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1And the Lord spak to Moises in the deseert of Synay, in the tabernacle of the boond of pees, in the firste day of the secounde monethe, in the tother yeer of her goyng out of Egipt, 2and seide, Take ye `the summe of al the congregacioun of the sones of Israel, bi her kynredis, and howsis, and `the names of alle bi hem silf, what 3euer thing is of male kynde fro the twentithe yeere and aboue, of alle the stronge men of Israel; and thou and Aaron schulen noumbre hem bi her cumpanies. 4And the princes of lynagis and of housis, in her kynredis, schulen be with you, 5of whiche princes these ben the names; of Ruben, Elisur, the sone of Sedeur; 6of Symeon, Salamyel, the sone of Suri Sadday; 7of Juda, Naason, the sone of Amynadab; of Ysacar, 8Nathanael, the sone of Suar; 9of Zabulon, Eliab, the sone of Elon; sotheli of the sones of Joseph, 10of Effraym, Elisama, the sone of Amyud; of Manasses, Gamaliel the sone of Phadussur; 11of Beniamyn, Abidan, the sone of Gedeon; 12of Dan, Aiezer, the sone of Amysadday; 13of Aser, Fegiel, the sone of Ochran; 14of Gad, Elisaphan, the sone of Duel; 15of Neptalym, Hayra, the sone of Henam. 16These weren the noblest princes of the multitude, bi her lynagis, and kynredis, and the heedis of the oost of Israel, 17whiche pryncis Moises and Aaron token, with al the multitude of the comyn puple. 18And thei gaderiden in the firste dai of the secounde monethe, and telden hem bi kynredis, and housis, and meynees, and heedis, and names of alle by hem silf, fro the twentithe yeer and aboue, 19as the Lord comaundide to Moises. 20And of Ruben the firste gendrid of Israel weren noumbrid, in the deseert of Synai, bi her generaciouns, and meynees, and housis, and bi the names of alle heedis, al thing that is of male kynde, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, of men goynge forth to batel, 21sixe and fourti thousynd and fyue hundrid. 22Of the sones of Symeon, bi her generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kyneredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names and heedis of alle, al that is of male kynde, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, of men goynge forth to batel, 23nyn and fifty thousand and thre hundrid. 24Of the sones of Gad, by generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro twenti yeer and aboue, alle men that yeden forth to batels, 25fyue and fourti thousand sixe hundrid and fifti. 26Of the sones of Juda, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, by the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that miyten go to batels, 27weren noumbrid foure and seuenti thousand and sixe hundrid. 28Of the sones of Ysacar, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that yeden forth to batels, 29weren noumbrid foure and fifti thousande and foure hundrid. 30Of the sones of Zabulon, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 31seuene and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid. 32Of the sones of Joseph, of the sones of Effraym, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 33fourti thousynde and fyue hundrid. 34Forsothe of the sones of Manasses, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 35two and thretti thousynd and two hundrid. 36Of the sones of Beniamyn, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro twenti yeer and aboue, alle men that miyten go forth to batels, 37fyue and thretti thousinde and foure hundrid. 38Of the sones of Dan, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yere and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 39two and sixti thousynde and seuene hundrid. 40Of the sones of Aser, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 41fourti thousynde and a thousynde and fyue hundrid. 42Of the sones of Neptalym, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels, 43thre and fifty thousynde and foure hundrid. 44These men it ben, whiche Moises and Aaron and the twelue princes of Israel noumbriden, alle bi the housis `of her kynredis. 45And alle men of the sones of Israel bi her housis, and meynees, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, that myyten go forth to batels, weren togidere 46sixe hundrid thousynde and thre thousynde of men, fyue hundred and fifti. 47Sotheli the dekenes in the lynage of her meynes weren not noumbrid with hem. 48And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, `Nyle thou noumbre the lynage of Leuy, 49nether sette thou the summe of hem with the sones of Israel; 50but thou schalt ordeyne hem on the tabernacle of witnessing, and on alle the vessels therof, and what euer thing perteyneth to cerymonyes ether sacrifices. Thei schulen bere the tabernacle, and alle purtenaunces therof, and thei schulen be in seruyce, and schulen sette tentis bi the cumpas of the tabernacle. 51Whanne me schal go, the dekenes schulen do doun the tabernacle; whanne the tentis schulen be sette, thei schulen `reise the tabernacle. Who euer of straungeris neiyeth, he schal be slayn. 52Sotheli the sones of Israel schulen sette tentis, ech man bi cumpenyes, and gaderyngis, and his oost; 53forsothe the dekenes schulen sette tentis bi the cumpas of the tabernacle, lest indignacioun be maad on the multitude of the sones of Israel; and thei schulen wake in the kepyngis of the `tabernacle of witnessyng. 54Therfor the sones of Israel diden bi alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to Moises. 2And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron, and seide, Alle men of the sones of Israel schulen sette tentis bi the cumpenyes, signes, and baneris, and housis of her kynredis, bi the cumpas of the tabernacle of boond of pees. 3At the est Judas schal sette tentis, bi the cumpenyes of his oost; and Naason, the sone of Amynadab, schal be prince of the sones of Juda; 4and al the summe of fiyteris of his kynrede, foure and seuenty thousynde and sixe hundrid. 5Men of the lynage of Ysachar settiden tentis bysydis hym, of whiche the prince was Nathanael, the sone of Suar; 6and al the noumbre of hise fiyteris, foure and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid. 7Eliab, the sone of Elon, was prince of the lynage of Zabulon; 8al the oost of fiyteris of his kynrede, seuene and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid. 9Alle that weren noumbrid in the castels of Judas, weren an hundrid thousynde `foure scoore thousynde and sixe and foure hundrid; and thei schulen go out the firste bi her cumpanyes. 10In the castels of the sones of Ruben, at the south coost, Elisur, the sone of Sedeur, schal be prince; and al the oost of hise fiyteris, 11that weren noumbrid, sixe and fourti thousynde and fyue hundrid. 12Men of the lynage of Symeon settiden tentis bisidis hym, of whiche the prince was Salamyhel, the sone of Surisaddai; and al the oost of hise fiyteris, 13that weren noumbrid, nyne and fifty thousynde and thre hundrid. 14Eliasaph, sone of Duel, was prince in the lynage of Gad; and al the oost of his fiyteris, 15that weren noumbrid, fyue and fourti thousynde sixe hundrid and fifti. 16Alle that weren noumbrid in the castels of Ruben, an hundrid thousynde fifty thousinde and a thousinde foure hundrid and fifty; thei schulen go forth in the secounde place bi her cumpenyes. 17Sotheli the tabernacle of witnessyng schal be reisid bi the offices of dekenes, and bi the cumpenyes `of hem; as it schal be reisid, so and it schal be takun doun; alle schulen go forth bi her places and ordris. 18The castels of the sones of Effraym schulen be at the west coost, of whiche the prince was Elisama, the sone of Amyud; 19and al the oost of his fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, fourti thousynde and fyue hundrid. 20And with hem was the lynage of `the sones of Manasses, of whiche the prince was Gamaliel, the sone of Fadassur; 21al the oost of hise fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, two and thretti thousande and two hundrid. 22In the lynage of the sones of Beniamyn the prince was Abidan, the sone of Gedeon; 23and al the oost of hise fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, fyue and thretti thousynde and foure hundrid. 24Alle that weren noumbrid in the castels of Effraym weren an hundrid thousynde and eiyte thousynde and oon hundrid; thei schulen go forth `the thridde bi her cumpenyes. 25At the `part of the north the sones of Dan settiden tentis, of whiche the prince was Abiezer, the sone of Amysaddai; 26al the oost of hise fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, two and sixti thousynde and seuene hundrid. 27Men of the lynage of Aser settiden tentis bisidis hym, of whiche the prince was Fegiel, the sone of Ochran; 28and al the oost of hise fiyteris, that weren noumbrid, fourti thousynde `and a thousynde and fyue hundrid. 29Of the lynage of the sones of Neptalym the prince was Ahira, the sone of Henam; and al the oost of hise fiyteris, 30thre and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid. 31Alle that weren noumbrid in the castels of Dan weren an hundrid thousynde seuene and fifti thousynde and sixe hundrid; thei schulen go forth the laste. 32This is the noumbre of the sones of Israel, bi the housis of her kynredis, and bi cumpenyes of the oost departid, sixe hundrid thousynde thre thousynde fyue hundrid and fifti. 33Sotheli the dekenes weren not noumbrid among the sones of Israel; for God comaundide so to Moises. 34And the sones of Israel diden bi alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide; thei settiden tentis bi her cumpenyes, and yeden forth bi the meynees, and housis of her fadris. 3These ben the generaciouns of Aaron and of Moises, in the dai in which the Lord spak to Moises, in the hil of Synay. 2And these ben the names of `the sones of Aaron; his first gendrid, Nadab; aftirward, Abyu, and Eleazar, and Ythamar; these ben the names of `Aarons sones, 3preestis, that weren anoyntid, and whos hondis weren fillid and halewid, that thei schulden `be set in preesthod. 4Nadab and Abyu, whanne thei offeriden alien fier in the `siyt of the Lord, in the deseert of Synay, weren deed without fre children; and Eleazar and Ythamar `weren set in preesthod bifor Aaron hir fadir. 5And the Lord spak to Moises, 6`and seide, `Presente thou the lynage of Leuy, and make to stonde in the siyt of Aaron, preest, that thei mynystre to hym; 7and wake, and that thei kepe what euer thing perteyneth to the religioun of multitude, bifor the tabernacle of witnessyng; 8and that thei kepe the vessels of the tabernacle, and serue in the seruyce therof. 9And thou schalt yyue bi fre yifte the Leuytis to Aaron and hise sones, to whiche thei ben youun of the sones of Israel. 10Sotheli thou schalt ordeyne Aaron and hise sones on the religioun of preesthod; a straungere, that neiyeth for to mynystre, and schal die. 11And the Lord spak to Moyses, `and seide, 12Y haue take the Leuytis of the sones of Israel for ech firste gendrid thing that openeth the womb in the sones of Israel; and the Leuytis schulen be myne, 13for ech firste gendrid thing is myn; sithen Y smoot the firste gendrid in the lond of Egipt, Y halewide to me what euer thing is borun first in Israel; fro man `til to beest thei ben myne; Y am the Lord. 14And the Lord spak to Moises in the deseert 15of Synay, and seide, Noumbre thou the sones of Leuy bi `the housis of her fadris, and bi meynees, ech male fro o monethe and aboue. 16Moises noumbride, as the Lord comaundide. 