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KJB-1611 LES Chapter 2

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II 1 God complaineth of his people: 10 Yet Esdras is willed to comfort them. 34 Because they refused, the Gentiles are called. 43 Esdras seeth the Sonne of God, and those that are crowned by him.

II¶ Thus saith the Lord, I brought this people out of bondage, and I gaue them my Commaundements by my seruants the prophets, whom they would not heare, but despised my counsailes. 2The mother that bare them, saith vnto them, Goe your way ye children, for I am a widow, and forsaken. 3I brought you vp with gladnesse, but with sorrow and heauinesse haue I lost you: for yee haue sinned before the Lord your God, and done that thing that is euil before him. 4But what shall I now doe vnto you? I am a widow and forsaken: goe your way, O my children, and aske mercy of the Lord. 5As for mee, O father, I call vpon thee for a witnesse ouer the mother of these children, which would not keepe my Couenant, 6That thou bring them to confusion, and their mother to a spoile, that there may be no off spring of them. 7Let them bee scattered abroad among the heathen, let their names bee put out of the earth: for they haue despised my [fn]Couenant. 8Woe be vnto thee Assur, thou that hidest the vnrighteous in thee, O thou wicked people, remember [fn]what I did vnto Sodome and Gomorrhe. 9Whose land lieth in clods of pitch and heapes of ashes: euen so also wil I doe vnto them that heare me not, saith the Almightie Lord. 10Thus saith the Lord vnto Esdras, Tell my people that I will giue them the kingdome of Hierusalem, which I would haue giuen vnto Israel. 11Their glory also wil I take vnto mee, and giue these the euerlasting Tabernacles, which I had prepared for them. 12They shall haue the tree of Life for an oyntment of sweet sauour, they shall nether labour, nor be weary. 13Goe and yee shall receiue: pray for few dayes vnto you, that they may be shortned: the kingdome is already prepared for you: Watch. 14Take heauen and earth to witnesse; for I haue broken the euill in pieces, and created the good; for I liue, saith the Lord. 15Mother, embrace thy children, and [fn]bring them vp with gladnesse, make their feet as fast as a pillar: for I haue chosen thee, saith the Lord. 16And those that be dead wil I raise vp againe from their places, and bring them out of the graues: for I haue knowen [fn]my Name in Israel. 17Feare not thou mother of the children: for I haue chosen thee, saith the Lord. 18For thy helpe I will send my seruants Esay and Ieremie, after whose counsaile I haue sanctified and prepared for thee twelue trees, laden with diuers fruits; 19And as many fountaines flowing with milke and hony: and seuen mightie mountaines, whereupon there grow roses and lillies, whereby I will fill thy children with ioy. 20Doe right to the widow, iudge for the fatherlesse, giue to the poore, defend the orphane, clothe the naked, 21Heale the broken and the weake, laugh not a lame man to scorne, defend the maimed, and let the blind man come into the sight of my clearenesse. 22Keepe the olde and yong within thy walles. 23[fn][fn]Wheresouer thou findest the dead, take them and bury them, and I will giue thee the first place in my resurrection. 24Abide still, O my people, and take thy rest, for thy quietnesse shall come. 25Nourish thy children, O thou good nource, stablish their feete. 26As for the seruants whom I haue giuen thee, there shall not one of them perish; for I will require them from among thy number. 27Be not weary, for when the day of trouble and heauinesse commeth, others shal weepe and be sorrowfull, but thou shalt be merry, and haue abundance. 28The heathen shall enuie thee, but they shall be able to doe nothing against thee, sayth the Lord. 29My hands shal couer thee, so that thy children shall not see hell. 30Be ioyfull, O thou mother, with thy children, for I will deliuer thee, sayth the Lord. 31Remember thy children that sleep, for I shall bring them out of the sides of the earth, and shew mercy vnto them: for I am mercifull, sayth the Lord Almightie. 32[fn]Embrace thy children vntill I come and shew mercy vnto them: for my welles runne ouer, and my grace shall not faile. 33I Esdras receiued a charge of the Lord vpon the mount Oreb, that I should goe vnto Israel; but when I came vnto them, they set me at nought, and despised the commandement of the Lord. 34And therefore I say vnto you, O yee heathen, that heare and vnderstand, Looke for your shepheard, hee shall giue you euerlasting rest; for he is nigh at hand, that shall come in the end of the world. 35Be ready to the reward of the kingdome, for the euerlasting light shal shine vpon you for euermore. 36Flee the shadow of this world, receiue the ioyfulnesse of your glory: I testifie my Sauiour openly. 37O receiue the gift that is giuen you, and be glad, giuing thankes vnto him that hath called you to the heauenly kingdome. 38[fn]Arise vp and stand, behold the number of those that be sealed in the feast of the Lord: 39Which are departed from the shadow of the world, and haue receiued glorious garments of the Lord. 40[fn]Take thy number, O Sion, and shut vp those of thine that are clothed in white, which haue fulfilled the Law of the Lord. 41The number of thy children whom thou longedst for, is fulfilled: beseech the power of the Lord, that thy people which haue been called from the beginning, may be hallowed. 42[fn]I Esdras saw vpon the mount Sion a great people, whom I could not number, and they all praised the Lord with songs. 43And in the middest of them there was a young man of a high stature, taller then all the rest, and vpon euery one of their heads he set crownes, and was more exalted, which I marueiled at greatly. 44[fn]So I asked the Angel, and said, Sir, what are these? 45Hee answered, and said vnto me, These be they that haue put off the mortall clothing, and put on the immortall, and haue confessed the Name of God: now are they crowned, and receiue palmes. 46Then sayd I vnto the Angel, What yong person is it that crowneth them, and giueth them palmes in their handes? 47So hee answered, and said vnto me, It is the sonne of God, whom they haue confessed in the world. Then began I greatly to commend them, that stood so stiffely for the Name of the Lord. 48Then the Angel sayd vnto me, Goe thy way, and tell my people what maner of things, and how great wonders of the Lord thy God thou hast seene.

2:7 Sacrament or oath.

2:8 Gene. 19. 24.

2:15 Or, bring them vp with gladnesse as a done: make their feet fast. For, &c.

2:16 Or, thy name, O Israel.

2:23 Tob.17. 18.

2:23 Signing bury them.

2:32 Or, preach.

2:38 Or, for.

2:40 Lat. conclude.

2:42 Reu.7.9.

2:44 Or, Lord.

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