note: Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text'

JOS 9:5 Multiple spaces in 'and the upper part of their shoes and their sandals old and clouted on their feet, and their garments old upon them—and the bread of their provision was dry and moldy and··corrupt.'

JOS 9:5 Multiple spaces in '9:5··Gr. eaten, sc. of worms and maggots.'

JOS 9:16 Multiple spaces in 'And it came to pass··three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were near neighbors, and that they··lived among them.'

JOS 9:16 Multiple spaces in '9:16··Gr. after three days after, etc.'

JOS 9:16 Multiple spaces in '9:16··Gr. dwell.'

JOS 9:24 Multiple spaces in 'And they answered Joshua, saying, It was reported to us what the Lord your God charged his servant Moses, to give you this land, and to destroy us and all that lived on it from before you; and we feared very much for our lives··because of you, and therefore we did this thing.'

JOS 9:24 Multiple spaces in '9:24··Gr. from before you.'

JOS 9:27 Multiple spaces in "9:27··The following verses are additions to Brenton's text from the alexandrine codex. Verses after 33 appear only in the Hebrew text."

JOS 9:30 Trailing space in 'Then Joshua built an altar to the Lord God of Israel in mount Gebal, '

JOS 9:31-32 Trailing space in 'as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded the children of Israel, as it was written in the law of Moses, an altar of unhewn stones, on which iron had not been lifted up: and he offered there whole burnt offerings to the Lord, and a piece offering. And Joshua wrote upon the stones a copy of the law, even the law of Moses, before the children of Israel. '

JOS 9:33 Trailing space in 'And all Israel, and their elders, and their judges, and their scribes, passed on one side and on the other, before the ark; and the priests and the levites took up the ark of the covenant of the Lord; and the stranger and the native were there, who were half of them near mount Gebal, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded at first, to bless the people. '

JOS 10:2 Multiple spaces in 'then they were greatly terrified by them, for the king knew that Gabaon was a great city, as one of the··chief cities, and all its men were mighty.'

JOS 10:2 Multiple spaces in '10:2··Gr. mother-cities.'

JOS 10:4 Multiple spaces in 'Come up hither to me, and help me, and let us take Gabaon; for the··Gabaonites have gone over to Joshua and to the children of Israel.'

JOS 10:4 Multiple spaces in '10:4··Gr. they.'

JOS 10:13 Multiple spaces in 'And the sun and the moon stood still, until God executed vengeance on their enemies; and the sun stood still in the midst of heaven; it did not proceed to set till the end of··one day.'

JOS 10:13 Multiple spaces in '10:13··i.e. additional day without a night between.'

JOS 10:19 Multiple spaces in 'But do not you° stand, but pursue after your enemies, and··attack the rear of them, and do not suffer them to enter into their cities; for the Lord our God has delivered them into our hands.'

JOS 10:19 Multiple spaces in '10:19··Gr. fasten upon or seize.'

JOS 10:21 Multiple spaces in 'And all the people returned··safe to Joshua to Makeda; and no one of the children of Israel murmured with his tongue.'

JOS 10:21 Multiple spaces in '10:21··Gr. sound, or healthy.'

JOS 10:24 Multiple spaces in 'And when they brought them out to Joshua, then Joshua called together all Israel, and the chiefs··of the army that went with him, saying to them, Come forward and set your feet on their necks; and they came and set their feet on their necks.'

JOS 10:24 Multiple spaces in '10:24··Gr. of the war.'

JOS 10:28 Multiple spaces in 'And they took Makeda on that day, and killed··the inhabitants with the··edge of the sword, and they utterly destroyed every living thing that was in it; and there was none left in it that was preserved and had escaped; and they did to the king of Makeda, as they did to the king of Jericho.'

JOS 10:28 Multiple spaces in '10:28··Gr. it.'

JOS 10:28 Multiple spaces in '10:28··Gr. mouth.'

JOS 10:32 Multiple spaces in 'And the Lord delivered Lachis into the hands of Israel; and··they took it on the second day, and they put the inhabitants to death with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed it, as they had done to Lebna.'

JOS 10:32 Multiple spaces in '10:32··Gr. he, i.e. Israel.'

