Bible Drop Box Checks by Book


ALLAll Books
FRTAuthor Introduction
GENThe First Book of Torah, Genesis [Origin] / B'resheet [In the Beginning]
EXOThe Second Book of Torah, Exodus [Departure] / Sh'mot [Names]
LEVThe Third Book of Torah, Leviticus [Pertaining to the Levites] / Vayikra [And he called]
NUMThe Fourth Book of Torah, Numbers / B'midbar [In the desert]
DEUThe Fifth Book of Torah, Deuteronomy [Second giving of Torah] / D'varim [Words, Things, Bees]
PSAPsalms [Praises] / Tehillim [Praises]
PS2Psalms 151 [Praises]
PROProverbs [Sayings] / Mishlei [Parables]
ISAThe Book of the Prophet Isaiah / Yesha'yahu [Salvation of Yah]
MA1The First Book of the Maccabees [Hammers]
MATThe Good News Recorded by Matthew / Mattiyahu [Gift of Yah]
MRKThe Good News Recorded by Mark [Hammer, Dedicated to war deity]
LUKThe Good News Recorded by Luke [White-light]
JHNThe Good News Recorded by John / Yochanan [Yah is gracious]
CNCKey Verse
XXAAppendix A
XXBAppendix B
XXCAppendix C
XXDAppendx D
XXEUnspecified extra XXE
XXFUnspecified extra XXF
XXGUnspecified extra XXG
OTHUnspecified other OTH

Note that the checking program does make some changes to some markers internally, e.g., \s will be converted internally to \s1, and \q to \q1. You may need to be aware of this when comparing these messages with the actual codes present in your files.