Bible JNA Checks


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Trailing space at end of line in JNA -1:0

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JNA -1:0 Removed trailing space in id: JON 2-JON-web.sfm World English Bible British Edition (WEBBE)

JNA -1:2 Removed trailing space in h: Jonah

JNA -1:3 Removed trailing space in toc1: The Book of Jonah

JNA -1:4 Removed trailing space in toc2: Jonah

JNA -1:5 Removed trailing space in toc3: Jonah

JNA -1:6 Removed trailing space in mt2: The Book of

JNA -1:7 Removed trailing space in mt1: Jonah

JNA 1:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JNA 1:0 Removed trailing space in c: 1

JNA 1:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Now|strong="H1961"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w LORD’s|strong="H3068"\w*\f + \fr 1:1 \ft When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.\f* \w word|strong="H1697"\w* \w came|strong="H1961"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w son|strong="H1121"\w* \w of|strong="H1121"\w* \w Amittai|strong="H0573"\w*, \w saying|strong="H0559"\w*,

JNA 1:1 Found (first) straight quote sign (") in \v~: \w Now|strong="H1961"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w LORD’s|strong="H3068"\w*\f + \fr 1:1 \ft When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.\f* \w word|strong="H1697"\w* \w came|strong="H1961"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w son|strong="H1121"\w* \w of|strong="H1121"\w* \w Amittai|strong="H0573"\w*, \w saying|strong="H0559"\w*,

JNA 1:2 Removed trailing space in v~: “\w Arise|strong="H6965"\w*, \w go|strong="H5927"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w*, \w that|strong="H3588"\w* \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w*, \w and|strong="H6965"\w* preach \w against|strong="H5921"\w* \w it|strong="H5921"\w*, \w for|strong="H3588"\w* \w their|strong="H5921"\w* \w wickedness|strong="H7451"\w* \w has|strong="H3588"\w* \w come|strong="H5927"\w* \w up|strong="H5927"\w* \w before|strong="H6440"\w* \w me|strong="H0413"\w*.”

JNA 1:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H0935"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w rose|strong="H6965"\w* \w up|strong="H6965"\w* \w to|strong="H0935"\w* \w flee|strong="H1272"\w* \w to|strong="H0935"\w* \w Tarshish|strong="H8659"\w* \w from|strong="H0935"\w* \w the|strong="H6440"\w* \w presence|strong="H6440"\w* \w of|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H6440"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*. \w He|strong="H3068"\w* \w went|strong="H0935"\w* \w down|strong="H3381"\w* \w to|strong="H0935"\w* \w Joppa|strong="H3305"\w*, \w and|strong="H0935"\w* \w found|strong="H4672"\w* \w a|strong="H5414"\w* \w ship|strong="H0591"\w* \w going|strong="H0935"\w* \w to|strong="H0935"\w* \w Tarshish|strong="H8659"\w*; \w so|strong="H5414"\w* \w he|strong="H3068"\w* \w paid|strong="H5414"\w* \w its|strong="H5414"\w* \w fare|strong="H7939"\w*, \w and|strong="H0935"\w* \w went|strong="H0935"\w* \w down|strong="H3381"\w* \w into|strong="H0935"\w* \w it|strong="H5414"\w*, \w to|strong="H0935"\w* \w go|strong="H0935"\w* \w with|strong="H5973"\w* \w them|strong="H5414"\w* \w to|strong="H0935"\w* \w Tarshish|strong="H8659"\w* \w from|strong="H0935"\w* \w the|strong="H6440"\w* \w presence|strong="H6440"\w* \w of|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H6440"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*.

JNA 1:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H1961"\w* \w the|strong="H0413"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w* sent \w out|strong="H0413"\w* \w a|strong="H1961"\w* \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w wind|strong="H7307"\w* \w on|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0413"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w there|strong="H1961"\w* \w was|strong="H1961"\w* \w a|strong="H1961"\w* \w mighty|strong="H1419"\w* \w storm|strong="H5591"\w* \w on|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0413"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*, \w so|strong="H1961"\w* \w that|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H0413"\w* \w ship|strong="H0591"\w* \w was|strong="H1961"\w* likely \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w break|strong="H7665"\w* \w up|strong="H1961"\w*.

JNA 1:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Then|strong="H0853"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* mariners \w were|strong="H0834"\w* \w afraid|strong="H3372"\w*, \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w every|strong="H0376"\w* \w man|strong="H0376"\w* \w cried|strong="H2199"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w his|strong="H5921"\w* \w god|strong="H0430"\w*. \w They|strong="H0834"\w* \w threw|strong="H2904"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w cargo|strong="H3627"\w* \w that|strong="H0834"\w* \w was|strong="H0834"\w* \w in|strong="H5921"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w ship|strong="H0591"\w* \w into|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w lighten|strong="H7043"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w ship|strong="H0591"\w*. \w But|strong="H0376"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w had|strong="H0834"\w* \w gone|strong="H3381"\w* \w down|strong="H3381"\w* \w into|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w innermost|strong="H3411"\w* \w parts|strong="H3411"\w* \w of|strong="H0376"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w ship|strong="H0591"\w* \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w he|strong="H0834"\w* \w was|strong="H0834"\w* laying \w down|strong="H3381"\w*, \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w was|strong="H0834"\w* fast asleep.

