Bible Checks



Possible Character Errors

GEN 4:26 Multiple spaces in '·· During that time people began to worship {God} by using His name Yahweh.'

GEN 16:6 Multiple spaces in '··Then Sarai treated Hagar so harshly that she ran away {from home to get away} from her.'

GEN 27:36 Multiple spaces in '··Then Esau begged {his father}, "Is there still a way you can {ask God to} bless me?"'

EXO 39:5 Multiple spaces in '{They made} a carefully woven belt that matched the sacred apron. They made it from the same piece of cloth as the apron. (That cloth was finely twisted linen with {skillfully embroidered} blue, purple, red thread, and {fine} gold {thread}.)··{They sewed it} onto the apron, exactly as Yahweh had commanded Moses.'

NUM 30:5 Multiple spaces in 'But if her father hears about what she promised and does not allow her to do that, then she does not need to do what she promised. Yahweh will forgive her for not doing what she promised.··'

NUM 30:5 Trailing space in 'But if her father hears about what she promised and does not allow her to do that, then she does not need to do what she promised. Yahweh will forgive her for not doing what she promised. '

CH2 32:26 Multiple spaces in 'Then Hezekiah said that he was sorry about being proud, and the people of Jerusalem also said that they were sorry for their sins. So Yahweh did not punish··them during the remaining years that Hezekiah was their king.'

ROM 11:22 Multiple spaces in 'Take note then, how kind and harsh God can be! God is harsh toward those who fail to remain faithful to him. However, God will show how kind he is toward you who are from the nations if you continue to··accept how kind he is by remaining faithful. But, if you do not {remain faithful}, God will totally reject you{–like a severed branch}!'

ROM 16:24 Multiple spaces in '··[May our Lord Jesus the Messiah show all of you how kind he is. Amen!]'