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Index of sections for OET MAT

Intro:0 MAT (Headers)

Intro:14 Introduction (Introduction section heading)

1:1 The Jewish ancestors of the messiah

1:1 The ancestry of the Messiah (Alternate section heading)

1:1 The Record of Jesus' Ancestors (Alternate section heading)

1:1 The Genealogy of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

1:1 The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah (Alternate section heading)

1:1 The Ancestors of Jesus Christ (Alternate section heading)

1:18 The birth of the messiah

1:18 The Birth of Jesus the Messiah (Alternate section heading)

1:18 The Birth of Jesus Christ (Alternate section heading)

1:18 The birth and infancy of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

2:1 Easterners come to worship the new king

2:1 The Visit of the Wise Men (Alternate section heading)

2:1 The Visit of the Magi (Alternate section heading)

2:1 Visitors from the East (Alternate section heading)

2:13 The escape to Egypt

2:13 The Escape to Egypt (Alternate section heading)

2:16 The killing of the children

2:16 The Massacre of the Infants (Alternate section heading)

2:18b Yosef’s family return to Nazareth

2:19 The Return from Egypt (Alternate section heading)

2:19 The Return to Nazareth (Alternate section heading)

3:1 Yohan-the-immerser’s preaching

3:1 The Proclamation of John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

3:1 John the Baptist and Jesus (Alternate section heading)

3:1 The Preaching of John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

3:1 John the Baptist Prepares the Way (Alternate section heading)

3:13 Yeshua gets immersed in the river

3:13 The Baptism of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

4:1 Yeshua is tempted by the devil

4:1 The Temptation of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

4:12 Yeshua begins his ministry

4:12 The Ministry of Jesus Begins (Alternate section heading)

4:12 Jesus Begins to Preach (Alternate section heading)

4:12 Jesus Begins His Ministry in Galilee (Alternate section heading)

4:12 The first disciples (Alternate section heading)

4:12 Jesus Begins His Work in Galilee (Alternate section heading)

4:18 Yeshua calls his first four followers

4:18 The Calling of the First Disciples (Alternate section heading)

4:18 The First Disciples (Alternate section heading)

4:18 Jesus Calls the First Disciples (Alternate section heading)

4:18 Jesus Calls Four Fishermen (Alternate section heading)

4:23 Yeshua’s healing is very popular

4:23 The Ministry of Jesus in Galilee (Alternate section heading)

4:23 Jesus Teaches, Preaches, and Heals (Alternate section heading)

4:23 Jesus Heals the Sick (Alternate section heading)

4:23 Jesus Ministers to Crowds of People (Alternate section heading)

5:1 Yeshua’s sermon on the hillside

5:1 The Sermon on the Mount (Alternate section heading)

5:1 The Beatitudes (Alternate section heading)

5:2 The Beatitudes (Alternate section heading)

5:3 True Happiness (Alternate section heading)

5:13 Being salt and light

5:13 Teaching about Salt and Light (Alternate section heading)

5:17 Mosheh’ law won’t be broken

5:17 The Law and the Prophets (Alternate section heading)

5:17 The Fulfillment of the Law (Alternate section heading)

5:17 Teaching about the Law (Alternate section heading)

5:21 Teaching about murder and anger

5:21 Murder (Alternate section heading)

5:21 Teaching about Anger (Alternate section heading)

5:21 Concerning Anger (Alternate section heading)

5:27 Teaching about adultery and lust

5:27 Concerning Adultery (Alternate section heading)

5:27 Teaching about Adultery (Alternate section heading)

5:31 Teaching about divorce

5:31 Concerning Divorce (Alternate section heading)

5:31 Teaching about Divorce (Alternate section heading)

5:33 Teaching about oaths and honesty

5:33 Teaching about Vows (Alternate section heading)

5:33 Concerning Oaths (Alternate section heading)

5:38 Teaching about being taken advantage of

5:38 Concerning Retaliation (Alternate section heading)

5:38 Teaching about Revenge (Alternate section heading)

5:38 An Eye for an Eye (Alternate section heading)

5:43 Love your enemies

5:43 Teaching about Love for Enemies (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Giving to the poor

6:1 Giving to the Needy (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Concerning Almsgiving (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Teaching about Charity (Alternate section heading)

6:1 Teaching about Giving to the Needy (Alternate section heading)

6:5 Teaching about praying

6:5 Concerning Prayer (Alternate section heading)

