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1The word of the Lord, which was maad to `Mychee of Morasti, in the daies of Joathan, Achas, Ezechie, kyngis of Juda; which word he sai on Samarie, and Jerusalem. 2Here ye, alle puplis, and the erthe perseyue, and plentee therof, and be the Lord God to you in to a witnesse, the Lord fro his hooli temple. 3For lo! the Lord schal go out of his place, and schal come doun, and schal trede on hiy thingis of erthe. 4And mounteyns schulen be waastid vndur hym, and valeis schulen be kit, as wex fro the face of fier, as watirs that rennen in to a pit. 5In the grete trespas of Jacob is al this thing, and in the synnes of the hous of Israel. Which is the greet trespas of Jacob? whether not Samarie? and whiche ben the hiy thingis of Juda? whether not Jerusalem? 6And Y schal put Samarie as an heep of stoonys in the feeld, whanne a vynyerd is plauntid; and Y schal drawe awei the stoonys therof in to a valei, and Y schal schewe the foundementis therof. 7And alle `grauun ymagis therof schulen be betun togidere, and alle hiris therof schulen be brent in fier; and Y schal putte alle idols therof in to perdicioun; for of hiris of an hoore tho ben gaderid, and `til to hire of an hoore tho schulen turne ayen. 8On this thing Y schal weile and yelle, Y schal go spuylid and nakid; Y schal make weilyng of dragouns, and mournyng as of ostrigis. 9For wounde therof is dispeirid; for it cam til to Juda, it touchide the yate of my puple, til to Jerusalem. 10In Geth nyle ye telle, bi teeris wepe ye not; in the hous of dust with dust togidere sprynge you. 11And ye a fair dwellyng passe, which is confoundid with yuel fame; it is not goon out, which dwellith in the goyng out; a niy hous schal take of you weilyng, which stood to it silf. 12For it is maad sijk to good, which dwellith in bitternessis. For yuel cam doun fro the Lord in to the yate of Jerusalem, noise of foure horsid cart, 13of drede to the puple dwellynge at Lachis. It is the bigynnyng of synne of the douyter of Sion, for the grete trespassis of Israel ben foundun in thee. 14Therfor he schal yyue werriours on the eritage of Geth, on housis of leesyng in to deseit to kyngis of Israel. 15Yit Y schal brynge an eir to thee, that dwellist in Maresa; the glorie of Israel schal come til to Odolla. 16Be thou maad ballid, and be thou clippid on the sones of thi delices; alarge thi ballidnesse as an egle, for thei ben lad caitif fro thee. 2Wo to you, that thenken vnprofitable thing, and worchen yuele in youre beddis; in the morewtid liyt thei don it, for the hond of hem is ayenus God. 2Thei coueitiden feeldis, and tooken violentli; and rauyschiden housis, and falsli calengiden a man and his hous, a man and his eritage. 3Therfor the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y thenke on this meynee yuel, fro which ye schulen not take awei youre neckis; and ye schulen not walke proude, for the worste tyme is. 4In that dai a parable schal be takun on you, and a song schal be songun with swetnesse of men, seiynge, Bi robbyng we ben distried; a part of my puple is chaungid; hou schal he go awei fro me, whanne he turneth ayen that schal departe youre cuntreis? 5For this thing `noon schal be to thee sendynge a litil corde of sort in cumpeny of the Lord. 6A! thou Israel, speke ye not spekyng; it schal not droppe on these men, confusioun schal not catche, 7seith the hous of Jacob. Whether the Spirit of the Lord is abreggid, either siche ben the thouytis of hym? Whether my wordis ben not gode, with hym that goith riytli? 8And ayenward my puple roos togidere in to an aduersarie; ye token awei the mantil aboue the coote, and ye turneden in to batel hem that wenten sympli. 9Ye castiden the wymmen of my puple out of the hous of her delices; fro the litle children of hem ye token awei myn heriyng with outen ende. 10Rise ye, and go, for here ye han not reste; for the vnclennesse therof it schal be corrupt with the worst rot. 11Y wolde that Y were not a man hauynge spirit, and rathere Y spak a leesyng. Y schal droppe to thee in to wyn, and in to drunkenesse; and this puple schal be, on whom it is droppid. 