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KJB-1611 LES


¶ II.   E S D R A S.

I 1 Esdras is commanded to reproue the people. 24 God threatneth to cast them off, 35 and to giue their houses to a people of more grace then they.

I¶ The second booke of the Prophet [fn]Esdras the sonne of Saraias, the sonne of Azarias, the sonne of Helchias, the sonne of [fn]Sadamias, the sonne of Sadoc, the sonne of Achitob, 2The sonne of Achias, the sonne of Phinees, the sonne of Heli, the sonne of Amarias, the sonne of Aziei, the sonne of Marimoth, the sonne of Arna, the sonne of Ozias, the sonne of Borith, the sonne of Abisei, the sonne of Phinees, the sonne of Eleazar, 3The sonne of Aaron, of the Tribe of Leui, which was captiue in the land of the Medes, in the reigne of Artaxerxes king of the Persians. 4[fn]And the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying, 5Goe thy way, and shew my people their sinfull deeds, and their children their wickednes which they haue done against me, that they may tell their childrens children, 6Because the sinnes of their fathers are increased in them: for they haue forgotten me, & haue offered vnto strange gods. 7Am not I euen hee that brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage? but they haue prouoked me vnto wrath, and despised my counsels. 8Pull thou off then the haire of thy head, and cast all euill vpon them, for they haue not beene obedient vnto my law, but it is a rebellious people. 9How long shall I forbeare them vnto whō I haue done so much good? 10[fn]Many kings haue I destroyed for their sakes, Pharao with his seruants, and all his power haue I smitten downe. 11All the nations haue I destroyed before them, [fn]& in the East I haue scattered the people of two prouinces, euen of Tyrus and Sidon, and haue slaine all their enemies. 12Speake thou therefore vnto them saying, Thus saith the Lord, 13[fn]I led you through the Sea, and in the beginning gaue you a large and safe [fn]passage, [fn]I gaue you Moyses for a leader, and Aaron for a priest, 14[fn]I gaue you light in a pillar of fire, and great wonders haue I done among you, yet haue you forgotten me, saith the Lord. 15Thus saith the Almightie Lord, The quailes [fn]were as a token for you, I gaue you tents for your safegard, neuerthelesse you murmured there, 16And triumphed not in my name for the destruction of your enemies, but euer to this day doe ye yet murmure. 17Where are the benefits that I haue done for you? when you were hungry and thirstie in the wildernesse, [fn]did you not crie vnto me? 18Saying, Why hast thou brought vs into this wildernesse to kill vs? It had bin better for vs to haue serued the Egyptians, then to die in this wildernesse. 19Then had I pity vpon your mournings, and gaue you Manna to eat, [fn]so ye did eate Angels bread. 20[fn][fn]When ye were thirstie, did I not cleaue the rocke, and waters flowed out to your fill? for the heate I couered you with the leaues of the trees. 21I diuided amongst you a fruitfull land, I cast out the Canaanites, the Pherezites, and the Philistines before you: [fn]what shall I yet doe more for you: saith the Lord? 22Thus saith the Almighty Lord, when you were in the wildernes in the riuer of the [fn]Amorites, being athirst, and blaspheming my Name, 23I gaue you not fire for your blasphemies, but cast a tree in the water, and made the riuer sweet. 24What shall I doe vnto thee, O Iacob? thou [fn]Iuda wouldest not obey me: I will turne me to other nations, and vnto those will I giue my Name, that they may keepe my Statutes. 25Seeing yee haue forsaken mee, I will forsake you also: when yee desire me to be gracious vnto you, I shall haue no mercy vpon you. 26[fn]Whensoeuer you shall call vpon me, I will not heare you: for yee haue defiled your hands with blood, and your feete are swift to commit manslaughter. 27Yee haue not as it were forsaken me, but your owne selues, saith the Lord. 28Thus saith the Almighty Lord, Haue I not prayed you as a father his sonnes, as a mother her daughters, and a nurse her young babes, 29That yee would be my people, [fn]and I shoud be your God, that ye would be my children, and I should be your father? 30[fn]I gathered you together, as a henne gathereth her chickens vnder her wings: but now, what shall I doe vnto you? I will cast you out from my face. 31[fn]When you offer vnto me, I will turne my face from you: for your solemne feast dayes, your newe Moone, and your circumcisions haue I forsaken. 32I sent vnto you my seruants the Prophets, whom yee haue taken and slaine, and torne their bodies in pieces, whose blood I will require of your hands, saith the Lord. 33Thus saith the Almighty Lord, Your house is desolate, I will cast you out, as the wind doth stubble. 34And your children shall not bee fruitful: for they haue despised my Commandement, and done the thing that is euill before me. 35Your houses wil I giue to a people that shall come, which not hauing heard of mee, yet shall beleeue mee, to whom I haue shewed no signes, yet they shall doe that I haue commaunded them. 36They haue seene no Prophets, yet they shall call their sinnes to remembrance, and acknowledge them. 37I take to witnesse the grace of the people to come, whose little ones reioyce in gladnesse: and though they haue not seene me with bodily eyes, yet in spirit they beleeue the thing that I say. 38And now brother, behold what glory: and see the people that commeth from the East. 39Unto whom I will giue for leaders, Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, Oseas, Amos, and Micheas, Ioel, Abdias, and Ionas, 40Nahum, and Abacuc, Sophonias, Aggeus, Zacharie, and Malachie, which is called also an [fn]Angel of the Lord.

II 1 God complaineth of his people: 10 Yet Esdras is willed to comfort them. 34 Because they refused, the Gentiles are called. 43 Esdras seeth the Sonne of God, and those that are crowned by him.

II¶ Thus saith the Lord, I brought this people out of bondage, and I gaue them my Commaundements by my seruants the prophets, whom they would not heare, but despised my counsailes. 2The mother that bare them, saith vnto them, Goe your way ye children, for I am a widow, and forsaken. 3I brought you vp with gladnesse, but with sorrow and heauinesse haue I lost you: for yee haue sinned before the Lord your God, and done that thing that is euil before him. 4But what shall I now doe vnto you? I am a widow and forsaken: goe your way, O my children, and aske mercy of the Lord. 5As for mee, O father, I call vpon thee for a witnesse ouer the mother of these children, which would not keepe my Couenant, 6That thou bring them to confusion, and their mother to a spoile, that there may be no off spring of them. 7Let them bee scattered abroad among the heathen, let their names bee put out of the earth: for they haue despised my [fn]Couenant. 8Woe be vnto thee Assur, thou that hidest the vnrighteous in thee, O thou wicked people, remember [fn]what I did vnto Sodome and Gomorrhe. 9Whose land lieth in clods of pitch and heapes of ashes: euen so also wil I doe vnto them that heare me not, saith the Almightie Lord. 10Thus saith the Lord vnto Esdras, Tell my people that I will giue them the kingdome of Hierusalem, which I would haue giuen vnto Israel. 11Their glory also wil I take vnto mee, and giue these the euerlasting Tabernacles, which I had prepared for them. 12They shall haue the tree of Life for an oyntment of sweet sauour, they shall nether labour, nor be weary. 13Goe and yee shall receiue: pray for few dayes vnto you, that they may be shortned: the kingdome is already prepared for you: Watch. 14Take heauen and earth to witnesse; for I haue broken the euill in pieces, and created the good; for I liue, saith the Lord. 15Mother, embrace thy children, and [fn]bring them vp with gladnesse, make their feet as fast as a pillar: for I haue chosen thee, saith the Lord. 16And those that be dead wil I raise vp againe from their places, and bring them out of the graues: for I haue knowen [fn]my Name in Israel. 17Feare not thou mother of the children: for I haue chosen thee, saith the Lord. 18For thy helpe I will send my seruants Esay and Ieremie, after whose counsaile I haue sanctified and prepared for thee twelue trees, laden with diuers fruits; 19And as many fountaines flowing with milke and hony: and seuen mightie mountaines, whereupon there grow roses and lillies, whereby I will fill thy children with ioy. 20Doe right to the widow, iudge for the fatherlesse, giue to the poore, defend the orphane, clothe the naked, 21Heale the broken and the weake, laugh not a lame man to scorne, defend the maimed, and let the blind man come into the sight of my clearenesse. 22Keepe the olde and yong within thy walles. 23[fn][fn]Wheresouer thou findest the dead, take them and bury them, and I will giue thee the first place in my resurrection. 24Abide still, O my people, and take thy rest, for thy quietnesse shall come. 25Nourish thy children, O thou good nource, stablish their feete. 26As for the seruants whom I haue giuen thee, there shall not one of them perish; for I will require them from among thy number. 27Be not weary, for when the day of trouble and heauinesse commeth, others shal weepe and be sorrowfull, but thou shalt be merry, and haue abundance. 28The heathen shall enuie thee, but they shall be able to doe nothing against thee, sayth the Lord. 29My hands shal couer thee, so that thy children shall not see hell. 30Be ioyfull, O thou mother, with thy children, for I will deliuer thee, sayth the Lord. 31Remember thy children that sleep, for I shall bring them out of the sides of the earth, and shew mercy vnto them: for I am mercifull, sayth the Lord Almightie. 32[fn]Embrace thy children vntill I come and shew mercy vnto them: for my welles runne ouer, and my grace shall not faile. 33I Esdras receiued a charge of the Lord vpon the mount Oreb, that I should goe vnto Israel; but when I came vnto them, they set me at nought, and despised the commandement of the Lord. 34And therefore I say vnto you, O yee heathen, that heare and vnderstand, Looke for your shepheard, hee shall giue you euerlasting rest; for he is nigh at hand, that shall come in the end of the world. 35Be ready to the reward of the kingdome, for the euerlasting light shal shine vpon you for euermore. 36Flee the shadow of this world, receiue the ioyfulnesse of your glory: I testifie my Sauiour openly. 37O receiue the gift that is giuen you, and be glad, giuing thankes vnto him that hath called you to the heauenly kingdome. 38[fn]Arise vp and stand, behold the number of those that be sealed in the feast of the Lord: 39Which are departed from the shadow of the world, and haue receiued glorious garments of the Lord. 40[fn]Take thy number, O Sion, and shut vp those of thine that are clothed in white, which haue fulfilled the Law of the Lord. 41The number of thy children whom thou longedst for, is fulfilled: beseech the power of the Lord, that thy people which haue been called from the beginning, may be hallowed. 42[fn]I Esdras saw vpon the mount Sion a great people, whom I could not number, and they all praised the Lord with songs. 43And in the middest of them there was a young man of a high stature, taller then all the rest, and vpon euery one of their heads he set crownes, and was more exalted, which I marueiled at greatly. 44[fn]So I asked the Angel, and said, Sir, what are these? 45Hee answered, and said vnto me, These be they that haue put off the mortall clothing, and put on the immortall, and haue confessed the Name of God: now are they crowned, and receiue palmes. 46Then sayd I vnto the Angel, What yong person is it that crowneth them, and giueth them palmes in their handes? 47So hee answered, and said vnto me, It is the sonne of God, whom they haue confessed in the world. Then began I greatly to commend them, that stood so stiffely for the Name of the Lord. 48Then the Angel sayd vnto me, Goe thy way, and tell my people what maner of things, and how great wonders of the Lord thy God thou hast seene.

III 1 Esdras is troubled, 13 and acknowledgeth the sinnes of the people: 28 yet complaineth that the heathen were lords ouer them, being more wicked then they.

