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Index of sections for OET EXO

Intro:0 EXO (Headers)

Intro:13 Introduction (Introduction section heading)

1:1 Yisra’el’s descendants are driven into slavery

1:1 The Israelites Are Treated Cruelly in Egypt (Alternate section heading)

1:1 The Israelites Oppressed (Alternate section heading)

1:1 The Israelites in Egypt (Alternate section heading)

1:8 The Israelites Are Oppressed (Alternate section heading)

2:1 The birth of Mosheh (Moses)

2:1 Moses (Alternate section heading)

2:1 The Birth of Moses (Alternate section heading)

2:1 Birth and Youth of Moses (Alternate section heading)

2:11 Mosheh escapes to Midiyan

2:11 Moses Escapes to Midian (Alternate section heading)

2:11 Moses Flees to Midian (Alternate section heading)

3:1 God calls Mosheh from a burning bush

3:1 God Calls Moses (Alternate section heading)

3:1 Moses at the Burning Bush (Alternate section heading)

3:1 Moses and the Burning Bush (Alternate section heading)

3:13 The Divine Name Revealed (Alternate section heading)

4:1 God gives Mosheh three miracles

4:1 Signs for Moses (Alternate section heading)

4:1 Moses' Miraculous Power (Alternate section heading)

4:1 Signs of the Lord's Power (Alternate section heading)

4:1 God Gives Moses Miraculous Power (Alternate section heading)

4:18 Mosheh returns to Egypt

4:18 Moses Returns to Egypt (Alternate section heading)

5:1 Mosheh challenges the Egyptian king

5:1 Bricks Without Straw (Alternate section heading)

5:1 Moses and Aaron Speak to Pharaoh (Alternate section heading)

5:1 Moses and Aaron before the King of Egypt (Alternate section heading)

5:1 Bricks without Straw (Alternate section heading)

5:6 Making Bricks without Straw (Alternate section heading)

5:22 Mosheh complains to God

5:22 Moses Complains to the Lord (Alternate section heading)

5:22 God Promises Deliverance (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Israel's Deliverance Assured (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Promises of Deliverance (Alternate section heading)

6:2 God promises to rescue the people

6:2 God Calls Moses (Alternate section heading)

6:13 Family Record of Moses and Aaron (Alternate section heading)

6:14 The ancestors of Mosheh and Aharon

6:14 The Ancestors of Moses and Aaron (Alternate section heading)

6:14 The Family Record of Moses and Aaron (Alternate section heading)

6:14 The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron (Alternate section heading)

6:28 God’s reassurances to Mosheh and Aharon

6:28 Moses and Aaron Obey God's Commands (Alternate section heading)

6:28 Aaron to Speak for Moses (Alternate section heading)

6:28 The Lord's Command to Moses and Aaron (Alternate section heading)

6:28 The struggle with Pharaoh (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Aaron's Staff Becomes a Snake (Alternate section heading)

7:8 Staffs and snakes

7:8 Aaron's Staff Becomes a Snake (Alternate section heading)

7:8 Aaron's Walking Stick (Alternate section heading)

7:8 Aaron's Miraculous Rod (Alternate section heading)

7:14 Plague 1: Water to blood

7:14 A Plague of Blood (Alternate section heading)

7:14 The Plague of Blood (Alternate section heading)

7:14 The First Plague: Water Turned to Blood (Alternate section heading)

7:14 Disasters Strike Egypt (Alternate section heading)

7:25 Plague 2: Frogs everywhere

8:1 Frogs (Alternate 2nd level section heading)

8:1 The Second Plague: Frogs (Alternate section heading)

8:1 A Plague of Frogs (Alternate section heading)

8:16 Plague 3: Lice

8:16 A Plague of Gnats (Alternate section heading)

8:16 The Third Plague: Gnats (Alternate section heading)

8:16 The Plague of Gnats (Alternate section heading)

