Bible BAK Checks


Priority Errors

Found \tc1 internal marker on new line in file in BAK -1:13

Showing 1 out of 17 priority errors

Load Errors

BAK -1:13 Found '\tc1' internal marker at beginning of line with text: 'Al H., Brian C., Brian M., Carissa R., Carolyn R., Coral M., Dani B., Daniel G., Danny M., Demitri M., David P., Elaine B., Gerrit V., Greg R., Hebraic Roots Fellowship, Jed C., Jim R., Joe C., Joel S., Joshua O., Joshua S., Jullian T., Mal H., Mark V., Matt H., Matthew A., Michael B., Michael J., Nations MSU., Ray M., Refugees In Jesus, Theo J., Thomas F., Tim K., Tom A., Tom M., Tsemach Adonai, Vikki M. '

Fix Text Errors

BAK -1:0 Removed trailing space in id: BAK - OUR Bible Front Intro 3 - Thank You

BAK -1:1 Removed trailing space in h: Credits

BAK -1:3 Removed trailing space in toc2: Credits

BAK -1:4 Removed trailing space in is1: One Unity Resource Bible Thanks!

BAK -1:5 Removed trailing space in is1: The Volunteer Helpers!

BAK -1:7 Removed trailing space in ip: This is a volunteer community-based project. Multiple helpers aided in the workload and process to make this publication. It was designed in an accessable and scholarly manner for regular people who want to help, can follow directions, and have basic typing/reading skills, and want to directly help to participate in the process. People between ages 12-85 have helped. Thomas is the main editor and project manager. This project started in 2006; the preparation stage lasted three years and the process of data management and application lasted seven years. This publication during the Jubilee Year is ten years in the making! This is a list of Thank Yous to those who directly participated!

BAK -1:9 Removed trailing space in iot: Thank You and acknowledgment to the Volunteer Helpers of this Project!

BAK -1:10 Removed trailing space in ip: This has always been a volunteer community-based project. Multiple helpers aided in the workload and process to make this publication. It was designed in an accessable and scholarly manner so that people who want to help, can follow directions, and have basic typing/reading skills can directly help. The process is utilizing public domain, scholarly information and teaching regular people to organize data in tables provided, thus producing focused single-topic projects, applied directly to the Bible text. People ages 12-85 have helped. Everyone has gained long-term memory recall of the projects they worked on. It has been about three years conceptual preparation and seven years of data processing and application. Thomas is the Executive Director, project manager, main editor, head promoter, and volunteer trainer. This is a list of “Thank You” to those who directly participated in the projects that made this Bible:

BAK -1:12 Removed trailing space in tr: \tc1 Al H., Brian C., Brian M., Carissa R., Carolyn R., Coral M., Dani B., Daniel G., Danny M., Demitri M., David P., Elaine B., Gerrit V., Greg R., Hebraic Roots Fellowship, Jed C., Jim R., Joe C., Joel S., Joshua O., Joshua S., Jullian T., Mal H., Mark V., Matt H., Matthew A., Michael B., Michael J., Nations MSU., Ray M., Refugees In Jesus, Theo J., Thomas F., Tim K., Tom A., Tom M., Tsemach Adonai, Vikki M.

BAK -1:14 Removed trailing space in ip: If you aided in the process, prayers and support, given your feedback, listened to me monologue, affirmed the vision, or assist in promotions, I thank you for helping make this reality in whatever stage you helped in! This project has had many names – Triple Cross; Star and Cross; Echad One Composite Unity, EOCU; Echad One Unity, EOU, E-One Unity; One Unity Study Bible, OUSB; One Unity Resource Bible, OURb, OUR Bible. If you remember helping with any one of these, thank you!