6:5 Teaching about Prayer (Alternate section heading)

6:5 Teaching about Prayer and Fasting (Alternate section heading)

6:16 Teaching about fasting

6:16 Concerning Fasting (Alternate section heading)

6:19 Wealth in heaven

6:19 Treasures in Heaven (Alternate section heading)

6:19 Concerning Treasures (Alternate section heading)

6:19 Teaching about Money and Possessions (Alternate section heading)

6:19 Riches in Heaven (Alternate section heading)

6:22 The eyes

6:22 The Light of the Body (Alternate section heading)

6:22 The Sound Eye (Alternate section heading)

6:24 God and wealth

6:24 Serving Two Masters (Alternate section heading)

6:24 God and Possessions (Alternate section heading)

6:25 Do Not Worry (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Teaching about judging

7:1 Judging Others (Alternate section heading)

7:1 Don't Condemn Others (Alternate section heading)

7:6 Profaning the Holy (Alternate section heading)

7:7 Requesting, searching, and knocking

7:7 Effective Prayer (Alternate section heading)

7:7 Ask, Search, Knock (Alternate section heading)

7:7 Ask, Seek, Knock (Alternate section heading)

7:12 The Golden Rule (Alternate section heading)

7:13 The wide and narrow gates

7:13 The Narrow and Wide Gates (Alternate section heading)

7:13 The Narrow Gate (Alternate section heading)

7:15 Recognising the tree by the fruit

7:15 The Tree and Its Fruit (Alternate section heading)

7:15 A Tree and Its Fruit (Alternate section heading)

7:21 Words need actions

7:21 Concerning Self-Deception (Alternate section heading)

7:21 I Never Knew You (Alternate section heading)

7:21 True Disciples (Alternate section heading)

7:24 The importance of foundations

7:24 The Wise and Foolish Builders (Alternate section heading)

7:24 The Two House Builders (Alternate section heading)

7:24 Hearers and Doers (Alternate section heading)

7:24 Building on a Solid Foundation (Alternate section heading)

7:28 Yeshua’s authority

7:28 The Authority of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

8:1 Yeshua heals a man with leprosy

8:1 Jesus Heals a Man (Alternate section heading)

8:1 Jesus Cleanses a Leper (Alternate section heading)

8:1 Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy (Alternate section heading)

8:1 Miracles and teaching (Alternate section heading)

8:1 The Man With Leprosy (Alternate section heading)

8:5 Yeshua heals a Roman’s slave

8:5 The Faith of the Centurion (Alternate section heading)

8:5 Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant (Alternate section heading)

8:5 Jesus Heals a Roman Officer's Servant (Alternate section heading)

8:5 Faith of the Roman Officer (Alternate section heading)

8:14 Yeshua heals the people

8:14 Jesus Heals Many at Peter's House (Alternate section heading)

8:14 Jesus Heals Many People (Alternate section heading)

8:18 Some wanted to follow Yeshua

8:18 The Cost of Following Jesus (Alternate section heading)

8:18 The Would-Be Followers of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

8:23 Yeshua commands the wind

8:23 Jesus Calms a Storm (Alternate section heading)

8:23 Jesus Calms the Storm (Alternate section heading)

8:23 Jesus Stills the Storm (Alternate section heading)

8:28 Yeshua banishes demons into a herd of pigs

8:28 Jesus Heals Two Men with Demons (Alternate section heading)

8:28 Jesus Heals the Gadarene Demoniacs (Alternate section heading)

8:28 The Healing of Two Demon-possessed Men (Alternate section heading)

8:28 Jesus Heals Two Demon-Possessed Men (Alternate section heading)

9:1 Yeshua forgives and heals a paralysed man

9:1 Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man (Alternate section heading)

9:1 Jesus Heals a Paralytic (Alternate section heading)

9:2 Jesus Heals a Paralytic (Alternate section heading)

9:9 Yeshua calls Matthew and they dine with ‘sinners’

9:9 Jesus Calls Matthew (Alternate section heading)

9:9 The Call of Matthew (Alternate section heading)

9:9 The Calling of Matthew (Alternate section heading)

9:14 Yeshua is asked about fasting

9:14 Jesus Questioned About Fasting (Alternate section heading)

9:14 A Discussion about Fasting (Alternate section heading)

9:14 The Question about Fasting (Alternate section heading)