JNA 1:6 Removed trailing space in v~: \w So|strong="H7121"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* ship \w master|strong="H0559"\w* \w came|strong="H7126"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w him|strong="H0413"\w*, \w and|strong="H6965"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w him|strong="H0413"\w*, “\w What|strong="H4100"\w* \w do|strong="H4100"\w* \w you|strong="H3808"\w* mean, sleeper? \w Arise|strong="H6965"\w*, \w call|strong="H7121"\w* \w on|strong="H0413"\w* \w your|strong="H3808"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*!\f + \fr 1:6 \ft or, gods\f* \w Maybe|strong="H0194"\w* \w your|strong="H3808"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*\f + \fr 1:6 \ft or, gods \f* \w will|strong="H0430"\w* notice \w us|strong="H0413"\w*, \w so|strong="H7121"\w* \w that|strong="H7121"\w* we \w won’t|strong="H3808"\w* \w perish|strong="H0006"\w*.”

JNA 1:6 Found footnote ending with space in \v~: So the ship master came to him, and said to him, “What do you mean, sleeper? Arise, call on your God! Maybe your God\f + \fr 1:6 \ft or, gods \f* will\ww will|strong="H0430"\ww* notice us\ww us|strong="H0413"\ww*, so\ww so|strong="H7121"\ww* that\ww that|strong="H7121"\ww* we won’t\ww won’t|strong="H3808"\ww* perish\ww perish|strong="H0006"\ww*.”

JNA 1:7 Removed trailing space in v~: \w They|strong="H5921"\w* \w all|strong="H3045"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w each|strong="H0376"\w* \w other|strong="H7453"\w*, “\w Come|strong="H5307"\w*! Let’s \w cast|strong="H5307"\w* \w lots|strong="H1486"\w*, \w that|strong="H3045"\w* we \w may|strong="H0376"\w* \w know|strong="H3045"\w* \w who|strong="H4310"\w* \w is|strong="H4310"\w* responsible \w for|strong="H5921"\w* \w this|strong="H2063"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* \w that|strong="H3045"\w* \w is|strong="H4310"\w* \w on|strong="H5921"\w* \w us|strong="H0413"\w*.” \w So|strong="H5921"\w* \w they|strong="H5921"\w* \w cast|strong="H5307"\w* \w lots|strong="H1486"\w*, \w and|strong="H0376"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w lot|strong="H1486"\w* \w fell|strong="H5307"\w* \w on|strong="H5921"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w*.

JNA 1:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Then|strong="H2088"\w* \w they|strong="H0834"\w* \w asked|strong="H0559"\w* \w him|strong="H0413"\w*, “\w Tell|strong="H5046"\w* \w us|strong="H4994"\w*, \w please|strong="H4994"\w*, \w for|strong="H0413"\w* \w whose|strong="H0834"\w* cause \w this|strong="H2088"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* \w is|strong="H0834"\w* \w on|strong="H0413"\w* \w us|strong="H4994"\w*. \w What|strong="H4100"\w* \w is|strong="H0834"\w* \w your|strong="H0834"\w* \w occupation|strong="H4399"\w*? \w Where|strong="H0834"\w* \w do|strong="H4100"\w* \w you|strong="H0859"\w* \w come|strong="H0935"\w* \w from|strong="H0935"\w*? \w What|strong="H4100"\w* \w is|strong="H0834"\w* \w your|strong="H0834"\w* \w country|strong="H0776"\w*? \w Of|strong="H0776"\w* \w what|strong="H4100"\w* \w people|strong="H5971"\w* \w are|strong="H0834"\w* \w you|strong="H0859"\w*?”

JNA 1:9 Removed trailing space in v~: \w He|strong="H0834"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w them|strong="H0413"\w*, “\w I|strong="H0589"\w* \w am|strong="H0589"\w* \w a|strong="H0834"\w* \w Hebrew|strong="H5680"\w*, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w I|strong="H0589"\w* \w fear|strong="H3373"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*\f + \fr 1:9 \ft The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “אֱלֹהִ֑ים” (Elohim).\f* \w of|strong="H0430"\w* \w heaven|strong="H8064"\w*, \w who|strong="H0834"\w* \w has|strong="H3068"\w* \w made|strong="H6213"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w dry|strong="H3004"\w* \w land|strong="H3004"\w*.”

JNA 1:10 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Then|strong="H6213"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w men|strong="H0376"\w* \w were|strong="H0376"\w* \w exceedingly|strong="H1419"\w* \w afraid|strong="H3372"\w*, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w him|strong="H0413"\w*, “\w What|strong="H4100"\w* \w have|strong="H3045"\w* \w you|strong="H3588"\w* \w done|strong="H6213"\w*?” \w For|strong="H3588"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w men|strong="H0376"\w* \w knew|strong="H3045"\w* \w that|strong="H3588"\w* \w he|strong="H1931"\w* \w was|strong="H3068"\w* \w fleeing|strong="H1272"\w* \w from|strong="H0376"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w presence|strong="H6440"\w* \w of|strong="H0376"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, \w because|strong="H3588"\w* \w he|strong="H1931"\w* \w had|strong="H3068"\w* \w told|strong="H5046"\w* \w them|strong="H0413"\w*.

