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Wyc 1COR

1Poul, clepid apostle of Jhesu Crist, bi the wille of God, and Sostenes, brothir, to the chirche of God that is at Corynthe, 2to hem that ben halewid in Crist Jhesu, and clepid seyntis, with alle that inwardli clepen the name of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, in ech place of hem and of oure, 3grace to you and pees of God, oure fadir, and of the Lord Jhesu Crist. 4Y do thankyngis to my God eueremore for you, in the grace of God that is youun to you in Crist Jhesu. 5For in alle thingis ye ben maad riche in hym, in ech word, and in ech kunnyng, 6as the witnessyng of Crist is confermyd in you; 7so that no thing faile to you in ony grace, that abiden the schewyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist; 8which also schal conferme you in to the ende with outen cryme, in the dai of the comyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist. 9`A trewe God, bi whom ye ben clepid in to the felouschipe of his sone Jhesu Crist oure Lord. 10But, britheren, Y biseche you, bi the name of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, that ye alle seie the same thing, and that dissenciouns be not among you; but be ye perfit in the same wit, and in the same kunnyng. 11For, my britheren, it is teld to me of hem that ben at Cloes, that stryues ben among you. 12And Y seie that, that ech of you seith, For Y am of Poul, and Y am of Apollo, and Y am of Cefas, but Y am of Crist. 13Whether Crist is departid? whether Poul was crucified for you, ether ye ben baptisid in the name of Poul? 14Y do thankyngis to my God, that Y baptiside noon of you, but Crispus and Gayus; 15lest ony man seie, that ye ben baptisid in my name. 16And Y baptiside also the hous of Stephan, but Y woot not, that Y baptiside ony other. 17For Crist sente me not to baptise, but to preche the gospel; not in wisdom of word, that the cros of Crist be not voidid awei. 18For the word of the cros is foli to hem that perischen; but to hem that ben maad saaf, that is to seie, to vs, it is the vertu of God. 19For it is writun, Y schal distruye the wisdom of wise men, and Y schal reproue the prudence of prudent men. 20Where is the wise man? where is the wise lawiere? where is the purchasour of this world? Whether God hath not maad the wisdom of this world fonned? 21For the world in wisdom of God knewe not God bi wisdom, it pleside to God, bi foli of prechyng, `to maken hem saaf that bileueden. 22For Jewis seken signes, and Grekis seken wisdom; 23but we prechen Crist crucified, to Jewis sclaundre, and to hethene men foli; 24but to tho Jewis and Grekis that ben clepid, we prechen Crist the vertu of God and the wisdom of God. 25For that that is foli thing of God, is wiser than men; and that that is the feble thing of God, is strengere than men. 26But, britheren, se ye youre clepyng; for not many wise men aftir the fleisch, not many myyti, not many noble. 27But God chees tho thingis that ben fonned of the world, to confounde wise men; 28and God chees the feble thingis of the world, to confounde the stronge thingis; and God chees the vnnoble thingis `and dispisable thingis of the world, and tho thingis that ben not, to distruye tho thingis that ben; 29that ech man haue not glorie in his siyt. 30But of hym ye ben in Crist Jhesu, which is maad of God to vs wisdom, and riytwisnesse, and holynesse, and ayenbiyng; that, 31as it is wrytun, He that glorieth, haue glorie in the Lord. 2And Y, britheren, whanne Y cam to you, cam not in the heiynesse of word, ethir of wisdom, tellynge to you the witnessyng of Crist. 2For Y demede not me to kunne ony thing among you, but Crist Jhesu, and hym crucified. 3And Y in sikenesse, and drede, and myche trembling, was among you; 4and my word and my preching was not in suteli sturyng wordis of mannus wisdom, but in schewyng of spirit and of vertu; 5that youre feith be not in the wisdom of men, but in the vertu of God. 6For we speken wisdom among perfit men, but not wisdom of this world, nether of princes of this world, that ben distried; 7but we speken the wisdom of God in mysterie, `which wisdom is hid; which wisdom God bifor ordeynede bifor worldis in to oure glorie, 8which noon of the princes of this world knew; for if thei hadden knowe, thei schulden neuere haue crucified the Lord of glorie. 9But as it is writun, That iye say not, ne eere herde, nether it stiede in to herte of man, what thingis God arayede to hem that louen hym; 10but God schewide to vs bi his spirit. For whi the spirit serchith alle thingis, yhe, the depe thingis of God. 11And who of men woot, what thingis ben of man, but the spirit of man that is in hym? So what thingis ben of God, no man knowith, but the spirit of God. 12And we han not resseiued the spirit of this world, but the spirit that is of God, that we wite what thingis ben youun to vs of God. 13Whiche thingis we speken also, not in wise wordis of mannus wisdom, but in the doctryn of the spirit, and maken a liknesse of spiritual thingis to goostli men. 14For a beestli man perseyueth not tho thingis that ben of the spirit of God; for it is foli to hym, and he may not vndurstonde, for it is examyned goostli. 15But a spiritual man demeth alle thingis, and he is demed of no man. 16As it is writun, And who knew the wit of the Lord, or who tauyte hym? And we han the wit of Crist. 3And Y, britheren, myyte not speke to you as to spiritual men, but as to fleischli men; 2as to litle children in Crist, Y yaf to you mylk drynke, not mete; for ye myyten not yit, nether ye moun now, for yit ye ben fleischli. 3For while strijf is among you, whether ye ben not fleischli, and ye gon aftir man? 4For whanne summe seith, Y am of Poul, another, But Y am of Apollo, whethir ye ben not men? What therfor is Apollo, and what Poul? 5Thei ben mynystris of hym, to whom ye han bileuyd; and to ech man as God hath youun. 6Y plauntide, Apollo moystide, but God yaf encreessyng. 7Therfor nether he that plauntith is ony thing, nethir he that moistith, but God that yiueth encreessyng. 