9:18 Yeshua raises a dead girl and heals a woman from bleeding

9:18 The Official's Daughter and the Woman Who Touched Jesus' Cloak (Alternate section heading)

9:18 A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed (Alternate section heading)

9:18 A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman (Alternate section heading)

9:18 Jesus Heals in Response to Faith (Alternate section heading)

9:27 Yeshua heals two blind men

9:27 Jesus Heals Two Blind Men (Alternate section heading)

9:27 Jesus Heals the Blind and Mute (Alternate section heading)

9:32 Yeshua heals a man who couldn’t talk

9:32 Jesus Heals a Man Who Could Not Speak (Alternate section heading)

9:32 Jesus Heals One Who Was Mute (Alternate section heading)

9:35 The large harvest

9:35 Jesus Has Pity for the People (Alternate section heading)

9:35 The Workers Are Few (Alternate section heading)

9:35 The Need for Workers (Alternate section heading)

9:35 The Harvest Is Great, the Laborers Few (Alternate section heading)

10:1 Yeshua commissions the twelve

10:1 Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles (Alternate section heading)

10:1 The Twelve are commissioned (Alternate section heading)

10:5 Yeshua sends out the twelve

10:5 The Mission of the Twelve (Alternate section heading)

10:16 The coming persecution

10:16 Coming Persecutions (Alternate section heading)

10:26 Who to fear

10:26 Whom to Fear (Alternate section heading)

10:32 Acknowledging the messiah

10:32 Confessing and Rejecting Christ (Alternate section heading)

10:34 Don’t expect peace

10:34 Not Peace, but a Sword (Alternate section heading)

10:40 Acceptance rewards

10:40 Rewards (Alternate section heading)

11:1 Yeshua and Yohan-the-immerser

11:1 Jesus and John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

11:1 The Messengers from John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

11:2 Recognizing the Messiah (Alternate section heading)

11:2 Messengers from John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

11:7 Jesus Praises John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

11:20 Cities that rejected the messiah

11:20 The Unbelieving Towns (Alternate section heading)

11:20 Woe on Unrepentant Cities (Alternate section heading)

11:20 Woes to Unrepentant Cities (Alternate section heading)

11:20 Judgment for the Unbelievers (Alternate section heading)

11:25 Yeshua’s load is light

11:25 Rest for the Weary (Alternate section heading)

11:25 Come to Me and Rest (Alternate section heading)

11:25 Jesus Thanks His Father (Alternate section heading)

11:25 Jesus' Prayer of Thanksgiving (Alternate section heading)

12:1 The discussion about rest days

12:1 Lord of the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

12:1 The Question about the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

12:1 Opposition to Jesus (Alternate section heading)

12:1 Plucking Grain on the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

12:1 Controversy about the Sabbath (Alternate section heading)

12:9 The man with the clawed fist

12:9 The Man with a Withered Hand (Alternate section heading)

12:9 The Man with a Paralyzed Hand (Alternate section heading)

12:15 Yeshua was chosen by God

12:15 God's Chosen Servant (Alternate section heading)

12:15 Jesus, God's Chosen Servant (Alternate section heading)

12:22 Yeshua accused of being the leader of demons

12:22 Jesus and Beelzebul (Alternate section heading)

12:22 Jesus and Beelzebub (Alternate section heading)

12:22 Jesus and the Prince of Demons (Alternate section heading)

12:33 A tree is recognised by its fruit

12:33 A Tree and Its Fruit (Alternate section heading)

12:38 The religious leaders ask for a sign

12:38 The Demand for a Miracle (Alternate section heading)

12:38 The Sign of Jonah (Alternate section heading)

12:43 The demon’s revenge

12:43 The Return of the Evil Spirit (Alternate section heading)

12:43 The Return of the Unclean Spirit (Alternate section heading)

12:46 The mother and siblings of Yeshua

12:46 The True Family of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

12:46 Jesus' Mother and Brothers (Alternate section heading)

12:46 The True Kindred of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

13:1 The parable about spreading seed

13:1 Parables (Alternate section heading)

13:1 Story of the Farmer Scattering Seed (Alternate section heading)

13:1 The Parable of the Sower (Alternate section heading)

13:10 Yeshua’s use of parables

13:10 The Purpose of the Parables (Alternate section heading)

13:18 The meaning/salvation of parable concerning the planting

13:18 Jesus Explains the Parable of the Sower (Alternate section heading)

13:18 The Parable of the Sower Explained (Alternate section heading)

