Bible Checks



Footnote Errors

GEN 1:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:9 \\ft Gr. meeting'

GEN 1:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:9 \\ft Gr. their meetings'

GEN 1:20 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:20 \\ft lit, of living souls'

GEN 3:15 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 3:15 \\ft Gr. keep. Other readings of the passage are πλήξει and πλήξεις and τειρήσει and τειρήσεις. See Parkhurst in שֵׁנִי\u200f'

GEN 3:15 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 3:15 \\ft Gr. keep. Other readings of the passage are πλήξει and πλήξεις and τειρήσει and τειρήσεις. See Parkhurst in שֵׁנִי\u200f'

GEN 10:32 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:32 \\ft Or, simply Gentiles'

GEN 14:13 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 14:13 \\ft Gr. passer. Heb. [Heb. here]'

GEN 15:11 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 15:11 \\ft Or, drove them away. The LXX. seem to have read ישנ for שינ'

GEN 32:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 32:2 \\ft Gr. camp'

EXO 2:3 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 2:3 \\fl i.e. \\ft a peculiar kind, more resembling vegetable pitch'

EXO 5:14 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 5:14 \\ft supplied from the \\fqa Hebrew'

EXO 34:5 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 34:5 \\fl Or, \\ft the name of the Lord, \\fl Hebraism. \\ft Another reading is ἐν ὀνόματι'

NUM 4:48 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 4:48 \\fl Alex. \\ft 450'

NUM 6:5 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 6:5 \\fl Gr. \\ft a head of hair \\ft \\+add even \\+add* hair, etc.'

NUM 7:14 Footnote seems to have an extra space at end: '+ \\fr 7:14 \\fl Gr. \\ft one censer of ten golden \\ft \\+add weights. \\+add*'

NUM 7:14 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 7:14 \\fl Gr. \\ft one censer of ten golden \\ft \\+add weights. \\+add*'

NUM 11:32 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 11:32 \\fl Gr. \\ft refreshed refreshments to themselves. \\fqa Heb. spread a spreading. וישמחו שמוח'

NUM 13:21 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 13:21 \\fl Gr. q. d. \\ft neglected'

NUM 16:15 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 16:15 \\ft חפד for חפוד'

NUM 16:30 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 16:30 \\fl Or, \\ft vision. Some copies read χάσματι'

NUM 17:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 17:2 \\fl Gr. \\ft a rod'

NUM 18:32 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 18:32 \\fl Or, \\ft because you° shall'

NUM 20:14 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 20:14 \\fl Gr. \\ft found us'

NUM 21:13 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 21:13 \\fl Gr. \\ft Amorite'

NUM 21:17 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 21:17 \\fl Gr. \\ft of the well for it'

NUM 23:3 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 23:3 \\fl Gr. \\ft appear to me in meeting'

NUM 23:13 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 23:13 \\fl Gr. \\ft him \\fl or \\ft it'

NUM 23:23 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 23:23 \\ft against'

NUM 24:8 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 24:8 \\fl Gr. \\ft suck the marrow out of their fat \\fqa bones'

NUM 24:13 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 24:13 \\fl or, \\ft go beyond'

NUM 24:16 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 24:16 \\fl Gr. \\ft knowing knowledge'

NUM 24:16 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 24:16 \\fl Or, \\ft unveiled'

NUM 24:22 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 24:22 \\fl Gr. \\ft nest of cunning'

NUM 24:23 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 24:23 \\fl Gr. \\ft put'

NUM 24:25 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 24:25 \\fl Gr. q. d. \\ft chez lui'

NUM 25:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 25:4 \\fl Or, \\ft put them to shame. See Heb. 6.6'

NUM 25:11 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 25:11 \\fl Or, \\ft with \\fl Or, \\ft against them. \\fl Hebraism'

NUM 26:31 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 26:31 \\fl Alex. \\ft 600'

NUM 26:38 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 26:38 \\fl Alex. \\ft 62500'

NUM 26:47 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 26:47 \\fl Alex. \\ft 600'

NUM 28:13 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 28:13 \\ft This seems to be the general meaning of κάρπωμα in LXX'

NUM 30:3 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 30:3 \\fl Gr. \\ft profane'

NUM 31:19 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 31:19 \\fl i. e. \\ft of a slain man'

NUM 31:30 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 31:30 \\fl Gr. \\ft from \\fl or \\ft of'

NUM 33:54 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 33:54 \\fl Gr. \\ft his'

NUM 34:6 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 34:6 \\fl Gr. \\ft sea'

NUM 35:3 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 35:3 \\fl Or, \\ft districts, \\fl i. e. \\ft spaces marked off. \\fl Gr. \\ft special offerings of land, \\ft q. d. \\ft glebe lands. This latter sense is probably the right one here.'

NUM 35:3 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 35:3 \\fl Or, \\ft districts, \\fl i. e. \\ft spaces marked off. \\fl Gr. \\ft special offerings of land, \\ft q. d. \\ft glebe lands. This latter sense is probably the right one here.'

DEU 4:43 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 4:43 \\fl Or, \\ft the Gaddite'

DEU 5:10 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 5:10 \\fl Gr. \\ft to them that love, etc. to \\ft \\+add the number of \\+add* thousands.'

DEU 11:16 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 11:16 \\ft \\ft \\+it Gr. \\+it* made broad.'

JOS 9:1 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9:1 \\fl Note: \\ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text'

JOS 9:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9:2 \\fl Note: \\ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text'

JOS 15:18 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 15:18 \\ft What has you to say? \\ft \\+add or \\+add* of what have you need?'

JOS 22:15 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 22:15 \\fl Gr. \\ft halves, \\fl adj. q.d. \\ft dimidios \\fl viros'

JDG 9:27 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9:27 \\fl Gr. \\ft made \\fl ellulim, \\ft a Hebrew word. \\fl Alex. \\ft χορὺς'

JDG 17:10 Consecutive fqa fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 17:10 \\fqa Heb. ימיס \\fqa (year of) days.'

JDG 20:45 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 20:45 \\fl Or, \\ft cut off as stragglers. \\fl Gr. \\ft gleaned, \\ft or \\ft picked straws.'

JDG 20:45 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 20:45 \\fl Or, \\ft cut off as stragglers. \\fl Gr. \\ft gleaned, \\ft or \\ft picked straws.'

JDG 21:24 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 21:24 \\fl Gr. \\ft walked'

SA1 2:24 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 2:24 \\fl Or, \\ft the reports which I hear of the people not serving, etc. Comp. 1 Ch. 13. .4'

SA1 23:15 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 23:15 \\ft The Hebrew הוש has here been read as if חוש'

SA1 25:25 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): "+ \\fr 25:25 \\fqa Heb. and \\fl Alex.+ \\ft \\ft \\+add 'even \\+add* Nabal'"

SA1 25:25 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: "+ \\fr 25:25 \\fqa Heb. and \\fl Alex.+ \\ft \\ft \\+add 'even \\+add* Nabal'"

SA1 26:8 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 26:8 \\fl Gr. \\ft double \\ft \\+add the stroke \\+add* to him.'

SA2 1:19 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:19 \\ft Two words here are used, as is often the case in the LXX. to express one. \\fl viz. \\ft τεθηκότων and τραυματτιῶν to express חלל'

SA2 3:29 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 3:29 \\fl Gr. Lit. \\ft them. (\\fl sc. \\ft bloods) meet'

SA2 23:26 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 23:26 \\fl Or, \\ft the \\ft \\+add son \\+add* of Kelothi.'

KI1 3:6 Footnote seems to have an extra space at end: '+ \\fr 3:6 \\fl Gr. \\ft as this day \\ft \\+add is. \\+add*'

KI1 3:6 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 3:6 \\fl Gr. \\ft as this day \\ft \\+add is. \\+add*'

KI1 6:1 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 6:1'

KI1 7:47 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 7:47 \\ft thick \\ft \\+add part \\+add* of the land.'

KI1 12:19 Footnote seems to have an extra space at end: '+ \\fr 12:19 \\fl Gr. \\ft disowned \\ft \\+add allegiance. \\+add*'

KI1 12:19 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 12:19 \\fl Gr. \\ft disowned \\ft \\+add allegiance. \\+add*'

KI2 2:9 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 2:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft double \\ft \\+add portions \\+add* in your spirit.'

KI2 10:3 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:3 \\fl Gr. \\ft upright, \\fl q.d. \\ft unblemished'

KI2 14:7 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 14:7 \\fqa Heb. Selah'

KI2 16:13 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 16:13 \\fl Gr. \\ft and \\fqa Heb. offered \\ft \\ft \\+add in way of incense. \\+add* See 2Ch. 13.10.'

EST 4:17 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 4:17 \\fl Gr. \\ft vision. \\fl q. d. \\ft quo die \\ft \\+add spectanda \\+add* fui.'

EST 7:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 7:4 \\ft see \\fqa Heb. slanderer'

EST 8:8 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 8:8 \\fl Or, \\ft possible'

PSA 10:3 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:3 \\fl Gr. \\ft in dark moon, or little moonlight, \\fl q. d. \\ft luce malignâ'

PSA 10:8 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:8 \\fl Gr. \\ft righteousnesses'

PSA 11:1 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 11:1 \\fl Gr. \\ft truths are become rare'

PSA 21:12 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 21:12 \\fl Gr. \\ft calves'

PSA 24:8 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 24:8 \\fl sc. \\ft as a law-giver'

PSA 25:6 Footnote seems to have an extra space at end: '+ \\fr 25:6 \\fl Gr. \\ft innocent \\ft \\+add things. \\+add*'

PSA 25:6 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 25:6 \\fl Gr. \\ft innocent \\ft \\+add things. \\+add*'

PSA 26:13 Footnote seems to have an extra space at end: '+ \\fr 26:13 \\fl Gr. \\ft good \\ft \\+add things. \\+add*'

PSA 26:13 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 26:13 \\fl Gr. \\ft good \\ft \\+add things. \\+add*'

PSA 31:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 31:9 \\ft See \\fl Alex. \\ft ἄγξεις'

PSA 89:13 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 89:13'

PSA 119:5 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 119:5 \\fqa Heb. משך'

PSA 136:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 136:4 \\fl Gr. \\ft on'

PSA 139:8 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 139:8'

PSA 151:0 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 151:0 \\fl Alex. \\ft Goliath'

PRO 1:15 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:15 \\ft For ver16, see Appendix'

PRO 1:16 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:16 \\ft this verse is not in the text. The Alexandrine text is shown here'

PRO 8:33 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 8:33 \\ft not in Codex Vaticanus, but Alexandrine codex has this text'

PRO 11:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 11:2 \\ft See Appendix'

ISA 7:18 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 7:18 \\fl Or, \\ft which part \\ft \\+add of the enemy, \\+add* etc. shall rule over the river of Egypt; but according to \\+fl Alex. \\ft the reading in the text is the right one.'

ISA 9:3 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9:3 \\fl Gr. \\ft greatest part'

ISA 9:5 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9:5 \\fl Gr. \\ft reconciliation, \\fl or, \\ft exchange'

ISA 9:6 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9:6 \\fl Alex. \\ft + Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty One, Potentate, Prince of Peace, Father of the age to come; Compare Heb 2:2'

ISA 10:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:4 \\fl Heb. \\ft and \\fl Alex. \\ft + ‘and they shall fall under the slain’'

ISA 10:12 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:12 \\fl Gr. \\ft great mind'

ISA 10:20 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:20 \\fl Or, \\ft repeat their offense'

ISA 10:23 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:23 \\fl Gr. \\ft finishing — cutting'

ISA 10:25 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:25 \\fl sc. \\ft of their enemies'

ISA 11:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 11:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft may cover'

ISA 11:14 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 11:14 \\fl sc. \\ft the west'

ISA 12:6 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 12:6 \\fl Heb. \\ft and \\fl Alex. \\ft ‘of you’'

ISA 13:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 13:4 \\fl Lit. \\ft fighting with armor or weapons'

ISA 13:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 13:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft healed'

ISA 13:21 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 13:21 \\ft See Heb 10.37; Hab 2.3'

ISA 14:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 14:2 \\fl i.e. \\ft the Israelites'

ISA 14:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 14:2 \\fl i.e. \\ft the Gentiles'

ISA 14:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): "+ \\fr 14:4 \\fl Alex. \\ft + 'and you shall say in that day'"

ISA 14:31 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 14:31 \\fl Gr. \\ft of being'

ISA 15:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 15:2 \\fl Gr. \\ft cut to pieces'

ISA 16:11 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 16:11 \\ft Compare the Hebrew'

ISA 17:10 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 17:10 \\fl Gr. \\ft faithless'

ISA 17:12 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 17:12 \\fl Gr. \\ft back; Complut. reads ἠχος, ‘noise’'

ISA 18:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 18:2 \\fl Gr. \\ft He that sends'

ISA 19:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 19:2 \\fl Alex. \\ft ‘district,’ the accent being different'

ISA 19:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 19:2 \\fl Alex. \\ft ‘district,’ the accent being different'

ISA 19:3 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 19:3 \\fl Gr. \\ft the ventriloquists'

ISA 19:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 19:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft work at'

ISA 19:18 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 19:18 \\fqa Heb. city of destruction'

ISA 21:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 21:4 \\fl Lit. \\ft baptizes'

ISA 21:13 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 21:13 \\fqa Heb. of Arabia'

ISA 22:12 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 22:12 \\fl Gr. \\ft shaving'

ISA 22:15 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 22:15 \\fl Or, \\ft steward'

ISA 24:23 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 24:23 \\fqa Heb. and \\fl Alex. \\ft ‘in’'

ISA 26:19 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 26:19 \\ft See Ps 110 (109)'

ISA 28:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 28:4 \\fl Gr. \\ft hope of glory'

ISA 28:7 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 28:7 \\fl Lit. \\ft from'

ISA 28:28 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 28:28 \\fl Gr. \\ft I am'

ISA 28:28 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 28:28 \\fl Gr. \\ft bitterness trample you'

ISA 29:1 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 29:1 \\fl Or, \\ft woe to'

ISA 29:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 29:4 \\fl Gr. \\ft become weak'

ISA 29:6 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 29:6 \\fl Gr. \\ft voice'

ISA 29:15 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 29:15 \\fl Gr. \\ft shall be'

ISA 30:8 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 30:8 \\fl Gr. \\ft for days in time. \\fl Alex. \\ft seasons'

ISA 30:18 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 30:18 \\fl Or, \\ft wait for'

ISA 30:19 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 30:19 \\fl Gr. \\ft with weeping'

ISA 30:28 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 30:28 \\fl Gr. \\ft take them to their face'

ISA 32:7 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 32:7 \\fl Gr. \\ft disperse the words'

ISA 32:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 32:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft daughters in hope'

ISA 33:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 33:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft manifest'

ISA 33:20 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 33:20 \\fl Or, \\ft salvation'

ISA 33:24 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 33:24 \\fl Or, \\ft I am sick'

ISA 34:7 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 34:7 \\fl Gr. \\ft made drunken'

ISA 36:2 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 36:2 \\fl Gr. \\ft in'

ISA 36:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 36:9 \\fl Or, \\ft local governors'

ISA 37:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 37:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft besiege'

ISA 37:24 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 37:24 \\fl Gr. \\ft cut'

ISA 37:32 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 37:32 \\fl Lit. \\ft the left men'

ISA 38:9 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 38:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft was sick'

ISA 39:1 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 39:1 \\fl Gr. \\ft was'

ISA 40:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 40:4 \\ft See Luke 3. 5, with which \\fl Alex. \\ft agrees'

ISA 41:12 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 41:12 \\fl Lit. \\ft transgress by wine against'

ISA 41:26 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 41:26 \\fl Or, \\ft and say'

ISA 42:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 42:4 \\fl Lit. \\ft broken'

ISA 42:24 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 42:24 \\ft Some read τίς, who'

ISA 43:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 43:4 \\fl Gr. \\ft head'

ISA 43:17 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 43:17 \\fl Or, \\ft gone to sleep; See Ps. 75 (76) 5,6'

ISA 43:25 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 43:25 \\fl Gr. \\ft I am, I am'

ISA 44:25 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 44:25 \\fl Gr. \\ft ventriloquists'

ISA 50:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 50:4 \\fl Gr. \\ft the Lord the Lord. See on 3 Ki. 8. 53'

ISA 54:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 54:4 \\fl Gr. \\ft ancient \\fl Or. \\ft everlasting'

JOL 1:20 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:20 \\ft Gr. issues. See 2 Ki22:16. Ezek47:4'

JNA 1:8 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): "+ \\fr 1:8 \\fl Alex. \\ft + 'for those whose cause this evil is upon us'"

JNA 1:14 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:14 \\fl Gr. \\ft by no means. See Acts 10. 14'

JNA 2:9 Footnote seems to have an extra space at end: '+ \\fr 2:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft vain and false \\ft \\+add things. \\+add*'

JNA 2:9 Consecutive ft fields in footnote: '+ \\fr 2:9 \\fl Gr. \\ft vain and false \\ft \\+add things. \\+add*'

ZEC 9:1 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 9:1'

ZEC 10:4 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 10:4'

ZEC 12:12 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 12:12 \\ft See a similar construction, Mark 6. 39,40'