8And he that plauntith, and he that moistith, ben oon; and ech schal take his owne mede, aftir his trauel. 9For we ben the helperis of God; ye ben the erthetiliyng of God, ye ben the bildyng of God. 10Aftir the grace `of God that is youun to me, as a wise maistir carpenter Y settide the foundement; and another bildith aboue. But ech man se, hou he bildith aboue. 11For no man may sette another foundement, outtakun that that is sett, which is Crist Jhesus. 12For if ony bildith ouer this foundement, gold, siluer, preciouse stoonys, stickis, hey, or stobil, euery mannus werk schal be open; 13for the dai of the Lord schal declare, for it schal be schewid in fier; the fier schal preue the werk of ech man, what maner werk it is. 14If the werk of ony man dwelle stille, which he bildide aboue, he schal resseyue mede. 15If ony mannus werk brenne, he schal suffre harm; but he schal be saaf, so netheles as bi fier. 16Witen ye not, that ye ben the temple of God, and the spirit of God dwellith in you? 17And if ony defoulith the temple of God, God schal leese hym; for the temple of God is hooli, which ye ben. 18No man disseyue hym silf. If ony man among you is seyn to be wiys in this world, be he maad a fool, that he be wijs. 19For the wisdom of this world is foli anentis God; for it is writun, Y schal catche wise men in her fel wisdom; 20and eft, The Lord knowith the thouytis of wise men, for tho ben veyn. 21Therfor no man haue glorie in men. 22For alle thingis ben youre, ethir Poul, ether Apollo, ether Cefas, ether the world, ether lijf, ether deth, ether thingis present, ethir thingis to comynge; for alle thingis ben youre, 23and ye ben of Crist, and Crist is of God. 4So a man gesse vs, as mynystris of Crist, and dispenderis of the mynysteries of God. 2Now it is souyt here among the dispenderis, that a man be foundun trewe. 3And to me it is for the leest thing, that Y be demyd of you, or of mannus dai; but nether Y deme my silf. 4For Y am no thing ouer trowynge to my silf, but not in this thing Y am iustified; for he that demeth me, is the Lord. 5Therfor nyle ye deme bifore the tyme, til that the Lord come, which schal liytne the hyd thingis of derknessis, and schal schewe the counseils of hertis; and thanne preisyng schal be to ech man of God. 6And, britheren, Y haue transfigurid these thingis in to me and in to Apollo, for you; that in vs ye lerne, lest ouer that it is writun, oon ayens another be blowun with pride for another. 7Who demeth thee? And what hast thou, that thou hast not resseyued? And if thou hast resseyued, what gloriest thou, as thou haddist not resseyued? 8Nowe ye ben fyllid, now ye ben maad riche; ye regnen with outen vs; and Y wolde that ye regnen, that also we regnen with you. 9And Y gesse, that God schewide vs the laste apostlis, as thilke that ben sent to the deth; for we ben maad a spectacle to the world, and to aungels, and to men. 10We foolis for Crist, but ye prudent in Crist; we sike, but ye stronge; ye noble, but we vnnoble. 11Til in to this our we hungren, and thirsten, and ben nakid, and ben smytun with buffatis, 12and we ben vnstable, and we trauelen worchynge with oure hondis; we ben cursid, and we blessen; we suffren persecucioun, and we abiden longe; we ben blasfemyd, and we bisechen; 13as clensyngis of this world we ben maad the `out castyng of alle thingis `til yit. 14Y write not these thingis, that Y confounde you, but Y warne as my moste dereworthe sones. 15For whi if ye han ten thousynde of vndur maistris in Crist, but not many fadris; for in Crist Jhesu Y haue gendrid you bi the gospel. 16Therfor, britheren, Y preye you, be ye foleweris of me, as Y of Crist. 17Therfor Y sente to you Tymothe, which is my most dereworthe sone, and feithful in the Lord, which schal teche you my weies, that ben in Crist Jhesu; as Y teche euery where in ech chirche. 18As thouy Y schulde not come to you, so summe ben blowun with pride; 19but Y schal come to you soone, if God wole; and Y schal knowe not the word of hem that ben blowun with pride, but the vertu. 20For the rewme of God is not in word, but in vertu. 21What wole ye? Schal Y come to you in a yerde, or in charite, and in spirit of myldenesse? 5In al maner fornycacioun is herd among you, and siche fornycacioun, which is not among hethene men, so that summan haue the wijf of his fadir. 2And ye ben bolnyd with pride, and not more hadden weilyng, that he that dide this werk, be takun awei fro the myddil of you. 3And Y absent in bodi, but present in spirit, now haue demyd as present hym that hath thus wrouyt, whanne 4ye ben gaderid togidere in the name of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, and my spirit, with the vertu of the Lord Jhesu, 5to take siche a man to Sathanas, in to the perischyng of fleisch, that the spirit be saaf in the dai of oure Lord Jhesu Crist. 6Youre gloriyng is not good. Witen ye not, that a litil sourdow apeyrith al the gobet? 7Clense ye out the old sourdow, that ye be new sprengyng togidere, as ye ben therf. For Crist offrid is oure pask. 8Therfor ete we, not in eld sourdowy, nether in sourdowy of malice and weywardnesse, but in therf thingis of clernesse and of treuthe. 9I wroot to you in a pistle, that ye be not medlid with letchours, 10not with letchours of this world, ne coueitous men, ne raueynours, ne with men seruynge to mawmetis, ellis ye schulden haue go out of this world. 11But now Y wroot to you, that ye be not meynd. But if he that is named a brother among you, and is a letchour, or coueitouse, or seruynge to ydols, or cursere, or ful of drunkenesse, or raueynour, to take no mete with siche. 12For what is it to me to deme of hem that ben with oute forth? Whether ye demen not of thingis that ben with ynne forth? 13For God schal deme hem that ben withouten forth. Do ye awei yuel fro you silf. 6Dar any of you that hath a cause ayens another, be demed at wickid men, and not at hooli men? 2Whether ye witen not, that seyntis schulen deme of this world? And if the world schal be demed bi you, be ye vnworthi to deme of the leste thingis? 