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1And it was don, in the thrittithe yeer, in the fourthe monethe, in the fyuethe dai of the moneth, whanne Y was in the myddis of caitifs, bisidis the flood Chobar, heuenes weren openyd, and Y siy the reuelaciouns of God. 2In the fyueth dai of the monethe; thilke is the fyuethe yeer of passing ouer of Joachym, kyng of Juda; 3the word of the Lord was maad to Ezechiel, preest, the sone of Busi, in the lond of Caldeis, bisidis the flood Chobar; and the hond of the Lord was maad there on hym. 4And Y siy, and lo! a whirlewynd cam fro the north, and a greet cloude, and fier wlappynge in, and briytnesse in the cumpas therof; and as the licnesse of electre fro the myddis therof, that is, fro the myddis of the fier. 5And of myddis therof was a licnesse of foure beestis. And this was the biholdyng of tho, the licnesse of a man in tho. 6And foure faces weren to oon, and foure wyngis weren to oon. 7And the feet of tho weren streiyt feet, and the soole of the foote of tho was as the soole of a foot of a calf, and sparclis, as the biholdynge of buylynge bras. 8And the hondis of a man weren vndur the wyngis of tho, in foure partis. And tho hadden faces and wyngis bi foure partis; 9and the wyngis of tho weren ioyned togidir of oon to another. Tho turneden not ayen, whanne tho yeden, but eche yede bifore his face. 10Forsothe the licnesse `of the face of tho was the face of a man and the face of a lioun at the riythalf of tho foure. Forsothe the face of an oxe was at the left half of tho foure; and the face of an egle was aboue tho foure. 11And the faces of tho and the wengis of tho weren stretchid forth aboue. Twei wyngis of eche weren ioyned togidere, and tweyne hiliden the bodies of tho. 12And ech of tho yede bifore his face. Where the fersnesse of the wynd was, thidur tho yeden, and turneden not ayen, whanne tho yeden. 13And the licnesse of the beestis, and the biholdyng of tho, was as of brennynge coolis of fier, and as the biholdyng of laumpis. This was the siyt rennynge aboute in the myddis of beestis, the schynyng of fier, and leit goynge out of the fier. 14And the beestis yeden, and turneden ayen at the licnesse of leit schynynge. 15And whanne Y bihelde the beestis, o wheel, hauuynge foure faces, apperide on the erthe, bisidis the beestis. 16And the biholdyng of the wheelis and the werk of tho was as the siyt of the see; and o licnesse was of tho foure; and the biholdyng and the werkis of tho, as if a wheel be in the myddis of a wheel. 17Tho goynge yeden bi foure partis of tho, and turneden not ayen, whanne tho yeden. 18Also stature, and hiynesse, and orible biholdyng was to the wheelis; and al the bodi was ful of iyen in the cumpas of tho foure. 19And whanne the beestis yeden, the wheelis also yeden togidere bisidis tho. And whanne the beestis weren reisid fro the erthe, the wheelis also weren reisid togidere. 20Whidur euere the spirit yede, whanne the spirit yede thedur, also the wheelis suynge it weren reisid togidere; for whi the spirit of lijf was in the wheelis. 21Tho yeden with the beestis goynge, and tho stoden with the beestis stondynge. And with the beestis reisid fro erthe, also the wheelis suynge tho beestis weren reisid togidere; for the spirit of lijf was in the wheelis. 22And the licnesse of the firmament was aboue the heed of the beestis, and as the biholdyng of orible cristal, and stretchid abrood on the heed of tho beestis aboue. 23Forsothe vndur the firmament the wyngis of tho beestis weren streiyt, of oon to anothir; ech beeste hilide his bodi with twei wyngis, and an other was hilid in lijk maner. 24And Y herde the sown of wyngis, as the sown of many watris, as the sown of hiy God. Whanne tho yeden, ther was as a sown of multitude, as the sown of oostis of batel; and whanne tho stoden, the wyngis of tho weren late doun. 25For whi whanne a vois was maad on the firmament, that was on the heed of tho, tho stoden, and leten doun her wyngis. 26And on the firmament, that was aboue the heed of tho, was as the biholdyng of a saphire stoon, the licnesse of a trone; and on the licnesse of the trone was a licnesse, as the biholdyng of a man aboue. 27And Y siy as a licnesse of electre, as the biholding of fier with ynne, bi the cumpas therof; fro the lendis of hym and aboue, and fro the lendis of him til to bynethe, Y siy as the licnesse of fier schynynge in cumpas, 28as the biholdynge of the reynbowe, whanne it is in the cloude in the dai of reyn. This was the biholdyng of schynyng bi cumpas. 2This was a siyt of the licnesse of the glorie of the Lord. And Y siy, and felle doun on my face; and Y herde the vois of a spekere. And he seide to me, Thou, sone of man, stonde on thi feet, and Y schal speke with thee. 2And the spirit entride in to me, after that he spak to me, and settide me on my feet. And Y herde oon spekynge to me, 3and seiynge, Sone of man, Y sende thee to the sones of Israel, to folkis apostatas, `ether goynge a bak fro feith, that yeden awei fro me; the fadris of hem braken my couenaunt til to this dai. 4And the sones ben of hard face, and of vnchastisable herte, to whiche Y sende thee. And thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis; 5if perauenture nameli thei heren, and if perauenture thei resten, for it is an hous terrynge to wraththe. And thei schulen wite, that a profete is in the myddis of hem. 6Therfore thou, sone of man, drede not hem, nether drede thou the wordis of hem; for vnbileueful men and distrieris ben with thee, and thou dwellist with scorpiouns. Drede thou not the wordis of hem, and drede thou not the faces of hem, for it is an hous terrynge to wraththe. 7Therfor thou schalt speke my wordis to hem, if perauenture thei heren, and resten, for thei ben terreris to wraththe. 8But thou, sone of man, here what euer thingis Y schal speke to thee; and nyle thou be a terrere to wraththe, as the hows of Israel is a terrere to wraththe. Opene thi mouth, and ete what euer thingis Y yyue to thee. 9And Y siy, and lo! an hond was sent to me, in which a book was foldid togidere. And he spredde abrood it bifor me, that was writun with ynne and with outforth. And lamentaciouns, and song, and wo, weren writun ther ynne. 3And he seide to me, Sone of man, ete thou what euer thing thou fyndist, ete thou this volym; and go thou, and speke to the sones of Israel. 2And Y openyde my mouth, and he fedde me with that volym. 3And he seide to me, Sone of man, thi wombe schal ete, and thin entrails schulen be fillid with this volym, which Y yyue to thee. And Y eet it, and it was maad as swete hony in my mouth. 4And he seide to me, Sone of man, go thou to the hous of Israel, and thou schalt speke my wordis to hem. 5For thou schalt not be sent to a puple of hiy word, and of vnknowun langage; thou schalt be sent to the hous of Israel, 6nether to many puplis of hiy word, and of vnknowun langage, of whiche thou maist not here the wordis. And if thou were sent to hem, thei schulden here thee. 7But the hous of Israel nylen here thee, for thei nylen here me. For al the hous of Israel is of vnschamefast forheed, and of hard herte. 8Lo! Y yaf thi face strongere than the faces of hem, and thi forheed hardere than the forheedis of hem. 9Y yaf thi face as an adamaunt, and as a flynt; drede thou not hem, nether drede thou of the face of hem, for it is an hous terrynge to wraththe. 10And he seide to me, Sone of man, take in thin herte, and here with thin eeris alle these my wordis, whiche Y speke to thee. 11And go thou, and entre to the passyng ouer, to the sones of thi puple. And thou schalt speke to hem, and thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, if perauenture thei heren, and resten. 12And the spirit took me, and Y herde after me the vois of a greet mouyng. The blessid glorie of the Lord was herd fro his place; 13and Y herde the vois of wyngis of the beestis smytynge oon an othir, and the vois of wheelis suynge the beestis, and the vois of greet stiryng. 14Also the spirit reiside me, and took me. And Y yede forth bittir in the indignacioun of my spirit; for the hond of the Lord was with me, and coumfortide me. 15And Y cam to the passyng ouer, to the heep of newe fruytis, to hem that dwelliden bisidis the flood Chobar. And Y sat where thei saten, and Y dwellide there seuene daies, weilynge, in the myddis of hem. 16Forsothe whanne seuene daies weren passid, the word of the Lord was maad to me, and seide, Sone of man, 17Y yaf thee `a spiere to the hous of Israel. And thou schalt here of my mouth a word, and thou schalt telle to hem of me. 18If whanne Y seie to the wickid man, Thou schalt die bi deth, thou tellist not to hym, and spekist not to hym, that he be turned fro his wickid weie, and lyue; thilke wickid man schal die in his wickidnesse, but Y schal seke his blood of thin hond. 19Forsothe if thou tellist to the wickid man, and he is not conuertid fro his wickidnesse, and fro his wickid weie; sotheli he schal die in his wickidnesse, but thou hast delyuerid thi soule. 20But also if a iust man is turned fro his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnesse, Y schal sette an hirtyng bifor hym; he schal die, for thou teldist not to hym; he schal die in his synne, and hise riytfulnessis, whiche he dide, schulen not be in mynde, but Y schal seke his blood of thin hond. 21Forsothe if thou tellist to a iust man, that a iust man do not synne, and he doith not synne, he lyuynge schal lyue, for thou teldist to hym, and thou hast delyuered thi soule. 22And the hond of the Lord was maad on me, and he seide to me, Rise thou, and go out in to the feeld, and there Y schal speke with thee. 23And Y roos, and yede out in to the feeld. And lo! the glorie of the Lord stood there, as the glorie which Y siy bisidis the flood Chobar; and Y felle doun on my face. 24And the spirit entride in to me, and settide me on my feet. And he spak to me, and seide to me, Entre thou, and be thou closid in the myddis of thin hous. 25And thou, sone of man, lo! boondis ben youun on thee, and thei schulen bynde thee with tho, and thou schalt not go out in the myddis of hem. 26And Y schal make thi tunge to cleue to the roof of thi mouth, and thou schalt be doumbe, and thou schalt not be as a man rebuykinge; for it is an hous terrynge to wraththe. 27But whanne Y schal speke to thee, Y schal opene thi mouth, and thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, He that herith, here, and he that restith, reste; for it is an hous terrynge to wraththe. 4And thou, sone of man, take to thee a tijl stoon; and thou schalt sette it bifore thee, and thou schalt discriue ther ynne the citee of Jerusalem. 2And thou schalt ordeyne bisegyng ayenus that Jerusalem; and thou schalt bilde strengthis, and thou schalt bere togidere erthe, and thou shalt yyue oostis of batel ayens it, and thou schalt sette engynes in cumpas. 3And take thou to thee an irone friynge panne; and thou schalt sette it in to an irone wal bitwixe thee and bitwixe the cite; and thou schalt sette stidfastli thi face to it, and it schal be in to bisegyng, and thou schalt cumpasse it; it is a signe to the hous of Israel. 4And thou schalt slepe on thi left side, and thou schalt putte the wickidnessis of the hous of Israel on that side, in the noumbre of daies in which thou shalt slepe on that side, and thou schalt take the wickidnesse of hem. 5Forsothe Y yaf to thee the yeeris of the wickidnesse of hem bi noumbre of daies, thre hundrid and nynti daies; and thou schalt bere the wickidnesse of the hous of Israel. 6And whanne thou hast fillid these thingis, thou schalt slepe the secounde tyme on thi riytside. And thou schalt take the wickidnesse of the hous of Juda bi fourti daies; Y yaf to thee a dai for a yeer, a dai sotheli for a yeer. 7And thou schalt turne thi face to the biseging of Jerusalem; and thin arm schal be stretchid forth, and thou schalt profesie ayens it. 8Lo! Y haue cumpassid thee with boondis, and thou schalt not turne thee fro thi side in `to other side, tille thou fille the daies of thi bisegyng. 9And take thou to thee wheete, and barli, and beenys, and tillis, and mylie, and vetchis; and thou schalt putte tho in to o vesselle. And thou schalt make to thee looues for the noumbre of daies, bi whiche thou schalt slepe on thi side; bi three hundrid and nynti daies thou schalt ete it. 10Forsothe thi mete, which thou schalt ete, schal be in weiyte twenti staters in a dai; fro tyme til to tyme thou schalt ete it. 11And thou schalt drynke watir in mesure, the sixte part of hyn; fro tyme til to tyme thou schalt drynke it. 12And thou schalt ete it as barli breed bakun vndur the aischis; and with `a toord that goith out of a man thou schalt hile, it bifore the iyen of hem. 13The Lord seith these thingis, So the sones of Israel schulen ete her breed defoulid among hethene men, to whiche Y schal caste hem out. 14And Y seide, A! A! A! Lord God, lo! my soule is not defoulid, and fro my yong childhed til to now Y eet not a thing deed bi it silf, and to-rent of beestis; and al vnclene fleisch entride not in to my mouth. 15And he seide to me, Lo! Y haue youe to thee the dung of oxis for mennus toordis; and thou schalt make thi breed with it. 16And he seide to me, Sone of man, lo! Y schal al to-breke the staf of breed in Jerusalem, and thei schulen ete her breed in weiyte and in bisynesse, and thei schulen drynke water in mesure and in angwisch; 17that whanne breed and watir failen, eche man falle doun to his brother, and thei faile in her wickidnessis. 5And thou, sone of man, take to thee a scharp swerd, schauynge heeris; and thou schalt take it, and schalt leede it bi thin heed, and bi thi berd. And thou schalt take to thee a balaunce of weiyte, and thou schalt departe tho. 2Thou schalt brenne the thridde part with fier in the myddis of the citee, bi the fillyng of daies of bisegyng. And thou schalt take the thridde part, and schalt kitte bi swerd in the cumpas therof. But thou schalt scatere `the tother thridde part in to the wynd; and Y schal make nakid a swerd aftir hem. 3And thou schalt take therof a litil noumbre, and thou schalt bynde tho in the hiynesse of thi mentil. 4And eft thou schalt take of hem, and thou schalt caste forth hem in to the myddis of the fier. And thou schalt brenne hem in fier; and fier schal go out of that in to al the hous of Israel. 5The Lord God seith these thingis, This is Jerusalem; Y haue sette it in the myddis of hethene men, and londis in the cumpas therof. 6And it dispiside my domes, that it was more wickid than hethene men; and it dispiside my comaundementis more than londis that ben in the cumpas therof. For thei han cast awei my domes, and thei yeden not in my comaundementis. 7Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For ye `han passid hethene men that ben in youre cumpas, and ye yeden not in my comaundementis, and ye diden not my domes, and ye wrouyten not bi the domes of hethene men that ben in youre cumpas; 8therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to thee, and Y my silf schal make domes in the myddis of thee, bifor the iyen of hethene men; and Y schal do thingis in thee, 9whiche Y dide not, and to whiche Y schal no more make lijk thingis, for alle thin abhomynaciouns. 10Therfor fadris schulen ete sones in the myddis of thee, and sones schulen ete her fadris; and Y schal make domes in thee, and Y schal wyndewe alle thin remenauntis in to ech wynd. 11Therfor Y lyue, seith the Lord God, no but for that that thou defoulidist myn hooli thing in alle thin offenciouns, and in alle thin abhomynaciouns; and Y schal breke, and myn iye schal not spare, and Y schal not do merci. 12The thridde part of thee schal die bi pestilence, and schal be wastid bi hungur in the middis of thee; and the thridde part of thee schal falle doun bi swerd in thi cumpas; forsothe Y schal scatere thi thridde part in to ech wynd, and Y schal drawe out a swerd after hem. 13And Y schal fille my stronge veniaunce, and Y schal make myn indignacioun to reste in hem, and Y schal be coumfortid. And thei schulen wite, that Y the Lord spak in my feruent loue, whanne Y schal fille al myn indignacioun in hem. 14And Y schal yyue thee in to desert, in to schenschipe to hethene men that ben in thi cumpas, in the siyt of ech that passith forth. 15And thou schalt be schenschipe `and blasfemye, ensaumple and wondryng, among hethene men that ben in thi cumpas, whanne Y schal make domes in thee, in strong veniaunce, and indignacioun, and in blamyngis of ire. 16Y the Lord haue spoke, whanne Y schal sende in to hem the worste arowis of hungur, that schulen bere deth; and whiche Y schal sende, that Y leese you. And Y schal gadere hungur on you, and Y schal al to-breke in you the sadnesse of breed. 17And Y schal sende in to you hungur, and worste beestis, til to the deth; and pestilence and blood schulen passe bi thee, and Y schal bringe in swerd on thee; Y the Lord spak. 6And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face to the hillis of Israel; and thou schalt profesie to tho hillis, and schalt seie, 3Hillis of Israel, here ye the word of the Lord God. The Lord God seith these thingis to mounteyns, and litil hillis, to roochis of stoon, and to valeis, Lo! Y schal bringe in on you a swerd, and Y schal leese youre hiye thingis. 4And Y schal distrie youre auteris, and youre symylacris schulen be brokun; and Y schal caste doun youre slayn men bifore youre idols. 5dnA Y schal yyue the deed bodies of the sones of Israel bifor the face of youre symylacris, and Y schal scatere youre boonys 6aboute youre auteris, in alle youre dwellingis. Citees schulen be forsakun, and hiy thingis schulen be distried, and schulen be scaterid; and youre auteris schulen perische, and schulen be brokun. And youre idols schulen ceesse, and youre templis of idols schulen be al to-brokun, and youre werkis schulen be doen awei. 7And a slayn man schal falle doun in the myddis of you; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 8And Y schal leeue in you hem that fledden swerd among hethene men, whanne Y schal scatere you in to londis. 9And youre delyuered men schulen haue mynde on me among hethene men, to whiche thei ben led prisoneris; for Y haue al to-broke her herte doynge fornycacioun, and goynge awei fro me, and her iyen doynge fornicacioun aftir her idols. And thei schulen displese hem silf on the yuels, whiche thei diden in alle her abhomynaciouns. 10And thei schulen wite, that Y the Lord spak not in veyn, that Y schulde do this yuel to hem. 11The Lord God seith these thingis, Smyte thin hond, and hurtle thi foot, and seie, Alas! to alle abhomynaciouns of the yuelis of the hous of Israel; for thei schulen falle doun bi swerd, hungur, and pestilence. He that is fer, shal die bi pestilence. 12Forsothe he that is niy, shal falle bi swerd. And he that is laft and bisegid, shal die bi hungur. And Y schal fille myn indignacioun in hem. 13And ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne youre slayn men schulen be in the myddis of youre idols, in the cumpas of youre auteris, in eche hiy litil hil, and in alle the hiynessis of mounteyns, and vndur ech tree ful of wode, and vndur ech ook ful of boowis, that is, a place where thei brenten encense swete smellynge to alle her idols. 14And Y schal stretche forth myn hond on hem, and Y schal make her lond desolat and destitute, fro desert Deblata, in alle the dwellyngis of hem; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 7And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2`and he seide, And thou, sone of man, the Lord God of the lond of Israel seith these thingis, The ende cometh, the ende cometh, on foure coostis of the lond. 3Now an ende is on thee, and Y shal sende in my strong veniaunce on thee, and Y schal deme thee bi thi weies, and Y schal sette alle thin abhomynaciouns ayens thee. 4And myn iye shal not spare on thee, and Y schal not do mercy. But Y shal sette thi weies on thee, and thin abhomynaciouns schulen be in the myddis of thee; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 5The Lord God seith these thingis, O turment, lo! 6turment cometh; the ende cometh, the ende cometh; it schal wake fulli ayens thee; lo! it cometh. 7Sorewe cometh on thee, that dwellist in the lond; the tyme cometh, the dai of sleyng is niy, and not of glorie of hillis. 8Now anoon Y schal schede out myn ire on thee, and Y schal fille my strong veniaunce in thee; and Y schal deme thee bi thi weies, and Y schal putte to thee alle thi grete trespassis. 9And myn iye schal not spare, nether Y schal do merci; but Y schal putte on thee thi weies, and thin abhomynaciouns schulen be in the myddis of thee; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord smytynge. 10Lo! the dai, lo! it cometh; sorewe is gon out. A yerde flouride, 11pride buriownede, wickidnesse roos in the yerde of vnpitee; not of hem, and not of the puple, nether of the sown of hem, and no reste shal be in hem. 12The tyme cometh, the dai neiyede; he that bieth, be not glad, and he that sillith, mourne not; for whi ire is on al the puple therof. 13For he that sillith, schal not turne ayen to that that he seelde, and yit the lijf of hem is in lyueris; for whi the reuelacioun to al the multitude therof shal not go ayen, and a man schal not be coumfortid in the wickidnesse of his lijf. 14Synge ye with a trumpe, alle men be maad redi, and noon is that schal go to batel; for whi my wraththe is on al the puple therof. 15Swerd is with out forth, pestilence and hungur with ynne; he that is in the feeld, schal die bi swerd; and thei that ben in the citee, schulen be deuourid bi pestilence and hungur. 16And thei schulen be sauyd that fleen of hem; and thei schulen be as culueris of grete valeis in hillis, alle quakynge, ech man in his wickidnesse. 17Alle hondis schulen be aclumsid, and alle knees schulen flowe with watris. 18And thei schulen girde hem with heiris, and inward drede schal hile hem; and schenschipe schal be in ech face, and ballidnesse schal be in alle the heedis of hem. 19The siluer of hem schal be cast out, and the gold of hem schal be in to a dunghil; the siluer of hem and the gold of hem schal not mowe delyuere hem in the dai of the strong veniaunce of the Lord. Thei schulen not fille her soule, and the wombis of hem schulen not be fillid; for it is maad the sclaundre of hir wickidnesse. 20And thei setteden the ournement of her brochis in to pride; and thei maden of it the ymagis of her abhomynaciouns and simylacris. For this thing Y yaf it to hem, in to vnclennesse. 21And Y schal yyue it in to the hondis of aliens, to rauysche, and to the vnpitouse men of erthe, in to prey, and thei schulen defoule it. 22And Y schal turne awei my face fro hem, and thei schulen defoule my priuyte; and harlotis schulen entre in to it, and schulen defoule it. 23Make thou a closyng to gidere; for the lond is ful of doom of bloodis, and the citee is ful of wickidnesse. 24And Y schal brynge the worste of hethene men, and thei schulen haue in possessioun the housis of hem; and Y schal make the pride of miyti men to ceesse, and enemyes schulen haue in possessioun the seyntuaries of hem. 25In anguysch comynge aboue thei schulen seke pees, and it schal not be. 26Disturblyng schal come on disturblyng, and heryng on heryng; and thei schulen seke of the profete a reuelacioun, and lawe shal perische fro the preest, and counsel fro eldre men. 27The kyng schal mourne, and the prince schal be clothid in weilyng, and the hondis of the puple of the lond schulen be disturblid; bi the weie of hem Y schal do to hem, and bi the domes of hem Y schal deme hem; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 8And it was doon in the sixte yeer, in the sixte monethe, in the fyuethe dai of the monethe, Y sat in myn hous, and the elde men of Juda saten bifore me; and the hond of the Lord God felle there on me. 2And Y siy, and lo! a licnesse as the biholdyng of fier; fro the biholding of hise leendis and bynethe was fier, and fro hise leendis and aboue was as the biholdyng of schynyng, as the siyt of electre. 3And the licnesse of an hond was sent out, and took me bi the heer of myn heed; and the spirit reiside me bitwixe heuene and erthe, and brouyte me in to Jerusalem, in the siyt of God, bisidis the ynnere dore that bihelde to the north, where the idol of enuye was set, to stire indignacioun. 4And lo! the glorie of God of Israel was there, bi siyt which Y siy in the feeld. 5And he seide to me, Thou, sone of man, reise thin iyen to the weie of the north; and Y reiside myn iyen to the weie of the north, and lo! fro the north of the yate of the auter the idol of enuye was in that entryng. 6And he seide to me, Sone of man, gessist thou whether thou seest what thing these men doon, the grete abhomynaciouns whiche the hous of Israel doith here, that Y go fer awei fro my seyntuarie? and yit thou schalt turne, and schalt se grettere abhomynaciouns. 7And he ledde me with ynne to the dore of the halle; and Y siy, and lo! oon hoole in the wal. 8And he seide to me, Sone of man, digge thou the wal; and whanne Y hadde diggid the wal, o dore apperide. 9And he seide to me, Entre thou, and se the worste abhomynaciouns, whiche these men doon here. 10And Y entride, and siy; and lo! ech licnesse of `crepynge beestis, and abhomynacioun of beestis, and alle idols of the hous of Israel, weren peyntid in the wal al aboute in cumpas. 11And seuenti men of the eldere of the hous of Israel stoden; and Jeconye, the sone of Saphan, stood in the myddis of hem, stondynge bifore the peyntyngis; and ech man hadde a censere in his hond, and the smoke of a cloude of encense stiede. 12And he seide to me, Certis, sone of man, thou seest what thingis the eldere men of the hous of Israel doen in derknessis, ech man in the hid place of his bed; for thei seiyn, The Lord seeth not vs, the Lord hath forsake the lond. 13And the Lord seide to me, Yit thou schalt turne, and schalt se gretter abhomynaciouns, whiche these men doon. 14And he ledde me with ynne, bi the dore of the yate of the hous of the Lord, which dore bihelde to the north; and lo! wymmen saten there, biweilynge Adonydes. 15And the Lord seide to me, Certis, sone of man, thou hast seyn; yit thou schalt turne, and schalt se gretere abhomynaciouns than these. 16And he ledde me with ynne, in to the ynnere halle of the hous of the Lord; and lo! in the dore of the temple of the Lord, bitwixe the porche and the auter, weren as fyue and twenti men hauynge the backis ayens the temple of the Lord, and her faces to the eest; and thei worschipiden at the risyng of the sunne. 17And the Lord seide to me, Certis, sone of man, thou hast seyn; whether this is a liyt thing to the hous of Juda, that thei schulden do these abhomynaciouns, whiche thei diden here? For thei filliden the lond with wickidnesse, and turneden to terre me to wraththe; and lo! thei applien a braunche to her nose thirlis. 