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Wyc 1YHN

1That thing that was fro the bigynnyng, which we herden, which we sayn with oure iyen, which we bihelden, and oure hondis touchiden, of the word of lijf; and the lijf is schewid. 2And we sayn, and we witnessen, and tellen to you the euerlastynge lijf, that was anentis the fadir, and apperide to vs. 3Therfor `we tellen to you that thing, that we seyn, and herden, that also ye haue felowschipe with vs, and oure felowschip be with the fadir, and with his sone Jhesu Crist. 4And we writen this thing to you, that ye haue ioye, and that youre ioye be ful. 5And this is the tellyng, that we herden of hym, and tellen to you, that God is liyt, and ther ben no derknessis in him. 6If we seien, that we han felawschip with hym, and we wandren in derknessis, we lien, and don not treuthe. 7But if we walken in liyt, as also he is in liyt, we han felawschip togidere; and the blood of Jhesu Crist, his sone, clensith vs fro al synne. 8If we seien, that we han no synne, we disseyuen vs silf, and treuthe is not in vs. 9If we knowlechen oure synnes, he is feithful and iust, that he foryyue to vs oure synnes, and clense vs from al wickidnesse. 10And if we seien, we han not synned, we maken hym a liere, and his word is not in vs. 2Mi litle sones, Y write to you these thingis, that ye synnen not. But if ony man synneth, we han an aduocat anentis the fadir, 2Jhesu Crist, and he is the foryyuenes for oure synnes; and not oneli for oure synnes, but also for the synnes of al the world. 3And in this thing we witen, that we knowen hym, if we kepen hise comaundementis. 4He that seith that he knowith God, and kepith not hise comaundementis, is a liere, and trewthe is not in hym. 5But the charite of God is perfit verili in hym, that kepith his word. In this thing we witen, that we ben in hym, if we ben perfit in hym. 6He that seith, that he dwellith in hym, he owith for to walke, as he walkide. 7Moost dere britheren, Y write to you, not a newe maundement, but the elde maundement, that ye hadden fro the bigynnyng. The elde maundement is the word, that ye herden. 8Eftsoone Y write to you a newe maundement, that is trewe bothe in hym and in you; for derknessis ben passid, and veri liyt schyneth now. 9He that seith, that he is in liyt, and hatith his brother, is in derknesse yit. 10He that loueth his brothir, dwellith in liyt, and sclaundre is not in hym. 11But he that hatith his brother, is in derknessis, and wandrith in derknessis, and woot not whidir he goith; for derknessis han blindid hise iyen. 12Litle sones, Y write to you, that youre synnes ben foryouun to you for his name. 13Fadris, Y write to you, for ye han knowun hym, that is fro the bigynnyng. Yonge men, Y write to you, for ye han ouercomun the wickid. 14Y write to you, yonge children, for ye han knowe the fadir. Y write to you, britheren, for ye han knowen hym, that is fro the bigynnyng. Y write to you, yonge men, for ye ben stronge, and the word of God dwellith in you, and ye han ouercomun the wickid. 15Nyle ye loue the world, ne tho thingis that ben in the world. If ony man loueth the world, the charite of the fader is not in hym. 16For al thing that is in the world, is coueitise of fleisch, and coueitise of iyen, and pride of lijf, which is not of the fadir, but it is of the world. 17And the world schal passe, and the coueitise of it; but he that doith the wille of God, dwellith with outen ende. 18My litle sones, the laste our is; and as ye han herd, that antecrist cometh, now many antecristis ben maad; wherfor we witen, that it is the laste our. 19Thei wenten forth fro vs, but thei weren not of vs; for if thei hadden be of vs, thei hadden dwelte with vs; but that thei be knowun, that thei ben not of vs. 20But ye han anointyng of the Hooli Goost, and knowen alle thingis. 21Y wroot not to you, as to men that knowen not treuthe, but as to men that knowen it, and for ech leesing is not of treuthe. 22Who is a liere, but this that denyeth that Jhesu is not Crist? This is antecrist, that denyeth the fadir, and the sone. 23So ech that denyeth the sone, hath not the fadir; but he that knowlechith the sone, hath also the fadir. 