3Witen ye not, that we schulen deme aungels? hou myche more worldli thingis? 4Therfor if ye han worldli domes, ordeyne ye tho contemptible men, that ben in the chirche, to deme. 5Y seie to make you aschamed. So ther is not ony wise man, that may deme bitwixe a brothir and his brothir; 6but a brothir with brothir stryueth in dom, and that among vnfeithful men. 7And now trespas is algatis in you, for ye han domes among you. Whi rather take ye no wrong? whi rather suffre ye not disseit? 8But and ye doen wrong, and doen fraude, and that to britheren. 9Whether ye witen not, that wickid men schulen not welde the kyngdom of God? Nyle ye erre; nethir letchours, nether men that seruen mawmetis, nether auouteris, 10nether letchouris ayen kynde, nether thei that doon letcheri with men, nether theues, nether auerouse men, nethir `ful of drunkenesse, nether curseris, nether rauenours, schulen welde the kyngdom of God. 11And ye weren sum tyme these thingis; but ye ben waischun, but ye ben halewid, but ye ben iustefied in the name of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, and in the spirit of oure God. 12Alle thingis ben leeueful to me, but not alle thingis ben spedeful. Alle thingis ben leeueful to me, but Y schal not be brouyt doun vndur ony mannus power. 13Mete to the wombe, and the wombe to metis; and God schal distruye bothe this and that. And the bodi not to fornycacioun, but to the Lord, and the Lord to the bodi. 14For God reiside the Lord, and schal reise vs bi his vertu. 15Witen ye not, that youre bodies ben membris of Crist? Schal Y thanne take the membris of Crist, and schal Y make the membris of an hoore? God forbede. 16Whether ye witen not, that he that cleueth to an hoore, is maad o bodi? For he seith, Ther schulen be tweyne in o fleisch. 17And he that cleueth to the Lord, is o spirit. 18Fle ye fornycacioun; al synne what euere synne a man doith, is with out the bodi; but he that doith fornycacioun, synneth ayens his bodi. 19Whether ye witen not, that youre membris ben the temple of the Hooli Goost, that is in you, whom ye han of God, and ye ben not youre owne? 20For ye ben bouyt with greet prijs. Glorifie ye, and bere ye God in youre bodi. 7But of thilke thingis that ye han write to me, it is good to a man to touche not a womman. 2But for fornycacioun eche man haue his owne wijf, and ech womman haue hir owne hosebonde. 3The hosebonde yelde dette to the wijf, and also the wijf to the hosebonde. 4The womman hath not power of hir bodi, but the hosebonde; and the hosebonde hath not power of his bodi, but the womman. 5Nyle ye defraude eche to othere, but perauenture of consent to a tyme, that ye yyue tent to preier; and eft turne ye ayen to the same thing, lest Sathanas tempte you for youre vncontynence. 6But Y seie this thing as yyuyng leeue, not bi comaundement. 7For Y wole, that alle men be as my silf. But eche man hath his propre yifte of God; oon thus, and another thus. 8But Y seie to hem, that ben not weddid, and to widewis, it is good to hem, if thei dwellen so as Y. 9That if thei conteynen not hem silf, be thei weddid; for it is betere to be weddid, than to be brent. 10But to hem that ben ioyned in matrymonye, Y comaunde, not Y, but the Lord, that the wijf departe not fro the hosebonde; 11and that if sche departith, that sche dwelle vnweddid, or be recounselid to hir hosebonde; and the hosebonde forsake not the wijf. 12But to othere Y seie, not the Lord. If ony brother hath an vnfeithful wijf, and sche consenteth to dwelle with hym, leeue he hir not. 13And if ony womman hath an vnfeithful hosebonde, and this consentith to dwelle with hir, leeue sche not the hosebonde. 14For the vnfeithful hosebonde is halewid bi the feithful womman, and the vnfeithful womman is halewid bi the feithful hosebonde. Ellis youre children weren vncleene, but now thei ben hooli. 15That if the vnfeithful departith, departe he. For whi the brother or sistir is not suget to seruage in siche; for God hath clepid vs in pees. 16And wherof wost thou, womman, if thou schalt make the man saaf; or wherof wost thou, man, if thou schalt make the womman saaf? 17But as the Lord hath departid to ech, and as God hath clepid ech man, so go he, as Y teche in alle chirchis. 18A man circumcidid is clepid, brynge he not to the prepucie. A man is clepid in prepucie, be he not circumcidid. 19Circumcisioun is nouyt, and prepucie is nouyt, but the kepyng of the maundementis of God. 20Ech man in what clepyng he is clepid, in that dwelle he. 21Thou seruaunt art clepid, be it no charge to thee; but if thou maist be fre, `the rather vse thou. 22He that is a seruaunt, and is clepid in the Lord, is a freman of the Lord. Also he that is a freman, and is clepid, is the seruaunt of Crist. 23With prijs ye ben bouyt; nyle ye be maad seruauntis of men. 24Therfor ech man in what thing he is clepid a brothir, dwelle he in this anentis God. 25But of virgyns Y haue no comaundement of God; but Y yyue counseil, as he that hath mercy of the Lord, that Y be trewe. 26Therfor Y gesse, that this thing is good for the present nede; for it is good to a man to be so. 27Thou art boundun to a wijf, nyle thou seke vnbyndyng; thou art vnboundun fro a wijf, nyle thou seke a wijf. 28But if thou hast takun a wijf, thou hast not synned; and if a maidun is weddid, sche synnede not; nethelesse siche schulen haue tribulacioun of fleisch. 29But Y spare you. Therfor, britheren, Y seie this thing, The tyme is schort. Another is this, that thei that han wyues, be as thouy thei hadden noon; 30and thei that wepen, as thei wepten not; and thei that ioien, as thei ioieden not; and thei that bien, as thei hadden not; 31and thei that vsen this world, as thei that vsen not. For whi the figure of this world passith. 32But Y wole, that ye be without bisynesse, for he that is without wijf, is bisi what thingis ben of the Lord, hou he schal plese God. 33But he that is with a wijf, is bysy what thingis ben of the world, hou he schal plese the wijf, and he is departid. 