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1In the bigynnyng God made of nouyt heuene and erthe. 2Forsothe the erthe was idel and voide, and derknessis weren on the face of depthe; and the Spiryt of the Lord was borun on the watris. 3And God seide, Liyt be maad, and liyt was maad. 4And God seiy the liyt, that it was good, and he departide the liyt fro derknessis; and he clepide the liyt, 5dai, and the derknessis, nyyt. And the euentid and morwetid was maad, o daie. 6And God seide, The firmament be maad in the myddis of watris, and departe watris fro watris. 7And God made the firmament, and departide the watris that weren vndur the firmament fro these watris that weren on the firmament; and it was don so. 8And God clepide the firmament, heuene. And the euentid and morwetid was maad, the secounde dai. 9Forsothe God seide, The watris, that ben vndur heuene, be gaderid in to o place, and a drie place appere; and it was doon so. 10And God clepide the drie place, erthe; and he clepide the gadryngis togidere of watris, the sees. And God seiy that it was good; 11and seide, The erthe brynge forth greene eerbe and makynge seed, and appil tre makynge fruyt bi his kynde, whos seed be in it silf on erthe; and it was doon so. 12And the erthe brouyte forth greene erbe and makynge seed bi his kynde, and a tre makynge fruyt, and ech hauynge seed by his kynde. And God seiy that it was good. 13And the euentid and morwetid was maad, the thridde dai. 14Forsothe God seide, Liytis be maad in the firmament of heuene, and departe tho the dai and niyt; and be tho in to signes, and tymes, and daies, and yeeris; 15and shyne tho in the firmament of heuene, and liytne tho the erthe; and it was doon so. 16And God made twei grete liytis, the gretter liyt that it schulde be bifore to the dai, and the lesse liyt that it schulde be bifore to the niyt; 17and God made sterris; and settide tho in the firmament of heuene, that tho schulden schyne on erthe, 18and that tho schulden be bifore to the dai and nyyt, and schulden departe liyt and derknesse. And God seiy that it was good. 19And the euentid and the morwetid was maad, the fourthe dai. 20Also God seide, The watris brynge forth a `crepynge beeste of lyuynge soule, and a brid fleynge aboue erthe vndur the firmament of heuene. 21And God made of nouyt grete whallis, and ech lyuynge soule and mouable, whiche the watris han brouyt forth in to her kyndis; and God made of nouyt ech volatile bi his kynde. And God seiy that it was good; 22and blesside hem, and seide, Wexe ye, and be ye multiplied, and fille ye the watris of the see, and briddis be multiplied on erthe. 23And the euentid and the morwetid was maad, the fyuethe dai. 24And God seide, The erthe brynge forth a lyuynge soul in his kynde, werk beestis, and `crepynge beestis, and vnresonable beestis of erthe, bi her kyndis; and it was don so. 25And God made vnresonable beestis of erthe bi her kyndes, and werk beestis, `and ech crepynge beeste of erthe in his kynde. And God seiy that it was good; and seide, 26Make we man to oure ymage and liknesse, and be he souereyn to the fischis of the see, and to the volatilis of heuene, and to vnresonable beestis of erthe, and to ech creature, and to ech `crepynge beest, which is moued in erthe. 27And God made of nouyt a man to his ymage and liknesse; God made of nouyt a man, to the ymage of God; God made of nouyt hem, male and female. 28And God blesside hem, and seide, Encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied, and fille ye the erthe, and make ye it suget, and be ye lordis to fischis of the see, and to volatilis of heuene, and to alle lyuynge beestis that ben moued on erthe. 29And God seide, Lo! Y haue youe to you ech eerbe berynge seed on erthe, and alle trees that han in hem silf the seed of her kynde, that tho be in to mete to you; 30and to alle lyuynge beestis of erthe, and to ech brid of heuene, and to alle thingis that ben moued in erthe, and in whiche is a lyuynge soule, that tho haue to ete; and it was doon so. 31And God seiy alle thingis whiche he made, and tho weren ful goode. And the euentid and morwetid was maad, the sixte day. 2Therfor heuenes and erthe ben maad perfit, and al the ournement of tho. 2And God fillide in the seuenthe dai his werk which he made; and he restide in the seuenthe dai fro al his werk which he hadde maad; 3and he blesside the seuenthe dai, and halewide it; for in that dai God ceesside of al his werk which he made of nouyt, that he schulde make. 4These ben the generaciouns of heuene and of erthe, in the day wherynne the Lord God made heuene and erthe, 5and ech litil tre of erthe bifore that it sprong out in erthe; and he made ech erbe of the feeld bifore that it buriownede. For the Lord God had not reyned on erthe, and no man was that wrouyte erthe; 6but a welle stiede out of the erthe, and moistide al the hiyere part of erthe. 7Therfor the Lord God formede man of the sliym of erthe, and brethide in to his face the brething of lijf; and man was maad in to a lyuynge soule. 8Forsothe the Lord God plauntide at the bigynnyng paradis of likyng, wherynne he settide man whom he hadde formed. 9And the Lord God brouyte forth of the erthe ech tre fair in siyt, and swete to ete; also he brouyte forth the tre of lijf in the middis of paradis, and the tre of kunnyng of good and of yuel. 10And a ryuer yede out fro the place of likyng to moyste paradis, which ryuer is departid fro thennus in to foure heedis. 11The name of the o ryuer is Fyson, thilke it is that cumpassith al the lond of Euilath, where gold cometh forth, 12and the gold of that lond is the beste, and there is foundun delium, that is, a tree of spicerie, and the stoon onychyn; 13and the name to the secounde ryuer is Gyon, thilke it is that cumpassith al the loond of Ethiopie; 14forsothe the name of the thridde ryuer is Tigris, thilke goith ayens Assiriens; sotheli the fourthe ryuer is thilke Eufrates. 15Therfor the Lord God took man, and settide hym in paradis of likyng, that he schulde worche and kepe it. 16And God comaundide to hym and seide, Ete thou of ech tre of paradis; 17forsothe ete thou not of the tre of kunnyng of good and of yuel; for in what euere dai thou schalt ete therof, thou schalt die bi deeth. 18And the Lord God seide, It is not good that a man be aloone, make we to hym an help lijk to hym silf. 19Therfor whanne alle lyuynge beestis of erthe, and alle the volatils of heuene weren formed of erthe, the Lord God brouyte tho to Adam, that he schulde se what he schulde clepe tho; for al thing that Adam clepide of lyuynge soule, thilke is the name therof. 20And Adam clepide bi her names alle lyuynge thingis, and alle volatils, and alle vnresonable beestis of erthe. Forsothe to Adam was not foundun an helpere lijk hym. 21Therfore the Lord God sente sleep in to Adam, and whanne he slepte, God took oon of hise ribbis, and fillide fleisch for it. 22And the Lord God bildide the rib which he hadde take fro Adam in to a womman, and brouyte hir to Adam. 23And Adam seide, This is now a boon of my boonys, and fleisch of my fleisch; this schal be clepid virago, `for she is takun of man. 24Wherfor a man schal forsake fadir and modir, and schal cleue to his wijf, and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch. 25Forsothe euer eithir was nakid, that is, Adam and his wijf, and thei weren not aschamed. 3But and the serpent was feller than alle lyuynge beestis of erthe, whiche the Lord God hadde maad. Which serpent seide to the womman, Why comaundide God to you, that ye schulden not ete of ech tre of paradis? 2To whom the womman answerde, We eten of the fruyt of trees that ben in paradis; 3sothely God commaundide to vs, that we schulden not eate of the fruyt of the tre, which is in the myddis of paradijs, and that we schulden not touche it, lest perauenture we dien. 4Forsothe the serpent seide to the womman, ye schulen not die bi deeth; 5for whi God woot that in what euere dai ye schulen ete therof, youre iyen schulen be opened, and ye schulen be as Goddis, knowynge good and yuel. 6Therfore the womman seiy that the tre was good, and swete to ete, and fair to the iyen, and delitable in bi holdyng; and sche took of the fruyt therof, and eet, and yaf to hir hosebande, and he eet. 7And the iyen of bothe weren openid; and whanne thei knowen that thei weren nakid, thei sewden the leeues of a fige tre, and maden brechis to hem silf. 8And whanne thei herden the vois of the Lord God goynge in paradijs at the wynd after myddai, Adam and his wijf hidden hem fro the face of the Lord God in the middis of the tre of paradijs. 9And the Lord God clepide Adam, and seide to hym, Where art thou? 10And Adam seide, Y herde thi vois in paradijs, and Y drede, for Y was nakid, and Y hidde me. 11To whom the Lord seide, Who forsothe schewide to thee that thou were nakid, no but for thou hast ete of the tre of which Y comaundide to thee that thou schuldist not ete? 12And Adam seide, The womman which thou yauest felowe to me, yaf me of the tre, and Y eet. 13And the Lord seide to the womman, Whi didist thou this thing? Which answerde, The serpent disseyued me, and Y eet. 14And the Lord God seide to the serpent, For thou didist this, thou schalt be cursid among alle lyuynge thingis and vnresonable beestis of erthe; thou schalt go on thi brest, and thou schalt ete erthe in alle daies of thi liif; 15Y schal sette enemytees bitwixe thee and the womman, and bitwixe thi seed and hir seed; sche schal breke thin heed, and thou schalt sette aspies to hir heele. 16Also God seide to the womman, Y schal multiplie thi wretchidnessis and thi conseyuyngis; in sorewe thou schalt bere thi children; and thou schalt be vndur power of the hosebonde, and he schal be lord of thee. 17Sothely God seyde to Adam, For thou herdist the voys of thi wijf, and hast ete of the tree, of which Y comaundide to thee that thou schuldist not ete, the erthe schal be cursid in thi werk; in traueylis thou schalt ete therof in alle daies of thi lijf; 18it schal brynge forth thornes and breris to thee, and thou schalt ete eerbis of the erthe; 19in swoot of thi cheer thou schalt ete thi breed, til thou turne ayen in to the erthe of which thou art takun; for thou art dust, and thou schalt turne ayen in to dust. 20And Adam clepide the name of his wijf Eue, for sche was the moder of alle men lyuynge. And the Lord God made cootis of skynnys to Adam and Eue his wijf, and clothide hem; and seide, Lo! 22Adam is maad as oon of vs, and knowith good and yuel; now therfore se ye, lest perauenture he putte his hond, and take of the tre of lijf, and ete, and lyue with outen ende. 23And the Lord God sente hym out of paradijs of likyng, that he schulde worche the erthe, of which he was takun. 24And God castide out Adam, and settide bifore paradis of lykyng cherubyn, and a swerd of flawme and turnynge aboute to kepe the weie of the tre of lijf. 4Forsothe Adam knewe Eue his wijf, which conseyuede, and childide Cayn, and seide, Y haue gete a man bi God. 2And efte sche childide his brother Abel. Forsothe Abel was a kepere of scheep, and Cayn was an erthe tilyere. 3Sotheli it was don after many daies, that Cayn offride yiftis to the Lord of the fruytis of erthe; 4and Abel offride of the first gendrid of his floc, and of the fatnesse of tho. And the Lord bihelde to Abel and to the yiftis of hym; 5sotheli he bihelde not to Cayn and to hise yiftis. And Cayn was wrooth greetli, and his cheer felde doun. 6And the Lord seide to hym, Whi art thou wrooth, and whi felde doun thi face? 7Whether not if thou schalt do wel, thou schalt resseyue; but if thou doist yuele, thi synne schal be present anoon in the yatis? but the desir therof schal be vndur thee, and thou schalt be lord therof. 8And Cayn seide to Abel his brother, Go we out. And whanne thei weren in the feeld, Cayn roos ayens his brother Abel, and killide him. 9And the Lord seide to Cayn, Where is Abel thi brother? Which answerde, Y woot not; whether Y am the kepere of my brothir? 10And God seide to Cayn, What hast thou do? the vois of the blood of thi brother crieth to me fro erthe. 11Now therfor thou schalt be cursid on erthe, that openyde his mouth, and resseyuede of thin hond the blood of thi brothir. 12Whanne thou schalt worche the erthe, it schal not yyue his fruytis to thee; thou schalt be vnstable of dwellyng and fleynge aboute on erthe in alle the daies of thi lijf. 13And Cayn seide to the Lord, My wickidnesse is more than that Y disserue foryyuenesse; lo! 14to dai thou castist me out fro the face of the erthe; and Y schal be hid fro thi face, and Y schal be vnstable of dwellyng and fleynge aboute in erthe; therfore ech man that schal fynde me schal slee me. 15And the Lord seide to hym, It schal not be don so, but ech man that schal slee Cayn shal be punyschid seuenfold. And the Lord settide a signe in Cayn, that ech man that schulde fynde hym schulde not slee hym. 16And Cayn yede out fro the face of the Lord, and dwellide fleynge aboute in erthe, at the eest coost of Eden. 17Forsothe Cayn knewe his wiif, which conseyuede, and childide Enoth; and Cayn bildide a citee, and clepide the name therof of the name of hise sone Enoth. 18Forsothe Enoth gendride Irad, and Irad gendride Manyael, and Manyael gendride Matusael, and Matusael gendride Lameth; 19that took twei wyues, the name to o wijf was Ada, and the name to the tother was Sella. 20And Ada gendride Jabel, that was the fadir of dwellers in tentis and of shepherdis; 21and the name of his brother was Tubal, he was the fadir of syngeris in harpe and orgun. 22And Sella gendride Tubalcayn, that was an hamerbetere, and smyyt on alle werkis of bras and of yrun; forsothe the sistir of Tubalcayn was Neoma. 23And Lameth seide to his wyues Ada and Sella, Ye wyues of Lameth, here my vois, and herkne my word; for Y haue slayn a man bi my wounde, and a yong wexynge man bi my `violent betyng; 24veniaunce schal be youun seuenfold of Cayn, forsothe of Lameth seuentisithis seuensithis. 25Also yit Adam knewe his wijf, and sche childide a sone, and clepide his name Seth, and seide, God hath put to me another seed for Abel, whom Cayn killide. 26But also a sone was borun to Seth, which sone he clepide Enos; this Enos bigan to clepe inwardli the name of the Lord. 5This is the book of generacioun of Adam, in the dai wher ynne God made man of nouyt. God made man to the ymage and licnesse of God; 2God formede hem male and female, and blesside hem, and clepide the name of hem Adam, in the day in which thei weren formed. 3Forsothe Adam lyuede an hundrid yeer and thretti, and gendride a sone to his ymage and liknesse, and clepide his name Seth. 4And the daies of Adam after that he gendride Seth weren maad eiyte hundrid yeer, and he gendride sones and douytris. 5And al the tyme in which Adam lyuede was maad nyne hundrid yeer and thretti, and he was deed. 6Also Seth lyuede an hundrid and fyue yeer, and gendride Enos. 7And Seth lyuede aftir that he gendride Enos eiyte hundrid and seuen yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 8And alle the daies of Seth weren maad nyne hundrid and twelue yeer, and he was deed. 9Forsothe Enos lyuede nynti yeer, and gendride Caynan; 10aftir whos birthe Enos lyuede eiyte hundrid and fiftene yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 11And alle the daies of Enos weren maad nyne hundrid and fyue yeer, and he was deed. 12Also Caynan lyuyde seuenti yeer, and gendride Malalehel. 13And Caynan lyuede after that he gendride Malalehel eiyte hundrid and fourti yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 14And alle the dayes of Caynan weren maad nyn hundrid and ten yeer, and he was deed. 15Forsothe Malalehel lyuede sixti yeer and fyue, and gendride Jared. 16And Malalehel lyuede aftir that he gendride Jared eiyte hundrid and thretti yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 17And alle the daies of Malalehel weren maad eiyte hundrid nynti and fyue yeer, and he was deed. 18And Jared lyuede an hundrid and two and sixti yeer, and gendride Enoth. 19And Jared lyuede aftir that he gendride Enoth eiyte hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 20And alle the dayes of Jared weren maad nyn hundrid and twei and sexti yeer, and he was deed. 21Forsothe Enoth lyuede fyue and sixti yeer, and gendride Matusalem. 22And Enoth yede with God; and Enoth lyuede after that he gendride Matusalem thre hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 23And alle the daies of Enoth weren maad thre hundride and fyue and sexti yeer. 24And Enoth yeed with God, and apperide not afterward, for God took hym awei. 25Also Matusalem lyuede an hundrid and `fourscoor yeer and seuene, and gendride Lameth. 26And Matusalem lyuede after that he gendride Lameth seuene hundrid and `fourscoor yeer and twei, and gendride sones and douytris. 27And alle the daies of Matusale weren maad nyn hundrid and nyn and sixti yeer, and he was deed. 28Forsothe Lameth lyuede an hundrid and `fourscoor yeer and two, and gendride a sone; 29and clepide his name Noe, and seide, This man schal comforte vs of the werkis and traueilis of oure hondis, in the loond which the Lord curside. 30And Lameth lyuede after that he gendride Noe fyue hundrid `nynti and fyue yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 31And alle the daies of Lameth weren maad seuene hundrid `thre scoor and seuentene yeer, and he was deed. 6Forsothe Noe whanne he was of fyue hundrid yeer gendride Sem, Cham, and Jafeth. And whanne men bigunnen to be multiplied on erthe, and hadden gendrid douytris, 2the sones of God seiyen the douytris of men that thei weren faire, and token wyues to hem of alle whiche thei hadden chose. 3And God seide, My spirit schal not dwelle in man with outen ende, for he is fleisch; and the daies of hym schulen be an hundrid and twenti yeer. 4Sotheli giauntis weren on erthe in tho daies, forsothe aftir that the sones of God entriden to the douytris of men, and tho douytris gendriden; these weren myyti of the world and famouse men. 5Sotheli God seiy that myche malice of men was in erthe, and that al the thouyt of herte was ententif to yuel in al tyme, 6and repentide him that he hadde maad man in erthe; and God was war bifore ayens tyme to comyng, and was touchid with sorewe of herte with ynne; 7and seide, Y schal do awei man, whom Y made of nouyt, fro the face of the erthe, fro man til to lyuynge thingis, fro crepynge beeste til to the briddis of heuene; for it repentith me that Y made hem. 8Forsothe Noe foond grace bifore the Lord. 9These ben the generaciouns of Noe. Noe was a iust man and perfit in hise generaciouns; Noe yede with God, 10and gendride thre sones, Sem, Cam, and Jafeth. 11Forsothe the erthe was corrupt bifore God, and was fillid with wickidnes. 12And whanne God seiy, that the erthe was corrupt, for ech fleisch ether man hadde corrupt his weie on erthe, 13he seide to Noe, The ende of al fleisch is comen bifore me; the erthe is fillid with wickidnesse of the face of hem, and Y schal distrye hem with the erthe. 14Make thou to thee a schip of trees hewun and planed; thou schalt make dwellynge placis in the schip, and thou schalt anoynte it with pitche with ynne and with outforth. 15And so thou schalt make it. The lengthe of the schip schal be of thre hundrid cubitis, the brede schal be of fifti cubitis, and the hiynesse therof schal be of thretti cubitis. 16Thou schalt make a wyndow in the schip, and thou schalt ende the hiynesse therof in a cubite; sotheli thou schalt sette the dore of the schip in the side binethe; thou shalt make soleris and placis of thre chaumbris in the schip. 17Lo! Y schal brynge `watris of diluuye ether greet flood on erthe, and Y schal sle ech fleisch in which is the spirit of lijf vndir heuene, and alle thingis that ben in erthe, schulen be wastid. 18And Y schal sette my couenaunt of pees with thee; and thou schalt entre in to the schip, and thy sones, and thi wijf, and the wiues of thi sones schulen entre with thee. 19And of alle lyuynge beestis of al fleisch thou schalt brynge in to the schip tweyne and tweyne, of male kynde and female, that thei lyue with thee; 20of briddis bi her kynde, and of werk beestis in her kynde, and of ech crepynge beeste of erthe, by her kynde; tweyne and tweyne of alle schulen entre with thee, that thei moun lyue. 21Therfore thou schalt take with thee of alle metis that moun be etun, and thou schalt bere to gidre at thee, and tho schulen be as well to thee as to the beestis in to mete. 22Therfor Noe dide alle thingis whiche God comaundide to hym. 7Also the Lord seide to Noe, Entre thou and al thin hous in to the schip, for Y seiy thee iust bifore me in this generacioun. 2Of alle clene lyuynge beestis thou schalt take bi seuene and bi seuene, male and female; forsothe of vnclene lyuynge beestis thou schalt take bi tweyne and bi tweyne, male and female; 3but also of volatils of heuene thou schalt take, bi seuene and bi seuene, male and female, that her seed be saued on the face of al erthe. 4For yit and aftir seuene daies Y schal reyne on erthe fourti daies and fourti nyytis, and Y schal do awey al substaunce which Y made, fro the face of erthe. 5Therfor Noe dide alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to hym. 6And he was of sixe hundrid yeer, whanne the watris of the greet flood flowiden on erthe. 7And Noe entride in to the schip, and hise sones, and hise wijf, and the wyues of his sones, entriden with him for the watris of the greet flood. 8And of lyuynge beestis clene and vnclene, and of briddis of heuene, and of ech beeste which is moued on erthe, 9bi tweyne and bi tweyne, male and female entriden to Noe in to the schip, as the Lord comaundide to Noe. 10And whanne seuene daies hadden passid, the watris of the greet flood flowiden on erthe. 11In the sixe hundrid yeer of the lijf of Noe, in the secunde moneth, in the seuententhe dai of the moneth, alle the wellis of the greet see weren brokun, and the wyndowis of heuene weren opened, 12and reyn was maad on erthe fourti daies and fourti nyytis. 13In the ende of that dai Noe entride, and Sem, Cham, and Japheth, hise sones, his wijf, and the wyues of hise sones, entriden with hem into the schip. 14Thei entriden, and ech beeste bi his kynde, and alle werk beestis in her kynde, and ech beeste which is moued on erthe in his kynde, and ech volatil bi his kynde; alle briddis and alle volatils entriden to Noe in to the schip, 15bi tweyne and bi tweyne of ech fleisch in whiche the spirit of lijf was. 16And tho that entriden, entriden male and female of ech fleisch, as God comaundide to hym. And the Lord encloside hym fro with out-forth. 17And the greet flood was maad fourti daies and fourti niytis on erthe, and the watris weren multiplied, and reiseden the schip on hiy fro erthe. 18The watris flowiden greetli, and filliden alle thingis in the face of erthe. Forsothe the schip was borun on the watris. 19And the watris hadden maistrie greetli on erthe, and alle hiye hillis vndur alle heuene weren hilid; 20the watyr was hiyere bi fiftene cubitis ouer the hilis whiche it hilide. 21And ech fleisch was wastid that was moued on erthe, of briddis, of lyuynge beestis, of vnresonable beestis, and of alle `reptilis that crepen on erthe. 22Alle men, and alle thingis in whiche the brething of lijf was in erthe, weren deed. 23And God dide awei al substaunce that was on erthe, fro man til to beeste, as wel a crepynge beeste as the briddis of heuene; and tho weren doon awei fro erthe. Forsothe Noe dwellide aloone, and thei that weren with hym in the schip. 24And the watris of the greet flood ouereyeden the erthe an hundrid and fifti daies. 8Forsothe the Lord hadde mynde of Noe, and of alle lyuynge beestis, and of alle werk beestis, that weren with hym in the schip; and brouyte a wynd on the erthe. 2And watris weren decreessid, and the wellis of the see weren closid, and the wyndowis of heuene weren closid, and reynes of heuene weren ceessid. 3And watrys turneden ayen fro erthe, and yeden ayen, and bigunnen to be decreessid aftir an hundrid and fifti daies. 4And the schip restide in the seuenthe monthe, in the seuene and twentithe dai of the monthe, on the hillis of Armenye. 5And sotheli the watrys yeden and decresiden til to the tenthe monethe, for in the tenthe monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, the coppis of hillis apperiden. 6And whanne fourti daies weren passid, Noe openyde the wyndow of the schip which he hadde maad, and sente out a crowe, 7which yede out, and turnede not ayen til the watris weren dried on erthe. Also Noe sente out a culuer aftir hym, to se if the watris hadden ceessid thanne on the face of erthe; 9and whanne the culuer foond not where hir foot schulde reste, sche turnede ayen to hym in to the schip, for the watris weren on al erthe; and Noe helde forth his hoond, and brouyte the culuer takun in to the schip. 