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Wyc EST Chapter 10

EST 10 ©

10Forsothe kyng Assuerus made tributarye ech lond, and alle the ilis of the see; 2whos strengthe and empire and dignyte and hiynesse, by which he enhaunside Mardochee, ben writun in the bookis of Medeis and of Persis; 3and how Mardochee of the kyn of Jewis was the secounde fro king Assuerus, and was greet anentis Jewis, and acceptable to the puple of hise britheren, and he souyte goodis to his puple, and spak tho thingis, that perteyneden to the pees of his seed. 4And Mardochee seide, These thingis ben doon of God. 5Y haue mynde on the dreem, which `Y siy, signifiynge these same thingis, and no thing of tho was voide. 6A litil welle, that wexide in to a flood, and was turned in to the liyt and sunne, and turnede ayen in to ful many watris, is Hester, whom the kyng took in to wijf, and wolde that sche were his queen. 7Sotheli twei dragouns, Y am and Aaman; 8folkis that camen togidere, ben these, that enforsiden to do a wei the name of Jewis. 9Sotheli my folk Israel it is, that criede to the Lord; and the Lord made saaf his puple, and delyueride vs fro alle yuels, and dide grete signes and wondris among hethene men; 10and he comaundide twei lottis to be, oon of Goddis puple, and the tother of alle hethene men. 11And euer either lot cam in to `determynd dai thanne fro that tyme bifor God and alle folkis. 12And the Lord hadde mynde on his puple, and hadde merci on his eritage. 13And these daies schulen be kept in the monethe Adar, in the fourtenthe `and the fiftenthe dai of the same monethe, with al bisynesse and ioie of the puple gaderid in to o cumpenye, in to alle generaciouns of the puple of Israel aftirward.

EST 10 ©