12With gaderyng Y schal gadere Jacob; Y schal lede togidere thee al in to oon, the relifs of Israel. Y schal put hym togidere, as a floc in folde; as scheep in the myddil of fooldis thei schulen make noise, of multitude of men. 13For he schal stie schewynge weie bifore hem; thei schulen departe, and passe the yate, and schulen go out therbi; and the kyng of hem schal passe bifore hem, and the Lord in the heed of hem. 3And Y seide, Ye princis of Jacob, and duykis of the hous of Israel, here. Whether it be not youre for to knowe doom, whiche haten good, 2and louen yuele? Whiche violentli taken awei the skynnes of hem fro aboue hem, and the fleisch of hem fro aboue the bonys of hem. 3Whiche eeten the fleisch of my puple, and hiliden the skyn of hem fro aboue; and broken togidere the boonys of hem, and kittiden togidere as in a cawdroun, and as fleisch in the myddil of a pot. 4Thanne thei schulen crie to the Lord, and he schal not here hem; and he schal hide hise face fro hem in that tyme, as thei diden wickidli in her fyndingis. 5The Lord God seith these thingis on the profetis that disseyuen my puple, and biten with her teeth, and prechen pees; and if ony man yyueth not in the mouth of hem ony thing, thei halewen batel on hym. 6Therfor niyt schal be to you for visioun, or profesie, and derknessis to you for dyuynacioun; and sunne schal go doun on the profetis, and the dai schal be maad derk on hem. 7And thei schulen be confoundid that seen visiouns, and dyuynours schulen be confoundid, and alle schulen hile her cheris, for it is not the answer of God. 8Netheles Y am fillid with strengthe of Spirit of the Lord, and in doom and vertu, that Y schewe to Jacob his greet trespas, and to Israel his synne. 9Here these thingis, ye princes of the hous of Jacob, and domesmen of the hous of Israel, whiche wlaten dom, and peruerten alle riyt thingis; 10whiche bilden Sion in bloodis, and Jerusalem in wickidnesse. 11Princes therof demyden for yiftis, and prestis therof tauyten for hire, and profetis therof dyuyneden for money; and on the Lord thei restiden, and seiden, Whether the Lord is not in the myddil of us? yuelis schulen not come on vs. 12For this thing bi cause of you, Sion as a feeld schal be erid; and Jerusalem schal be as an heep of stoonys, and the hil of the temple schal be in to hiye thingis of woodis. 4And in the laste of daies the hil of the hous of the Lord schal be maad redi in the cop of hillis, and hiy ouer smale hillis. And puplis schulen flete to him, and many puplis schulen haaste, 2and shulen seie, Come ye, stie we til to the hil of the Lord, and to the hous of God of Jacob; and he schal teche vs of hise weies, and we schulen go in hise pathis. For lawe schal go out fro Syon, and the word of the Lord fro Jerusalem; 3and he schal deme bitwixe many puplis, and schal chastise stronge folkis til in to fer. And thei schulen bete togidere her swerdis in to scharis, and her speris in to picoisis; a folc schal not take swerd ayens folc, and thei schulen no more lerne for to fiyte. 4And a man schal sitte vndur his vyneyerd, and vndur his fige tree; and ther schal not be that schal make aferd, for the mouth of the Lord of oostis spak. 5For alle puplis schulen go, ech man in the name of his Lord God; but we schulen walke in the name of oure Lord God in to the world, and ouer. 6In that dai, seith the Lord, Y schal gadere the haltynge, and Y schal gadere hir that Y castide awei, and whom Y turmentide Y schal coumforte. 7And Y schal putte the haltynge in to relifs, ether remenauntis, and hir that trauelide, in a strong folc. And the Lord schal regne on hem in the hil of Sion, fro this now and til in to with outen ende. 8And thou, `derk tour of the floc of the douyter of Sion, `til to thee he schal come, and the first power schal come, the rewme of the douytir of Jerusalem. 9Now whi art thou drawun togidere with mournyng? whether a kyng is not to thee, ether thi counselour perischide? for sorowe hath take thee, as a womman trauelinge of child. 10Thou douyter of Sion, make sorewe, and haaste, as a womman trauelynge of child; for now thou schalt go out of the citee, and schalt dwelle in cuntree, and schalt come `til to Babiloyne; there thou schalt be delyuered, there the Lord schal ayen bie thee, fro the hond of thin enemyes. 