34And a womman vnweddid and maidun thenkith what thingis ben of the Lord, that sche be hooli in bodi and spirit. But sche that is weddid, thenkith what thingis ben of the world, hou sche schal plese the hosebonde. 35And Y seie these thingis to youre profit, not that Y caste to you a snare, but to that that is onest, and that yyueth esynesse, with outen lettyng to make preieris to the Lord. 36And if ony man gessith hym silf to be seyn foule on his virgyn, that sche is ful woxun, and so it bihoueth to be doon, do sche that that sche wole; sche synneth not, if sche be weddid. 37For he that ordeynede stabli in his herte, not hauynge nede, but hauynge power of his wille, and hath demed in his herte this thing, to kepe his virgyn, doith wel. 38Therfore he that ioyneth his virgyn in matrymonye, doith wel; and he that ioyneth not, doith betere. 39The womman is boundun to the lawe, as longe tyme as hir hosebonde lyueth; and if hir hosebonde is deed, sche is delyuered fro the lawe of the hosebonde, be sche weddid to whom sche wole, oneli in the Lord. 40But sche schal be more blessid, if sche dwellith thus, aftir my counsel; and Y wene, that Y haue the Spirit of God. 8But of these thingis that ben sacrified to ydols, we witen, for alle we han kunnyng. But kunnyng blowith, charite edefieth. 2But if ony man gessith, that he kan ony thing, he hath not yit knowe hou it bihoueth hym to kunne. 3And if ony man loueth God, this is knowun of hym. 4But of metis that ben offrid to idols, we witen, that an idol is no thing in the world, and that ther is no God but oon. 5For thouy ther ben summe that ben seid goddis, ethir in heuene, ether in erthe, as ther ben many goddis, and many lordis; 6netheles to vs is o God, the fadir, of whom ben alle thingis, and we in hym; and o Lord Jhesu Crist, bi whom ben alle thingis, and we bi hym. 7But not in alle men is kunnyng. For summen with conscience of ydol til now eten as thing offrid to idolis; and her conscience is defoulid, for it is sijk. 8Mete comendith vs not to God; for nether we schulen faile, if we eten not, nether if we eten, we schulen haue plente. 9But se ye, lest perauenture this your leeue be maad hurtyng to sijke men. 10For if ony man schal se hym, that hath kunnyng, etynge in a place where idols ben worschipid, whethir his conscience, sithen it is sijke, schal not be edified to ete thingis offrid to idols? 11And the sijk brothir, for whom Crist diede, schal perische in thi kunnyng. 12For thus ye synnyng ayens britheren, and smytynge her sijk conscience synnen ayens Crist. 13Wherfor if mete sclaundrith my brother, Y schal neuere ete fleisch, lest Y sclaundre my brothir. 9Whether Y am not fre? Am Y not apostle? Whether Y saiy not `Crist Jhesu, `oure Lord? Whether ye ben not my werk in the Lord? 2And thouy to othere Y am not apostle, but netheles to you Y am; for ye ben the litle signe of myn apostlehed in the Lord. 3My defense to hem that axen me, that is. 4Whether we han not power to ete and drynke? 5Whether we han not power to lede aboute a womman a sistir, as also othere apostlis, and britheren of the Lord, and Cefas? 6Or Y aloone and Barnabas han not power to worche these thingis? 7Who traueilith ony tyme with hise owne wagis? Who plauntith a vynyerd, and etith not of his fruyt? Who kepith a flok, and etith not of the mylk of the flok? 8Whether aftir man Y sey these thingis? whether also the lawe seith not these thingis? 9For it is writun in the lawe of Moises, Thou schalt not bynde the mouth of the ox threischynge. Whethir of oxun is charge to God? 10Whether for vs he seith these thingis? For whi tho ben writun for vs; for he that erith, owith to ere in hope, and he that threischith, in hope to take fruytis. 11If we sowen spiritual thingis to you, is it grete, if we repen youre fleischli thingis? 12If othere ben parteneris of youre power, whi not rathere we? But we vsen not this power, but we suffren alle thingis, that we yyuen no lettyng to the euangelie of Crist. 13Witen ye not, that thei that worchen in the temple, eten tho thingis that ben of the temple, and thei that seruen to the auter, ben partyneris of the auter? 14So the Lord ordeynede to hem that tellen the gospel, to lyue of the gospel. 15But Y vside noon of these thingis; sotheli Y wroot not these thingis, that tho be don so in me; for it is good `to me rather to die, than that ony man `auoyde my glorie. 16For if Y preche the gospel, glorie is not to me, for nedelich Y mot don it; for wo to me, if Y preche not the gospel. 17But if Y do this thing wilfuli, Y haue mede; but if ayens my wille, dispending is bitakun to me. 18What thanne is my mede? That Y prechynge the gospel, putte the gospel with outen otheris cost, that Y vse not my power in the gospel. 19Forwhi whanne Y was fre of alle men, Y made me seruaunt of alle men, to wynne the mo men. 20And to Jewis Y am maad as a Jew, to wynne the Jewis; to hem that ben vndur the lawe, 21as Y were vndur the lawe, whanne Y was not vndur the lawe, to wynne hem that weren vndur the lawe; to hem that weren with out lawe, as Y were with out lawe, whanne Y was not with out the lawe of God, but Y was in the lawe of Crist, to wynne hem that weren with out lawe. 22Y am maad sijk to sike men, to wynne sike men; to alle men Y am maad alle thingis, to make alle men saaf. 23But Y do alle thingis for the gospel, that Y be maad partener of it. 24Witen ye not, that thei that rennen in a furlong, alle rennen, but oon takith the prijs? So renne ye, that ye catche. 25Ech man that stryueth in fiyt, absteyneth hym fro alle thingis; and thei, that thei take a corruptible coroun, but we an vncorrupt. 26Therfor Y renne so, not as `in to vncerteyn thing; thus Y fiyte, not as betynge the eir; 27but Y chastise my bodi, and bryng it in to seruage; lest perauenture whanne Y preche to othere, Y my silf be maad repreuable. 10Britheren, Y nyle, that ye vnknowe, that alle oure fadris weren vndur cloude, and alle passiden the see; 2and alle weren baptisid in Moises, in the cloude and in the see; 3and alle eeten the same spiritual mete, 4and alle drunken the same spiritual drynke; thei drunken of the spiritual stoon folewynge hem; and the stoon was Crist. 