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1Poul, apostle, not of men, ne by man, but bi Jhesu Crist, `to the britheren that ben at Laodice, 2grace to you, and pees of God the fadir, and of the Lord Jhesu Crist. 3I do thankyngis to my God bi al my preier, that ye be dwelling and lastyng in him, abiding the biheest in the day of doom. 4For neithir the veyn spekyng of summe vnwise men hath lettide you, the whiche wolden turne you fro the treuthe of the gospel, that is prechid of me. 5And now hem that ben of me, to the profiyt of truthe of the gospel, God schal make disseruyng, and doyng benygnyte of werkis, and helthe of euerlasting lijf. 6And now my boondis ben open, which Y suffre in Crist Jhesu, in whiche Y glade and ioie. 7And that is to me to euerlastyng helthe, that this same thing be doon by youre preiers, and mynystryng of the Holi Goost, either bi lijf, either bi deeth. 8Forsothe to me it is lijf to lyue in Crist, and to die ioie. 9And his mercy schal do in you the same thing, that ye moun haue the same loue, and that ye be of oo will. 10Therfore, ye weel biloued britheren, holde ye, and do ye in the dreede of God, as ye han herde the presence of me; and lijf schal be to you withouten eende. 11Sotheli it is God that worchith in you. 12And, my weel biloued britheren, do ye without eny withdrawyng what euer thingis ye don. 13Joie ye in Crist, and eschewe ye men defoulid in lucre, `either foul wynnyng. 14Be alle youre askyngis open anentis God, and be ye stidefast in the witt of Crist. 15And do ye tho thingis that ben hool, 16and trewe, `and chaast, and iust, and able to be loued; and kepe ye in herte tho thingis that ye haue herd and take; 17and pees schal be to you. 18Alle holi men greten you weel. 19The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with youre spirit. 20And do ye that pistil of Colocensis to be red to you.