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2YHN (2JHN)IntroC1

OET by section 2YHN (2JHN) 1:12

2YHN (2JHN) 1:12–1:13 ©

Closing off

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Readers’ Version

Literal Version 

1:12 Closing off

12I’ve got many things that I wanted to write to you about, but paper and ink aren’t working for me so I’ll try to come and then we can talk directly because I want you all to experience genuine happiness.

13Your sister’s children (and she’s also a chosen one) send their greetings also.

12Having many things to_be_writing to_you_all, I_was_ not _counseled through paper and ink, but I_am_hoping to_become to you_all, and to_speak mouth to mouth, in_order_that the joy of_you_all may_be having_been_fulfilled.
13The children of_the the chosen sister of_you is_greeting you.

2YHN (2JHN) 1:12–1:13 ©

2YHN (2JHN)IntroC1