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1FORSOTHE the Lord clepide Moyses, and spak to him fro the tabernacle of witnessyng, `and seide, 2Speke thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, A man of you, that offrith to the Lord a sacrifice of beestis, that is, of oxun and of scheep, and offrith slayn sacrifices, if his offryng is brent sacrifice, 3and of the droue of oxun, he schal offre a male beeste without wem at the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng, to make the Lord plesid to hym. 4And he schal sette hondis on the heed of the sacrifice, and it schal be acceptable, and profityng in to clensyng of hym. 5And he schal offre a calf bifor the Lord, and the sones of Aaron, preestis, schulen offre the blood ther of, and thei schulen schede bi the cumpas of the auter, which is bifor the dore of the tabernacle. 6And whanne the skyn of the sacrifice is drawun awei, thei schulen kitte the membris in to gobetis; 7and thei schulen put vndur in the auter fier, and thei schulen make an heep of wode bifore; and thei schulen ordeyne aboue 8`the trees tho thingis that ben kit, that is, the heed, and alle thingis that cleuen to the mawe, 9whanne the entrailis and feet ben waischid with watir; and the preest schal brenne tho on the auter, in to brent sacrifice, and swete odour to the Lord. 10That if the offryng is of litle beestis, a brent sacrifice of scheep, ethir of geet, he schal offre a male beeste with out wem, 11and he schal offre at the side of the auter that biholdith to the north, bifore the Lord. Sotheli the sones of Aaron schulen schede the blood therof on the auter `bi cumpas, 12and thei schulen departe the membris, the heed, and alle thingis that cleuen to the mawe, and thei schulen putte on the trees, vndur whiche the fier schal be set; 13sotheli thei schulen waische in watir the entrailis and feet; and the preest schal brenne alle thingis offrid on the auter, in to brent sacrifice, and swettest odour to the Lord. 14Forsothe if the offryng of brent sacrifice to the Lord is of briddis, of turtlis, and of culuer briddis, 15the preest schal offre it at the auter; and whanne the heed is writhun to the necke, and the place of the wounde is brokun, he schal make the blood renne doun on the brenke of the auter. 16Sotheli he schal caste forth the litil bladdir of the throte, and fetheris bisidis the auter, at the eest coost, in the place in which the aischis ben wont to be sched out; 17and he schal breke the wyngis therof, and he schal not kerue, nether he schal departe it with yrun; and he schal brenne it on the auter, whanne fier is set vndur the trees; it is a brent sacrifice, and an offryng of swete odour to the Lord. 2Whanne a soule offrith an offryng of sacrifice to the Lord, flour of wheete schal be his offring. And he schal schede oile ther onne, 2and he schal putte encense, and he schal bere to the sones of Aaron, preest, of whiche sones oon schal take an handful of `flour of whete, and of oile, and alle the encense; and he schal putte a memorial on the auter, in to swettest odour to the Lord. 3Forsothe that that `is residue of the sacrifice schal be Aarons and hise sones, the hooli of hooli thingis of offryngis to the Lord. 4Forsothe whanne thou offrist a sacrifice bakun in an ouene of whete flour, that is, loouys without sour dow, spreynd with oile, and therf breed sodun in watir, bawmed with oile; 5if thin offryng is `of a friyng panne, of wheete flour spreynd with oile and without sour dow, 6thou schalt departe it in smale partis, and thou schalt schede oile ther onne. 7Ellis if the sacrifice is of a gridele, euenli the whete flour schal be spreynd with oile; 8which whete flour thou schalt offre to the Lord, and schalt bitake in the hondis of the preest. 9And whanne he hath offrid it, he schal take a memorial of the sacrifice, and he schal brenne it on the auter, in to `odour of swetnesse to the Lord. 10Sotheli what euer thing `is residue, it schal be Aarons and hise sones, the hooly of hooli thingis of the offryngis to the Lord. 11Ech offryng which is offrid to the Lord, schal be without sour dow, nether ony thing of sour dow, and of hony, schal be brent in the sacrifice of the Lord. 12Ye schulen offre oneli the firste fruytis of tho, and yiftis; sotheli tho schulen not be put on the auter, in to odour of swetnesse. 13Whateuer thing of sacrifice thou schalt offre, thou schalt make it sauery with salt, nether thou schalt take awey the salt of the boond of pees of thi God fro thi sacrifice; in ech offryng thou schalt offre salt. 14Forsothe if thou offrist a yifte of the firste thingis of thi fruytis to the Lord, of `eeris of corn yit grene, thou schalt seenge tho in fier, and thou schalt breke in the maner of seedis; and so thou schalt offre thi firste fruytis to the Lord, 15and thou schalt schede oyle theronne, and schalt putte encense, for it is the offryng of the Lord. 16Of which the preest schal brenne, in to mynde of the yifte, a part of the `seedis brokun, and of oyle, and al the encense. 3That if his offryng is a sacrifice of pesible thingis, and he wole offre of oxun, he schal offre bifore the Lord a male, ether a female, without wem. 2And he schal sette hond on the heed of his sacrifice, that schal be offrid in the entryng of the tabernacle; and the sones of Aaron preest schulen schede the blood bi the cumpas of the auter. 3And thei schulen offre of the sacrifice of pesible thingis in to offryng to the Lord, the fatnesse that hilith the entrailis, and what euer thing of fatnesse is with ynne; 4thei schulen offre twey kydeneris, with the fatnesse bi which the guttis clepid ylyon ben hilid, and the calle of the lyuer with the litle reynes. 5And thei schulen brenne tho on the auter, in to brent sacrifice, whanne fier is put vndur the trees, in to offryng of swettest odour to the Lord. 6Sotheli if his offryng is of scheep, and a sacrifice of pesible thingis, whether he offrith a male ether a female, tho schulen be without wem. 7If he offrith a lombe bifor the Lord, 8he schal sette his hond on the heed of his sacrifice, that schal be offrid in the porche of the tabernacle of witnessyng; and the sones of Aaron schulen schede the blood therof bi `the cumpas of the auter. 9And thei schulen offre of the sacrifice of pesible thingis a sacrifice to the Lord, the innere fatnesse, 10and al the tail with the reynes, and the fatnesse that hilith the wombe, and alle the entrailis, and euer eithir litil reyne, with the fatnesse which is bisidis the `guttis clepid ylion, and the calle of the mawe, with the litle reynes. 11And the preest schal brenne tho on the auter, in to the fedyng of fier, and of the offryng to the Lord. 12If his offryng is a geet, and he offrith it to the Lord, 13he schal sette his hond on the heed therof, and he schal offre it in to the entryng of the tabernacle of witnessyng; and the sones of Aaron schulen schede the blood therof bi the cumpas of the auter. 14And thei schulen take therof, in to `the fedyng of the Lordis fier, the fatnesse that hilith the wombe, and that hilith alle the entrailis, 15and twei litle reynes with the calle which is on tho bisidis ilion, and the fatnesse of the mawe, with the entrails that cleuen to the litle reynes. 16And the preest schal brenne tho on the auter, in to the fedyng of fier, and of swettest odour; al the fatnesse schal be the Lordis, 17by euerlastynge riyt in generaciouns, and in alle youre dwellyng placis, nether in ony maner ye schulen ete blood, nethir fatnesse. 4And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, 2Whanne a soule hath do synne bi ignoraunce, and hath do ony thing of alle comaundementis `of the Lord, whiche he comaundide that tho schulen not be don; if a preest which is anoyntid, 3hath do synne, makynge the puple to trespasse, he schal offre for his synne a calf without wem to the Lord. 4And he schal brynge it to the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng, bifor the Lord, and he schal sette hond on the heed therof, and he schal offre it to the Lord. 5And he schal take vp of the blood `of the calf, and schal brynge it in to the tabernacle of witnessyng. 6And whanne he hath dippid the fyngir in to the blood, he schal sprenge it seuen sithis bifor the Lord, ayens the veil of the seyntuarie. 7And he schal putte of the same blood on the corners of the auter of encense moost acceptable to the Lord, which auter is in the tabernacle of witnessyng; sotheli he schal schede al the `tother blood in to the foundement of the auter of brent sacrifice in the entryng of the tabernacle. 8And he schal offre for synne the ynnere fatnesse of the calf, as well it that hilith the entrails, as alle thingis that ben with ynne, 9twei litle reynes, and the calle, which is on tho bisidis ilion, and the fatnesse of the mawe, 10with the litle reines, as it is offrid of the calf of the sacrifice of pesible thingis; and he schal brenne tho on the auter of brent sacrifice. 11Sotheli he schal bere out of the castels the skyn, and alle the fleischis, with the heed, and feet, and entrails, 12and dung, and the `residue bodi in to a clene place, where aischis ben wont to be sched out; and he schal brenne tho on the heep of trees, whiche schulen be brent in the place of aischis sched out. 13That if al the cumpeny of the sones of Israel knowith not, and doith by vnkunnyng that that is ayens the comaundement of the Lord, 14and aftirward vndirstondith his synne, it schal offre a calf for synne, and it schal brynge the calf to the dore of the tabernacle. 15And the eldere men of the puple schulen sette hondis on the heed therof bifor the Lord; and whanne the calf is offrid in the siyt of the Lord, 16the preest which is anoyntid schal bere ynne of his blood in to the tabernacle of witnessyng; 17and whanne the fyngur `is dippid, he schal sprenge seuen sithis ayens the veil. 18And he schal putte of the same blood in the hornes of the auter, which is bifor the Lord in the tabernacle of witnessyng; sotheli he schal schede the `residue blood bisidis the foundement of the auter of brent sacrifice, which is in the dore of tabernacle of witnessyng. 19And he schal take al the fatnesse therof, and schal brenne it on the auter; 20and so he schal do also of this calf, as he dide also bifor; and whanne the prest schal preye for hem, the Lord schal be merciful. 21Forsothe he schal bere out thilke calf, and schal brenne it, as also the formere calf, for it is for the synne of the multitude. 22If the prince synneth, and doith bi ignoraunce o thing of many, which is forbodun in the lawe of the Lord, 23and aftirward vndirstondith his synne, he schal offre to the Lord a sacrifice, a `buk of geet, `that hath no wem; 24and he schal sette his hond on the heed therof. And whanne he hath offrid it in the place, where brent sacrifice is wont to be slayn, bifor the Lord, for it is for synne; 25the preest schal dippe the fyngur in the blood of sacrifice for synne, and he schal touche the corneris of the auter of brent sacrifice, and he schal schede the `residue blood at the foundement therof. 26Sotheli the preest schal brenne the innere fatnesse aboue the auter, as it is wont to be doon in the sacrifice of pesible thingis, and the preest schal preye for hym, and for his synne, and it schal be foryouun to hym. 27That if a soule of the puple of the lond synneth bi ignoraunce, that he do ony thing of these that ben forbodun in the lawe of the Lord, and trespassith, 28and knowith his synne, he schal offre a geet without wem; 29and he schal sette hond on the heed of the sacrifice which is for synne, and he schal offre it in the place of brent sacrifice. 30And the preest schal take of the blood on his fyngur, and he schal touche the hornes of the auter of brent sacryfice, and he schal schede the residue at the foundement therof. 31Sotheli he schal take a wei al the ynnere fatnesse, as it is wont to be don a wei of the sacrifices of pesible thingis, and he schal brenne it on the auter, in to odour of swetnesse to the Lord; and the preest schal preye for hym, and it schal be foryouun to hym. 32Sotheli if he offrith of litle beestis a sacrifice for synne, that is, 33a scheep without wem, he schal putte the hond on the heed therof, and he schal offre it in the place where the beest of brent sacrifices ben wont to be slayn. 34And the preest schal take of the blood therof in his fyngur, and he schal touche the hornes of the autir of brent sacrifice, and he schal schede the residue at the foundement therof. 35And he schal do awey al the ynnere fatnesse as the innere fatnesse of the ram which is offrid for pesible thingis, is wont to be don a wei, and he schal brenne it on the auter of encense of the Lord; and the preest schal preye for hym, and for his synne, and it schal be foryouun to hym. 5If a soule synneth, and hereth the vois of a swerere, and is witnesse, `for ether he siy, ether `is witynge, if he schewith not, he schal bere his synne. 2A persone that touchith ony vnclene thing, ether which is slayn of a beeste, ether is deed bi it silf, ether touchith ony other crepynge beeste, and foryetith his vnclennesse, he is gilti, and trespassith. 3And if he touchith ony thing of the vnclennesse of man, bi al the vnclennesse bi which he is wont to be defoulid, and he foryetith, and knowith afterward, he schal be suget to trespas. 4A soule that swerith, and bryngith forth with hise lippis, that it schulde do ether yuel, ether wel, and doith not, and confermeth the same thing with an ooth, ethir with a word, and foryetith, and aftirward vndirstondith his trespas, do it penaunce for synne, 5and offre it of the flockis a femal lomb, ethir a goet; 6and the preest schal preie for hym, and for his synne. 7But if he may not offre a beeste, offre he twei turtlis, ethir `briddis of culuers to the Lord, oon for synne, and the tother in to brent sacrifice. 8And he schal yyue tho to the preest, which schal offre the firste for synne, and schal folde ayen the heed therof to the wengis, so that it cleue to the necke, and be not `brokyn outirli. 9And the preest schal sprynge the wal of the auter, of the blood therof; sotheli what euer `is residue, he schal make to droppe doun at the `foundement of the auter, for it is for synne. 10Sotheli he schal brenne the tother brid in to brent sacrifice, as it is wont to be doon; and the preest schal preie for hym, and for his synne, and it schal be foryouun to hym. 11That if his hond mai not offre twei turtlis, ethir twei `briddis of culueris, he schal offre for his synne the tenthe part of ephi of wheete flour; he schal not putte oile `in to it, nether he schal putte ony thing of encense, for it is for synne. 12And he schal yyue it to the preest, which preest schal take vp an handful therof, and schal brenne on the auter, in to mynde of hym that offeride, 13and the preest schal preie for hym, and schal clense; forsothe he schal have the tother part in yifte. 14And the Lord spak to Moises, 15and seide, If a soule brekith cerymonyes bi errour, and synneth in these thingis that ben halewid to the Lord, it schal offre for his trespas a ram without wem of the flockis, that may be bouyt for twey siclis, bi the weiyte of the seyntuarie. 