10Sotheli whanne othere seuene daies weren abedun aftirward, eft he leet out a culuer fro the schip; 11and sche cam to hym at euentid, and bare in hir mouth a braunche of olyue tre with greene leeuys. Therfor Noe vndirstood that the watris hadden ceessid on erthe; 12and neuerthelesse he abood seuene othere daies, and sente out a culuer, which turnede `no more ayen to hym. 13Therfor in the sixe hundrid and o yeer of the lijf of Noe, in the firste monethe, in the firste day of the monethe, watris weren decreessid on erthe; and Noe openede the roof of the schip, and bihelde and seiy that the face of the erthe was dried. 14In the secunde monethe, in the seuene and twentithe dai of the monethe, the erthe was maad drie. 15Sotheli the Lord spak to Noe; 16and seide, Go out of the schip, thou, and thi wijf, thi sones, and the wyues of thi sones with thee; 17and lede out with thee alle lyuynge beestis that ben at thee of ech fleisch, as wel in volatilis as in vnresonable beestis, and alle `reptils that crepen on erthe; and entre ye on the erthe, encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied on erthe. 18Therfor Noe yede out, and hise sones, and his wijf, and the wyues of hise sones with hym; 19but also alle lyuynge beestis, and werk beestis, and `reptils that crepen on erthe, bi her kynde, yeden out of the schip. 20Forsothe Noe bildide an auter to the Lord, and he took of alle clene beestis and briddis, and offride brent sacrifices on the auter. 21And the Lord sauerede the odour of swetnesse, and seide to hym, Y schal no more curse the erthe for men, for the wit and thouyt of mannus herte ben redi in to yuel fro yong wexynge age; therfor Y schal no more smyte ech lyuynge soule as Y dide; 22in alle the daies of erthe, seed and ripe corn, coold and heete, somer and wyntir, nyyt and dai, shulen not reste. 9And God blisside Noe and hise sones, and seide to hem, Encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied, and fille ye the erthe; 2and youre drede and tremblyng be on alle vnresonable beestis of erthe, and on alle briddis of heuene, with alle thingis that ben moued in erthe; alle fischis of the see ben youun to youre hond. 3And al thing which is moued and lyueth schal be to you in to mete; Y have youe to you alle thingis as greene wortis, 4outakun that ye schulen not ete fleisch with blood, 5for Y schal seke the blood of youre lyues of the hoond of alle vnresonable beestis and of the hoond of man, of the hoond of man and of hys brother Y schal seke the lijf of man. 6Who euere schedith out mannus blood, his blood schal be sched; for man is maad to the ymage of God. 7Forsothe encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied, and entre ye on erthe, and fille ye it, Also the Lord seide thes thingis to Noe, 8and to his sones with him, Lo! 9Y schal make my couenaunt with you, and with your seed after you, 10and to ech lyuynge soule which is with you, as wel in briddis as in werk beestis and smale beestis of erthe, and to alle thingis that yeden out of the schip, and to alle vnresonable beestis of erthe. 11Y schal make my couenaunt with you, and ech fleisch schal no more be slayn of the watris of the greet flood, nethir the greet flood distriynge al erthe schal be more. 12And God seide, This is the signe of boond of pees, which Y yyue bitwixe me and you, and to ech lyuynge soule which is with you, in to euerlastynge generaciouns. 13Y schal sette my bowe in the cloudis, and it schal be a signe of boond of pees bitwixe me and erthe; 14and whanne Y schal hile heuene with cloudis, my bowe schal appere in the cloudis, 15and Y schal haue mynde of my boond of pees which Y made with you, and with ech soule lyuynge, that nurschith fleisch; and the watris of the greet flood schulen no more be to do awey al fleish. 16And my bowe schal be in the cloudis, and Y schal se it, and Y schal haue mynde of euerlastynge boond of pees, which is maad bitwixe God and man, and ech soul lyuynge of al fleisch which is on erthe. 17And God seide to Noe, This schal be a signe of boond of pees, which Y made bitwixe me and ech fleisch on erthe. 18Therfore thei that yeden out of the schip weren Noe, Sem, Cham, and Japheth; forsothe Cham, thilke is the fadir of Chanaan. 19These thre weren the sones of Noe, and al the kynde of men was sowun of hem on al erthe. 20And Noe, an erthe tiliere, bigan to tile the erthe, and he plauntide a viner, 21and he drank wyn, and was drunkun; and he was nakid, and lay in his tabernacle. 22And whanne Cham, the fadir of Chanaan, hadde seien this thing, that is, that the schameful membris of his fadir weren maad nakid, he telde to hise tweye britheren with out forth. 23And sotheli Sem and Jafeth puttiden a mentil on her schuldris, and thei yeden bacward, and hileden the schameful membris of her fadir, and her faces weren turned awei, and thei sien not the priuy membris of her fadir. 24And forsothe Noe wakide of the wyn, and whanne he hadde lerned what thingis his lesse sone hadde do to hym, 25he seide, Cursid be the child Canaan, he schal be seruaunt of seruauntis to hise britheren. 26And Noe seide, Blessid be the Lord God of Sem, 27and Chanaan be the seruaunt to Sem; God alarge Jafeth, and dwelle in the tabernaclis of Sem, and Chanaan be seruaunt of hym. 28Forsothe Noe lyuede aftir the greet flood thre hundrid and fifti yeer; 29and alle the daies of hym weren fillid nyn hundrid and fifty yeer, and he was deed. 10These ben the generaciouns of the sones of Noe, Sem, Cham, and Jafeth. And sones weren borun to hem aftir the greet flood. 2The sones of Jafeth weren Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Jauan, and Tubal, and Mosoth, and Thiras. 3Forsothe the sones of Gomer weren Asseneth, and Rifath, and Thogorma. 4Forsothe the sones of Jauan weren Helisa, and Tharsis, Cethym, and Dodanym; 5of these sones the ylis of hethen men weren departid in her cuntrees, ech bi his langage and meynees, in hise naciouns. 6Sotheli the sones of Cham weren Thus, and Mesraym, and Futh, and Chanaan. 7Forsothe the sones of Thus weren Saba, and Euila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sones of Regma weren Saba, and Dadan. 8Forsothe Thus gendride Nemroth; he bigan to be myyti in erthe, 9and he was a strong huntere of men bifore the Lord; of hym a prouerbe yede out, as Nemroth, a strong huntere bifore the Lord. 10Sotheli the bigynnyng of his rewme was Babiloyne, and Arach, and Archad, and Thalamye, in the lond of Sennaar. 11Assur yede out of that lond, and bildide Nynyue, `and stretis of the citee, 12and Chale, and Resen bitwixe Nynyue and Chale; this is a greet citee. 13And sotheli Mesraym gendride Ludym, and Anamym, and Laabym, Neptuym, and Ferrusym, and Cesluym; 14of which the Filisteis and Capturym camen forth. 15Forsothe Chanaan gendride Sidon, his firste gendride sone, Ethei, and Jebusei, 16and Amorrei, Gergesei, 17Euei, and Arathei, 18Ceney, and Aradie, Samarites, and Amathei; and puplis of Chananeis weren sowun abrood bi these men. 19And the termes of Chanaan weren maad to men comynge fro Sidon to Gerara, til to Gasa, til thou entre in to Sodom and Gomore, and Adama, and Seboyne, til to Lesa. 20These weren the sones of Cham, in her kynredis, and langagis, and generaciouns, and londis, and folkis. 21Also of Sem weren borun the fadris of alle the sones of Heber, and Japhet was the more brother. 22The sones of Sem weren Elam, and Assur, and Arfaxath, and Lud, and Aram. 23The sones of Aram weren Vs, and Hul, and Gether, and Mes. 24And sotheli Arfaxath gendride Sale, of whom Heber was borun. 25And twei sones weren borun to Heber, the name to o sone was Faleg, for the lond was departid in hise daies; and the name of his brothir was Jectan. 26And thilke Jectan gendride Elmodad, and Salech, 27and Asamoth, Jare, and Adhuram, and Vsal, 28and Deda, and Ebal, and Abymahel, Saba, and Ofir, and Euila, and Jobab; 29alle these weren the sones of Jectan. 30And the habitacioun of hem was maad fro Messa, as `me goith til to Sefar, an hil of the eest. 31These ben the sones of Sem, bi kynredis, and langagis, and cuntrees, in her folkis. 32These ben the meynees of Noe, bi her puplis and naciouns; folkis in erthe weren departid of these aftir the greet flood. 11Forsothe the lond was of o langage, and of the same speche. 2And whanne thei yeden forth fro the eest, thei fonden a feeld in the lond of Sennaar, and dwelliden ther ynne. 3And oon seide to his neiybore, Come ye, and make we tiel stonys, and bake we tho with fier; and thei hadden tiel for stonus, and pitche for morter; 4and seiden, Come ye, and make we to vs a citee and tour, whos hiynesse stretche `til to heuene; and make we solempne oure name bifor that we be departid in to alle londis. 5Forsothe the Lord cam down to se the citee and tour, which the sones of Adam bildiden. 6And he seide, Lo! the puple is oon, and o langage is to alle, and thei han bigunne to make this, nethir thei schulen ceesse of her thouytis, til thei fillen tho in werk; therfor come ye, go we doun, 7and scheende we there the tunge of hem, that ech man here not the voys of his neiybore. 8And so the Lord departide hem fro that place in to alle londis; and thei cessiden to bielde a cytee. 9And therfor the name therof was clepid Babel, for the langage of al erthe was confoundide there; and fro thennus the Lord scaterede hem on the face of alle cuntrees. 10These ben the generaciouns of Sem. Sem was of an hundrid yeer whanne he gendride Arfaxath, twey yeer aftir the greet flood. 11And Sem lyuede aftir that he gendride Arfaxath fyue hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 12Forsothe Arfaxath lyuede fyue and thretti yeer, and gendride Sale; 13and Arfaxath lyuede aftir that he gendride Sale thre hundride and thre yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 14Also Sale lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Heber; 15and Sale lyuede after that he gendride Heber foure hundrid and thre yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 16Sotheli Heber lyuede foure and thretti yeer, and gendride Falech; 17and Heber lyuede aftir that he gendride Falech foure hundrid and thretti yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 18Also Falech lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Reu; 19and Falech lyuede aftir that he gendride Reu two hundrid and nyne yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 20And Reu lyuede two and thretti yeer, and gendride Saruch; 21and Reu lyuede aftir that he gendride Saruch two hundrid and seuene yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 22Sotheli Saruch lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Nachor; 23and Saruch lyuede aftir that he gendride Nacor two hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 24Forsothe Nachor lyuede nyne and twenti yeer, and gendride Thare; 25and Nachor lyuede after that he gendride Thare an hundrid and nynetene yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 26And Thare lyuede seuenti yeer, and gendride Abram, and Nachor, and Aran. 27Sotheli these ben the generaciouns of Thare. Thare gendride Abram, Nachor, and Aran. Forsothe Aran gendride Loth; 28and Aran diede bifore Thare, his fadir, in the lond of his natiuite, in Vr of Caldeis. 29Forsothe Abram and Nachor weddiden wyues; the name of the wijf of Abram was Saray, and the name of the wiif of Nachor was Melcha, the douyter of Aran, fadir of Melcha and fadir of Jescha. 30Sotheli Saray was bareyn, and hadde no children. 31And so Thare took Abram, his sone, and Loth, the sone of Aran his sone, and Saray, his douyter in lawe, the wijf of Abram, his sone, and ledde hem out of Vr of Caldeis, that thei schulen go in to the lond of Chanaan; and thei camen `til to Aran, and dwelliden there. 32And the daies of Thare weren maad two hundrid yeer and fyue, and he was deed in Aran. 12Forsothe the Lord seide to Abram, Go thou out of thi lond, and of thi kynrede, and of the hous of thi fadir, and come thou in to the lond which Y schal schewe to thee; 2and Y schal make thee in to a greet folk, and Y schal blisse thee, and Y schal magnyfie thi name, and thou schalt be blessid; 3Y schal blesse hem that blessen thee, and Y schal curse hem that cursen thee; and alle kynredis of erthe schulen be blessid in thee. 4And so Abram yede out, as the Lord comaundide hym, and Loth yede with hym. Abram was of `thre scoor yeer and fiftene whanne he yede out of Aran. 5And he took Saray, his wijf, and Loth, the sone of his brother, and al the substaunce which thei hadden in possessioun, and the men whiche thei hadden bigete in Aran; and thei yeden out that thei `schulen go in to the loond of Chanaan. And whanne they camen in to it, 6Abram passide thorou the lond til to the place of Sichem, and til to the noble valey. Forsothe Chananei was thanne in the lond. 7Sotheli the Lord apperide to Abram, and seide to hym, Y schal yyue this lond to thi seed. And Abram bildide there an auter to the Lord, that apperide to hym. 8And fro thennus he passide forth to the hil Bethel, that was ayens the eest, and settide there his tabernacle, hauynge Bethel fro the west, and Hay fro the eest. And he bildide also there an auter to the Lord, and inwardli clepide his name. 9And Abram yede goynge and goynge forth ouer to the south. 10Sotheli hungur was maad in the lond; and Abram yede doun in to Egipt, to be a pilgrime ther, for hungur hadde maistrie in the lond. 11And whanne he was nyy to entre in to Egipt, he seide to Saray, his wijf, Y knowe that thou art a fair womman, 12and that whanne Egipcians schulen se thee, thei schulen seie, it is his wijf, and thei schulen sle me, and `schulen reserue thee. 13Therfor, Y biseche thee, seie thou, that thou art my sistir, that it be wel to me for thee, and that my lijf lyue for loue of thee. 14And so whanne Abram hadde entrid in to Egipt, Egipcians sien the womman that sche was ful fair; and the prynces telden to Farao, and preiseden hir anentis him; 15and the womman was takun vp in to the hous of Farao. 16Forsothe thei vsiden wel Abram for hir; and scheep, and oxun, and assis, and seruauntis, and seruauntessis, and sche assis, and camels weren to hym. 17Forsothe the Lord beet Farao and his hous with moste veniaunces, for Saray, the wijf of Abram. 18And Farao clepide Abram, and seide to hym, What is it that thou hast do to me? whi schewidist thou not to me, that sche was thi wijf? 19for what cause seidist thou, that sche was thi sister, that Y schulde take hir in to wife to me? Now therfor lo! thi wiif; take thou hir, and go. 20And Farao comaundide to men on Abram, and thei ledden forth hym, and his wijf, and alle thingis that he hadde. 13Therfore Abram stiede fro Egipt, he, and his wijf, and alle thingis that he hadde; and Loth stiede with hym, to the south coost. 2Forsothe he was ful riche in possessyoun of siluer and of gold. 3And he turnede ayen bi the weye in which he cam fro the south in to Bethel, `til to the place, in which bifore he hadde sett tabernacle, bitwixe Bethel and Hay, 4in the place of the auter which he made bifore, and inwardli clepide there the name of the Lord. 5But also flockis of scheep, and droues of oxun, and tabernaclis weren to Loth, that was with Abram; 6and the lond miyte not take hem, that thei schulden dwelle togidre, for the catel of hem was myche, and thei miyten not dwelle in comyn. 7Wherfor also strijf was maad bitwixe the keperis of flockis of Abram and of Loth. Forsothe Chananei and Feresei dwelliden in that lond in that tyme. 8Therfor Abram seide to Loth, Y biseche, that no strijf be bitwixe me and thee, and bitwixe my scheepherdis and thi scheepherdis; for we ben britheren. 9Lo! al the lond is bifore thee, Y biseche, departe thou fro me; if thou go to the left side, Y schal holde the riyt side; if thou chese the riyt side, Y schal go to the left side. 10And so Loth reiside hise iyen, and seiy aboute al the cuntrei of Jordan, which was al moistid, bifor that the Lord distriede Sodom and Gomorre, as paradis of the Lord, and as Egipt, as men comen in to Segor. 11And Loth chees to him the cuntre aboute Jordan, and departide fro the eest; and thei weren departid ech fro his brother. 12Abram dwellide in the lond of Chanaan; sotheli Loth dwellide in townes aboute Jordan, and wonide in Sodom. 13Forsothe men of Sodom weren ful wickid, and synneris greetly bifore the Lord. 14And the Lord seide to Abram, aftir that Loth was departid fro him, Reise thin iyen forth riyt, and se fro the place in which thou art now, to the north and south, to the eest and west; 15Y schal yyue al the lond which thou seest to thee and to thi seed, til in to with outen ende. 16And Y schal make thi seed as the dust of erthe; if ony man may noumbre the dust of erthe, also he schal mowe noumbre thi seed. 17Therfor rise thou, and passe thorou the lond in his lengthe and breede, for Y schal yyue it to thee. 18Therfor Abram, mouynge his tabernacle, cam and dwellide bisidis the valei of Mambre, which is in Ebron; and he bildide there an auter to the Lord. 14Forsothe it was don in that tyme, that Amrafel, kyng of Sennaar, and Ariok, kyng of Ponte, and Chodorlaomor, kyng of Elemytis, 2and Tadal, kyng of folkis, bigunnen batel ayens Bara, kyng of Sodom, and ayens Bersa, kyng of Gomorre, and ayens Sennaar, kyng of Adama, and ayens Semeber, kyng of Seboym, and ayens the kyng of Bale; thilke Bale is Segor. 3Alle these camen togidre in to the valey of wode, which is now the see of salt. 4For in twelue yeer thei seruyden Chodorlaomor, and in the threttenthe yeer thei departiden fro hym. 5Therfor Chodorlaomor cam in the fourtenthe yeer, and kyngis that weren with him, and thei `han smyte Rafaym in Astaroth Carnaym, and Susym with hem, and Emym in Sabe Cariathaym, 6and Choreis in the hillis of Seir, til to the feldi placis of Faran, which is in wildirnesse. 7And thei turneden ayen, and camen til to the welle Mesphath; thilke is Cades. And thei `han smyte al the cuntre of men of Amalec, and Amorrei, that dwellide in Asason Thamar. 8And the kyng of Sodom, and the king of Gomorre, and the kyng of Adama, and the kyng of Seboym, also and the kyng of Bale, which is Segor, yeden out, and dressiden scheltrun ayens hem in the valei of wode, 9that is, ayens Chodorlaomor, kyng of Elamytis, and Thadal, kyng of folkis, and Amrafel, kyng of Sennaar, and Ariok, kyng of Ponte; foure kyngis ayens fyue. 10Forsothe the valey of the wode hadde many pittis of pitche; and so the kyng of Sodom and the kyng of Gomorre turneden the backis, and felden doun there; and thei that leften fledden to the hil. 11Sotheli thei token awei al the catel of Sodom and Gomorre, and alle thingis that perteynen to mete, and yeden awei; 12also and thei token awey Loth and his catel, the sone of the brother of Abram, which Loth dwellide in Sodom. 13And, lo! oon that ascapide, telde to Abram Ebrew, that dwellide in the valei of Mambre of Amorrei, brother of Escol, and brother of Aner; for these maden couenaunt of pees with Abram. 14And whanne Abram hadde herd this thing, that is, Loth his brothir takun, he noumbride his borun seruauntis maad redy thre hundrid and eiytene, and pursuede hem `til to Dan. 15And whanne his felowis weren departid, he felde on hem in the niyt, and he smoot hem, and pursuede hem `til to Hoba, and Fenyce, which is at the left side of Damask. 16And he brouyte ayen al the catel, and Loth his brother with his catel, also wymmen and the puple. 17Sotheli the kyng of Sodom yede out in to the metyng of him, after that he turnede ayen fro sleyng of Chodorlaomor, and of kyngis that weren with him, in the valei of Sabe, which is the valey of the kyng. 18And sotheli Melchisedech, kyng of Salem, brouyte forth breed and wyn, for he was the preest of hiyeste God; 19and he blesside Abram, and seide, Blessid be Abram of hiy God, that made heuene and erthe of nouyt, 20and blessid be hiy God, bi whom defendynge, enemyes ben bitakun in thin hondis. And Abram yaf tithis of alle thingis to hym. 21Forsothe the kyng of Sodom seide to Abram, Yyue thou the men to me; take thou othir thingis to thee. 22And Abram answerde to hym, Y reyse myn hondis to the hiy Lord God, 23Lord of heuene and of erthe, that fro the threde of oof til to the layner of the hose I schal not take of alle thingis that ben thine, lest thou seie, I made Abram riche; 24out takun these thingis whiche the yonge men eeten, and the partis of men that camen with me, Aner, Escol, and Mambre; these men schulen take her partis. 15And so whanne these thingis weren don, the word of the Lord was maad to Abram bi a visioun, and seide, Abram, nyle thou drede, Y am thi defender, and thi meede is ful greet. 2And Abram seide, Lord God, what schalt thou yyue to me? Y schal go with oute fre children, and this Damask, sone of Elieser, the procuratour of myn hous, schal be myn eir. 3And Abram addide, Sotheli thou hast not youe seed to me, and, lo! my borun seruaunt schal be myn eir. 4And anoon the word of the Lord was maad to hym, and seide, This schal not be thin eir, but thou schalt haue hym eir, that schal go out of thi wombe. 5And the Lord ledde out Abram, and seide to hym, Biholde thou heuene, and noumbre thou sterris, if thou maist. And the Lord seide to Abram, So thi seed schal be. 6Abram bileuede to God, and it was arettid to hym to riytfulnesse. 7And God seide to hym, Y am the Lord, that ladde thee out of Vr of Caldeis, that Y schulde yyue this lond to thee, and thou schuldist haue it in possessioun. 8And Abram seide, Lord God, wherbi may I wite that Y schal welde it? 9And the Lord answerde, and seide, Take thou to me a cow of thre yeer, and a geet of thre yeer, and a ram of thre yeer, a turtle also, and a culuer. 10Which took alle these thingis, and departide tho bi the myddis, and settide euer eithir partis ech ayens other; but he departide not the briddis. 11And foulis camen doun on the careyns, and Abram drof hem awey. 12And whanne the sunne was gon doun, drede felde on Abram, and a greet hidousenesse and derk asaylide him. 13And it was seid to hym, Wite thou bifore knowinge, that thi seed schal be pilgrim foure hundrid yeer in a lond not his owne, and thei schulen make hem suget to seruage, and thei schulen turment hem; 14netheles Y schal deme the folk to whom thei schulen serue; and aftir these thingis thei schulen go out with greet catel. 15Forsothe thou schalt go to thi fadris in pees, and schalt be biried in good age. 16Sotheli in the fourthe generacioun thei schulen turne ayen hidir, for the wickidnesses of Amoreis ben not yit fillid, `til to present tyme. 17Therfor whanne the sunne was gon doun, a derk myst was maad, and a furneis smokynge apperide, and a laumpe of fier, and passide thorou tho departingis. 18In that dai the Lord made a couenaunt of pees with Abram, and seide, Y schal yyue to thi seed this lond, fro the ryuer of Egipt til to the greet ryuer Eufrates; Cyneis, 19and Cyneseis, and Cethmoneis, and Etheis, 20and Fereseis, and Raphaym, and Amorreis, 21and Cananeis, and Gergeseis, and Jebuseis. 16Therfor Sarai, wijf of Abram, hadde not gendrid fre children; but sche hadde a seruauntesse of Egipt, Agar bi name, and seide to hir hosebonde, Lo! 2the Lord hath closid me, that Y schulde not bere child; entre thou to my seruauntesse, if in hap Y schal take children, nameli of hir. And whanne he assentide to hir preiynge, sche took Agar Egipcian, 3hir seruauntesse, after ten yeer aftir that thei begunne to enhabite in the lond of Chanaan, and sche yaf Agar wiif to hir hosebonde. 4And Abram entride to Agar; and Agar seiy that sche hadde conseyued, and sche dispiside hir ladi. 5And Saray seide to Abram, Thou doist wickidli ayens me; I yaf my seruauntesse in to thi bosum, which seeth, that sche conseyuede, and dispisith me; the Lord deme betwixe me and thee. 6And Abram answerde and seide to hir, Lo! thi seruauntesse is in thin hond; vse thou hir as `it likith. Therfor for Sarai turmentide hir, sche fledde awei. 7And whanne the aungel of the Lord hadde founde hir bisidis a welle of watir in wildernesse, which welle is in the weie of Sur in deseert, 8he seide to hir, Fro whennus comest thou Agar, the seruauntesse of Sarai, and whidur goist thou? Which answerde, Y fle fro the face of Sarai my ladi. 9And the aungel of the Lord seide to hir, Turne thou ayen to thi ladi, and be thou mekid vndur hir hondis. 10And eft he seide, Y multipliynge schal multiplie thi seed, and it schal not be noumbrid for multitude. 11And aftirward he seide, Lo! thou hast conseyued, and thou schalt bere a sone, and thou schalt clepe his name Ismael, for the Lord hath herd thi turment; 12this schal be a wielde man; his hond schal be ayens alle men, and the hondis of alle men schulen be ayens him; and he schal sette tabernaclis euene ayens alle his britheren. 13Forsothe Agar clepide the name of the Lord that spak to hir, Thou God that seiyest me; for sche seide, Forsothe here Y seiy the hynderere thingis of him that siy me. 14Therfor sche clepide thilke pit, the pit of hym that lyueth and seeth me; thilk pit is bitwixe Cades and Barad. 