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Wyc DAN Chapter 13

DAN 13 ©

13A man was in Babiloyne, and his name was Joachim. 2And he took a wijf, Susanne bi name, the douyter of Helchie, a womman ful fair, and dredynge the Lord. 3Forsothe hir fadir and modir, whanne thei weren riytful, tauyten her douyter bi the lawe of Moises. 4Sotheli Joachim was ful riche, and he hadde a gardyn niy his hous; and the Jewis camen to hym, for he was the moost worschipful of alle. 5And tweyne elde men weren ordeyned iugis in that yeer, of whiche the Lord spak, that wickidnesse yede out of Babiloyne, of the eldere iugis that semeden to gouerne the puple. 6These iugis vsiden oft the hous of Joachym; and alle men that hadden domes camen to hem. 7Forsothe whanne the puple hadde turned ayen after myddai, Susanne entride, and walkide in the gardyn of hir hosebonde. 8And the eldre men siyen hir entrynge ech dai, and walkynge; and thei brenten out in to `the couetise of hir. 9And thei turneden awei her wit, and bowiden doun her iyen, that thei siyen not heuene, nether bithouyten on iust domes. 10Sotheli bothe weren woundid bi the loue of hir, and thei schewiden not her sorewe to hem silf togidere; 11for thei weren aschamed to schewe to hem silf her coueitise, willynge to ligge fleischli bi hir. 12And thei aspieden ech dai more bisili to se hir. 13And oon seide to the tothir, Go we hoom, for the our of mete is. And thei yeden out, and departiden fro hem silf. 14And whanne thei hadden turned ayen, thei camen in to o place; and thei axiden ech of othere the cause, and thei knoulechiden her coueitise. And thanne in comyn thei ordeyneden a tyme, whanne thei miyten fynde hir aloone. 15Forsothe it was doon, whanne thei aspieden a couenable dai, sche entride sumtyme, as yistirdai and the thridde dai ago, with twei damysels aloone, and wolde be waischun in the gardyn; for whi heete was. 16And no man was there, outakun tweyne elde men hid, biholdynge hir. 17Therfor sche saide to the damysels, Bringe ye to me oile, and oynementis; and close ye the doris of the gardyn, that Y be waischun. 18And thei diden as sche `hadde comaundid; and thei closiden the doris of the gardyn, and yeden out bi a posterne, to bringe tho thingis that sche hadde comaundid. And thei wisten not, that the elde men weren hid with ynne. 19Sotheli whanne the damysels weren gon out, tweyne elde men risiden, and runnen to hir, and seiden, Lo! 20the doris of the gardyn ben closid, and no man seeth vs, and we ben in `the coueitise of thee. Wherfor assente thou to vs, and be thou meddlid with vs. 21That if thou wolt not, we schulen seie witnessyng ayens thee, that a yong man was with thee, and for this cause thou sentist out the damesels fro thee. 22And Susanne inwardli sorewide, and seide, Angwischis ben to me on ech side; for if Y do this, deth is to me; forsothe if Y do not, Y schal not ascape youre hondis. 23But it is betere for me to falle in to youre hondis without werk, than to do synne in the siyt of the Lord. 24And Susanne criede `an hiy with greet vois, but also the elde men crieden ayens hir. 25Forsothe oon ran, and openede the door of the gardyn. 26Sotheli whanne the seruauntis of the hous hadden herd the cry in the gardyn, thei fellen in bi the posterne, to se what it was. 27But after that the elde men spaken, the seruauntis weren aschamed greetly, for neuer was siche a word seid of Susanne. And the morew dai was maad. 28And whanne the puple was comyn to Joachym, hir hosebonde, also the twei prestis fulle of wickid thouyte camen ayens Susanne, for to sle hir. 29And thei seiden bifor al the puple, Sende ye to Susanne, the douyter of Helchie, the wijf of Joachym. And anoon thei senten. 30And sche cam with hir fadir, and modir, and children, and alle kynesmen. 31Certis Susanne was ful delicat, and fair of schap. 32And tho wickid men comaundiden, that sche schulde be vnhilid, for sche was kyuered; that nameli so thei schuldun be fillid of hir fairnesse. 