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OET-RV 2COR Chapter 8


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

8:1 Encouragement to be generous

8[ref]And then, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about how God showed kindness to the assemblies in Macedonia 2in that as they proved themselves in a time of persecution, they continued to show great positivity and from the depth of their poverty, their generosity resulted in plentiful riches. 3So I’m testifying about their ability, and besides that, they voluntarily 4and enthusiastically begged us to allow them the grace and fellowship that would come from their service to other believers. 5It wasn’t something that we expected of them, but they gave themselvesfirstly to the master, and also to us by God’s will. 6So we encouraged Titos that just as he began to do previously, that he would go on to cultivate this generosity in you. 7But since you’re all prolific in everything—in faith and speech and knowledge and all earnestness and in the love from us to you all—make sure that you’re all prolific in this grace of giving.

8I’m not saying this as a command, but approving the genuineness of your love through the earnestness of others. 9because you all have experienced the grace of our master Yeshua Messiah: that although he was rich, he became poor so that all of you in your poverty might become rich.

10And I’m giving my opinion on this because it’s beneficial for you all not only to do what began last year, but to do it willingly. 11Now you should see this through so that you’re all not just ready to be willing, but also to actually accomplish that from what you have, 12because if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what they do not have.

13Of course, it’s not that others should be relaxing while you all endure difficulty, but with an aim of equality. 14At the present time, your excess will help those who’re in need—another time their excess might meet your need to bring about equality. 15As the scriptures say:[ref]

‘The person who gathered much didn’t have too much,

and the person who gathered little didn’t have any lack.’

8:16 Concerning Titos and his companions

16But may God be thanked for putting the same earnestness for you all into Titos’ mind 17because indeed he accepted our appeal, but being so earnest he volunteered to visit you all. 18And we sent another brother along with him, who is praised by all the assemblies for his good message, 19and not only that, he was also chosen by the assemblies as our travelling companion as we bring this gift as our service for the master’s honour and for our readiness. 20We want to avoid the possibility of being criticised in our excitement in serving this way, 21[ref]because we are providing good, not only towards the master, but also for people.

22We also sent with them another brother who we approved of in many ways—often being diligent, but now much more diligent because of his high confidence in you all. 23Concerning Titos, he is my partner and your fellow-worker, and the accompanying brothers are ambassadors of the assemblies which are Messiah’s splendour, 24so show them signs of your love and fulfil what we boasted about you all in the various assemblies.

8:1-4: Rom 15:26.

8:15: Exo 16:18.

8:21: Prv 3:4 (LXX).