III¶ In the thirtieth yeere after the ruine of the citie, I was in Babylon, and lay troubled vpon my bed, and my thoughts came vp ouer my heart. 2For I saw the desolation of Sion, and the wealth of them that dwelt at Babylon. 3And my spirit was sore moued, so that I began to speake words full of feare to the most High, and said, 4O Lord, who bearest rule, thou spakest at the beginning, when thou didst plant the earth (and that thy selfe alone) and commandedst the people, 5[fn]And gauest a body vnto Adam without soule, which was the workemanship of thine hands, & didst breathe into him the breath of life, and he was made liuing before thee. 6And thou leddest him into paradise, which thy right hand had planted, before euer the earth came forward. 7And vnto him thou gauest commandement to loue thy way, which he transgressed, and immediatly thou appointedst death in him, and in his generations, of whom came nations, tribes, people, and kinreds out of number. 8[fn]And euery people walked after their owne will, and did wonderfull things before thee, and despised thy commandements. 9[fn]And againe in processe of time thou broughtest the flood vpon those that dwelt in the world, and destroyedst them. 10And it came to passe in euery of them, that as death was to Adam, so was the flood to these. 11[fn]Neuerthelesse one of them thou leftest, namely Noah with his household, of whom came all righteous men. 12And it happened, that when they that dwelt vpō the earth began to multiply, and had gotten them many children, and were a great people, they beganne againe to be more vngodly then the first. 13[fn][fn]Now when they liued so wickedly before thee, thou diddest choose thee a man from among them, whose name was Abraham. 14Him thou louedst, and vnto him onely thou shewedst thy will: 15And madest an euerlasting couenant with him, promising him that thou wouldest neuer forsake his seede. 16[fn][fn][fn]And vnto him, thou gauest Isahac, and vnto Isahac also thou gauest Iacob and Esau. As for Iacob thou didst choose him to thee, and put by Esau: and so Iacob became a great multitude. 17[fn]And it came to passe, that when thou leddest his seede out of Egypt, thou broughtest them vp to the mount Sina. 18And bowing the heauens, thou didest set fast the earth, mouedst the whole world, and madest the depth to tremble, and troubledst the men of that age. 19[fn]And thy glory went through foure gates, of fire, and of earthquake, and of wind, and of cold, that thou mightest giue the law vnto the seed of Iacob, and diligence vnto the generation of Israel. 20And yet tookest thou not away from them a wicked heart, that thy law might bring forth fruite in them. 21For the first Adam bearing a wicked heart transgressed, and was ouercome; and so be all they that are borne of him. 22Thus infirmity was made permanent; and the law (also) in the heart of the people with the malignity of the roote, so that the good departed away, and the euill abode still. 23[fn]So the times passed away, and the yeeres were brought to an end: then diddest thou raise thee vp a seruant, called Dauid, 24[fn]Whom thou commandedst to build a citie vnto thy name, and to offer incense and oblations vnto thee therein. 25When this was done many yeeres, then they that inhabited the citie forsooke thee, 26And in all things did euen as Adam, and all his generations had done, for they also had a wicked heart. 27And so thou gauest the citie ouer into the hands of thine enemies. 28Are their deeds then any better that inhabite Babylon, that they should therefore haue the dominion ouer Sion? 29For when I came thither, and had seene impieties without number, then my soule saw many euill doers in this thirtieth yeere, so that my heart failed me. 30For I haue seene how thou sufferest them sinning, and hast spared wicked doers: and hast destroyed thy people, and hast preserued thine enemies, and hast not signified it. 31[fn]I doe not remember how this way may be left: Are they then of Babylon better then they of Sion? 32Or is there any other people that knoweth thee besides Israel? or what generation hath so beleeued thy Couenants as Iacob? 33[fn]And yet their reward appeareth not, and their labour hath no fruite: for I haue gone here and there through the heathen, and I see that they flowe in wealth, and think not vpon thy commandements. 34Weigh thou therfore our wickednesse now in the ballance, and theirs also that dwell in the world: and so shall thy Name no where be found, but in Israel. 35Or when was it that they which dwell vpon the earth, haue not sinned in thy sight? or what people hath so kept thy commandements? 36Thou shalt find that Israel by name hath kept thy precepts: but not the heathen.

IV 1 The Angel declareth the ignorance of Esdras in Gods iudgments, 13 and aduiseth him not to meddle with things aboue his reach. 23 Neuerthelesse Esdras asketh diuers questions, and receiueth answeres to them.

IV¶ And the Angel that was sent vnto me, whose name was Uriel, gaue mee an answere, 2And said, Thy heart hath gone too farre in this world, and thinkest thou to comprehend the way of the most High? 3Then said I, Yea my Lord: and he answered me and said, I am sent to shew thee three wayes, and to set forth three similitudes before thee. 4Whereof if thou canst declare me one, I will shew thee also the way that thou desirest to see, & I shall shew thee from whence the wicked heart cōmeth. 5And I said, Tel on my Lord. Then said he vnto me, Goe thy way, weigh me the weight of the fire, or measure me the blast of the wind, or call me againe the day that is past. 6Then answered I and said, What man is able to doe that, that thou shouldest aske such things of mee? 7And he said vnto me, If I should aske thee how great dwellings are in the midst of ye sea, or how many springs are in the beginning of the deepe, or how many springs are aboue the firmament, or which are the outgoings of Paradise: 8Peraduenture thou wouldest say vnto me, I neuer went downe into the deepe, nor as yet into hell, neither did I euer climbe vp into heauen. 9Neuerthelesse, now haue I asked thee but onely of the fire and winde, and of the day where through thou hast passed, and of things frō which thou canst not be separated, and yet canst thou giue me uo answeere of them. 10He said moreouer vnto me, Thine owne things, and such as are growen vp with thee, canst thou not know. 11[fn]How should thy vessel then bee able to comprehend the way of the highest, and the world being now outwardly corrupted, to vnderstand the corruption that is euident in my sight? 12Then said I vnto him, It were better that we were not at all, then that we should liue still in wickednesse, and to suffer, and not to know wherefore. 13[fn]He answered me and said, I went into a forest into a plaine, and the trees tooke counsell, 14And said, Come, let vs goe and make warre against the Sea, that it may depart away before vs, and that we may make vs more woods. 15The floods of the Sea also in like maner tooke counsell, and said, Come, let vs goe vp and subdue the woods of the plaine, that there also we may make vs another countrey. 16The thought of the wood was in vaine, for the fire came and consumed it. 17The thought of the floods of the Sea came likewise to nought, for the sand stood vp and stopped them. 18If thou wert iudge now betwixt these two, whom wouldest thou begin to iustifie, or whom wouldest thou condemne? 19[fn][fn]I answered and said, Uerily it is a foolish thought that they both haue deuised: for the ground is giuen vnto the wood, and the sea also hath his place to beare his floods. 20Then answered he me and said, Thou hast giuen a right iudgment, but why iudgest thou not thy selfe also? 21[fn][fn]For like as the ground is giuen vnto the wood, & the sea to his floods: euen so they that dwell vpon the earth may vnderstand nothing, but that which is vpon the earth: and hee that dwelleth aboue the heauens, may onely vnderstand the things that are aboue the height of the heauens. 22Then answered I, and said, I beseech thee, O Lord, let me haue vnderstanding. 23[fn]For it was not my minde to be curious of the high things, but of such as passe by vs dayly, namely wherefore Israel is giuen vp as a reproch to the heathen, and for what cause the people whom thou hast loued, is giuen ouer vnto vngodly nations, and why the Lawe of our forefathers is brought to nought, and the written Couenants come to none effect. 24And wee passe away out of the world as grassehoppers, and our life is astonishment and feare, and we are not worthy to obtaine mercie. 25What will he then doe vnto his Name, whereby we are called? of these things haue I asked. 26Then answered he me, and said, The more thou searchest, the more thou shalt marueile, for the world hasteth fast to passe away, 27And cannot comprehend the things that are promised to the righteous in time to come: for this world is ful of vnrighteousnesse and infirmities. 28But as concerning the things whereof thou askest me, I wil tell thee; for the euil is sowen, but the destruction thereof is not yet come. 29If therefore that which is sowen, be not turned vpside downe; and if the place where the euil is sowen passe not away, then cannot it come that is sowen with good. 30[fn]For the graine of euill seed hath bene sowen in the heart of Adam from the beginning, and how much vngodlinesse hath it brought vp vnto this time? and how much shall it yet bring foorth vntill the time of threshing come. 31Ponder now by thy selfe, how great fruit of wickednesse the graine of euil seed hath brought forth. 32And when the eares shall bee cut downe, which are without number, how great a floore shall they fill? 33Then I answered and said, How and when shall these things come to passe? wherefore are our yeeres few and euill? 34And he answered me, saying, Do not thou hasten aboue the most Highest: for thy haste is in vaine to be aboue him, for thou hast much exceeded. 35Did not the soules also of the righteous aske question of these things in their chambers, saying, How long shall I hope on this fashion? when commeth the fruit of the floore of our reward? 36[fn]And vnto these things Uriel the Archangel gaue them answere, and said, Euen when the number of seedes is filled in you: for he hath weighed the world in the ballance. 37By measure hath hee measured the times, and by number hath he numbred the times; and he doeth not mooue nor stirre them, vntill the said measure be fulfilled. 38Then answered I, and said, O Lord that bearest rule, euen we all are full of impietie. 39And for our sakes peraduenture it is that the floores of the righteous are not filled, because of the sinnes of them that dwell vpon the earth. 40So he answered me, and said, Go thy way to a wman with childe, and aske of her, when she hath fulfilled her nine moneths, if her wombe may keepe the birth any longer within her? 41Then said I, No Lord, that can she not. And he said vnto mee, In the graue, the chambers of soules are like the wombe of a woman: 42For like as a woman that trauaileth, maketh haste to escape the necessitie of the trauaile: euen so doe these places haste to deliuer those things that are committed vnto them. 43From the beginning looke what thou desirest to see, it shalbe shewed thee. 44Then answered I, and said, If I haue found fauour in thy sight, and if it be possible, and if I be meet therefore, 45Shew me then whether there be more to come then is past, or more past then is to come. 46What is past I know; but what is for to come I know not. 47And he said vnto me, Stand vp vpon the right side, and I shal expound the similitude vnto you. 48So I stood and saw, and behold an hot burning ouen passed by before mee: and it happened that when the flame was gone by, I looked, and behold, the smoke remained still. 49After this there passed by before me a watrie cloude, and sent downe much raine with a storme, and when the stormie raine was past, the drops remained still. 50[fn]Then said he vnto me, Consider with thy selfe: as the raine is more then the drops, and as the fire is greater then the smoke: but the drops and the smoke remaine behind: so the quantity which is past, did more exceede. 51[fn]Then I prayed, and sayd, May I liue, thinkest thou, vntill that time? or what shall happen in those dayes? 52He answered me, and sayd, As for the tokens whereof thou askest me, I may tell thee of them in part; but as touching thy life, I am not sent to shew thee, for I doe not know it.

V 1 The signes of the times to come. 23 He asketh why God choosing but one people, did cast them off. 30 Hee is taught, that Gods Iudgements are vnsearchable: 46 and that God doeth not all at once.

V[fn]Neuertheles as concerning the tokens, beholde, the dayes shall come that they which dwell vpon earth, shall bee taken in a great number, and the way of trueth shall be hidden, and the land shall be barren of faith. 2[fn]But iniquitie shalbe increased aboue that which now thou seest, or that thou hast heard long agoe. 3[fn]And the land that thou seest now to haue roote, shalt thou see wasted suddenly. 4But if the most high graunt thee to liue, thou shalt see after the third trumpet, that the Sunne shall suddenly shine againe in the night, and the Moone thrice in the day. 5And blood shal drop out of wood, and the stone shall giue his voice, and the people shalbe troubled. 6And enen he shal rule whom they looke not for that dwel vpon the earth, and the foules shall take their flight away together. 7And the Sodomitish sea shall cast out fish, and make a noyse in the night, which many haue not knowen: but they shall all heare the voice thereof. 8[fn]There shall be a confusion also in many places, and the fire shalbe oft sent out againe, and the wilde beasts shall change their places, and menstruous women shall bring foorth monsters. 9And salt waters shall be found in the sweete, and all friends shall destroy one another: then shall wit hide it selfe, and vnderstanding withdraw it selfe into his secret chamber, 10And shall be sought of many, and yet not be found: then shall vnrighteousnesse and incontinencie be multiplyed vpon earth. 11One land also shall aske another, and say, Is righteousnes that maketh a man righteous, gone through thee? And it shall say, No. 12[fn]At the same time shall men hope, but nothing obtaine: they shall labour, but their wayes shall not prosper. 13To shew thee such tokens I haue leaue: and if thou wilt pray againe, and weepe as now, and fast seuen dayes, thou shalt heare yet greater things. 14Then I awaked, & an extreme fearefulnesse went through all my body, and my minde was troubled, so that it fainted. 15So the Angel that was come to talke with me, helde me, comforted me, and set me vp vpon my feete. 16And in the second night it came to passe, that Salathiel the captaine of the people came vnto mee, saying, Where hast thou beene? and why is thy countenance so heauie? 17Knowest thou not that Israel is committed vnto thee, in the land of their captiuitie? 18Up then, and eate bread, and forsake vs not as the shepheard that leaueth his flocke in the handes of cruell wolues. 19Then sayd I vnto him, Goe thy waies from me, and come not nigh me: And he heard what I said, and went from me. 20And so I fasted seuen dayes, monrning and weeping, like as Uriel the Angel commanded me. 21And after seuen dayes, so it was that the thoughts of my heart were very grieuous vnto me againe. 22And my soule recouered the spirit of vnderstanding, and I began to talke with the most high againe, 23And said, O Lord, that bearest rule of euery wood of the earth, and of all the trees thereof, thou hast chosen thee one onely vine. 24And of all lands of the whole world thou hast chosen thee one pit: and of all the flowers thereof, one Lillie. 25And of all the depths of the Sea, thou hast filled thee one riuer: and of all builded cities, thou hast hallowed Sion vnto thy selfe. 26And of all the foules that are created, thou hast named thee one Doue: and of all the cattell that are made, thou hast prouided thee one sheepe. 27And among all the multitudes of peoples, thou hast gotten thee one people: and vnto this people whom thou louedst, thou gauest a law that is approued of all. 28[fn]And now O Lord, why hast thou giuen this one people ouer vnto many? and vpon the one roote hast thou prepared others, and why hast thou scattered thy onely one people among many? 29And they which did gainesay thy promises, and beleeued not thy couenants, haue trodden them downe. 30If thou didst so much hate thy people, yet shouldest thou punish them with thine owne hands. 31Now when I had spoken these words, the Angell that came to me the night afore, was sent vnto me, 32And said vnto me, Heare me, and I will instruct thee, hearken to the thing that I say, & I shal tell thee more. 33And I said, Speake on, my Lord: then said he vnto me, thou art sore troubled in minde for Israels sake: louest thou that people better then hee that made them? 34And I said, No Lord, but of very griefe haue I spoken: For my reines paine me euery houre, while I labour to comprehend the way of the most High, and to seeke out part of his iudgement. 35And he said vnto me, Thou canst not: and I said, wherfore Lord? wherunto was I borne then? or why was not my mothers wombe then my graue, that I might not haue seene the trauell of Iacob, and the wearisome toyle of the stocke of Israel? 36And he said vnto me, Number me the things that are not yet come, gather me together the droppes that are scattered abroad, make mee the flowres greene againe that are withered. 37Open me the places that are closed, and bring me forth the winds that in them are shut vp, shew me the image of a voyce: and then I will declare to thee the thing that thou labourest to knowe. 38And I said, O Lord, that bearest rule, who may know these things, but hee that hath not his dwelling with men? 39As for me, I am vnwise: how may I then speake of these things whereof thou askest me? 40Then said he vnto me, Like as thou canst doe none of these things that I haue spoken of, euen so canst thou not find out my iudgement, or in the end the loue that I haue promised vnto my people. 41And I said, behold, O Lord, yet art thou nigh vnto them that be reserued till the end; and what shall they doe that haue beene before me, or we (that be now) or they that shall come after vs? 42And he said vnto me, I wil liken my iudgement vnto a ring: like as there is no slacknesse of the last, euen so there is no swiftnesse of the first. 43So I answered and said, Couldst thou not make those that haue beene made, and be now, and that are for to come, at once, that thou mightest shewe thy iudgement the sooner? 44Then answered he me, and said, The creature may not hast aboue the maker, neither may the world hold them at once that shalbe created therin. 45And I said, As thou hast said vnto thy seruant, that thou which giuest life to all, hast giuen life at once to the creature that thou hast created, and the creature bare it: euen so it might now also beare them that now be present at once. 46And he said vnto me, Aske the wombe of a woman, & say vnto her, If thou bringest forth children, why doest thou it not together, but one after another? pray her therefore to bring forth tenne children at once. 47And I said, She cannot: but must doe it by distance of time. 48Then said he vnto me, Euen so haue I giuen the wombe of the earth to those that be sowen in it, in their times. 49For like as a young child may not bring forth the things that belong to the aged, euen so haue I disposed the world which I created. 50And I asked and said, Seeing thou hast now giuen me the way, I will proceed to speak before thee: for our mother of whom thou hast told me that she is yong, draweth now nigh vnto age. 51He answered me and said, Aske a woman that beareth children, and shee shall tell thee. 52Say vnto her, Wherefore are not they whome thou hast now brought forth, like those that were before, but lesse of stature? 53And she shall answere thee, They that be borne in the strength of youth, are of one fashion, and they that are borne in the time of age (when the wombe faileth) are otherwise. 54Consider thou therfore also, how that yee are lesse of stature then those that were before you. 55And so are they that come after you lesse then ye, as the creatures which now begin to be old, and haue passed ouer the strength of youth. 56Then saide I, Lord, I beseech thee, if I haue found fauor in thy sight, shew thy seruant by whom thou visitest thy creature.