13:24 The parable about the bad wheat

13:24 Story of the Wheat and Weeds (Alternate section heading)

13:24 The Parable of the Weeds (Alternate section heading)

13:24 The Parable of Weeds among the Wheat (Alternate section heading)

13:31 The parable about the small mustard seed

13:31 The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast (Alternate section heading)

13:31 Illustration of the Mustard Seed (Alternate section heading)

13:31 The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Alternate section heading)

13:33 The parable about the yeast

13:33 Illustration of the Yeast (Alternate section heading)

13:33 The Parable of the Yeast (Alternate section heading)

13:34 The reason Yeshua used parables

13:34 The Use of Parables (Alternate section heading)

13:34 Jesus' Use of Parables (Alternate section heading)

13:36 Yeshua explains about the false wheat

13:36 The Parable of the Weeds Explained (Alternate section heading)

13:36 Jesus Explains the Parable of the Weeds (Alternate section heading)

13:36 The Wheat and Weeds Explained (Alternate section heading)

13:44 The parable about the treasure in the field

13:44 The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl (Alternate section heading)

13:44 The Parable of the Hidden Treasure (Alternate section heading)

13:44 Three Parables (Alternate section heading)

13:44 Illustration of the Hidden Treasure (Alternate section heading)

13:45 The parable about the valuable pearl

13:45 Illustration of the Pearl Merchant (Alternate section heading)

13:45 The Parable of the Pearl (Alternate section heading)

13:47 The parable about the dragnet

13:47 Illustration of the Fishing Net (Alternate section heading)

13:47 The Parable of the Net (Alternate section heading)

13:51 New Truths and Old (Alternate section heading)

13:51 Treasures New and Old (Alternate section heading)

13:53 Those from Nazareth cannot accept the messiah

13:53 Jesus Is Rejected at Nazareth (Alternate section heading)

13:53 A Prophet Without Honour (Alternate section heading)

13:54 The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth (Alternate section heading)

14:1 The beheading of Yohan-the-immerser

14:1 The Death of John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

14:1 Death of John the Baptist (Alternate section heading)

14:1 John the Baptist Beheaded (Alternate section heading)

14:13 The feeding of 5,000 families

14:13 Jesus Feeds Five Thousand (Alternate section heading)

14:13 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (Alternate section heading)

14:13 Feeding the Five Thousand (Alternate section heading)

14:13 More miracles and teaching (Alternate section heading)

14:22 Yeshua and Peter walk on the lake

14:22 Jesus Walks on Water (Alternate section heading)

14:22 Jesus Walks on the Water (Alternate section heading)

14:34 The sick are healed just by touching Yeshua’s clothes

14:34 Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret (Alternate section heading)

15:1 Obeying God versus tradition

15:1 The Tradition of the Elders (Alternate section heading)

15:1 The Teaching of the Ancestors (Alternate section heading)

15:1 Clean and Unclean (Alternate section heading)

15:1 Jesus Teaches about Inner Purity (Alternate section heading)

15:10 True ‘dirtiness’

15:10 Things That Defile (Alternate section heading)

15:10 The Things That Make a Person Unclean (Alternate section heading)

15:21 The non-Jewish woman with amazing faith

15:21 The Canaanite Woman's Faith (Alternate section heading)

15:21 The Faith of the Canaanite Woman (Alternate section heading)

15:21 A Woman's Faith (Alternate section heading)

15:21 The Faith of a Gentile Woman (Alternate section heading)

15:29 Yeshua heals many different afflictions

15:29 Jesus Cures Many People (Alternate section heading)

15:29 Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand (Alternate section heading)

15:29 Jesus Heals Many People (Alternate section heading)

15:32 The feeding of 4,000 families

15:32 Jesus Feeds Four Thousand (Alternate section heading)

15:32 Feeding the Four Thousand (Alternate section heading)

16:1 Requesting a sign in the sky

16:1 The Demand for a Miracle (Alternate section heading)

16:1 Leaders Demand a Miraculous Sign (Alternate section heading)

16:1 The Demand for a Sign (Alternate section heading)

16:5 The yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees

16:5 Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Alternate section heading)

16:5 The Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Alternate section heading)

16:13 Peter acknowledges Yeshua as God’s son

16:13 Jesus the Son of God (Alternate section heading)

16:13 Peter's Confession of Christ (Alternate section heading)