18Therfor and Y schal do in strong veniaunce; myn iye schal not spare, nether Y schal do merci; and whanne thei schulen crie to myn eris with greet vois, Y schal not here hem. 9And he criede in myn eeris with greet vois, and seide, The visityngis of the citee han neiyed, and ech man hath in his hond an instrument of sleyng. 2And lo! sixe men camen fro the weie of the hiyere yate, that biholdith to the north, and the instrument of deth of ech man was in his hond; also o man in the myddis of hem was clothid with lynnun clothis, and a pennere of a writere at hise reynes; and thei entriden, and stoden bisidis the brasun auter. 3And the glorie of the Lord of Israel was takun vp fro cherub, which glorie was on it, to the threisfold of the hous; and the Lord clepide the man that was clothid with lynun clothis, and hadde a pennere of a writere in hise leendis. 4And the Lord seide to hym, Passe thou bi the myddis of the citee, in the myddis of Jerusalem, and marke thou Thau on the forhedis of men weilynge and sorewynge on alle abhomynaciouns that ben doon in the myddis therof. 5And he seide to hem in myn heryng, Go ye thorouy the citee, and sue ye hym, and smytte ye; youre iye spare not, nether do ye merci. 6Sle ye til to deth, an eld man, a yong man, and a virgyn, a litil child, and wymmen; but sle ye not ony man, on whom ye seen Thau; and bigynne ye at my seyntuarie. Therfore thei bigunnen at the eldere men, that weren bifore the face of the hous. 7And he seide to hem, Defoule ye the hous, and fille ye the hallis with slayn men; go ye out. And thei yeden out, and killiden hem that weren in the citee. 8And lo! whanne the sleyng was fillid, Y was left. And Y felle doun on my face, and Y criede, and seide, Alas! alas! alas! Lord God, therfor whether thou schalt leese alle remenauntis of Israel, and schalt schede out thi stronge veniaunce on Jerusalem? 9And he seide to me, The wickidnesse of the hous of Israel and of Juda is ful greet, and the lond is fillid of bloodis, and the citee is fillid with turnyng awei; for thei seiden, The Lord hath forsake the lond, and the Lord seeth not. 10Therfor and myn iye schal not spare, nether Y schal do merci; Y schal yelde the weie of hem on the heed of hem. 11And lo! the man that was clothid in lynun clothis, that hadde a pennere in his bak, answeride a word, and seide, Y haue do, as thou comaundidist to me. 10And Y siy, and lo! in the firmament that was on the heed of cherubyns, as a saphir stoon, and as the fourme of licnesse of a kyngis seete apperide theron. 2And he seide to the man that was clothid in lynnun clothis, and spak, Entre thou in the myddis of wheelis, that ben vndur cherubyns, and fille thin hond with coolis of fier, that ben bitwixe cherubyns, and schede thou out on the citee. 3And he entride in my siyt; forsothe cherubyns stoden at the riyt side of the hous, whanne the man entride, and a clowde fillide the ynnere halle. 4And the glorie of the Lord was reisid fro aboue cherubyns to the threisfold of the hous; and the hous was fillid with a cloude, and the halle was fillid with schynyng of the glorie of the Lord. 5And the sown of wyngis of cherubyns was herd til to the outermere halle, as the vois of almyyti God spekynge. 6And whanne he hadde comaundid to the man that was clothid in lynnun clothis, and hadde seid, Take thou fier fro the myddis of the wheelis, that ben bitwixe cherubyns, he entride, and stood bisidis the wheel. 7And cherub stretchide forth his hond fro the myddis of cherubyns, to the fier that was bitwixe cherubyns; and took, and yaf in to the hondis of hym that was clothid in lynnun clothis; and he took, and yede out. 8And the licnesse of the hond of a man apperide in cherubyns, vndur the wyngis of tho. 9And Y siy, and lo! foure wheelis weren bisidis cherubyns; o wheel bisidis o cherub, and another wheel bisidis another cherub; forsothe the licnesse of wheelis was as the siyt of the stoon crisolitis. 10And the biholdyng of tho was o licnesse of foure, as if a wheel be in the myddis of a wheel. 11And whanne tho yeden, tho yeden in to foure partis; tho turneden not ayen goynge, but to the place to which that that was the firste wheel bowide to go, also othere suyden, and turneden not ayen. 12And al the bodi of tho wheelis, and the neckis, and hondis, and wyngis of the beestis, and the cerclis, weren ful of iyen, in the cumpas of foure wheelis. 13And he clepide tho wheelis volible, ether able to go al aboute, in myn heryng. 14Forsothe o beeste hadde foure faces; o face was the face of cherub, and the secounde face the face of a man, and in the thridde was the face of a lioun, and in the fourthe was the face of an egle; 15and the cherubyns weren reisid. Thilke is the beeste, which Y hadde seyn bisidis the flood Chobar. 16And whanne cherubyns yeden, also the wheelis bisidis tho yeden to gidere; whanne cherubyns reisiden her wyngis, that tho schulden be enhaunsid fro the erthe, the wheelis abididen not stille, but also tho weren bisidis cherubyns. 17The wheelis stooden with tho cherubyns stondynge, and weren reisid with the cherubyns reisid; for the spirit of lijf was in tho wheelis. 18And the glorie of the Lord yede out fro the threisfold of the temple, and stood on the cherubyns. 19And cherubyns reisiden her wyngis, and weren enhaunsid fro the erthe bifore me; and whanne tho yeden out, also the wheelis sueden; and it stood in the entryng of the eest yate of the hous of the Lord, and the glorie of God of Israel was on tho. 20Thilke is the beeste, which Y siy vndur God of Israel, bisidis the flood Chobar. And Y vndurstood that foure cherubyns weren; 21foure faces weren to oon, and foure wyngys weren to oon; and the licnesse of the hond of a man was vndur the wyngis of tho. 22And the licnesse of the cheris of tho weren thilke cheeris whiche Y hadde seyn bisidis the flood Chobar; and the biholdyng of tho, and the fersnesse of ech, was to entre bifor his face. 11And the spirit reiside me, and ledde me with ynne to the eest yate of the hous of the Lord, that biholdith the risyng of the sunne. And lo! in the entryng of the yate weren fyue and twenti men; and Y siy in the myddis of hem Jeconye, the sone of Assur, and Pheltie, the sone of Banaie, princes of the puple. 2And he seide to me, Thou, sone of man, these ben the men that thenken wickidnesse, and treten the worste counsel in this citee, 3and seien, Whether housis weren not bildid a while ago? this is the cawdrun, forsothe we ben fleischis. 4Therfor profesie thou of hem, profesie thou, sone of man. 5And the Spirit of the Lord felle in to me, and seide to me, Speke thou, The Lord seith these thingis, Ye hous of Israel spaken thus, and Y knewe the thouytis of youre herte; 6ye killiden ful many men in this citee, and ye filliden the weies therof with slayn men. 7Therfor the Lord seith these thingis, Youre slayn men, whiche ye puttiden in the myddis therof, these ben fleischis, and this is the cawdrun; and Y schal lede you out of the myddis therof. 8Ye dredden swerd, and Y schal brynge in swerd on you, seith the Lord God. 9And Y schal caste you out of the myddis therof, and Y schal yyue you in to the hond of enemyes, and Y schal make domes in you. 10Bi swerd ye schulen falle doun, Y schal deme you in the endis of Israel; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 11This schal not be to you in to a cawdrun, and ye schulen not be in to fleischis in the myddis therof; Y schal deme you in the endis of Israel, 12and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. For ye yeden not in myn heestis, and ye dyden not my domes, but ye wrouyten bi the domes of hethene men, that ben in youre cumpas. 13And it was doon, whanne Y profesiede, Pheltie, the sone of Banaie, was deed; and Y felle doun on my face, and Y criede with greet vois, and seide, Alas! alas! alas! Lord God, thou makist endyng of the remenauntis of Israel. 14And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 15and he seide, Sone of man, thi britheren, thi kynes men, and al the hous of Israel, and alle men, to whiche the dwelleris of Jerusalem seiden, Go ye awei fer fro the Lord, the lond is youun to vs in to possessioun. 16Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For Y made hem fer among hethene men, and for Y scateride hem in londis, Y schal be to hem in to a litil halewyng, in the londis to whiche thei camen. 17Therfor speke thou, The Lord God seith these thingis, Y schal gadere you fro puplis, and Y schal gadere you togidere fro londis, in whiche ye ben scatered; and Y schal yyue the erthe of Israel to you. 18And thei schulen entre thidur, and schulen do awei alle offenciouns, and alle abhomynaciouns therof in that dai. 19And Y schal yyue to hem oon herte, and Y schal yyue a newe spirit in the entrails of hem; and Y schal take awei a stony herte fro the fleisch of hem, and Y schal yyue to hem an herte of fleisch; 20that thei go in my comaundementis, and kepe my domes, and do tho; and that thei be in to a puple to me, and Y be in to God to hem. 21But of whiche the herte goith after her offendyngis and abhomynaciouns, Y schal sette the weie of hem in her heed, seith the Lord God. 22And the cherubyns reisiden her wyngis, and the wheelis yeden with tho, and the glorie of God of Israel was on tho. 23And the glorie of the Lord stiede fro the myddis of the citee, and stood on the hil, which is at the eest of the citee. 24And the spirit reiside me, and brouyte me in to Caldee, to the passyng ouer, in visioun bi the spirit of God; and the visioun which Y hadde seyn, was takun awei fro me. 25And Y spak to the passyng ouer alle the wordis of the Lord, whiche he hadde schewid to me. 12And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Sone of man, thou dwellist in the myddis of an hous terrynge to wraththe, which han iyen to se, and seen not, and eeris to here, and heren not; for it is an hous terrynge to wraththe. 3Therfor thou, sone of man, make to thee vessels of passing ouer, and thou schalt passe ouer bi dai bifor hem; forsothe thou schalt passe ouer fro thi place to another place, in the siyt of hem, if perauenture thei biholden, for it is an hous terrynge to wraththe. 4And thou schalt bere withoutforth thi vessels, as the vessels of a man passynge ouer bi dai, in the siyt of hem; sotheli thou schalt go out in the euentid bifore hem, as a man passynge forth goith out. 5Bifore the iyen of hem digge the wal to thee, and thou 6schalt go out thorouy it in the siyt of hem. Thou schalt be borun on schuldris, thou schalt be borun out in derknesse; thou schalt hile thi face, and thou schalt not se the erthe, for Y haue youe thee a signe 7of thing to comynge to the hous of Israel. Therfor Y dide as the Lord comaundide to me; Y brouyte forth my vessels, as the vessels of a man passynge ouer bi dai, and in the euentid Y diggide a wal to me with hond; Y yede out in derknesse, and Y was borun on schuldris, 8in the siyt of hem. And the word of the Lord was maad eerli to me, 9and he seide, Sone of man, whether the hous of Israel, the hous terrynge to wraththe, seiden not to thee, What doist thou? 10Seie thou to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, This birthun is on the duyk, which is in Jerusalem, and on al the hous of Israel, which is in the myddis of hem. 11Seie thou, Y am youre signe of thing to comynge; as Y dide, so it schal be don to hem; thei schulen go in to passynge ouer, and in to caitifte. 12And the duyk which is in the myddis of hem, schal be borun out on schuldris, and he schal go out in derknesse; thei schulen digge the wal, and lede hym out; his face schal be hilid, that he se not with iye the erthe. 13And Y schal stretche forth my net on hym, and he schal be takun in my net; and Y schal lede hym in to Babiloyne, in to the lond of Caldeis, and he schal not se that lond, and he schal die there. 14And Y schal scatere in to ech wynd alle men that ben aboute hym, his help, and hise cumpenyes; and Y schal draw out the swerd aftir hem. 15And thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal scatere hem among hethene men, and schal sowe hem abrood in londis. 16And Y schal leue of hem a fewe men fro swerd, and hungur, and pestilence, that thei telle out alle the grete trespassis of hem among hethene men, to which thei schulen entre; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 17And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 18and he seide, Thou, sone of man, ete thi breed in disturblyng, but also drynke thi water in haaste and mourening. 19And thou schalt seie to the puple of the lond, The Lord God seith these thingis to hem that dwellen in Jerusalem, in the lond of Israel, Thei schulen ete her breed in angwisch, and thei schulen drynke her watir in desolacioun; that the lond be desolat of his multitude, for the wickidnesse of alle men that dwellen ther ynne. 20And citees that ben now enhabitid, shulen be desolat, and the lond schal be forsakun; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 21And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 22and he seide, Sone of man, what is this prouerbe to you, of men seiynge in the lond of Israel, Daies schulen be differrid in to long tyme, and ech visioun shal perische? 23Therfor seie thou to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Y schal make this prouerbe to ceesse, and it schal no more be seid comynli in Israel; and speke thou to hem, that the daies han neiyid, and ech word of profesie. 24For whi ech visioun schal no more be voide, nether bifor tellyng of thing to comynge schal be douteful in the myddis of the sones of Israel; 25for Y the Lord schal speke what euer word Y schal speke, and it schal be don; it schal no more be delaied, but in youre daies, ye hous terrynge to wraththe, Y schal speke a word, and Y schal do that word, seith the Lord God. 26And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, Thou, 27sone of man, lo! the hous of Israel, of hem that seien, The visioun which this man seeth, is in to manye daies, and this man profesieth in to longe tymes. 28Therfor seie thou to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Ech word of me schal no more be deferrid; the word which Y schal speke, schal be fillid, seith the Lord God. 13And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Sone of man, profesie thou to the profetis of Israel that profesien; and thou schalt seie to hem that profesien of her herte, 3Here ye the word of the Lord. The Lord God seith these thingis, Wo to the vnwise profetis, that suen her spirit, and seen no thing; 4Israel, thi profetis weren as foxis in desert. 5Ye stieden not euene ayens, nether ayensettiden a wal for the hous of Israel, that ye shulden stonde in batel in the dai of the Lord. 6Thei seen veyn thingis, and deuynen a leesyng, and seien, The Lord seith, whanne the Lord sente not hem; and thei contynueden to conferme the word. 7Whether ye seen not a veyn visioun, and spaken fals diuynyng, and seiden, The Lord seith, whanne Y spak not? 8Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For ye spaken veyn thingis, and sien a leesyng, therfor lo! Y to you, seith the Lord God. 9And myn hond schal be on the profetis that seen veyn thingis, and dyuynen a leesyng; thei schulen not be in the councel of my puple, and thei schulen not be writun in the scripture of the hous of Israel, nether thei schulen entre in to the lond of Israel; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God. 10For thei disseyueden my puple, and seiden, Pees, pees, and no pees is; and it bildide a wal, but thei pargitiden it with fen with out chaffis. 11Seie thou to hem that pargiten with out temperure, that it schal falle doun; for a strong reyn schal be flowynge, and I shal yyue ful grete stoones fallinge fro aboue, and Y schal yyue a wynd of tempest that distrieth. 12For lo! the wal felle doun. Whether it schal not be seid to you, Where is the pargetyng, which ye pargetiden? 13Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, And Y schal make the spirit of tempestis to breke out in myn indignacioun, and strong reyn flowynge in my strong veniaunce schal be, and greet stoonys in wraththe in to wastyng. 14And Y schal distrie the wal, which ye pargetiden with out temperure, and Y schal make it euene with the erthe; and the foundement therof schal be schewid, and it schal falle doun, and it schal be wastid in the myddis therof; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 15And Y schal fille myn indignacioun in the wal, and in hem that pargeten it with out temperure; and Y schal seie to you, The wal is not, and thei ben not, 16that pargeten it, the profetis of Israel, that profesien to Jerusalem, and seen to it the visioun of pees, and pees is not, seith the Lord God. 17And thou, sone of man, sette thi face ayens the douytris of thi puple, that profesien of her herte; and profesie thou on hem, 18and seie thou, The Lord God seith these thingis, Wo to hem that sowen togidere cuschens vndur ech cubit of hond, and maken pilewis vndur the heed of ech age, to take soulis; and whanne thei disseyueden the soulis of my puple, thei quykenyden the soulis of hem. 19And thei defouliden me to my puple, for an handful of barli, and for a gobet of breed, that thei schulden sle soulis that dien not, and quykene soulis that lyuen not; and thei lieden to my puple, bileuynge to leesyngis. 20For this thing the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to youre cuschens, bi whiche ye disseyuen soulis fliynge; and Y schal al to-breke tho fro youre armes, and Y schal delyuere soulis which ye disseyuen, soulis to fle. 21And Y schal al to-breke youre pilewis, and Y schal delyuere my puple fro youre hond; and thei schulen no more be in youre hondis, to be robbid; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 22For that that ye maden falsli the herte of a iust man to morene, whom Y made not sori; and ye coumfortiden the hondis of a wickid man, that he schulde not turne ayen fro his yuel weie, and lyue. 23Therfor ye schulen not se veyn thingis, and ye schulen no more dyuyne false dyuynyngis; and Y schal delyuere my puple fro youre hond, and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 14And men of the eldris of Israel camen to me, and saten bifor me. 2And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, Sone of man, 3these men han set her vnclennesses in her hertis, and han set stidfastli the sclaundre of her wickidnesse ayens her face. Whether Y `that am axid, schal answere to hem? 4For this thing speke thou to hem, and thou schalt seie to hem, These thingis seith the Lord God, A man, a man of the hous of Israel, that settith hise vnclennessis in his herte, and settith stidfastli the sclaundre of his wickidnesse ayens his face, and cometh to the profete, and axith me bi hym, Y the Lord schal answere to hym in the multitude of hise vnclennessis; 5that the hous of Israel be takun in her herte, bi which thei yeden awei fro me in alle her idols. 6Therfor seie thou to the hous of Israel, The Lord God seith these thingis, Be ye conuertid, and go ye awei fro youre idols, and turne awei youre faces fro alle youre filthis. 7For whi a man, a man of the hous of Israel, and of conuersis, who euer is a comelyng in Israel, if he is alienyd fro me, and settith hise idols in his herte, and settith stidfastli the sclaundir of his wickidnesse ayens his face, and he cometh to the profete, to axe me bi hym, Y the Lord schal answere hym bi my silf. 8And Y schal sette my face on that man, and Y schal make hym in to ensaumple, and in to a prouerbe, and Y schal leese hym fro the myddis of my puple; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 9And whanne a profete errith, and spekith a word, Y the Lord schal disseyue that profete; and Y schal stretche forth myn hond on hym, and Y schal do hym awei fro the myddis of my puple Israel. 10And thei schulen bere her wickidnesse; bi the wickidnesse of the axere, so the wickidnesse of the profete schal be; 11that the hous of Israel erre no more fro me, nether be defoulid in alle her trespassyngis; but that it be in to a puple to me, and Y be in to a God to hem, seith the Lord of oostis. 12And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, 13Sone of man, whanne the lond synneth ayens me, that it trespassynge do trespas, Y schal stretche forth myn hond on it, and Y schal al to-breke the yerde of breed therof; and Y schal sende hungur in to it, and Y schal sle of it man and beeste. 14And if these thre men Noe, Danyel, and Job, ben in the myddis therof, thei bi her riytfulnesse schulen delyuere her soulis, seith the Lord of oostis. 15That if also Y brynge in worste beestis on the lond, that Y distrie it, and if it is with out weie, for that no passer is for the beestis, 16and these thre men, that `ben bifore seid, ben therynne, Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for thei schulen nethir delyuere sones, nether douytris, but thei aloone schulen be deliuered; forsothe the lond schal be maad desolat. 17Ethir if Y brynge in swerd on that lond, and Y seie to the swerd, Passe thou thorouy the lond, and Y sle of it man and beeste, 18and these thre men ben in the myddis therof, Y lyue, seith the Lord God, that thei schulen not delyuere sones nether douytris, but thei aloone schulen be delyuered. 19Forsothe if Y brynge in also pestilence on that lond, and Y schede out myn indignacioun on it in blood, that Y do awei fro it man and beeste, 20and Noe, and Danyel, and Joob, ben in the myddis therof, Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for thei schulen not delyuere a sone and a douyter, but thei bi her riytfulnesse schulen delyuere her soulis. 21For the Lord God seith these thingis, That thouy Y sende in my foure worste domes, swerd, and hungur, and yuele beestis, and pestilence, in to Jerusalem, that Y sle of it man and beeste, 22netheles saluacioun of hem that leden out sones and douytris, schal be left ther ynne. Lo! thei schulen go out to you, and ye schulen se the weie of hem, and the fyndyngis of hem; and ye schulen be coumfortid on the yuel, which Y brouyte in on Jerusalem, in alle thingis whiche Y bar in on it. 23And thei schulen coumforte you, whanne ye schulen se the weie of hem and the fyndyngis of hem; and ye schulen knowe, that not in veyn Y dide alle thingis, what euer thingis Y dide there ynne, seith the Lord almyyti. 15And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Sone of man, what schal be don to the tre of a vyne, of alle the trees of woodis, that ben among the trees of woodis? 3Whether tymbre schal be takun therof, that werk be maad? ether shal a stake be maad therof, that ony vessel hange ther onne? 4Lo! it is youun in to mete; fier wastide euer eithir part therof, and the myddis therof is dryuun in to deed sparcle; whether it schal be profitable to werk? 5Yhe, whanne it was hool, it was not couenable to werk; hou myche more whanne fier hath deuourid, and hath brent it, no thing of werk schal be maad therof? 6Therfor the Lord God seith thes thingis, As the tre of a vyne is among the trees of woodis, which Y yaf to fier to deuoure, so Y yaf the dwelleris of Jerusalem, 7and Y schal sette my face ayens hem. Thei schulen go out of the fier, and fier schal waaste hem; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal sette my face ayens hem, 8and schal yyue the lond with out weie and desolat, for thei weren trespassours, seith the Lord God. 16And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Sone of man, make thou knowun to Jerusalem her abhomynaciouns; and thou schalt seie, 3The Lord God seith these thingis. A! thou Jerusalem, thi rote and thi generacioun is of the lond of Canaan; thi fadir is Amorrei, and thi moder is Cetei. 4And whanne thou were borun, thi nawle was not kit awei in the dai of thi birthe, and thou were not waischun in watir in to helthe, nethir saltid with salt, nether wlappid in clothis. 5An iye sparide not on thee, that it hauynge merci on thee, dide to thee oon of these thingis; but thou were cast forth on the face of erthe, in the castynge out of thi soule, in the dai in which thou were borun. 6Forsothe Y passide bi thee, and Y siy thee defoulid in thi blood; and Y seide to thee, whanne thou were in thi blood, Lyue thou; sotheli Y seide to thee in thi blood, Lyue thou. 7Y yaf thee multiplied as the seed of a feeld, and thou were multiplied, and maad greet; and thou entridist, and camest fulli to wymmens ournyng; thi tetis wexiden greet, and thin heer wexide; and thou were nakid, and ful of schenschipe. 8And Y passide bi thee, and Y siy thee, and lo! thi tyme, the tyme of louyeris; and Y spredde abrood my clothing on thee, and Y hilide thi schenschipe. And Y swoor to thee, and Y made a couenaunt with thee, seith the Lord God, and thou were maad a wijf to me. 9And Y waischide thee in water, and Y clenside awei thi blood fro thee, and Y anoyntide thee with oile. 10And Y clothide thee with clothis of dyuerse colours, and Y schodde thee in iacynct, and Y girde thee with biys; 11and Y clothide thee with sutil thingis, and Y ournede thee with ournement. 12And Y yaf bies in thin hondis, and a wrethe aboute thi necke; and Y yaf a ryng on thi mouth, and cerclis to thin eeris, and a coroun of fairnesse in thin heed. 13And thou were ourned with gold and siluer, and thou were clothid with biys and ray cloth with rounde ymagis, and many colours. Thou etist cleene flour of wheete, and hony, and oile, and thou were maad fair ful greetli; and thou encreessidist in to a rewme, 14and thi name yede out in to hethene men for thi fairnesse; for thou were perfit in my fairnesse which Y hadde sett on thee, seith the Lord God. 15And thou haddist trist in thi fairnesse, and didist fornicacioun in thi name; and thou settidist forth thi fornicacioun to ech that passide forth, that thou schuldist be maad his. 16And thou tokist of my clothis, and madist to thee hiy thingis set aboute on ech side; and thou didist fornycacioun on tho, as it was not don, nether schal be don. 17And thou tokist the vessels of thi fairnesse, of my gold and of my siluer, which Y yaf to thee; and thou madist to thee ymagis of men, and didist fornycacioun in tho. 18And thou tokist thi clothis of many colours, and thou were clothid in tho; and thou settidist myn oile and myn encence in the siyt of tho. 19And thou settidist my breed, which Y yaf to thee, flour of wheete, and oile, and hony, bi whiche Y nurschide thee, in the siyt of tho, in to odour of swetnesse; and it was don, seith the Lord God. 20And thou tokist thi sones and thi douytris, whiche thou gendridist to me, and offridist to tho, for to be deuourid. Whether thi fornicacioun is litil? 21Thou offridist my sones, and yauest hem, and halewidist to tho. 22And aftir alle thin abhomynaciouns and fornicaciouns, thou bithouytist not on the daies of thi yong wexynge age, whanne thou were nakid, and ful of schenschipe, and were defoulid in thi blood. 23And after al thi malice, wo, wo bifelle to thee, seith the Lord God. 24And thou bildidist to thee a bordel hous, and madist to thee a place of hordom in alle stretis. 