8:20 Plague 4: The swarm

8:20 The Fourth Plague: Flies (Alternate section heading)

8:20 A Plague of Flies (Alternate section heading)

8:20 The Plague of Flies (Alternate section heading)

9:1 Plague 5: The stock disease

9:1 Death of the Animals (Alternate 2nd level section heading)

9:1 The Fifth Plague: Livestock Diseased (Alternate section heading)

9:1 The Plague on Livestock (Alternate section heading)

9:1 A Plague against Livestock (Alternate section heading)

9:8 Plague 6: Boils

9:8 The Plague of Boils (Alternate section heading)

9:8 The Sixth Plague: Boils (Alternate section heading)

9:8 A Plague of Boils (Alternate section heading)

9:13 Plague 7: Hail

9:13 A Plague of Hail (Alternate section heading)

9:13 The Seventh Plague: Thunder and Hail (Alternate section heading)

9:13 The Plague of Hail (Alternate section heading)

10:1 Plague 8: Locusts

10:1 A Plague of Locusts (Alternate section heading)

10:1 The Plague of Locusts (Alternate section heading)

10:1 The Eighth Plague: Locusts (Alternate section heading)

10:21 Plague 9: Darkness

10:21 The Plague of Darkness (Alternate section heading)

10:21 The Ninth Plague: Darkness (Alternate section heading)

10:21 A Plague of Darkness (Alternate section heading)

11:1 Plague 10: Death of oldest sons

11:1 Moses Announces the Death of the First-Born (Alternate section heading)

11:1 The Plague on the Firstborn (Alternate section heading)

11:1 Warning of the Final Plague (Alternate section heading)

11:1 Death for Egypt's Firstborn (Alternate section heading)

12:1 Meal preparations to avoid death

12:1 The Passover (Alternate section heading)

12:1 The First Passover Instituted (Alternate section heading)

12:1 The First Passover (Alternate section heading)

12:1 The institution of the Passover (Alternate section heading)

12:15 The ‘Flat Bread Celebration’

12:15 The Festival of Unleavened Bread (Alternate section heading)

12:20 The First Passover (Alternate section heading)

12:21 The first ever ‘pass-over’ celebration

12:29 The death of all the oldest male offspring

12:29 The Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn (Alternate section heading)

12:29 The Death of the First-Born (Alternate section heading)

12:31 The Exodus (Alternate section heading)

12:31 Israel's Exodus from Egypt (Alternate section heading)

12:33 The Exodus: From Rameses to Succoth (Alternate section heading)

12:37 The Israelites Leave Egypt (Alternate section heading)

12:37 The exodus from Egypt (Alternate section heading)

12:43 Instructions for observing the ‘pass-over’

12:43 Instructions for the Passover (Alternate section heading)

12:43 Passover Restrictions (Alternate section heading)

12:43 Directions for the Passover (Alternate section heading)

12:43 Regulations about Passover (Alternate section heading)

13:1 God owns the first child

13:1 Dedication of the Firstborn (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Dedication of the First-Born (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Consecration of the Firstborn (Alternate section heading)

13:3 The ‘Flat Bread Celebration’

13:3 The Festival of Unleavened Bread (Alternate section heading)

13:11 Offering up the oldest children

13:11 The Consecration of the Firstborn (Alternate section heading)

13:11 The First-Born (Alternate section heading)

13:17 Led by cloud and fire

13:17 Crossing the Sea (Alternate section heading)

13:17 The Pillars of Cloud and Fire (Alternate section heading)

13:17 The Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire (Alternate section heading)

13:17 Israel's Wilderness Detour (Alternate section heading)

14:1 Crossing the Red Sea

14:1 Crossing the Red Sea (Alternate section heading)

14:5 The Egyptians Pursue Israel (Alternate section heading)

14:15 Escape through the Red Sea (Alternate section heading)

14:26 The Pursuers Drowned (Alternate section heading)

