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Bshps ISA Chapter 39

ISA 39 ©

39At the same tyme Merodach Baladan, Baladans sonne kyng of Babylon, sent letters and presentes to Hezekia: for he vnderstoode that he had ben sicke, and was recouered agayne. 2And Hezekia was glad therof, and shewed them the house of his treasures of siluer and golde, of spices, and rootes, of precious oyles, & all that was in his cubbordes and treasure houses: there was not one thyng in Hezekias house, and so throughout all his kyngdome, but he let them see it. 3Then came Esai the prophete to king Hezekia, and sayde vnto hym: What haue the men sayde, and from whence came they vnto thee? Hezekia aunswered, They came out of a farre countrey vnto me, out of Babylon. 4Esai sayde, What haue they loked vpon in thy house? Hezekia aunswered, All that is in my house haue they seene, and there is nothyng in my treasure but I shewed it them. 5Then sayde Esai vnto Hezekia: Understande the worde of the Lorde of hoastes: 6Beholde, the tyme wyll come that euery thyng which is in thyne house, and all that thy progenitours haue layde vp in store vntyll this day, shalbe caryed to Babylon, and nothing left behynde, thus saith the Lorde. 7Yea and part of thy sonnes that shall come of thee, & whom thou shalt beget, shalbe caryed hence, and become gelded chamberlaynes in the kyng of Babylons court. 8Then sayde Hezekia to Esai, Good is the worde of God which thou hast tolde me. He sayd moreouer. For there shalbe peace and faythfulnesse in my tyme.

ISA 39 ©