Footnote Lines

GEN 1:4+ \fr 1:4 \ft Gr. and between the darkness. Hebraism.
GEN 1:9+ \fr 1:9 \ft Gr. meeting
GEN 1:9+ \fr 1:9 \ft Gr. their meetings
GEN 1:10+ \fr 1:10 \ft Gr. systems.
GEN 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \ft Gr. sowing.
GEN 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \ft Gr. λ Alex. + εἰς ὁμοιότητα.
GEN 1:14+ \fr 1:14 \ft Gr. for light or shining.
GEN 1:20+ \fr 1:20 \ft lit, of living souls
GEN 1:21+ \fr 1:21 \ft Or, probably any large fish, or marine animals, whethe… not.
GEN 1:21+ \fr 1:21 \ft Gr. every soul of living reptiles.
GEN 1:24+ \fr 1:24 \ft Gr. soul.
GEN 1:30+ \fr 1:30 \ft Gr. soul.
GEN 2:1+ \fr 2:1 \ft Or, order. See John 1. 10.
GEN 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \ft Or, made in the beginning. See Acts 1. 1.
GEN 2:4+ \fr 2:4 \ft Or, it took place.
GEN 2:9+ \fr 2:9 \ft Gr. for sight.
GEN 2:9+ \fr 2:9 \ft Or, that which is to be known. Comp. Rom 1. 19.
GEN 2:16+ \fr 2:16 \ft Or, eat for food.
GEN 2:17+ \fr 2:17 \ft Or, die by death.
GEN 2:18+ \fr 2:18 \ft Gr. according to him.
GEN 2:19+ \fr 2:19 \ft Gr. soul.
GEN 2:20+ \fr 2:20 \ft Gr. called.
GEN 2:22+ \fr 2:22 \ft Gr. built.
GEN 2:23+ \fr 2:23 \ft Or, out of. See the force of ἐκ in Eph 5. 30.
GEN 2:23+ \fr 2:23 \ft Or, wife.
GEN 2:23+ \fr 2:23 \ft In the Heb. the reason of the name appears. She shall … Ish.
GEN 2:24+ \fr 2:24 \ft Gr. be cemented. Mat 19. 5.
GEN 3:4+ \fr 3:4 \ft Gr. you° shall not die by death.
GEN 3:10+ \fr 3:10 \ft Or, the sound of you walking.
GEN 3:10+ \fr 3:10 \ft Gr. am.
GEN 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \ft Gr. keep. Other readings of the passage are πλήξει and…ׁנִי‏
GEN 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \ft Gr. keep. Other readings of the passage are πλήξει and…ׁנִי‏
GEN 3:16+ \fr 3:16 \ft Gr. turning.
GEN 3:20+ \fr 3:20 \ft Gr. Zoe.
GEN 3:22+ \fr 3:22 \ft Alex. + the Lord.
GEN 4:3+ \fr 4:3 \ft Gr. after days.
GEN 4:4+ \fr 4:4 \ft Gr. he also.
GEN 4:14+ \fr 4:14 \ft Or, then shall I be.
GEN 4:15+ \fr 4:15 \ft Gr. pay seven penalties.
GEN 4:17+ \fr 4:17 \ft Or, was building.
GEN 4:21+ \fr 4:21 \ft Gr. made known.
GEN 4:22+ \fr 4:22 \ft Gr. she also.
GEN 4:23+ \fr 4:23 \ft Gr. wound.
GEN 4:23+ \fr 4:23 \ft Gr. hurt.
GEN 4:26+ \fr 4:26 \ft Or, trusted, q.d. had faith to call &c.
GEN 5:1+ \fr 5:1 \ft Gr. book of generation.
GEN 5:2+ \fr 5:2 \ft Alex. their.
GEN 5:25+ \fr 5:25 \ft Alex 187 years.
GEN 5:26+ \fr 5:26 \ft Alex 782.
GEN 5:32+ \fr 5:32 \fqa Alex. \ft Chaph.
GEN 6:1+ \fr 6:1 \ft Alex. Chaph.
GEN 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \ft Alex. angels of God.
GEN 6:7+ \fr 6:7 \ft Gr. I have thought or reasoned. Alex. ἐθμώθην. I became angry.
GEN 6:10+ \fr 6:10 \ft Alex. Chaph.
GEN 6:13+ \fr 6:13 \ft Gr. The time of every man.
GEN 6:14+ \fr 6:14 \ft Gr. nests.
GEN 6:16+ \fr 6:16 \ft out of the side.
GEN 6:17+ \fr 6:17 \ft Gr. flood, water.
GEN 6:19+ \fr 6:19 \ft Gr. two, two.
GEN 7:1+ \fr 7:1 \ft Gr. house.
GEN 7:11+ \fr 7:11 \ft Or, bars, or, cataracts.
GEN 8:7+ \fr 8:7 \ft Gr. the raven.
GEN 8:7+ \fr 8:7 \ft Alex. + to see if the water had ceased.
GEN 8:8+ \fr 8:8 \ft Gr. the dove.
GEN 9:2+ \fr 9:2 \ft Gr. hands.
GEN 9:3+ \fr 9:3 \ft Gr. herbs of grass.
GEN 9:10+ \fr 9:10 \ft Gr. living soul.
GEN 9:17+ \fr 9:17 \ft Gr. and between.
GEN 10:32+ \fr 10:32 \ft Or, simply Gentiles
GEN 11:13+ \fr 11:13 \ft Alex 430 years.
GEN 11:17+ \fr 11:17 \ft Alex 370 years.
GEN 11:24+ \fr 11:24 \ft Alex 79 years.
GEN 11:25+ \fr 11:25 \ft Alex 129 years.
GEN 11:29+ \fr 11:29 \ft There seems to be no note of the date of Abram's marr…Sara.
GEN 12:5+ \fr 12:5 \ft Alex. + and came into the land of Chanaan. So the Heb.
GEN 12:20+ \fr 12:20 \ft Alex. + and Lot with him.
GEN 13:4+ \fr 13:4 \ft Alex. where he made or pitched his tent.
GEN 13:5+ \fr 13:5 \ft Alex. cattle.
GEN 13:8+ \fr 13:8 \ft Gr. men, brethren.
GEN 13:16+ \fr 13:16 \ft Gr. sand.
GEN 13:18+ \fr 13:18 \ft Or, having lived at a distance.
GEN 14:3+ \fr 14:3 \ft Gr. agreed.
GEN 14:13+ \fr 14:13 \ft Gr. passer. Heb. [Heb. here]
GEN 14:20+ \fr 14:20 \ft Gr. under hand to you.
GEN 14:21+ \fr 14:21 \ft Or, cavalry. Heb.
GEN 15:11+ \fr 15:11 \ft Or, drove them away. The LXX. seem to have read ישנ for שינ
GEN 15:14+ \fr 15:14 \ft Lit. baggage.
GEN 18:12+ \fr 18:12 \ft Gr. The difference turns on the word Heb. pleasure. G… now.
GEN 18:21+ \fr 18:21 \ft Gr. συντελόῦνται. Heb. A.V. have done altogether.
GEN 19:8+ \fr 19:8 \ft Lit. beams.
GEN 19:13+ \fr 19:13 \ft See Note, Lam 3. 21.
GEN 19:13+ \fr 19:13 \ft αὐτήν. Scil. πόλιν.
GEN 19:21+ \fr 19:21 \ft Gr. your countenance.
GEN 20:14+ \fr 20:14 \ft Gr. didrachma.
GEN 21:11+ \fr 21:11 \ft Gr. Gr. saying, or matter.
GEN 21:14+ \fr 21:14 \ft Or, near Beersheba.
GEN 21:19+ \fr 21:19 \ft Or, Gr. living.
GEN 21:22+ \fr 21:22 \ft Not in the Heb. friend of bridegroom, or attendant at marriage.
GEN 22:4+ \fr 22:4 \ft Lit. look up with.
GEN 22:6+ \fr 22:6 \ft μάχαιραν, a short dagger used both for defence and sac… etc.
GEN 22:13+ \fr 22:13 \ft Heb. in a thicket.
GEN 22:20+ \fr 22:20 \ft Men, understood.
GEN 23:11+ \fr 23:11 \ft Gr. be with me.
GEN 24:5+ \fr 24:5 \ft See the use of μή ποτε in a somewhat similar case, 2 Tim 2. 25.
GEN 24:11+ \fr 24:11 \ft Heb. caused to kneel down. Gr. caused to sleep.
GEN 24:15+ \fr 24:15 \ft i.e. Nachor.
GEN 24:33+ \fr 24:33 \ft Gr. spoken my words.
GEN 24:46+ \fr 24:46 \ft Gr. from herself.
GEN 24:51+ \fr 24:51 \ft Gr. run away.
GEN 24:66+ \fr 24:66 \ft Lit. all the words which. Hebraism.
GEN 25:17+ \fr 25:17 \ft Gr. family.
GEN 25:23+ \fr 25:23 \ft Gr. the greater shall serve the less. Rom 9. 12.
GEN 26:7+ \fr 26:7 \ft Gr. fair of countenance.
GEN 26:10+ \fr 26:10 \ft q.d. had almost.
GEN 26:26+ \fr 26:26 \ft q.d. he that gives away in marriage.
GEN 26:34+ \fr 26:34 \ft Alex. Hivite.
GEN 27:38+ \fr 27:38 \ft Heb. — Isaac being troubled.
GEN 28:13+ \fr 28:13 \ft Gr. was established.
GEN 28:18+ \fr 28:18 \ft Lit. put under. See 1 Tim 3.15.
GEN 29:1+ \fr 29:1 \ft Gr. having lifted up his feet, went, etc.
GEN 29:14+ \fr 29:14 \ft Gr. month of days.
GEN 30:27+ \fr 30:27 \ft Stay you, perhaps understood. Heb. I have argued that, etc.
GEN 30:28+ \fr 30:28 \ft Lit. your wages to or with me.
GEN 30:30+ \fr 30:30 \ft So A.V. but Gr. and Heb. literally, at my foot.
GEN 30:33+ \fr 30:33 \ft Listen to or obey me.
GEN 30:36+ \fr 30:36 \ft Gr. and between. Hebraism.
GEN 30:37+ \fr 30:37 \ft Apparently the nom. absol.
GEN 30:41+ \fr 30:41 \ft The meaning of the Hebrew seems to be, when the cattl…then.
GEN 31:2+ \fr 31:2 \ft Gr. yesterday and the day before. Hebraism.
GEN 31:11+ \fr 31:11 \ft Lit. in sleep.
GEN 32:2+ \fr 32:2 \ft Gr. camp
GEN 32:21+ \fr 32:21 \ft Gr. my face.
GEN 33:1+ \fr 33:1 \ft Gr. looked up with.
GEN 33:14+ \fr 33:14 \ft Gr. foot.
GEN 33:18+ \fr 33:18 \ft Or, pitched his tent. Alex. παρενέβαλε, for which pro…ught.
GEN 34:2+ \fr 34:2 \ft Alex. the chorrhæan.
GEN 34:3+ \fr 34:3 \ft Lit. spoke according to the heart of the damsel — to h…brew.
GEN 34:7+ \fr 34:7 \ft Lit. shall not be.
GEN 34:19+ \fr 34:19 \ft Gr. word.
GEN 34:23+ \fr 34:23 \ft Gr. quadrupeds.
GEN 34:27+ \fr 34:27 \ft Or, slain, which seems frequently the sense in LXX.
GEN 35:4+ \fr 35:4 \ft Or, lost.
GEN 35:16+ \fr 35:16 \ft Note. — The words between brackets form the 21st vers…brew.
GEN 37:1-2+ \fr 37:1-2 \ft Or, according to some copies, they brought an evil r… etc.
GEN 37:9+ \fr 37:9 \ft Gr. saw.
GEN 37:21+ \fr 37:21 \ft Gr. strike him to the life.
GEN 37:25+ \fr 37:25 \ft Gr. stacte.
GEN 39:1+ \fr 39:1 \ft Gr. chief cook. The same Hebrew word signifies a cook,…oner.
GEN 39:11+ \fr 39:11 \ft Lit. there happened such a day, and, etc.
GEN 39:22+ \fr 39:22 \ft Lit. men led away to prison or punishment.
GEN 40:5+ \fr 40:5 \ft Gr. saw.
GEN 40:9+ \fr 40:9 \ft Gr. sleep.
GEN 41:1+ \fr 41:1 \ft Gr. years of days.
GEN 41:2+ \fr 41:2 \ft The Hebrew word which the LXX. have here written in Gr…flag.
GEN 41:8+ \fr 41:8 \ft Or, tell.
GEN 41:11+ \fr 41:11 \ft Gr. saw.
GEN 41:15+ \fr 41:15 \ft Gr. men saying.
GEN 41:21+ \fr 41:21 \ft Gr. they were.
GEN 41:40+ \fr 41:40 \ft Gr. mouth.
GEN 41:51+ \fr 41:51 \ft Gr. things belong to my father.
GEN 42:19+ \fr 42:19 \ft Gr. the purchase of your gift of corn.
GEN 42:23+ \fr 42:23 \ft Gr. heard them.
GEN 43:13+ \fr 43:13 \ft Gr. one.
GEN 43:23+ \fr 43:23 \ft q.d. I am satisfied with the money you have given me,…tity.
GEN 43:29+ \fr 43:29 \ft Gr. having looked up with, etc.
GEN 43:33+ \fr 43:33 \ft Gr. were amazed.
GEN 43:34+ \fr 43:34 \ft Gr. was magnified beyond the portions of all five tim…eirs.
GEN 44:5+ \fr 44:5 \ft Gr. in which.
GEN 44:16+ \fr 44:16 \ft Gr. but.
GEN 44:29+ \fr 44:29 \ft Gr. Hades.
GEN 44:31+ \fr 44:31 \ft Gr. Hades.
GEN 45:26+ \fr 45:26 \ft Gr. amazed in mind.
GEN 46:26+ \fr 46:26 \ft Gr. thighs.
GEN 46:28+ \fr 46:28 \ft Heb. Goshen.
GEN 46:29+ \fr 46:29 \ft Gr. yoked.
GEN 46:29+ \fr 46:29 \ft Gr. fat.
GEN 47:4+ \fr 47:4 \ft Or, let us dwell. See 1 Tim 6.8.
GEN 49:3+ \fr 49:3 \ft Or, you my firstborn, etc., nom. and voc. not being al…θεὸς.
GEN 49:7+ \fr 49:7 \ft more lit. hardened or aggravated.
GEN 49:9+ \fr 49:9 \ft The terminations of proper names are occasionally varied.
GEN 49:10+ \fr 49:10 \ft Gr. thighs.
GEN 50:17+ \fr 50:17 \ft Gr. accept.
GEN 50:23+ \fr 50:23 \ft Gr. thighs.
GEN 50:26+ \fr 50:26 \ft Gr. buried him.
EXO 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \fl i.e. \ft a peculiar kind, more resembling vegetable pitch
EXO 3:2+ \fr 3:2 \fl Gr. \ft fire of flame.
EXO 4:10+ \fr 4:10 \fl Gr. \ft before yesterday, neither before the third day.
EXO 4:12+ \fr 4:12 \ft See 1 Cor 2. 16. \fl Gr.
EXO 4:21+ \fr 4:21 \ft Lit. \fqa put into your hands.
EXO 5:2+ \fr 5:2 \fl Gr. \ft do not let, etc.
EXO 5:14+ \fr 5:14 \ft supplied from the \fqa Hebrew
EXO 5:19+ \fr 5:19 \fl Gr. \ft from the brick-making \fqa to deliver \ft that… day.
EXO 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \fl Or, \ft The Lord.
EXO 6:5+ \fr 6:5 \fl Lit. \ft your covenant.
EXO 6:18+ \fr 6:18 \fl Alex. \ft 130 years.
EXO 6:20+ \fr 6:20 \fl Alex. \ft 136 years.
EXO 7:1+ \fr 7:1 \fl Or, \ft spokesman; for the use of this word in a wide s…. 12.
EXO 7:12+ \fr 7:12 \fl Gr. \ft their.
EXO 9:3+ \fr 9:3 \fl Or, \ft death.
EXO 9:16+ \fr 9:16 \ft See Rom 9. 17.
EXO 9:23+ \fr 9:23 \fl Gr. \ft voices.
EXO 9:28+ \fr 9:28 \fl Gr. \ft cease from being.
EXO 9:31+ \fr 9:31 \fl Or, \ft in the ear.
EXO 10:10+ \fr 10:10 \fl i.e. \ft moral evil, but another reading is πρόκειται…brew.
EXO 10:17+ \fr 10:17 \fl Gr. \ft accept or allow.
EXO 10:22+ \fr 10:22 \fl Gr. \ft darkness, blackness.
EXO 10:24+ \fr 10:24 \fl Gr. \ft be left of.
EXO 12:3+ \fr 12:3 \ft πρόβατον, sheep \fl generally \ft but ver. 5 seems to …sage.
EXO 12:13+ \fr 12:13 \fl Or, \ft strike the land \fl Hebraism.
EXO 12:16+ \fr 12:16 \fl Gr. \ft called holy.
EXO 12:34+ \fr 12:34 \fl Gr. \ft lumps of meal.
EXO 12:37+ \fr 12:37 \fl Gr. \ft having departed.
EXO 12:40+ \fr 12:40 \fl Gr. \ft which.
EXO 12:42+ \fr 12:42 \ft ὥστε seems to be given for ל, instead of 'when he bro… etc.
EXO 13:8+ \fr 13:8 \fl Gr. \ft did thus to me.
EXO 13:10+ \fr 13:10 \fl Gr. \ft from days to days. \fl Hebraism.
EXO 13:12+ \fr 13:12 \fl Or, \ft separate.
EXO 14:10+ \fr 14:10 \fl Gr. \ft having, etc. with their eyes.
EXO 14:15+ \fr 14:15 \fl Gr. \ft harness or yoke the horses again.
EXO 14:16+ \fr 14:16 \fl Or, \ft your hand with your rod; but another reading …βδον.
EXO 14:27+ \fr 14:27 \fl Lit. \ft under.
EXO 15:18+ \fr 15:18 \fl Gr. \ft reigning.
EXO 16:16+ \fr 16:16 \fl Gr. \ft by the head.
EXO 16:18+ \fr 16:18 \fl i.e. \ft just sufficient for.
EXO 16:35+ \fr 16:35 \fl Gr. \ft οἰκοuμένη.
EXO 17:14+ \fr 17:14 \fl Gr. \ft give.
EXO 17:14+ \fr 17:14 \fl Gr. \ft the \fqa part \ft under heaven.
EXO 18:11+ \fr 18:11 \ft The meaning appeaars to be, The Lord showed his super…ites.
EXO 18:14+ \fr 18:14 \fl Gr. \ft does.
EXO 18:19+ \fr 18:19 \fl Gr. \ft words.
EXO 18:21+ \fr 18:21 \fl Gr. \ft them.
EXO 18:23+ \fr 18:23 \fl Gr. \ft his own.
EXO 18:25+ \fr 18:25 \fl Gr. \ft them.
EXO 19:22+ \fr 19:22 \fl Gr. \ft change. ἀπαλλατέω is used in this sense elsew…ying.
EXO 19:24+ \fr 19:24 \ft See Luke 16. 16, which perhaps refers to this passage…ying.
EXO 20:18+ \fr 20:18 \fl Or, \ft saw the lightening, \fl Lit. \ft saw the voice.
EXO 21:5+ \fr 21:5 \fl Gr. \ft do not run away.
EXO 21:8+ \fr 21:8 \fl Gr. \ft who has.
EXO 21:28+ \fr 21:28 \fl Or, \ft he\fl or \ft she die.
EXO 22:1+ \fr 22:1 \fl Gr. \ft a calf.
EXO 22:3+ \fr 22:3 \fl Gr. \ft he.
EXO 22:8+ \fr 22:8 \fl Gr. \ft over.
EXO 22:11+ \fr 22:11 \fl Gr. \ft accept him.
EXO 22:15+ \fr 22:15 \fl Qu. \ft If the borrower be a hireling, he shall have …hire?
EXO 22:17+ \fr 22:17 \fl Gr. \ft money.
EXO 23:16+ \fr 23:16 \fl Gr. \ft works.
EXO 23:18+ \fr 23:18 \fl Gr. \ft incense offering.
EXO 24:3+ \fr 24:3 \fl Lit. \ft listen.
EXO 24:11+ \fr 24:11 \fl i. e. \ft where God was.
EXO 25:7+ \fr 25:7 \fl Lit. \ft shoulder-piece.
EXO 25:31+ \fr 25:31 \fl Gr. \ft of it.
EXO 25:34+ \fr 25:34 \fl Gr. \ft of it.
EXO 26:5+ \fr 26:5 \fl i.e. \ft at each coupling.
EXO 27:2+ \fr 27:2 \fl Gr. \ft of it.
EXO 27:10+ \fr 27:10 \fl Gr. \ft of.
EXO 27:21+ \fr 27:21 \fl Gr. \ft over.
EXO 27:21+ \fr 27:21 \fl Gr. \ft to.
EXO 28:7+ \fr 28:7 \fl i. e. \ft the work, \fl or, \ft he, \fl i. e. \ft Aaron.
EXO 28:8+ \fr 28:8 \fl Or, \ft him.
EXO 28:13+ \fr 28:13 \fl Gr. \ft little shields.
EXO 28:26+ \fr 28:26 \fl i. e. \ft in \fqa Heb. Urim and Thummim; \fl Lit. \ft…ions.
EXO 28:37+ \fr 28:37 \fl Or, \ft consecrate them.
EXO 29:9+ \fr 29:9 \fl Or, \ft consecrate them. \fl Lit. \ft make perfect the hands.
EXO 29:22+ \fr 29:22 \fl Gr. \ft an accomplishment. \fl q.d. \ft a filling of the hands.
EXO 29:24+ \fr 29:24 \fl Gr. \ft separate them for a separation. \fqa Heb. wav…ring.
EXO 29:28+ \fr 29:28 \fl Or, \ft heave-offering. \fqa Heb.
EXO 29:36+ \fr 29:36 \fl Gr. \ft sanctify.
EXO 29:41+ \fr 29:41 \fl Gr. \ft of it.
EXO 29:42+ \fr 29:42 \fl Gr. \ft to.
EXO 29:45+ \fr 29:45 \fl Or, \ft named.
EXO 29:46+ \fr 29:46 \fl Or, \ft named.
EXO 30:2+ \fr 30:2 \fl Gr. \ft of it.
EXO 30:10+ \fr 30:10 \fl Gr. \ft on it, on its horns.
EXO 30:12+ \fr 30:12 \fl Gr. \ft fall.
EXO 30:18+ \fr 30:18 \fl Gr. \ft so as to wash one's self.
EXO 30:21+ \fr 30:21 \fl Gr. \ft generations.
EXO 30:24+ \fr 30:24 \fl Gr. \ft iris.
EXO 30:34+ \fr 30:34 \fl Gr. \ft equal to equal.
EXO 30:38+ \fr 30:38 \fl Gr. \ft to smell in it. \fl Hebraism.
EXO 31:6+ \fr 31:6 \fl Gr. \ft given.
EXO 31:6+ \fr 31:6 \fl Or, \ft work in, or at. One reading is ποιήσοθσι.
EXO 32:6+ \fr 32:6 \fl Gr. \ft Set upon the altar.
EXO 32:14+ \fr 32:14 \fl Gr. \ft do.
EXO 33:4+ \fr 33:4 \fl Gr. \ft evil.
EXO 33:6+ \fr 33:6 \fl Gr. \ft from.
EXO 34:5+ \fr 34:5 \fl Or, \ft the name of the Lord, \fl Hebraism. \ft Anothe…όματι
EXO 34:19+ \fr 34:19 \fl Gr. \ft of a calf.
EXO 34:22+ \fr 34:22 \fl Gr. \ft make.
EXO 34:25+ \fr 34:25 \fl Gr. \ft kill.
EXO 34:25+ \fr 34:25 \fl Gr. \ft incense-offerings.
EXO 34:25+ \fr 34:25 \fl Gr. \ft upon.
EXO 34:25+ \fr 34:25 \fl Gr. \ft sleep.
EXO 34:29+ \fr 34:29 \fl Gr. \ft and.
EXO 34:29+ \fr 34:29 \fl Gr. \ft he.
EXO 35:5+ \fr 35:5 \fl Gr. \ft they shall.
EXO 35:8+ \fr 35:8 \fl Or, \ft ephod.
EXO 35:22+ \fr 35:22 \fl Or, \ft chains.
EXO 35:24+ \fr 35:24 \fl Gr. \ft they brought.
EXO 35:25+ \fr 35:25 \fl Gr. \ft they brought.
EXO 35:32+ \fr 35:32 \fl i. e. \ft as a master workman.
EXO 36:5+ \fr 36:5 \ft Another reading is εἱπαν, but there is occasionally co…ural.
EXO 36:7+ \fr 36:7 \fl Gr. \ft works.
EXO 36:9+ \fr 36:9 \fl Or, \ft they.
EXO 36:11+ \fr 36:11 \fl Gr. \ft itself.
EXO 36:21+ \fr 36:21 \fl Gr. \ft for seals.
EXO 37:7+ \fr 37:7 \fl Or, \ft on each side.
EXO 37:19+ \fr 37:19 \fl Or, \ft appointment.
EXO 37:21+ \fr 37:21 \fl Gr. \ft to weave.
EXO 38:4+ \fr 38:4 \fl Gr. \ft it.
EXO 38:9+ \fr 38:9 \fl i. e. \ft table of show bread.
EXO 38:10+ \fr 38:10 \fl i. e. \ft the rings.
EXO 38:12+ \fr 38:12 \fl Gr. \ft will.
EXO 38:16+ \fr 38:16 \fl Gr. \ft knops like walnuts.
EXO 38:17+ \fr 38:17 \fl Gr. \ft it.
EXO 38:17+ \fr 38:17 \fl Or, \ft snuff-dishes; but the word seems to mean the …lamp.
EXO 38:18+ \fr 38:18 \fl Gr. \ft the post.
EXO 38:23+ \fr 38:23 \fl Or, \ft firepan.
EXO 38:27+ \fr 38:27 \fl Gr. \ft of it.
EXO 38:27+ \fr 38:27 \fl Gr. \ft of it.
EXO 39:1+ \fr 39:1 \fl Gr. \ft first fruits.
EXO 39:1+ \fr 39:1 \fl Alex. \ft 730 shekels.
EXO 39:7+ \fr 39:7 \fl Alex. \ft 470 talents.
EXO 39:7+ \fr 39:7 \fl Alex. \ft 2400 shekels.
EXO 39:22+ \fr 39:22 \fl Or, \ft store, posession, etc.; as in Gen. 43.
EXO 40:4+ \fr 40:4 \ft Setting forth of it.
EXO 40:15+ \fr 40:15 \ft See 1 John 2. 27; The anointing remains etc.
EXO 40:20+ \fr 40:20 \fl Gr. \ft under.
EXO 40:36+ \fr 40:36 \fl Gr. \ft harnessed again.
EXO 40:38+ \fr 40:38 \fl Or, \ft preparations etc.
NUM 1:3+ \fr 1:3 \fl Gr. \ft force.
NUM 1:18+ \fr 1:18 \ft ἄξονες dicebantur olim tabulae publicae; atque inde ἐπ… Bos.
NUM 1:18+ \fr 1:18 \fl Gr. \ft head or poll.
NUM 1:29+ \fr 1:29 \fl Alex. \ft 500.
NUM 1:52+ \fr 1:52 \fl Or, \ft headship, \fl i.e. \ft according to the situat…ince.
NUM 2:18+ \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft by the sea.
NUM 3:3+ \fr 3:3 \fl Gr. \ft accomplished their hands to minister: according…ands.
NUM 3:16+ \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft voice.
NUM 3:49+ \fr 3:49 \fl i.e. \ft the number redeemed by the Levites.
NUM 3:51+ \fr 3:51 \fl Gr. \ft voice.
NUM 4:25+ \fr 4:25 \fl Gr. \ft it, \fl i.e. \ft the family.
NUM 4:36+ \fr 4:36 \fl Alex. \ft 350.
NUM 4:45+ \fr 4:45 \fl Gr. \ft voice.
NUM 4:47+ \fr 4:47 \fl Gr. \ft work.
NUM 4:48+ \fr 4:48 \fl Alex. \ft 450
NUM 5:2+ \fr 5:2 \fl Gr. \ft soul.
NUM 5:23+ \fr 5:23 \fl Gr. \ft in.
NUM 5:28+ \fr 5:28 \fl Gr. \ft give out seed.
NUM 6:4+ \fr 6:4 \fl Gr. \ft grape-stones.
NUM 6:5+ \fr 6:5 \fl Gr. \ft a head of hair \ft \+add even \+add* hair, etc.
NUM 6:19+ \fr 6:19 \fl Gr. \ft his vow, compare Acts 18. 18.
NUM 7:1+ \fr 7:1 \fl Gr. \ft so as to set up.
NUM 7:14+ \fr 7:14 \fl Gr. \ft one censer of ten golden \ft \+add weights. \+add*
NUM 7:85+ \fr 7:85 \fl Gr. \ft one.
NUM 7:87+ \fr 7:87 \fl Gr. \ft cows.
NUM 7:88+ \fr 7:88 \fl Gr. \ft filled his hands.
NUM 7:89+ \fr 7:89 \fl Gr. \ft him.
NUM 8:4+ \fr 8:4 \fl Or, \ft Appointment, or arrangement.
NUM 8:11+ \fr 8:11 \fl Gr. \ft so as to perform.
NUM 8:24+ \fr 8:24 \fl Gr. \ft do the work.
NUM 9:7+ \fr 9:7 \fl Gr. \ft him.
NUM 9:15+ \fr 9:15 \fl Gr. \ft house.
NUM 9:19+ \fr 9:19 \fl Gr. \ft days by number.
NUM 9:21+ \fr 9:21 \fl Or, \ft more than a month.
NUM 10:2+ \fr 10:2 \fl i.e. \ft the successive encampments.
NUM 10:21+ \fr 10:21 \fl i.e. \ft the Gershonites and the Merarites. \fl A.V. …rgin.
NUM 11:3+ \fr 11:3 \fqa Heb. Taberah.
NUM 11:4+ \fr 11:4 \fl Gr. \ft lusted a lust.
NUM 11:5+ \fr 11:5 \fl Or, \ft pumpkins.
NUM 11:17+ \fr 11:17 \fl Or, \ft impetus.
NUM 11:18+ \fr 11:18 \fl Gr. \ft is.
NUM 11:20+ \fr 11:20 \fl Gr. \ft a month of days.
NUM 11:20+ \fr 11:20 \fl Lit. \ft cholera.
NUM 11:23+ \fr 11:23 \fl Gr. \ft will overtake you.
NUM 11:32+ \fr 11:32 \fl Gr. \ft little.
NUM 11:32+ \fr 11:32 \fl Gr. \ft cors.
NUM 11:32+ \fr 11:32 \fl Gr. \ft refreshed refreshments to themselves. \fqa He… שמוח
NUM 11:35+ \fr 11:35 \fqa Heb. קכווה החאוה Kibroth-hattaavah.
NUM 11:35+ \fr 11:35 \fl Gr. \ft were in.
NUM 12:4+ \fr 12:4 \fl Gr. \ft the three.
NUM 12:14+ \fr 12:14 \fl Gr. \ft will.
NUM 13:21+ \fr 13:21 \fl Gr. q. d. \ft neglected
NUM 13:31+ \fr 13:31 \fl Or, \ft to.
NUM 13:32+ \fr 13:32 \fl Gr. \ft do not.
NUM 14:11+ \fr 14:11 \fl Gr. \ft not believe me.
NUM 14:31+ \fr 14:31 \fl Gr. \ft from which you° turned away.
NUM 14:35+ \fr 14:35 \ft See ἐπισύστασις 2. Cor 11. 28.
NUM 14:40+ \fr 14:40 \fl Gr. \ft these men.
NUM 15:3+ \fr 15:3 \fl Gr. \ft magnify.
NUM 16:12+ \fr 16:12 \fl Gr. \ft do not.
NUM 16:13+ \fr 16:13 \ft Some read, out of.
NUM 16:14+ \fr 16:14 \fl Gr. \ft cut out.
NUM 16:14+ \fr 16:14 \fl Gr. \ft do not.
NUM 16:15+ \fr 16:15 \ft חפד for חפוד
NUM 16:30+ \fr 16:30 \fl Or, \ft vision. Some copies read χάσματι
NUM 16:34+ \fr 16:34 \fl Gr. \ft saying.
NUM 17:2+ \fr 17:2 \fl Gr. \ft a rod
NUM 18:5+ \fr 18:5 \fl Gr. \ft in.
NUM 18:11+ \fr 18:11 \fqa Heb. חנפה. Such appears its general meaning.
NUM 18:17+ \fr 18:17 \fl i. e. \ft among. But μόσχος is used elsewhere in the …reed.
NUM 18:19+ \fr 18:19 \fl Gr. \ft of perpetual salt.
NUM 18:32+ \fr 18:32 \fl Or, \ft because you° shall
NUM 20:14+ \fr 20:14 \fl Gr. \ft found us
NUM 21:1+ \fr 21:1 \fl Gr. \ft a captivity of them.
NUM 21:3+ \fr 21:3 \fl Gr. \ft devoted thing.
NUM 21:13+ \fr 21:13 \fl Gr. \ft Amorite
NUM 21:17+ \fr 21:17 \fl Gr. \ft of the well for it
NUM 21:19+ \fr 21:19 \fl Or, \ft Jané but the reading is uncertain.
NUM 22:3+ \fr 22:3 \fl q. d. \ft because of \fl hebraism.
NUM 22:27+ \fr 22:27 \fl Gr. \ft sat down.
NUM 22:39+ \fr 22:39 \fl Or, \ft cities of villages. \fqa Heb.
NUM 23:3+ \fr 23:3 \fl Gr. \ft appear to me in meeting
NUM 23:13+ \fr 23:13 \fl Gr. \ft him \fl or \ft it
NUM 23:23+ \fr 23:23 \ft against
NUM 23:23+ \fr 23:23 \fl or, \ft what shall God perform?
NUM 23:25+ \fr 23:25 \fl Gr. \ft him.
NUM 24:8+ \fr 24:8 \fl Gr. \ft suck the marrow out of their fat \fqa bones
NUM 24:13+ \fr 24:13 \fl or, \ft go beyond
NUM 24:16+ \fr 24:16 \fl Gr. \ft knowing knowledge
NUM 24:16+ \fr 24:16 \fl Or, \ft unveiled
NUM 24:22+ \fr 24:22 \fl Gr. \ft nest of cunning
NUM 24:23+ \fr 24:23 \fl Gr. \ft put
NUM 24:24+ \fr 24:24 \fl Or, \ft men of Heber.
NUM 24:25+ \fr 24:25 \fl Gr. q. d. \ft chez lui
NUM 25:1+ \fr 25:1 \fqa Heb. חלל to begin and to profane etc.
NUM 25:4+ \fr 25:4 \fl Or, \ft put them to shame. See Heb. 6.6
NUM 25:7+ \fr 25:7 \fl Gr. \ft dagger.
NUM 25:8+ \fr 25:8 \fl Gr. \ft furnace, κάμινον. Trom renders \fqa lupanar. \…הקכה.
NUM 25:11+ \fr 25:11 \fl Or, \ft with \fl Or, \ft against them. \fl Hebraism
NUM 26:2+ \fr 26:2 \fl Gr. \ft of their fathers' families.
NUM 26:2+ \fr 26:2 \fl Gr. \ft to set himself in array.
NUM 26:10+ \fr 26:10 \fl Or. \ft for a sign.
NUM 26:31+ \fr 26:31 \fl Alex. \ft 600
NUM 26:38+ \fr 26:38 \fl Alex. \ft 62500
NUM 26:47+ \fr 26:47 \fl Alex. \ft 600
NUM 28:13+ \fr 28:13 \ft This seems to be the general meaning of κάρπωμα in LXX
NUM 28:24+ \fr 28:24 \fl Alex. \ft two days.
NUM 29:35+ \fr 29:35 \fl Or, \ft solemn assembly. See Lev. 23. 36.
NUM 30:3+ \fr 30:3 \fl Gr. \ft profane
NUM 30:7+ \fr 30:7 \ft It would seem that the relative in respect of οὓς must…tood.
NUM 30:9+ \fr 30:9 \fl Or, \ft in any wise.
NUM 30:10+ \fr 30:10 \fl Gr. \ft vow.
NUM 30:13+ \fr 30:13 \fl Or. \ft forbid; \fl lit. \ft take away.
NUM 30:16+ \fr 30:16 \fl Or. \ft utterly.
NUM 31:2+ \fr 31:2 \fl Gr. \ft vengeance.
NUM 31:2+ \fr 31:2 \fl Gr. \ft last.
NUM 31:3+ \fr 31:3 \fl Gr. \ft men.
NUM 31:19+ \fr 31:19 \fl i. e. \ft of a slain man
NUM 31:19+ \fr 31:19 \fl Or, \ft shall purify himself.
NUM 31:20+ \fr 31:20 \fl Gr. \ft every work.
NUM 31:30+ \fr 31:30 \fl Gr. \ft from \fl or \ft of
NUM 31:47+ \fr 31:47 \fl Gr. \ft the one out of the fifty.
NUM 31:54+ \fr 31:54 \fl Gr. \ft them.
NUM 32:1+ \fr 32:1 \fl Gr. \ft cattle, a multitude, greatly a multitude.
NUM 32:13+ \fr 32:13 \fl Or, \ft before.
NUM 32:14+ \fr 32:14 \fl Or, \ft an evil race, \fl lit \ft a destruction, but …εμμα.
NUM 32:20+ \fr 32:20 \fl Gr. \ft this word.
NUM 32:31+ \fr 32:31 \fl Or, \ft our Lord, or, our master, \fl i. e. \ft Moses.
NUM 32:33+ \fr 32:33 \fl Gr. \ft the cities.