VI 1 Gods purpose is eternall. 8 The next world shall follow this immediatly. 13 What shall fall out at the last. 31 Hee is promised more knowledge, 38 and reckoneth vp the workes of the creation, 57 and complaineth that they haue no part in the world for whome it was made.

VI[fn]And he said vnto me, in the beginning when ye earth was made, before the borders of the world stood, or euer the windes blew, 2Before it thundred and lightned, or euer the foundations of Paradise were laide, 3Before the faire flowers were seene, or euer the moueable powers were established, before ye innumerable multitude of Angels were gathered together, 4Or euer the heights of the aire were lifted vp, before the measures of the firmament were named, or euer the chimnies in Sion were hot, 5And ere the present yeeres were sought out, and or euer the inuentions of them that now sinne were turned, before they were sealed that haue gathered faith for a treasure: 6Then did I consider these things, and they all were made through mee alone, and through none other: by mee also they shall be ended, & by none other. 7Then answered I and said, What shall bee the parting asunder of the times? or when shall be the ende of the first, and the beginning of it that followeth? 8[fn][fn]And he said vnto me, From Abraham vnto Isaac, when Iacob and Esau were borne of him, Iacobs hand held first the heele of Esau. 9For Esau is the end of the world, and Iacob is the beginning of it that followeth. 10The hand of man is betwixt the heele and the hand: other question, Esdras, aske thou not. 11¶ I answered then and said, O Lord that bearest rule, if I haue found fauour in thy sight, 12I beseech thee, shew thy seruant the end of thy tokens, whereof thou shewedst me part the last night. 13So he answered and said vnto me, Stand vp vpon thy feete, and heare a mightie sounding voyce. 14[fn]And it shall be as it were a great motion, but the place where thou standest, shall not be moued. 15And therefore when it speaketh be not afraid: for the word is of the end, and the foundation of the earth is vnderstood. 16And why? because the speech of these things trembleth and is mooued: for it knoweth that the ende of these things must be changed. 17And it happened that when I had heard it, I stood vp vpon my feet, and hearkened, & behold, there was a voice that spake, and the sound of it was like the sound of many waters. 18And it said, Behold, the dayes come, that I will begin to draw nigh, and to visit them that dwell vpon the earth, 19And will begin to make inquisition of them, what they be that haue hurt vniustly with their vnrighteousnesse, and when the affliction of Sion shalbe fulfilled. 20[fn]And when the world that shal begin to vanish away shall bee finished: then will I shew these tokens, the books shalbe opened before the firmament, and they shall see all together. 21And the children of a yeere olde shall speake with their voyces, the women with childe shall bring foorth vntimely children, of three or foure moneths old: and they shall liue, and bee raised vp. 22And suddenly shal the sowen places appeare vnsowen, the full storehouses shall suddenly be found empty. 23And the trumpet shall giue a sound, which when euery man heareth they shalbe suddenly afraid. 24At that time shall friendes fight one against another like enemies, and the earth shall stand in feare with those that dwell therein, the springs of the fountaines shall stand still, and in three houres they shall not runne. 25Whosoeuer remaineth from all these that I haue told thee, shall escape, and see my saluation, and the ende of your world. 26And the men that are receiued, shall see it, who haue not tasted death from their birth: and the heart of the inhabitants shalbe changed, and turned into another meaning. 27For euil shalbe put out, and deceit shalbe quenched. 28As for faith, it shall flourish, corruption shalbe ouercome, & the trueth which hath bene so long without fruit, shalbe declared. 29And when hee talked with mee, behold, I looked by little and little vpon him before whom I stood. 30And these words said he vnto me, I am come to shew thee the time of the night to come. 31[fn]If thou wilt pray yet more, & fast seuen daies againe, I shal tel thee greater things by day, then I haue heard. 32For thy voice is heard before the most High: for the mighty hath seene thy righteous dealing, he hath seene also thy chastitie, which thou hast had euer since thy youth. 33And therefore hath he sent mee to shew thee al these things, and to say vnto thee, Be of good comfort, & feare not. 34And hasten not with the times that are past, to thinke vaine things, that thou mayest not hasten from the latter times. 35And it came to passe after this, that I wept againe, and fasted seuen dayes in like maner, that I might fulfill the three weekes which he told me. 36And in the eight night was my heart vexed within mee againe, and I began to speake before the most High. 37For my spirit was greatly set on fire, and my soule was in distresse. 38[fn]And I said, O Lord, thou spakest from the beginning of the creation, euen the first day, & saidest thus, Let heauen and earth bee made: and thy word was a perfect worke. 39And then was the spirit, and darkenesse, and silence were on euery side; the sound of mans voice was not yet formed. 40Then commandedst thou a faire light to come foorth of thy treasures, that thy worke might appeare. 41Upon the second day thou madest the spirit of the firmament, and commandedst it to part asunder, and to make a diuision betwixt the waters, that the one part might goe vp, and the other remaine beneath. 42Upon the thirde day thou didst commaund that the waters should bee gathered in the seuenth part of the earth: sixe parts hast thou dried vp and kept them, to the intent that of these some being planted of God and tilled, might serue thee. 43For as soone as thy word went foorth, the worke was made. 44For immediatly there was great and innumerable fruit, and many and diuers pleasures for the taste, & flowers of vnchangeable colour, and odours of wonderfull smell: and this was done the third day. 45[fn]Upon the fourth day thou commandedst that the Sunne should shine, and the Moone giue her light, and the starres should be in order, 46[fn]And gauest them a charge to do seruice vnto man, that was to be made. 47[fn]Upon the fift day, thou saydst vnto the seuenth part, where the waters were gathered, that it should bring foorth liuing creatures, foules and fishes: and so it came to passe. 48For the dumbe water, and without life, brought foorth liuing things at the commandement of God, that al people might praise thy wondrous works. 49[fn]Then didst thou ordeine two liuing creatures, the one thou calledst Enoch, and the other Leuiathan, 50And didst separate the one from the other: for the seuenth part (namely where the water was gathered together) might not hold them both. 51Unto Enoch thou gauest one part which was dried vp the third day, that he should dwel in the same part, wherein are a thousand hilles. 52But vnto Leuiathan thou gauest the seuenth part, namely the moist, and hast kept him to be deuoured of whom thou wilt, and when. 53Upon the sixt day thou gauest commaundement vnto the earth, that before thee it should bring foorth beasts, cattell, and creeping things: 54And after these, Adam also whom thou madest lord of all thy creatures, of him come wee all, and the people also whom thou hast chosen. 55All this haue I spoken before thee, O Lord, because thou madest the world for our sakes. 56As for the other people which also come of Adam, thou hast said that they are nothing, but be like vnto spittle, and hast likened the abundance of them vnto a drop that falleth from a vessell. 57And now, O Lord, behold, these heathen, which haue euer been reputed as nothing, haue begun to be lordes ouer vs, and to deuoure vs: 58But wee thy people (whom thou hast called thy first borne, thy onely begotten, and thy feruent louer) are giuen into their hands. 59If the world now be made for our sakes, why doe we not possesse an inheritance with the world? how long shall this endure?

VII 4 The way is narrow. 12 When it was made narrow. 28 All shall die and rise againe. 33 Christ shall sit in iudgement. 46 God hath not made Paradise in vaine, 62 & is merciful.