15And Agar childide a sone to Abram, which clepide his name Ismael. 16Abram was of `eiyti yeere and sixe, whanne Agar childide Ysmael to hym. 17Forsothe aftir that Abram bigan to be of nynti yeer and nyne, the Lord apperide to hym, and seide to him, Y am Almyyti God; go thou bifore me, and be thou perfit; 2and Y schal sette my couenaunt of pees bitwixe me and thee; and Y schal multiplie thee ful greetli. 3And Abram felde doun lowe on his face. 4And God seide to hym, Y am, and my couenaunt of pees is with thee, and thou schalt be the fadir of many folkis; 5and thi name schal no more be clepid Abram, but thou schalt be clepid Abraham, for Y haue maad thee fadir of many folkis; 6and Y schal make thee to wexe ful greetli, and Y schal sette thee in folkis, and kyngis schulen go out of thee; 7and Y schal make my couenaunt bitwixe me and thee, and bitwixe thi seed after thee, in her generaciouns, bi euerlastynge bond of pees, that Y be thi God, and of thi seed after thee; 8and Y schal yyue to thee and to thi seed after thee the lond of thi pilgrymage, al the lond of Chanaan, in to euerlastynge possessioun, and Y schal be the God of hem. 9God seide eft to Abraham, And therfor thou schalt kepe my couenaunt, and thi seed after thee, in her generaciouns. 10This is my couenaunt, which ye schulen kepe bitwixe me and you, and thi seed after thee; ech male kynde of you schal be circumcidid, 11and ye schulen circumside the fleisch of youre mannes yeerd, that it be in to a signe of boond of pees bytwixe me and you. 12A yong child of eiyte daies schal be circumsidid in you, al male kynde in youre generaciouns, as wel a borun seruaunt as a seruaunt bouyt schal be circumsidid, and who euere is of youre kynrede he schal be circumsidid; 13and my couenaunt schal be in youre fleisch in to euerlastynge boond of pees. 14A man whos fleisch of his yerde schal not be circumsidid, thilke man schal be doon a wei fro his puple; for he made voide my couenaunt. 15Also God seide to Abraham, Thou schalt not clepe Saray, thi wijf, Sarai, but Sara; 16and Y schal blesse hir, and of hir I schal yyue to thee a sone, whom I schal blesse, and he schal be in to naciouns, and kyngis of puplis schulen be borun of hym. 17Abraham felde doun on his face, and leiyede in his hert, and seide, Gessist thou, whethir a sone schal be borun to a man of an hundrid yeer, and Sara of nynti yeer schal bere child? 18And he seide to the Lord, Y wolde that Ismael lyue bifore thee. 19And the Lord seide to Abraham, Sara, thi wijf, schal bere a sone to thee, and thou schalt clepe his name Ysaac, and Y schal make my couenaunt to hym in to euerlastynge boond of pees, and to his seed aftir hym; 20also on Ysmael Y haue herd thee, lo! Y schal blesse him, and Y schal encreesse, and Y schal multiplie him greetli; he schal gendre twelue dukis, and Y schal make hym in to a greet folk. 21Forsothe Y schal make my couenaunt to Ysaac, whom Sare schal childe to thee in this tyme in the tother yeer. 22And whanne the word of the spekere with hym was endid, God stiede fro Abraham. 23Forsothe Abraham took Ismael, his sone, and alle the borun seruauntis of his hous, and alle which he hadde bouyte, alle the malis of alle men of his hous, and circumsidide the fleisch of her yerde, anoon in that dai, as the Lord comaundide him. 24Abraham was of nynti yeer and nyne whanne he circumsidide the fleisch of his yeerd, 25and Ismael, his sone, hadde fillid threttene yeer in the tyme of his circumsicioun. 26Abraham was circumsidid in the same day, and Ismael his sone, 27and alle men of his hows, as wel borun seruauntis as bouyt and aliens, weren circumcidid togidre. 18Forsothe in the valei of Mambre the Lord apperide to Abraham, sittynge in the dore of his tabernacle, in thilke heete of the dai. 2And whanne he hadde reisid his iyen, thre men apperiden to hym, and stoden nyy hym. And whanne he hadde seyn hem, he ran fro the dore of his tabernacle in to the meting of hem, and he worschipide on erthe, 3and seide, Lord, if Y haue founde grace in thin iyen, passe thou not thi seruaunt, 4but I schal brynge a litil watir, and youre feet be waischid, and reste ye vndur the tre; 5and Y schal sette a mussel of breed, and youre herte be coumfortid; aftirward ye schulen passe; for herfor ye bowiden to youre seruaunt. Whiche seiden, Do thou as thou hast spoke. 6Abraham hastide in to the tabernacle, to Sare, and seide to hir, Hast thou, meddle thou thre half buschelis of clene flour; and make thou looues bakun vndur aischis. 7Forsothe he ran to the droue of beestis, and took therof a calf moost tendre and best, and yaf to a child, which hastide, and sethede the calfe; 8and he took botere, and mylk, and the calf which he hadde sode, and settide bifore hem; forsothe Abraham stood bisidis hem vndur the tre. 9And whanne thei hadden ete, thei seiden to hym, Where is Sare thi wijf? He answerde, Lo! sche is in the tabernacle. 10To whom the Lord seide, Y schal turne ayen, and Y schal come to thee in this tyme, if Y lyue; and Sare, thi wijf, schal haue a sone. Whanne this was herd, Sare leiyede bihynde the dore of the tabernacle. 11Forsothe bothe weren olde, and of greet age, and wommans termes ceessiden to be maad to Sare. 12And she leiyede, seiynge pryueli, after that Y wexede eld, and my lord is eld, schal Y yyue diligence to lust? 13Forsothe the Lord seide to Abraham, Whi leiyeth Sare, thi wijf, seiynge, whether Y an eld womman schal bere child verili? 14whether ony thing is hard to God? Bi the biheeste Y schal turne ayen to thee in this same tyme, if Y lyue; and Sara schal haue a sone. 15Sare was aferd for drede, and denyede, seiynge, Y leiyede not. Forsothe the Lord seide, It is not so, but thou leiyedist. 16Therfor whanne the men hadden risen fro thennus, thei dressiden the iyen ayens Sodom; and Abraham yede to gidre, ledynge hem forth. 17And the Lord seide, Wher Y mowe hele fro Abraham what thingis Y schal do, 18sithen he schal be in to a greet folk and moost strong, and alle naciouns of erthe schulen be blessid in hym? 19For Y woot that Abraham schal comaunde hise children, and his hows after hym, that thei kepe the weie of the Lord, and that thei do riytfulnesse and dom, that the Lord bringe for Abraham alle thingis whiche he spak to Abraham. 20And so the Lord seide, The cry of men of Sodom and of men of Gomorre is multiplied, and her synne is agreggid greetli; Y schal come doun, 21and schal se whether thei han fillid in werk the cry that cam to me, that Y wite whether it is not so. 22And thei turneden han fro thennus, and yeden to Sodom. Abraham sotheli stood yit bifore the Lord, 23and neiyede, and seide, Whether thou schalt leese a iust man with the wickid man? 24if fifti iust men ben in the citee, schulen thei perische togidere, and schalt thou not spare that place for fifti iust men, if thei ben ther ynne? 25Fer be it fro thee that thou do this thing, and sle a iust man with a wickid man, and that a iust man be maad as a wickid man; this is not thin that demest al erthe; thou schalt not make this doom. 26And the Lord seide to him, If Y schal fynde in Sodom fifti iust men in the myddis of the citee, Y schal foryyue to al the place for hem. 27Abraham answerde and seide, For Y bigan onys, Y schal speke to my Lord, sithen Y am dust and aische; 28what if lesse than fifti iust men bi fyue ben, schalt thou do a wey al the cite for fyue and fourti? And the Lord seide, Y schal not do a wei, if I schal fynde fyue and fourti there. 29And eft Abraham seide to hym, But if fourti ben there, what schalt thou do? The Lord seide, Y schal not smyte for fourti. 30Abraham seide, Lord, Y biseche, take thou not to indignacioun, if Y speke; what if thretti be foundun there? The Lord answerde, Y schal not do, if Y schal fynde thretti there. 31Abraham seide, For Y bigan onys, Y schal speke to my Lord; what if twenti be foundun there? The Lord seide, Y schal not sle for twenti. 32Abraham seide, Lord, Y biseche, be thou not wrooth, if Y speke yit onys; what if ten be founden there? The Lord seide, Y schal not do a wey for ten. 33The Lord yede forth, after that he ceesside to speke to Abraham, and Abraham turnede ayen in to his place. 19And tweyne aungels camen to Sodom in the euentide, while Loth sat in the yatis of the citee. And whanne he hadde seyn hem, he roos, and yede ayens hem, and worschipide lowe to erthe, 2and seide, My lordis, Y biseche, bowe ye in to the hous of youre child, and dwelle ye there; waische ye youre feet, and in the morewtid ye schulen go in to youre weie. Whiche seiden, Nay, but we schulen dwelle in the street. 3He constreynede hem greetli, that thei schulden turne to hym. And whanne thei weren entrid in to his hous, he made a feeste, he bakide therf breed, and thei eten. 4Forsothe bifore that thei yeden to sleepe, men of the citee compassiden his hows, fro a child `til to an eld man, al the puple togidre; 5and thei clepiden Loth, and seiden to him, Where ben the men that entriden to thee to nyyt? brynge hem out hidur, that we `knowe hem. 6And Loth yede out to hem `bihynde the bak, and closide the dore, 7and seide, Y biseche, nyle ye, my britheren, nyle ye do this yuel. 8Y haue twey douytris, that knewen not yit man; Y schal lede out hem to you, and mys vse ye hem as it plesith you, so that ye doon noon yuel to these men, for thei entriden vndur the schadewe of my roof. 9And thei seiden, Go thou fro hennus. And eft thei seiden, Thou entridist as a comelyng; wher that thou deme? therfor we schulen turment thee more than these. And thei diden violentli to Loth ful greetli. Thanne it was nyy that thei wolden breke the doris; and lo! 10the men puttiden hoond, and ledden in Loth to hem, and thei closiden the dore. 11And thei smyten with blyndenesse hem that weren withoutforth, fro the leest til to the moost; so that thei myyten not fynde the dore. 12Forsothe thei seiden to Loth, Hast thou here ony man of thine, hosebonde of thi douyter, ethir sones, ethir douytris; lede thou out of this citee alle men that ben thine, 13for we schulen do a wey this place, for the cry of hem encreesside bifor the Lord, which sente vs that we leese hem. 14And so Loth yede out, and spak to the hosebondys of his douytris, that schulden take hise douytris, and seide, Rise ye, and go ye out of this place; for the Lord schal do awey this citee. And he was seyn to hem to speke as pleiynge. 15And whanne the morewtid was, the aungels constreyneden hym, and seiden, Rise thou, and take thi wijf, and thi twey douytris whiche thou hast, lest also thou perische to gidere in the synne of the citee. 16While he dissymelide, thei token his hond, and the hond of his wijf, and of his twey doutris; for the Lord sparide hym. 17And thei ledden out hym, and settiden with out the citee. There thei spaken to him, and seiden, Saue thou thi lijf; nyle thou biholde bihynde thi bac, nether stond thou in al the cuntre aboute, but make thee saaf in the hil; lest also thou perische togidere. 18And Loth seide to hem, My lord, Y biseche, 19for thi seruaunt hath founde grace bifore thee, and thou hast magnyfied thi grace and mercy, which thou hast do with me, that thou schuldist saue my lijf; Y may not be saued in the hil, lest perauenture yuel take me, and Y die; 20a litil citee is here bisidis, to which Y may fle, and Y schal be saued ther ynne; where it is not a litil citee? and my soule schal lyue ther ynne. 21And he seide to Loth, Lo! also in this Y haue resseyued thi preieris, that Y distrye not the citee, for which thou hast spoke; 22haste thou, and be thou saued there, for Y may not do ony thing til thou entre thidur. Therfor the name of that citee was clepid Segor. 23The sunne roos on erthe, and Loth entride in to Segor. 24Therfor the Lord reynede on Sodom and Gomorre brynston and fier, fro the Lord fro heuene, 25and distriede these citees, and al the cuntrey aboute; he destriede alle enhabiters of citees, and all grene thingis of erthe. 26And his wijf lokide abac, and was turned in to an ymage of salt. 27Forsothe Abraham risynge eerly, where he stood bifore with the Lord, bihelde Sodom and Gomorre, 28and al the lond of that cuntrey; and he seiy a deed sparcle stiynge fro erthe, as the smoke of a furneis. 29For whanne God distriede the citees of that cuntrey, he hadde mynde of Abraham, and delyuerede Loth fro destriynge of the citees in whiche he dwellide. 30And Loth stiede fro Segor, and dwellide in the hil, and hise twey douytris with him, for he dredde to dwelle in Segor; and he dwellide in a denne, he and his twey douytris with hym. 31And the more douytre seide to the lasse, Oure fadre is eld, and no man is left in erthe, that may entre to vs, bi the custom of al erthe; 32come thou, make we him drunkun of wyn, and slepe we with him, that we moun kepe seed of oure fadir. 33And so thei yauen to her fadir to drynke wyn in that nyyt, and the more douyter entrede, and slepte with hir fadir; and he feelide not, nethir whanne the douytir lay doun, nether whanne sche roos. 34And in the tothir dai the more douytir seide to the lasse, Lo! Y slepte yistirdai with my fadir, yyue we to hym to drynk wyn also in this nyyt; and thou schalt slepe with hym, that we saue seed of oure fadir. 35And thei yauen to her fadir also in that nyyt to drynke wyn, and the lesse douytir entride, and slepte with him; and sotheli he feelide not thanne whanne sche lay doun, nether whanne sche roos. 36Therfor the twei douytris of Loth conseyuede of hir fadir. 37And the more douytre childide a sone, and clepide his name Moab; he is the fadir of men of Moab `til in to present dai. 38And the lesse douyter childide a sone, and clepide his name Amon, that is, the sone of my puple; he is the fadir of men of Amon til to day. 20Abraham yede forth fro thennus in to the lond of the south, and dwellide bitwixe Cades and Sur, and was a pilgrym in Geraris; 2and he seide of Sare, his wijf, Sche is my sistir. Therfor Abymalec, kyng of Gerare, sente, and took hir. 3Sotheli God cam to Abymalec bi a sweuene in the nyyt, and seide to hym, Lo! thou schalt die, for the wooman which thou hast take, for sche hath an hosebond. 4Forsothe Abymalech touchide not hir; and he seide, Lord, whether thou schalt sle folc vnkunnynge and iust? 5Whether he seide not to me, Sche is my sistir, and sche seide, He is my brother? In the symplenesse of myn herte, and in the clennesse of myn hondis Y dide this. 6And the Lord seide to hym, And Y woot that thou didist bi symple herte, and therfor Y kepte thee, lest thou didist synne ayens me, and I suffride not that thou touchidist hir; 7now therfor yelde thou the wijf to hir hosebonde, for he is a profete; and he schal preye for thee, and thou schalt lyue; sotheli if thou nylte yelde, wite thou that thou schalt die bi deeth, thou and alle thingis that ben thine. 8And anoon Abynalech roos bi nyyt, and clepide alle his seruauntis, and spak alle these wordis in the eeris of hem; and alle men dredden greetli. 9Sotheli Abymalec clepide also Abraham, and seide to hym, What hast thou do to vs? what synneden we ayens thee, for thou hast brouyt in on me and on my rewme a greuouse synne? thou hast do to vs whiche thingis thou ouytist not do. 10And eft Abimalech axide, and seide, What thing seiyist thou, that thou woldist do this? 11Abraham answerde, Y thouyte with me, and seide, in hap the drede of God is not in this place; and thei schulen sle me for my wijf; 12in other maner forsothe and sche is my sister verili, the douyter of my fadir, and not the douyter of my moder; and Y weddide hir in to wijf; 13sotheli aftir that God ladde me out of the hous of my fadir, Y seide to hir, Thou schalt do this mercy with me in ech place to which we schulen entre; thou schalt seie, that Y am thi brother. 14Therfore Abymelech took scheep, and oxun, and seruauntis, and handmaydenes, and yaf to Abraham; and he yeldide to him Sare, `his wijf, and seide, The lond is bifor you; 15dwelle thou, where euere it plesith thee. Forsothe Abymelech seide to Sare, Lo! 16Y yaf a thousand platis of siluer to thi brother; this schal be to thee in to hiling of iyen to al men that ben with thee; and whider euere thou goist, haue thou mynde that thou art takun. 17Sotheli for Abraham preiede, God curide Abymelech, and his wijf, and handmaydens, and thei childiden; 18for God hadde closid ech wombe of the hows of Abymelech, for Sare, the wijf of Abraham. 21Forsothe God visitide Sare, as he bihiyte, and fillide tho thingis, that he spak. 2And sche conseyuede, and childide a sone in hir eeld, in the tyme wherynne God biforseide to hir. 3And Abraham clepide the name of his sone, whom Sare childide to him, Ysaac. 4And Abraham circumcidide hym in the eiyte dai, as God comaundide to him, 5whanne he was of an hundrid yeer; for Ysaac was borun in this age of the fadir. 6And Sare seide, The Lord made leiyynge to me, and who euer schal here schal leiye with me. 7And eft sche seide, Who schulde here, and bileue to Abraham, that Sare schulde yyue soukyng to a sone, whom sche childide to him now an eld man? 8Therfor the child encreesside, and was wenyd; and Abraham made a greet feeste in the dai of his wenyng. 9And whanne Sare seiy the sone of Agar Egipcian pleiynge with Ysaac hir sone, sche seide to Abraham, 10Cast thou out the handmayde and hir sone; for the sone of the handmayde schal not be eir with my sone Ysaac. 11Abraham took this heuyli for his sone; 12and God seide to hym, Be it not seyn scharp to thee on the child, and on thin handmayde; alle thingis whiche Sare seith to thee, here thou hir vois, for in Isaac seed schal be clepid to thee; 13but also I schal make the sone of the handmaid in to a greet folk, for he is thi seed. 14And so Abraham roos eerli, and took breed, and a botel of watir, and puttide on hir schuldre, and bitook the child, and lefte hir; and whanne sche hadde go, sche yede out of the weie in the wildirnesse of Bersabee. 15And whanne the watir in the botel was endid, sche castide awei the child vndur a tre that was there; 16and sche yede awei, and sche sat euene ayens as fer as a bowe may caste; for sche seide, Y schal not se the child diynge; and sche sat ayens, and reiside hir vois, and wepte. 17Forsothe the Lord herde the vois of the child, and the aungel of the Lord clepide Agar fro heuene, and seide, What doist thou, Agar? nyle thou drede, for God hath herd the vois of the child fro the place where ynne he is. 18Rise thou, and take the child, and holde his hoond; for Y schal make hym in to a greet folc. 19And God openyde hir iyen, and sche seiy a pit of watir, and sche yede, and fillide the botel, and sche yaf drynk to the child; 20and was with him, and he encresside, and dwellide in wildernesse, and he was maad a yong man an archer, 21and dwellide in the deseert of Faran; and his modir took to him a wijf of the lond of Egipt. 22In the same tyme Abymelech, and Ficol, prince of his oost, seide to Abraham, God is with thee in alle thingis whiche thou doist; 23therfore swere thou bi God that thou noye not me, and myn eiris, and my kynrede; but bi the mersi whych Y dide to thee, do thou to me, and to the lond in which thou lyuedist a comelyng. 24And Abraham seide, Y schal swere. 25And he blamyde Abymelech for the pit of watir, which hise seruauntis token awey bi violence. 26And Abymelech answerde, I wiste not who dide this thing, but also thou schewidist not to me, and Y herde not outakun to dai. 27And so Abraham took scheep and oxun, and yaf to Abymalech, and bothe smyten a boond of pees. 28And Abraham settide seuene ewe lambren of the flok asidis half. 29And Abymelech seide to hym, What wolen these seuene ewe lambren to hem silf, whiche thou madist stonde asidis half? 30And he seide, Thou schalt take of myn hond seuene ewe lambren, that tho be in to witnessyng to me, for Y diggide this pit. 31Therfor thilke place was clepid Bersabee, for euere eithir swore there; 32and thei maden boond of pees for the pit of an ooth. 33Forsothe Abymelech roos, and Ficol, prince of his chyualrie, and thei turneden ayen in to the lond of Palestyns. Sotheli Abraham plauntide a wode in Bersabee, and inwardli clepide there the name of euerlastinge God; 34and he was an erthetiliere ether a comelynge of the lond of Palestynes in many dayes. 22And aftir that these thingis weren don, God assaiede Abraham, and seide to hym, Abraham! Abraham! He answerde, Y am present. 2God seide to him, Take thi `sone oon gendrid, whom thou louest, Ysaac; and go into the lond of visioun, and offre thou hym there in to brent sacrifice, on oon of the hillis whiche Y schal schewe to thee. 3Therfor Abraham roos bi niyt, and sadlide his asse, and ledde with hym twey yonge men, and Ysaac his sone; and whanne he hadde hewe trees in to brent sacrifice, he yede to the place which God hadde comaundid to him. 4Forsothe in the thridde dai he reiside hise iyen, and seiy a place afer; 5and he seide to hise children, Abide ye here with the asse, Y and the child schulen go thidur; and aftir that we han worschipid, we schulen turne ayen to you. 6And he took the trees of brent sacrifice, and puttide on Ysaac his sone; forsothe he bar fier, and a swerd in hise hondis. And whanne thei tweyne yeden togidere, Isaac seide to his fadir, My fadir! 7And he answerde, What wolt thou, sone? He seide, Lo! fier and trees, where is the beeste of brent sacrifice? 8Abraham seide, My sone, God schal puruey to hym the beeste of brent sacrifice. 9Therfor thei yeden to gidere, and camen to the place whiche God hadde schewid to hym, in which place Abraham bildide an auter, and dresside trees a boue; and whanne he hadde bounde to gidere Ysaac, his sone, he puttide Ysaac in the auter, on the heep of trees. 10And he helde forth his hond, and took the swerd to sacrifice his sone. 11And lo! an aungel of the Lord criede fro heuene, and seide, Abraham! Abraham! 12Which answerde, I am present. And the aungel seide to hym, Holde thou not forth thin honde on the child, nether do thou ony thing to him; now Y haue knowe that thou dredist God, and sparidist not thin oon gendrid sone for me. 13Abraham reiside hise iyen, and he seiy `bihynde his bak a ram cleuynge bi hornes among breris, which he took, and offride brent sacrifice for the sone. 14And he clepide the name of that place, The Lord seeth; wherfore it is seyd, til to dai, The Lord schal see in the hil. 15Forsothe the aungel of the Lord clepide Abraham the secounde tyme fro heuene, 16and seide, The Lord seith, Y haue swore bi my silf, for thou hast do this thing, and hast not sparid thin oon gendrid for me, 17Y schal blesse thee, and Y schal multiplie thi seed as the sterris of heuene, and as grauel which is in the brynk of the see; thi seed schal gete the yatis of hise enemyes; 18and alle the folkis of erthe schulen be blessid in thi seed, for thou obeiedist to my vois. 19Abraham turnede ayen to hise children, and thei yeden to Bersabee to gidere, and he dwellide there. 20And so whanne these thingis weren don, it was teld to Abraham that also Melcha hadde bore sones to Nachor his brother; 21Hus the firste gendrid, and Buz his brothir, and Chamuhel the fadir of Sireis, 22and Cased, and Asan, and Feldas, 23and Jedlaf, and Batuhel, of whom Rebecca was borun; Melcha childide these eiyte to Nachor brother of Abraham. 24Forsothe his concubyn, Roma bi name, childide Thabee, and Gaon, and Thaas, and Maacha. 23Forsothe Sare lyuede an hundrid and seuene and twenti yeer, 2and diede in the citee of Arbee, which is Ebron, in the lond of Chanaan; and Abraham cam to biweyle and biwepe hir. 3And whanne he hadde rise fro the office of the deed bodi, he spak to the sones of Heth, and seide, 4Y am a comelyng and a pilgrym anentis you; yyue ye to me riyt of sepulcre with you, that Y birie my deed body. 5And the sones of Heth answeriden, and seiden, Lord, here thou vs; 6thou art the prince of God anentis vs; birie thou thi deed bodi in oure chosun sepulcris, and no man schal mow forbede thee, that ne thou birie thi deed bodi in the sepulcre of him. 7And Abraham roos, and worschipide the puple of the lond, that is, the sones of Heth. 8And he seide to hem, If it plesith youre soule that Y birie my deed bodi, here ye me, and preie ye for me to Efron, the sone of Seor, 9that he yyue to me the double caue, whiche he hath in the vttirmoste part of his feeld; for sufficiaunt money yyue he it to me bifore you into possessioun of sepulcre. 10Forsothe Efron dwellide in the myddis of the sones of Heth. And Efron answerde to Abraham, while alle men herden that entriden bi the yate of that citee, 11and seide, My lord, it schal not be doon so, but more herkne thou that that Y seie; Y yyue to thee the feeld, and the denne which is therine, while the sones of my puple ben present; birie thou thi deed bodi. 12Abraham worschipide bifor the Lord, and bifor the puple of the lond, 13and he spak to Efron, while his puple stood aboute, Y biseche, that thou here me; Y schal yyue money for the feeld, resseyue thou it, and so Y schal birie my deed bodi in the feeld. 