NUM 32:41+ \fr 32:41 \fl Or, \ft folds.
NUM 33:16+ \fr 33:16 \fqa Heb. Kibroth-hattaavah.
NUM 33:54+ \fr 33:54 \fl Gr. \ft his
NUM 34:3+ \fr 34:3 \fl Gr. \ft be.
NUM 34:6+ \fr 34:6 \fl Gr. \ft sea
NUM 34:7+ \fr 34:7 \fl Gr. \ft the mountain, the mountain. By this repetition… Hor.
NUM 34:14+ \fr 34:14 \fl Gr. \ft the houses of their families.
NUM 34:17+ \fr 34:17 \fl Gr. \ft inherit the land for you.
NUM 35:2+ \fr 35:2 \fl Or, \ft lots.
NUM 35:2+ \fr 35:2 \fl i. e. \ft the Levites.
NUM 35:3+ \fr 35:3 \fl Or, \ft districts, \fl i. e. \ft spaces marked off. \f…here.
NUM 35:11+ \fr 35:11 \fl Gr. \ft struck a life.
NUM 35:12+ \fr 35:12 \fl Gr. \ft him that as kinsman represents the blood.
NUM 35:22+ \fr 35:22 \fl Gr. \ft any vessel \fl or \ft weapon.
NUM 35:28+ \fr 35:28 \fl Gr. \ft let him remain.
NUM 35:30+ \fr 35:30 \fl Gr. \ft smites a life.
NUM 35:30+ \fr 35:30 \fl Gr. \ft by witnesses.
NUM 36:5+ \fr 36:5 \fl Gr. \ft say.
NUM 36:6+ \fr 36:6 \fl Gr. \ft be wives.
NUM 36:7+ \fr 36:7 \fl Gr. \ft be cemented. See Matt. 19. 5. Acts 5. 26.
DEU 1:6+ \fr 1:6 \fl Gr. \ft to dwell.
DEU 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Or, \ft increase you.
DEU 1:13+ \fr 1:13 \fl Gr. \ft give.
DEU 1:15+ \fr 1:15 \ft Perhaps, recorders: \fl more lit. \ft instructors in r…ting.
DEU 1:16+ \fr 1:16 \fl Gr. \ft his stranger.
DEU 1:17+ \fr 1:17 \fl Gr. \ft a face.
DEU 1:17+ \fr 1:17 \fl Gr. \ft according to small and great.
DEU 1:31+ \fr 1:31 \ft See Acts 13. 18, and note in the margin of English Bib…ησεν.
DEU 1:35+ \fr 1:35 \fl Gr. \ft If one.
DEU 1:36+ \fr 1:36 \fl Or, \ft followed closely after the Lord.
DEU 1:41+ \fr 1:41 \fl Gr. \ft go up.
DEU 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \fl Or, \ft Let it suffice you to compass.
DEU 2:11+ \fr 2:11 \fqa Heb. giants.
DEU 2:18+ \fr 2:18 \fl Or, \ft even Aroer.
DEU 2:22+ \fr 2:22 \fl Gr. \ft them.
DEU 2:25+ \fr 2:25 \fl Or, \ft for fear of you. \fl Hebraism.
DEU 3:11+ \fr 3:11 \fl Or, \ft acropolis, citadel: or extremity of the land o…ites.
DEU 3:27+ \fr 3:27 \fl i. e. \ft Pisgah.
DEU 4:9+ \fr 4:9 \fl Gr. \ft soul.
DEU 4:13+ \fr 4:13 \fl Gr. \ft words or sayings.
DEU 4:19+ \fr 4:19 \fl Gr. \ft order of heaven.
DEU 4:22+ \fr 4:22 \fl Gr. \ft I die.
DEU 4:28+ \fr 4:28 \fl Gr. \ft shall not see, etc.
DEU 4:29+ \fr 4:29 \fl Gr. \ft your.
DEU 4:30+ \fr 4:30 \fl Gr. \ft all these words shall find you. \fl Hebraism.
DEU 4:34+ \fr 4:34 \fl Gr. \ft before you seeing.
DEU 4:38+ \fr 4:38 \fl Or, \ft greater.
DEU 4:42+ \fr 4:42 \fl Gr. \ft before yesterday and the third day. \fl Hebraism.
DEU 4:43+ \fr 4:43 \fl Or, \ft the Gaddite
DEU 4:46+ \fr 4:46 \fl i. e. \ft the east side.
DEU 4:49+ \fr 4:49 \fqa Heb. the plain.
DEU 4:49+ \fr 4:49 \fl Or, \ft the quarried rock. \fqa Heb. Ashdoth Pisgah.
DEU 5:10+ \fr 5:10 \fl Gr. \ft to them that love, etc. to \ft \+add the numbe…ands.
DEU 5:24+ \fr 5:24 \fl Or, \ft by this day.
DEU 5:29+ \fr 5:29 \fl Gr. \ft Who will give that there should be so an heart, etc.
DEU 6:11+ \fr 6:11 \fl Or, \ft pits or pools.
DEU 6:20+ \fr 6:20 \fl Gr. \ft to-morrow.
DEU 6:22+ \fr 6:22 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
DEU 6:22+ \fr 6:22 \fl Gr. \ft evil.
DEU 7:13+ \fr 7:13 \fl Gr. \ft belly.
DEU 7:14+ \fr 7:14 \fl Gr. \ft and.
DEU 7:17+ \fr 7:17 \fl Gr. \ft more.
DEU 7:26+ \fr 7:26 \fl Gr. \ft shall.
DEU 8:7+ \fr 8:7 \fl Or, \ft issuing from deep places.
DEU 9:15+ \fr 9:15 \fl Gr. \ft on.
DEU 9:16+ \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft to do.
DEU 9:19+ \fr 9:19 \fl Gr. \ft am.
DEU 9:22+ \fr 9:22 \fqa Heb. Taberah, Massah, and Kibroth Hattavah.
DEU 9:22+ \fr 9:22 \fqa Heb. Taberah, Massah, and Kibroth Hattavah.
DEU 9:22+ \fr 9:22 \fqa Heb. Taberah, Massah, and Kibroth Hattavah.
DEU 9:24+ \fr 9:24 \fl Or, \ft towards the Lord.
DEU 9:26+ \fr 9:26 \fl Or, \ft portion or part.
DEU 10:10+ \fr 10:10 \fl Gr. \ft stood.
DEU 10:16+ \fr 10:16 \fl Gr. \ft and.
DEU 10:17+ \fr 10:17 \fl Gr. \ft wonder at or admire a face.
DEU 11:16+ \fr 11:16 \ft \ft \+it Gr. \+it* made broad.
DEU 11:20+ \fr 11:20 \fl Or, \ft thresholds.
DEU 12:6+ \fr 12:6 \fl Gr. \ft vows.
DEU 12:20+ \fr 12:20 \fl Gr. \ft in all.
DEU 12:31+ \fr 12:31 \fl Gr. \ft in, or, among.
DEU 13:17+ \fr 13:17 \fqa Heb. give.
DEU 14:5+ \fr 14:5 \fl Or, \ft buffalo.
DEU 14:12+ \fr 14:12 \fl i.e. \ft birds.
DEU 14:18+ \fr 14:18 \fl Or, \ft heron.
DEU 14:18+ \fr 14:18 \fl Or, \ft flamingo.
DEU 16:7+ \fr 16:7 \fl Gr. \ft houses.
DEU 16:8+ \fr 16:8 \ft See Lev 23. 6. Num 29. 35. 2 Chron 7. 9.
DEU 16:8+ \fr 16:8 \fl Gr. \ft shall etc.
DEU 16:8+ \fr 16:8 \fl Gr. \ft for or by a soul.
DEU 16:17+ \fr 16:17 \fl Gr. \ft your.
DEU 16:21+ \fr 16:21 \fl Gr. \ft make.
DEU 17:6+ \fr 17:6 \fl Gr. \ft dies shall not die.
DEU 17:8+ \fr 17:8 \fl Gr. \ft blood between blood, etc.
DEU 17:17+ \fr 17:17 \fl Gr. \ft change.
DEU 17:20+ \fr 17:20 \fl Gr. \ft from. \fqa Heb.- ס.
DEU 18:6+ \fr 18:6 \fl i.e. \ft God.
DEU 18:10+ \fr 18:10 \fl Gr. \ft divines.
DEU 19:4+ \fr 19:4 \fl Gr. \ft before yesterday and the third day.
DEU 19:6+ \fr 19:6 \fl Gr. \ft strike his life.
DEU 19:15+ \fr 19:15 \fl Gr. \ft remain.
DEU 20:19+ \fr 20:19 \fl Gr. \ft one city.
DEU 20:19+ \fr 20:19 \fl Gr. \ft against you.
DEU 20:19+ \fr 20:19 \fl Gr. \ft the trench. See Matt. 3. 10.
DEU 21:3+ \fr 21:3 \fl Gr. \ft drawn.
DEU 21:4+ \fr 21:4 \fl Gr. \ft cut the sinews. \fl i.e. \ft of the neck.
DEU 21:5+ \fr 21:5 \fl Gr. \ft his name. \fl Hebraism.
DEU 21:5+ \fr 21:5 \fl Gr. \ft at their mouth.
DEU 21:8+ \fr 21:8 \fl Gr. \ft may not be in your people.
DEU 21:11+ \fr 21:11 \fl Gr. \ft think about her.
DEU 21:15+ \fr 21:15 \fl Gr. \ft one of them.
DEU 21:17+ \fr 21:17 \fl Gr. \ft the beginning or chief.
DEU 22:11+ \fr 22:11 \fl Gr. \ft false or adulterated or drossy.
DEU 22:26+ \fr 22:26 \fl Gr. \ft his life.
DEU 23:14+ \fr 23:14 \fl i.e. \ft would if you wort disobedient.
DEU 23:17+ \fr 23:17 \fl Or, \ft sodomitess or harlot.
DEU 23:17+ \fr 23:17 \fl Or, \ft sodomite.
DEU 24:3+ \fr 24:3 \fl Or, \ft book.
DEU 24:7+ \fr 24:7 \fl Lit. \ft guiltless.
DEU 24:8+ \fr 24:8 \fl Gr. \ft this man.
DEU 24:9+ \fr 24:9 \fl Gr. \ft a soul.
DEU 24:15+ \fr 24:15 \fl ie. \ft mercy shown by you.
DEU 24:18+ \fr 24:18 \fl Gr. \ft die in his own sin.
DEU 25:6+ \fr 25:6 \fl Gr. \ft constituted.
DEU 25:7+ \fr 25:7 \fl Gr. \ft has not been willing.
DEU 25:13+ \fr 25:13 \fl Gr. \ft or.
DEU 25:14+ \fr 25:14 \fl Gr. \ft or.
DEU 26:14+ \fr 26:14 \fl Or, \ft person.
DEU 27:25+ \fr 27:25 \fl Gr. \ft to strike the life of innocent blood.
DEU 28:4+ \fr 28:4 \fl Gr. \ft belly.
DEU 28:10+ \fr 28:10 \fl Or, \ft see that the name, etc.
DEU 28:11+ \fr 28:11 \fl Gr. \ft belly.
DEU 28:21+ \fr 28:21 \fl Gr. \ft may the Lord.
DEU 28:39+ \fr 28:39 \fl Gr. \ft them. \fl i.e. \ft the fruits of it.
DEU 28:40+ \fr 28:40 \fl Lit. \ft flow, or fall down.
DEU 28:49+ \fr 28:49 \fl Gr. \ft bear.
DEU 28:50+ \fr 28:50 \fl Gr. \ft wonder at.
DEU 28:53+ \fr 28:53 \fl Gr. \ft belly.
DEU 28:57+ \fr 28:57 \fl Lit. \ft afterbirth.
DEU 28:60+ \fr 28:60 \fl Gr. \ft which you feardst before their face. \fl Hebraism.
DEU 29:19+ \fr 29:19 \fl Lit. \ft May holy things happen to me. See the use of…. 34.
DEU 30:1+ \fr 30:1 \fl Gr. \ft receive them into your heart.
DEU 30:9+ \fr 30:9 \fl Gr. \ft belly.
DEU 30:11+ \fr 30:11 \ft See Rom 6, 7, 8.
DEU 31:5+ \fr 31:5 \fl i.e. \ft the nations.
DEU 31:26+ \fr 31:26 \fl Gr. \ft within you.
DEU 31:29+ \fr 31:29 \fl Gr. \ft at the end of the days.
DEU 32:4+ \fr 32:4 \fl Gr. \ft judgments.
DEU 32:7+ \fr 32:7 \fl Gr. \ft in ages of ages.
DEU 32:23+ \fr 32:23 \fl Gr. \ft cause my weapons to war together against them.
DEU 32:24+ \fr 32:24 \fl Gr. \ft downfall \fl or \ft falling away.
DEU 32:30+ \fr 32:30 \fl Gr. \ft shall.
DEU 32:36+ \fr 32:36 \fl Gr. \ft paralysed.
DEU 32:42+ \fr 32:42 \fl Alex. \ft ἐθνῶν, Gentiles.
DEU 33:2+ \fr 33:2 \fqa Heb. קרש, saints.
JOS 1:4+ \fr 1:4 \fl Or, \ft last, \fl or, \ft farthest sea.
JOS 1:6+ \fr 1:6 \fl Gr. \ft to your fathers, to give them.
JOS 1:7+ \fr 1:7 \fl Gr. \ft from them, \fl sc. \ft the commands.
JOS 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft do go over.
JOS 1:14+ \fr 1:14 \fl Or, \ft in good order.
JOS 2:4+ \fr 2:4 \fl Gr. \ft them.
JOS 2:5+ \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft dark.
JOS 2:5+ \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft shall.
JOS 2:18+ \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft do enter.
JOS 2:18+ \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft the sign.
JOS 3:4+ \fr 3:4 \fl Gr. \ft from yesterday and the third day. A frequent Hebraism.
JOS 3:9+ \fr 3:9 \fl Gr. \ft bring hither. \fl sc. \ft yourselves.
JOS 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft its whole channel.
JOS 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft as on the days.
JOS 3:16+ \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft a part.
JOS 3:16+ \fr 3:16 \fl Gr. \ft that which came down.
JOS 4:3+ \fr 4:3 \fl Gr. \ft ready. \fqa Heb. הכיך. \fl A.V. firm, \fqa appl…ests.
JOS 4:4+ \fr 4:4 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious.
JOS 4:6+ \fr 4:6 \fl Gr. \ft of the distinguished, or, illustrious.
JOS 4:7+ \fr 4:7 \fl Gr. \ft failed.
JOS 4:12+ \fr 4:12 \fl Or, \ft equipped.
JOS 4:13+ \fr 4:13 \fl Gr. \ft in good order.
JOS 5:1+ \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft their minds or thoughts melted.
JOS 5:1+ \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of.
JOS 5:8+ \fr 5:8 \fl Gr. \ft sitting. A frequent Hebraism.
JOS 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \fl Gr. \ft mighty in strength.
JOS 6:4+ \fr 6:4 \fl Gr. \ft let all the people, etc.
JOS 6:5+ \fr 6:5 \fl Or, \ft of their own accord.
JOS 6:7+ \fr 6:7 \fqa Heb. שופרוה היוכליס \fl A.V. \ft 'ram's horns.' Only i…lace.
JOS 6:10+ \fr 6:10 \fl Gr. \ft day.
JOS 6:17+ \fr 6:17 \fl Or, \ft an accursed thing.
JOS 6:21+ \fr 6:21 \fl Gr. \ft mouth.
JOS 6:26+ \fr 6:26 \fl Gr. \ft saved.
JOS 7:7+ \fr 7:7 \fl Gr. \ft and if we had.
JOS 7:8+ \fr 7:8 \fl Gr. \ft neck. \fqa Heb. שף the back of the neck.
JOS 7:24+ \fr 7:24 \fqa Heb. צמק צכור valley of trouble.
JOS 7:25+ \fr 7:25 \fl Gr. \ft as also today.
JOS 7:26+ \fr 7:26 \fl Gr. \ft it.
JOS 8:10+ \fr 8:10 \fl Gr. \ft reviewed.
JOS 8:19+ \fr 8:19 \fl Or, \ft set it on fire.
JOS 8:21+ \fr 8:21 \fl Gr. \ft took.
JOS 8:29+ \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft double tree.
JOS 8:29+ \fr 8:29 \fl Gr. \ft the pit or trench. For vv. 30-35, see chap. 8. 2.
JOS 8:31+ \fr 8:31 \fl Gr. \ft was not lifted up.
JOS 8:32+ \fr 8:32 \fl Or, \ft a Deuteronomy.
JOS 9:1+ \fr 9:1 \fl Note: \ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text
JOS 9:2+ \fr 9:2 \fl Note: \ft Brenton does not have vv 1-2 in his text
JOS 9:5+ \fr 9:5 \fl Gr. \ft eaten, \fl sc. \ft of worms and maggots.
JOS 9:16+ \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft after three days after, etc.
JOS 9:16+ \fr 9:16 \fl Gr. \ft dwell.
JOS 9:24+ \fr 9:24 \fl Gr. \ft from before you.
JOS 9:27+ \fr 9:27 \ft The following verses are additions to Brenton's text f…text.
JOS 10:2+ \fr 10:2 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities.
JOS 10:4+ \fr 10:4 \fl Gr. \ft they.
JOS 10:13+ \fr 10:13 \fl i.e. \ft additional day without a night between.
JOS 10:19+ \fr 10:19 \fl Gr. \ft fasten upon or seize.
JOS 10:21+ \fr 10:21 \fl Gr. \ft sound, or healthy.
JOS 10:24+ \fr 10:24 \fl Gr. \ft of the war.
JOS 10:28+ \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft it.
JOS 10:28+ \fr 10:28 \fl Gr. \ft mouth.
JOS 10:32+ \fr 10:32 \fl Gr. \ft he, \fl i.e. \ft Israel.
JOS 10:34+ \fr 10:34 \fl Or, \ft vigourously attacked it.
JOS 10:40+ \fr 10:40 \fl Heb. \ft south.
JOS 11:7+ \fr 11:7 \fl Gr. \ft to.
JOS 11:20+ \fr 11:20 \fl Gr. \ft strengthen.
JOS 11:21+ \fr 11:21 \fqa Heb. ישראל הר probably הר for רור a mountain, not a …tion.
JOS 12:2+ \fr 12:2 \ft another reading is ἐπὶ τοῦ χείλους, on the slope \fl o…edge.
JOS 12:23+ \fr 12:23 \fqa Heb. Dor, in the coast of Dor.
JOS 13:1+ \fr 13:1 \fl Gr. \ft days.
JOS 13:3+ \fr 13:3 \fl Gr. \ft uninhabited country.
JOS 13:8+ \fr 13:8 \fl Gr. \ft him.
JOS 13:28+ \fr 13:28 \fl Gr. \ft necks. See note on chap. 7. 12.
JOS 14:8+ \fr 14:8 \fl Or, \ft according to the Heb. idiom, 'fully followed.'
JOS 14:15+ \fr 14:15 \fl Gr. \ft mother-cities.
JOS 15:2+ \fr 15:2 \fl Gr. \ft neck. \fqa Heb. tongue.
JOS 15:7+ \fr 15:7 \ft So the Greek. There seems to be a reading of the word … רכצ.
JOS 15:15+ \fr 15:15 \fqa Heb. Kirjath-sepher.
JOS 15:18+ \fr 15:18 \ft What has you to say? \ft \+add or \+add* of what have you need?
JOS 16:8+ \fr 16:8 \fl Or, \ft Taphos, \fl or \ft Taphon, etc.
JOS 17:1+ \fr 17:1 \fl Gr. \ft to.
JOS 17:10+ \fr 17:10 \fl Alex. \ft Aser.
JOS 17:12+ \fr 17:12 \fl Gr. \ft this.
JOS 18:4+ \fr 18:4 \fl Gr. \ft give.
JOS 18:5+ \fr 18:5 \fl Gr. \ft went through.
JOS 18:6+ \fr 18:6 \fl Gr. \ft bring out.
JOS 18:8+ \fr 18:8 \fl Or, \ft walk through.
JOS 19:11+ \fr 19:11 \fl Or, \ft at or towards.
JOS 19:27+ \fr 19:27 \fl Gr. \ft from the rising of the sun.
JOS 19:48+ \fr 19:48 \fl Gr. \ft mouth.
JOS 19:51+ \fr 19:51 \fqa Heb. finished dividing. The LXX seems to have read ה…חלקץ.
JOS 20:2+ \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft give.
JOS 20:2+ \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft refugees.
JOS 20:3+ \fr 20:3 \fl Gr. \ft life or soul.
JOS 20:4+ \fr 20:4 \fl Gr. \ft he.
JOS 20:4+ \fr 20:4 \fl Or, \ft of N.
JOS 20:5+ \fr 20:5 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
JOS 21:2+ \fr 21:2 \fl Gr. \ft the hand of Moses.
JOS 21:4+ \fr 21:4 \fl Gr. \ft from.
JOS 21:6+ \fr 21:6 \fl Or, \ft the land of Basan.
JOS 21:10+ \fr 21:10 \fl Gr. \ft was.
JOS 21:11+ \fr 21:11 \fl Gr. \ft he.
JOS 21:11+ \fr 21:11 \fl Or, \ft parent city. See note chap. 10. 2.
JOS 21:13+ \fr 21:13 \ft The Greek word is different from that translated 'sub…lebe.
JOS 21:20+ \fr 21:20 \fqa Heb. the cities of their lot.
JOS 21:38+ \fr 21:38 \fl i.e. \ft the portion allotted, or assigned them.
JOS 22:15+ \fr 22:15 \fl Gr. \ft halves, \fl adj. q.d. \ft dimidios \fl viros
JOS 22:24+ \fr 22:24 \fl Gr. \ft to-morrow.
JOS 22:25+ \fr 22:25 \fl Gr. \ft of.
JOS 22:26+ \fr 22:26 \fl Gr. \ft spoke.
JOS 22:29+ \fr 22:29 \ft A double translation in Greek.
JOS 22:30+ \fr 22:30 \fl Gr. \ft having heard.
JOS 22:33+ \fr 22:33 \fl Gr. \ft them.
JOS 23:1+ \fr 23:1 \fl Gr. \ft days.
JOS 23:4+ \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft cast upon you.
JOS 23:4+ \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft he shall bound.
JOS 24:3+ \fr 24:3 \fl Gr. \ft in.
JOS 24:7+ \fr 24:7 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
JOS 24:9+ \fr 24:9 \fl Gr. \ft set himself in array.
JOS 24:13+ \fr 24:13 \fl Or, \ft shall eat.
JOS 24:17+ \fr 24:17 \fl Gr. \ft whom we passed through them. \fl Hebraism \ft…. 24.
JOS 24:20+ \fr 24:20 \fl Or, \ft whereas on the contrary.
JOS 24:26+ \fr 24:26 \fl Gr. \ft Properly a pine or turpentine tree. So chap. 17. 9.
JOS 24:31+ \fr 24:31 \fl Gr. \ft drew out the time with Joshua. \fl Hebraism.
JDG 1:7+ \fr 1:7 \fl Gr. \ft bring.
JDG 1:14+ \fr 1:14 \fl Or, \ft what ails you?
JDG 1:19+ \fr 1:19 \fqa Heb. they had chariots of iron.
JDG 1:21+ \fr 1:21 \fl Gr. \ft inherit.
JDG 1:27+ \fr 1:27 \fl Gr. \ft daughters.
JDG 1:30+ \fr 1:30 \fl Gr. \ft him, \fl sc. \ft Zabulon.
JDG 2:1+ \fr 2:1 \fqa Heb. ככיס.
JDG 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \fl Gr. \ft distresses.
JDG 2:8+ \fr 2:8 \fl Gr. \ft son of a hundred and ten years. \fl Hebraism.
JDG 2:18+ \fr 2:18 \fl Gr. \ft repented. This word seems generally to stand for כהס.
JDG 2:23+ \fr 2:23 \fl Or, \ft left.
JDG 3:13+ \fr 3:13 \fl Gr. \ft it inherited.
JDG 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \fl i.e. \ft Benjamite.
JDG 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \fl Or, \ft able to use his left hand as his right. \fl q.…ands.
JDG 3:24+ \fr 3:24 \fl Gr. \ft his.
JDG 3:25+ \fr 3:25 \fl Gr. \ft is.
JDG 3:30+ \fr 3:30 \fl Gr. \ft put to shame.
JDG 4:7+ \fr 4:7 \ft ἐπὶ redundant in the Greek, but accounted for by the Heb. אה.
JDG 4:13+ \fr 4:13 \fl Gr. \ft called.
JDG 4:16+ \fr 4:16 \fl Gr. \ft pursuing.
JDG 4:21+ \fr 4:21 \fl Gr. \ft the pin.
JDG 4:21+ \fr 4:21 \fl Gr. \ft he was darkened.
JDG 5:8+ \fr 5:8 \fl Gr. \ft if there should be seen.
JDG 5:11+ \fr 5:11 \fl Gr. \ft noisy ones.
JDG 5:14+ \fr 5:14 \fl Gr. \ft Rather, draw or handle the scribe's pen, etc.
JDG 5:15+ \fr 5:15 \fl Gr. \ft reaching.
JDG 5:17+ \fr 5:17 \fl Or, \ft places of egress, etc.
JDG 5:18+ \fr 5:18 \fl Lit. \ft reproached.
JDG 5:26+ \fr 5:26 \fl Or, \ft pin of the tent.
JDG 5:26+ \fr 5:26 \fl Lit. \ft hammered.
JDG 5:27+ \fr 5:27 \fl q.d. \ft having departed this life.
JDG 5:28+ \fr 5:28 \fl Or, \ft feet of his horses. \fl lit. \ft feet of his chariots.
JDG 5:30+ \fr 5:30 \fl i.e. \ft be gracious and kind in allowing the claim of…hare.
JDG 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \ft some read κρεμαστὰ ὀχυρώμασι, \fl q.d. loca \ft pensilia.
JDG 6:6+ \fr 6:6 \fl Gr. \ft from before the face of.
JDG 6:7+ \fr 6:7 \fl Gr. \ft from before the face of.
JDG 6:8+ \fr 6:8 \fl Gr. \ft a man a prophet.
JDG 6:13+ \fr 6:13 \fqa Heb. כי a particle of entreaty, here rendered literally.
JDG 6:26+ \fr 6:26 \fl Or, \ft the ordered place.
JDG 6:27+ \fr 6:27 \fl Or, \ft because of the doing it.
JDG 6:35+ \fr 6:35 \fl Gr. \ft in.
JDG 7:8+ \fr 7:8 \fl Or, \ft encouraged.
JDG 7:16+ \fr 7:16 \fl Gr. \ft hand.
JDG 7:17+ \fr 7:17 \fl Gr. \ft from. \fl q.d. \ft at the actions proceeding from me.
JDG 7:17+ \fr 7:17 \fl Or, \ft corner. See Acts 10. 11.
JDG 7:19+ \fr 7:19 \fl Gr. \ft shook off.
JDG 7:24+ \fr 7:24 \fl Gr. \ft in.
JDG 7:25+ \fr 7:25 \fl Gr. \ft head.
JDG 8:6+ \fr 8:6 \fl Gr. is \ft the hand.
JDG 8:7+ \fr 8:7 \fl Gr. \ft dig down.
JDG 8:9+ \fr 8:9 \fl Gr. \ft thresh.
JDG 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \fl Gr. \ft array.
JDG 8:21+ \fr 8:21 \fl i.e. \ft round like the moon; perhaps circular, or in …cent.
JDG 8:25+ \fr 8:25 \fl Gr. \ft giving we will give.
JDG 8:35+ \fr 8:35 \fl Gr. \ft with.
JDG 9:6+ \fr 9:6 \fqa Heb. מעכ. this is an instance of double translation, σ…ρετῆ.
JDG 9:8+ \fr 9:8 \fl Gr. \ft went going.
JDG 9:9+ \fr 9:9 \fl Gr. \ft moved.
JDG 9:23+ \fr 9:23 \fl Or, \ft despised.
JDG 9:23+ \fr 9:23 \fl Or, \ft in the house. \fl Hebraism.
JDG 9:27+ \fr 9:27 \fl Gr. \ft vines.
JDG 9:27+ \fr 9:27 \fl Gr. \ft made \fl ellulim, \ft a Hebrew word. \fl Alex. \ft χορὺς
JDG 9:29+ \fr 9:29 \fl Gr. \ft and I will.
JDG 9:33+ \fr 9:33 \fl Gr. \ft are coming, etc.
JDG 9:33+ \fr 9:33 \fl Gr. \ft whatever they hand shall find.
JDG 9:37+ \fr 9:37 \fl Or, \ft by the sea. A double rendering, perhaps to מעס…μενα.
JDG 9:37+ \fr 9:37 \fl Alex. \ft translates the words \fqa “the way of the oa…ers.”
JDG 9:46+ \fr 9:46 \ft Some read ὀχύρωμα.
JDG 9:48+ \fr 9:48 \fl Gr. \ft axes.
JDG 9:50+ \fr 9:50 \fl Gr. \ft in.
JDG 10:1+ \fr 10:1 \fl i.e. \ft Abimelech's.
JDG 10:17+ \fr 10:17 \fl Or, \ft near the watch-tower. \fqa Heb. מעפה, name of a town.
JDG 11:1+ \fr 11:1 \fl Gr. \ft exalted in strength.
JDG 11:8+ \fr 11:8 \fl Gr. \ft and you shall.
JDG 11:17+ \fr 11:17 \fl Gr. \ft heard not.
JDG 11:23+ \fr 11:23 \fl Gr. \ft him.
JDG 11:24+ \fr 11:24 \ft So the text; but ἡμῶν, \fqa us \ft is undoubtedly the…ding.
JDG 11:26+ \fr 11:26 \fl Or, \ft redeem.
JDG 11:27+ \fr 11:27 \ft the verb εἰμὶ is merely redundant after the pronoun ἐ…nces.
JDG 11:40+ \fr 11:40 \ft Period of days, \fl i.e. \ft year.
JDG 12:1+ \fr 12:1 \fl i.e. \ft by calling.
JDG 12:2+ \fr 12:2 \fl Gr. \ft I was a man, a warrior.
JDG 12:3+ \fr 12:3 \fl Gr. \ft are.
JDG 12:3+ \fr 12:3 \fl Gr. \ft savior or deliverer.
JDG 12:6+ \fr 12:6 \fqa Heb. שבלה, “Shibboleth,” ear of corn. If translated a…word.
JDG 13:5+ \fr 13:5 \fl Gr. \ft iron.
JDG 13:5+ \fr 13:5 \ft So \fl Vat. i.e. \ft Ναζίρ but \fl Alex. \ft nearer to…αῖον.
JDG 13:6+ \fr 13:6 \fl Gr. \ft is.
JDG 13:8+ \fr 13:8 \ft See chap 6. 13, 15.
JDG 13:12+ \fr 13:12 \fqa Heb. משפס.
JDG 13:14+ \fr 13:14 \fl Gr. \ft of wine.
JDG 13:18+ \fr 13:18 \ft See Is 9. 6.
JDG 13:19+ \fr 13:19 \ft According to the \fqa Heb. a wonderful work. \fl Alex…υριῷ.
JDG 13:23+ \fr 13:23 \fl Gr. \ft as the time is.
JDG 13:25+ \fr 13:25 \fl Gr. \ft between Esthaol.
JDG 14:1+ \fr 14:1 \ft Observe, ἀλλόφυλοι here and elsewhere is rendered Philistines.
JDG 14:4+ \fr 14:4 \fl Gr. \ft is.
JDG 14:5+ \fr 14:5 \fl Or, \ft against him.
JDG 14:6+ \fr 14:6 \fl Gr. \ft leapt. \fqa Heb. חעלח.
JDG 14:6+ \fr 14:6 \fl Gr. \ft will crush.
JDG 14:7+ \fr 14:7 \fl Or, \ft the thing was right.
JDG 14:8+ \fr 14:8 \fl Gr. \ft days.
JDG 14:10+ \fr 14:10 \fl i.e. \ft in the original sense of the word, \fqa a dr…arty.
JDG 14:13+ \fr 14:13 \fl Gr. \ft changeable or changing robes.
JDG 14:19+ \fr 14:19 \fl Gr. \ft them.
JDG 15:5+ \fr 15:5 \fl Gr. \ft olive.
JDG 15:10+ \fr 15:10 \fl Gr. \ft man.
JDG 15:14+ \fr 15:14 \fl Gr. \ft the jaw.
JDG 15:17+ \fr 15:17 \ft This, though unusual, is possibly the meaning of ἀναί…here.
JDG 15:19+ \fr 15:19 \fl Gr. \ft it.
JDG 16:4+ \fr 16:4 \fl Alex. \ft the brook of Sorech.
JDG 16:5+ \fr 16:5 \fl Gr. \ft a man.
JDG 16:9+ \fr 16:9 \fl Gr. \ft ambush, \fl singular.
JDG 16:9+ \fr 16:9 \fl Gr. \ft smelt.
JDG 16:19+ \fr 16:19 \ft This word in LXX. seems generally to have the signifi…ict.”
JDG 16:21+ \fr 16:21 \fl Gr. \ft cut out.
JDG 16:22+ \fr 16:22 \fl Gr. \ft as he was shaven.
JDG 16:30+ \fr 16:30 \fl Gr. \ft bore; some read ἔκλινεν.
JDG 17:4+ \fr 17:4 \fl Gr. \ft it.
JDG 17:10+ \fr 17:10 \fqa Heb. ימיס \fqa (year of) days.
JDG 18:2+ \fr 18:2 \fl Or, \ft survey or examine it.
JDG 18:7+ \fr 18:7 \ft Here probably διατρέπων and ἐκπιέζων both come under t… עצר.
JDG 18:10+ \fr 18:10 \fl Gr. \ft of the things in the land or earth.
JDG 18:15+ \fr 18:15 \fl Gr. \ft as to or concerning peace.
JDG 18:16+ \fr 18:16 \fl Lit. \ft standing.
JDG 18:25+ \fr 18:25 \fl Lit. \ft add. \fl q.d. \ft to the deeds already done.
JDG 18:29+ \fr 18:29 \fqa Heb. Ulamaish, or Laish of old.
JDG 18:30+ \fr 18:30 \fl Gr. \ft land.
JDG 19:1+ \fr 19:1 \fl Gr. \ft a man, a Levite.
JDG 19:1+ \fr 19:1 \fl Gr. \ft thighs.
JDG 19:1+ \fr 19:1 \fl Gr. \ft a woman a concubine.
JDG 19:3+ \fr 19:3 \fl Gr. \ft to speak to her heart.
JDG 19:3+ \fr 19:3 \fl Gr. \ft his young man \fqa was, \ft etc.
JDG 19:8+ \fr 19:8 \fl Possibly, \ft prepare to march by the time the day declines.
JDG 19:24+ \fr 19:24 \fl Gr. \ft his.
JDG 19:24+ \fr 19:24 \fl Gr. \ft the word or thing of this folly. \fl Hebraism.
JDG 20:10+ \fr 20:10 \fqa Heb. sons of Belial.
JDG 20:13+ \fr 20:13 \fl Gr. \ft it, \fl sc. \ft Gabas.
JDG 20:15+ \fr 20:15 \ft See chap 3. 15.
JDG 20:22+ \fr 20:22 \fl Or, \ft grew strong.
JDG 20:26+ \fr 20:26 \fl Or, \ft unblemished, according to the \fqa Heb. peace offering.
JDG 20:31+ \fr 20:31 \fl Gr. \ft were emptied out of the city.
JDG 20:31+ \fr 20:31 \fl Gr. \ft which is one going up.
JDG 20:33+ \fr 20:33 \fqa Heb. plain of the south.
JDG 20:34+ \fr 20:34 \fl Gr. \ft is coming upon them.
JDG 20:37+ \fr 20:37 \fl Gr. \ft extended themselves.
JDG 20:38+ \fr 20:38 \fl Or, \ft a concerted signal.
JDG 20:39+ \fr 20:39 \fl Or, \ft slain ones, \fl i.e. \ft to strike and cause to fall.
JDG 20:39+ \fr 20:39 \fl Gr. \ft as the first battle was.
JDG 20:45+ \fr 20:45 \fl Or, \ft cut off as stragglers. \fl Gr. \ft gleaned, \…raws.
JDG 21:4+ \fr 21:4 \ft See chap 20. 26.
JDG 21:6+ \fr 21:6 \fl Or, \ft comforted themselves, \fl or \ft were comforted.