16And he schal restore that harm that he dide, and he schal putte the fyuethe part aboue, and schal yyue to the preest, which preest schal preye for hym, and offre the ram, and it schal be foryouun to hym. 17A soule that synneth bi ignoraunce, and doith oon of these thingis that ben forbodun in the lawe of the Lord, and is gilti of synne, and vndirstondith his wickidnesse, 18it schal offre to the preest a ram without wem of the flockis, bi the mesure of estymacioun of synne; and the preest schal preye for hym, for he dide vnwytynge, and it schal be foryouun to him, 19for by errour he trespasside ayens the Lord. 6And the Lord spak to Moises, 2and seide, A soule that synneth, and dispisith the Lord, and denyeth to his neiybore a thing bitakun to kepyng, that was bitakun to his feith, ethir takith maisterfuli a thing bi violence, ether makith fals chaleng, 3ether fyndith a thing lost, and denyeth ferthermore and forswerith, and doth ony other thing of manye in whiche thingis men ben wont to do synne, 4`if it is conuict of the gilt, 5it schal yelde hool alle thingis whiche it wolde gete bi fraude, and ferthermore the fyuethe part to the lord, to whom it dide harm. 6Sotheli for his synne it schal offre a ram vnwemmed of the floc, and it schal yyue that ram to the preest, bi the valu and mesure of the trespas; 7and the preest schal preie for hym bifor the Lord, and it schal be foryouun to hym, for alle thingis whiche he synnede in doyng. 8And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 9Comaunde thou to Aaron, and to hise sones, This is the lawe of brent sacrifice; it schal be brent in the auter al nyyt til the morewe; fier that is youun fro heuene schal be of the same auter. 10The preest schal be clothid with a coote, and `pryuy lynnun clothis; and he schal take awei the aischis, which the fier deuourynge brente, and he schal putte bisidis the auter; 11and he schal be spuylid of the formere clothis, and he schal be clothid with other, and schal bere aischis out of the castels, and in a moost clene place he schal make tho to be wastid til to a deed sparcle. 12Forsothe fier schal brenne euere in the auter, which fier the preest schal nurische, puttynge trees vndur, in the morewtid bi ech dai; and whanne brent sacrifice is put aboue, the preest schal brenne the ynnere fatnessis of pesible thingis. 13This is euerlastynge fier, that schal neuer faile in the auter. 14This is the lawe of sacrifice, and of fletynge offryngis, whiche `the sones of Aaron schulen offre bifore the Lord, and bifor the auter. 15The preest schal take an handful of wheete flour, which is spreynd with oile, and al the encense which is put on the wheete flour, and he schal brenne it in the auter, in to mynde of swettist odour to the Lord. 16Forsothe Aaron with hise sones schal ete the tother part of wheete flour, without sour dow; and he schal ete in the hooli place of the greet street of the tabernacle. 17Sotheli herfor it schal not be `diyt with sour dow, for a part therof is offrid in to encense of the Lord; it schal be hooli `of the noumbre of holi thingis, as for synne and for trespas. 18Malis oonli of the kynrede of Aaron schulen ete it; it is a lawful thing and euerlastynge in youre generaciouns, of the sacrifice of the Lord; ech man that touchith tho schal be halewyd. 19And the Lord spak to Moises, 20and seide, This is the offryng of Aaron, and of hise sones, which thei owen offre to the Lord in the day of her anoyntyng; thei schulen offre the tenthe part of ephi of wheete flour, in euerlastynge sacrifice, the myddis therof in the morewtid, and the myddis therof in the euentid; 21which schal be spreynt with oile in the friyng panne, and schal be fried. 22Sotheli the preest which is successour to the fadir `bi riyt, schal offre it hoot, in to sweteste odour to the Lord; and al it schal be brent in the auter. 23For al the sacrifice of preestis schal be wastid with fier, nether ony man schal ete therof. 24And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 25Spek thou to Aaron and to hise sones, This is the lawe of sacrifice for synne; it schal be offrid bifor the Lord, in the place where brent sacrifice is offrid; it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis. 26The preest that offrith it, schal ete it in the hooli place, in the greet street of the tabernacle. 27What euer thing schal touche the fleischis therof, it schal be halewid; if a cloth is bispreynt of the blood therof, it schal be waischun in the hooli place. 28Sotheli the erthun vessel, in which it is sodun, schal be brokun; that if the vessel is of bras, it schal be scourid, and `schal be waischun with watir. 29Ech male of preestis kyn schal ete of the fleischis therof; for it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis. 30Sotheli the sacrifice which is slayn for synne, whos blood is borun in to the tabernacle of witnessyng to clense in the seyntuarie, schal not be etun, but it schal be brent in fier. 7And this is the lawe of sacrifice for trespas; it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis. 2Therfor where brent sacrifice is offrid, also the sacrifice for trespas schal be slayn; the blood therof schal be sched bi the cumpas of the auter. 3Thei schulen offre the tail therof, and the fatnesse that hilith the entrailis, 4the twei litle reynes, and the fatnesse which is bisidis ilioun, and the calle of the mawe, with the litle reynes. 5And the preest schal brenne tho on the auter; it is encense of the Lord, for trespas. 6Ech male of the preestis kyn schal ete these fleischis in the hooli place, for it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis. 7As a sacrifice is offrid for synne, so and for trespas, o lawe schal be of euer eithir sacrifice; it schal perteyne to the preest, that offrith it. 8The preest that offrith the beeste of brent sacrifice, schal haue the skyn therof. 9And ech sacrifice of wheete flour, which is bakun in an ouene, and what euer is maad redi in a gridile, ethir in a friyng panne, it schal be that preestis, of whom it is offrid, 10whether it is spreynt with oile, ethir is drye. To alle the sones of Aaron euene mesure schal be departyd, `to ech `bi hem silf. 11This is the lawe of `the sacrifice of pesible thingis, which is offrid to the Lord. 12If the offryng is for doyng of thankyngis, thei schulen offre looues without sour dow spreynt with oile, and `therf looues sodun in watir, that ben anoyntid with oile; and thei schulen offre wheete flour bakun, and thinne looues spreynt to gidere with the medlyng of oile. 13Also thei schulen offre `looues diyt with sour dow, with the sacrifice of thankyngis which is offrid for pesible thingis; 14of whiche o loof schal be offrid to the Lord for the firste fruytis, and it schal be the preestis that schal schede the blood of the sacrifice, 15whose fleischis schulen be etun in the same dai, nether ony thing of tho schal dwelle til the morewtid. 16If a man offrith a sacrifice bi a vow, ethir bi fre wille, it schal be etun in lijk maner in the same dai; but also if ony thing dwellith `in to the morew, it is leueful to ete it; 17sotheli fier schal waaste, whateuer thing the thridde day schal fynde. 18If ony man etith in the thridde dai of the fleischis of sacrifice of pesible thingis, his offryng schal be maad voide, nethir it schal profite to the offerere; but rather whateuer soule defoulith hym silf with suche mete, he schal be gilti of `brekyng of the lawe. 19Fleisch that touchith ony vnclene thing, schal not be etun, but it schal be brent bi fier; he that is clene, schal ete it. 20A pollutid soule, that etith of the fleischis of the sacrifice of pesible thingis, which is offrid to the Lord, schal perische fro hise puplis. 21And he that touchith vnclennesse of man, ether of beeste, ether of alle thing that may defoule, and etith of suche fleischis, schal perische fro hise puplis. 22And the Lord spak to Moises, 23and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, Ye schulen not ete the ynnere fatnesse of a scheep, of an oxe, and of a geet; 24ye schulen haue in to dyuerse vsis the ynnere fatnesse of a carkeis deed by it silf, and of that beeste which is takun of a rauenus beeste. 25If ony man etith the ynnere fatnesse, that owith to be offrid in to encense of the Lord, he schal perische fro his puple. 26Also ye schulen not take in mete the blood of ony beeste, as wel of briddis as of beestis; 27ech man that etith blood schal perische fro his puplis. 28And the Lord spak to Moises, 29and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, He that offrith a sacrifice of pesible thingis to the Lord, offre togidere also a sacrifice, that is, fletynge offryngis therof. 30He schal holde in the hondis the ynnere fatnesse of the sacrifice, and the brest; and whanne he hath halewid bothe offrid to the Lord, he schal yyue to the preest, 31which schal brenne the ynnere fatnesse on the auter; sotheli the brest schal be Aarons and hise sones; 32and the riyt schuldur of the sacrifices of pesible thingis schal turne in to the firste fruytis of the preest. 33He that of Aarons sones offrith the blood, and the ynnere fatnesse, schal haue also the riyt schuldur in his porcioun. 34For Y haue take fro the sones of Israel the brest of reisyng, and the schuldur of departyng, of the pesible sacrifices `of hem, and Y haue youe to Aaron the preest and to hise sones, bi euerlastynge lawe, of al the puple of Israel. 35This is the anoyntyng of Aaron, and of hise sones, in the cerymonyes of the Lord, in the dai where ynne Moises offride hem that thei schulden be set in preesthod, 36and whiche thingis the Lord comaundide to be youun to hem of the sones of Israel, bi euerlastynge religioun in her generaciouns. 37This is the lawe of brent sacrifice, and of sacrifice for synne, and for trespas, and for halewyng, and for the sacrifices of pesible thingis; 38which lawe the Lord ordeynede to Moises in the hil of Synay, whanne he comaundide to the sones of Israel that thei schulden offre her offryngis to the Lord, in the deseert of Synay. 8And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Take thou Aaron with hise sones, 2`the clothes of hem, and the oile of anoyntyng, a calf for synne, twei rammes, a panyere with therf looues; 3and thou schalt gedere al the cumpanye to the dore of the tabernacle. 4Moises dide as the Lord comaundide; and whanne al the company was gaderid bifor the yatis of the tabernacle, he seide, 5This is the word which the Lord comaundid to be don. 6And anoon Moises offride Aaron and hise sones; and whanne he hadde waischun hem, 7he clothide the bischop with a lynnun schirte, `and girdide `the bischop with a girdil, and clothide with a coote of iacynt, and `puttide the cloth on the schuldris aboue, 8which cloth on the schuldris he boond with a girdil, and `dresside to the racional, wherynne doctryn and truthe was. 9And Moises hilide the heed with a mytre, and `settide theronne, ayens the forhed, the goldun plate halewid in halewyng, as the Lord comaundide to hym. 10He took also the oile of anoyntyng, with which he anoyntide the tabernacle with al his purtenaunce; 11and whanne he hadde halewid and hadde spreynt the auter seuen sithes, he anoyntide it, and halewide with oile alle the vessels therof, and the `greet waischyng vessel with his foundement. 12Which oile he schedde on `the heed of Aaron, and anoyntide hym, and halewide. 13And he clothide with lynnun cootis, and girdide with girdils `his sones offrid, and settide on mytris, as the Lord comaundide. 14He offeride also a calf for synne; and whanne Aaron and hise sones hadden put her hondis on `that calf, 15he offride it, and drow up blood; and whanne the fyngur was dippid, he touchide the corneris of the auter bi cumpas; whanne the auter was clensid and halewid, he schedde the `residue blood at the `foundement therof. 16Sotheli he brent on the auter the ynnere fatnesse that was on the entrails, and the calle of the mawe, and the twei litle reynes with her litle fatnessis; 17and he brente without the castels the calf, with the skyn, fleischis, and dung, as the Lord comaundide. 18He offride also a ram in to brent sacrifice; and whanne Aaron and hise sones hadden set her hondis on the heed therof, 19he offride it, and schedde the blood therof bi the cumpas of the auter. 20And he kittide thilke ram in to gobetis, and brente with fier the heed therof, and membris, 21and ynnere fatnesse, whanne the entrails and feet weren waischun bifore; and he brente al the ram togidere on the auter, for it was the brent sacrifice of swettiste odour to the Lord, as the Lord comaundide to hym. 22He offride also the secounde ram, in to the halewyng of preestis; and Aaron and hise sones puttiden her hondis on the heed therof. 23And whanne Moises hadde offrid the ram, he took of the blood, and touchide the laste part of the riyt eere of Aaron, and the thombe of his riyt hond, in lijk maner and of the foot. 24He offride also `the sones of Aaron. And whanne he hadde touchid of the blood of the ram offrid the laste part of `the riyt eeris of alle, and `the thombis of the riyt hond and foot, he schedde the `tothir blood on the auter bi cumpas. 25Sotheli he departide the ynnere fatnesse, and the taile, and al the fatnesse that hilith the entrails, and the calle of the mawe, and the twey reynes with her fatnessis and with the riyt schuldur. 26Forsothe he took of the panyere of therf looues, that was bifor the Lord, looues without sour dow, and a cake spreynt with oile, and he puttide looues first sodun in watir and aftirward fried in oile on the ynnere fatnesse, and the riyt schuldur; and bitook alle thingis togidere to Aaron, 27and to hise sones. And aftir that thei `reisiden tho bifore the Lord, 28eft `he brente tho takun of her hondis, on the auter of brent sacrifice, for it was the offryng of halewyng, in to the odour of swetnesse of sacrifice `into his part to the Lord. 29He took also the brest of the ram of consecracioun in to his part, and reiside it bifor the Lord, as the Lord comaundide to hym. 30And he took the oynement, and blood that was in the auter, and `spreynte on Aaron, and hise clothis, and on `the sones of hym, and on her clothis. 31And whanne he hadde halewid hem in her clothing, he comaundide to hem, and seide, Sethe ye fleischis bifor the `yatis of the tabernacle, and there ete ye tho; also ete ye the looues of halewyng, that ben put in the panyere, as God comaundide to me, `and seide, Aaron and hise sones schulen ete tho looues; 32sotheli whateuer thing is residue of the fleisch and looues, fier schal waste. 33Also ye schulen not go out of the dore of the tabernacle in seuene daies, til to the day in which the tyme of youre halewyng schal be fillid; for the halewyng is endid in seuene dayes, 34as it is doon in present tyme, that the riytfulnesse of sacrifice were fillid. 