16:13 Peter's Declaration about Jesus (Alternate section heading)

16:21 Yeshua talks about future suffering and death

16:21 Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

16:21 Jesus Speaks about His Suffering and Death (Alternate section heading)

16:21 Jesus Predicts His Death (Alternate section heading)

16:24 The Cross and Self-Denial (Alternate section heading)

17:1 Yeshua’s face shines brightly

17:1 The Transfiguration (Alternate section heading)

17:14 Yeshua drives a demon out of a boy

17:14 The Healing of a Boy With a Demon (Alternate section heading)

17:14 Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Boy (Alternate section heading)

17:14 Jesus Cures a Boy with a Demon (Alternate section heading)

17:14 Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon (Alternate section heading)

17:21 Yeshua speaks again about his forthcoming death

17:21 Jesus Again Predicts His Death (Alternate section heading)

17:21 Jesus Speaks Again about His Death (Alternate section heading)

17:22 Jesus Again Foretells His Death and Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

17:24 Paying the temple tax

17:24 Payment of the Temple Tax (Alternate section heading)

17:24 Jesus and the Temple Tax (Alternate section heading)

18:1 Who is the greatest?

18:1 True Greatness (Alternate section heading)

18:1 Who Is the Greatest? (Alternate section heading)

18:1 The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven (Alternate section heading)

18:1 Teaching about the kingdom (Alternate section heading)

18:6 Temptations to Sin (Alternate section heading)

18:10 Finding the lost sheep

18:10 The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Alternate section heading)

18:11 Story of the Lost Sheep (Alternate section heading)

18:15 Confronting an offender

18:15 Correcting a Fellow Believer (Alternate section heading)

18:15 When Someone Sins (Alternate section heading)

18:15 Reproving Another Who Sins (Alternate section heading)

18:15 A Brother Who Sins Against You (Alternate section heading)

18:18 Restricting and releasing

18:18 Prohibiting and Permitting (Alternate section heading)

18:21 The importance of forgiveness

18:21 Story of the Unforgiving Debtor (Alternate section heading)

18:21 The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Alternate section heading)

18:21 The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Alternate section heading)

18:21 Forgiveness (Alternate section heading)

18:23 The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Alternate section heading)

19:1 Yeshua answers about divorce

19:1 Discussion about Divorce and Marriage (Alternate section heading)

19:1 Divorce (Alternate section heading)

19:1 Teaching about Divorce (Alternate section heading)

19:1 Jesus Teaches about Divorce (Alternate section heading)

19:1 On the road to Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

19:13 Yeshua blesses the children

19:13 The Little Children and Jesus (Alternate section heading)

19:13 Jesus Blesses Little Children (Alternate section heading)

19:13 Jesus Blesses the Children (Alternate section heading)

19:16 Answering the rich man

19:16 The Rich Young Man (Alternate section heading)

19:30 The last will be first

20:1 The Laborers in the Vineyard (Alternate section heading)

20:1 The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (Alternate section heading)

20:1 Story of the Vineyard Workers (Alternate section heading)

20:1 The Workers in the Vineyard (Alternate section heading)

20:17 Yeshua tells a third time about his death

20:17 Jesus Again Predicts His Death (Alternate section heading)

20:17 A Third Time Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

20:17 Jesus Speaks a Third Time about His Death (Alternate section heading)

20:20 Requesting the top seats

20:20 A Mother's Request (Alternate section heading)

20:20 The Request of the Mother of James and John (Alternate section heading)

20:20 Jesus Teaches about Serving Others (Alternate section heading)

20:29 Yeshua heals two blind men

20:29 Jesus Heals Two Blind Men (Alternate section heading)

20:29 Two Blind Men Receive Sight (Alternate section heading)

21:1 The jubilant entrance of Yeshua into Yerusalem

21:1 Jesus in the temple (Alternate section heading)

21:1 The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

21:1 The Triumphal Entry (Alternate section heading)

21:1 Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

21:12 Anger aroused in the temple

21:12 Jesus Goes to the Temple (Alternate section heading)

21:12 Jesus Cleanses the Temple (Alternate section heading)

21:12 Jesus Clears the Temple (Alternate section heading)

21:12 Jesus at the Temple (Alternate section heading)

21:18 Yeshua kills the fig tree

21:18 Jesus Curses the Fig Tree (Alternate section heading)

21:18 The Fig Tree Withers (Alternate section heading)