11And now many folkis ben gaderid on thee, whiche seien, Be it stonyd, and oure iye biholde in to Sion. 12Forsothe thei knewen not the thouytis of the Lord, and vndurstoden not the councel of hym, for he gaderide hem as the hei of feeld. 13Rise thou, douyter of Sion, and threische, for Y schal putte thin horn of irun, and Y schal putte thi nailis brasun; and thou schalt make lesse, ether waste, many puplis, and schalt sle to the Lord the raueyns of hem, and the strengthe of hem to the Lord of al erthe. 5Now thou, douyter of a theef, schalt be distried; thei puttiden on vs bisegyng, in a yerde thei schulen smyte the cheke of the iuge of Israel. 2And thou, Bethleem Effrata, art litil in the thousyndis of Juda; he that is the lordli gouernour in Israel, schal go out of thee to me; and the goyng out of hym is fro bigynnyng, fro daies of euerlastyngnesse. 3For this thing he shal yyue hem til to the tyme in which the trauelinge of child schal bere child, and the relifs of hise britheren schulen be conuertid to the sones of Israel. 4And he schal stonde, and schal fede in the strengthe of the Lord, in the heiythe of the name of his Lord God; and thei schulen be conuertid, for now he schal be magnefied til to the endis of al erthe. 5And this schal be pees, whanne Assirius schal come in to oure lond, and whanne he schal trede in oure housis; and we schulen reise on hym seuene scheepherdis, and eiyte primatis men, ether the firste in dignytee. 6And thei schulen frete the lond of Assur bi swerd, and the lond of Nembroth bi speris of hym; and he schal delyuere vs fro Assur, whanne he schal come in to oure lond, and whanne he schal trede in oure coostis. 7And relifs of Jacob schulen be in the myddil of many puplis, as dew of the Lord, and as dropis on erbe, whiche abidith not man, and schal not abide sones of men. 8And relifs of Jacob schulen be in hethene men, in the myddil of many puplis, as a lioun in beestis of the woodis, and as a whelpe of a lioun rorynge in flockis of scheep; and whanne he passith, and defoulith, and takith, there is not that schal delyuere. 9And thin hond schal be reisid on thin enemyes, and alle thin enemyes schulen perische. 10And it schal be, in that dai, seith the Lord, Y schal take awei thin horsis fro the myddil of thee, and Y schal distrie thi foure horsid cartis. 11And Y schal leese the citees of thi lond, and Y schal distrie alle thi strengthis; and Y schal do awei witchecraftis fro thin hond, and dyuynaciouns schulen not be in thee. 12And Y schal make for to perische thi `grauun ymagis, and Y schal breke togidere fro the myddil of thee thin ymagis, and thou schalt no more worschipe the werkis of thin hondis. 13And Y schal drawe out of the middis of thee thi woodis, and Y schal al to-breke thi citees. 14And Y schal make in woodnesse and indignacioun veniaunce in alle folkis, whiche herden not. 6Here ye whiche thingis the Lord spekith. Rise thou, stryue thou bi doom ayens mounteyns, and litle hillis here thi vois. 2Mounteyns, and the stronge foundementis of erthe, here the doom of the Lord; for the doom of the Lord with his puple, and he schal be demyd with Israel. 3Mi puple, what haue Y don to thee, ether what was Y greuouse to thee? Answere thou to me. 4For Y ledde thee out of the lond of Egipt, and of the hous of seruage Y delyuerede thee; and Y sente bifore thi face Moises, and Aaron, and Marye. 5My puple, bithenke, Y preie, what Balaac, kyng of Moab, thouyte, and what Balaam, sone of Beor, of Sethym, answeride to hym til to Galgala, that thou schuldist knowe the riytwisnesse of the Lord. 6What worthi thing schal Y offre to the Lord? schal Y bowe the knee to the hiye God? Whether Y schal offre to hym brent sacrifices, and calues of o yeer? 7Whether God mai be paid in thousyndis of wetheris, ether in many thousyndis of fatte geet buckis? Whether Y schal yyue my firste bigetun for my greet trespas, the fruyt of my wombe for synne of my soule? 