JDG 21:10+ \fr 21:10 \fl Gr. \ft sons of strength.
JDG 21:10+ \fr 21:10 \fl Gr. \ft mouth.
JDG 21:12+ \fr 21:12 \fl Gr. \ft from, out of.
JDG 21:14+ \fr 21:14 \fl Gr. \ft it pleased them thus.
JDG 21:15+ \fr 21:15 \fl Gr. \ft See ver. 6.
JDG 21:19+ \fr 21:19 \fl Gr. \ft from days to days. \fl Hebraism.
JDG 21:22+ \fr 21:22 \ft Translated from \fl Alex.
JDG 21:24+ \fr 21:24 \fl Gr. \ft walked
SA1 1:3+ \fr 1:3 \fl Gr. \ft from days to days.
SA1 1:5+ \fr 1:5 \fl Gr. \ft one portion.
SA1 1:9+ \fr 1:9 \fl Gr. \ft lintels.
SA1 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft seed of men.
SA1 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft iron.
SA1 1:15+ \fr 1:15 \fl Comp. \ft ἐν σκληρᾳ ἡμέρᾳ.
SA1 1:16+ \fr 1:16 \fl Gr. \ft give not.
SA1 1:20+ \fr 1:20 \fl Gr. \ft in the season of days.
SA1 1:24+ \fr 1:24 \fl Or, \ft in its third year.
SA1 2:10+ \fr 2:10 \fl Perhaps \ft 'and the Lord executes,' etc. Comp. Jer. 9. 24.
SA1 2:19+ \fr 2:19 \fl Lit. \ft days to days.
SA1 2:24+ \fr 2:24 \fl Or, \ft the reports which I hear of the people not ser…3. .4
SA1 2:26+ \fr 2:26 \fl Gr. \ft was good.
SA1 2:36+ \fr 2:36 \fl Alex.+ \ft 'and for a piece of bread.'
SA1 2:36+ \fr 2:36 \fl Gr. \ft cast.
SA1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Lit. \ft distinguishing.
SA1 3:6+ \fr 3:6 \fl Gr. \ft added and called.
SA1 3:10+ \fr 3:10 \fl Gr. \ft once and once.
SA1 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft sleeps \fl or \ft lies down.
SA1 3:17+ \fr 3:17 \fl Gr. \ft add these things.
SA1 4:1+ \fr 4:1 \fl Gr. \ft gather.
SA1 4:2+ \fr 4:2 \fl Gr. \ft the war.
SA1 4:10+ \fr 4:10 \fl Gr. \ft the man.
SA1 4:10+ \fr 4:10 \fl Gr. \ft ranks.
SA1 4:15+ \fr 4:15 \fl Gr. \ft a son of ninety years.
SA1 4:15+ \fr 4:15 \fl Gr. \ft rose up. \fqa Heb. קמה rose \fl or \ft stood.
SA1 5:6+ \fr 5:6 \fl Gr. \ft great confusion of death.
SA1 5:7+ \fr 5:7 \fl Gr. \ft hard.
SA1 5:12+ \fr 5:12 \fl Gr. \ft dead.
SA1 6:6+ \fr 6:6 \fl Gr. \ft make heavy.
SA1 6:6+ \fr 6:6 \fl Gr. \ft them.
SA1 6:8+ \fr 6:8 \ft in the \fl Alex. \ft ἀργός is substituted for βερσεχθάν.
SA1 7:14+ \fr 7:14 \fl Alex. \ft from Accaron to Geth. So the \fqa Heb.
SA1 8:9+ \fr 8:9 \fl Gr. \ft report.
SA1 8:9+ \fr 8:9 \fl Gr. \ft judgment.
SA1 8:11+ \fr 8:11 \fl Gr. \ft judgment.
SA1 8:20+ \fr 8:20 \fl Gr. \ft war.
SA1 9:2+ \fr 9:2 \fl Gr. \ft land.
SA1 9:2+ \fr 9:2 \fl Gr. \ft from above his shoulders.
SA1 9:13+ \fr 9:13 \fl Gr. \ft day.
SA1 9:15+ \fr 9:15 \fl Or, \ft the day before.
SA1 9:18+ \fr 9:18 \fl Lit. \ft brought near.
SA1 9:18+ \fr 9:18 \fl Gr. \ft of what kind?
SA1 9:24+ \fr 9:24 \fl Gr. \ft pinch.
SA1 9:26+ \fr 9:26 \fl Gr. \ft went up.
SA1 10:2+ \fr 10:2 \fl Gr. \ft burial places.
SA1 10:5+ \fr 10:5 \fl Gr. \ft prophesying.
SA1 10:6+ \fr 10:6 \fl Gr. \ft leap upon you.
SA1 10:9+ \fr 10:9 \fl Gr. \ft was turned with his shoulder.
SA1 10:9+ \fr 10:9 \fl Gr. \ft turned to him.
SA1 10:22+ \fr 10:22 \fl Gr. \ft does?.
SA1 11:2+ \fr 11:2 \fl Lit. \ft dig out.
SA1 11:7+ \fr 11:7 \fl Lit. \ft cried out.
SA1 11:11+ \fr 11:11 \fl Gr. \ft after the morrow.
SA1 11:11+ \fr 11:11 \fl Gr. \ft put.
SA1 12:3+ \fr 12:3 \fl Gr. \ft propitiation.
SA1 12:13+ \fr 12:13 \fl Alex.+ \ft 'whom you° asked for,' nearer the \fqa Heb.
SA1 12:25+ \fr 12:25 \fl Gr. \ft added; a reading occasioned by the different … יסף.
SA1 13:3+ \fr 13:3 \fqa Heb. העכיס as if העכריס.
SA1 13:6+ \fr 13:6 \fl Gr. \ft to battle.
SA1 13:7+ \fr 13:7 \fl Gr. \ft was amazed.
SA1 13:8+ \fr 13:8 \fl Or, \ft set time.
SA1 13:21+ \fr 13:21 \fl Gr. \ft Such is the meaning of ὀδοὺς according to the…tors.
SA1 14:4+ \fr 14:4 \fl Gr. \ft tooth of a rock.
SA1 14:6+ \fr 14:6 \fqa Heb. מצב 'garrison.'
SA1 14:8+ \fr 14:8 \fl Gr. \ft do go over.
SA1 14:8+ \fr 14:8 \fl Gr. \ft will be rolled down suddenly, etc.
SA1 14:11+ \fr 14:11 \fl Gr. \ft say.
SA1 14:12+ \fr 14:12 \fl Gr. \ft say.
SA1 14:14+ \fr 14:14 \fl Gr. \ft stroke.
SA1 14:14+ \fr 14:14 \fl Gr. \ft casters of stones.
SA1 14:19+ \fr 14:19 \fl Gr. \ft is speaking.
SA1 14:21+ \fr 14:21 \fl Gr. \ft yesterday and the third day.
SA1 14:23+ \fr 14:23 \fl Or, \ft the war was dispersed.
SA1 14:24+ \fr 14:24 \ft The true reading seems to be οὐκ ἠρίστα. \fl Tertulli…bat.'
SA1 14:25+ \fr 14:25 \fl Gr. \ft of a swarm, etc.
SA1 14:26+ \fr 14:26 \fqa Heb. הלך רבש 'the honey ran.'
SA1 14:29+ \fr 14:29 \ft E medio sustulit. עכר probably read as עבר.
SA1 14:38+ \fr 14:38 \fl Gr. \ft corners. See Zech. 10. 4.
SA1 14:39+ \fr 14:39 \fl Gr. \ft if he should answer or give sentence.
SA1 14:40+ \fr 14:40 \fl Gr. \ft become slaves, if proved guilty; but the LXX.…לעבב.
SA1 14:41+ \fr 14:41 \fqa Heb. חמיס \fl scil. \ft 'that I or Jonathan are guil…ess.'
SA1 15:3+ \fr 15:3 \ft See v 8.
SA1 15:4+ \fr 15:4 \fl Gr. \ft numbers.
SA1 15:4+ \fr 15:4 \fl Gr. \ft of ranks.
SA1 15:5+ \fr 15:5 \fl Gr. \ft brook.
SA1 15:8+ \fr 15:8 \ft This is strangely given as the rendering of החריס 'he …yed.'
SA1 15:9+ \fr 15:9 \fl Gr. \ft good.
SA1 15:9+ \fr 15:9 \fl Gr. \ft work.
SA1 15:11+ \fr 15:11 \fl Gr. \ft 'been comforted.' The word has been rendered …fore.
SA1 15:12+ \fr 15:12 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft Samuel.
SA1 15:12+ \fr 15:12 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft Saul.
SA1 15:12+ \fr 15:12 \fl Lit. \ft set up a hand.
SA1 15:13+ \fr 15:13 \fl Gr. \ft to the Lord.
SA1 15:13+ \fr 15:13 \fl Gr. \ft established.
SA1 15:14+ \fr 15:14 \fl Gr. \ft voice.
SA1 15:17+ \fr 15:17 \fl Gr. \ft staff of a tribe. A double rendering of שבט \…ribe.
SA1 15:27+ \fr 15:27 \fl Gr. \ft doublet, or mantle.
SA1 15:29+ \fr 15:29 \ft Wide variation from the \fqa Heb.
SA1 15:32+ \fr 15:32 \fl Or, \ft 'If it be thus, bitter is death.'
SA1 16:4+ \fr 16:4 \fl Gr. \ft is 'your coming in peace.'
SA1 16:5+ \fr 16:5 \fl Gr. \ft peace.
SA1 16:7+ \fr 16:7 \fl Or, \ft face.
SA1 16:7+ \fr 16:7 \fl Gr. \ft will not see.
SA1 16:9+ \fr 16:9 \fl Gr. \ft in this one.
SA1 16:11+ \fr 16:11 \fl Gr. \ft Are your sons come to an end?
SA1 16:11+ \fr 16:11 \fl Or, \ft the youngest.
SA1 16:12+ \fr 16:12 \fl Gr. \ft goodly in the sight of the Lord.
SA1 16:13+ \fr 16:13 \fl Gr. \ft leapt upon.
SA1 16:14+ \fr 16:14 \fl Gr. \ft choked him.
SA1 16:17+ \fr 16:17 \fl Gr. \ft man playing skilfully.
SA1 16:18+ \fr 16:18 \fl Gr. \ft him understanding.
SA1 17:1+ \fr 17:1 \fl Alex. \ft Aphesdommin.
SA1 17:7+ \fr 17:7 \fl Gr. \ft the spear.
SA1 17:8+ \fr 17:8 \fl Or, \ft servants, עברי being read as if עברי.
SA1 17:11+ \fr 17:11 \ft See \fl Appendix. \ft which has verses 12-31 translat…odex.
SA1 17:13+ \fr 17:13 \fl Gr. \ft name.
SA1 17:14+ \fr 17:14 \fl Gr. \ft is.
SA1 17:15+ \fr 17:15 \fl Gr. \ft feeding.
SA1 17:18+ \fr 17:18 \fl Lit. \ft the ten cheeses of this milk.
SA1 17:23+ \fr 17:23 \fl Gr. \ft according to these words.
SA1 17:29+ \fr 17:29 \fl Gr. \ft is there not a word?
SA1 17:30+ \fr 17:30 \fl Lit. \ft according to the word of the first.
SA1 17:31+ \fr 17:31 \fl Gr. \ft behind Saul.
SA1 17:32+ \fr 17:32 \fl Gr. \ft upon him.
SA1 17:35+ \fr 17:35 \fl Gr. \ft it.
SA1 17:39+ \fr 17:39 \fl Gr. \ft laboured.
SA1 17:40+ \fr 17:40 \ft Verse 41 is not in the Vatican codex. \fl Alex. \ft h…wing.
SA1 17:42+ \fr 17:42 \fl Gr. \ft with beauty of eyes.
SA1 17:43+ \fr 17:43 \ft The following words in italics not in \fl Alex. \ft o… Heb.
SA1 17:46+ \fr 17:46 \fl Gr. \ft shut you up.
SA1 17:49+ \fr 17:49 \ft Verse 50 is not in the Vatican codex. \fl Alex. \ft h…wing.
SA1 17:52+ \fr 17:52 \fl Gr. \ft arise.
SA1 17:52+ \fr 17:52 \fl Alex. \ft Gai.
SA1 17:52+ \fr 17:52 \fqa Heb. שעריס Shaaraim.
SA1 17:53+ \fr 17:53 \fl Gr. \ft declining from after.
SA1 17:53+ \fr 17:53 \fl Gr. \ft trampled on.
SA1 17:54+ \fr 17:54 \ft Verses 55 to 58 are not in the Vatican codex. \fl Ale…wing.
SA1 18:1+ \fr 18:1 \ft Verses 1 to 5 are not in the Vatican codex. \fl Alex. …wing.
SA1 18:1+ \fr 18:1 \fl Gr. \ft according to.
SA1 18:4+ \fr 18:4 \ft See Jno 21.
SA1 18:5+ \fr 18:5 \fl Gr. \ft understood \fl or \ft was wise.
SA1 18:8+ \fr 18:8 \ft From this point to the end of v 11. is read from \fl Alex.
SA1 18:10+ \fr 18:10 \fl Or, \ft after. \fl Gr. \ft from.
SA1 18:16+ \fr 18:16 \ft vv 17-19 are not in the Vatican codex. They are here …Alex.
SA1 18:29+ \fr 18:29 \ft v 30 is not in the Vatican codex. It is here read fro…Alex.
SA1 18:30+ \fr 18:30 \fl Gr. \ft their sufficient expedition.
SA1 19:2+ \fr 19:2 \fl Gr. \ft chose, \fl q.d. dilexit.
SA1 19:6+ \fr 19:6 \fl Gr. \ft if he shall die.
SA1 19:8+ \fr 19:8 \fl Lit. \ft war added to be.
SA1 19:9+ \fr 19:9 \fl Gr. \ft of God.
SA1 19:9+ \fr 19:9 \fl Gr. \ft sleeping. \fqa Heb. sitting, perhaps ישך read for ישב.
SA1 19:10+ \fr 19:10 \fl Gr. \ft to strike the spear into David.
SA1 19:11+ \fr 19:11 \fl Gr. \ft his wife sent to David.
SA1 19:13+ \fr 19:13 \fqa Heb. teraphim, probably such images as were put on monuments.
SA1 19:13+ \fr 19:13 \ft כבר liver, has evidently been read here for כביר a qu…llow.
SA1 20:2+ \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft and will not uncover my ear.
SA1 20:6+ \fr 20:6 \fl Or, \ft notice me as present or absent.
SA1 20:6+ \fr 20:6 \fl Gr. \ft sacrifice of days. \fl Hebraism.
SA1 20:7+ \fr 20:7 \fl Gr. \ft peace to your servant.
SA1 20:12+ \fr 20:12 \fqa Heb. השליח the third day.
SA1 20:14+ \fr 20:14 \fl Gr. \ft I yet being alive.
SA1 20:15+ \fr 20:15 \fl Gr. \ft The meaning of the \fqa Heb. is here greatly obscured.
SA1 20:19+ \fr 20:19 \fl Gr. \ft act thrice.
SA1 20:19+ \fr 20:19 \ft A corruption of the \fqa Heb. ezel.
SA1 20:20+ \fr 20:20 \fl Gr. \ft with.
SA1 20:20+ \fr 20:20 \ft The \fqa Heb. has been turned into a proper name.
SA1 20:24+ \fr 20:24 \fl Or, \ft moon.
SA1 20:25+ \fr 20:25 \fl Gr. \ft once and once.
SA1 20:29+ \fr 20:29 \fl Gr. \ft given a charge for me.
SA1 20:30+ \fr 20:30 \fl Lit. \ft deserting in a military sense.
SA1 20:31+ \fr 20:31 \fl Gr. \ft all the days that.
SA1 20:31+ \fr 20:31 \fl Gr. \ft is a son of death.
SA1 20:32+ \fr 20:32 \fl Gr. \ft does he die.
SA1 20:41+ \fr 20:41 \fl Gr. \ft See v. 19.
SA1 21:2+ \fr 21:2 \ft This is another instance of double translation, מקוצ s…ness.
SA1 21:2+ \fr 21:2 \fl Phellani maemoni, \ft a corruption of פלכי אלמבי.
SA1 21:7+ \fr 21:7 \ft The word Νεεσσαρὰν is another repitition. \fqa Heb. בעצר.
SA1 21:8+ \fr 21:8 \fl Gr. \ft taken.
SA1 21:9+ \fr 21:9 \fl Alex.+ \ft behind the ephod (or shoulder-piece) —so th… Heb.
SA1 21:12+ \fr 21:12 \fl Gr. \ft put.
SA1 21:14+ \fr 21:14 \fl Gr. \ft or man epileptic.
SA1 22:4+ \fr 22:4 \fl Gr. \ft the face of the king.
SA1 22:8+ \fr 22:8 \fl Gr. \ft labors.
SA1 22:9+ \fr 22:9 \fl Gr. \ft answers.
SA1 22:17+ \fr 22:17 \fl Gr. \ft flees.
SA1 22:18+ \fr 22:18 \fl Alex. \ft a linen ephod.
SA1 22:22+ \fr 22:22 \fl Gr. \ft souls \fl or \ft lives.
SA1 23:9+ \fr 23:9 \fl Gr. \ft is not silent concerning.
SA1 23:11+ \fr 23:11 \fl i.e. \ft besieged.
SA1 23:11+ \fr 23:11 \ft Verse 12 is here supplied by \fl Alex.
SA1 23:15+ \fr 23:15 \ft The Hebrew הוש has here been read as if חוש
SA1 24:5+ \fr 24:5 \fl Gr. \ft took away.
SA1 24:9+ \fr 24:9 \fl Gr. \ft stooped.
SA1 24:12+ \fr 24:12 \fl Gr. \ft bindest my soul.
SA1 24:14+ \fr 24:14 \fl Gr. \ft is said.
SA1 24:23+ \fr 24:23 \fl Gr. \ft narrow Messera.
SA1 25:1+ \fr 25:1 \fqa Heb. Rama. \fl Alex. \ft Rama.
SA1 25:1+ \fr 25:1 \fl Gr. \ft assemble and bewail.
SA1 25:1+ \fr 25:1 \fl Alex. \ft Paran.
SA1 25:2+ \fr 25:2 \fl Lit. \ft 3,000 flocks; as we say in English, 3,000 tro…oops.
SA1 25:5+ \fr 25:5 \fl Gr. \ft concerning peace.
SA1 25:6+ \fr 25:6 \fl Gr. \ft in health.
SA1 25:7+ \fr 25:7 \fl Gr. \ft for you.
SA1 25:11+ \fr 25:11 \fl Gr. \ft slaying.
SA1 25:11+ \fr 25:11 \fl Gr. \ft them that shear my sheep.
SA1 25:12+ \fr 25:12 \fl Gr. \ft to their way.
SA1 25:13+ \fr 25:13 \fl Alex. \ft and \fqa Heb.+ 'and they girded on every ma…ord.'
SA1 25:24+ \fr 25:24 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex.+ \ft and she fell.
SA1 25:25+ \fr 25:25 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex.+ \ft \ft \+add 'even \+add* Nabal'
SA1 25:26+ \fr 25:26 \fl Gr. \ft saving your hand for yourself.
SA1 25:27+ \fr 25:27 \fl Gr. \ft blessing.
SA1 25:35+ \fr 25:35 \fl Gr. \ft face.
SA1 25:36+ \fr 25:36 \fl Gr. \ft upon him.
SA1 25:38+ \fr 25:38 \fl Gr. \ft there were about ten days, etc.
SA1 25:39+ \fr 25:39 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft insert 'that Nabal was dead.
SA1 25:39+ \fr 25:39 \fl Or, \ft from the hand of wicked men.
SA1 25:44+ \fr 25:44 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft Laish and Lais.
SA1 25:44+ \fr 25:44 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft Gallim and Galli.
SA1 26:3+ \fr 26:3 \fl Gr. \ft comes.
SA1 26:8+ \fr 26:8 \fl Gr. \ft double \ft \+add the stroke \+add* to him.
SA1 26:11+ \fr 26:11 \fl Gr. \ft καθ᾿ ἑαυτούς. \fl q.d. \ft chez nous.
SA1 26:14+ \fr 26:14 \fqa Heb.+ to the king. \fl Alex. \ft 'me to the king.'
SA1 26:16+ \fr 26:16 \fl Gr. \ft sons of slaughter.
SA1 26:20+ \fr 26:20 \fl Gr. \ft the face of the Lord.
SA1 26:24+ \fr 26:24 \fl Gr. \ft magnified.
SA1 26:24+ \fr 26:24 \fl Gr. \ft magnified.
SA1 26:24+ \fr 26:24 \fl Gr. \ft shall deliver.
SA1 27:1+ \fr 27:1 \fl Gr. \ft into.
SA1 27:5+ \fr 27:5 \fl Gr. \ft city reigned over.
SA1 27:8+ \fr 27:8 \ft Th LXX have rendered מעולס ... שוה \fqa of old to Shur…ψοὺρ.
SA1 27:12+ \fr 27:12 \fl Gr. \ft saying.
SA1 28:1+ \fr 28:1 \fl Gr. \ft you shall know surely.
SA1 28:9+ \fr 28:9 \fl Or, \ft ventriloquists.
SA1 28:10+ \fr 28:10 \fl Gr. \ft if injury.
SA1 28:15+ \fr 28:15 \fl Gr. \ft has listened.
SA1 28:17+ \fr 28:17 \fl Gr. \ft my hand.
SA1 28:20+ \fr 28:20 \fl Gr. \ft hasted and fell standing or at his full lengt…brew.
SA1 28:20+ \fr 28:20 \fl Gr. \ft ate.
SA1 28:21+ \fr 28:21 \fl Lit. \ft hasted. \fl q.d. \ft trepidavit.
SA1 28:21+ \fr 28:21 \fl i.e. \ft obeyed.
SA1 29:2+ \fr 29:2 \fl Gr. \ft to \fl or \ft at.
SA1 29:3+ \fr 29:3 \ft The word עכר is here translated; as in Gen. xiv 13.
SA1 29:3+ \fr 29:3 \fl Gr. \ft to \fl or \ft days.
SA1 29:4+ \fr 29:4 \fl Or, \ft to \fl or \ft a plotter against the camp.
SA1 29:5+ \fr 29:5 \fl Gr. \ft to \fl or \ft began to \fqa celebrate \ft or g…ence.
SA1 29:8+ \fr 29:8 \fl Gr. \ft to \fl or \ft warring, or having warred.
SA1 29:9+ \fr 29:9 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex.+ \ft an angel of God.
SA1 29:10+ \fr 29:10 \fl Gr. \ft and let there be light upon you.
SA1 30:7+ \fr 30:7 \fl Alex. \ft and \fqa Heb.+ 'And Abiathar brought the eph…vid.'
SA1 30:8+ \fr 30:8 \ft The Greek is borrowed from the Hebrew.
SA1 30:11+ \fr 30:11 \fl Gr. \ft give.
SA1 30:12+ \fr 30:12 \fl Gr. \ft staid \fl or \ft established in him.
SA1 30:19+ \fr 30:19 \ft See Num 31. 49. Josh 23. 14. 3 Kings 8. 56.
SA1 30:21+ \fr 30:21 \fl Gr. \ft in.
SA1 30:24+ \fr 30:24 \fl Gr. \ft an inferior thing.
SA1 30:26+ \fr 30:26 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft 'Behold! a blessing from you.' etc.
SA1 30:27+ \fr 30:27 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft 'Bethel.'
SA1 31:3+ \fr 31:3 \fl Lit. \ft in the hypochondria.
SA1 31:9+ \fr 31:9 \fl Comp. \ft reads, ἀποκεφαλίζουσιν. so in \fqa Heb.
SA2 1:4+ \fr 1:4 \fl Gr. \ft war.
SA2 1:10+ \fr 1:10 \fl Gr. \ft will.
SA2 1:16+ \fr 1:16 \fl Gr. \ft answered.
SA2 1:18+ \fr 1:18 \fl Gr. \ft told.
SA2 1:18+ \fr 1:18 \fl Gr. \ft straight, \fl or \ft right, sometimes upright,…sher.
SA2 1:19+ \fr 1:19 \ft The LXX. take הצבי as from כיצב, the \fl A.V. \ft from צבי.
SA2 1:19+ \fr 1:19 \ft Two words here are used, as is often the case in the L…s חלל
SA2 2:7+ \fr 2:7 \fl Gr. \ft mighty sons.
SA2 2:9+ \fr 2:9 \ft Observe the active use of ἐβασίλευσεν, common in LXX.
SA2 2:23+ \fr 2:23 \ft A literal version of the Hebrew חחחו \fl q.d. \ft sur le champ.
SA2 2:24+ \fr 2:24 \ft See Acts 8. 26.
SA2 3:29+ \fr 3:29 \fl Gr. Lit. \ft them. (\fl sc. \ft bloods) meet
SA2 3:39+ \fr 3:39 \fl Gr. \ft appointed by a king.
SA2 4:8+ \fr 4:8 \fl Gr. \ft given.
SA2 5:2+ \fr 5:2 \fl Gr. \ft yesterday and the third day.
SA2 5:4+ \fr 5:4 \fl Gr. \ft a son of thirty years.
SA2 5:16+ \fr 5:16 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft omit the remaining names in this verse.
SA2 5:18+ \fr 5:18 \fl Lit. \ft Titans. \fl Heb. \ft Rephaim. See also \fl Ap…aiah.
SA2 5:20+ \fr 5:20 \fqa Heb. Baal-perazim.
SA2 5:20+ \fr 5:20 \ft Thus in English or other languages, \fqa Underskiddaw,… etc.
SA2 5:23+ \fr 5:23 \fqa Heb. בכאיס \fl lit. \ft mulberries.
SA2 6:3+ \fr 6:3 \fl Alex. \ft more according to the \fqa Heb. inserts 'and …ill.'
SA2 6:6+ \fr 6:6 \fl Gr. \ft the calf.
SA2 6:7+ \fr 6:7 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex.+ \ft for his rashness.
SA2 6:22+ \fr 6:22 \fl Alex. \ft omits the negative, but still differs from the Hebrew.
SA2 7:10+ \fr 7:10 \fl Gr. \ft it.
SA2 7:18+ \fr 7:18 \fl Or, \ft so much as this.
SA2 7:22+ \fr 7:22 \fl Gr. \ft as you.
SA2 7:26+ \fr 7:26 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft add, 'and let the house of you…you.'
SA2 8:1+ \fr 8:1 \fqa Heb. Metheg-ammah. \fl Lit. \ft bridle of Ammah.
SA2 8:2+ \fr 8:2 \fl Gr. \ft caused them to sleep.
SA2 8:4+ \fr 8:4 \fl Alex. \ft seven.
SA2 8:4+ \fr 8:4 \fl Gr. \ft chariots.
SA2 9:9+ \fr 9:9 \fl Gr. \ft belongs.
SA2 10:16+ \fr 10:16 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft omit the name.
SA2 10:16+ \fr 10:16 \fl Gr. \ft before them.
SA2 10:19+ \fr 10:19 \fl Gr. \ft save.
SA2 11:4+ \fr 11:4 \fl Gr. \ft sanctified.
SA2 11:11+ \fr 11:11 \fl Lit. \ft encamp.
SA2 11:11+ \fr 11:11 \fl Gr. \ft if I do this thing.
SA2 11:18+ \fr 11:18 \fl Alex. \ft and \fqa Heb. make the verse end here.
SA2 11:25+ \fr 11:25 \ft There can be little doubt that αὐτὸν the \fl Alex. \f…ὐτήν.
SA2 12:5+ \fr 12:5 \fl Gr. \ft is the son of death.
SA2 12:8+ \fr 12:8 \fl Gr. \ft is little, I will give, etc.
SA2 12:14+ \fr 12:14 \fl Gr. \ft born.
SA2 12:18+ \fr 12:18 \fl Gr. \ft will.
SA2 12:30+ \fr 12:30 \fl Alex. \ft rightly omits Molchom. 'Their king' in \fqa Heb.
SA2 12:31+ \fr 12:31 \fl Gr. \ft in.
SA2 13:4+ \fr 13:4 \fl Gr. \ft do.
SA2 13:9+ \fr 13:9 \fl Gr. \ft above.
SA2 13:12+ \fr 13:12 \fl Gr. \ft will not. \fl q.d. \ft non est fasciendum.
SA2 13:23+ \fr 13:23 \fl q.d. \ft a two-year of days.
SA2 13:24+ \fr 13:24 \fl Gr. \ft they are shearing for your servant.
SA2 13:28+ \fr 13:28 \fl Gr. \ft and become sons of strength.
SA2 14:4+ \fr 14:4 \fl Or, \ft save.
SA2 14:6+ \fr 14:6 \fl Gr. \ft both.
SA2 14:7+ \fr 14:7 \fl Gr. \ft place.
SA2 14:8+ \fr 14:8 \fl Gr. \ft in health.
SA2 14:10+ \fr 14:10 \fl q.d. \ft your son.
SA2 14:19+ \fr 14:19 \fl Gr. \ft If there is, etc.
SA2 14:25+ \fr 14:25 \fl Gr. \ft praised.
SA2 14:26+ \fr 14:26 \fl Gr. \ft from the beginning of days to days. \fl Hebraism.
SA2 14:28+ \fr 14:28 \fl Gr. \ft years of days.
SA2 15:1+ \fr 15:1 \fl Gr. \ft made.
SA2 15:3+ \fr 15:3 \fl Gr. \ft easy to be understood.
SA2 15:7+ \fr 15:7 \fl Gr. \ft from the end of, etc.
SA2 15:12+ \fr 15:12 \ft So the \fl Alex. \ft which reads σὺστρεμμα. See Acts 23.12.
SA2 15:18+ \fr 15:18 \fl Gr. \ft hand.
SA2 15:18+ \fr 15:18 \fl Or, \ft they that.
SA2 15:20+ \fr 15:20 \fl Gr. \ft it.
SA2 15:23+ \fr 15:23 \fl Gr. \ft land.
SA2 15:23+ \fr 15:23 \fl Gr. \ft in.
SA2 15:27+ \fr 15:27 \fl Gr. \ft do.
SA2 16:13+ \fr 16:13 \fl Gr. \ft obliquely, etc.
SA2 17:8+ \fr 17:8 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft omit the wods in italics.
SA2 17:10+ \fr 17:10 \fl Gr. \ft a son of strength.
SA2 17:11+ \fr 17:11 \fl Gr. \ft going.
SA2 17:16+ \fr 17:16 \fl Alex. \ft καταπίῃ.
SA2 17:19+ \fr 17:19 \ft See Num 11. 32. Jerem 8. 2.
SA2 17:20+ \fr 17:20 \fl Or, \ft lately gone over.
SA2 17:20+ \fr 17:20 \fl Or, \ft the small streams.
SA2 17:23+ \fr 17:23 \ft Comp. the Greek with Matt 27. 5.
SA2 17:25+ \fr 17:25 \fl Gr. \ft and his name, etc.
SA2 18:2+ \fr 18:2 \fl Gr. \ft in, by.
SA2 18:3+ \fr 18:3 \fl Gr. \ft as we, ten thousand.
SA2 18:4+ \fr 18:4 \fl Gr. \ft hand.
SA2 18:12+ \fr 18:12 \fl Gr. \ft weigh upon my nanda.
SA2 18:18+ \fr 18:18 \fl Gr. \ft in, or by.
SA2 18:18+ \fr 18:18 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft insert 'and he called the pil…ame.'
SA2 18:18+ \fr 18:18 \fqa Heb. idiom for 'place.'
SA2 18:22+ \fr 18:22 \fl Gr. \ft do.
SA2 18:23+ \fr 18:23 \fl Gr. \ft for what if I should run?.
SA2 18:33+ \fr 18:33 \fl Gr. \ft who will give my death for you?.
SA2 19:8+ \fr 19:8 \fl Gr. \ft tents.
SA2 19:16+ \fr 19:16 \fl Gr. \ft the man.
SA2 19:29+ \fr 19:29 \fl Gr. \ft speak you your words any longer.
SA2 19:32+ \fr 19:32 \fl Gr. \ft a son of eighty years.
SA2 19:36+ \fr 19:36 \fl Gr. \ft as it were a little.
SA2 19:41+ \fr 19:41 \fl Gr. \ft every man.
SA2 19:43+ \fr 19:43 \fl Gr. \ft and \fqa Heb. hands.
SA2 20:6+ \fr 20:6 \fl i.e. \ft escape us.
SA2 20:8+ \fr 20:8 \fl Gr. \ft was girded about with.
SA2 20:10+ \fr 20:10 \fl Gr. \ft belly.
SA2 20:18+ \fr 20:18 \fl Gr. \ft they spoke a word among the first, saying.
SA2 20:22+ \fr 20:22 \fl Gr. \ft it or she. \fl i.e. \ft ἡ πόλις.
SA2 20:23+ \fr 20:23 \fl Gr. \ft to.
SA2 21:1+ \fr 21:1 \fl Gr. \ft iniquity.
SA2 21:1+ \fr 21:1 \fl Lit. \ft the death of his bloods.
SA2 21:11+ \fr 21:11 \fqa Heb. omits the words in italics.
SA2 21:20+ \fr 21:20 \fl Gr. \ft The original is Hebrew in Greek letters.
SA2 21:21+ \fr 21:21 \fl Or, \ft reproached.
SA2 22:24+ \fr 22:24 \fl Gr. \ft to him.
SA2 22:27+ \fr 22:27 \fl Or, \ft upon the haughty.
SA2 22:28+ \fr 22:28 \fl Or, \ft upon the haughty.
SA2 22:30+ \fr 22:30 \fl i.e. \ft a strong man \fl or \ft warrior.
SA2 22:34+ \fr 22:34 \fl Gr. \ft making.
SA2 22:39+ \fr 22:39 \fl Alex. \ft and \fqa Heb. consume.
SA2 22:41+ \fr 22:41 \fl Gr. \ft as for my enemies, you have given me the back.
SA2 22:42+ \fr 22:42 \fl Gr. \ft is.
SA2 22:44+ \fr 22:44 \fl A.V. \ft 'my people.'
SA2 22:45+ \fr 22:45 \fl Gr. \ft at the hearing of the ear.
SA2 22:47+ \fr 22:47 \fl Gr. \ft the keeper of my salvation.
SA2 22:49+ \fr 22:49 \fl Gr. \ft a man of wrongs.
SA2 22:51+ \fr 22:51 \fl Gr. \ft salvations.
SA2 23:9+ \fr 23:9 \fl Or, \ft they defied him among the Philistines.
SA2 23:10+ \fr 23:10 \fqa Heb. returned.
SA2 23:17+ \fr 23:17 \fl Gr. \ft if.
SA2 23:21+ \fr 23:21 \fl Gr. \ft a man seen \fl or \ft to be seen.
SA2 23:23+ \fr 23:23 \fl Gr. \ft appointed him to his hearings.
SA2 23:26+ \fr 23:26 \fl Or, \ft the \ft \+add son \+add* of Kelothi.
SA2 24:3+ \fr 24:3 \fl Gr. \ft seeing.
SA2 24:12+ \fr 24:12 \ft The word εἰμὶ is simply redundant.
SA2 24:14+ \fr 24:14 \fl Gr. \ft things are very narrow to me.
SA2 24:15+ \fr 24:15 \fl Lit. \ft dinner time.
SA2 24:16+ \fr 24:16 \fl Gr. \ft much.
SA2 24:17+ \fr 24:17 \fl Alex. \ft adds, 'and I the shepherd have done wickedly.'
SA2 24:20+ \fr 24:20 \fl Gr. \ft stooped. See 1 Pet. 1. 12.; also John 20. 5.
SA2 24:24+ \fr 24:24 \fl Gr. \ft silver of fifty shekels.
KI1 1:5+ \fr 1:5 \fl Gr. \ft made.
KI1 1:7+ \fr 1:7 \fl Gr. \ft came to his assistance.
KI1 1:8+ \fr 1:8 \fl Lit. \ft mighty sons. \fl Hebraism.
KI1 1:9+ \fr 1:9 \ft So the \fl Alex. \ft The \fl Vat. \ft renders אבן as if… אחה.
KI1 1:9+ \fr 1:9 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft the fountain of Rogel.
KI1 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI1 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft knew.
KI1 1:14+ \fr 1:14 \fl Gr. \ft fulfil.
KI1 1:27+ \fr 1:27 \fl Gr. \ft if.
KI1 1:37+ \fr 1:37 \fl Gr. \ft magnify.
KI1 1:40+ \fr 1:40 \fl Gr. \ft burst.
KI1 1:47+ \fr 1:47 \fl Gr. \ft do good \fl or \ft make good.