33Therfor hir kynesmen wepten, and alle that knewen hir. 34Forsothe the twei prestis risiden togidere in the myddis of the puple, and settiden her hondis on the heed of hir. 35And sche wepte, and bihelde to heuene, and hir herte hadde trist in the Lord. 36And the prestis seiden, Whanne we walkiden aloone in the gardyn, this Susanne entride with twei damesels; and sche closide the dore of the gardyn, and lefte the damesels. 37And a yong man, that was hid, cam to hir, and lai bi hir. 38Certis whanne we weren in a corner of the gardyn, we sien the wickidnesse, and runnen to hem, and we sien hem meddlid togidere. 39And sotheli we myyten not take hym, for he was strongere than we; and whanne he hadde opened the doris, he skippide out. 40But whanne we hadde take this womman, we axiden, who was the yonge man; and sche nolde schewe to vs. Of this thing we ben witnessis. 41The multitude bileuede to hem, as to the eldre men and iugis of the puple, and condempneden hir to deth. 42Forsothe Susanne criede loud with greet vois, and seide, Lord God, without bigynnyng and ende, that art knowere of hid thingis, that knowist alle thingis bifore that tho ben don; 43thou wost, that thei han bore fals witnessyng ayens me. And lo! Y dye, whanne Y haue not do ony of these thingis, whiche these men han maad maliciously ayens me. 44Forsothe the Lord herde the vois of hir. 45And whanne she was led to the deth, the Lord reiside the hooli spirit of a yonge child, whos name was Danyel. 46And he criede loude with a greet vois, Y am cleene of the blood of this womman. 47And al the puple turned ayen to hym, and seide, What is this word, which thou hast spoke? 48And whanne he stood in the myddis of hem, he seide, So ye, fonned children of Israel, not demynge nether knowynge that that is trewe, condempneden the douyter of Israel. 49Turne ye ayen to the dom, for thei spaken fals witnessyng ayens hir. 50Therfor the puple turnede ayen with haaste. And the elde men seiden to hym, Come thou, and sitte in the myddis of vs, and schewe to vs; for God hath youe to thee the onour of eelde. 51And Danyel seide to hem, Departe ye hem atwynny fer, and Y schal deme hem. 52Therfor, whanne thei weren departid oon fro the tother, he clepide oon of hem, and seide to hym, Thou elde man of yuel daies, now thi synnes ben comun, whiche thou wrouytist bifore, 53demynge vniust domes, oppressynge innocentis, and delyuerynge gilti men, whanne the Lord seith, Thou schalt not sle an innocent and iust man. 54But now if thou siest hir, seie thou, vndur what tree thou siest hem spekynge togidere to hem silf? Which seide, Vndur an haw tree. 55Forsothe Danyel seide, Riytli thou liest in thin heed; for lo! the angel of the Lord, bi a sentence takun of hym, schal kitte thee bi the myddil. 56And whanne he was stirid awei, he comaundide the tother to come, and seide to hym, Thou seed of Canaan, and not of Juda, fairnesse hath disseyued thee, and coueitise hath misturned thin herte; 57thus ye diden to the douytris of Israel, and thei dredden, and spaken to you, but the douyter of Juda suffride not youre wickidnesse. 58Now therfor seie thou to me, vndur what tree thou siest hem spekynge togidere to hem silf? 59Which seide, Vndur a blak thorn. Forsothe Danyel seide to hym, Riytli also thou liest in thin heed; for the aungel of the Lord dwellith, and hath a swerd, that he kitte thee bi the myddil, and sle you. 60Therfor al the puple criede lowde with greet vois, and blessiden `the Lord, that saueth hem that hopen in hym. 61And thei risiden togidere ayens the twei preestis; for Danyel hadde conuyctid hem bi her mouth, that thei hadden bore fals witnessyng; and thei diden to hem, as thei hadden do yuele ayens the neiyboresse, 62that thei schulden do bi the lawe of Moises, and thei killiden hem. And giltles blood was sauyd in that dai. 63Forsothe Helchie and his wijf herieden the Lord in that day, for Susanne, her douyter, with Joachym, hir hosebonde, and with alle hir kynesmen, for a foul thing was not foundun in hir. 64Forsothe Danyel was maad greet in the siyt of the puple, fro that dai and afterward. 65And kyng Astriages was put to his fadris, and Sirus of Perseis took his rewme.

DAN 13 ©