17And the sones of Leuy weren foundun, bi her names, Gerson, and Caath, and Merary; 18the sones of Gerson weren Lebny, and Semey; 19the sones of Caath weren Amram, and Jessaar, Hebron, and Oziel; 20and the sones of Merari weren Mooly, and Musi. 21Of Gerson weren twei meynees, of Lebny, and of Semei; 22of whiche the puple of male kynde was noumbrid, fro o monethe and aboue, seuene thousynde and fyue hundrid. 23These schulen sette tentis aftir the tabernacle at the west, 24vndur the prince Eliasaph, the sone of Jahel. 25And thei schulen haue kepyngis in the tabernacle of boond of pees, the tabernacle it silf, and the hilyng therof, the tente which is drawun bifor the yatis of the hilyng of the witnessyng of boond of pees; 26and the curteyns of the greet street, also the tente which is hangid in the entryng of the greet street of the tabernacle, and what euer thing perteyneth to the custom of the auter, the cordis of the tabernacle, and al the purtenaunce therof. 27The kynrede of Caath schal haue the puplis of Amram, and of Jessaar, and of Ebron, and of Oziel; 28these ben the meynees of Caathitis, noumbrid bi her names, alle of male kynde, fro o monethe and aboue, eiyte thousynde and sixe hundrid. 29Thei schulen haue kepyngis of the seyntuarie, and schulen sette tentis at the south coost; 30and `the prince of hem schal be Elisaphan, the sone of Oziel. 31And thei schulen kepe the arke, and the boord, and the candilstike, the auters, and vesselis of the seyntuarie in whiche it is mynystrid, and the veil, and al sich purtenaunce. 32Sotheli the prince of princis of Leuytis schal be Eleazar, the sone of Aaron, preest; and he schal be on the keperis of the kepyng of the seyntuarie. 33And sotheli of Merary schulen be the puplis of Mooli, and of Musi, 34noumbrid bi her names, alle of male kynde fro o monethe and aboue, sixe thousynde and two hundrid; 35`the prince of hem schal be Suriel, the sone of Abiahiel; thei schulen sette tentis in the north coost. 36And vndur `the kepyng of hem schulen be the tablis of the tabernacle, and the barris, and the pileris, and `the foundementis of tho, and alle thingis that perteynen to sich ournyng, 37and the pileris of the greet street bi cumpas, with her foundementis, and the stakis with coordis. 38Forsothe Moises and Aaron with hise sones schulen sette tentis bifor the tabernacle of boond of pees, that is, at the eest coost, and schulen haue the keping of the seyntuarie, in the myddis of the sones of Israel; what euer alien neiyeth, he schal die. 39Alle the Leuytis, whiche Moises and Aaron noumbriden, bi comaundement of the Lord, bi her meynees, in male kynde, fro o monethe and aboue, were two and twenti thousynd. 40And the Lord seide to Moises, Noumbre thou the firste gendrid children of male kynde of the sones of Israel, fro o monethe and aboue; and thou schalt haue the summe of hem; and 41thou schalt take Leuytis to me for alle the firste gendrid of the sones of Israel; Y am the Lord; and thou schalt take `the beestis of hem for alle the firste gendrid of the sones of Israel. 42And as the Lord comaundide, Moises noumbride the firste gendrid children of the sones of Israel; and the males weren bi her names, 43fro o monethe and aboue, two and twenti thousynde two hundrid and seuenti and thre. 44And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 45Take thou Leuytis for the firste gendrid children of the sones of Israel, and the beestis of Leuytis for the beestis of hem, and the Leuytis schulen be myne; Y am the Lord. 46Forsothe in the prijs of two hundrid seuenti and thre, that passen the noumbre of `Leuytis, of the firste gendrid children of the sones of Israel, 47thou schalt take fyue ciclis bi ech heed, at the mesure of seyntuarie; a sicle hath xx. halpens; 48and thou schalt yyue the money to Aaron and to hise sones, the prijs of hem that ben aboue. 49Therfor Moises took the money of hem that weren aboue, and whiche thei hadden ayenbouyt of the Leuytis, for the firste gendrid of the sones of Israel, 50a thousand thre hundrid sixti and fyue of siclis, bi the weiyte of seyntuarie; 51and he yaf that money to Aaron and to hise sones, bi the word which the Lord comaundide to hym. 4And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron, 2and seide, Take thou the summe of the sones of Caath, fro the myddis of Leuytis, 3bi her housis and meynees, fro the threttithe yeer and aboue `til to the fiftithe yeer, of alle that entren, that thei stonde and mynystre in the tabernacle of boond of pees. 4This is the religioun of the sones of Caath; Aaron and his sones schulen entren in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, and in to the hooli of hooli thingis, 5whanne the tentis schulen be moued; and thei schulen do doun the veil that hangith bifore the yatis, and thei schulen wlappe in it the arke of witnessyng; 6and thei schulen hile eft with a veil of `skynnys of iacynt, and thei schulen stretche forth aboue a mentil al of iacynt, and thei schulen putte in barris `on the schuldris of the bereris. 7Also thei schulen wlappe the boord of proposicioun in a mentil of iacynt, and thei schulen putte therwith cenceris, and morteris of gold, litil cuppis, and grete cuppis to fletyng sacrifices `to be sched; looues schulen euere be in the boord. 8And thei schulen strecche forth aboue a reed mentil, which thei schulen hile eft with an hilyng of `skynnes of iacynt, and thei schulen putte yn barris. 9Thei schulen take also a mentil of iacynt with which thei schulen hile the candilstike, with hise lanternes, and tongis, and snytels, and alle the `vessels of oile that ben nedeful to the lanternes to be ordeyned; 10and on alle thingis thei schulen putte an hilyng of `skynnys of iacynt, and thei schulen putte in barris. 11Also and thei schulen wlappe the goldun auter in a clooth of iacynt; and thei schulen stretche forth aboue an hilyng of `skynnys of iacynt, and thei schulen putte in barris. 12Thei schulen wlappe in a mentil of iacynt alle the vessels in whiche it is mynystrid in the seyntuarie, and thei schulen strecche forth aboue an hilyng of `skynnys of iacynt, and thei schulen putte yn barris. 13But also thei schulen clense the auter fro aische, and thei schulen wlappe it in a clooth of purpur. 14And thei schulen putte with it alle vessels whiche thei vsen in the seruyce therof, that is, ressettis of firis, tongis, and fleischokis, hokis, and censeris, ether pannys of coolis; thei schulen hile alle the vessels of the auter togidere in a veil of `skynnes of iacynt, and thei schulen putte in barris. 15And whanne Aaron and hise sones han wlappid the seyntuarie, and alle vessels therof, in the mouyng of tentis, thanne the sones of Caath schulen entre, that thei bere the thingis wlappid, and touche not the vessels of the seyntuarie, lest thei dien. 16Thes ben the birthuns of the sones of Caath, in the tabernacle of boond of pees, on whiche Eleazar, the sone of Aaron, preest, schal be; to whois cure `the oile perteyneth to ordeyne lanternes, and the encense which is maad bi craft, and the sacrifice which is offrid euere, and the oile of anoyntyng, and what euere thing perteyneth to the ournyng of the tabernacle, and of alle vessels that ben in the seyntuarie. 17And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron, and seide, 18Nyle ye leese the puple of Caath fro the myddis of Leuytis; 19but do ye this thing to hem, that thei lyue, and die not, if thei touchen the hooli of hooli thingis. Aaron and hise sones schulen entre, and thei schulen dispose the werkis of alle men, and thei schulen departe `what who owith to bere. 20Othere men se not bi ony curiouste tho thingis that ben in the seyntuarie, bifore that tho ben wlappid; ellis thei schulen die. 21And the Lord spak to Moises, 22and seide, Take thou the summe also of the sones of Gerson, bi her housis, and meynees, and kynredis; noumbre thou 23fro thretti yeer and aboue `til to fifti yeer alle that entren and mynystren in the tabernacle of boond of pees. 24This is the office of the sones of Gersonytis, that thei bere the curteyns of the tabernacle, and the roof of the boond of pees, an other hilyng, 25and a veil of iacynt aboue alle thingis, and the tente which hangith in the entryng of the tabernacle of the boond of pees; 26and the curteyns of the greet street, and the veil in the entryng, `which veil is bifor the tabernacle. 27Whanne Aaron comaundith and hise sones, the sones of Gerson schulen bere alle thingis that perteynen to the auter, the coordis, and vessels of seruyce; and alle schulen wite, to what charge thei owen to be boundun. 28This is the office of the meynee of Gersonytis, in the tabernacle of boond of pees; and thei schulen be vndur the hond of Ythamar, the sone of Aaron, preest. 29Also thou schalt noumbre the sones of Merary, bi the meynees and housis of her fadris, 30fro thretti yeer and aboue `til to fifti yeer, alle that entren to the office of her seruice, and to the ournyng of the boond of pees of witnessyng. 31These ben `the chargis of hem; thei schulen bere the tablis of the tabernacle, and the barris therof, the pilers and her foundementis; also the pilers of the greet street bi cumpas, 32with her foundementis, and her stakis, and coordis; thei schulen take alle instrumentis and purtenaunce at noumbre, and so thei schulen bere. 33This is the office of `the meynee of Meraritis, and the seruyce in the tabernacle of boond of pees; and thei schulen be vndur the hond of Ythamar, the sone of Aaron, preest. 34Therfor Moises and Aaron and the princes of the synagoge noumbriden the sones of Caath, bi the kynredis and housis of her fadris, 35fro thretti yeer and aboue `til to the fiftithe yeer, alle that entren to the seruyce of the tabernacle of boond of pees; 36and thei weren foundun two thousynde seuene hundrid and fifti. 37This is the noumbre of the puple of Caath, which entrith in to the tabernacle of boond of pees; Moises and Aaron noumbriden these, bi the word of the Lord, bi the hond of Moises. 38And the sones of Gerson weren noumbrid, bi the kyneredis and housis of her fadris, 39fro thretti yeer and aboue `til to `the fiftithe yeer, alle that entren that thei mynystre in the tabernacle of boond of pees; 40and thei weren foundun two thousynde sixe hundrid and thretti. 41This is the puple of Gersonytis, which Moises and Aaron noumbriden, bi the `word of the Lord. 42And the sones of Merary weren noumbrid, bi the kynredis and housis of her fadris, 43fro threttithe yeer and aboue `til to `the fiftithe yere, alle that entren to fille the customs, ether seruices, of the tabernacle of boond of pees; 44`and thei weren foundun thre thousynde and two hundrid. 45This is the noumbre of the sones of Merari, whiche Moyses and Aaron noumbriden, bi `the comaundement of the Lord, bi the hoond of Moises. 46Alle that weren noumbrid of Leuytis, and whiche Moyses and Aaron and the princes of Israel maden to be noumbrid, bi the kynredis and housis of her fadris, 47fro thretti yeer and aboue `til to `the fiftithe yeer, and entriden to the seruyce of the tabernacle, and to bere chargis, 48weren togidere eiyte thousynde fyue hundrid and foure scoor. 49By the `word of the Lord Moises noumbride hem, ech man bi his office and hise chargis, as the Lord comaundide to hym. 5And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, 2that thei caste out of the castels ech leprouse man, and that fletith out seed, and is defoulid on a deed bodi; caste ye out of the castels, 3as wel a male as a female, lest thei defoulen tho, whanne thei dwellen with you. 4And the sones of Israel diden so; and thei castiden hem out of the castels, as the Lord spak to Moises. 