14And Efron answerde, My lord, 15here thou me, the lond which thou axist is worth foure hundrid siclis of siluer, that is the prijs bitwixe me and thee, but hou myche is this? birie thou thi deed bodi. 16And whanne Abraham hadde herd this, he noumbride the monei which Efron axide, while the sones of Heth herden, foure hundrid siclis of siluer, and of preuyd comyn monei. 17And the feeld that was sumtyme of Efron, in which feeld was a double denne, biholdinge to Mambre, as wel thilke feeld as the denne and alle the trees therof, in alle termes therof bi cumpas, was confermed to Abraham in to possessioun, 18while the sones of Heth seiyen and alle men that entriden bi the yate of that citee. 19And so Abraham biriede Sare, his wijf, in the double denne of the feeld, that bihelde to Mambre; this is Ebron in the lond of Chanaan. 20And the feeld, and the denne that was therynne, was confermyd of the sones of Heth to Abraham, in to possessioun of sepulcre. 24Forsothe Abraham was eld, and of many daies, and the Lord hadde blessid hym in alle thingis. 2And he seide to the eldere seruaunt of his hows, that was souereyn on alle thingis that he hadde, Put thou thin hond vndur myn hipe, 3that Y coniure thee bi the Lord God of heuene and of erthe, that thou take not a wijf to my sone of the douytris of Chanaan, among whiche Y dwelle; 4but that thou go to my lond and kynrede, and therof take a wijf to my sone Ysaac. 5The seruaunt aunswerde, If the womman nyle come with me in to this lond, whether Y owe lede ayen thi sone to the place, fro which thou yedist out? 6Abraham seide, Be war, lest ony tyme thou lede ayen thidur my sone; 7the Lord of heuene that took me fro the hows of my fadir, and fro the lond of my birthe, which spak to me, and swoor, and seide, Y schal yyue this lond to thi seed, he schal sende his aungel bifore thee, and thou schalt take fro thennus a wijf to my sone; forsothe if the womman nyle sue thee, 8thou schalt not be holdun bi the ooth; netheles lede not ayen my sone thidur. 9Therfore the seruaunt puttide his hond vndur the hipe of Abraham, his lord, and swoor to him on this word. 10And he took ten camels of the floc of his lord, and yede forth, and bar with him of alle the goodis of his lord; and he yede forth, and cam to Mesopotanye, to the citee of Nachor. 11And whanne he hadde maad the camels to reste with out the citee, bisidis the pit of watir, in the euentid, in that tyme in which wymmen ben wont to go out to drawe watir, 12he seide, Lord God of my lord Abraham, Y biseche, meete with me to dai, and do mersi with my lord Abraham. 13Lo! Y stonde nyy the welle of watir, and the douytris of enhabiters of this citee schulen go out to drawe watir; 14therfor the damysel to which Y schal seie, Bowe doun thi watir pot that Y drynke, and schal answere, Drynke thou, but also Y schal yyue drynke to thi camels, thilke it is which thou hast maad redi to thi seruaunt Ysaac; and bi this Y schal vndirstonde that thou hast do mersi with my lord Abraham. 15And he hadde not yit fillid the wordis with ynne hym silf, and lo! Rebecca, the douytir of Batuel, sone of Melcha, wijf of Nachor, brothir of Abraham, yede out, hauynge a watir pot in hir schuldre; 16a damysel ful comeli, and faireste virgyn, and vnknowun of man. Sotheli sche cam doun to the welle, and fillide the watir pot, and turnide ayen. 17And the seruaunt mette hir, and seide, Yyue thou to me a litil of the watir of thi pot to drynke. 18Which answerde, Drynke thou, my lord. And anoon sche dide doun the watir pot on hir schuldre, and yaf drynk to hym. 19And whanne he hadde drunke, sche addide, But also Y schal drawe watir to thi camelis, til alle drynken. 20And sche helde out the watir pot in trouyis, and ran ayen to the pit, to drawe watir, and sche yaf watir drawun to alle the camels. 21Sotheli he bihelde hir priueli, and wolde wite whether the Lord hadde sped his wei, ethir nay. 22Therfor after that the camels drunken, the man brouyte forth goldun eere ryngis, weiynge twei siclis, and as many bies of the arm, in the weiyte of ten siclis. 23And he seide to hir, Whos douyter art thou? schewe thou to me, is ony place in the hows of thi fadir to dwelle? 24Which answerde, Y am the douyter of Batuel, sone of Nachor, whom Melcha childide to him. 25And sche addide, seiynge, Also ful myche of prouendre and of hey is at vs, and a large place to dwelle. 26The man bowide hym silf, 27and worschipide the Lord, and seide, Blessid be the Lord God of my lord Abraham, which God took not aweie his mersy and treuthe fro my lord, and ledde me bi riyt weie in to the hous of the brother of my lord. 28And so the damesel ran, and telde in the hous of hir modir alle thingis whiche sche hadde herd. 29Sotheli Rebecca hadde a brothir, Laban bi name, whiche yede out hastili to the man, where he was with out forth. 30And whanne he hadde seyn the eere ryngis and byes of the arm in the hondis of his sister, and hadde herd alle the wordis of hir tellynge, the man spak to me these thingis, he cam to the man that stood bisidis the camels, and nyy the welle of watir, 31and seide to him, Entre thou, the blessid of the Lord; whi stondist thou with outforth? I haue maad redi the hows, and a place to thi camels. 32And he brouyte hym in to the ynne, and unsadlide the camels, and yaf prouendre, and hey, and watir to waische the feet of camels, and of men that camen with hym. 33And breed was set forth in his siyt, which seide, Y schal not ete til Y speke my wordis. He answerde to the man, Speke thou. 34And the man seide, Y am the seruaunt of Abraham, 35and the Lord hath blessid my lord greetli, and he is maad greet; and God yaf to hym scheep, and oxun, siluer, and gold, seruauntis, and handmaides, camels, and assis. 36And Sare, `the wijf of my lord, childide a sone to my lord in his eelde, and he yaf alle thingis that he hadde to that sone. 37And my lord chargide me greetli, and seide, Thou schalt not take to my sone a wijf of the douytris of Canaan, in whos lond Y dwelle, 38but thou schalt go to the hous of my fadir, and of myn kynrede thou schalt take a wijf to my sone. 39Forsothe Y answerde to my lord, What if the womman nyle come with me? 40He seide, The Lord in whose siyt Y go, schal sende his aungel with thee, and he schal dresse thi weie; and thou schalt take a wijf to my sone of my kynrede, and of my fadris hows. 41Thou schalt be innocent fro my curs, whanne thou comest to my kynesmen, and thei yyuen not `the womman to thee. 42Therfor Y cam to day to the welle of watir, and Y seide, Lord God of my lord Abraham, if thou hast dressid my weie in which Y go now, lo! 43Y stonde bisidis the welle of watir, and the maide that schal go out to drawe watir herith me, yyue thou to me a litil of water to drynke of thi pot, 44and seith to me, And thou drynke, and Y schal drawe watir to thi camels, thilke is the womman which the Lord hath maad redi to the sone of my lord. 45While Y turnede in thouyte these thingis with me, Rebecca apperide, comynge with a pot which sche bare in the schuldre; and sche yede doun to the welle, and drowe watir. And Y seide to hir, Yyue thou a litil to me to drynke; and sche hastide, 46and dide doun the pot of the schuldre, and seide to me, And thou drynke, and Y schal yyue drynke to thi camels; Y drank, and watride the camels. 47And Y axide hir, and seide, Whos douytir art thou? Which answerde, Y am the douytir of Batuel, sone of Nachor, whom Melcha childide to him. And so Y hangide eere ryngis to ourne hir face, and Y puttide bies of the arm in hir hondis, 48and lowliche Y worschipide the Lord, and Y blessid the Lord God of my lord Abraham, which God ledde me bi riyt weie, that Y schulde take the douytir of the brothir of my lord to his sone. 49Wherfor if ye don mercy and treuthe with `my lord, schewe ye to me; ellis if othir thing plesith, also seie ye this, that Y go to the riyt side ethir to the left side. 50Laban and Batuel answeriden, The word is gon out of the Lord; we moun not speke ony other thing with thee without his plesaunce. 51Lo! Rebecca is bifore thee; take thou hir, and go forth, and be sche wijf of the sone of thi lord, as the Lord spak. 52And whanne the child of Abraham hadde herd this, he felde doun, and worschipide the Lord in erthe. 53And whanne vessels of siluer, and of gold, and clothis weren brouyt forth, he yaf tho to Rebecca for yifte, and he yaf yiftis to hir britheren, and modir. 54And whanne a feeste was maad, thei eeten and drunken to gider, and dwelliden there. Forsothe the child roos eerli, and spak, Delyuere ye me, that Y go to my lord. 55Hir britheren and modir answerden, The damesele dwelle nameli ten daies at vs, and aftirward sche schal go forth. 56The child seide, Nyle ye holde me, for the Lord hath dressid my weie; delyuere ye me, that I go to my lord. 57And thei seiden, Clepe we the damysele, and axe we hir wille. 58And whanne sche was clepid, and cam, thei axiden, Wolt thou go with this man? 59And sche seide, Y schal go. Therfor they delyueriden hir, and hir nurse, and the seruaunt of Abraham, and hise felowis, and wischiden prosperitees to her sister, 60and seiden, Thou art oure sister, encreesse thou in to a thousand thousandis, and thi seed gete the yatis of hise enemyes. 61Therfor Rebecca and hir damesels stieden on the camels, and sueden the man, which turnede ayen hasteli to his lord. 62In that tyme Ysaac walkide bi the weie that ledith to the pit, whos name is of hym that lyueth and seeth; for he dwellide in the south lond. 63And he yede out to thenke in the feeld, for the dai was `bowid thanne; and whanne he hadde reisid the iyen, he seiy camels comynge afer. 64And whanne Ysaac was seyn, Rebecca liyte doun of the camel, 65and seide to the child, Who is that man that cometh bi the feeld in to the metyng of vs? And the child seide to hir, He is my lord. And sche took soone a mentil, and hilide hir. 66Forsothe the seruaunt tolde to his lord Ysaac alle thingis whiche he hadde do; 67which Ysaac ledde hir in to the tabernacle of Sare, his modir, and took hir to wijf; and so myche he louede hir, that he temperide the sorewe which bifelde of the deeth of the modir. 25Forsothe Abraham weddide another wijf, Ceture bi name, 2which childide to him Samram, and Jexan, and Madan, and Madian, and Jesboth, and Sue. 3Also Jexan gendride Saba and Dadan. Forsothe the sones of Dadan weren Asurym, and Lathusym, and Laomym. 4And sotheli of Madian was borun Efa, and Ofer, and Enoth, and Abida, and Heldaa; alle these weren the sones of Cethure. 5And Abraham yaf alle thingis whiche he hadde in possessioun to Isaac; 6sotheli he yaf yiftis to the sones of concubyns; and Abraham, while he lyuede yit, departide hem fro Ysaac, his sone, to the eest coost. 7Forsothe the daies of lijf of Abraham weren an hundrid and `fyue and seuenti yeer; 8and he failide, and diede in good eelde, and of greet age, and ful of daies, and he was gaderid to his puple. 9And Ysaac and Ismael, his sones, birieden him in the double denne, which is set in the feeld of Efron, sone of Seor Ethei, 10euene ayens Mambre, which denne he bouyte of the sones of Heth; and he was biried there, and Sare his wijf. 11And aftir the deeth of Abraham God blesside Isaac his sone, which dwellide bisidis the pit bi name of hym that lyueth and seeth. 12These ben the generaciouns of Ismael, sone of Abraham, whom Agar Egipcian, seruauntesse of Sare, childide to Abraham; 13and these ben the names of the sones of Ismael, in her names and generaciouns. The firste gendride of Ismael was Nabaioth, aftirward Cedar, and Abdeel, and Mabsan, 14and Masma, and Duma, and Massa, 15and Adad, and Thema, and Ithur, and Nafir, and Cedma. 16These weren the sones of Ismael, and these weren names by castels and townes of hem, twelue princes of her lynagis. 17And the yeeris of lijf of Ismael weren maad an hundrid and seuene and thretti, and he failide, and diede, and was put to his puple. 18Forsothe he enhabitide fro Euila til to Sur, that biholdith Egipt, as me entrith in to Assiriens; he diede bifore alle his britheren. 19Also these ben the generaciouns of Ysaac sone of Abraham. Abraham gendride Isaac, 20and whanne Isaac was of fourti yeer, he weddide a wijf, Rebecca, douyter of Batuel, of Sirie of Mesopotanye, the sistir of Laban. 21And Isaac bisouyte the Lord for his wijf, for sche was bareyn; and the Lord herde him, and yaf conseiuyng to Rebecca. 22But the litle children weren hurtlid togidre in hir wombe; and sche seide, If it was so to comynge to me, what nede was it to conseyue? And sche yede and axide counsel of the Lord, 23which answerde, and seide, Twei folkis ben in thi wombe, and twei puplis schulen be departid fro thi wombe, and a puple schal ouercome a puple, and the more schal serue the lesse. 24Thanne the tyme of childberyng cam, and lo! twei children weren foundun in hir wombe. 25He that yede out first was reed, and al rouy in the manere of a skyn; and his name was clepid Esau. 26Anoon the tothir yede out, and helde with the hond the heele of the brother; and therfore he clepide him Jacob. Isaac was sixti yeer eeld, whanne the litle children weren borun. 27And whanne thei weren woxun, Esau was maad a man kunnynge of huntyng, and a man erthe tilier; forsothe Jacob was a symple man, and dwellide in tabernaclis. 28Isaac louyde Esau, for he eet of the huntyng of Esau; and Rebecca louyde Jacob. 29Sotheli Jacob sethide potage; and whanne Esau cam weri fro the feld, 30he seide to Jacob, Yyue thou to me of this reed sething, for Y am ful weri; for which cause his name was clepid Edom. 31And Jacob seide to him, Sille to me the riyt of the first gendrid childe. 32He answerde, Lo! Y die, what schulen the firste gendrid thingis profite to me? 33Jacob seide, therfor swere thou to me. Therfor Esau swoor, and selde the firste gendrid thingis. 34And so whanne he hadde take breed and potage, Esau eet and drank, and yede forth, and chargide litil that he hadde seld the riyt of the firste gendrid child. 26Forsothe for hungur roos on the lond, aftir thilke bareynesse that bifelde in the daies of Abraham, Isaac yede forth to Abymelech, kyng of Palestyns, in Gerara. 2And the Lord apperide to hym, and seide, Go not doun in to Egipt, but reste thou in the lond which Y schal seie to thee, 3and be thou a pilgrym ther ynne; and Y schal be with thee, and Y schal blesse thee; for Y schal yyue alle these cuntrees to thee and to thi seed, and Y schal fille the ooth which Y bihiyte to Abraham, thi fadir. 4And Y schal multiplie thi seed as the sterris of heuene, and Y schal yyue alle these thingis to thin eyris, and alle folkis of erthe schulen be blessid in thi seed, for Abraham obeide to my vois, 5and kepte `my preceptis and comaundementis, and kepte cerymonyes and lawis. 6And so Ysaac dwellide in Geraris. 7And whanne he was axid of men of that place of his wijf, he answarde, Sche is my sistir; for he dredde to knowleche that sche was felouschipid to hym in matrymonye, and gesside lest peraduenture thei wolden sle him for the fairnesse of hir. 8And whanne ful many daies weren passid, and he dwellide there, Abymelech, kyng of Palestyns, bihelde bi a wyndow, and seiy hym pleiynge with Rebecca, his wijf. 9And whanne Isaac was clepid, the kyng seide, It is opyn, that sche is thi wijf; whi liedist thou, that sche was thi sistir? Isaac answerde, Y dredde, lest Y schulde die for hir. 10And Abymelech seide, Whi hast thou disseyued vs? Sum man of the puple myyte do letcherie with thi wijf, and thou haddist brouyt in greuous synne on vs. And the kyng comaundide to al the puple, 11and seide, He that touchith the wijf of this man schal die bi deeth. 12Forsothe Isaac sowide in that lond, and he foond an hundrid fold in that yeer; and the Lord blesside hym. 13And the man was maad riche, and he yede profitynge and encreessynge til he was maad ful greet. 14Also he hadde possessioun of scheep and grete beestis, and ful myche of meyne. For this thing Palestyns hadden enuye to hym, 15and thei stoppiden in that tyme and filliden with erthe alle the pittis whiche the seruauntis of Abraham his fadir hadden diggid, 16in so myche that Abymelech him silf seide to Ysaac, Go thou awei fro vs, for thou art maad greetly myytier than we. 17And he yede awei, that he schulde come to the stronde of Gerare, and dwelle there. 18And he diggide eft other pittis, whiche the seruauntis of Abraham his fadir hadden diggid, and whiche the Filisteis hadden stoppid sumtyme, whanne Abraham was deed; and he clepide tho pittis bi the same names, bi whiche his fadir hadde clepid bifore. 19Thei diggiden in the stronde, and thei founden wellynge watir. 20But also strijf of scheepherdis of Gerare was there ayens the scheepherdis of Isaac, and thei seiden, The watir is oure; wherfor of that that bifelde he clepide the name of the pit fals chaleng. 21And thei diggiden anothir, and thei stryueden also for that, and Ysaac clepide that pit enemytes. 22And he yede forth fro thennus, and diggide another pit, for which thei stryueden not, therfor he clepid the name of that pit largenesse; and seide, Now God hath alargid vs, and hath maad to encreesse on erthe. 23Forsothe he stiede fro that place in to Bersabee, 24where the Lord God apperide to him in that nyyt; and seide, Y am God of Abraham, thi fadir; nyle thou drede, for Y am with thee, and Y schal blesse thee, and Y schal multiplie thi seed for my seruaunt Abraham. 25And so Ysaac bildide ther an auter to the Lord; and whanne the name of the Lord was inwardli clepid, he stretchide forth a tabernacle; and he comaundide hise seruauntis that thei schulden digge pittis. 26And whanne Abymelech, and Ochosat, hise frendis, and Ficol, duk of knyytis, hadden come fro Geraris to that place, 27Isaac spak to hem, What camen ye to me, a man whom ye hatiden, and puttiden awei fro you? 28Whiche answeriden, We seiyen that God is with thee, and therfor we seiden now, An ooth be bitwixe vs, and make we a couenaunt of pees, 29that thou do not ony yuel to vs, as we touchiden `not ony thing of thine, nethir diden that that hirtide thee, but with pees we leften thee encressid bi the blessyng of the Lord. 30Therfor Isaac made a feeste to hem; and after mete and drynk thei risen eerli, 31and sworen ech to other; and Isaac lefte hem peisibli in to her place. 32Lo! forsothe in that dai the seruauntis of Ysaac camen, tellynge to him of the pit which thei hadden diggid, and seiden, We han foundun watir. 33Wherfor Ysaac clepide that pit abundaunce; and the name of the citee was set Bersabee til in to present dai. 34Esau forsothe fourti yeer eld weddide twei wyues, Judith, the douytir of Beeri Ethei, and Bethsamath, the douyter of Elon, of the same place; 35whiche bothe offendiden the soule of Isaac and of Rebecca. 27Forsothe Isaac wexe eld, and hise iyen dasewiden, and he miyte not se. And he clepide Esau, his more sone, and seide to hym, My sone! Which answerde, Y am present. 2To whom the fadir seide, Thou seest that Y haue woxun eld, and Y knowe not the dai of my deeth. 3Take thin armeres, `arewe caas, and a bowe, and go out; and whanne thou hast take ony thing bi huntyng, 4make to me a seew therof, as thou knowist that Y wole, and brynge that Y ete, and my soule blesse thee bifore that Y die. 5And whanne Rebecca hadde herd this thing, and he hadde go in to the feeld to fille the comaundment of the fadir, 6sche seide to hir sone Jacob, Y herde thi fadir spekynge with Esau, thi brothir, and seiynge to him, Brynge thou me of thin huntyng, 7and make thow metis, that Y ete, and that Y blesse thee bifor the Lord bifor that Y die. 8Now therfor, my sone, assent to my counsels, 9and go to the floc, and brynge to me tweyne the beste kidis, that Y make metis of tho to thi fadir, whiche he etith gladli; 10and that whanne thow hast brouyt in tho metis, and he hath ete, he blesse thee bifore that he die. 11To whom Jacob answerde, Thou knowist that Esau my brother is an heeri man, and Y am smethe; if my fadir `touchith and feelith me, 12Y drede lest he gesse that Y wolde scorne him, and lest he brynge in cursyng on me for blessyng. 13To whom the modir seide, My sone, this cursyng be in me; oonly here thou my vois, and go, and brynge that that Y seide. 14He yede, and brouyte, and yaf to his modir. Sche made redi metis, as sche knewe that his fadir wolde, 15and sche clothide Jacob in ful goode clothis of Esau, whiche sche hadde at home anentis hir silf. 16And sche `compasside the hondis with litle skynnys of kiddis, and kyuerede the `nakide thingis of the necke; 17and sche yaf seew, and bitook the loouys whiche sche hadde bake. 18And whanne these weren brouyt in, he seide, My fadir! And he answerde, Y here; who art thou, my sone? 19And Jacob seide, Y am Esau, thi first gendrid sone. Y haue do to thee as thou comaundist to me; rise thou, sitte, and ete of myn huntyng, that thi soule blesse me. 20Eft Ysaac seide to his sone, My sone, hou miytist thou fynde so soone? Which answerde, It was Goddis wille, that this that Y wolde schulde come soone to me. 21And Isaac seide, My sone, come thou hidir, that Y touche thee, and that Y preue wher thou art my sone Esau, ethir nay. 22He neiyede to the fadir; and whanne he hadde feelid hym, Isaac seide, Sotheli the vois is the vois of Jacob, but the hondis ben the hondis of Esau. 23And Isaac knew not Jacob, for the heery hondis expressiden the licnesse of the more sone. 24Therfor Isaac blesside him, and seide, Art thou my sone Esau? Jacob answerde, Y am. 25And Isaac seide, My sone, brynge thou to me metis of thin huntyng, that my soule blesse thee. And whanne Isaac hadde ete these metis brouyt, Jacob brouyte also wyn to Isaac, and whanne this was drunkun, 26Isaac seide to him, My sone, come thou hidir, and yyue to me a cos. 27Jacob neiyede, and kisside hym; and anoon as Isaac feelide the odour of hise clothis, he blesside him, and seide, Lo! the odour of my sone as the odour of a `feeld ful which the Lord hath blessid. 28God yyue to thee of the dewe of heuene, and of the fatnesse of erthe, aboundaunce of whete, and of wyn, and of oile; 29and puplis serue thee, and lynagis worschipe thee; be thou lord of thi britheren, and the sones of thi modir be bowid bifor thee; be he cursid that cursith thee, and he that blessith thee, be fillid with blessyngis. 30Vnnethis Isaac hadde fillid the word, and whanne Jacob was gon out, 31Esau cam, and brouyte in metis sodun of the huntyng to the fadir, and seide, My fadir, rise thou, and ete of the huntyng of thi sone, that thi soule blesse me. 32And Isaac seide, Who forsothe art thou? Which answerde, Y am Esau, thi firste gendrid sone. 33Isaac dredde bi a greet astonying; and he wondride more, than it mai be bileued, and seide, Who therfor is he which a while ago brouyte to me huntyng takun, and Y eet of alle thingis bifor that thou camest; and Y blesside him? and he schal be blessid. 34Whanne the wordis of the fadir weren herd, Esau rorid with a greet cry, and was astonyed, and seide, My fadir, blesse thou also me. 35Which seide, Thy brother cam prudentli, and took thi blessyng. 36And Esau addide, Justli his name is clepid Jacob, for lo! he supplauntide me another tyme; bifor he took awei `my firste gendride thingis, and now the secounde tyme he rauyschide priueli my blessyng. And eft he seide to the fadir, Wher thou hast not reserued a blessyng also to me? 37Ysaac answeride, Y haue maad him thi lord, and Y haue maad suget alle hise britheren to his seruage; Y haue stablischid him in whete, and wyn, and oile; and, my sone, what schal Y do to thee aftir these thingis? 38To whom Esau saide, Fadir, wher thou hast oneli o blessyng? Y biseche that also thou blesse me. And whanne Esau wepte with greet yellyng, 39Isaac was stirid, and seide to hym, Thi blessyng schal be in the fatnesse of erthe, and in the dew of heuene fro aboue; 40thou schalt lyue bi swerd, and thou schalt serue thi brothir, and tyme schal come whanne thou schalt shake awei, and vnbynde his yok fro thi nollis. 41Therfor Esau hatide euer Jacob for the blessyng bi which the fadir hadde blessid hym; and Esau seide in his herte, The daies of morenyng of my fadir schulen come, and Y schal sle Jacob, my brothir. 42These thingis weren teld to Rebecca, and sche sente, and clepide hir sone Jacob, and seide to hym, Lo ! Esau, thi brothir, manaasith to sle thee; 43now therfor, my sone, here thou my vois, and rise thou, and fle to Laban, my brother, in Aran; 44and thou schalt dwelle with hym a fewe daies, til the woodnesse of thi brother reste, 45and his indignacioun ceesse, and til he foryite tho thingis whiche thou hast don ayens hym. Aftirward Y schal sende, and Y schal brynge thee fro thennus hidir. Whi schal Y be maad soneles of euer eithir sone in o dai? 46And Rebecca seide to Isaac, It anoieth me of my lijf for the douytris of Heth; if Jacob takith a wijf of the kynrede of this lond, Y nyle lyue. 28And so Isaac clepide Jacob, and blesside hym, and comaundide to hym, and seide, Nyle thou take a wijf of the kyn of Canaan; but go thou, 2and walke forth in to Mesopotanye of Sirie, to the hows of Batuel, fadir of thi modir, and take to thee of thennus a wijf of the douytris of Laban, thin vncle. 