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If you haven't seen it yet, you should read the Introduction Page before continuing to read this page. Here, we try to carefully specify all of the guidelines for translating the Literal Version of the Open English Translation of the Bible (OET).
See also the Frequently Asked Questions.
The specifications which are common to all of the OET versions can be found on this page. You should study them before reading further.
The OET Literal Version will include textual, grammatical, and semantic tagging. A full list of tags and special characters can be found here. You should study them before reading further.
The OET-LV is aimed at students who don't read the original languages themselves, but want to get a good idea of what they actually say. It will attempt to follow the original (Hebrew and Greek) Scriptures as closely as possible (at the expense of sounding "wooden" in English). Idioms and other figurative language won't be adjusted, but basic punctuation (mostly commas and fullstops but NOT speech marks) will be added to help the reader.
It's intended to be a reference translation so that those reading other more dynamic translations (especially other OET versions) will be able to refer back to the Literal Version to see what words were actually in the original languages.
The special tags and markings within the OET-LV aren't necessarily intended to be displayed directly to the reader. Digital publications (such as Internet pages and on eBook readers) are able to make use of a variety of font styles, sizes and colours. Traditional print publications have usually only used bolder font styles for headings, italics for some special purposes (such as words not in the original languages), and perhaps red words for Jesus' words. The following lists show how we might expect the OET-LV to be rendered in both print and digital publications:
Each book will contain an internal version number of the form Vx.x.xx. So far, the following books have been started:
0.0.01 | Genesis |
0.0.01 | Daniel |
0.2.02 | Jonah |
0.0.01 | Matthew |
0.0.01 | James |
Preliminary sample text: Jonah (UTF-8 USFM text file) or PDF. There may be more provided on the Downloads Page.