5And the Lord spak to Moises, 6and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, Whanne a man ethir a womman han do of alle synnes that ben wont to falle to men, and han broke bi necgligence the `comaundement of the Lord, 7and han trespassid, thei schulen knowleche her synne, and thei schulen yelde thilke heed, and the fyuethe part aboue, to hym ayens whom thei synneden. 8But if noon is that schal resseyue thei schulen yyue to the Lord, and it schal be the preestis part, outakun the ram which is offrid for clensyng, that it be a quemeful sacrifice. 9Also alle the firste fruytis, whiche the sones of Israel offren, perteynen to the preest; 10and what euer thing is offrid of ech man in the seyntuarie, and is youun to the `hondis of the preest, it schal be the preestis part. 11And the Lord spak to Moises, 12and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, If `the wijf of a man hath errid, and hath dispisid the hosebonde, 13and hath slept with another man, and the hosebonde may not take ether preue this, but the auowtrye is hid, and may not be preuyd bi witnessis, for sche is not foundun in leccherie; 14if the spirit of gelousie stirith the housebonde ayens his wijf, which is ether defoulid, ethir is apechid bi fals suspecioun, 15the man schal brynge hir to the preest, and he schal offre an offryng for hir `the tenthe part of a mesure clepid satum of barli meele; he schal not schede oyle ther onne, nethir he schal putte encense, for it is the sacrifice of gelousie, and an offryng enquerynge auowtrye. 16Therfor the preest schal offre hir, and schal sette bifore the Lord; 17and he schal take holi watir in `a vessel of erthe, and he schal putte in to it a litil of the erthe of the pawment of the tabernacle. 18And whanne the womman stondith in the siyt of the Lord, he schal diskyuere hir heed, and he schal putte `on the hondis of hir the sacrifice of remembryng, and the offryng of gelousie. Sotheli he schal holde moost bittir watris, in whiche he gaderide togidere cursis with cursyng. 19And he schal conioure hir, and schal seie, If an alien man slepte not with thee, and if thou art not defoulid in the forsakyng the bed of the hosebonde, these bittereste watris schulen not anoye thee, in to whiche Y haue gaderid togidere cursis; 20ellis if thou bowidst awei fro thin hosebonde, and art defoulid, and hast leyn with another man, 21thou schalt be suget to these cursyngys; the Lord yyue thee in to cursyng, and in to ensaumple of alle men in his puple; `the Lord make thin hipe to wexe rotun, and thi wombe swelle, and be brokun; 22cursid watris entre in to thi wombe, and while the wombe swellith, thin hipe wexe rotun. And the womman schal answere, Amen! amen! 23And the preest schal write thes cursis in a litil book, and he schal do awey tho cursis with bittereste watris, in to whiche he gaderide cursis, 24and he schal yyue to hir to drynke. And whanne sche hath drunke tho watris, 25the preest schal take of hir hond the sacrifice of gelousie, and he schal reise it bifor the Lord, and he schal putte on the auter; 26so oneli that he take bifore an handful of sacrifice `of that that is offrid, and brenne on the auter, and so yyue drynke to the womman the moost bittere watris. 27And whanne sche hath drunke tho watris, if sche is defoulid, and is gilti of auowtrie, for the hosebonde is dispisid, the watris of cursyng schulen passe thorouy hir, and while the wombe is bolnyd, the hipe schal wexe rotun, and the womman schal be in to cursyng and in to ensaumple to al the puple. 28That if sche is not pollutid, sche schal be harmeles, and schal brynge forth fre children. 29This is the lawe of gelousie, if a womman bowith awei fro hir hosebonde, and is defoulid, 30and the hosebonde is stirid with the spirit of gelousye, and bryngith hir in to the `siyt of the Lord, and the preest doith to hir bi alle thingis that ben writun, the hosebonde schal be with out synne, 31and sche schal resseyue hir wickidnesse. 6And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, 2and thou schalt seie to hem, Whanne a man ether a womman makith auow, that thei be halewid, and thei wolen halewe hem silf to the Lord, 3thei schulen absteyne fro wyn and fro al thing that may make drunkun; thei schulen not drynke vynegre of wyn, and of ony other drynkyng, and what euer thing is pressid out of the grape; thei schulen not ete freisch grapis and drie, 4alle dayes in whiche thei ben halewid bi a vow to the Lord; thei schulen not ete what euer thing may be of the vyner, fro a grape dried `til to the draf. 5In al tyme of his departyng a rasour schal not passe on his heed, `til to the day fillid in which he is halewid to the Lord; he schal be hooli while the heer of his heed `schal wexe. 6In al the tyme of his halewing he schal not entre on a deed bodi, 7and sotheli he schal not be defoulid on the deed bodi of fadir and of moder, of brothir and of sistir, for the halewyng of his God is on his heed; 8ech dai of his departyng schal be hooli to the Lord. 9But if ony man is deed sudeynly bifore hym, the heed of his halewyng schal be defoulid, which he schal schaue anoon in the same dai of his clensyng, and eft in the seuenthe dai; 10forsothe in the eiyte dai he schal offre twei turtlis, ether twei `briddis of a culuer, to the preest, in the entryng of the boond of pees of witnessyng. 11And the preest schal make oon for synne, and the tothir in to brent sacrifice; and the preest schal preie for hym, for he synnede on a deed bodi, and he schal halewe his heed in that dai. 12And he schal halewe to the Lord the daies of his departyng, and he schal offre a lomb of o yeer for synne, so netheles that the formere daies be maad voide, for his halewyng is defoulid. 13This is the lawe of consecracioun. Whanne the daies schulen be fillid, whiche he determynede by a vow, the preest schal brynge hym to the dore of the tabernacle of boond of pees, and schal offre his offryng to the Lord, 14a lomb of o yeer with out wem, in to brent sacrifice, and a scheep of o yeer with outen wem, for synne, and a ram with out wem, a pesible sacrifice; 15also a panyere of theerf looues, that ben spreynt togidere with oile, and cakis sodun in watir, and aftir anoyntid with oile, with out sourdow, and fletyng sacrifices of alle bi hem silf; 16whiche the preest schal offre bifor the Lord, and schal make as wel for synne as in to brent sacrifice. 17Sotheli he schal offre the ram a pesible sacrifice to the Lord, and he schal offre togidere a panyere of therf looues and fletyng sacryfices, that ben due bi custom. 18Thanne the Nazarei schal be schauun fro the heer of his consecracioun, bifor the doore of the tabernacle of boond of pees; and the preest schal take hise heeris, and schal putte on the fier, which is put vndur the sacrifice of pesible thingis. 19And he schal take the schuldur sodun of the ram, and o `cake of breed with out sourdow fro the panyere, and o theerf caak first sodun in watir and aftirward fried in oile, and he schal bitake in the hondis of the Nazarei, aftir that his heed is schauun. 20And the preest schal reise in the `siyt of the Lord the thingis takun eft of hym. And the thingis halewid schulen be the preestis part, as the brest which is comaundid to be departid, and the hipe. Aftir these thingis the Nasarey may drynke wyn. 21This is the lawe of the Nasarei, whanne he hath avowyd his offryng to the Lord in the tyme of his consecracioun, outakun these thingis whiche his hond fyndith. By this that he avowide in soule, so he schal do, to the perfeccioun of his halewyng. 22And the Lord spak to Moyses and seide, 23Speke thou to Aaron and to hise sones, Thus ye schulen blesse the sones of Israel, and ye schulen seie to hem, 24The Lord blesse thee, and kepe thee; 25the Lord schewe his face to thee, and haue mercy on thee; 26the Lord turne his cheer to thee, and yyue pees to thee. 27Thei schulen clepe inwardli my name on the sones of Israel, and Y schal blesse hem. 7Forsothe it was don in the dai in which Moises fillide the tabernacle, and reiside it, and anoyntide and halewide with alle `hise vessels, the auter in lijk maner and the vessels therof. 2And the princes of Israel, and the heedis of meynees that weren bi alle lynagis, `the souereyns of hem that weren noumbrid, 3offeriden yiftis bifor the Lord, sixe waynes hylid with twelue oxun; twei duykis offeriden o wayn, and ech offeride oon oxe. And thei offeriden tho waynes `in the siyt of the tabernacle. 4Forsothe the Lord seide to Moises, 5Take thou of hem, that tho serue in the seruice of the tabernacle, and bitake thou tho to dekenes bi the ordre of her seruice. 6And so whanne Moises hadde take the waynes, and the oxun, he bitook tho to the dekenes. 7He yaf twei waynes and foure oxun to the sones of Gerson, bi that that thei hadden nedeful. 8He yaf four other waynes and eiyte oxun to the sones of Merari, bi her offices and religioun, vnder the hond of Ythamar, the sone of Aaron, preest. 9Forsothe he yaf not waynes and oxun to the sones of Caath, for thei seruen in the seyntuarye, and beren chargis with her owne schuldris. 10Therfor the duykis offeriden, in the halewyng of the auter, in the dai in which it was anoyntid, her offryng to the Lord, bifore the auter. 11And the Lord seide to Moises, Alle dukis bi hemsilf offre yiftis, bi alle daies bi hem silf, in to the halewyng of the auter. 12Naason, the sone of Amynadab, of the lynage of Juda, offeride his offryng in the firste day; 13and a siluerne vessel `to preue ensense and siche thingis, in the weiyte of an hundrid and thretti siclis, a viol of siluere, hauynge seuenti siclis bi the weiyt of the seyntuarie, `weren ther ynne, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; 14a morter, of ten goldun siclis, ful of encence. 15He offride an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; 16and a `buk of geet, for synne. 17And he offeride in the sacrifice of pesible thingis, tweyne oxun, fyue rammys, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This is the offryng of Naason, the sone of Amynadab. 18In the secounde dai Nathanael, the sone of Suar, duyk of the lynage of Isachar, 19offeride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viole, hauynge seuenti syclis bi the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; 20a goldun morter, hauynge ten siclis, ful of encense; 21an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; 22and a `buc of geet, for synne. 23And in the sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, and fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Nathanael the sone of Suar. 24In the thridde dai Eliab, the sone of Elon, prince of the sones of Zabulon, 25offeride a siluerne vessel to `preue encence and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; a goldun morter, 26peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; 27an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; and a buc of geet, for synne. 28And in sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxen, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. 29This is the offryng of Eliab, the sone of Helon. 30In the fourthe dai Helisur, the sone of Sedeur, the prince of the sones of Ruben, 31offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti syclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; 32a goldun morter peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; 33an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer in to brent sacrifice, 34and a `buc of geet, for synne. 35And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Elisur, the sone of Sedeur. 36In the fyuethe dai Salamyhel, the sone of Surisaddai, the prince of the sones of Symeon, 37offeride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peysynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; 38a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; 39an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; 40and a `bucke of geet, for synne. 