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UBS Dictionary of the Hebrew New Testament



MainId: 001603000000000

Version: 5

HasAramaic: False

InLXX: False

AlphaPos: ד

StrongCodes: H1744

Authors: Enio R. Mueller


  1. BaseFormID: 001603001000000

    PartsOfSpeech: nsf


    1. LEXID: 001603001001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: {'DomainCode': '001001002001005', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Birds'}


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2015-12-28 11:33:41

        DefinitionShort: = bird about the size of a large dove, with a ginger colored head and body, and with wings and a tail that have black and white stripes; it has a long slender beak that curves slightly, and a long crest on its head, which it can erect into a fan shape; it has rather floppy wings and rises and falls as it flies; it spends a lot of time walking around on the ground looking for food; it eats insects and their larvae, termites, worms, small frogs, and beetles;◄ |iUpupa epops|i*; ► unclean and therefore not to be eaten

        Glosses: hoopoe

      LEXReferences: LEV 11:19, DEU 14:18

      LEXLinks: Fauna:3.12

      LEXCoreDomains: {'DomainCode': '010', 'DomainSource': None, 'DomainSourceCode': None, 'Domain': 'Animal'}