25At ech heed of the weie thou bildidist a signe of thin hordom, and madist thi fairnesse abhomynable; and thou departidist thi feet to ech man passynge forth, and multepliedist thi fornicaciouns. 26And thou didist fornicacioun with the sones of Egipt, thi neiyboris of grete fleischis, and thou multepliedist thi fornicacioun, to terre me to wraththe. 27Lo! Y schal stretch forth myn hond on thee, and Y schal take awei thi iustifiyng; and Y schal yyue thee in to the soulis of hem that haten thee, of the douytris of Palestyns, that ben aschamed in thi weie ful of greet trespas. 28And thou didist fornicacioun with the sones of Assiriens, for thou were not fillid yit; and after that thou didist fornicacioun, nether so thou were fillid. 29And thou multipliedist thi fornycacioun in the lond of Canaan with Caldeis, and nether so thou were fillid. 30In what thing schal Y clense thin herte, seith the Lord God, whanne thou doist alle these werkis of a womman an hoore, and gredi axere? 31For thou madist thi bordel hous in `the heed of ech weie, and thou madist thin hiy place in ech street; and thou were not maad as an hoore ful of anoiyng, 32encreessynge prijs, but as a womman auowtresse, that bryngith in aliens on hir hosebonde. 33Hiris ben youun to alle hooris, but thou hast youe hire to alle thi louyeris; and thou yauest to hem, that thei schulden entre to thee on ech side, to do fornycacioun with thee. 34And it was don in thee ayens the custom of wymmen in thi fornycaciouns, and fornicacioun schal not be after thee; for in that that thou yauest hiris, and tokist not hiris, the contrarie was don in thee. 35Therfor, thou hoore, here the word of the Lord. 36The Lord God seith these thingis, For thi riches is sched out, and thi schenschipe is schewid in thi fornicaciouns on thi louyeris, and on the idols of thin abhomynaciouns, in the blood of thi sones, whiche thou yauest to hem; lo! 37Y schal gadere to gidere alle thi louyeris, with whiche thou were meddlid, and alle men whiche thou louedist, with alle men whiche thou hatidist; and Y schal gadere hem on thee on ech side, and Y schal make nakid thi schenschipe bifore hem, and thei schulen se al thi filthe. 38And Y schal deme thee bi the domes of auoutressis, and schedinge out blood; 39and Y schal yyue thee in to the blood of strong veniaunce, and of feruour. And Y schal yyue thee in to the hondis of hem, and thei schulen destrie thi bordel hous, and thei schulen destrie the place of thin hordom; and thei schulen make thee nakid of thi clothis, and thei schulen take awei the vessels of thi fairnesse, and thei schulen forsake thee nakid, and ful of schenschipe. 40And thei schulen bringe on thee a multitude, and thei schulen stoon thee with stoonys, and thei schulen sle thee with her swerdis. 41And thei schulen brenne thin housis with fier, and thei schulen make domes in thee, bifor the iyen of ful many wymmen; and thou schalt ceese to do fornicacioun, and thou schalt no more yyue hiris. 42And myn indignacioun schal reste in thee, and my feruent loue schal be takun awei fro thee; and Y schal reste, and Y schal no more be wrooth, 43for thou haddist not mynde on the daies of thi yong wexynge age, and thou terridist me to ire in alle these thingis. Wherfor and Y yaf thi weies in thin heed, seith the Lord God, and Y dide not aftir thi grete trespassis, in alle these thin abhomynaciouns. 44Lo! ech man that seith a prouerbe comynli, schal take it in thee, 45and schal seie, As the modir, so and the douytir of hir. Thou art the douyter of thi modir, that castide awey hir hosebonde and hir sones; and thou art the sister of thi sistris, that castiden a wei her hosebondis and her sones. Thi modir is Cetei, and thi fadir is Ammorrei; 46and thi gretter sister is Samarie, sche and hir douytris, that dwellen at thi left side; but thi sistir lesse than thou, that dwellith at thi riyt side, is Sodom, and hir douytris. 47But thou yedist not in the weies of hem, nethir thou didist aftir the grete trespassis of hem; hast thou do almest a litil lesse cursidere dedis than thei, in alle thi weies? 48Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for Sodom, thi sister, did not, sche and hir douytris, as thou didist, and thi douytris. 49Lo! this was the wickidnesse of Sodom, thi sister, pride, fulnesse of breed, and habundaunce, and idilnesse of hir, and of hir douytris; and thei puttiden not hond to a nedi man and pore. 50And thei weren enhaunsid, and diden other abhominaciouns bifore me; and Y took hem awei, as thou hast seyn. 51And Samarie synnede not the half of thi synnes, but thou hast ouercome hem in thi grete trespassis; and thou hast iustified thi sistris in alle thin abhomynaciouns, whiche thou wrouytist. 52Therfor and thou bere thi schenschipe, that hast ouercome thi sistris with thi synnes, and didist more cursidli than thei; for thei ben iustified of thee. Therfor and be thou schent, and bere thi schenschipe, which hast iustified thi sistris. 53And Y schal conuerte and restore hem by the conuersioun of Sodom with hir douytris, and bi the conuersioun of Samarie and of hir douytris; and Y schal conuerte thi turnyng ayen in the myddis of hem, 54that thou bere thi schenschipe, and be aschamed in alle thingis whiche thou didist, coumfortynge hem. 55And thi sister Sodom and hir doytris schulen turne ayen to her eldnesse; and Samarie and hir douytris shulen turne ayen to her eeldnesse; and thou and thi douytris turne ayen to youre eldnesse. 56Forsothe Sodom, thi sister, was not herd in thi mouth, in the dai of thi pride, 57bifore that thi malice was schewid, as in this tyme, in to schenschipe of the douytris of Sirie, and of alle douytris in thi cumpas, of the douytris of Palestyn that ben aboute thee bi cumpas. 58Thou hast bore thi greet trespas, and thi schenschipe, seith the Lord God. 59For the Lord God seith these thingis, And Y schal do to thee as thou dispisidist the ooth, that thou schuldist make voide the couenaunt; 60and Y schal haue mynde on my couenaunt with thee in the daies of thi yongthe, and Y schal reise to thee a couenaunt euerlastynge. 61And thou schalt haue mynde on thi weies, and schalt be aschamed, whanne thou schalt resseyue thi sistris grettere than thou, with thi lesse sistris; and Y schal yyue hem in to douytris to thee, but not of thi couenaunt. 62And Y schal reise my couenaunt with thee, and thou schalt wite, that Y am the Lord, that thou haue mynde, and be aschamed; 63and that it be no more to thee to opene the mouth for thi schame, whanne Y schal be plesid to thee in alle thingis whiche thou didist, seith the Lord God. 17And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Sone of man, sette forth a derk speche, and telle thou a parable to the hous of Israel; 3and thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis. A greet egle of grete wyngis, with long stretchyng out of membris, ful of fetheris and of dyuersite, cam to the Liban, and took awei the merowe of the cedre. 4He pullide awei the hiynesse of boowis therof, and bar it ouer in to the lond of Chanaan, and settide it in the citee of marchauntis. 5And he took of the seed of the lond, and settide it in the lond for seed, that it schulde make stidfast roote on many watris; he settide it in the hiyere part. 6And whanne it hadde growe, it encreesside in to a largere vyner, in lowe stature; for the boowis therof bihelden to that egle, and the rootis therof weren vndur that egle; therof it was maad a vyner, and it made fruyt in to siouns, and sente out boowis. 7And another greet egle was maad, with grete wyngis, and many fetheris; and lo! this vyner as sendynge hise rootis to that egle, stretchide forth his siouns to that egle, that he schulde moiste it of the cornfloris of his seed. 8Which is plauntid in a good lond on many watris, that it make boowis, and bere fruyt, that it be in to a greet vyner. 9Seie thou, Ezechiel, The Lord God seith these thingis, Therfor whether he schal haue prosperite? Whether Nabugodonosor schal not pulle awei the rootis of hym, and schal streyne the fruytis of hym? And he schal make drie alle the siouns of buriowning therof, and it schal be drie; and not in greet arm, nether in myche puple, that he schulde drawe it out bi the rootis. 10Lo! it is plauntid, therfor whether it schal haue prosperite? Whether not whanne brennynge wynd schal touche it, it schal be maad drye, and schal wexe drie in the cornfloris of his seed? 11And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, Seie thou to the hous terrynge to wraththe, 12Witen ye not what these thingis signefien? Seie thou, Lo! the king of Babiloyne cometh in to Jerusalem; and he schal take the kyng and the princis therof, and he schal leede hem to hym silf in to Babiloyne. 13And he schal take of the seed of the rewme, and schal smyte with it a boond of pees, and he schal take of it an ooth; but also he schal take awei the stronge men of the lond, 14that it be a meke rewme, and be not reisid, but that it kepe the couenaunt of hym, and holde it. 15Which yede awei fro hym, and sente messangeris in to Egipt, that it schulde yyue to hym horsis and miche puple. Whether he that dide these thingis, schal haue prosperite, ether schal gete helthe? and whether he that brekith couenaunt, schal ascape? 16Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for in the place of the king that made hym kyng, whos ooth he made voide, and brak the couenaunt, which he hadde with hym, in the myddis of Babiloyne he schal die. 17And not in greet oost, nether in myche puple Farao schal make batel ayens hym, in the castyng of erthe, and in bildyng of palis, that he sle many persones. 18For he dispiside the ooth, that he schulde breke the boond of pees, and lo! he yaf his hond; and whanne he hath do alle these thingis, he schal not ascape. 19Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Y lyue, for Y schal sette on his heed the ooth which he dispiside, and the boond of pees which he brak. 20And Y schal spredde abrood my net on hym, and he schal be takun in my net, and Y schal brynge hym in to Babiloyne; and there Y schal deme hym in the trespassyng, bi which he dispiside me. 21And alle hise flieris a wei with al his cumpenye schulen falle doun bi swerd, forsothe the remenauntis schulen be schaterid in to ech wynd; and ye schulen wite, that Y the Lord spak. 22The Lord God seith these thingis, And Y schal take of the merowe of an hiy cedre, and Y schal sette a tendir thing of the cop of hise braunchis; Y schal streyne, and Y schal plaunte on an hiy hil, and apperynge fer. 23In the hiy hil of Israel Y schal plaunte it; and it schal breke out in to buriownyng, and it schal make fruyt, and it schal be in to a greet cedre, and alle briddis schulen dwelle vndur it; ech volatil schal make nest vndur the schadewe of hise boowis. 24And alle trees of the cuntrei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord; Y made low the hiy tre, and Y enhaunside the low tre, and Y made drie the greene tree, and Y made the drie tree to brynge forth boowis; Y the Lord haue spoke, and Y haue do. 18And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, What is it, that ye turnen a parable among you in to this prouerbe, in the lond of Israel, and seien, Fadris eeten a bittir grape, and the teeth of sones ben an egge, ether astonyed? 3Y lyue, seith the Lord God, this parable schal no more be in to a prouerbe to you in Israel. 4Lo! alle soulis ben myne; as the soule of the fadir, so and the soule of the sone is myn. Thilke soule that doith synne, schal die. 5And if a man is iust, and doith doom and riytfulnesse, 6etith not in hillis, and reisith not hise iyen to the idols of the hous of Israel; and defoulith not the wijf of his neiybore, and neiyeth not to a womman defoulid with vncleene blood; 7and makith not a man sori, yeldith the wed to the dettour, rauyschith no thing bi violence, yyueth his breed to the hungri, and hilith a nakid man with a cloth; 8leeneth not to vsure, and takith not more; turneth awei his hond fro wickidnesse, and makith trewe dom bitwixe man and man; 9and goith in my comaundementis, and kepith my domes, that he do treuthe; this is a iust man, he schal lyue in lijf, seith the Lord God. 10That if he gendrith a sone, a theef, shedinge out blood, 11and doith oon of thes thingis, and sotheli not doing alle these thingis, but etinge in hillis, and defoulynge the wijf of his neiybore; 12makynge soreuful a nedy man and pore, rauyschynge raueyns, not yeldinge a wed, reisynge hise iyen to idols, doynge abhomynacioun; yiuynge to vsure, and takynge more; 13whether he schal lyue? he schal not lyue; whanne he hath do alle these abhomynable thingis, he schal die bi deth, his blood schal be in hym. 14That if he gendrith a sone, which seeth alle the synnes of his fadir, whiche he dide, and dredith, and doith noon lijk tho; 15etith not on hillis, and reisith not hise iyen to the idols of the hous of Israel; and defoulith not the wijf of his neiybore, 16and makith not sori a man, witholdith not a wed, and rauyschith not raueyn, yyueth his breed to the hungri, and hilith the nakid with a cloth; 17turneth a wei his hond fro the wrong of a pore man, takith not vsure and ouerhabundaunce, `that is, no thing more than he lente, and doith my domes, and goith in my comaundementis; this sone schal not die in the wickidnesse of his fadir, but he schal lyue in lijf. 18For his fadir made fals caleng, and dide violence to his brother, and wrouyte yuel in the myddis of his puple, lo! he is deed in his wickidnesse. 19And ye seien, Whi berith not the sone the wickidnesse of the fadir? That is to seie, for the sone wrouyte doom and riytfulnesse, he kepte alle my comaundementis, and dide tho, he schal lyue in lijf. 20Thilke soule that doith synne, schal die; the sone schal not bere the wickidnesse of the fadir, and the fadir schal not bere the wickednesse of the sone; the riytfulnesse of a iust man schal be on hym, and the wickidnesse of a wickid man schal be on hym. 21Forsothe if a wickid man doith penaunce of alle hise synnes whiche he wrouyte, and kepith alle myn heestis, and doith dom and riytfulnesse, he schal lyue bi lijf, and schal not die. 22Y schal not haue mynde of alle his wickidnessis whiche he wrouyte; he schal lyue in his riytfulnesse which he wrouyte. 23Whether the deth of the wickid man is of my wille, seith the Lord God, and not that he be conuertid fro his weies, and lyue? 24Forsothe if a iust man turneth awey hym silf fro his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnesse bi alle hise abhomynaciouns, which a wickid man is wont to worche, whether he schal lyue? Alle hise riytfulnessis whiche he dide, schulen not be had in mynde; in his trespassyng bi which he trespasside, and in his synne which he synnede, he schal die in tho. 25And ye seiden, The weie of the Lord is not euene. Therfor, the hous of Israel, here ye, whether my weie is not euene, and not more youre weies ben schrewid? 26For whanne a riytful man turneth awei hym silf fro his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnesse, he schal die in it, he schal die in the vnriytwisnesse which he wrouyte. 27And whanne a wickid man turneth awei him silf fro his wickidnesse which he wrouyte, and doith dom and riytfulnesse, he schal quykene his soule. 28For he biholdinge and turnynge awei hym silf fro alle hise wickidnessis which he wrouyte, schal lyue in lijf, and schal not die. 29And the sones of Israel seien, The weie of the Lord is not euene. Whether my weies ben not euene, ye hous of Israel, and not more youre weies ben schrewid? 30Therfor, thou hous of Israel, Y schal deme ech man bi hise weies, seith the Lord God. Turne ye togidere, and do ye penaunce for alle youre wickidnessis, and wickidnesse schal not be to you in to falling. 31Caste awei fro you alle youre trespassingis, bi whiche ye trespassiden, and make ye a newe herte and a newe spirit to you, and whi schulen ye die, the hous of Israel? 32For Y nyle the deeth of hym that dieth, seith the Lord God; turne ye ayen, and lyue ye. 19And thou, sone of man, take weiling on the princes of Israel; 2and thou schalt seie, Whi thi modir, a lionesse, lai among liouns? In the myddis of litle liouns sche nurschide hir whelpis, 3and ledde out oon of hir litle liouns; he was maad a lioun, and he lernyde to take prei, and to ete men. 4And hethene men herden of hym, and token hym not withouten her woundis; and thei brouyten hym in chaynes in to the lond of Egipt. 5Which modir whanne sche hadde seyn, that sche was sijk, and the abiding of hym perischide, took oon of her litle liouns, and made hym a lioun. 6Which yede among liouns, and was maad a lioun; 7and lernede to take prey, and to deuoure men. He lernyde to make widewis, and to brynge the citees of men in to desert; and the lond and the fulnesse therof was maad desolat, of the vois of his roryng. 8And hethene men camen togidere ayens hym on ech side fro prouynces, and spredden on hym her net; he was takun in the woundis of tho hethene men. 9And thei senten hym in to a caue in chaines, and brouyten hym to the kyng of Babiloyne; and thei senten hym in to prisoun, that his vois were no more herd on the hillis of Israel. 10Thi modir as a vyner in thi blood was plauntid on watre; the fruitis therof and the boowis therof encreessiden of many watris. 11And sadde yerdis weren maad to it in to septris of lordis, and the stature therof was enhaunsid among boowis; and it siy his hiynesse in the multitude of hise siouns. 12And it was drawun out in wraththe, and was cast forth in to erthe; and a brennynge wynd dryede the fruyt therof, and the yerdis of strengthe therof welewiden, and weren maad drie, and fier eet it. 13And now it is plauntid ouer in desert, in a lond with out weie, and thristi. 14And fier yede out of the yerde of the braunchis therof, that eet the fruyt therof. And a stronge yerde, the ceptre of lordis, was not in it. It is weilyng, and it schal be in to weilyng. 20And it was doon in the seuenthe yeer, in the fyuethe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, men of the eldris of Israel camen to axe the Lord; and thei saten bifor me. 2And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 3and he seide, Sone of man, speke thou to the eldere men of Israel; and thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Whether ye camen to axe me? Y lyue, for Y schal not answere to you, seith the Lord God. Sone of man, 4if thou demest hem, if thou demest, schewe thou to hem the abhomynaciouns of her fadris. 5And thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, In the dai in which Y chees Israel, and reiside myn hond for the generacioun of the hous of Jacob, and Y apperide to hem in the lond of Egipt, and Y reiside myn hond for hem, and Y seide, Y am youre Lord God, 6in that dai Y reiside myn hond for hem, that Y schulde leede hem out of the lond of Egipt, in to the lond which Y hadde purueiede to hem, the lond flowynge with mylk and hony, which is noble among alle londis. 7And Y seide to hem, Ech man caste awei the offenciouns of hise iyen, and nyle ye be defoulid in the idols of Egipt; Y am youre Lord God. 8And thei terriden me to wraththe, and nolden here me; ech man castide not awei the abhomynaciouns of hise iyen, nether thei forsoken the idols of Egipt. 9And Y seide, that Y wold schede out myn indignacioun on hem, and fille my wraththe in hem, in the myddis of the lond of Egipt. And Y dide for my name, that it schulde not be defoulid bifore hethene men, in the myddis of whiche thei weren, and among whiche Y apperide to hem, that Y schulde lede hem out of the lond of Egipt. 10Therfor Y castide hem out of the lond of Egipt, and Y ledde hem out in to desert; 11and Y yaf to hem my comaundementis, and Y schewide to hem my doomes, which a man schal do, and lyue in tho. 12Ferthermore and Y yaf to hem my sabatis, that it schulde be a sygne bitwixe me and hem, and that thei schulden wite, that Y am the Lord halewynge hem. 13And the hous of Israel terriden me to wraththe in desert; thei yeden not in my comaundementis, and thei castiden awei my domes, whiche a man that doith, schal lyue in tho; and thei defouliden greetli my sabatis. Therfor Y seide, that Y wolde schede out my strong veniaunce on hem in desert, and waste hem; 14and Y dide for my name, lest it were defoulid bifor hethene men, fro whiche Y castide hem out in the siyt of tho. 15Therfor Y reiside myn hond on hem in the desert, that Y brouyte not hem in to the lond which Y yaf to hem, the lond flowynge with mylk and hony, the beste of alle londis. 16For thei castiden awei my domes, and yeden not in my comaundementis, and thei defouliden my sabatis; for the herte of hem yede after idols. 17And myn iye sparide on hem, that Y killide not hem, nether Y wastide hem in the desert. 18Forsothe Y seide to the sones of hem in wildirnesse, Nyle ye go in the comaundementis of youre fadris, nether kepe ye the domes of hem, nethir be ye defoulid in the idols of hem. 19Y am youre Lord God, go ye in my comaundementis, and kepe ye my domes, and do ye tho. 20And halowe ye my sabatis, that it be a signe bitwixe me and you, and that it be knowun, that Y am youre Lord God. 21And the sones terriden me to wraththe, and yeden not in my comaundementis, and kepten not my domes, that thei diden tho, whiche whanne a man hath do, he schal lyue in tho, and thei defouliden my sabatis. And Y manaasside to hem, that Y wolde schede out my stronge veniaunce on hem, and fille my wraththe in hem in the desert. 22But Y turnede awei myn hond, and Y dide this for my name, that it were not defoulid bifore hethene men, fro whiche Y castide hem out bifore the iyen of tho. 23Eft Y reiside myn hond ayens hem in wildirnesse, that Y schulde scatere hem in to naciouns, and wyndewe hem in to londis; 24for that that thei hadden not do my domes, and hadden repreuyd my comaundementis, and hadden defoulid my sabatis, and her iyen hadden be after the idols of her fadris. 25Therfor and Y yaf to hem comaundementis not good, and domes in whiche thei schulen not lyue. 26And Y defoulide hem in her yiftis, whanne thei offriden to me for her trespassis al thing that openeth the wombe; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 27Wherfor speke thou, sone of man, to the hous of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Yit and in this youre fadris blasfemyden me, whanne thei dispisynge hadden forsake me, 28and Y hadde brouyte hem in to the lond on which Y reiside myn hond, that Y schulde yiue to hem, thei siyen ech hiy litil hil, and ech tree ful of boowis, and thei offriden there her sacrifices, and thei yauen there her offryngis, in to terring to wraththe; and thei settiden there the odour of her swetnesse, and thei offriden her moiste sacrifices. 29And Y seide to hem, What is the hiy thing, to whiche ye entren? And the name therof is clepid Hiy Thing til to this dai. 30Therfor seie thou to the hous of Israel, The Lord God seith these thingis, Certis ye ben defoulid in the weie of youre fadris, and ye don fornycacioun aftir the offendingis of hem, 31and in the offryng of youre yiftis, whanne ye leden ouer youre sones bi fier, ye ben defoulid in alle youre idols til to dai, and schal Y answere to you, the hous of Israel? Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for Y schal not answere to you; 32nether the thouyte of youre soul schal be don, that seien, We schulen be as hethene men, and as naciouns of erthe, that we worschipe trees and stoonys. 33Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for in strong hond, and in arm stretchid forth, and in strong veniaunce sched out, I schal regne on you. 34And Y schal lede out you fro puplis, and Y schal gadere you fro londis, in whiche ye ben scaterid; in strong hond, and in arm stretchid forth, and in strong veniaunce sched out Y schal regne on you. 35And Y schal bringe you in to desert of puplis, and Y schal be demed there with you face to face. 36As Y stryuede in doom ayens youre fadris in the desert of the lond of Egipt, so Y schal deme you, seith the Lord; 37and Y schal make you suget to my septre, and Y schal bringe in you in the boondis of pees. 38And Y schal chese of you trespassouris, and wickid men; and Y schal leede hem out of the lond of her dwelling, and thei schulen not entre in to the lond of Israel; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 39And ye, the hous of Israel, the Lord God seith these thingis, Go ye ech man aftir youre idols, and serue ye tho. That and if ye heren not me in this, and defoulen more myn hooli name in youre yiftis, 40and in youre idols, in myn hooli hil, in the hiy hil of Israel, seith the Lord God, ye schulen be punyschid greuousliere. There al the hous of Israel schal serue me, sotheli alle men in the lond, in which thei schulen plese me; and there Y schal seke youre firste fruytis, and the bigynnyng of youre tithis in alle youre halewyngis. 41Y schal resseiue you in to odour of swetnesse, whanne Y schal leede you out of puplis, and schal gadere you fro londis, in whiche ye weren scaterid; and Y schal be halewid in you bifor the iyen of naciouns. 42And ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal bringe you in to the lond of Israel, in to the lond for which Y reiside myn hond, that Y schulde yyue it to youre fadris. 43And ye schulen haue mynde there on youre weies, and on alle youre grete trespassis, bi whiche ye ben defoulid in tho; and ye schulen displese you in youre siyt, in alle youre malices whiche ye diden. 44And ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal do wel to you for my name; not bi youre yuel weies, nether bi youre worste trespassis, ye hous of Israel, seith the Lord God. 45And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 46and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face ayens the weie of the south, and droppe thou to the south, and profesie thou to the forest of the myddai feeld. 47And thou schalt seie to the myddai forest, Here thou the word of the Lord. The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal kyndle a fier in thee, and Y schal brenne in thee ech green tre, and ech drie tre; the flawme of brennyng schal not be quenchid, and ech face schal be brent ther ynne, fro the south til to the north. 48And ech man schal se, that Y the Lord haue kyndlid it, and it schal not be quenchid. 49And Y seide, A! A! A! Lord God, thei seien of me, Whethir this man spekith not bi parablis? 21And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face to Jerusalem, and droppe thou to the seyntuaries, and profesie thou ayens the erthe of Israel. 