5But not in ful manye of hem it was wel pleasaunt to God; for whi thei weren cast doun in desert. 6But these thingis ben don in figure of vs, that we be not coueyteris of yuele thingis, as thei coueitiden. 7Nether be ye maad idolatreris, as summe of hem; as it is writun, The puple sat to ete and drynke, and thei risen vp to pleie. 8Nether do we fornycacioun, as summe of hem diden fornicacioun, and thre and twenti thousyndis weren deed in o dai. 9Nethir tempte we Crist, as summe of hem temptiden, and perischiden of serpentis. 10Nether grutche ye, as summe of hem grutchiden, and thei perischiden of a distrier. 11And alle these thingis felliden to hem in figure; but thei ben writun to oure amendyng, in to whiche the endis of the worldis ben comun. 12Therfor he that gessith hym, `that he stondith, se he, that he falle not. 13Temptacioun take `not you, but mannus temptacioun; for God is trewe, which schal not suffre you to be temptid aboue that that ye moun; but he schal make with temptacioun also purueyaunce, that ye moun suffre. 14Wherfor, ye most dereworthe to me, fle ye fro worschiping of maumetis. 15As to prudent men Y speke, deme ye you silf that thing that Y seie. 16Whether the cuppe of blessyng which we blessen, is not the comynyng of Cristis blood? and whether the breed which we breken, is not the takyng of the bodi of the Lord? 17For we manye ben o breed and o bodi, alle we that taken part of o breed and of o cuppe. 18Se ye Israel aftir the fleisch, whethir thei that eeten sacrifices, ben not partyneris of the auter? 19What therfor seie Y, that a thing that is offrid to idols is ony thing, or that the idol is ony thing? 20But tho thingis that hethene men offren, thei offren to deuelis, and not to God. But Y nyle, that ye ben maad felowis of feendis; for ye moun not drynke the cuppe of the Lord, and the cuppe of fendis; 21ye moun not be parteneris of the boord of the Lord, and of the bord of feendis. 22Whether we han enuye to the Lord? whether we ben strengere then he? Alle thingis ben leeueful to me, but not alle thingis ben spedeful. 23Alle thingis ben leeueful to me, but not alle thingis edifien. 24No man seke that thing that is his owne, but that thing that is of an othere. 25Al thing that is seld in the bocherie, ete ye, axynge no thing for conscience. 26The erthe and the plente of it is, the Lordis. 27If ony of hethene men clepith you to soper, and ye wole go, al thing that is set to you, ete ye, axynge no thing for conscience. 28But if ony man seith, This thing is offrid to idols, nyle ye ete, for hym that schewide, and for conscience; and Y seie not, 29thi conscience, but of an othere. But wherto is my fredom demed of an othere mannus conscience? 30Therfor if Y take part with grace, what am Y blasfemed, for that that Y do thankyngis? 31Therfor whether ye eten, or drynken, or don ony other thing, do ye alle thingis `in to the glorie of God. 32Be ye with outen sclaundre to Jewis, and to hethene men, and to the chirche of God; 33as Y bi alle thingis plese to alle men, not sekynge that that is profitable to me, but that that is profitable to manye men, that thei be maad saaf. 11Be ye my foleweris, as Y am of Crist. 2And, britheren, Y preise you, that bi alle thingis ye ben myndeful of me; and as Y bitook to you my comaundementis, ye holden. 3But Y wole that ye wite, that Crist is heed of ech man; but the heed of the womman is the man; and the heed of Crist is God. 4Ech man preiynge, or profeciynge, whanne his heed is hilid, defoulith his heed. 5But ech womman preiynge, or profeciynge, whanne hir heed is not hilid, defoulith hir heed; for it is oon, as if sche were pollid. 6And if a womman be not keuered, be sche pollid; and if it is foul thing to a womman to be pollid, or to be maad ballid, hile sche hir heed. 7But a man schal not hile his heed, for he is the ymage and the glorie of God; but a womman is the glorie of man. 8For a man is not of the womman, but the womman of the man. 9And the man is not maad for the womman, but the womman for the man. 10Therfor the womman schal haue an hilyng on hir heed, also for aungelis. 11Netheles nether the man is with outen womman, nether the womman is with oute man, in the Lord. 12Forwhi as the womman is of man, so the man is bi the womman; but alle thingis ben of God. 13Deme ye you silf; bisemeth it a womman not hilid on the heed to preye God? 14Nether the kynde it silf techith vs, for if a man nursche longe heer, it is schenschipe to hym; 15but if a womman nurische longe heer, it is glorie to hir, for heeris ben youun to hir for keueryng. 16But if ony man is seyn to be ful of strijf, we han noon siche custom, nethir the chirche of God. 17But this thing Y comaunde, not preisynge, that ye comen togidere not in to the betere, but in to the worse. 18First for whanne ye comen togidere in to the chirche, Y here that discenciouns ben, and in parti Y bileue. 19For it bihoueth eresies to be, that thei that ben prouyd, ben opynli knowun in you. 20Therfor whanne ye comen togidere in to oon, now it is not to ete the Lordis soper; 21for whi ech man bifor takith his soper to ete, and oon is hungry, and another is drunkun. 22Whether ye han not housis to ete and drynke, or ye dispisen the chirche of God, and confounden hem that han noon? What schal Y seie to you? Y preise you, but here yn Y preise you not. 23For Y haue takun of the Lord that thing, which Y haue bitakun to you. For the Lord Jhesu, in what niyt he was bitraied, 24took breed, and dide thankyngis, and brak, and seide, Take ye, and ete ye; this is my bodi, which schal be bitraied for you; do ye this thing in to my mynde. 25Also the cuppe, aftir that he hadde soupid, and seide, This cuppe is the newe testament in my blood; do ye this thing, as ofte as ye schulen drynke, in to my mynde. 26For as ofte as ye schulen ete this breed, and schulen drynke the cuppe, ye schulen telle the deth of the Lord, til that he come. 27Therfor who euere etith the breed, or drynkith the cuppe of the Lord vnworthili, he schal be gilti of the bodi and of the blood of the Lord. 28But preue a man hym silf, and so ete he of `the ilke breed, and drynke of the cuppe. 