15:1 Mosheh’s song

15:1 The Song of Moses (Alternate section heading)

15:1 A Song of Deliverance (Alternate section heading)

15:1 The Song of Moses and Miriam (Alternate section heading)

15:20 Miryam’s song

15:20 The Song of Miriam (Alternate section heading)

15:22 The bitter water

15:22 Bitter Water (Alternate section heading)

15:22 In the wilderness (Alternate section heading)

15:22 The Waters of Marah and Elim (Alternate section heading)

15:22 Bitter Water Made Sweet (Alternate section heading)

15:22 Bitter Water at Marah (Alternate section heading)

16:1 The manna and the quail

16:1 Manna and Quail (Alternate section heading)

16:1 Manna and Quail from Heaven (Alternate section heading)

16:1 Bread from Heaven (Alternate section heading)

16:1 The Manna and the Quails (Alternate section heading)

17:1 God gives water from a rock

17:1 Water From the Rock (Alternate section heading)

17:1 Water from the Rock (Alternate section heading)

17:8 Mosheh’s arms held high to defeat Amalek

17:8 The Amalekites Defeated (Alternate section heading)

17:8 Israel Defeats the Amalekites (Alternate section heading)

17:8 Amalek Attacks Israel and Is Defeated (Alternate section heading)

17:8 War with the Amalekites (Alternate section heading)

18:1 Mosheh’s father-in-law visits

18:1 Jethro's Visit to Moses (Alternate section heading)

18:1 Jethro's Advice (Alternate section heading)

18:1 Jethro Visits Moses (Alternate section heading)

18:13 Yetro’s helpful administrative advice

18:13 Jethro's Wise Advice (Alternate section heading)

18:13 The Appointment of Judges (Alternate section heading)

19:1 Camping by Mt. Sinai

19:1 At Mount Sinai (Alternate section heading)

19:1 The Lord Reveals Himself at Sinai (Alternate section heading)

19:1 The Israelites at Mount Sinai (Alternate section heading)

19:1 The Israelites Reach Mount Sinai (Alternate section heading)

19:1 Israel at Mount Sinai (Alternate section heading)

19:10 The People Consecrated (Alternate section heading)

20:1 The ten rules

20:1 The Ten Commandments (Alternate section heading)

20:18 The people are afraid of God

20:18 The People's Fear (Alternate section heading)

20:22 Instructions about altars

20:22 The Law concerning the Altar (Alternate section heading)

20:22 Proper Use of Altars (Alternate section heading)

20:22 Idols and Altars (Alternate section heading)

20:22 Laws about Altars (Alternate section heading)

21:1 Rules about slaves

21:1 The Law concerning Slaves (Alternate section heading)

21:1 The Treatment of Slaves (Alternate section heading)

21:1 Fair Treatment of Slaves (Alternate section heading)

21:2 Hebrew Servants (Alternate section heading)

21:12 Rules about violence to others

21:12 The Law concerning Violence (Alternate section heading)

21:12 Laws about Violent Acts (Alternate section heading)

21:12 Cases of Personal Injury (Alternate section heading)

21:12 Personal Injuries (Alternate section heading)

21:28 Rules about property

21:28 Laws concerning Property (Alternate section heading)

21:28 The Responsibility of Owners (Alternate section heading)

22:1 Rules about loss of property or farm animals

22:1 Laws of Restitution (Alternate section heading)

22:1 Protection of Property (Alternate section heading)

22:1 Laws about Repayment (Alternate section heading)

22:16 More rules about everyday life

22:16 Social and Religious Laws (Alternate section heading)

22:16 Moral and Religious Laws (Alternate section heading)

22:16 Social Responsibility (Alternate section heading)

23:1 Rules about honesty and kindness

23:1 Justice for All (Alternate section heading)

23:1 Justice and Fairness (Alternate section heading)

23:1 Laws of Justice and Mercy (Alternate section heading)