JNA 1:11 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Then|strong="H1980"\w* \w they|strong="H3588"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w him|strong="H0413"\w*, “\w What|strong="H4100"\w* \w shall|strong="H4100"\w* \w we|strong="H3588"\w* \w do|strong="H6213"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w you|strong="H3588"\w*, \w that|strong="H3588"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* \w may|strong="H6213"\w* \w be|strong="H3220"\w* \w calm|strong="H8367"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w us|strong="H0413"\w*?” \w For|strong="H3588"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* \w grew|strong="H1980"\w* \w more|strong="H5921"\w* \w and|strong="H1980"\w* \w more|strong="H5921"\w* \w stormy|strong="H5590"\w*.

JNA 1:12 Removed trailing space in v~: \w He|strong="H3588"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w them|strong="H0413"\w*, “\w Take|strong="H5375"\w* \w me|strong="H0413"\w* \w up|strong="H5375"\w*, \w and|strong="H1419"\w* \w throw|strong="H2904"\w* \w me|strong="H0413"\w* \w into|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*. \w Then|strong="H2088"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* \w will|strong="H0589"\w* \w be|strong="H3220"\w* \w calm|strong="H8367"\w* \w for|strong="H3588"\w* \w you|strong="H3588"\w*; \w for|strong="H3588"\w* \w I|strong="H0589"\w* \w know|strong="H3045"\w* \w that|strong="H3588"\w* \w because|strong="H3588"\w* \w of|strong="H5921"\w* \w me|strong="H0413"\w* \w this|strong="H2088"\w* \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w storm|strong="H5591"\w* \w is|strong="H2088"\w* \w on|strong="H5921"\w* \w you|strong="H3588"\w*.”

JNA 1:13 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Nevertheless|strong="H3588"\w* \w the|strong="H5921"\w* \w men|strong="H0376"\w* \w rowed|strong="H2864"\w* hard \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w get|strong="H1980"\w* \w them|strong="H0413"\w* \w back|strong="H7725"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H5921"\w* \w land|strong="H3004"\w*; \w but|strong="H3588"\w* \w they|strong="H3588"\w* \w could|strong="H3201"\w* \w not|strong="H3808"\w*, \w for|strong="H3588"\w* \w the|strong="H5921"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* \w grew|strong="H1980"\w* \w more|strong="H3808"\w* \w and|strong="H1980"\w* \w more|strong="H3808"\w* \w stormy|strong="H5590"\w* \w against|strong="H5921"\w* \w them|strong="H0413"\w*.

JNA 1:14 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Therefore|strong="H3068"\w* \w they|strong="H0834"\w* \w cried|strong="H7121"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, “\w We|strong="H3588"\w* \w beg|strong="H0577"\w* \w you|strong="H0859"\w*, \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, \w we|strong="H3588"\w* \w beg|strong="H0577"\w* \w you|strong="H0859"\w*, \w don’t|strong="H0408"\w* \w let|strong="H4994"\w* \w us|strong="H5414"\w* \w die|strong="H0006"\w* \w for|strong="H3588"\w* \w this|strong="H2088"\w* \w man’s|strong="H0376"\w* \w life|strong="H5315"\w*, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w don’t|strong="H0408"\w* \w lay|strong="H5414"\w* \w on|strong="H5921"\w* \w us|strong="H5414"\w* \w innocent|strong="H5355"\w* \w blood|strong="H1818"\w*; \w for|strong="H3588"\w* \w you|strong="H0859"\w*, \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, \w have|strong="H0834"\w* \w done|strong="H6213"\w* \w as|strong="H0834"\w* \w it|strong="H5414"\w* \w pleased|strong="H2654"\w* \w you|strong="H0859"\w*.”

JNA 1:15 Removed trailing space in v~: \w So|strong="H5375"\w* \w they|strong="H5375"\w* \w took|strong="H5375"\w* \w up|strong="H5375"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w and|strong="H5975"\w* \w threw|strong="H2904"\w* \w him|strong="H0413"\w* \w into|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w*; \w and|strong="H5975"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w sea|strong="H3220"\w* ceased \w its|strong="H0853"\w* \w raging|strong="H2197"\w*.

JNA 1:16 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Then|strong="H0853"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w men|strong="H0376"\w* \w feared|strong="H3372"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w* \w exceedingly|strong="H1419"\w*; \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w they|strong="H0376"\w* \w offered|strong="H2076"\w* \w a|strong="H2076"\w* \w sacrifice|strong="H2077"\w* \w to|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w* \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w made|strong="H5087"\w* \w vows|strong="H5088"\w*.

JNA 1:17 Removed trailing space in v~: The LORD prepared a huge fish to swallow up Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

JNA 2:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JNA 2:0 Removed trailing space in c: 2

JNA 2:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Then|strong="H1961"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* prayed \w to|strong="H1961"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, \w his|strong="H3068"\w* \w God|strong="H3068"\w*, \w out|strong="H1419"\w* \w of|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* fish’s belly.

JNA 2:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w He|strong="H0430"\w* \w said|strong="H0413"\w*,

JNA 2:2 Removed trailing space in p~: “\w I|strong="H3068"\w* called \w because|strong="H0413"\w* \w of|strong="H0430"\w* \w my|strong="H3068"\w* affliction \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0413"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*.

JNA 2:2 Removed trailing space in p~: \w He|strong="H0430"\w* answered \w me|strong="H0413"\w*.

JNA 2:2 Removed trailing space in p~: \w Out|strong="H0413"\w* \w of|strong="H0430"\w* \w the|strong="H0413"\w* belly \w of|strong="H0430"\w* Sheol\f + \fr 2:2 \ft Sheol is the place of the dead.\f* \w I|strong="H3068"\w* cried.