VII¶ And when I had made an ende of speaking these words, there was sent vnto mee the Angel which had beene sent vnto mee the nights afore. 2And he said vnto me, Up Esdras, and heare the wordes that I am come to tell thee. 3And I said, Speake on, my God. Then said he vnto me, The Sea is set in a wide place, that it might be deepe and great. 4But put the case the entrance were narrow, and like a riuer, 5Who then could goe into the Sea to looke vpon it, and to rule it? If hee went not through the narrow, how could he come into the broad? 6There is also another thing. A city is builded, and set vpon a broad field, and is full of all good things. 7[fn]The entrance thereof is narrow, and is set in a dangerous place to fall, like as if there were a fire on the right hand, and on the left a deepe water. 8And one only path between them both, euen betweene the fire and the water, so small that there could but one man goe there at once. 9If this city now were giuen vnto a man for an inheritance, if he neuer shall passe the danger set before it, how shall he receiue this inheritance? 10And I said, It is so, Lord. Then said he vnto me, Euen so also is Israels portion: 11Because for their sakes I made the world: and when Adam transgressed my Statutes, then was decreed that now is done. 12Then were the entrances of this world made narrow, full of sorrow and trauaile: they are but few and euill, full of perils, and very painefull. 13[fn]For the entrances of the elder world were wide and sure, and brought immortall fruit. 14If then they that liue, labour not to enter these strait and vaine things, they can neuer receiue those that are laide vp for them. 15Now therefore why disquietest thou thy selfe, seeing thou art but a corruptible man? and why art thou mooued, whereas thou art but mortall? 16Why hast thou not considered in thy minde this thing that is to come, rather then that which is present? 17[fn]Then answered I, and sayd, O Lord, that bearest rule, thou hast ordained in thy Law, that the righteous should inherite these things, but that the vngodly should perish: 18Neuerthelesse, the righteous shal suffer strait things, and hope for wide: for they that haue done wickedly, haue suffered the strait things, and yet shall not see the wide. 19And he said vnto me, There is no iudge aboue God, and none that hath vnderstanding aboue the highest. 20For there be many that perish in this life, because they despise the Lawe of God that is set before them. 21For God hath giuen strait commandement to such as came, what they should doe to liue, euen as they came, and what they should obserue to auoid punishment. 22Neuerthelesse they were not obedient vnto him, but spake against him, and imagined vaine things: 23And deceiued themselues by their wicked deeds, and sayd of the most Hie, that he is not, and knew not his waies. 24But his Law haue they despised, and denied his couenants in his statutes haue they not beene faithfull, and haue not performed his workes. 25And therfore Esdras, for the emptie, are emptie things, and for the ful, are the full things. 26Behold, the time shall come, that these tokens which I haue told thee, shall come to passe, and the bride shall appeare, and she comming forth shall be seene, that now is withdrawen from the earth. 27And whosoeuer is deliuered from the foresaid euils, shall see my wonders. 28For my sonne Iesus shall be reuealed with those that be with him, and they that remaine shall reioyce within foure hundred yeeres. 29After these yeeres shall my sonne Christ die, and all men that haue life. 30[fn]And the world shall be turned into the old silence seuen dayes, like as in the former iudgements: so that no man shall remaine. 31And after seuen dayes, the world that yet awaketh not shall be raised vp, and that shall die, that is corrupt. 32And the earth shall restore those that are asleepe in her, and so shall the dust those that dwell in silence, and the secret places shall deliuer those soules that were committed vnto them. 33And the most high shall appeare vpon the seate of iudgement, and miserie shall passe away, and the long suffering shall haue an end. 34But iudgement onely shall remaine, trueth shall stand, and faith shall waxe strong. 35And the worke shall follow, and the reward shall be shewed, and the good deeds shall be of force, and wicked deeds shall beare no rule. 36[fn][fn]Then said I, Abraham prayed first for the Sodomites, and Moses for the fathers that sinned in the wildernesse: 37[fn]And Iesus after him for Israel in the time of Achan, 38[fn]And Samuel; and Dauid for the destruction: and Solomon for them that should come to the sanctuary. 39[fn]And Helias for those that receiued raine, & for the dead that hee might liue. 40[fn]And Ezechias for the people in the time of Sennacherib: and many for many. 41Euen so now seeing corruption is growen vp, and wickednesse increased, and the righteous haue prayed for the vngodly: wherefore shall it not be so now also? 42He answered me and said, This present life is not the end where much glory doth abide; therefore haue they prayed for the weake. 43But the day of doome shall be the end of this time, and the beginning of the immortality for to come, wherein corruption is past. 44Intemperancie is at an end, infidelity is cut off, righteousnesse is growen, and trueth is sprung vp. 45Then shall no man be able to saue him that is destroyed, nor to oppresse him that hath gotten the victory. 46I answered then and said, This is my first and last saying; that it had beene better not to haue giuen the earth vnto Adam: or else when it was giuen him, to haue restrained him from sinning. 47For what profit is it for men now in this present time to liue in heauinesse, and after death to looke for punishment? 48[fn]O thou Adam, what hast thou done? for though it was thou that sinned, thou art not fallen alone, but we all that come of thee. 49For what profit is it vnto vs, if there be promised vs an immortall time, wheras we haue done the works that bring death? 50And that their is promised vs an euerlasting hope, whereas our selues being most wicked are made vaine? 51And that there are layd vp for vs dwellings of health and safety, whereas we haue liued wickedly? 52[fn]And that the glory of the most high is kept to defend them which haue led a wary life, whereas we haue walked in the most wicked wayes of all? 53[fn]And that there should be shewed a paradise whose fruite endureth for euer, wherein is securitie and medicine, sith we shall not enter into it? 54For we haue walked in vnpleasant places. 55And that the faces of them which haue vsed abstinence, shall shine aboue the starres, whereas our faces shall bee blacker then darkenesse? 56For while we liued and committed iniquitie, we considered not that we should begin to suffer for it after death. 57[fn]Then answered he me and saide, This is the condition of the battell, which man that is borne vpon the earth shall fight, 58That if he be ouercome, he shall suffer as thou hast said, but if he get the victorie, he shall receiue the thing that I say. 59[fn]For this is the life whereof Moses spake vnto the people while hee liued, saying, Choose thee life that thou mayest liue. 60Neuerthelesse they beleeued not him, nor yet the prophets after him, no nor me which haue spoken vnto them, 61That there should not be such heauinesse in their destruction, as shall bee ioy ouer them that are perswaded to saluation. 62I answered then and saide, I know, Lord, that the most Hie is called mercifull, in that he hath mercy vpon them, which are not yet come into the world, 63And vpon those also that turne to his Law, 64[fn]And that he is patient, and long suffereth those that haue sinned, as his creatures, 65And that he is bountifull, for hee is ready to giue where it needeth, 66And that is of great mercie, for he multiplieth more and more mercies to them that are present, and that are past, & also to them which are to come. 67For if he shall not multiplie his mercies, the world would not continue with them that inherit therein. 68And he pardoneth; for if hee did not so of his goodnesse, that they which haue committed iniquities might be eased of them, the ten thousand part of men should not remaine liuing. 69[fn][fn]And being Iudge, if he should not forgiue them that are cured with his word, and put out the multitude of contentions, 70There should bee very fewe left peraduenture in an innumerable multitude.

VIII 1 Many created, but few saued. 6 Hee asketh why God destroyeth his owne worke, 26 and prayeth God to looke vpon the people which onely serue him. 41 God answereth that all seed commeth not to God, 52 and that glory is prepared for him and such like.

VIII¶ And he answered me, saying, The most High hath made this world for many, but the world to come for fewe. 2I will tell thee a similitude, Esdras, As when thou askest the earth, it shall say vnto thee, that it giueth much mold wherof earthen vessels are made, but litle dust that golde commeth of: euen so is ye course of this present world. 3[fn]There be many created, but few shall be saued. 4So answered I and said, Swallow then downe O my soule, vnderstanding, and deuoure wisedome. 5For thou hast agreed to giue eare, and art willing to prophesie: for thou hast no longer space then onely to liue. 6[fn]O Lord, if thou suffer not thy seruant that we may pray before thee, and thou giue vs seed vnto our heart, and culture to our vnderstanding, that there may come fruit of it, howe shall each man liue that is corrupt, who beareth the place of a man? 7For thou art alone, and we all one workemanship of thine hands, like as thou hast said. 8[fn]For when the body is fashioned now in the mothers wombe, and thou giuest it members, thy creature is preserued in fire & water, and nine months doeth thy workemanship endure thy creature which is created in her. 9But that which keepeth, and is kept, shall both be preserued: and when the time commeth, the wombe preserued, deliuereth vp the things that grew in it. 10For thou hast commanded out of the parts of the body, that is to say, out of the breasts milke to be giuen, which is the fruit of the breasts, 11That the thing which is fashioned, may bee nourished for a time, till thou disposest it to thy mercy. 12Thou broughtest it vp with thy righteousnesse, and nourturedst it in thy Law, and reformedst it with thy iudgement. 13And thou shalt mortifie it as thy creature, and quicken it as thy worke. 14[fn]If therefore thou shalt destroy him which with so great labour was fashioned, it is an easie thing to be ordeined by thy Commaundement, that the thing which was made might be preserued. 15Now therefore, Lord, I will speake (touchiug man in generall, thou knowest best) but touching thy people, for whose sake I am sory, 16And for thine inheritance, for whose cause I mourne, and for Israel, for whom I am heauy, and for Iacob, for whose sake I am troubled: 17Therefore will I begin to pray before thee, for my selfe, and for them: for I see the falles of vs that dwell in the land. 18But I haue heard the swiftnesse of the Iudge which is to come. 19Therefore heare my voyce, and vnderstand my wordes, and I shall speake before thee: this is the beginning of the words of Esdras, before he was taken vp: and I said; 20O Lord, Thou that dwellest in euerlastingnes, which beholdest from aboue, things in the heauen, & in the aire, 21Whose Throne is inestimable, whose glory may not be comprehended, before whom the hosts of Angels stand with trembling, 22(Whose seruice is conuersant in wind and fire,) whose word is true, and sayings constant, whose Commandement is strong, and ordinance fearefull, 23Whose looke drieth vp the depths, and indignation maketh the mountaines to melt away, which the trueth witnesseth: 24O heare the prayer of thy seruant, and giue eare to the petition of thy creature. 25For while I liue, I will speake, and so long as I haue vnderstanding, I wil answere. 26O looke not vpon the sinnes of thy people: but on them which serue thee in trueth. 27Regard not the wicked inuentions of the heathen: but the desire of those that keepe thy Testimonies in afflictions. 28Thinke not vpon those that haue walked fainedly before thee: but remember them, which according to thy will haue knowen thy feare. 29Let it not bee thy will to destroy them, which haue liued like beasts: but to looke vpon them that haue clearely taught thy Law. 30Take thou no indignation at them which are deemed worse then beasts: but loue them that alway put their trust in thy righteousnesse, and glory. 31[fn]For we and our fathers doe languish of such diseases; but because of vs sinners, thou shalt be called mercifull. 32[fn]For if thou hast a desire to haue mercy vpon vs, thou shalt bee called mercifull, to vs namely, that haue no workes of righteousnesse. 33For the iust which haue many good workes layed vp with thee, shall out of their owne deedes receiue reward. 34For what is man that thou shouldest take displeasure at him? or what is a corruptible generation, that thou shouldest be so bitter toward it? 35[fn]For in trueth there is no man among them that be borne, but he hath dealt wickedly, and among the faithfull, there is none which hath not done amisse. 36[fn]For in this, O Lord, thy righteousnesse, and thy goodnesse shalbe declared, if thou be mercifull vnto them which haue not the confidence of good workes. 37Then answered he mee, and said, Some things hast thou spoken aright, and according vnto thy words it shalbe. 38For indeed I will not thinke on the disposition of them which haue sinned before death, before iudgement, before destruction. 39[fn]But I will reioyce ouer the disposition of the righteous, and I wil remember also their pilgrimage, and the saluation, and the reward that they shall haue. 40Like as I haue spoken now, so shall it come to passe. 41For as the husbandmau soweth much seed vpon the ground, and planteth many trees, and yet the thing that is sowen good in his season, commeth not vp, neither doeth all that is planted take root: euen so is it of them that are sowen in the world, they shall not all be saued. 42I answered then, and said, If I haue found grace, let me speake. 43Like as the husbandmans seede perisheth, if it come not vp, and receiue not the raine in due season, or if there come too much raine and corrupt it: 44Euen so perisheth man also which is formed with thy hands, and is called thine owne image, because thou art like vnto him, for whose sake thou hast made all things, and likened him vnto the husbandmans seede. 45Be not wroth with vs, but spare thy people, and haue mercy vpon thine owne inheritance: for thou art mercifull vnto thy creature. 46Then answered he me, and said, Things present are for the present, and things to come, for such as be to come. 47For thou commest farre short, that thou shouldest be able to loue my creature more then I: but I haue oft times drawen nigh vnto thee, and vnto it, but neuer to the vnrighteous. 48In this also thou art marueilous before the most high; 49In that thou hast humbled thy selfe as it becommeth thee, and hast not iudged thy selfe worthy to be much glorified among the righteous. 50For many great miseries shall be done to them, that in the latter time shal dwell in the world, because they haue walked in great pride. 51But vnderstand thou for thy selfe, and seeke out the glory for such as be like thee. 52For vnto you is Paradise opened, the tree of life is planted, the time to come is prepared, plenteousnesse is made ready, a citie is builded, and rest is allowed, yea perfect goodnesse and wisedome. 53[fn]The root of euil is sealed vp from you, weakenesse and the moth is hidde from you, and corruption is fled into hell to be forgotten. 54Sorrows are passed, & in the end is shewed the treasure of immortalitie. 55And therefore aske thou no more questions concerning the multitude of them that perish. 56For when they had taken liberty, they despised the most High, thought scorne of his Lawe, and forsooke his wayes. 57Moreouer, they haue troden downe his righteous, 58[fn]And said in their heart, that there is no God, yea and that knowing they must die. 59For as the things aforesaid shall receiue you, so thirst and paine are prepared for them; for it was not his will that men should come to nought. 60But they which be created, haue defiled the Name of him that made them, and were vnthankefull vnto him which prepared life for them. 61And therefore is my iudgement now at hand. 62These things haue I not shewed vnto all men, but vnto thee, and a fewe like thee. Then answered I, and said, 63Behold, O Lord, now hast thou shewed me the multitude of the wonders which thou wilt begin to doe in the last times: but at what time, thou hast not shewed me.

IX 7 Who shall be saued, and who not. 19 All the world is now corrupted: 22 Yet God doeth saue a few. 33 Hee complaineth that those perish which keepe Gods Law: 38 and seeth a woman lamenting in a field.