3Sotheli Almyyti God blesse thee, and make thee to encreesse, and multiplie thee, that thou be in to cumpanyes of puplis; 4and God yyue to thee the blessyngis of Abraham, and to thi seed aftir thee, that thou welde the lond of thi pilgrymage, which he bihiyte to thi grauntsir. 5And whanne Ysaac hadde left hym, he yede forth, and cam in to Mesopotanye of Sirie, to Laban, the sone of Batuel of Sirie, the brother of Rebecca, his modir. 6Forsothe Esau seiy that his fadir hadde blessid Jacob, and hadde sent him in to Mesopotanye of Sirie, that he schulde wedde a wijf of thennus, and that aftir the blessyng he comaundide to Jacob, and seide, Thou schalt not take a wijf of the douytris of Canaan; 7and that Jacob obeiede to his fadir `and modir, and yede in to Sirie; 8also Esau preuyde that his fadir bihelde not gladli the douytris of Canaan. 9And he yede to Ismael, and weddide a wijf, with out these whiche he hadde bifore, Melech, the douyter of Ismael, sone of Abraham, the sistir of Nabaioth. 10Therfor Jacob yede out of Bersabee, and yede to Aran. 11And whanne he hadde come to sum place, and wolde reste ther inne aftir the goynge doun of the sunne, he took of the stoonus that laien ther, and he puttide vndur his heed, and slepte in the same place. 12And he seiye in sleep a laddir stondynge on the erthe, and the cop ther of touchinge heuene; and he seiy Goddis aungels stiynge vp and goynge doun ther bi, 13and the Lord fastned to the laddir, seiynge to hym, Y am the Lord God of Abraham, thi fadir, and God of Isaac; Y schal yyue to thee and to thi seed the lond in which thou slepist. 14And thi seed schal be as the dust of erthe, thou schalt be alargid to the eest, and west, and north, and south; and alle lynagis of erthe schulen be blessid in thee and in thi seed. 15And Y schal be thi kepere, whidur euer thou schalt go; and Y schal lede thee ayen in to this lond, and Y schal not leeue no but Y schal fil alle thingis whiche Y seide. 16And whanne Jacob hadde wakyd of sleep, he seide, Verili the Lord is in this place, and Y wiste not. 17And he seide dredynge, Hou worschipful is this place! Here is noon other thing no but the hows of God, and the yate of heuene. 18Therfor Jacob roos eerli, and took the stoon which he hadde put vndur his heed, and reiside in to a title, and helde oile aboue. 19And he clepide the name of that citee Bethel, which was clepid Lusa bifore. 20Also he auowide a vow, and seide, If God is with me, and kepith me in the weie in which Y go, and yyueth to me looues to ete, and clothis to be clothid, 21and Y turne ayen in prosperite to the hows of my fadir, the Lord schal be in to God to me. 22And this stoon, which Y reiside in to a title, schal be clepid the hows of God, and Y schal offre tithis to thee of alle thingis whiche thou schalt yyue to me. 29Therfor Jacob passide forth, and cam in to the eest lond; 2and seiy a pit in the feeld, and thre flockis of scheep restynge bisidis it, for whi scheep weren watrid therof, and the mouth therof was closid with a greet stoon. 3And the custom was that whanne alle scheep weren gaderid togidere, thei schulden turne awei the stoon, and whanne the flockis weren fillid thei schulden put it eft on the mouth of the pit. 4And Jacob seide to the scheepherdis, Brithren, of whennus ben ye? Whiche answeriden, Of Aran. 5And he axide hem and seide, Wher ye knowen Laban, the sone of Nachor? Thei seiden, We knowen. 6Jacob seide, Is he hool? Thei seiden, He is in good staat; and lo! Rachel, his douytir, cometh with his flok. 7And Jacob seide, Yit myche of the dai is to come, and it is not tyme that the flockis be led ayen to the fooldis; sotheli yyue ye drynk to the scheep, and so lede ye hem ayen to mete. 8Whiche answeriden, We moun not til alle scheep be gederid to gidere, and til we remouen the stoon fro the mouth of the pit to watir the flockis. 9Yit thei spaken, and lo! Rachel cam with the scheep of hir fadir. 10And whanne Jacob seiy hir, and knewe the douytir of his modris brothir, and the scheep of Laban his vncle, he remeuyde the stoon with which the pit was closid; 11and whanne the flok was watrid, he kisside hir, and he wepte with `vois reisid. 12And he schewide to hir that he was the brothir of hir fadir, and the sone of Rebecca; and sche hastide, and telde to hir fadir. 13And whanne he hadde herd, that Jacob, the sone of his sistir, cam, he ran ayens hym, and he biclippide Jacob and kisside hym, and ledde in to his hows. Forsothe whanne the causis of the iurney weren herd, 14Laban answeride, Thou art my boon and my fleisch. And aftir that the daies of o moneth weren fillid, Laban seide to him, 15`Whethir for thou art my brothir, thou schalt serue me frely? seie thou what mede thou schalt take. 16Forsothe Laban hadde twei douytris, the name of the more was Lya, sotheli the lesse was clepid Rachel; 17but Lya was blere iyed, Rachel was of fair face, and semeli in siyt. 18And Jacob louede Rachel, and seide, Y schal serue thee seuene yeer for Rachel thi lesse douytir. 19Laban answeride, It is betere that Y yyue hir to thee than to anothir man; dwelle thou at me. 20Therfor Jacob seruyde seuene yeer for Rachel; and the daies semyden fewe to hym for the greetnesse of loue. 21And he seide to Laban, Yyue thou my wijf to me, for the tyme is fillid that Y entre to hir. 22And whanne many cumpenyes of freendis weren clepid to the feeste, he made weddyngis, 23and in the euentid Laban brouyte in to hym Lya his douytir, 24and yaf an handmaide, Selfa bi name, to the douyter. And whanne Jacob hadde entrid to hir bi custom, whanne the morewtid was maad, he seiy Lya, 25and seide to his wyues fadir, What is it that thou woldist do? wher Y seruede not thee for Rachel? whi hast thou disseyued me? 26Laban answerde, It is not custom in oure place that we yyue first the `lesse douytris to weddyngis; 27fille thou the wouke of daies of this couplyng, and Y schal yyue to thee also this Rachel, for the werk in which thou schalt serue me bi othere seuene yeer. 28Jacob assentide to the couenaunt, and whanne the wouke was passid, 29he weddide Rachel, to whom the fadir hadde youe Bala seruauntesse. 30And at the laste he vside the weddyngis desirid, and settide the loue of the `wijf suynge bifore the former; and he seruede at Laban seuene othere yeer. 31Forsothe the Lord seiy that he dispiside Lya, and openyde hir wombe while the sistir dwellide bareyn. 32And Lia childide a sone conseyued, and clepide his name Ruben, and seide, The Lord seiy my mekenesse; now myn hosebonde schal loue me. 33And eft sche conseyuede, `and childide a sone, and seide, For the Lord seiy that Y was dispisid, he yaf also this sone to me; and sche clepide his name Symeon. 34And sche conseyuede the thridde tyme, and childide anothir sone, and she seide also, Now myn hosebonde schal be couplid to me, for Y childide thre sones to him; and therfor sche clepide his name Leuy. 35The fourthe tyme sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and seide, Now I schal knouleche to the Lord; and herfor she clepide his name Judas; and ceesside to childe. 30Forsothe Rachel seiy, that sche was vnfruytful, and hadde enuye to the sister, and seide to hir hosebonde, Yyue thou fre children to me, ellis Y schal die. 2To whom Jacob was wrooth, and answerde, Wher Y am for God, which haue priued thee fro the fruyt of thi wombe? 3And sche seide, Y haue `a seruauntesse Bala, entre thou to hir that she childe on my knees, and that Y haue sones of hir. 4And sche yaf to hym Bala in to matrimony; 5and whanne the hosebonde hadde entrid to hir, sche conseyuede, and childide a sone. 6And Rachel seide, the Lord demede to me, and herde my preier, and yaf a sone to me; and therfor sche clepide his name Dan. 7And eft Bala conseyuede, and childide anothir sone, 8for whom Rachel seide, The Lord hath maad me lijk to my sistir, and Y wexide strong; and sche clepide hym Neptalym. 9Lya feelide that sche ceesside to bere child, and sche yaf Selfa, hir handmayde, to the hosebonde. 10And whanne Selfa aftir conseyuyng childide a sone, Lya seide, Blessidly; 11and therfor sche clepide his name Gad. 12Also Selfa childide anothir sone, 13and Lia seide, This is for my blis, for alle wymmen schulen seie me blessid; therfor sche clepide hym Aser. 14Forsothe Ruben yede out in to the feeld in the tyme of wheete heruest, and foond mandragis, whiche he brouyte to Lya, his modir. And Rachel seide, Yyue thou to me a part of the mandragis of thi sone. 15Lya answeride, Whether it semeth litil to thee, that thou hast rauyschid the hosebonde fro me, no but thou take also the mandragis of my sone? Rachel seide, The hosebonde sleepe with thee in this nyyt for the mandragis of thi sone. 16And whanne Jacob cam ayen fro the feeld at euentid, Lya yede out in to his comyng, and seide, Thou shalt entre to me, for Y haue hired thee with hire for the mandragis of my sone. He slepte with hir in that nyyt; 17and God herde hir preiers, and sche conseyuede, and childide the fyuethe sone; 18and seide, God yaf meede to me, for Y yaf myn handmayde to myn hosebond; and sche clepide his name Isacar. 19Eft Lia conseyuede, and childide the sixte sone, 20and seide, The Lord hath maad me riche with a good dower, also in this tyme myn hosebonde schal be with me, for Y childide sixe sones to hym; and therfore sche clepide his name Sabulon. 21Aftir whom sche childide a douyter, Dyna bi name. 22Also the Lord hadde mynde on Rachel, and herde hir, and openyde hir wombe. 23And sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and seide, God hath take a wey my schenschipe; and sche clepid his name Joseph, 24and seide, The Lord yyue to me another sone. 25Sotheli whanne Joseph was borun, Jacob seide to his wyues fadir, Delyuere thou me, that Y turne ayen in to my cuntrey and to my lond. 26Yyue thou to me my wyues and fre children for whiche Y seruede thee, that Y go; forsothe thou knowist the seruyce bi which Y seruede thee. 27Laban seide to hym, Fynde Y grace in thi siyt, Y haue lerned bi experience that God blesside me for thee; 28ordeyne thou the meede which Y schal yyue to thee. 29And he answeride, Thou woost hou Y seruede thee, and hou greet thi possessioun was in myn hondis; 30thou haddist litil bifore that Y cam to thee, and now thou art maad riche, and the Lord blesside thee at myn entryng; therfor it is iust that Y purueye sum tyme also to myn hows. 31And Laban seide, What schal Y yyue to thee? And Jacob seide, Y wole no thing but if thou doist that that Y axe, eft Y schal fede and kepe thi scheep. 32Cumpasse thou alle thi flockis, and departe thou alle diuerse scheep and of spottid flees, and what euer thing schal be dun, and spottid, and dyuerse, as wel in scheep as in geet, it schal be my mede. 33And my riytfulnesse schal answere to me to morewe, whanne the tyme of couenaunt schal come bifor thee; and alle that ben not dyuerse and spottid and dunne, as well in sheep as in geet, schulen repreue me of thefte. 34And Laban seide, Y haue acceptable that that thou axist. 35And he departide in that dai the geet, and scheep, geet buckis, and rammes, dyuerse and spottid. Sothely he bitook al the flok of o coloure, that is, of white and of blak flees in the hond of hise sones; 36and he settide the space of weie of thre daies bitwixe hise sones and the hosebonde of hise douytris, that fedde othere flockis` of hym. 37Therfor Jacob took greene yerdis of popeleris, and of almoundis, and of planes, and in parti dide awei the rynde of tho, and whanne the ryndis weren `drawun a wei, whitnesse apperide in these that weren maad bare; sothely tho that weren hoole dwelliden grene, and bi this maner the coloure was maad dyuerse. 38And Jacob puttide tho yerdis in the trowis, where the watir was held out, that whanne the flockis schulden come to drynke, thei schulden haue the yerdis bifor the iyen, and schulden conseyue in the siyt of the yerdis. 39And it was doon that in thilke heete of riding the sheep schulde biholde the yerdis, and that thei schulden brynge forth spotti beestis, and dyuerse, and bispreynt with dyuerse colour. 40And Jacob departide the floc, and puttide the yerdis in the trowis bifor the iyen of the rammys. Sotheli alle the white and blake weren Labans; sotheli the othere weren Jacobis; for the flockis weren departid bytwixe hem silf. 41Therfor whanne the scheep weren ridun in the firste tyme, Jacob puttide the yerdis in the `trouyis of watir bifor the iyen of rammys and of scheep, that thei schulden conseyue in the siyt of tho yerdis. 42Forsothe whanne the late medlyng and the laste conseyuyng weren, Jacob puttide not tho yerdis; and tho that weren late, weren maad Labans, and tho that weren of the firste tyme weren Jacobis. 43And he was maad ful riche, and hadde many flockis, handmaydis, and seruauntis, camels, and assis. 31Aftir that Jacob herde the wordis of the sones of Laban, that seiden, Jacob hath take awei alle thingis that weren oure fadris, and of his catel Jacob is maad riche, and noble. 2Also Jacob perseyuede the face of Laban, that it was not ayens hym as yistirdai, and the thridde dai agoon, 3moost for the Lord seide to hym, Turne ayen into the lond of thi fadris, and to thi generacioun, and Y shal be with thee. 4He sente, and clepide Rachel, and Lya, in to the feeld, where he kepte flockis, and he seide to hem, 5Y se the face of youre fadir, that it is not ayens me as `yisterdai and the thridde dai agoon; but God of my fadir was with me. 6And ye witen that with alle my strengthis Y seruede youre fadir; 7but and youre fadir disseyuyde me, and chaungide my meede ten sithis; and netheles God suffride not hym to anoye me. 8If he seide ony tyme, Dyuerse colourid sheep schulen be thi medis, alle sheep brouyten forth dyuerse colourid lambren; forsothe whanne he seide ayenward, Thou shalte take alle white for mede, alle the flockis brouyten forth white beestis; 9and God took a wey the substaunce of youre fadir, and yaf to me. 10For aftir that the tyme of conseyuyng of sheep cam, Y reiside myn iyen, and seiy in sleep malis dyuerse, and spotti, and of dyuerse colouris, stiynge on femalis. 11And the aungel of the Lord seide to me in sleep, Jacob! and Y answeride, Y am redy. 12Which seide, Reise thin iyen, and se alle malis dyuerse, byspreynt, and spotti, stiynge on femalis; for Y seiy alle thingis whiche Laban dide to thee; 13Y am God of Bethel, where thou anoyntidist a stoon, and madist auow to me. Now therefor rise thou, and go out of this lond, and turne ayen in to the lond of thi birthe. 14And Rachel and Lya answeriden, Wher we han ony thing residue in the catels, and eritage of oure fadir? 15Wher he `arettide not vs as aliens, and selde, and eet oure prijs? 16But God took awei the richessis of oure fadir, and yaf tho to vs, and to oure sones; wherfor do thou alle thingis whiche God hath comaundide to thee. 17Forsothe Jacob roos, and puttide hise fre children and wyues on camels, and yede forth; 18and he took al his catel, flockis, and what euer thing he hadde gete in Mesopotanye, and yede to Isaac, his fadir, into the lond of Canaan. 19In that tyme Laban yede to schere scheep, and Rachel stal the idols of hir fadir. 20And Jacob nolde knouleche to the fadir of his wijf, that he wolde fle; 21and whanne he hadde go, as wel he as alle thingis that weren of his riyt, and whanne he hadde passid the water, and he yede ayens the hil of Galaad, 22it was teld to Laban, in the thridde dai, that Jacob fledde. 23And Laban took his britheren, and pursuede hym seuene daies, and took hym in the hil of Galaad. 24And Laban seiy in sleep the Lord seiynge to him, Be war that thou speke not ony thing sharpli ayens Jacob. 25And thanne Jacob hadde stretchid forth the tabernacle in the hil; and whanne he hadde sued Jacob with his britheren, `he settide tente in the same hil of Galaad; and he seide to Jacob, 26Whi hast thou do so, that the while I wiste not thou woldist dryue awey my douytris as caitifs by swerd? 27Whi woldist thou fle the while Y wiste not, nether woldist shewe to me, that Y shulde sue thee with ioie, and songis, and tympans, and harpis? 28Thou suffridist not that Y schulde kisse my sones and douytris; thou hast wrouyt folili. 29And now sotheli myn hond mai yelde yuel to thee, but the God of thi fadir seide to me yisterdai, Be war that thou speke not ony harder thing with Jacob. 30Suppose, if thou coueitedist to go to thi kynesmen, and the hows of thi fadir was in desir to thee, whi hast thou stole my goddis? 31Jacob answeride, That Y yede forth while thou wistist not, Y dredde lest thou woldist take awey thi douytris violentli; 32sotheli that thou repreuest me of thefte, at whom euer thou fyndist thi goddis, be he slayn bifor oure britheren; seke thou, what euer thing of thine thou fyndist at me, and take awei. Jacob seide these thingis, and wiste not that Rachel stal the idols. 33And so Laban entride into the tabernacle of Jacob, and of Lya, and of euer eithir meyne, and foond not; and whanne Laban hadde entrid in to the tente of Rachel, 34sche hastide, and hidde the idols vndur the strewyngis of the camel, and sat aboue. And sche seide to Laban, sekynge al the tente and fyndynge no thing, 35My lord, be not wrooth that Y may not rise bifore thee, for it bifelde now to me bi the custom of wymmen; so the bisynesse of the sekere was scorned. 36And Jacob bolnyde, and seide with strijf, For what cause of me, and for what synne of me, hast thou come so fersly aftir me, 37and hast souyt al `the portenaunce of myn hous? What `hast thou founde of al the catel of thin hows? Putte thou here bifore my britheren and thi britheren, and deme thei betwixe me and thee. 38Was I with thee herfore twenti yeer? Thi sheep and geet weren not bareyn, Y eet not the rammes of thi flok, 39nether Y schewide to thee ony thing takun of a beeste; Y yeldide al harm; what euer thing perischide bi thefte, thou axidist of me; 40Y was angwischid in dai and nyyt with heete and frost, and sleep fledde fro myn iyen; 41so Y seruede thee bi twenti yeer in thin hows, fourtene yeer for thi douytris, and sixe yeer for thi flockis; and thou chaungidist my mede ten sithis. 42If God of my fadir Abraham, and the drede of Isaac hadde not helpid me, perauenture now thou haddist left me nakid; the Lord bihelde my turmentyng and the traueyl of myn hondis, and repreuyde thee yistirdai. 43Laban answeride hym, The douytris, and thi sones, and flockis, and alle thingis whiche thou seest, ben myne, what mai Y do to my sones, and to the sones of sones? 44Therfor come thou, and make we boond of pees, that it be witnessyng bitwixe me, and thee. 45And so Jacob took a stoon, and reiside it in to a signe, and seide to hise britheren, 46Brynge ye stoonus; whiche gadriden, and maden an heep, and eten on it. 47And Laban clepide it the heep of wittnesse, and Jacob clepide it the heep of witnessyng; euer eithir clepide bi the proprete of his langage. 48And Laban seide, This heep schal be witnesse bytwixe me and thee to day, and herfor the name therof was clepid Galaad, that is, the heep of witnesse. 49And Laban addide, The Lord biholde, and deme bitwixe vs, whanne we schulen go awei fro yow; 50if thou schalt turmente my douytris, and if thou schal brynge yn othere wyues on hem, noon is witnesse of oure word, outakun God, whiche is present, and biholdith. 51And eft he seide to Jacob, Lo! this heep, and stoon, whiche Y reiside bitwixe me and thee, schal be witnesse; 52sotheli this heep, and stoon be in to witnessyng, forsothe if Y schal passe it, and go to thee, ether thou shalt passe, and thenke yuel to me. 53God of Abraham, and God of Nachor, God of the fadir of hem, deme bitwixe vs. Therfor Jacob swoor by the drede of his fadir Ysaac; 54and whanne slayn sacrifices weren offrid in the hil, he clepyde his britheren to ete breed, and whanne thei hadden ete, thei dwelliden there. 55Forsothe Laban roos bi nyyt, and kisside his sones, and douytris, and blesside hem, and turnede ayen in to his place. 32Forsothe Jacob wente forth in the weie in which he began, and the aungels of the Lord metten him. 2And whanne he hadde seyn hem, he seide, These ben the castels of God; and he clepide the name of that place Manaym, that is, castels. 3Sotheli Jacob sente bifore him also messangeris to Esau, his brother, in to the lond of Seir, in the cuntrey of Edom; 4and comaundide to hem, and seide, Thus speke ye to my lord Esau, Thi brothir Jacob seith these thingis, Y was a pilgrym at Laban, `and Y was `til in to present dai; 5Y haue oxun, and assis, and scheep, and seruauntis, and hand maydis, and Y sende now a message to my lord, that Y fynde grace in thi siyt. 6And the messageris turneden ayen to Jacob, and seiden, We camen to Esau, thi brother, and lo! he hastith in to thi comyng, with foure hundrid men. 7Jacob dredde greetli, and he was aferd, and departide the puple that was with hym, and he departide the flockis, and scheep, and oxun, and camels, in to twei cumpenyes; 8and seide, If Esau schal come to o cumpeny, and schal smyte it, the tothir cumpeny which is residue schal be saued. 9And Jacob seide, A! God of my fadir Abraham, and God of my fadir Isaac, A! Lord, that seidist to me, Turne thou ayen in to thi lond, and in to the place of thi birthe, and Y schal do wel to thee, 10Y am lesse than alle thi merciful doyngis, and than thi treuthe which thou hast fillid to thi seruaunt; with my staf Y passide this Jordan, and now Y go ayen with twei cumpanyes; 11delyuere thou me fro the hond of my brothir Esau, for Y drede him greetli, lest he come and sle the modris with the sones. 12Thou spakist that thou schuldist do wel to me, and shuldist alarge my seed as the grauel of the see, that mai not be noumbrid for mychilnesse. 13And whanne Jacob hadde slept there in that nyyt, he departide of tho thingis whiche he hadde yiftis to Esau, his brothir, 14two hundrid geet, and twenti buckis of geet, two hundrid scheep, and twenti rammys, 15camels fulle with her foolis thretti, fourti kyen, and twenti boolis, twenti sche assis, and ten foolis of hem. 16And he sente bi the hondis of his seruauntis alle flockis bi hem silf; and he seide to hise children, Go ye bifore me, and a space be betwixe flok and flok. 17And he comaundide to the formere, and seide, If thou schalt mete my brothir Esau, and he schal axe thee, whos man thou art, ether whidir thou goist, ether whos ben these thingis whiche thou suest, 18thou schalt answere, Of thi seruaunt Jacob, he hath sent yiftis to his lord Esau, and he cometh aftir vs. 19In lijk maner, he yaf comaundementis to the secounde, and to the thridde, and to alle that sueden flockis; and seide, Speke ye bi the same wordis to Esau, 20whanne ye fynden hym, and ye schulen adde, Also Jacob hym silf thi seruaunt sueth oure weie. For Jacob seide, Y schal plese Esau with yiftis that goon bifore, and aftirward Y schal se hym; in hap he schal be mercyful to me. 21And so the yiftis yeden bifore hym; sotheli he dwellide in that nyyt in the tentis. 22And whanne Jacob hadde arise auysseli, he took hise twei wyues, and so many seruauntessis with enleuen sones, and passide the forthe of Jaboth. 23And whanne alle thingis that perteyneden to hym weren led ouer, he dwellide aloone, and, lo! 24a man wrastlide with him til to the morwetid. 25And whanne the man seiy that he miyte not ouercome Jacob, he touchide the senewe of Jacobis hipe, and it driede anoon. 26And he seide to Jacob, Leeue thou me, for the morewtid stieth now. Jacob answeride, Y schal not leeue thee, no but thou blesse me. 27Therfore he seide, What name is to thee? He answeride, Jacob. 28And the man seide, Thi name schal no more be clepid Jacob, but Israel; for if thou were strong ayens God, hou miche more schalt thou haue power ayens men. 29Jacob axide him, Seie thou to me bi what name thou art clepid? He answerde, Whi axist thou my name, whiche is wondirful? And he blesside Jacob in the same place. 30And Jacob clepide the name of that place Fanuel, and seide, Y siy the Lord face to face, and my lijf is maad saaf. 31And anoon the sunne roos to hym, aftir that he passide Fanuel; forsothe he haltide in the foot. 32For which cause the sones of Israel eten not `til in to present day the senewe, that driede in the hipe of Jacob; for the man touchide the senewe of Jacobs hipe, and it driede. 33Forsothe Jacob reiside hise iyen, and seiy Esau comynge, and foure hundrid men with hym; and he departide the sones of Lia, and of Rachel, and of bothe seruauntessis. 