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1The book of the generacioun of Jhesu Crist, the sone of Dauid, the sone of Abraham. 2Abraham bigat Isaac. Isaac bigat Jacob. Jacob bigat Judas and hise britheren. 3Judas bigat Fares and Zaram, of Tamar. Fares bigat Esrom. 4Esrom bigat Aram. Aram bigat Amynadab. Amynadab bigat Naason. Naason bigat Salmon. 5Salmon bigat Booz, of Raab. Booz bigat Obeth, of Ruth. Obeth bigat Jesse. Jesse bigat Dauid the king. 6Dauid the king bigat Salamon, of hir that was Vries wijf. 7Salomon bigat Roboam. Roboam bigat Abias. 8Abias bigat Asa. Asa bigat Josaphath. Josaphath bigat Joram. Joram bigat 9Osias. Osias bigat Joathan. Joathan bigat Achaz. Achaz bigat Ezechie. 10Ezechie bigat Manasses. Manasses bigat Amon. 11Amon bigat Josias. Josias bigat Jeconyas and his britheren, in to the transmygracioun of Babiloyne. 12And aftir the transmygracioun of Babiloyne, Jeconyas bigat Salatiel. Salatiel bigat Zorobabel. 13Zorobabel bigat Abyut. Abyut bigat Eliachym. Eliachym bigat Asor. 14Asor bigat Sadoc. Sadoc bigat Achym. 15Achym bigat Elyut. Elyut bigat Eleasar. Eleasar bigat Mathan. 16Mathan bigat Jacob. Jacob bigat Joseph, the hosebonde of Marye, of whom Jhesus was borun, that is clepid Christ. 17And so alle generaciouns fro Abraham to Dauid ben fourtene generacions, and fro Dauid to the transmygracioun of Babiloyne ben fourtene generaciouns, and fro the transmygracioun of Babiloyne to Crist ben fourtene generaciouns. 18But the generacioun of Crist was thus. Whanne Marie, the modir of Jhesu, was spousid to Joseph, bifore thei camen togidere, she was foundun hauynge of the Hooli Goost in the wombe. 19And Joseph, hir hosebonde, for he was riytful, and wolde not puplische hir, he wolde priueli haue left hir. 20But while he thouyte thes thingis, lo! the aungel of the Lord apperide `in sleep to hym, and seide, Joseph, the sone of Dauid, nyle thou drede to take Marie, thi wijf; for that thing that is borun in hir is of the Hooli Goost. 21And she shal bere a sone, and thou shalt clepe his name Jhesus; for he schal make his puple saaf fro her synnes. 22For al this thing was don, that it schulde be fulfillid, that was seid of the Lord bi a prophete, seiynge, Lo! 23a virgyn shal haue in wombe, and she schal bere a sone, and thei schulen clepe his name Emanuel, that is to seie, God with vs. 24And Joseph roos fro sleepe, and dide as the aungel of the Lord comaundide hym, and took Marie, his wijf; 25and he knew her not, til she hadde borun her firste bigete sone, and clepide his name Jhesus. 2Therfor whanne Jhesus was borun in Bethleem of Juda, in the daies of king Eroude, lo! astromyenes camen fro the eest to Jerusalem, 2and seiden, Where is he, that is borun king of Jewis? for we han seyn his sterre in the eest, and we comen to worschipe him. 3But king Eroude herde, and was trublid, and al Jerusalem with hym. 4And he gaderide to gidre alle the prynces of prestis, and scribis of the puple, and enqueride of hem, where Crist shulde be borun. 5And thei seiden to hym, In Bethleem of Juda; for so it is writun bi a profete, 6And thou, Bethleem, the lond of Juda, art not the leest among the prynces of Juda; for of thee a duyk schal go out, that schal gouerne my puple of Israel. 7Thanne Eroude clepide pryueli the astromyens, and lernyde bisili of hem the tyme of the sterre that apperide to hem. 8And he sente hem in to Bethleem, and seide, Go ye, and axe ye bisili of the child, and whanne yee han foundun, telle ye it to me, that Y also come, and worschipe hym. 9And whanne thei hadden herd the kyng, thei wenten forth. And lo! the sterre, that thei siyen in the eest, wente bifore hem, til it cam, and stood aboue, where the child was. 10And thei siyen the sterre, and ioyeden with a ful greet ioye. 11And thei entriden in to the hous, and founden the child with Marie, his modir; and thei felden doun, and worschipiden him. And whanne thei hadden openyd her tresouris, thei offryden to hym yiftis, gold, encense, and myrre. 12And whanne thei hadden take an aunswere in sleep, that thei schulden not turne ayen to Eroude, thei turneden ayen bi anothir weie in to her cuntrey. 13And whanne thei weren goon, lo! the aungel of the Lord apperide to Joseph in sleep, and seide, Rise vp, and take the child and his modir, and fle in to Egipt, and be thou there, til that I seie to thee; for it is to come, that Eroude seke the child, to destrie hym. 14And Joseph roos, and took the child and his modir bi nyyt, and wente in to Egipt, 15and he was there to the deeth of Eroude; that it schulde be fulfillid, that was seid of the Lord bi the profete, seiynge, Fro Egipt Y haue clepid my sone. 16Thanne Eroude seynge that he was disseyued of the astromyens, was ful wrooth; and he sente, and slowe alle the children, that weren in Bethleem, and in alle the coostis therof, fro two yeer age and with inne, aftir the tyme that he had enquerid of the astromyens. 17Thanne `it was fulfillid, that was seid bi Jeremye, the profete, 18seiynge, A vois was herd an hiy, wepynge and moche weilyng, Rachel biwepynge hir sones, and she wolde not be coumfortid, for thei ben noyt. 19But whanne Eroude was deed, loo! the aungel of the Lord apperide to Joseph in sleep in Egipt, 20and seide, Ryse vp, and take the child and his modir, and go in to the lond of Israel; for thei that souyten the lijf of the chijld ben deed. 21Joseph roos, and took the child and his modir, and cam in to the loond of Israel. 22And he herde that Archilaus regnede in Judee for Eroude, his fadir, and dredde to go thidir. And he was warned in sleep, and wente in to the parties of Galilee; 23and cam, and dwelte in a citee, that ys clepid Nazareth, that it shulde be fulfillid, that was seid bi profetis, For he shal be clepid a Nazarey. 3In tho daies Joon Baptist cam, and prechide in the desert of Judee, 2and seide, Do ye penaunce, for the kyngdom of heuenes shal neiye. 3For this is he, of whom it is seid bi Ysaie, the prophete, seyinge, A vois of a crier in desert, Make ye redi the weies of the Lord; make ye riyt the pathis of hym. 4And this Joon hadde clothing of camels heeris, and a girdil of skynne aboute hise leendis; and his mete was honysoukis, and hony of the wode. 5Thanne Jerusalem wente out to hym, and al Judee, and al the cuntre aboute Jordan; 6and thei weren waischun of hym in Jordan, `and knowlechiden her synnes. 7But he siy manye of the Farysees and of Saduceis comynge to his baptym, and seide to hem, Generaciouns of eddris, who shewide to you to fle fro the wraththe that is to come? 8Therfor do ye worthi fruyte of penaunce, 9and nyle ye seie with ynne you, We han Abraham to fadir; for Y seie to you, that God is myyti to reise vp of these stoones the sones of Abraham. 10And now the ax is put to the roote of the tree; therfore euery tree that makith not good fruyt, shal be kit doun, and shal be cast in to the fier. 11Y waische you in water, in to penaunce; but he that shal come after me is strongere than Y, whos schoon Y am not worthi to bere; he shal baptise you in the Hooli Goost and fier. 12Whos wynewing cloth is in his hoond, and he shal fulli clense his corn flore, and shal gadere his whete in to his berne; but the chaffe he shal brenne with fier that mai not be quenchid. 13Thanne Jhesus cam fro Galilee in to Jordan to Joon, to be baptised of hym. 14And Joon forbede him, and seide, Y owe to be baptisid of thee, and thou comest to me? 15But Jhesus answeride, and seide to hym, Suffre nowe, for thus it fallith to vs to fulfille al riytfulnesse. 16Thanne Joon suffride hym. And whanne Jhesus was baptisid, anoon he wente up fro the watir; and lo! heuenes weren openyd to hym, and he saie the Spirit of God comynge doun as a dowue, and comynge on hym; and loo! 17a vois fro heuenes, seiynge, This is my louyd sone, in which Y haue plesid to me. 4Thanne Jhesus was led of a spirit in to desert, to be temptid of the feend. 2And whanne he hadde fastid fourti daies and fourti nyytis, aftirward he hungride. 3And the tempter cam nyy, and seide to hym, If thou art Goddis sone, seie that thes stoones be maad looues. 4Which answeride, and seide to hym, It is writun, Not oonli in breed luyeth man, but in ech word that cometh of Goddis mouth. 5Thanne the feend took hym in to the hooli citee, and settide hym on the pynacle of the temple, 6and seide to hym, If thou art Goddis sone, sende thee adoun; for it is writun, That to hise aungels he comaundide of thee, and thei schulen take thee in hondis, lest perauenture thou hirte thi foot at a stoon. 7Eftsoone Jhesus seide to hym, It is writun, Thou shalt not tempte thi Lord God. 8Eftsoone the feend took hym in to a ful hiy hil, and schewide to hym alle the rewmes of the world, and the ioye of hem; 9and seide to hym, Alle these `Y schal yyue to thee, if thou falle doun and worschipe me. 10Thanne Jhesus seide to hym, Goo, Sathanas; for it is writun, Thou schalt worschipe thi Lord God, and to hym aloone thou shalt serue. 11Thanne the feend lafte hym; and lo! aungels camen nyy, and serueden to hym. 12But whanne Jhesus hadde herd that Joon was takun, he wente in to Galilee. 13And he lefte the citee of Nazareth, and cam, and dwelte in the citee of Cafarnaum, biside the see, in the coostis of Zabulon and Neptalym, 14that it shulde be fulfillid, that was seid by Ysaie, the profete, seiynge, 15The lond of Sabulon and the lond of Neptalym, the weie of the see ouer Jordan, of Galilee of hethen men, 16the puple that walkide in derknessis saye greet liyt, and while men satten in the cuntre of shadewe of deth, liyt aroos to hem. 17Fro that tyme Jhesus bigan to preche, and seie, Do ye penaunce, for the kyngdom of heuenes schal come niy. 18And Jhesus walkide bisidis the see of Galilee, and saye twei britheren, Symount, that is clepid Petre, and Andrewe, his brothir, castynge nettis in to the see; for thei weren fischeris. 19And he seide to hem, Come ye aftir me, and Y shal make you to be maad fisscheris of men. 20And anoon thei leften the nettis, and sueden hym. 21And he yede forth fro that place, and saie tweyne othere britheren, James of Zebede, and Joon, his brother, in a schip with Zebede, her fadir, amendynge her nettis, and he clepide hem. 22And anoon thei leften the nettis and the fadir, and sueden hym. 23And Jhesus yede aboute al Galilee, techynge in the synagogis of hem, and prechynge the gospel of the kyngdom, and heelynge euery languor and eche sekenesse among the puple. 24And his fame wente in to al Sirie; and thei brouyten to hym alle that weren at male ese, and that weren take with dyuerse languores and turmentis, and hem that hadden feendis, and lunatike men, and men in palesy, and he heelide hem. 25And ther sueden hym myche puple of Galile, and of Decapoli, and of Jerusalem, and of Judee, and of biyende Jordan. 5And Jhesus, seynge the puple, wente vp in to an hil; and whanne he was set, hise disciplis camen to hym. 2And he openyde his mouth, and tauyte hem, and seide, 3Blessed ben pore men in spirit, for the kyngdom of heuenes is herne. 4Blessid ben mylde men, for thei schulen welde the erthe. 5Blessid ben thei that mornen, for thei schulen be coumfortid. 6Blessid ben thei that hungren and thristen riytwisnesse, for thei schulen be fulfillid. 7Blessid ben merciful men, for thei schulen gete merci. 8Blessid ben thei that ben of clene herte, for thei schulen se God. 9Blessid ben pesible men, for thei schulen be clepid Goddis children. 10Blessid ben thei that suffren persecusioun for riytfulnesse, for the kingdam of heuenes is herne. 11`Ye schulen be blessid, whanne men schulen curse you, and schulen pursue you, and shulen seie al yuel ayens you liynge, for me. 12Ioie ye, and be ye glad, for youre meede is plenteuouse in heuenes; for so thei han pursued `also profetis that weren bifor you. 13Ye ben salt of the erthe; that if the salt vanysche awey, whereynne schal it be saltid? To no thing it is worth ouere, no but that it be cast out, and be defoulid of men. 14Ye ben liyt of the world; a citee set on an hil may not be hid; 15ne me teendith not a lanterne, and puttith it vndur a busschel, but on a candilstike, that it yyue liyt to alle that ben in the hous. 16So schyne youre liyt befor men, that thei se youre goode werkis, and glorifie youre fadir that is in heuenes. 17Nil ye deme, that Y cam to vndo the lawe, or the profetis; Y cam not to vndo the lawe, but to fulfille. 18Forsothe Y seie to you, til heuene and erthe passe, o lettir or o titel shal not passe fro the lawe, til alle thingis be doon. 19Therfor he that brekith oon of these leeste maundementis, and techith thus men, schal be clepid the leste in the rewme of heuenes; `but he that doith, and techith, schal be clepid greet in the kyngdom of heuenes. 20And Y seie to you, that but your riytfulnesse be more plenteuouse than of scribis and of Farisees, ye schulen not entre into the kyngdom of heuenes. 21Ye han herd that it was seid to elde men, Thou schalt not slee; and he that sleeth, schal be gilti to doom. 22But Y seie to you, that ech man that is wrooth to his brothir, schal be gilti to doom; and he that seith to his brother, Fy! schal be gilti to the counseil; but he that seith, Fool, schal be gilti to the fier of helle. 23Therfor if thou offrist thi yifte `at the auter, and ther thou bithenkist, that thi brothir hath sum what ayens thee, 24leeue there thi yifte bifor the auter, and go first to be recounselid to thi brothir, and thanne thou schalt come, and schalt offre thi yifte. 25Be thou consentynge to thin aduersarie soone, while thou art in the weie with hym, lest perauenture thin aduersarie take thee to the domesman, and the domesman take thee to the mynystre, and thou be sent in to prisoun. 26Treuli Y seie to thee, thou shalt not go out fro thennus, til thou yelde the last ferthing. 27Ye han herd that it was seid to elde men, Thou schalt `do no letcherie. 28But Y seie to you, that euery man that seeth a womman for to coueite hir, hath now do letcherie bi hir in his herte. 29That if thi riyt iye sclaundre thee, pulle hym out, and caste fro thee; for it spedith to thee, that oon of thi membris perische, than that al thi bodi go in to helle. 30And if thi riyt hond sclaundre thee, kitte hym aweye, and caste fro thee; for it spedith to thee that oon of thi membris perische, than that al thi bodi go in to helle. 31And it hath be seyd, Who euere leeueth his wijf, yyue he to hir a libel of forsakyng. 32But Y seie to you, that euery man that leeueth his wijf, outtakun cause of fornycacioun, makith hir to do letcherie, and he that weddith the forsakun wijf, doith auowtrye. 33Eftsoone ye han herd, that it was seid to elde men, Thou schalt not forswere, but thou schalt yelde thin othis to the Lord. 34But Y seie to you, that ye swere not `for ony thing; nethir bi heuene, for it is the trone of God; 35nether bi the erthe, for it is the stole of his feet; nether bi Jerusalem, for it is the citee of a greet kyng; nether thou shalt not swere bi thin heed, 36for thou maist not make oon heere white, ne blacke; 37but be youre word, Yhe, yhe; Nay, nay; and that that is more than these, is of yuel. 38Ye han herd that it hath be seid, Iye for iye, and tothe for tothe. 39But Y seie to you, that ye ayenstonde not an yuel man; but if ony smyte thee in the riyt cheke, schewe to him also the tothir; 40and to hym that wole stryue with thee in doom, and take awey thi coote, leeue thou `to him also thi mantil; 41and who euer constreyneth thee a thousynde pacis, go thou with hym othir tweyne. 42Yyue thou to hym that axith of thee, and turne not awey fro hym that wole borewe of thee. 43Ye han herd that it was seid, Thou shalt loue thi neiybore, and hate thin enemye. 