29For he that etith and drinkith vnworthili, etith and drinkith doom to hym, not wiseli demyng the bodi of the Lord. 30Therfor among you many ben sijke and feble, and manye slepen. 31And if we demyden wiseli vs silf, we schulden not be demyd; 32but while we ben demyd of the Lord, we ben chastisid, that we be not dampnyd with this world. 33Therfor, my britheren, whanne ye comen togidere to ete, abide ye togidere. 34If ony man hungrith, ete he at home, that ye come not togidere in to doom. And Y schal dispose othere thingis, whanne Y come. 12But of spiritual thingis, britheren, Y nyle that ye vnknowun. 2For ye witen, that whanne ye weren hethene men, hou ye weren led goynge to doumbe maumetis. 3Therfor Y make knowun to you, that no man spekynge in the spirit of God, seith departyng fro Jhesu; and no man may seie the Lord Jhesu, but in the Hooli Goost. 4And dyuerse graces ther ben, but it is al oon Spirit; 5and dyuerse seruyces ther ben, but it is al oon Lord; and dyuerse worchingis ther ben, 6but `al is oon God, that worchith alle thingis in alle thingis. 7And to ech man the schewyng of spirit is youun to profit. The word of wisdom is youun to oon bi spirit; 8to another the word of kunnyng, bi the same spirit; 9feith to another, in the same spirit; to anothere, grace of helthis, in o spirit; 10to another, the worchyng of vertues; to another, profecie; to another, very knowyng of spiritis; to another, kyndis of langagis; to another, expownyng of wordis. 11And oon and the same spirit worchith alle these thingis, departynge to ech bi hem silf as he wole. 12For as ther is o body, and hath many membris, and alle the membris of the bodi whanne tho ben manye, ben o bodi, so also Crist. 13For in o spirit alle we ben baptisid `in to o bodi, ether Jewis, ether hethene, ether seruauntis, ether free; and alle we ben fillid with drink in o spirit. 14For the bodi is not o membre, but manye. 15If the foot seith, For Y am not the hoond, Y am not of the bodi; not therfor it is not of the bodi. 16And if the ere seith, For Y am not the iye, Y am not of the bodi; not therfor it is not of the bodi. 17If al the bodi is the iye, where is heryng? and if al the bodi is heryng, where is smellyng? 18But now God hath set membris, and ech of hem in the bodi, as he wolde. 19That if alle weren o membre, where were the bodi? 20But now ther ben many membris, but o bodi. 21And the iye may not seie to the hond, Y haue no nede to thi werkis; or eft the heed to the feet, Ye ben not necessarie to me. 22But myche more tho that ben seyn to be the lowere membris of the bodi, ben more nedeful; 23and thilke that we gessen to be the vnworthier membris of the bodi, we yyuen more honour `to hem; and tho membris that ben vnonest, han more oneste. 24For oure oneste membris han nede of noon; but God tempride the bodi, yyuynge more worschip to it, to whom it failide, 25that debate be not in the bodi, but that the membris be bisi in to the same thing ech for othere. 26And if o membre suffrith ony thing, alle membris suffren therwith; ethir if o membre ioieth, alle membris ioien togidere. 27And ye ben the bodi of Crist, and membris of membre. 28But God sette sum men in the chirche, fyrst apostlis, the secunde tyme prophetis, the thridde techeris, aftirward vertues, aftirward graces of heelyngis, helpyngis, gouernails, kyndis of langagis, interpretaciouns of wordis. 29Whether alle apostlis? whethir alle prophetis? whether alle techeris? whether alle vertues? 30whether alle men han grace of heelyngis? whether alle speken with langagis? whether alle expownen? 31But sue ye the betere goostli yiftis. And yit Y schewe to you a more exellent weye. 13If Y speke with tungis of men and of aungels, and Y haue not charite, Y am maad as bras sownynge, or a cymbal tynkynge. 2And if Y haue prophecie, and knowe alle mysteries, and al kunnynge, and if Y haue al feith, so that Y meue hillis fro her place, and Y haue not charite, Y am nouyt. 3And if Y departe alle my goodis in to the metis of pore men, and yf Y bitake my bodi, so that Y brenne, and if Y haue not charite, it profitith to me no thing. 4Charite is pacient, it is benygne; charite enuyeth not, it doith not wickidli, it is not blowun, 5it is not coueytouse, it sekith not tho thingis that ben hise owne, it is not stirid to wraththe, it thenkith not yuel, 6it ioyeth not on wickidnesse, but it ioieth togidere to treuthe; 7it suffrith alle thingis, it bileueth alle thingis, it hopith alle thingis, it susteyneth alle thingis. 8Charite fallith neuere doun, whether prophecies schulen be voidid, ethir langagis schulen ceesse, ethir science schal be distried. 9For a parti we knowun, and a parti we prophecien; 10but whanne that schal come that is parfit, that thing that is of parti schal be auoidid. 11Whanne Y was a litil child, Y spak as a litil child, Y vndurstood as a litil child, Y thouyte as a litil child; but whanne Y was maad a man, Y auoidide tho thingis that weren of a litil child. 12And we seen now bi a myrour in derknesse, but thanne face to face; now Y knowe of parti, but thanne Y schal knowe, as Y am knowun. 13And now dwellen feith, hope, and charite, these thre; but the most of these is charite. 14Sue ye charite, loue ye spiritual thingis, but more that ye prophecien. 2And he that spekith in tunge, spekith not to men, but to God; for no man herith. But the spirit spekith mysteries. 3For he that prophecieth, spekith to men to edificacioun, and monestyng, and coumfortyng. 4He that spekith in tunge, edifieth hym silf; but he that prophecieth, edifieth the chirche of God. 5And Y wole, that alle ye speke in tungis, but more that ye prophecie. For he that prophecieth, is more than he that spekith in langagis; but perauenture he expoune, that the chirche take edificacioun. 6But now, britheren, if Y come to you, and speke in langagis, what schal Y profite to you, but if Y speke to you ethir in reuelacioun, ethir in science, ethir in prophecie, ether in techyng? 