3And thou schalt seie to the lond of Israel, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to thee, and Y schal caste my swerd out of his schethe, and Y schal sle in thee a iust man and a wickid man. 4Forsothe for that that Y haue slayn in thee a iust man and a wickid man, therfor my swerd schal go out of his schethe to ech man, fro the south til to the north; 5that ech man wite, that Y the Lord haue drawe out my swerd fro his schethe, that schal not be clepid ayen. 6And thou, sone of man, weile in sorewe of leendis, and in bitternessis thou schalt weile bifore hem. 7And whanne thei schulen seie to thee, Whi weilist thou? thou schalt seie, For hering, for it cometh; and ech herte shal faile, and alle hondis schulen be aclumsid, and ech spirit schal be sike, and watris schulen flete doun bi alle knees; lo! it cometh, and it shal be don, seith the Lord God. 8And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 9and he seide, Sone of man, profesie thou; and thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Speke thou, The swerd, the swerd is maad scharp, and is maad briyt; 10it is maad scharp to sle sacrifices; it is maad briyt, that it schyne. Thou that mouest the ceptre of my sone, hast kit doun ech tree. 11And Y yaf it to be forbischid, that it be holdun with hond; this swerd is maad scharp, and this is maad briyt, that it be in the hond of the sleere. 12Sone of man, crie thou, and yelle, for this swerd is maad in my puple, this in alle the duykis of Israel; thei that fledden ben youun to swerd with my puple. Therfor smite thou on thin hipe, for it is preuyd; 13and this whanne it hath distried the ceptre, and it schal not be, seith the Lord God. 14Therfor, sone of man, profesie thou, and smyte thou hond to hond, and the swerd be doublid, and the swerd of sleeris be treblid; this is the swerd of greet sleyng, that schal make hem astonyed, 15and to faile in herte, and multiplieth fallingis. In alle the yatis of hem Y yaf disturbling of a swerd, scharp and maad briyt to schyne, gird to sleynge. 16Be thou maad scharp, go thou to the riyt side, ether to the left side, whidur euer the desir of thi face is. 17Certis and Y schal smyte with hond to hond, and Y schal fille myn indignacioun; Y the Lord spak. 18And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 19and he seide, And thou, sone of man, sette to thee twei weies, that the swerd of the king of Babiloyne come; bothe schulen go out of o lond, and bi the hond he schal take coniecting; he schal coniecte in the heed of the weie of the citee, 20settinge a weye, that the swerd come to Rabath of the sones of Amon, and to Juda in to Jerusalem moost strong. 21For the king of Babiloyne stood in the meeting of twey weies, in the heed of twei weies, and souyte dyuynyng, and medlide arowis; he axide idols, and took councel at entrails. 22Dyuynyng was maad to his riyt side on Jerusalem, that he sette engyns, that he opene mouth in sleyng, that he reise vois in yelling, that he sette engyns ayens the yatis, that he bere togidere erthe, that he bilde strengthinges. 23And he shal be as counceling in veyn goddis answer bifor the iyen of hem, and seruynge the reste of sabatis; but he schal haue mynde on wickidnesse, to take. 24Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For that that ye hadden mynde on youre wickidnesse, and schewiden youre trespassyngis, and youre synnes apperiden in alle youre thouytis, forsothe for that that ye hadden mynde, ye schulen be takun bi hond. 25But thou, cursid wickid duyk of Israel, whos dai bifor determyned is comun in the tyme of wickidnesse, 26the Lord God seith these thingis, Do awei the mitre, take awei the coroun; whether it is not this that reiside the meke man, and made low the hiy man? 27Wickidnesse, wickidnesse, wickidnesse Y schal putte it; and this schal not be doon til he come, whos the doom is, and Y schal bitake to hym. 28And thou, sone of man, profesie, and seie, The Lord God seith these thingis to the sones of Amon, and to the schenschipe of hem; and thou schalt seie, A! thou swerd, A! thou swerd, drawun out to sle, maad briyte, that thou sle and schyne, 29whanne veyn thingis weren seien to thee, and leesingis weren dyuynyd, that thou schuldist be youun on the neckis of wickid men woundid, the dai of whiche bifore determyned schal come in the tyme of wickidnesse, turne thou ayen in to thi schethe, 30in to the place in which thou were maad. Y schal deme thee in the lond of thi birthe, 31and Y schal schede out myn indignacioun on thee; in the fier of my strong veniaunce Y schal blowe in thee, and Y schal yyue thee in to the hondis of vnwise men, and makinge deth. 32Thou schalt be mete to fier, thi blood schal be in the middis of erthe; thou schalt be youun to foryetyng, for Y the Lord spak. 22And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, And thou, sone of man, whether thou demest not the citee of bloodis? 3And thou schalt schewe to it alle hise abhomynaciouns, and thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, This is a citee schedinge out blood in the myddis of it silf, that the tyme therof come; and which made idols ayens it silf, that it shulde be defoulid. 4In thi blood which is shed out of thee, thou trespassidist, and thou art defoulid in thin idols whiche thou madist; and thou madist thi daies to neiye, and thou brouytist the time of thi yeeris. Therfor Y yaf thee schenschipe to hethene men, and scornyng to alle londis that ben niy thee, 5and that ben fer fro thee; thou foul citee, noble, greet in perisching, thei schulen haue victorie of thee. 6Lo! princes of Israel, alle in her arm, weren in thee, to schede out blood. 7Thei punyschiden with wrongis fadir and modir in thee, thei calengiden falsli a comelyng in the myddis of thee, thei maden sori a fadirles child and a widewe at thee. 8Ye dispisiden my seyntuaries, and ye defouliden my sabatis. 9Men bacbiteris weren in thee, to schede out blood, and eten on hillis in thee; thei wrouyten greet trespas in the myddis of thee. 10Thei vnhiliden the schamefulere thingis of the fadir in thee, thei maden low in thee the vnclenesse of a womman in vnclene blood. 11And ech man wrouyte abhomynacioun ayens the wijf of his neiybore, and the fadir of the hosebonde defoulide his sones wijf vnleuefuli; a brother oppresside in thee his sister, the douytir of his fadir. 12Thei token yiftis at thee, to schede out blood; thou tokist vsure and ouerabundaunce, and thou calengidist greedili thi neiyboris, and thou hast foryete me, seith the Lord God. 13Lo! Y haue smyte togidere myn hondis on thin aueryce, which thou didist, and on the blood which is sched out in the myddis of thee. 14Whether thin herte schal susteyne, ether thin hondis schulen haue power in the daies whiche Y schal make to thee? For Y the Lord spak, and Y schal do. 15And Y schal scatere thee in to naciouns, and Y schal wyndewe thee in to londis; and Y schal make thin vnclennesse to faile fro thee, 16and Y schal welde thee in the siyt of hethene men; and thou schalt wite, that Y am the Lord. 17And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, 18Thou, sone of man, the hous of Israel is turned to me in to dros, ether filthe of irun; alle these ben bras, and tyn, and irun, and leed, in the myddis of furneis, thei ben maad the dros of siluer. 19Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For that alle ye ben turned in to dros, lo! Y schal gadere you togidere in the myddis of Jerusalem, 20bi gadering togidere of siluer, and of latoun, and of irun, and of tyn, and of leed, in the myddis of furneis; and Y schal kindle ther ynne a fier, to welle togidere; so Y schal gadere you togidere in my strong veniaunce, and in my wraththe, and Y schal reste. And Y schal welle you togidere, 21and Y schal gadere you togidere, and Y schal sette you a fier in the fier of my strong veniaunce, and ye schulen be wellid togidere in the myddis therof. 22As siluer is wellid togidere in the myddis of a furneis, so ye schulen be in the myddis therof; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y haue sched out myn indignacioun on you. 23And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 24and he seide, Sone of man, seie thou to it, Thou art a lond vncleene, and not bireyned in the dai of strong veniaunce. 25Sweringe togidere, ether conspiringe of profetis is in the myddis therof; as a lioun roringe and takinge prei, thei deuouriden men, thei token richessis and prijs; thei multiplieden widewis therof in the myddis therof. 26Preestis therof dispisiden my lawe, and defouliden my seyntuaries; thei hadden not difference bitwixe hooli thing and vnhooli, thei vndurstoden not bitwixe defoulid thing and cleene thing; and thei turneden awei her iyen fro my sabatis, and Y was defoulid in the myddis of hem. 27The princes therof in the myddis therof weren as wolues rauyschinge prey, to schede out blood, and to leese men, and in suynge lucris gredili. 28Forsothe the profetis therof pargetiden hem with out temperure, and seyen veyn thingis, and dyuyneden leesingis to hem, and seiden, The Lord God seith these thingis, whanne the Lord spak not. 29The puples of the lond calengiden fals caleng, and rauyschiden bi violence; thei turmentiden a nedi man and pore, and oppressiden a comeling bi fals caleng, with out doom. 30And Y souyte of hem a man, that schulde sette an hegge bitwixe, and stonde set ayens me for the lond, that Y schulde not distrie it, and Y foond not. 31And Y schedde out on hem myn indignacioun, and Y wastide hem in the fier of my wraththe; Y yeldide the weie of hem on the heed of hem, seith the Lord God. 23And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, twei wymmen weren the douytris of o modir, and diden fornycacioun in Egipt; 3in her yonge wexynge age thei diden fornicacioun; there the brestis of hem weren maad low, and the tetis of the tyme of mariage of hem weren brokun. 4Forsothe the names of hem ben, Oolla, the more sistir, and Ooliba the lesse sistir of hir. And Y hadde hem, and thei childiden sones and douytris; certis the names of hem ben Samarie Oolla, and Jerusalem Ooliba. 5Therfor Oolla dide fornicacioun on me, and was wood on hir louyeris, on Assiriens neiyinge, 6clothid with iacinct, princes, and magistratis, yonge men of coueytise, alle kniytis, and stieris of horsis. 7And sche yaf hir fornicaciouns on hem, on alle the chosun sones of Assiriens; and in alle on whiche sche was wood, sche was defoulid in the vnclennessis of hem. 8Ferthermore and sche lefte not hir fornicaciouns, whiche sche hadde in Egipt; for whi and thei slepten with hir in the yongthe of hir, and thei braken the tetis of the tyme of mariage of hir, and thei scheden out her fornicacioun on hir. 9Therfor Y yaf hir in to the hondis of hir louyeris, in to the hondis of the sones of Assur, on whos letcherie sche was wood. 10Thei diskyueriden the schenschipe of hir; thei token awei the sones and the douytris of hir, and killiden hir with swerd; and the wymmen weren maad famouse, that is, sclaundrid, and thei diden domes in hir. 11And whanne hir sistir Ooliba hadde seyn this, sche was wood in letcherie more than that sistre, and yaf vnschamefastli hir fornicacioun on the fornicacioun of hir sistre, 12to the sones of Assiriens, to duykis and magistratis comynge to hir, that weren clothid with dyuerse cloth, to knyytis that weren borun on horsis, and to yonge men with noble schap, to alle men. 13And Y siy that o weie of both sistris was defoulid, 14and sche encreesside hir fornycaciouns. And whanne sche hadde seyn men peyntid in the wal, the ymagis of Caldeis expressid with colouris, 15and gird on the reynes with kniytis girdlis, and cappis peyntid in the heedis of hem, the foormes of alle duykis, the licnesse of the sones of Babiloyne, and of the lond of Caldeis, in which thei weren borun; 16sche was wood on hem bi coueitise of hir iyen, and sche sente messangeris to hem in to Caldee. 17And whanne the sones of Babiloyne weren comun to hir, to the bed of tetis, thei defouliden hir in her letcheries of virgyns; and sche was defoulid of hem, and the soule of hir was fillid of hem. 18Also sche made nakid hir fornicaciouns, and diskyuered hir schenschipe; and my soule yede awei fro hir, as my soule hadde go awei fro hir sistir. 19For sche multiplied hir fornicaciouns, and hadde mynde on the daies of hir yongthe, in whiche sche dide fornicacioun in the lond of Egipt. 20And sche was wood in letcherie on the liggyng bi of hem, whos fleischis ben as the fleischis of assis, and as the membris of horsis ben the membris of hem. 21And thou visitidist the grete trespas of thi yongthe, whanne thi brestis weren maad low in Egipt, and the tetis of the tyme of thi mariage weren brokun. 22Therfor, thou Ooliba, the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal reise alle thi louyeris ayens thee, of whiche thi soule was fillid, and Y schal gadere hem ayens thee in cumpas; 23the sones of Babiloyne, and alle Caldeis, noble and miyti men, and princes, alle the sones of Assiriens, and yonge men of noble foorme, duykis, and magistratis, alle princes of princes, and named stieris of horsis. 24And thei araied with chare and wheel schulen come on thee, the multitude of puplis schulen be armed with haburioun, and scheeld, and basynet, ayens thee on ech side; and Y schal yyue doom bifor hem, and thei schulen deme thee bi her domes. 25And Y schal sette my feruour in thee, which thei schulen vse with thee in woodnesse; thei schulen kitte awei thi nose and thin eeris, and thei schulen sle with swerd tho thingis that weren left; thei schulen take thi sones and thi douytris, and thi laste thing schal be deuourid bi fier. 26And thei schulen make thee nakid of thi clothis, and thei schulen take awei the vessels of thi glorie. 27And Y schal make thi greet trespasse to reste fro thee, and thi fornicacioun fro the lond of Egipt; and thou schalt not reise thin iyen to hem, and thou schalt no more haue mynde on Egipt. 28For the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal yyue thee in to the hondis of hem whiche thou hatist, `in to the hondis of hem of whiche thi soule was fillid, 29and thei schulen do with thee in hatrede. And thei schulen take awei alle thi trauels, and thei schulen leeue thee nakid, and ful of schenschipe; and the schenschipe of thi fornicaciouns schal be schewid. Thi greet 30trespas and thi fornycaciouns han do these thingis to thee; for thou didist fornicacioun aftir hethene men, among whiche thou were defoulid in the idols of hem. 31Thou yedist in the weie of thi sister, and Y schal yyue the cuppe of hir in thin hond. 32The Lord God seith these thingis, Thou schalt drinke the cuppe of thi sistir, the depthe, and the broodnesse; thou that art most able to take, schalt be in to scornyng, and in to mouwyng. 33Thou schalt be fillid with drunkenesse and sorewe, with the cuppe of mourenyng and of heuynesse, with the cuppe of thi sister Samarie. 34And thou schalt drynke it, and thou schalt drinke of til to the drastis, and thou schalt deuoure the relifs therof, and thou schalt to-reende thi brestis, for Y the Lord spak, seith the Lord God. 35Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For thou hast foryete me, and hast cast forth me bihynde thi bodi, bere thou also thi greet trespas and thi fornicaciouns. 36And the Lord God seide to me, and spak, Sone of man, whether thou demest Ooliba and Oolla, and tellist to hem the grete trespassis of hem? 37For thei diden auowtrie, and blood was in the hondis of hem, and thei diden fornicacioun with her idols; ferthermore and thei offriden to tho the sones whiche thei gendriden to me, for to be deuourid. 38But also thei diden this to me, thei defouleden my seyntuarie in that dai, and maden vnhooli my sabatis. 39And whanne thei sacrifisiden her sones to her idols, and entriden in to my seyntuarie in that dai, that thei schulden defoule it, thei diden also these thingis in the myddis of myn hous. 40Thei senten to men comyng fro fer, to whiche thei hadden sent messangeris. Therfor lo! thei camen, to whiche thou waischidist thee, and anoyntidist thin iyen with oynement of wymmen, and thou were ourned with wymmens atier. 41Thou satist in a ful fair bed, and a boord was ourned bifor thee; thou settidist myn encense and myn oynement on it. 42And a vois of multitude makynge ful out ioye was ther ynne; and in men that weren brouyt of the multitude of men, and camen fro desert, thei settiden bies in the hondis of hem, and faire corouns on the heedis of hem. 43And Y seide to hir, that was defoulid in auoutries, Now also this schal do fornycacioun in hir fornicacioun. 44And thei entriden to hir; as to a womman, an hoore, so thei entriden to Oolla and to Ooliba, cursid wymmen. 45Therfor these men ben iust, these schulen deme thilke wymmen bi the doom of auoutressis, and bi the doom of hem that scheden out blood; for thei ben auoutressis, and blood is in the hondis of hem, and thei diden fornicacioun with her idols. 46For the Lord God seith these thingis, Bringe thou multitudis to hem, and yyue thou hem in to noise, and in to raueyn; 47and be thei stoonyd with the stoonys of puplis, and be thei stikid togidere with the swerdis of hem. Thei schulen sle the sones and the douytris of hem, and thei schulen brenne with fier the housis of hem. 48And Y schal do awei greet trespas fro the lond; and alle wymmen schulen lerne, that thei do not aftir the greet trespas of hem. 49And thei schulen yyue youre grete trespas on you; and ye schulen bere the synnes of youre idols, and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God. 24And the word of the Lord was maad to me, in the nynthe yeer, and in the tenthe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, write to thee the name of this dai, in which the king of Babiloyne is confermed ayens Jerusalem to dai. 3And thou schalt seie bi a prouerbe a parable to the hous, terrere to wraththe, and thou schalt speke to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Sette thou a brasun pot, sette thou sotheli, and putte thou watir in to it. Take thou a beeste ful fat; 4gadere thou togidere the gobetis therof in it, ech good part, and the hipe, and the schuldre, chosun thingis and ful of boonys. 5Also dresse thou heepis of boonys vndur it; and the sething therof buylide out, and the boonys therof weren sodun in the myddis therof. 6Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Wo to the citee of bloodis, to the pot whos rust is ther ynne, and the rust therof yede not out of it; caste thou out it bi partis, and bi hise partis; lot felle not on it. 7For whi the blood therof is in the myddis therof; he schede it out on a ful cleer stoon, he schedde not it out on erthe, 8that it mai be hilid with dust, that Y schulde bringe in myn indignacioun, and `a venge bi veniaunce; Y yaf the blood therof on a ful cleer stoon, that it schulde not be hilid. 9Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Wo to the citee of bloodis, whos brennyng Y schal make greet; 10gadere thou togidire boonys, whiche Y schal kyndle with fier; fleischis schulen be wastid, and al the settyng togidere schal be sodun, and boonys schulen faile. 11Also sette thou it voide on coolis, that the metal therof wexe hoot, and be meltid, and that the filthe therof be wellid togidere in the myddis therof, and the rust therof be wastid. 12It was swat bi myche trauel, and the ouer greet rust therof yede not out therof, nether bi fier. 13Thin vnclennesse is abhomynable, for Y wolde clense thee, and thou art not clensid fro thi filthis; but nether thou schalt be clensid bifore, til Y make myn indignacioun to reste in thee. 14Y the Lord spak; it schal come, and Y schal make, Y schal not passe, nethir Y schal spare, nether Y schal be plesid; bi thi weies and bi thi fyndyngis Y schal deme thee, seith the Lord. 15And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 16and he seide, Thou, sone of man, lo! Y take awei fro thee the desirable thing of thin iyen in veniaunce, and thou schalt not weile, nether wepe, nether thi teeris schulen flete doun. 17Weile thou beynge stille, thou schalt not make mourenyng of deed men; thi coroun be boundun aboute thin heed, and thi schoon schulen be in the feet, nether thou schalt hile the mouth with a cloth, nether thou schalt ete the metis of mourneris. 18Therfor Y spak to the puple in the morewtid, and my wijf was deed in the euentid; and Y dide in the morewtid, as he hadde comaundid to me. 19And the puple seide to me, Whi schewist thou not to vs what these thingis signefien, whiche thou doist? 20And Y seide to hem, The word of the Lord was maad to me, 21and he seide, Speke thou to the hous of Israel, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal defoule my seyntuarie, the pride of youre empire, and the desirable thing of youre iyen, and on which youre soule dredith; and youre sones and youre douytris, whiche ye leften, schulen falle bi swerd. 22And ye schulen do, as Y dide; ye schulen not hile mouthis with cloth, and ye schulen not ete the mete of weileris. 23Ye schulen haue corouns in youre heedis, and schoon in the feet; ye schulen not weile, nether ye schulen wepe, but ye schulen faile in wretchidnesse, for youre wickidnessis; and ech man schal weile to his brother. 24And Ezechiel schal be to you in to a signe of thing to comynge; bi alle thingis whiche he dide, ye schulen do, whanne this thing schal come; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God. 25And thou, sone of man, lo! in the dai in which Y schal take awei fro hem the strengthe of hem, and the ioie of dignyte, and the desire of her iyen, on whiche the soulis of hem resten, caste awei the sones and douytris of hem; 26in that dai whanne a man fleynge schal come to thee, to telle to thee; 27in that dai sotheli thou schalt opene thi mouth with hym that fledde; and thou schalt speke, and schalt no more be stille; and thou schalt be to hem in to a signe of thing to comynge, and ye schulen witen, that Y am the Lord. 25And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face ayens the sones of Amon, and thou schalt profesie of hem. 3And thou schalt seie to the sones of Amon, Here ye the word of the Lord God; the Lord God seith these thingis, For that that ye seiden, Wel! wel! on my seyntuarie, for it is defoulid, and on the lond of Israel, for it is maad desolat, and on the hous of Juda, for thei ben led in to to caitifte; lo! 4therfor Y schal yyue thee the sones of the eest in to eritage, and thei schulen sette her foldis in thee, and thei shulen sette her tentis in thee; thei schulen ete thi fruytis, and thei schulen drynke thi mylk. 5And Y schal yyue Rabath in to a dwellyng place of camels, and the sones of Amon in to a bed of beestis; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 6For the Lord God seith these thingis, For that that thou flappidist with hond, and smytidist with the foot, and ioyedist of al desijr on the lond of Israel; 7therfor lo! Y schal stretche forth myn hond on thee, and Y schal yyue thee in to rauyschyng of hethene men, and Y schal sle thee fro puplis, and Y schal leese thee, and al to-breke thee fro londis; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 8The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that Moab and Seir seiden, Lo! the hous of Juda is as alle folkis; therfor lo! 9Y schal opene the schuldre of Moab of citees, sotheli of citees therof and of the endis therof, the noble citees of the lond, Bethiesmoth, and Beelmoth, 10and Cariathaym, to the sones of the eest, with the sones of Amon. And Y schal yyue it in to eritage, that mynde of the sones of Amon be no more among hethene men, 11and in Moab Y schal make domes; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 12The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that Ydumee dide veniaunce, that it avengide it silf of the sones of Juda, and synnede doynge trespas, and axide greetli veniaunce of hem; 13therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Y schal stretche forth myn hond on Idumee, and Y schal take awei fro it man and beeste, and Y schal make it desert of the south; and thei that ben in Dedan schulen falle bi swerd. 14And Y schal yyue my veniaunce on Idumee, bi the hond of my puple Israel; and thei schulen do in Edom bi my wraththe, and bi my strong veniaunce; and thei schulen knowe my veniaunce, seith the Lord God. 15The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that Palestyns diden veniaunce, and auengiden hem silf, with al wille sleynge, and fillynge elde enemytees; 16therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal stretche forth myn hond on Palestyns, and Y schal sle sleeris, and Y schal leese the remenauntis of the se coost; 17and Y schal make grete veniaunces in hem, and Y schal repreue in strong veniaunce; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal yyue my veniaunce on hem. 26And it was doon in the enleuenthe yeer, in the firste dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, 2Thou, sone of man, for that that Tire seide of Jerusalem, Wel! the yatis of puplis ben brokun, it is turned to me; Y schal be fillid, it is forsakun; 3therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Tire, Y on thee; and Y schal make many folkis to stie to thee, as the see flowynge stieth. 4And thei schulen distrie the wallis of Tire, and thei schulen distrie the touris therof; and Y schal rase the dust therof fro it, and Y schal yyue it in to a `moost clere stoon. 5Driyng of nettis schal be in the myddis of the see, for Y spak, seith the Lord God. And Tire schal be in to rauysching to hethene men. 6And the douytris therof that ben in the feeld, schulen be slayn bi swerd; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 7For whi the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge to Tire Nabugodonosor, the king of Babiloyne, fro the north, the kyng of kyngis, with horsis, and charis, and knyytis, and with a cumpeny, and greet puple. 8He schal sle bi swerd thi douytris that ben in the feeld, and he schal cumpasse thee with strengthingis, and he schal bere togidere erthe in cumpas. And he schal reise a scheeld ayens thee, 9and he schal tempre engynes lijc vineres, and engines `that ben clepid wetheris ayens thi wallis; and he schal distrie thi touris bi his armure. 10Bi flowynge of his horsis, the dust of tho schal hile thee; thi wallis schulen be mouyd of the soun of knyytis, and of wheelis, and of charis; whanne he schal entre bi the yatis, as bi entryngis of a citee distried, 11with the clees of hise horsis he schal defoule alle thi stretis. He shal sle bi swerd thi puple, and thi noble ymagis schulen falle doun in to erthe. 12Thei schulen waste thi richessis, thei schulen rauysche thi marchaundies; and thei schulen distrie thi wallis, and thei schulen distrie thin housis ful clere, and thi stoonys, and thi trees, and thei schulen putte thi dust in the myddis of watris. 