8Y schal schewe to thee, thou man, what is good, and what the Lord axith of thee; forsothe for to do doom, and for to loue merci, and be bisi for to walke with thi God. 9The vois of the Lord crieth to the citee, and heelthe schal be to alle men dredynge thi name. Ye lynagis, here; and who schal approue it? 10Yit fier is in the hous of the vnpitouse man, the tresouris of wickidnesse, and a lesse mesure ful of wraththe. 11Whether Y schal iustifie the wickid balaunce, and the gileful weiytis of litil sak, 12in whiche riche men therof ben fillid with wickidnesse? And men dwellynge ther ynne spaken leesyng, and the tunge of hem was gileful in the mouth of hem. 13And Y therfor bigan for to smyte thee, in perdicioun on thi synnes. 14Thou schalt ete, and schalt not be fillid, and thi mekyng is in the middil of thee; and thou schalt take, and schalt not saue; and which thou schalt saue, Y schal yyue in to swerd. 15Thou schalt sowe, and schal not repe; thou schalt trede the `frut of oliue, and schalt not be anoyntid with oile; and must, and schalt not drynke wyn. 16And thou keptist the heestis of Amry, and al the werk of the hous of Acab, and hast walkid in the lustis of hem, that Y schulde yyue thee in to perdicioun, and men dwellynge in it in to scornyng, and ye schulen bere the schenschipe of my puple. 7Wo to me, for Y am maad as he that gaderith in heruest rasyns of grapis; there is no clustre for to ete; my soule desiride figis ripe bifore othere. 2The hooli perischide fro erthe, and riytful is not in men; alle aspien, ether setten tresoun, in blood, a man huntith his brother to deth. 3The yuel of her hondis thei seien good; the prince axith, and the domesman is in yeldyng; and a greet man spak the desir of his soule, and thei sturbliden togidere it. 4He that is best in hem, is as a paluyre; and he that is riytful, is as a thorn of hegge. The dai of thi biholdyng, thi visityng cometh, now schal be distriyng of hem. 5Nyle ye bileue to a frend, and nyle ye truste in a duyk; fro hir that slepith in thi bosum, kepe thou closyngis of thi mouth. 6For the sone doith wrong to the fadir, and the douyter schal rise ayens hir modir, and the wijf of the sone ayens the modir of hir hosebonde; the enemyes of a man ben the homeli, ether houshold meynee, of hym. 7Forsothe Y schal biholde to the Lord, Y schal abide God my sauyour; the Lord my God schal here me. 8Thou, myn enemye, be not glad on me, for Y felle doun, Y schal rise; whanne Y sitte in derknessis, the Lord is my liyt. 9Y schal bere wraththe of the Lord, for Y haue synned to hym, til he deme my cause, and make my doom; he schal lede out me in to liyt, Y schal se riytwisnesse of hym. 10And myn enemye schal biholde me, and sche schal be hilid with confusioun, which seith to me, Where is thi Lord God? Myn iyen schulen se hir, now sche schal be in to defoulyng, as clei of stretis. 11Dai schal come, that thi wallis be bildid; in that dai lawe schal be maad afer. 12In that dai and Assur schal come til to thee, and `til to stronge citees, and fro stronge citees til to flood; and to see fro see, and to hil fro hil. 13And erthe schal be in to desolacioun for her dwelleris, and for fruyt of the thouytis of hem. 14Fede thou thi puple in thi yerde, the floc of thin eritage, that dwellen aloone in wielde wode; in the myddil of Carmel thei schulen be fed of Basan and of Galaad, 15bi elde daies, bi daies of thi goyng out of the lond of Egipt. Y schal schewe to hym wondurful thingis; 16hethene men schulen se, and thei schulen be confoundid on al her strengthe; thei schulen putte hondis on her mouth, the eris of hem schulen be deef; 17thei schulen licke dust as a serpent; as crepynge thingis of erthe thei schulen be disturblid of her housis; thei schulen not desire oure Lord God, and thei schulen drede thee. 18God, who is lijk thee, that doist awei wickidnesse, and berist ouer the synne of relifs of thin eritage? He shal no more sende in his stronge veniaunce, for he is willynge merci; he schal turne ayen, 19and haue merci on vs. He schal put doun oure wickidnessis, and schal caste fer in to depnesse of the see alle oure synnes. 20Thou schalt yyue treuthe to Jacob, merci to Abraham, whiche thou sworist to oure fadris fro elde daies.