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The books codes used for the Bible Organisational System (BOS) consist of three alphanumeric characters that are used internally in the BOS and in filenames to indicate the contents of the book/file. The codes (often represented in the BOS software by the symbol BBB or the name referenceAbbreviation) consist of three uppercase letters (A-Z) and digits (1-4), but always starting with a letter.
The following are the v0.88 books codes:
NUM | BBB | English name |
1 | GEN | Genesis |
2 | EXO | Exodus |
3 | LEV | Leviticus |
4 | NUM | Numbers |
5 | DEU | Deuteronomy |
6 | JOS | Joshua |
7 | JDG | Judges |
8 | RUT | Ruth |
9 | SA1 | 1 Samuel (USFM 1SA) |
10 | SA2 | 2 Samuel (USFM 2SA) |
11 | KI1 | 1 Kings (USFM 1KI) |
12 | KI2 | 2 Kings (USFM 2KI) |
13 | CH1 | 1 Chronicles (USFM 1CH) |
14 | CH2 | 2 Chronicles (USFM 2CH) |
15 | EZR | Ezra |
16 | NEH | Nehemiah |
17 | EST | Esther |
18 | JOB | Job |
19 | PSA | Psalms |
20 | PRO | Proverbs |
21 | ECC | Ecclesiastes |
22 | SNG | Song of Solomon |
23 | ISA | Isaiah |
24 | JER | Jeremiah |
25 | LAM | Lamentations |
26 | EZE | Ezekiel (USFM EZK) |
27 | DAN | Daniel |
28 | HOS | Hosea |
29 | JOL | Joel |
30 | AMO | Amos |
31 | OBA | Obadiah |
32 | JNA | Jonah (USFM JON) |
33 | MIC | Micah |
34 | NAH | Nahum (USFM NAM) |
35 | HAB | Habakkuk |
36 | ZEP | Zephaniah |
37 | HAG | Haggai |
38 | ZEC | Zechariah |
39 | MAL | Malachi |
40 | MAT | Matthew |
41 | MRK | Mark |
42 | LUK | Luke |
43 | JHN | John |
44 | ACT | Acts |
45 | ROM | Romans |
46 | CO1 | 1 Corinthians (USFM 1CO) |
47 | CO2 | 2 Corinthians (USFM 2CO) |
48 | GAL | Galatians |
49 | EPH | Ephesians |
50 | PHP | Philippians |
51 | COL | Colossians |
52 | TH1 | 1 Thessalonians (USFM 1TH) |
53 | TH2 | 2 Thessalonians (USFM 2TH) |
54 | TI1 | 1 Timothy (USFM 1TI) |
55 | TI2 | 2 Timothy (USFM 2TI) |
56 | TIT | Titus |
57 | PHM | Philemon |
58 | HEB | Hebrews |
59 | JAM | James (USFM JAS) |
60 | PE1 | 1 Peter (USFM 1PE) |
61 | PE2 | 2 Peter (USFM 2PE) |
62 | JN1 | 1 John (USFM 1JN) |
63 | JN2 | 2 John (USFM 2JN) |
64 | JN3 | 3 John (USFM 3JN) |
65 | JDE | Jude (USFM JUD) |
66 | REV | Revelation |
70 | ESG | Greek Esther |
71 | ESA | Greek additions to Esther |
72 | ESC | Combined Hebrew |
73 | DNG | Greek Daniel |
74 | DNA | Greek additions to Daniel |
75 | DNC | Combined Hebrew |
80 | BEL | Bel and the dragon |
81 | SUS | Susanna |
82 | JDT | Judith |
83 | MAN | Prayer of Manasses |
84 | SIR | Sirach / Ecclesiasticus |
85 | SIP | Sirach Prologue |
86 | TOB | Tobit |
87 | WIS | Wisdom |
88 | PAZ | Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Young Men |
90 | GES | Greek Esdras |
91 | LES | Latin Esdras |
92 | EZA | Apocalypse of Ezra |
93 | EZ5 | 5 Ezra (USFM 5EZ) |
94 | EZ6 | 6 Ezra (USFM 6EZ) |
95 | RVE | Revelation of Ezra |
100 | LJE | Letter of Jeremiah |
101 | BAR | Baruch |
102 | LJB | Letter of Jeremiah with Baruch |
103 | BA2 | 2 Baruch (USFM 2BA) |
104 | LBA | Letter of Baruch |
105 | LB2 | 2 Baruch with the Letter of Baruch |
106 | BA3 | 3 Baruch |
107 | BA4 | 4 Baruch (USFM 4BA) |
108 | JRA | Additions to Jeremiah |
109 | PSJ | Pseudo-Josephus |
110 | MAC | Maccabees |
111 | MA1 | 1 Maccabees (USFM 1MA) |
112 | MA2 | 2 Maccabees (USFM 2MA) |
113 | MA3 | 3 Maccabees (USFM 3MA) |
114 | MA4 | 4 Maccabees (USFM 4MA) |
115 | MA5 | 5 Maccabees |
116 | MQ1 | 1 Meqabyan (USFM 1MQ) |
117 | MQ2 | 2 Meqabyan (USFM 2MQ) |
118 | MQ3 | 3 Meqabyan (USFM 3MQ) |
120 | PB1 | Psalms Book 1 |
121 | PB2 | Psalms Book 2 |
122 | PB3 | Psalms Book 3 |
123 | PB4 | Psalms Book 4 |
124 | PB5 | Psalms Book 5 |
125 | PSB | Psalms B |
126 | PS2 | Psalm 151 |
127 | PS3 | Syriac Psalms 152-155 |
128 | PSS | Additional Psalms of Solomon |
130 | LAO | Letter to the Laodiceans |
131 | ODE | Odes |
132 | PSO | Prayer of Solomon |
133 | PJE | Prayer of Jeremiah |