41And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offeride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offring of Salamyhel, the sone of Surisaddai. 42In the sixte day Elisaphat, the sone of Duel, the prince of the sones of Gad, 43offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and sich thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile in to sacrifice; 44a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; 45an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; 46and a `buc of geet, for synne. 47And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride twei oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Elisaphat, the sone of Duel. 48In the seuenthe dai Elisama, the sone of Amyud, the prince of the sones of Effraym, 49offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt togidere with oyle, in to sacrifice; a goldun morter, 50peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; 51an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to 52brent sacrifice; and a `buc of geet, for synne. 53And in to sacrifices of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Elisama, the sone of Amyud. 54In the eiytthe dai Gamaliel, the sone of Fadussur, the prince of the sones of Manasses, 55offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti syclis, a siluerne viole, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; a goldun morter, 56peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; 57an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent 58sacrifice; and a `buc of geet, for synne. 59And in to sacrificis of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Gamaliel, the sone of Fadussur. 60In the nynthe dai Abidan, the sone of Gedeon, the prince of the sones of Beniamyn, 61offeride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour sprent togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; 62a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; an oxe of the drooue, 63and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer in to brent sacrifice; 64and a `buc of geet, for synne. 65And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Abidan, the sone of Gedeon. 66In the tenthe dai Abiezer, the sone of Amysaddai, the prince of the sones of Dan, 67offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer ethir ful of flour spreynt to gidere with oile in to sacrifice; 68a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; 69an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; 70and a `buc of geet, for synne. 71And in to sacrifices of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Abiezer, the sone of Amysaddai. 72In the enleuenthe dai Phegiel, the sone of Ocran, 73the prince of the sones of Aser, offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt to gidere with oile, in to sacrifice; 74a goldun morter, peisynge ten ciclis, ful of encense; 75an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; 76and a `bucke of geet, for synne. 77And in to sacrifices of pesyble thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Phegiel, the sone of Ochran. 78In the tweluethe dai Ahira, the sone of Enan, the prince of the sones of Neptalym, 79offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thetti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt to gidere with oile, in to sacrifice; 80a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; 81an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; 82and a `buc of geet, for synne. 83And in to sacrifices of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Haira, the sone of Henan. 84These thingis weren offrid of the sones of Israel, in the halewyng of the auter, in the dai in which it was halewid; siluerne vessels `to preue, encense and siche thingis twelue, siluerne viols twelue, goldun morteris twelue; 85so that o vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis hadde an hundrid and thretti siclis `of siluer, and o viol hadde seuenti siclis, that is, in comyn, two thousynde and foure hundrid siclis of alle the `vessels of siluer, bi the weiyte of seyntuarie; 86goldun morteris twelue, ful of encense, peisynge ten siclis bi the weiyte of seyntuarie, that is to gidere an hundrid and twenti siclis of gold; 87oxun of the drooue in to brent sacrifice twelue, twelue rammes, twelue lambren of o yeer, and the fletynge sacryfices `of tho, twelue `buckis of geet for synne; 88the sacrifices of pesible thingis, foure and twenti oxun, sexty rammes, sexti `buckis of geet, sixti lambren of o yeer. These thingis weren offrid in the halewyng of the auter, whanne it was anoyntid. 89And whanne Moyses entride in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, `to axe counsel `of Goddis answeryng place, he herde the vois of God spekynge to hym fro `the propiciatorie, which was on the arke of witnessyng, bitwixe twei cherubyns, fro whennus also God spak to Moises. 8And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to Aaron, 2and thou schalt seie to hym, Whanne thou hast sett seuene launternes, the candilstike be reisid in the south part; therfor comaunde thou this, that the lanternes biholde euene ayens the north to the boord of looues of `settyng forth, tho schulen schyne ayenus that part which the candilstike biholdith. 3And Aaron dide, and puttide lanternes on the candilstike, as the Lord comaundide to Moises. 4Sotheli this was the makyng of the candilstike; it was of gold betun out with hameris, as wel the myddil stok as alle thingis that camen forth of euer eithir side of the yeerdis; bi the saumple `whych the Lord schewide to Moises, so he wrouyte the candilstike. 5And the Lord spak to Moises, 6and seide, Take thou Leuytis fro the myddis of the sones of Israel; 7and thou schalt clense hem bi this custom. Be thei spreynt with watir of clensyng, and schaue thei alle the heeris of her fleisch. And whanne thei han waische her clothis and ben clensid, take thei an oxe of drooues, 8and the fletyng sacrifice therof, flour spreynt to gidere with oile; forsothe thou schalt take another oxe of the drooue for synne; 9and thou schalt present the Leuytis bifor the tabernacle of boond of pees, whanne al the multitude of the sones of Israel is clepid togidere. 10And whanne the Leuytis ben bifor the Lord, the sones of Israel schulen sette her hondis on hem; 11and Aaron schal offre the Leuytis in the siyt of the Lord, a yifte of the sones of Israel, that thei serue in the seruice `of hym. 12Also the Leuytis schulen sette her hondis on the heedis of the oxun, of whiche oxun thou schalt make oon for synne, and the tother in to brent sacrifice of the Lord, that thou preye for hem. 13And thou schalt ordeyne the Leuytis in the siyt of Aaron, and of hise sones, and thou schalt sacre hem offrid to the Lord; 14and thou schalt departe hem fro the myddis of the sones of Israel, that thei be myne. 15And aftirward entre thei in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, that thei serue me; and so thou schalt clense and schalt halewe hem, in to an offryng of the Lord, for bi fre yifte thei ben youun to me of the sones of Israel. 16Y haue take hem for the firste gendrid thingis that openen ech wombe in Israel; 17for alle the firste gendrid thingis of the sones of Israel ben myne, as wel of men as of beestis, fro the dai in which Y smoot ech firste gendrid thing in the loond of Egipt, Y halewide hem to me. 18And Y took the Leuytis for alle the firste gendrid children of the sones of Israel; 19and Y yaf hem bi fre yifte to Aaron and hise sones, fro the myddis of the puple, that thei serue me for Israel, in the tabernacle of boond of pees, and that thei preie for hem, lest veniaunce be in the puple, if thei ben hardi to neiye to the seyntuarye. 20And Moises and Aaron, and al the multitude of the sones of Israel, diden on the Leuitis tho thingis that the Lord comaundide to Moyses. 21And thei weren clensid, and thei waischiden her clothis; and Aaron reiside hem in the siyt of the Lord, and preiede for hem, 22that thei schulen be clensid, and schulden entre to her offices in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, bifor Aaron and hise sones; as the Lord comaundide to Moises of the Leuytis, so it was don. 23And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, This is lawe of Leuytis; 24fro fyue and twentithe yeer and aboue thei schulen entre, for to mynystre in the tabernacle of boond of pees; 25and whanne thei han fillid the fiftithe yeer of age, thei schulen ceesse to serue. 26And thei schulen be the mynystris of her bretheren in the tabernacle of boond of pees, that thei kepe tho thingis that ben bitakun to hem; sothely thei schulen not do tho werkis; thus thou schalt dispose Leuytis in her kepyngis. 9And the Lord spak to Moises, in the deseert of Synay, in the secounde yeer aftir that thei yeden out of the lond of Egipt, in the firste moneth, 2and seide, The sones of Israel make pask in his tyme, 3in the fourtenthe day of this monethe, at the euentid, bi alle the cerymonyes and iustifiyngis therof. 4And Moises comaundide to the sones of Israel, that thei schulden make pask; 5whiche maden in his tyme, in the fourtenthe dai of the monethe, at euentid, in the hil of Synai; bi alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to Moises, the sones of Israel diden. 6Lo! forsothe summen vncleene on the soule of man, that myyten not make pask in that dai, neiyiden to Moises and Aaron, 7and seiden to hem, We ben vncleene `on the soule of man; whi ben we defraudid, that we moun not offre an offryng to the Lord in his tyme, among the sones of Israel? 8To whiche Moises answeride, Stonde ye, that Y take counseil, what the Lord comaundith of you. 9And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 10Speke thou to the sones of Israel, A man of youre folk which is vncleene `on the soule, ether in the weie fer, make he pask to the Lord in the secounde monethe, 11in the fourtenthe dai of the monethe, at euentid; with therf looues and letusis of the feeld he schal ete it. 12Thei schulen not leeue ony thing therof til the morewtid, and thei schulen not breke a boon therof; thei schulen kepe al the custom of pask. 13Forsothe if ony man is bothe cleene, and is not in the weie, and netheles made not pask, thilke man schal be distried fro hise puplis, for he offeride not sacrifice to the Lord in his tyme; he schal bere his synne. 14Also if a pilgrym and comelyng is anentis you, make he pask to the Lord, bi the cerymonyes and iustifiyngis therof; the same comaundement schal be anentis you, as wel to a comelyng as to a man borun in the loond. 15Therfore in the dai in which the tabernacle was reisid, a cloude hilide it; sotheli as the licnesse of fier was on the tente fro euentid til the morewtid. 16Thus it was don continueli, a cloude hilide it bi dai, and as the licnesse of fier bi nyyt. 17And whanne the cloude that hilide the tabernacle was takun awei, thanne the sones of Israel yeden forth, and in the place where the cloude stood, there thei settiden tentis. 18At the comaundement of the Lord thei yeden forth, and at his comaundement thei settiden the tabernacle. In alle daies in whiche the cloude stood on the tabernacle, thei dwelliden in the same place. 19And if it bifelde that it dwellide in myche tyme on the tabernacle, the sones of Israel weren in the watchis of the Lord, and thei yeden not forth, 20in hou many euer daies the cloude was on the tabernacle. At the comaundement of the Lord thei reisiden tentis, and at his comaundement thei diden doun. 21If the cloude was fro euentid `til to the morewtid, and anoon in the morewtid hadde left, thei yeden forth; and if aftir a dai and nyyt it hadde go awei, thei scateriden, `ether diden doun, tentis. 