13And Y schal make to reste the multitude of thi syngeris, and the sown of thin harpis schal no more be herd; 14and Y schal yyue thee in to a moost cleer stoon. Thou schalt be driyng of nettis, and thou schalt no more be bildid, for Y the Lord spak, seith the Lord God. 15The Lord God seith these thingis of Tire, Whether ilis schulen not be moued of the sown of thi fal, and of weiling of thi slayn men, whanne thei ben slayn in the myddis of thee? 16And alle the princis of the see schulen go doun of her seetis, and thei schulen do awei her mentils, ether spuylis of slayn enemyes, and thei schulen caste awei her dyuerse clothis, and shulen be clothid with wondring. Thei shulen sitte in the erthe, and thei shulen be astonyed, and thei shulen wondre of thi sodeyn fal. 17And thei shulen take weilyng on thee, and schule seie to thee, Hou perischidist thou, noble citee, that dwellist in the see, that were strong in the see with thi dwelleris, whiche dwelleris alle men dredden? 18Now schippis schulen wondre in the dai of thi drede, and ilis in the see schulen be disturblid, for noon goith out of thee. 19For the Lord God seith these thingis, Whanne Y schal yyue thee a citee desolat, as the citees that ben not enhabitid, and Y schal bringe on thee the depthe of watris, and many watris schulen hile thee. 20And Y schal drawe thee doun with hem that goon doun in to a lake, to the puple euerlastynge; and Y schal sette thee in the laste lond, as elde wildirnessis, with hem that ben led doun in to a lake, that thou be not enhabited. Certis whanne Y schal yyue glorye in the lond of lyueris, 21Y schal dryue thee in to nouyt, and thou schalt not be; and thou schalt be souyt, and thou schalt no more be foundun with outen ende, seith the Lord God. 27And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Therfor thou, sone of man, take weilyng on Tire. 3And thou schalt seie to Tire, that dwellith in the entryng of the see, to the marchaundie of puplis to many ilis, The Lord God seith these thingis, O! Tire, thou seidist, Y am of perfit fairnesse, 4and Y am set in the herte of the see. Thei that ben in thi coostis that bildiden thee, filliden thi fairnesse; 5thei bildiden thee with fir trees of Sanyr, with alle werkis of boordis of the see; thei token a cedre of the Liban, to make a mast to thee. 6Thei hewiden ookis of Bala in to thin ooris, thei maden to thee thi seetis of roweris of yuer of Ynde, and cabans of the ilis of Italie. 7Dyuerse biys, `ether whijt silk, of Egipt, was wouun to thee in to a veil, that it schulde be set in the mast; iacynct and purpur of the ilis of Elisa weren maad thin hiling. 8The dwelleris of Sidon and Aradians weren thi roweris; Tire, thi wise men weren maad thi gouernouris. 9The elde men of Biblos, and the prudent men therof, hadden schipmen to the seruyse of thi dyuerse araye of houshold; alle the schippis of the see, and the schip men of tho, weren in the puple of thi marchaundie. 10Perseis, and Lidians, and Libians weren in thin oost; thi men werriours hangiden in thee a scheeld and helm, for thin ournyng. 11Sones Aradians with thin oost weren on thi wallis in thi cumpas; but also Pigmeis, that weren in thi touris, hangiden her arowe casis in thi wallis bi cumpas; thei filliden thi fairnesse. 12Cartagynensis, thi marchauntis, of the multitude of alle richessis filliden thi feiris, with siluer, and irun, with tyn, and leed. 13Greece, and Tubal, and Mosoch, thei weren thi marchauntis, and brouyten boonde men and brasun vessels to thi puple. 14Fro the hous of Thogorma thei brouyten horsis, and horse men, and mulis, to thi chepyng. 15The sones of Dedan weren thi marchauntis; many ilis the marchaundie of thin hond, chaungiden teeth of yuer, and of hebennus, in thi prijs. 16Sirie was thi marchaunt, for the multitude of thi werkis thei settiden forth in thi marcat gemme, and purpur, and clothis wouun dyuersli at the maner of scheeldis, and bijs, and seelk, and cochod, ether auer de peis. 17Juda and the lond of Israel weren thi marchauntis in the beste wheete, and settiden forth in thi feiris bawme, and hony, and oile, and resyn. 18Damassen was thi marchaunt, in the multitude of thi werkis, in the multitude of dyuerse richessis, in fat wyn, in wollis of best colour. 19Dan, and Greece, and Mosel, settiden forth in thi fairis irun maad suteli, gumme of myrre, and calamus, that is, a spice swete smellynge, in thi marchaundie. 20Dedan weren thi marchauntis, in tapitis to sitte. 21Arabie and alle the princes of Cedar, thei weren the marchauntis of thin hond; with lambren, and wetheris, and kidis thi marchauntis camen to thee. 22The silleris of Saba and of Rema, thei weren thi marchauntis, with alle the beste swete smellynge spices, and preciouse stoon, and gold, which thei settiden forth in thi marcat. 23Aran, and Chenne, and Eden, weren thi marchauntis; Sabba, and Assur, and Chelmath, weren thi silleris. 24Thei weren thi marchaundis in many maneres, in fardels of iacinct and of clothis of many colours, and of preciouse richessis, that weren wlappid and boundun with coordis. 25Also schippis of the see hadden cedris in her marchaundies; thi princes weren in thi marchaundie; and thou were fillid, and were glorified greetli in the herte of the see. 26Thi rowers brouyten thee in many watris, the south wynd al to-brak thee; in the herte of the see weren thi richessis, 27and thi tresours, and thi many fold instrument. Thi schip men, and thi gouernouris that helden thi purtenaunce of houshold, and weren souereyns of thi puple, and thi men werriours that weren in thee, with al thi multitude which is in the myddis of thee, schulen falle doun in the herte of the see, in the dai of thi fallyng. 28Schippis schulen be disturblid of the sown of the cry of thi gouernours; 29and alle men that helden oore, schulen go doun of her shippis. Shipmen and alle gouernouris of the see shulen stonde in the lond; 30and schulen yelle on thee with greet vois. And thei shulen cry bitterli, and thei schulen caste poudur on her heedis, and schulen be spreynt with aische. 31And thei schulen shaue ballidnesse on thee, and schulen be gird with hairis, and thei schulen biwepe thee in bitternesse of soule, with most bittir wepyng. 32And thei schulen take on thee a song of mourenyng, and thei schulen biweile thee, Who is as Tire, that was doumb in the myddis of the see? 33And thou, Tire, fillidist many puplis in the goyng out of thi marchaundies of the see; in the multitude of thi richessis, and of thi puplis, thou madist riche the kingis of erthe. 34Now thou art al to-brokun of the see, in the depthis of watris. Thi richessis and al thi multitude that was in the myddis of thee fellen doun; 35alle the dwelleris of ilis and the kyngis of tho weren astonyed on thee. Alle thei weren smytun with tempest, and chaungiden cheris; 36the marchauntis of puplis hissiden on thee. Thou art brouyt to nouyt, and thou schalt not be til `in to with outen ende. 28And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Sone of man, seie thou to the prince of Tire, The Lord God seith these thingis, For thin herte was reisid, and thou seidist, Y am God, and Y sat in the chaier of God, in the herte of the see, sithen thou art man and not God, and thou yauest thin herte as the herte of God; lo! 3thou art wisere than Danyel, ech priuetee is not hid fro thee; 4in thi wisdom and prudence thou madist to thee strengthe, and thou gatist to thee gold and siluer in thi tresouris; 5in the multitude of thi wisdom, and in thi marchaundie thou multipliedist to thee strengthe, and thin herte was reisid in thi strengthe; 6therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For thin herte was reisid as the herte of God, therfor lo! 7Y schal brynge on thee aliens, the strongeste of hethene. And thei schulen make nakid her swerdis on the fairnesse of thi wisdom, and thei schulen defoule thi fairnesse. 8Thei schulen sle, and drawe doun thee; and thou schalt die bi the deth of vncircumcidid men, in the herte of the see. 9Whether thou schalt seie, and speke, Y am God, bifore hem that sleen thee; sithen thou art a man, and not God? 10In the hond of hem that sleen thee, bi deth of vncircumcidid men, thou schalt die in the hond of aliens; for Y the Lord spak, seith the Lord God. 11And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, Thou, sone of man, reise thou weilyng on the kyng of Tire; 12and thou schalt seie to hym, The Lord God seith these thingis, Thou a preente of licnesse, ful of wisdom, perfit in fairnesse, 13were in delicis of paradijs of God. Ech preciouse stoon was thin hilyng, sardius, topacius, and iaspis, crisolitus, and onix, and birille, safire, and carbuncle, and smaragde; also gold was the werk of thi fairnesse, and thin hoolis weren maad redi, in the dai in which thou were maad. 14Thou were cherub holdun forth, and hilynge; and Y settide thee in the hooli hil of God. In the myddis of stoonus set a fier thou yedist, 15perfit in thi weies fro the dai of thi makyng, til wickidnesse was foundun in thee. 16In the multitude of thi marchaundie thin ynnere thingis weren fillid of wickidnesse, and thou didist synne; and Y castide thee out of the hil of God, and, thou cherub hilynge fer, Y loste thee fro the myddis of stoonys set a fier. 17And thin herte was reisid in thi fairnesse, thou lostist thi wisdom in thi fairnesse. Y castide thee doun in to erthe, Y yaf thee bifore the face of kingis, that thei schulden se thee. 18In the multitude of thi wickidnessis, and in wickidnesse of thi marchaundie thou defoulidist thin halewyng; therfor Y schal brynge forth fier of the myddis of thee, that schal ete thee; and Y schal yyue thee in to aische on erthe, in the siyt of alle men seynge thee. 19Alle men that schulen se thee among hethene men, schulen be astonyed on thee; thou art maad nouyt, and thou schalt not be with outen ende. 20And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 21and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face ayens Sidon, and thou schalt profesie of it; 22and schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to thee, Sidon, and Y schal be glorified in the myddis of thee; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal do domes in it, and Y schal be halewid ther ynne. 23And Y schal sende pestilence in to it, and blood in the stretis therof, and slayn men bi swerd schulen falle doun in the myddis therof bi cumpas; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God. 24And there schal no more be an hirtyng of bitternesse to the hous of Israel, and a thorn bryngynge in sorewe on ech side bi the cumpas of hem that ben aduersaries to hem; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God. 25The Lord God seith these thingis, Whanne Y schal gadere togidere the hous of Israel fro puplis, among whiche thei ben scaterid, Y schal be halewid in hem bifor hethene men. And thei schulen dwelle in her lond, which Y yaf to my seruaunt Jacob. 26And thei schulen dwelle sikir ther ynne, and thei schulen bilde housis, and thei schulen plaunte vynes, and thei schulen dwelle tristili, whanne Y schal make domes in alle men that ben aduersaries to hem bi cumpas; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God of hem. 29In the tenthe yeer, in the tweluethe monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, 2Thou, sone of man, sette thi face ayens Farao, king of Egipt; and thou schalt profesie of hym, and of al Egipt. 3Speke thou, and thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to thee, thou Farao, kyng of Egipt, thou grete dragoun, that liggist in the myddis of thi floodis, and seist, The flood is myn, and Y made mysilf. 4And Y schal sette a bridil in thi chekis, and Y schal glue the fischis of thi floodis to thi scalis; and Y schal drawe thee out of the myddis of thi floodis, and alle thi fischis schulen cleue to thi scalis. 5And Y schal caste thee forth in to desert, and alle the fischis of thi flood; on the face of erthe thou schalt falle doun, thou schalt not be gaderid, nethir schalt be gaderid togidere; to the beestis of erthe, and to the volatilis of the eir Y yaf thee to be deuourid. 6And alle the dwelleris of Egipt schulen knowe, that Y am the Lord. For that that thou were a staf of rehed to the hous of Israel, whanne thei token thee with hond, 7and thou were brokun, and to-rentist ech schuldre of hem, and whanne thei restiden on thee, thou were maad lesse, and thou hast discoumfortid alle the reynes of hem; 8therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal bringe a swerd on thee, and Y schal sle of thee man and beeste; 9and the lond of Egipt schal be in to desert, and in to wildirnesse, and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. For that that thou seidist, The flood is myn, and Y made it, therfor lo! 10Y to thee, and to thi floodis. And Y schal yyue `in to wildirnesses the lond of Egipt distried bi swerd, fro the tour of Sienes til to the termes of Ethiopie. 11The foot of man schal not passe bi it, nether the foot of beeste schal go in it, and it schal not be enhabitid in fourti yeer. 12And Y schal yyue the lond of Egipt forsakun, in the myddis of londis forsakun, and the citees therof in the myddis of a citee distried, and tho schulen be desolat bi fourti yeer. And Y schal scatere Egipcians in to naciouns, and Y schal wyndewe hem in to londis. 13For the Lord God seith these thingis, After the ende of fourti yeer Y schal gadere togidere Egipt fro puplis, among whiche thei weren scaterid; 14and Y schal bringe ayen the caitifte of Egipte. And Y schal sette hem in the lond of Phatures, in the lond of her birthe; and thei schulen be there in to a meke rewme, 15and among othere rewmes it schal be most low, and it schal no more be reisid ouer naciouns. And Y schal make hem lesse, that thei regne not on hethene men; 16and thei schulen no more be to the hous of Israel in trist, techinge wickidnesse, that thei fle, and sue hem; and thei schulen knowe, that Y am the Lord God. 17And it was don in the seuene and twentithe yeer, in the firste monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad to me, 18and he seide, Thou, sone of man, Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, made his oost to serue bi greet seruyce ayens Tire; ech heed was maad ballid, and ech schuldir was maad bare of heer, and meede was not yoldun of Tire to hym, nether to his oost, for the seruyce bi which he seruede to me ayens it. 19Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal yyue Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, in the lond of Egipt, and he schal take the multitude therof; and he schal take in preye the clothis therof, and he schal rauysche the spuylis therof, and meede schal be to his oost, 20and to the werk for which he seruyde to me ayens it; and Y yaf the lond of Egipt to hym, for that that he trauelide to me, seith the Lord God. 21In that dai an horn of the hous of Israel schal come forth, and Y schal yyue to thee an open mouth in the myddis of hem; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 30And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Sone of man, profesie thou, and seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Yelle ye, Wo! 3wo! to the dai, for the dai is niy; and the dai of the Lord neiyith, the dai of a cloude. The tyme of hethene men schal be; 4and a swerd schal come in to Egipt, and drede schal be in Ethiopie, whanne woundid men schulen falle doun in Egipt, and the multitude therof schal be takun awei, and the foundementis therof schulen be distried. 5Ethiopie, and Libie, and Lidiens, and al the residue comyn puple, and Chub, and the sones of the lond of boond of pees schulen falle doun bi swerd with hem. 6The Lord God seith these thingis, And thei that vndursetten Egipt schulen falle doun, and the pride of the lordschipe therof schal be destried; fro the tour of Sienes thei schulen falle bi swerd ther ynne, seith the Lord of oostis. 7And thei schulen be distried in the myddis of londis maad desolat, and the citees therof schulen be in the myddis of citees forsakun. 8And thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God, whanne Y schal yyue fier in Egipt, and alle the helperis therof schulen be al to-brokun. 9In that dai messangeris schulen go out fro my face in schippis with thre ordris of ooris, to al to-breke the trist of Ethiopie; and drede schal be in hem in the dai of Egipt, for with out doute it schal come. 10The Lord God seith these thingis, And I schal make to ceesse the multitude of Egipt in the hond of Nabugodonosor, king of Babiloyne. 11He and his puple with hym, the strongeste men of hethene men, schulen be brouyt, to leese the lond; and thei schulen drawe out her swerdis on Egipt, and thei schulen fille the lond with slayn men. 12And Y schal make drie the botmes of floodis, and Y schal yyue the lond in the hond of the worste men; and I schal distrie the lond, and the fulnesse therof in the hond of aliens; Y the Lord spak. 13The Lord God seith these thingis, And Y schal leese simylacris, and Y schal make idols to ceesse fro Memphis, and a duyk of the lond of Egipt schal no more be. And Y schal yyue drede in the lond of Egipt, 14and Y schal leese the lond of Phatures. And Y schal yyue fier in Tafnys, and Y schal make my domes in Alisaundre. 15And Y schal schede out myn indignacioun on Pelusyum, the strengthe of Egipt; and Y schal sle the multitude of Alisaundre, 16and Y schal yyue fier in Egipt. Pelusyum, as a womman trauelynge of child, schal haue sorewe, and Alisaundre schal be destried, and in Memphis schulen be ech daies angwischis. 17The yonge men of Heliopoleos and of Bubasti schulen falle doun bi swerd, and tho citees schulen be led caitifs. 18And in Thafnys the dai schal wexe blak, whanne Y schal al to-breke there the ceptris of Egipt, and the pride of the power therof schal faile there ynne. A cloude schal hile it; forsothe the douytris therof schulen be led in to caitifte, and Y schal make domes in Egipt; 19and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 20And it was doon in the enleuenthe yeer, in the firste monethe, in the seuenthe dai of the moneth, the word of the Lord was maad to me, 21and he seide, Thou sone of man, Y haue broke the arm of Farao, kyng of Egipt; and lo! it is not wlappid, that helthe schulde be restorid therto, that it schulde be boundun with clothis, and woundun with lynnun clothis, and that he myyte holde swerd, whanne he hadde resseyued strengthe. 22Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to Farao, king of Egipt; and Y schal make lesse his strong arm but brokun, and Y schal caste doun the swerd fro his hond. 23And Y schal scatere Egipt among hethene men, and Y schal wyndewe hem in londis. 24And Y schal coumforte the armes of the kyng of Babiloyne, and Y schal yyue my swerd in the hond of hym; and Y schal breke the armes of Farao, and men slayn bifore his face schulen weile bi weilyngis. 25And Y schal coumforte the armes of the kyng of Babiloyne, and the armes of Farao schulen falle doun. And thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal yyue my swerd in the hond of the kyng of Babiloyne; and he schal stretche forth it on the lond of Egipt. 26And Y schal scatere Egipt in to naciouns, and Y schal wyndewe hem in to londis; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 31And it was don in the enleuenthe yeer, in the thridde moneth, in the firste dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, seie to Farao, kyng of Egipt, and to his puple, To whom art thou maad lijk in thi greetnesse? 3Lo! Assur as a cedre in Liban, fair in braunchis, and ful of boowis, and hiy bi hiynesse; and his heiyte was reisid among thicke bowis. 4Watris nurschiden hym, the depthe of watris enhaunside him; hise floodis fletiden out in the cumpas of hise rootis, and he sente out hise strondis to alle the trees of the cuntrei. 5Therfor his hiynesse was enhaunsid ouer alle trees of the cuntrei, and hise trees weren multiplied, and hise braunchis weren reisid, for many watris. 6And whanne he hadde stretchid forth his schadewe, alle the volatils of the eir maden nestis in hise braunchis; and alle the beestis of forestis gendriden vndur hise boowis, and the cumpeny of ful many folkis dwellide vndur the schadewynge place of hym. 7And he was ful fair in his greetnesse, and in alargyng of hise trees; for the roote of hym was bisidis many watris. 8Cedris in the paradijs of God weren not hiyere than he; fir trees atteyneden not euenli to the hiynesse of hym, and plane trees weren not euene with the boowis of hym. Ech tree of paradijs of God was not maad lic hym and his fairnesse. 9For Y made hym fair, and with many and thicke boowis; and alle the trees of lust, that weren in the paradijs of God, hadden enuye to hym. 10Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For that that he was reisid in hiynesse, and he yaf his hyynesse greene and thicke, and his herte was reisid in his hiynesse; 11now Y haue youe hym in to the hondis of the strongeste man of hethene men. And he doynge schal do to that Assur; aftir the vnfeithfulnesse of hym Y castide hym out. 12And aliens, and the moost cruel men of naciouns, schulen kitte hym doun, and schulen caste hym forth on hillis. And hise braunchis schulen falle doun in alle grete valeis, and hise trees schulen be brokun in alle roochis of stoon of erthe. And alle the puplis of erthe schulen go awei fro his schadewing place, and schulen forsake hym. 13Alle volatils of the eir dwelliden in the fallyng of hym, and alle beestis of the cuntrei weren in the braunchis of hym. 14Wherfor alle the trees of watris schulen not be reisid in hir hiynesse, nether schulen sette hir hiynesse among places ful of woode, and ful of boowis, and alle trees that ben moistid of watris schulen not stonde in the hiynesse of tho. For alle thei ben youun in to deth, to the ferthest lond in the myddis of the sones of men, to hem that goon doun in to the lake. 15The Lord God seith these thingis, In the dai whanne he yede doun to hellis, Y brouyte yn mourenyng; Y hilide hym with depthe of watris, and I forbede his flodis, and Y refreynede many watris. The Liban was sori on him, and alle the trees of the feeld 16weren shakun of the soun of his falling. I mouide togidere hethene men, whanne Y ledde hym doun to helle, with hem that yeden doun in to the lake. And alle trees of likyng, noble trees, and ful cleere in the Liban, alle that weren moistid with watris, weren coumfortid in the loweste lond. 17For whi also thei schulen go doun with hym to helle, to slayn men with swerd; and the arm of ech man schal sitte vndur the schadewyng place of hym, in the myddis of naciouns. 18To whom art thou licned, thou noble and hiy among the trees of likyng? Lo! thou art led doun with the trees of likyng to the fertheste lond. In the myddis of vncircumcidid men thou schalt slepe, with hem that ben slayn bi swerd. Thilke is Farao, and al the multitude of hym, seith the Lord God. 32And it was don in the tweluethe yeer, in the tweluethe monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, take weilyng on Farao, kyng of Egipt, and thou schalt seie to hym, Thou were maad lijk to a lioun of hethene men, and to a dragoun whiche is in the see. And thou wyndewist with horn in thi floodis, and thou disturblidist watris with thi feet, and defoulidist the floodis of tho. 3Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Y schal spredde abrood my net on thee in the multitude of many puples, and Y schal drawe thee out in my net; 4and Y schal caste forth thee in to erthe. On the face of the feeld Y schal caste thee awei, and Y schal make alle the volatils of heuene to dwelle on thee, and Y schal fille of thee the beestis of al erthe. 5And Y schal yyue thi fleischis on hillis, and Y schal fille thi litle hillis with thi root; 6and Y schal moiste the erthe with the stynk of thi blood on mounteyns, and valeis schulen be fillid of thee. 7And whanne thou schalt be quenchid, Y schal hile heuenes, and Y schal make blak the sterris therof; Y schal kyuere the sunne with a clowde, and the moone schal not yyue hir liyt. 8Y schal make alle the liyt yyueris of heuene to mourne on thee, and Y schal yyue derknessis on thi lond, seith the Lord God; whanne thi woundid men schulen falle doun in the myddis of erthe, seith the Lord God. 9And Y schal terre to wraththe the herte of many puplis, whanne Y schal bringe in thi sorewe among folkis, on londis whiche thou knowist not. 10And Y schal make many puplis to wondre on thee, and the kyngis of hem schulen drede with ful greet hidousnesse on thee, for alle thi wickidnessis whiche thou wrouytist, whanne my swerd schal bigynne to flee on the faces of hem. And alle men schulen be astonyed sudenli, for her lijf, in the dai of her fallyng. 11For the Lord God seith these thingis, The swerd of the king of Babiloyne schal come to thee; 12in swerdis of stronge men Y schal caste doun thi multitude, alle these folkis ben not able to be ouercomun. And thei schulen waste the pride of Egipt, and the multitude therof schal be distried. 13And Y schal leese alle the beestis therof, that weren on ful many watris; and the foot of a man schal no more troble tho watris, nether the clee of beestis schal troble tho. 14Thanne Y schal yelde the watris of hem clenneste, and Y schal brynge the floodis of hem as oile, seith the Lord God, 15whanne Y schal yyue desolat the lond of Egipt. Forsothe the lond schal be forsakun of his fulnesse, whanne Y schal smyte alle the dwellers therof; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 16It is a weiling, and the douytris of hethene men schulen biweile hym; thei schulen biweile hym on Egipt, and thei schulen biweile hym on the multitude therof, seith the Lord God. 17And it was don in the tweluethe yeer, in the fiftenthe dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad to me, 18and he seide, Sone of man, synge thou a song of weilyng on the multitude of Egipt, and drawe thou doun it the same, and the douytris of stronge hethene men to the laste lond, with hem that yeden doun in to the lake. 19In as myche as thou art fairere, go doun, and slepe with vncircumcidid men. 20In the myddis of slayn men thei schulen falle doun bi swerd; a swerd is youun, and thei drowen it to, and alle the puplis therof. 21The myytieste of stronge men schulen speke to hym, fro the myddis of helle, whiche with her helperis yeden doun, and slepten vncircumcidid, and slayn bi swerd. 22There is Assur, and al his multitude; the sepulcris of hem ben in the cumpas of hym, alle slayn men, and that fellen doun bi swerd, 23whose sepulcris ben youun in the laste thingis of the lake. And the multitude of hym is maad bi the cumpas of his sepulcre, alle slayn men, and fallynge doun bi swerd, whiche yauen sum tyme her ferdfulnesse in the lond of lyuynge men. 24There is Helam, and al the multitude therof bi the cumpas of his sepulcre; alle these weren slayn, and fallynge doun bi swerd, that yeden doun vncircumcidid to the laste lond; whiche settiden her drede in the lond of lyuynge men, and baren her schenschipe with hem that goon doun in to the lake. 25In the myddis of slayn men thei puttiden his bed in alle the puplis of hym; his sepulcre is in the cumpas of hym. Alle these weren vncircumcidid and slayn bi swerd, for thei yauen drede in the lond of lyuynge men, and baren her schenschipe with hem that gon doun in to the lake; thei ben set in the myddis of slayn men. 26There ben Mosoch and Tubal, and al the multitude therof; the sepulcris therof ben in the cumpasse therof. Alle these men vncircumcidid weren slayn, and fallynge doun bi swerd, for thei yauen her drede in the lond of lyuynge men. 27And thei schulen not slepe with stronge men, and fallynge doun, and vncircumcidid, that yeden doun in to helle with her armuris, and puttiden her swerdis vndur her heedis. And the wickidnessis of hem weren in the boonys of hem, for thei weren maad the drede of stronge men in the lond of lyuynge men. 28And thou therfor schalt be al to-foulid in the myddis of vncircumcidid men, and schalt slepe with hem that ben slayn bi swerd. 