JOS 10:34 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua and all Israel with him departed from Lachis to Odollam, and he besieged it and··took it.'

JOS 10:34 Multiple spaces in '10:34··Or, vigourously attacked it.'

JOS 10:40 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua struck all the land of the hill country, and··Nageb and the plain country, and Asedoth, and her kings, they did not leave of them one that was saved: and they utterly destroyed every thing that had the breath of life, as the Lord God of Israel commanded,'

JOS 10:40 Multiple spaces in '10:40··Heb. south.'

JOS 11:7 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua and all the men of war came upon them··at the water of Maron suddenly; and they attacked them in the hill country.'

JOS 11:7 Multiple spaces in '11:7··Gr. to.'

JOS 11:20 Multiple spaces in 'For it was of the Lord to··harden their hearts to go forth to war against Israel, that they might be utterly destroyed, that mercy should not be granted to them, but that they should be utterly destroyed, as the Lord said to Moses.'

JOS 11:20 Multiple spaces in '11:20··Gr. strengthen.'

JOS 11:21 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua came at that time, and utterly destroyed the Enakim out of the hill country, from Chebron and from Dabir, and from Anaboth, and from all the··race of Israel, and from all the mountain of Juda with their cities; and Joshua utterly destroyed them.'

JOS 11:21 Multiple spaces in '11:21··Heb. ישראל הר probably הר for רור a mountain, not a generation.'

JOS 12:2 Multiple spaces in 'Seon king of the Amorites, who lived in Esebon, ruling from Arnon, which is in the valley,··on the side of the valley, and half of Galaad as far as Jaboc, the borders of the children of Ammon.'

JOS 12:2 Multiple spaces in '12:2··another reading is ἐπὶ τοῦ χείλους, on the slope or, edge.'

JOS 12:23 Multiple spaces in 'the king of··Odollam belonging to Phennealdor, the king of Gei of Galilee:'

JOS 12:23 Multiple spaces in '12:23··Heb. Dor, in the coast of Dor.'

JOS 13:1 Multiple spaces in 'And Joshua was old and very advanced in years; and the Lord said to Joshua, You are advanced in··years, and there is much land left to inherit.'

JOS 13:1 Multiple spaces in '13:1··Gr. days.'

JOS 13:3 Multiple spaces in 'from the··wilderness before Egypt, as far as the borders of Accaron on the left of the Chananites the land is reckoned to the five principalities of the Phylistines, to the inhabitant of Gaza, and of Azotus, and of Ascalon, and of Geth, and of Accaron, and to the Evite;'

JOS 13:3 Multiple spaces in '13:3··Gr. uninhabited country.'

JOS 13:8 Multiple spaces in 'From Jordan to the great sea westward you shall give it them: the great sea shall be the boundary. But to the two tribes and to the half tribe of Manasse, to Ruben and to Gad Moses gave an inheritance beyond Jordan: Moses the servant of the Lord gave it to··them eastward,'

JOS 13:8 Multiple spaces in '13:8··Gr. him.'

JOS 13:28 Multiple spaces in 'This is the inheritance of the children of Gad according to their families and according to their cities: according to their families they will turn their··backs before their enemies, because their cities and their villages were according to their families.'

JOS 13:28 Multiple spaces in '13:28··Gr. necks. See note on chap. 7. 12.'

JOS 14:8 Multiple spaces in 'My brethren that went up with me turned away the heart of the people, but I··applied my self to follow the Lord my God.'

JOS 14:8 Multiple spaces in "14:8··Or, according to the Heb. idiom, 'fully followed.'"

JOS 14:15 Multiple spaces in 'And the name of Chebron before was the city Argob, it is the··metropolis of the Enakim: and the land rested from war.'

JOS 14:15 Multiple spaces in '14:15··Gr. mother-cities.'

JOS 15:2 Multiple spaces in 'And their borders were from the south as far as a part of the salt sea from the··high country that extends southward.'

JOS 15:2 Multiple spaces in '15:2··Gr. neck. Heb. tongue.'