KI1 1:48+ \fr 1:48 \fl Gr. \ft given.
KI1 2:1+ \fr 2:1 \fl Gr. \ft answered.
KI1 2:4+ \fr 2:4 \fl Gr. \ft be destroyed to you.
KI1 2:5+ \fr 2:5 \fl Gr. \ft ordered.
KI1 2:6+ \fr 2:6 \fl Gr. \ft Hades.
KI1 2:8+ \fr 2:8 \fl Gr. \ft camps.
KI1 2:12+ \fr 2:12 \fl Gr. \ft prepared.
KI1 2:13+ \fr 2:13 \fl Gr. \ft Is your entrance peace?
KI1 2:23+ \fr 2:23 \fl Gr. \ft add these things.
KI1 2:26+ \fr 2:26 \fl Gr. \ft a man of death.
KI1 2:27+ \fr 2:27 \fl Or, \ft against.
KI1 2:29+ \fr 2:29 \fl Gr. \ft What has happened to you?
KI1 2:30+ \fr 2:30 \fl Gr. \ft do not.
KI1 2:35+ \fr 2:35 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
KI1 2:35+ \fr 2:35 \ft The \fl Appendix \ft points out that there is consider…pter.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \ft Probably some hiatus in the text.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft Jemini.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft if he shall be slain.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft hoary head.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft Hades.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \ft The verses below numbered 36) to 46) appear between ver…nton.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft of your going forth.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft knowing you shall know.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft against you.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft dinner.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft beyond.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft trusting in confidence. See \fqa Heb.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft ran.
KI1 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Or. \ft tributes.
KI1 3:6+ \fr 3:6 \fl Gr. \ft give.
KI1 3:6+ \fr 3:6 \fl Gr. \ft as this day \ft \+add is. \+add*
KI1 3:7+ \fr 3:7 \fl Gr. \ft given.
KI1 3:8+ \fr 3:8 \fl Gr. \ft shall \fl or \ft will not.
KI1 3:9+ \fr 3:9 \fl Gr. \ft heavy.
KI1 3:11+ \fr 3:11 \fl Gr. \ft many days.
KI1 3:15+ \fr 3:15 \fl Gr. \ft comes.
KI1 3:18+ \fr 3:18 \fl Gr. \ft is.
KI1 3:19+ \fr 3:19 \fl Gr. \ft slept upon it.
KI1 3:20+ \fr 3:20 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex.+ \ft 'while your handmaid slept.'
KI1 3:20+ \fr 3:20 \fl Gr. \ft caused to sleep.
KI1 3:26+ \fr 3:26 \fl Gr. \ft her womb was troubled.
KI1 4:5+ \fr 4:5 \fl Gr. \ft appointed ones.
KI1 4:5+ \fr 4:5 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft insert 'priest.'
KI1 4:5+ \fr 4:5 \fl Or, \ft companion.
KI1 4:20+ \fr 4:20 \fl Gr. \ft change.
KI1 4:34+ \fr 4:34 \ft Here the chapter ends, according to \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex.
KI1 5:3+ \fr 5:3 \fl Or, \ft that my father David, etc.
KI1 5:3+ \fr 5:3 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of. \fl Hebraism.
KI1 5:3+ \fr 5:3 \fl Or, \ft steps.
KI1 5:4+ \fr 5:4 \fl Alex. \ft ἀπαντήμα. See συναντήματα, Ex. 9. 14.
KI1 5:9+ \fr 5:9 \fl Lit. \ft shake them off.
KI1 5:11+ \fr 5:11 \ft Some read μαχὰλ, \fl or \ft μαχὰθ, as if from מכרח \fqa cibus.
KI1 5:12+ \fr 5:12 \fl Gr. \ft spoke to him.
KI1 5:13+ \fr 5:13 \fl Lit. \ft tribute, etc.
KI1 5:16+ \fr 5:16 \fqa Heb. 300. \fl Alex. \ft 500.
KI1 5:16+ \fr 5:16 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft overseers of the people.
KI1 5:17+ \fr 5:17 \ft Verse 17 is not in \fl Vat. \ft The following is from \fl Alex.
KI1 5:17+ \fr 5:17 \fl Gr. \ft bring.
KI1 6:1+ \fr 6:1 \fl Gr. \ft of Solomon reigning.
KI1 6:1+ \fr 6:1
KI1 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \fl Gr. \ft its length forty in cubit, etc.
KI1 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft 60 cubits.
KI1 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft 30 cubits.
KI1 6:5+ \fr 6:5 \fl Gr. \ft upon.
KI1 6:5+ \fr 6:5 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft with (or against) the walls of …bout.
KI1 6:7+ \fr 6:7 \fl Gr. \ft and.
KI1 6:7+ \fr 6:7 \fl Gr. \ft and.
KI1 6:16+ \fr 6:16 \fl Or, \ft shrine.
KI1 6:19+ \fr 6:19 \fl Gr. \ft give.
KI1 6:20+ \fr 6:20 \fl Gr. \ft and \fqa Heb. shut up.
KI1 6:21-22+ \fr 6:21-22 \fl Gr. \ft to the finishing of the whole house.
KI1 6:24+ \fr 6:24 \fl Gr. \ft from the tip of his wing to the tip of his wing.
KI1 6:36+ \fr 6:36 \ft See ch 10. 12.
KI1 7:1-12+ \fr 7:1-12 \fl Verse 1, etc. \ft See the first 12 verses of this ch…elow.
KI1 7:15+ \fr 7:15 \fl Or, \ft embossed \fl or \ft hollow work.
KI1 7:16+ \fr 7:16 \fl Gr. \ft give.
KI1 7:17+ \fr 7:17 \fl Gr. \ft nets.
KI1 7:17+ \fr 7:17 \fl Gr. \ft chapiter.
KI1 7:18+ \fr 7:18 \fl q.d. \ft netted.
KI1 7:23+ \fr 7:23 \fl Gr. \ft round in a circle.
KI1 7:25+ \fr 7:25 \fl Lit. \ft to \fl or \ft into the house.
KI1 7:28+ \fr 7:28 \fl Gr. \ft shut up.
KI1 7:30+ \fr 7:30 \fl Or, \ft bearings, \fl or \ft shoulders; \fl A.V. \ft u…ters.
KI1 7:31+ \fr 7:31 \fl Gr. \ft hands.
KI1 7:31+ \fr 7:31 \fl Gr. \ft in.
KI1 7:33+ \fr 7:33 \fl Gr. \ft their hands and their backs.
KI1 7:35+ \fr 7:35 \fl Gr. \ft was opened.
KI1 7:38+ \fr 7:38 \fl Gr. \ft gallons. The \fl Gr. \ft seems to have this me…more.
KI1 7:39+ \fr 7:39 \fl Gr. \ft on the shoulder-piece of the house on the right.
KI1 7:41+ \fr 7:41 \fl Gr. \ft nets.
KI1 7:45+ \fr 7:45 \fl Gr. \ft Brenton places verse 46 after verse 47 - here … 46).
KI1 7:47+ \fr 7:47 \fl Gr. \ft weight.
KI1 7:47+ \fr 7:47 \fl Gr. \ft weights.
KI1 7:47+ \fr 7:47 \ft thick \ft \+add part \+add* of the land.
KI1 7:49+ \fr 7:49 \fl Lit. \ft golden, shut up.
KI1 7:49+ \fr 7:49 \ft Perhaps small vessels with lips for pouring oil.
KI1 7:50+ \fr 7:50 \fl Or, \ft rather work about the door.
KI1 7:50+ \fr 7:50 \fl Gr. \ft shut up.
KI1 7:51+ \fr 7:51 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
KI1 8:7+ \fr 8:7 \fl pass. part. \ft spread out with their wings.
KI1 8:8+ \fr 8:8 \fqa Heb. staves.
KI1 8:11+ \fr 8:11 \fl Or, \ft before the cloud.
KI1 8:14+ \fr 8:14 \fl Gr. \ft 'turned away,' but probably not from the people.
KI1 8:15+ \fr 8:15 \fl Gr. \ft in Israel. \fl Hebraism.
KI1 8:16+ \fr 8:16 \fl Gr. \ft staff.
KI1 8:17+ \fr 8:17 \fl Gr. \ft upon.
KI1 8:19+ \fr 8:19 \fl Gr. \ft sides.
KI1 8:27+ \fr 8:27 \fl Gr. \ft 'that,' elliptical expression.
KI1 8:27+ \fr 8:27 \fl Gr. \ft heaven.
KI1 8:29+ \fr 8:29 \fl Or, \ft toward.
KI1 8:31+ \fr 8:31 \fl Gr. \ft each.
KI1 8:32+ \fr 8:32 \fl Or, \ft considered wicked \fl or \ft lawless.
KI1 8:37+ \fr 8:37 \fl Gr. \ft his.
KI1 8:37+ \fr 8:37 \fl Gr. \ft incident \fl or \ft occurrence.
KI1 8:44+ \fr 8:44 \fl Gr. \ft by way of.
KI1 8:50+ \fr 8:50 \fl Gr. \ft give them to compassions.
KI1 8:53+ \fr 8:53 \fl Gr. \ft Lord, Lord, \fl i.e. \ft according to the \fqa…ovah.
KI1 8:59+ \fr 8:59 \fl Gr. \ft as.
KI1 8:59+ \fr 8:59 \fl Gr. \ft approaching.
KI1 8:59+ \fr 8:59 \fl Gr. \ft a thing \fl or \ft word of a day in a day of a… Heb.
KI1 8:61+ \fr 8:61 \fl Gr. \ft as this day is.
KI1 8:64+ \fr 8:64 \fl Gr. \ft fats.
KI1 8:66+ \fr 8:66 \fl Gr. \ft tabernacles.
KI1 9:5+ \fr 9:5 \fl Gr. \ft raise up.
KI1 9:6+ \fr 9:6 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
KI1 9:8+ \fr 9:8 \fl Gr. \ft through it.
KI1 9:11+ \fr 9:11 \fl Gr. \ft woods.
KI1 9:11+ \fr 9:11 \fl Gr. \ft woods.
KI1 9:26+ \fr 9:26 \fl Gr. \ft lip.
KI1 9:26+ \fr 9:26 \fl Gr. \ft last sea, \fl or \ft last part of the sea, \fl…gulf.
KI1 10:2+ \fr 10:2 \fl Gr. \ft force.
KI1 10:3+ \fr 10:3 \fl Gr. \ft related to her all her words.
KI1 10:5+ \fr 10:5 \fl Or, \ft in ecstasy.
KI1 10:6+ \fr 10:6 \fl Gr. \ft word.
KI1 10:7+ \fr 10:7 \fl Gr. \ft added good things to them.
KI1 10:10+ \fr 10:10 \fl Gr. \ft precious stone.
KI1 10:13+ \fr 10:13 \ft of his royal bounty, \fl A.V.
KI1 10:17+ \fr 10:17 \fl Gr. \ft arms.
KI1 10:21+ \fr 10:21 \fl Lit. \ft 'shut up with gold,' a frequent phrase in \f…. 20.
KI1 10:22+ \fr 10:22 \fl Gr. \ft turned.
KI1 10:22+ \fr 10:22 \ft This word more commonly means 'spoil' in the O.T.
KI1 10:22+ \fr 10:22 \fl Gr. \ft work.
KI1 10:22+ \fr 10:22 \fl Gr. \ft reduced them to tribute.
KI1 10:24+ \fr 10:24 \fl Gr. \ft face.
KI1 10:27+ \fr 10:27 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
KI1 11:1+ \fr 11:1 \ft This verse, or part verse is not numbered in Brenton's…se 3.
KI1 11:1+ \fr 11:1 \ft Note that the verses between this point and the beginn…nton.
KI1 11:4+ \fr 11:4 \ft See \fqa Heb.
KI1 11:12+ \fr 11:12 \fl Gr. \ft them.
KI1 11:22+ \fr 11:22 \fl Gr. \ft wherein are you lacking?.
KI1 11:27+ \fr 11:27 \fl Gr. \ft of his lifting.
KI1 11:28+ \fr 11:28 \fl Gr. \ft a man of works.
KI1 11:29+ \fr 11:29 \fl Gr. \ft both.
KI1 11:31+ \fr 11:31 \fl Gr. \ft sceptres. See \fqa Heb.
KI1 11:33+ \fr 11:33 \fl Or, \ft Moloch, \fl or \ft Milcom.
KI1 11:33+ \fr 11:33 \fl Or, \ft provocation.
KI1 11:37+ \fr 11:37 \fl Gr. \ft in all, \fl or \ft among all which, etc.
KI1 11:41+ \fr 11:41 \fl Gr. \ft words.
KI1 11:41+ \fr 11:41 \fl Gr. \ft words \fl or \ft things.
KI1 12:4+ \fr 12:4 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
KI1 12:6+ \fr 12:6 \fl Gr. \ft and I should answer a word, etc.
KI1 12:10+ \fr 12:10 \fl Gr. \ft littleness.
KI1 12:11+ \fr 12:11 \fl Gr. \ft now.
KI1 12:15+ \fr 12:15 \fl Gr. \ft by the hand of.
KI1 12:18+ \fr 12:18 \fl Gr. \ft prevented.
KI1 12:19+ \fr 12:19 \fl Gr. \ft disowned \ft \+add allegiance. \+add*
KI1 12:24+ \fr 12:24 \fl Gr. \ft in his reigning.
KI1 12:24+ \fr 12:24 \fl Gr. \ft live.
KI1 12:24+ \fr 12:24 \fl Gr. \ft were blunted from seeing.
KI1 12:24+ \fr 12:24 \fl Gr. \ft dispersed.
KI1 12:24+ \fr 12:24 \fl Gr. \ft littleness.
KI1 12:28+ \fr 12:28 \fl Gr. \ft to go.
KI1 12:29+ \fr 12:29 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
KI1 13:2+ \fr 13:2 \fl Gr. \ft Josias the name to him.
KI1 13:6+ \fr 13:6 \fl Gr. \ft return to me.
KI1 13:8+ \fr 13:8 \fl Gr. \ft will not.
KI1 13:11+ \fr 13:11 \ft Wide variation from the Hebrew.
KI1 13:21+ \fr 13:21 \fl Gr. \ft embittered.
KI1 13:26+ \fr 13:26 \fl Vat. \ft has no verse 27. \fl Alex. \ft reads as follows.
KI1 13:31+ \fr 13:31 \fl Gr. \ft if I die.
KI1 13:33+ \fr 13:33 \fl Gr. \ft this word.
KI1 13:34+ \fr 13:34 \fl Gr. \ft word.
KI1 14:1-20+ \fr 14:1-20 \fl Verses. \ft 1 to 20. The substance of these verses …t 12.
KI1 14:21+ \fr 14:21 \ft Brenton's footnote here says 'The first 20 verses of …t 12.
KI1 14:21+ \fr 14:21 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 41 years in his reigning.
KI1 14:24+ \fr 14:24 \fl Gr. \ft of.
KI1 14:24+ \fr 14:24 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of.
KI1 14:25+ \fr 14:25 \fl Gr. \ft of Roboam reigning.
KI1 14:26+ \fr 14:26 \fl Gr. \ft arms.
KI1 14:26+ \fr 14:26 \ft the remainder of this verse (here shown in italics) i…Alex.
KI1 14:27+ \fr 14:27 \fl Gr. \ft runners by the side of.
KI1 14:28+ \fr 14:28 \ft The \fqa Heb. חא is retained in the \fl Gr.
KI1 14:29+ \fr 14:29 \fl Gr. \ft words.
KI1 14:29+ \fr 14:29 \fl Gr. \ft to \fl or \ft for.
KI1 15:2+ \fr 15:2 \fl Alex. \ft 16 years.
KI1 15:7+ \fr 15:7 \fl Gr. \ft words.
KI1 15:7+ \fr 15:7 \fl Lit. \ft the words of the days.
KI1 15:9+ \fr 15:9 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft In the twentieth year.
KI1 15:10+ \fr 15:10 \fl Gr. \ft year. \fl Hebraism.
KI1 15:12+ \fr 15:12 \fl Lit. \ft sacrifices.
KI1 15:12+ \fr 15:12 \fl Gr. \ft did, \fl or \ft wrought.
KI1 15:13+ \fr 15:13 \fl Gr. \ft made.
KI1 15:19+ \fr 15:19 \fl Gr. \ft and he shall.
KI1 15:22+ \fr 15:22 \fqa Heb. Geba and Mizpeh.
KI1 15:23+ \fr 15:23 \fl Gr. \ft might.
KI1 15:23+ \fr 15:23 \fl Gr. \ft for.
KI1 15:24+ \fr 15:24 \fl Gr. \ft is.
KI1 15:29+ \fr 15:29 \fl Gr. \ft no breath.
KI1 15:30+ \fr 15:30 \ft For a similar use of περὶ, see Jer 7. 22.
KI1 15:31+ \fr 15:31 \fl Gr. \ft for.
KI1 15:31+ \fr 15:31 \ft Verse 32 is not in \fl Vat., \ft it is here read from \fl Alex.
KI1 16:3+ \fr 16:3 \fl Gr. \ft give.
KI1 16:4+ \fr 16:4 \fl Gr. \ft has died.
KI1 16:6+ \fr 16:6 \fl Gr. \ft he is buried.
KI1 16:7+ \fr 16:7 \fl Gr. \ft the hand of Ju.
KI1 16:8+ \fr 16:8 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft 'in the 26th year of Asa king … etc.
KI1 16:10+ \fr 16:10 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft insert 'in the 27th year of A…uda.'
KI1 16:14+ \fr 16:14 \fl Gr. \ft words.
KI1 16:16+ \fr 16:16 \fl Or. \ft camp.
KI1 16:16+ \fr 16:16 \fl Gr. \ft in Israel.
KI1 16:18+ \fr 16:18 \fl Or, \ft surprised.
KI1 16:18+ \fr 16:18 \fl Gr. \ft the cave of the house.
KI1 16:22+ \fr 16:22 \fl Gr. \ft was after.
KI1 16:23+ \fr 16:23 \fl Gr. \ft reigns.
KI1 16:28+ \fr 16:28 \ft The word ἔτει is redundant.
KI1 16:28+ \fr 16:28 \fl Gr. \ft in his kingdom.
KI1 16:28+ \fr 16:28 \fl Gr. \ft might.
KI1 16:28+ \fr 16:28 \ft See 1 Kings 22. 46-50. \fl A.V.
KI1 16:28+ \fr 16:28 \fqa Heb. כצב praefectus.
KI1 16:28+ \fr 16:28 \fl Or, \ft for.
KI1 16:28+ \fr 16:28 \fl Or, \ft let me.
KI1 16:32+ \fr 16:32 \fl Or, \ft provocations, etc.
KI1 17:1+ \fr 17:1 \fl Gr. \ft if there shall be, etc.
KI1 17:1+ \fr 17:1 \fl Gr. \ft mouth of my word.
KI1 17:3+ \fr 17:3 \fl Gr. \ft in.
KI1 17:7+ \fr 17:7 \fl Gr. \ft days.
KI1 17:10+ \fr 17:10 \fl Gr. \ft take etc. into.
KI1 17:10+ \fr 17:10 \fl Gr. \ft and I will etc.
KI1 17:14+ \fr 17:14 \fl Or, \ft be diminished, or fail of, etc.
KI1 17:19+ \fr 17:19 \fl Gr. \ft caused him to sleep.
KI1 18:7+ \fr 18:7 \fl Gr. \ft if you are, etc.
KI1 18:16+ \fr 18:16 \fl Gr. \ft ran forth.
KI1 18:19+ \fr 18:19 \fqa Heb. Baal. See Jer. 11. 13. Hos. 9. 10.
KI1 18:21+ \fr 18:21 \fl Gr. \ft the hams, from γόνν, the knee.
KI1 18:22+ \fr 18:22 \fl Or, \ft quite alone.
KI1 18:27+ \fr 18:27 \fl Or, \ft preparing an answer.
KI1 18:27+ \fr 18:27 \fl Gr. \ft will awake or arise.
KI1 18:28+ \fr 18:28 \fl Gr. \ft shedding of blood upon them.
KI1 18:29+ \fr 18:29 \fl Gr. \ft the sacrifice going up.
KI1 18:32+ \fr 18:32 \fl Gr. \ft healed.
KI1 18:32+ \fr 18:32 \fl Gr. \ft sea.
KI1 18:36+ \fr 18:36 \fl Or, \ft listen to me.
KI1 18:41+ \fr 18:41 \fl Gr. \ft feet of rain.
KI1 18:44+ \fr 18:44 \fl Gr. \ft bringing.
KI1 19:2+ \fr 19:2 \fl Lit. \ft do these things to me, and add these things.
KI1 19:18+ \fr 19:18 \fl Gr. \ft the knee.
KI1 19:19+ \fr 19:19 \fl Gr. \ft in.
KI1 19:19+ \fr 19:19 \fl Gr. \ft departed.
KI1 19:21+ \fr 19:21 \fl Gr. \ft from behind him.
KI1 19:21+ \fr 19:21 \fl Gr. \ft the yokes.
KI1 20:2+ \fr 20:2 \fl Gr. \ft it is pleasing before you.
KI1 20:7+ \fr 20:7 \fl Or, \ft like yourself.
KI1 20:8+ \fr 20:8 \fl Gr. \ft book.
KI1 20:8+ \fr 20:8 \ft Possibly nobles is here meant.
KI1 20:9+ \fr 20:9 \fl Gr. \ft had been written.
KI1 20:10+ \fr 20:10 \ft See \fl Prof. Lee \ft on the word ברך in Job 2. 9. \f…p.92.
KI1 20:12+ \fr 20:12 \fl Gr. \ft called.
KI1 20:15+ \fr 20:15 \fl Gr. \ft inherit.
KI1 20:15+ \fr 20:15 \fl Gr. \ft sold it not.
KI1 20:16+ \fr 20:16 \fl Gr. \ft to inherit it.
KI1 20:19+ \fr 20:19 \fl Gr. \ft these things.
KI1 20:20+ \fr 20:20 \fl Gr. \ft foolishly, \fl or \ft in vain.
KI1 20:21+ \fr 20:21 \fl Gr. \ft evils.
KI1 20:22+ \fr 20:22 \fl Gr. \ft give.
KI1 20:23+ \fr 20:23 \fl Or, \ft to Jezabel.
KI1 20:23+ \fr 20:23 \fl Or, \ft by.
KI1 20:25+ \fr 20:25 \fl Gr. \ft who sold, etc.
KI1 20:27+ \fr 20:27 \fl Gr. \ft the face, as it were, of the Lord.
KI1 21:1+ \fr 21:1 \fl Gr. \ft chariot.
KI1 21:10+ \fr 21:10 \ft The LXX. read שועליס for שעליס.
KI1 21:12+ \fr 21:12 \fl Or, \ft build a mound or fortification.
KI1 21:14+ \fr 21:14 \fl Gr. \ft engage in the war.
KI1 21:15+ \fr 21:15 \fl Or, \ft reviewed.
KI1 21:15+ \fr 21:15 \fl Gr. \ft son of strength.
KI1 21:17+ \fr 21:17 \fl Gr. \ft among the first.
KI1 21:18+ \fr 21:18 \fl Gr. \ft infin. for imper.
KI1 21:25+ \fr 21:25 \fl Gr. \ft change.
KI1 21:25+ \fr 21:25 \fl Gr. \ft his.
KI1 21:29+ \fr 21:29 \fl Gr. \ft these.
KI1 21:30+ \fr 21:30 \fl Gr. \ft the house of the chamber.
KI1 21:31+ \fr 21:31 \fl Gr. \ft kings of mercy.
KI1 21:32+ \fr 21:32 \fl Gr. \ft soul.
KI1 21:33+ \fr 21:33 \fl Or, \ft poured libations, but some read ἔσπευσαν, whi… Heb.
KI1 21:33+ \fr 21:33 \fl Gr. \ft upon \fl or \ft to.
KI1 21:39+ \fr 21:39 \fl Gr. \ft soul.
KI1 21:40+ \fr 21:40 \fl Gr. \ft he was not.
KI1 21:40+ \fr 21:40 \fl Gr. \ft slain.
KI1 22:3+ \fr 22:3 \fl Gr. \ft silent.
KI1 22:7+ \fr 22:7 \fl Gr. \ft and we will enquire.
KI1 22:8+ \fr 22:8 \fl Gr. \ft by him.
KI1 22:10+ \fr 22:10 \ft See \fqa Heb.
KI1 22:11+ \fr 22:11 \fl Gr. \ft gore.
KI1 22:14+ \fr 22:14 \fl Gr. \ft these things.
KI1 22:15+ \fr 22:15 \fl Gr. \ft prosper the work, etc.
KI1 22:17+ \fr 22:17 \fl Gr. \ft which has no shepherd.
KI1 22:20+ \fr 22:20 \fl Gr. \ft and he shall, etc.
KI1 22:26+ \fr 22:26 \fl Gr. \ft king.
KI1 22:31+ \fr 22:31 \fl Gr. \ft and.
KI1 22:35+ \fr 22:35 \fl Lit. \ft remaining.
KI1 22:35+ \fr 22:35 \fl Gr. \ft bosom.
KI1 22:39+ \fr 22:39 \fl Gr. \ft made.
KI1 22:41+ \fr 22:41 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI1 22:42+ \fr 22:42 \fl Gr. \ft a son of thirty and five years in his reigning.
KI1 22:46-50+ \fr 22:46-50 \fl Gr. \ft words.
KI2 1:1+ \fr 1:1 \fl Gr. \ft despised.
KI2 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft added and sent.
KI2 1:13+ \fr 1:13 \fl Gr. \ft added yet to send.
KI2 1:18+ \fr 1:18 \fl Gr. \ft words.
KI2 2:2+ \fr 2:2 \fl Gr. \ft the Lord lives if, etc.
KI2 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \fl Gr. \ft if you know.
KI2 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \fl Gr. \ft takes.
KI2 2:4+ \fr 2:4 \fl Gr. \ft the Lord lives if, etc.
KI2 2:8+ \fr 2:8 \fl Lit. \ft 'into the wilderness.'
KI2 2:9+ \fr 2:9 \fl Gr. \ft double \ft \+add portions \+add* in your spirit.
KI2 2:10+ \fr 2:10 \fl Gr. \ft hardened in asking.
KI2 2:11+ \fr 2:11 \fl Gr. \ft went and talked.
KI2 2:14+ \fr 2:14 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft here copies the \fqa Heb. אח הו 'he also'.
KI2 2:16+ \fr 2:16 \fl Gr. \ft sons of strength \fl Hebraism.
KI2 2:16+ \fr 2:16 \fl Gr. \ft lest at any time.
KI2 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 3:4+ \fr 3:4 \fl Lit. \ft in the rising up.
KI2 3:5+ \fr 3:5 \fl Gr. \ft despised.
KI2 3:9+ \fr 3:9 \fl Gr. \ft compassed a journey of seven days.
KI2 3:9+ \fr 3:9 \fl Gr. \ft at their feet.
KI2 3:11+ \fr 3:11 \fl Gr. \ft and we will.
KI2 3:13+ \fr 3:13 \fl Gr. \ft is it that.
KI2 3:14+ \fr 3:14 \fl Gr. \ft stood.
KI2 3:14+ \fr 3:14 \fl Gr. \ft regard.
KI2 3:16+ \fr 3:16 \fl Lit. \ft brook.
KI2 3:17+ \fr 3:17 \fl Lit. \ft posessions.
KI2 3:18+ \fr 3:18 \fl Gr. \ft in.
KI2 3:19+ \fr 3:19 \fl Gr. \ft throw down.
KI2 3:20+ \fr 3:20 \fl Gr. \ft going up.
KI2 3:21+ \fr 3:21 \fl Gr. \ft from.
KI2 3:21+ \fr 3:21 \fl Alex. \ft καὶ ἐπάνα, 'and above.'
KI2 3:24+ \fr 3:24 \fl Gr. \ft went in, going in and striking.
KI2 3:25+ \fr 3:25 \fl Gr. \ft threw down.
KI2 3:27+ \fr 3:27 \fl Gr. \ft repentance.
KI2 4:2+ \fr 4:2 \fl Gr. \ft shall anoint.
KI2 4:7+ \fr 4:7 \fl Gr. \ft interest, \fl pl.
KI2 4:10+ \fr 4:10 \fl Or, \ft turn aside.
KI2 4:13+ \fr 4:13 \fl Gr. \ft been astonished with all this astonishment.
KI2 4:13+ \fr 4:13 \fl Gr. \ft word \fl or \ft business.
KI2 4:22+ \fr 4:22 \fl Gr. \ft run.
KI2 4:23+ \fr 4:23 \fl Gr. \ft peace.
KI2 4:25+ \fr 4:25 \fl Gr. \ft went.
KI2 4:26+ \fr 4:26 \fl Gr. \ft peace.
KI2 4:28+ \fr 4:28 \fl Gr. \ft You shall not.
KI2 4:29+ \fr 4:29 \fl Gr. \ft bless.
KI2 4:39+ \fr 4:39 \fl Gr. sing. \ft colosynth.
KI2 5:1+ \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft wondered at in countenance.
KI2 5:2+ \fr 5:2 \fl Gr. \ft light armed, etc.
KI2 5:2+ \fr 5:2 \fl Gr. \ft was before.
KI2 5:3+ \fr 5:3 \fl Gr. \ft will detach him.
KI2 5:5+ \fr 5:5 \fl Gr. \ft changing robes.
KI2 5:12+ \fr 5:12 \fl Gr. \ft shall I not, etc.
KI2 5:13+ \fr 5:13 \fl Gr. \ft will you.
KI2 5:15+ \fr 5:15 \fl Gr. \ft army \fl or \ft camp.
KI2 5:17+ \fr 5:17 \ft Probably this last clause belongs to \fl ver. \ft 18.
KI2 5:18+ \fr 5:18 \fl Or, \ft The Lord shall be, etc.
KI2 5:21+ \fr 5:21 \fl Alex.+ \ft 'Is all well?'
KI2 5:22+ \fr 5:22 \fl Gr. \ft changing robes.
KI2 5:23+ \fr 5:23 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
KI2 5:24+ \fr 5:24 \fl Gr. \ft a dark place, or the dark.
KI2 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \fl Gr. \ft a place of inhabiting.
KI2 6:4+ \fr 6:4 \fl Or, \ft trees.
KI2 6:5+ \fr 6:5 \fl Gr. \ft iron.
KI2 6:6+ \fr 6:6 \fl Lit. \ft pinched off with the nail, etc.
KI2 6:9+ \fr 6:9 \fl Gr. \ft this.
KI2 6:12+ \fr 6:12 \fl Gr. \ft closet of your bedchamber.
KI2 6:15+ \fr 6:15 \fl Gr. \ft was early to rise.
KI2 6:15+ \fr 6:15 \fl Gr. \ft how shall we do?
KI2 6:18+ \fr 6:18 \fl Gr. \ft nation.
KI2 6:22+ \fr 6:22 \fl Gr. \ft smite.
KI2 6:31+ \fr 6:31 \fl Gr. \ft do these things to me and add these things.
KI2 7:1+ \fr 7:1 \fl Gr. \ft As is this, etc.
KI2 7:2+ \fr 7:2 \fl Gr. \ft shall.
KI2 7:5+ \fr 7:5 \fl Gr. \ft in the dark.
KI2 7:5+ \fr 7:5 \fl Gr. \ft is.
KI2 7:6+ \fr 7:6 \fl Gr. \ft and.
KI2 7:7+ \fr 7:7 \fl Gr. \ft as it is.
KI2 7:7+ \fr 7:7 \fl Gr. \ft to their life.
KI2 7:10+ \fr 7:10 \fl Gr. \ft went in.
KI2 7:10+ \fr 7:10 \fl Gr. \ft horse.
KI2 7:10+ \fr 7:10 \fl Gr. \ft ass.
KI2 7:12+ \fr 7:12 \fl Gr. \ft Syria.
KI2 7:18+ \fr 7:18 \fl Gr. \ft as this time is.
KI2 8:1+ \fr 8:1 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft signifies, to rekindle a fire.
KI2 8:8+ \fr 8:8 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft retains the \fqa Heb. word.
KI2 8:8+ \fr 8:8 \fl Gr. \ft live?
KI2 8:10+ \fr 8:10 \fl Complut. \ft and \fl Ald. \ft ἀποθανεῖται.
KI2 8:12+ \fr 8:12 \fl Gr. \ft send away.
KI2 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \fl Gr. \ft shall.
KI2 8:15+ \fr 8:15 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft is from the \fqa Heb. rug \fl or \ft quilt, etc.
KI2 8:16+ \fr 8:16 \fl Gr. \ft to.
KI2 8:16+ \fr 8:16 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 8:17+ \fr 8:17 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 32 years in his reigning.
KI2 8:20+ \fr 8:20 \fl Gr. \ft himself.
KI2 8:25+ \fr 8:25 \fl Gr. \ft to.
KI2 8:25+ \fr 8:25 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 8:26+ \fr 8:26 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 22 years in his reigning.
KI2 8:28+ \fr 8:28 \fl Gr. \ft with.
KI2 8:28+ \fr 8:28 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft word ἀλλοφύλοι is almost always applie…ines.
KI2 9:7+ \fr 9:7 \fl Gr. \ft bloods.
KI2 9:9+ \fr 9:9 \fl Gr. \ft give.
KI2 9:10+ \fr 9:10 \fl Gr. \ft there is not a buryer.
KI2 9:11+ \fr 9:11 \fl Gr. \ft peace.
KI2 9:13+ \fr 9:13 \fqa Heb. word in \fl Gr.
KI2 9:13+ \fr 9:13 \fl Lit. \ft has reigned.
KI2 9:14+ \fr 9:14 \fl Gr. \ft from the face of.
KI2 9:15+ \fr 9:15 \fl Gr. \ft one having escaped.
KI2 9:17+ \fr 9:17 \fl Gr. \ft before them.
KI2 9:20+ \fr 9:20 \fl Gr. \ft has driven.
KI2 9:24+ \fr 9:24 \fl Lit. \ft filled his hand with the bow.
KI2 9:25+ \fr 9:25 \fl Gr. \ft on yokes, \fl or \ft chariots with pairs of horses.
KI2 9:25+ \fr 9:25 \fl Gr. \ft and the Lord.
KI2 9:26+ \fr 9:26 \fl Gr. \ft If I have not seen.
KI2 9:27+ \fr 9:27 \fqa Heb. the garden house.
KI2 10:2+ \fr 10:2 \fl Gr. \ft the chariot and the horses.
KI2 10:3+ \fr 10:3 \fl Gr. \ft upright, \fl q.d. \ft unblemished
KI2 10:15+ \fr 10:15 \fl Gr. \ft blessed him.
KI2 10:15+ \fr 10:15 \fl Gr. \ft upon.
KI2 10:21+ \fr 10:21 \fl Gr. \ft offering.
KI2 10:21+ \fr 10:21 \fl Gr. \ft mouth to mouth.
KI2 10:22+ \fr 10:22 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft is from the \fl Hebrew \ft word.
KI2 10:27+ \fr 10:27 \fl Gr. \ft him.
KI2 10:32+ \fr 10:32 \fl Gr. \ft in Israel. \fl Hebraism.