35Ye schulen dwelle dai and nyyt in the tabernacle, and ye schulen kepe the kepyngis of the Lord, that ye die not; for so it is comaundid to me. 36And Aaron and hise sones diden alle thingis, whiche the Lord spak bi the hond of Moises. 9Forsothe whanne the eiytithe dai was maad, Moises clepide Aaron, and hise sones, and the grettere men in birthe of Israel; 2and he seide to Aaron, Take thou of the droue a calf for synne, and a ram `in to brent sacrifice, euer either with oute wem, and offre tho bifor the Lord. 3And thou schalt speke to the sones of Israel, Take ye a buk of geet for synne, and a calf, and a lomb of o yeer and with out wem, 4in to brent sacrifice, an oxe and a ram for pesible thingis; and offre ye tho bifor the Lord, and offre ye whete flour spreynt with oile in the sacrifice of ech; for to dai the Lord schal appere to you. 5Therfor thei token alle thingis, whiche Moises comaundide, to the dore of the tabernacle, where, whanne al the multitude stood, 6Moises seide, This is the word, which the Lord comaundide, do ye, and his glorie schal appere to you. 7And Moises seide to Aaron, Neiye thou to the auter, and offre thou for thi synne; offre thou brent sacrifice, and preye for thee, and for the puple; and whanne thou hast slayn the sacrifice of the puple, preye thou for hem, as the Lord comaundide. 8And anoon Aaron neiyede to the auter, and offride a calf for his synne; 9whos blood hise sones offriden to him, in which blood he dippide the fyngur, and touchide the hornes of the auter, and schedde the residue at the foundement therof; 10and he brente on the auter the ynnere fatnesse, and litle reynes, and the calle of the mawe, as the Lord comaundide to Moises. 11Forsothe he brente bi fier without the castels the fleischis and skyn therof. 12And he offride the beeste of brent sacrifice, and hise sones offriden to hym the blood therof, which he schedde bi the cumpas of the auter; 13thei offriden also thilke sacrifice kit in to gobetis, with the heed, and alle membris; and he brente bi fier alle these thingis on the auter, 14whanne the entrailis and feet weren waischun bifor with watir. 15And he offride and killide a buk of geet, for the synne of the puple; and whanne the auter was clensid, 16he made brent sacrifice, 17and addide in to the sacrifice fletynge offryngis that ben offrid togidere; and he brente tho on the auter, without cerymonyes of brent sacrifice of the morewtid. 18He offride also an oxe, and a ram, pesible sacrifices of the puple; and hise sones offriden to hym the blood, which he schedde bi the cumpas of the auter. 19Forsothe thei puttiden on the brestis the ynnere fatnesse of the oxe, and the tail of the ram, and the litle reynes with her fatnessis, and the calle of the mawe. 20And whanne the ynnere fatnessis weren brent in the auter, 21Aaron departide the brestis, and the riyt schuldris of tho, and reiside bifor the Lord, as Moises comaundide. 22And he streiyte forth hondis to the puple, and blesside it; and so whanne the sacrifices for synne, and brent sacrifices, and pesible sacrifices, weren fillid, he cam doun. 23Sotheli Moyses and Aaron entriden in to the tabernacle of witnessyng, and yeden out aftirward, and blessiden the puple; and the glorie of the Lord apperide to al the multitude. 24And lo! fier yede out fro the Lord, and deuouride the brent sacrifice, and the ynnere fatnesses that weren on the auter; and whanne the cumpanyes hadden seyn this thing, thei preiseden the Lord, `and felden on her faces. 10And whanne Nadab and Abyu, the sones of Aaron, hadden take censeris, thei puttiden fier and encense aboue, and offriden bifor the Lord alien fier, which thing was not comaundid to hem. 2And fier yede out fro the Lord, and deuouride hem, and thei weren deed bifor the Lord. 3And Moises seide to Aaron, This thing it is which the Lord spak, Y schal be halewid in hem that neiyen to me, and Y schal be glorified in the siyt of al the puple; which thing Aaron herde, and was stille. 4Sotheli whanne Moises hadde clepid Mysael and Elisaphan, the sones of Oziel, brother of Aaron's fadir, he seide to hem, Go ye, and take awey youre britheren fro the siyt of seyntuarie, and bere ye out of the castels. 5And anoon thei yeden, and token hem, as thei laien clothid with lynnun cootis, and castiden out, as it was comaundid to hem. 6And Moises spak to Aaron, and to Eliasar and Ithamar, the sones of Aaron, Nyle ye make nakid youre heedis, and nyle ye reende clothis, lest perauenture ye dien, and indignacioun rise on al the cumpany; youre britheren and all the hows of Israel byweile the brennyng which the Lord reiside. 7But ye schulen not go out of the yatis of the tabernacle, ellis ye schulen perische; for the oile of hooli anoyntyng is on you. Whiche diden alle thingis bi the comaundement of Moises. 8Also the Lord seide to Aaron, 9Thou and thi sones schulen not drynke wyn, and al thing that may make drunkun, whanne ye schulen entre in to the tabernacle of witnessing, lest ye dien; for it is euerlastynge comaundement in to youre generaciouns, 10that ye haue kunnyng to make doom bytwixe hooli thing and vnhooli, bitwixe pollutid thing and cleene; 11and that ye teche the sones of Israel alle my lawful thingis, whiche the Lord spak to hem bi the hond of Moyses. 12And Moises spak to Aaron, and to Eliazar and Ythamar, hise sones, that weren residue, Take ye the sacrifice that lefte of the offryng of the Lord, and ete ye it with out sour dow, bisidis the auter, for it is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis. 13Sotheli ye schulen ete in the hooli place that that is youun to thee and to thi sones, of the offryngis of the Lord, as it is comaundid to me Also thou, 14and thi sones, and thi douytris with thee, schulen ete in the clenneste place the brest which is offrid, and the schuldur which is departid; for tho ben kept to thee and to thi fre sones, of the heelful sacrifices of the sones of Israel; 15for thei reiseden bifor the Lord the schuldur and brest, and the ynnere fatnessis that ben brent in the auter; and perteynen tho to thee, and to thi sones, bi euerlastynge lawe, as the Lord comaundide. 16Among these thingis whanne Moises souyte the `buk of geet that was offrid for synne, he foond it brent, and he was wrooth ayens Eliazar and Ythamar, `the sones of Aaron that weren left. 17And he seide, Whi eten not ye the sacrifice for synne in the hooli place, which sacrifice is hooli `of the noumbre of hooli thingis, and is youun to you, that ye bere the wickydnesse of the multitude, and preye for it in the siyt of the Lord; 18moost sithen of the blood therof is not borun yn with ynne hooli thingis, and ye ouyten ete it in the seyntuarie, as it is comaundid to me? 19And Aaron answeride, Sacrifice for synne, and brent sacrifice is offrid to dai bifor the Lord; sotheli this that thou seest, bifelde to me; how myyte Y ete it, ether plese God in cerymonyes with soreuful soule? 20And whanne Moises hadde herd this, he resseyuede satisfaccioun. 11And the Lord spak to Moises and Aaron, and seide, 2Seie ye to the sones of Israel, Kepe ye alle thingis whiche Y wroot to you, that Y be youre God. These ben the beestis, whiche ye schulen ete, of alle lyuynge beestis of erthe; 3ye schulen ete `al thing among beestis that hath a clee departid, and chewith code; 4sotheli what euer thing chewith code, and hath a clee, but departith not it, as a camel and othere beestis doon, ye schulen not ete it, and ye schulen arette among vnclene thingis. 5A cirogrille, which chewith code, and departith not the clee, is vnclene; and an hare, 6for also he chewith code, but departith not the clee; 7and a swiyn, that chewith not code, thouy he departith the clee. 8Ye schulen not ete the fleischis of these, nether ye schulen touche the deed bodies, for tho ben vnclene to you. 9Also these thingis ben that ben gendrid in watris, and is leueful to ete; 10ye schulen ete al thing that hath fynnes and scalis, as wel in the see, as in floodis and stondynge watris; sotheli what euer thing of tho that ben moued and lyuen in watris, hath not fynnes and scalis, schal be abhominable, and wlatsum to you; 11ye schulen not ete the fleischis of tho, and ye schulen eschewe the bodies deed bi hem silf. 12Alle thingis in watris that han not fynnes and scalis, schulen be pollutid, 13These thingis ben of foulis whiche ye schulen not ete, and schulen be eschewid of you; an egle, and a grippe, aliete, and a kyte, and a vultur by his kynde; 14and al of `rauyns kynde bi his licnesse; 15a strucioun, 16and nyyt crowe, a lare, and an hauke bi his kinde; 17an owle, and dippere, and ibis; 18a swan and cormoraunt, and a pellican; 19a fawcun, a iay bi his kynde; a leepwynke, and a reremows. 20Al thing of foulis that goith on foure feet, schal be abhomynable to you; 21sotheli what euer thing goith on foure feet, but hath lengere hipis bihynde, bi whiche it skippith on the erthe, ye schulen ete; 22as is a bruke in his kynde, and acatus, and opymacus, and a locuste, alle bi her kynde. 23Forsothe what euer thing of briddis hath foure feet oneli, it schal be abhomynable to you; 24and who euer touchith her bodies deed bi hem silf, schal be defoulid, and `schal be vnclene `til to euentid; 25and if it is nede, that he bere ony deed thing of these, he schal waische his clothis, and he schal be vnclene til to the goyng doun of the sunne. 26Sotheli ech beeste that hath a clee, but departith not it, nether chewith code, schal be vnclene; and what euer thing touchith it, schal be defoulid. 27That that goith on hondis, of alle beestis that gon on foure feet, schal be vnclene; he, that touchith her bodies deed bi hem silf, schal be defoulid `til to euentid; 28and he, that berith siche deed bodies, schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be vnclene `til to euentid; for alle these thingis ben vnclene to you. 29Also these thingis schulen be arettid among defoulid thingis, of these that ben moued on erthe; a wesele, and mows, and a cocodrille, `alle bi her kynde; 30mygal, camelion, and stellio, and lacerta, and a maldewerp. 31Alle these ben vnclene; he that touchith her bodies deed bi hem silf, schal be vnclene `til to euentid; 32and that thing schal be defoulid, on which ony thing of her bodies deed bi hem silf fallith, as wel a vessel of tree, and a cloth, as skynnes `and heiris; and in what euer thing werk is maad, it schal be dippid in watir, and tho thingis schulen be defoulid `til to euentid, and so aftirward tho schulen be clensid. 33Sotheli a vessel of erthe, in which ony thing of these fallith with ynne, schal be defoulid, and therfor it schal be brokun. 34Ech mete, which ye schulen ete, schal be vnclene, if water is sched thereon; and ech fletynge thing, which is drunkun of ech vessel, `where ynne vnclene thingis bifelden, schal be vnclene; 35and what euer thing of siche deed bodies bi hem silf felde theronne, it schal be vnclene, whether furneisis, ethir vessels of thre feet, tho schulen be destried, and schulen be vnclene. 36Sotheli wellis and cisternes, and al the congregacioun of watris, schal be clene. He that touchith her bodi deed bi it silf, schal be defoulid. 37If it fallith on seed, it schal not defoule the seed; 38sotheli if ony man schedith seed with watir, and aftirward the watir is touchid with deed bodies bi hem silf, it schal be defoulid anoon. 39If a beeste is deed, which it is leueful to you to ete, he that touchith the deed bodi therof schal be vnclene `til to euentid; and he that etith therof ony thing, 40ethir berith, schal waische his clothis, and schal be vnclene `til to euentid. 41Al thing that crepith on erthe, schal be abhomynable, nether schal be takun in to mete. 42`What euer thing goith on the brest and foure feet, and hath many feet, ethir drawun bi the erthe, ye schulen not ete, for it is abhomynable. 43Nyle ye defoule youre soulis, nether touche ye ony thing of tho, lest ye ben vnclene; 44for Y am youre Lord God; be ye hooli, for Y am hooli. Defoule ye not youre soulis in ech crepynge `beeste which is moued on erthe; for Y am the Lord, 45that ladde you out of the lond of Egipt, that Y schulde be to you in to God; ye schulen be hooli, for Y am hooli. 46This is the lawe of lyuynge beestes, and of foulis, and of ech lyuynge soule which is moued in watir, and crepith in erthe; 47that ye knowe differences of clene thing and vnclene, and that ye wite what ye schulen ete, and what ye owen forsake. 12And the Lord spak to Moises, `and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, 2and thou schalt seie to hem, If a womman, whanne sche hath resseyued seed, childith a knaue child, sche schal be vnclene bi seuene daies bi the daies of departyng of corrupt blood, that renneth bi monethis; 3and the yong child schal be circumsidid in the eiytithe dai. 4Sotheli sche schal dwelle thre and thretti daies in the blood of hir purifiyng; sche schal not touche ony hooli thing, nethir sche schal entre in to the seyntuarie, til the daies of her clensing be fillid. 5Sotheli if sche childith a female, sche schal be vnclene twei woukis, bi the custom of flowyng of vnclene blood, and `thre scoor and sixe daies sche schal dwelle in the blood of her clensyng. 6And whanne the daies of hir clensyng, for a sone, ether for a douytir, ben fillid, sche schal brynge a lomb of o yeer in to brent sacrifice, and a `bryd of a culuer, ethir a turtle, for synne, to the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng; 7and sche schal yyue to the preest, which schal offre tho bifor the Lord, and schal preye for hir, and so sche schal be clensid fro the fowyng of hir blood. This is the lawe of a womman childynge a male, ethir a female. 8That if hir hond fyndith not, nethir may offre a lomb, sche schal take twei turtlis, ethir twei `briddis of culueres, oon in to brent sacrifice, and the tother for synne; and the preest schal preye for hir, and so sche schal be clensid. 13The Lord spak to Moyses and Aaron, and seide, 2A man in whos skyn and fleisch rysith dyuerse colour, ether whelke, ethir as `sum schynynge thing, that is, a wounde of lepre, he schal be brouyt to Aaron preest, ether to oon `who euer of hise sones; 3and whanne he seeth lepre in the skyn, and the heeris chaungide in to whijte colour, and that spice of lepre lowere than the tother skyn and fleisch, it is a wounde of lepre, and he schal be departid at the `doom of the preest. 4Sotheli if schynyng whijtnesse is in the skyn, nethir is lower than the tother fleisch, and the heeris ben of the formere colour, the preest schal close hym seuene daies; 5and schal biholde hym in the seuenthe dai, and sotheli if the lepre wexith not ferther, nethir passith the formere termes in the fleisch, eft the preest schal close hym ayen seuene other daies; 6and schal biholde in the seuenthe day, if the lepre is derkere, and wexith not in the fleisch, the preest schal clense hym, for it is a scabbe; and the man schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be clene. 7That if the lepre wexith eft, aftir that he is seyn of the preest, and is yoldun to clennesse, he schal be brouyt to the preest, and schal be demed of vnclennesse. 