44But Y seie to you, loue ye youre enemyes, do ye wel to hem that hatiden you, and preye ye for hem that pursuen, and sclaundren you; 45that ye be the sones of your fadir that is in heuenes, that makith his sunne to rise vpon goode `and yuele men, and reyneth on iust men and vniuste. 46For if ye louen hem that louen you, what mede schulen ye han? whether pupplicans doon not this? 47And if ye greten youre britheren oonli, what schulen ye do more? ne doon not hethene men this? 48Therfore be ye parfit, as youre heuenli fadir is parfit. 6Takith hede, that ye do not youre riytwisnesse bifor men, to be seyn of hem, ellis ye schulen haue no meede at youre fadir that is in heuenes. 2Therfore whanne thou doist almes, nyle thou trumpe tofore thee, as ypocritis doon in synagogis and stretis, that thei be worschipid of men; sotheli Y seie to you, they han resseyued her meede. 3But whanne thou doist almes, knowe not thi left hond what thi riyt hond doith, that thin almes be in hidils, 4and thi fadir that seeth in hiddils, schal quyte thee. 5And whanne ye preyen, ye schulen not be as ipocritis, that louen to preye stondynge in synagogis and corneris of stretis, to be seyn of men; treuli Y seie to you, thei han resseyued her meede. 6But whanne thou schalt preye, entre in to thi couche, and whanne the dore is schet, preye thi fadir in hidils, and thi fadir that seeth in hidils, schal yelde to thee. 7But in preiyng nyle yee speke myche, as hethene men doon, for thei gessen that thei ben herd in her myche speche. 8Therfor nyle ye be maad lich to hem, for your fadir woot what is nede to you, bifore that ye axen hym. 9And thus ye schulen preye, Oure fadir that art in heuenes, halewid be thi name; 10thi kyngdoom come to; be thi wille don `in erthe as in heuene; 11yyue to vs this dai oure `breed ouer othir substaunce; 12and foryyue to vs oure dettis, as we foryyuen to oure dettouris; and lede vs not in to temptacioun, 13but delyuere vs fro yuel. 14Amen. For if ye foryyuen to men her synnes, youre heuenli fadir schal foryyue to you youre trespassis. 15Sotheli if ye foryyuen not to men, nether youre fadir schal foryyue to you youre synnes. 16But whanne ye fasten, nyle ye be maad as ypocritis sorewful, for thei defacen hem silf, to seme fastyng to men; treuli Y seie to you, they han resseyued her meede. 17But whanne thou fastist, anoynte thin heed, and waische thi face, 18that thou be not seen fastynge to men, but to thi fadir that is in hidlis, and thi fadir that seeth in priuey, shal yelde to thee. 19Nile ye tresoure to you tresouris in erthe, where ruste and mouyte destrieth, and where theues deluen out and stelen; 20but gadere to you tresouris in heuene, where nether ruste ne mouyte distrieth, and where theues deluen not out, ne stelen. 21For where thi tresoure is, there also thin herte is. 22The lanterne of thi bodi is thin iye; if thin iye be symple, al thi bodi shal be liytful; 23but if thin iye be weiward, al thi bodi shal be derk. If thanne the liyt that is in thee be derknessis, how grete schulen thilk derknessis be? 24No man may serue tweyn lordis, for ethir he schal hate `the toon, and loue the tother; ethir he shal susteyne `the toon, and dispise the tothir. Ye moun not serue God and richessis. 25Therfor I seie to you, that ye be not bisi to youre lijf, what ye schulen ete; nether to youre bodi, with what ye schulen be clothid. Whether lijf is not more than meete, and the bodie more than cloth? 26Biholde ye the foulis of the eire, for thei sowen not, nethir repen, nethir gaderen in to bernes; and youre fadir of heuene fedith hem. Whether ye ben not more worthi than thei? 27But who of you thenkynge mai putte to his stature o cubit? 28And of clothing what ben ye bisye? Biholde ye the lilies of the feeld, how thei wexen. Thei trauelen not, nether spynnen; 29and Y seie to you, Salomon in al his glorie was not keuered as oon of these. 30And if God clothith thus the hei of the feeld, that to day is, and to morewe is cast in to an ouen, hou myche more you of litel feith? 31Therfor nyle ye be bisi, seiynge, What schulen we ete? or, What schulen we drinke? or, With what thing schulen we be keuered? 32For hethene men seken alle these thingis; and youre fadir woot, that ye han nede to alle these thingis. 33Therfor seke ye first the kyngdom of God, and his riytfulnesse, and alle these thingis shulen be cast to you. 34Therfor nyle ye be bisy in to the morew, for the morew shal be bisi to `hym silf; for it suffisith to the dai his owen malice. 7Nile ye deme, `that ye be not demed; for in what doom ye demen, 2ye schulen be demed, and in what mesure ye meten, it schal be meten ayen to you. 3But what seest thou a litil mote in the iye of thi brother, and seest not a beem in thin owne iye? 4Or hou seist thou to thi brothir, Brothir, suffre I schal do out a mote fro thin iye, and lo! a beem is in thin owne iye? 5Ipocrite, `do thou out first the beem of thin iye, and thanne thou schalt se to do out the mote of the iye of thi brothir. 6Nile ye yyue hooli thing to houndis, nethir caste ye youre margaritis bifore swyne, lest perauenture thei defoulen hem with her feet, and the houndis be turned, and al to-tere you. 7Axe ye, and it schal be youun to you; seke ye, and ye schulen fynde; knocke ye, and it schal be openyd to you. 8For ech that axith, takith; and he that sekith, fyndith; and it schal be openyd to hym, that knockith. 9What man of you is, that if his sone axe hym breed, whethir he wole take hym a stoon? 10Or if he axe fische, whether he wole take hym an edder? 11Therfor if ye, whanne ye ben yuele men, kunnen yyue good yiftis to youre sones, hou myche more youre fadir that is in heuenes schal yyue good thingis to men that axen hym? 12Therfor alle thingis, what euere thingis ye wolen that men do to you, do ye to hem, for this is the lawe and the prophetis. 13Entre ye bi the streyt yate; for the yate that ledith to perdicioun is large, and the weie is broode, and there ben many that entren bi it. 14Hou streit is the yate, and narwy the weye, that ledith to lijf, and ther ben fewe that fynden it. 15Be ye war of fals prophetis, that comen to you in clothingis of scheep, but withynneforth thei ben as wolues of raueyn; 16of her fruytis ye schulen knowe hem. Whether men gaderen grapis of thornes, or figus of breris? 17So euery good tre makith good fruytis; but an yuel tre makith yuel fruytis. 18A good tre may not make yuel fruytis, nethir an yuel tre make good fruytis. 19Euery tre that makith not good fruyt, schal be kyt doun, and schal be cast in to the fier. 20Therfor of her fruytis ye schulen knowe hem. 21Not ech man that seith to me, Lord, Lord, schal entre in to the kyngdom of heuenes; but he that doith the wille of my fadir that is in heuenes, he schal entre in to the kyngdoom of heuenes. 22Many schulen seie to me in that dai, Lord, Lord, whether we han not prophesied in thi name, and han caste out feendis in thi name, and han doon many vertues in thi name? 23And thanne Y schal knouleche to hem, That Y knewe you neuere; departe awei fro me, ye that worchen wickidnesse. 24Therfor ech man that herith these my wordis, and doith hem, schal be maad lijk to a wise man, that hath bildid his hous on a stoon. 25And reyn felde doun, and flodis camen, and wyndis blewen, and russchiden `in to that hous; and it felde not doun, for it was foundun on a stoon. 26And euery man that herith these my wordis, and doith hem not, is lijk to a fool, that hath bildid his hous on grauel. 27And reyn cam doun, and floodis camen, and wyndis blewen, and thei hurliden ayen that hous; and it felde doun, and the fallyng doun therof was greet. 28And it was doon, whanne Jhesus hadde endid these wordis, the puple wondride on his techyng; 29for he tauyte hem, as he that hadde power, and not as the scribis `of hem, and the Farisees. 8But whanne Jhesus was come doun fro the hil, mych puple suede hym. 2And loo! a leprouse man cam, and worschipide hym, and seide, Lord, if thou wolt, thou maist make me clene. 3And Jhesus helde forth the hoond, and touchide hym, and seide, Y wole, be thou maad cleene. And anoon the lepre of him was clensid. 4And Jhesus seide to hym, Se, seie thou to no man; but go, shewe thee to the prestis, and offre the yift that Moyses comaundide, in witnessyng to hem. 5And whanne he hadde entrid in to Cafarnaum, `the centurien neiyede to him, and preiede him, 6and seide, Lord, my childe lijth in the hous sijk on the palesie, and is yuel turmentid. 7And Jhesus seide to him, Y schal come, and schal heele him. 8And the centurien answeride, and seide to hym, Lord, Y am not worthi, that thou entre vndur my roof; but oonli seie thou bi word, and my childe shal be heelid. 9For whi Y am a man ordeyned vndur power, and haue knyytis vndir me; and Y seie to this, Go, and he goith; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my seruaunt, Do this, and he doith it. 10And Jhesus herde these thingis, and wondride, and seide to men `that sueden him, Treuli Y seie to you, Y foond not so greet feith in Israel. 11And Y seie to you, that many schulen come fro the eest and the west, and schulen reste with Abraham and Ysaac and Jacob in the kyngdom of heuenes; 12but the sones of the rewme schulen be cast out in to vtmer derknessis; there schal be wepyng, and grynting of teeth. 13And Jhesus seide to the centurioun, Go, and as thou hast bileuyd, be it doon to thee. And the child was heelid fro that hour. 14And whanne Jhesus was comun in to the hous of Symount Petre, he say his wyues modir liggynge, and shakun with feueris. 15And he touchide hir hoond, and the feuer lefte hir; and she roos, and seruede hem. 16And whanne it was euen, thei brouyten to hym manye that hadden deuelis, and he castide out spiritis bi word, and heelide alle that weren yuel at ese; 17that it were fulfillid, that was seid by Ysaie, the profete, seiynge, He took oure infirmytees, and bar oure siknessis. 18And Jhesus say myche puple aboute him, and bade hise disciplis go ouer the watir. 19And a scribe neiyede, and seide to hym, Maistir, Y shal sue thee, whidir euer thou schalt go. 20And Jhesus seide to hym, Foxis han dennes, and briddis of heuene han nestis, but mannus sone hath not where `he schal reste his heed. 21Anothir of his disciplis seide to him, Lord, suffre me to go first, and birie my fader. 22But Jhesus seide to hym, Sue thou me, and lete deed men birie her deede men. 23And whanne he was goon vp in to a litil schip, his disciplis sueden hym. 24And loo! a greet stiring was maad in the see, so that the schip was hilid with wawes; but he slepte. 25And hise disciplis camen to hym, and reysiden hym, and seiden, Lord, saue vs; we perischen. 26And Jhesus seide to hem, What ben ye of litil feith agaste? Thanne he roos, and comaundide to the wyndis and the see, and a greet pesibilnesse was maad. 27And men wondriden, and seiden, What maner man is he this, for the wyndis and the see obeischen to him? 28And whanne Jhesus was comun ouer the watir in to the cuntre of men of Gerasa, twey men metten hym, that hadden deuelis, and camen out of graues, ful woode, so that noo man myyte go bi that weie. 29And lo! thei crieden, and seiden, What to vs and to thee, Jhesu, the sone of God? `art thou comun hidir bifore the tyme to turmente vs? 30And not fer fro hem was a flocke of many swyne lesewynge. 31And the deuelis preyeden hym, and seiden, If thou castist out vs fro hennes, sende vs in to the droue of swyne. 32And he seide to hem, Go ye. And thei yeden out, and wenten in to the swyne; and loo! in a greet bire al the droue wente heedlyng in to the see, and thei weren deed in the watris. 33And the hirdis fledden awey, and camen in to the citee, and telden alle these thingis, and of hem that hadden the feendis. 34And lo! al the citee wente out ayens Jhesu; and whanne thei hadden seyn hym, thei preieden, that he wolde passe fro her coostis. 9And Jhesus wente vp in to a boot, and passide ouer the watir, and cam in to his citee. 2And lo! thei brouyten to hym a man sike in palesie, liggynge in a bed. And Jhesus saw the feith of hem, and seide to the man sike in palesye, Sone, haue thou trist; thi synnes ben foryouun to thee. 3And lo! summe of the scribis seiden withynne hem silf, This blasfemeth. 4And whanne Jhesus hadde seyn her thouytis, he seide, Wherto thenken ye yuele thingis in youre hertis? 5What is liytere to seye, Thi synnes ben foryouun to thee, ethir `to seie, Rise thou, and walke? 6But that ye wite that mannus sone hath power to foryyue synnes in erthe, thanne he seide to the sijk man in palesie, Rise vp; take thi bed, and go in to thin hous. 7And he roos, and wente in to his hous. 8And the puple seynge dredde, and glorifiede God, that yaf suche power to men. 9And whanne Jhesus passide fro thennus, he say a man, Matheu bi name, sittynge in a tolbothe. And he seide to hym, Sue thou me. 10And he roos, and folewide hym. And it was don, the while he sat `at the mete in the hous, lo! many pupplicans and synful men camen, and saten `at the mete with Jhesu and hise disciplis. 11And Farisees sien, and seiden to hise disciplis, Whi etith youre maister with pupplicans and synful men? 12And Jhesus herde, and seide, A leche is not nedeful to men that faren wel, but to men that ben yuel at ese. 13But go ye, and lerne what it is, Y wole merci, and not sacrifice; for I cam, not to clepe riytful men, but synful men. 14Thanne the disciplis of Joon camen to hym, and seiden, Whi we and Farisees fasten ofte, but thi disciplis fasten not? 15And Jhesus seide to hem, Whether the sones of the spouse moun morne, as long as the spouse is with hem? But daies schulen come, whanne the spouse schal be takun a wei fro hem, and thanne thei schulen faste. 16And no man putteth a clout of buystous clothe in to an elde clothing; for it doith awey the fulnesse of the cloth, and a wers breking is maad. 17Nethir men putten newe wyne in to elde botelis, ellis the botels ben to-broke, and distried, and the wyn sched out. But men putten newe wyne in to newe botels, and bothe ben kept. 18Whiles that Jhesus spak thes thingis to hem, lo! a prince cam, and worschipide hym, and seide, Lord, my douyter is now deed; but come thou, and putte thin hond on hir, and she schal lyue. 19And Jhesus roos, and `hise disciplis, and sueden hym. 20And lo! a womman, that hadde the blodi flux twelue yere, neiyede bihynde, and touchide the hem of his cloth. 21For sche seide with ynne hir self, Yif Y touche oonli the cloth of hym, Y schal be saaf. 22And Jhesus turnede, and say hir, and seide, Douytir, haue thou trist; thi feith hath maad thee saaf. And the womman was hool fro that our. 23And whanne Jhesus cam in to the hous of the prince, and say mynstrallis, and the puple makynge noise, 24he seide, Go ye a wei, for the damysel is not deed, but slepith. And thei scornyden hym. 25And whanne the folc was put out, he wente in, and helde hir hond; and the damysel roos. 26And this fame wente out in to al that loond. 27And whanne Jhesus passide fro thennus, twei blynde men criynge sueden hym, and seiden, Thou sone of Dauid, haue merci on vs. 28And whanne he cam in to the hous, the blynde men camen to hym; and Jhesus seide to hem, What wolen ye, that I do to you? And thei seiden, Lord, that oure iyen be opened. And Jhesus seide, Bileuen ye, that Y mai do this thing to you? Thei seien to him, Yhe, Lord. 29Thanne he touchide her iyen, and seide, Aftir youre feith be it doon to you. 30And the iyen of hem were opened. And Jhesus thretenede hem, and seide, Se ye, that no man wite. 31But thei yeden out, and diffameden hym thorou al that lond. 32And whanne thei weren gon out, loo! thei brouyten to hym a doumbe man, hauynge a deuel. 