Bible JN2 Checks


Priority Errors

Trailing space at end of line in JN2 -1:0

Showing 1 out of 23 priority errors

Fix Text Errors

JN2 -1:0 Removed trailing space in id: 2JN John’s Second Letter

JN2 -1:1 Removed trailing space in h: 2 John

JN2 -1:2 Removed trailing space in toc1: THE SECOND EPISTLE OF JOHN

JN2 -1:3 Removed trailing space in toc2: 2 John

JN2 -1:4 Removed trailing space in toc3: 2Jn

JN2 -1:5 Removed trailing space in mt1: THE SECOND EPISTLE OF JOHN

JN2 1:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JN2 1:0 Removed trailing space in c: 1

JN2 1:1 Removed trailing space in v~: The elder to the elect Cyria, and to her children, whom I love in truth, and not I only, but also all that know the truth,—

JN2 1:2 Removed trailing space in v~: for the sake of the truth which abideth in us, and will be with us for ever.

JN2 1:3 Removed trailing space in v~: Grace, mercy, peace shall be with you from God the Father, and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

JN2 1:4 Removed trailing space in v~: I rejoiced greatly, that I found some of thy children walking in truth, as we received commandment from the Father.

JN2 1:5 Removed trailing space in v~: And now I beseech thee, Cyria, not as writing to thee a new commandment, but that which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another.

JN2 1:6 Removed trailing space in v~: And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments. This is the commandment, as ye have heard from the beginning, that ye should walk in it.

JN2 1:7 Removed trailing space in v~: For many deceivers went out into the world, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ coming in the flesh; this is the deceiver and the antichrist.

JN2 1:8 Removed trailing space in v~: Look to yourselves, that ye lose not the things which ye wrought, but receive a full reward.

JN2 1:9 Removed trailing space in v~: Whoever goeth beyond, and abideth not in the teaching of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the teaching, he hath both the Son and the Father.

JN2 1:10 Removed trailing space in v~: If any one cometh to you, and bringeth not this teaching, receive him not into your house, and do not bid him good speed.

JN2 1:11 Removed trailing space in v~: For he that biddeth him good speed taketh part in his evil deeds.

JN2 1:12 Removed trailing space in v~: Having many things to write to you, I would not write with paper and ink; but I hope to come to you, and to speak face to face, that our joy may be full.

JN2 1:13 Removed trailing space in v~: The children of thy elect sister salute thee.


Modified Marker List

id h toc1 toc2 toc3 mt1
c p v*

All Newline Marker Counts

 c: 1    h: 1    id: 1    mt1: 1    p: 1    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    Total: 21    v: 13  

All Newline Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 id: 1    h: 1    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    mt1: 1    c: 1    p: 1    v: 13    Total: 21  

Functional Marker Counts

 Book Header: 1    Book ID: 1    Chapters: 1    Paragraphs: 1    Verses: 13  

Functional Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 Book ID: 1    Book Header: 1    Chapters: 1    Paragraphs: 1    Verses: 13  


Possible Character Errors

JN2 -1:0 Multiple spaces in '2JN··John’s Second Letter'

All Character Counts

 0: 1    1: 7    2: 5    3: 2    4: 1    5: 1    6: 1    7: 1    8: 1    9: 1    C: 2    D: 2    E: 8    F: 2    h: 2    H: 4    I: 2    J: 5    L: 2    n: 3    N: 4    o: 2    O: 6    P: 2    S: 4    Space: 10    T: 4    Total: 85  

All Character Counts (sorted by count)

 4: 1    5: 1    6: 1    7: 1    8: 1    9: 1    0: 1    o: 2    h: 2    C: 2    D: 2    P: 2    I: 2    L: 2    F: 2    3: 2    n: 3    T: 4    H: 4    S: 4    N: 4    2: 5    J: 5    O: 6    1: 7    E: 8    Space: 10    Total: 85  

Letter Counts

 C: 2    D: 2    E: 8    F: 2    h: 2    H: 4    I: 2    J: 5    L: 2    n: 3    N: 4    o: 2    O: 6    P: 2    S: 4    Space: 10    T: 4    Total: 64  

Letter Counts (sorted by count)

 o: 2    h: 2    C: 2    D: 2    P: 2    I: 2    L: 2    F: 2    n: 3    T: 4    H: 4    S: 4    N: 4    J: 5    O: 6    E: 8    Space: 10    Total: 64  

Speech Marks

Possible Matching Errors

JN2 -1:0 Unexpected '’' speech closing character


All Word Counts

 --Total--: 13    2Jn: 1    EPISTLE: 2    John: 2    JOHN: 2    OF: 2    SECOND: 2    THE: 2  

All Word Counts (sorted by count)

 2Jn: 1    John: 2    THE: 2    SECOND: 2    EPISTLE: 2    OF: 2    JOHN: 2    --Total--: 13  

Case Insensitive Word Counts

 --Total--: 13    2jn: 1    epistle: 2    john: 4    of: 2    second: 2    the: 2  

Case Insensitive Word Counts (sorted by count)

 2jn: 1    the: 2    second: 2    epistle: 2    of: 2    john: 4    --Total--: 13  


Title Lines