134 | WSI | Words of Sirach |
135 | COP | Letter of the Corinthians to Paul |
136 | CO3 | 3 Corinthians |
137 | EUT | Prayer of Euthalius |
138 | DOJ | Dormition of John |
140 | JUB | Jubilees |
141 | ENO | Enoch |
142 | EN2 | 2 Enoch |
143 | REP | Reproof |
144 | LBB | Letter of Barnabas |
150 | CL1 | 1 Clement |
151 | CL2 | 2 Clement |
153 | DID | Didache |
154 | JSA | Joshua A |
155 | JGB | Judges B |
156 | TBS | Tobit S |
157 | SST | Susanna θ |
158 | DNT | Daniel θ |
159 | BLT | Bel and the dragon θ |
160 | GHE | Gospel of the Hebrews |
161 | GTR | Gospel of Truth |
162 | GMA | Gospel of Mary |
163 | GMC | Gospel of Marcion |
164 | GTW | Gospel of the Twelve |
165 | GPH | Gospel of Philip |
166 | GTH | Gospel of Thomas |
167 | GJU | Gospel of Judas |
168 | GBA | Gospel of Bartholomew |
169 | AJA | Apocrypha of James |
170 | WJC | Wisdom of Jesus Christ |
180 | TAD | Testament of Adam |
181 | LAE | Life of Adam and Eve |
182 | ASS | Assumption of Moses |
183 | TSO | Testament of Solomon |
184 | TJB | Testament of Job |
185 | MAI | Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah |
186 | AEZ | Apocrypha of Ezekiel |
187 | EZT | Ezekiel the Tragedian |
188 | EUP | Eupolemus |
189 | PEU | Pseudo of Eupolemus |
190 | VAM | Visions of Amram |
191 | LAR | Letter of Aristeas |
192 | ARI | Aristeas the Exegete |
193 | ABL | Aristobulus |
194 | ART | Artapanus |
195 | CLM | Cleodemus Malchus |
196 | ELM | Eldad and Modad |
197 | HRE | History of the Rechabites |
198 | LPR | Lives of the Prophets |
199 | EPL | Philo the Epic Poet |
200 | TEO | Theodotus |
250 | TTP | Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs |
251 | TSA | Testament of Asher |
252 | TSB | Testament of Benjamin |
253 | TSD | Testament of Dan |
254 | TSG | Testament of Gad |
255 | TSI | Testament of Issachar |
256 | TSJ | Testament of Joseph |
257 | TSY | Testament of Judah |
258 | TSL | Testament of Levi |
259 | TSN | Testament of Naphtali |
260 | TSR | Testament of Reuben |
261 | TSS | Testament of Simeon |
262 | TSZ | Testament of Zebulun |
270 | JJW | Josephus Jewish War VI |
280 | SHE | Shepherd of Hermas |
281 | SHM | Shepherd of Hermas Mandates |
282 | SHS | Shepherd of Hermas Similitudes |
283 | SHV | Shepherd of Hermas Visions |
290 | IGE | Ignatius to the Ephesians |
291 | IGM | Ignatius to the Magnesians |
292 | IGT | Ignatius to the Trallians |
293 | IGR | Ignatius to the Romans |
294 | IGP | Ignatius to the Philadelphians |
295 | IGS | Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans |
296 | IGC | Ignatius to Polycarp |
297 | PCP | Polycarp to the Philippians |
298 | MPC | Martydom of Polycarp |
300 | DIO | Diognetus |
301 | APC | Apostles’ Creed |
302 | FOP | Fragments of Papias |
303 | ROE | Reliques of the Elders |
304 | FOQ | Fragment of Quadratus |
310 | TAT | Tatian |
600 | MOS | Books of Moses |
610 | SAM | Samuel |
620 | KGS | Kings |
630 | CHR | Chronicles |
640 | EZN | Ezra-Nehemiah |
650 | P12 | Twelve Prophets |
690 | LKA | Luke-Acts |
700 | FRT | Generic front matter |
705 | PRF | Preface |
710 | ACK | Acknowledgements |
715 | INT | Introduction |
720 | TOC | Table of Contents |
725 | GLS | Glossary |
730 | CNC | Concordance |
735 | TPC | Topical Concordance |
740 | IXN | Names Index |
745 | IXP | Places Index |
750 | MAP | Maps |
755 | IXT | Thematic Index |
760 | BAK | Generic back matter |
870 | OTH | Unspecified other OTH |
880 | WRD | Spelling dictionary |
885 | HYP | Hyphenation dictionary |
890 | SEM | Semantic Database |
800 | XXA | Unspecified extra XXA |
810 | XXB | Unspecified extra XXB |
820 | XXC | Unspecified extra XXC |
830 | XXD | Unspecified extra XXD |
840 | XXE | Unspecified extra XXE |
850 | XXF | Unspecified extra XXF |
860 | XXG | Unspecified extra XXG |
Note for programmers: The master file for these BOS books codes can be seen here.