33And whanne the deuel was cast out, the doumb man spak. And the puple wondride, and seide, It hath not be say thus in Israel. 34But the Farisees seiden, In the prince of deuelis he castith out deuelis. 35And Jhesus wente `aboute alle the `citees and castels, techinge in the synagogis of hem, and prechynge the gospel of the kyngdom, and helynge euery langour and euery sijknesse. 36And he siy the puple, and hadde reuthe on hem; for thei weren trauelid, and liggynge as scheep not hauynge a scheepherde. 37Thanne he seide to hise disciplis, Sotheli there is myche ripe corn, but fewe werk men. 38Therfor preye ye the lord of the ripe corn, that he sende werke men in to his ripe corn. 10And whanne his twelue disciplis weren clepid togidere, he yaf to hem powere of vnclene spiritis, to caste hem out of men, and to heele eueri langour, and sijknesse. 2And these ben the names of the twelue apostlis; the firste, Symount, that is clepid Petre, and Andrew, his brothir; James of Zebede, and Joon, his brothir; Filip, and Bartholomeu; 3Thomas, and Matheu, pupplican; and James Alfey, and Tadee; 4Symount Chananee, and Judas Scarioth, that bitrayede Crist. 5Jhesus sente these twelue, and comaundide hem, and seide, Go ye not `in to the weie of hethene men, and entre ye not in to the citees of Samaritans; 6but rather go ye to the scheep of the hous of Israel, that han perischid. 7And go ye, and preche ye, and seie, that the kyngdam of heuenes shal neiye; 8heele ye sike men, reise ye deede men, clense ye mesels, caste ye out deuelis; freeli ye han takun, freli yyue ye. 9Nyle ye welde gold, nether siluer, ne money in youre girdlis, not a scrippe in the weie, 10nether twei cootis, nethir shoon, nether a yerde; for a werkman is worthi his mete. 11In to what euere citee or castel ye schulen entre, axe ye who therynne is worthi, and there dwelle ye, til ye go out. 12And whanne ye goon in to an hous, `grete ye it, and seyn, Pees to this hous. 13And if thilk hous be worthi, youre pees schal come on it; but if that hous be not worthi, youre pees schal turne ayen to you. 14And who euere resseyueth not you, nethir herith youre wordis, go ye fro that hous or citee, and sprenge of the dust of youre feet. 15Treuly Y seie to you, it shal be more suffrable to the loond of men of Sodom and of Gommor in the dai of iugement, than to thilke citee. 16Lo! Y sende you as scheep in the myddil of wolues; therfor be ye sliy as serpentis, and symple as dowues. 17But be ye war of men, for thei schulen take you in counseilis, and thei schulen bete you in her synagogis; 18and to meyris, or presidentis, and to kyngis, ye schulen be lad for me, in witnessyng to hem, and to the hethen men. 19But whanne thei take you, nyle ye thenke, hou or what thing ye schulen speke, for it shal be youun `to you in that our, what ye schulen speke; 20for it ben not ye that speken, but the spirit of youre fadir, that spekith in you. 21`And the brother shal take the brother in to deeth, and the fader the sone, and sones schulen rise ayens fadir and modir, and schulen turmente hem bi deeth. 22And ye schulen be in hate to alle men for my name; but he that shall dwelle stille in to the ende, shal be saaf. 23And whanne thei pursuen you in this citee, fle ye in to anothir. Treuli Y seie to you, ye schulen not ende the citees of Israel, to for that mannus sone come. 24The disciple is not aboue the maistir, ne the seruaunt aboue hys lord; 25it is ynowy to the disciple, that he be as his maistir, and to the seruaunt as his lord. If thei han clepid the hosebonde man Belsabub, hou myche more his houshold meyne? 26Therfor drede ye not hem; for no thing is hid, that schal not be shewid; and no thing is priuey, that schal not be wist. 27That thing that Y seie to you in derknessis, seie ye in the liyt; and preche ye on housis, that thing that ye heeren in the ere. 28And nyle ye drede hem that sleen the bodi; for thei moun not sle the soule; but rather drede ye hym, that mai lese bothe soule and bodi in to helle. 29Whether twei sparewis ben not seeld for an halpeny? and oon of hem shal not falle on the erthe with outen youre fadir. 30`And alle the heeris of youre heed ben noumbrid. Therfor nyle ye drede; ye ben betere than many sparewis. 31Therfor euery man that schal knouleche me bifore men, Y schal knouleche hym bifor my fadir that is in heuenes. 33But he that shal denye me bifor men, and I shal denye him bifor my fadir that is in heuenes. 34Nile ye deme, that Y cam to sende pees in to erthe; Y cam not to sende pees, but swerd. 35For Y cam to departe a man ayens his fadir, and the douytir ayens hir modir, and the sones wijf ayens the housbondis modir; 36and the enemyes of a man ben `thei, that ben homeli with him. 37He that loueth fadir or modir more than me, is not worthi to me. And he that loueth sone or douyter ouer me, is not worthi to me. 38And he that takith not his croos, and sueth me, is not worthi to me. 39He that fyndith his lijf, shal lose it; and he that lesith his lijf for me, shal fynde it. 40He that resseyueth you, resseyueth me; and he that resseyueth me, resseyueth hym that sente me. 41He that resseyueth a prophete in the name of a prophete, shal take the mede of a prophete. And he that resseyueth a iust man in the name of a iust man, schal take the mede of a iust man. 42And who euer yyueth drynke to oon of these leeste a cuppe of coolde watir oonli in the name of a disciple, treuli Y seie to you, he shal not leese his mede. 11And it was doon, whanne Jhesus hadde endid, he comaundide to hise twelue disciplis, and passide fro thennus to teche and preche in the citees of hem. 2But whanne Joon in boondis hadde herd the werkis of Crist, he sente tweyne of hise disciplis, 3and seide to him, `Art thou he that schal come, or we abiden another? 4And Jhesus answeride, and seide `to hem, Go ye, and telle ayen to Joon tho thingis that ye han herd and seyn. 5Blynde men seen, crokid men goon, meselis ben maad clene, deefe men heren, deed men rysen ayen, pore men ben takun to `prechyng of the gospel. 6And he is blessid, that shal not be sclaundrid in me. 7And whanne thei weren goon awei, Jhesus bigan to seie of Joon to the puple, What thing wenten ye out in to desert to se? a reed wawed with the wynd? 8Or what thing wenten ye out to see? a man clothid with softe clothis? Lo! thei that ben clothid with softe clothis ben in the housis of kyngis. 9But what thing wenten ye out to se? a prophete? Yhe, Y seie to you, and more than a prophete. 10For this is he, of whom it is writun, Lo! Y sende myn aungel bifor thi face, that shal make redi thi weye bifor thee. 11Treuli Y seie to you, ther roos noon more than Joon Baptist among the children of wymmen; but he that is lesse in the kyngdom of heuenes, is more than he. 12And fro the daies of Joon Baptist til now the kyngdom of heuenes suffrith violence, and violent men rauyschen it. 13For alle prophetis and the lawe `til to Joon prophecieden; and if ye wolen resseyue, 14he is Elie that is to come. 15He that hath eris of heryng, here he. 16But to whom schal Y gesse this generacioun lijk? It is lijk to children sittynge in chepyng, that crien to her peeris, 17and seien, We han songun to you, and ye han not daunsid; we han morned to you, and ye han not weilid. 18For Joon cam nether etynge ne drynkynge, and thei seien, He hath a deuel. 19The sone of man cam etynge and drynkynge, and thei seien, Lo! a man a glotoun, and a drinkere of wijne, and a freend of pupplicans and of synful men. And wisdom is iustified of her sones. 20Thanne Jhesus bigan to seye repreef to citees, in whiche ful manye vertues of him weren doon, for thei diden not penaunce. 21Wo to thee! Corosaym, woo to thee! Bethsaida; for if the vertues that ben doon in you hadden be doon in Tyre and Sidon, sumtyme thei hadden don penaunce in heyre and aische. 22Netheles Y seie to you, it schal be lesse peyne to Tire and Sidon in the dai of doom, than to you. 23And thou, Cafarnaum, whethir thou schalt be arerid vp in to heuene? Thou shalt go doun in to helle. For if the vertues that ben don in thee, hadden be don in Sodom, perauenture thei schulden haue dwellid `in to this dai. 24Netheles Y seie to you, that to the lond of Sodom it schal be `lesse peyne in the dai of doom, than to thee. 25In thilke tyme Jhesus answeride, and seide, Y knowleche to thee, fadir, lord of heuene and of erthe, for thou hast hid these thingis fro wijse men, and redi, and hast schewid hem to litle children; 26so, fadir, for so it was plesynge tofore thee. 27Alle thingis ben youune to me of my fadir; and no man knewe the sone, but the fadir, nethir ony man knewe the fadir, but the sone, and to whom the sone wolde schewe. 28Alle ye that traueilen, and ben chargid, come to me, and Y schal fulfille you. 29Take ye my yok on you, and lerne ye of me, for Y am mylde and meke in herte; and ye schulen fynde reste to youre soulis. 30`For my yok is softe, and my charge liyt. 12In that tyme Jhesus wente bi cornes in the sabot day; and hise disciplis hungriden, and bigunnen to plucke the eris of corn, and to ete. 2And Fariseis, seynge, seiden to hym, Lo! thi disciplis don that thing that is not leueful to hem to do in sabatis. 3And he seide to hem, Whether ye han not red, what Dauid dide, whanne he hungride, and thei that weren with hym? 4hou he entride in to the hous of God, and eet looues of proposicioun, whiche looues it was not leueful to hym to ete, nether to hem that weren with hym, but to prestis aloone? 5Or whether ye han not red in the lawe, that in sabotis prestis in the temple defoulen the sabotis, and thei ben with oute blame? 6And Y seie to you, that here is a gretter than the temple. 7And if ye wisten, what it is, Y wole merci, and not sacrifice, ye schulden neuer haue condempned innocentis. 8For mannus Sone is lord, yhe, of the sabat. 9And whanne he passide fro thennus, he cam in to the synagoge of hem. 10And lo! a man that hadde a drye hoond. And thei axiden hym, and seiden, Whether it be leueful to hele in the sabot? that thei schulden acuse hym. 11And he seide to hem, What man of you schal be, that hath o scheep, and if it falle in to a diche in the sabotis, whether he shal not holde, and lifte it vp? 12How myche more is a man better than a scheep? Therfor it is leueful to do good in the sabatis. 13Thanne he seide to the man, Stretche forth thin hoond. And he strauyte forth; and it was restorid to heelthe as the tothir. 14And the Farisees wenten out, and maden a counsel ayens hym, hou thei schulden distrie hym. 15And Jhesus knewe it, and wente awei fro thennus; and many sueden hym, and he helide hem alle. 16And he comaundide to hem, that thei schulden not make hym knowun; 17that that thing were fulfillid, that was seid by Isaie, the prophete, seiynge, Lo! 18my child, whom Y haue chosun, my derling, in whom it hath wel plesid to my soule; Y shal put my spirit on him, and he shal telle dom to hethen men. 19He shal not stryue, ne crye, nethir ony man shal here his voice in stretis. 20A brisid rehed he shal not breke, and he schal not quenche smokynge flax, til he caste out doom to victorie; 21and hethene men schulen hope in his name. 22Thanne a man blynde and doumbe, that hadde a feend, was brouyt to hym; and he helide hym, so that he spak, and say. 23And al the puple wondride, and seide, Whether this be the sone of Dauid? 24But the Farisees herden, and seiden, He this casteth not out feendis, but in Belsabub, prince of feendis. 25And Jhesus, witynge her thouytis, seide to hem, Eche kingdom departid ayens it silf, schal be desolatid, and eche cite, or hous, departid ayens it self, schal not stonde. 26And if Satanas castith out Satanas, he is departid ayens him silf; therfor hou schal his kingdom stonde? 27And if Y in Belsabub caste out deuelis, in `whom youre sones casten out? Therfor thei schulen be youre domes men. 28But if Y in the Spirit of God caste out feendis, thanne the kyngdom of God is comen in to you. 29Ethir hou may ony man entre in to the hous of a stronge man, and take awey hise vesselis, but `he first bynde the stronge man, and thanne he schal spuyle his hous? 30He that is not with me, is ayens me; and he that gaderith not togidere with me, scaterith abrood. 31Therfor I seie to you, al synne and blasfemye shal be foryouun to men, but `the spirit of blasfemye shal not be foryouun. 32And who euere seith a word ayens mannus sone, it shal be foryouun to him; but who that seieth a word ayens the Hooli Goost, it shal not be foryouun to hym, nether in this world, ne in `the tothir. 33Ethir make ye the tree good, and his fruyt good; ether make ye the tree yuel and his fruyt yuel; for a tree is knowun of the fruyt. 34Ye generacioun of eddris, hou moun ye speke goode thingis, whanne ye ben yuele? For the mouth spekith of plente of the herte. 35A good man bryngith forth good thingis of good tresoure, and an yuel man bringith forth yuel thingis of yuel tresoure. 36And Y seie to you, that of euery idel word, that men speken, thei schulen yelde resoun therof in the dai of doom; 37for of thi wordis thou schalt be iustified, and of thi wordis thou shalt be dampned. 38Thanne summe of the scribis and Farisees answeriden to hym, and seiden, Mayster, we wolen se a tokne of thee. 39Which answeride, and seide to hem, An yuel kynrede and a spouse brekere sekith a tokene, and a tokene shal not be youun to it, but the tokene of Jonas, the prophete. 40For as Jonas was in the wombe of a whal thre daies and thre nyytis, so mannus sone shal be in the herte of the erthe thre daies and thre nyytis. 41Men of Nynyue schulen rise in doom with this generacioun, and schulen condempne it; for thei diden penaunce in the prechyng of Jonas, and lo! here a gretter than Jonas. 42The queene of the south shal rise in doom with this generacioun, and schal condempne it; for she cam fro the eendis of the erthe to here the wisdom of Salomon, and lo! here a gretter than Salomon. 43Whanne an vnclene spirit goith out fro a man, he goith bi drie places, `and sekith rest, and fyndith not. 44Thanne he seith, Y shal turne ayen in to myn hous, fro whannys Y wente out. And he cometh, and fyndith it voide, and clensid with besyms, and maad faire. 45Thanne he goith, and takith with him seuene othere spiritis worse than hym silf; and thei entren, and dwellen there. And the laste thingis of that man ben maad worse than the formere. So it shal be to this worste generacioun. 46Yit whil he spak to the puple, lo! his modir and his bretheren stoden withouteforth, sekynge to speke to hym. 47And a man seide to hym, Lo! thi modir and thi britheren stonden withouteforth, sekynge thee. 48He answeride to the man, that spak to hym, and seide, Who is my modir? and who ben my britheren? 49And he helde forth his hoond in to hise disciplis, and seide, Lo! my modir and my bretheren; 50for who euer doith the wille of my fadir that is in heuenes, he is my brothir, and sistir, and modir. 13In that dai Jhesus yede out of the hous, and sat bisidis the see. 2And myche puple was gaderid to hym, so that he wente up in to a boot, and sat; and al the puple stood on the brenke. 3And he spac to hem many thingis in parablis, and seide, Lo! he that sowith, yede out to sowe his seed. 4And while he sowith, summe seedis felden bisidis the weie, and briddis of the eir camen, and eeten hem. 5But othere seedis felden in to stony places, where thei hadden not myche erthe; and anoon thei sprongen vp, for thei hadden not depnesse of erthe. 