JOS 15:7 Multiple spaces in 'And the borders continue on to··the fourth part of the valley of Achor, and go down to Galgal, which is before the approach of Adammin, which is southward in the valley, and terminate at the water of the fountain of the sun; and their going forth shall be the fountain of Rogel.'

JOS 15:7 Multiple spaces in '15:7··So the Greek. There seems to be a reading of the word רכרה as if part of רכצ.'

JOS 15:15 Multiple spaces in 'And Chaleb went up thence to the inhabitants of Dabir; and the name of Dabir before was··the city of Letters.'

JOS 15:15 Multiple spaces in '15:15··Heb. Kirjath-sepher.'

JOS 15:18 Multiple spaces in 'And it came to pass as she went out that she counselled him, saying, I will ask of my father a field; and she cried from off her ass; and Chaleb said to her,··What is it?'

JOS 15:18 Multiple spaces in '15:18··What has you to say?··or··of what have you need?'

JOS 16:8 Multiple spaces in 'And the borders will proceed from··Tapho to the sea to Chelcana; and their termination will be at the sea; this is the inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim according to their families.'

JOS 16:8 Multiple spaces in '16:8··Or, Taphos, or Taphon, etc.'

JOS 17:1 Multiple spaces in 'And the borders of the tribe of the children of Manasse, (for he was the firstborn··of Joseph,) assigned to Machir the firstborn of Manasse the father of Galaad, for he was a warrior, were in the land of Galaad and of Basan.'

JOS 17:1 Multiple spaces in '17:1··Gr. to.'

JOS 17:10 Multiple spaces in 'Southward the land belongs to Ephraim, and northward to Manasse; and the sea shall be their coast; and northward they shall border upon··Aseb, and eastward upon Issachar.'

JOS 17:10 Multiple spaces in '17:10··Alex. Aser.'

JOS 17:12 Multiple spaces in 'And the sons of Manasse were not able to destroy these cities; and the Chananite began to dwell in··that land.'

JOS 17:12 Multiple spaces in '17:12··Gr. this.'

JOS 18:4 Multiple spaces in '18:4··Gr. give.'

JOS 18:5 Multiple spaces in 'And they··came to him: and he divided to them seven portions, saying, Juda shall stand to them a border southward, and the sons of Joseph shall stand to them northward.'

JOS 18:5 Multiple spaces in '18:5··Gr. went through.'

JOS 18:6 Multiple spaces in 'And do you° divide the land into seven parts, and bring the description hither to me, and I will··give you a lot before the Lord our God.'

JOS 18:6 Multiple spaces in '18:6··Gr. bring out.'

JOS 18:8 Multiple spaces in 'And the men rose up and went; and Joshua charged the men who went to··explore the land, saying, Go and explore the land, and come to me, and I will bring you forth a lot here before the Lord in Selo.'

JOS 18:8 Multiple spaces in '18:8··Or, walk through.'

JOS 19:11 Multiple spaces in 'the sea and Magelda, and it shall reach to··Baetharaba in the valley, which is opposite Jekman.'

JOS 19:11 Multiple spaces in '19:11··Or, at or towards.'

JOS 19:27 Multiple spaces in 'And it will return··westward from Baethegeneth, and will join Zabulon and Ekgai, and Phthaeel northwards, and the borders will come to Saphthaebaethme, and Inael, and will go on to Chobamasomel,'

JOS 19:27 Multiple spaces in '19:27··Gr. from the rising of the sun.'

JOS 19:48 Multiple spaces in 'And the sons of Dan went and fought against Lachis, and took it, and struck it with the··edge of the sword; and they lived in it, and called the name of it Lasendan: and the Amorite continued to dwell in Edom and in Salamin: and the hand of Ephraim prevailed against them, and they became tribute to them.'

JOS 19:48 Multiple spaces in '19:48··Gr. mouth.'

JOS 19:51 Multiple spaces in 'These are the divisions which Eleazar the priest divided by lot, and Joshua the son of Naue, and the heads of families among the tribes of Israel, according to the lots, in Selo before the Lord by the doors of the tabernacle of testimony, and they··went to take possession of the land.'

JOS 19:51 Multiple spaces in '19:51··Heb. finished dividing. The LXX seems to have read הלך for חלקץ.'