2And he puttide euer either handmaide, and the fre children of hem, in the bigynnyng; sotheli he puttide Lia, and her sones, in the secounde place; forsothe he puttide Rachel and Joseph the laste. 3And Jacob yede bifore, and worschipide lowli to erthe seuensithis, til his brothir neiyede. 4And so Esau ran ayens his brothir, and collide hym, and Esau helde his necke, and kisside, and wepte. 5And whanne the iyen weren reisid, he seiy the wymmen, and the litle children of hem, and seide, What wolen these to hem silf? and wher thei pertenen to thee? Jacob answeride, Thei ben the litle children, whiche God hath youe to me, thi seruaunt. 6And the handmaydis and her sones neiyeden, and weren bowid. 7Also Lya neiyede with hir fre children; and whanne thei hadden worschipid in lijk maner, Joseph and Rachel the laste worschipeden. 8And Esau seide, What ben these cumpanyes, whiche Y mette? Jacob answerde, That Y schulde fynde grace bifore my lord. 9And he seide, My brother, Y haue ful many thingis, thi thingis be to thee. 10And Jacob seide, Y biseche, nyle thou so, but if Y foond grace in thin iyen, take thou a litil yifte of myn hondis; for Y seiy so thi face as I seiy the cheer of God; 11be thou merciful to me, and resseyue the blessyng which Y brouyte to thee, and which blessyng God yyuynge alle thingis yaf to me. Vnnethis, while the brothir compellide, 12he resseyuede, and seide, Go we to gidere, and Y schal be felowe of thi weie. 13And Jacob seide, My lord, thou knowist that Y haue litle children tendre, and scheep, and kien with calue with me, and if Y schal make hem for to trauele more in goynge, alle the flockis schulen die in o dai; 14my lord go bifore his seruaunt, and Y schal sue litil and litil hise steppis, as I shal se that my litle children mown, til Y come to my lord, in to Seir. 15Esau answeride, Y preie thee, that of the puple which is with me, nameli felowis of thi weie dwelle. Jacob seide, It is no nede; Y haue nede to this o thing oneli, that Y fynde grace in thi siyt, my lord. 16And so Esau turnede ayen in that dai in the weie bi which he cam, in to Seir. 17And Jacob cam in to Sochot, where whanne he hadde bildid an hows, and hadde set tentis, he clepide the name of that place Sochot, that is, tabernaclis. 18And Jacob passide in to Salem, a citee of Sichimis, whiche is in the lond of Canaan, aftir that he turnede ayen fro Mesopotanye of Sirie, and he dwellide besidis the citee. 19And he bouyte for an hundrid lambren a part of the feeld, in which he settide tabernaclis, of the sones of Emor, fadir of Sichem. 20And whanne he hadde reisid an auter there, he inwardly clepide on it the strongeste God of Israel. 34Forsothe Dyna, the douytir of Lya, yede out to se the wymmen of that cuntrey. 2And whanne Sichem, the sone of Emor Euey, the prince of that lond, hadde seyn hir, he louede hir, and rauyschide, and sclepte with hir, and oppresside the virgyn bi violence. 3And his soule was boundun faste with hir, and he pleside hir sory with flateringis. 4And he yede to Emor, 5his fadir, and seide, Take to me this damysel a wijf. And whanne Jacob hadde herd this thing, while the sones weren absent, and ocupied in the fedyng of scheep, he was stille, til thei camen ayen. 6Sotheli whanne Emor, the fadir of Sichem, was gon out, `that he schulde speke to Jacob, lo! 7hise sones camen fro the feeld. And whanne this thing that bifelde was herd, thei weren wroothe greetli; for he wrouyte a foul thing in Israel, and he hadde do a thing vnleueful in the defoulyng of the douyter of Jacob. 8And so Emor spak to hem, The soule of my sone Sichem cleuyde to youre douytir, yeue ye hir a wijf to hym, 9and ioyne we weddyngis to gidere; yyue ye youre douytris to vs, 10and take ye oure douytris, and dwelle ye with vs; the lond is in youre power, tile ye, make ye marchaundise, and welde ye it. 11But also Sichem seide to the fadir and britheren of hir, Fynde Y grace bifor you, and what euer thingis ye ordeynen Y schal yyue; 12encreesse ye the dower, and axe ye yiftis, Y schal yyue wilfull that that ye axen; oonli yyue ye this damysele a wijf to me. 13The sones of Jacob answeriden in gile to Sichem and his fadir, and weren feerse for the defoulyng of maidenhod of the sistir, 14We moun not do this that ye axen, nether we moun yyue oure sistir to a man vncircumcidid, which thing is vnleueful and abhomynable anentis vs. 15But in this we schulen mowe be boundun in pees, if ye wole be lijk vs, and ech of male kynde be circumcidid in you, 16thanne we schulen yyue and take togidre oure douytris and youre; and we schulen dwelle with you, and we schulen be o puple. 17Forsothe if ye nylen be circumcidid, we schulen take oure douytir, and schulen go a wei. 18The profryng of hem pleside Emor and Sichem, 19his sone, and the yong wexynge man dilaiede not, that ne he fillide anoon that that was axid, for he louede the damysele greetli, and he was noble in al `the hous of his fadir. 20And thei entriden in to the yate of the citee, and spaken to the puple, 21These men ben pesible, and wolen dwelle with vs; make thei marchaundie in the loond, and tile thei it, which is large and brood, and hath nede to tileris; we schulen take her douytris to wyues, and we schulen yyue oure douytris to hem. 22O thing is, for which so greet good is dilaied; if we circumciden oure malis, and suen the custom of the folc, 23bothe her substaunce, and scheep, and alle thingis which thei welden, schulen be oure; oneli assente we in this, that we dwelle to gidere, and make o puple. 24And alle men assentiden, and alle malis weren circumcidid. 25And lo! in the thridde day, whanne the sorewe of woundis was moost greuous, twei sones of acob, Symeon and Leuy, britheren of Dyna, token swerdis, and entriden in to the citee booldeli; and whanne alle malis weren slayn, 26thei killiden Emor and Sichem togidere, and token Dyna, her sistir, fro the hous of Sichem. 27And whanne thei weren goon out, othere sones of Jacob felden in on the slayn men, and rifeliden the citee for the veniaunce of defoulyng of a virgyn. 28And thei wastiden the scheep of tho men, and droues of oxun, and assis, and alle thingis that weren in howsis and feeldis, 29and ledden prisoneris the litle children, and wyues of tho men. 30And whanne these thingis weren don hardili, Jacob seide to Symeon and Leuy, Ye han troblid me, and han maad me hateful to Cananeis and Fereseis, dwellers of this lond; we ben fewe, thei schulen be gaderid to gidere and schulen sle me, and Y schal be don a wey and myn hous. 31Symeon and Leuy answeriden, Whether thei ouyten mysuse oure sistir as an hoore? 35Yn the mene tyme the Lord spak to Jacob, Ryse thou, and stie to Bethel, and dwelle thou there, and make thou an auter to the Lord, that apperide to thee whanne thou fleddist Esau, thi brother. 2Forsothe Jacob seide, whanne al his hous was clepid to gidere, Caste ye a wei alien goddis, that ben `in the myddis of you, and be ye clensid, and chaunge ye youre clothis; 3rise ye, and stie we into Bethel, that we make there an auter to the Lord, which herde me in the dai of my tribulacioun, and was felowe of my weie. 4Therfor thei yauen to hym alle alien goddis which thei hadden, and eere ryngis, that weren in `the eeris of hem; and he deluyde tho vndur a `tre, clepid therubynte, which is bihynde the citee of Sichem. 5And whanne thei yeden, drede assailide alle men by cumpas of the citee, and thei weren not hardi to pursue hem goynge a wei. 6Therfor Jacob cam to Lusa, which is in the lond of Canaan, bi `sire name Bethel, he and al his puple with hym. 7And he bildide there an auter to the Lord, and clepide the name of that place The hows of God, for God apperide there to hym, whanne he fledde his brothir. 8Delbora, the nurische of Rebecca, diede in the same tyme, and sche was biried at the roote of Bethel, vndir an ook, and the name of the place was clepid The ook of wepyng. 9Forsothe God apperide eft to Jacob, aftir that he turnede ayen fro Mesopotanye of Sirie, and cam into Bethel, and blesside hym, 10and seide, Thou schalt no more be clepid Jacob, but Israel schal be thi name. And God clepide hym Israel, and seide to hym, 11Y am God Almyyti, encreesse thou, and be thou multiplied, folkis and puplis of naciouns schulen be of thee, kyngis schulen go out of thi leendis; 12and Y shal yyue to thee, and to thi seed after thee, the lond which Y yaf to Abraham, and Ysaac. 13And God departide fro hym. 14Forsothe Jacob reiside a title ether memorial of stoonys, in the place where ynne God spak to hym, and he sacrifiede ther onne fletynge sacrifices, and schedde out oile, 15and clepide the name of that place Bethel. 16Forsothe Jacob yede out fro thennus, and cam in the bigynnynge of somer to the lond that ledith to Effrata; in which lond whanne Rachel trauelide in child beryng, 17sche bigan to be in perel for the hardnesse of childberyng; and the medewijf seide to hir, Nyle thou drede, for thou schalt haue also this sone. 18Forsothe while the soule yede out for sorew, and deeth neiyede thanne, she clepide the name of hir sone Bennony, that is, the sone of my sorewe; forsothe the fadir clepide hym Beniamyn, that is the sone of the riyt side. 19Therfor Rachel diede, and was biriede in the weie that ledith to Effrata, this is Bethleem. 20And Jacob bildide a title on the sepulcre of hir; this is the title of biriel of Rachel `til into present dai. 21Jacob yede fro thennus, and settide tabernacle ouer the tour of the flok. 22And while he dwellide in that cuntrei, Ruben yede, and slepte with Bala, the secundarie wijf of his fadir, which thing was not hid fro hym. Forsothe the sones of Jacob weren twelue; 23the sones of Lia weren, the firste gendrid Ruben, and Symeon, and Leuy, and Judas, and Isachar, and Zabulon; 24the sones of Rachel weren, Joseph and Beniamyn; 25the sones of Bala, handmayde of Rachel, weren Dan, and Neptalym; 26the sones of Zelfa, handmayde of Lya, weren Gad, and Aser. These weren the sones of Jacob, that weren borun to hym in Mesopotanye of Sirie. 27Also Jacob came to Isaac, his fadir, in to Manbre, a citee Arabee, this is Ebron, in which Manbre Abraham `and Isaac was a pylgrym. 28And the daies of Isaac weren fillid an hundrid and foure scoore of yeris; 29and he was wastid in age, and diede, and he was put to his puple, and was eeld, and ful of daies; and Esau and Jacob his sones birieden hym. 36Forsothe these ben the generaciouns of Esau; he is Edom. 2Esau took wyues of the douytris of Canaan, Ada, the douytir of Elom Ethey, and Oolibama, the douyter of Ana, sone of Sebeon Euey; also Bathsemath, 3the douytir of Ismael, the sistir of Nabioth. 4Forsothe Ada childide Elifath; Batsemath childide Rahuel; Oolibama childide Hieus, 5and Hielon, and Chore. These weren the sones of Esau, that weren borun to hym in the lond of Canaan. 6Sotheli Esau took hise wyues, and sones, and douytris, and ech soule of his hows, and catel, and scheep, and alle thingis whiche he `myyte haue in the lond of Canaan, and yede into anothir cuntrey, and departide fro his brother Jacob; for thei weren ful riche, 7and thei miyten not dwelle to gidere, and the erthe of her pilgrymage susteynede not hem, for the multitude of flockis. 8And Esau dwellide in the hil of Seir; he is Edom. 9Forsothe these weren the generaciouns of Esau, fader of Edom, 10in the hil of Seir, and these weren the names of hise sones. Elifath, sone of Ada, `wijf of Esau; also Rahuel sone of Bathsemath, `wijf of hym. 11And the sones of Elifath weren, Theman, Emath, Sephu, and Gathan, and Ceneth, and Chore. 12Forsothe Tanna was the secundarie wijf of Elifath, `sone of Esau, whiche Tanna childide to hym Amalech. These weren the sones of Ada, `wijf of Esau. 13Forsothe the sones of Rahuel weren, Naath, and Zara, and Semna, and Meza. These weren the sones of Bathsemath, `wijf of Esau. 14And these weren the sones of Oolibama, douyter of Ana, sone of Sebeon, `wijf of Esau, whiche sche childide to hym; Hieus, and Hielon, and Chore. 15These weren the dukis of the sones of Esau; the sones of Elifath first gendrid of Esau, duk Theman, duyk Omar, 16duk Sephua, duyk Ceneth, duyk Chore, duyk Dathan, duyk Amalech. These weren the sones of Eliphat, in the lond of Edom, and these weren the sones of Ada. 17Also these weren the sones of Rahuel, `sone of Esau, duyk Naath, duyk Zara, duyk Senna, duyk Meza; forsothe these duykis weren of Rahuel in the lond of Edom. These weren the sones of Bathsamath, `wijf of Esau. 18Forsothe these weren the sones of Oolibama, `wijf of Esau; duyk Hieus, duyk Hielon, duyk Chore; these weren duykis of Oolibama, douytir of Ana, `wijf of Esau. 19These weren the sones of Esau, and thei weren duykis of hem; he is Edom. 20These weren the sones of Seir Horrei, enhabiteris of the lond; Jothan, and Sobal, and Sebeon, 21and Anam, and Dison, and Eser, and Disan; these duikis weren of Horrey, sone of Seir, in the lond of Edom. 22Forsothe the sones of Jothan weren maad, Horrey, and Theman; sotheli the sistir of Jothan was Tanna. 23And these weren the sones of Sobal; Aluan, and Maneeth, and Ebal, Sephi, and Onam. 24And these weren the sones of Sebeon; Achaia, and Ana; this is Ana that foonde hoote watris in wildirnesse, whanne he kepte the assis of Sebeon, his fadir; 25and he hadde a sone Disan, and a douytir Oolibama. 26And these weren the sones of Disan; Amadan, and Jesban, and Jethran, and Charan. 27Also these weren the sones of Heser; Baalan, and Zeuan, and Acham. 28And Disan hadde sones, Hus, and Haran. 29These weren the duykis of Horreis; duyk Jothan, duyk Sobal, duyk Sebeon, duyk Ana, duyk Dison, duyk Heser, duik Disan; 30these weren the duykis of Horreis, that weren lordis in the lond of Seir. 31Forsothe kyngis that regneden in the lond of Edom, bifore that the sones of Israel hadden a kyng, weren these; 32Balach, the sone of Beor, and the name of his citee was Deneba. 33Forsothe Balach diede, and Jobab, sone of Sara of Bosra, regnede for hym. 34And whanne Jobab was deed, Husam of the lond of Themayns regnede for hym. 35And whanne he was deed, Adad, the sone of Badadi, that smoot Madian in the lond of Moab, and the name of his citee was Abyuth, `regnede for him. 36And whanne Adad was deed, Semla of Maseracha regnede for hym. 37And whanne he was deed, Saul of the flood Robooth ragnede for hym. 38And whanne he was deed, Balanam, the sone of Achobor, was successour in to the rewme. 39And whanne this was deed, Adad regnede for hym, and the name of the citee of Adad was Phau, and the name of his wijf was clepid Meezabel, the douyter of Mathrect, douyter of Mesaab. 40Therfor these weren the names of duykis of Esau, in her kynredis, and places, and names; duyk Thanna, duyk Alua, 41duyk Jetech, duyk Oolibama, duyk Ela, 42duyk Phinon, duyk Ceneth, duik Theman, 43duyk Mabsar, duyk Madiel, duyk Iram; these weren the duykis of Edom, dwelleris in the lond of hys lordschip; he was Esau, the fadir of Ydumeis. 37Forsothe Jacob dwellide in the lond of Canaan, in which his fadir was a pilgrym; and these weren the generaciouns of hym. 2Joseph whanne he was of sixtene yeer, yit a child, kepte a flok with hise britheren, and was with the sones of Bala and Zelfa, wyues of his fadir; and he accuside his britheren at the fadir of `the worste synne. 3Forsothe Israel louyde Joseph ouer alle hise sones, for he hadde gendrid hym in eelde; and he made to Joseph a cote of many colours. 4Forsothe hise britheren sien that he was loued of the fader more than alle, and thei hatiden hym, and myyten not speke ony thing pesibli to hym. 5And it bifelde that he telde to hise britheren a sweuene seyn, which cause was `the seed of more hatrede. 6And Joseph seide to his britheren, Here ye the sweuene which Y seiy, 7Y gesside that we bounden to gidere handfuls, and that as myn handful roos, and stood, and that youre handfuls stoden aboute and worschipiden myn handful. 8Hise britheren answerden, Whether thou shalt be oure kyng, ethir we shulen be maad suget to thi lordschip? Therfor this cause of sweuenys and wordis mynystride the nurschyng of enuye, and of hatrede. 9Also Joseph seiy another sweuene, which he telde to the britheren, and seide, Y seiy bi a sweuene that as the sunne, and moone, and enleuen sterris worschipiden me. 10And whanne he hadde teld this sweuene to his fadir, and britheren, his fadir blamyde him, and seide, What wole this sweuene to it silf which thou hast seyn? Whether Y and thi modir, and thi britheren, schulen worschipe thee on erthe? 11Therfor hise britheren hadden enuye to hym. Forsothe the fadir bihelde pryuely the thing, 12and whanne his britheren dwelliden in Sichem, aboute flockis of the fadir `to be kept, 13Israel seide to Joseph, Thi britheren kepen scheep in Sichymys; come thou, Y schal sende thee to hem. 14And whanne Joseph answerde, Y am redi, Israel seide, Go thou, and se whether alle thingis ben esi anentis thi britheren, and scheep; and telle thou to me what is doon. He was sent fro the valey of Ebron, and cam into Sichem; 15and a man foond hym errynge in the feeld, and `the man axide, what he souyte. 16And he answerde, Y seke my britheren, schewe thou to me where thei kepten flockis. 17And the man seide to hym, Thei yeden awei fro this place; forsothe Y herde hem seiynge, Go we into Dothaym. And Joseph yede aftir his britheren, and foond hem in Dothaym. 18And whanne thei hadden seyn hym afer, bifor that he neiyede to hem, 19thei thouyten to sle hym, and spaken to gidere, Lo! the dremere cometh, come ye, 20sle we hym, and sende we into an eld sisterne, and we schulen seie, A wielde beeste ful wickid hath deuourid hym; and thanne it schal appere what hise dremes profiten to hym. 21Sotheli Ruben herde this, and enforside to delyuere hym fro her hondis, 22and seide, Sle we not the lijf of hym, nether schede we out his blood, but caste ye hym into an eeld cisterne, which is in the wildirnesse, and kepe ye youre hondis gilteles. Forsothe he seide this, willynge to delyuere hym fro her hondis, and to yelde to his fadir. 23Therfor anoon as Joseph cam to hise britheren, thei dispuyliden hym of the coote, doun to the heele, and of many colours, and senten into the eeld cisterne, 24that hadde no water. 25And thei saten `to ete breed; and thei sien that Ismaelitis weigoers camen fro Galaad, and that her camels baren swete smellynge spiceries, and `rosyn, and stacten, into Egipt. 26Therfor Judas seide to hise britheren, What schal it profite to vs, if we schulen sle oure brother, and schulen hide his blood? 27It is betere that he be seeld to Ismalitis, and oure hondis be not defoulid, for he is oure brother and fleisch. The britheren assentiden to these wordis; 28and whanne marchauntis of Madian passiden forth, thei drowen hym out of the cisterne, and seelden hym to Ismaelitis, for thriytti platis of siluer; whiche ledden hym in to Egipt. 29And Ruben turnede ayen to the cisterne, and foond not the child; 30and he to-rente his closis, and he yede to hise britheren, and seide, The child apperith not, and whidir schal Y go? 31Forsothe thei token his coote, and dippiden in the blood of a kide, which thei hadden slayn; and senten men that baren to the fadir, 32and seiden, We han founde this coote, se, whether it is the coote of thi sone, ether nai. 33And whanne the fader hadde knowe it, he seide, It is the coote of my sone, a wielde beeste ful wickid hath ete hym, a beeste hath deuourid Joseph. 34And he to-rente his clothis, and he was clothid with an heire, and biweilide his sone in myche tyme. 35Sothely whanne hise fre children weren gaderid to gidere, that thei schulden peese the sorewe of the fadir, he nolde take counfort, but seide, Y schal go doun in to helle, and schal biweile my sone. And the while Jacob contynude in wepyng, 36Madianytis seelden Joseph into Egipt to Putifar, chast `and onest seruaunt of Farao, maistir of the chyualrie. 38Yn the same tyme Judas yede doun fro his britheren, and turnede to a man of Odolla, Hiram bi name; 2and he siy ther a douytir of a man of Canaan, Sue bi name. And whanne he hadde takun hir to wijf, 3he entride to hir, and sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and clepide his name Her. 4And eft whanne a child was conseyued, sche nemyde the child borun Onam. 5And sche childide the thridde sone, whom sche clepide Cela, and whanne he was borun, sche ceesside to bere child more. 6Forsothe Judas yaf a wijf, `Thamar bi name, to his firste gendrid sone Her. 7And Her, the firste gendrid sone of Judas, was weiward in the siyt of the Lord, and therfor he was slayn of the Lord. 8Therfor Judas seide to Onam, his sone, Entre thou to the wijf of thi brothir, and be thou felouschipid to hir, that thou reise seed to thi brothir. 9And he wiste that sones schulden not be borun to him, `and he entride to the wijf of his brother, and schedde seed in to the erthe, lest the fre children schulden be borun bi the name of the brother; 10and therfor the Lord smoot hym, for he dide abhomynable thing. 11Wherfor Judas seide to Thamar, `wijf of his sone, Be thou widewe in the hous of thi fadir, til Sela my sone wexe, for he dredde lest also he schulde die as hise britheren. And sche yede, and dwellide in the hous of hir fadir. 12Forsothe whanne many yeeris weren passid, the douyter of Sue, `the wijf of Juda, diede, and whanne coumfort was takun aftir morenyng, he stiede to the schereris of hise scheep, he and Iras of Odolla, that was kepere of the floc, stieden in to Thampnas. 13And it was teld to Thamar, that `the fadir of hir hosebonde stiede to Thampnas, to schere scheep. 14And sche dide awei the clothis of widewehod, and sche took a roket, and whanne the clothinge was chaungid, sche sat in the weilot that ledith to Tampna; for Sela hadde woxe, and sche hadde not take hym to hosebonde. 15And whanne Judas hadde seyn hir, he supposide hir to be an hoore, for sche hadde hilid hir face, lest sche were knowun. 16And Judas entride to hir, and seide, Suffre me that Y ligge with thee; for he wiste not that sche was the wijf of his sone. And whanne sche answeride, What schalt thou yyue to me, that thou ligge bi me? 17he seide, Y schal sende to thee a kide of the flockis. And eft whanne sche seide, Y schal suffre that that thou wolt, if thou schalt yyue to me a wed, til thou sendist that that thou bihetist. 18Judas seide, What wolt thou that be youun to thee for a wed? She answeride, Thi ryng, and thi bie of the arm, and the staaf which thou holdist in the hond. Therfor the womman conseyuide at o liggyng bi, and sche roos, and yede; 19and whanne the clooth was `put awei which sche hadde take, sche was clothid in the clothis of widewhod. 20Forsothe Judas sente a kide bi his scheepherde of Odolla, that he schulde resseyue the wed which he hadde youe to the womman; and whanne he hadde not founde hir, 21he axide men of that place, Where is the womman that sat in the weie lot? And whanne alle men answeriden, An hoore was not in this place; he turnede ayen to Judas, 22and seide to hym, Y foond not hir, but also men of that place seiden to me, that an hoore sat neuere there. 23Judas seide, Haue sche to hir silf, certis sche may not repreue vs of a leesyng; Y sente the kyde which Y bihiyte, and thou foundist not hir. 24Lo! sotheli aftir thre monethis thei telden to Judas, and seiden, Thamar, `wijf of thi sone, hath do fornycacioun, and hir womb semeth to wexe greet. Judas seide, Brynge ye hir forth, that sche be brent. 25And whanne sche was led to peyne, sche sente to `the fadir of hir hosebonde, and seide, Y haue conseyued of the man, whose these thingis ben; knowe thou whose is the ryng, and bie of the arm, and staf? 26And whanne the yiftis weren knowun, he seide, Sche is more iust than Y, for Y yaf not hir to Sela, my sone; netheles Judas knewe hir no more fleischli. 27Sotheli whanne the childberyng neiyede, twei chyldren apperiden in the wombe, and in that birthe of children, oon brouyte forth the hond, in which the mydwijf boond a reed threed, 28and seide, This schal go out `the formere. 29Sotheli while he withdrowe the hond, the tother yede out, and the womman seide, Whi was the skyn in which the child lay in the wombe departid for thee? And for this cause sche clepide his name Fares. 30Afterward his brothir yede out, in whos hond was the reed threed, whom sche clepide Zaram. 39Therfor Joseph was led in to Egipt, and Putifar, `chast and onest seruaunt of Farao, prince of the oost, a man of Egipt, bouyte hym of the hondis of Ismaelitis, of which he was brouyt. 