6But whanne the sonne was risun, thei swaliden, and for thei hadden not roote, thei drieden vp. 7And other seedis felden among thornes; and thornes woxen vp, and strangeleden hem. 8But othere seedis felden in to good lond, and yauen fruyt; summe an hundrid foold, an othir sixti foold, an othir thritti foold. 9He that hath eris of heryng, here he. 10And the disciplis camen nyy, and seiden to him, Whi spekist thou in parablis to hem? 11And he answeride, and seide to hem, `For to you it is youun to knowe the priuytees of the kyngdom of heuenes; but it is not youun to hem. 12For it shal be youun to hym that hath, and he shal haue plente; but if a man hath not, also that thing that he hath shal be takun awei fro hym. 13Therfor Y speke to hem in parablis, for thei seynge seen not, and thei herynge heren not, nether vndurstonden; 14that the prophesie of Ysaie `seiynge be fulfillid `in hem, With heryng ye schulen here, and ye shulen not vndurstonde; and ye seynge schulen se, and ye shulen not se; 15for the herte of this puple is greetli fattid, and thei herden heuyli with eeris, and thei han closed her iyen, lest sumtime thei seen with iyen, and with eeris heeren, and vndirstonden in herte, and thei be conuertid, and Y heele hem. 16But youre iyen that seen ben blesside, and youre eeris that heren. 17Forsothe Y seie to you, that manye profetis and iust men coueitiden to se tho thingis that ye seen, and thei sayn not, and to heere tho thingis that ye heren, and thei herden not. 18Therfor here ye the parable of the sowere. 19Ech that herith the word of the rewme, and vndirstondith not, the yuel spirit cometh, and rauyschith that that is sowun in his herte; this it is, that is sowun bisidis the weie. 20But this that is sowun on the stony loond, this it is, that herith the word of God, and anoon with ioye takith it. 21And he hath not roote in hym silf, but is temporal. For whanne tribulacioun and persecucioun is maad for the word, anoon he is sclaundrid. 22But he that is sowun in thornes, is this that heerith the word, and the bisynesse of this world, and the fallace of ritchessis strangulith the word, and it is maad with outen fruyt. 23But he that is sowun in to good loond, is this that herith the word, and vnderstondeth, and bryngith forth fruyt. And summe makith an hundrid fold, treuli anothir sixti fold, and another thritti fold. 24Anothir parable Jhesus puttide forth to hem, and seide, The kyngdom of heuenes is maad lijk to a man, that sewe good seed in his feld. 25And whanne men slepten, his enemy cam, and sewe aboue taris in the myddil of whete, and wente awei. 26But whanne the erbe was growed, and made fruyt, thanne the taris apperiden. 27And the seruauntis of the hosebonde man camen, and seiden to hym, Lord, whether hast thou not sowun good seed in thi feeld? where of thanne hath it taris? 28And he seide to hem, An enemy hath do this thing. And the seruauntis seiden to him, `Wolt thou that we goon, and gaderen hem? 29And he seide, Nay, lest perauenture ye in gaderynge taris drawen vp with hem the whete bi the roote. 30Suffre ye hem bothe to wexe in to repyng tyme; and in the tyme of ripe corne Y shal seie to the reperis, First gadere ye to gidere the taris, and bynde hem to gidere in knytchis to be brent, but gadere ye whete in to my berne. 31Another parable Jhesus puttide forth to hem, and seide, The kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to a corn of seneuey, which a man took, and sewe in his feeld. 32Which is the leeste of alle seedis, but whanne it hath woxen, it is the moste of alle wortis, and is maad a tre; so that briddis of the eir comen, and dwellen in the bowis therof. 33Another parable Jhesus spac to hem, The kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to sour douy, which a womman took, and hidde in thre mesuris of mele, til it were alle sowrid. 34Jhesus spac alle thes thingis in parablis to the puple, and he spac not to hem with out parablis, that it schulde be fulfillid, 35that is seid bi the prophete, seiynge, Y shal opene my mouth in parablis; Y shal telle out hid thingis fro the makyng of the world. 36Thanne he lefte the puple, and cam in to an hous; and hise disciplis camen to him, and seiden, Expowne to vs the parable of taris of the feeld. 37Which answeride, and seide, He that sowith good seed is mannus sone; 38the feeld is the world; but the good seed, these ben sones of the kyngdom, but taris, these ben yuele children; 39the enemye that sowith hem is the feend; and the ripe corn is the endyng of the world, the reperis ben aungels. 40Therfor as taris ben gaderid togidere, and ben brent in fier, so it shal be in the endyng of the world. 41Mannus sone shal sende hise aungels, and thei schulen gadere fro his rewme alle sclaundris, and hem that doon wickidnesse; 42and thei schulen sende hem in to the chymney of fier, there shal be weping and betyng to gidere of teeth. 43Thanne iuste men schulen schyne as the sunne, in the rewme of her fadir. He that hath eeris of heryng, here he. 44The kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to tresour hid in a feld, which a man that fyndith, hidith; and for ioye of it he goith, and sillith alle thingis that he hath, and bieth thilk feeld. 45Eftsoone the kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to a marchaunt, that sechith good margaritis; 46but whanne he hath foundun o precious margarite, he wente, and selde alle thingis that he hadde, and bouyte it. 47Eft the kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to a nette cast into the see, and that gaderith to gidere of al kynde of fisschis; 48which whanne it was ful, thei drowen vp, and seten bi the brenke, and chesen the goode in to her vessels, but the yuel thei kesten out. 49So it schal be in the endyng of the world. Aungels schulen go out, and schulen departe yuel men fro the myddil of iuste men. 50And thei shulen sende hem in to the chymnei of fier; ther shal be weping and gryntyng of teeth. 51Han ye vndirstonde alle these thingis? Thei seien to hym, Yhe. 52He seith to hem, Therfor euery wise man of lawe in the kyngdom of heuenes, is lijk to an hosebonde man, that bryngith forth of his tresoure newe thingis and elde. 53And it was doon, whanne Jhesus hadde endid these parablis, he passide fro thennus. 54And he cam in to his cuntrei, and tauyte hem in her synagogis, so that thei wondriden, and seiden, Fro whennus this wisdam and vertues camen to this? 55Whether `is not this the sone of a carpentere? Whether his modir be not seid Marie? and hise britheren, James, and Joseph, and Symount, and Judas? and hise sistris, 56whether thei alle ben not among us? Fro whennus thanne `alle thes thingis camen to this? 57And so thei weren sclaundrid in hym. But Jhesus seide to hem, A profete is not with oute worschip, but in his owen cuntre, and in his owen hous. 58And he dide not there manye vertues, for the vnbileue of hem. 14In that tyme Eroude tetrarke, prynce of the fourthe part, herde the fame of Jhesu; 2and seide to hise children, This is Joon Baptist, he is rysun fro deeth, and therfor vertues worchen in hym. 3For Heroude hadde holde Joon, and bounde hym, and puttide hym `in to prisoun for Herodias, the wijf of his brothir. 4For Joon seide to him, It is not leueful to thee to haue hir. 5And he willynge to sle hym, dredde the puple; for thei hadden hym as a prophete. 6But in the dai of Heroudis birthe, the douytir of Herodias daunside in the myddil, and pleside Heroude. 7Wherfor with an ooth he bihiyte to yyue to hir, what euere thing she hadde axid of hym. 8And she bifor warned of hir modir, seide, Yif thou to me here the heed of Joon Baptist in a disch. 9And the kyng was sorewful, but for the ooth, and for hem that saten to gidere at the mete, he comaundide to be youun. 10And he sente, and bihedide Joon in the prisoun. 11And his heed was brouyt in a dische, and it was youun to the damysel, and she bar it to hir modir. 12And hise disciplis camen, and token his bodi, and birieden it; and thei camen, and tolden to Jhesu. 13And whanne Jhesus hadde herd this thing, he wente fro thennus in a boot, in to desert place bisides. And whanne the puple hadde herd, thei folewiden hym on her feet fro citees. 14And Jhesus yede out, and sai a greet puple, and hadde reuthe on hem, and heelide the sike men of hem. 15But whanne the euentid was com, hise disciplis camen to him, and seiden, The place is desert, and the tyme is now passid; lat the puple go in to townes, to bye hem mete. 16Jhesus seide to hem, Thei han not nede to go; yyue ye hem sumwhat to ete. 17Thei answeriden, We han not heere, but fyue looues and twei fischis. 18And he seide to hem, Brynge ye hem hidur to me. 19And whanne he hadde comaundid the puple to sitte to meete on the heye, he took fyue looues and twei fischis, and he bihelde in to heuene, and blesside, and brak, and yaf to hise disciplis; and the disciplis yauen to the puple. 20And alle eten, and weren fulfillid. And thei tooken the relifs of brokun gobetis, twelue cofynes ful. 21And the noumbre of men that eten was fyue thousynde of men, outakun wymmen and lytle children. 22And anoon Jhesus compellide the disciplis to go vp in to a boot, and go bifor hym ouer the see, while he lefte the puple. 23And whanne the puple was left, he stiede aloone in to an hil for to preie. But whanne the euenyng was come, he was there aloone. 24And the boot in the myddel of the see was schoggid with wawis, for the wynd was contrarie to hem. 25But in the fourthe wakyng of the niyt, he cam to hem walkynge aboue the see. 26And thei, seynge hym walking on the see, weren disturblid, and seiden, That it is a fantum; and for drede thei crieden. 27And anoon Jhesus spac to hem, and seide, Haue ye trust, Y am; nyle ye drede. 28And Petre answeride, and seide, Lord, if thou art, comaunde me to come to thee on the watris. 29And he seide, Come thou. And Petre yede doun fro the boot, and walkide on the watris to come to Jhesu. 30But he siy the wynd strong, and was aferde; and whanne he bigan to drenche, he criede, and seide, Lord, make me saaf. 31And anoon Jhesus helde forth his hoond, and took Petre, and seide to hym, Thou of litil feith, whi hast thou doutid? 32And whanne he hadde stied in to the boot, the wynd ceessid. 33And thei, that weren in the boot, camen, and worschipiden hym, and seiden, Verili, thou art Goddis sone. 34And whanne thei hadden passid ouer the see, thei camen in to the loond of Genesar. 35And whanne men of that place hadden knowe hym, thei senten in to al that cuntre; and thei brouyten to hym alle that hadden siknesse. 36And thei preieden hym, that thei schulden touche the hemme of his clothing; and who euere touchiden weren maad saaf. 15Thanne the scribis and the Farisees camen to hym fro Jerusalem, and seiden, 2Whi breken thi disciplis the tradiciouns of eldere men? for thei waisschen not her hondis, whanne thei eten breed. 3He answeride, and seide to hem, Whi breken ye the maundement of God for youre tradicioun? 4For God seide, Honoure thi fadir and thi modir, and he that cursith fadir or modir, die bi deeth. 5But ye seien, Who euer seith to fadir or modir, What euere yifte is of me, it schal profite to thee; 6and he hath not worschipid his fadir or his modir; and ye han maad the maundement of God voide for youre tradicioun. 7Ypocritis, Isaie, the prophete, prophesiede wel of you, 8and seide, This puple honourith me with lippis, but her herte is fer fro me; 9and thei worschipen me `with outen cause, techynge the doctrines and maundementis of men. 10And whanne the puple weren clepid to gidere to hym, he seide to hem, Here ye, and `vndurstonde ye. 11That thing that entrith in to the mouth, defoulith not a man; but that thing that cometh out of the mouth, defoulith a man. 12Thanne hise disciplis camen, and seiden to hym, Thou knowist, that, if this word be herd, the Farisees ben sclaundrid? 13And he answeride, and seide, Eueri plauntyng, that my fadir of heuene hath not plauntid, shal be drawun vp by the roote. 14Suffre ye hem; thei ben blynde, and leederis of blynde men. And if a blynd man lede a blynd man, bothe fallen doun in to the diche. 15Petre answeride, and seide to hym, Expowne to vs this parable. 16And he seide, Yit `ye ben also with oute vndurstondyng? 17Vndurstonden ye not, that al thing that entrith in to the mouth, goith in to the wombe, and is sent out in to the goyng awei? 18But tho thingis that comen forth fro the mouth, goon out of the herte, and tho thingis defoulen a man. 19For of the herte goon out yuele thouytis, mansleyngis, auowtries, fornycaciouns, theftis, fals witnessyngis, blasfemyes. 20Thes thingis it ben that defoulen a man; but to ete with hondis not waischun, defoulith not a man. 21And Jhesus yede out fro thennus, and wente in to the coostis of Tire and Sidon. 22And lo! a womman of Canane yede out of tho coostis, and criede, and seide to him, Lord, the sone of Dauid, haue merci on me; my douyter is yuel traueilid of a feend. 23And he answeride not to hir a word. And hise disciplis camen, and preieden hym, and seiden, Leue thou hir, for she crieth aftir vs. 24He answeride, and seide, Y am not sent, but to the scheep of the hous of Israel that perischiden. 25And she cam, and worschipide hym, and seide, Lord, helpe me. 26Which answeride, and seide, It is not good to take the breed of children, and caste to houndis. 27And she seide, Yhis, Lord; for whelpis eten of the crummes, that fallen doun fro the bord of her lordis. 28Thanne Jhesus answeride, and seide to hir, A! womman, thi feith is greet; be it doon to thee, as thou wolt. And hir douytir was helid fro that hour. 29And whanne Jhesus hadde passed fro thennus, he cam bisidis the see of Galilee. And he yede vp in to an hil, and sat there. 30And myche puple cam to hym, and hadden with hem doumbe men and crokid, feble and blynde, and many other; and thei castiden doun hem at hise feet. And he helide hem, 31so that the puple wondriden seynge doumbe men spekynge, and crokid goynge, blynde men seynge; and thei magnyfieden God of Israel. 32And Jhesus, whanne hise disciplis weren clepid to gidere, seide to hem, Y haue reuthe of the puple, for thei han abiden now thre daies with me, and han no thing to ete; and Y wole not leeue hem fastynge, lest thei failen in the weie. 33And the disciplis seien to him, Wherof thanne so many looues among vs in desert, to fulfille so greet a puple? 34And Jhesus seide to hem, Hou many looues han ye? And thei seiden, Seuene, and a fewe smale fisshis. 35And he comaundide to the puple, to sitte to mete on the erthe. 36And he took seuene looues and fyue fischis, and dide thankyngis, and brak, and yaf to hise disciplis; and the disciplis yauen to the puple. 37And alle eten, and weren fulfillid, and thei token that that was left of relifes, seuene lepis fulle. 38And thei that eten weren foure thousynde of men, with outen litle children and wymmen. 39And whanne he hadde left the puple, he wente vp in to a boot, and cam in to the coostis of Magedan. 16And the Farisees and the Saducees camen to hym temptynge, and preieden hym to schewe hem a tokene fro heuene. 2And he answeride, and seide to hem, Whanne the euentid is comun, ye seien, It schal be clere, for heuene is rodi; 3and the morewtid, To dai tempest, for heuene schyneth heueli. 4Thanne ye kunne deme the face of heuene, but ye moun not wite the tokenes of tymes. An yuel generacioun and auoutresse sekith a tokene; and a tokene schal not be youun to it, but the tokene of Jonas, the profete. And whanne he hadde left hem, he wente forth. 