29There is Idumee, and the kingis therof, and alle duykis therof, that ben youun with her oost, with men slayn bi swerd, and which slepten with vncircumcidid men, and with hem that yeden doun in to the lake. 30There ben alle princes of the north, and alle hunteris, that weren led forth with slayn men, that ben dredinge and schent in her strengthe, which slepten vncircumcidid with men slayn bi swerd, and baren her schenschipe with hem that yeden doun in to the lake. 31Farao siy hem, and was coumfortid on al his multitude that was slayn bi swerd. And Farao and al his oost, seith the Lord God, baren her schenschipe with hem that yeden doun in to the lake; 32for he yaf his drede in the lond of lyuynge men. And Farao and al his multitude slepte in the myddis of vncircumcidid men, with men slayn bi swerd, seith the Lord God. 33And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, speke to the sones of thi puple, and thou schalt seie to hem, A lond whanne Y bringe in a swerd on it, and the puple of the lond takith o man of hise laste men, and makith hym aspiere on hym, 3and he seeth a swerd comynge on the lond, and sowneth with a clarioun, and tellith to the puple, 4forsothe a man that herith, who euer he is, the sowne of the clarioun, and kepith not him silf, and the swerd cometh, and takith hym awei, the blood of hym schal be on the heed of hym. 5He herde the sown of the clarioun, and kepte not hym silf, his blood schal be in hym; forsothe if he kepith hym silf, he schal saue his lijf. 6That if the aspiere seeth a swerd comynge, and sowneth not with a clarioun, and the puple kepith not hym silf, and the swerd cometh, and takith awei a man of hem, sotheli he is takun in his wickidnesse; but Y schal seke the blood of hym of the hond of the aspiere. 7And, thou, sone of man, Y yaf thee aspiere to the hous of Israel; therfor thou schalt here of my mouth a word, and schalt telle to hem of me. 8If whanne Y seie to the wickid man, Thou, wickid man, schalt die bi deth, thou spekist not, that the wickid man kepe hym silf fro his weie, thilke wickid man schal die in his wickidnesse, but Y schal seke his blood of thin hond. 9Forsothe if whanne thou tellist to the wickid man, that he be conuertid fro his weies, he is not conuertid fro his weie, he schal die in his wickidnesse; certis thou hast delyuered thi soule. 10Therfore thou, sone of man, seie to the hous of Israel, Thus ye spaken, seiynge, Oure wickidnessis and oure synnes ben on vs, and we failen in tho; hou therfor moun we lyue? seie thou to hem, 11Y lyue, seith the Lord God, Y nyle the deth of the wickid man, but that the wickid man be conuertid fro his weie, and lyue; be ye conuertid fro youre worste weies, and whi schulen ye die, the hous of Israel? 12Therfor thou, sone of man, seie to the sones of thi puple, The riytfulnesse of a riytful man schal not delyuere hym, in whateuer dai he doith synne; and the wickidnesse of a wickid man schal not anoye him, in what euere dai he is conuertid fro his wickidnesse; and a iust man schal not mowe lyue in his riytfulnesse, in what euer dai he doith synne. 13Also if Y seie to a iust man, that he schal lyue bi lijf, and he tristith in his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnesse, alle his riytfulnessis schulen be youun to foryetyng, and in his wickidnesse which he wrouyte, in that he schal die. 14Forsothe if Y seie to the wickid man, Thou schalt die bi deth, and he doith penaunce for his synne, and doith dom and riytfulnesse, 15and if thilke wickid man restorith a wed, and yeldith raueyn, and goith in comaundementis of lijf, and doith not ony vniust thing, he schal lyue bi lijf, and schal not die. 16Alle hise synnes which he synnede, schulen not be arettid to hym; he dide doom and riytfulnesse, he schal lyue bi lijf. 17And the sones of thi puple seiden, The weie of the Lord is not euene weiyte; and the weie of hem is vniust. 18For whanne a iust man goith awei fro his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnessis, he schal die in tho; 19and whanne a wickid man goith awei fro his wickidnesse, and doith dom and riytfulnes, he schal lyue in tho. 20And ye seien, The weie of the Lord is not riytful. Y schal deme ech man bi hise weies of you, the hous of Israel. 21And it was doon in the tweluethe yeer, in the tenthe monethe, in the fyuethe dai of the monethe of our passyng ouer, he that fledde fro Jerusalem cam to me, and seide, The citee is distried. 22Forsothe the hond of the Lord was maad to me in the euentid, bifore that he cam that fledde, and he openyde my mouth, til he cam to me eerli; and whanne my mouth was openyd, Y was no more stille. 23And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, 24Thou, sone of man, thei that dwellen in `thingis in poynt to falle doun on the erthe of Israel, seien, spekynge, Abraham was oon, and bi eritage he hadde the lond in possessioun; forsothe we ben manye, the lond is youun to vs in to possessioun. 25Therfor thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Whether ye that eten in blood, and reisen youre iyen to youre vnclennessis, and scheden blood, schulen haue in possessioun the lond bi eritage? 26Ye stoden in youre swerdis, ye diden youre abhomynaciouns, and ech man defoulide the wijf of his neiybore; and schulen ye welde the lond bi eritage? 27Thou schalt seie these thingis to hem, Thus seith the Lord God, Y lyue, for thei that dwellen in `thingis redi to falle doun, schulen falle doun bi swerd, and he that is in the feld, schal be youun to beestis to be deuourid; but thei that ben in stronge holdis and in dennes, schulen die bi pestilence. 28And Y schal yyue the lond in to wildirnesse, and in to desert, and the pryde and strengthe therof schal faile; and the hillis of Israel schulen be maad desolat, for noon is that schal passe bi tho. 29And thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal yyue her lond desolat and desert, for alle her abhomynaciouns whiche thei wrouyten. 30And thou, sone of man, the sones of thi puple that speken of thee bisidis wallis, and in the doris of housis, and seien, oon to an other, a man to his neiybore, and speken, Come ye, and here we, what is the word goynge out fro the Lord; 31and thei comen to thee, as if my puple entrith, and my puple sitten bifore thee, and thei heren thi wordis, and doon not tho; for thei turnen tho in to the song of her mouth, and her herte sueth her auerice; 32and it is to hem as a song of musik, which is songun bi soft and swete sown; and thei heren thi wordis, and thei doon not tho; 33and whanne that that is bifore seide cometh, for lo! it cometh, thanne thei schulen wite, that `profetis weren among hem. 34And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Sone of man, profesie thou of the schepherdis of Israel, profesie thou; and thou schalt seie to the schepherdis, The Lord God seith these thingis, Wo to the schepherdis of Israel, that fedden hym silf; whether flockis ben not fed of schepherdis? 3Ye eeten mylk, and weren hilid with wollis, and ye killiden that that was fat; but ye fedden not my floc. 4Ye maden not sad that that was vnstidfast, and ye maden not hool that that was sijk; ye bounden not that that was brokun, and ye brouyten not ayen that that was cast awei, and ye souyten not that that perischide; but ye comaundiden to hem with sturnenesse, and with power. 5And my scheep weren scaterid, for no sheepherde was; and thei weren maad in to deuouryng of alle beestis of the feeld, and thei weren scaterid. 6My flockis erriden in alle mounteyns, and in ech hiy hil, and my flockis weren scaterid on al the face of erthe, and noon was that souyte. 7Therfor, scheepherdis, here ye the word of the Lord; 8Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for whi for that that my flockis ben maad in to raueyn, and my scheep in to deuouryng of alle beestis of the feeld, for that that no scheepherde was, for the scheepherdis souyten not my floc, but the scheepherdis fedden hem silf, and fedden not my flockis; therfor, 9scheepherdis, here ye the word of the Lord, 10The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y my silf am ouer scheepherdis; Y schal seke my floc of the hond of hem, and Y schal make hem to ceesse, that thei fede no more my flok, and that the scheepherdis feede no more hem silf. And Y schal delyuere my floc fro the mouth of hem, and it schal no more be in to mete to hem. 11For the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y my silf schal seke my scheep, and Y schal visite hem. 12As a scheepherde visitith his floc, in the dai whanne he is in the myddis of hise scheep `that ben scaterid, so Y schal visite my scheep; and Y schal delyuere hem fro alle places in whiche thei weren scaterid, in the dai of cloude, and of derknesse. 13And Y schal leede hem out of puplis, and Y schal gadere hem fro londis, and Y schal brynge hem in to her lond, and Y schal feede hem in the hillis of Israel, in ryueris, and in alle seetis of erthe. 14Y schal feede hem in moost plenteouse pasturis, and the lesewis of hem schulen be in the hiy hillis of Israel; there thei schulen reste in greene eerbis, and in fatte lesewis thei schulen be fed on the hillis of Israel. 15Y schal fede my scheep, and Y schal make hem to ligge, seith the Lord God. 16I schal seke that that perischide, and Y schal brynge ayen that that was cast awei; and Y schal bynde that that was brokun, and Y schal make sad that that was sijk; and Y schal kepe that that was fat and strong; and Y schal feede hem in doom; 17forsothe ye ben my flockis. The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y deme bitwixe beeste and beeste, and a wethir and a buc of geet. 18Whether it was not enowy to you to deuoure good pasturis? Ferthermore and ye defouliden with youre feet the remenauntis of youre lesewis, and whanne ye drunken clereste watir, ye disturbliden the residue with youre feet. 19And my scheep weren fed with tho thingis that weren defoulid with youre feet; and thei drunken these thingis, that youre feet hadden troblid. 20Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis to you, Lo! Y my silf deme bitwixe a fat beeste and a leene beeste. 21For that that ye hurliden with sidis, and schuldris, and wyndewiden with youre hornes alle sike beestis, til tho weren scaterid withoutforth, I schal saue my floc, 22and it schal no more be in to raueyn. And Y schal deme bitwixe beeste and beeste; 23and Y schal reise on tho o sheepherde, my seruaunt Dauid, that schal fede tho; he schal fede tho, and he schal be `in to a sheepherde to hem. 24Forsothe Y the Lord schal be in to God to hem, and my seruaunt Dauid schal be prince in the myddis of hem; Y the Lord spak. 25And Y schal make with hem a couenaunt of pees, and Y schal make worste beestis to ceesse fro erthe; and thei that dwellen in desert, schulen slepe sikur in forestis. 26And Y schal sette hem blessyng in the cumpas of my litle hil, and Y schal lede doun reyn in his tyme. And reynes of blessyng schulen be, 27and the tre of the feeld schal yyue his fruyt, and the erthe schal yyue his seed. And thei schulen be in her lond with out drede; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal al to-breke the chaynes of her yok, and schal delyuere hem fro the hond of hem that comaunden to hem. 28And thei schulen no more be in to raueyn in to hethene men, nether the beestis of erthe schulen deuoure hem, but thei schulen dwelle tristili with outen ony drede. 29And Y schal reise to hem a iust buriownyng named; and thei schulen no more be maad lesse for hunger in erthe, and thei schulen no more bere the schenschipis of hethene men. 30And thei schulen wite, that Y am her Lord God with hem, and thei ben my puple, the hous of Israel, seith the Lord God. 31Forsothe ye my flockis ben men, the flockis of my lesewe; and Y am youre Lord God, seith the Lord God. 35And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face ayens the hil of Seir; and thou schalt profesie to it, and thou schalt seie to it, 3The Lord God seith these thingis, Thou hil of Seir, lo! Y to thee; Y schal stretche forth myn hond on thee, and Y schal yyue thee desolat and forsakun. 4Y schal distrie thi citees, and thou schalt be forsakun; and thou schalt wite, that Y am the Lord. 5For thou were an enemye euerlastynge, and closidist togidere the sonis of Israel in to the hondis of swerd, in the tyme of her turment, in the tyme of the laste wickidnesse; 6therfor Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for Y schal yyue thee to blood, and blood schal pursue thee; and sithen thou hatidist blood, blood schal pursue thee. 7And Y schal yyue the hil of Seir desolat and forsakun, and Y schal take awei fro it a goere and a comere ayen; 8and Y schal fille the hillis therof with the careyns of her slayn men. Men slayn by swerd schulen falle doun in thi litle hillis, and in thi valeys, and in thi strondis. 9Y schal yyue thee in to euerlastynge wildirnessis, and thi citees schulen not be enhabitid; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God. 10For thou seidist, Twei folkis and twei londis schulen be myne, and Y schal welde tho bi eritage, whanne the Lord was there; 11therfor Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for Y schal do bi thi wraththe, and bi thin enuye, which thou didist, hatinge hem, and Y schal be made knowun bi hem, whanne Y schal deme thee; 12and thou schalt wite, that Y am the Lord. Y herde alle thi schenschipis, whiche thou spakist of the hillis of Israel, and seidist, The hillis of Israel ben forsakun, and ben youun to vs, for to deuoure. 13And ye han rise on me with youre mouth, and ye han deprauyd ayens me; Y herde youre wordis. 14The Lord God seith these thingis, While al the lond is glad, Y schal turne thee in to wildernesse. 15As thou haddist ioie on the eritage of the hous of Israel, for it was distried, so Y schal do to thee; the hil of Seir schal be distried, and al Ydumee; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 36Forsothe thou, sone of man, profesie on the hillis of Israel; and thou schalt seie, Hillis of Israel, here ye the word of the Lord. 2The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that the enemy seide of you, Wel! euerlastyng hiynessis ben youun to vs in to eritage; 3therefore profesie thou, and seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that ye ben maad desolat, and defoulid bi cumpas, and ben maad in to eritage to othere folkis, and ye stieden on the lippe of tunge, and on the schenschipe of puple; 4therfor, hillis of Israel, here ye the word of the Lord God. The Lord God seith these thingis to the mounteyns, and litle hillis, to strondis, and to valeis, and to peecis of wallis left, and to citees forsakun, that ben maad bare of puplis, and ben scorned of othere folkis bi cumpas; 5therfore the Lord God seith these thingis, For in the fier of my feruour Y spak of othere folkis, and of al Idumee, that yauen my lond in to eritage to hem silf with ioie `and al herte, and of entent, and castiden out it, to distrie it; therfor profesie thou on the erthe of Israel, 6and thou schalt seie to mounteyns, and litle hillis, to the hiynesse of hillis, and to valeis, The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that ye ben desolat, lo! Y spak in my feruour and in my strong veniaunce. For that that ye suffriden schenschipe of hethene men; 7therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y reiside myn hond ayens hethene men, that ben in youre cumpas, that thei bere her schenschipe. 8Forsothe, ye hillis of Israel, brynge forth youre braunchis, and bringe ye fruit to my puple Israel; for it is niy that it come. 9For lo! Y to you, and Y schal turne to you, and ye schulen be erid, and schulen take seed. 10And in you I schal multiplie men, and al the hous of Israel; and citees schulen be enhabitid, and ruynouse thingis schulen be reparelid. 11And Y schal fille you with men and beestis, and thei schulen be multiplied, and schulen encreesse; and Y schal make you to dwelle as at the bigynnyng, and Y schal rewarde with more goodis than ye hadden at the bigynnyng; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 12And Y schal brynge men on you, my puple Israel, and bi eritage thei schulen welde thee, and thou schalt be to hem in to eritage; and thou schalt no more leie to, that thou be with out hem. 13The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that thei seien of you, Thou art a deuouresse of men, and stranglist thi folk; 14therfor thou schalt no more ete men, and thou schalt no more sle thi folk, seith the Lord God. 15And Y schal no more make herd in thee the schenschipe of hethene men, and thou schalt no more bere the schenschipe of puplis, and thou schalt no more leese thi folk, seith the Lord God. 16And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, Thou, 17sone of man, the hous of Israel dwelliden in her lond, and thei defouliden it in her weies, and in her studies; bi the vnclennesse of a womman in rotun blood the weie of hem is maad bifor me. 18And Y schedde out myn indignacioun on hem, for blood which thei schedden on the lond, and in her idols thei defouliden it. 19And Y scateride hem among hethene men, and thei weren wyndewid to londis; Y demede hem bi the weies and fyndyngis of hem. 20And thei entriden to hethene men, to whiche thei entriden, and defouliden myn hooli name, whanne it was seid of hem, This is the puple of the Lord, and thei yeden out of the lond of hym. 21And Y sparide myn hooli name, which the hous of Israel hadde defoulid among hethene men, to whiche thei entriden. 22Therfor thou schalt seie to the hous of Israel, The Lord God seith these thingis, O! ye hous of Israel, not for you Y schal do, but for myn hooli name, which ye defouliden among hethene men, to whiche ye entriden. 23And Y schal halewe my greet name, which is defoulid among hethene men, whiche ye defouliden in the myddis of hem; that hethene men wite, that Y am the Lord, seith the Lord of oostis, whanne Y schal be halewid in you before hem. 24For Y schal take awei you fro hethene men, and Y schal gadere you fro alle londis, and Y schal brynge you in to youre lond. 25And Y schal schede out clene watir on you, and ye schulen be clensid fro alle youre filthis; and Y schal clense you fro alle youre idols. 26And Y schal yyue to you a newe herte, and Y schal sette a newe spirit in the myddis of you; and Y schal do awei an herte of stoon fro youre fleisch, and Y schal yyue to you an herte of fleisch, 27and Y schal sette my spirit in the myddis of you. And Y schal make that ye go in my comaundementis, and kepe and worche my domes. 28And ye schulen dwelle in the lond, whiche Y yaf to youre fadris; and ye schulen be in to a puple to me, and Y schal be in to a God to you. 29And Y schal saue you fro alle youre filthis; and Y schal clepe wheete, and Y schal multiplie it, and Y schal not put hungur on you. 30And Y schal multiplie the fruyt of tree, and the seedis of the feeld, that ye bere no more the schenschipe of hungur among hethene men. 31And ye schulen haue mynde on youre worste weies, and on studies not goode; and youre wickidnessis, and youre grete trespassis schulen displese you. 32Not for you Y schal do, seith the Lord God, be it knowun to you; O! the hous of Israel, be ye schent, and be ye aschamed on youre weies. 33The Lord God seith these thingis, In the dai in which Y schal clense you fro alle youre wickidnessis, and Y schal make citees to be enhabitid, and Y schal reparele ruynouse thingis, 34and the desert lond schal be tilid, that was sum tyme desolat, bifor the iyen of ech weiegoere, 35thei schulen seie, Thilke lond vntilid is maad as a gardyn of likyng, and citees forsakun and destitute and vndur myned saten maad strong; and hethene men, 36whiche euer ben left in youre cumpas, schulen wite, that Y the Lord haue bildid distried thingis, and Y haue plauntid vntilid thingis; Y the Lord spak, and Y dide. 37The Lord God seith these thingis, Yit in this thing the hous of Israel schulen fynde me, that Y do to hem; Y schal multiplie hem as the floc of men, as an hooli floc, 38as the floc of Jerusalem in the solempnytees therof, so the citees that ben forsakun, schulen be fulle of the flockis of men; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 37The hond of the Lord was maad on me, and ledde me out in the spirit of the Lord; and he lefte me in the myddis of a feeld that was ful of boonys; 2and he ledde me aboute bi tho in cumpas. Forsothe tho weren ful manye on the face of the feeld, and drie greetli. 3And he seide to me, Gessist thou, sone of man, whether these boonys schulen lyue? And Y seide, Lord God, thou wost. 4And he seide to me, Profesie thou of these boonys; and thou schalt seie to tho, Ye drie boonys, here the word of the Lord. 5The Lord God seith these thingis to these boonys, Lo! Y schal sende in to you a spirit, and ye schulen lyue. 6And Y schal yyue synewis on you, and Y schal make fleischis to wexe on you, and Y schal stretche forth aboue a skyn in you, and Y schal yyue a spirit to you, and ye schulen lyue; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 7And Y profesiede, as he comaundide to me; forsothe a sown was maad, while Y profesiede, and lo! a stiryng togidere, and boonys camen to boonys, ech to his ioynture. 8And Y siy and lo! synewis and fleischis `wexeden vpon tho, and skyn was stretchid forth aboue in hem, and tho hadden no spirit. 9And he seide to me, Profesie thou to the spirit, profesie thou, sone of man; and thou schalt seie to the spirit, The Lord God seith these thingis, Come, thou spirit, fro foure wyndis, and blowe thou on these slayn men, and lyue thei ayen. 10And Y profesiede, as he comaundide to me; and the spirit entride in to tho boonys, and thei lyueden, and stoden on her feet, a ful greet oost. 11And the Lord seide to me, Thou sone of man, alle these boonys is the hous of Israel; thei seien, Oure boonys drieden, and oure hope perischide, and we ben kit awei. 12Therfor profesie thou, and thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal opene youre graues, and Y schal lede you out of youre sepulcris, my puple, and Y schal lede you in to youre lond Israel. 13And ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal opene youre sepulcris, and schal lede you out of youre biriels, my puple; 14and Y schal yyue my spirit in you, and ye schulen lyue. And Y schal make you for to reste on youre lond; and ye schulen wite, that Y the Lord spak, and dide, seith the Lord God. 15And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 16and he seide, And thou, sone of man, take to thee o tree, and write thou on it, To Juda, and to the sones of Israel, and to hise felowis. And take thou an other tree, and write on it, Joseph, the tree of Effraym, and of al the hous of Israel, and of hise felowis. 17And ioyne thou tho trees oon to the tother in to o tree to thee; and tho schulen be in to onement in thin hond. 18Sotheli whanne the sones of thi puple that speken, schulen seie to thee, Whether thou schewist not to vs, what thou wolt to thee in these thingis? 19thou schalt speke to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal take the tree of Joseph, which is in the hond of Effraym, and the lynagis of Israel, that ben ioyned to hym, and Y schal yyue hem togidere with the tree of Juda; and Y schal make hem in to o tree, and thei schulen be oon in the hond of hym. 20Sotheli the trees, on whiche thou hast write, schulen be in thin hond bifore the iyen of hem. 21And thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal take the sones of Israel fro the myddis of naciouns, to whiche thei yeden forth; and Y schal gadere hem togidere on ech side. And Y schal brynge hem to her lond, 22and Y schal make hem o folc in the lond, in the hillis of Israel, and o kyng schal be comaundynge to alle: and thei schulen no more be twei folkis, and thei schulen no more be departid in to twey rewmes. 23And thei schulen no more be defoulid in her idols, and her abhomynaciouns, and in alle her wickidnessis. And Y schal make hem saaf fro alle her seetis, in which thei synneden, and Y schal clense hem; and thei schulen be a puple to me, and Y schal be God to hem. 24And my seruaunt Dauid schal be kyng on hem, and o scheepherde schal be of alle hem; thei schulen go in my domes, and thei schulen kepe my comaundementis, and schulen do tho. 25And thei schulen dwelle on the lond, which Y yaf to my seruaunt Jacob, in which youre fadris dwelliden; and thei schulen dwelle on that lond, thei, and the sones of hem, and the sones of her sones, til in to with outen ende; and Dauid, my seruaunt, schal be the prince of hem with outen ende. 26And Y schal smyte to hem a boond of pees; it schal be a couenaunt euerlastynge to hem, and Y schal founde hem, and Y schal multiplie, and Y schal yyue myn halewing in the myddis of hem with outen ende. 27And my tabernacle schal be among hem, and Y schal be God to hem, and thei schulen be a puple to me. 28And hethene men schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, halewere of Israel, whanne myn halewyng schal be in the myddis of hem with outen ende. 38And the word of the Lord was maad to me, 2and he seide, Thou, sone of man, Sette thi face ayens Gog, and ayens the lond of Magog, the prince of the heed of Mosoch and of Tubal; and profesie thou of hym. 3And thou schalt seie to hym, The Lord God seith these thingis, A! Gog, lo! Y to thee, prince of the heed of Mosoch and of Tubal; 4and Y schal lede thee aboute, and Y schal sette a bridil in thi chekis, and Y schal leede out thee, and al thin oost, horsis, and horsmen, alle clothid with haburiouns, a greet multitude of men, takynge spere, and scheeld, and swerd. 5Perseis, Ethiopiens, and Libiens with hem, alle ben araied with scheeldis and helmes. 