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2CH 11:18–11:23 ©

The pamilya of Rihubuwam

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Readers’ Version

Literal Version 

11:18 The pamilya of Rihubuwam


18And_he/it_took to_him/it Rəaḩvəˊām a_wife DOM Mahalath the_daughter[fn] of_Jerimoth the_son of_Dāvid Abihail the_daughter of_Eliab the_son of_Yishay.
19And_she/it_gave_birth to_him/it sons DOM Jeush and_DOM Shemariah and_DOM Zaham.
20And_after_her he_took DOM Maacah the_daughter of_Absalom and_she/it_gave_birth to_him/it DOM ʼAvīāh and_DOM Attai and_DOM Ziza and_DOM Shelomith.
21And_loved Rəaḩvəˊām DOM Maacah the_daughter of_Absalom from_all wives_his and_concubines_him DOM wives eight- teen he_had_taken and_concubines sixty and_he/it_fathered twenty and_eight sons and_sixty daughters.
22And_appointed as_the_chief Rəaḩvəˊām DOM ʼAvīāh the_son of_Maacah as_prince in/on/at/with_brothers_his DOM to_make_king_him.
23And_dealt_wisely and_distributed from_all sons_his to/from_all/each/any/every the_lands of_Yəhūdāh and_Binəyāmīn to_all/each/any/every the_cities the_fortified and_he/it_gave to/for_them the_provisions to_increase_in_number and_sought a_multitude of_wives.

11:18 Variant note: בן: (x-qere) ’בַּת’: lemma_1323 morph_HNcfsc id_14jsc בַּת

2CH 11:18–11:23 ©