JNA 2:2 Removed trailing space in p~: \w You|strong="H0413"\w* heard \w my|strong="H3068"\w* voice.

JNA 2:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \w For|strong="H7121"\w* \w you|strong="H0413"\w* threw \w me|strong="H0413"\w* \w into|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* depths,

JNA 2:3 Removed trailing space in p~: \w in|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w heart|strong="H8085"\w* \w of|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* seas.

JNA 2:3 Removed trailing space in p~: \w The|strong="H0559"\w* flood \w was|strong="H3068"\w* all around \w me|strong="H0413"\w*.

JNA 2:3 Removed trailing space in p~: All \w your|strong="H3068"\w* waves \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w your|strong="H3068"\w* billows passed \w over|strong="H0413"\w* \w me|strong="H0413"\w*.

JNA 2:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \w I|strong="H5921"\w* said, ‘\w I|strong="H5921"\w* \w have|strong="H3605"\w* \w been|strong="H3605"\w* banished \w from|strong="H5921"\w* \w your|strong="H3605"\w* sight;

JNA 2:4 Removed trailing space in p~: \w yet|strong="H5921"\w* \w I|strong="H5921"\w* \w will|strong="H3824"\w* look again towards \w your|strong="H3605"\w* holy temple.’

JNA 2:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w The|strong="H0559"\w* waters surrounded \w me|strong="H0413"\w*,

JNA 2:5 Removed trailing space in p~: \w even|strong="H3254"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* soul.

JNA 2:5 Removed trailing space in p~: \w The|strong="H0559"\w* deep \w was|strong="H0589"\w* around \w me|strong="H0413"\w*.

JNA 2:5 Removed trailing space in p~: \w The|strong="H0559"\w* weeds \w were|strong="H5869"\w* wrapped around \w my|strong="H5048"\w* head.

JNA 2:6 Removed trailing space in v~: \w I|strong="H5704"\w* \w went|strong="H5437"\w* \w down|strong="H5437"\w* \w to|strong="H5704"\w* \w the|strong="H5704"\w* bottoms \w of|strong="H7218"\w* \w the|strong="H5704"\w* mountains.

JNA 2:6 Removed trailing space in p~: \w The|strong="H5704"\w* earth barred \w me|strong="H5315"\w* \w in|strong="H5315"\w* forever;

JNA 2:6 Removed trailing space in p~: \w yet|strong="H5704"\w* \w you|strong="H5704"\w* \w have|strong="H4325"\w* \w brought|strong="H5437"\w* \w my|strong="H5704"\w* \w life|strong="H5315"\w* \w up|strong="H5704"\w* \w from|strong="H5315"\w* \w the|strong="H5704"\w* pit, LORD \w my|strong="H5704"\w* God.

JNA 2:7 Removed trailing space in v~: “\w When|strong="H3068"\w* \w my|strong="H3068"\w* soul fainted within \w me|strong="H1157"\w*, \w I|strong="H0776"\w* remembered \w the|strong="H3068"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*.

JNA 2:7 Removed trailing space in p~: \w My|strong="H3068"\w* prayer \w came|strong="H5927"\w* \w in|strong="H0430"\w* \w to|strong="H3381"\w* \w you|strong="H3381"\w*, \w into|strong="H0776"\w* \w your|strong="H3068"\w* holy temple.

JNA 2:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Those|strong="H5921"\w* \w who|strong="H3068"\w* \w regard|strong="H5921"\w* vain idols forsake \w their|strong="H3068"\w* \w own|strong="H5315"\w* \w mercy|strong="H3068"\w*.

JNA 2:9 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H5800"\w* I \w will|strong="H1892"\w* sacrifice \w to|strong="H8104"\w* \w you|strong="H8104"\w* with \w the|strong="H8104"\w* voice \w of|strong="H1892"\w* thanksgiving.

JNA 2:9 Removed trailing space in p~: I \w will|strong="H1892"\w* \w pay|strong="H8104"\w* that which I \w have|strong="H8104"\w* vowed.

JNA 2:9 Removed trailing space in p~: Salvation belongs \w to|strong="H8104"\w* \w the|strong="H8104"\w* \w LORD|strong="H2617"\w*.”

JNA 2:10 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Then|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H0834"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w* spoke \w to|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H0834"\w* fish, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w it|strong="H0834"\w* vomited out Jonah \w on|strong="H3068"\w* \w the|strong="H0834"\w* dry land.

JNA 3:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JNA 3:0 Removed trailing space in c: 3

JNA 3:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w The|strong="H0559"\w* \w LORD’s|strong="H3068"\w* \w word|strong="H1697"\w* \w came|strong="H1961"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w second|strong="H8145"\w* \w time|strong="H8145"\w*, \w saying|strong="H0559"\w*,

JNA 3:2 Removed trailing space in v~: “\w Arise|strong="H6965"\w*, \w go|strong="H6965"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w*, \w that|strong="H0834"\w* \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w*, \w and|strong="H6965"\w* preach \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w it|strong="H7121"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* message \w that|strong="H0834"\w* \w I|strong="H0834"\w* \w give|strong="H1696"\w* \w you|strong="H0834"\w*.”