JOS 20:2 Multiple spaces in 'Speak to the children of Israel, saying,··Assign the cities··of refuge, of which I spoke to you by Moses.'

JOS 20:2 Multiple spaces in '20:2··Gr. give.'

JOS 20:2 Multiple spaces in '20:2··Gr. refugees.'

JOS 20:3 Multiple spaces in 'Even a refuge to the slayer who has struck a··man unintentionally; and the cities shall be to you a refuge, and the slayer shall not be put to death by the avenger of blood, until he have stood before the congregation for judgment.'

JOS 20:3 Multiple spaces in '20:3··Gr. life or soul.'

JOS 20:4 Multiple spaces in 'And··Joshua separated Cades in Galilee in the mount··Nephthali, and Sychem in the mount Ephraim, and the city of Arboc; this is Chebron, in the mountain of Juda.'

JOS 20:4 Multiple spaces in '20:4··Gr. he.'

JOS 20:4 Multiple spaces in '20:4··Or, of N.'

JOS 20:5 Multiple spaces in 'And beyond Jordan he··appointed Bosor in the wilderness in the plain out of the tribe of Ruben, and Aremoth in Galaad out of the tribe of Gad, and Gaulon in the country of Basan out of the tribe of Manasse.'

JOS 20:5 Multiple spaces in '20:5··Gr. gave.'

JOS 21:2 Multiple spaces in 'And they spoke to them in Selo in the land of Chanaan, saying, The Lord gave commandment by··Moses to give us cities to dwell in, and the country round about for our cattle.'

JOS 21:2 Multiple spaces in '21:2··Gr. the hand of Moses.'

JOS 21:4 Multiple spaces in 'And the lot came out for the children of Caath; and the sons of Aaron, the priests the Levites, had by lot thirteen cities··out of the tribe of Juda, and out of the tribe of Symeon, and out of the tribe of Benjamin.'

JOS 21:4 Multiple spaces in '21:4··Gr. from.'

JOS 21:6 Multiple spaces in 'And the sons of Gedson had thirteen cities, out of the tribe of Issachar, and out of the tribe of Aser, and out of the tribe of Nephthali, and out of the half tribe of Manasse in··Basan.'

JOS 21:6 Multiple spaces in '21:6··Or, the land of Basan.'

JOS 21:10 Multiple spaces in 'to the sons of Aaron of the family of Caath of the sons of Levi, for the lot··fell to these.'

JOS 21:10 Multiple spaces in '21:10··Gr. was.'

JOS 21:11 Multiple spaces in 'And··they gave to them Cariatharboc the··metropolis of the sons of Enac; this is Chebron in the mountain country of Juda, and the suburbs round it.'

JOS 21:11 Multiple spaces in '21:11··Gr. he.'

JOS 21:11 Multiple spaces in '21:11··Or, parent city. See note chap. 10. 2.'

JOS 21:13 Multiple spaces in 'And to the sons of Aaron he gave the city of refuge for the slayer, Chebron, and the··suburbs belonging to it; and Lemna and the suburbs belonging to it;'

JOS 21:13 Multiple spaces in "21:13··The Greek word is different from that translated 'suburbs.' above. q.d. glebe."

JOS 21:20 Multiple spaces in "And to the families, even the sons of Caath the Levites, that were left of the sons of Caath, there was given··their priests' city,"

JOS 21:20 Multiple spaces in '21:20··Heb. the cities of their lot.'

JOS 21:38 Multiple spaces in 'All these cities were given to the sons of Merari according to the families of them that were left out of the tribe of Levi; and··their limits were the twelve cities.'

JOS 21:38 Multiple spaces in '21:38··i.e. the portion allotted, or assigned them.'

JOS 22:15 Multiple spaces in 'And they came to the sons of Ruben, and to the sons of Gad, and to the··half tribe of Manasse into the land of Galaad; and they spoke to them, saying,'

JOS 22:15 Multiple spaces in '22:15··Gr. halves, adj. q.d. dimidios viros'

JOS 22:24 Multiple spaces in 'But we have done this for the sake of precaution concerning this thing, saying, Lest··hereafter your sons should say to our sons, What have you° to do with the Lord God of Israel?'