23:1 A Call for Justice (Alternate section heading)

23:10 The seventh year and the seventh day

23:10 Sabbath Laws (Alternate section heading)

23:10 Sabbatical Year and Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

23:10 The Seventh Year and the Seventh Day (Alternate section heading)

23:14 Three compulsory celebrations each year

23:14 Three Annual Festivals (Alternate section heading)

23:14 The Annual Festivals (Alternate section heading)

23:14 The Three Great Festivals (Alternate section heading)

23:14 The Three Annual Festivals (Alternate section heading)

23:20 Promises and teachings

23:20 The Conquest of Canaan Promised (Alternate section heading)

23:20 A Promise of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

23:20 Promises and Instructions (Alternate section heading)

23:20 God's Angel to Prepare the Way (Alternate section heading)

24:1 The people confirm their agreement

24:1 Israel Accepts the Lord's Covenant (Alternate section heading)

24:1 The Covenant Is Sealed (Alternate section heading)

24:1 The Blood of the Covenant (Alternate section heading)

24:1 The Covenant Confirmed (Alternate section heading)

24:9 On the Mountain with God (Alternate section heading)

24:12 Mosheh’s long stay on Mt. Sinai

24:12 Moses on Mount Sinai (Alternate section heading)

25:1 Contributions for God’s tent

25:1 Offerings for the Sacred Tent (Alternate section heading)

25:1 Offerings for the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

25:10 The box to hold the stone slabs

25:10 Plans for the Ark (Alternate section heading)

25:10 The Ark of the Covenant (Alternate section heading)

25:10 The Covenant Box (Alternate section heading)

25:10 The Ark (Alternate section heading)

25:23 The bread-offering table

25:23 The Table for the Bread of the Presence (Alternate section heading)

25:23 Plans for the Table (Alternate section heading)

25:23 The Table for the Bread Offered to God (Alternate section heading)

25:23 The Table (Alternate section heading)

25:31 The lampstand

25:31 The Lampstand (Alternate section heading)

25:31 Plans for the Lampstand (Alternate section heading)

26:1 Plans for the sacred residence

26:1 Plans for the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

26:1 The Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

26:1 The Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

26:15 The Framework (Alternate section heading)

26:31 The Curtain (Alternate section heading)

27:1 The altar for burnt offerings

27:1 Plans for the Altar of Burnt Offering (Alternate section heading)

27:1 The Altar of Burnt Offering (Alternate section heading)

27:1 The Altar (Alternate section heading)

27:9 The courtyard around the sacred tent

27:9 Plans for the Courtyard (Alternate section heading)

27:9 The Enclosure for the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

27:9 The Courtyard (Alternate section heading)

27:9 The Court and Its Hangings (Alternate section heading)

27:20 The oil for the lamps

27:20 Oil for the Lampstand (Alternate section heading)

27:20 The Oil for the Lamp (Alternate section heading)

27:20 Taking Care of the Lamp (Alternate section heading)

28:1 The priests’ uniform

28:1 Vestments for the Priesthood (Alternate section heading)

28:1 The Priestly Garments (Alternate section heading)

28:1 Garments for the Priests (Alternate section heading)

28:1 Clothing for the Priests (Alternate section heading)

28:6 The Ephod (Alternate section heading)

28:6 Design of the Ephod (Alternate section heading)

28:15 The chestpiece

28:15 Design of the Chestpiece (Alternate section heading)

28:15 The Breastpiece (Alternate section heading)

28:15 The Breastplate (Alternate section heading)

28:31 The other parts of the uniform

28:31 Additional Clothing for the Priests (Alternate section heading)

28:31 Other Priestly Vestments (Alternate section heading)

28:31 Other Priestly Garments (Alternate section heading)

28:31 The Other Priestly Garments (Alternate section heading)

29:1 Consecrating the priests

29:1 Instructions for Ordaining Aaron and His Sons as Priests (Alternate section heading)