8If the wounde of lepre is in man, he schal be brouyt to the preest, and he schal se the man; 9and whanne whijt colour is in the fleisch, and chaungith the siyt of heeris, and thilke fleisch apperith quyk, 10it schal be demid eldest lepre, and growun to the skyn; therfor the preest schal defoule hym, 11and he schal not close eft, for it is of opyn vnclennesse. 12But if lepre rennynge about in the skyn `flourith out, and hilith al the fleisch, fro the heed til to the feet, what euer thing fallith vndur the siyt of iyen; the preest schal biholde hym, 13and schal deme `that he is holdun with clenneste lepre, for all the skyn is turned in to whijtnesse, and therfor the man schal be cleene. 14Sotheli whanne quyk fleisch apperith in hym, 15thanne he schal be defoulid bi the doom of the preest, and he schal be arettid among vncleene men; for quyk fleisch is vnclene, if it is spreynt with lepre. 16That if the fleisch is turned eft in to whijtnesse, and hilith al the man, 17the preest schal biholde hym, and schal deme, that he is cleene. 18Fleisch and skyn, in which a botche is bred, 19and is heelid, and `a step of wounde apperith whijt, ethir `sum deel reed, `in the place of the botche, the man schal be brouyt to the preest; 20and whanne the preest seeth the place of lepre lowere than the tother fleisch, and the heeris turned in to whijtnesse, the preest schal defoule hym; for the wounde of lepre is bred in the botche. 21That if the heer is of the former colour, and the signe of wounde is sumdeel derk, and is not lowere than the `nyy fleisch, the preest schal close the man seuene daies; 22and sotheli, if it wexith, the preest schal deme the man of lepre; 23forsothe if it stondith in his place, it is a signe of botche, and the man schal be cleene. 24Fleisch and skyn, which the fier hath brent, and is heelid, and hath a whijt ethir reed `signe of wounde, 25the preest schal biholde it, and lo! if it is turned in to whijtnesse, and the place therof is lowere than the tothir skyn, the preest schal defoule the man, for a wounde of lepre is bred in the `signe of wounde. 26That if the colour of heeris is not chaungid, nether the wounde is lowere than the tother fleisch, and thilke spice of lepre is sumdeel derk, the preest schal close the man bi seuene daies; 27and in the seuenthe dai he schal biholde; if the lepre wexith in the fleisch, the preest schal defoule the man; 28ellis if the whijtnesse stondith in his place, and is not cleer ynow, it is a wounde of brennyng, and therfor the man schal be clensid, for it is a signe of brennyng. 29A man ethir womman, in whos heed ether beerd lepre buriounneth, the preest schal se hem; 30and if the place is lowere than the tothir fleisch, and the heer is whijt, `and is sotilere, `ether smallere, than it is wont, the preest schal defoule hem, for it is lepre of the heed, and of the beerd. 31Ellis if he seeth the place of wem euene with the nyy fleisch, and seeth the here blak, the preest schal close hem bi seuene daies, and schal se in the seuenthe dai; 32if the wem waxith not, and the heer is of his colour, and the place of wounde is euene with the tother fleisch, 33the man schal be schauun, without the place of wem, and he schal be closid eft bi seuene othere daies. 34If in the seuenthe day the wounde is seyn to haue stonde in his place, nether is lowere than the tother fleisch, the preest schal clense the man; and whanne his clothis ben waischun, he schal be cleene. 35Ellis if aftir the clensyng a spotte wexith eft in the skyn, 36the preest schal no more enquere, whether the heer is chaungid in to whijt colour, for apeertli he is vncleene. 37Sotheli if the spotte stondith, and the heeris ben blake, knowe the preest that the man is heelid, and tristili `pronounce he the man cleene. 38A man ethir a womman, in whos skyn whijtnesse apperith, the preest schal biholde hem; 39if he perseyueth, that whijtnesse `sum deel derk schyneth in the skyn, wite he, that it is no lepre, but a spotte of whijt colour, and that the man is cleene. 40A man of whos heed heeris fleten awei, is calu, and clene; 41and if heeris fallen fro the forheed, he is ballid, 42and is cleene; ellis if in the ballidnesse bifore, ether in the ballidnesse bihynde, whijt ether reed colour is bred, and the preest seeth this, 43he schal condempne the man without doute of lepre, which is bred in the ballidnesse. 44Therfor whoeuer is defoulid with lepre, and is departid at the doom of the preest, 45he schal haue hise clothis vnsewid, bareheed, the mouth hilid with a cloth, he schal crye hym silf defoulid, and viyl; 46in al tyme in which he is lepre and vnclene, he schal dwelle aloone without the castels. 47A wollun cloth, ethir lynnun, that hath lepre in the warp, 48ethir oof, ethir certis a skyn, ether what euer thing is maad of skiyn, 49if it is corrupt with a whijt spotte, ethir reed, it schal be arettid lepre, and it schal be schewid to the preest; 50which schal close it biholden bi seuene daies. 51And eft he schal biholde in the seuenthe dai, and if he perseyueth, that it wexide, it schal be contynuel lepre; he schal deme the cloth defoulid, and al thing in which it is foundun; 52and therfor the cloth schal be brent in flawmes. 53That if he seeth that the spotte wexide not, he schal comaunde, 54and thei schulen waische that thing wherynne the lepre is, and he schal close it ayen bi seuene othere daies; 55and whanne he seeth the formere face not turned ayen, netheles that nether the lepre wexede, he schal deme that thing vnclene, and he schal brenne it in fier, for lepre is sched in the ouer part of the cloth, ether thorouy al. 56Ellis if the `place of lepre is derkere, aftir that the cloth is waischun, he schal breke awey that place, and schal departe fro the hool. 57That if fleynge lepre and vnstidefast apperith ferthermore in these places, that weren vnwemmed bifore, it owith be brent in fier; if it ceessith, 58he schal waische the secounde tyme tho thingis that ben cleene, and tho schulen be cleene. 59This is the lawe of lepre of cloth, wollun and lynnun, of warp and of oof, and of al purtenaunce of skiyn, hou it owith to be clensyd, ethir `to be defoulid. 14And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, This is the custom of a leprouse man, 2whanne he schal be clensid. He schal be brouyt to the preest, 3which preest schal go out of the castels, and whanne he schal fynde that the lepre is clensid, 4he schal comaunde to the man which is clensid, that he offre for hym silf twei quyke sparewis, whiche it is leueful to ete, and a `tree of cedre, and vermylyoun, and isope. 5And the preest schal comaunde that oon of the sparewes be offrid in `a vessel of erthe, 6on quyke watris; sotheli he schal dippe the tother sparewe quyk with the `tre of cedre, and with a reed threed and ysope, in the blood of the sparewe offrid, 7with which he schal sprenge seuensithis hym that schal be clensid, that he be purgid riytfuli; and he schal delyuere the quyk sparewe, that it fle in to the feeld. 8And whanne the man hath waische hise clothis, he schal schaue alle the heeris of the bodi, and he schal be waischun in watir, and he schal be clensid, and he schal entre in to the castels; so oneli that he dwelle without his tabernacle bi seuene daies; 9and that in the seuenthe dai he schaue the heeris of the heed, and the beerd, and brewis, and the heeris of al the bodi. And whanne the clothis and bodi ben waischun, 10eft in the eiyetithe dai he schal take twei lambren without wem, and a scheep of o yeer without wem, and thre dymes of wheete flour, in to sacrifice, which be spreynte with oile, and bi it silf a sextarie of oyle. 11And whanne the preest, that purgith the man, hath set hym and alle hise thingis bifor the Lord, in the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng, he schal take a lomb, 12and schal offre it for trespas, and schal offre the sextarie of oyle; and whanne alle thingis ben offrid bifor the Lord, 13he schal offre the lomb, where the sacrifice for synne and the brent sacrifice is wont to be offrid, that is, in the hooli place; for as for synne so and for trespas the offryng perteyneth to the preest; it is hooli of the noumbre of hooli thingis. 14And the preest schal take of the blood of sacrifice which is offrid for trespas, and schal putte on the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym which is clensid, and on the thumbis of the riyt hond and foot. 15And he schal putte of the sextarie of oyle in to his left hond, 16and he schal dippe the riyt fyngur therynne, and schal sprynge seuensithis bifor the Lord. 17Sotheli he schal schede that that is residue of the oile in the left hond, on the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym which is clensid, and on the thombis of the riyt hond and foot, and on the blood which is sched for trespas, 18and on the heed `of hym. 19And the preest schal preye for hym bifor the Lord, and schal make sacrifice for synne; thanne he schal offre brent sacrifice, 20and schal putte it in the auter with hise fletynge sacrifices, and the man schal be clensid riytfuli. 21That if he is pore, and his hoond may not fynde tho thingis that ben seid, he schal take for trespas a lomb to offryng, that the preest preie for him, and the tenthe part of wheete flour spreynt togidire with oile in to sacrifice, and a sextarie of oile, 22and twei turtlis, ethir twei `briddis of culueris, of whiche oon be for synne, and the tothir in to brent sacrifice; 23and he schal offre tho in the eiytthe dai of his clensyng to the preest, at the dore of tabernacle of witnessyng bifor the Lord. 24And the preest schal take the lomb for trespas, and the sextarie of oile, and schal reise togidere; 25and whanne the lomb is offrid, he schal putte of the blood therof on the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym that is clensid, and on the thumbis of his riyt hond and foot. 26Sotheli the preest putte the part of oile in to his left hond, 27in which he schal dippe the fyngur of the riyt hond, and schal sprynge seuensithes ayens the Lord; 28and the preest schal touche the laste part of the riyt eere `of hym that is clensid, and the thombe of the riyt hond and foot, in the place of blood which is sched out for trespas. 29Sotheli he schal putte the tother part of oile, which is in the left hond, on the `heed of the man clensid, that he plese the Lord for hym. 30And he schal offre a turtle, ethir a culuer brid, 31oon for trespas, and the tothir in to brent sacrifice, with her fletynge offryngis. 32This is the sacrifice of a leprouse man, that may not haue alle thingis in to the clensyng of hym silf. 33And the Lord spak to Moises and Aaron, and seide, 34Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond of Canaan, which lond Y schal yyue to you in to possessioun, if the wounde of lepre is in the housis, 35he schal go, whos the hous is, `and schal telle to the preest, and schal seie, It semeth to me, that as a wound of lepre is in myn hous. 36And the preest schal comaunde, `that thei bere out of the hous alle thingis bifore that he entre in to it, `and me se where it be lepre, lest alle thingis that ben in the hows, be maad vnclene; and the preest schal entre aftirward, that he se the lepre of the hows. 37And whanne he seeth in the wallis therof as litle valeis `foule bi palenesse, ethir bi reednesse, and lowere than the tother hiyere part, 38he schal go out at the dore of the hows, and anoon he schal close it bi seuene daies. 39And he schal turne ayen in the seuenthe day, and schal se it; if he fyndith that the lepre encreesside, 40he schal comaunde that the stoonys be cast out, in whyche the lepre is, and that tho stonys be cast out of the citee in an vncleene place. 41Sotheli he schal comaunde that thilke hows be rasid with ynne bi cumpas, and that the dust of the rasyng be spreynt without the citee, in an vnclene place, 42and that othere stoonys be put ayen for these, that ben takun awey, and that the hows be daubid with othir morter. 43But if aftir that the stoonus ben takun awey, and the dust is borun out, 44and othere erthe is daubid, the preest entrith, and seeth the lepre turned ayen, and the wallis spreynt with spottis, the lepre is stidfastly dwellynge, and the hows is vnclene; 45which hows thei schulen destrye anoon, and thei schulen caste out of the citee, in an vnclene place, the stoonys therof, and the trees, and al the dust. 46He that entrith in to the hous, whanne it is schit, schal be vnclene `til to euentid, 47and he that slepith and etith ony thing therynne, schal waische hise clothis. 48That if the preest entrith, and seeth that the lepre encreesside not in the hows, aftir that it was daubid the secounde tyme, he schal clense it; for heelthe is yoldun. 49And in the clensyng therof he schal take twey sparewis, and `a tre of cedre, and `a reed threed, and isope. 50And whanne o sparewe is offrid in a vessel of erthe, on quyk watris, 51he schal take the `tre of cedre, and ysope, and reed threed, and the quyk sparewe, and he schal dippe alle thingis in the blood of the sparewe offrid, and in lyuynge watris; 52and he schal sprynge the hows seuen sithis; and he schal clense it as wel in the blood of the sparewe as in lyuynge watris, and in the quyk sparewe, and in the `tre of cedre, and in ysope, and `reed threed. 53And whanne he hath left the sparewe to fle in to the feeld frely, he schal preye for the hows, and it schal be clensid riytfuli. 54This is the lawe of al lepre, 55and of smytyng, of lepre of clothis, and of housis, 56of syngne of wounde, and of litle whelkis brekynge out, of spotte schynynge, and in colours chaungid in to dyuerse spices, 57that it may be wist, what is cleene, ether uncleene. 15And the Lord spak to Moises and Aaron, `and seide, 2Speke ye to the sones of Israel, and seie ye to hem, A man that suffrith the rennyng out of seed, schal be vncleene; 3and thanne he schal be demed to be suget to this vice, whanne bi alle momentis foul vmour `ethir moysture cleueth to his fleisch, and growith togidere. 4Ech bed in which he slepith schal be vncleene, and where euer he sittith. 5If ony man touchith his bed, he schal waische his clothis, and he schal be waischun in watir, and schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 6If a man sittith where he satt, also thilke man schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be waischun in watir, and schal be vnclene `til to euentid. 7He that touchith hise fleischis, schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be waischun in watir, and schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 8If sich a man castith out spetyng on hym that is cleene, he schal waische his clothis, and he schal be waischun in watir, and schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 9The sadil on which he sittith, 10schal be vncleene; and ech man that touchith what euer thing is vndur hym that suffrith the fletyng out of seed, schal be defoulid `til to euentid. He that berith ony of these thingis, schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be waischun in watir, and schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 11Ech man, whom he that is such touchith with hondis not waischun bifore, schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be waischun in watir, and schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 12`A vessel of erthe which he touchith, schal be brokun; but a `vessel of tre schal be waischun in watir. 