JNA 3:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \w So|strong="H1961"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w arose|strong="H6965"\w*, \w and|strong="H6965"\w* \w went|strong="H6965"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w*, \w according|strong="H0413"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0413"\w* \w LORD’s|strong="H3068"\w* \w word|strong="H1697"\w*. \w Now|strong="H1961"\w* \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w* \w was|strong="H1961"\w* \w an|strong="H1961"\w* \w exceedingly|strong="H1419"\w* \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w*, \w three|strong="H7969"\w* \w days’|strong="H3117"\w* \w journey|strong="H4109"\w* across.

JNA 3:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w began|strong="H2490"\w* \w to|strong="H0559"\w* \w enter|strong="H0935"\w* \w into|strong="H0935"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w* \w a|strong="H0935"\w* \w day’s|strong="H3117"\w* \w journey|strong="H4109"\w*, \w and|strong="H0935"\w* \w he|strong="H3117"\w* \w cried|strong="H7121"\w* \w out|strong="H0935"\w*, \w and|strong="H0935"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, “\w In|strong="H0935"\w* \w forty|strong="H0705"\w* \w days|strong="H3117"\w*, \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w* \w will|strong="H3117"\w* \w be|strong="H5750"\w* \w overthrown|strong="H2015"\w*!”

JNA 3:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w The|strong="H5704"\w* \w people|strong="H0376"\w* \w of|strong="H0376"\w* \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w* \w believed|strong="H0539"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*; \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w they|strong="H0376"\w* \w proclaimed|strong="H7121"\w* \w a|strong="H7121"\w* \w fast|strong="H6685"\w* \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w put|strong="H3847"\w* \w on|strong="H3847"\w* \w sackcloth|strong="H8242"\w*, \w from|strong="H0376"\w* \w their|strong="H7121"\w* \w greatest|strong="H1419"\w* \w even|strong="H5704"\w* \w to|strong="H5704"\w* \w their|strong="H7121"\w* least.

JNA 3:6 Removed trailing space in v~: \w The|strong="H5921"\w* news \w reached|strong="H5060"\w* \w the|strong="H5921"\w* \w king|strong="H4428"\w* \w of|strong="H4428"\w* \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w*, \w and|strong="H6965"\w* \w he|strong="H5921"\w* \w arose|strong="H6965"\w* \w from|strong="H5921"\w* \w his|strong="H5921"\w* \w throne|strong="H3678"\w*, took \w off|strong="H5921"\w* \w his|strong="H5921"\w* \w royal|strong="H4428"\w* \w robe|strong="H0155"\w*, \w covered|strong="H3680"\w* \w himself|strong="H0413"\w* \w with|strong="H0413"\w* \w sackcloth|strong="H8242"\w*, \w and|strong="H6965"\w* \w sat|strong="H3427"\w* \w in|strong="H3427"\w* \w ashes|strong="H0665"\w*.

JNA 3:7 Removed trailing space in v~: \w He|strong="H0559"\w* made \w a|strong="H2938"\w* \w proclamation|strong="H2199"\w* \w and|strong="H4428"\w* published \w through|strong="H0929"\w* \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w* \w by|strong="H4325"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w decree|strong="H2940"\w* \w of|strong="H4428"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w king|strong="H4428"\w* \w and|strong="H4428"\w* \w his|strong="H4428"\w* \w nobles|strong="H1419"\w*, \w saying|strong="H0559"\w*, “\w Let|strong="H0408"\w* \w neither|strong="H0408"\w* \w man|strong="H0120"\w* \w nor|strong="H0408"\w* \w animal|strong="H0929"\w*, \w herd|strong="H1241"\w* \w nor|strong="H0408"\w* \w flock|strong="H6629"\w*, \w taste|strong="H2938"\w* \w anything|strong="H3972"\w*; \w let|strong="H0408"\w* \w them|strong="H7462"\w* \w not|strong="H0408"\w* \w feed|strong="H7462"\w*, \w nor|strong="H0408"\w* \w drink|strong="H8354"\w* \w water|strong="H4325"\w*;

JNA 3:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \w but|strong="H0376"\w* let \w them|strong="H0413"\w* \w be|strong="H0376"\w* \w covered|strong="H3680"\w* \w with|strong="H0413"\w* \w sackcloth|strong="H8242"\w*, \w both|strong="H4480"\w* \w man|strong="H0376"\w* \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w animal|strong="H0929"\w*, \w and|strong="H0430"\w* let \w them|strong="H0413"\w* \w cry|strong="H7121"\w* mightily \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w*. Yes, let \w them|strong="H0413"\w* \w turn|strong="H7725"\w* \w everyone|strong="H0376"\w* \w from|strong="H4480"\w* \w his|strong="H7725"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* \w way|strong="H1870"\w* \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w from|strong="H4480"\w* \w the|strong="H0834"\w* \w violence|strong="H2555"\w* \w that|strong="H0834"\w* \w is|strong="H0834"\w* \w in|strong="H0413"\w* \w his|strong="H7725"\w* \w hands|strong="H3709"\w*.

JNA 3:9 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Who|strong="H4310"\w* \w knows|strong="H3045"\w* whether \w God|strong="H0430"\w* \w will|strong="H0430"\w* \w not|strong="H3808"\w* \w turn|strong="H7725"\w* \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w relent|strong="H5162"\w*, \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w turn|strong="H7725"\w* \w away|strong="H7725"\w* \w from|strong="H7725"\w* \w his|strong="H7725"\w* \w fierce|strong="H2740"\w* \w anger|strong="H0639"\w*, \w so|strong="H3808"\w* \w that|strong="H3045"\w* \w we|strong="H7725"\w* might \w not|strong="H3808"\w* \w perish|strong="H0006"\w*?”