Newline Marker Errors

BAK -1:2 Marker 'toc1' has no content

BAK -1:14 Missing Numbering section (went from Introduction straight to Text section with tr marker)

BAK -1:15 Didn't expect Introduction section after Text section (with ib marker)

BAK -1:15 Unexpected section after Text section (went to Introduction section with ib marker)

BAK -1:18 Marker 'ie' has no content

Modified Marker List

id h toc1 toc2 is1* ib ip ib iot ip ib tr ib ip ib ie

All Newline Marker Counts

 h: 1    ib: 5    id: 1    ie: 1    iot: 1    ip: 3    is1: 2    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    Total: 17    tr: 1  

All Newline Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 id: 1    h: 1    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    iot: 1    tr: 1    ie: 1    is1: 2    ip: 3    ib: 5    Total: 17  

All Text Internal Marker Counts

 tc1: 1    Total: 1  

All Text Internal Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 tc1: 1    Total: 1  

Functional Marker Counts

 Book Header: 1    Book ID: 1  

Functional Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 Book ID: 1    Book Header: 1  


Possible Character Errors

BAK -1:8 Invalid '/' (SOLIDUS) word-building character (0x002f)

BAK -1:12 Invalid '/' (SOLIDUS) word-building character (0x002f)

All Character Counts

All Character Counts (sorted by count)

Letter Counts

 -: 7    a: 174    A: 4    B: 12    b: 26    C: 12    c: 66    d: 77    D: 6    e: 237    E: 8    f: 19    F: 2    g: 32    G: 3    h: 88    H: 6    i: 152    I: 7    j: 10    J: 11    k: 20    K: 1    l: 96    m: 42    M: 16    n: 136    N: 1    O: 12    o: 140    p: 73    P: 4    r: 114    R: 11    s: 124    S: 6    Space: 428    t: 149    T: 23    Total: 2501    U: 12    u: 43    V: 5    v: 16    w: 21    x: 2    y: 41    Y: 4    z: 2  

Letter Counts (sorted by count)

 N: 1    K: 1    z: 2    x: 2    F: 2    G: 3    P: 4    Y: 4    A: 4    V: 5    H: 6    D: 6    S: 6    -: 7    I: 7    E: 8    j: 10    R: 11    J: 11    C: 12    O: 12    U: 12    B: 12    v: 16    M: 16    f: 19    k: 20    w: 21    T: 23    b: 26    g: 32    y: 41    m: 42    u: 43    c: 66    p: 73    d: 77    h: 88    l: 96    r: 114    s: 124    n: 136    o: 140    t: 149    i: 152    a: 174    e: 237    Space: 428    Total: 2501  

Punctuation Counts

 !: 7    ,: 62    .: 50    /: 2    :: 1    ;: 6    Total: 131    : 1    : 1    : 1  

Punctuation Counts (sorted by count)

 : 1    : 1    :: 1    : 1    /: 2    ;: 6    !: 7    .: 50    ,: 62    Total: 131  


All Word Counts

All Word Counts (sorted by count)

Case Insensitive Word Counts

Case Insensitive Word Counts (sorted by count)


Possible Introduction Errors

BAK -1:8 ip introduction text does not have closing punctuation (period): This is a volunteer community-based project. Multiple helpers aided in the workload and process to make this publication. It was designed in an accessable and scholarly manner for regular people who want to help, can follow directions, and have basic typing/reading skills, and want to directly help to participate in the process. People between ages 12-85 have helped. Thomas is the main editor and project manager. This project started in 2006; the preparation stage lasted three years and the process of data management and application lasted seven years. This publication during the Jubilee Year is ten years in the making! This is a list of Thank Yous to those who directly participated!

BAK -1:16 ip introduction text does not have closing punctuation (period): If you aided in the process, prayers and support, given your feedback, listened to me monologue, affirmed the vision, or assist in promotions, I thank you for helping make this reality in whatever stage you helped in! This project has had many names – Triple Cross; Star and Cross; Echad One Composite Unity, EOCU; Echad One Unity, EOU, E-One Unity; One Unity Study Bible, OUSB; One Unity Resource Bible, OURb, OUR Bible. If you remember helping with any one of these, thank you!

Section Heading Lines

BAK -1:5One Unity Resource Bible Thanks!
BAK -1:6The Volunteer Helpers!

Outline Title Lines

BAK -1:10Thank You and acknowledgment to the Volunteer Helpers of this Project!