IX¶ Hee answered me then, and sayde, Measure thou the time diligently in it selfe: and when thou seest part of the signes past, which I haue tolde thee before, 2Then shalt thou vnderstand, that it is the very same time, wherein the highest will begin to visite the world which he made. 3[fn]Therefore when there shall bee seene earthquakes and vprores of the people in the world: 4Then shalt thou wel vnderstand, that the most high spake of those things from the dayes that were before thee, euen from the beginning. 5For like as all that is made in the world hath a beginning, and an ende, and the end is manifest: 6Euen so the times also of the highest, haue plaine beginnings in wonders and powerfull workes, and endings in effects and signes. 7And euery one that shalbe saued, and shalbe able to escape by his works, and by faith, whereby ye haue beleeued, 8Shall be preserued from the sayd perils, and shall see my saluation, in my land, and within my borders: for I haue sanctified them for me, from the beginning. 9[fn]Then shall they be in pitifull case which now haue abused my wayes: and they that haue cast them away desspitefully, shall dwell in torments. 10For such, as in their life haue receiued benefits, & haue not knowen me: 11And they that haue loathed my law, while they had yet liberty, and when as yet place of repentance was open vnto them, vnderstood not, but despised it: 12The same must know it after death by paine. 13And therefore be thou not curious, how the vngodly shalbe punished and when: but enquire how the righteous shall be saued, whose the world is, and for whom the world is created. 14Then answered I, and said, 15I haue said before, and now doe speake, and will speake it also heereafter: that there be many moe of them which perish, then of them which shall be saued, 16Like as a waue is greater then a droppe. 17And he answered me, saying: like as the field is, so is also the seed: as the flowres be, such are the colours also: such as the workeman is, such also is the worke: and as the husbandman is himselfe, so is his husbandry also: for it was the time of the world. 18[fn]And now when I prepared the world, which was not yet made, euen for them to dwell in that now liue, no man spake against me. 19[fn]For then euery one obeyed, but now the maners of them which are created in this world that is made, are corrupted by a perpetuall seed, & by a law which is vnsearchable, rid themselues. 20So I considered the world, and behold there was perill, because of the deuices that were come into it. 21[fn]And I saw and spared it greatly, and haue kept me a grape of the cluster, and a plant of a great people. 22[fn]Let the multitude perish then, which was borne in vaine, and let my grape be kept and my plant: for with great labour haue I made it perfect. 23Neuerthelesse if thou wilt cease yet seuen dayes moe (but thou shalt not fast in them.) 24But goe into a field of flowres, where no house is builded, and eate only the flowres of the field, Tast no flesh, drinke no wine, but eate flowres onely. 25And pray vnto the Highest continually, then wil I come and talke with thee. 26So I went my way into the field which is called Ardath, like as he commanded me, and there I sate amongst the flowres, and did eate of the herbes of the field, and the meate of the same satisfied me. 27After seuen dayes I sate vpon the grasse, and my heart was vexed within me, like as before. 28And I opened my mouth, and beganne to talke before the most High and said, 29[fn][fn]O Lord, thou that shewest thy selfe vnto vs, thou wast shewed vnto our fathers in the wildernesse, in a place where no man treadeth, in a barren place when they came out of Egypt. 30And thou spakest, saying, Heare me, O Israel, and marke my words, thou seed of Iacob. 31For behold I sow my law in you, and it shall bring fruite in you, and yee shall be honoured in it for euer. 32But our fathers which receiued the law, kept it not, and obserued not thy ordinances, and though the fruite of thy law did not perish, neither could it, for it was thine: 33Yet they that receiued it, perished, because they kept not the thing that was sowen in them. 34And loe, it is a custome when the ground hath receiued seed, or the Sea a ship, or any vessel, meate or drinke, that, that being perished wherein it was sowen, or cast into, 35That thing also which was sowen or cast therein, or receiued, doth perish, and remaineth not with vs: but with vs it hath not happened so. 36For we that haue receiued the law perish by sinne, and our heart also which receiued it. 37Notwithstanding the law perisheth not, but remaineth in his force. 38And when I spake these things in my heart, I looked backe with mine eyes, & vpon the right side I saw a woman, and behold, she mourned, & wept with a loud voyce, and was much grieued in heart, and her clothes were rent, and she had ashes vpon her head. 39Then let I my thoughts goe that I was in, and turned me vnto her, 40And said vnto her, Wherefore weepest thou? why art thou so grieued in thy minde? 41And she said vnto me, Sir, let me alone, that I may bewaile my selfe, and adde vnto my sorow, for I am sore vexed in my minde, and brought very low. 42And I said vnto her, What aileth thee? Tell me. 43She said vnto me, I thy seruant haue bene barren, and had no childe, though I had an husband thirty yeres. 44And those thirtie yeeres I did nothing else day and night, and euery houre, but make my prayer to ye highest. 45After thirtie yeeres, God heard me thine handmaid, looked vpon my misery, considered my trouble, and gaue me a sonne: and I was very glad of him, so was my husband also, and all my neighbours, and we gaue great honour vnto the Almightie. 46And I nourished him with great trauaile. 47So when he grew vp, and came to the time that he should haue a wife, I made a feast.

X 1 Hee comforteth the woman in the field. 17 She vanisheth away, and a citie appeareth in her place. 40 The Angel declareth these visions in the field.

X¶ And it so came to passe, that when my sonne was entred into his wedding chamber, he fell downe and died. 2[fn]Then we all ouerthrew the lights, and all my neighbours rose vp to comfort me, so I tooke my rest vnto the second day at night. 3And it came to passe when they had all left off to comfort me, to the end I might be quiet: then rose I vp by night and fled, and came hither into this field, as thou seest. 4And I doe now purpose not to returne into the citie, but here to stay, and neither to eate nor drinke, but continually to mourne, & to fast vntil I die. 5[fn]Then left I the meditations wherein I was, and spake to her in anger, saying, 6Thou foolish woman aboue all other, seest thou not our mourning, and what happeneth vnto vs? 7How that Sion our mother is full of all heauinesse, and much humbled, mourning very sore? 8And now seeing we all mourne, and are sad, for we are all in heauinesse, art thou grieued for one sonne? 9For aske the earth, and she shall tell thee, that it is she, which ought to mourne, for the fall of so many that grow vpon her. 10[fn]For out of her came all at the first, and out of her shal all others come: and behold they walke almost all into destruction, and a multitude of them is vtterly rooted out. 11Who then should make more mourning, then she that hath lost so great a multitude, and not thou which art sory but for one? 12But if thou sayest vnto me, My lamentation is not like the earths, because I haue lost the fruit of my womb, which I brought foorth with paines, and bare with sorrowes. 13[fn]But the earth not so: for the multitude present in it, according to the course of the earth, is gone, as it came. 14Then say I vnto thee, Like as thou hast brought foorth with labour: euen so the earth also hath giuen her fruit, namely man, euer sithence the beginning, vnto him that made her. 15Now therefore keepe thy sorrow to thy selfe, and beare with a good courage that which hath befallen thee. 16For if thou shalt acknowledge the determination of God to be iust, thou shalt both receiue thy sonne in time, and shalt be commended amongst women. 17Goe thy way then into the citie, to thine husband. 18And she said vnto me, That will I not doe: I will not goe into the city, but here will I die. 19So I proceeded to speake further vnto her, and said, 20Doe not so, but bee counselled by me: for how many are the aduersities of Sion? Bee comforted in regard of the sorow of Ierusalem. 21For thou seest that our Sanctuary is laid waste, our Altar broken downe, our Temple destroyed. 22Our Psaltery is laid on ye ground, our song is put to silence, our reioycing is at an end, the light of our candlesticke is put out, the Arke of our Couenant is spoiled, our holy things are defiled, and the Name that is called vpon vs, is almost prophaned: our children are put to shame, our priests are burnt, our Leuites are gone into captiuitie, our virgines are defiled, and our wiues rauished, our righteous men caried away, our litle ones destroyed, our yong men are brought in bondage, and our strong men are become weake. 23And which is the greatest of all, the seale of Sion hath now lost her honour: for she is deliuered into the hands of them that hate vs. 24And therefore shake off thy great heauinesse, and put away the multitude of sorrowes, that the mighty may be mercifull vnto thee againe, and the highest shal giue thee rest, and ease from thy labour. 25And it came to passe while I was talking with her, behold her face vpon a sudden shined exceedingly, & her countenance glistered, so that I was afraid of her, and mused what it might be. 26And behold suddenly, she made a great cry very fearful: so that the earth shooke at the noise of the woman. 27And I looked, and beholde, the woman appeared vnto me no more, but there was a city builded, and a large place shewed it selfe from the foundations: then was I afraid, and cried with a lowd voice, and said, 28[fn][fn]Where is Uriel the Angel, who came vnto mee at the first? for hee hath caused me to fall into many traunces, and mine end is turned into corruption, and my prayer to rebuke. 29And as I was speaking these wordes, behold, he came vnto me, and looked vpon me. 30And loe, I lay as one that had bene dead, & mine vnderstanding was taken from me, and he tooke me by the right hand, and comforted mee, and set me vpon my feet, and said vnto me, 31What aileth thee? and why art thou so disquieted, and why is thine vnderstanding troubled, & the thoughts of thine heart? 32[fn]And I said, because thou hast forsaken me, and yet I did according to thy words, and I went into the field, and loe I haue seene, and yet see, that I am not able to expresse. 33And hee said vnto me, Stand vp manfully, and I wil aduise thee. 34Then said I, Speake on, my lord in me, onely forsake me not, lest I die frustrate of my hope. 35For I haue seene, that I knew not, and heare that I do not know. 36Or, is my sense deceiued, or my soule in a dreame? 37[fn]Now therfore, I beseech thee, that thou wilt shew thy seruant of this visiō. 38He answered me then, & said, Heare me, and I shall enforme thee, and tell thee wherefore thou art afraid: for the highest will reueile many secret things vnto thee. 39[fn]Hee hath seene that thy way is right: for that thou sorrowest continually for thy people, and makest great lamentation for Sion. 40This therefore is the meaning of the vision which thou lately sawest. 41Thou sawest a woman mourning, and thou beganst to comfort her: 42But now seest thou the likenesse of the woman no more, but there appeared vnto thee a city builded. 43[fn]And whereas she told thee of the death of her sonne, this is the solution. 44This woman whom thou sawest, is Sion: and whereas she said vnto thee (euen she whom thou seest as a city builded.) 45Whereas I say, she said vnto thee, that she hath bene thirty yeres barren: those are the thirty yeeres wherein there was no offering made in her. 46But after thirtie yeeres, Solomon builded the city, & offered offrings: and then bare the barren a sonne. 47And whereas she told thee that shee nourished him with labour: that was the dwelling in Hierusalem. 48But whereas she said vnto thee, That my sonne comming into his marriage chamber, happened to haue a fall, and died, this was the destruction that came to Hierusalem. 49And behold, thou sawest her likenesse, and because she mourned for her sonne, thou beganst to comfort her, and of these things which haue chaunced, these are to be opened vnto thee. 50For now the most High seeth, that thou art grieued vnfainedly, & sufferest from thy whole heart for her, so hath he shewed thee the brightnes of her glory, and the comelinesse of her beautie. 51And therfore I bad thee remaine in ye field, where no house was builded. 52For I knew that the Highest would shew this vnto thee. 53Therefore I commanded thee to goe into the field, where no foundation of any building was. 54For in the place wherein the Highest beginneth to shew his city, ther can no mans building be able to stand. 55And therfore feare not, let not thy heart be afrighted, but goe thy way in, and see the beautie and greatnesse of the building, as much as thine eyes be able to see: 56And then shalt thou heare as much as thine eares may comprehend. 57[fn]For thou art blessed aboue many other, and art called with the highest, and so are but few. 58But to morrow at night thou shalt remaine here. 59[fn]And so shall the highest shew thee visions of the high things, which the most high will do vnto them, that dwel vpon earth in the last dayes. So I slept that night and another, like as he commanded me.

XI 1 Hee seeth in his dreame an Eagle comming out of the Sea: 37 And a Lion out of a wood talking to the Eagle.

XI¶ Then saw I a dreame, and beholde, there came vp from the Sea an Eagle, which had twelue feathered wings, & three heads. 2And I saw, and behold, she spred her wings ouer all the earth, and all the windes of the ayre blewe on her, and were gathered together. 3And I beheld, and out of her feathers there grewe other contrary feathers, and they became little feathers, and small. 4[fn]But her heads were at rest: the head in the middest was greater then the other, yet rested it with the residue. 5Moreouer I beheld, and loe, the Eagle flew with her feathers, and reigned vpon earth, and ouer them that dwelt therein. 6And I saw that all things vnder heauen were subiect vnto her, and no man spake against her, no not one creature vpon earth. 7And I beheld, and loe, the Eagle rose vpon her talents, and spake to her feathers, saying, 8Watch not all at once, sleepe euery one in his own place, & watch by course. 9But let the heads be preserued for the last. 10And I beheld, and loe, the voice went not out of her heads, but from the middest of her body. 11And I numbred her contrary feathers, and behold, there were eight of them. 12And I looked, and behold, on the right side there arose one feather, and reigned ouer all the earth. 13And so it was, that when it reigned, the ende of it came, and the place thereof appeared no more: so the next following stood vp and reigned, and had a great time. 14And it happened, that when it reigned, the end of it came also, like as the first, so that it appeared no more. 15Then came there a voice vnto it, and sayd, 16Heare, thou that hast borne rule ouer the earth so long: this I say vnto thee, before thou beginnest to appeare no more. 17There shall none after thee attaine vnto thy time, neither vnto the halfe thereof. 18Then arose the third, and reigned as the other before: and appeared no more also. 19So went it with all the residue one after another, as that euery one reigned, and then appeared no more. 20Then I beheld, & loe, in processe of time, the feathers that folowed, stood vp vpon the right side, that they might rule also, and some of them ruled, but within a while they appeared no more: 21For some of them were set vp, but ruled not. 22After this I looked, and behold, the twelue feathers appeared no more, nor the two little feathers: 23And there was no more vpon the Eagles body, but three heads that rested, and sixe little wings. 24Then saw I also that two little feathers diuided themselues from the sixe, and remained vnder the head, that was vpon the right side: for the foure continued in their place. 25And I beheld, & loe, the feathers that were vnder the wing, thought to set vp themselues, and to haue the rule. 26And I beheld, & loe, there was one set vp, but shortly it appeared no more. 27And the second was sooner away then the first. 28And I beheld, and loe, the two that remained, thought also in themselues to reigne. 29And when they so thought, behold, there awaked one of the heads that were at rest, namely it that was in the middest, for that was greater then the two other heads. 30And then I saw, that the two other heads were ioyned with it. 31And behold, the head was turned with them that were with it, and did eate vp the two feathers vnder the wing that would haue reigned. 32But this head put the whole earth in feare, and bare rule in it ouer all those that dwelt vpon the earth, with much oppression, and it had the gouernance of the world more then all the wings that had beene. 33And after this I beheld, and loe the head that was in the midst, suddenly appeared no more, like as the wings. 34But there remained the two heads, which also in like sort ruled vpon the earth, and ouer those that dwelt therein. 35And I beheld, and loe, the head vpon the right side, deuoured it, that was vpon the left side. 36Then I heard a voyce, which said vnto me, Looke before thee, and consider the thing that thou seest. 37And I beheld, and loe, as it were a roaring Lyon, chased out of the wood: and I saw that hee sent out a mans voyce vnto the Eagle, and said, 38Heare thou, I will talke with thee, and the highest shall say vnto thee, 39Art not thou it that remainest of the foure beasts, whom I made to raigne in my world, that the end of their times might come through them? 40And the fourth came and ouercame all the beasts that were past, and had power ouer the world with great fearefulnesse, and ouer the whole compasse of the earth with much wicked oppression, and so long time dwelt he vpon the earth with deceit. 41For the earth hast thou not iudged with trueth. 42For thou hast afflicted the meeke, thou hast hurt the peaceable, thou hast loued lyers, and destroyed the dwellings of them that brought forth fruite, and hast cast downe the walles of such, as did thee no harme. 43Therefore is thy wrongfull dealing come vp vnto the Highest, and thy pride vnto the Mighty. 44The Highest also hath looked vpon the proud times, and behold, they are ended, and his abominations are fulfilled. 45And therefore appeare no more thou Eagle, nor thy horrible wings, nor thy wicked feathers, nor thy malitious heads, nor thy hurtfull clawes, nor all thy vaine body: 46That all the earth may be refreshed, and may returne, being deliuered from thy violence, and that she may hope for the iudgement, and mercy of him that made her.