5And whanne his disciplis camen ouer the see, thei foryaten to take looues. 6And he seide to hem, Biholde ye, and be war of the soure dowy of Farisees and Saducees. 7And thei thouyten among hem, and seiden, For we han not take looues. 8But Jhesus witynge seide to hem, What thenken ye among you of litel feith, for ye han not looues? 9Yit `vndurstonden not ye, nether han mynde of fyue looues in to fyue thousynde of men, and hou many cofyns ye token? 10nether of seuene looues in to foure thousynde of men, and hou many lepis ye token? 11Whi vndurstonden ye not, for Y seide not to you of breed, Be ye war of the sourdowy of Farisees and of Saducees? 12Thanne thei vndurstooden, that he seide not to be war of sourdowy of looues, but of the techyng of Farisees and Saducees. 13And Jhesus cam in to the parties of Cesarie of Filip, and axide hise disciplis, and seide, Whom seien men to be mannus sone? 14And thei seiden, Summe Joon Baptist; othere Elie; and othere Jeremye, or oon of the prophetis. 15Jhesus seide to hem, But whom seien ye me to be? 16Symount Petre answeride, and seide, Thou art Crist, the sone of God lyuynge. 17Jhesus answeride, and seide to him, Blessid art thou, Symount Bariona; for fleisch and blood schewide not to thee, but my fadir that is in heuenes. 18And Y seie to thee, that thou art Petre, and on this stoon Y schal bilde my chirche, and the yatis of helle schulen not haue miyt ayens it. 19And to thee Y shal yyue the keies of the kingdom of heuenes; and what euer thou shalt bynde on erthe, schal be boundun also in heuenes; and what euer thou schalt vnbynde on erthe, schal be vnbounden also in heuenes. 20Thanne he comaundide to hise disciplis, that thei schulden seie to no man, that he was Crist. 21Fro that tyme Jhesus bigan to schewe to hise disciplis, that it bihofte hym go to Jerusalem, and suffre many thingis, of the eldere men, and of scribis, and princis of prestis; and be slayn, and the thridde dai to rise ayen. 22And Petre took hym, and bigan to blame him, and seide, Fer be it fro thee, Lord; this thing schal not be to thee. 23And he turnede, and seide to Petre, Sathanas, go after me; thou art a sclaundre to me; for thou sauerist not tho thingis that ben of God, but tho thingis that ben of men. 24Thanne Jhesus seide to his disciplis, If ony man wole come after me, denye he hym silf, and take his cros, and sue me; for he that wole make his lijf saaf, 25shal leese it; and he that schal leese his lijf for me, schal fynde it. 26For what profitith it to a man, if he wynne al the world, and suffre peiryng of his soule? or what chaunging schal a man yyue for his soule? 27For mannes sone schal come in glorie of his fader, with his aungels, and thanne he schal yelde to ech man after his werkis. 28Treuli Y seie to you, `ther ben summe of hem that stonden here, whiche schulen not taste deth, til thei seen mannus sone comynge in his kyngdom. 17And after sixe daies Jhesus took Petre, and James, and Joon, his brother, and ledde hem aside in to an hiy hil, 2and was turned in to an othir licnesse bifor hem. And his face schone as the sunne; and hise clothis weren maad white as snowe. 3And lo! Moises and Elie apperiden to hem, and spaken with hym. 4And Petre answeride, and seide to Jhesu, Lord, it is good vs to be here. If thou wolt, make we here thre tabernaclis; to thee oon, to Moises oon, and oon to Elye. Yit the while he spak, lo! 5a briyt cloude ouerschadewide hem; and lo! a voice out of the cloude, that seide, This is my dereworth sone, in whom Y haue wel pleside to me; here ye hym. 6And the disciplis herden, and felden doun on her faces, and dredden greetli. 7And Jhesus cam, and touchide hem, and seide to hem, Rise vp, and nyle ye drede. 8And thei liften vp her iyen, and saien no man, but Jhesu aloone. 9And as thei camen doun of the hille, Jhesus comaundide to hem, and seide, Seie ye to no man the visioun, til mannus sone rise ayen fro deeth. 10And his disciplis axiden hym, and seiden, What thanne seien the scribis, that it bihoueth that Elie come first? 11He answeride, and seide to hem, Elie schal come, and he schal restore alle thingis. 12And Y seie to you, that Elie is nowe comun, and thei knewen hym not, but thei diden in him what euer thingis thei wolden; and so mannus sone schal suffre of hem. 13Thanne the disciplis vndurstoden, that he seide to hem of Joon Baptist. 14And whanne he cam to the puple, a man cam to hym, and felde doun on hise knees bifor hym, and seide, Lord, haue merci on my sone; for he is lunatike, and suffrith yuele, for ofte tymes he fallith in to the fier, and ofte tymes in to water. 15And Y brouyte hym to thi disciplis, and thei myyten not heele hym. 16Jhesus answeride, and seide, A! thou generacion vnbileueful and weiward; hou long schal Y be with you? hou long schal Y suffre you? Brynge ye hym hider to me. 17And Jhesus blamede hym, and the deuel wente out fro hym; and the child was heelid fro that our. 18Thanne the disciplis camen to Jhesu priueli, and seiden to hym, Whi myyten not we caste hym out? 19Jhesus seith to hem, For youre vnbileue. Treuli Y seie to you, if ye han feith, as a corn of seneueye, ye schulen seie to this hil, Passe thou hennus, and it schal passe; and no thing schal be vnpossible to you; 20but this kynde is not caste out, but bi preiyng and fastyng. 21And whilis thei weren abidynge togidere in Galilee, Jhesus seide to hem, Mannus sone schal be bitraied in to the hondis of men; 22and thei schulen sle hym, and the thridde day he schal rise ayen to lijf. 23And thei weren ful sori. And whanne thei camen to Cafarnaum, thei that token tribute, camen to Petre, and seiden to hym, Youre maister payeth not tribute? 24And he seide, Yhis. And whanne he was comen in to the hous, Jhesus cam bifor hym, and seide, Symount, what semeth to thee? Kyngis of erthe, of whom taken thei tribute? of her sones, ether of aliens? 25And he seide, Of aliens. Jhesus seide to hym, Thanne sones ben fre. 26But that we sclaundre hem not, go to the see, and caste an hook, and take thilke fisch that first cometh vp; and, whanne his mouth is opened, thou schalt fynde a stater, and yyue for thee and for me. 18In that our the disciplis camen to Jhesu, and seiden, Who, gessist thou, is gretter in the kyngdom of heuenes? 2And Jhesus clepide a litil child, and putte hym in the myddil of hem; 3and seide, Y seie treuthe to you, but ye be turned, and maad as litle children, ye schulen not entre in to the kyngdom of heuenes. 4Therfor who euer mekith hym as this litil child, he is gretter in the kyngdom of heuenes. 5And he that resseyueth o siche litil child in my name, resseyueth me. 6But who so sclaundrith oon of these smale, that bileuen in me, it spedith to hym that a mylnstoon `of assis be hangid in his necke, and he be drenchid in the depnesse of the see. 7Woo to the world, for sclaundris; for it is nede that sclaundris come; netheles wo to thilke man bi whom a sclaundre cometh. 8And if thin hoond or thi foot sclaundreth thee, kitte it of, and caste awei fro thee. It is betere to thee to entre to lijf feble, ethir crokid, than hauynge tweyne hoondis or twey feet to be sent in to euerlastynge fier. 9And if thin iye sclaundre thee, pulle it out, and caste awei fro thee. It is betere to thee with oon iye to entre in to lijf, thanne hauynge tweyn iyen to be sent in to the fier of helle. 10Se ye, that ye dispise not oon of these litle. For Y seie to you, that the aungels of hem in heuenes seen euermore the face of my fadir that is in heuenes. 11For mannus sone cam to saue that thing that perischide. 12What semeth to you? If ther weren to sum man an hundrid scheep, and oon of hem hath errid, whethir he schal not leeue nynti and nyne in desert, and schal go to seche that that erride? 13And if it falle that he fynde it, treuli Y seie to you, that he schal haue ioye theron more than on nynti and nyne that erriden not. 14So it is not the wille bifor youre fadir that is in heuenes, that oon of these litle perische. 15But if thi brother synneth ayens thee, go thou, and repreue hym, bitwixe thee and hym aloone; if he herith thee, thou hast wonnun thi brother. 16And if he herith thee not, take with thee oon or tweyne, that euery word stonde in the mouth of tweyne or thre witnessis. 17And if he herith not hem, seie thou to the chirche. But if he herith not the chirche, be he as an hethen and a pupplican to thee. 18Y seie to you treuli, what euer thingis ye bynden on erthe, tho schulen be boundun also in heuene; and what euer thingis ye vnbynden on erthe, tho schulen be vnboundun also in heuene. 19Eftsoone Y seie to you, that if tweyne of you consenten on the erthe, of euery thing what euer thei axen, it schal be don to hem of my fadir that is in heuenes. 20For where tweyne or thre ben gaderid in my name, there Y am in the myddil of hem. 21Thanne Petre cam to hym, and seide, Lord, how ofte schal my brother synne ayens me, and Y schal foryyue hym? 22Whether til seuen tymes? Jhesus seith to hym, Y seie not to thee, til seuene sithis; but til seuenti sithis seuene sithis. 23Therfor the kyngdom of heuenes is licned to a kyng, that wolde rekyn with hise seruauntis. 24And whanne he bigan to rekene, oon that ouyte ten thousynde talentis, was brouyt to hym. 25And whanne he hadde not wherof to yelde, his lord comaundide hym to be seld, and his wijf, and children, and alle thingis that he hadde, and to be paied. 26But thilke seruaunt felde doun, and preiede hym, and seide, Haue pacience in me, and Y schal yelde to thee alle thingis. 27And the lord hadde merci on that seruaunt, and suffride hym to go, and foryaf to hym the dette. 28But thilke seruaunt yede out, and foonde oon of his euen seruauntis, that ouyte hym an hundrid pens; and he helde hym, and stranglide hym, and seide, Yelde that that thou owest. 29And his euen seruaunt felle doun, and preyede hym, and seide, Haue pacience in me, and Y schal quyte alle thingis to thee. 30But he wolde not; but wente out, and putte hym in to prisoun, til he paiede al the dette. 31And hise euen seruauntis, seynge the thingis that weren don, soreweden greetli. And thei camen, and telden to her lord alle the thingis that weren don. 32Thanne his lord clepide hym, and seide to hym, Wickid seruaunt, Y foryaf to thee al the dette, for thou preiedist me. 33Therfor whether it bihouede not also thee to haue merci on thin euen seruaunt, as Y hadde merci on thee? 34And his lord was wroth, and took hym to turmentouris, til he paiede al the dette. 35So my fadir of heuene schal do to you, if ye foryyuen not euery man to his brother, of youre hertes. 19And it was don, whanne Jhesus hadde endid these wordis, he passide fro Galilee, and cam in to the coostis of Judee ouer Jordan. 2And myche puple suede him, and he heelide hem there. 3And Farisees camen to him, temptynge him, and seiden, Whether it be leueful to a man to leeue his wijf, for ony cause? 4Which answeride, and seide to hem, Han ye not red, for he that made men at the bigynnyng, made hem male and female? 5And he seide, For this thing a man schal leeue fadir and modir, and he schal draw to his wijf; and thei schulen be tweyne in o fleisch. 6And so thei ben not now tweyne, but o fleisch. Therfor a man departe not that thing that God hath ioyned. 7Thei seien to hym, What thanne comaundide Moises, to yyue a libel of forsakyng, and to leeue of? 8And he seide to hem, For Moises, for the hardnesse of youre herte, suffride you leeue youre wyues; but fro the bigynnyng it was not so. 9And Y seie to you, that who euer leeueth his wijf, but for fornycacioun, and weddith another, doith letcherie; and he that weddith the forsakun wijf, doith letcherie. 10His disciplis seien to him, If the cause of a man with a wijf is so, it spedith not to be weddid. 11And he seide to hem, Not alle men taken this word; but to whiche it is youun. 12For ther ben geldingis, whiche ben thus born of the modris wombe; and ther ben geldyngis, that ben maad of men; and there ben geldyngis, that han geldid hem silf, for the kyngdom of heuenes. He that may take, `take he. 13Thanne litle children weren brouyte to hym, that he schulde putte hondis to hem, and preie. 14And the disciplis blamyden hem. But Jhesus seide to hem, Suffre ye that litle children come to me, and nyle ye forbede hem; for of siche is the kyngdom of heuenes. 15And whanne he hadde put to hem hondis, he wente fro thennus. 16And lo! oon cam, and seide to hym, Good maister, what good schal Y do, that Y haue euerlastynge lijf? 17Which seith to hym, What axist thou me of good thing? There is o good God. But if thou wolt entre to lijf, kepe the comaundementis. 18He seith to hym, Whiche? And Jhesus seide, Thou schalt not do mansleying, thou schalt not do auowtrie, thou schalt not do thefte, thou schalt not seie fals witnessying; 19worschipe thi fadir and thi modir, and, thou schalt loue thi neiybore as thi silf. 20The yonge man seith to hym, Y haue kept alle these thingis fro my youthe, what yit failith to me? 21Jhesus seith to hym, If thou wolt be perfite, go, and sille alle thingis that thou hast, and yyue to pore men, and thou schalt haue tresoure in heuene; and come, and sue me. 22And whanne the yong man hadde herd these wordis, he wente awei sorewful, for he hadde many possessiouns. 23And Jhesus seide to hise disciplis, Y seie to you treuthe, for a riche man of hard schal entre in to the kyngdom of heuenes. 24And eftsoone Y seie to you, it is liyter a camel to passe thorou a needlis iye, thanne a riche man to entre in to the kyngdom of heuens. 25Whanne these thingis weren herd, the disciplis wondriden greetli, and seiden, Who thanne may be saaf? 26Jhesus bihelde, and seide to hem, Anentis men this thing is impossible; but anentis God alle thingis ben possible. 27Thanne Petre answeride, and seide to hym, Lo! we han forsake alle thingis, and we han suede thee; what thanne schal be to vs? 28Jhesus seide to hem, Truli I seie to you, that ye that han forsake alle thingis, and han sued me, in the regeneracioun whanne mannus sone schal sitte in the sete of his maieste, ye schulen sitte on twelue setis, demynge the twelue kynredis of Israel. 29And euery man that forsakith hous, britheren or sistren, fadir or modir, wijf ethir children, or feeldis, for my name, he schal take an hundrid foold, and schal welde euerlastynge lijf. 30But manye schulen be, the firste the laste, and the laste the firste. 20The kyngdom of heuenes is lijc to an housbonde man, that wente out first bi the morewe, to hire werk men in to his vyneyerd. 2And whanne the couenaunt was maad with werk men, of a peny for the dai, he sente hem in to his vyneyerd. 3And he yede out aboute the thridde our, and say othere stondynge idel in the chepyng. 4And he seide to hem, Go ye also in to myn vynyerd, and that that schal be riytful, Y schal yyue to you. 5And thei wenten forth. Eftsoones he wente out aboute the sixte our, and the nynthe, and dide in lijk maner. 6But aboute the elleuenthe our he wente out, and foond other stondynge; and he seide to hem, What stonden ye idel here al dai? 7Thei seien to him, For no man hath hirid vs. He seith to hem, Go ye also in to my vyneyerd. 8And whanne euenyng was comun, the lord of the vyneyerd seith to his procuratoure, Clepe the werk men, and yelde to hem her hire, and bigynne thou at the laste til to the firste. 9And so whanne thei weren comun, that camen aboute the elleuenthe our, also thei token eueryche of hem a peny. 10But the firste camen, and demeden, that thei schulden take more, but thei token ech oon bi hem silf a peny; 11and in the takyng grutchiden ayens the hosebonde man, and seiden, 12These laste wrouyten oon our, and thou hast maad hem euen to vs, that han born the charge of the dai, and heete? 