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UBS Dictionary of the Greek New Testament



MainId: 005067000000000

Version: 0

HasAramaic: False

InLXX: True

AlphaPos: τ

StrongCodes: G5177

AlternateLemmas: τυχόν


  1. BaseFormID: 005067001000000

    PartsOfSpeech: verb


    1. Lemma: τυγχάνω

      BaseFormIndex: 1

      Form: aor.opt.3sg.

      Realizations: τύχοι

    2. Lemma: τυγχάνω

      BaseFormIndex: 1

      Form: inf.

      Realizations: τυχεῖν

    3. Lemma: τυγχάνω

      BaseFormIndex: 1

      Form: ptc.neut.

      Realizations: τυχόν

    4. Lemma: τυγχάνω

      BaseFormIndex: 1

      Form: pf.

      Realizations: τέτυχα

    RelatedLemmas: [{'Word': 'ἔντευξις', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'ἐντυγχάνω', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'ἐπιτυγχάνω', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'παρατυγχάνω', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'συντυγχάνω', 'Meanings': []}, {'Word': 'ὑπερεντυγχάνω', 'Meanings': []}]


    1. LEXID: 005067001001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 90.61

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Case

      LEXSubDomains: Experiencer


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2022-04-14 08:40:50

        DefinitionShort: to experience some happening (generally neutral in connotation)

        Glosses: ['to experience', 'to have happen to']

      LEXReferences: LUKE 20:35, ACTs 19:11, ACTs 24:2, ACTs 26:22, ACTs 27:3, ACTs 28:2, 2TIM 2:10, HEB 8:6, HEB 11:35

    2. LEXID: 005067001002000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 71.10

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Mode

      LEXSubDomains: Possible, Impossible

      LEXForms: τυχόν


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2022-04-14 08:40:50

        DefinitionShort: (the neuter participle of τυγχάνω ‘to happen,’ not occurring in the NT) pertaining to the possible occurrence of an event or state

        Glosses: ['perhaps', 'possibly']

      LEXReferences: 1COR 14:10, 1COR 15:37, 1COR 16:6