XII 3 The Eagle which hee saw, is destroyed. 10 The vision is interpreted. 37 He is bid to write his visions, 39 and to fast, that he may see more. 46 He doth comfort those, that were grieued for his absence.

XII¶ And it came to passe whiles the Lyon spake these words vnto the Eagle, I saw: 2And behold, the head that remained, and the foure wings appeared no more, and the two went vnto it, and set themselues vp to raigne, and their kingdome was small and full of vprore. 3And I saw, and behold, they appeared no more, and the whole body of the Eagle was burnt, so that the earth was in great feare: then awaked I out of the trouble and traunce of my minde, and from great feare, and said vnto my spirit, 4Loe, this hast thou done vnto me, in that thou searchest out the wayes of the Highest. 5Loe, yet am I weary in my mind, and very weake in my spirit: and litle strength is there in me; for the great feare, wherewith I was affrighted this night. 6Therefore wil I now beseech the Highest, that hee will comfort me vnto the end. 7And I said, Lord, that bearest rule, If I haue found grace before thy sight, and if I am iustified with thee, before many others, and if my prayer indeed be come vp before thy face, 8Comfort me then, and shew me thy seruant the interpretation, and plaine difference of this fearefull vision, that thou maist perfectly comfort my soule. 9For thou hast iudged me worthy, to shew me the last times. 10And he said vnto me, This is the interpretation of the vision. 11[fn]The Eagle whom thou sawest come vp from the sea, is the kingdome which was seene, in the vision of thy brother Daniel. 12But it was not expounded vnto him, therefore now I declare it vnto thee. 13Behold, the dayes will come, that there shall rise vp a kingdome vpon earth, and it shall be feared aboue all the kingdomes that were before it. 14In the same shall twelue kings reigne, one after another. 15Whereof the second shall begin to reigne, and shall haue more time then any of the twelue. 16And this doe the twelue wings signifie which thou sawest. 17As for the voice which thou heardest speake, and that thou sawest not to goe out from the heads, but from the mids of the body thereof, this is the interpretation: 18That after the time of that kingdome, there shall arise great striuings, and it shall stand in perill of falling: neuerthelesse it shall not then fall, but shal be restored againe to his beginning. 19And whereas thou sawest the eight small vnder feathers sticking to her wings, this is the interpretation: 20That in him there shal arise eight kings, whose time shall bee but small, and their yeeres swift. 21And two of them shall perish: the middle time approching, foure shall bee kept vntill their end begin to approch: but two shall be kept vnto the end. 22And whereas thou sawest three heads resting, this is the interpretation 23In his last dayes shall the most High raise vp three kingdomes, and renew many things therein, and they shal haue the dominion of the earth, 24And of those that dwell therein with much oppression, aboue all those that were before them: therefore are they called the heads of the Eagle. 25For these are they that shal accomplish his wickednesse, and that shall finish his last end. 26And whereas thou sawest that the great head appeared no more, it signifieth that one of them shall die vpon his bed, and yet with paine. 27For the two that remaine, shall be slaine with the sword. 28For the sword of the one shall deuoure the other: but at the last shall he fall through the sword himselfe. 29And whereas thou sawest two feathers vnder the wings passing ouer the head, that is on the right side: 30It signifieth that these are they whom the Highest hath kept vnto their end: this is the small kingdom and full of trouble, as thou sawest. 31And the Lyon whom thou sawest rising vp out of the wood, and roaring, and speaking to the Eagle, and rebuking her for her vnrighteousnesse, with all the words which thou hast heard, 32This is the Anointed which the Highest hath kept for them, and for their wickednesse vnto the end: he shall reprooue them, and shall vpbraid them with their crueltie. 33For hee shall set them before him aliue in iudgement, and shall rebuke them and correct them. 34For the rest of my people shall he deliuer with mercie, those that haue bin preserued vpon my borders, and he shal make them ioyfull vntill the comming of the day of iudgement, whereof I haue spoken vnto thee from the beginning. 35This is the dreame that thou sawest, and these are the interpretations. 36Thou onely hast bene meete to know this secret of the Highest. 37Therefore write all these things that thou hast seene, in a booke, and hide them. 38And teach them to the wise of the people, whose hearts thou knowest may comprehend, & keepe these seerets. 39But wait thou here thy selfe yet seuen dayes moe, that it may be shewed thee whatsoeuer it pleaseth the Highest to declare vnto thee: And with that he went his way. 40And it came to passe when all the people saw that the seuen dayes were past, and I not come againe into the citie, they gathered them all together, from the least vnto the greatest, and came vnto me, and said, 41What haue we offended thee? and what euill haue we done against thee, that thou forsakest vs, and sittest here in this place? 42[fn]For of all the prophets thou only art left vs, as a cluster of the vintage, and as a candle in a darke place, and as a hauen or ship preserued from the tempest: 43Are not the euils which are come to vs, sufficient? 44If thou shalt forsake vs, how much better had it bene for vs, if we also had bene burnt in the midst of Sion. 45For we are not better then they that died there. And they wept with a loud voice: then answered I them, and said, 46Be of good comfort, O Israel, and be not heauy thou house of Iacob. 47For the Highest hath you in remembrance, and the mighty hath not forgotten you in temptation. 48As for mee, I haue not forsaken you, neither am I departed from you: but am come into this place, to pray for the desolation of Sion, and that I might seeke mercy for the low estate of your Sanctuary. 49And now goe your way home euery man, and after these dayes will I come vnto you. 50So the people went their way into the city, like as I commanded them: 51But I remained still in the field seuen dayes, as the Angel commanded me, and did eate onely in those dayes, of the flowers of the fielde, and had my meat of the herbes.

XIII 1 Hee seeth in his dreame a man comming out of the sea. 25 The declaration of his dreame. 54 He is praised, and promised to see more.

XIII¶ And it came to passe after seuen dayes, I dreamed a dreame by night. 2[fn]And loe, there arose a winde from the sea that it mooued all the waues thereof. 3[fn]And I beheld, and loe, that man waxed strong with the thousands of heauen: and when he turned his countenance to looke, all the things trembled that were seene vnder him. 4And whensoeuer the voyce went out of his mouth, all they burnt, that heard his voyce, like as the earth faileth when it feeleth the fire. 5And after this I beheld, and loe, there was gathered together a multitude of men out of number, from the foure windes of the heauen, to subdue the man that came out of the sea. 6But I beheld, and loe, hee had graued himselfe a great mountaine, and flew vp vpon it. 7But I would haue seene the region, or place, whereout the hill was grauen, and I could not. 8And after this I beheld, and loe, all they which were gathered together to subdue him, were sore afraid, and yet durst fight. 9And loe, as hee saw the violence of the multitude that came, hee neither lift vp his hand, nor held sword, nor any instrument of warre. 10But onely I saw that he sent out of his mouth, as it had bene a blast of fire, and out of his lippes a flaming breath, and out of his tongue he cast out sparkes and tempests, 11And they were all mixt together; the blast of fire, the flaming breath, and the great tempest, and fel with violence vpon the multitude, which was prepared to fight, and burnt them vp euery one, so that vpon a sudden, of an innumerable multitude, nothing was to be perceiued, but onely dust and smell of smoke: whē I saw this, I was afraid. 12Afterward saw I the same man come downe from the mountaine, and call vnto him an other peaceable multitude. 13[fn]And there came much people vnto him, whereof some were glad, some were sory, some of them were bound, and other some brought of them that were offred: then was I sicke through great feare, and I awaked and said, 14Thou hast shewed thy seruant wonders from the beginning, and hast counted me worthy that thou shouldest receiue my prayer: 15Shew mee now yet the interpretation of this dreame. 16For as I conceiue in mine vnderstanding, woe vnto them that shall be left in those dayes; and much more woe vnto them that are not left behinde. 17For they that were not left, were in heauinesse. 18Now vnderstand I the things that are layde vp in the latter dayes, which shall happen vnto them, and to those that are left behinde. 19Therefore are they come into great perils, and many necessities, like as these dreames declare. 20[fn]Yet is it easier for him that is in danger, to come into these things, then to passe away as a cloud out of the world, and not to see the things that happen in the last dayes. And he answered vnto me, and said, 21The interpretation of the vision shal I shew thee, and I wil open vnto thee, the thing that thou hast required. 22Wheras thou hast spoken of them that are left behinde, this is the interpretation. 23He that shall endure the perill in that time, hath kept himselfe: they that be fallen into danger, are such as haue workes, and faith towards the Almightie. 24Know this therefore, that they which be left behinde, are more blessed then they that be dead. 25This is the meaning of the vision: Whereas thou sawest a man comming vp from the middest of the Sea: 26The same is hee whom God the highest hath kept a great season, which by his owne selfe shall deliuer his creature: and hee shall order them that are left behinde. 27And whereas thou sawest, that out of his mouth there came as a blast of winde, and fire, and storme: 28And that he helde neither sword, nor any instrument of warre, but that the rushing in of him destroyed the whole multitude that came to subdue him, this is the interpretation. 29Behold, the dayes come, when the most high wil begin to deliuer them that are vpon the earth. 30And he shall come to the astonishment of them that dwell on the earth. 31[fn]And one shall vndertake to fight against another, one city against another, one place against another, one people against another, and one realme against another. 32And the time shalbe, when these things shall come to passe, and the signes shall happen which I shewed thee before, and then shall my sonne be declared, whom thou sawest as a man ascending. 33And when all the people heare his voice, euery man shall in their owne land, leaue the battaile they haue one against another. 34And an innumerable multitude shalbe gathered together, as thou sawest them willing to come, and to ouercome him by fighting. 35But hee shall stand vpon the top of the mount Sion. 36And Sion shall come and shall be shewed to all men, being prepared and builded, like as thou sawest the hill grauen without hands. 37And this my sonne shall rebuke the wicked inuentions of those nations, which for their wicked life are fallen into the tempest, 38And shall lay before them their euill thoughts, and the torments wherwith they shall begin to be tormented, which are like vnto a flame: and hee shall destroy them without labour, by the law which is like vnto fire. 39And whereas thou sawest that hee gathered another peaceable multitude vnto him; 40[fn]Those are the ten tribes, which were caried away prisoners out of their owne land, in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria ledde away captiue, and hee caried them ouer the waters, and so came they into another land. 41But they tooke this counsaile amongst themselues, that they would leaue the multitude of the heathen, and goe foorth into a further countrey, where neuer mankind dwelt, 42That they might there keepe their statutes, which they neuer kept in their owne land. 43And they entred into Euphrates by the narrow passages of the Riuer. 44[fn]For the most high then shewed signes for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed ouer. 45[fn]For through that countrey there was a great way to goe; namely, of a yeere and a halfe: and the same region is called Arsareth. 46Then dwelt they there vntill the latter time; and now when they shall begin to come, 47The highest shall stay the springs of the streame againe, that they may go through: therefore sawest thou the multitude with peace. 48But those that be left behinde of thy people, are they that are found within my borders. 49Now when hee destroyeth the multitude of the nations that are gathered together, he shal defend his people that remaine. 50And then shall hee shewe them great wonders. 51Then said I, O Lord, that bearest rule, shew me this: Wherefore haue I seene the man comming vp from the midst of the Sea? 52And he said vnto me, Like as thou canst neither seeke out, nor know the things that are in the deepe of the sea: euen so can no man vpon earth see my sonne, or those that be with him, but in the day time. 53This is the interpretation of the dreame which thou sawest, and whereby thou onely art here lightened. 54For thou hast forsaken thine owne way, and applied thy diligence vnto my law, and sought it. 55Thy life hast thou ordered in wisdome, and hast called vnderstanding thy mother. 56And therefore haue I shewed thee the treasures of the Highest: After other three dayes, I will speake other things vnto thee, and declare vnto thee mightie and wonderous things. 57Then went I forth into the field giuing praise and thanks greatly vnto the most High, because of his wonders which he did in time, 58And because hee gouerneth the same, and such things as fall in their seasons, and there I sate three dayes.

