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OET-RV by section 1SA 13:1

1SA 13:1–13:23 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Shemuel scolds Sha’ul

13:1 Shemuel scolds Sha’ul

13Sha’ul was thirty[fn] years old when he began to reign over Israel, and when he’d reigned for two years, 2he chose three thousand Israeli warriors for himself: two thousand were stationed with him in Mikmas, and one thousand were with his son Yonatan in Benyamite Gibeah. All the others, he sent back to their homes.

3Then Yonatan attacked and defeated the Philistine unit that was at Geba, and the Philistines heard about it. So Sha’ul had a trumpet blown throughout the country, with the message, “Listen all you Hebrews.” 4All of Israel heard the news that Saul had wiped out a Philistine outpost, and realised that Israel had become repulsive to the Philistines. So the people were summoned to join Sha’ul at Gilgal.

5The Philistines assembled themselves to fight Israel with thirty thousand chariots, six thousand mounted cavalry, and warriors as numerous as the sand on the beach. They went to Mikmas and camped there, east of Beyt-Aven. 6But the Israeli warriors were very anxious because their troops were so outnumbered, so they hid in caves and thickets, among rocks, and in tombs and wells. 7Some of them crossed the Yordan River to the Gad and Gilead regions.

Sha’ul stayed at Gilgal, but the people with him were trembling. 8He waited seven days until the time when Shemuel had said that he’d get there, but he didn’t appear so Sha’ul’s men began to desert him.[ref] 9“Bring me the burnt offering and the peace offerings,” Sha’ul commanded, then he offered up the burnt offering. 10Just as he’d finished, wow, Shemuel arrived at last, and Sha’ul went over to greet him. 11“What have you done?” Shemuel asked.

“When I saw the people leaving me,” Sha’ul replied “and you, you didn’t get here when you said you would, and the Philistines were gathering at Mikmas, 12then I thought, ‘The Philistines are about to attack us at Gilgal, and I haven’t offered any gift to Yahweh.’ So I forced myself, and offered up the burnt up offering.”

13That was stupid of you,” Shemuel responded. “You haven’t obeyed what your God Yahweh instructed, because if you had, then Yahweh would have established your reign over Israel forever. 14But now your kingdom won’t survive. Yahweh has found a man who’s loyal to him and he’s commanded that man to lead his people, because you haven’t obeyed him.[ref]

15Then Shemuel left Gilgal and went to Gibeah in Benyamite territory. Meanwhile, Sha’ul counted up the warriors with him—around six hundred of them. 16Sha’ul and his son Yonatan and the people with them, were staying in Geba, whereas the Philistines were camped at Mikmas, 17and they sent out three raiding parties—one went north to Ofrah in the Shu’al region, 18one went west to Beyt-Horon, and one went towards the wilderness where the border overlooks the Zeboim valley.

19At that time, there were no blacksmiths in Israel because the Philistines didn’t want the Israelis to be able to make swords or spears, 20so all the Israelis had to go to the Philistines to get their axes and plough blades, etc., sharpened. 21(They were charged two-thirds of a shekel for larger things like plough blades, and one-third for picks and axes, and for straightening ox goads.) 22So on the day of battle, Sha’ul and his son Yonatan had a sword and spear each, but none of the warriors with them had any.

23Now one Philistine unit had been sent out to guard the pass at Mikmas.

13:1 TC: There’s some confusion around the numbers in this verse in the original manuscripts, so other translations might differ.

13:8: 1Sam 10:8.

13:14: Acts 13:22.

1SA 13:1–13:23 ©