7For tho thingis that ben withouten soule, and yyueth voices, ethir pipe, ether harpe, but tho yyuen distinccioun of sownyngis, hou schal it be knowun that is sungun, ether that that is trumpid? 8For if a trumpe yyue an vncerteyn soune, who schal make hym silf redi to batel? 9So but ye yyuen an opyn word bi tunge, hou schal that that is seid be knowun? For ye schulen be spekynge in veyn. 10There ben many kyndis of langagis in this world, and no thing is with outen vois. 11But if Y knowe not the vertu of a vois, Y schal be to hym, to whom Y schal speke, a barbarik; and he that spekith to me, schal be a barbarik. 12So ye, for ye ben loueris of spiritis, seke ye that ye be plenteuouse to edificacioun of the chirche. 13And therfor he that spekith in langage, preie, that he expowne. 14For if Y preye in tunge, my spirit preieth; myn vndurstondyng is with outen fruyt. 15What thanne? Y schal preye in spirit, Y schal preye in mynde; Y schal seie salm, in spirit, Y schal seie salm also in mynde. 16For if thou blessist in spirit, who fillith the place of an ydiot, hou schal he seie Amen on thi blessyng, for he woot not, what thou seist? 17For thou doist wel thankyngis, but an othir man is not edefied. 18Y thanke my God, for Y speke in the langage of alle you; 19but in the chirche Y wole speke fyue wordis in my wit, that also Y teche othere men, than ten thousynde of wordis in tunge. 20Britheren, nyle ye be maad children in wittis, but in malice be ye children; but in wittis be ye parfit. 21For in the lawe it is writun, That in othere tungis and othere lippis Y schal speke to this puple, and nether so thei schulen here me, seith the Lord. 22Therfor langagis ben in to tokene, not to feithful men, but to men out of the feith; but prophecies ben not to men out of the feith, but to feithful men. 23Therfor if alle the chirche come togidere in to oon, and alle men speken in tungis, if idiotis, ether men out of the feith, entren, whether thei schulen not seie, What ben ye woode? 24But if alle men prophecien, if ony vnfeithful man or idiot entre, he is conuyct of alle, he is wiseli demyd of alle. 25For the hid thingis of his herte ben knowun, and so he schal falle doun on the face, and schal worschipe God, and schewe verili that God is in you. 26What thanne, britheren? Whanne ye comen togidere, ech of you hath a salm, he hath techyng, he hath apocalips, he hath tunge, he hath expownyng; alle thingis be thei don to edificacioun. 27Whether a man spekith in tunge, bi twei men, ethir thre at the moste, and bi partis, that oon interprete. 28But if there be not an interpretour, be he stille in the chirche, and speke he to hym silf and to God. 29Prophetis tweine or thre seie, and othere wiseli deme. 30But if ony thing be schewid to a sittere, the formere be stille. 31For ye moun `prophecie alle, ech bi hym silf, that alle men lerne, and alle moneste. 32And the spiritis of prophetis ben suget to prophetis; 33for whi God is not of discencioun, but of pees; as in alle chirchis of hooli men `Y teche. 34Wymmen in chirchis be stille; for it is not suffrid to hem to speke, but to be suget, as the lawe seith. 35But if thei wolen ony thing lerne, `at home axe thei her hosebondis; for it is foule thing to a womman to speke in chirche. 36Whether `of you the word of God cam forth, or to you aloone it cam? 37If ony man is seyn to be a prophete, or spiritual, knowe he tho thingis that Y write to you, for tho ben the comaundementis of the Lord. 38And if ony man vnknowith, he schal be vnknowun. 39`Therfor, britheren, loue ye to prophecie, and nyle ye forbede to speke in tungis. 40But be alle thingis don onestli, and bi due ordre in you. 15`Sotheli, britheren, Y make the gospel knowun to you, which Y haue prechid to you, the which also ye han takun, in which ye stonden, 2also bi which ye schulen be sauyd; `bi which resoun Y haue prechid to you, if ye holden, `if ye han not bileuyd ideli. 3For Y bitook to you at the bigynnyng that thing which also Y haue resseyued; that Crist was deed for oure synnes, bi the scripturis; 4and that he was biried, and that he roos ayen in the thridde dai, after scripturis; 5and that he was seyn to Cephas, and aftir these thingis to enleuene; 6aftirward he was seyn to mo than fyue hundrid britheren togidere, of whiche manye lyuen yit, but summe ben deed; aftirward he was seyn to James, 7and aftirward to alle the apostlis. 8And last of alle he was seyn also to me, as to a deed borun child. 9For Y am the leste of apostlis, that am not worthi to be clepid apostle, for Y pursuede the chirche of God. 10But bi the grace of God Y am that thing that Y am; and his grace was not voide in me. For Y trauelide more plenteuously than alle thei; but not Y, but the grace of God with me. 11But whether Y, or thei, so we han prechid, and so ye han bileuyd. 12And if Crist is prechid, that he roos ayen fro deeth, hou seien summen among you, that the ayenrisyng of deed men is not? 13And if the ayenrisyng of deed men is not, nethir Crist roos ayen fro deeth. 14And if Crist roos not, oure preching is veyn, oure feith is veyn. 15And we ben foundun false witnessis of God, for we han seid witnessyng ayens God, that he reiside Crist, whom he reiside not, if deed men risen not ayen. 16Forwhi if deed men risen not ayen, nether Crist roos ayen; 17and if Crist roos not ayen, oure feith is veyn; and yit ye ben in youre synnes. 18And thanne thei that han diede in Crist, han perischid. 19If in this life oneli we ben hoping in Crist, we ben more wretchis than alle men. 20But now Crist roos ayen fro deth, the firste fruit of deed men; 21for deeth was bi a man, and bi a man is ayenrisyng fro deth. 22And as in Adam alle men dien, so in Crist alle men schulen be quykenyd. 23But ech man in his ordre; the firste fruit, Crist, afterward thei that ben of Crist, that bileueden in the comyng of Crist; 24aftirward an ende, whanne he schal bitake the kyngdom to God and to the fadir, whanne he schal auoide al princehod, and power, and vertu. 