JOS 22:24 Multiple spaces in '22:24··Gr. to-morrow.'

JOS 22:25 Multiple spaces in 'Whereas the Lord has set boundaries between us and you, even Jordan, and you° have no portion··in the Lord: so your sons shall alienate our sons, that they should not worship the Lord.'

JOS 22:25 Multiple spaces in '22:25··Gr. of.'

JOS 22:26 Multiple spaces in 'And we··gave orders to do thus, to build this altar, not for burnt offerings, nor for meat-offerings;'

JOS 22:26 Multiple spaces in '22:26··Gr. spoke.'

JOS 22:29 Multiple spaces in 'Far be it from us therefore that we should turn away from the Lord this day so as to apostatize from the Lord, so as that we should build an altar for burnt offerings, and for··peace-offerings, besides the altar of the Lord which is before his tabernacle.'

JOS 22:29 Multiple spaces in '22:29··A double translation in Greek.'

JOS 22:30 Multiple spaces in 'And Phinees the priest and all the chiefs of the congregation of Israel who were with him··heard the words which the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse spoke; and it pleased them.'

JOS 22:30 Multiple spaces in '22:30··Gr. having heard.'

JOS 22:33 Multiple spaces in 'And it pleased the children of Israel; and they spoke to the children of Israel, and blessed the God of the children of Israel, and told them to go up no more to war against··the others to destroy the land of the children of Ruben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse: so they lived upon it.'

JOS 22:33 Multiple spaces in '22:33··Gr. them.'

JOS 23:1 Multiple spaces in 'And it came to pass after many days after the Lord had given Israel rest from all his enemies round about, that Joshua was old and advanced in··years.'

JOS 23:1 Multiple spaces in '23:1··Gr. days.'

JOS 23:4 Multiple spaces in 'See, that I have··given to you these nations that are left to you by lots to your tribes, all the nations beginning at Jordan; and some I have destroyed; and··the boundaries shall be at the great sea westward.'

JOS 23:4 Multiple spaces in '23:4··Gr. cast upon you.'

JOS 23:4 Multiple spaces in '23:4··Gr. he shall bound.'

JOS 24:3 Multiple spaces in 'And I took your father Abraam from the other side of the river, and I guided him··through all the land, and I multiplied his seed;'

JOS 24:3 Multiple spaces in '24:3··Gr. in.'

JOS 24:7 Multiple spaces in 'And we cried aloud to the Lord; and he··put a cloud and darkness between us and the Egyptians, and he brought the sea upon them, and covered them; and your eyes have seen all that the Lord did in the land of Egypt; and you° were in the wilderness many days.'

JOS 24:7 Multiple spaces in '24:7··Gr. gave.'

JOS 24:9 Multiple spaces in 'And Balac, king of Moab, son of Sepphor, rose up, and··made war against Israel, and sent and called Balaam to curse us.'

JOS 24:9 Multiple spaces in '24:9··Gr. set himself in array.'

JOS 24:13 Multiple spaces in 'And he gave you a land on which you° did not labor, and cities which you° did not build, and you° were settled in them; and you°··eat of vineyards and olive yards which you° did not plant.'

JOS 24:13 Multiple spaces in '24:13··Or, shall eat.'

JOS 24:17 Multiple spaces in 'The Lord our God, he is God; he brought up us and our fathers from Egypt, and kept us in all the way wherein we walked, and among all the nations··through whom we passed.'

JOS 24:17 Multiple spaces in '24:17··Gr. whom we passed through them. Hebraism See Mark 1. 7. Luke 3. 16. 1 Pet 2. 24.'

JOS 24:20 Multiple spaces in 'Whenever you° shall forsake the Lord and serve other gods, then he shall come upon you and afflict you, and consume you,··because he has done you good.'

JOS 24:20 Multiple spaces in '24:20··Or, whereas on the contrary.'

JOS 24:26 Multiple spaces in 'And he wrote these words in the book of the laws of God: and Joshua took a great stone, and set it up under the··oak before the Lord.'

JOS 24:26 Multiple spaces in '24:26··Gr. Properly a pine or turpentine tree. So chap. 17. 9.'