6Gomer, and alle the cumpenyes of hym, the hous of Togorma, the sidis of the north, and al the strengthe therof, and many puplis ben with thee. 7Make redi, and araye thee, and al thi multitude which is gaderid to thee, and be thou in to comaundement to hem. 8Aftir many daies thou schalt be visitid, in the laste of yeeris thou schalt come to the lond, that turnede ayen fro swerd, and was gaderid of many puplis, to the hillis of Israel that weren desert ful ofte; this was led out of puplis, and alle men dwellide tristili ther ynne. 9Forsothe thou schalt stie, and schalt come as a tempest, and as a cloude, for to hile the lond, thou, and alle thi cumpanyes, and many puplis with thee. 10The Lord God seith these thingis, In that dai wordis schulen stie on thin herte, and thou schalt thenke the worste thouyt; 11and schalt seie, Y schal stie to the lond with out wal, and Y schal come to hem that resten and dwellen sikirli; alle these dwellen with out wal, barris and yatis ben not to hem; 12that thou rauysche spuylis, and asaile prei; that thou brynge in thin hond on hem that weren forsakun, and afterward restorid, and on the puple which is gaderid of hethene men, that bigan to welde, and to be enhabitere of the nawle of erthe. 13Saba, and Dedan, and the marchauntis of Tharsis, and alle the liouns therof schulen seie to thee, Whether thou comest to take spuylis? Lo! to rauysche prey thou hast gaderid thi multitude, that thou take awei gold and siluer, and do awei purtenaunce of houshold and catel, and that thou rauysche preyes with out noumbre. 14Therfor profesie thou, sone of man; and thou schalt seie to Gog, The Lord God seith these thingis, Whether not in that dai, whanne my puple Israel schal dwelle tristili, thou schalt wite; 15and schalt come fro thi place, fro the sidis of the north, thou, and many puplis with thee, alle stieris of horsis, a greet cumpany, and an huge oost; 16and thou as a cloude schalt stie on my puple Israel, that thou hile the erthe? Thou schalt be in the laste daies, and Y schal brynge thee on my lond, that my folkis wite, whanne Y schal be halewid in thee, thou Gog, bifor the iyen of them. 17The Lord God seith these thingis, Therfor thou art he of whom Y spak in elde daies, in the hond of my seruauntis, profetis of Israel, that profesieden in the daies of tho tymes, that Y schulde bringe thee on hem. 18And it schal be, in that dai, in the dai of the comyng of Gog on the lond of Israel, seith the Lord God, myn indignacioun schal stie in my strong veniaunce, and in my feruour; 19Y spak in the fier of my wraththe. 20For in that dai schal be grete mouyng on the lond of Israel; and fischis of the see, and beestis of erthe, and briddis of the eir, and ech crepynge beeste which is mouyd on erthe, and alle men that ben on the face of erthe, schulen be mouyd fro my face; and hillis schulen be vndurturned, and heggis schulen falle doun, and ech wal schal falle doun in to erthe. 21And Y schal clepe togidere a swerd ayens hym in alle myn hillis, seith the Lord God; the swerd of ech man schal be dressid ayens his brother. 22And thanne Y schal deme hym bi pestilence, and blood, and greet reyn, and bi greet stoonys; Y schal reyn fier and brymstoon on hym, and on his oost, and on many puplis that ben with hym. 23And Y schal be magnefied, and Y shal be halewid, and Y shal be knowun bifore the iyen of many folkis; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord. 39But profesie thou, sone of man, ayens Gog; and thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y on thee, thou Gog, prince of the heed of Mosoch and of Tubal. 2And Y schal lede thee aboute, and Y schal disseyue thee, and Y schal make thee to stie fro the sidis of the north, and Y schal brynge thee on the hillis of Israel. 3And Y schal smyte thi bouwe in thi left hond, and Y schal caste doun thin arowis fro thi riyt hond. 4Thou schalt falle doun on the hillis of Israel, thou, and alle thi cumpenyes, and puplis that ben with thee; Y yaf thee for to be deuourid to wielde beestis, to briddis, and to ech volatil, and to the beestis of erthe. 5Thou schalt falle doun on the face of the feeld; for Y the Lord haue spoke, seith the Lord God. 6And Y schal sende fier in Magog, and in hem that dwellen tristili in ilis; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God of Israel. 7And Y schal make myn hooli name knowun in the myddis of my puple Israel, and Y schal no more defoule myn hooli name; and hethene men schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God, the hooli of Israel. 8Lo! it cometh, and it is don, seith the Lord God. 9This is the day of which Y spak. And dwelleris schulen go out of the citees of Israel, and thei schulen set a fier, and schulen brenne armuris, scheeld and spere, bouwe and arowis, and stauys of hond, and schaftis with out irun; and thei schulen brenne tho in fier bi seuene yeer. 10And thei schulen not bere trees of cuntries, nether schulen kitte doun of forestis, for thei schulen brenne armuris bi fier; and thei schulen take preies of hem, to whiche thei weren preies, and thei schulen rauysche her wasteris, seith the Lord God. 11And it schal be in that dai, Y schal yyue to Gog a named place, a sepulcre in Israel, the valei of weigoeris at the eest of the see, that schal make hem that passen forth for to wondre; and thei schulen birie there Gog, and al the multitude of hym, and it schal be clepid the valei of the multitude of Gog. 12And the hous of Israel schulen birie hem, that thei clense the lond in seuene monethis. 13Forsothe al the puple of the lond schal byrie hym, and it schal be a named dai to hem, in which Y am glorified, seith the Lord God. 14And thei schulen ordeyne bisili men cumpassynge the lond, that schulen birie and seke hem that weren left on the face of the lond, that thei clense it. Forsothe aftir seuene monethis thei schulen bigynne to seke, 15and thei schulen cumpas goynge aboute the lond; and whanne thei schulen se the boon of a man, thei schulen sette a `notable signe bisidis it, til the birieris of careyns birie it in the valei of the multitude of Gog. 16Sotheli the name of the cite is Amona; and thei schulen clense the lond. 17Forsothe, thou, sone of man, the Lord God seith these thingis, Seie thou to ech brid, and to alle foulis, and to alle beestis of the feeld, Come ye to gidere, and haste ye, renne ye togidere on ech side to my sacrifice, which Y sle to you, a greet sacrifice on the hillis of Israel, that ye ete fleischis and drynke blood. 18Ye schulen ete the fleischis of stronge men, and ye schulen drynke the blood of prynces of erthe, of wetheris, of lambren, and of buckis of geet, and of bolis, and of beestis maad fat, and of alle fat thingis. 19And ye schulen ete the ynnere fatnesse in to fulnesse, and ye schulen drynke the blood in to drunkenesse, of the sacrifice which Y schal sle to you. 20And ye schulen be fillid on my boord, of hors, and of strong horse man, and of alle men werriours, seith the Lord God. 21And Y schal sette my glorie among hethene men, and alle hethene men schulen se my doom, which Y haue do, and myn hond, which Y haue set on hem. 22And the hous of Israel schulen wite, that Y am her Lord God, fro that dai and afterward. 23And hethen men schulen wite, that the hous of Israel is takun in her wickidnesse, for that that thei forsoken me; and Y hidde my face fro hem, and Y bitook hem into the hondis of enemyes, and alle thei fellen doun bi swerd. 24Bi the unclennes and greet trespasse of hem Y dide to hem, and Y hidde my face fro hem. 25Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Now Y schal leede ayen the caitiftee of Jacob, and Y schal haue merci on al the hous of Israel; and Y schal take feruoure for myn hooli name. 26And thei schulen bere here schenschipe, and al the trespassing bi which thei trespassiden ayens me, whanne thei dwelliden in her lond tristili, and dredden no man; 27and whanne Y schal bringe hem ayen fro puplis, and schal gadere fro the londis of her enemyes, and schal be halewid in hem, bifor the iyen of ful many folkis. 28And thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God of hem, for that Y translatide hem in to naciouns, and haue gaderid hem on her lond, and Y lefte not ony of hem there. 29And Y schal no more hide my face fro hem, for Y haue schede out my spirit on al the hous of Israel, seith the Lord God. 40In the fyue and twentithe yeer of oure passyng ouer, in the bigynnyng of the yeer, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, in the fourtenthe yeer after that the citee was smytun, in this same dai the hond of the Lord was maad on me, and he brouyte me thidur in the reuelaciouns of God. 2And he brouyte me in to the lond of Israel, and he leet me doun on a ful hiy hil, on which was as the bildyng of a citee goynge to the south; 3and he ledde me in thidur. And lo! a man, whos licnesse was as the licnesse of bras, and a coorde of flex was in his hond, and a reed of mesure in his hond; forsothe he stood in the yate. 4And the same man spak to me, Thou sone of man, se with thin iyen, and here with thin eeris, and sette thin herte on alle thingis, whiche Y schal schewe to thee, for thou art brouyt hidur, that tho be schewid to thee; telle thou alle thingis whiche thou seest to the hous of Israel. 5And lo! a wal withouteforth, in the cumpas of the hous on ech side; and in the hond of the man was a rehed of mesure of sixe cubitis and a spanne, that is, an handibreede; and he mat the breede of the bildyng with o rehed, and the hiynesse bi o rehed. 6And he cam to the yate that bihelde the weie of the eest, and he stiede bi degrees of it; and he mat the lyntil of the yate bi o rehed the breede, that is, o lyntil bi o rehed in breede; 7and he mat o chaumbre bi o rehed in lengthe, and bi o rehed in breed, and fyue cubitis bitwixe chaumbris; 8and he mat the lyntil of the yate bisidis the porche of the yate with ynne, bi o rehed. 9And he mat the porch of the yate of eiyte cubitis, and the frount therof bi twei cubitis; sotheli the porche of the yate was with ynne. 10Certis the chaumbris of the yate at the weie of the eest weren thre on this side, and thre on that side; o mesure of thre, and o mesure of the frountis on euer ethir side. 11And he mat the breede of the lyntel of the yate of ten cubitis, and the lengthe of the yate of threttene cubitis. 12And he mat a margyn of a cubit bifor the chaumbris, and o cubit was the ende on ech side; forsothe the chaumbris weren of sixe cubitis on this side and on that side. 13And he mat the yate fro the roof of the chaumbre til to the roof therof, the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis, a dore ayens a dore. 14And he made frountes bi sixti cubitis, and at the frount an halle of the yate on ech side bi cumpas; 15and bifor the face of the yate that stretchith forth til to the face of the porche of the ynner yate, he mat fifti cubitis. 16And he mat wyndows naraw with out and large with ynne, in the chaumbris and frountis of tho, that weren with ynne the yate on ech side bi cumpas. Sotheli in lijk maner also wyndows weren in the porchis bi cumpas with ynne; and the peynture of palm trees was grauun bifor the frountis. 17And he ledde me out to the outermere halle, and lo! tresories, and pawment arayed with stoon in the halle bi cumpas; thretti tresories in the cumpas of the pawment; 18and the pawment was bynethe in the front of the yatis, bi the lengthe of the yatis. 19And he mat the breede fro the face of the lowere yate til to the frount of the ynnere halle with outforth, an hundrid cubitis at the eest, and at the north. 20And he mat bothe in lengthe and in breede the yate that bihelde the weie of the north, of the outermore halle. 21And he mat the chaumbris therof, thre on this side, and thre on that side, and the frount therof, and the porche therof, bi the mesure of the formere yate; the lengthe therof of fifti cubitis, and the breede therof of fyue and twenti cubitis. 22Sotheli the wyndows therof, and the porche, and the grauyngis, weren bi the mesure of the yate that bihelde to the eest; and the stiyng therof was of seuene degrees, and a porche was bifore it. 23And the yate of the ynnere halle was ayens the yate of the north, and ayens the eest yate; and he mat fro the yate til to the yate an hundrid cubitis. 24And he ledde me out to the weie of the south, and lo! the yate that bihelde to the south; and he mat the frount therof, and the porche therof, bi the formere mesuris; 25and the wyndows therof, and the porchis in cumpas, as othere wyndows; the lengthe of fifti cubitis, and the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis. 26And bi seuene degrees me stiede to it, and `an halle was bifor the yatis therof; and palme trees weren grauun, oon in this side, and another in that side in the frount therof. 27And the yate of the ynnere halle was in the weie of the south; and he mat fro the yate til to the yate in the weie of the south, an hundrid cubitis. 28And he ledde me in to the ynnere halle, to the south yate; and he mat the yate bi the formere mesuris; 29the chaumbre therof, and the frount therof, and the porche therof bi the same mesuris; and he mat the wyndows therof, and the porche therof in cumpas; fifti cubitis of lengthe, and fyue and twenti cubitis of breede. 30And he mat the halle bi cumpas, the lengthe of fyue and twenti cubitis, and the breede therof of fyue cubitis. 31And the porche therof was to the outermere halle, and the palm trees therof in the frount; and eiyte degrees weren, bi whiche me stiede thorouy it. 32And he ledde me in to the ynnere halle, bi the eest weie; and he mat the yate by the formere mesures; 33the chaumbre therof, and the frount therof, and the porchis therof, as aboue; and he mat the wyndows therof, and the porchis therof in cumpas; the lengthe of fifti cubitis, and the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis; and the porche therof, 34that is, of the outermore halle; and palme trees grauun in the frount therof, on this side and on that side; and in eiyte degrees was the stiyng therof. 35And he ledde me in to the yate that bihelde to the north; and he mat bi the formere mesuris; 36the chaumbre therof, and the frount therof, and the porche therof, and the wyndows therof bi cumpas; the lengthe of fifti cubitis, and the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis. 37The porche therof bihelde to the outermore halle; and the grauyng of palm trees was in the frount therof, on this side and on that side; and in eiyte degrees was the stiyng therof. 38And bi alle tresories a dore was in the frountis of yatis; and there thei waischiden brent sacrifice. 39And in the porche of the yate weren twei boordis on this side, and twei boordis on that side, that brent sacrifice be offrid on tho, `bothe for synne and for trespasse. 40And at the outermore side, which stieth to the dore of the yate that goith to the north, weren twei boordis; and at `the tother side, bifor the porche of the yate, weren twei boordis. 41Foure boordis on this side, and foure boordis on that side; bi the sidis of the yate weren eiyte boordis, on whiche thei offriden. 42Forsothe foure boordis to brent sacrifice weren bildid of square stoonys, in the lengthe of o cubit and an half, and in the breed of o cubit and an half, and in the hiythe of o cubit; on whiche boordis thei schulen sette vessels, in whiche brent sacrifice and slayn sacrifice is offrid. 43And the brenkis of tho boordis ben of oon handibreede, and ben bowid ayen with ynne bi cumpas; forsothe on the boordis weren fleischis of offryng. 44And with out the ynnere yate weren tresories of chauntours, in the ynnere halle, that was in the side of the yate biholdynge to the north; and the faces of tho weren ayens the south weie; oon of the side of the eest yate, that bihelde to the weie of the north. 45And he seide to me, This treserie, that biholdith the south weie, is of the prestis that waken in the kepyngis of the temple, 46Sotheli the tresorye that biholdith to the weie of the north, schal be of the preestis that waken to the seruice of the auter; these ben the sones of Sadoch, whiche of the sones of Leuy neiyen to the Lord, for to mynystre to hym. 47And he mat the halle, the lengthe of an hundrid cubitis, and the breede of an hundrid cubitis, bi square, and the auter bifore the face of the temple. 48And he ledde me in to the porche of the temple; and he mat the porche bi fyue cubitis on this side, and bi fyue cubitis on that side; and he mat the breede of the yate, of thre cubitis on this side, and of thre cubitis on that side. 49But he mat the lengthe of the porche of twenti cubitis, and the breede of eleuene cubitis, and bi eiyte degrees me stiede to it; and pileris weren in the frountis, oon on this side, and `another on that side. 41And he ledde me in to the temple, and he mat the frountis, sixe cubitis of breede on this side, and sixe cubitis of breede on that side, the breede of the tabernacle. 2And the breede of the yate was of ten cubitis; and he mat the sidis of the yate bi fyue cubitis on this side, and bi fyue cubitis on that side; and he mat the lengthe therof of fourti cubitis, and the breede of twenti cubitis. 3And he entride with ynne, and he mat in the frount of the yate twei cubitis; and he mat the yate of sixe cubitis, and the breede of the yate of seuene cubits. 4And he mat the lengthe therof of twenti cubitis, and the breede of twenti cubitis, bifor the face of the temple. 5And he seide to me, This is the hooli thing of hooli thingis. And he mat the wal of the hous of sixe cubitis, and the breede of the side of foure cubitis, on ech side bi cumpas of the hous. 6Forsothe the sidis weren tweies thre and thretti, the side to the side; and tho weren stondynge an hiy, that entriden bi the wal of the hous, in the sidis bi cumpas, that tho helden togidere, and touchiden not the wal of the temple. 7And a street was in round, and stiede vpward bi a vijs, and bar in to the soler of the temple bi cumpas; therfor the temple was braddere in the hiyere thingis; and so fro the lowere thingis me stiede to the hiyere thingis, and in to the myddis. 8And Y siy in the hous an hiynesse bi cumpas, the sidis foundid at the mesure of a rehed in the space of sixe cubitis; 9and the breede by the wal of the side with outforth, of fyue cubitis; and the ynnere hous was in the sidis of the hous. 10And bitwixe treseries Y siy the breede of twenti cubitis in the cumpas of the hous on ech side; 11and Y siy the dore of the side to preier; o dore to the weie of the north, and o dore to the weie of the south; and Y siy the breede of place to preier, of fyue cubitis in cumpas. 12And the bildyng that was ioyned to the place departid, and turned to the weie biholdynge to the see, of the breede of seuenti cubitis; sotheli the wal of the bildyng of fyue cubitis of breede bi cumpas, and the lengthe therof of nynti cubitis. 13And he mat the lengthe of the hous, of an hundrid cubitis; and that that was departid, the bildyng and the wallis therof, of lengthe of an hundrid cubitis. 14Forsothe the breede of the street bifor the face of the hous, and of that that was departid ayens the eest, was of an hundrid cubitis. 15And he mat the lengthe of the bildyng ayens the face of that, that was departid at the bak; he mat the boteraces on euer either side of an hundrid cubitis. And he mat the ynnere temple, and the porchis of the halle, 16lyntels, and wyndows narowe withoutforth and broode with ynne; boteraces in cumpas bi thre partis, ayenst the lintel of ech, and araied with tree bi cumpas al aboute; sotheli fro the erthe til to the wyndows, and the wyndows weren closid on the doris, 17and til to the ynnere hous, and withoutforth bi al the wal in cumpas, with ynne and with outforth at mesure. 18And cherubyns and palm trees weren maad craftili, and a palm tree bitwixe cherub and cherub; and cherub hadde twei faces, 19the face of a man bisidis the palm tree on this side, and the face of a lioun expressid bisidis the palm tree on `the tother side. Bi al the hous in cumpas, fro the erthe til to the hiyere part, 20cherubyns and palm trees weren grauun in the wal of the temple. 21A threisfold foure cornerid; and the face of the biholdyng of the seyntuarie was ayens the biholding of the auter of tree; 22the heiythe therof was of thre cubitis, and the lengthe therof of twei cubitis; and the corneris therof, and the lengthe therof, and the wallis therof, weren of tree. And he spak to me, This is the boord bifor the Lord. 23And twei doris weren in the temple, and in the seyntuarie. 24And in the twei doris on euer either side weren twei litle doris, that weren foldun togidere in hem silf; for whi twei doris weren on euer either side of the doris. 25And cherubyns and the grauyng of palm trees weren grauun in tho doris of the temple, as also tho weren expressid in the wallis. Wherfor and grettere trees weren in the frount of the porche with outforth, 26on whiche the wyndows narowe with out and large with ynne, and the licnesse of palm trees weren on this side and on that syde; in the litle vndursettyngis of the porche, bi the sidis of the hous, and bi the breede of the wallis. 42And he ledde me out in to the outermere halle, bi the weie ledynge to the north; and he ledde me in to the treserie, that was ayens the bildyng departid, and ayens the hous goynge to the north; 2in the face an hundrid cubitis of lengthe of the dore of the north, and fifti cubitis of breede, 3ayens twenti cubitis of the ynnere halle, and ayens the pawment araied with stoon of the outermere halle, where a porche was ioyned to thre fold porche. 4And bifor the tresories was a walkyng of ten cubitis of breede, biholdynge to the ynnere thingis of the weie of o cubit. And the doris of tho to the north, 5where tresories weren lowere in the hiyere thingis; for tho baren vp the porchis that apperiden an hiy of tho fro the lowere thingis, and fro the myddil thingis of the bildyng. 6For tho weren of thre stagis, and hadden not pileris, as weren the pilers of hallis; therfor tho stoden an hiy fro the lowere thingis, and fro the myddil thingis fro erthe, bi fifti cubitis. 7And the outermore halle closynge the walkynge place was bi the treseries, that weren in the weie of the outermore halle, bifor the treseries; the lengthe therof was of fifti cubitis. 8For the lengthe of the tresories of the outermore halle was of fifti cubitis, and the lengthe bifor the face of the temple was of an hundrid cubitis. 9And vndur these tresories was an entring fro the eest, of men entringe in to tho, fro the outermere halle, 10in the brede of the wal of the halle, that was ayens the eest weie in the face of the bilding departid. And treseries weren bifore the bilding, 11and a weie was bifor the face of tho, bi the licnesse of treseries that weren in the weie of the north; bi the lengthe of tho, so was also the breede of tho. And al the entryng of tho, and the licnessis and doris of tho, 12weren lijk the doris of treseries that weren in the weye biholdynge to the south; a dore was in the heed of the weye, which weie was bifor the porche departid to men entringe bi the eest weie. 13And he seide to me, The treseries of the north, and the treseries of the south, that ben bifor the bildyng departid, these ben hooli treseries, in whiche the preestis ben clothid, that neiyen to the Lord in to the hooli of hooli thingis; there thei schulen putte the hooli of hooli thingis, and offryngis for synne, and for trespas; for it is an hooli place. 14Sotheli whanne prestis han entrid, thei schulen go out of hooli thingis in to the outermore halle; and there thei schulen putte vp her clothis, in whiche thei mynystren, for tho ben hooli; and thei schulen be clothid in othere clothis, and so thei schulen go forth to the puple. 15And whanne he hadde fillid the mesuris of the ynnere hous, he ledde me out bi the weie of the yate that biheelde to the eest weie; and he mat it on ech side bi cumpas. 16Forsothe he mat ayens the eest wynd with the rehed of mesure bi cumpas fyue hundrid rehedis, in a rehed of mesure bi cumpas. 17And he mat ayens the wynd of the north fiue hundred rehedis, in the rehed of mesure bi cumpas. 18And at the south wynd he mat fyue hundrid rehedis, with a rehed of mesure bi cumpas. 19And at the west wynd he mat fyue hundrid rehedis, with the rehed of mesure. 20Bi foure wyndis he mat the wal therof on ech side bi cumpas, the lengthe of fyue hundrid, and the breede of fyue hundrid, departynge bitwixe the seyntuarie and the place of the comyn puple. 43And he ledde me out to the yate, that bihelde to the eest weie. 2And lo! the glorie of God of Israel entride bi the eest weie; and a vois was to it, as the vois of many watris, and the erthe schynede of the mageste of hym. 3And Y siy a visioun, bi the licnesse whiche Y hadde seyn, whanne he cam to distrie the citee; and the licnesse was lijc the biholdyng whiche Y hadde seyn bisidis the flood Chobar. 4And Y felle doun on my face, and the mageste of the Lord entride in to the temple, bi the weie of the yate that biheeld to the eest. 5And the Spirit reiside me, and ledde me in to the ynnere halle; and lo! the hous was fillid of the glorie of the Lord. 6And Y herde oon spekynge to me of the hous. And the man that stood bisidis me, 7seide to me, Thou, son of man, this is the place of my seete, and the place of the steppis of my feet, where Y dwelle in the myddis of the sones of Israel withouten ende; and the hous of Israel schulen no more defoule myn hooli name, thei, and the kyngis of hem in her fornicaciouns, and in the fallyngis of her kyngis, and in hiy places. 8Whiche maden her threisfold bisidis my threisfold, and her postis bisidis my postis, and a wal was bitwixe me and hem; and thei defouliden myn hooli name in abhomynaciouns whiche thei diden; wherfor Y wastide hem in my wraththe. 9Now therfor putte thei awei fer her fornicacioun, and the fallyng of her kyngis fro me; and Y schal dwelle euere in the myddis of hem. 10But thou, sone of man, schewe the temple to the hous of Israel, and be thei schent of her wickidnessis; and mete thei the bilding, 11and be thei aschamed of alle thingis whiche thei diden. Thou schalt schewe to hem, and thou schalt write bifore the iyen of hem the figure of the hous, and of the bildyng therof; the outgoyngis, and the entryngis, and al the discryuyng therof, and alle the comaundementis therof, and al the ordre therof, `and alle the lawis therof; that thei kepe alle the discryuyngis therof, and comaundementis therof, and do tho. 12This is the lawe of the hous, in the hiynesse of the hil; alle the coostis therof in cumpas is the hooli of hooli thingis; therfor this is the lawe of the hous. 13Forsothe these ben the mesuris of the auter, in a verieste cubit, that hadde a cubit and a spanne; in the bosum therof was a cubit in lengthe, and a cubit in breede; and the ende therof til to the brenke, and o spanne in cumpas; also this was the diche of the auter. 14And fro the bosum of the erthe til to the laste heiythe weren twei cubitis, and the breede of o cubit; and fro the lesse heiythe til to the grettere heiythe were foure cubitis, and the breede was of o cubit; forsothe thilke ariel, that is, the hiyere part of the auter, was of foure cubitis; and fro the auter `til to aboue weren foure hornes. 