24That thing that ye herden at the bigynnyng, dwelle it in you; for if that thing dwellith in you, which ye herden at the bigynnyng, ye schulen dwelle in the sone and in the fadir. 25And this is the biheeste, that he bihiyte to vs euerlastinge lijf. 26Y wroot these thingis to you, of hem that disseyuen you, 27and that the anoyntyng which ye resseyueden of hym, dwelle in you. And ye han not nede, that ony man teche you, but as his anoyntyng techith you of alle thingis, and it is trewe, and it is not leesyng; and as he tauyte you, dwelle ye in hym. 28And now, ye litle sones, dwelle ye in hym, that whanne he schal appere, we haue a trist, and be not confoundid of hym in his comyng. 29If ye witen that he is iust, wite ye that also ech that doith riytwisnesse, is borun of hym. 3Se ye what maner charite the fadir yaf to vs, that we be named the sones of God, and ben hise sones. For this thing the world knewe not vs, for it knew not hym. 2Moost dere britheren, now we ben the sones of God, and yit it apperide not, what we schulen be. We witen, that whanne he schal appere, we schulen be lijk hym, for we schulen se hym as he is. 3And ech man that hath this hope in hym, makith hym silf hooli, as he is hooli. 4Ech man that doith synne, doith also wickidnesse, and synne is wickidnesse. 5And ye witen, that he apperide to do awei synnes, and synne is not in hym. 6Ech man that dwellith in hym, synneth not; and ech that synneth, seeth not hym, nether knew hym. 7Litle sones, no man disseyue you; he that doith riytwysnesse, is iust, as also he is iust. 8He that doith synne, is of the deuel; for the deuel synneth fro the bigynnyng. In this thing the sone of God apperide, that he vndo the werkis of the deuel. 9Ech man that is borun of God, doith not synne; for the seed of God dwellith in hym, and he may not do synne, for he is borun of God. 10In this thing the sones of God ben knowun, and the sones of the feend. Ech man that is not iust, is not of God, and he that loueth not his brothir. 11For this is the tellyng, that ye herden at the bigynnyng, that ye loue ech othere; 12not as Caym, that was of the yuele, and slouy his brother. And for what thing slouy he him? for hise werkis weren yuele, and hise brotheris iust. 13Britheren, nyle ye wondre, if the world hatith you. 14We witen, that we ben translatid fro deeth to lijf, for we louen britheren. He that loueth not, dwellith in deth. 15Ech man that hatith his brother, is a man sleere; and ye witen, that ech mansleere hath not euerlastinge lijf dwellinge in hym. 16In this thing we han knowe the charite of God, for he puttide his lijf for vs, and we owen to putte oure lyues for oure britheren. 17He that hath the catel of this world, and seeth that his brothir hath nede, and closith his entrailis fro hym, hou dwellith the charite of God in hym? 18Mi litle sones, loue we not in word, nethir in tunge, but in werk and treuthe. 19In this thing we knowen, that we ben of treuthe, and in his siyt we monesten oure hertis. 20For if oure herte repreueth vs, God is more than oure hert, and knowith alle thingis. 21Moost dere britheren, if oure herte repreueth not vs, we han trust to God; 22and what euer we schulen axe, we schulen resseyue of hym, for we kepen hise comaundementis, and we don tho thingis that ben plesaunt bifor hym. 23And this is the comaundement of God, that we bileue in the name of his sone Jhesu Crist, and that we loue ech othere, as he yaf heeste to vs. 24And he that kepith hise comaundementis, dwellith in hym, and he in hym. And in this thing we witen, that he dwellith in vs, bi the spirit, whom he yaf to vs. 4Moost dere britheren, nyle ye bileue to ech spirit, but preue ye spiritis, if thei ben of God; for many false prophetis wenten out in to the world. 2In this thing the spirit of God is knowun; ech spirit that knowlechith that Jhesu Crist hath come in fleisch, is of God; 3and ech spirit that fordoith Jhesu, is not of God. And this is antecrist, of whom ye herden, that he cometh; and riyt now he is in the world. 4Ye, litle sones, ben of God, and ye han ouercome hym; for he that is in you is more, than he that is in the world. 