29:1 The Ordination of the Priests (Alternate section heading)

29:1 Dedication of the Priests (Alternate section heading)

29:1 Consecration of the Priests (Alternate section heading)

29:38 The daily sacrifices

29:38 The Daily Offerings (Alternate section heading)

30:1 The incense altar

30:1 The Altar for Burning Incense (Alternate section heading)

30:1 The Altar of Incense (Alternate section heading)

30:1 Plans for the Incense Altar (Alternate section heading)

30:11 The tax for making the tent

30:11 The Tax for the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

30:11 Money for the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

30:11 The Half Shekel for the Sanctuary (Alternate section heading)

30:11 Atonement Money (Alternate section heading)

30:17 The washbasin

30:17 Basin for Washing (Alternate section heading)

30:17 Plans for the Washbasin (Alternate section heading)

30:17 The Bronze Basin (Alternate section heading)

30:22 The anointing oil

30:22 The Anointing Oil (Alternate section heading)

30:22 The Anointing Oil and Incense (Alternate section heading)

30:22 Anointing Oil (Alternate section heading)

30:34 The incense

30:34 The Incense (Alternate section heading)

30:34 Incense (Alternate section heading)

31:1 Bezalel and Oholiab

31:1 Craftsmen for the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

31:1 Bezalel and Oholiab (Alternate section heading)

31:1 Craftsmen: Bezalel and Oholiab (Alternate section heading)

31:12 The rest day

31:12 Instructions for the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

31:12 The Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

31:12 Sabbath, the Day of Rest (Alternate section heading)

31:12 The Sabbath Law (Alternate section heading)

31:18 The Two Tablets of the Covenant (Alternate section heading)

32:1 The gold bull idol

32:1 The Gold Bull-Calf (Alternate section heading)

32:1 The Golden Calf (Alternate section heading)

32:1 The Calf of Gold (Alternate section heading)

32:30 Moses Intercedes for Israel (Alternate section heading)

33:1 God tells them to leave Mt. Sinai

33:1 The Command to Leave Sinai (Alternate section heading)

33:1 The Lord Orders Israel to Leave Mount Sinai (Alternate section heading)

33:7 The tent for meeting God

33:7 The Tent of Meeting (Alternate section heading)

33:7 The Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

33:7 The Tent outside the Camp (Alternate section heading)

33:12 Mosheh sees the master’s splendour

33:12 Moses and the Glory of the Lord (Alternate section heading)

33:12 Moses Sees the Lord's Glory (Alternate section heading)

33:12 The Lord Promises to Be with His People (Alternate section heading)

33:12 Moses' Intercession (Alternate section heading)

34:1 The replacement stone slabs

34:1 A New Copy of the Covenant (Alternate section heading)

34:1 The Second Set of Stone Tablets (Alternate section heading)

34:1 The New Stone Tablets (Alternate section heading)

34:1 Moses Makes New Tablets (Alternate section heading)

34:10 The Covenant Is Renewed (Alternate section heading)

34:10 The Covenant Renewed (Alternate section heading)

34:29 The Shining Face of Moses (Alternate section heading)

34:29 Moses Goes Down from Mount Sinai (Alternate section heading)

34:29 The Radiant Face of Moses (Alternate section heading)

35:1 Instructions for the rest day

35:1 Regulations for the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

35:1 Sabbath Regulations (Alternate section heading)

35:1 Instructions for the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

35:4 The offering for Yahweh

35:4 Preparations for Making the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

35:4 Offerings for the Sacred Tent (Alternate section heading)

35:4 Materials for the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

35:4 Gifts for the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

35:10 The equipment for the holy tent

35:10 Articles for the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

35:20 The people’s offerings

35:20 The People Bring Their Offerings (Alternate section heading)

35:20 Offerings for the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

35:30 The skills of Bezalel and Oholiab

35:30 Bezalel and Oholiab (Alternate section heading)