XIV A voice out of a bush calleth Esdras, 10 and telleth him that the world waxeth old. 22 He desireth, because the Law was burnt, to write all againe, 24 and is bid to get swift writers. 39 Hee and they are filled with vnderstanding: 45 but hee is charged not to publish all that is written.

XIV¶ And it came to passe, vpon the third day I sate vnder an oke, and behold, there came a voyce out of a bush ouer against me, and said, Esdras, Esdras. 2And I said, Here am I Lord, and I stood vp vpon my feet. 3[fn]Then said he vnto me, In the bush I did manifestly reueale my selfe vnto Moses, and talked with him, when my people serued in Egypt. 4And I sent him, and led my people out of Egypt, and brought him vp to the mount of Sinai, where I held him by me, a long season, 5And told him many wonderous things, and shewed him the secrets of the times, and the end, and commanded him, saying, 6These wordes shalt thou declare, and these shalt thou hide. 7And now I say vnto thee, 8That thou lay vp in thy heart the signes that I haue shewed, and the dreames that thou hast seene, and the interpretations which thou hast heard: 9For thou shalt be taken away from all, and from henceforth thou shalt remaine with my sonne, and with such as be like thee, vntill the times be ended. 10For the world hath lost his youth, and the times begin to waxe old. 11For the world is diuided into twelue parts, and the ten parts of it are gone already, and halfe of a tenth part. 12And there remaineth that which is after the halfe of the tenth part. 13Now therefore set thine house in order, and reproue thy people, comfort such of them as be in trouble, and now renounce corruption. 14Let go frō thee mortall thoughts, cast away the burdens of man, put off now the weake nature, 15And set aside the thoughts that are most heauy vnto thee, and haste thee to flie from these times. 16[fn]For yet greater euils then those which thou hast seene happen, shall bee done hereafter. 17For looke how much the world shall be weaker through age: so much the more shall euils increase vpon them that dwell therein. 18For the trueth is fled farre away, and leasing is hard at hand: For now hasteth the vision to come, which thou hast seene. 19Then answered I before thee, and said, 20Behold, Lord, I will go as thou hast commanded me, and reprooue the people which are present, but they that shall be borne afterward, who shall admonish them? thus the world is set in darkenes, and they that dwell therein, are without light. 21For thy law is burnt, therefore no man knoweth the things that are done of thee, or the works that shal begin. 22But if I haue found grace before thee, send the holy Ghost into me, and I shall write all that hath bene done in the world, since the beginning, which were written in thy Lawe, that men may find thy path, and that they which will liue in the latter dayes, may liue. 23And he answered me, saying, Goe thy way, gather the people together, and say vnto them, that they seeke thee not for fourtie dayes. 24[fn][fn]But looke thou prepare thee many boxe trees, and take with thee Sarea, Dabria, Selemia, Eranus and Asiel, these fiue which are ready to write swiftly. 25And come hither, and I shall light a candle of vnderstanding in thine heart, which shall not be put out, till the things be performed which thou shalt beginne to write. 26And when thou hast done, some things shalt thou publish, and some things shalt thou shew secretly to the wise: to morrowe this houre shalt thou beginne to write. 27Then went I foorth as he commanded, and gathered all the people together, and said, 28Heare these words, O Israel. 29[fn]Our fathers at the beginning were strangers in Egypt, from whence they were deliuered: 30[fn]And receiued the law of life which they kept not, which ye also haue transgressed after them. 31Then was the land, euen the land of Sion, parted among you by lot, but your fathers, and yee your selues haue done vnrighteousnesse, and haue not kept the wayes which the Highest commanded you. 32And for as much as he is a righteous iudge, hee tooke from you in time, the thing that he had giuen you. 33And now are you heere, and your brethren amongst you. 34Therefore if so be that you will subdue your owne vnderstanding, and reforme your hearts, yee shall be kept aliue, and after death yee shall obtaine mercy. 35For after death, shall the iudgement come, when we shall liue againe: and then shall the names of the righteous be manifest, and the workes of the vngodly shall be declared. 36Let no man therefore come vnto me now, nor seeke after me these fourty dayes. 37So I tooke the fiue men as hee commanded me, and we went into the field, and remained there. 38[fn]And the next day behold a voyce called mee saying, Esdras, open thy mouth and drinke that I giue thee to drinke. 39Then opened I my mouth, and behold, he reached me a full cup, which was full as it were with water, but the colour of it was like fire. 40And I tooke it, and dranke: and when I had drunke of it, my heart vttered vnderstanding: and wisedome grew in my brest, for my spirit strengthened my memory. 41And my mouth was opened and shut no more. 42The highest gaue vnderstanding vnto the fiue men, and they wrote the wonderfull visions of the night, that were told, which they knew not: And they sate fourty dayes, and they wrote in the day, and at night they ate bread. 43As for me I spake in the day, and held not my tongue by night: 44[fn]In fourty dayes they wrote two hundred and foure bookes. 45And it came to passe when the fourty dayes were fulfilled, that the Highest spake, saying, The first that thou hast written, publish openly, that the worthy and vnworthy may read it. 46But keepe the seuenty last, that thou mayest deliuer them onely to such as be wise, among the people. 47[fn]For in them is the spring of vnderstanding, the fountains of wisedome, and the streame of knowledge. 48And I did so.

XV 1 This prophecie is certaine. 5 God will take vengeance vpon the wicked, 12 Vpon Egypt, 28 An horrible vision. 43 Babylon and Asia are threatned.

XV¶ Behold, speake thou in the eares of my people the words of prophesie, which I will put in thy mouth, saith the Lord. 2And cause them to be written in paper: for they are faithfull and true. 3Feare not the imaginations against thee, let not the incredulity of them trouble thee, that speake against thee. 4For all the vnfaithfull shall die in their vnfaithfulnesse. 5Behold, saith the Lord, I will bring plagues vpon the world; the sword, famine, death, and destruction. 6For wickednesse hath exceedingly polluted the whole earth, and their hurtfull workes are fulfilled. 7Therefore saith the Lord, 8[fn]I will hold my tongue no more as touching their wickednesse, which they prophanely commit, neither wil I suffer them in those things, in which they wickedly exercise themselues: behold, the innocent & righteous blood cryeth vnto me, and the soules of the iust complaine continually. 9And therefore saith the Lord, I wil surely auenge them, and receiue vnto me, all the innocent blood from among them. 10Beholde, my people is ledde as a flocke to the slaughter: I wil not suffer them now to dwel in the land of Egypt. 11But I will bring them with a mighty hand, and a stretched out arme, and smite Egypt with plagues as before, and wil destroy al the land thereof. 12Egypt shal mourne, and the foundation of it shall bee smitten with the plague and punishment, that God shall bring vpon it. 13They that till the ground shall mourne: for their seedes shall faile, through the blasting, and haile, and with a fearefull constellation. 14Woe to the world, and them that dwell therein. 15For the sword and their destruction draweth nigh, and one people shall stand vp to fight against another, and swords in their hands. 16For there shalbe sedition among men, and inuading one another, they shal not regard their kings, nor princes, and the course of their actions shall stand in their power. 17A man shall desire to goe into a citie, and shall not be able. 18For because of their pride, the cities shalbe troubled, the houses shalbe destroyed, and men shalbe afraid. 19A man shall haue no pitie vpon his neighbour, but shall destroy their houses with the sword, and spoile their goods, because of the lacke of bread, and for great tribulation. 20Behold, saith God, I will call together all the Kings of the earth to reuerence me, which are from the rising of the Sunne, from the South, from the East, and Libanus: to turne themselues one against another, and repay the things that they haue done to them. 21Like as they doe yet this day vnto my chosen, so will I doe also and recompense in their bosome, Thus saith the Lord God; 22My right hand shall not spare the sinners, and my sword shal not cease ouer them, that shed innocent blood vpon earth. 23The fire is gone foorth from his wrath, and hath consumed the foundations of the earth, and the sinners like the straw that is kindled. 24Wo to them that sinne and keepe not my cōmandements, saith the Lord. 25I will not spare them: goe your way ye children from the power, defile not my Sanctuary: 26For the Lord knoweth all them that sinne against him, and therefore deliuereth he them vnto death and destruction. 27For now are the plagues come vpon the whole earth, and ye shall remaine in them, for God shal not deliuer you, because ye haue sinned against him. 28Behold an horrible vision, and the appearance thereof from the East. 29Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia shall come out with many charets, and the multitude of them shalbe caried as the winde vpon earth, that all they which heare them, may feare and tremble. 30Also the Carmanians raging in wrath, shall go forth as the wilde bores of the wood, and with great power shall they come, and ioyne battell with them, and shall waste a portion of the land of the Assyrians. 31And then shall the dragons haue the vpper hand, remembring their nature, and if they shall turne themselues, conspiring together in great power to persecute them, 32Then these shalbe troubled, and keepe silence through their power, and shall flee. 33[fn]And from the land of the Assyrians, shall the enemy besiege them, and consume some of them, and in their host shall be feare, and dread and strife among their kings. 34Behold clouds from the East, and from the North, vnto the South, and they are very horrible to looke vpon; full of wrath and storme. 35They shall smite one vpon another, & they shall smite downe a great multitude of starres vpon the earth, euen their owne starre; and blood shalbe from the sword vnto the belly. 36[fn]And doung of men vnto the camels hough. 37And there shalbe great fearefulnesse and trembling vpon earth: and they that see the wrath, shall be afraid, and trembling shall come vpon them. 38And then shall there come great stormes, from the South, and from the North, & another part from the West. 39And strong winds shal arise from the East, and shall open it, and the cloud which hee raised vp in wrath, and the starre stirred to cause feare toward the East and West winde, shalbe destroyed. 40The great and mightie cloudes shall be lifted vp full of wrath, and the starre, that they may make all the earth afraid, and them that dwel therein, and they shall powre out ouer euery high and eminent place, an horrible starre. 41Fire and haile, and fleeing swords, and many waters, that all fields may be full, and all riuers with the abundance of great waters. 42And they shal breake downe the cities, and walls, mountaines and hils, trees of the wood, and grasse of the medowes, and their corne. 43[fn]And they shal goe stedfastly vnto Babylon, and make her afraid. 44They shall come to her, and besiege her, the starre and all wrath shall they powre out vpon her, then shall the dust and smoke goe vp vnto the heauen: and all they that be about her, shall bewaile her. 45And they that remaine vnder her, shall doe seruice vnto them that haue put her in feare. 46[fn]And thou Asia that art partaker of the hope of Babylon, and art the glory of her person: 47Woe be vnto thee thou wretch, because thou hast made thy selfe like vnto her, and hast deckt thy daughters in whoredome, that they might please and glory in thy louers, which haue alway desired to commit whordome with thee. 48Thou hast followed her, that is hated in all her works and inuentions: therefore sayth God, 49I will send plagues vpon thee: widowhood, pouertie, famine, sword, and pestilence, to waste thy houses with destruction and death. 50And the glory of the power shall be dried vp as floure, when the heate shall arise that is sent ouer thee. 51Thou shalt bee weakened as a poore woman with stripes, and as one chastised with woundes, so that the mightie and louers shall not be able to receiue thee. 52Would I with iealousie haue so proceeded against thee, saith the Lord, 53[fn]If thou haddest not alway slaine my chosen, exalting the stroke of thine hands, & saying ouer their dead, when thou wast drunken, 54Set foorth the beauty of thy countenance. 55The reward of thy whoredome shall be in thy bosome, therefore shalt thou receiue recompense. 56Like as thou hast done vnto my chosen, sayth the Lord; euen so shall God doe vnto thee, and shall deliuer thee into mischiefe. 57Thy children shall die of hunger, and thou shalt fall through the sword: thy cities shalbe broken downe, and all thine shall perish with the sword in the field. 58They that be in the mountaines shall die of hunger, and eate their owne flesh, and drinke their owne blood, for very hunger of bread, & thirst of water. 59Thou, as vnhappy, shalt come through the Sea, and receiue plagues againe. 60And in the passage, they shall rush on the idle citie, and shall destroy some portion of thy land, and consume part of thy glory, and shall returne to Babylon that was destroyed. 61And thou shalt be cast downe by them, as stubble, and they shall be vnto thee as fire, 62And shall consume thee and thy cities, thy land and thy mountaines, all thy woods and thy fruitfull trees shall they burne vp with fire. 63[fn]Thy children shall they cary away captiue, and looke what thou hast, they shall spoile it, and marre the beauty of thy face.

XVI 1 Babylon and other places are threatned with plagues that cannot be auoided: 23 and with desolation. 40 The seruants of the Lorde must looke for troubles: 51 and not hide their sinnes, 74 but leaue them, and they shall be deliuered.

