VerseView Bibles

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More than you wanted to know about VerseView Bibles

VerseView Bibles can be used with the OpenLP Bible and song presentation project. They are usually created by hand or by converting from another format. The files use XML and Unicode (and particularly UTF-8) international standards. They consist of only one file containing the entire available Bible books. They only contain the Bible text and no extras like book titles and introductions.

VerseView XML Bible files are quite similar to OpenSong format, except that they have extra header fields at the beginning of the file plus they use native book names (rather than only English).

Submitting VerseView files to the Bible Drop Box

You should compress your VerseView XML file into a zip archive. The filename must have a .zip extension. Take careful note of which folder you are saving your zip file into, because you will need that information in order to submit the file.

Test data: If you are able to provide any kinds of Bible files for automated testing purposes, please contact us and let us know the details so we can improve the internationalisation and ruggedness of the software for everyone’s benefit.