13And he answeride to oon of hem, and seide, Freend, Y do thee noon wrong; whether thou hast not acordid with me for a peny? 14Take thou that that is thin, and go; for Y wole yyue to this laste man, as to thee. 15Whether it is not leueful to me to do that that Y wole? Whether thin iye is wickid, for Y am good? 16So the laste schulen be the firste, and the firste the laste; `for many ben clepid, but fewe ben chosun. 17And Jhesus wente vp to Jerusalem, and took hise twelue disciplis in priuetee, and seide to hem, Lo! 18we goon vp to Jerusalem, and mannus sone schal be bitakun to princis of prestis, and scribis; and thei schulen condempne him to deeth. 19And thei schulen bitake hym to hethene men, for to be scorned, and scourgid, and crucified; and the thridde day he schal rise ayen to lijf. 20Thanne the modir of the sones of Zebedee cam to hym with hir sones, onourynge, and axynge sum thing of hym. 21And he seide to hir, What wolt thou? She seith to hym, Seie that thes tweyne my sones sitte, oon at thi riythalf, and oon at thi lefthalf, in thi kyngdom. 22Jhesus answeride, and seide, Ye witen not what ye axen. Moun ye drynke the cuppe which Y schal drynke? Thei seien to hym, We moun. 23He seith to hem, Ye schulen drinke my cuppe; but to sitte at my riythalf or lefthalf, it is not myn to yyue to you; but to whiche it is maad redi of my fadir. 24And the ten herynge, hadden indignacioun of the twei britheren. 25But Jhesus clepide hem to hym, and seide, Ye witen, that princis of hethene men ben lordis of hem, and thei that ben gretter, vsen power on hem. 26It schal not be so among you; but who euer wole be maad gretter among you, be he youre mynystre; and who euer among you wole be the firste, he schal be youre seruaunt. 28As mannus sone cam not to be seruyd, but to serue, and to yyue his lijf redempcioun for manye. 29And whanne thei yeden out of Jerico, miche puple suede him. 30And lo! twei blynde men saten bisydis the weie, and herden that Jhesus passide; and thei crieden, and seiden, Lord, the sone of Dauid, haue merci on vs. 31And the puple blamede hem, that thei schulden be stille; and thei crieden the more, and seiden, Lord, the sone of Dauid, haue merci on vs. 32And Jhesus stood, and clepide hem, and seide, What wolen ye, that Y do to you? 33Thei seien to him, Lord, that oure iyen be opened. 34And Jhesus hadde merci on hem, and touchide her iyen; and anoon thei sayen, and sueden him. 21And whanne Jhesus cam nyy to Jerusalem, and cam to Bethfage, at the mount of Olyuete, thanne sente he his twei disciplis, and seide to hem, 2Go ye in to the castel that is ayens you, and anoon ye schulen fynde an asse tied, and a colt with hir; vntien ye, and brynge to me. 3And if ony man seie to you ony thing, seie ye, that the Lord hath nede to hem; and anoon he schal leeue hem. 4Al this was doon, that that thing schulde be fulfillid, that was seid bi the prophete, seiynge, Seie ye to the douyter of Syon, Lo! 5thi kyng cometh to thee, meke, sittynge on an asse, and a fole of an asse vnder yok. 6And the disciplis yeden, and diden as Jhesus comaundide hem. 7And thei brouyten an asse, and the fole, and leiden her clothis on hem, and maden hym sitte aboue. 8And ful myche puple strewiden her clothis in the weie; othere kittiden braunchis of trees, and strewiden in the weie. 9And the puple that wente bifore, and that sueden, crieden, and seiden, Osanna to the sone of Dauid; blessid is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Osanna in hiy thingis. 10And whanne he was entrid in to Jerusalem, al the citee was stirid, and seide, Who is this? 11But the puple seide, This is Jhesus, the prophete, of Nazareth of Galilee. 12And Jhesus entride in to the temple of God, and castide out of the temple alle that bouyten and solden; and he turnede vpsedoun the bordis of chaungeris, and the chayeris of men that solden culueris. 13And he seith to hem, It is writun, Myn hous schal be clepid an hous of preier; but ye han maad it a denne of theues. 14And blynde and crokid camen to hym in the temple, and he heelide hem. 15But the princis of prestis and scribis, seynge the merueilouse thingis that he dide, and children criynge in the temple, and seiynge, Osanna to the sone of Dauid, hadden indignacioun, 16and seiden to hym, Herist thou what these seien? And Jhesus seide to hem, Yhe; whether ye han neuer redde, That of the mouth of yonge children, and of soukynge childryn, thou hast maad perfit heriyng? 17And whanne he hadde left hem, he wente forth out of the citee, in to Bethanye; and there he dwelte, and tauyte hem of the kyngdom of God. 18But on the morowe, he, turnynge ayen in to the citee, hungride. 19And he saye a fige tree bisidis the weie, and cam to it, and foond no thing ther ynne but leeues oneli. And he seide to it, Neuer fruyt come forth of thee, in to with outen eende, And anoon the fige tre was dried vp. 20And disciplis `sawen, and wondriden, seiynge, Hou anoon it driede. 21And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, if ye haue feith, and douten not, not oonli ye schulen do of the fige tree, but also if ye seyn to this hil, Take, and caste thee in to the see, it schal be don so. 22And alle thingis what euere ye bileuynge schulen axe in preyer, ye schulen take. 23And whanne he cam in to the temple, the princis of prestis and elder men of the puple camen to hym that tauyte, and seiden, In what power doist thou these thingis? and who yaf thee this power? 24Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, And Y schal axe you o word, the which if ye tellen me, Y schal seie to you, in what power Y do these thingis. 25Of whennys was the baptym of Joon; of heuene, or of men? And thei thouyten with ynne hem silf, 26seiynge, If we seien of heuene, he schal seie to vs, Whi thanne bileuen ye not to hym? If we seien of men, we dreden the puple, for alle hadden Joon as a prophete. 27And thei answeriden to Jhesu, and seiden, We witen not. And he seide to hem, Nether Y seie to you, in what power Y do these thingis. 28But what semeth to you? A man hadde twey sones; and he cam to the firste, and seide, Sone, go worche this dai in my vyneyerd. 29And he answeride, and seide, Y nyle; but afterward he forthouyte, and wente forth. 30But he cam to `the tother, and seide on lijk maner. And he answeride, and seide, Lord, Y go; and he wente not. 31Who of the tweyne dide the fadris wille? Thei seien to hym, The firste. Jhesus seith to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, for pupplicans and hooris schulen go bifor you `in to the kyngdom of God. 32For Joon cam to you in the weie of riytwisnesse, and ye bileueden not to him; but pupplicans and hooris bileueden to hym. But ye sayn, and hadden no forthenkyng aftir, that ye bileueden to hym. 33Here ye another parable. There was an hosebonde man, that plauntide a vynyerd, and heggide it aboute, and dalfe a presour ther ynne, and bildide a tour, and hiride it to erthe tilieris, and wente fer in pilgrimage. 34But whanne the tyme of fruytis neiyede, he sente his seruauntis to the erthe tilieris, to take fruytis of it. 35And the erthetilieris token his seruauntis, and beeten `the toon, thei slowen another, and thei stonyden another. 36Eftsoone he sente othere seruauntis, mo than the firste, and in lijk maner thei diden to hem. 37And at the laste he sente his sone to hem, and seide, Thei schulen drede my sone. 38But the erthe tilieris, seynge the sone, seiden with ynne hem silf, This is the eire; come ye, sle we hym, and we schulen haue his eritage. 39And thei token, and castiden hym out of the vynyerd, and slowen hym. 40Therfor whanne the lord of the vyneyerd schal come, what schal he do to thilke erthe tilieris? 41Thei seien to hym, He schal leese yuele the yuele men, and he schal sette to hire his vyneyerd to othere erthetilieris, whyche schulen yelde to hym fruyt in her tymes. 42Jhesus seith to hem, Redden ye neuer in scripturis, The stoon which bilderis repreueden, this is maad in to the heed of the corner? Of the Lord this thing is don, and it is merueilous bifor oure iyen. 43Therfor Y seie to you, that the kyngdom of God schal be takun fro you, and shal be youun to a folc doynge fruytis of it. 44And he that schal falle on this stoon, schal be brokun; but on whom it schal falle, it schal al tobrise hym. 45And whanne the princes of prestis and Farisees hadden herd hise parablis, thei knewen that he seide of hem. 46And thei souyten to holde hym, but thei dredden the puple, for thei hadden hym as a prophete. 22And Jhesus answeride, and spak eftsoone in parablis to hem, 2and seide, The kyngdom of heuenes is maad lijk to a kyng that made weddyngis to his sone. 3And he sente hise seruauntis for to clepe men that weren bode to the weddyngis, and thei wolden not come. 4Eftsoone he sente othere seruauntis, and seide, Seie ye to the men that ben bode to the feeste, Lo! Y haue maad redi my meete, my bolis and my volatilis ben slayn, and alle thingis ben redy; come ye to the weddyngis. 5But thei dispisiden, and wenten forth, oon in to his toun, anothir to his marchaundise. But othere helden his seruauntis, and turmentiden hem, and slowen. 7But the kyng, whanne he hadde herd, was wroth; and he sente hise oostis, and he distruyede tho manquelleris, and brente her citee. 8Thanne he seide to hise seruauntis, The weddyngis ben redi, but thei that weren clepid to the feeste, weren not worthi. 9Therfor go ye to the endis of weies, and whom euere ye fynden, clepe ye to the weddyngis. 10And hise seruauntis yeden out in to weies, and gadriden togider alle that thei founden, good and yuele; and the bridale was fulfillid with men sittynge at the mete. 11And the kyng entride, to se men sittynge at the mete; and he siye there a man not clothid with bride cloth. 12And he seide to hym, Freend, hou entridist thou hidir with out bride clothis? And he was doumbe. 13Thanne the kyng bad hise mynystris, Bynde hym bothe hondis and feet, and sende ye him in to vtmer derknessis; there schal be wepyng and grentyng of teeth. 14For many ben clepid, but fewe ben chosun. 15Thanne Farisees yeden awei, and token a counsel to take Jhesu in word. 16And thei senden to hym her disciplis, with Erodians, and seien, Maister, we witen, that thou art sothefast, and thou techist in treuthe the weie of God, and thou chargist not of ony man, for thou biholdist not the persoone of men. 17Therfor seie to vs, what it seemeth to thee. Is it leueful that tribute be youun to the emperoure, ether nay? 18And whanne Jhesus hadde knowe the wickidnesse of hem, he seide, Ypocritis, what tempten ye me? 19Schewe ye to me the prynte of the money. And thei brouyten to hym a peny. 20And Jhesus seide to hem, Whos is this ymage, and the writyng aboue? 21Thei seien to hym, The emperouris. Thanne he seide to hem, Therfor yelde ye to the emperoure tho thingis that ben the emperouris, and to God tho thingis that ben of God. 22And thei herden, and wondriden; and thei leften hym, and wenten awey. 23In that dai Saduceis, that seien there is no risyng ayen to lijf, camen to hym, and axiden him, 24and seiden, Mayster, Moises seide, if ony man is deed, not hauynge a sone, that his brother wedde his wijf, and reise seed to his brothir. 25And seuen britheren weren at vs; and the firste weddide a wijf, and is deed. And he hadde no seed, and lefte his wijf to his brother; 26also the secounde, and the thridde, til to the seuenthe. 27But the laste of alle, the woman is deed. 28Also in the risyng ayen to lijf, whos wijf of the seuene schal sche be? for alle hadden hir. 29Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Ye erren, `and ye knowen not scripturis, ne the vertu of God. 30For in the rysyng ayen to lijf, nether thei schulen wedde, nethir schulen be weddid; but thei ben as the aungels of God in heuene. 31And of the risyng ayen of deed men, `han ye not red, that is seid of the Lord, that seith to you, 32Y am God of Abraham, and God of Ysaac, and God of Jacob? he is not God of deede men, but of lyuynge men. 33And the puple herynge, wondriden in his techynge. 34And Fariseis herden that he hadde put silence to Saduceis, and camen togidere. 35And oon of hem, a techere of the lawe, axide Jhesu, and temptide him, 36Maistir, which is a greet maundement in the lawe? 37Jhesus seide to him, Thou schalt loue thi Lord God, of al thin herte, and in al thi soule, and in al thi mynde. 38This is the firste and the moste maundement. 39And the secounde is lijk to this; Thou schalt loue thi neiyebore as thi silf. 40In these twey maundementis hangith al the lawe and the profetis. 41And whanne the Farisees weren gederid togidere, Jhesus axide hem, 42and seide, What semeth to you of Crist, whos sone is he? Thei seien to hym, Of Dauid. 43He seith to hem, Hou thanne Dauid in spirit clepith hym Lord, 44and seith, The Lord seide to my Lord, Sitte on my riythalf, til Y putte thin enemyes a stool of thi feet? 45Thanne if Dauid clepith hym Lord, hou is he his sone? 46And no man miyte answere a word to hym, nethir ony man was hardi fro that day, to axe hym more. 23Thanne Jhesus spac to the puple, and to hise disciplis, 2and seide, On the chayere of Moises, scribis and Farisees han sete. 3Therfor kepe ye, and do ye alle thingis, what euer thingis thei seien to you. But nyle ye do aftir her werkis; for thei seien, and don not. 4And thei bynden greuouse chargis, and that moun not be borun, and putten on schuldris of men; but with her fyngur thei wolen not moue hem. 5Therfor thei don alle her werkis `that thei be seen of men; for thei drawen abrood her filateries, and magnifien hemmes. 6And thei louen the first sittyng placis in soperis, and the first chaieris in synagogis; 7and salutaciouns in chepyng, and to be clepid of men maystir. 8But nyle ye be clepid maister; for oon is youre maystir, and alle ye ben britheren. 9And nyle ye clepe to you a fadir on erthe, for oon is your fadir, that is in heuenes. 10Nether be ye clepid maistris, for oon is youre maister, Crist. 11He that is grettest among you, schal be youre mynystre. 12For he that hieth himself, schal be mekid; and he that mekith hym silf, schal be enhaunsid. 13But wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ipocritis, that closen the kyngdom of heuenes bifore men; and ye entren not, nether suffren men entrynge to entre. 14Wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ipocritis, that eten the housis of widowis, and preien bi longe preier; for this thing ye schulen take more doom. 15Wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ypocritis, that goon aboute the see and the loond, to make o prosilite; and whanne he is maad, ye maken hym a sone of helle, double more than ye ben. 16Wo to you, blynde lederis, that seien, Who euer swerith bi the temple of God, it is `no thing; but he that swerith in the gold of the temple, is dettoure. 17Ye foolis and blynde, for what is grettere, the gold, or the temple that halewith the gold? 18And who euer swerith in the auter, it is no thing; but he that swerith in the yifte that is on the auter, owith. 19Blynde men, for what is more, the yifte, or the auter that halewith the yifte? 20Therfor he that swerith in the auter, swerith in it, and in alle thingis that ben ther on. 21And he that swerith in the temple, swerith in it, and in hym that dwellith in the temple. 