JOS 24:31 Multiple spaces in 'And Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that··lived as long as Joshua, and all that knew all the works of the Lord which he wrought for Israel.'

JOS 24:31 Multiple spaces in '24:31··Gr. drew out the time with Joshua. Hebraism.'

All Character Counts

 -: 4    0: 57    1: 298    2: 216    3: 140    4: 100    5: 80    6: 70    7: 62    8: 59    9: 56    a: 2    A: 2    h: 2    H: 2    J: 5    o: 2    O: 3    s: 2    S: 3    Total: 1169    u: 2    U: 2  

All Character Counts (sorted by count)

 o: 2    s: 2    h: 2    u: 2    a: 2    H: 2    U: 2    A: 2    O: 3    S: 3    -: 4    J: 5    9: 56    0: 57    8: 59    7: 62    6: 70    5: 80    4: 100    3: 140    2: 216    1: 298    Total: 1169  

Letter Counts

 -: 4    a: 2    A: 2    h: 2    H: 2    J: 5    o: 2    O: 3    s: 2    S: 3    Total: 31    u: 2    U: 2  

Letter Counts (sorted by count)

 o: 2    s: 2    h: 2    u: 2    a: 2    H: 2    U: 2    A: 2    O: 3    S: 3    -: 4    J: 5    Total: 31  


All Word Counts

All Word Counts (sorted by count)

Case Insensitive Word Counts

Case Insensitive Word Counts (sorted by count)


Title Lines

JOS -1:5 Main Title 1:JOSHUA


Footnote Errors

JOS 9:1 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9:1 \\fl Note: \\ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text'

JOS 9:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9:2 \\fl Note: \\ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text'

JOS 15:18 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 15:18 \\ft What has you to say? \\ft \\+add or \\+add* of what have you need?'

JOS 22:15 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 22:15 \\fl Gr. \\ft halves, \\fl adj. q.d. \\ft dimidios \\fl viros'