2And the Lord was with hym, and he was a man doynge with prosperite in alle thingis. And Joseph dwellide in `the hows of his lord, 3which knew best that the Lord was with Joseph, and that alle thingis whiche he dide, weren dressid of the Lord in `the hond of hym. 4And Joseph foond grace bifor his lord, and `mynystride to hym, of whom Joseph was maad souereyn of alle thingis, and gouernede the hows bitaken to hym, and alle thingis that weren bitakun to hym. 5And the Lord blesside the `hows of Egipcian for Joseph, and multipliede al his catel, as wel in howsis as in feeldis; 6nether he knew ony other thing no but `breed which he eet. Forsothe Joseph was fair in face, and schapli in siyt. 7And so aftir many daies the ladi castide hir iyen in to Joseph, and seide, Slepe thou with me; 8which assentide not to the vnleueful werk, and seide to hir, Lo! while alle thingis ben bitakun to me, my lord woot not what he hath in his hows, 9nether ony thing is, which is not in my power, ether which `he hath not bitake to me, outakun thee, which art his wijf; how therfor may Y do this yuel, and do synne ayens my lord? 10Thei spaken siche wordis `bi alle daies, and the womman was diseseful to the yong waxynge man, and he forsook auoutrie. 11Forsothe it bifelde in a dai, that Joseph entride in to the hows, and dide sum werk with out witnessis. 12And sche took `the hem of his clooth, and sche seide, Slepe thou with me; and he lefte the mentil in hir hoond, and he fledde, and yede out. 13And whanne the womman hadde seyn the clooth in hir hondis, and that sche was dispisid, 14sche clepide to hir the men of hir hows, and seide to hem, Lo! my lord hath brouyt in an Ebrew man, that he schulde scorn vs; he entride to me to do leccherie with me, and whanne Y criede, and he herde my vois, 15he lefte the mentil which Y helde, and he fledde out. 16Therfor in to the preuyng of trouthe, sche schewide the mantil, holdun to the hosebonde turnynge ayen hoom. 17And she seide, The Ebrew seruaunt, whom thou brouytist, entride to me to scorne me; and whanne he siy me crye, 18he lefte the mentil which Y helde, and he fledde out. 19And whanne these thingis weren herd, the lord bileuyde ouer myche to the wordis of the wijf, and was ful wrooth; 20and he bitook Joseph in to prisoun, where the bounden men of the kyng weren kept, and he was closid there. 21Forsothe the Lord was with Joseph, and hadde mercy on hym, and yaf grace to hym in the siyt of the prince of the prisoun, 22which bitook in the hond of Joseph alle prisoneris that weren holdun in kepyng, and what euer thing was doon, it was vndur Joseph, nethir the prince knewe ony thing, 23for alle thingis weren bitakun to Joseph; for the Lord was with hym, and dresside alle his werkis. 40Whanne these thingis weren doon so, it bifelde that twei geldyngis, the boteler and the baker `of the kyng of Egipt, synneden to her lord. 2And Farao was wrooth ayens hem, for the toon was `souereyn to boteleris, the tother was `souereyn to bakeris. 3And he sente hem in to the prisoun of the prince of knyytis, in which also Joseph was boundun. 4And the keper of the prisoun bitook hem to Joseph, which also `mynystride to hem. Sumdel of tyme passide, and thei weren hooldun in kepyng, and bothe sien a dreem in o nyyt, 5bi couenable expownyng to hem. 6And whanne Joseph hadde entrid to hem eerli, and hadde seyn hem sori, 7he axide hem, and seide, Whi is youre `face soriere to dai than it ys wont? 8Whiche answeriden, We seiyen a dreem, and `noon is that expowneth to vs. And Joseph seide to hem, Whether expownyng is not of God? Telle ye to me what ye han seyn. 9The `souereyn of boteleris telde first his dreem; Y seiy that a vyne bifore me, 10in which weren thre siouns, wexide litil and litil in to buriounnyngis, and that aftir flouris grapys wexiden ripe, 11and the cuppe of Farao was in myn hond; therfor Y took the grapis, and presside out in to the cuppe which Y helde, and Y yaf drynk to Farao. 12Joseph answerde, This is the expownyng of the dreem; thre siouns ben yit thre daies, 13aftir whiche Farao schal haue mynde of thi seruyce, and he schal restore thee in to the firste degree, and thou schal yyue to hym the cuppe, bi thin office, as thou were wont to do bifore. 14Oneli haue thou mynde on me, whanne it is wel to thee, and thou schalt do merci with me, that thou make suggestioun to Farao, that he lede me out of this prisoun; 15for theefli Y am takun awei fro the lond of Ebrews, and here Y am sent innocent in to prisoun. 16The `maister of bakeris seiye that Joseph hadde expowned prudentli the dreem, and he seide, And Y seiy a dreem, that Y hadde thre panyeris of mele on myn heed, 17and Y gesside that Y bar in o panyere, that was heiyere, alle metis that ben maad bi craft of bakers, and that briddis eeten therof. 18Joseph answerde, This is the expownyng of the dreem; thre panyeris ben yit thre daies, 19aftir whiche Farao schal take awei thin heed, and he schal hange thee in a cros, and briddis schulen todrawe thi fleischis. 20Fro thennus the thridde dai was the dai of birthe of Farao, which made a greet feeste to hise children, and hadde mynde among metis on the maistir `of boteleris, and on the prince of bakeris; 21and he restoride the oon in to his place, that he schulde dresse cuppe to `the kyng, 22and he hangide `the tothir in a gebat, that the treuthe of `the expownere schulde be preued. 23And netheles whanne prosperitees bifelden, the `souereyn of boteleris foryat `his expownere. 41Aftir twei yeer Farao seiy a dreem; he gesside that he stood on a flood, 2fro which seuene faire kiyn and ful fatte stieden, and weren fed in the places of mareis; 3and othere seuene, foule and leene, camen out of the flood, and weren fed in thilk brenke of the watir, in grene places; 4and tho deuoureden thilke kien of whiche the fairnesse and comelynesse of bodies was wondurful. 5Farao wakide, and slepte eft, and seiy another dreem; seuen eeris of corn ful and faire camen forth in o stalke, 6and othere as many eeris of corn, thinne and smytun with corrupcioun of brennynge wynd, 7camen forth, deuourynge al the fairenesse of the firste. Farao wakide aftir reste, 8and whanne morewtid was maad, he was aferd bi inward drede, and he sente to alle the expowneris of Egipt, and to alle wise men; and whanne thei weren clepid, he telde the dreem, and noon was that expownede. 9Thanne at the laste the maistir `of boteleris bithouyte, and seide, Y knowleche my synne; 10the kyng was wrooth to hise seruauntis, and comaundide me and the maister `of bakeris to be cast doun in to the prisoun of the prince of knyytis, 11where we bothe saien a dreem in o nyyt, biforeschewynge of thingis to comynge. 12An Ebrew child, seruaunt of the same duk of knyytis was there, to whom we telden the dremes, 13and herden what euer thing the bifallyng of thing preuede afterward; for Y am restorid to myn office, and he was hangid in a cros. 14Anoon at the comaundement of the kyng thei polliden Joseph led out of prisoun, and whanne `the clooth was chaungid, thei brouyten Joseph to the kyng. 15To whom the kyng seide, Y seiye dremes, and noon is that expowneth tho thingis that Y seiy, I haue herd that thou expownest moost prudentli. 16Joseph answerde, With out me, God schal answere prosperitees to Farao. 17Therfor Farao telde that that he seiy; Y gesside that Y stood on the brenke of the flood, 18and seuene kiyn, ful faire and with fleischis able to etyng, stieden fro the watir, whiche kiyn gaderiden grene seggis in the pasture of the marreis; 19and lo! seuene othere kiyn, so foule and leene, sueden these, that Y seiy neuere siche in the lond of Egipt; 20and whanne the formere kien weren deuourid and wastid, tho secounde yauen no steppe of fulnesse, 21but weren slowe bi lijk leenesse and palenesse. I wakide, and eft Y was oppressid bi sleep, and Y seiy a dreem; 22seuene eeris of corn, ful and faireste, camen forth in o stalke, 23and othere seuene, thinne and smytun with `corrupcioun of brennynge wynd, camen forth of the stobil, 24whiche deuouriden the fairenesse of the formere; 25Y telde the dreem to expowneris, and no man is that expowneth. Joseph answerde, The dreem of the king is oon; God schewide to Farao what thingis he schal do. 26Seuene faire kiyn, and seuene ful eeris of corn, ben seuene yeeris of plentee, and tho comprehenden the same strengthe of dreem; 27and seuene kiyn thinne and leene, that stieden aftir tho, and seuene thinne eeris of corn and smytun with brennynge wynd, ben seuene yeer of hungur to comynge, 28whiche schulen be fillid bi this ordre. 29Lo! seuene yeer of greet plentee in al the lond of Egipt schulen come, 30and seuene othre yeer of so greet bareynesse schulen sue tho, that al the abundaunce bifore be youun to foryetyng; for the hungur schal waste al the lond, 31and the greetnesse of pouert schal leese the greetnesse of plentee. 32Forsothe this that thou siyest the secunde tyme a dreem, perteynynge to the same thing, is a `schewyng of sadnesse, for the word of God schal be doon, and schal be fillid ful swiftli. 33Now therfor puruey the kyng a wijs man and a redi, and make the kyng hym souereyn to the lond of Egipt, 34which man ordeyne gouernouris bi alle cuntreis, and gadere he in to bernys the fyuethe part of fruytis bi seuene yeer of plentee, 35that schulen come now; and al the wheete be kept vndur the power of Farao, and be it kept in citees, 36and be it maad redi to the hungur to comynge of seuene yeer that schal oppresse Egipt, and the lond be not wastid bi pouert. 37The counsel pleside Farao, 38and alle his mynystris, and he spak to hem, Wher we moun fynde sich a man which is ful of Goddis spirit? 39Therfor Farao seide to Joseph, For God hath schewid to thee alle thingis whiche thou hast spoke, wher Y mai fynde a wisere man and lijk thee? 40Therfor thou schalt be ouer myn hous, and al the puple schal obeie to the comaundement of thi mouth; Y schal passe thee onely by o trone of the rewme. 41And eft Farao seide to Joseph, Lo! Y haue ordeyned thee on al the lond of Egipt. 42And Farao took the ryng fro his hond, and yaf it in the hond of Joseph, and he clothide Joseph with a stoole of bijs, and puttide a goldun wrethe aboute the necke; 43and Farao made Joseph to `stie on his secounde chare, while a bidele criede, that alle men schulden knele bifore hym, and schulden knowe that he was souereyn of al the lond of Egipt. 44And the kyng seide to Joseph, Y am Farao, without thi comaundement no man shal stire hond ether foot in al the lond of Egipt. 45And he turnede the name of Joseph, and clepide him bi Egipcian langage, the sauyour of the world; and he yaf to Joseph a wijf, Asenech, the douyter of Potifar, preest of Heliopoleos. And so Joseph yede out to the lond of Egipt. 46Forsothe Joseph was of thretti yeer, whanne he stood in the siyt of kyng Farao, and cumpasside alle the cuntreis of Egipt. 47And the plente of seuene yeer cam, and ripe corn weren bounden into handfuls, and weren gaderid into the bernys of Egipt, 48also al the aboundaunce of cornes weren kept in alle citeis, 49and so greet aboundaunce was of wheete, that it was maad euene to the grauel of the see, and the plente passide mesure. 50Sotheli twei sones were born to Joseph bifor that the hungur came, whiche Asenech, douytir of Putifar, preest of Heliopoleos, childide to hym. 51And he clepide the name of the firste gendrid sone, Manasses, and seide, God hath maad me to foryete alle my traueilis, and the hous of my fadir; 52and he clepide the name of the secunde sone Effraym, and seide, God hath maad me to encreesse in the lond of my pouert. 53Therfor whanne seuene yeer of plentee that weren in Egipt weren passid, 54seuene yeer of pouert bigunnen to come, whiche Joseph bifore seide, and hungur hadde the maistri in al the world; also hungur was in al the lond of Egipt; 55and whanne that lond hungride, the puple criede to Farao, and axide metis; to whiche he answeride, Go ye to Joseph, and do ye what euer thing he seith to you. 56Forsothe hungur encreesside ech dai in al the lond, and Joseph openyde alle the bernys, and seelde to Egipcians, for also hungur oppresside hem; 57and alle prouynces camen in to Egipt to bie metis, and to abate the yuel of nedynesse. 42Forsothe Jacob herde that foodis weren seeld in Egipt, and he seide to hise sones, Whi ben ye necgligent? 2Y herde that wheete is seeld in Egipt, go ye doun, and bie ye necessaries to vs, that we moun lyue, and be not wastid bi nedynesse. 3Therfor ten britheren of Joseph yeden doun to bie wheete in Egipt, 4and Beniamyn was withholdun of Jacob at hoome, that seide to hise britheren, Lest perauenture in the weie he suffre ony yuel. 5Sotheli thei entriden in to the lond of Egipt, with othere men that yeden to bie; forsothe hungur was in the lond of Canaan. 6And Joseph was prince of Egipt, and at his wille whetis weren seeld to puplis. And whanne hise britheren hadden worschipid hym, 7and he hadde knowe hem, he spak hardere as to aliens, and axide hem, Fro whennus camen ye? Whiche answeriden, Fro the lond of Canaan, that we bie necessaries to lyiflode. 8And netheles he knewe the britheren, and he was not knowun of hem, 9and he bithouyte on the dremys whiche he seiy sumtyme. And he seide to hem, Ye ben aspieris, ye camen to se the feblere thingis of the lond. 10Whiche seiden, Lord, it is not so, but thi seruauntis camen to bie metis; 11alle we ben the sones of o man, we comen pesible, and thi seruauntis ymaginen not ony yuel. 12To `whiche he answeride, It is in other maner, ye camen to se the feble thingis of the lond. 13And thei seiden, `We twelue britheren, thi seruauntis, ben sones of o man in the lond of Canaan; the leeste is with oure fadir, an other is not `on erthe. 14This it is, he seide, that Y spak to you, 15ye ben aspieris, riyt now Y schal take experience of you, bi the helthe of Farao ye schulen not go fro hennus, til youre leeste brother come; sende ye oon of you, 16that he brynge hym, forsothe ye schulen be in boondis, til tho thingis that ye seiden ben preued, whether tho ben false ether trewe; ellis, bi the helthe of Farao, ye ben aspieris. 17Therfor he bitook hem to kepyng thre daies; sotheli in the thridde dai, 18whanne thei weren led out of prisoun, he seide, Do ye that that Y seide, and ye schulen lyue, for Y drede God; 19if ye ben pesible, o brother of you be boundun in prisoun; forsothe go ye, and bere wheetis, whiche ye bouyten, 20in to youre housis, and brynge ye youre leeste brother to me, that Y may preue youre wordis, and ye die not. Thei diden as he seide, 21and thei spaken togidere, Skilfuli we suffren these thingis, for we synneden ayens oure brother, and we seiyen the anguysch of his soule, while he preiede vs, and we herden not; herfore this tribulacioun cometh on vs. 22Of which oon, Ruben, seide, Whether Y seide not to yow, Nyle ye do synne ayens the child, and ye herden not me? lo! his blood is souyt. 23Sotheli thei wisten not that Joseph vndirstood, for he spak to hem by interpretour. 24And he turnede awei hym silf a litil and wepte; and he turnede ayen, and spak to hem. 25And he took Symeon, and boond hym, while thei weren present; and he comaundide the mynystris, that thei schulden fille her sackis with wheete, and that thei schulden putte the money `of alle in her baggis, and ouer this yyue metis in the weie; whiche diden so. 26And thei `baren wetis on her assis, and yeden forth, 27and whanne the sak of oon was opened that he schulde yyue meete to the werk beeste in the yn, he bihelde the money in the mouth of the bagge, 28and seide to his britheren, My monei is yoldun to me, lo! it is had in the bagge; and thei weren astonyed, and troblid, and seiden togidere, What thing is this that God hath doon to us. 29And thei camen to Jacob, her fadir, in the loond of Canaan, and telden to hym alle thingis that bifelden to hem, and seiden, 30The lord of the lond spak harde to vs, and gesside that we weren aspieris of the prouynce; 31to whom we answeriden, We ben pesible, nether we purposen ony tresouns; 32we ben twelue britheren, gendrid of o fadir, oon is not `on erthe, the leeste dwellith with the fadir in the lond of Canaan. 33And he seide to vs, Thus Y schal preue that ye ben pesible; leeffe ye o brother of you with me, and take ye metis nedeful to youre housis, and go ye, and brynge ye to me youre leeste brother, 34that Y wite that ye ben not aspieris, and that ye moun resseyue this brother which is holdun in boondis, and that fro thennus forth ye haue licence to bie what thingis ye wolen. 35While these thingis weren seide, whanne alle schedden out wheetis, thei founden money boundun in `the mouth of sackis. And whanne alle togidere weren aferd, 36the fadir Jacob seide, Ye han maad me to be with out children; Joseph is not alyue, Symeon is holdun in bondis, ye schulen take a wey fro me Beniamyn; alle these yuels felden in me. 37To whom Ruben answeride, Sle thou my twei sones, if Y shal not brynge hym ayen to thee; take thou hym in myn hond, and Y schal restore hym to thee. 38And Jacob seide, My sone schal not go doun with you; his brother is deed, he aloone is left; if ony aduersite schal bifalle `to hym in the lond to which ye schulen go, ye schulen lede forth myn hoore heeris with sorewe to hellis. 43In the meene tyme hungur oppresside greetli al the lond; 2and whanne the meetis weren wastid, whiche thei brouyten fro Egipt, Jacob seide to hise sones, Turne ye ayen, and bie ye a litil of meetis to vs. 3Judas answeride, The ilke man denounside to vs vndir witnessyng of an ooth, and seide, Ye schulen not se my face, if ye schulen not brynge with you youre leeste brother; 4therfor if thou wolt sende hym with vs, we schulen go to gidere, and we schulen bie necessaries to thee; 5ellis if thou wolt not, we schulen not go; for as we seiden ofte, the man denounside to vs, and seide, Ye schulen not se my face with out youre leeste brother. 6Forsothe Israel seide to hem, Ye diden this in to my wretchidnesse, that ye schewiden to hym, that ye hadden also another brother. 7And thei answeriden, The man axide vs bi ordre oure generacioun, if the fadir lyuede, if we hadden a brother; and we answeriden suyngli to hym, bi that that he axide; whether we myyten wite that he wolde seie, Brynge ye youre brothir with you? 8And Judas seide to his fadir, Sende the child with me, that we go, and moun lyue, lest we dien, and oure litle children; 9Y take the child, require thou hym of myn hoond; if Y schal not brynge ayen, and bitake hym to thee, Y schal be gilti of synne ayens thee in al tyme; 10if delai hadde not be, we hadden come now anothir tyme. 11Therfor Israel, `the fadir of hem, seide to hem, If it is nede so, do ye that that ye wolen; `take ye of the beste fruytis of the lond in youre vesselis, and `bere ye yiftis to the man, a litil of gumme, and of hony, and of storax, and of mirre, and of therebynte, and of alemaundis; 12and `bere ye with you double money, and `bere ye ayen that money which ye founden in baggis, lest perauenture it be doon bi errour; 13but also take ye youre brother, and go ye to the man; 14forsothe my God Almyyti mak him pesible to you, and sende he ayen youre brother, whom he holdith in boondis, and this Beniamyn; forsothe Y schal be as maad bare without sones. 15Therfor the men token yiftis, and double monei, and Beniamyn; and thei yeden doun in to Egipt, and stoden bifore Joseph. 16And whanne he hadde seyn `hem and Beniamyn togidere, he comaundide the dispendere of his hows, and seide, Lede these men in to the hous, and sle beestis, and make a feeste; for thei schulen ete with me to dai. 17He dide as it was comaundid, and ledde the men in to the hows; 18and there thei weren aferd, and seiden to gidere, We ben brouyt in for the monei which we baren ayen bifore in oure sackis, that he putte chalenge `in to vs, and make suget bi violence to seruage bothe vs and oure assis. 19Wherfor thei neiyeden in the `yatis, and spaken to the dispendere, 20Lord, we preien that thou here vs; we camen doun now bifore that we schulden bie metis; 21whanne tho weren bouyt, whanne we camen to the ynne, we openeden oure baggis, and we founden money in the mouth of sackis, which money we han brouyt ayen now in the same weiyte; 22but also we han brouyt other siluer, that we bie tho thingis that ben nedeful to vs; it is not in oure conscience, who puttide the money in oure pursis. 23And he answerde, Pees be to you, nyle ye drede; youre God and God of youre fadir yaf to you tresouris in youre baggis; for I haue the monei preued, which ye yauen to me. And he ledde out Symeon to hem; 24and whanne thei weren brouyt in to the hows, he brouyte watir, and thei waischiden her feet, and he yaf `meetis to her assis. 25Sotheli thei maden redi yiftis til Joseph entride at myd day, for thei hadden herd that thei schulden ete breed there. 26Therfor Joseph entride in to his hows, and thei offriden yiftis to hym, and helden in the hondis, and worschipiden lowe to erthe. 27And he grette hem ayen mekeli; and he axide hem, and seide, Whether youre fadir, the elde man, is saaf, of whom ye seiden to me? lyueth he yit? 28Whiche answeriden, He is hool, thi seruaunt oure fadir lyueth yit; and thei weren bowid, and worschipiden hym. 29Forsothe Joseph reyside hise iyen, and siy Beniamyn his brother of the same wombe, and seide, Is this youre litil brother, of whom ye seiden to me? And eft Joseph seide, My sone, God haue merci of thee. 30And Joseph hastide in to the hous, for his entrailis weren moued on his brother, and teeris brasten out, and he entride into a closet, and wepte. 31And eft whanne the face was waischun, he yede out, and refreynede hym silf, and seide, Sette ye looues. 32`And whanne tho weren set to Joseph by hym silf, and to the britheren bi hem silf, and to Egipcyans that eeten to gidre by hem silf; for it is vnleueful to Egipcians to ete with Ebrewis, and thei gessen sich a feeste vnhooli. 33Therfor thei saten bifore hym, the firste gendrid bi the rite of his firste gendryng, and the leeste bi his age; and thei wondriden greetli, 34whanne the partis weren takun whiche thei hadden resseyued of him, and the more part cam to Beniamyn, so that it passide in fyue partis; and thei drunken, and weren fillid with him. 44Forsothe Joseph comaundid the dispendere of his hous, and seide, Fille thou her sackis with wheete, as myche as tho moun take, and putte thou the money of ech in the hiynesse of the sak; 2forsothe put thou in the mouth of the sak of the yongere my silueren cuppe, and the prijs of wheete which he yaf; and it was doon so. 3And whanne the morewtid roos, thei weren delyuered with her assis. 4And now thei hadden go out of the citee, and hadden go forth a litil; thanne Joseph seide, whanne the dispendere of his hous was clepid, Rise thou, pursue the men, and seye thou whanne thei ben takun, Whi han ye yolde yuel for good? 5The cuppe, which ye han stole, is thilk in which my lord drynkith, and in which he is wont to dyuyne; ye han do a ful wickid thing. 6He dide as Joseph comaundid, and whanne thei weren takun, he spak bi ordre. 7Whiche answeriden, Whi spekith oure lord so, that thi seruauntis han do so greet trespas? 8We brouyten ayen to thee fro the lond of Chanaan the monei which we founden in the hiynesse of sackis, and hou is it suynge that we han stole fro `the hows of thi lord gold ether siluer? 9At whom euere of thi seruauntis this that thou sekist is foundun, die he, and we schulen be seruauntis of my lord. 10Which seide to hem, Be it doon bi youre sentence; at whom it is foundun, be he my seruaunt; forsothe ye schulen be gilteles. 11And so thei diden doun hastili the sackis on erthe, and alle openyden tho whiche he souyte; 12and bigan at the more til to the leeste, and foond the cuppe in `the sak of Beniamyn. 13And whanne thei hadden `to-rent her clothis, and hadden chargid eft the assis, thei turneden ayen in to the citee. 14And Judas entride `the firste with brithren to Joseph; for he hadde not go yit fro the place; and alle felden togidere on erthe bifore hym. 15To whiche he seide, Whi wolden ye do so? whether ye witen not, that noon is lijk me in the kunnyng of dyuinyng? 16To whom Judas seide, What schulen we answere to my lord, ether what schulen we speke, ether moun iustli ayenseie? God hath founde the wickidnesse of thi seruauntis; lo! alle we ben the seruauntis of my lord, bothe we and he at whom the cuppe is foundun. 17Joseph answeride, Fer be it fro me, that Y do so; he be my seruaunt that stal the cuppe; forsothe go ye fre to youre fadir. 18Sotheli Judas neiyede neer, and seide tristili, My lord, Y preye, thi seruaunt speke a word in thin eeris, and be thou not wrooth to thi seruaunt; for aftir Farao thou art my lord. 19Thou axidist first thi seruauntis, Han ye a fadir, ether a brother? 20And we answeriden to thee, my lord, An eld fadir is to vs, and a litil child that was borun in his eelde, whos brother of the same wombe is deed, and his modir hath hym aloone; forsothe his fadir loueth hym tendirli. 