21:23 The source of Yeshua’s authority

21:23 The Authority of Jesus Challenged (Alternate section heading)

21:23 The Authority of Jesus Questioned (Alternate section heading)

21:23 The Question about Jesus' Authority (Alternate section heading)

21:28 The parable about obedience

21:28 Story of the Two Sons (Alternate section heading)

21:28 The Parable of the Two Sons (Alternate section heading)

21:33 The parable about the evil tenants

21:33 The Parable of the Wicked Tenants (Alternate section heading)

21:33 Story of the Evil Farmers (Alternate section heading)

21:33 The Parable of the Tenants in the Vineyard (Alternate section heading)

21:33 The Parable of the Tenants (Alternate section heading)

22:1 The parable about the wedding reception

22:1 Story of the Great Feast (Alternate section heading)

22:1 The Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Alternate section heading)

22:1 The Parable of the Wedding Feast (Alternate section heading)

22:15 The question about paying tax

22:15 Paying Taxes to Caesar (Alternate section heading)

22:15 The Question about Paying Taxes (Alternate section heading)

22:15 Taxes for Caesar (Alternate section heading)

22:23 The question about marriage in heaven

22:23 The Question about Rising from Death (Alternate section heading)

22:23 Discussion about Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

22:23 The Question about the Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

22:23 Marriage at the Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

22:34 The most important commandment

22:34 The Most Important Commandment (Alternate section heading)

22:34 The Great Commandment (Alternate section heading)

22:34 The Greatest Commandment (Alternate section heading)

22:41 The question about the messiah

22:41 Whose Son Is the Messiah? (Alternate section heading)

22:41 The Question about the Messiah (Alternate section heading)

22:41 Whose Son Is the Christ (Alternate section heading)

22:41 The Question about David's Son (Alternate section heading)

23:1 Yeshua’s warnings about show and status

23:1 Jesus Denounces Scribes and Pharisees (Alternate section heading)

23:1 Jesus Warns the Religious Leaders (Alternate section heading)

23:1 Jesus Warns against the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees (Alternate section heading)

23:1 Seven Woes (Alternate section heading)

23:13 Yeshua reveals the hypocrisy of those who’re religious

23:13 Jesus Condemns Their Hypocrisy (Alternate section heading)

23:29 Punishment for mistreating prophets

23:29 Jesus Predicts Their Punishment (Alternate section heading)

23:37 Yeshua’s concern for Yerusalem

23:37 The Lament over Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

23:37 Jesus Grieves over Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

23:37 Jesus' Love for Jerusalem (Alternate section heading)

24:1 Yeshua foretells the destruction of the temple

24:1 Warnings about the end (Alternate section heading)

24:1 Jesus Speaks of the Destruction of the Temple (Alternate section heading)

24:1 The Destruction of the Temple Foretold (Alternate section heading)

24:1 Signs of the End of the Age (Alternate section heading)

24:1 Jesus Foretells the Future (Alternate section heading)

24:3 Future calamities and persecution

24:3 Troubles and Persecutions (Alternate section heading)

24:3 Signs of the End of the Age (Alternate section heading)

24:9 Persecutions Foretold (Alternate section heading)

24:15 Desecration and false teachers

24:15 The Desolating Sacrilege (Alternate section heading)

24:15 The Awful Horror (Alternate section heading)

24:29 The miraculous appearance of the messiah

24:29 The Coming of the Son of Man (Alternate section heading)

24:32 Watch the fig tree

24:32 The Lesson of the Fig Tree (Alternate section heading)

24:36 Not/None known the day of return din

24:36 The Day and Hour Unknown (Alternate section heading)

24:36 No One Knows the Day and Hour (Alternate section heading)

24:36 The Necessity for Watchfulness (Alternate section heading)

24:45 The watchful servant and the slacker

24:45 The Faithful or the Unfaithful Slave (Alternate section heading)

24:45 The Faithful or the Unfaithful Servant (Alternate section heading)

25:1 The parable about not being prepared

25:1 The Parable of the Ten Young Women (Alternate section heading)

25:1 Story of the Ten Bridesmaids (Alternate section heading)

25:1 The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids (Alternate section heading)

25:1 The Parable of the Ten Virgins (Alternate section heading)

25:14 The parable about using what you’re given

25:14 The Parable of the Three Servants (Alternate section heading)

25:14 The Parable of the Talents (Alternate section heading)

25:14 Story of the Three Servants (Alternate section heading)