13If he that suffrith sich a passioun, is heelid, he schal noumbre seuene daies aftir his clensyng, and whanne the clothis and al `the bodi ben waischun in lyuynge watris, he schal be clene. 14Forsothe in the eiytthe dai he schal take twei turtlis, ethir twei `briddis of a culuer, and he schal come in the `siyt of the Lord at the dore of tabernacle of witnessyng, and schal yyue tho to the preest; 15and the preest schal make oon for synne, and the tother in to brent sacrifice; and the preest schal preye for hym bifor the Lord, that he be clensid fro the fletyng out of his seed. 16A man fro whom the seed of letcherie, `ethir of fleischli couplyng, goith out, schal waische in watir al his bodi, and he schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 17He schal waische in watir the cloth `and skyn which he hath, and it schal be unclene `til to euentid. 18The womman with which he `is couplid fleischli, schal be waischun in watir, and schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 19A womman that suffrith the fletyng out of blood, whanne the moneth cometh ayen, schal be departid bi seuene daies; ech man that touchith hir schal be vncleene `til to euentid, 20and the place in which sche slepith ether sittith in the daies of hir departyng, schal be defoulid. 21He that touchith her bed, schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be waischun in watir, and schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 22Who euer touchith ony vessel on which sche sittith, he schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be waischun in watir, and schal be defoulid `til to euentid. 23If a man is couplid fleischli with hir in the tyme of blood that renneth bi monethis, he schal be vncleene bi seuene daies, and ech bed in which he slepith schal be defoulid. 24A womman that suffrith in many daies the `fletyng out of blood, not in the tyme of monethis, ethir which womman ceessith not to flete out blood aftir the blood of monethis, schal be vncleene as longe as sche `schal be suget to this passioun, as if sche is in the tyme of monethis. 25Ech bed in which sche slepith, and `vessel in which sche sittith, schal be defoulid. 26Who euer touchith hir schal waische his clothis, and he schal be waischun in watir, and schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 27If the blood stondith, and ceessith to flete out, sche schal noumbre seuene daies of hir clensyng, 28and in the eiytthe dai sche schal offre for hir silf to the preest twei turtlis, ethir twei `briddis of culueris, at the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng; 29and the preest schal make oon for synne, and the tothir in to brent sacrifice; and the preest schal preye for hir bifor the Lord, and for the fletyng out of hir vnclennesse. 30Therfor ye schulen teche the sones of Israel, that thei eschewe vnclennessis, and that thei die not for her filthis, whanne thei defoulen my tabernacle which is among hem. 31This is the lawe of hym that suffrith fletyng out of seed, and which is defoulid with fleischly couplyng, 32and of a womman which is departid in the tymes of monethis, ethir which flowith out in contynuel blood, and of the man that slepith with hir. 16And the Lord spak to Moises, aftir the deeth of the twei sones of Aaron, whanne thei offriden alien fier, and weren slayn, and comaundide to hym, 2and seide, Speke thou to Aaron, thi brother, that he entre not in al tyme in to the seyntuarie, which is with ynne the veil bifor the propiciatorie, bi which the arke is hilid, that he die not; for Y schal appere in a cloude on Goddis answeryng place; 3`no but he do these thingis bifore. He schal offer a calf for synne, and a ram in to brent sacrifice; 4he schal be clothid with a lynnun coote, he schal hide the schamefast membris with pryuy lynnun clothis; he schal be gird with a lynnun girdil, he schal putte a lynnun mytre on his heed; for these clothis ben hooli, with whiche alle he schal be clothid, whanne he is waischun. 5And he schal take of al the multitude of the sones of Israel twei kidis for synne, and o ram in to brent sacrifice; 6and whanne he offrith a calf, and preieth for hym, 7and for his hows, he schal make twei `buckis of geet to stonde bifor the Lord, in the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng; 8and he schal sende `on euer eithir, o lot to the Lord, and another lot to the goot that schal be sent out. 9Whos lot goith out to the Lord, he schal offre it for synne; 10sotheli whos lot goith out in to goot that schal be sent out, he schal sette hym quyk bifor the Lord, that he sende preyers `on hym, and sende hym out in to wildirnesse. 11Whanne these thingis ben doon riytfuli, he schal offre the calf, and `he schal preye for hym silf, and for his hows, and schal offre the calf. 12And whanne he hath take the censeer, which he hath fillid of the coolis of the auter, and `he hath take in hond the `swete smellynge spicery maad into encense, he schal entre ouer the veil in to the hooli thingis; 13that whanne swete smellynge spiceries ben put on the fier, the cloude and `vapour of tho hile Goddis answeryng place, which is on the witnessyng, and he die not. 14Also he schal take of the `blood of the calf, and he schal sprenge seuensithis with the fyngur ayens `the propiciatorie, `to the eest. 15And whanne he hath slayn the `buk of geet, for synne of the puple, he schal brynge in the blood therof with ynne the veil, as it is comaundid of the `blood of the calf, that he sprynge euene ayens Goddis answeryng place, 16and he schal clense the seyntuarie fro vnclennessis of the sones of Israel, and fro her trespassyngis, and alle synnes. Bi this custom he schal do in the tabernacle of witnessyng, which is set among hem, in the myddis of partis of the abitacioun `of hem. 17No man be in the tabernacle, whanne the bischop schal entre in to the seyntuarie, that he preye for hym silf, and for his hows, and for al the cumpeny of Israel, til he go out of the tabernacle. 18Sotheli whanne he hath go out to the auter which is bifor the Lord, preye he for hym silf, and schede he on the hornes therof, bi cumpas, the blood `that is takun of the calf, and of the `buk of geet; 19and sprynge he seuensithis with the fyngur, and clense he, and halewe the autir fro vnclennessis of the sones of Israel. 20Aftir that he hath clensid the seyntuarie, and tabernacle, and auter, thanne offre he the lyuynge `buc of geet; 21and whanne euer eithir hond is set on the heed therof, knowleche the preest alle the wickidnessis of the sones of Israel, and alle the trespassis and synnes `of hem, whiche the preest schal wische to the heed therof, and schal sende hym out in to deseert bi a man maad redi. 22And whanne the `buc of geet hath bore alle the wickidnessis `of hem in to a deseert lond, 23and is left `in deseert, Aaron schal turn ayen in to the tabernacle of witnessyng; and whanne the clothis ben put of, in whiche he was clothid bifore, whanne he entrid in to the seyntuarie of God, and ben left there, 24he schal waische his fleisch in the hooli place, and he schal be clothid in his owen clothis, and aftir that he hath go out, and hath offrid the brent sacrifice of hym silf, and of the puple, he schal preye as wel for hym silf, as for the puple; 25and he schal brenne on the auter the innere fatnesse which is offrid for synne. 26Sotheli he that leet go the `buk of geet able to be sent out, schal waische hise clothis and bodi with water, and so he schal entre in to the castels. 27Forsothe thei schulen bere out of the castels the calf and `buk of geet, that weren offrid for synne, and whos blood was brouyt in to the seyntuarie, that the clensyng were fillid; and thei schulen brenne bi fier as well the skynnys, as the fleischis and dung of tho. 28And who euer brenneth tho, schal waische hise clothis and fleisch in watir, and so he schal entre in to the castels. 29And this schal be to you a lawful thing euerlastynge; in the seuenthe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, ye schulen turment youre soulis, and ye schulen not do ony werk, nethir a man borun in the lond, nether a comelyng which is a pilgrym among you. 30The delyueryng fro synne, and the clensyng of you schal be in this dai, ye schulen be clensid bifore the Lord fro alle youre synnes; 31for it is sabat of restyng, and ye schulen turment youre soulis bi euerlastynge religioun. 32Sotheli the preest schal clense, which is anoyntid, and whos hondis ben halewid, that he be set in preesthod for his fadir; and he schal be clothid in a lynnun stoole, and in hooli clothis, 33and he schal clense the seyntuarie, and the tabernacle of witnessyng, and the auter, and the preestis, and al the puple. 34And this schal be to you a lawful thing euerlastynge, that ye preye for the sones of Israel, and for alle the synnes `of hem, onys in the yeer. Therfor he dide, as the Lord comaundide to Moises. 17And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to Aaron, 2and to hise sones, and to alle the sones of Israel, and seie thou to hem, This is the word which the Lord comaundide, 3and seide, Ech man of the hows of Israel schal be gilti of blood, if he sleeth an oxe, ether a scheep, ethir a geet in the castels, ethir out of the castels, 4and offrith not an offryng to the Lord at the dore of the tabernacle; as he schedde mannus blood, so he schal perische fro the myddis of his puple. 5Therfor the sones of Israel owen to offre her sacrifices to the preest, whiche thei sleen in the feeld, that tho be halewid to the Lord, bifor the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng, and that thei offre tho pesible sacrifices to the Lord. 6And the preest schal schede the blood on the auter of the Lord, at the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng; and he schal brenne the ynnere fatnesse in to odour of swetnesse to the Lord. 7And thei schulen no more offre her sacrifices to fendis, with whiche thei diden fornycacioun; it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge to hem, and to the aftircomeris `of hem. 8And thou schalt seie to hem, A man of the hows of Israel, and of the comelyngis that ben pilgryms among you, that offrith a brent sacrifice, ethir a slayn sacrifice, 9and bryngith it not to the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng, that it be offrid to the Lord, schal perische fro his puple. 10If ony man of the sones of Israel, and of comelyngis that ben pilgryms among you, etith blood, Y schal sette faste my face ayens `the soule of hym, and Y schal leese hym fro his puple; 11for the lijf of fleisch is in blood, and Y yaf that blood to you, that ye clense on myn auter `for youre soulis, and that the blood be for the synne of soule. 12Therfor Y seide to the sones of Israel, Ech lyuynge man of you schal not ete blood, nethir of the comelyngis that ben pilgryms among you. 13What euer man of the sones of Israel, and of the comelyngis that ben pilgryms anentis you, takith a wielde beeste, ethir a brid, whiche it is leueful to ete, whether bi huntyng, whether bi haukyng, schede the blood therof, and hile it with erthe; 14for the lijf of ech fleisch is in blood. Wherfor Y seide to the sones of Israel, Ye schulen not ete the blood of ony fleisch, for the lijf of fleisch is in blood, and who euer etith blood, schal perische. 15A man that etith a thing deed bi it silf, ethir takun of a beeste, as wel of men borun in the lond, as of comelyngis, he schal waische hise clothis and hym silf in watir, and he schal be `defoulid til to euentid; and by this ordre he schal be maad cleene; that if he waischith not his clothis, 16ether his bodi, he schal bere his wickidnesse. 18And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, 2and thou schalt seie to hem, Y am youre Lord God; 3ye schulen not do by the custom of the lond of Egipt, in which ye dwelliden; ye schulen not do bi the custom of the cuntrei of Canaan, `to which Y schal brynge you yn, nethir ye schulen go in the lawful thingis of hem. 4Ye schulen do my domes, and ye schulen kepe myn heestis, and ye schulen go in tho; Y am youre Lord God. 5Kepe ye my lawis and domes, whiche a man `schal do, and schal lyue in tho; Y am youre Lord God. 6Ech man schal not neiy to the nyy womman of his blood, that he schewe `the filthe of hir; Y am the Lord. 7Thou schalt not diskyuere the filthe of thi fadir and the filthe of thi modir; sche is thi modir, thou schalt not schewe hir filthe. 8Thou schalt not vnhile the filthe of the wijf of thi fadir, for it is the filthe of thi fadir. 9Thou schalt not schewe the filthe of thi sistir, of fadir `ether of modir, which sister is gendrid at hoome ether without forth. 10Thou schalt not schewe the filthe of the douyter of thi sone, ether of neece of thi douyter, for it is thi filthe. 11Thou schalt not schewe the filthe of the douyter of the wijf of thi fadir, which sche childide to thi fadir, and is thi sistir. 12Thou schalt not opene the filthe of the `sister of thi fadir, for sche is the fleisch of thi fadir. 13Thou schalt not schewe the filthe of the sistir of thi modir, for sche is the fleisch of thi modir. 14Thou schalt not shewe the filthe of the brothir of thi fadir, nethir thou schalt neiye to his wijf, which is ioyned to thee bi affinyte. 15Thou schalt not schewe the filthe of thi sones wijf, for sche is the wijf of thi sone, nether thou schalt diskiuere hir schenschip; and no man take his brotheris wijf. 16Thou schalt not schewe the filthe of `the wijf of thi brother, for it is the filthe of thi brothir. 17Thou schalt not schewe the filthe of thi wijf, and of hir douyter; thou schalt not take the douytir of hir sone, and the douytir of hir douyter, that thou schewe hir schenschip; thei ben the fleisch of hir, and siche letcherie is incest. 18Thou schalt not take `the sister of thi wijf, in to concubynage of hir, nethir thou schalt schewe `the filthe of hir, while thi wijf lyueth yit. 19Thou schalt not neiye to a womman that suffrith rennyng of blood of monethe, nethir thou schalt schewe hir filthe. 20Thou schalt not do letcherie with `the wijf of thi neiybore, nether thou schalt be defoulid with medlyng of seed. 21Thou schalt not yyue of thi seed, that it be offrid to the idol Moloch, nether thou schalt defoule the name of thi God; Y am the Lord. 22Thou schalt not be medlid with a man bi letcherie of womman, for it is abhomynacioun. 23Thou schalt not do letcherie with ony beeste, nethir thou schalt be defoulid with it. A womman schal not ligge vnder a beeste, nether schal be medlid therwith, for it is greet synne. 24Be ye not defoulid in alle these thingis, in whiche alle `folkis, ether hethen men, ben defoulid, whiche folkis Y schal caste out bifor youre siyt, 25of whiche the lond is defoulid, of which lond Y schal vysyte the grete synnes, that it spewe out hise dwellers. 