JNA 3:10 Removed trailing space in v~: \w God|strong="H0430"\w* \w saw|strong="H7200"\w* \w their|strong="H1992"\w* \w works|strong="H4639"\w*, \w that|strong="H0834"\w* \w they|strong="H1992"\w* \w turned|strong="H7725"\w* \w from|strong="H7725"\w* \w their|strong="H1992"\w* \w evil|strong="H7451"\w* \w way|strong="H1870"\w*. \w God|strong="H0430"\w* \w relented|strong="H5162"\w* \w of|strong="H0430"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w disaster|strong="H7451"\w* \w which|strong="H0834"\w* \w he|strong="H0834"\w* \w said|strong="H1696"\w* \w he|strong="H0834"\w* \w would|strong="H0834"\w* \w do|strong="H6213"\w* \w to|strong="H1696"\w* \w them|strong="H1992"\w*, \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w he|strong="H0834"\w* \w didn’t|strong="H3808"\w* \w do|strong="H6213"\w* \w it|strong="H5921"\w*.

JNA 4:0 Extra whitespace after chapter number

JNA 4:0 Removed trailing space in c: 4

JNA 4:1 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H7489"\w* it \w displeased|strong="H7489"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w exceedingly|strong="H1419"\w*, \w and|strong="H1419"\w* he \w was|strong="H3124"\w* \w angry|strong="H2734"\w*.

JNA 4:2 Removed trailing space in v~: \w He|strong="H3588"\w* \w prayed|strong="H6419"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, “\w Please|strong="H0577"\w*, \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, wasn’t \w this|strong="H2088"\w* \w what|strong="H1697"\w* \w I|strong="H3588"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* \w when|strong="H3588"\w* \w I|strong="H3588"\w* \w was|strong="H1961"\w* \w still|strong="H5704"\w* \w in|strong="H5921"\w* \w my|strong="H3068"\w* \w own|strong="H1961"\w* \w country|strong="H0127"\w*? \w Therefore|strong="H3651"\w* \w I|strong="H3588"\w* hurried \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w flee|strong="H1272"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w Tarshish|strong="H8659"\w*, \w for|strong="H3588"\w* \w I|strong="H3588"\w* \w knew|strong="H3045"\w* \w that|strong="H3588"\w* \w you|strong="H0859"\w* \w are|strong="H1697"\w* \w a|strong="H1961"\w* \w gracious|strong="H2587"\w* \w God|strong="H0410"\w* \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w merciful|strong="H7349"\w*, \w slow|strong="H0750"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w anger|strong="H0639"\w*, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w abundant|strong="H7227"\w* \w in|strong="H5921"\w* loving \w kindness|strong="H2617"\w*, \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w you|strong="H0859"\w* \w relent|strong="H5162"\w* \w of|strong="H3068"\w* \w doing|strong="H7451"\w* \w harm|strong="H7451"\w*.

JNA 4:3 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Therefore|strong="H6258"\w* \w now|strong="H6258"\w*, \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w*, \w take|strong="H3947"\w*, \w I|strong="H3588"\w* \w beg|strong="H4994"\w* \w you|strong="H3588"\w*, \w my|strong="H3068"\w* \w life|strong="H5315"\w* \w from|strong="H4480"\w* \w me|strong="H4994"\w*, \w for|strong="H3588"\w* \w it|strong="H3588"\w* \w is|strong="H3068"\w* \w better|strong="H2896"\w* \w for|strong="H3588"\w* \w me|strong="H4994"\w* \w to|strong="H3068"\w* \w die|strong="H4194"\w* \w than|strong="H4480"\w* \w to|strong="H3068"\w* \w live|strong="H2416"\w*.”

JNA 4:4 Removed trailing space in v~: \w The|strong="H0559"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, “\w Is|strong="H3068"\w* \w it|strong="H3068"\w* right \w for|strong="H3068"\w* \w you|strong="H3190"\w* \w to|strong="H0559"\w* \w be|strong="H3068"\w* \w angry|strong="H2734"\w*?”

JNA 4:5 Removed trailing space in v~: \w Then|strong="H1961"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w went|strong="H3318"\w* \w out|strong="H3318"\w* \w of|strong="H3427"\w* \w the|strong="H0834"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w* \w and|strong="H8033"\w* \w sat|strong="H3427"\w* \w on|strong="H3427"\w* \w the|strong="H0834"\w* \w east|strong="H6924"\w* side \w of|strong="H3427"\w* \w the|strong="H0834"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w*, \w and|strong="H8033"\w* \w there|strong="H8033"\w* \w made|strong="H6213"\w* \w himself|strong="H3427"\w* \w a|strong="H1961"\w* \w booth|strong="H5521"\w* \w and|strong="H8033"\w* \w sat|strong="H3427"\w* \w under|strong="H8478"\w* \w it|strong="H8033"\w* \w in|strong="H3427"\w* \w the|strong="H0834"\w* \w shade|strong="H6738"\w*, \w until|strong="H5704"\w* \w he|strong="H0834"\w* \w might|strong="H0834"\w* \w see|strong="H7200"\w* \w what|strong="H4100"\w* \w would|strong="H4100"\w* \w become|strong="H1961"\w* \w of|strong="H3427"\w* \w the|strong="H0834"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w*.