Footnote Lines

JOS 1:4+ \fr 1:4 \fl Or, \ft last, \fl or, \ft farthest sea.
JOS 1:6+ \fr 1:6 \fl Gr. \ft to your fathers, to give them.
JOS 1:7+ \fr 1:7 \fl Gr. \ft from them, \fl sc. \ft the commands.
JOS 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft do go over.
JOS 1:14+ \fr 1:14 \fl Or, \ft in good order.
JOS 2:4+ \fr 2:4 \fl Gr. \ft them.
JOS 2:5+ \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft dark.
JOS 2:5+ \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft shall.
JOS 2:18+ \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft do enter.
JOS 2:18+ \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft the sign.
JOS 3:4+ \fr 3:4 \fl Gr. \ft from yesterday and the third day. A frequent Hebraism.
JOS 3:9+ \fr 3:9 \fl Gr. \ft bring hither. \fl sc. \ft yourselves.
JOS 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft its whole channel.
JOS 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft as on the days.
JOS 3:16+ \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft a part.
JOS 3:16+ \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft that which came down.
JOS 4:3+ \fr 4:3 \fl Gr. \ft ready. \fqa Heb. הכיך. \fl A.V. firm, \fqa appl…ests.
JOS 4:4+ \fr 4:4 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious.
JOS 4:6+ \fr 4:6 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious.
JOS 4:7+ \fr 4:7 \fl Gr. \ft failed.
JOS 4:12+ \fr 4:12 \fl Or, \ft equipped.
JOS 4:13+ \fr 4:13 \fl Gr. \ft in good order.
JOS 5:1+ \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft their minds or thoughts melted.
JOS 5:1+ \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of.
JOS 5:8+ \fr 5:8 \fl Gr. \ft sitting. A frequent Hebraism.
JOS 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \fl Gr. \ft mighty in strength.
JOS 6:4+ \fr 6:4 \fl Gr. \ft let all the people, etc.
JOS 6:5+ \fr 6:5 \fl Or, \ft of their own accord.
JOS 6:7+ \fr 6:7 \fqa Heb. שופרוה היוכליס \fl A.V. \ft 'ram's horns.' Only i…lace.
JOS 6:10+ \fr 6:10 \fl Gr. \ft day.
JOS 6:17+ \fr 6:17 \fl Or, \ft an accursed thing.
JOS 6:21+ \fr 6:21 \fl Gr. \ft mouth.
JOS 6:26+ \fr 6:26 \fl Gr. \ft saved.
JOS 7:7+ \fr 7:7 \fl Gr. \ft and if we had.
JOS 7:8+ \fr 7:8 \fl Gr. \ft neck. \fqa Heb. שף the back of the neck.
JOS 7:24+ \fr 7:24 \fqa Heb. צמק צכור valley of trouble.
JOS 7:25+ \fr 7:25 \fl Gr. \ft as also today.
JOS 7:26+ \fr 7:26 \fl Gr. \ft it.
JOS 8:10+ \fr 8:10 \fl Gr. \ft reviewed.
JOS 8:19+ \fr 8:19 \fl Or, \ft set it on fire.
JOS 8:21+ \fr 8:21 \fl Gr. \ft took.
JOS 8:29+ \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft double tree.
JOS 8:29+ \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft the pit or trench. For vv. 30-35, see chap. 8. 2.
JOS 8:31+ \fr 8:31 \fl Gr. \ft was not lifted up.
JOS 8:32+ \fr 8:32 \fl Or, \ft a Deuteronomy.
JOS 9:1+ \fr 9:1 \fl Note: \ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text
JOS 9:2+ \fr 9:2 \fl Note: \ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text
JOS 9:5+ \fr 9:5 \fl Gr. \ft eaten, \fl sc. \ft of worms and maggots.
JOS 9:16+ \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft after three days after, etc.
JOS 9:16+ \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft dwell.
JOS 9:24+ \fr 9:24 \fl Gr. \ft from before you.
JOS 9:27+ \fr 9:27 \ft The following verses are additions to Brenton's text f…text.
JOS 10:2+ \fr 10:2 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities.
JOS 10:4+ \fr 10:4 \fl Gr. \ft they.
JOS 10:13+ \fr 10:13 \fl i.e. \ft additional day without a night between.
JOS 10:19+ \fr 10:19 \fl Gr. \ft fasten upon or seize.
JOS 10:21+ \fr 10:21 \fl Gr. \ft sound, or healthy.
JOS 10:24+ \fr 10:24 \fl Gr. \ft of the war.
JOS 10:28+ \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft it.
JOS 10:28+ \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft mouth.