22Whether in two monethis, ether in o monethe, ether in lengere tyme, `the cloude hadde be on the tabernacle, the sones of Israel dwelliden in the same place, and yeden not forth; but anoon as it hadde go awey, thei moueden tentis. 23Bi the word of the Lord thei settiden tentis, and bi his word thei wenten forth; and thei weren in the watchis of the Lord, bi his comaundement, bi the hond of Moyses. 10And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 2Make to thee twei siluerne trumpis betun out with hameris, bi whiche thou maist clepe togidere the multitude, whanne the tentis schulen be moued. 3And whanne thou schalt sowne with trumpis, al the cumpeny schal be gaderid to thee at the dore of the tabernacle of the boond of pees. 4If thou schalt sowne onys, the princes and the heedis of the multitude of Israel schulen come to thee; 5but if a lengere and departid trumpyng schal sowne, thei that ben at the eest coost schulen moue tentis first. 6Forsothe in the secounde sown and lijk noise of the trumpe thei that dwellen at the south schulen reise tentis; and bi this maner othere men schulen do, whanne the trumpis schulen sowne in to goyng forth. 7Forsothe whanne the puple schal be gederid to gidere, symple cry of trumpis schal be, and tho schulen not sowne departyngli. 8The sones of Aaron preest schulen sowne with trumpis, and this schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in youre generaciouns. 9If ye schulen go out of youre lond to batel ayens enemyes that fiyten ayens you, ye schulen crye with trumpis sownynge, and the bithenkyng of you schal be bifor youre Lord God, that ye be delyuered fro the hondis of youre enemyes. 10If ony tyme ye schulen haue a feeste, and halidaies, and calendis, ye schulen synge in trumpis on brent sacrifices and pesible sacrifices, that tho be to you in to remembryng of youre God; Y am youre Lord God. 11In the secounde yeer, in the secounde monethe, in the twentithe dai of the monethe, the cloude was reisid fro the tabernacle of boond of pees. 12And the sones of Israel yeden forth bi her cumpenyes fro deseert of Synay; and the cloude restide in the wildirnesse of Faran. 13And the sones of Juda bi her cumpenyes, of whiche the prince was Naason, the sone of Amynadab, moueden first tentis, 14bi the Lordis comaundement maad in the hond of Moises. 15In the lynage of the sones of Ysacar the prince was Nathanael, the sone of Suar. 16In the lynage of Sabulon the prince was Heliab, the sone of Helon. 17And the tabernacle was takun doun, which the sones of Gerson and of Merary baren, and `yeden out. 18And the sones of Ruben yeden forth bi her cumpenyes and ordre, of whiche the prince was Helisur, the sone of Sedeur. 19Forsothe in the lynage of the sones of Symeon the prince was Salamyel, the sone of Surisaddai. 20Sotheli in the lynage of Gad the prince was Helisaphath, the sone of Duel. 21And the sones of Caath yeden forth, and baren the seyntuarie; so longe the tabernacle was borun, til thei camen to the place of reisyng therof. 22Also the sones of Effraym, bi her cumpanyes, moueden tentis, in whos oost the prince was Elisama, the sone of Amyud. 23Forsothe in the lynage of the sones of Manasses the prince was Gamaliel, the sone of Phadussur. 24And in the lynage of Beniamyn the duk was Abidan, the sone of Gedeon. 25The sones of Dan, bi her cumpenyes, yeden forth the laste of alle tentis, in whos oost the prince was Aizer, the sone of Amysaddai. 26Sotheli in the lynage of the sones of Aser the prince was Phegiel, the sone of Ochran. 27And in the lynage of the sones of Neptalym the prince was Haira, the sone of Henan. 28These ben the castels and the goinges forth of the sones of Israel, bi her cumpenyes, whanne thei yeden out. 29And Moises seide to Heliab, the sone of Raguel, of Madian, his alie `ethir fadir of his wijf, We goon forth to the place which the Lord schal yyue to vs; come thou with vs, that we do wel to thee, for the Lord bihiyte goode thingis to Israel. 30To whom he answeride, Y schal not go with thee, but Y schal turne ayen in to my lond, in which Y was borun. 31And Moises seide, Nyle thou forsake vs, for thou knowist in whiche places we owen to sette tentis, and thou schalt be oure ledere; 32and whanne thou schalt come with vs, what euer thing schal be the beste of the richessis whiche the Lord schal yyue to vs, we schulen yyue to thee. 33And therfor thei yeden forth fro the hil of the Lord the weie of thre daies; and the arke of boond of pees of the Lord yede bifor hem, bi thre daies, and purueyde the place of tentis. 34And the cloude of the Lord was on hem bi day, whanne thei yeden. 35And whanne the arke was reisid, Moises seide, Ryse thou, Lord, and thin enemyes be scaterid, and thei that haten thee, fle fro thi face; 36forsothe whanne the arke was put doun, he seide, Lord, turne ayen to the multitude of the oost of Israel. 11Yn the meene tyme the grutchyng of the puple, as of men sorewynge for trauel, roos ayens the Lord. And whanne Moises hadde herd this thing, he was wrooth; and the fier of the Lord was kyndelid on hem, and deuouride the laste part of the tentis. 2And whanne the puple hadde cried to Moises, Moises preiede the Lord, and the fier was quenchid. 3And he clepid the name of that place Brennyng, for the fier of the Lord was kyndlid ayens hem. 4And the comyn puple of `malis and femalis, that hadde stied with hem, brent with desire of fleischis, and sat, and wepte with the sones of Israel ioyned togidere to hem, and seide, Who schal yyue to vs fleischis to ete? 5We thenken on the fischis whiche we eten in Egipt freli; gourdis, and melouns, and lekis, and oyniouns, and garlekis comen in to mynde `to vs; 6oure soule is drie; oure iyen byholden noon other thing `no but manna. 7Forsothe manna was as the seed of coriaundre, of the colour of bdellyum, which is whijt and briyt as cristal. 8And the puple yede aboute, and gaderide it, and brak with a queerne stoon, ether pownede in a morter, and sethide in a pot; and made therof litle cakis of the sauour, as of breed maad with oile. 9And whanne dew cam doun in the niyt on the tentis, also manna cam doun togidere. 10Therfor Moises herde the puple wepynge bi meynees, and `alle bi hem silf bi the doris of her tentis; and the woodnesse of the Lord was wrooth greetli, but also the thing was seyn vnsuffrable to Moises. 11And he seide to the Lord, Whi hast thou turmentid thi seruaunt? whi fynde Y not grace bifor thee? and whi hast thou put on me the burthun of al this puple? 12whethir Y conseyuede al this multitude, ethir gendride it, that thou seie to me, Bere thou hem in thi bosum as a nurise is wont to bere a litil yong child, and bere thou in to the lond for which thou hast swore to the fadris `of hem. 13wherof ben fleischis to me, that Y `yyue to so greet multitude? Thei wepen bifore me, and seyn, `Yyue thou fleischis to vs that we ete; 14I mai not aloone suffre al this puple, for it is greuouse to me. 15If in other maner it semeth to thee, Y biseche that thou sle me, and that Y fynde grace in thin iyen, that Y be not punyschid bi so grete yuelis. 16And the Lord seide to Moises, Gadere thou to me seuenti men of the eldre men of Israel, whiche thou knowist, `that thei ben the elde men and maistris of the puple; and thou schalt lede hem to the dore of the tabernacle of boond of pees, and thou schalt make to stonde there with thee, 17that Y come doun, and speke to thee; and Y schal take awey of thi spirit, and Y schal yyue to hem, that thei susteyne with thee the birthun of the puple, and not thou aloone be greuyd. 18And thou schalt seie to the puple, Be ye halewid; to morew ye schulen ete fleischis; for Y herde you seie, Who schal yyue to vs the metis of fleischis? it was wel to vs in Egipt; that the Lord yyue `fleischis to you, 19and that ye ete not o dai, ethir tweyne, ethir fyue, ethir ten, sotheli nether twenti, 20but `til to a monethe of daies, til it go out bi youre nosethirlis, and turne in to wlatyng; for ye han put awei the Lord, which is in the myddis of you, and ye wepten bifor hym, and seiden, Whi yeden we out of Egipt? 21And Moises seide to the Lord, Sixe hundrid thousynde of foot men ben of this puple, and thou seist, Y schal yyue to hem `mete of fleischis an hool monethe. 22Whether the multitude of scheep and of oxun schal be slayn, that it may suffice to mete, ethir alle the fischis of the see schulen be gaderid to gidere, that tho fille hem? 23To whom the Lord answeride, Whether the `hond of the Lord is vnmyyti? riyt now thou schalt se, wher my word schal be fillid in werk. 24Therfor Moises cam, and telde to the puple the wordis of the Lord; and he gaderide seuenti men of the eldere of Israel, whiche he made stonde aboute the tabernacle. 25And the Lord cam doun bi a cloude, and spak to Moises, and took a weye of the spirit that was in Moises, and yaf to the seuenti men; and whanne the spirit hadde restid in hem, thei profesieden, and ceessiden not `aftirward. 26Forsothe twei men dwelliden stille in the tentis, of whiche men oon was clepid Heldad, and the tothir Medad, on whiche the spirit restide; for also thei weren descryued, and thei yeden not out to the tabernacle. 27And whanne thei profesieden in the tentis, a child ran, and teld to Moises, and seide, Heldad and Medad profecien in the tentis. 28Anoon Josue, the sone of Nun, the `mynystre of Moises, and chosun of manye, seide, My lord Moises, forbede thou hem. 29And he seide, What hast thou enuye for me? who yyueth that al the puple profesie, and that God yyue his spirit to hem? 30And Moises turnede ayen, and the eldre men in birthe of Israel in to the tentis. 31Forsothe a wynde yede forth fro the Lord, and took curlewis, and bar ouer the see, and lefte in to the tentis, in the iurney, as myche as mai be parformed in o day, bi ech part of the tentis bi cumpas; and tho flowen in the eir bi twei cubitis in `hiynesse ouer the erthe. 32Therfor the puple roos in al that dai and nyyt and in to the tothir dai, and gaderide the multitude of curlewis; he that gaderide litil, gaderide ten `mesuris clepid chorus; `and o chorus conteyneth ten buschels; and thei drieden tho curlewis bi the cumpas of the tentis. 33Yit `fleischis weren in the teeth `of hem, and siche mete failide not; and lo! the woodnesse of the Lord was reisid ayens the puple, and smoot it with a ful greet veniaunce. 34And thilke place was clepid The sepulcris of coueitise, for there thei birieden the puple that desiride fleischis. Sotheli thei yeden `out of the sepulcris of coueitise, and camen in to Asseroth, and dwelliden there. 12And Marie spak and Aaron ayens Moises, for his wijf a womman of Ethiope, 2and seiden, Whethir God spak oneli by Moises? whethir he spak not also to vs in lijk maner? And whanne the Lord hadde herd this, he was wrooth greetli; 3for Moises was the myldest man, ouer alle men that dwelliden in erthe. 4And anoon the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron and to Marye, Go out ye thre aloone to the tabernacle of boond of pees. And whanne thei weren gon yn, 5the Lord cam doun in a piler of cloude, and he stood in the entryng of the tabernacle, and clepide Aaron and Marie. 6And whanne thei hadden go, he seide to hem, Here ye my wordis; if ony among you is a profete of the Lord, Y schal appere to hym in reuelacioun, ethir Y schal speke to hym bi `a dreem. 