35:30 Workers to Make the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

36:2 More than enough materials donated

36:2 The People Bring Many Gifts (Alternate section heading)

36:8 The construction of the tent

36:8 Making the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

36:8 Building the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

36:8 Construction of the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

36:8 The Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

37:1 Making the sacred box

37:1 Making the Covenant Box (Alternate section heading)

37:1 Making the Ark of the Covenant (Alternate section heading)

37:1 The Ark (Alternate section heading)

37:1 Building the Ark (Alternate section heading)

37:10 Making the bread table

37:10 Making the Table for the Bread of the Presence (Alternate section heading)

37:10 Making the Table for the Bread Offered to God (Alternate section heading)

37:10 The Table (Alternate section heading)

37:10 Building the Table (Alternate section heading)

37:17 Making the lampstand

37:17 Building the Lampstand (Alternate section heading)

37:17 The Lampstand (Alternate section heading)

37:17 Making the Lampstand (Alternate section heading)

37:25 Making the incense altar

37:25 Building the Incense Altar (Alternate section heading)

37:25 Making the Altar of Incense (Alternate section heading)

37:25 Making the Altar for Burning Incense (Alternate section heading)

37:29 Making the Anointing Oil and the Incense (Alternate section heading)

38:1 Making the altar for burning sacrifices

38:1 The Altar of Burnt Offering (Alternate section heading)

38:1 Building the Altar of Burnt Offering (Alternate section heading)

38:1 Making the Altar for Burning Offerings (Alternate section heading)

38:1 Making the Altar of Burnt Offering (Alternate section heading)

38:8 Making the washbasin

38:8 Basin for Washing (Alternate section heading)

38:8 Building the Washbasin (Alternate section heading)

38:8 Making the Bronze Basin (Alternate section heading)

38:9 Making the courtyard

38:9 Making the Court of the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

38:9 The Enclosure for the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

38:9 The Courtyard (Alternate section heading)

38:9 Building the Courtyard (Alternate section heading)

38:21 List of metals used

38:21 The Materials Used (Alternate section heading)

38:21 Materials of the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

38:21 Metals Used in the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

38:21 Inventory of Materials (Alternate section heading)

39:1 Making the priests’ uniforms

39:1 Making the Vestments for the Priesthood (Alternate section heading)

39:1 The Priestly Garments (Alternate section heading)

39:1 Clothing for the Priests (Alternate section heading)

39:1 Making the Garments for the Priests (Alternate section heading)

39:2 The Ephod (Alternate section heading)

39:2 Making the Ephod (Alternate section heading)

39:8 Making the sacred pouch

39:8 Making the Breastpiece (Alternate section heading)

39:8 The Breastpiece (Alternate section heading)

39:8 Making the Chestpiece (Alternate section heading)

39:22 Making the other clothes

39:22 Additional Clothing for the Priests (Alternate section heading)

39:22 Other Priestly Garments (Alternate section heading)

39:22 Making the Other Priestly Garments (Alternate section heading)

39:32 Mosheh inspects the finished components

39:32 The Completion of the Work (Alternate section heading)

39:32 Moses Inspects the Work (Alternate section heading)

39:32 The Work Completed (Alternate section heading)

39:32 Moses Inspects the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

40:1 Erecting the sacred tent

40:1 Setting Up the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

40:1 The Tabernacle Erected and Its Equipment Installed (Alternate section heading)

40:1 The Tabernacle Completed (Alternate section heading)

40:1 Setting Up and Dedicating the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)

40:34 Yahweh’s splendour fills the tent

40:34 The Cloud and the Glory (Alternate section heading)

40:34 The Glory of the Lord (Alternate section heading)

40:34 The Lord's Glory Fills the Tabernacle (Alternate section heading)

40:34 The Cloud over the Tent of the Lord's Presence (Alternate section heading)