JOS 10:32+ \fr 10:32 \fl Gr. \ft he, \fl i.e. \ft Israel.
JOS 10:34+ \fr 10:34 \fl Or, \ft vigourously attacked it.
JOS 10:40+ \fr 10:40 \fl Heb. \ft south.
JOS 11:7+ \fr 11:7 \fl Gr. \ft to.
JOS 11:20+ \fr 11:20 \fl Gr. \ft strengthen.
JOS 11:21+ \fr 11:21 \fqa Heb. ישראל הר probably הר for רור a mountain, not a …tion.
JOS 12:2+ \fr 12:2 \ft another reading is ἐπὶ τοῦ χείλους, on the slope \fl o…edge.
JOS 12:23+ \fr 12:23 \fqa Heb. Dor, in the coast of Dor.
JOS 13:1+ \fr 13:1 \fl Gr. \ft days.
JOS 13:3+ \fr 13:3 \fl Gr. \ft uninhabited country.
JOS 13:8+ \fr 13:8 \fl Gr. \ft him.
JOS 13:28+ \fr 13:28 \fl Gr. \ft necks. See note on chap. 7. 12.
JOS 14:8+ \fr 14:8 \fl Or, \ft according to the Heb. idiom, 'fully followed.'
JOS 14:15+ \fr 14:15 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities.
JOS 15:2+ \fr 15:2 \fl Gr. \ft neck. \fqa Heb. tongue.
JOS 15:7+ \fr 15:7 \ft So the Greek. There seems to be a reading of the word … רכצ.
JOS 15:15+ \fr 15:15 \fqa Heb. Kirjath-sepher.
JOS 15:18+ \fr 15:18 \ft What has you to say? \ft \+add or \+add* of what have you need?
JOS 16:8+ \fr 16:8 \fl Or, \ft Taphos, \fl or \ft Taphon, etc.
JOS 17:1+ \fr 17:1 \fl Gr. \ft to.
JOS 17:10+ \fr 17:10 \fl Alex. \ft Aser.
JOS 17:12+ \fr 17:12 \fl Gr. \ft this.
JOS 18:4+ \fr 18:4 \fl Gr. \ft give.
JOS 18:5+ \fr 18:5 \fl Gr. \ft went through.
JOS 18:6+ \fr 18:6 \fl Gr. \ft bring out.
JOS 18:8+ \fr 18:8 \fl Or, \ft walk through.
JOS 19:11+ \fr 19:11 \fl Or, \ft at or towards.
JOS 19:27+ \fr 19:27 \fl Gr. \ft from the rising of the sun.
JOS 19:48+ \fr 19:48 \fl Gr. \ft mouth.
JOS 19:51+ \fr 19:51 \fqa Heb. finished dividing. The LXX seems to have read ה…חלקץ.
JOS 20:2+ \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft give.
JOS 20:2+ \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft refugees.
JOS 20:3+ \fr 20:3 \fl Gr. \ft life or soul.
JOS 20:4+ \fr 20:4 \fl Gr. \ft he.
JOS 20:4+ \fr 20:4 \fl Or, \ft of N.
JOS 20:5+ \fr 20:5 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
JOS 21:2+ \fr 21:2 \fl Gr. \ft the hand of Moses.
JOS 21:4+ \fr 21:4 \fl Gr. \ft from.
JOS 21:6+ \fr 21:6 \fl Or, \ft the land of Basan.
JOS 21:10+ \fr 21:10 \fl Gr. \ft was.
JOS 21:11+ \fr 21:11 \fl Gr. \ft he.
JOS 21:11+ \fr 21:11 \fl Or, \ft parent city. See note chap. 10. 2.
JOS 21:13+ \fr 21:13 \ft The Greek word is different from that translated 'sub…lebe.
JOS 21:20+ \fr 21:20 \fqa Heb. the cities of their lot.
JOS 21:38+ \fr 21:38 \fl i.e. \ft the portion allotted, or assigned them.
JOS 22:15+ \fr 22:15 \fl Gr. \ft halves, \fl adj. q.d. \ft dimidios \fl viros
JOS 22:24+ \fr 22:24 \fl Gr. \ft to-morrow.
JOS 22:25+ \fr 22:25 \fl Gr. \ft of.
JOS 22:26+ \fr 22:26 \fl Gr. \ft spoke.
JOS 22:29+ \fr 22:29 \ft A double translation in Greek.
JOS 22:30+ \fr 22:30 \fl Gr. \ft having heard.
JOS 22:33+ \fr 22:33 \fl Gr. \ft them.
JOS 23:1+ \fr 23:1 \fl Gr. \ft days.
JOS 23:4+ \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft cast upon you.
JOS 23:4+ \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft he shall bound.
JOS 24:3+ \fr 24:3 \fl Gr. \ft in.
JOS 24:7+ \fr 24:7 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
JOS 24:9+ \fr 24:9 \fl Gr. \ft set himself in array.
JOS 24:13+ \fr 24:13 \fl Or, \ft shall eat.
JOS 24:17+ \fr 24:17 \fl Gr. \ft whom we passed through them. \fl Hebraism \ft…. 24.
JOS 24:20+ \fr 24:20 \fl Or, \ft whereas on the contrary.
JOS 24:26+ \fr 24:26 \fl Gr. \ft Properly a pine or turpentine tree. So chap. 17. 9.
JOS 24:31+ \fr 24:31 \fl Gr. \ft drew out the time with Joshua. \fl Hebraism.

Cross-reference Lines

JOS 1:5+ \xo 1:5 \xt Heb 13:5

Leader Counts

 Cross-reference leader '+': 1    Cross-References: 1    Footnote leader '+': 123    Footnotes: 123  

Leader Counts (sorted by count)

 Cross-References: 1    Cross-reference leader '+': 1    Footnotes: 123    Footnote leader '+': 123