7And he seide, And my seruaunt Moises is not siche, which is moost feithful in al myn hows; 8for Y speke to hym mouth to mouth, and he seeth God opynli, and not bi derke spechis and figuris. Why therfor dredden ye not to bacbite `ether depraue my seruaunt Moises? 9And the Lord was wrooth ayens hem, and he wente a wei. 10And the cloude yede awei, that was on the tabernacle and lo! Marie apperide whijt with lepre as snow. And whanne Aaron biheelde hir, and siy hir bispreynd with lepre, 11he seide to Moises, My lord, Y beseche, putte thou not this synne on vs, 12which we diden folili, that this womman be not maad as deed, and as a deed borun thing which is cast out of the `wombe of his modir; lo! now the half of hir fleisch is deuourid with lepre. 13And Moises criede to the Lord, and seide, Lord, Y biseche, heele thou hir. 14To whom the Lord answerid, If hir fadir hadde spet in to hir face, where sche ouyte not to be fillid with schame, nameli in seuene daies? Therfor be sche departid out of the tentis bi seuen daies, and aftirward sche schal be clepid ayen. 15And so Marie was excludid out of the tentis bi seuene daies; and the puple was not mouyd fro that place, til Marie was clepid ayen. 13And the puple yede forth fro Asseroth, whanne the tentis weren set in the deseert of Pharan. 2And there the Lord spak to Moises, 3and seide, Sende thou men that schulen biholde the lond of Canaan, which Y schal yyue to the sones of Israel, of ech lynage o man of the princes. 4Moises dide that that the Lord comaundide, and sente fro the deseert of Pharan princes, men of whiche these ben the names. 5Of the lynage of Ruben, Semmya, the sone of Zectur. 6Of the lynage of Symeon, Saphat, the sone of Hury. 7Of the lynage of Juda, Caleph, the sone of Jephone. 8Of the lynage of Isachar, Igal, the sone of Joseph. 9Of the lynage of Effraym, Osee, the sone of Nun. 10Of the lynage of Beniamyn, Phalti, the sone of Raphu. 11Of the lynage of Zabulon, Gediel, the sone of Sodi. 12Of the lynage of Joseph, of the gouernaunce of Manasses, Gaddi, the sone of Susy. 13Of the lynage of Dan, Amyel, the sone of Gemalli. 14Of the lynage of Aser, Sur, the sone of Mychael. 15Of the lynage of Neptalym, Nabdi, the sone of Napsi. 16Of the lynage of Gad, Guel, the sone of Machi. 17These ben the names of men, which Moises sente to biholde the lond of Canaan; and he clepide Osee, the sone of Nun, Josue. 18Therfor Moises sente hem to biholde the lond of Canaan, and seide to hem, `Stie ye bi the south coost; and whanne ye comen to the hillis, 19biholde ye the lond, what maner lond it is; and biholde ye the puple which is the dwellere therof, whether it is strong, ethir feble, `whether thei ben fewe in noumbre, ether manye; 20whether that lond is good, ethir yuel; what maner citees ben, wallid, ether without wallis; 21whether the lond is fat, ether bareyn, `whether it is ful of woodis, ethir without trees. Be ye coumfortid, and `brynge ye to vs of the fruytis of that lond. Sotheli the tyme was, whanne grapis first ripe myyten be etun thanne. 22And whanne thei hadden stied, thei aspieden the lond, fro the deseert of Syn `til to Rohob, as men entryth to Emath. 23And thei stieden to the south, and camen in to Ebron, where Achyman, and Sisai, and Tholmai, the sones of Enach, weren; for Hebron was maad bi seuen yeer bifor Thamnys, the citee of Egipt. 24And thei yeden til to the stronde of clustre, and kittiden doun a sioun with his grape, which twei men baren in a barre; also thei token of pumgarnadis, and of the figis of that place which is clepid Nehelescol, 25that is, the stronde of grape, for the sones of Israel baren a clustre fro thennus. 26And the aspieris of the lond, whanne thei hadden cumpassid al the cuntrey, after fourti daies camen to Moises and Aaron, 27and to al the cumpany of the sones of Israel, in to the deseert of Pharan which is in Cades. And `the aspieris spaken to hem, and schewiden the fruytis of the lond to al the multitude, and telden, 28and seiden, We camen to the lond, to which thou sentest vs, which lond treuli flowith with mylk and hony, as it may be knowun bi these fruytis; 29but it hath strongeste inhabiteris, and grete cytees, and wallid; we sien there the kynrede of Anachym; Amalech dwellith in the south; 30Ethei, and Jebusei, and Amorey dwellen in the hilli placis; forsothe Cananey dwellith bisidis the see, and bisidis the floodis of Jordan. 31Among thes thingis Caleph peeside the grutchyng of the puple, that was maad ayens Moises, and seide, `Stie we, and welde we the lond, for we moun gete it. 32Forsothe other aspieris, that weren with hym, seiden, We moun not stie to this puple, for it is strongere than we. 33And thei deprauyden the lond which thei hadden biholde, anentis the sones of Israel, and seiden, The lond which we cumpassiden deuourith hise dwelleris; the puple which we bihelden is of large stature; there we syen summe wondris ayens kynde, 34of the sones of Enach, of the kynde of geauntis, to whiche we weren comparisound, and weren seien as locustis. 14Therfor al the cumpeny criede, and wepte in that nyyt, 2and alle the sones of Israel grutchiden ayens Moises and Aaron, and seiden, 3We wolden that we hadden be deed in Egipt, and not in this waast wildirnesse; we wolden that we perischen, and that the Lord lede vs not in to this lond, lest we fallen bi swerd, and oure wyues and fre children ben led prisoneris; whether it is not betere to turne ayen in to Egipt? 4And thei seiden oon to another, Ordeyne we a duyk to vs, and turne we ayen in to Egipt. 5And whanne this was herd, Moises and Aaron felden lowe to erthe, bifor al the multitude of the sones of Israel. 6And sotheli Josue, the sone of Nun, and Caleph, the sone of Jephone, whiche also cumpassiden the lond, to renten her clothis, 7and spaken to al the multitude of the sones of Israel, The lond which we cumpassiden is ful good; 8if the Lord is merciful to vs, he schal lede vs in to it, and schal yyue `to vs the lond flowynge with mylk and hony. 9Nyle ye be rebel ayens the Lord, nether drede ye the puple of this lond, for we moun deuoure hem so as breed; al her help passide awei fro hem, the Lord is with vs, nyle ye drede. 10And whanne al the multitude criede, and wolde oppresse hem with stonys, the glorie of the Lord apperide on the roof of the boond of pees, while alle the sones of Israel sien. 11And the Lord seide to Moises, Hou long schal this puple bacbite me? Hou longe schulen thei not bileue to me in alle `signes, whiche Y haue do bifor hem? 12Therfor Y schal smyte hem with pestilence, and Y schal waste hem; forsothe Y schal make thee prince on a greet folk, and strongere than is this. 13And Moises seide to the Lord, Egipcians `here not, fro whos myddil thou leddist out this puple, 14and the dwelleris of this loond, whiche herden that thou, Lord, art in this puple, and art seyn face to face, and that thi cloude defendith hem, and that thou goist bifore hem in a pilere of cloude bi dai, 15and in a piler of fier bi nyyt, that thou hast slayn so greet a multitude as o man, 16and seie thei, He myyte not brynge this puple in to the lond for whiche he swoor, therfor he killide hem in wildirnesse; 17therfor the strengthe of the Lord be magnified, as thou hast swore. And Moises seide, 18Lord pacient, and of myche mercy, doynge awei wickidnesse and trespassis, and leeuynge no man vngilti, which visitist the synnes of fadris in to sones in to the thridde and fourthe generacioun, Y biseche, 19foryyue thou the synne of this thi puple, aftir the greetnesse of thi merci, as thou were merciful to men goynge out of Egipt `til to this place. 20And the Lord seide, Y haue foryouun to hem, bi thi word. 21Y lyue; and the glorie of the Lord schal be fillid in al erthe; 22netheles alle men that sien my mageste, and my signes, whiche Y dide in Egipt and in the wildirnesse, and temptiden me now bi ten sithis, and obeieden not to my vois, 23schulen not se the lond for which Y swore to her fadris, nethir ony of hem that bacbitide me, schal se it. 24Y schal lede my seruaunt Caleph, that was ful of anothir spirit, and suede me, in to this lond, which he cumpasside, and his seed schal welde it. 25For Amalech and Cananei dwellen in the valeis, to morewe moue ye tentis, and turne ye ayen in to wildirnesse bi the weie of the reed see. 26And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron, and seide, 27Hou long grutchith this werste multitude ayens me? Y haue herd the pleyntis of the sones of Israel. 28Therfor seie thou to hem, Y lyue, seith the Lord; as ye spaken while Y herde, so Y schal do to you; 29youre careyns schulen ligge in this wildirnesse. Alle ye that ben noumbrid, fro twenti yeer and aboue, and grutchiden ayens me, 30schulen not entre in to the lond, on which Y reiside myn hond, that Y schulde make you to dwelle outakun Caleph, the sone of Jephone, and Josue, the sone of Nun. 31Forsothe Y schal lede in youre litle children, of whiche ye seiden that thei schulden be preyes `ethir raueyns to enemyes, that thei se the lond which displeside you. 32Forsothe youre careyns schulen ligge in the wildirnesse; 33youre sones schulen be walkeris aboute in the deseert bi fourti yeer, and thei schulen bere youre fornycacioun, til the careyns of the fadris ben wastid in the deseert, 34by the noumbre of fourti daies, in whiche ye bihelden the loond; a yeer schal be arettid for a dai, and bi fourti yeer ye schulen resseyue youre wickidnesse, and ye schulen knowe my veniaunce. 35For as Y spak, so Y schal do to al this werste multitude, that roos to gidere ayens me; it schal faile, and schal die in this wildirnesse. 36Therfor alle the men whyche Moises hadde sent to see the lond, and whiche turniden ayen, and maden al the multitude to grutche ayens hym, and depraueden the lond, that it was yuel, 37weren deed, and smytun in the siyt of the Lord. 38Sotheli Josue, the sone of Nun, and Caleph, the sone of Jephone, lyueden, of alle men that yeden to se the lond. 39And Moises spak alle these wordis to alle the sones of Israel, and the puple mourenyde gretli. 40And, lo! thei riseden in the morewtid first, and `stieden in to the cop of the hil, and seiden, We ben redi to stie to the place, of which the Lord spak, for we synneden. 41To whiche Moises seide, Whi passen ye the word of the Lord, that schal not bifalle to you in to prosperite? 42Nyle ye stie, for the Lord is not with you, lest ye fallen bifor youre enemyes. 43Amalech and Cananei ben bifor you, bi the swerd of whiche ye schulen falle, for ye nolden assente to the Lord, nether the Lord schal be with you. 44And thei weren maad derk, and stieden in to the cop of the hil; forsothe the ark of the testament of the Lord and Moises yeden not awey fro the tentis. 45And Amalech cam doun, and Chananei, that dwelliden in the hil, and he smoot hem, and kittide doun, and pursuede hem til Horma. 15And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, 2and thou schalt seie to hem, Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond of youre abitacioun which Y schal yyue to you, 3and ye make an offryng to the Lord in to brent sacrifice, ether a pesible sacrifice, and ye payen auowis, ethir offren yiftis bi fre wille, ethir in youre solempnytees ye brennen odour of swetnesse to the Lord, of oxun, ether of scheep; 4who euer offrith the slayn sacrifice, schal offre a sacrifice of flour, the tenthe part of ephi, spreynt togidere with oile, which oil schal haue a mesure the fourthe part of hyn; 5and he schal yyue wyn to fletynge sacrifices to be sched, of the same mesure, in to brent sacrifice, and slayn sacrifice. 