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UBS Dictionary of the Greek New Testament



MainId: 004050000000000

Version: 0

HasAramaic: False

InLXX: True

AlphaPos: π

StrongCodes: G4147


  1. BaseFormID: 004050001000000

    PartsOfSpeech: verb

    RelatedLemmas: [{'Word': 'πλούσιος', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'πλουσίως', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'πλουτίζω', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'πλοῦτος', 'Meanings': []}]


    1. LEXID: 004050001001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 57.25

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Possess, Transfer, Exchange

      LEXSubDomains: Be Rich, Be Wealthy


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-12-28 11:18:58

        DefinitionShort: to have considerably more than what would be regarded as the norm in a society

        Glosses: ['to be rich', 'to be wealthy', 'well-todo']

      LEXReferences: LUKE 1:53

    2. LEXID: 004050001002000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXEntryCode: 57.28

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Possess, Transfer, Exchange

      LEXSubDomains: Be Rich, Be Wealthy


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-12-28 11:18:58

        DefinitionShort: to prosper to the point of being rich

        Glosses: ['to become rich', 'to become wealthy', 'to prosper']

        Comments: In some instances it may be useful to translate ‘to become wealthy’ as ‘he soon possessed much’ or even ‘he was no longer poor, but rich.’ By introducing ‘poor’ in contrast with ‘rich,’ one may identify a change of state.

      LEXReferences: LUKE 12:21, 1COR 4:8, 2COR 8:9, 1TIM 6:9, REV 3:17, REV 3:18, REV 18:3, REV 18:15, REV 18:19

    3. LEXID: 004050001003000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 57.104

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Possess, Transfer, Exchange

      LEXSubDomains: Give


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-12-28 11:18:58

        DefinitionShort: (a figurative extension of meaning of {L:πλουτέω}[b] ‘to become rich,’ {D:57.28}) to give generously of one’s wealth

        Glosses: ['to be generous', 'to give of one’s wealth']

      LEXReferences: ROM 10:12

    4. LEXID: 004050001004000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 59.58

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Quantity

      LEXSubDomains: Abundance, Excess, Sparing


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-12-28 11:18:58

        DefinitionShort: to have a large amount of something which has value

        Glosses: ['to be rich in', 'to have a great deal of']

      LEXReferences: 1TIM 6:18