JNA 4:6 Removed trailing space in v~: \w The|strong="H5921"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w* prepared \w a|strong="H1961"\w* vine \w and|strong="H3068"\w* \w made|strong="H1961"\w* \w it|strong="H5921"\w* \w to|strong="H1961"\w* \w come|strong="H1961"\w* \w up|strong="H5927"\w* \w over|strong="H5921"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w*, \w that|strong="H3068"\w* \w it|strong="H5921"\w* \w might|strong="H3068"\w* \w be|strong="H1961"\w* \w a|strong="H1961"\w* \w shade|strong="H6738"\w* \w over|strong="H5921"\w* \w his|strong="H5921"\w* \w head|strong="H7218"\w* \w to|strong="H1961"\w* \w deliver|strong="H5337"\w* \w him|strong="H5921"\w* \w from|strong="H5921"\w* \w his|strong="H5921"\w* discomfort. \w So|strong="H1961"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w* \w was|strong="H1961"\w* \w exceedingly|strong="H1419"\w* \w glad|strong="H8055"\w* \w because|strong="H5921"\w* \w of|strong="H0430"\w* \w the|strong="H5921"\w* vine.

JNA 4:7 Removed trailing space in v~: \w But|strong="H5221"\w* \w God|strong="H0430"\w* prepared \w a|strong="H5221"\w* worm \w at|strong="H0430"\w* \w dawn|strong="H7837"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w next|strong="H4283"\w* \w day|strong="H4283"\w*, \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w it|strong="H5221"\w* chewed \w on|strong="H0430"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* vine \w so|strong="H5927"\w* \w that|strong="H5927"\w* \w it|strong="H5221"\w* \w withered|strong="H3001"\w*.

JNA 4:8 Removed trailing space in v~: \w When|strong="H1961"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w sun|strong="H8121"\w* arose, \w God|strong="H0430"\w* prepared \w a|strong="H1961"\w* sultry \w east|strong="H6921"\w* \w wind|strong="H7307"\w*; \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w the|strong="H0853"\w* \w sun|strong="H8121"\w* \w beat|strong="H5221"\w* \w on|strong="H5921"\w* \w Jonah’s|strong="H3124"\w* \w head|strong="H7218"\w*, \w so|strong="H1961"\w* \w that|strong="H0559"\w* \w he|strong="H0430"\w* \w was|strong="H1961"\w* \w faint|strong="H5968"\w* \w and|strong="H0430"\w* \w requested|strong="H7592"\w* \w for|strong="H5921"\w* \w himself|strong="H5315"\w* \w that|strong="H0559"\w* \w he|strong="H0430"\w* might \w die|strong="H4191"\w*. \w He|strong="H0430"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, “\w It|strong="H5921"\w* \w is|strong="H0430"\w* \w better|strong="H2896"\w* \w for|strong="H5921"\w* \w me|strong="H5315"\w* \w to|strong="H0559"\w* \w die|strong="H4191"\w* \w than|strong="H2896"\w* \w to|strong="H0559"\w* \w live|strong="H2416"\w*.”

JNA 4:9 Removed trailing space in v~: \w God|strong="H0430"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w Jonah|strong="H3124"\w*, “\w Is|strong="H0430"\w* \w it|strong="H5921"\w* right \w for|strong="H5921"\w* \w you|strong="H5921"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w be|strong="H0430"\w* \w angry|strong="H2734"\w* \w about|strong="H5921"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* vine?”

JNA 4:9 Removed trailing space in p~: \w He|strong="H5704"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, “\w I|strong="H5704"\w* \w am|strong="H0430"\w* right \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w be|strong="H0430"\w* \w angry|strong="H2734"\w*, \w even|strong="H5704"\w* \w to|strong="H0413"\w* \w death|strong="H4194"\w*.”

JNA 4:10 Removed trailing space in v~: \w The|strong="H0559"\w* \w LORD|strong="H3068"\w* \w said|strong="H0559"\w*, “\w You|strong="H0859"\w* \w have|strong="H1961"\w* \w been|strong="H1961"\w* \w concerned|strong="H2347"\w* \w for|strong="H5921"\w* \w the|strong="H0559"\w* vine, \w for|strong="H5921"\w* \w which|strong="H0834"\w* \w you|strong="H0859"\w* \w have|strong="H1961"\w* \w not|strong="H3808"\w* laboured, \w neither|strong="H3808"\w* \w made|strong="H1961"\w* \w it|strong="H5921"\w* \w grow|strong="H1431"\w*; \w which|strong="H0834"\w* \w came|strong="H1961"\w* \w up|strong="H5921"\w* \w in|strong="H5921"\w* \w a|strong="H1961"\w* \w night|strong="H3915"\w* \w and|strong="H1121"\w* \w perished|strong="H0006"\w* \w in|strong="H5921"\w* \w a|strong="H1961"\w* \w night|strong="H3915"\w*.

