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Wyc BAR Chapter 5

BAR 5 ©

5Jerusalem, vnclothe thee of the stoole of thi mourenyng, and trauelyng; and clothe thou thee in the fairnesse, and onour of it, which is of God to thee in euerlastynge glorie. 2God of ryytfulnesse schal cumpasse thee with a double cloth, and schal sette on thin heed a mytre of euerlastynge onour. 3For God schal schewe his briytnesse in thee, which is vndur heuene. 4For thi name schal be namyd of God to thee with outen ende, The pees of riytfulnesse, and the onour of pitee. 5Jerusalem, rise vp, and stonde in an hiy place, and biholde aboute to the eest; and se thi sones gaderid togidere fro the sunne risynge til to the west in the word of the hooli, that maken ioie in the mynde of God. 6For thei yeden out fro thee, and weren led of enemyes on feet; but the Lord schal brynge to thee hem borun in to honour, as the sones of rewme. 7For God hath ordeyned to make low ech hiy hil, and euerlastynge rochis of stoon, and gret valeis, to fille the uneuenesse of erthe; that Israel go diligentli in to the onour of God. 8Forsothe wodis and ech tree of swetnesse schadewiden Israel, bi the comaundement of God. 9For God schal brynge Israel with mirthe in the liyt of his maieste, with merci and riytfulnesse, which is of hym.

BAR 5 ©