KI2 11:1+ \fr 11:1 \fl Gr. \ft seed of the kingdom.
KI2 11:4+ \fr 11:4 \fqa Heb. guards.
KI2 11:4+ \fr 11:4 \fqa Heb. runners.
KI2 11:5+ \fr 11:5 \fl Gr. \ft word.
KI2 11:9+ \fr 11:9 \fl Gr. \ft hands.
KI2 11:11+ \fr 11:11 \fl Gr. \ft and his weapon.
KI2 11:12+ \fr 11:12 \fl Gr. \ft sent forth.
KI2 11:12+ \fr 11:12 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
KI2 11:14+ \fr 11:14 \fl Gr. \ft trumpets.
KI2 11:18+ \fr 11:18 \fl Gr. \ft placed. See John 15. 16.
KI2 11:18+ \fr 11:18 \fl Gr. \ft in \fl or \ft into.
KI2 11:19+ \fr 11:19 \fl Or, \ft guard, \fl A.V.
KI2 11:21+ \fr 11:21 \fl Gr. \ft a son of seven years in his reigning.
KI2 12:1+ \fr 12:1 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 12:4+ \fr 12:4 \fl Gr. \ft it may come into the heart, etc.
KI2 12:7+ \fr 12:7 \fl Gr. \ft breach.
KI2 12:9+ \fr 12:9 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft is a Hebrew word in Greek letters.
KI2 12:11+ \fr 12:11 \fl Gr. \ft prepared.
KI2 12:12+ \fr 12:12 \fl Gr. \ft wall-builders.
KI2 12:12+ \fr 12:12 \fl Gr. \ft breach.
KI2 12:13+ \fr 12:13 \fl Gr. \ft shall not be made. This change of future and …uent.
KI2 12:13+ \fr 12:13 \fl Gr. \ft doors.
KI2 12:13+ \fr 12:13 \fl Gr. \ft in.
KI2 12:14+ \fr 12:14 \fl Gr. \ft will give, \fl vide \ft v. 13.
KI2 12:15+ \fr 12:15 \fqa Heb. באמכה הס.
KI2 12:18+ \fr 12:18 \fl Gr. \ft his own holy things.
KI2 12:20+ \fr 12:20 \fl Complut. \ft πάντα.
KI2 13:1+ \fr 13:1 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 13:2+ \fr 13:2 \fl Gr. \ft it.
KI2 13:5+ \fr 13:5 \fl Gr. \ft yesterday and today.
KI2 13:6+ \fr 13:6 \fl Gr. \ft it, \fl sc. \ft ἀμαρτία.
KI2 13:7+ \fr 13:7 \fl Gr. \ft people.
KI2 13:10+ \fr 13:10 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 13:15+ \fr 13:15 \fl Gr. \ft weapons.
KI2 13:17+ \fr 13:17 \fl Gr. \ft in.
KI2 13:20+ \fr 13:20 \fl Gr. \ft the year having come.
KI2 14:2+ \fr 14:2 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 25 years in his reigning.
KI2 14:2+ \fr 14:2 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 14:5+ \fr 14:5 \fl Gr. \ft struck.
KI2 14:5+ \fr 14:5 \fl Gr. \ft struck.
KI2 14:6+ \fr 14:6 \fl Or. \ft be put to death, etc.
KI2 14:7+ \fr 14:7 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft is from בוי מלח Keri.
KI2 14:7+ \fr 14:7 \fqa Heb. Selah
KI2 14:8+ \fr 14:8 \fl Gr. \ft appear to faces.
KI2 14:10+ \fr 14:10 \fl Gr. \ft glorify yourself sitting in your house.
KI2 14:12+ \fr 14:12 \fl Gr. \ft fell.
KI2 14:14+ \fr 14:14 \fl Gr. \ft and \fqa Heb. lit. sons of exchanges.
KI2 14:19+ \fr 14:19 \fl Gr. \ft conspired with a conspiracy.
KI2 14:20+ \fr 14:20 \fl Gr. \ft lifted him.
KI2 14:21+ \fr 14:21 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 16 years.
KI2 14:23+ \fr 14:23 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 14:25+ \fr 14:25 \fl i.e. \ft the plain.
KI2 14:25+ \fr 14:25 \fl Gr. \ft the hand of his servant.
KI2 14:26+ \fr 14:26 \fl Or, \ft left alone.
KI2 14:27+ \fr 14:27 \fl Or, \ft said not that he would.
KI2 15:1+ \fr 15:1 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 15:2+ \fr 15:2 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 16 years was he in his reigning.
KI2 15:5+ \fr 15:5 \fl Gr. \ft touched.
KI2 15:5+ \fr 15:5 \fl Gr. \ft made leprous.
KI2 15:5+ \fr 15:5 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft is from החפשיח.
KI2 15:8+ \fr 15:8 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 15:10+ \fr 15:10 \fqa Heb. קבלעס before the people.
KI2 15:13+ \fr 15:13 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 15:23+ \fr 15:23 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 15:27+ \fr 15:27 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 15:29+ \fr 15:29 \fl Or, \ft Galaan.
KI2 15:30+ \fr 15:30 \fl Gr. \ft conspired, etc.
KI2 15:32+ \fr 15:32 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 15:33+ \fr 15:33 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 25 years in his reigning.
KI2 15:37+ \fr 15:37 \fl Or, \ft let loose.
KI2 16:4+ \fr 16:4 \fl Or, \ft tree of the grove or wood.
KI2 16:5+ \fr 16:5 \fl Gr. \ft fight.
KI2 16:9+ \fr 16:9 \fl Gr. \ft it.
KI2 16:10+ \fr 16:10 \fl Or, \ft the altar.
KI2 16:13+ \fr 16:13 \fl Gr. \ft and \fqa Heb. offered \ft \ft \+add in way o…3.10.
KI2 16:14+ \fr 16:14 \fl Or, \ft displayed it.
KI2 16:14+ \fr 16:14 \fl Gr. \ft thigh.
KI2 16:15+ \fr 16:15 \fl Or, \ft the blood of every, etc.
KI2 17:1+ \fr 17:1 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 17:5+ \fr 17:5 \fl Or, \ft through.
KI2 17:8+ \fr 17:8 \fl Or, \ft customs.
KI2 17:9+ \fr 17:9 \fl Gr. \ft cloaked matters.
KI2 17:10+ \fr 17:10 \fl Gr. \ft strong.
KI2 17:14+ \fr 17:14 \fl Gr. \ft back. \fqa Heb. back part of the neck.
KI2 17:16+ \fr 17:16 \fl Gr. \ft a graven image.
KI2 17:17+ \fr 17:17 \fl Gr. \ft were sold.
KI2 17:20+ \fr 17:20 \fl Or, \ft unsettled them.
KI2 17:21+ \fr 17:21 \ft The \fl Complut. \ft is better, πλὴν ὅτι ἐῤῤάγη ὁ Ἰσρ….τ.λ.
KI2 17:23+ \fr 17:23 \fl Gr. \ft by the hand of.
KI2 17:26+ \fr 17:26 \fl Gr. \ft judgment. \fl Hebraism.
KI2 18:1+ \fr 18:1 \fl Gr. \ft reigned.
KI2 18:2+ \fr 18:2 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 25 years in his reigning.
KI2 18:4+ \fr 18:4 \fl Or, \ft destroyed.
KI2 18:5+ \fr 18:5 \fl Gr. \ft hoped.
KI2 18:5+ \fr 18:5 \fl Gr. \ft and.
KI2 18:6+ \fr 18:6 \fl Gr. \ft from behind him.
KI2 18:10+ \fr 18:10 \fl Gr. \ft from.
KI2 18:11+ \fr 18:11 \fl Gr. \ft Samaria to the Assyrians.
KI2 18:16+ \fr 18:16 \fl Gr. \ft them.
KI2 18:17+ \fr 18:17 \fl Gr. \ft heavy.
KI2 18:20+ \fr 18:20 \fl Gr. \ft words of lips.
KI2 18:20+ \fr 18:20 \fl Gr. \ft in whom trusting, etc.
KI2 18:22+ \fr 18:22 \fl Gr. \ft his.
KI2 18:23+ \fr 18:23 \fl Gr. \ft give.
KI2 18:24+ \fr 18:24 \fl Gr. \ft local ruler.
KI2 18:30+ \fr 18:30 \fl Gr. \ft in.
KI2 18:31+ \fr 18:31 \fl Lit. \ft make a blessing with me.
KI2 18:35+ \fr 18:35 \fl Gr. \ft shall deliver.
KI2 19:2+ \fr 19:2 \fl Gr. \ft sackcloth.
KI2 19:4+ \fr 19:4 \fl Gr. \ft if by any means.
KI2 19:4+ \fr 19:4 \fl Gr. \ft take.
KI2 19:7+ \fr 19:7 \fl Gr. \ft give.
KI2 19:11+ \fr 19:11 \fl Gr. \ft curse them. \fl q.d. \ft devote to destruction.
KI2 19:14+ \fr 19:14 \fl Gr. \ft the books.
KI2 19:14+ \fr 19:14 \fl Gr. \ft them.
KI2 19:17+ \fr 19:17 \fl Gr. \ft the Assyrians.
KI2 19:18+ \fr 19:18 \fl Gr. \ft gave.
KI2 19:20+ \fr 19:20 \fl Lit. \ft what things you have prayed.
KI2 19:23+ \fr 19:23 \fl Gr. \ft by the hand of.
KI2 19:23+ \fr 19:23 \fl Gr. \ft bulk or size.
KI2 19:24+ \fr 19:24 \fl Alex. \ft reads ἐφύλαξα.
KI2 19:25+ \fr 19:25 \fl Gr. \ft captivities.
KI2 19:26+ \fr 19:26 \fl Or, \ft before it stands up.
KI2 19:27+ \fr 19:27 \fl Gr. \ft seat.
KI2 19:30+ \fr 19:30 \fl Gr. \ft add.
KI2 19:30+ \fr 19:30 \fl Gr. \ft τὸ διασες. οἴκον.
KI2 19:32+ \fr 19:32 \fl Or, \ft of. \fqa Heb.
KI2 19:32+ \fr 19:32 \fl Gr. \ft a weapon.
KI2 19:32+ \fr 19:32 \fl Gr. \ft come against it beforehand, etc.
KI2 20:1+ \fr 20:1 \fl Gr. \ft die.
KI2 20:3+ \fr 20:3 \fl Gr. \ft full.
KI2 20:10+ \fr 20:10 \fl Or. \ft in the degrees.
KI2 20:17+ \fr 20:17 \fl Gr. \ft be left behind.
KI2 21:1+ \fr 21:1 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 12 years in his reigning.
KI2 21:3+ \fr 21:3 \fl Gr. \ft returned and built.
KI2 21:3+ \fr 21:3 \fl Or. \ft built.
KI2 21:6+ \fr 21:6 \fl Lit. \ft peculiar places cut off.
KI2 21:6+ \fr 21:6 \fl Alex. \ft θελητὴν.
KI2 21:12+ \fr 21:12 \fl Gr. \ft sound.
KI2 21:16+ \fr 21:16 \fl Gr. \ft mouth to mouth.
KI2 21:24+ \fr 21:24 \fl Gr. \ft struck.
KI2 22:1+ \fr 22:1 \fl Gr. \ft a son of eight years in his reigning.
KI2 22:4+ \fr 22:4 \fl Gr. \ft seal.
KI2 22:5+ \fr 22:5 \fl Gr. \ft strengthen.
KI2 22:5+ \fr 22:5 \fl Gr. \ft breach, as in ch. xii.
KI2 22:9+ \fr 22:9 \fl Gr. \ft melted down.
KI2 22:14+ \fr 22:14 \fl A.V. \ft 'the college'. \fl Margin, \ft 'the second part.'
KI2 22:19+ \fr 22:19 \fl Gr. \ft for an abolition and a curse.
KI2 22:20+ \fr 22:20 \fl Gr. \ft none etc. shall be seen by your eyes.
KI2 23:1+ \fr 23:1 \fl Or, \ft to his house.
KI2 23:3+ \fr 23:3 \fl Gr. \ft on.
KI2 23:3+ \fr 23:3 \fl Gr. \ft in.
KI2 23:4+ \fr 23:4 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft is from the \fl Heb. \ft word.
KI2 23:4+ \fr 23:4 \fl Gr. \ft cast.
KI2 23:5+ \fr 23:5 \fqa Heb. הבמויס.
KI2 23:5+ \fr 23:5 \fl Gr. \ft given.
KI2 23:5+ \fr 23:5 \fl Or. \ft the twelve signs. \fl Heb. \ft ולמולות compare…. 32.
KI2 23:6+ \fr 23:6 \fl Or, \ft ashes.
KI2 23:7+ \fr 23:7 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft is from the \fl Heb. \ft word.
KI2 23:10+ \fr 23:10 \fl Gr. \ft in fire.
KI2 23:11+ \fr 23:11 \fl Gr. \ft to.
KI2 23:11+ \fr 23:11 \fqa Heb. Nathan-melech.
KI2 23:11+ \fr 23:11 \fl Gr. \ft again from the \fqa Heb.
KI2 23:18+ \fr 23:18 \fl Gr. \ft delivered.
KI2 23:24+ \fr 23:24 \fl Gr. \ft establish or confirm.
KI2 23:26+ \fr 23:26 \fl Gr. \ft upon or against.
KI2 23:31+ \fr 23:31 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 23 years was Joachaz in his reigning.
KI2 23:36+ \fr 23:36 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 23 years was Joakim in his reigning.
KI2 24:3+ \fr 24:3 \fl Gr. \ft on the mind.
KI2 24:3+ \fr 24:3 \fl Gr. \ft him.
KI2 24:4+ \fr 24:4 \fl Gr. \ft be propitiated.
KI2 24:8+ \fr 24:8 \fl Gr. \ft Joachim a son of 18 years in his reigning.
KI2 24:10+ \fr 24:10 \fl Gr. \ft came into seige.
KI2 24:14+ \fr 24:14 \fl Lit. \ft captivities.
KI2 24:14+ \fr 24:14 \fl Lit. \ft shutter-up.
KI2 24:15+ \fr 24:15 \fl Gr. \ft emigration.
KI2 24:17+ \fr 24:17 \fl A.V. \ft Mattanaiah.
KI2 24:18+ \fr 24:18 \fl Gr. \ft a son of 21 years, Sedekias.
KI2 24:20+ \fr 24:20 \fl Lit. \ft it was in the Lord's mind to bring evil upon.
KI2 25:1+ \fr 25:1 \fl Or, \ft circumvallation.
KI2 25:4+ \fr 25:4 \fl Gr. \ft from the \fqa Heb.
KI2 25:8+ \fr 25:8 \fl Gr. \ft chief cook.
KI2 25:11+ \fr 25:11 \fl Gr. \ft deserters.
KI2 25:18+ \fr 25:18 \fl Gr. \ft first priest.
KI2 25:18+ \fr 25:18 \fl Gr. \ft the son of the second rank.
KI2 25:24+ \fr 25:24 \fl Gr. \ft passage.
KI2 25:25+ \fr 25:25 \fl Gr. \ft seed of the kings.
KI2 25:28+ \fr 25:28 \fl Gr. \ft good things with him.
KI2 25:30+ \fr 25:30 \fl Gr. \ft a rate of a day in his day.
EST 1:1+ \fr 1:1 \fl Or, \ft arisen.
EST 1:1+ \fr 1:1 \fl Lit \ft led away, see Acts 12. 19.
EST 1:1+ \fr 1:1 \fl Note. - \ft In the \fl Heb. \ft and some copies of LXX,…here.
EST 1:1+ \fr 1:1 \fl Gr. \ft words.
EST 1:6+ \fr 1:6 \fl Lit. \ft transparent.
EST 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft to make her queen.
EST 1:17+ \fr 1:17 \fl Gr. \ft contradicted.
EST 1:22+ \fr 1:22 \fl Gr. \ft that there might be fear to them, etc.
EST 2:20+ \fr 2:20 \fl Gr. \ft country.
EST 2:23+ \fr 2:23 \fl Gr. \ft library.
EST 3:7+ \fr 3:7 \fl Gr. \ft vote by ballot.
EST 3:13+ \fr 3:13 \fl Note. - \ft The part in brackets is not in \fl Heb.
EST 4:17+ \fr 4:17 \fl Note. - \ft The part between brackets, \fl i.e. \ft to… Heb.
EST 4:17+ \fr 4:17 \ft See 3 Kings 8. 53. \fl Note.
EST 4:17+ \fr 4:17 \fl Gr. \ft portion.
EST 4:17+ \fr 4:17 \fl Gr. \ft in my hand.
EST 4:17+ \fr 4:17 \fl Gr. \ft virtues.
EST 4:17+ \fr 4:17 \fl Gr. \ft begun against us.
EST 4:17+ \fr 4:17 \fl Or, \ft opinion.
EST 4:17+ \fr 4:17 \fl Gr. \ft vision. \fl q. d. \ft quo die \ft \+add specta… fui.
EST 5:1+ \fr 5:1 \ft From the first verse to the third, the\fl Gr. \ft widel… Heb.
EST 5:14+ \fr 5:14 \fl Gr. \ft a tree cut.
EST 6:1+ \fr 6:1 \fl Gr. \ft letters.
EST 6:2+ \fr 6:2 \fl Gr. \ft letters.
EST 6:9+ \fr 6:9 \fl Or, \ft wide space.
EST 6:13+ \fr 6:13 \fl Or, \ft if it be M. etc. before whom.
EST 7:4+ \fr 7:4 \ft see \fqa Heb. slanderer
EST 7:6+ \fr 7:6 \fl Gr. \ft hostile man.
EST 7:7+ \fr 7:7 \fl Gr. \ft evils.
EST 7:9+ \fr 7:9 \fl Or, \ft impaled.
EST 8:6+ \fr 8:6 \fl Gr. \ft country.
EST 8:8+ \fr 8:8 \fl Or, \ft possible
EST 8:9+ \fr 8:9 \fl Gr. \ft stewards.
EST 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \ft the passages in brackets are not in the \fl Hebrew.
EST 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \ft perhaps rulers, see Luke 22. 25.
EST 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \fl Gr. \ft contrived.
EST 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \fl Gr. \ft not having borne.
EST 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \fl Gr. \ft spirit.
EST 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \fl Gr. \ft thrice guilty.
EST 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \fl Gr. \ft greatest.
EST 9:19+ \fr 9:19 \fl Gr. \ft good day.
EST 9:22+ \fr 9:22 \fl Gr. \ft weddings.
EST 9:24+ \fr 9:24 \fl Gr. \ft lot.
EST 10:3+ \fr 10:3 \fl Gr. \ft succeded to \fl Or, \ft came into the place of.
EST 10:3+ \fr 10:3 \ft the passages in brackets are not in the \fl Hebrew.
PSA 1:1+ \fr 1:1 \fl Gr. \ft pestilent.
PSA 1:2+ \fr 1:2 \fl Gr. \ft will.
PSA 1:4+ \fr 1:4 \fl Or. \ft dust or down.
PSA 2:9+ \fr 2:9 \fl Gr. \ft tend them as a shepherd. Rev. 2. 27.
PSA 2:12+ \fr 2:12 \fl Note. \ft - This rendering or a similar one the Jews maintain.
PSA 3:2+ \fr 3:2 \ft The word Διάψαλμα (Selah) has been rendered Pause, as m…ader.
PSA 4:2+ \fr 4:2 \fl Lit. \ft heavy of heart.
PSA 4:8+ \fr 4:8 \fl Or. \ft at the same time.
PSA 5:1+ \fr 5:1 \fl Lit. \ft understand.
PSA 5:10+ \fr 5:10 \fl Gr. \ft fall from, \fl or, \ft by reason of.
PSA 5:12+ \fr 5:12 \fl Lit. \ft crowned.
PSA 6:6+ \fr 6:6 \fl Gr. \ft I have laboured.
PSA 7:0+ \fr 7:0 \fl Lit. \ft son of Jemini.
PSA 7:6+ \fr 7:6 \fqa Heb. 'because of mine enemies.'
PSA 7:13+ \fr 7:13 \ft See \fqa Heb. perhaps 'persecuting ones.'
PSA 8:7+ \fr 8:7 \fl Gr. \ft cows.
PSA 9:20+ \fr 9:20 \fl Note. \ft - Here begins a change of numbers as compare…text.
PSA 9:22+ \fr 9:22 \fl Gr. \ft inflamed, as in a fever.
PSA 9:24+ \fr 9:24 \fl Or, \ft anger.
PSA 9:25+ \fr 9:25 \fl Gr. \ft profaned.
PSA 9:28+ \fr 9:28 \fl Gr. \ft look.
PSA 10:3+ \fr 10:3 \fl Gr. \ft in dark moon, or little moonlight, \fl q. d. \…lignâ
PSA 10:8+ \fr 10:8 \fl Gr. \ft righteousnesses
PSA 11:1+ \fr 11:1 \fl Gr. \ft truths are become rare
PSA 11:6+ \fr 11:6 \fl Gr. \ft the earth.
PSA 14:5+ \fr 14:5 \fl Gr. \ft given.
PSA 15:2+ \fr 15:2 \fl Gr. \ft good deeds, or things.
PSA 15:7+ \fr 15:7 \fl Possibly, \ft during the night. \fl q. d. \ft as long …sted.
PSA 16:1+ \fr 16:1 \fl Or, \ft to my righteous plea, etc.
PSA 16:4+ \fr 16:4 \fl Lit. \ft I have observed hard ways.
PSA 16:14+ \fr 16:14 \fl Alex. \ft children.
PSA 17:35+ \fr 17:35 \fl Gr. \ft the protection of.
PSA 17:44+ \fr 17:44 \fl Or, \ft feigned obedience.
PSA 17:48+ \fr 17:48 \fl Or, \ft out of the way of.
PSA 18:2+ \fr 18:2 \fl Gr. \ft eructat.
PSA 18:3+ \fr 18:3 \fl Gr. \ft of which.
PSA 18:6+ \fr 18:6 \fl Gr. \ft meeting.
PSA 18:7+ \fr 18:7 \fl Gr. \ft spotless.
PSA 19:3+ \fr 19:3 \fl Or, \ft meat offering.
PSA 19:7+ \fr 19:7 \fl Gr. \ft be magnified.
PSA 21:12+ \fr 21:12 \fl Gr. \ft calves
PSA 21:21+ \fr 21:21 \ft See \fqa Hebrew.
PSA 23:4+ \fr 23:4 \fl Or, \ft against.
PSA 24:8+ \fr 24:8 \fl sc. \ft as a law-giver
PSA 24:14+ \fr 24:14 \fl Or, \ft 'it,' \fl sc. \ft what has just been stated.
PSA 25:6+ \fr 25:6 \fl Gr. \ft innocent \ft \+add things. \+add*
PSA 25:12+ \fr 25:12 \fl Gr. \ft in evenness or uprightness.
PSA 26:6+ \fr 26:6 \fl Gr. \ft shouting.
PSA 26:6+ \fr 26:6 \fl Or, \ft and play on a lute.
PSA 26:13+ \fr 26:13 \fl Gr. \ft good \ft \+add things. \+add*
PSA 27:7+ \fr 27:7 \fl Or, \ft confess to him.
PSA 27:8+ \fr 27:8 \fl Gr. \ft defender of the salvation of.
PSA 28:9+ \fr 28:9 \fl Gr. \ft participle.
PSA 29:0+ \fr 29:0 \fl Gr. \ft of a song.
PSA 30:0+ \fr 30:0 \fl Gr. \ft ecstasy. See title.
PSA 31:0+ \fr 31:0 \fl Gr. \ft for \fl or, \ft of.
PSA 31:4+ \fr 31:4 \ft See \fqa Heb.
PSA 31:9+ \fr 31:9 \ft See \fl Alex. \ft ἄγξεις
PSA 32:2+ \fr 32:2 \ft Rather, 'confess' \fl or \ft give thanks to.'
PSA 32:4+ \fr 32:4 \ft Rather, \fl Gr. \ft in \fl or \ft with faithfulness.
PSA 32:15+ \fr 32:15 \ft Perhaps 'individually.' \fl Vulg. \ft sigillatim.
PSA 33:2+ \fr 33:2 \fl Gr. \ft be praised.
PSA 33:4+ \fr 33:4 \fl Lit. \ft neighbourhoods.
PSA 33:18+ \fr 33:18 \fl Gr. \ft the broken in heart.
PSA 34:15+ \fr 34:15 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft is repeated, by a Hebraism.
PSA 34:15+ \fr 34:15 \ft See Acts 2. 37.
PSA 35:2+ \fr 35:2 \fl q. d. \ft with regard to the discovering.
PSA 35:6+ \fr 35:6 \fl Or, \ft vast mountains.
PSA 35:8+ \fr 35:8 \fl Gr. \ft intoxicated.
PSA 36:26+ \fr 36:26 \fl Gr. \ft for a blessing.
PSA 36:28+ \fr 36:28 \fl Or, \ft cleared in judgement.
PSA 36:31+ \fr 36:31 \fl Gr. \ft be tripped up, or supplanted.
PSA 37:17+ \fr 37:17 \fl Gr. \ft scourges.
PSA 38:5+ \fr 38:5 \fl Alex. \ft a span long.
PSA 38:6+ \fr 38:6 \fl Gr. \ft image.
PSA 38:9+ \fr 38:9 \fl Gr. \ft made dumb.
PSA 39:7+ \fr 39:7 \fl Or, \ft am come.
PSA 41:4+ \fr 41:4 \ft See \fl Appendix, \ft which has: There are several dif…tion.
PSA 41:8+ \fr 41:8 \fl Heb. \ft and \fl Alex. \ft his song shall be, etc.
PSA 43:0+ \fr 43:0 \fl Gr. \ft understanding.
PSA 43:8+ \fr 43:8 \fl Gr. \ft will be praised etc. See Ps. 106.
PSA 44:0+ \fr 44:0 \ft See also Ps 68 and 79, titles; \fl q. d. \ft repeated,…brew.
PSA 44:1+ \fr 44:1 \fl Lit. \ft eructavit.
PSA 44:12+ \fr 44:12 \fl Gr. \ft face.
PSA 44:13+ \fr 44:13 \fl Alex. \ft ἔσωθεν, within, so \fl Heb.
PSA 44:17+ \fr 44:17 \fl Gr. \ft to the age of the age.
PSA 45:5+ \fr 45:5 \fl Alex. \ft and \fl Heb. \ft before, \fl or, \ft toward …ning.
PSA 47:0+ \fr 47:0 \ft A song.
PSA 48:2+ \fr 48:2 \fl Gr. \ft earth-born.
PSA 48:4+ \fr 48:4 \fl Gr. \ft problem.
PSA 48:5+ \fr 48:5 \fl Gr. \ft shall.
PSA 48:19+ \fr 48:19 \fl Gr. \ft as far as.
PSA 49:0+ \fr 49:0 \fl Or, \ft of.
PSA 49:18+ \fr 49:18 \ft See 1 Pe 4. 4.
PSA 49:19+ \fr 49:19 \ft From these words in \fl Alex. \ft to Ps. 79. 11, thir…king.
PSA 49:23+ \fr 49:23 \fl Gr. \ft there.
PSA 50:12+ \fr 50:12 \fl Gr. \ft governing.
PSA 50:19+ \fr 50:19 \ft Properly, a heave or wave-offfering.
PSA 51:0+ \fr 51:0 \fl Gr. \ft governing.
PSA 54:10+ \fr 54:10 \fl Or, \ft it, \fl sc. \ft iniquity.
PSA 54:19+ \fr 54:19 \fl Or, \ft they have nothing to give in exchange, \fl q.…. 37.
PSA 54:21+ \fr 54:21 \ft Compare \fl Heb. \ft and \fl A. V.
PSA 54:22+ \fr 54:22 \fl Or, \ft nourish.
PSA 55:0+ \fr 55:0 \fl Or, \ft holy things.
PSA 57:5+ \fr 57:5 \fl Gr. \ft poison.
PSA 57:11+ \fr 57:11 \fl Gr. \ft fruit.
PSA 58:11+ \fr 58:11 \ft some read λαοῦ 'people'.
PSA 59:7+ \fr 59:7 \fl Or, \ft strengthening.
PSA 59:12+ \fr 59:12 \fl Gr. \ft work power.
PSA 61:2+ \fr 61:2 \fl Or, \ft any more.
PSA 61:7+ \fr 61:7 \fl Gr. \ft on.
PSA 61:9+ \fr 61:9 \fl Gr. \ft altogether.
PSA 62:3+ \fr 62:3 \fl Gr. \ft lives.
PSA 62:6+ \fr 62:6 \fl Gr. \ft if. See Acts 26. 23.
PSA 62:8+ \fr 62:8 \fl Gr. \ft been glued.
PSA 64:6+ \fr 64:6 \fl Gr. \ft prepare.
PSA 65:7+ \fr 65:7 \fl Or, \ft has dominion for ever.
PSA 67:10+ \fr 67:10 \ft See the \fqa Hebrew.
PSA 67:13+ \fr 67:13 \fl Lit. \ft greenness of gold.
PSA 67:15+ \fr 67:15 \fl Gr. \ft curdled like cheese.
PSA 67:18+ \fr 67:18 \fl Gr. \ft having gone up.
PSA 67:33+ \fr 67:33 \fl Gr. \ft mounts, \fl or, \ft has mounted.
PSA 67:35+ \fr 67:35 \fl Or, \ft among his holy ones.
PSA 68:0+ \fr 68:0 \ft See Ps 44. title.
PSA 68:4+ \fr 68:4 \fl Or, \ft paid for, \fl or, \ft made up for.
PSA 68:17+ \fr 68:17 \fl Or, \ft son.
PSA 70:6+ \fr 70:6 \fl Gr. \ft hymn singing.
PSA 70:24+ \fr 70:24 \fl Lit. \ft meditate.
PSA 71:17+ \fr 71:17 \fl Gr. \ft before.
PSA 72:10+ \fr 72:10 \fl Gr. \ft in.
PSA 72:11+ \fr 72:11 \fl Gr. \ft if there is.
PSA 72:21+ \fr 72:21 \fl Gr. \ft changed.
PSA 73:0+ \fr 73:0 \fl Gr. \ft understanding.
PSA 73:7+ \fr 73:7 \fl Gr. \ft tabernacle.
PSA 73:12+ \fr 73:12 \fl Gr. \ft before the age.
PSA 73:13+ \fr 73:13 \fl Or, \ft serpents.
PSA 73:15+ \fr 73:15 \fqa Heb. rivers of Etham.
PSA 74:8+ \fr 74:8 \fl Gr. \ft from this into that.
PSA 75:2+ \fr 75:2 \fl Or, \ft Salem, see the Hebrew.
PSA 77:0+ \fr 77:0 \fl Gr. \ft understanding.
PSA 77:8+ \fr 77:8 \fl Or, \ft faithfully secured.
PSA 77:38+ \fr 77:38 \fl Gr. \ft be propitious, \fl or, \ft merciful to.
PSA 77:44+ \fr 77:44 \fl Gr. \ft rains, \fl or, \ft showers.
PSA 77:59+ \fr 77:59 \fl Lit. \ft overlooked them. See Acts 17. 30.
PSA 77:62+ \fr 77:62 \fl Gr. \ft shut up.
PSA 78:11+ \fr 78:11 \fl i.e. \ft men appointed to die.
PSA 79:0+ \fr 79:0 \ft See Ps 44, and 68, titles.
PSA 79:10+ \fr 79:10 \fl Gr. \ft Cedars of God, see Gen. 30. 8. Jonah 3. 3. Acts 7. 20.
PSA 79:16+ \fr 79:16 \fl Gr. \ft See Ps. 20. 9.
PSA 80:0+ \fr 80:0 \fl Alex. \ft David.
PSA 80:3+ \fr 80:3 \fl Alex. \ft our.
PSA 80:5+ \fr 80:5 \fl Gr. \ft him, \fl sc. \ft Israel.
PSA 80:7+ \fr 80:7 \fl Lit. \ft contradiction.
PSA 80:15+ \fr 80:15 \fl sc. \ft of the others.
PSA 81:3+ \fr 81:3 \fl Gr. \ft justify.
PSA 82:12+ \fr 82:12 \fl Alex. \ft sanctuary.
PSA 86:6+ \fr 86:6 \fl Gr. \ft have been in her.
PSA 87:0+ \fr 87:0 \fl Gr. \ft understanding.
PSA 87:5+ \fr 87:5 \fl Alex. \ft om. ἐῤῥιμμένοι, cast out.
PSA 87:10+ \fr 87:10 \ft See \fqa Heb.
PSA 87:14+ \fr 87:14 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft soul.
PSA 87:15+ \fr 87:15 \ft See 2 Cor 4. 8.
PSA 87:18+ \fr 87:18 \fl Alex. \ft friend and neighbor.
PSA 88:4+ \fr 88:4 \fl Gr. \ft prepare.
PSA 88:6+ \fr 88:6 \fl Gr. \ft clouds.
PSA 88:12+ \fr 88:12 \fl Gr. \ft sea.
PSA 88:20+ \fr 88:20 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft oil, see Ps. 91. (92) 10.
PSA 88:44+ \fr 88:44 \fl Gr. \ft purification.
PSA 88:45+ \fr 88:45 \fl Alex. \ft time.
PSA 89:5+ \fr 89:5 \fl Gr. \ft their vanities or rejections.
PSA 89:9+ \fr 89:9 \fl Gr. \ft mediated.
PSA 89:10+ \fr 89:10 \fl Or, \ft what is more than these.
PSA 89:13+ \fr 89:13
PSA 89:17+ \fr 89:17 \fl Or, \ft prosper.
PSA 89:17+ \fr 89:17 \fl Alex. \ft + yes, prosper you the work of our hands.
PSA 90:6+ \fr 90:6 \ft See ver 3.
PSA 91:7+ \fr 91:7 \ft Perhaps, 'come to light'.
PSA 91:9+ \fr 91:9 \fl Alex. \ft + for behold your enemies, O Lord, as in \fqa Heb.
PSA 91:10+ \fr 91:10 \fl Alex. \ft oil. See Ps. 88. 20.
PSA 91:14+ \fr 91:14 \fl Gr. \ft fat.
PSA 92:0+ \fr 92:0 \fl Alex. \ft the sabbath-day.
PSA 92:3+ \fr 92:3 \fl Alex. \ft + the floods will lift up their waves. See \fqa Heb.
PSA 92:4+ \fr 92:4 \fl q. d. \ft in answer to.
PSA 92:5+ \fr 92:5 \fl Gr. \ft to length of days.
PSA 93:1+ \fr 93:1 \fl Gr. \ft plural, \fl bis.
PSA 93:19+ \fr 93:19 \fl Lit. \ft 'have loved'. \fl Alex. \ft ἠὺφπαναν, 'have …ned'.
PSA 94:1+ \fr 94:1 \fl Gr. \ft to.
PSA 94:3+ \fr 94:3 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft omit this clause. See Ps. 93. 14.
PSA 94:8+ \fr 94:8 \ft Note, πειρασμοῦ is the reading of several editions.
PSA 97:8+ \fr 97:8 \fl Alex. \ft + before the Lord, for he comes.
PSA 98:4+ \fr 98:4 \fl Gr. \ft equities.
PSA 101:16+ \fr 101:16 \fl Or, \ft then shall be.
PSA 101:25+ \fr 101:25 \fl Gr. \ft plural.
PSA 101:28+ \fr 101:28 \fl Or, \ft be directed aright.
PSA 103:6+ \fr 103:6 \fl Or, \ft above.
PSA 104:18+ \fr 104:18 \fl Gr. \ft humbled.
PSA 104:18+ \fr 104:18 \fl Or, \ft his body, see \fqa Heb.
PSA 104:28+ \fr 104:28 \fl Gr. \ft embittered.
PSA 105:33+ \fr 105:33 \fl Or, \ft gave commandment.
PSA 105:38+ \fr 105:38 \fl Or, \ft murderously defiled.
PSA 106:3+ \fr 106:3 \fl Gr. \ft sea.
PSA 106:11+ \fr 106:11 \fl Gr. \ft embittered the oracles.
PSA 106:17+ \fr 106:17 \ft see the Hebrew.
PSA 106:33+ \fr 106:33 \fl Gr. \ft waters.
PSA 106:33+ \fr 106:33 \fl Gr. \ft thirst.
PSA 107:13+ \fr 107:13 \fl Gr. \ft work power.