25:31 Separating sheep and goats

25:31 The Sheep and the Goats (Alternate section heading)

25:31 The Final Judgment (Alternate section heading)

25:31 The Judgment of the Nations (Alternate section heading)

26:1 The plan to kill Yeshua

26:1 The Plot against Jesus (Alternate section heading)

26:1 The trial and crucifixion of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

26:1 The Plot Against Jesus (Alternate section heading)

26:1 The Plot to Kill Jesus (Alternate section heading)

26:6 Yeshua is anointed with lotion

26:6 Jesus Is Anointed at Bethany (Alternate section heading)

26:6 The Anointing at Bethany (Alternate section heading)

26:6 Jesus Anointed at Bethany (Alternate section heading)

26:14 Yudas agrees to turn in Yeshua

26:14 Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus (Alternate section heading)

26:17 Yeshua gets ready to celebrate Passover

26:17 The Lord's Supper (Alternate section heading)

26:17 The Last Supper (Alternate section heading)

26:17 The Passover with the Disciples (Alternate section heading)

26:17 Jesus Eats the Passover Meal with His Disciples (Alternate section heading)

26:26 Yeshua shares the bread and the wine

26:26 The Lord's Supper (Alternate section heading)

26:26 The Institution of the Lord's Supper (Alternate section heading)

26:31 Yeshua predicts Peter’s denials

26:31 Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial (Alternate section heading)

26:31 Peter's Denial Foretold (Alternate section heading)

26:36 Yeshua prays at Gethsemane

26:36 Jesus Prays in Gethsemane (Alternate section heading)

26:36 Gethsemane (Alternate section heading)

26:47 Yeshua is arrested

26:47 Jesus Arrested (Alternate section heading)

26:47 The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

26:47 The Arrest of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

26:47 Jesus Is Arrested (Alternate section heading)

26:57 Yeshua is interrogated by the Jewish leaders

26:57 Jesus before the Council (Alternate section heading)

26:57 Jesus before the High Priest (Alternate section heading)

26:57 Before the Sanhedrin (Alternate section heading)

26:69 Peter disowns Yeshua

26:69 Peter Disowns Jesus (Alternate section heading)

26:69 Peter's Denial of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

26:69 Peter Denies Jesus (Alternate section heading)

27:1 Yeshua is taken to Pilate

27:1 Judas Hangs Himself (Alternate section heading)

27:1 Jesus Brought before Pilate (Alternate section heading)

27:1 Jesus Is Taken to Pilate (Alternate section heading)

27:3 Yudas’ regret and suicide

27:3 The Death of Judas (Alternate section heading)

27:3 The Suicide of Judas (Alternate section heading)

27:11 Yeshua faces Pilate

27:11 Jesus Before Pilate (Alternate section heading)

27:11 Jesus' Trial before Pilate (Alternate section heading)

27:11 Pilate Questions Jesus (Alternate section heading)

27:15 The guiltless Yeshua is sentenced to death

27:15 Jesus Is Sentenced to Death (Alternate section heading)

27:15 Barabbas or Jesus? (Alternate section heading)

27:24 Pilate Hands Jesus over to Be Crucified (Alternate section heading)

27:27 ‘King’ Yeshua is mocked by the soldiers

27:27 The Soldiers Make Fun of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

27:27 The Soldiers Mock Jesus (Alternate section heading)

27:32 Yeshua and robbers placed on stakes

27:32 The Crucifixion (Alternate section heading)

27:32 The Crucifixion of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

27:32 Jesus Is Crucified (Alternate section heading)

27:45 Yeshua calls out and then dies

27:45 The Death of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

27:57 Yeshua’s body is placed in a tomb

27:57 The Burial of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

27:62 Guards are assigned to the tomb

27:62 The Guard at the Tomb (Alternate section heading)

28:1 The women encounter the messenger and then meet Yeshua

28:1 The resurrection (Alternate section heading)

28:1 The Resurrection (Alternate section heading)

28:1 The Resurrection of Jesus (Alternate section heading)

28:11 The guards are paid to lie

28:11 The Report of the Guard (Alternate section heading)

28:11 The Guards' Report (Alternate section heading)

28:16 Yeshua commissions his apprentices as missionaries

28:16 Jesus Appears to His Disciples (Alternate section heading)

28:16 The Great Commission (Alternate section heading)

28:16 The Commissioning of the Disciples (Alternate section heading)