16And the auter of twelue cubitis in lengthe was foure cornerid with euene sidis, bi twelue cubitis of breede. 17And the heiythe of fourtene cubitis of lengthe was bi fourtene cubitis of breede, in foure corneris therof. And a coroun of half a cubit was in the cumpas therof, and the bosum therof was of o cubit bi cumpas; forsothe the degrees therof weren turned to the eest. 18And he seide to me, Thou, sone of man, the Lord God seith these thingis, These ben the customs of the auter, in what euer dai it is maad, that me offre on it brent sacrifice, and blood be sched out. 19And thou schalt yyue to preestis and dekenes, that ben of the seed of Sadoch, that neiyen to me, seith the Lord God, that thei offre to me a calf of the drooue for synne. 20And thou schalt take of the blood therof, and schalt putte on foure hornes therof, and on foure corneris of heiythe, and on the coroun in cumpas; and thou schalt clense it, and make clene. 21And thou schalt take the calf which is offrid for synne, and thou schalt brenne it in a departid place of the hous, with out the seyntuarie. 22And in the secounde dai thou schalt offre a buk of geet, which is with out wem, for synne; and thei schulen clense the auter, as thei clensiden in the calf. 23And whanne thou hast fillid that clensyng, thou schalt offre a calf of the drooue, which calf is without wem, and a wether with out wem of the floc. 24And thou schalt offre tho in the siyt of the Lord; and prestis schulen putte salt on tho, and schulen offre tho in to brent sacrifice to the Lord. 25Bi seuene daies thou schalt make a buk of geet for synne, ech dai; and thei schulen offre a calf of the drooue, and a wether vnwemmed of scheep. 26Bi seuene daies thei schulen clense the auter, and schulen make it cleene, and thei schulen fille the hond therof. 27Forsothe whanne seuene daies ben fillid, in the eiythe dai and ferther prestis schulen make on the auter youre brent sacrifices, and tho thingis whiche thei offren for pees; and Y schal be plesid to you, seith the Lord God. 44And he turnede me to the weie of the yate of the outermore seyntuarie, which yate byhelde to the eest, and was closid. 2And the Lord seide to me, This yate schal be closid, and schal not be opened, and a man schal not passe thorou it; for the Lord God of Israel entride bi it, and it schal be closid to the prince. 3The prince hym silf schal sitte ther ynne, that he ete breed bifor the Lord; he schal go yn bi the weie of the yate of the porche, and he schal go out bi the weie therof. 4And he ledde me bi the weie of the north yate, in the siyt of the hous; and Y siy, and lo! the glorie of the Lord fillide the hous of the Lord; and Y felle doun on my face. 5And the Lord seide to me, Thou, sone of man, sette thin herte, and se with thin iyen, and here with thin eeris alle thingis whiche Y speke to thee, of al the ceremonyes of the hous of the Lord, and of alle the lawis therof; and thou schalt sette thin herte in the weies of the temple, bi alle the goyngis out of the seyntuarie. 6And thou schalt seie to the hous of Israel terrynge me to wraththe, The Lord God seith these thingis, Ye hous of Israel, alle youre grete trespassis suffice to you, 7for ye bryngen in alien sones, vncircumcidid in herte, and vncircumcidid in fleisch, that thei be in my seyntuarie, and defoule myn hous. And ye offren my looues, ynnere fatnesse, and blood, and breken my couenaunt in alle youre grete trespassis. 8And ye kepten not the comaundementis of my seyntuarie, and ye settiden keperis of my kepyngis in my seyntuarye to you silf. 9The Lord God seith these thingis, Ech alien `that is vncircumcidid in herte, and vncircumcidid in fleisch, schal not entre in to my seyntuarie; ech alien sone, which is in the myddis of the sones of Israel. 10But also Leuytis, `ether men of the lynage of Leuy, that yeden fer a wei fro me in the errour of the sones of Israel, and erriden fro me aftir her idols, and baren her wickidnesse, 11thei schulen be kepers of housis in my seyntuarye, and porteris of yatis of the hous, and mynystris of the hous; thei schulen sle brent sacrifices, and sacrifices for victorie of the puple; and thei schulen stonde in the siyt of the prestis, for to mynystre to hem. 12For that that thei mynystriden to tho in the siyt of her idols, and weren maad to the hous of Israel in to offendyng of wickidnesse; therfor Y reiside myn hond on them, seith the Lord God, and thei baren her wickidnesse. 13And thei schulen not neiye to me, that thei vse preesthod to me, nether thei schulen neiye to al my seyntuarie bisidis hooly of hooli thingis, but thei schulen bere her schenschipe, and her grete trespassis whiche thei diden. 14And Y schal make hem porteris of the hous, in al the seruyce therof, and in alle thingis that ben don ther ynne. 15Forsothe preestis and dekenes, the sones of Sadoch, that kepten the cerymonyes of my seyntuarie, whanne the sones of Israel erriden fro me, thei schulen neiye to me, for to mynystre to me; and thei schulen stonde in my siyt, that thei offre to me ynnere fatnesse and blood, seith the Lord God. 16Thei schulen entre in to my seyntuarie, and thei schulen neiye to my boord, that thei mynystre to me, and kepe my ceremonyes. 17And whanne thei schulen entre in to the yatis of the ynnere halle, 18thei schulen be clothid with lynnun clothis, nether ony wollun thing schal `be do on hem, whanne thei mynystren in the yatis of the ynnere halle, and with ynne; lynnun cappis, ether mytris, schulen be in the heedis of hem, and lynnun brechis schulen be in the leendis of hem, and thei schulen not be gird in swoot. 19And whanne thei schulen go out at the outermere halle to the puple, thei schulen dispuyle hem of her clothis, in whiche thei mynystriden, and thei schulen leie tho vp in the treserie of seyntuarie; and thei schulen clothe hem silf in othere clothis, and thei schulen not halewe my puple in her clothis. 20Forsothe thei schulen not schaue her heed, nether thei schulen nursche long heere, but thei clippynge schulen clippe her heedis. 21And ech preest schal not drynke wyn, whanne he schal entre in to the ynnere halle. 22And preestis schulen not take wyues a widewe, and a forsakun womman, but virgyns of the seed of the hous of Israel; but also thei schulen take a widewe, which is the widewe of a preest. 23And thei schulen teche my puple, what is bitwixe hooli thing and defoulid; and thei schulen schewe to hem, what is bitwixe cleene thing and vncleene. 24And whanne debate is, thei schulen stonde in my domes, and schulen deme my lawis; and thei schulen kepe my comaundementis in alle my solempnytees, and thei schulen halewe my sabatis. 25And thei schulen not entre to a deed man, lest thei be defoulid, no but to fadir, and modir, and to sone, and douyter, and to brother, and sister that hadde not an hosebonde, in whiche thei schulen be defoulid. 26And after that he is clensid, seuene daies schulen be noumbrid to hym. 27And in the dai of his entryng in to the seyntuarie, to the ynnere halle, that he mynystre to me in the seyntuarie, he schal offre for his synne, seith the Lord God. 28Forsothe noon eritage schal be to hem, Y am the eritage of hem; and ye schulen not yyue to hem possessioun in Israel, for Y am the possessioun of hem. 29Thei schulen ete sacrifice, bothe for synne and for trespasse, and ech avow of Israel schal be hern. 30And the firste thingis of alle firste gendrid thingis, and alle moiste sacrifices, of alle thingis that ben offrid, schulen be the prestis part; and ye schulen yyue the firste thingis of youre metis to the prest, that he leie vp blessyng to his hous. 31Preestis schulen not ete ony thing deed bi it silf, and takun of a beeste, of foulis, and of scheep. 45And whanne ye schulen bigynne to departe the lond bi partis, departe ye the firste thingis to the Lord, an halewid thing of the lond, fyue and twenti thousynde of rehedis in lengthe, and ten thousynde of rehedis in breede; it schal be halewid in al the coost therof by cumpas. 2And it schal be halewid on ech part in fyue hundrid rehedis bi fyue hundrid, in foure sidis bi cumpas, and in fifti cubitis in to the subarbis therof bi cumpas. 3And fro this mesure thou schalt mete the lengthe of fyue and twenti thousynde of rehedis, and the breede of ten thousynde; and the temple and the hooli of hooli thingis schal be in it. 4An halewid thing of the lond schal be to prestis, the mynystris of seyntuarie, that neiyen to the seruyce of the Lord; and a place schal be to hem in to housis, and in to the seyntuarie of hoolynesse. 5Sotheli fyue and twenti thousynde of lengthe schulen be, and ten thousynde of breede; but the dekenes that mynystren to the hous, thei schulen haue in possessioun twenti treseries. 6And ye schulen yyue the possessioun of the citee, fyue thousynde rehedis of breede, and fyue and twenti thousynde of lengthe, bi the departyng of the seyntuarie, to al the hous of Israel. 7And ye schulen yyue a porcioun to the prince on this side and on that side, bisidis the departyng of the seyntuarie, and bisidis the possessioun of the citee, ayens the face of departynge of seyntuarie, and ayens the face of possessioun of the citee; fro the side of the se til to the see, and fro the side of the eest `til to the eest, schal be of the possessioun of the prince. Forsothe the lengthe bi ech of the partis, fro the west ende til to the eest ende of the lond, 8schal be possessioun to hym in Israel; and the princes schulen no more robbe my puple, but thei schulen yyue the lond to the hous of Israel, bi the lynagis of hem. 9The Lord God seith these thingis, O! princes of Israel, suffice it to you, leue ye wickidnesse `and raueyns, and do ye doom and riytfulnesse; departe ye youre niy coostis fro my puple, seith the Lord God. 10A iust balaunce, and a iust mesure clepid ephi, and a iust mesure clepid bathus, schulen be to you. 11Ephi and bathus schulen be euene, and of o mesure, that bathus take the tenthe part of the mesure clepid corus, and that ephi take the tenthe part of the mesure corus; bi the mesure of corus schal be euene weiynge of tho. 12Forsothe a sicle schal haue twenti halpens; certis twenti siclis, and fyue and twenti siclis, and fiftene siclis maken a besaunt. 13And these ben the firste fruytis whiche ye schulen take awei; the sixte part of ephi of a corus of wheete, and the sixte part of ephi of a corus of barli. 14Also the mesure of oile; a bathus of oile is the tenthe part of corus, and ten bathus maken o corus; for ten bathus fillen o corus. 15And `a ram of the floc of twei hundrid, of these whiche the men of Israel nurschen, in to sacrifice, and in to brent sacrifice, and in to pesible sacrifices, to clense for hem, seith the Lord God. 16Al the puple of the lond schal be boundun in these firste fruytis to the prince of Israel. 17And on the prince schulen be brent sacrifices, and sacrifice, and moiste sacrifices, in solempnytees, and in kalendis, ether bigynnyngis of monethis, and in sabatis, and in alle the solempnytees of the hous of Israel; he schal make sacrifice, for synne, and brent sacrifice, and pesible sacrifices, to clense for the hous of Israel. 18The Lord God seith these thingis, In the firste moneth, in the firste dai of the monethe, thou schalt take a calf with out wem of the drooue, and thou schalt clense the seyntuarie. 19And the preest schal take of the blood of the beeste, that schal be for synne; and he schal putte in the postis of the hous, and in foure corneris of the heiythe of the auter, and in the postis of the yate of the ynnere halle. 20And thus thou schalt do in the seuenthe dai of the monethe, for ech that knew not, and was disseyued bi errour, and thou schalt clense for the hous. 21In the firste monethe, in the fourtenthe dai of the monethe, the solempnytee of pask schal be to you; therf looues schulen be etun bi seuene daies. 22And the prince schal make a calf for synne in that dai, for hym silf and for al the puple of the lond. 23And in the solempnytee of seuene daies he schal make brent sacrifice to the Lord; he schal offre seuene caluys and seuene wetheris with out wem ech dai, bi seuene daies, and ech dai a buc of geet, for synne. 24And he schal make the sacrifice of ephi by a calf, and of ephi by a wether, and of oile the mesure hyn, bi ech ephi. 25In the seuenthe monethe, in the fiftenthe dai of the monethe, in the solempnytee, he schal make as tho ben biforseid, bi seuene daies, as wel for synne as for brent sacrifice, and in sacrifice, and in oile. 46The Lord God seith these thingis, The yate of the ynnere halle, that biholdith to the eest, schal be closid bi sixe daies, in whiche werk is doon; for it schal be openid in the dai of sabat, but also it schal be openyd in the dai of kalendis. 2And the prince schal entre bi the weie of the porche of the yate withoutforth, and he schal stonde in the threisfold of the yate; and preestis schulen make the brent sacrifice of hym, and the pesible sacrifices of hym; and he schal worschipe on the threisfold of the yate, and he schal go out; forsothe the yate schal not be closid til to the euentid. 3And the puple of the lond schal worschipe at the dore of that yate, in sabatis, and in calendis, bifor the Lord. 4Forsothe the prince schal offre this brent sacrifice to the Lord in the dai of sabat, sixe lambren with out wem, and a wether with out wem, 5and the sacrifice of ephi bi a wether; but in the lambren he schal offre the sacrifice which his hond schal yiue, and of oile the mesure hyn, bi ech ephi. 6But in the dai of calendis he schal offre a calf with out wem of the droue; and sixe lambren, and wetheris schulen be with out wem, 7and ephi bi a calf. Also he schal make the sacrifice ephi bi a wether; but of lambren as his hond fyndith, and of oile the mesure hyn, bi ech ephi. 8And whanne the prince schal entre, entre he bi the weie of the porche of the yate, and go he out bi the same weie. 9And whanne the puple of the lond schal entre in the siyt of the Lord, in solempnytees, which puple entrith bi the yate of the north, for to worschipe, go it out bi the wei of the south yate. Certis the puple that entrith bi the weie of the south yate, go out bi the weie of the north yate. It schal not turne ayen bi the weie of the yate, bi which it entride, but euene ayens that weie it schal go out. 10Forsothe the prince schal be in the myddis of hem; he schal entre with hem that entren, and he schal go out with hem that goen out. 11And in feiris and in solempnytees, the sacrifice of ephi schal be bi a calf, and ephi bi a wether; in lambren schal be sacrifice as his hond fyndith, and of oile the mesure hyn, bi ech ephi. 12Forsothe whanne the prince makith a wilful brent sacrifice, ether wilful pesible sacrifice to the Lord, the yate that biholdith to the eest, schal be openyd to hym; and he schal make his brent sacrifice, and hise pesible sacrifices, as it is wont to be doon in the dai of sabat; and he schal go out, and the yate schal be closid after that he yede out. 13And he schal make brent sacrifice ech day to the Lord, a lomb with out wem of the same yeer; euere he schal make it in the morewtid, 14and he schal make sacrifice on it ful eerli; eerli he schal make the sixte part of ephi, and of oile the thridde part of hyn, that it be meddlid with the floure of wheete; it is a lawful sacrifice, contynuel and euerlastinge, to the Lord. 15He schal make a lomb, and sacrifice, and oile, ful eerli; he schal make eerli brent sacrifice euerlastynge. 16The Lord God seith these thingis, If the prince yyueth an hous to ony of hise sones, the eritage of hym schal be of hise sones; thei schulen welde it bi eritage. 17Forsothe if he yyueth a biquest of his eritage to oon of hise seruauntis, it schal be his `til to the yeer of remyssioun, and it schal turne ayen to the prince; forsothe the eritage of hym schal be to hise sones. 18And the prince schal not take bi violence of the eritage of the puple, and of the possessioun of hem; but of his owne possessioun he schal yyue eritage to hise sones, that my puple be not scaterid, ech man fro his possessioun. 19And he ledde me in bi the entryng, that was on the side of the yate, in to the treseries of the seyntuarie to the preestis, whiche treseries bihelden to the north; and there was a place goynge to the west. 20And he seide to me, This is the place where prestis schulen sethe, bothe for synne and for trespas; where thei schulen sethe sacrifice, that thei bere not out in to the outermere halle, and the puple be halewid. 21And he ledde me out in to the outermere halle, and ledde me aboute bi the foure corneris of the halle; and lo! a litil halle was in the corner of the halle, alle litil hallis bi the corneris of the halle; 22in foure corneris of the halle litle hallis weren disposid, of fourti cubitis bi lengthe, and of thretti bi breede; 23foure weren of o mesure; and a wal bi cumpas yede aboute foure litle hallis; and kychenes weren maad vndur the porchis bi cumpas. 24And he seide to me, This is the hous of kichenes, in which the mynystris of the hous of the Lord schulen sethe the sacrifices of the puple. 47And he turnede me to the yate of the hous; and lo! watris yeden out vndur the threisfold of the hous to the eest; for the face of the hous bihelde to the eest; forsothe the watris camen doun in to the riyt side of the temple, to the south part of the auter. 2And he ledde me out bi the weie of the north yate, and he turnede me to the weie with out the outermere yate, to the weie that biholdith to the eest; and lo! watris flowynge fro the riyt side, 3whanne the man that hadde a coord in his hond, yede out to the eest. And he mat a thousynde cubitis, and ledde me ouer thorou the water til to the heelis. 4And eft he mat a thousynde, and ledde me ouer thorouy the watir `til to the knees. 5And eft he mat a thousynde, and ledde me ouer thorouy the watir `til to the reynes. And he mat a thousynde, the stronde which Y myyte not passe; for the depe watris of the stronde hadden wexe greet, that mai not be waad ouer. 6And he seide to me, Certis, sone of man, thou hast seyn. And he seide to me; and he turnede me to the ryuere of the stronde. 7And whanne Y hadde turned me, lo! in the ryuer of the stronde ful many trees on euer either side. 8And he seide to me, These watris that goon out to the heepis of soond of the eest, and goen doun to pleyn places of desert, schulen entre in to the see, and schulen go out; and the watris schulen be heelid. 9And ech lyuynge beeste that creepith, schal lyue, whidur euere the stronde schal come; and fischis many ynow schulen be, aftir that these watris comen thidur, and schulen be heelid, and schulen lyue; alle thingis to whiche the stronde schal come, schulen lyue. 10And fisshers schulen stonde on tho watris; fro Engaddi `til to Engallym schal be driyng of nettis; ful many kyndis of fischis therof schulen be, as the fischis of the greet see, of ful greet multitude; 11but in brynkis therof and in maraisis watris shulen not be heelid, for tho `schulen be youun in to places of makynge of salt. 12And ech tree berynge fruit schal growe on the stronde, in the ryueris therof on ech side; a leef therof schal not falle doun, and the fruyt therof schal not faile; bi alle monethis it schal bere firste fruytis, for the watris therof schulen go out of the seyntuarie; and the fruytis therof schulen be in to mete, and the leeuys therof to medicyn. 13The Lord God seith these thingis, This is the ende, in which ye schulen welde the lond, in the twelue lynagis of Israel; for Joseph hath double part. 14Forsothe ye schulen welde it, ech man euenli as his brother; on which Y reiside myn hond, that Y schulde yyue to youre fadris; and this lond schal falle to you in to possessioun. 15This is the ende of the lond at the north coost fro the grete see, the weie of Bethalon to men comynge to Sedala, 16Emath, Beroth, Sabarym, which is in the myddis bitwixe Damask and niy coostis of Emath, the hous of Thichon, which is bisidis the endis of Auran. 17And the ende schal be fro the see `til to the porche of Ennon, the ende of Damask, and fro the north til to the north, the ende of Emath; forsothe this is the north coost. 18Certis the eest coost fro the myddis of Auran, and fro the myddis of Damask, and fro the myddis of Galaad, and fro the myddis of the lond of Israel, is Jordan departynge at the eest see, also ye schulen mete the eest coost. 19Forsothe the south coost of myddai is fro Thamar til to the watris of ayenseiyng of Cades; and the stronde til to the greet see, and the south coost at myddai. 20And the coost of the see is the greet see, fro the niy coost bi streiyt, til thou come to Emath; this is the coost of the see. 21And ye schulen departe this lond to you bi the lynagis of Israel; 22and ye schulen sende it in to eritage to you, and to comelyngis that comen to you, that gendriden sones in the myddis of you; and thei schulen be to you as men borun in the lond among the sones of Israel; with you thei schulen departe possessioun, in the myddis of the lynages of Israel. 23Forsothe in what euer lynage a comelyng is, there ye schulen yyue possessioun to hym, seith the Lord God. 48And these ben the names of lynagis, fro the endis of the north, bisidis the weie Ethalon, to men goynge to Emath, the porche of Ennon, the terme of Damask, to the north bisidis Emath; and the eest coost schal be to it the see, o part schal be of Dan. 2And fro the ende of Dan, fro the eest coost til to the coost of the see, o part schal be of Aser. 3And on the ende of Azer, fro the eest coost til to the coost of the see, oon of Neptalym. 4And on the terme of Neptalym, fro the eest coost til to the coost of the see, oon of Manasses. 5And on the ende of Manasses, fro the eest coost til to the coost of the see, oon of Effraym. 6And on the ende of Effraym, fro the eest coost til to the coost of the see, oon of Ruben. 7And on the ende of Ruben, fro the eest coost til to the coost of the see, oon of Juda. 8And on the ende of Juda, fro the eest coost til to the coost of the see, schulen be the firste fruytis, whiche ye schulen departe bi fyue and twenti thousynde reheedis of breede and of lengthe, as alle partis ben, fro the eest coost til to the coost of the see; and the seyntuarie schal be in the myddis therof. 9The firste fruytis whiche ye schulen departe to the Lord, the lengthe schal be in fyue and twenty thousynde, and the breed in ten thousynde. 10Forsothe these schulen be the firste fruytis of the seyntuarie of preestis; to the north fyue and twenti thousynde of lengthe, and to the see ten thousinde of breede; but to the eest ten thousynde of breede, and to the south fyue and twenti thousynde of lengthe; and the seyntuarie of the Lord schal be in the myddis therof. 11The seyntuarie schal be to prestis of the sones of Sadoch, that kepten my cerymonyes, and erriden not, whanne the sones of Israel erriden, as also dekenes erriden. 12And the firste fruytis schulen be to hem of the firste fruytis of the lond, the hooli of hooli thingis, bi the terme of dekenes. 13But also to dekenes in lijk maner bi the coostis of preestis schulen be fyue and twenti thousynde of lengthe, and ten thousynde of breede; al the lengthe of fiue and twenti thousynde, and the breede of ten thousynde. 14And thei schulen not sille therof, nether schulen chaunge; and the firste fruytis of the lond schulen not be translatid, for tho ben halewid to the Lord. 15Sotheli the fyue thousynde, that ben left ouer in breede, bi fyue and twenti thousynde, schulen be the vnhooli thingis, ether comyn thingis, of the citee, in to dwellyng place, and in to subarbis; and the citee schal be in the myddis therof. 16And these schulen be the mesuris therof; at the north coost, fyue hundrid and foure thousynde of rehedis, and at the south coost, fyue hundrid and foure thousynde, and at the eest coost, fyue hundrid and foure thousynde, and at the west coost, fyue hundrid and foure thousynde. 17Forsothe the subarbis of the citee at the north schulen be twei hundrid and fifti, and at the southe twei hundrid and fifti, and at the eest twei hundrid and fifti, and at the see, that is, the west, twei hundrid and fifti. 18But that that is residue in lengthe, bi the firste fruytis of the seyntuarie, ten thousynde in to the eest, and ten thousynde in to the west, schulen be as the firste fruitis of the seyntuarie; and the fruitis schulen be in to looues to hem that seruen the citee. 19Forsothe thei that seruen the citee schulen worche, of alle the lynagis of Israel. 20Alle the firste fruitis of fyue and twenti thousynde, bi fyue and twenti thousynde in square, schulen be departid in to the firste fruytis of seyntuarie, and in to possessioun of the citee. 21Forsothe that that is residue, schal be the princes part, on ech side of the firste fruitis of seyntuarie, and of the possessioun of the citee, euene ayens fyue and twenti thousynde of the firste fruytis, til to the eest ende; but also to the see euene ayens fyue and twenti thousynde, til to the ende of the see, schal be in lijk maner in the partis of the prince; and the firste fruytis of the seyntuarye, and the seyntuarie of the temple schulen be in the myddis of it. 22Forsothe fro the possessioun of dekenes, and fro the possessioun of the citee, which is in the myddis of partis of the prince, schal be in to the porcioun of Juda, and in to the porcioun of Beniamyn; and it schal perteyne to the prince. 23And to other lynagis, fro the eest coost `til to the west coost, oon to Beniamyn. 24And ayens the porcioun of Beniamyn, fro the eest coost til to the west coost, oon to Symeon. 25And on the terme of Symeon, fro the eest coost til to the west coost, oon to Isacar. 26And on the terme of Isacar, fro the eest coost til to the west coost, oon to Zabulon. 27And on the terme of Zabulon, fro the eest coost til to the coost of the see, oon to Gad. 28And on the terme of Gad, to the coost of the south in to myddai; and the ende schal be fro Thamar til to the watris of ayenseying of Cades, and the eritage ayens the grete see. 29This is the lond which ye schulen sende in to part to the lynagis of Israel, and these ben the partyngis of tho, seith the Lord God. 30And these ben the goyngis out of the citee; fro the north coost thou schalt mete fyue hundrid and foure thousynde rehedis. 31And yatis of the citee schulen be in alle the lynagis of Israel, thre yatis at the north; o yate of Ruben, o yate of Juda, o yate of Leuy. 32And at the eest coost, fyue hundrid and foure thousynd rehedis, and thre yatis; o yate of Joseph, o yate of Beniamyn, o yate of Dan. 33And at the south coost thou schalt mete fyue hundrid and foure thousynde rehedis, and thre yatis schulen be of tho; o yate of Symeon, o yate of Isacar, o yate of Zabulon. 34And at the west coost, fyue hundrid and foure thousynde of rehedis, thre yatis of tho; o yate of Gad, o yate of Aser, o yate of Neptalym. 35Bi cumpas eiytene miles; and the name schal be fro that dai, The Lord there. Amen.