PSA 108:4+ \fr 108:4 \fl Or, \ft in return for my love.
PSA 108:6+ \fr 108:6 \fl Or, \ft the accuser.
PSA 109:3+ \fr 109:3 \fl Or, \ft holiness, \fl i.e. \ft holy things.
PSA 110:2+ \fr 110:2 \ft Comp. \fl Gr. \ft with \fqa Heb.
PSA 110:10+ \fr 110:10 \fl Or, \ft sum.
PSA 113:2+ \fr 113:2 \fl Or, \ft consecrated thing.
PSA 113:8+ \fr 113:8 \fl Gr. \ft sharp rock.
PSA 114:5+ \fr 114:5 \fl Gr. \ft will not.
PSA 114:14+ \fr 114:14 \fl Or, \ft increase you.
PSA 114:16+ \fr 114:16 \fl Gr. \ft sing.
PSA 115:6+ \fr 115:6 \fl Gr. \ft infants.
PSA 115:10+ \fr 115:10 \ft In Brenton's text, Psalm 115 commences here, but ver… v19.
PSA 117:27+ \fr 117:27 \ft Possibly, the multitude, \fl q. d. \ft cœtu frequenti.
PSA 118:29+ \fr 118:29 \fl q.d. \ft in teaching me your law.
PSA 118:33+ \fr 118:33 \fl sc. \ft as a lawgiver.
PSA 118:47+ \fr 118:47 \fl Or, \ft exercised myself in.
PSA 118:58+ \fr 118:58 \fl Gr. \ft presence, \fl or, \ft countenance.
PSA 118:102+ \fr 118:102 \ft That is, as a lawgiver.
PSA 118:109+ \fr 118:109 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft my.
PSA 118:112+ \fr 118:112 \ft See \fqa Heb.
PSA 118:151+ \fr 118:151 \fl Alex. \ft ἐντολαί, commands.
PSA 118:152+ \fr 118:152 \fl Gr. \ft of.
PSA 119:5+ \fr 119:5 \fqa Heb. משך
PSA 121:6+ \fr 121:6 \fl Or, \ft ask Jerusalem how it is with her.
PSA 122:4+ \fr 122:4 \fl Or, \ft we are the reproach of them that are at ease.
PSA 124:5+ \fr 124:5 \fl Or, \ft let peace be.
PSA 127:2+ \fr 127:2 \fl Alex. \ft fruits of your labors.
PSA 128:3+ \fr 128:3 \ft שיך iniquity, easily read for שוכה a furrow.
PSA 129:4+ \fr 129:4 \fl Or, \ft propitiation.
PSA 129:4+ \fr 129:4 \ft See Gen 31. 53.
PSA 130:0+ \fr 130:0 \fl Alex. \ft + 'for David.'
PSA 131:3+ \fr 131:3 \fl Gr. \ft if I shall, etc. \fl Hebraism.
PSA 131:18+ \fr 131:18 \ft See Ps 88. (89) 39.
PSA 132:0+ \fr 132:0 \fl Alex. \ft + 'for David.'
PSA 133:2+ \fr 133:2 \fl Or, \ft to the holy places.
PSA 136:0+ \fr 136:0 \fl Alex. \ft omits.
PSA 136:2+ \fr 136:2 \fl Gr. \ft organs, \fl or, \ft instruments.
PSA 136:4+ \fr 136:4 \fl Gr. \ft on
PSA 136:7+ \fr 136:7 \fl Gr. \ft empty, empty.
PSA 138:0+ \fr 138:0 \fl Alex. \ft + of Zacharias in the dispersion.
PSA 138:2+ \fr 138:2 \fl Gr. \ft from afar.
PSA 138:3+ \fr 138:3 \fl q.d. \ft of rushes, \fl lit. \ft rush.
PSA 138:9+ \fr 138:9 \fl Alex. \ft κατ᾿ ὄρθον, toward the dawn.
PSA 138:11+ \fr 138:11 \ft Comp. \fqa Heb.
PSA 139:8+ \fr 139:8
PSA 139:12+ \fr 139:12 \fl Gr. \ft singular.
PSA 140:3+ \fr 140:3 \fl Lit. \ft a door of fortification.
PSA 140:4+ \fr 140:4 \fl Gr. \ft pretend pretences.
PSA 140:4+ \fr 140:4 \fl Gr. \ft in.
PSA 140:4+ \fr 140:4 \fl Gr. \ft in.
PSA 140:5+ \fr 140:5 \fl q.d. \ft lest I be injured by them.
PSA 142:10+ \fr 142:10 \fl Alex. \ft as \fqa Heb. 'land of uprightness.'
PSA 143:7+ \fr 143:7 \fl Gr. \ft many.
PSA 143:10+ \fr 143:10 \fl Or, \ft victory.
PSA 143:14+ \fr 143:14 \fl Or, \ft habitations.
PSA 144:1+ \fr 144:1 \fl Lit. \ft to the age, and to the age of the age.
PSA 144:2+ \fr 144:2 \fl Lit. \ft to the age, and to the age of the age.
PSA 144:13+ \fr 144:13 \fl Gr. \ft a kingdom of all ages.
PSA 144:13+ \fr 144:13 \fl Gr. \ft in every generation and generation.
PSA 146:8+ \fr 146:8 \ft See Ps 103 (104) 14.
PSA 147:0+ \fr 147:0 \ft In the original text, the following verses are number…o 20.
PSA 147:3+ \fr 147:3 \fl Lit. \ft fat of wheat.
PSA 147:9+ \fr 147:9 \fl Gr. \ft every.
PSA 148:14+ \fr 148:14 \fl Or, \ft who is the praise of.
PSA 149:6+ \fr 149:6 \fl Gr. \ft exaltations, \fl q.d. \ft extollings.
PSA 149:8+ \fr 149:8 \fl Gr. \ft inscribed, \fl sc. \ft in the scripture.
PSA 151:0+ \fr 151:0 \fl Alex. \ft Goliath
PRO 1:3+ \fr 1:3 \ft Gr. turnings, q.d. knotty words. See Heb.
PRO 1:4+ \fr 1:4 \ft Or, discretion.
PRO 1:7+ \fr 1:7 \ft Or, sum, or, top.
PRO 1:15+ \fr 1:15 \ft For ver16, see Appendix
PRO 1:16+ \fr 1:16 \ft this verse is not in the text. The Alexandrine text is… here
PRO 1:33+ \fr 1:33 \ft Gr. hope. See Ps 16.
PRO 2:9+ \fr 2:9 \ft Lit. all good a les.
PRO 2:15+ \fr 2:15 \ft Lit. wheel tracks. Compare Heb 12. 13.
PRO 2:18+ \fr 2:18 \ft See Heb.
PRO 2:19+ \fr 2:19 \ft Singular variation from Heb.
PRO 2:20+ \fr 2:20 \ft Gr. smooth.
PRO 3:4+ \fr 3:4 \ft Alex. + 'and write them on the table of your heart.'
PRO 3:4+ \fr 3:4 \ft See Rom 12. 17.
PRO 3:6+ \fr 3:6 \ft Gr. divide. See 2 Tim 2. 13.
PRO 3:11+ \fr 3:11 \ft Heb 12. 5, 6.
PRO 3:21+ \fr 3:21 \ft See Heb 2. 1.
PRO 3:24+ \fr 3:24 \ft Gr. sit down.
PRO 3:34+ \fr 3:34 \ft See 1 Pet 5. 5.
PRO 4:5+ \fr 4:5 \ft See Appendix - Alexandrian codex has: “Get wisdom, get …uth.”
PRO 4:8+ \fr 4:8 \ft Lit. dig a trench about her, see Heb.
PRO 4:11+ \fr 4:11 \ft Gr. wheel-tracks, see chap 2. 18. Heb 12. 13.
PRO 4:18+ \fr 4:18 \ft Gr. order itself aright.
PRO 4:22+ \fr 4:22 \ft Or, healing.
PRO 4:27+ \fr 4:27 \ft Heb. omits.
PRO 5:4+ \fr 5:4 \ft Gr. a more bitter thing.
PRO 5:13+ \fr 5:13 \ft Alex. omits 'not.'
PRO 6:8+ \fr 6:8 \ft Gr. strength.
PRO 6:15+ \fr 6:15 \ft Comp. Heb.
PRO 6:19+ \fr 6:19 \ft Gr sends forth judgments.
PRO 7:7+ \fr 7:7 \ft Gr. of.
PRO 7:25+ \fr 7:25 \ft Alex. + 'and stray not in her paths.'
PRO 7:27+ \fr 7:27 \ft Gr. ways.
PRO 8:5+ \fr 8:5 \ft For the use of ἄκατος and πανοῦργος in this book, see A…8. 2.
PRO 8:23+ \fr 8:23 \ft Gr. before the age.
PRO 8:27+ \fr 8:27 \ft Or, marked out.
PRO 8:29+ \fr 8:29 \ft See Appendix in which the Alexandrine text has: When h…uth.]
PRO 8:30+ \fr 8:30 \ft Or, arranging all things.
PRO 8:32+ \fr 8:32 \ft appendix has Alexandrine text as: “And blessed are the…ays.”
PRO 8:33+ \fr 8:33 \ft not in Codex Vaticanus, but Alexandrine codex has this text
PRO 8:33+ \fr 8:33 \ft More lit., do not separate yourselves from it.
PRO 9:6+ \fr 9:6 \ft Alex. + 'that you° may live.'
PRO 9:10+ \fr 9:10 \ft Or, summit.
PRO 9:12+ \fr 9:12 \ft Heb. — to beginning of verse 13.
PRO 10:13+ \fr 10:13 \ft Lit. heartless man, Hebraism.
PRO 10:23+ \fr 10:23 \ft Gr. laughter.
PRO 11:2+ \fr 11:2 \ft See Appendix
PRO 11:3+ \fr 11:3 \ft the Alexandrine text reads: “The integrity of the upri…hem.”
PRO 11:3+ \fr 11:3 \ft Comp. Heb.
PRO 11:4+ \fr 11:4 \ft there is no verse 4. The Alexandrine text has this.
PRO 11:5+ \fr 11:5 \ft Gr. right divides.
PRO 11:10+ \fr 11:10 \ft See Appendix which gives the Alexandrine text as: “[n…ion.”
PRO 11:11+ \fr 11:11 \ft there is no verse 11, but the Alexandrine text reads.
PRO 11:13+ \fr 11:13 \ft See chap 20.27.
PRO 11:14+ \fr 11:14 \ft Or, governance.
PRO 11:16+ \fr 11:16 \ft Gr. raises.
PRO 11:16+ \fr 11:16 \ft Gr. manly.
PRO 11:24+ \fr 11:24 \ft Gr. diminished.
PRO 11:28+ \fr 11:28 \ft See 1 Tim 5.8.
PRO 11:31+ \fr 11:31 \ft See 1 Pet.
PRO 12:2+ \fr 12:2 \ft Or. better is he, etc.
PRO 12:27+ \fr 12:27 \ft Gr. pure.
PRO 13:5+ \fr 13:5 \ft See Appendix for Alexandrine text shown as: “Righteous…dly.”
PRO 13:8+ \fr 13:8 \ft Or, comes not in for.
PRO 14:9+ \fr 14:9 \ft Gr. shall owe. See Job 6.21.
PRO 14:10+ \fr 14:10 \ft Or, heart be sensitive.
PRO 14:12+ \fr 14:12 \ft Gr. come.
PRO 14:14+ \fr 14:14 \ft Lit. bold-hearted.
PRO 14:32+ \fr 14:32 \ft Comp. Heb.
PRO 15:4+ \fr 15:4 \ft Gr. the healing of the tongue.
PRO 15:4+ \fr 15:4 \ft Gr. spirit.
PRO 15:5+ \fr 15:5 \ft Gr. with the roots wholly torn up.
PRO 15:18+ \fr 15:18 \ft Gr. future.
PRO 15:23+ \fr 15:23 \ft Or, obey.
PRO 15:27+ \fr 15:27 \ft Observe, this is not in the Heb. nor any such doctrine.
PRO 16:16+ \fr 16:16 \ft Or, Abodes. Comp. Heb. See Lu 13. 35.
PRO 16:19+ \fr 16:19 \ft Or, affliction.
PRO 16:31+ \fr 16:31 \ft Gr. boasting.
PRO 17:9+ \fr 17:9 \ft Comp. Heb.
PRO 17:20+ \fr 17:20 \ft Or, meets not with good men.
PRO 18:10+ \fr 18:10 \ft Gr. having run.
PRO 18:16+ \fr 18:16 \ft See Ps 188. (119) 32.
PRO 18:17+ \fr 18:17 \ft Comp. Mark 14. ult. and margin, with 2 Tim 4. 14-17.
PRO 18:22+ \fr 18:22 \ft Heb. omits this verse.
PRO 18:22+ \fr 18:22 \ft Gr. plural.
PRO 19:11+ \fr 19:11 \ft Gr. boasting comes upon.
PRO 19:15+ \fr 19:15 \ft Or, keeps down.
PRO 19:23+ \fr 19:23 \ft Or, 'but he that is without fear (sc. of the Lord) sh… etc.
PRO 20:10+ \fr 20:10 \ft Gr. double.
PRO 20:27+ \fr 20:27 \ft Comp. chap 11. 13.
PRO 21:9+ \fr 21:9 \ft Gr. in the open air.
PRO 21:16+ \fr 21:16 \ft Heb. Rephaim. see Appendix. Note on II. Kings (II. Sam.) 5. 18.
PRO 21:18+ \fr 21:18 \ft Gr. `off-scouring;' perhaps `ransom,' q. d. that which cleans.
PRO 21:27+ \fr 21:27 \ft Or, unlawfully.
PRO 21:29+ \fr 21:29 \ft See Alex. ungodly.
PRO 22:8+ \fr 22:8 \ft See 2 Cor 9. 7. Compare Heb.
PRO 22:21+ \fr 22:21 \ft See 1 Peter 3. 15.
PRO 22:28+ \fr 22:28 \ft Gr. eternal.
PRO 23:30+ \fr 23:30 \ft Gr. in public walks.
PRO 24:22+ \fr 24:22 \ft Heb. omits to the end.
PRO 24:22+ \fr 24:22 \ft Lit. be outside of.
PRO 24:31+ \fr 24:31 \ft Gr. grass.
PRO 25:1+ \fr 25:1 \ft Possibly genuine, q. d. beyond doubt.
PRO 26:9+ \fr 26:9 \ft Compare Heb.
PRO 26:10+ \fr 26:10 \ft Great variation from Hebrew here.
PRO 26:12+ \fr 26:12 \ft Gr. by.
PRO 26:16+ \fr 26:16 \ft Compare Heb.
PRO 27:20+ \fr 27:20 \ft Heb. omits to ver 21.
PRO 28:2+ \fr 28:2 \ft Gr. quench.
PRO 28:5+ \fr 28:5 \ft Gr. in everything.
PRO 28:9+ \fr 28:9 \ft Or, abhorred his prayer.
PRO 28:14+ \fr 28:14 \ft Gr. all things.
PRO 28:19+ \fr 28:19 \ft Gr. plural.
PRO 28:24+ \fr 28:24 \ft Mark 7. 11.
PRO 28:28+ \fr 28:28 \ft Gr. groan.
PRO 29:14+ \fr 29:14 \ft Heb. 'for ever.' See Amos 1. 11; Mich 7. 18; in the Greek.
PRO 29:18+ \fr 29:18 \ft Or, 'most blessed.'
PRO 29:25+ \fr 29:25 \ft Possibly, 'in the Lord.' See 2 Pet 2. 1.
PRO 30:4+ \fr 30:4 \ft Or, fold of his robe.
PRO 30:20+ \fr 30:20 \ft Gr. out of place.
PRO 31:2+ \fr 31:2 \ft The usual punctuation has been altered.
PRO 31:21+ \fr 31:21 \ft Gr. those with her.
PRO 31:22+ \fr 31:22 \ft Comp. Heb. and A.V.
ISA 1:2+ \fr 1:2 \fl Or, \ft 'set me at nothing.'
ISA 1:25+ \fr 1:25 \fl Gr. \ft to pureness.
ISA 2:2+ \fr 2:2 \fl Or, \ft conspicuous.
ISA 2:6+ \fr 2:6 \fl Or, \ft aliens, see \fl Appendix \ft which has: “ISAIAH…ense.
ISA 2:19+ \fr 2:19 \ft See ver 10.
ISA 3:8+ \fr 3:8 \fl Or, \ft forsaken, \fl or, \ft let go.
ISA 3:12+ \fr 3:12 \fl Gr. \ft glean you.
ISA 3:24+ \fr 3:24 \fl Gr. \ft cases, \fl or, \ft repositories.
ISA 4:3+ \fr 4:3 \fl Gr. \ft written for life.
ISA 5:1+ \fr 5:1 \fl Gr. \ft horn, so \fqa Heb.
ISA 5:7+ \fr 5:7 \fl Gr. \ft a man.
ISA 5:14+ \fr 5:14 \fl Gr. \ft Hades.
ISA 5:25+ \fr 5:25 \fl Gr. \ft High.
ISA 6:4+ \fr 6:4 \fl Gr. \ft was lifted.
ISA 6:8+ \fr 6:8 \fl Or, \ft should I send?
ISA 6:11+ \fr 6:11 \ft Compare use of παρὰ, Jer 40.(33) 10,12; also 1 Cor 12.15,16.
ISA 6:13+ \fr 6:13 \fl Gr. \ft is.
ISA 7:1+ \fr 7:1 \fl Lit. \ft besiege See \fqa Heb.
ISA 7:9+ \fr 7:9 \ft Comp. \fqa Heb.
ISA 7:18+ \fr 7:18 \fl Or, \ft which part \ft \+add of the enemy, \+add* etc.… one.
ISA 7:22+ \fr 7:22 \fl Alex. \ft ποιεῖν, 'giving.'
ISA 7:23+ \fr 7:23 \fl Gr. \ft for land and for a thorn.
ISA 8:1+ \fr 8:1 \fl Alex. \ft paper, \fl or, \ft parchment.
ISA 8:8+ \fr 8:8 \fqa Heb. Immanuel.
ISA 8:11+ \fr 8:11 \fl Gr. \ft disobey.
ISA 8:13+ \fr 8:13 \fl Or, \ft let him be.
ISA 8:16+ \fr 8:16 \fl Alex. \ft — 'not.'
ISA 8:19+ \fr 8:19 \fl Gr. \ft ventriloquists.
ISA 8:20+ \fr 8:20 \ft See \fqa Heb.
ISA 8:22+ \fr 8:22 \fl Or, \ft a strait.
ISA 9:1+ \fr 9:1 \fl Or, \ft do it quickly, \fl i.e. \ft ‘drink’; See \fqa Hebrew.
ISA 9:3+ \fr 9:3 \fl Gr. \ft greatest part
ISA 9:5+ \fr 9:5 \fl Gr. \ft reconciliation, \fl or, \ft exchange
ISA 9:6+ \fr 9:6 \fl Alex. \ft + Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty One, Potentat…b 2:2
ISA 10:4+ \fr 10:4 \fl Heb. \ft and \fl Alex. \ft + ‘and they shall fall unde…lain’
ISA 10:12+ \fr 10:12 \fl Gr. \ft great mind
ISA 10:20+ \fr 10:20 \fl Or, \ft repeat their offense
ISA 10:23+ \fr 10:23 \fl Gr. \ft finishing — cutting
ISA 10:25+ \fr 10:25 \fl sc. \ft of their enemies
ISA 11:9+ \fr 11:9 \fl Gr. \ft may cover
ISA 11:14+ \fr 11:14 \fl sc. \ft the west
ISA 11:15+ \fr 11:15 \fl q. d. \ft form by striking.
ISA 12:6+ \fr 12:6 \fl Heb. \ft and \fl Alex. \ft ‘of you’
ISA 13:4+ \fr 13:4 \fl Lit. \ft fighting with armor or weapons
ISA 13:9+ \fr 13:9 \fl Gr. \ft healed
ISA 13:21+ \fr 13:21 \ft See Job 30:29; Isa 34:13, etc.
ISA 13:21+ \fr 13:21 \ft See Heb 10.37; Hab 2.3
ISA 14:2+ \fr 14:2 \fl i.e. \ft the Israelites
ISA 14:2+ \fr 14:2 \fl i.e. \ft the Gentiles
ISA 14:4+ \fr 14:4 \fl Alex. \ft + 'and you shall say in that day'
ISA 14:16+ \fr 14:16 \ft See chap 5. 25.
ISA 14:31+ \fr 14:31 \fl Gr. \ft of being
ISA 15:2+ \fr 15:2 \fl Gr. \ft cut to pieces
ISA 16:11+ \fr 16:11 \ft Compare the Hebrew
ISA 17:10+ \fr 17:10 \fl Gr. \ft faithless
ISA 17:12+ \fr 17:12 \fl Gr. \ft back; Complut. reads ἠχος, ‘noise’
ISA 18:2+ \fr 18:2 \fl Gr. \ft He that sends
ISA 19:2+ \fr 19:2 \fl Alex. \ft ‘district,’ the accent being different
ISA 19:2+ \fr 19:2 \fl Alex. \ft ‘district,’ the accent being different
ISA 19:3+ \fr 19:3 \fl Gr. \ft the ventriloquists
ISA 19:6+ \fr 19:6 \fl Lit. \ft gathering; See Gen 1.9: also Jer 28. (51) 32.
ISA 19:9+ \fr 19:9 \fl Gr. \ft work at
ISA 19:18+ \fr 19:18 \fqa Heb. city of destruction
ISA 21:4+ \fr 21:4 \fl Lit. \ft baptizes
ISA 21:13+ \fr 21:13 \fqa Heb. of Arabia
ISA 22:12+ \fr 22:12 \fl Gr. \ft shaving
ISA 22:15+ \fr 22:15 \fl Or, \ft steward
ISA 23:11+ \fr 23:11 \ft See chap 5. 25; 14. 16.
ISA 24:23+ \fr 24:23 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft ‘in’
ISA 26:14+ \fr 26:14 \ft See Job 26. 5.
ISA 26:19+ \fr 26:19 \ft See Ps 110 (109)
ISA 27:11+ \fr 27:11 \ft See \fqa Heb.
ISA 28:4+ \fr 28:4 \fl Gr. \ft hope of glory
ISA 28:7+ \fr 28:7 \fl Lit. \ft from
ISA 28:18+ \fr 28:18 \fl Or, \ft shall it not also? etc.
ISA 28:28+ \fr 28:28 \fl Gr. \ft I am
ISA 28:28+ \fr 28:28 \fl Gr. \ft bitterness trample you
ISA 29:1+ \fr 29:1 \fl Or, \ft woe to
ISA 29:1+ \fr 29:1 \ft See \fqa Heb.
ISA 29:4+ \fr 29:4 \fl Gr. \ft become weak
ISA 29:6+ \fr 29:6 \fl Gr. \ft voice
ISA 29:15+ \fr 29:15 \fl Gr. \ft shall be
ISA 30:8+ \fr 30:8 \fl Gr. \ft for days in time. \fl Alex. \ft seasons
ISA 30:18+ \fr 30:18 \fl Or, \ft wait for
ISA 30:19+ \fr 30:19 \fl Gr. \ft with weeping
ISA 30:28+ \fr 30:28 \fl Gr. \ft take them to their face
ISA 32:7+ \fr 32:7 \fl Gr. \ft disperse the words
ISA 32:9+ \fr 32:9 \fl Gr. \ft daughters in hope
ISA 33:9+ \fr 33:9 \fl Gr. \ft manifest
ISA 33:20+ \fr 33:20 \fl Or, \ft salvation
ISA 33:24+ \fr 33:24 \fl Or, \ft I am sick
ISA 34:7+ \fr 34:7 \fl Gr. \ft made drunken
ISA 34:11+ \fr 34:11 \fl Vide supra, \ft 13. 22.
ISA 34:13+ \fr 34:13 \fl Vide supra, \ft Job 30. 29; Isa. 13. 21, etc.
ISA 36:2+ \fr 36:2 \fl Gr. \ft in
ISA 36:9+ \fr 36:9 \fl Or, \ft local governors
ISA 37:9+ \fr 37:9 \fl Gr. \ft besiege
ISA 37:24+ \fr 37:24 \fl Gr. \ft cut
ISA 37:32+ \fr 37:32 \fl Lit. \ft the left men
ISA 38:9+ \fr 38:9 \fl Gr. \ft was sick
ISA 39:1+ \fr 39:1 \fl Gr. \ft was
ISA 40:4+ \fr 40:4 \ft See Luke 3. 5, with which \fl Alex. \ft agrees
ISA 40:14+ \fr 40:14 \fl Alex. \ft + Or who has first given to him, and it sha…mits.
ISA 41:12+ \fr 41:12 \fl Lit. \ft transgress by wine against
ISA 41:26+ \fr 41:26 \fl Or, \ft and say
ISA 42:1+ \fr 42:1 \ft See Mat 12. 18, etc.
ISA 42:4+ \fr 42:4 \fl Lit. \ft broken
ISA 42:24+ \fr 42:24 \ft Some read τίς, who
ISA 43:4+ \fr 43:4 \fl Gr. \ft head
ISA 43:17+ \fr 43:17 \fl Or, \ft gone to sleep; See Ps. 75 (76) 5,6
ISA 43:25+ \fr 43:25 \fl Gr. \ft I am, I am
ISA 44:25+ \fr 44:25 \fl Gr. \ft ventriloquists
ISA 44:25+ \fr 44:25 \ft See \fqa Heb.
ISA 45:13+ \fr 45:13 \fl Gr. \ft with.
ISA 45:16+ \fr 45:16 \ft See chap 41. 1.
ISA 45:18+ \fr 45:18 \fl Gr. \ft showed.
ISA 45:19+ \fr 45:19 \fl Gr. \ft I am, I am.
ISA 46:4+ \fr 46:4 \fl Or, \ft put up with.
ISA 46:6+ \fr 46:6 \fl Gr. things \ft made with hands.
ISA 47:10+ \fr 47:10 \fl Gr. \ft the hope of your wickedness.
ISA 47:11+ \fr 47:11 \fl Or, \ft pure.
ISA 48:5+ \fr 48:5 \fl Alex. \ft the ancient things before they came.
ISA 48:6+ \fr 48:6 \fl Or, \ft audible.
ISA 48:12+ \fr 48:12 \fl Gr. \ft am.
ISA 49:6+ \fr 49:6 \fl Gr. \ft a perpetual covenant.
ISA 50:4+ \fr 50:4 \fl Gr. \ft the Lord the Lord. See on 3 Ki. 8. 53
ISA 51:3+ \fr 51:3 \fl Heb. \ft שוב ambiguous.
ISA 51:4+ \fr 51:4 \fl Or, \ft the Gentiles.
ISA 51:5+ \fr 51:5 \ft Not in \fl Heb. \ft or \fl Alex.
ISA 51:9+ \fr 51:9 \fl Gr. \ft the beginning of day.
ISA 52:7+ \fr 52:7 \ft Rom 10. 15. Another reading is 'How beautiful are the …ins.'
ISA 52:12+ \fr 52:12 \fl Gr. \ft gathers you.
ISA 53:5+ \fr 53:5 \fl Or, \ft made sick.
ISA 53:5+ \fr 53:5 \fl Gr. \ft bruise. 1 Pet. 2. 22.
ISA 54:4+ \fr 54:4 \fl Gr. \ft ancient \fl Or. \ft everlasting
ISA 54:10+ \fr 54:10 \fl Alex. \ft κύριος for κύριε adopted here. Compare Mat.…sage.
ISA 54:17+ \fr 54:17 \fl Gr. \ft instrument.
ISA 55:2+ \fr 55:2 \ft See Col 2. ult.
ISA 57:5+ \fr 57:5 \fl Gr. \ft their.
ISA 57:11+ \fr 57:11 \fl Gr. \ft taken me into your mind, not into your heart.
ISA 57:14+ \fr 57:14 \fl Lit. \ft purge.
ISA 57:15+ \fr 57:15 \fl Or, \ft Most Holy.
ISA 57:21+ \fr 57:21 \ft See chap 48. 22.
ISA 58:13+ \fr 58:13 \fl Gr. \ft pleasures.
ISA 59:7+ \fr 59:7 \fl Gr. \ft from murders, but \fl Alex. \ft reads ὐφρόνων.
ISA 60:14+ \fr 60:14 \fl Lit. \ft having feared.
ISA 60:22+ \fr 60:22 \fl Or, \ft people few in number.
ISA 61:3+ \fr 61:3 \fl Alex. \ft reads καταστολὴν as one word.
ISA 61:3+ \fr 61:3 \fl Or, \ft anointing.
ISA 61:9+ \fr 61:9 \fl Or, \ft acknowledge.
ISA 62:1+ \fr 62:1 \fl Gr. \ft relax.
ISA 63:1+ \fr 63:1 \fl Gr. \ft discourse, reason about.
ISA 63:9+ \fr 63:9 \fl Gr. \ft all the days of the age.
ISA 63:19+ \fr 63:19 \fqa Heb. and \fl Alex. \ft + 'our adversaries have trodd…ary.'
ISA 64:6+ \fr 64:6 \fqa Heb. and \fl Lit. \ft flowed out.
ISA 64:9+ \fr 64:9 \ft The \fl Gr. \ft ἐν καιρῷ is a Hebraism.
ISA 65:11+ \fr 65:11 \fl Gr. \ft mixture.
ISA 66:5+ \fr 66:5 \fl Alex. \ft ἡμῶν, but \fl Heb. \ft and \fl Vat. \ft 'your.'
ISA 66:5+ \fr 66:5 \fl Or, \ft your.
ISA 66:12+ \fr 66:12 \fl i.e. \ft turn myself.
ISA 66:14+ \fr 66:14 \fl Gr. \ft spring up.
JOL 1:2+ \fr 1:2 \ft Gr. if.
JOL 1:4+ \fr 1:4 \ft It is difficult to assign the exact meaning of the Greek.
JOL 1:5+ \fr 1:5 \ft Gr. their.
JOL 1:7+ \fr 1:7 \ft Gr. whitened, Gen 30,37.
JOL 1:8+ \fr 1:8 \ft i.e. one who married her as a virgin.
JOL 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \ft Or, vintage.
JOL 1:12+ \fr 1:12 \ft Gr. disfigured, or, disgraced.
JOL 1:20+ \fr 1:20 \ft Gr. issues. See 2 Ki22:16. Ezek47:4
JOL 2:2+ \fr 2:2 \ft Gr. age.
JOL 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \ft Gr. it, sc. the people.
JOL 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \ft Lit. to him, sc. the people.
JOL 2:6+ \fr 2:6 \ft Or, pot.
JOL 2:11+ \fr 2:11 \ft Gr. works.
JOL 2:11+ \fr 2:11 \ft Gr. sufficient for it?
JOL 2:15+ \fr 2:15 \ft See ch 1:14.
JOL 2:17+ \fr 2:17 \ft Gr. base.
JOL 2:20+ \fr 2:20 \ft Gr. cause to disappear.
JOL 2:20+ \fr 2:20 \ft Gr. corruption.
JOL 2:20+ \fr 2:20 \ft See Job 6,7.
JOL 2:20+ \fr 2:20 \ft Gr. magnified his works.
JOL 2:23+ \fr 2:23 \ft Gr. to exactness.
JOL 3:2+ \fr 3:2 \ft Or, nations. See Mat 25,31.
JOL 3:4+ \fr 3:4 \ft ἀλλοφυλων, usually Philistines.
JOL 3:9+ \fr 3:9 \ft Gr. sanctify.
JOL 3:10+ \fr 3:10 \ft Or, daggers.
JOL 3:11+ \fr 3:11 \ft Gr. meek.
JOL 3:18+ \fr 3:18 \ft See chap 1:20.
OBA 1:12+ \fr 1:12 \ft Or, look not you, etc.
OBA 1:19+ \fr 1:19 \ft The Gr. is the Hebrew word.
JNA 1:5+ \fr 1:5 \fl Lit. \ft hollow.
JNA 1:8+ \fr 1:8 \fl Alex. \ft + 'for those whose cause this evil is upon us'
JNA 1:11+ \fr 1:11 \fl Gr. \ft went.
JNA 1:13+ \fr 1:13 \fl Lit. \ft went and rose up more.
JNA 1:14+ \fr 1:14 \fl Gr. \ft by no means. See Acts 10. 14
JNA 2:6+ \fr 2:6 \fl Gr. \ft last.
JNA 2:8+ \fr 2:8 \fl Gr. \ft from me.
JNA 2:9+ \fr 2:9 \fl Gr. \ft vain and false \ft \+add things. \+add*
JNA 2:10+ \fr 2:10 \fl Or, \ft for a thank-offering to the Lord.
JNA 3:3+ \fr 3:3 \fl Lit. \ft a great city to God. Acts 7. 20.
JNA 4:2+ \fr 4:2 \fl Gr. \ft anticipate.
JNA 4:3+ \fr 4:3 \fl Gr. \ft sovereign Lord.
JNA 4:10+ \fr 4:10 \fl Or, \ft little before.
HAG 1:1+ \fr 1:1 \ft Or, Joshua.
HAG 1:6+ \fr 1:6 \ft Gr. in them.
HAG 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \ft Or, Joshua.
HAG 2:4+ \fr 2:4 \ft Gr. not existing.
HAG 2:8+ \fr 2:8 \ft Or, objects.
HAG 2:10+ \fr 2:10 \ft Or, salvation.
HAG 2:13+ \fr 2:13 \ft Gr. sanctified.
HAG 2:15+ \fr 2:15 \ft Not in Hebrew.
HAG 2:17+ \fr 2:17 \ft Gr. into.
ZEC 1:12+ \fr 1:12 \fl Gr. \ft this seventies year.
ZEC 3:1+ \fr 3:1 \fl Or, \ft accuser.
ZEC 3:4+ \fr 3:4 \fl Or, \ft vile, see James 2. 2.
ZEC 3:5+ \fr 3:5 \fl Or, \ft full length.
ZEC 3:9+ \fr 3:9 \ft See Luke 1. 78.
ZEC 4:7+ \fr 4:7 \fl Gr. \ft equality, see Jno. 1. 16.
ZEC 4:10+ \fr 4:10 \fl Alex. \ft + 'of the Lord.'
ZEC 4:12+ \fr 4:12 \fl Gr. \ft nostrils.
ZEC 4:14+ \fr 4:14 \fl Gr. \ft sons of fatness. Rev. 11. 4.
ZEC 5:7+ \fr 5:7 \fl Heb. \ft and \fl Gr. \ft one woman. see ver. 9.
ZEC 5:11+ \fr 5:11 \fl Gr. \ft preparation.
ZEC 6:7+ \fr 6:7 \fl Or, \ft one said.
ZEC 6:10+ \fr 6:10 \fl Heb. \ft proper names. See \fl A. V.
ZEC 6:12+ \fr 6:12 \fl Gr. \ft from beneath him.
ZEC 6:13+ \fr 6:13 \fl Lit. \ft virtue.
ZEC 6:14+ \fr 6:14 \fl Gr. \ft of it.
ZEC 8:22+ \fr 8:22 \fl Gr. \ft conciliate the face of the Lord.
ZEC 9:1+ \fr 9:1
ZEC 9:5+ \fr 9:5 \fl Alex. \ft of her hope.
ZEC 9:8+ \fr 9:8 \fl Or, \ft bulwark. See Zeph. 2. 14.
ZEC 9:9+ \fr 9:9 \fl Gr. \ft saving.
ZEC 9:12+ \fr 9:12 \fl Or, \ft sojourning.
ZEC 9:13+ \fr 9:13 \fl Or, it with \ft Ephraim.
ZEC 9:15+ \fr 9:15 \fl Alex. \ft the altar as bowls.
ZEC 10:1+ \fr 10:1 \fl Gr. \ft stormy.
ZEC 10:2+ \fr 10:2 \fl Or, \ft related.
ZEC 10:2+ \fr 10:2 \fl Gr. \ft been dried up.
ZEC 10:3+ \fr 10:3 \fl Or, \ft oversee. \fl or, \ft look upon.
ZEC 10:3+ \fr 10:3 \fl Or, \ft oversee. \fl or, \ft look upon.
ZEC 10:4+ \fr 10:4
ZEC 10:4+ \fr 10:4 \fl Lit. \ft he that expels.
ZEC 11:3+ \fr 11:3 \fl Gr. \ft distressed.
ZEC 11:3+ \fr 11:3 \fl Or, \ft roaring.
ZEC 11:8+ \fr 11:8 \fl Or, \ft be sorely displeased with them. \fl Gr. \ft be…them.
ZEC 11:9+ \fr 11:9 \fl Or, \ft fails.
ZEC 11:14+ \fr 11:14 \ft Compare \fl Heb. Alex. διαθήκην \ft covenant.
ZEC 11:16+ \fr 11:16 \fl Or, \ft wring their necks.
ZEC 11:17+ \fr 11:17 \fl Gr. \ft his arms.
ZEC 12:2+ \fr 12:2 \fl Or, \ft porches \fl or, \ft door-posts shaken by, etc.
ZEC 12:3+ \fr 12:3 \fl Or, \ft a stone trodden by all, etc.
ZEC 12:12+ \fr 12:12 \ft See a similar construction, Mark 6. 39,40
ZEC 13:1+ \fr 13:1 \fl Or, \ft departure.
ZEC 13:6+ \fr 13:6 \fl Alex. \ft The house of my beloved.
ZEC 13:7+ \fr 13:7 \fl Alex. \ft shepherd.
ZEC 14:7+ \fr 14:7 \fl Alex. \ft ψύχος, cold, probably the right reading.
ZEC 14:11+ \fr 14:11 \fl Alex. \ft in it.
ZEC 14:13+ \fr 14:13 \fl Alex. \ft astonishment.
MAL 1:3+ \fr 1:3 \ft Lit. appointed them for desolation.
MAL 1:5+ \fr 1:5 \ft Gr. above.
MAL 1:9+ \fr 1:9 \ft Lit. propitiate.
MAL 1:13+ \fr 1:13 \ft Gr. puffed at them.
MAL 2:3+ \fr 2:3 \ft Gr. separate the shoulder from you.
MAL 2:5+ \fr 2:5 \ft Or, power, or, charge to fear me, etc.
MAL 2:5+ \fr 2:5 \ft See 2 Cor 8. 20.
MAL 2:7+ \fr 2:7 \ft Gr. shall.
MAL 2:9+ \fr 2:9 \ft Gr. accepted persons.
MAL 2:17+ \fr 2:17 \ft Or, and, Where, etc.
MAL 3:2+ \fr 3:2 \ft Or, wait for.
MAL 3:2+ \fr 3:2 \ft Gr. them that wash.
MAL 3:3+ \fr 3:3 \ft Gr. pour.
MAL 3:5+ \fr 3:5 \ft Gr. beat with the fist.
MAL 3:10+ \fr 3:10 \ft Or, windows, see Gen 7. 11, there rendered 'flood-gates.'
MAL 3:11+ \fr 3:11 \ft Or, give a charge for you to be fed. Alex.
MAL 3:14+ \fr 3:14 \ft Gr. is vain.
MAL 3:17+ \fr 3:17 \ft Gr. for me.