26Kepe ye my lawful thingis and domes, that ye do not of alle these abhomynaciouns, as wel a man borun in the lond as a comelyng which is a pilgrym at you. 27For the dwellers of the lond, that weren bifor you, diden alle these abhomynaciouns, and defouliden that lond. 28Therfor be ye war, lest it caste out viliche also you in lijk manere, whanne ye han do lijk synnes, as it castide out vileche the folk, that was bifor you. 29Ech man that doith ony thing of these abhomynaciouns, schal perische fro the myddis of his puple. 30Kepe ye myn heestis; nyle ye do tho thingis, whiche thei that weren bifor you diden, and be ye not defoulid in tho; Y am youre Lord God. 19The Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 2Speke thou to al the cumpenye of the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, Be ye hooli, for Y am hooli, youre Lord God. 3Ech man drede his fadir and his modir. Kepe ye my sabatis; Y am youre Lord God. 4Nyle ye be turned to ydols, nether ye schulen make to you yotun goddis; Y am youre Lord God. 5If ye offren a sacrifice of pesible thingis to the Lord, that it be quemeful, 6ye schulen ete it in that day, in which it is offrid, and in the tother dai; sotheli what euer thing is residue in to the thridde dai, ye schulen brenne in fier. 7If ony man etith therof aftir twei daes, he schal be vnhooli, and gilti of vnfeithfulnes `ether wickidnesse; and he schal bere his wickidnesse, 8for he defoulide the hooli thing of the Lord, and his soule schal perische fro his puple. 9Whanne thou schalt repe the fruytis of thi lond, thou schalt not kitte `til to the ground the corn of the lond, nether thou schalt gadere the eeris of corn that ben left; 10nethir in thi vyner thou schalt gadere reysyns and greynes fallynge doun, but thou schalt leeue to be gaderid of pore men and pilgryms; Y am youre Lord God. 11Ye schulen not do thefte. Ye schulen not lye, and no man disseyue his neiybour. 12Thou schalt not forswere in my name, nethir thou schalt defoule the name of thi God; Y am the Lord. 13Thou schalt not make fals chalenge to thi neiybore, nethir thou schalt oppresse hym bi violence. The werk of thin hirid man schal not dwelle at thee til the morewtid. 14Thou schalt not curse a deef man, nether thou schalt sette an hurtyng bifor a blynd man; but thou schalt drede thi Lord God, for Y am the Lord. 15Thou schalt not do that, that is wickid, nether thou schalt deme vniustli; biholde thou not the persoone of a pore man, nethir onoure thou the face of a myyti man; deme thou iustli to thi neiybore. 16Thou schalt not be a sclaunderere, nether a priuey bacbitere in the puplis; thou schalt not stonde ayens the blood of thi neiybore; Y am the Lord. 17Thou schalt not hate thi brothir in thin herte, but repreue hym opynly, lest thou haue synne on hym. 18Thou schalt not seke veniaunce, nether thou schalt be myndeful of the wrong of thi cyteseyns; thou schalt loue thi freend as thi silf; Y am the Lord. 19Kepe ye my lawis. Thou schalt not make thi beestis to gendre with the lyuynge beestis of another kynde. Thou schalt not sowe the feeld with dyuerse sede. Thou schalt not be clothid in a cloth, which is wouun of twei thingis. 20If a man slepith with a womman by fleischly knowyng of seed, which womman is an `hand maide, ye, a noble womman of kyn, and netheles is not ayenbouyt bi prijs, nethir rewardid with fredom, bothe schulen be betun, and thei schulen not die, for sche was not fre. 21Sotheli the man for his trespas schal offre a ram to the Lord, at the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng; 22and the preest schal preye for hym, and for his trespas, bifor the Lord; and the Lord schal be merciful to hym, and the synne schal be foryouun. 23Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond of biheest, and han plauntid therynne appil trees, ye schulen do awei the firste flouris; the applis whiche tho trees bryngen forth, schulen be vncleene to you, nethir ye schulen ete of tho. 24Forsothe in the fourthe yeer al the fruyt of tho trees schal be `halewid preiseful to the Lord; 25forsothe in the fifthe yeer ye schulen ete fruytis, and schulen gadere applis, whiche tho trees bryngen forth; Y am youre Lord God. 26Ye schulen not ete fleisch with blood. Ye schulen not make veyn diuynyng, nether ye schulen kepe dremes; 27nether ye schulen clippe the heer in round, nether ye schulen schaue the beerd; 28and on deed men ye schulen not kitte youre fleischis, nether ye schulen make to you ony fyguris, ether markis in youre fleisch; Y am the Lord. 29Sette thou not thi douytir to do leccherie for hire, and the lond be defoulid, and be fillid with synne. 30Kepe ye my sabatis, and drede ye my seyntuarie; Y `am the Lord. 31Bowe ye not to astronomyers, nether axe ye ony thing of fals dyuynours, that ye be defoulid bi hem; Y am youre Lord God. 32Rise thou bifor an hoor heed, and onoure thou the persoone of an eld man, and drede thou thi Lord God; Y am the Lord. 33If a comelyng enhabitith in youre lond, and dwellith among you, dispise ye not hym, 34but be he among you as a man borun in the lond; and ye schulen loue hym as you silf, for also ye weren comelyngis in the lond of Egipt; Y am youre Lord God. 35Nyle ye do ony wickid thing in doom, in reule, in weiyte, and in mesure; the balance be iust, 36and the weiytis be euene, the buschel be iust, and the sextarie be euene; Y am youre Lord God, that ladde you out of the lond of Egipt. 37Kepe ye alle myn heestis, and alle domes, and do ye tho; Y am the Lord. 20And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 2Speke thou these thingis to the sones of Israel, If eny man of the sones of Israel, and of the comelyngis that dwellen in Israel, yyueth of his seed to the ydol Moloch, die he bi deeth; the puple of the lond schal stone him. 3And Y schal sette faste my face ayens hym, and Y schal kitte awei him fro the myddis of my puple, for he yaf of his seed to Moloch, and defoulide my seyntuarie, and defoulide myn hooli name. 4That if the puple of the lond is necgligent, and as litil chargynge myn heeste, and suffrith the man that yaf of his seed to Moloch, nether wole sle hym, Y schal sette my face on that man, 5and his kynrede, and Y schal kitte doun hym, and alle that consentiden to him, that thei schulden do fornycacioun with Moloch, fro the myddis of her puple. 6If a man bowith to astronomyers, and false dyuynours, and doith fornycacioun with hem, Y schal sette my face ayens hym, and Y schal sle hym fro the mydis of hys puple. 7Be ye halewid, and be ye hooli, for Y am hooli, youre Lord God. 8Kepe ye myn heestis, and do ye tho, for Y am the Lord that halewe you. 9He that cursith his fadir, ether modir, die bi deeth; if a man cursith fadir and modir, his blood be on hym. 10If a man doith leccherie with `the wijf of another man, and doith auowtrie with `the wijf of his neiybore, bothe auowter and auowtresse die bi deeth. 11If a man slepith with hys stepdamme, and schewith `the schenschip of his fadir, bothe die bi deeth; her blood be on hem. 12If ony man slepith with `his sones wijf, euer either die, for thei han wrouyt greet synne; her blood be on hem. 13If a man slepith with a man, bi letcherie of a womman, euer either hath wrouyt vnleueful thing, die thei bi deeth; her blood be on hem. 14He that weddith ouer his wijf hir moder, hath wrouyt greet synne; he schal be brent quyk with hem, and so greet vnleueful doynge schal not dwelle in the myddis of you. 15He that doith letcherie with a greet beeste, ethir a litil beeste die bi deeth, also sle ye the beeste. 16A womman that liggith vndur ony beeste, be slayn togidere with it; the blood `of hem be on hem. 17He that takith his sistir `the douytir of his fadir, ether the douyter of his modir, and seeth hir filthe, and sche seeth the schenschip of the brothir, thei han wrouyt an vnleueful thing, bothe schulen be slayn in the siyt of her puple; for thei schewiden togidere her filthe, and thei schulen bere her wickidnesse. 18If a man doith fleischly knowyng with a womman in the flux of monethe, and schewith hir filthe, and sche openeth the welle of hir blood, bothe schulen be slayn fro the myddis of her puple. 19Thou schalt not diskyuere the filthe of thi modris sistir, and of thi fadris sistir; he, that doith this, schal `make nakid the schenschip of his fleisch, and bothe schulen bere her wickidnesse. 20He that doith fleischli knowyng with the wijf of `his fadris brother, ether of his modris brother, and schewith the filthe of his kyn, bothe schulen bere her synne, thei schulen die without fre children. 21He that weddith `the wijf of his brother, doith an vnleueful thing; he schewide `the filthe of his brother, he schal be without fre children. 22Kepe ye my lawis and my domes, and do ye tho, lest the lond, in to which ye schulen entre and dwelle, caste out viliche also you. 23Nyle ye go in the lawful thingis of naciouns, whiche Y schal caste out bifor you, for thei diden alle these thingis, and Y hadde abhomynacioun of hem. 24Forsothe Y speke to you, Welde ye `the lond of hem, which Y schal yyue to you in to eritage, the lond flowynge with mylk and hony; Y am youre Lord God, that departide you fro othere puplis. 25Therfor also ye departe a cleene beeste fro vnclene, and a cleene brid fro vncleene, lest ye defoule youre soulis in a beeste, and in briddis, and in alle thingis that ben moued in erthe, and whiche thingis Y schewide to you to be defoulid. 26Ye schulen be hooli to me, for `Y am the hooli Lord, and Y departide you fro othere puplis, that ye schulen be myne. 27A man ethir a womman, in which is an vncleene spirit spekynge in the `wombe, ethir `a spirit of fals dyuynyng, die thei bi deeth; men schulen oppresse hem bi stoonus; her blood be on hem. 21And the Lord seide to Moyses, Speke thou to preestis, the sones of Aaron, and thou schalt seie to hem, A preest be not defoulid in the deed men of hise citeseyns, 2no but oneli in kynesmen and niy of blood, that is, on fadir and modir, and sone and douyter, 3and brother and sister, virgyn, which is not weddid to man; 4but nether he schal be defoulid in the prince of his puple. 5Preestis schulen not schaue the heed, nether beerd, nether thei schulen make keruyngis in her fleischis; thei schulen be hooli to her God, 6and thei schulen not defoule his name; for thei offren encense of the Lord, and the looues of her God, and therfore thei schulen be hooli. 7A preest schal not wedde a wijf a corrupt womman, and a `foul hoore, nether he schal wedde `hir that is forsakun of the hosebonde, for he is halewid to his God, 8and offrith the looues of settyng forth; therfor be he hooly, for `Y am the hooli Lord that halewith you. 9If the `doutir of a preest is takun in defoulyng of virgynite, and defoulith the name of hir fadir, sche schal be brent in flawmes. 10The bischop, that is the moost preest among hise britheren, on whose heed the oile of anoyntyng is sched, and whose hondis ben sacrid in preesthod, and he is clothid in hooli clothis, schal not diskyuere his heed, he schal not tere hise clothis, 11and outirli he schal not entre to ony deed man; and he schal not be defoulid on his fadir and modir, 12nether he schal go out of hooli thingis, lest he defoule the seyntuarie of the Lord, for the oile of hooli anoyntyng of his God is on hym; Y am the Lord. 13He schal wedde a wijf virgyn; 14he schal not take a widewe, and forsakun, and a foul womman, and hoore, but a damesele of his puple; 15medle he not the generacioun of his kyn to the comyn puple of his folk, for Y am the Lord, that `halewe hym. 16And the Lord spak to Moyses, 17and seide, Speke thou to Aaron; a man of thi seed, bi meynes, that hath a wem, schal not offre breed to his God, 18nethir schal neiy to his seruyce; 19if he is blind; if he is crokid; if he is ether of litil, ether of greet, and wrong nose; if he is `of brokun foot, ethir hond; 20if he hath a botche; ether if he is blereiyed; if he hath whijt colour in the iye, that lettith the siyt; if he hath contynuel scabbe; if he hath a drye scabbe in the bodi; ethir `is brokun `in the pryuy membris. 21Ech man of the seed of Aaron preest, which man hath a wem, schal not neiye to offre sacrifices to the Lord, nether `to offre looues to his God; 22netheles he schal ete the looues that ben offrid in the seyntuarie, 23so oneli that he entre not with ynne the veil; he schal not neiye to the auter, for he hath a wem, and he schal not defoule my seyntuarie; Y am the Lord that halewe hem. 24Therfor Moises spak to Aaron, and to hise sones, and to al Israel, alle thingis that weren comaundid to hym. 22And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to Aaron and to hise sones, 2that thei be war of these thingis of the sones of Israel, whiche thingis ben halewid; and that they defoule not the name of thingis halewid to me, whiche thingis thei offren; Y am the Lord. 3Seie thou to hem, and to the aftir comeris of hem, Ech man of youre kynrede, `which man neiyeth to tho thingis that ben halewid, and whiche thingis the sones of Israel offreden to the Lord, in `which man is vnclennesse, schal perische bifor the Lord; Y am the Lord. 4A man of the seed of Aaron, `which man is leprouse, ethir suffrith `fletyng out of seed, schal not ete of these thingis, that ben halewid to me, til he be heelid. He that touchith an vncleene thing on a deed bodi, and fro whom the seed as of leccherie goith out, and which touchith a crepynge beeste, 5and what euer vncleene thing, whos touchyng is foul, 6schal be vncleene `til to euentid, and he schal not ete these thingis, that ben halewid to me; but whanne he hath waische his fleisch in watir, 7and the sunne hath go doun, thanne he schal be clensid, and schal ete halewid thingis, for it is his mete. 8He schal not ete a thing deed bi it silf, and takun of a beeste, nethir he schal be defoulid in tho; Y am the Lord. 9Thei schulen kepe myn heestis, that thei be not suget to synne, and die in the seyntuarye, whanne thei han defoulid it; Y am the Lord that halewe you. 10Ech alien schal not ete of thingis halewid; the hyne which is a straunger, and the hirid man of the preest, schulen not ete of tho. Sotheli these seruauntis, 11whom the preest hath bouyt, and which is a borun seruaunt of his hows, schulen ete of tho. 12If the `douyter of the preest is weddid to ony of the puple, sche schal not ete of these thingis that ben halewid, and of the firste fruytis; 13sotheli if sche is a widewe, ether forsakun, and turneth ayen with out fre children to `the hows of hir fadir, sche schal be susteyned bi the metis of hir fadir, as a damysel was wont; ech alien hath not power to ete of tho. 14He that etith bi ignoraunce of halewid thingis, schal adde the fyuethe part with that that he eet, and `schal yyue to the preest in seyntuarie, 15and thei schulen not defoule the halewid thingis of the sones of Israel, whiche thei offren to the Lord, 16lest perauenture thei suffren the wickidnesse of her trespas, whanne thei han ete halewid thingis; Y am the Lord that `halewe hem. The Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to Aaron and to hise sones, and to alle the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, A man of the hous of Israel and of comelyngis that dwellen at hem, which offrith his offryng to the Lord, and ethir paieth avowis, ethir offrith bi his fre wille, what euer thing he offrith in to brent sacrifice of the Lord, that it be offrid bi you, 19it schal be a male without wem, of oxen, and of scheep, and of geet; if it hath a wem, 20ye schulen not offre, nether it schal be acceptable. 