JNA 4:11 Removed trailing space in v~: Shouldn’t \w I|strong="H0589"\w* \w be|strong="H3808"\w* \w concerned|strong="H3045"\w* \w for|strong="H5921"\w* \w Nineveh|strong="H5210"\w*, \w that|strong="H0834"\w* \w great|strong="H1419"\w* \w city|strong="H5892"\w*, \w in|strong="H5921"\w* \w which|strong="H0834"\w* \w are|strong="H0834"\w* \w more|strong="H3808"\w* \w than|strong="H3808"\w* \w one|strong="H0120"\w* hundred \w and|strong="H1419"\w* twenty \w thousand|strong="H7239"\w* \w persons|strong="H0120"\w* \w who|strong="H0834"\w* \w can’t|strong="H3808"\w* \w discern|strong="H3045"\w* \w between|strong="H0996"\w* \w their|strong="H5921"\w* \w right|strong="H3225"\w* \w hand|strong="H3225"\w* \w and|strong="H1419"\w* \w their|strong="H5921"\w* \w left|strong="H8040"\w* \w hand|strong="H3225"\w*, \w and|strong="H1419"\w* \w also|strong="H3045"\w* \w many|strong="H7227"\w* \w animals|strong="H0929"\w*?”


Newline Marker Errors

JNA 1:0 Missing Introduction section (went from Header straight to Numbering section with c marker)

Modified Marker List

All Newline Marker Counts

 b: 1    c: 4    h: 1    id: 1    ide: 1    mt1: 1    mt2: 1    p: 21    q1: 11    q2: 12    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    Total: 105    v: 48  

All Newline Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 id: 1    ide: 1    h: 1    toc1: 1    toc2: 1    toc3: 1    mt2: 1    mt1: 1    b: 1    c: 4    q1: 11    q2: 12    p: 21    v: 48    Total: 105  

Functional Marker Counts

 Book Header: 1    Book ID: 1    Chapters: 4    Paragraphs: 21    Verses: 48  

Functional Marker Counts (sorted by count)

 Book ID: 1    Book Header: 1    Chapters: 4    Paragraphs: 21    Verses: 48  


Possible Character Errors

JNA 1:1 Multiple spaces in '1:1··When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” is the translation of God’s Proper Name.'

JNA 1:6 Multiple spaces in '1:6··or, gods'

JNA 1:6 Multiple spaces in '1:6··or, gods'

JNA 1:9 Multiple spaces in '1:9··The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “אֱלֹהִ֑ים” (Elohim).'

JNA 2:2 Multiple spaces in '2:2··Sheol is the place of the dead.'

All Character Counts

 0: 4    1: 19    2: 6    3: 6    4: 6    5: 5    6: 5    7: 5    8: 4    9: 4    a: 5    B: 2    e: 2    f: 2    h: 7    J: 5    k: 2    n: 5    o: 11    Space: 5    T: 2    Total: 112  

All Character Counts (sorted by count)

 T: 2    e: 2    B: 2    k: 2    f: 2    8: 4    9: 4    0: 4    J: 5    n: 5    a: 5    Space: 5    5: 5    6: 5    7: 5    2: 6    3: 6    4: 6    h: 7    o: 11    1: 19    Total: 112  

Letter Counts

 a: 5    B: 2    e: 2    f: 2    h: 7    J: 5    k: 2    n: 5    o: 11    Space: 5    T: 2    Total: 48  

Letter Counts (sorted by count)

 T: 2    e: 2    B: 2    k: 2    f: 2    J: 5    n: 5    a: 5    Space: 5    h: 7    o: 11    Total: 48  

Speech Marks

Possible Matching Errors

JNA 1:1 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Mismatched '’' speech closing character after ['“ (opened at 1:6:v)']

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Mismatched '’' speech closing character after ['“ (opened at 1:7:v)']

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:12 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:12 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:13 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:13 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Mismatched '’' speech closing character after ['“ (opened at 1:14:v)']

JNA 1:14 Mismatched '’' speech closing character after ['“ (opened at 1:14:v)']

JNA 1:14 Mismatched '’' speech closing character after ['“ (opened at 1:14:v)']

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:14 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:14 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:15 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:15 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 1:16 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 1:16 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 2:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 2:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JNA 3:3 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 3:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 3:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:1 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:1 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Mismatched '’' speech closing character after ['“ (opened at 4:2:v)']

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:2 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:2 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:3 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:3 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:4 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:4 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:5 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:5 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:6 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:6 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:7 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:7 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Unexpected '’' speech closing character

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:8 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:8 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:9 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:9 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:10 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:10 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Mismatched '’' speech closing character after ['“ (opened at 4:10:v)']

JNA 4:11 Mismatched '’' speech closing character after ['“ (opened at 4:10:v)']

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Unexpected '’' speech closing character in note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note

JNA 4:11 Improperly nested speech marks " after ['"'] in note

JNA 4:11 Unclosed ['"', '"'] speech marks at end of note


All Word Counts

All Word Counts (sorted by count)

Case Insensitive Word Counts

Case Insensitive Word Counts (sorted by count)


Title Lines

JNA -1:6 Main Title 2:The Book of
JNA -1:7 Main Title 1:Jonah


Footnote Errors

JNA 1:6 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:6 \\ft or, gods'

JNA 1:6 Footnote seems to be missing closing punctuation (period): '+ \\fr 1:6 \\ft or, gods'

Footnote Lines

JNA 1:1+ \fr 1:1 \ft When rendered in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, “LORD” or “GOD” i…Name.
JNA 1:6+ \fr 1:6 \ft or, gods
JNA 1:6+ \fr 1:6 \ft or, gods
JNA 1:9+ \fr 1:9 \ft The Hebrew word rendered “God” is “אֱלֹהִ֑ים” (Elohim).
JNA 2:2+ \fr 2:2 \ft Sheol is the place of the dead.

Leader Counts

 Footnote leader '+': 5    Footnotes: 5  

Leader Counts (sorted by count)

 Footnotes: 5    Footnote leader '+': 5