25But it bihoueth hym to regne, til he putte alle hise enemyes vndur hise feet. 26And at the laste, deth the enemye schal be distried; for he hath maad suget alle thingis vndur hise feet. 27And whanne he seith, alle thingis ben suget to hym, with outen doubt outakun hym that sugetide alle thingis to hym. 28And whanne alle thingis ben suget to hym, thanne the sone hym silf schal be suget to hym, that made `alle thingis suget to hym, that God be alle thingis in alle thingis. 29Ellis what schulen thei do, that ben baptisid for deed men, if in no wise deed men risen ayen? wherto ben thei baptisid for hem? 30And wherto ben we in perel euery our? 31Ech dai Y die for youre glorie, britheren, which glorie Y haue in Crist Jhesu oure Lord. 32If aftir man Y haue fouyten to beestis at Efesi, what profitith it to me, if deed men risen not ayen? Ete we, and drynke we, for we schulen die to morewe. 33Nyle ye be disseyued; for yuel spechis distrien good thewis. 34Awake ye, iuste men, and nyle ye do synne; for summen han ignoraunce of God, but to reuerence Y speke to you. 35But summan seith, Hou schulen deed men rise ayen, or in what maner bodi schulen thei come? 36Vnwise man, that thing that thou sowist, is not quykened, but it die first; 37and that thing that thou sowist, `thou sowist not the bodi that is to come, but a nakid corn, as of whete, or of summe othere seedis; 38and God yyueth to it a bodi, as he wole, and to ech of seedis a propir bodi. 39Not ech fleisch is the same fleisch, but oon is of men, another is of beestis, another is of briddis, an othere of fischis. 40And `heuenli bodies ben, and `ertheli bodies ben; but oon glorie is of heuenely bodies, and anothir is of ertheli. 41An othere clerenesse is of the sunne, anothere clerenesse is of the moone, and anothere clerenesse is of sterris; and a sterre dyuersith fro a sterre in clerenesse. 42And so the ayenrisyng of deed men. It is sowun in corrupcioun, it schal rise in vncorrupcioun; 43it is sowun in vnnoblei, it schal rise in glorie; it is sowun in infirmyte, it schal rise in vertu; 44it is sowun a beestly bodi, it schal rise a spiritual bodi. If ther is a beestli bodi, ther is also a spiritual bodi; 45as it is writun, The firste man Adam was maad in to a soule lyuynge, the laste Adam in to a spirit quykenynge. 46But the firste is not that that is spiritual, but that that is beestlich, aftirward that that is spiritual. 47The firste man of erthe is ertheli; the secounde man of heuene is heuenelich. 48Such as the ertheli man is, such ben the ertheli men; and such as the heueneli man is, suche ben also the heueneli men. 49Therfor as we han bore the ymage of the ertheli man, bere we also the ymage of the heuenli. 50Britheren, Y seie this thing, that fleisch and bloud moun not welde the kyngdom of God, nethir corrupcioun schal welde vncorrupcioun. 51Lo! Y seie to you priuyte of hooli thingis. And alle we schulen rise ayen, but not alle we schulen be chaungid; 52in a moment, in the twynklyng of an iye, in the laste trumpe; for the trumpe schal sowne, and deed men schulen rise ayen, with oute corrupcioun, and we schulen be chaungid. 53For it byhoueth this corruptible thing to clothe vncorrupcioun, and this deedli thing to putte awei vndeedlinesse. 54But whanne this deedli thing schal clothe vndeedlynesse, thanne schal the word be doon, that is writun, Deth is sopun vp in victorie. 55Deth, where is thi victorie? Deth, where is thi pricke? 56But the pricke of deth is synne; and the vertu of synne is the lawe. 57But do we thankyngis to God, that yaf to vs victorie bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist. 58Therfore, my dereworthe britheren, be ye stidefast, and vnmouable, beynge plenteuouse in werk of the Lord, euere more witynge that youre trauel is not idel in the Lord. 16But of the gaderyngis of money that ben maad in to seyntis, as Y ordeynede in the chirchis of Galathie, so also do ye o dai of the wouke. 2Ech of you kepe at hym silf, kepynge that that plesith to him, that whanne Y come, the gaderyngis ben not maad. 3And whanne Y schal be present, whiche men ye preuen, Y schal sende hem bi epistlis to bere youre grace in to Jerusalem. 4That if it be worthi that also Y go, thei schulen go with me. 5But Y schal come to you, whanne Y schal passe bi Macedonye; for whi Y schal passe bi Macedonye. 6But perauenture Y schal dwelle at you, or also dwelle the wynter, that and ye lede me whidir euere Y schal go. 7And Y wole not now se you in my passyng, for Y hope to dwelle with you awhile, if the Lord schal suffre. 8But Y schal dwelle at Efesi, `til to Witsuntide. 9For a grete dore and an opyn is openyd to me, and many aduersaries. 10And if Thimothe come, se ye that he be with out drede with you, for he worcheth the werk of the Lord, as Y. 11Therfor no man dispise hym; but lede ye hym forth in pees, that he come to me; for Y abide hym with britheren. 12But, britheren, Y make knowun to you of Apollo, that Y preiede him myche, that he schulde come to you, with britheren. But it was not his wille to come now; but he schal come, whanne he schal haue leiser. 13Walke ye, and stonde ye in the feith; do ye manli, and be ye coumfortid in the Lord, 14and be alle youre thingis don in charite. 15And, britheren, Y biseche you, ye knowen the hous of Stephan, and of Fortunati, and Acaicy, for thei ben the firste fruytis of Acaie, and in to mynystrie of seyntis thei han ordeyned hem silf; 16that also ye be sugetis to suche, and to ech worchynge togidere and trauelynge. 17For Y haue ioie in the presence of Stephan, and of Fortunate, and Acaici; 18for thei filliden that thing that failide to you; for thei han refreischid bothe my spirit and youre. Therfor knowe ye hem, that ben suche maner men. 19Alle the chirchis of Asie greten you wel. Aquila and Prisca, with her homeli chirche, greten you myche in the Lord, at the whiche also Y am herborid. 20Alle bretheren greten you wel. Grete ye wel togidere in hooli cos. 21My gretyng bi Poulis hoond. 22If ony man loueth not oure Lord Jhesu Crist, be he cursid, Maranatha. 23The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with you. 24My charite be with you alle in Crist Jhesu oure Lord. Amen.