5Thei ben of the world, therfor thei speken of the world, and the world herith hem. 6We ben of God; he that knowith God, herith vs; he that is not of God, herith not vs. In this thing we knowen the spirit of treuthe, and the spirit of errour. 7Moost dere britheren, loue we togidere, for charite is of God; and ech that loueth his brother, is borun of God, and knowith God. 8He that loueth not, knowith not God; for God is charite. 9In this thing the charite of God apperide in vs, for God sente hise oon bigetun sone in to the world, that we lyue bi hym. 10In this thing is charite, not as we hadden loued God, but for he firste louede vs, and sente hise sone foryyuenesse for oure synnes. 11Ye moost dere britheren, if God louede vs, we owen to loue ech other. 12No man say euer God; if we louen togidre, God dwellith in vs, and the charite of hym is perfit in vs. 13In this thing we knowen, that we dwellen in hym, and he in vs; for of his spirit he yaf to vs. 14And we sayen, and witnessen, that the fadir sente his sone sauyour of the world. 15Who euer knowlechith, that Jhesu is the sone of God, God dwellith in him, and he in God. 16And we han knowun, and bileuen to the charite, that God hath in vs. God is charite, and he that dwellith in charite, dwellith in God, and God in hym. 17In this thing is the perfit charite of God with vs, that we haue trist in the dai of dom; for as he is, also we ben in this world. 18Drede is not in charite, but perfit charite puttith out drede; for drede hath peyne. But he that dredith, is not perfit in charite. 19Therfor loue we God, for he louede vs bifore. 20If ony man seith, that `Y loue God, and hatith his brother, he is a liere. For he that loueth not his brothir, which he seeth, hou mai he loue God, whom he seeth not? 21And we han this comaundement of God, that he that loueth God, loue also his brothir. 5Ech man that bileueth that Jhesus is Crist, is borun of God; and ech man that loueth hym that gendride, loueth hym that is borun of hym. 2In this thing we knowen, that we louen the children of God, whanne we louen God, and don his maundementis. 3For this is the charite of God, that we kepe hise maundementis; and his maundementis ben not heuy. 4For al thing that is borun of God, ouercometh the world; and this is the victorie that ouercometh the world, oure feith. 5And who is he that ouercometh the world, but he that bileueth that Jhesus is the sone of God? 6This is Jhesus Crist, that cam bi watir and blood; not in water oonli, but in watir and blood. And the spirit is he that witnessith, that Crist is treuthe. 7For thre ben, that yyuen witnessing in heuene, the Fadir, the Sone, and the Hooli Goost; and these thre ben oon. 8`And thre ben, that yyuen witnessing in erthe, the spirit, water, and blood; and these thre ben oon. 9If we resseyuen the witnessing of men, the witnessing of God is more; for this is the witnessing of God, that is more, for he witnesside of his sone. 10He that bileueth in the sone of God, hath the witnessing of God in hym. He that bileueth not to the sone, makith hym a liere; for he bileueth not in the witnessing, that God witnesside of his sone. 11And this is the witnessyng, for God yaf to you euerlastinge lijf, and this lijf is in his sone. 12He that hath the sone of God, hath also lijf; he that hath not the sone of God, hath not lijf. 13I write to you these thingis, that ye wite, that ye han euerlastynge lijf, which bileuen in the name of Goddis sone. 14And this is the trist which we han to God, that what euer thing we axen aftir his wille, he schal here vs. 15And we witen, that he herith vs, what euer thing we axen; we witen, that we han the axyngis, which we axen of hym. 16He that woot that his brother synneth a synne not to deth, axe he, and lijf schal be youun to hym that synneth not to deth. Ther is a synne to deth; `not for it Y seie, that ony man preie. 17Ech wickidnesse is synne, and ther is synne to deth. 18We witen, that ech man that is borun of God, synneth not; but the generacioun of God kepith hym, and the wickid touchith hym not. 19We witen, that we ben of God, and al the world is set in yuel. 20And we witen, that the sone of God cam in fleisch, and yaf to vs wit, that we know veri God, and be in the veri sone of hym. 21This is veri God, and euerlastynge lijf. My litle sones, kepe ye you fro maumetis.