21A man that offrith a sacrifice of pesyble thingis to the Lord, and ethir paieth auowis, ethir offrith bi fre wille, as wel of oxun as of scheep, he schal offre a beeste without wem, that it be acceptable; ech wem schal not be ther ynne. 22If it is blynd, if it is brokun, if it hath a scar, if it hath whelkis, ether scabbe, ethir drie scabbe, ye schulen not offre tho beestis to the Lord, nether ye schulen brenne of tho beestis on the auter of the Lord. 23A man may offre wilfuli an oxe and scheep, whanne the eere and tail ben kit of; but avow may not be paied of these beestis. 24Ye schulen not offre to the Lord ony beeste, whose priuy membris ben brokun, ethir brisid, ether kit, and takun awey, and outerli ye schulen not do these thingis in youre lond. 25Of `the hond of an alien ye schulen not offre looues to youre God, and what euer other thing he wole yyue, for alle thingis ben corrupt and defoulid; ye schulen not resseyue tho. 26And the Lord spak to Moises, 27and seide, Whanne an oxe, scheep and goet ben brouyt forth `of the modris wombe, in seuene daies tho schulen be vnder `the tete of her modir; sotheli in the eiyte dai, and fro thennus forth, tho moun be offrid to the Lord, 28whether thilke is a cow, whether `thilke is a scheep; tho schulen not be offrid in o dai with her fruytis. 29If ye offren to the Lord a sacrifice for the doyng of thankyngis, that it mai be plesaunt, 30ye schulen ete it in the same dai in which it is offrid; ony thing schal not leeue in the morewtid of the tother dai; Y am the Lord. 31Kepe ye myn heestis, and do ye tho; Y am the Lord. 32Defoule ye not myn hooli name, that Y be halewid in the myddis of the sones of Israel; Y am the Lord, that halewe you, and ledde you out of the lond of Egipt, 33that Y schulde be to you in to God; Y am the Lord. 23And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, 2and thou schalt seye to hem, These ben the feries of the Lord, whiche ye schulen clepe hooli. 3Sixe daies ye schulen do werk, the seuenthe dai schal be clepid hooli, for it is the reste of sabat; ye schulen not do ony werk ther ynne; it is the sabat of the Lord in alle youre abitaciouns. 4These ben the hooli feries of the Lord, whiche ye owen to halewe in her tymes. 5In the firste monethe, in the fourtenthe dai of the monethe, at euentid, is pask of the Lord; 6and in the fiftenthe dai of this monethe is the solempnyte of therf looues of the Lord; seuene daies ye schulen ete therf looues; 7the firste dai schal be moost solempne and hooli to you; ye schulen not do ony `seruyle werk ther ynne, 8but ye schulen offre sacrifice in fier to the Lord seuene daies; sotheli the seuenthe dai schal be more solempne and hooliere, `that is, `than the formere daies goynge bitwixe, and ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne. 9And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, 10Speke thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seye to hem, Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond which Y schal yyue to you, and han rope corn, ye schulen bere handfuls of eeris of corn, the firste fruytis of youre rype corn, to the preest; 11and the preest schal reise a bundel bifor the Lord, that it be acceptable for you, in the tother dai of sabat, that is, of pask; and the preest schal halewe that bundel; 12and in the same dai, wher ynne the handful is halewid, a lomb of o yeer without wem schal be slayn in to brent sacrifice of the Lord; 13and fletynge offryngis schulen be offrid ther with, twei tenthe partis of wheete flour spreynt to gidere with oile, in to encense of the Lord, and swettist odour, and fletynge offryngis of wyn, the fourthe part of hyn. 14Ye schulen not ete a loof, nether a cake, nether podagis of the corn, `til to the dai in which ye schulen offre therof to youre God; it is a comaundement euerlastynge in youre generaciouns, and alle dwellyng placis. 15Therfor ye schulen noumbre fro the tother dai of sabat, in which ye offriden handfullis of firste fruytis, 16seuene fulle woukis, til to the tothir day of fillyng of the seuenthe wouk, that is, fifti dayes; and so ye schulen 17offre newe sacrifice to the Lord of alle youre dwelling placis, twei looues of the firste fruytis, of twei tenthe partis of flour, `diyt with soure dow, whiche looues ye schulen bake in to the firste fruytis to the Lord. 18And ye schulen offre with the looues seuene lambren of o yeer with out wem, and o calf of the droue, and twey rammes, and these schulen be in brent sacrifice, with her fletynge offryngis, in to swettest odour to the Lord. 19Ye schulen make also a buk of geet for synne, and twey lambren of o yeer, sacrificis of pesible thingis. 20And whanne the preest hath reisid tho, with the looues of firste fruytys bifor the Lord, tho schulen falle in to his vss. 21And ye schulen clepe this dai most solempne, and moost hooli; ye schulen not do ther ynne ony seruyle werk; it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in alle youre dwellyngis, and generaciouns. 22Forsothe aftir that ye han rope the corn of youre lond, ye schulen not kitte it `til to the ground, nether ye schulen gadere the `eeris of corn abidynge, but ye schulen leeue tho to pore men and pilgrymys; Y am `youre Lord God. 23And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 24Speke thou to the sones of Israel, In the seuenthe monethe, in the firste day of the monethe, schal be sabat memorial to yow, sownynge with trumpis, and it schal be clepid hooli; 25ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne, and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord. 26And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, In the tenthe day of this seuenthe monethe, 27the day of clensyngis schal be moost solempne, and it schal be clepid hooli; and ye schulen turmente youre soulis to God, and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord; 28ye schulen not do ony werk in the tyme of this day, for it is the day of the clensyng, that youre Lord God be merciful to you. 29Ech `man which is not tourmentid in this day, schal perische fro his puplis, 30and Y schal do a way fro his puple that man that doith eny thing of werk in that dai; 31therfor ye schulen not do ony thing of werk in that dai; it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge to you in alle youre generaciouns and abitaciouns; 32it is the sabat of restyng. Ye schulen turmente youre soulis fro the nynthe day of the monethe; fro euentid `til to euentid ye schulen halewe youre sabatis. 33And the Lord spak to Moises, 34and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, Fro the fiftenthe day of this seuenthe monethe schulen be the feries of tabernaclis, in seuene daies to the Lord; 35the firste dai schal be clepid moost solempne and moost hooli, ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne; 36and in seuene daies ye schulen offre brent sacrifices to the Lord, and the eiythe dai schal be moost solempne and moost hooli; and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord, for it is the day of cumpany, and of gaderyng; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne. 37These ben the feries of the Lord, whiche ye schulen clepe moost solempne and moost hooli; and in tho ye schulen offre offryngis to the Lord, brent sacrifices, and fletynge offeryngis, bi the custom of ech day, 38outakun the sabatis of the Lord, and youre yiftys, and whiche ye offren bi avow, ether whiche ye yyuen bi fre wille to the Lord. 39Therfor fro the fiftenthe day of the seuenthe monethe, whanne ye han gaderid alle the fruytis of youre lond, ye schulen halewe the feries of the Lord seuene daies; in the firste day and the eiyte schal be sabat, that is, reste. 40And ye schulen take to you in the firste day fruytis of the faireste tree, and braunchis of palm trees, and braunchis of a `tree of thicke boowis, and salewis of the rennynge streem, and ye schulen be glad bifor youre Lord God; 41and ye schulen halewe his solempnyte seuene daies bi the yeer; it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in youre generaciouns. In the seuenthe monethe ye schulen halewe feestis, 42and ye schulen dwelle in schadewynge placis seuene daies; ech man that is of the kyn of Israel, schal dwelle in tabernaclis, that youre aftercomers lerne, 43that Y made the sones of Israel to dwelle in tabernaculis, whanne Y ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt; Y am youre Lord God. 44And Moises spak of the solempnytees of the Lord to the sones of Israel. 24And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, 2that thei brynge to thee oile of olyues, pureste oile, and briyt, to the lanternes to be ordeyned contynueli with out the veil of witnessyng, 3in the tabernacle of boond of pees; and Aaron schal araye tho lanternes fro euentid `til to euentid bifor the Lord, bi religioun and custom euerlastynge in youre generaciouns; 4tho schulen be set euere on a clenneste candilstike in the siyt of the Lord. 5Also thou schalt take wheete flour, and thou schalt bake therof twelue looues, which schulen haue ech bi hem silf twei tenthe partis, 6of whiche thou schalt sette sexe on euer eithir side, on a clenneste boord bifor the Lord; 7and thou schalt sette clereste encense on tho looues, that the looues be in to mynde of offryng of the Lord; 8bi ech sabat tho schulen be chaungid bifor the Lord, and schulen be takun of the sones of Israel bi euerlastynge boond of pees; 9and tho schulen be Aarons and hise sones, that thei ete tho in the hooli place, for it is hooli of the noumbre of hooli thingis, of the sacrifices of the Lord, bi euerlastynge lawe. 10Lo! forsothe the sone of a womman of Israel, whom sche childide of a man Egipcian, yede out among the sones of Israel, and chidde in the castels with a man of Israel, 11and whanne he hadde blasfemyd the name of the Lord, and hadde cursid the Lord, he was brouyt to Moises; forsothe his modir was clepid Salumyth, the douytir of Dabry, of the lynage of Dan; 12and thei senten hym to prisoun, til thei wisten what the Lord comaundide. 13And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, 14Lede out the blasfemere without the castels, and alle men that herden, sette her hondis on his heed, and al the puple stone hym. 15And thou schalt speke to the sones of Israel, A man that cursith his God, 16schal bere his synne, and he that blasfemeth the name of the Lord, die bi deeth; al the multitude of the puple schal oppresse hym with stoonus, whether he that blasfemede the name of the Lord is a citeseyn, whether a pilgrym, die he bi deeth. 17He that smytith and sleeth a man, die bi deeth; 18he that smytith a beeste, yelde oon in his stide, that is, lijf for lijf. 19If a man yyueth a wem to ony of hise citeseyns, as he dide, so be it don to him; 20he schal restore brekyng for brekyng, iye for iye, tooth for tooth; what maner wem he yaf, he schal be compellid to suffre sich a wem. 21He that smytith werk beeste, yeelde another; he that smytith a man, schal be punyschid. 22Euene doom be among you, whether a pilgrym ethir a citeseyn synneth, for Y am youre Lord God. 23And Moyses spak to the sones of Israel, and thei brouyten forth out of the castels hym that blasfemede, and oppressiden with stoonus. And the sones of Israel diden, as the Lord comaundide to Moyses. 25And the Lord spak to Moises in the hil of Synai, 2and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seye to hem, Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond which Y schal yyue to you, `the erthe kepe the sabat of the Lord; 3sixe yeeris thou schalt sowe thi feeld, and sixe yeeris thou schalt kitte thi vyner, and thou schalt gadere the fruytis ther of; 4forsothe in the seuenthe yeer schal be sabat of the erthe of the restyng of the Lord; 5thou schalt not sowe the feeld, and thou schalt not kitte the vyner, thou schalt not repe tho thingis whiche the erthe bryngith forth `bi fre wille, and thou schalt not gadere the grapis of thi firste fruytis, as vyndage; for it is the yeer of restyng of the lond; but tho schulen be to you in to mete, 6to thee, and to thi seruaunt, to thin handmaide, and to thin hirid man, and to the comelyng which is a pilgrym at thee; alle thingis that `comen forth, 7schulen yyue mete to thi werk beestis and smale beestis. 8Also thou schalt noumbre to thee seuene woukis of yeeris, that is, seuene sithes seuene, whiche togidere maken nyn and fourti yeer; 9and thou schalt sowne with a clarioun in the seuenthe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, in the tyme of propiciacioun, `that is, merci, in al youre lond. 10And thou schalt halewe the fiftithe yeer, and thou schalt clepe remissioun to alle the dwellers of thi lond; for thilke yeer is iubilee; a man schal turne ayen to hys possessioun, and ech man schal go ayen to the firste meynee, 11for it is iubilee, and the fiftithe yeer. Ye schulen not sowe, nether ye schulen repe thingis, that comen forth freli in the feeld, and ye schulen not gadere the firste fruytis of vyndage, for the halewyng of iubilee; 12but anoon ye schulen ete thingis takun awey; 13in the yeer of iubilee alle men go ayen to her possessiouns. 14Whanne thou schalt sille ony thing to thi citeseyn, ether schalt bie of hym, make thou not sory thi brother, but bi the noumbre of `yeeris of iubile thou schalt bie of him, 15and bi the rekenyng of fruytis he schal sille to thee. 16Bi as myche as mo yeeris dwellen after the iubilee, by so myche also the prijs schal encreesse, and bi as myche as thou noumbrist lesse of tyme, bi so myche and the biyng schal cost lesse; for he schal sille to thee the time of fruytis. 17Nyle ye turment men of youre lynagis, but ech man drede his God; for Y am youre Lord God. 18Do ye my comaundementis, and kepe ye my domes, and fille ye tho, that ye moun dwelle in his lond without ony drede, 19and that the erthe brynge forth hise fruytis to you, whiche ye schulen ete `til to fulnesse, and drede not the assailyng of ony man. 20That if ye seien, what schulen we ete in the seuenthe yeer, if we sowen not, nether gaderen oure fruytis? 21Y schal yyue my blessyng to you in the sixte yeer, and it schal make fruytis of three yeer; 22and ye schulen sowe in the eiyte yeer, and ye schulen ete elde fruytis `til to the nynthe yeer; til newe thingis comen forth ye schulen ete the elde thingis. 23Also the lond schal not be seeld `in to with outen ende, for it is myn, and ye ben my comelyngis and tenauntis; 24wherfor al the cuntre of youre possessioun schal be seeld vndur the condicioun of ayenbiyng. 