XVI¶ Woe be vnto thee, Babylon and Asia, woe be vnto thee Egypt and Syria. 2Gird vp your selues with clothes of sacke and haire, bewaile your children, and be sory, for your destruction is at hand. 3A sword is sent vpon you, and who may turne it backe? 4A fire is sent among you, and who may quench it? 5Plagues are sent vnto you, and what is he that may driue them away? 6May any man driue away a hungry Lion in the wood? or may any one quench the fire in stubble, when it hath begun to burne? 7May one turne againe the arrow that is shot of a strong archer? 8The mightie Lord sendeth the plagues, and who is hee that can driue them away? 9A fire shall goe foorth from his wrath: & who is he that may quench it? 10He shall cast lightnings, and who shall not feare? he shall thunder, and who shall not be afraid? 11The Lord shall threaten, and who shall not be vtterly beaten to powder at his presence? 12The earth quaketh and the foundations thereof, the sea ariseth vp with waues from the deepe, and the waues of it are troubled, and the fishes thereof also before the Lord, and before the glorie of his power. 13For strong is his right hand that bendeth the bow, his arrowes that hee shooteth are sharpe, and shall not misse when they begin to bee shot into the ends of the world. 14Behold, the plagues are sent, and shall not returne againe, vntill they come vpon the earth. 15The fire is kindled, and shall not be put out, till it consume the foundation of the earth. 16Like as an arrow which is shot of a mightie archer returneth not backward: euen so the plagues that shall be sent vpon earth, shall not returne againe. 17Woe is me, woe is me, who will deliuer me in those dayes? 18The beginning of sorrowes, and great mournings, the beginning of famine, and great death: the beginning of warres, and the powers shall stand in feare, the beginning of euils, what shall I doe when these euils shal come? 19Behold, famine, and plague, tribulation and anguish, are sent as scourges for amendment. 20But for all these things they shall not turne from their wickednes, nor be alway mindfull of the scourges. 21[fn]Behold, victuals shall be so good cheape vpon earth, that they shal think themselues to be in good case, and euen then shall euils growe vpon earth, sword, famine, and great confusion. 22For many of them that dwell vpon earth, shall perish of famine, and the other that escape the hunger, shall the sword destroy. 23And the dead shall be cast out as doung, and there shalbe no man to comfort them, for the earth shall be wasted, and the cities shall be cast downe. 24There shall be no man left to till the earth, and to sow it. 25The trees shall giue fruite, and who shall gather them? 26The grapes shall ripe, and who shall treade them? for all places shall be desolate of men. 27So that one man shall desire to see another, and to heare his voyce. 28For of a citie there shalbe ten left, and two of the field which shall hide themselues in the thicke groues, and in the clefts of rockes. 29As in an orchard of oliues, vpon euery tree there are left three or foure oliues: 30Or, when as a vineyard is gathered, there are left some clusters of them that diligently seek through ye vineyard: 31Euen so in those dayes there shalbe three or foure left by them that search their houses with the sword. 32And the earth shall be laid waste, and the fields therof shal waxe old, and her wayes and all her paths shall grow full of thornes, because no man shal trauaile therethrough. 33The virgins shall mourne hauing no bridegromes, ye women shal mourne hauing no husbands, their daughters shall mourne hauing no helpers. 34In the warres shall their bridegromes bee destroyed, and their husbands shall perish of famine. 35Heare now these things, and vnderstand them, ye seruants of the Lord. 36Behold the word of the Lord, receiue it, beleeue not the gods of whom the Lord spake. 37Behold, the plagues draw nigh, and are not slacke. 38As when a woman with childe in the ninth month bringeth forth her son, within two or three houres of her birth great paines compasse her wombe, which paines, when the child commeth forth, they slacke not a moment, 39Euen so shall not the plagues bee slacke to come vpon the earth, and the world shall mourne, and sorrowes shal come vpon it on euery side. 40O my people, Heare my word: make you ready to the battell, and in those euils, be euen as pilgrimes vpon the earth. 41He that selleth let him be as hee that fleeth away: and he that buyeth, as one that will loose. 42He that occupieth merchandize, as he that had no profit by it: and he that buildeth, as hee that shall not dwell therein. 43He that soweth, as if he should not reape: so also he that planteth the vineyard, as he that shal not gather the grapes. 44They that marry, as they that shall get no children: and they that marrie not, as the widowers. 45And therefore they that labour, labour in vaine. 46For strangers shall reape their fruits, and spoile their goods, ouerthrowe their houses; and take their children captiues, for in captiuity and famine shall they get children. 47And they that occupy their merchandize with robbery, the more they decke their citties, their houses, their possessions and their owne persons: 48The more will I be angry with them for their sinne, saith the Lord. 49Like as an whore enuieth a right honest and vertuous woman: 50So shall righteousnesse haue iniquity, when she decketh herselfe, and shall accuse her, to her face, when he commeth that shall defend him that diligently searcheth out euery sinne vpon earth. 51And therfore be yee not like therunto, nor to the workes thereof. 52For yet a little iniquitie shall be taken away out of the earth, and righteousnesse shall reigne among you. 53Let not the sinner say that he hath not sinned: for God shall burne coales of fire vpon his head, which saith before the Lord God and his glory, I haue not sinned. 54[fn]Behold, the Lord knoweth all the workes of men, their imaginations, their thoughts, and their hearts: 55[fn]Which spake but the word, let the earth be made, and it was made: let the heauen be made, and it was created. 56[fn]In his word were the starres made, and he knoweth the number of them. 57He searcheth the deepe, and the treasures thereof, he hath measured the Sea, and what it containeth. 58He hath shut the Sea in the midst of the waters, and with his word hath he hanged the earth vpon the waters. 59He spreadeth out the heauens like a vault, vpon the waters hath he founded it. 60In the desart hath hee made springs of water, and pooles vpon the tops of the mountaines, that the floods might powre downe from the high rockes to water the earth. 61He made man, and put his heart in the midst of the body, and gaue him breath, life, and vnderstanding. 62Yea and the spirit of Almighty God, which made all things, and searcheth out all hidden things in the secrets of the earth. 63Surely he knoweth your inuentions, and what you thinke in your hearts, euen them that sinne, and would hide their sinne. 64Therefore hath the Lord exactly searched out all your workes, and he will put you all to shame. 65And when your sinnes are brought foorth yee shalbe ashamed before men, and your owne sinnes shall be your accusers in that day. 66What will yee doe? or how will yee hide your sinnes before God and his Angels? 67Behold, God himselfe is the iudge, feare him: leaue off from your sinnes, and forget your iniquities to medle no more with them for euer, so shall God lead you forth, and deliuer you from all trouble. 68[fn]For behold, the burning wrath of a great multitude is kindled ouer you, and they shall take away certaine of you, and feede you being idle with things offered vnto idoles. 69And they that consent vnto them shall be had in derision, and in reproch, and troden vnder foote. 70For there shall be in euery place, and in the next cities a great insurrection vpon those that feare the Lord. 71They shall be like mad men, sparing none, but still spoiling and destroying those that feare the Lord. 72For they shal waste and take away their goods, and cast them out of their houses. 73Then shall they be knowen who are my chosen, and they shall be tried, as the gold in the fire: 74Heare, O yee my beloued, saith the Lord: behold, the dayes of trouble are at hand, but I will deliuer you from the same. 75Be yee not afraid, neither doubt, for God is your guide, 76And the guide of them who keepe my commaundements, and precepts, saith the Lord God; Let not your sinnes weigh you downe, and let not your iniquities lift vp themselues. 77Woe bee vnto them that are bound with their sinnes, and couered with their iniquities: like as a field is couered ouer with bushes, and the path thereof couered with thornes, that no man may trauell through. 78[fn]It is left vndressed, and is cast into the fire, to bee consumed therewith.

1:1 Ezra 7.1.

1:1 Or, Shallum.

1:4 Isa.58.1.

1:10 Exod.14. 28.

1:11 Num. 21. 24. iosh.8. 12.

1:13 Exod.14. 29.

1:13 Or, street.

1:13 Exo. 3.10. and 4.14.

1:14 Exod.13. 21.

1:15 Exod.16. 13. psal.104 40.

1:17 Num. 14.3.

1:19 Wisd.16. 20.

1:20 Numb. 20 11. wisd. 11 4.

1:20 Or, abundantly.

1:21 Isa. 5.4. & exod. 15.23

1:22 Or, at the bitter waters, or waters of Marah.

1:24 Exo.32.8.

1:26 Isa.1.15.

1:29 Or, as I am your God

1:30 Mat.23. 37.

1:31 Isa.1.13.

1:40 Mala. 3.1.

2:7 Sacrament or oath.

2:8 Gene. 19. 24.

2:15 Or, bring them vp with gladnesse as a done: make their feet fast. For, &c.

2:16 Or, thy name, O Israel.

2:23 Tob.17. 18.

2:23 Signing bury them.

2:32 Or, preach.

2:38 Or, for.

2:40 Lat. conclude.

2:42 Reu.7.9.

2:44 Or, Lord.

3:5 Gen.2.7.

3:8 Gen.6. 12.

3:9 Gen.7.10

3:11 1.Pet.3. 20.

3:13 Gen.12.1

3:13 Gen.17.5

3:16 Gen.21. 2,3.

3:16 Gen.25. 25,26.

3:16 Mal.1.2,3

3:17 Rom.9. 13. exod. 19.1. deut. 4.10.

3:19 And to all the generation of Israel, that they should keepe it with diligence.

3:23 1.Sam. 16.13.

3:24 2.Sam.5. 1. and 7.5. 13.

3:31 Or, I conceive.

3:33 Or, abound

4:11 Or, incorruption.

4:13 Iudg. 9.8. 2.chron.25 18.

4:19 Or, the land.

4:19 Or, waues.

4:21 The land.

4:21 Isay 55. 8,9 iohn 3. 31. 1.cor.2. 13.

4:23 Or, no where.

4:30 Or, floore.

4:36 Ieremiel.

4:50 Or, measure.

4:51 Or, who shalbe manuscript?

5:1 Shalbe found with great wealth

5:2 Mat.24.12

5:3 Or, that thou treadest vpon and seest.

5:8 Or, slaked.

5:12 Or, be reiected.

5:28 Or, ouer.

6:1 Or, circle of the earth.

6:8 Gen.25. 26.

6:8 Or, from the beginning.

6:14 Or, earthquake.

6:20 Or, sealed.

6:31 See cap. 13. vers. 52.

6:38 Gen. 1.1.

6:45 Gen. 1. 14.

6:46 Gen. 1. 15. deut.4.19.

6:47 Gene.1.20.

6:49 Behemoth.

7:7 Or, steepe place.

7:13 Or, greater

7:17 Deut.8.1.

7:30 Or, first beginning.

7:36 Gen.18. 13.

7:36 Exod.32. 11.

7:37 Or, Archer.

7:38 2.Sam.24. 17. 2.chro. 6.14.

7:39 1.King.17 21. and 18. 42.45.

7:40 2.King. 19.15.

7:48 Rom.5. 18.

7:52 Or, a chast life.

7:53 Or, fulnes.

7:57 Or, intent.

7:59 Deut.30. 19.

7:64 Rom.2.4.

7:69 Or, created.

7:69 Or, contempts.

8:3 Mat.20. 16.

8:6 Or, to giue vs.

8:8 Or, how is the body fashioned.

8:14 Iob 10.8. psal.139. 14. &c.

8:31 Are sicke.

8:32 Be willing.

8:35 1.King.8. 46.and 2. chro.6.36.

8:36 Or, substance.

8:39 Gen.4.4.

8:53 Or, graue.

8:58 Psal.14.1. and 53.1.

9:3 Mat.24.7

9:9 Or, they shall maruell.

9:18 And now because the time of the world was come, when I was preparing the world &c.

9:19 But when the world was made, both now and then, the maners of euery one created were corrupted by a neuer failing haruest, and a law vnsearchable.

9:21 Or, graine.

9:22 Or, graine.

9:29 Exod. 19. 9.and 24. 3. deut.4. 12.

9:29 Or, commeth.

10:2 Or countrey men citizens.

10:5 Or, speeches.

10:10 Or, abolished.

10:13 But the earth after the maner of the earth: whereinto the present multitude is gone againe, as it came out.

10:28 Chap.4.1.

10:28 Or, into the multitude in a traunce.

10:32 Chap.5. 20.

10:37 Or, traunce.

10:39 Or, purpose.

10:43 Or, Interpretation.

10:57 Or, art called to be with, &c.

10:59 Or, last things.

11:4 Lat. shee.

12:11 Daniel 7.7.

12:42 Or, people.

13:2 A certaine man as the winde. Iunius.

13:3 Clouds.

13:13 Iunius. Of the things that were offered.

13:20 Or, this day.

13:31 Mat.24.7.

13:40 2.Kings 17.3.

13:44 Exod.14. 21. iosh.3. 15, 16.

13:45 Or, Ararath.

14:3 Exod.3. 2,8.

14:16 Mat.24.7

14:24 Or, boxe tables to write on, See ver.44.

14:24 Or, Banus.

14:29 Gene. 47.4.

14:30 Act.7. 53.

14:38 Ezek.3.2.

14:44 Or, 904.

14:47 Or, the light of knowledge.

15:8 Reuel.6. 10. and 19. 2.

15:33 Or, against.

15:36 Or, Pasterne, or litter.

15:43 Or, destroy.

15:46 Or, like vnto Babylon.

15:53 Lat. death.

15:63 Or, blemish.

16:21 Or plagues

16:54 Luke 16. 15.

16:55 Gene.1.1.

16:56 Psal.146. 4.

16:68 Or, being vnable to resist.

16:78 Or, shut out.