22And he that swerith in heuene, swerith in the trone of God, and in hym that sittith ther on. 23Wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ypocritis, that tithen mynte, anete, and cummyn, and han left tho thingis that ben of more charge of the lawe, doom, and merci, and feith. And it bihofte to do these thingis, and not to leeue tho. 24Blynde lederis, clensinge a gnatte, but swolewynge a camel. 25Woo to you, scribis and Farisees, ypocritis, that clensen the cuppe and the plater with outforth; but with ynne ye ben ful of raueyne and vnclennesse. 26Thou blynde Farisee, clense the cuppe and the plater with ynneforth, that that that is with outforth be maad clene. 27Wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ipocritis, that ben lijk to sepulcris whitid, whiche with outforth semen faire to men; but with ynne thei ben fulle of boonus of deed men, and of al filthe. 28So ye with outforth semen iust to men; but with ynne ye ben ful of ypocrisy and wickidnesse. 29Wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ipocritis, that bilden sepulcris of profetis, and maken faire the birielis of iust men, 30and seien, If we hadden be in the daies of oure fadris, we schulden not haue be her felowis in the blood of prophetis. 31And so ye ben in witnessyng to you silf, that ye ben the sones of hem that slowen the prophetis. 32And fulfille ye the mesure of youre fadris. 33Ye eddris, and eddris briddis, hou schulen ye fle fro the doom of helle? 34Therfor lo! Y sende to you profetis, and wise men, and scribis; and of hem ye schulen sle and crucifie, and of hem ye schulen scourge in youre sinagogis, and schulen pursue fro cite in to citee; 35that al the iust blood come on you, that was sched on the erthe, fro the blood of iust Abel to the blood of Zacarie, the sone of Barachie, whom ye slowen bitwixe the temple and the auter. 36Treuli Y seie to you, alle these thingis schulen come on this generacioun. 37Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that sleest prophetis, and stoonest hem that ben sent to thee, hou ofte wolde Y gadere togidere thi children, as an henne gaderith togidir her chikenes vndir hir wengis, and thou woldist not. 38Lo! youre hous schal be left to you desert. 39And Y seie to you, ye schulen not se me fro hennus forth, til ye seien, Blessid is he, that cometh in the name of the Lord. 24And Jhesus wente out of the temple; and his disciplis camen to hym, to schewe hym the bildyngis of the temple. 2But he answeride, and seide to hem, Seen ye alle these thingis? Treuli Y seie to you, a stoon schal not be left here on a stoon, that ne it schal be destried. 3And whanne he satte on the hille of Olyuete, hise disciplis camen to hym priueli, and seiden, Seie vs, whanne these thingis schulen be, and what token of thi comyng, and of the ending of the world. 4And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Loke ye, that no man disseyue you. 5For many schulen come in my name, and schulen seie, Y am Crist; and thei schulen disseyue manye. 6For ye schulen here batels, and opyniouns of batels; se ye that ye be not disturblid; for it byhoueth these thingis to be don, but not yit is the ende. 7Folk schal rise togidere ayens folc, and rewme ayens rewme, and pestilences, and hungris, and the erthemouyngis schulen be bi placis; 8and alle these ben bigynnyngis of sorewes. 9Thanne men schulen bitake you in to tribulacion, and schulen sle you, and ye schulen be in hate to alle folk for my name. 10And thanne many schulen be sclaundrid, and bitraye ech other, and thei schulen hate ech other. 11And many false prophetis schulen rise, and disseyue manye. 12And for wickidnesse schal `be plenteuouse, the charite of manye schal wexe coold; 13but he that schal dwelle stable in to the ende, schal be saaf. 14And this gospel of the kyngdom schal be prechid in al the world, in witnessyng to al folc; 15and thanne the ende schal come. Therfor whanne ye se the abhomynacioun of discomfort, that is seid of Danyel, the prophete, stondynge in the hooli place; he that redith, vndirstonde he; 16thanne thei that ben in Judee, fle to the mounteyns; and he that is in the hous roof, 17come not doun to take ony thing of his hous; and he that is in the feeld, 18turne not ayen to take his coote. 19But wo to hem that ben with child, and nurischen in tho daies. 20Preye ye, that youre fleyng be not maad in wynter, or in the saboth. 21For thanne schal be greet tribulacioun, what maner `was not fro the bigynnyng of the world to now, nether schal be maad. 22And but tho daies hadden be abreggide, ech flesch schulde not be maad saaf; but tho daies schulen be maad schort, for the chosun men. 23Thanne if ony man seie to you, Lo! here is Crist, or there, nyle ye bileue. 24For false Cristis and false prophetis schulen rise, and thei schulen yyue grete tokenes and wondrys; so that also the chosun be led in to erroure, if it may be done. 25Lo! Y haue bifor seid to you. 26Therfor if thei seie to you, Lo! he is in desert, nyle ye go out; lo! in priuey placis, nyle ye trowe. 27For as leit goith out fro the eest, and apperith in to the weste, so schal be also the coming of mannus sone. 28Where euer the bodi schal be, also the eglis schulen be gaderid thidur. 29And anoon after the tribulacioun of tho daies, the sunne schal be maad derk, and the moone schal not yyue hir liyt, and the sterris schulen falle fro heuene, and the vertues of heuenes schulen be moued. 30And thanne the tokene of mannus sone schal appere in heuene, and thanne alle kynredis of the erthe schulen weile; and thei schulen see mannus sone comynge in the cloudis of heuene, with miche vertu and maieste. 31And he schal sende hise aungels with a trumpe, and a greet vois; and thei schulen gedere hise chosun fro foure wyndis, fro the hiyest thingis of heuenes to the endis of hem. 32And lerne ye the parable of a fige tre. Whanne his braunche is now tendir, and the leeues ben sprongun, ye witen that somer is nyy; 33`so and ye whanne ye seen alle these thingis, wite ye that it is nyy, in the yatis. 34Treuli Y seie to you, for this generacioun schal not passe, til alle thingis be don; 35heuene and erthe schulen passe, but my wordis schulen not passe. 36But of thilke dai and our no man wote, nethir aungels of heuenes, but the fadir aloone. 37But as it was in the daies of Noe, so schal be the comyng of mannus sone. 38For as in the daies bifore the greet flood, thei weren etynge and drynkynge, weddynge and takynge to weddyng, to that dai, that Noe entride in to the schippe; 39and thei knewen not, til the greet flood cam, and took alle men, so schal be the comyng of mannus sone. 40Thanne tweyne schulen be in o feeld, oon schal be takun, and another left; 41twey wymmen schulen be gryndynge in o queerne, oon schal be takun, and `the tother left; tweyn in a bedde, `the toon schal be takun, and the tother left. 42Therfor wake ye, for ye witen not in what our the Lord schal come. 43But wite ye this, that if the hosebonde man wiste in what our the thefe were to come, certis he wolde wake, and suffre not his hous to be vndurmyned. 44And therfor be ye redi, for in what our ye gessen not, mannus sone schal come. 45Who gessist thou is a trewe seruaunt and prudent, whom his lord ordeyned on his meynee, to yyue hem mete in tyme? 46Blessed is that seruaunt, whom `his lord, whanne he schal come, schal fynde so doynge. 47Treuli Y seye to you, for on alle his goodis he schal ordeyne hym. 48But if thilke yuel seruaunt seie in his herte, My lord tarieth to come, 49and bigynneth to smyte hise euen seruauntis, and ete, and drynke with drunken men; 50the lord of that seruaunt schal come in the dai which he hopith not, and in the our that he knowith not, 50and schal departe hym, and putte his part with ypocritis; there schal be wepyng, and gryntyng of teeth. 25Thanne the kyngdoom of heuenes schal be lijk to ten virgyns, whiche token her laumpis, and wenten out ayens the hosebonde and the wijf; 2and fyue of hem weren foolis, and fyue prudent. 3But the fyue foolis token her laumpis, and token not oile with hem; 4but the prudent token oile in her vessels with the laumpis. 5And whilis the hosebonde tariede, alle thei nappiden and slepten. 6But at mydnyyt a cryy was maad, Lo! the spouse cometh, go ye oute to mete with him. 7Thanne alle tho virgyns risen vp, and araieden her laumpis. 8And the foolis seiden to the wise, Yyue ye to vs of youre oile, for oure laumpis ben quenchid. 9The prudent answeriden, and seiden, Lest perauenture it suffice not to vs and to you, go ye rather to men that sellen, and bie to you. 10And while thei wenten for to bie, the spouse cam; and tho that weren redi, entreden with him to the weddyngis; and the yate was schit. 11And at the last the othere virgyns camen, and seiden, Lord, lord, opene to vs. 12And he answeride, and seide, Treuli Y seie to you, Y knowe you not. 13Therfor wake ye, for ye witen not the dai ne the our. 14For as a man that goith in pilgrimage, clepide hise seruauntis, and bitook to hem hise goodis; 15and to oon he yaf fyue talentis, and to another tweyne, and to another oon, to ech after his owne vertu; and wente forth anoon. 16And he that hadde fyue besauntis, wente forth, and wrouyte in hem, and wan othere fyue. 17Also and he that hadde takun tweyne, wan othere tweyne. 18But he that hadde takun oon, yede forth, and dalf in to the erthe, and hidde the money of his lord. 19But after long tyme, the lord of tho seruauntis cam, and rekenede with hem. 20And he that hadde takun fyue besauntis, cam, and brouyte othere fyue, and seide, Lord, thou bytokist to me fyue besauntis, loo! Y haue getun aboue fyue othere. 21His lord seide to hym, Wel be thou, good seruaunt and feithful; for on fewe thingis thou hast be trewe, Y schal ordeyne thee on manye thingis; entre thou in to the ioye of thi lord. 22And he that hadde takun twey talentis, cam, and seide, Lord, thou bitokist to me twey besauntis; loo! 23Y haue wonnen ouer othir tweyne. His lord seide to him, Wel be thou, good seruaunt and trewe; for on fewe thingis thou hast be trewe, Y schal ordeyne thee on many thingis; entre thou in to the ioie of thi lord. 24But he that hadde takun o besaunt, cam, and seide, Lord, Y woot that thou art an hard man; thou repist where thou hast not sowe, and thou gederist togidere where thou hast not spred abrood; 25and Y dredynge wente, and hidde thi besaunt in the erthe; lo! thou hast that that is thin. 26His lord answeride, and seide to hym, Yuel seruaunt and slowe, wistist thou that Y repe where Y sewe not, and gadir to gidere where Y spredde not abrood? 27Therfor it bihofte thee to bitake my money to chaungeris, that whanne Y cam, Y schulde resseyue that that is myn with vsuris. 28Therfor take awei fro hym the besaunt, and yyue ye to hym that hath ten besauntis. 29For to euery man that hath me schal yyue, and he schal encreese; but fro hym that hath not, also that that hym semeth to haue, schal be taken awey fro him. 30And caste ye out the vnprofitable seruaunt in to vtmer derknessis; ther schal be wepyng, and gryntyng of teeth. 31Whanne mannus sone schal come in his maieste, and alle hise aungels with hym, thanne he schal sitte on the sege of his maieste; 32and alle folkis schulen be gaderid bifor hym, 33and he schal departe hem atwynne, as a scheeperde departith scheep from kidis; and he schal sette the scheep on his riythalf, and the kidis on the lefthalf. 34Thanne the kyng schal seie to hem, that schulen be on his riythalf, Come ye, the blessid of my fadir, take ye in possessioun the kyngdoom maad redi to you fro the makyng of the world. 35For Y hungride, and ye yauen me to ete; Y thristide, and ye yauen me to drynke; Y was herboreles, and ye herboriden me; 36nakid, and ye hiliden me; sijk, and ye visitiden me; Y was in prisoun, and ye camen to me. 37Thanne iust men schulen answere to hym, and seie, Lord, whanne siyen we thee hungry, and we fedden thee; thristi, and we yauen to thee drynk? 38and whanne sayn we thee herborles, and we herboreden thee; or nakid, and we hiliden thee? 39or whanne sayn we thee sijk, or in prisoun, and we camen to thee? 40And the kyng answerynge schal seie to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, as longe as ye diden to oon of these my leeste britheren, ye diden to me. 41Thanne the kyng schal seie also to hem, that schulen be on his lefthalf, Departe fro me, ye cursid, in to euerlastynge fijr, that is maad redi to the deuel and hise aungels. 42For Y hungride, and ye yauen not me to ete; Y thristide, and ye yauen not me to drynke; 43Y was herborles, and ye herberden not me; nakid, and ye keuerden not me; sijk, and in prisoun, and ye visitiden not me. 44Thanne and thei schulen answere to hym, and schulen seie, Lord, whanne sayn we thee hungrynge, or thristynge, or herboreles, or nakid, or sijk, or in prisoun, and we serueden not to thee? 45Thanne he schal answere to hem, and seie, Treuli Y seie to you, `hou longe ye diden not to oon of these leeste, nether ye diden to me. 46And these schulen goo in to euerlastynge turment; but the iust men schulen go in to euerlastynge lijf. 26And it was doon, whanne Jhesus hadde endid alle these wordis, he seide to hise disciplis, 2Ye witen, that aftir twei daies pask schal be maad, and mannus sone schal be bitakun to be crucified. 3Than the princes of prestis and the elder men of the puple were gaderid in to the halle of the prince of prestis, that was seid Cayfas, 4and maden a counsel to holde Jhesu with gile, and sle him; 5but thei seiden, Not in the haliday, lest perauenture noyse were maad in the puple. 6And whanne Jhesus was in Betanye, in the hous of Symount leprous, 7a womman that hadde a box of alabastre of precious oynement, cam to hym, and schedde out on the heed of hym restynge. 8And disciplis seynge hadden dedeyn, and seiden, Wherto this loss? for it myyte be seld for myche, 9and be youun to pore men. 10But Jhesus knewe, and seide to hem, What ben ye heuy to this womman? for sche hath wrouyt in me a good werk. 11For ye schulen euere haue pore men with you, but ye schulen not algatis haue me. 12This womman sendynge this oynement in to my bodi, dide to birie me. 13Treuli Y seie to you, where euer this gospel schal be prechid in al the world, it schal be seid, that sche dide this, in mynde of hym. 14Thanne oon of the twelue, that was clepid Judas Scarioth, wente forth to the princis of prestis, 15and seide to hem, What wolen ye yyue to me, and Y schal bitake hym to you? And thei ordeyneden to hym thretti pans of siluer. 16And fro that tyme he souyte oportunyte, to bitraye hym. 17And in the firste dai of therf looues the disciplis camen to Jhesu, and seiden, Where wolt thou we make redi to thee, to ete paske? 18Jhesus seide, Go ye into the citee to `sum man, and seie to hym, The maistir seith, My tyme is nyy; at thee Y make paske with my disciplis. 19And the disciplis diden, as Jhesus comaundide to hem; and thei maden the paske redi. 20And whanne euentid was come, he sat to mete with hise twelue disciplis. 21And he seide to hem, as thei eten, Treuli Y seie to you, that oon of you schal bitraye me. 22And thei ful sori bigunnen ech bi hym silf to seie, Lord, whether `Y am? 23And he answeride, and seide, He that puttith with me his hoond in the plater, schal bitraye me. 24Forsothe mannus sone goith, as it is writun of hym; but wo to that man, bi whom mannus sone schal be bitrayed; it were good to hym, if that man hadde not be borun. 25But Judas that bitraiede hym, answeride, seiynge, Maister, whether `Y am? Jhesus seide to hym, Thou hast seid. 26And while thei soupeden, Jhesus took breed, and blesside, and brak, and yaf to hise disciplis, and seide, Take ye, and ete; this is my body. 27And he took the cuppe, and dide thankyngis, and yaf to hem, 28and seide, Drynke ye alle herof; this is my blood of the newe testament, which schal be sched for many, in to remissioun of synnes. 