6Bi ech loomb and ram schal be the sacrifice of flour, of twey tenthe partis, which schal be spreynt togidere with oile, of the thridde part of hyn; 7and he schal offre wyn to the fletynge sacrifice, of the thridde part of the same mesure, in to odour of swetnesse to the Lord. 8Forsothe whanne thou makist a brent sacrifice, ethir an offryng of oxun, that thou fille avow, ethir pesible sacrifice, thou schalt yyue, 9bi ech oxe, thre tenthe partis of flour, spreynt togidere with oile, which schal haue the half of mesure of hyn; 10and thou schalt yyue wyn to fletynge sacrifices to be sched, of the same mesure, in to offryng of the swettest odour to the Lord. 11So ye schulen do bi ech oxe, and ram, 12and lomb, and kide; 13as wel men borun in the lond, 14as pilgrymys, schulen offre sacrifices bi the same custom; 15o comaundement and doom schal be, as wel to you as to comelyngis of the lond. 16And the Lord spak to Moises, 17and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, 18Whanne ye comen in to the lond which Y schal yyue to you, 19and `ye eten of the looues of that cuntrey, ye 20schulen departe the firste fruytis of youre metis to the Lord; as ye schulen departe the firste fruytis of corn flooris, 21so ye schulen yyue the firste fruytis also of sewis to the Lord. 22That if bi ignoraunce ye passen ony of tho thingis whiche the Lord spak to Moyses, 23and comaundide bi hym to you, fro the dai in which he bigan to comaunde, 24and ouer, and the multitude hath foryete to do, it schal offre a calf of the drooue, brent sacrifice in to swettist odour to the Lord, and the sacrificis therof, and fletynge offryngis, as the cerymonyes therof axen; and it schal offre a `buc of geet for synne. 25And the preest schal preie for al the multitude of the sones of Israel, and it schal be foryouun to hem, for thei synneden not wilfuli. And neuerthelesse thei schulen offre encense to the Lord for hemsilf, and for her synne and errour; 26and it schal be foryouun to al the puple of the sones of Israel, and to comelyngis that ben pilgryms among hem, for it is the synne of al the multitude bi ignoraunce. 27That if a soule synneth vnwityngli, it schal offre a geet of o yeer for his synne; and the preest schal preye for that soule, for it synnede vnwityngli bifor the Lord; 28and the preest schal gete foryyuenesse to it, and synne schal be foryouun to it. 29As wel to men borun in the lond as to comelyngis, o lawe schal be of alle that synnen vnwityngli. 30Forsothe a man that doith ony synne bi pride, schal perische fro his puple, whether he be a citeseyn, ethir a pilgrym, for he was rebel ayens the Lord; 31for he dispiside the word of the Lord, and made voide his comaundement; therfor he schal be doon awei, and schal bere his owne wickidnes. 32Forsothe it was doon, whanne the sones of Israel weren in wildirnesse, and hadde founde a man gaderynge woode in the `day of sabat, 33thei brouyten hym to Moises, and to Aaron, and to al the multitude; whiche closiden hym in to prisoun, 34and wisten not what thei schulden do of hym. 35And the Lord seide to Moises, This man die bi deeth; al the cumpeny oppresse hym with stoonus with out the tentis. 36And whanne thei hadden led hym with out forth, thei oppressiden him with stoonus, and he was deed, as the Lord comaundide. 37Also the Lord seide to Moises, 38Speke thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seye to hem, that thei make to hem hemmes bi foure corneris of mentils, and sette laces of iacynct `in tho; 39and whanne thei seen thoo, haue thei mynde of alle comaundementis of the Lord, lest thei suen her thouytis and iyen, doynge fornycacioun bi dyuerse thingis; 40but more be thei myndeful of the `Lordis heestis, and do thei tho, and be thei hooli to her God. 41Y am youre Lord God, which ledde you out of the lond of Egipt, that Y schulde be youre God. 16Lo! forsothe Chore, the sone of Isuar, sone of Caath, sone of Leuy, and Dathan and Abiron, the sones of Heliab, and Hon, the sone of Pheleph, of the sones of Ruben, rysen ayens Moises, 2and othere of the sones of Israel, two hundryd men and fifti, prynces of the synagoge, and whiche weren clepid bi names in the tyme of counsel. 3And whanne `thei hadden stonde ayens Moises and Aaron, thei seiden, Suffice it to you, for al the multitude is of hooly men, and the Lord is in hem; whi ben ye reisid on the puple of the Lord? 4And whanne Moises hadde herd this, he felde lowe on the face. 5And he spak to Chore, and to al the multitude; he seide, Eerli the Lord schal make knowun whiche perteynen to hym, and he schal applie to hym hooli men; and thei whiche he hath chose, schulen neiye to hym. 6Therfor do ye this thing; ech man take his cencere, thou Chore, and al thi counsel; 7and to morewe whanne fier is takun vp, putte ye encense aboue bifor the Lord, and whom euer the Lord chesith, he schal be hooli. Ye sones of Leuy ben myche reisid. 8And eft Moises seide to Chore, Ye sones of Leuy, here. 9Whether it is litil to you, that God of Israel departide you fro al the puple, and ioynede you to hym silf, that ye schulden serue hym in the seruyce of tabernacle, and that ye schulden stonde bifor the multitude of puple, and schulden serue hym? 10Made he therfor thee and alle thi bretheren the sones of Leuy to neiy to hym silf, that ye chalenge to you also preesthod, 11and al thi gaderyng togidere stonde ayens the Lord? For whi what is Aaron, that ye grutchen ayens hym? 12Therfor Moises sente to clepe Dathan and Abiron, the sones of Heliab; whiche answeriden, We comen not. 13Whethir is it litil to thee, that thou leddist vs out of the lond that flowide with mylk and hony, to sle vs in the deseert, no but also thou be lord of vs? 14Verili thou hast bronyt vs in to the lond that flowith with streemys of mylk and hony, and hast youe to vs possessioun of feeldis, and of vyneris; whethir also thou wolt putte out oure iyen? 15We comen not. And Moises was wrooth greetli, and seide to the Lord, Biholde thou not the sacrifices of hem; thou wost that Y took neuere of hem, yhe, a litil asse, nethir Y turmentide ony of hem. 16And Moises seide to Chore, Thou and al thi congregacioun stonde asidis half bifor the Lord, and Aaron to morewe bi hym silf. 17Take ye alle bi you silf youre censeris, and putte ye encense in tho, and offre ye to the Lord, tweyn hundrid and fifti censeris; and Aaron holde his censer. 18And whanne thei hadden do this, while Moises and Aaron stoden, 19and thei hadden gaderid al the multitude to the `dore of the tabernacle ayens hem, the glorie of the Lord apperide to alle. 20And the Lord spak to Moises and Aaron, 21and seide, Be ye departid fro the myddis of this congregacioun, that Y leese hem sodeynli. 22Whiche felden lowe on the face, and seiden, Strongeste God of the spiritis of al fleisch, whethir `thin yre schal be fers ayens alle men, for o man synneth? 23And the Lord seide to Moises, 24Comaunde thou to al the puple, that it be departid fro the tabernaclis of Chore, and of Dathan, and of Abiron. 25And Moises roos, and yede to Dathan and Abiron; and while the eldre men of Israel sueden hym, 26he seide to the cumpeny, Go ye awey fro the tabernaclis of wickid men, and nyle ye touche tho thingis that parteynen to hem, lest ye ben wlappid in the synnes of hem. 27And whanne thei hadden gon awei fro the tentis `of hem bi the cumpas, Dathan and Abiron yeden out, and stoden in the entryng of her tentis, with wyues, and fre children, and al the multitude. 28And Moises seide, In this ye schulen wite that the Lord sente me, that Y schulde do alle thingis whiche ye seen, and Y brouyte not forth tho of myn owne herte. 29If thei perischen bi customable deeth of men, and wounde visite hem, bi which also othere men ben wont to be visitid, 30the Lord sente not me; but if the Lord doith a newe thing, that the erthe opene his mouth, and swolewe hem, and alle thingis that perteynen to hem, and thei goen doun quyke in to helle, ye schulen wite that thei blasfemeden the Lord. 31Therfor anoon as he cesside to speke, the erthe was brokun vndur her feet, 32and the erthe openyde his mouth, and deuowride hem, with her tabernaclis, and al the catel `of hem; 33and thei yeden doun quike in to helle, and weren hilid with erthe, and perischiden fro the myddis of the multitude. 34And sotheli al Israel that stood bi the cumpas, fledde fro the cry of men perischinge, and seide, Lest perauenture the erthe swolewe also vs. 35But also fier yede out fro the Lord, and killide tweyn hundrid and fifti men that offriden encense. 36And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 37Comaunde thou to Eleasar, sone of Aaron, preest, that he take the censeris that liggen in the brennyng, and that he schatere the fier hidur and thidur; for tho ben halewid in the dethis of synneris; 38and that he bringe forth tho in to platis, and naile to the auter, for encense is offrid in tho to the Lord, and tho ben halewid, that the sonis of Israel se tho for a signe and memorial. 39Therfor Eleazar, preest, took the brasun senseris, in whiche censeris thei whiche the brennyng deuouride hadden offrid, and he `brouyt forth tho in to platis, and nailide to the auter; 40that the sones of Israel schulden haue thingis aftirward, bi whiche thei schulden remembre, lest ony alien, and which is not of the seed of Aaron, neiy to offre encense to the Lord, lest he suffre, as Chore sufferide, and al his multitude, while the Lord spak to Moises. 41Forsothe al the multitude of the sones of Israel grutchide in the dai suynge ayens Moises and Aaron, and seide, Ye han slayn the puple of the Lord. 42And whanne discensioun roos, 43and noise encresside, Moises and Aaron fledden to the tabernacle of the boond of pees; and aftir that thei entriden in to it, a cloude hilide the tabernacle, and the glorie of the Lord apperide. 44And the Lord seide to Moises and to Aaron, 45Go ye awey fro the myddis of this multitude, also now Y schal do awey hem. And whanne thei laien in the erthe, Moises seide to Aaron, 46Take the censer, and whanne fyer is takun vp of the auter, caste encense aboue, and go soone to the puple, that thou preye for hem; for now ire is gon out fro the Lord, and the wounde is feers. 47And whanne Aaron hadde do this, and hadde runne to the myddis of the multitude, which the brennynge wastid thanne, he offeride encense; 48and he stood bytwixe the deed men and lyuynge, and bisouyte for the puple, and the wounde ceesside. 49Sotheli thei that weren smytun weren fourtene thousynde of men and seuene hundrid, with outen hem that perischiden in the discencioun of Chore. 50And Aaron turnyde ayen to Moyses, to the dore of the tabernacle of boond of pees, aftir that the perischyng restide. 17And the Lord spak to Moises, `and seide, Speke thou to the sones of Israel, 2and take thou yerdis, bi her kynredis, bi ech kynrede o yeerde, take thou of alle the princes of the lynagis twelue yerdis; and thou schalt write the name of each lynage aboue his yerde; 3forsothe the name of Aaron schal be in the lynage of Leuy, and o yerde schal conteyne alle the meynees of hem. 4And thou schalt putte tho yerdis in the tabernacle of boond of pees, bifor the witnessyng, where Y schal speke to thee; the yerde of hym schal buriowne, whom Y schal chese of hem; 5and Y schal refreyne fro me the playnyngis of the sones of Israel, bi whiche thei grutchen ayens you. 6And Moyses spak to the sones of Israel; and alle princes yauen to hym yerdis, bi alle lynagis; and the yerdis weren twelue, without the yerde of Aaron. 7And whanne Moises hadde put tho yerdis bifor the Lord, in the tabernacle of witnessyng, he yede ayen in the day suynge, 8and founde that the yerde of Aaron, `in the hows of Leuy, buriounnede; and whanne knoppis weren greet, the blossoms `hadden broke out, whiche weren alargid in leeuys, and weren fourmed in to alemaundis. 