Bible originals
Bible translations
Open English Translation (OET)
Bible Drop Box
USFM Bibles
USX Bibles
OSIS Bibles
Zefania Bibles
OpenSong Bibles
Unbound Bibles
theWord Bibles
e-Sword Bibles
MySword Bibles
MDF Dictionary Drop Box
Bible studies
Bible teaching
Music and songs
You should compress your MySword Bible file into a regular zip archive. (You can't just submit the downloaded compressed .gz files -- you must uncompress them first (using WinZip or 7-Zip or similar), and then recompress them into a regular zip archive.) The filename must have a .zip extension. Take careful note of which folder you are saving your zip file into, because you will need that information in order to submit the file.
I tried installing my created MySword module directly onto the SD card of my Android phone. At first I copied it into the mysword/bibles folder but it didn't seem to be recognised there. Then I copied it into the Android/data/com.riversoft.android.mysword/files/bibles folder, restarted MySword, and my module was there.
Do let us know if you have improved instructions.
Regular MySword Bibles consist of one binary file, usually ending with a .bbl.mybible file extension (indicating that it contains Bible text). The files appear to be based on e-Sword Bible text files but with internal text formatting based on theWord Bible text files.
So the actual file format is the SQLite binary database format The Details table contains some metadata, typically: CREATE TABLE Details (Description NVARCHAR(255), Abbreviation NVARCHAR(50), Comments TEXT, Version TEXT, VersionDate DATETIME, PublishDate DATETIME, RightToLeft BOOL, OT BOOL, NT BOOL, Strong BOOL, CustomCSS TEXT). The Bible table contains the actual verse text, typically with the following schema: CREATE TABLE Bible(Book INT, Chapter INT, Verse INT, Scripture TEXT, Primary Key(Book,Chapter,Verse)).
You can view the Matigsalug demo MySword files here and the demo WEB MySword files here.
Test data: If you are able to provide any kinds of Bible files for automated testing purposes, please contact us and let us know the details so we can improve the internationalisation and ruggedness of the software for everyone’s benefit.