29And Y seie to you, Y schal not drynke fro this tyme, of this fruyt of the vyne, in to that dai whanne Y schal drynke it newe with you, in the kyngdom of my fadir. 30And whanne the ympne was seid, thei wenten out in to the mount of Olyuete. 31Thanne Jhesus seide to hem, Alle ye schulen suffre sclaundre in me, in this niyt; for it is writun, Y schal smyte the scheeperde, and the scheep of the flok schulen be scaterid. 32But aftir that Y schal rise ayen, Y schal go bifore you in to Galilee. 33Petre answeride, and seide to hym, Thouy alle schulen be sclaundrid in thee, Y schal neuer be sclaundrid. 34Jhesus seide to him, Treuli Y seie to thee, for in this nyyt bifor the cok crowe, thries thou schalt denye me. 35Peter seide to him, Yhe, thouy it bihoue that Y die with thee, Y schal not denye thee. Also alle the disciplis seiden. 36Thanne Jhesus cam with hem in to a toun, that is seid Jessamanye. And he seide to his disciplis, Sitte ye here, the while Y go thider, and preye. 37And whanne he hadde take Peter, and twei sones of Zebedee, he bigan to be heuy and sori. 38Thanne he seide to hem, My soule is soreuful to the deeth; abide ye here, and wake ye with me. 39And he yede forth a litil, and felde doun on his face, preiynge, and seiynge, My fader, if it is possible, passe this cuppe fro me; netheles not as Y wole, but as thou wolt. 40And he cam to his disciplis, and foond hem slepynge. And he seide to Petir, So, whethir ye myyten not oon our wake with me? 41Wake ye, and preye ye, that ye entre not in to temptacioun; for the spirit is redi, but the fleisch is sijk. 42Eft the secounde tyme he wente, and preyede, seiynge, My fadir, if this cuppe may not passe, but Y drynke hym, thi wille be doon. 43And eftsoone he cam, and foond hem slepynge; for her iyen weren heuyed. 44And he lefte hem, and wente eftsoone, and preiede the thridde tyme, and seide the same word. 45Thanne he cam to his disciplis, and seide to hem, Slepe ye now, and reste ye; loo! the our hath neiyed, and mannus sone schal be takun in to the hondis of synneris; 46rise ye, go we; loo! he that schal take me, is nyy. 47Yit the while he spak, lo! Judas, oon of the twelue, cam, and with hym a greet cumpeny, with swerdis and battis, sent fro the princis of prestis, and fro the eldre men of the puple. 48And he that bitraiede hym, yaf to hem a tokene, and seide, Whom euer Y schal kisse, he it is; holde ye hym. 49And anoon he cam to Jhesu, and seid, Haile, maister; 50and he kisside hym. And Jhesus seide to hym, Freend, wherto art thou comun? Thanne thei camen niy, and leiden hoondis on Jhesu, and helden hym. 51And lo! oon of hem that weren with Jhesu, streiyte out his hoond, and drouy out his swerd; and he smoot the seruaunt of the prince of prestis, and kitte of his ere. 52Thanne Jhesus seide to hym, Turne thi swerd in to his place; for alle that taken swerd, schulen perische bi swerd. 53Whether gessist thou, that Y may not preie my fadir, and he schal yyue to me now mo than twelue legiouns of aungels? 54Hou thanne schulen the scriptures be fulfilled? for so it bihoueth to be doon. 55In that our Jhesus seide to the puple, As to a theef ye han gon out, with swerdis and battis, to take me; dai bi dai Y sat among you, and tauyt in the temple, and ye helden me not. 56But al this thing was don, that the scripturis of profetis schulden be fulfillid. Thanne alle the disciplis fledden, and leften hym. 57And thei helden Jhesu, and ledden hym to Cayfas, the prince of prestis, where the scribis and the Farisees, and the eldre men of the puple weren comun togidere. 58But Petir swede him afer, in to the halle of the prince of prestis; and he wente in, and sat with the seruauntis, to se the ende. 59And the prince of prestis, and al the counsel souyten fals witnessing ayens Jhesu, that thei schulden take hym to deeth; 60and thei founden not, whanne manye false witnessis weren comun. But at the laste, twei false witnessis camen, 61and seiden, `This seide, Y may distruye the temple of God, and after the thridde dai bilde it ayen. 62And the prince of prestis roos, and seide to hym, Answerist thou no thing to tho thingis, that these witnessen ayens thee? 63But Jhesus was stille. And the prince of prestis seide to hym, Y coniure thee bi lyuynge God, that thou seie to vs, if thou art Crist, the sone of God. 64Jhesus seide to him, Thou hast seid; netheles Y seie to you, `fro hennus forth ye schulen se mannus sone sittinge at the riythalf of the vertu of God, and comynge in the cloudis of heuene. 65Thanne the prince of prestis to-rente his clothis, and seide, He hath blasfemed; what yit han we nede to witnessis? lo! now ye han herd blasfemye; what semeth to you? 66And thei answeriden, and seiden, He is gilti of deeth. 67Thanne thei speten `in to his face, and smyten hym with buffatis; and othere yauen strokis with the pawme of her hondis in his face, 68and seide, Thou Crist, arede to vs, who is he that smoot thee? 69And Petir sat with outen in the halle; and a damysel cam to hym, and seide, Thou were with Jhesu of Galilee. 70And he denyede bifor alle men, and seide, Y woot not what thou seist. 71And whanne he yede out at the yate, another damysel say hym, and seide to hem that weren there, And this was with Jhesu of Nazareth. 72And eftsoone he denyede with an ooth, For I knewe not the man. 73And a litil aftir, thei that stooden camen, and seiden to Petir, Treuli thou art of hem; for thi speche makith thee knowun. 74Thanne he bigan to warie and to swere, that he knewe not the man. And anoon the cok crewe. 75And Petir bithouyte on the word of Jhesu, that he hadde seid, Bifore the cok crowe, thries thou schalt denye me. And he yede out, and wepte bitterli. 27But whanne the morowtid was comun, alle the princis of prestis, and the eldre men of the puple token counsel ayens Jhesu, that thei schulden take hym to the deeth. 2And thei ledden him boundun, and bitoken to Pilat of Pounce, iustice. 3Thanne Judas that bitraiede hym, say that he was dampned, he repentide, and brouyte ayen the thretti pans to the princis of prestis, and to the elder men of the puple, 4and seide, Y haue synned, bitraiynge riytful blood. And thei seiden, What to vs? bise thee. 5And whanne he hadde cast forth the siluer in the temple, he passide forth, and yede, and hongide hym silf with a snare. 6And the princis of prestis token the siluer, and seide, It is not leueful to putte it in to the treserie, for it is the prijs of blood. 7And whanne thei hadden take counsel, thei bouyten with it a feeld of a potter, in to biryyng of pilgrymys. 8Herfor thilke feeld is clepid Acheldemac, that is, a feeld of blood, in to this dai. 9Thanne that was fulfillid, that was seid bi the prophete Jeremye, seiynge, And thei han takun thretti pans, the prijs of a man preysid, whom thei preiseden of the children of Israel; 10and thei yauen hem in to a feeld of a potter, as the Lord hath ordenyd to me. 11And Jhesus stood bifor the domesman; and the iustice axide him, and seide, Art thou king of Jewis? 12Jhesus seith to hym, Thou seist. And whanne he was accusid of the princis of prestis, and of the eldere men of the puple, he answeride no thing. 13Thanne Pilat seith to him, Herist thou not, hou many witnessyngis thei seien ayens thee? 14And he answeride not `to hym ony word, so that the iustice wondride greetli. 15But for a solempne dai the iustice was wont to delyuere to the puple oon boundun, whom thei wolden. 16And he hadde tho a famous man boundun, that was seid Barrabas. 17Therfor Pilate seide to hem, whanne thei weren to gidere, Whom wolen ye, that Y delyuere to you? whether Barabas, or Jhesu, that is seid Crist? 18For he wiste, that bi enuye thei bitraieden hym. 19And while he sat for domesman, his wijf sente to hym, and seide, No thing to thee and to that iust man; for Y haue suffrid this dai many thingis for hym, bi a visioun. 20Forsothe the prince of prestis, and the eldere men counseiliden the puple, that thei schulden axe Barabas, but thei schulden distrye Jhesu. 21But the iustice answeride, and seide to hem, Whom of the tweyn wolen ye, that be delyuerit to you? And thei seiden, Barabas. 22Pilat seith to hem, What thanne schal Y do of Jhesu, that is seid Crist? 23Alle seien, `Be he crucified. The iustice seith to hem, What yuel hath he doon? And thei crieden more, and seiden, Be he crucified. 24And Pilat seynge that he profitide no thing, but that the more noyse was maad, took watir, and waischide hise hondis bifor the puple, and seide, Y am giltles of the blood of this riytful man; bise you. 25And al the puple answeride, and seide, His blood be on vs, and on oure children. 26Thanne he deliuerede to hem Barabas, but he took to hem Jhesu scourgid, to be crucified. 27Thanne knyytis of the iustice token Jhesu in the moot halle, and gadriden to hym al the cumpeny `of knyytis. 28And thei vnclothiden hym, and diden aboute hym a reed mantil; 29and thei foldiden a coroun of thornes, and putten on his heed, and a rehed in his riyt hoond; and thei kneliden bifore hym, and scornyden hym, and seiden, Heil, kyng of Jewis. 30And thei speten on hym, and tooken a rehed, and smoot his heed. 31And aftir that thei hadden scorned him, thei vnclothiden hym of the mantil, and thei clothiden hym with hise clothis, and ledden hym to `crucifien hym. 32And as thei yeden out, thei founden a man of Cirenen comynge fro the toun, Symont bi name; thei constreyneden hym to take his cross. 33And thei camen in to a place that is clepid Golgatha, that is, the place of Caluarie. 34And thei yauen hym to drynke wyne meynd with galle; and whanne he hadde tastid, he wolde not drynke. 35And aftir that thei hadden crucified hym, thei departiden his clothis, and kesten lotte, to fulfille that is seid bi the prophete, seiynge, Thei partiden to hem my clothis, and on my clooth thei kesten lott. 36And thei seten, and kepten him; 37and setten aboue his heed his cause writun, This is Jhesu of Nazareth, kyng of Jewis. 38Thanne twey theues weren crucified with hym, oon on the riythalf, and oon on the lefthalf. 39And men that passiden forth blasfemeden hym, 40mouynge her heedis, and seiynge, Vath to thee, that distriest the temple of God, and in the thridde dai bildist it ayen; saue thou thi silf; if thou art the sone of God, come doun of the cross. 41Also and princis of prestis scornynge, with scribis and elder men, 42seiden, He made othere men saaf, he may not make hym silf saaf; if he is kyng of Israel, come he now doun fro the crosse, and we bileuen to hym; 43he tristide in God; delyuer he hym now, if he wole; for he seide, That Y am Goddis sone. 44And the theues, that weren crucified with hym, vpbreididen hym of the same thing. 45But fro the sixte our derknessis weren maad on al the erthe, to the nynthe our. 46And aboute the nynthe our Jhesus criede with a greet vois, and seide, Heli, Heli, lamazabatany, that is, My God, my God, whi hast thou forsake me? 47And summen that stoden there, and herynge, seiden, This clepith Helye. 48And anoon oon of hem rennynge, took and fillide a spounge with vynegre, and puttide on a rehed, and yaf to hym to drynke. 49But othir seiden, Suffre thou; se we whether Helie come to deliuer hym. 50Forsothe Jhesus eftsoone criede with a greet voyce, and yaf vp the goost. 51And lo! the veil of the temple was to-rent in twey parties, fro the hiest to the lowest. And the erthe schoke, and stoonus weren cloue; and birielis weren openyd, 52and many bodies of seyntis that hadden slepte, rysen vp. 53And thei yeden out of her birielis, and aftir his resurreccioun thei camen in to the holi citee, and apperiden to many. 54And the centurien and thei that weren with hym kepinge Jhesu, whanne thei saien the erthe schakynge, and tho thingis that weren doon, thei dredden greetli, 55and seiden, Verili this was Goddis sone. And ther weren there many wymmen afer, that sueden Jhesu fro Galilee, and mynystriden to hym. 56Among whiche was Marie Magdalene, and Marie, the modir of James, and of Joseph, and the modir of Zebedees sones. 57But whanne the euenyng was come, ther cam a riche man of Armathi, Joseph bi name, and he was a disciple of Jhesu. 58He wente to Pilat, and axide the bodi of Jhesu. 59Thanne Pilat comaundide the bodie to be youun. And whanne the bodi was takun, Joseph lappide it in a clene sendel, 60and leide it in his newe biriel, that he hadde hewun in a stoon; and he walewide a greet stoon to the dore of the biriel, and wente awei. 61But Marie Maudelene and anothir Marie weren there, sittynge ayens the sepulcre. 62And on `the tother dai, that is aftir pask euen, the princis of prestis and the Farisees camen togidere to Pilat, 63and seiden, Sir, we han mynde, that thilke giloure seide yit lyuynge, Aftir thre daies Y schal rise ayen to lijf. 64Therfor comaunde thou, that the sepulcre be kept in to the thridde dai; lest hise disciplis comen, and stelen hym, and seie to the puple, He hath rise fro deeth; and the laste errour schal be worse than the formere. 65Pilat seide to hem, Ye han the kepyng; go ye, kepe ye as ye kunnen. 66And thei yeden forth, and kepten the sepulcre, markynge the stoon, with keperis. 28But in the euentid of the sabat, that bigynneth to schyne in the firste dai of the woke, Marie Mawdelene cam, and another Marie, to se the sepulcre. 2And lo! ther was maad a greet ertheschakyng; for the aungel of the Lord cam doun fro heuene, and neiyede, and turnede awei the stoon, and sat theron. 3And his lokyng was as leit, and hise clothis as snowe; 4and for drede of hym the keperis weren afeerd, and thei weren maad as deede men. 5But the aungel answeride, and seide to the wymmen, Nyle ye drede, for Y woot that ye seken Jhesu, that was crucified; 6he is not here, for he is risun, as he seide; come ye, and se ye the place, where the Lord was leid. 7And go ye soone, and seie ye to his disciplis, that he is risun. And lo! he schal go bifore you in to Galilee; there ye schulen se hym. 8Lo! Y haue biforseid to you. And thei wenten out soone fro the biriels, with drede and greet ioye, rennynge to telle to hise disciplis. 9And lo! Jhesus mette hem, and seide, Heile ye. And thei neiyeden, and heelden his feet, and worschipiden him. 10Thanne Jhesus seide to hem, Nyle ye drede; go ye, `telle ye to my britheren, that thei go in to Galile; there thei schulen se me. 11And whanne thei weren goon, lo! summe of the keperis camen in to the citee, and telden to the princis of prestis alle thingis that weren doon. 12And whanne thei weren gaderid togidere with the elder men, and hadden take her counseil, thei yauen to the kniytis miche monei, and seiden, Seie ye, 13that hise disciplis camen bi nyyt, and han stolen hym, while ye slepten. 14And if this be herd of the iustice, we schulen counseile hym, and make you sikir. 15And whanne the monei was takun, thei diden, as thei weren tauyt. And this word is pupplischid among the Jewis, til in to this day. 16And the enleuen disciplis wenten in to Galilee, in to an hille, where Jhesus hadde ordeyned to hem. 17And thei sayn hym, and worschipiden; but summe of hem doutiden. 18And Jhesus cam nyy, and spak to hem, and seide, Al power in heuene and in erthe is youun to me. 19Therfor go ye, and teche alle folkis, baptisynge hem in the name of the Fadir, and of the Sone, and of the Hooli Goost; 20techynge hem to kepe alle thingis, what euer thingis Y haue comaundid to you; and lo! Y am with you in alle daies, in to the ende of the world.