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KJB-1611 by section SIR Intro:13

SIR Intro:13–Intro:14 ©

¶ A Prologue made by an vncertaine Authour.

¶ A Prologue made by an vncertaine Authour.

This Iesus was the sonne of Sirach, and grand-childe to Iesus of the same name with him; This man therefore liued in the latter times, after the people had bene led away captiue, and called home againe, and almost after all the Prophets. Now his grandfather Iesus (as he himselfe witnesseth) was a man of great diligence and wisedome among the Hebrewes, who did not onely gather the graue and short Sentences of wise men, that had bene before him, but himselfe also vttered some of his owne, full of much vnderstanding and wisedome. When as therefore the first Iesus died, leauing this booke almost perfected, Sirach his sonne receiuing it after him, left it to his owne sonne Iesus, who hauing gotten it into his hands, compiled it all orderly into one Volume, and called it Wisdome, Intituling it, both by his owne name, his fathers name, and his grandfathers, alluring the hearer by the very name of Wisedome, to haue a greater loue to the studie of this Booke. It conteineth therefore wise Sayings, darke Sentences, and Parables, and certaine particular ancient godly stories of men that pleased God. Also his Prayer and Song. Moreouer, what benefits God had vouchsafed his people, and what plagues he had heaped vpon their enemies. This Iesus did imitate Solomon, and was no lesse famous for Wisedome, and learning, both being indeed a man of great learning, and so reputed also.

SIR Intro:13–Intro:14 ©