21And thou seidist to thi seruauntis, Brynge ye hym to me, and Y schal sette myn iyen on hym. 22We maden suggestioun to thee, my lord, the child may not forsake his fadir; for if he schal leeue the fadir, he schal die. 23And thou seidist to thi seruauntis, If youre leeste brother schal not come with you, ye schulen no more se my face. 24Therfor whanne we hadden stied to thi seruaunt, oure fadir, we telden to hym alle thingis whiche my lord spak; and oure fadir seide, 25Turne ye ayen, and bie ye to you a litil of wheete; 26to whom we seiden, We moun not go; if oure leeste brother schal go doun with vs, we schulen go forth togidere; ellis, if he is absent, we doren not se the `face of the lord. 27To whiche thingis the fadir answeride, Ye witen that my wiif childide twei sones to me; 28oon yede out, and ye seiden, a beeste deuouride hym, and hidir to he apperith not; 29if ye taken also this sone, and ony thing bifallith to hym in the weye, ye schulen lede forth myn hoor heeris with morenyng to hellis. 30Therfor if Y entre to thi seruaunt, oure fadir, and the child faile, sithen his lijf hangith of the lijf of the child, 31and he se that the child is not with vs, he schal die, and thi seruauntis schulen lede forth hise hoor heeris with sorewe to hellis. 32Be Y propirli thi seruaunt, which resseyuede this child on my feith, and bihiyte, and seide, If Y schal not brynge ayen hym, Y schal be gilti of synne ayens my fadir in al tyme; 33and so Y schal dwelle thi seruaunt for the child in to the seruyce of my lord, and the child stie with hise britheren; 34for Y may not go ayen to my fadir, if the child is absent, lest Y stonde a witnesse of the wretchidnesse that schal oppresse my fadir. 45Joseph myyte no lengere absteyne hym silf, while many men stoden bifore; wherfor he comaundide that alle men schulden go out, and that noon alien were present in the knowyng of Joseph and hise britheren. 2And Joseph reiside the vois with wepyng, which Egipcians herden, and al the hows of Farao. 3And he seide to hise britheren, Y am Joseph; lyueth my fadir yit? The brithren myyten not answere, and weren agast bi ful myche drede. 4To whiche he seide mekeli, Neiye ye to me. And whanne thei hadden neiyed nyy, he seide, Y am Joseph youre brother, whom ye selden in to Egipt; 5nyle ye drede, nether seme it to be hard to you, that ye seelden me in to these cuntreis; for God hath sent me bifore you in to Egipt for youre helthe. 6For it is twei yeer that hungur bigan `to be in the lond, yit fyue yeer suen, in whiche me schal not mow ere, nether repe; 7and God bifor sente me, that ye be reserued on erthe, and moun haue metis to lyue. 8Y was sent hidur not bi youre counsel, but bi Goddis wille, which made me as the fadir of Farao, and the lord of al his hows, and prince in al the lond of Egipt. 9Haste ye, and `stie ye to my fadir, and ye schulen seie to hym, Thi sone Joseph sendith these thingis; God hath maad me lord of al the lond of Egipt; come doun to me, and tarie not, and dwelle in the lond of Gessen; 10and thou schalt be bisidis me, thou, and thi sones, and the sones of thi sones, thi scheep, and thi grete beestis, and alle thingis whiche thou weldist, 11and there Y schal fede thee; for yit fyue yeer of hungur ben residue, lest bothe thou perische, and thin hows, and alle thingis whiche thou weldist. 12Lo! youre iyen, and the iyen of my brother Beniamyn seen, that my mouth spekith to you; 13telle ye to my fadir al my glorie, and alle thingis whiche ye sien in Egipt; haste ye, and brynge ye hym to me. 14And whanne he hadde biclippid, and hadde feld in to the necke of Beniamyn, his brother, he wepte, the while also Benjamin wepte in lijk maner on the necke of Joseph. 15And Joseph kisside alle hise britheren, and wepte on alle; aftir whiche thingis thei weren hardi to speke to hym. 16And it was herd, and pupplischid bi famouse word in the halle of the kyng, The britheren of Joseph ben comun. And Farao ioiede, and al his meynee; 17and Farao seide to Joseph, that he schulde comaunde hise britheren, and `seie, Charge youre beestis, and go ye in to the lond of Canaan, 18and take ye fro thennus youre fadir, and kynrede, and come ye to me; and Y schal yyue to you alle the goodis of Egipt, that ye ete the merow of the lond. 19Comaunde thou also, that thei take waynes of the lond of Egipt to the cariage of her litle children, and wyues, and seie thou, `Take ye youre fadir, and haste ye comynge soone, 20nether leeue ye ony thing of the purtenaunce of youre hows, for alle the richessis of Egipt schulen be youre. 21The sones of Israel diden, as it was comaundid to hem; to whiche Joseph yaf waynes, bi the comaundement of Farao, and metis in the weie; 22and he comaundide twei stoolis to be brouyt forth to ech; forsothe he yaf to Beniamyn thre hundrid platis of siluer, with fyue the beste stoolis; 23and sente to his fadir so myche of siluer, and of cloothis, and he addide to hem ten male assis, that schulden bere of alle richessis of Egipt, and so many femal assis, berynge wheete and looues in the weie. 24Therfor he lefte hise britheren, and seide to hem goynge forth, Be ye not wrooth in the weie. 25Whiche stieden fro Egipt, and camen in to the lond of Canaan, to her fadir Jacob; 26and telden to hym, and seiden, Joseph, thi sone, lyueth, and he is lord in al the lond of Egipt. And whanne this was herd, Jacob wakide as of a greuouse sleep; netheles he bileuyde not to hem. 27Thei telden ayenward al the ordre of the thing; and whanne Jacob hadde seyn the waynes, and alle thingis whiche Joseph hadde sent, his spirit lyuede ayen, 28and he seide, It suffisith to me, if Joseph my sone lyueth yit, Y schal go and `Y schal se hym bifore that Y die. 46And Israel yede forth with alle thingis that he hadde, and he cam to the pit of ooth; and whanne sacrifices weren slayn there to God of his fadir Isaac, 2he herde God bi a visioun in that nyyt clepynge hym, `and seiynge to hym, Jacob! Jacob! To whom he answeride, Lo! Y am present. 3God seide to hym, Y am the strongeste God of thi fadir; nyle thou drede, go doun in to Egipt, for Y schal make thee there in to a greet folk; 4Y schal go doun thidir with thee, and Y schal brynge thee turnynge ayen fro thennus, and Joseph schal sette his hond on thin iyen. 5Jacob roos fro the pit of ooth, and the sones token him, with her litle children, and wyues, in the waynes whiche Farao hadde sent to bere the eld man, 6and alle thingis whiche he weldide in the lond of Canaan; and he cam in to Egipt with his seed, 7hise sones, and her sones, and douytris, and al the generacioun togidere. 8Forsothe thes ben the names of the sones of Israel, that entriden in to Egipte; he with hise fre children. The firste gendrid Ruben; 9the sones of Ruben, Enoch, and Fallu, and Esrom, and Carmi. 10The sones of Symeon, Jemuhel, and Jamyn, and Ahoth, and Jachyn, and Sab, and Saber, and Saul, the sone of a womman of Canaan. 11The sones of Leuy, Gerson, Caath, and Merarie. 12The sones of Juda, Her and Onam, and Sela, and Fares, and Zara. Forsothe Her and Onam dieden in the lond of Canaan; and the sones of Fares weren borun, Esrom, and Amul. 13The sones of Isacar, Thola, and Fua, and Jobab, and Semron. 14The sones of Zabulon, Sared, and Thelom, and Jahel. 15These ben the sones of Lia, whiche sche childide in Mesopotanye of Sirie, with Dyna, hir douyter; alle the soules of hise sones and douytris, thre and thretti. 16The sones of Gad, Sefion, and Aggi, Suny, and Hesebon, Heri, and Arodi, and Areli. 17The sones of Aser, Jamne, and Jesua, and Jesui, and Beria; and Sara, the sister of hem. The sones of Beria, Heber and Melchiel. 18These weren the sones of Zelfa, whom Laban yaf to Lia, his douyter, and Jacob gendryde these sixtene persones. 19The sones of Rachel, `wijf of Jacob, weren Joseph and Beniamyn. 20And sones weren borun to Joseph in the loond of Egipt, Manasses and Effraym, whiche Asenech, `douytir of Putifar, preest of Helipoleos, childide to hym. 21The sones of Beniamin weren Bela, and Becor, and Asbel, Gera, and Naaman, and Jechi, `Ros, and Mofym, and Ofym, and Ared. 22These weren the sones of Rachel, whiche Jacob gendride; alle the persones weren fouretene. 23The sone of Dan, Vsym. 24The sones of Neptalym, Jasiel, and Guny, and Jeser, and Salem. 25These weren `the sones of Bala, whom Laban yaf to Rachel his douytir. 26And Jacob gendride these; alle the soules weren seuene. And alle the men that entriden with Jacob in to Egipt, and yeden out of his thiy, with out `the wyues of his sones, weren sixti and sixe. 27Forsothe the sones of Joseph, that weren borun to hym in `the loond of Egipt, weren two men. Alle the soulis of `the hows of Jacob, that entriden in to Egipt, weren seuenti. 28Forsothe Jacob sente Judas bifore hym to Joseph, that he schulde telle to hym, and he schulde `come in to Gessen. 29And whanne Jacob hadde come thidir, Joseph stiede in his chare to mete his fadir at the same place. And he siy Jacob, and felde on `his necke, and wepte bitwixe collyngis. 30And the fadir seide to Joseph, Now Y schal die ioiful, for Y siy thi face, and Y leeue thee lyuynge. 31And Joseph spak to hise brithren, and to al `the hows of his fadir, I schal stie, and `Y schal telle to Farao, and Y schal seie to hym, My britheren, and the hows of my fadir, that weren in the lond of Canaan, ben comun to me, 32and thei ben men kepers of scheep, and han bisynesse of flockis to be fed; thei brouyten with hem her scheep and grete beestis, and alle thingis whiche thei miyten haue. 33And whanne Farao schal clepe you, and schal seie, What is youre werk? ye schulen answere, We ben thi seruauntis, men scheepherdis, fro oure childhed til in to present tyme, bothe we and oure fadris. Sotheli ye schulen seye these thingis, that ye moun dwelle in the lond of Gessen, for Egipcians wlaten alle keperis of scheep. 47Therfor Joseph entride, and telde to Farao, and seide, My fadir and brethren, the scheep and grete beestis of hem, and alle thingis whiche thei welden, camen fro the lond of Canaan; and lo! thei stonden in the lond of Gessen. 2And he ordeynede fyue, the laste men of hise britheren, bifore the kyng, 3whiche he axide, What werk han ye? Thei answeriden, We thi seruauntis ben kepers of scheep, bothe we and oure faderis; 4we camen in to thi lond to be pilgrymys, for noo gras is to the flockis of thi seruauntis; hungur wexith greuouse in the lond of Canaan, and we axen that thou comaunde vs thi seruauntis to be in the lond of Gessen. 5And so the kyng seide to Joseph, Thi fadir and thi britheren camen to thee; 6the lond of Egipt is in thi siyt, make thou hem to dwelle in the beste place, and yyue thou to hem the lond of Gessen; that if thou woost that witti men ben in hem, ordeyne thou hem maystris of my beestis. 7After these thingis Joseph brouyte in his fader to the king, and settide him bifor the king, which blesside the king; 8and he was axid of the king, Hou many ben the daies of the yeeris of thi lijf? 9And he answeride, The daies of pilgrymage of my lijf, ben feewe and yuele, of an hundrid and thretti yeer, and tho `camen not til to the daies of my fadris, in whiche thei weren pilgryms. 10And whanne he hadde blessid the kyng, he yede out. 11Forsothe Joseph yaf to hise fadir and britheren possessioun in Egipt, in Ramasses, the beste soile of erthe, as Farao comaundide; 12and he fedde hem, and al the hows of his fadir, and yaf metis to alle. 13For breed failide in al the world, and hungur oppresside the lond, moost of Egipt and of Canaan; 14of whiche londis he gaderide al the money for the sillyng of wheete, and brouyte it in to the `tresorie of the kyng. 15And whanne prijs failide to the bieris, al Egipt cam to Joseph, and seide, Yyue thou `looues to vs; whi shulen we die bifore thee, while monei failith? 16To whiche he answeride, Brynge ye youre beestis, and Y schal yyue to you metis for tho, if ye han not prijs. 17And whanne thei hadden brouyt tho, he yaf to hem metis for horsis, and scheep, and oxun, and assis; and he susteynede hem in that yeer for the chaungyng of beestis. 18And thei camen in the secunde yeer, and seiden to hym, We helen not fro oure lord, that the while monei failith, also beestis failiden togidere, nether it is hid fro thee, that with out bodies and lond we han no thing; 19whi therfor schulen we die, while thou seest? bothe we and oure lond schulen be thine, bie thou vs in to the kyngis seruage, and yyue thou seedis, lest the while the tiliere perischith, the lond be turned in to wildirnesse. 20Therfor Joseph bouyte al the lond of Egipt, while all men seelden her possessiouns, for the greetnesse of hungur; 21and he made it and alle puplis therof suget to Farao, fro the laste termes of Egipt til to the laste endis therof, 22outakun the lond of preestis, that was youun of the kyng to hem, to whiche preestis also metis weren youun of the comun bernys, and therfor thei weren not compellid to sille her possessiouns. 23Therfor Joseph seide to the puplis, Lo! as ye seen, Farao weldith bothe you and youre lond; take ye seedis, and `sowe ye feeldis, 24that ye moun haue fruytis; ye schulen yyue the fifthe part to the kyng; Y suffre to you the foure residue partis in to seed and in to meetis, to you, and to youre fre children. 25Whiche answeriden, Oure helthe is in thin hond; oneli oure God biholde vs, and we schulen ioifuli serue the kyng. 26For that tyme til in to present dai, in al the lond of Egipt, the fyuethe part is paied to the kyngis, and it is maad as in to a lawe, with out the lond of preestis, that was fre fro this condicioun. 27Therfor Israel dwellide in Egipt, that is, in the lond of Jessen, and weldide it; and he was encreessid and multiplied ful mych. 28And he lyuede therynne sixtene yeer; and alle the daies of his lijf weren maad of an hundrid and seuene and fourti yeer. 29And whanne he seiy the dai of deeth nyye, he clepide his sone Joseph, and seide to hym, If Y haue founde grace in thi siyt; putte thin hond vndur myn hipe, and thou schal do merci and treuthe to me, that thou birie not me in Egipt; 30but `Y schal slepe with my fadris, and take thou awey me fro this lond, and birie in the sepulcre of my grettere. To whom Joseph answeride, Y schal do that that thou comaundist. 31And Israel seide, Therfor swere thou to me; and whanne Joseph swoor, Israel turnede to the heed of the bed, and worschipide God. 48And so whanne these thingis weren don, it was teld to Joseph, that his fadir was sijk. And he took hise twei sones, Manasses and Effraym, and he disposide to go. 2And it was seid to the elde man, Lo! thi sone Joseph cometh to thee; which was coumfortid, and sat in the bed. 3And whanne Joseph entride to hym, he seide, Almyyti God apperide to me in Luza, which is in the lond of Canaan, and blesside me, 4and seide, Y schal encreesse and multiplie thee, and Y schal make thee in to cumpanyes of puplis, and Y schal yyue to thee this lond, and to thi seed aftir thee, in to euerlastinge possessioun. 5Therfor thi twei sones, that ben borun to thee in the lond of Egipt bifore that Y cam hidir to thee, schulen be myne, Effraym and Manasses as Ruben and Symeon schulen be arettid to me; 6forsothe the othere whiche thou schalt gendre aftir hem schulen be thine; and thei schulen be clepid bi the name of her britheren in her possessiouns. 7Forsothe whanne Y cam fro Mesopotamye, Rachel was deed to me in the lond of Canaan, in thilke weie; and it was the bigynnyng of somer; and Y entride in to Effrata, and beriede hir bisidis the weie of Effrata, which bi anothir name is clepid Bethleem. 8Forsothe Jacob seiy the sones of Joseph, and seide to him, Who ben these? 9He answeride, Thei ben my sones, whiche God yaf to me in this place. Jacob seide, Brynge hem to me that Y blesse hem. 10For `the iyen of Israel, dasewiden for greet eelde, and he myyte not se clereli; and he kisside and collide tho children ioyned to hym, and seide to his sone, 11Y am not defraudid of thi siyt; ferthermore God schewide to me thi seed. 12And whanne Joseph hadde take hem fro `the fadris lappe, he worschipide lowe to erthe. 13And he sette Effraym on his riyt side, that is, on the lift side of Israel; forsothe he settide Manasses in his lift side, that is, on the riyt side of the fadir; and he ioynede bothe to hym. 14Which helde forth the riyt hond, and settide on `the heed of Effraym, the lesse brothir; sotheli he settide the left hond on `the heed of Manasses, that was the more thury birthe. Jacob chaungide `the hondes, 15and blesside his sone Joseph, and seide, God, in whos siyt my fadris Abraham and Isaac yeden; God, that fedith me fro my yong wexynge age til in to present day; 16the aungel that delyuerede me fro alle yuelis, blesse thes children, and my name be clepid on hem, and the names of my fadris Abraham and Ysaac; and wexe thei in multitude on erthe. 17Forsothe Joseph seiy that his fadir hadde set the riyt hond on the heed of Effraym, and took heuyli, and he enforside to reise the fadris hond takun fro the heed of Effraym, and to bere `ouer on `the heed of Manasses. 18And he seide to the fadir, Fadir, it acordith not so; for this is the firste gendrid; sette thi riyt hond on the heed `of hym. 19Which forsook and seide, Y woot, my sone, Y woot; and sotheli this child schal be in to puplis, and he schal be multiplied; but his yonger brother schal be more than he, and `his seed schal encreesse in to folkis. 20And he blesside hem in that tyme, and seide, Israel schal be blessid in thee, Joseph, and it schal be seid, God do to thee as to Effraym and as to Manasses. And he settide Effraym bifore Manasses; 21and seide to Joseph, his sone, Lo! Y die, and God schal be with you, and schal lede you ayen to the lond of youre fadris; 22Y yyue to thee o part ouer thi britheren which Y took fro the hand of Amorei, in my swerd and bowe. 49Forsothe Jacob clepide hise sones, and seide to hem, Be ye gaderid that Y telle what thingis schulen come to you in the laste daies; 2be ye gaderid, `and here, ye sones of Jacob, here ye Israel youre fadir. 3Ruben, my firste gendrid sone, thou art my strengthe and the bigynnyng of my sorewe; thou ouytist to be the former in yiftis, the more in lordschip; 4thou art sched out as watir; wexe thou not, for thou stiedist on the bed of thi fader, and defoulidist his bed. 5Symeon and Leuy, britheren, fiytynge vessils of wickidnesse; 6my soule come not in to the councel of hem, and my glorie be not in the congregacioun of hem; for in her woodnesse thei killiden a man, and in her wille thei myneden the wal; 7curside be the woodnesse of hem, for it is obstynat, and the indignacioun of hem for it is hard; Y schal departe hem in Jacob, and I schal scatere hem in Israel. 8Judas, thi britheren schulen preise thee, thin hondis schulen be in the nollis of thin enemyes; the sones of thi fadir schulen worschipe thee. 9`A whelp of lioun `is Judas; my sone thou stiedist to prey; thou restidist, and hast leyn as a lioun, and as a lionesse who schal reise hym? 10The septre schal not be takun awey fro Juda, and a duyk of his hipe, til he come that schal be sent, and he schal be abiding of hethene men; 11and he schal tye his colt at the vyner, and his femal asse at the vyne; A! my sone, he schal waische his stoole in wyn, and his mentil in the blood of grape; 12hise iyen ben fairere than wyn, and hise teeth ben whittere than mylk. 13Zabulon schal dwelle in the brenk of the see, and in the stondyng of schipis; and schal stretche til to Sydon. 14Isachar, a strong asse, 15liggynge bitwixe termes, seiy reste, that it was good and seiy the lond that it was best, and he vndirsettide his schuldre to bere, and he was maad seruynge to tributis. 16Dan schal deme his puple, as also another lynage in Israel. 17Dan be maad a serpent in the weie, and cerastes in the path, and bite the feet of an hors, that the `stiere therof falle bacward; Lord, 18Y schal abide thin helthe. 19Gad schal be gird, and schal fiyte bifor hym, and he schal be gird bihynde. 20Aser his breed schal be plenteuouse, and he schal yyue delicis to kyngis. 21Neptalym schal be an hert sent out, and yyuynge spechis of fairenesse. 22Joseph, a sone encreessynge, `a sone encresinge, and fair in biholdyng; douytris runnen aboute on the wal, 23but hise brithren wraththeden hym, and chidden, and thei hadden dartis, and hadden enuye to hym. 24His bowe sat in the stronge, and the boondis of his armes, and hondis weren vnboundun bi the hond of the myyti of Jacob; of hym a scheepherd yede out, the stoon of Israel. 25God of thi fadir schal be thin helpere, and Almyyti God schal blesse thee with blessyngis of heuene fro aboue, and with blessyngis of the see liggynge binethe, with blessyngis of tetis, and of wombe; 26the blessyngis of thi fadir ben coumfortid, the blessyngis of his fadris, til the desire of euerlastynge hillis cam; blessyngis ben maad in the heed of Joseph, and in the nol of Nazarei among his britheren. 27Beniamyn, a rauyschynge wolf, schal ete prey eerly, and in the euentid he schal departe spuylis. 28Alle these weren in twelue kynredis of Israel; her fadir spak these thingys to hem, and blesside hem alle by propre blessyngis, 29and comaundide hem, and seide, Y am gaderid to my puple, birie ye me with my fadris in the double denne, which is in the lond of Efron Ethei, ayens Manbre, 30in the lond of Canaan, which denne Abraham bouyte with the feeld of Efron Ethei, in to possessioun of sepulcre. 31There thei birieden hym, and Sare his wijf, also Ysaac was biried there with Rebecca his wijf; there also Lia liggith biried. 32And whanne the comaundementis weren endid, bi whiche he tauyte the sones, he gaderide hise feet on the bed, and diede, and he was put to his puple. 50Which thing Joseph seiy, and felde on `the face of the fader, and wepte, and kiste hym; 2and he comaundide hise seruauntis, lechis, that thei schulden anoynte the fadir with swete smellynge spiceries. 3While thei `filliden the comaundementis, fourti daies passiden, for this was the custom of deed bodies anoyntid; and Egipt biwepte hym seuenti daies. 4And whanne the tyme of weiling was fillid, Joseph spak to the meyne of Farao, If Y haue founde grace in youre siyt, speke ye in the eeris of Farao; for my fadir chargide me, 5and seide, Lo! Y die, thou schalt birie me in my sepulcre which Y diggide to me in the lond of Canaan; therfor Y schal stie that Y birie my fadir, and Y schal turne ayen. 6And Farao seide to hym, Stie, and birie thi fader, as thou art chargid. 7And whanne `he stiede, alle the elde men of `the hous of Farao yeden with him, and alle the grettere men in birthe of the lond of Egipt; the hous of Joseph with her britheren, 8without litle children, and flockis, and grete beestis, whiche thei leften in the lond of Gessen, yeden with him. 9And he hadde charis, and horsmen, and felouschip, and cumpany was maad not litil. 10And thei camen to the cornfloor of Adad, which is set ouer Jordan, where thei maden the seruice of the deed bodi, with greet weilyng and strong, and fillide seuen daies. 11And whanne the dwellers of the lond of Canaan hadden seyn this, thei seiden, This is a greet weiling to Egipcians; and therfor thei clepiden the name of that place the weilyng of Egipt. 12Therfor the sones of Jacob diden, as he hadde comaundid to hem; 13and thei baren hym in to the lond of Canaan, and thei birieden hym in the double denne, which denne with the feeld Abraham hadde bouyt of Effron Ethei, ayens the face of Mambre, into possessioun of sepulcre. 14And Joseph turnede ayen in to Egipt with hise britheren and al the felouschipe, whanne the fadir was biried. 15And whanne the fadir was deed, the britheren of Joseph dredden, and spaken togidere, lest perauenture he be myndeful of the wrong which he suffride, and yelde to vs al the yuel, that we diden. 16And thei senten to hym, and seiden, Thi fadir comaundide to vs, 17bifore that he diede, that we schulden seie to thee these thingis bi hise wordis; Y beseche, that thou foryete the wickidnesse of thi britheren, and the synne, and malice which thei hauntiden ayens thee; also we preien, that thou foryyue this wickidnesse to thi fadir, the seruaunt of God. Whanne these thingis weren herd, Joseph wepte. 18And hise britheren camen to hym, and worschipiden lowe to erthe, and seiden, We ben thi seruauntis. 19To whiche he answeride, Nyle ye drede; whether we moun ayenstonde Goddis wille? 20Ye thouyten yuel of me, and God turnede it in to good, that he schulde enhaunse me, as ye seen in present tyme, and that he schulde make saaf many puplis; 21nyle ye drede, Y schal fede you and youre litle children. And he coumfortide hem, and spak swetli, and liytly; 22and he dwellide in Egipt, with al the hows of his fadir. And he lyuyde an hundrid yeer, and he seiy the sones of Effraym til to the thridde generacioun; also the sones of Machir, son of Manasses, weren borun in the knees of Joseph. 23Whanne these thingis weren don, Joseph spak to hise brithren, Aftir my deeth God schal visite you, and he schal make to stie fro this lond to the loond which he swoor to Abraham, Ysaac, and Jacob. 24And whanne he hadde chargid hem, and hadde seid, God schal visite you, bere ye out with you my boonus fro this place, 25he diede, whanne an hundrid and ten yeeris of his lijf weren fillid; and he was anoyntid with swete smellynge spiceries, and was kept in a beere in Egipt.