Cross-reference Lines

GEN 1:27+ \xo 1:27 \xt Matt 19:4
GEN 2:2+ \xo 2:2 \xt Heb 4:4
GEN 2:7+ \xo 2:7 \xt 1 Cor 15:45
GEN 15:5+ \xo 15:5 \xt Rom 4:18
GEN 15:6+ \xo 15:6 \xt Rom 4:3
GEN 17:5+ \xo 17:5 \xt Rom 4:17
GEN 18:10+ \xo 18:10 \xt Rom 9:9
GEN 21:10+ \xo 21:10 \xt Gal 4:30
GEN 21:12+ \xo 21:12 \xt Rom 9:7
GEN 22:17+ \xo 22:17 \xt Heb 6:14
GEN 22:18+ \xo 22:18 \xt Acts 3:25
EXO 3:6+ \xo 3:6 \xt Matt 22:32
EXO 12:46+ \xo 12:46 \xt John 19:36
EXO 13:2+ \xo 13:2 \xt Luke 2:23
EXO 16:18+ \xo 16:18 \xt 2 Cor 8:15
EXO 20:12+ \xo 20:12 \xt Matt 15:4
EXO 20:13+ \xo 20:13 \xt Matt 5:27
EXO 20:14+ \xo 20:14 \xt Mark 10:19
EXO 20:15+ \xo 20:15 \xt Matt 5:21
EXO 21:17+ \xo 21:17 \xt Matt 15:4
EXO 21:24+ \xo 21:24 \xt Matt 5:38
EXO 22:28+ \xo 22:28 \xt Acts 23:5
EXO 24:8+ \xo 24:8 \xt Heb 9:19
EXO 25:40+ \xo 25:40 \xt Heb 8:5
EXO 32:1+ \xo 32:1 \xt Acts 7:40
EXO 32:6+ \xo 32:6 \xt 1 Cor 10:7
EXO 33:19+ \xo 33:19 \xt Rom 9:15
DEU 4:24+ \xo 4:24 \xt Heb 12:29
DEU 5:16+ \xo 5:16 \xt Matt 15:4; Eph 6:1
DEU 6:4+ \xo 6:4 \xt Matt 22:37; Luke 10:27
DEU 6:13+ \xo 6:13 \xt Matt 4:10
DEU 6:16+ \xo 6:16 \xt Matt 4:7
DEU 8:3+ \xo 8:3 \xt Matt 4:4
DEU 10:14+ \xo 10:14 \xt 1 Cor 10:26,28
DEU 17:6+ \xo 17:6 \xt John 8:17
DEU 18:15+ \xo 18:15 \xt Acts 3:22
DEU 18:19+ \xo 18:19 \xt Acts 3:23
DEU 19:15+ \xo 19:15 \xt 2 Cor 13:1
DEU 21:23+ \xo 21:23 \xt Gal 3:13
DEU 25:4+ \xo 25:4 \xt 1 Cor 9:9
DEU 25:5+ \xo 25:5 \xt Matt 22:24
DEU 27:26+ \xo 27:26 \xt Gal 3:10
DEU 31:6+ \xo 31:6 \xt Heb 13:5
DEU 32:21+ \xo 32:21 \xt Rom 10:9
DEU 32:35+ \xo 32:35 \xt Rom 12:19
DEU 32:43+ \xo 32:43 \xt Rom 15:10
JOS 1:5+ \xo 1:5 \xt Heb 13:5
KI1 19:10+ \xo 19:10 \xt Rom 11:3
PSA 2:1+ \xo 2:1 \xt Acts 4. 25.
PSA 2:7+ \xo 2:7 \xt Acts 13. 33. Heb 1. 5.
PSA 4:4+ \xo 4:4 \xt Eph 4.26.
PSA 5:9+ \xo 5:9 \xt Rom 3. 13.
PSA 8:2+ \xo 8:2 \xt Mat 21. 16.
PSA 8:4+ \xo 8:4 \xt Heb 2. 6 - 9.
PSA 9:26+ \xo 9:26 \xt Rom 8. 14.
PSA 15:10+ \xo 15:10 \xt Rom 13. 35.
PSA 18:4+ \xo 18:4 \xt Rom 10. 18.
PSA 21:1+ \xo 21:1 \xt Mat 27. 46.
PSA 21:18+ \xo 21:18 \xt Mat 27. 35.
PSA 31:1+ \xo 31:1 \xt Rom 4. 7,8
PSA 33:12+ \xo 33:12 \xt 1 Pe 3. 10-13.
PSA 35:1+ \xo 35:1 \xt Rom 3. 18.
PSA 39:6+ \xo 39:6 \xt Heb 10. 5,6
PSA 40:9+ \xo 40:9 \xt John 13. 18.
PSA 43:22+ \xo 43:22 \xt Rom 8. 36.
PSA 44:6+ \xo 44:6 \xt Heb 1. 8-10.
PSA 49:4+ \xo 49:4 \xt Heb 10. 30.
PSA 52:3+ \xo 52:3 \xt Rom 3. 10-12.
PSA 54:22+ \xo 54:22 \xt 1 Pet 5. 7.
PSA 68:9+ \xo 68:9 \xt John 2. 17; also Rom 15. 3.
PSA 68:22+ \xo 68:22 \xt Rom 11. 9,10.
PSA 68:25+ \xo 68:25 \xt Acts 1. 20.
PSA 77:2+ \xo 77:2 \xt Mat 13. 35.
PSA 77:25+ \xo 77:25 \xt Mat 6. 31.
PSA 88:20+ \xo 88:20 \xt Acts 13. 22.
PSA 90:12+ \xo 90:12 \xt Mat 4. 6.
PSA 93:11+ \xo 93:11 \xt 1 Cor 3. 20.
PSA 94:8+ \xo 94:8 \xt Heb 3. 7-12.
PSA 96:7+ \xo 96:7 \xt Heb 1. 6.
PSA 101:24+ \xo 101:24 \xt Heb 1. 11,13
PSA 103:4+ \xo 103:4 \xt Heb 1. 7.
PSA 108:8+ \xo 108:8 \xt Acts 1. 20.
PSA 109:1+ \xo 109:1 \xt Mat 22. 44.
PSA 111:9+ \xo 111:9 \xt 2 Cor 9. 9.
PSA 115:10+ \xo 115:10 \xt 2 Cor 4. 13.
PSA 116:1+ \xo 116:1 \xt Rom 15:11
PSA 117:6+ \xo 117:6 \xt Heb 13. 6.
PSA 117:22+ \xo 117:22 \xt Mat 21. 42.
PSA 117:26+ \xo 117:26 \xt Mat 21. 9.
PSA 139:3+ \xo 139:3 \xt Rom 3. 13.
ISA 1:9+ \xo 1:9 \xt Rom 9. 29.
ISA 6:10+ \xo 6:10 \xt Mat 13.15. Mark 4.12.
ISA 7:14+ \xo 7:14 \xt Mat 1.23.
ISA 8:14+ \xo 8:14 \xt Rom 9. 33.
ISA 8:18+ \xo 8:18 \xt Heb 2.13.
ISA 9:1+ \xo 9:1 \xt Mt 4:15, 16
ISA 10:22+ \xo 10:22 \xt Ro 9:27,28
ISA 11:1+ \xo 11:1 \xt Ro 15:12.
ISA 11:10+ \xo 11:10 \xt Ro 15:12.
ISA 22:22+ \xo 22:22 \xt Rev 3. 7.
ISA 25:8+ \xo 25:8 \xt 1 Cor 15. 54.
ISA 28:11+ \xo 28:11 \xt 1 Cor 14. 21.
ISA 28:16+ \xo 28:16 \xt Rom 9. 33.; 1 Pet 2. 6.
ISA 29:13+ \xo 29:13 \xt Mat 8. 9.
ISA 29:14+ \xo 29:14 \xt 1 Cor 1. 19.
ISA 29:16+ \xo 29:16 \xt Rom 9. 20.
ISA 35:3+ \xo 35:3 \xt Heb 12. 12.
ISA 40:3+ \xo 40:3 \xt Mat 3. 3. John 1. 23.
ISA 40:6-7+ \xo 40:6-7 \xt 1 Pet 1. 24.
ISA 40:13+ \xo 40:13 \xt Ro 11. 34.
ISA 41:4+ \xo 41:4 \xt Rev 1. 17.
ISA 44:6+ \xo 44:6 \xt Rev 1. 17.
ISA 45:9+ \xo 45:9 \xt Rom 9. 20.
ISA 45:23+ \xo 45:23 \xt Rom 14. 11.
ISA 49:6+ \xo 49:6 \xt Acts 13. 47.
ISA 49:8+ \xo 49:8 \xt 2 Cor 6. 2.
ISA 49:10+ \xo 49:10 \xt 2 Rev 7. 16.
ISA 52:5+ \xo 52:5 \xt Rom 2. 24.
ISA 52:11+ \xo 52:11 \xt 2 Cor 6. 17,18.
ISA 52:15+ \xo 52:15 \xt Rom 15. 21.
ISA 53:1+ \xo 53:1 \xt John 12:38; Rom 10:16
ISA 53:4+ \xo 53:4 \xt Matt 8:17
ISA 53:7+ \xo 53:7 \xt Acts 8. 32,33.
ISA 53:9+ \xo 53:9 \xt 1 Pet 2. 22.
ISA 53:12+ \xo 53:12 \xt Mark 15. 28.
ISA 54:1+ \xo 54:1 \xt Gal 4. 27.
ISA 54:13+ \xo 54:13 \xt John 6. 45.
ISA 55:3+ \xo 55:3 \xt Acts 13. 34.
ISA 55:10+ \xo 55:10 \xt 2 Cor 9. 10.
ISA 56:7+ \xo 56:7 \xt Mat 21.13.
ISA 59:7+ \xo 59:7 \xt Rom 3. 15-17.
ISA 59:20+ \xo 59:20 \xt Rom 11. 26.
ISA 60:1+ \xo 60:1 \xt Eph 5. 14.
ISA 60:19+ \xo 60:19 \xt Rev 21. 23-27.
ISA 61:1+ \xo 61:1 \xt Luke 4. 18.
ISA 62:11+ \xo 62:11 \xt Mat 21. 5.
ISA 63:7+ \xo 63:7 \xt 1 Pet 2. 9.
ISA 64:4+ \xo 64:4 \xt 1 Cor 2. 9.
ISA 65:1+ \xo 65:1 \xt Rom 10. 20,21.
ISA 66:1+ \xo 66:1 \xt Acts 7. 49,50.
HAG 2:7+ \xo 2:7 \xt Heb 12. 26.
ZEC 3:3+ \xo 3:3 \xt Jude 9.
ZEC 9:9+ \xo 9:9 \xt Mat 21. 5. Jno 12. 15.
ZEC 11:13+ \xo 11:13 \xt Mat 27. 9, 10.
ZEC 12:10+ \xo 12:10 \xt John 19. 37.
ZEC 13:7+ \xo 13:7 \xt Mat 26. 31.
MAL 1:2+ \xo 1:2 \xt Rom 9. 13.
MAL 3:1+ \xo 3:1 \xt Mat 11. 10.
MAL 4:5+ \xo 4:5 \xt Luk 1. 17.