25If thi brother is maad pore, and sillith his litil possessioun, and his nyy kynesman wole, he may ayenbie that that he seelde; 26sotheli if he hath no nyy kynesman, and he may fynde prijs to ayenbie, 27the fruytis schulen be rekynyd fro that tyme in which he seelde, and he schal yelde `that that is residue to the biere, and he schal resseyue so his possessioun. 28That if his hond fynde not, that he yelde the prijs, the biere schal haue that that he bouyte, `til to the yeer of iubilee; for in that yeer ech sillyng schal go ayen to the lord, and to the firste weldere. 29He that sillith his hows, with ynne the wallis of a citee, schal haue licence to ayenbie til o yeer be fillid; 30if he ayenbieth not, and the sercle of the yeer is passid, the biere schal welde it, and his eiris `in to with outen ende, and it schal not mow be ayenbouyt, ye, in the iubilee. 31Forsothe if the hows is in a town `that hath not wallis, it schal be seeld bi the lawe of feeldis; sotheli if it is not ayenbouyt in the iubilee, it schal turne ayen to `his lord. 32The howsis of dekenes, that ben in citees, moun euer be ayenbouyt; if tho ben not ayenbouyt, 33tho schulen turne ayen in the iubilee `to the lordis; for the `howsis of the citees of dekenes ben for possessiouns among the sones of Israel; 34forsothe the suburbabis of hem schulen not be seeld, for it is euerlastynge possessioun. 35If thi brother is maad pore, and feble in power, and thou resseyuest hym as a comelyng and pilgrym, and he lyueth with thee, 36take thou not vsuris of hym, nether more than thou hast youe; drede thou thi God, that thi brothir mai lyue anentis thee. 37Thou schalt not yyue to hym thi money to vsure, and thou schalt not axe ouer `aboundaunce, ether encrees ouer of fruytis; 38Y am youre Lord God, that ladde you out of the lond of Egipt, that Y schulde yyue to you the lond of Canaan, and that Y schulde be youre God. 39If thi brother compellid bi pouert sillith hym silf to thee, thou schalt not oppresse hym bi seruage of seruauntis, 40but he schal be as an hirid man and tenaunt; `til to the yeer of iubilee he schal worche at thee, 41and aftirward he schal go out with his fre children, and he schal turne ayen to the kynrede, and to `the possessioun of his fadris. 42For thei ben my seruauntis, and Y ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt; thei schulen not be seeld bi the condicioun of seruauntis; 43turmente thou not hem bi thi power, but drede thou thi Lord. 44A seruaunt and handmaide be to you of naciouns that ben in youre cumpas, 45and of comelyngis that ben pilgrimys at you, ether thei that ben borun of hem in youre lond; ye schulen haue these seruauntis, 46and bi riyt of eritage ye schulen `sende ouer to aftir comeris, and ye schulen welde with outen ende; sothely oppresse ye not bi power youre britheren, the sones of Israel. 47If the hond of a comelyng and of a pilgrim wexith strong at you, and thi brother is maad pore, and sillith hym silf to hym, 48ether to ony of his kyn, he may be ayenbouyt aftir the sillyng; he that wole of hise britheren, ayenbie hym; bothe `the brother of fadir, 49and the sone of `the fadris brother, and kynesman, and alye. Ellis if also he schal mow, he schal ayenbie hym silf, 50while the yeeris ben rykenid oneli fro the tyme of his sillyng `til in to the yeer of iubylee; and while the money, for which he was seeld, is rikenyd bi the noumbre of yeeris, and while the hire of an hirid man is rikenyd. 51If mo yeeris ben that dwellen `til to the iubilee, bi these yeeris he schal yelde also the prijs; if fewe yeeris ben, 52he schal sette rikenyng with hym bi the noumbre of yeeris; 53and he schal yeelde to the biere that that is residue of yeeris, while tho yeeris, bi whiche he seruyde bifore, ben rikenyd for hiris; he schal not turmente `that Ebreu violentli in thi siyt. 54That if he may not be ayenbouyt bi this, he schal go out with his free children in the `yeer of iubilee; for the sones of Israel ben myn seruauntis, 55whiche Y ledde out of the lond of Egipt. 26Y am youre Lord God; ye schulen not make to you an ydol, and a grauun ymage, nether ye schulen reise titlis, nether ye schulen sette a noble stoon in youre lond, that ye worschipe it; for Y am youre Lord God. 2Kepe ye my sabatis, and drede ye at my seyntuarie; Y am the Lord. 3If ye gon in myn heestis, and kepen my comaundementis, and doon tho, Y schal yyue to you reynes in her tymes, 4and the erthe schal brynge forth his fruyt, and trees schulen be fillid with applis; 5the threschyng of ripe cornes schal take vyndage, and vyndage schal occupie seed, and ye schulen ete youre breed in fulnesse, and ye schulen dwelle in youre lond without drede. 6Y schal yyue pees in youre coostis; ye schulen slepe, and noon schal be that schal make you aferd; Y schal do awei yuel beestis fro you, and a swerd schal not passe bi youre termes. 7Ye schulen pursue youre enemyes, and thei schulen falle bifor you; 8fyue of youre men schulen pursue an hundrid aliens, and an hundrid of you schulen pursue ten thousande; youre enemyes schulen falle bi swerd in youre siyt. 9Y schal biholde you, and Y schal make you to encreesse; ye schulen be multiplied; and Y schal make stedfast my couenaunt with you; 10ye schulen ete the eldest of elde thingis, and ye schulen caste forth elde thingis, whanne newe thingis schulen come aboue; 11Y schal sette my tabernacle in the myddis of you, and my soule schal not caste you awey; 12Y schal go among you, and Y schal be youre God, and ye schulen be a puple to me. 13Y am youre Lord God, that ledde you out of the lond of Egipcians, that ye schulden not serue hem, and which haue broke the chaynes of youre nollis, that ye schulde go vpriyt. 14That if ye heren not me, nether doon alle myn heestis, 15and if ye forsaken my lawis, and despisen my domes, that ye doon not tho thingis that ben ordeyned of me, and that ye brengen my couenaunt to auoydyng, also Y schal do these thingis to you; 16Y schal visyte you swiftly in nedynesse and brennyng, which schal turment youre iyen, and schal waste youre lyues; in veyn ye schulen sowe seed, that schal be deuourid of enemyes; 17Y schal sette my face ayens you, and ye schulen falle bifor youre enemyes, and ye schulen be sugetis to hem that haten you; ye schulen fle, while no man pursueth. 18But if nether so ye obeyen to me, Y schal adde youre chastisyngis seuenfold for youre synnes; 19and Y schal al tobreke the pride of youre hardnesse, and Y schal yyue to you heuene aboue as of yrun, and the erthe as bras; 20youre trauel schal be wastid in veyn, nether the erthe schal brynge forth fruyt, nethir trees schulen yyue applis. 21If ye goon contrarie to me, nether wolen here me, Y schal adde youre woundis til in to seuenfold for youre synnes; 22Y schal sende out in to you cruel beestis of the feeld, that schulen waste you and youre beestis, and schulen brynge alle thingis to fewnesse, and youre weies schulen be forsakun. 23That if nether so ye wolen resseyue doctryn, but goon contrarie to me, 24also Y schal go aduersarie ayens you, and Y schal smyte you seuen sithis for youre synnes; 25and Y schal brynge yn on you the swerd, vengere of my boond of pees; and whanne ye fleen in to citees, Y schal sende pestilence in the myddis of you, and ye schulen be bitakun in the hondis of enemyes, 26aftir that Y haue broke the staf of youre breed, so that ten wymmen bake looues in oon ouene, and yelde tho looues at weiyte; and ye schulen ete, and ye schulen not be fillid. 27But if nethir bi these thingis ye heren me, but goon ayens me, 28and Y schal go ayens you in contrarie woodnesse, and Y schal chastise you bi seuene veniaunces for youre synnes, 29so that ye ete the fleischis of youre sones, and of youre douytris; 30Y schal destrie youre hiye thingis, and Y schal breke youre symylacris; ye schulen falle bitwixe the fallyngis of your ydols, and my soule schal haue you abhomynable, 31in so myche that Y turne youre citees in to wildirnesse, and make youre seyntuaries forsakun, nether Y schal resseyue more the swettest odour; 32and Y schal destrye youre lond, and youre enemyes schulen be astonyed theronne, whanne thei schulen be enhabiters therof; 33forsothe Y schal scatere you in to folkis, ether hethen men, and Y schal drawe out of the schethe the swerd aftir you, and youre lond schal be forsakun, and youre citees schulen be cast doun. 34Thanne `hise sabatis schulen plese the erthe, in alle the daies of his wildirnesse; whanne ye ben in the lond of enemyes, 35it schal `kepe sabat, and schal reste in the sabatis of his wildirnesse, for it restide not in youre sabatis, whanne ye dwelliden therynne. 36And Y schal yyue drede in `the hertis of hem, whiche schulen abide of you, in the cuntreis of enemyes; the sown of a leef fleynge schal make hem aferd, and so thei schulen fle it as a swerd; thei schulen falle, while noon pursueth, 37and alle schulen falle on her britheren, as fleynge bateils; no man of you schal be hardi to ayenstonde enemyes; 38ye schulen perische among hethen men, and the lond of enemyes schal waaste you. 39That if summe of these Jewes dwellen, thei schulen faile in her wickidnessis, in the lond of her enemyes, and thei schulen be turmentid for the synne of her fadris, 40and for her owne synnes, til thei knoulechen her wickidnesses, and han mynde of her yuels, bi whiche thei trespassiden ayens me, and yeden contrarie to me. 41Therfor and Y schal go ayens hem, and Y schal brynge hem in to the lond of enemyes, til the vncircumcidid soule of hem be aschamed; thanne thei schulen preie for her wickidnesses, 42and Y schal haue mynde of my boond of pees, which Y couenauntide with Jacob, Ysaac, and Abraham; also Y schal be myndeful of the lond, 43which, whanne it is left of hem, schal plese to it silf in `his sabatis, and schal suffre wildirnesse for hem; forsothe thei schulen preye for her synnes, for thei castiden awey my domes, and despyseden my lawis; 44netheles, yhe, whanne thei weren in `the lond of enemyes, Y castide not hem awey outirli, nether Y dispiside hem, so that thei weren wastid, and that Y made voide my couenaunt with hem; for Y am the Lord God of hem. 45And Y schal haue mynde of my formere boond of pees, whanne Y ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt, in the siyt of hethene men, that Y schulde be her God; Y am the Lord God. These ben the comaundementis, and domes, and lawis, whiche the Lord yaf bitwixe hym silf and bitwixe the sones of Israel, in the hil of Synay, bi the hond of Moises. 27And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, 2and thou schalt seye to hem, A man that makith avow, and bihetith his soule to God, schal yyue the priys vndur valu, ether preisyng. 3If it is a male, fro the twentithe yeer `til to the sixtithe yeer, he schal yyue fifti siclis of siluer, at the mesure of seyntuarie, if it is a womman, 4sche schal yyue thretti siclis; 5forsothe fro the fifthe yeer `til to the twentithe yeer, a male schal yyue twenti cyclis, a womman schal yyue ten ciclis; 6fro o monethe `til to the fifthe yeer, fyue ciclis schulen be youun for a male, thre ciclis for a womman; 7a male of sixti yeer and ouer schal yyue fiftene ciclis, a womman schal yyue ten cyclis. 8If it is a pore man, and may not yelde the valu, he schal stonde bifor the preest, and as myche as the preest preisith, and seeth that the pore man may yelde, so myche he schal yyue. 9Forsothe if ony man avowith a beeste, that may be offrid to the Lord, it schal be hooli, 10and schal not mow be chaungid, that is, nethir a betere for `an yuel, nether `a worse for a good; and if he chaungith it, bothe that, that is chaungid, and that, for which it is chaungid, schal be halewid to the Lord. 11Sotheli if ony man avowith an vncleene beeste, that may not be offrid to the Lord, it schal be brouyt bifor the preest, 12and the preest schal deme whether it is good ether yuel, and schal sette the prijs; 13which prijs if he that offrith wole yyue, he schal adde the fifthe part ouer the valu. 14If a man avowith his hows, and halewith it to the Lord, the preest schal biholde, `whether it is good ether yuel, and bi the prijs, which is ordeyned of hym, it schal be seld; 15sotheli if he that avowide wole ayen-bie it, he schal yyue the fifthe part of the valu aboue, and he schal haue the hows. 16That if he avowith the feeld of his possessioun, and halewith to the Lord, the prijs schal be demed bi the mesure of seed; if the feeld is sowun with thritti buyschels of barli, it schal be seeld for fifti siclys of siluer. 17If he auowith the feeld anoon for the yeer of the iubilee bigynnynge, as myche as it may be worth, bi so myche it schal be preisid; 18but if it be after `sum part of tyme, the preest schal rykene the money bi the noumbre of yeeris that ben residue `til to the iubilee, and it schal be withdrawun of the prijs. 19That if he that avowide wole ayenbie the feeld, he schal adde the fyuethe part of the money preisid, and he schal welde it; 20but if he nyle ayenbie, but it is seeld to ony othir man, he that avowide schal `no more mowe ayenbie it; 21for whanne the dai of iubilee cometh, it schal be halewid to the Lord, and the possessioun halewid perteyneth to the riyt of preestis. 22If the feeld is bouyt, and is not of the possessioun of grettere men, 23and is halewid to the Lord, the preest schal determyne the prijs bi the noumbre of yeeris `til to the iubilee, and he that avowide the feeld schal yyue the prijs to the Lord; 24forsothe in the iubilee it schal turne ayen to the formere lord that seelde it, and `haue he in to the eritage of his possessioun. 25`Ech preisyng schal be peisid bi the sicle of seyntuarie; a sicle hath twenti halpens. 26No man may halewe and avowe the firste gendrid thingis that perteynen to the Lord, whether it is oxe, whether scheep, tho ben the Lordis part. 27That if the beeste is vncleene, he that offride schal ayenbie by his valu, and he schal adde the fyuethe part of prijs; if he nyle ayenbie, it schal be seeld to another man, as myche euer as it is `set at valu. 28Al thing which is halewid to the Lord, whether it is man, whether beeste, whether feeld, it schal not be seeld, nether it schal mow be ayenbouyt; whateuer thing is halewid onys, it schal be hooli of the noumbre of hooli thingis to the Lord, 29and ech halewyng which is offrid of man, schal not be ayenbouyt, but it schal die bi deeth. 30Alle the tithis of erthe, whether of fruytis, whether of applis of trees, ben the Lordis part, and ben halewid to hym; 31sotheli if ony man wole ayenbie hise tithis, he schal adde the fyuethe part of tho; of alle tithis, 32of scheep, and of oxen, and of geet, that passen vndur the `yerde of scheepherde, whateuer thing cometh to the tenthe part, it schal be halewid to the Lord; 33it schal not be chosun, nether good, nether yuel; nethir it schal be chaungid for another; if ony man chaungith, bothe that, that is chaungid, and that, for which it is chaungid, schal be halewid to the Lord, and it schal not be ayenbouyt. 34These ben the comaundementis whiche the Lord comaundide to Moises, and to the sones of Israel, in the hil of Synay.