9Therfor Moyses brouyte forth alle the yerdis fro the siyt of the Lord to al the sones of Israel; and thei sien, and resseyueden ech his yerde. 10And the Lord seide to Moises, Bere ayen the yerde of Aaron in to the tabernacle of witnessyng, that it be kept there in to `the signe of the rebel sones of Israel, and that her `playntis reste fro me, lest thei dien. 11And Moises dide, as the Lord comaundide. 12Forsothe the sones of Israel seiden to Moises, Lo! we ben wastid, alle we perischiden; 13who euer neiyeth to the tabernacle of the Lord, he dieth; whethir we schulen be doon awei alle `til to deeth? 18And the Lord seide to Aaron, Thou, and thi sones, and the hows of thi fadir with thee, schulen bere the wickidnesse of the seyntuarie; and thou and thi sones togidere schulen suffre the synnes of youre preesthod. 2But also take thou with thee thi britheren of the lynage of Leuy, and the power of thi fadir, and be thei redi, that thei mynystre to thee. Forsothe thou and thi sones schulen mynystre in the tabernacle of witnessyng; 3and the dekenes schulen wake at thi comaundementis, and at alle werkis of the tabernacle; so oneli that thei neiye not to the vessels of seyntuarie, and to the autir, lest bothe thei dien, and ye perischen togidere. 4Forsothe be thei with thee, and wake thei in the kepyngis of the tabernacle, and in alle the cerymonyes therof. An alien schal not be meddlid with you. 5Wake ye in the kepyng of the seyntuarie, and in the seruyce of the auter, lest indignacioun rise on the sones of Israel. 6Lo! Y haue youun `to you youre britheren, dekenes, fro the myddis of the sones of Israel, and Y haue youe a fre yifte to the Lord, that thei serue in the seruyces of his tabernacle. 7Forsothe thou and thi sones, kepe youre preesthod; and alle thingis that perteynen to the ournyng of the auter, and ben with ynne the veil, schulen be mynystrid bi preestis; if ony straunger neiyeth, he schal be slayn. 8The Lord spak to Aaron, Lo! Y haue youe to thee the kepyng of my firste fruytis; Y haue youe to thee and to thi sones alle thingis, that ben halewid of the sones of Israel, for preestis office euerlastynge lawful thingis. 9Therfor thou schalt take these thingis of tho thingis that ben halewid, and ben offrid to the Lord; ech offryng, and sacrifice, and what euer thing is yoldun to me for synne and for trespas, and cometh in to hooli of hooli thingis, schal be thin and thi sones. 10Thou schalt ete it in the seyntuarie; malis oneli schulen ete therof, for it is halewid to the Lord. 11Forsothe Y haue youe to thee, and to thi sones and douytris, bi euerlastynge riyt, the firste fruytis whiche the sones of Israel a vowen and offren; he that is clene in thin hous, schal ete tho. 12Y yaf to thee al the merowe of oile, and of wyn, and of wheete, what euer thing of the firste fruytis thei schulen offre to the Lord. 13Alle the bigynnyngis of fruytis whiche the erthe bryngith forth, and ben brouyt to the Lord, schulen falle in to thin vsis; he that is cleene in thin hous, schal ete of tho. 14Al thing which the sones of Israel yelden bi avow, schal be thin. 15What euer thing `schal breke out first of the wombe of al fleisch, which fleisch thei offren to the Lord, whether it is of men, ethir of beestis, it schal be of thi riyt; so oneli that thou take prijs for the firste gendrid child of man, and that thou make ech beeste which is vncleene to be bouyt ayen; 16whos ayenbiyng schal be aftir o monethe, for fyue siclis of siluer, bi the weiyte of seyntuarie; a sicle hath xx. halpens. 17Forsothe thou schalt not make the firste gendrid of oxe, and of scheep, and of goet, to be ayen bouyt, for tho ben halewid to the Lord; oneli thou schalt schede the blood of tho on the auter, and thou schalt brenne the ynnere fatnesse in to swettist odour to the Lord. 18Forsothe the fleischis schulen falle in to thin vss, as the brest halewid and the riyt schuldur, schulen be thine. 19Y yaf to the and to thi sones and douytris, bi euerlastynge riyt, alle the firste fruytis of seyntuarie, whiche the sones of Israel offren to the Lord; it is euerlastynge couenant of salt bifor the Lord, to thee, and to thi sones. 20And the Lord seide to Aaron, Ye schulen not welde ony thing in the lond of hem, nether ye schulen haue part among hem; Y am thi part and erytage, in the myddis of the sones of Israel. 21Forsothe Y yaf to the sones of Leuy alle the tithis of Israel in to possessioun, for the seruyce bi whyche thei seruen me in the tabernacle of boond of pees; 22that the sones of Israel neiye no more to the `tabernacle of boond of pees, nether do dedli synne. 23To the sones aloone of Leuy, seruynge me in the tabernacle, and berynge the `synnes of the puple, it schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in youre generaciouns. 24Thei schulen welde noon other thing, and thei schulen be apeied with the offryng of tithis, whiche Y departide in to vsis and necessaries of hem. 25And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, 26Comaunde thou, and denounse to the dekenes, Whanne ye han take tithis of the sones of Israel, whiche Y yaf to you, offre ye the firste fruytis of tho to the Lord, that is, the tenthe part of the dyme, 27that it be arettid to you in to offryng of the firste fruytis, as wel of corn flooris as of pressis; 28and of alle thingis of whiche ye taken tithis, offre ye the firste fruytis to the Lord, and yyue ye to Aaron, preest. 29Alle thingis whiche ye schulen offre of tithis, and schulen departe in to the yiftis of the Lord, schulen be the beste, and alle chosun thingis. 30And thou schalt seye to hem, If ye offren to the Lord alle the clere and betere thingis of tithis, it schal be arettid to you, as if ye yauen the firste fruitis of the corn floor and presse. 31And ye schulen ete tho tithis in alle youre placis, as wel ye as youre meynees, for it is the prijs for the seruyce, in whiche ye seruen in the tabernacle of witnessyng. 32And ye schulen not do synne on this thing, `and resserue noble thingis and fat to you, lest ye defoulen the offryngis of the sones of Israel, and ye dien. 19And the Lord spak to Moises and to Aaron, 2and seide, This is the religioun of sacrifice, which the Lord ordeynede. Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, that thei brynge to thee a reed cow of hool age, in which is no wem, nether sche hath bore yok. 3And ye schulen bitake hir to Eleazar, preest, which schal offre `the cow, led out of the tentis, in the siyt of alle men. 4And he schal dippe his fyngur in the blood therof, and schal sprynge seuene sithis ayens the yatis of the tabernacle. 5And he schal brenne that cow, while alle men sien; and he schal yyue as wel the skyn and fleischis therof as the blood and dung to flawme. 6Also the preest schal `sende a tre of cedre, and ysope, and reed threed died twies, into the flawme that deuourith the cow. 7And thanne at the laste, whanne hise clothis `and bodi ben waischun, he schal entre in to the tentis, and he schal be defoulid `til to euentid. 8But also he that brente the cow, schal waische hise clothis, and bodi, and he schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 9Forsothe a cleene man schal gadere the aischis of the cow, and schal schede out tho with out the tentis, in a place moost cleene, that tho be to the multitude of the sones of Israel in to keping, and in to watir of spryngyng; for the cow is brent for synne. 10And whanne he that bar the aischis of the cow, hath waische hise clothis, he schal be vncleene `til to euentid. And the sones of Israel, and comelyngis that dwellen among hem, schulen haue this hooli bi euerlastynge lawe. 11He that touchith a deed bodi of man, and is vncleene for this bi seuene daies, 12schal be spreynt of this watir in the thridde, and in the seuenthe dai; and so he schal be clensid. If he is not spreynt in the thridde dai, he schal not mow be clensid in the seuenthe dai. 13Ech that touchith the deed bodi bi it silf of mannus soule, and is not spreynt with this medlyng, defoulith the `tabernacle of the Lord, and he schal perische fro Israel; for he is not spreynt with the wateris of clensyng, he schal be vncleene, and his filthe schal dwelle on hym. 14This is the lawe of a man that dieth in the tabernacle; alle that entren in to his tente, and alle vessels that ben there, schulen be defoulid bi seuene daies. 15A vessel that hath not an hilyng, nethir a byndyng aboue, schal be vncleene. 16If ony man touchith the deed bodi of man slayn in the feeld, ether deed bi hym silf, ether a boon, ether the sepulcre `of hym, he schal be vncleene bi seuene daies. 17And thei schulen take `of the aischis of the brennyng, and of the synne, and thei schulen sende quyk watris in to a vessel on tho aischis; 18in whiche whanne `a cleene man hath dippid ysope, he schal spreynge therof the tente, and al the purtenaunce of howshold, and men defoulid bi sich defoulyng. 19And in this maner a cleene man schal clense an vncleene, in the thridde and in the seuenthe dai; and he schal be clensid in the seuenthe dai. And he schal waische hym silf, and hise clothis, and he schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 20If ony man is not clensid bi this custom, the soule of hym schal perische fro the myddis of the chirche; for he defoulith the `seyntuarie of the Lord, and is not spreynt with the watir of clensyng. 21This comaundement schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge. Also he that schal sprenge the watris schal waische his clothis; ech man that touchith the watris of clensyng, schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 22What euer thing an vncleene man touchith, he schal make it vncleene; and a soule that touchith ony of these thingis `defoulid so, schal be vncleene `til to euentid. 20And the sones of Israel and al the multitude camen in to the deseert of Syn, in the firste monethe. And the puple dwellide in Cades; and Marie was deed there, and biried in the same place. 2And whanne the puple hadde nede to watir, thei yeden togidere ayens Moises and Aaron; and thei weren turned in to dissensioun, 3and seiden, We wolden that we hadden perischid among oure britheren bifor the Lord. 4Whi han ye led out the chirche of the Lord in to wildirnesse, that bothe we and oure beestis die? 5Whi han ye maad vs to stie from Egipt, and han brouyt vs in to this werste place, which may not be sowun, which nether bryngith forth fige tre, nether vineris, nether pumgranatis, ferthermore and hath not watir to drynke? 6And whanne the multitude was left, Moises and Aaron entriden in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, and felden lowe to erthe, and crieden to God, and seiden, Lord God, here the cry of this puple, and opene to hem thi tresour, a welle of quyk watir, that whanne thei ben fillid, the grutchyng of hem ceesse. And the glorie of the Lord apperide on hem; 7and the Lord spak to Moises, 8and seide, Take the yerde, and gadere the puple, thou, and Aaron thi brother; and speke ye to the stoon bifore hem, and it schal yyue watris. And whanne thou hast led watir out of the stoon, al the multitude schal drynke, and the beestis therof `schulden drynke. 9Therfor Moises took the yerde that was in the `siyt of the Lord, as the Lord comaundide to hym, 10whanne the multitude was gaderid bifor the stoon; and he seide to hem, Here ye, rebel and vnbileueful; whether we moun brynge out of this stoon watir to you? 11And whanne Moises hadde reisid the hond, and hadde smyte the flynt twies with the yerde, largeste watris yeden out, so that the puple drank, and the beestis drunken. 12And the Lord seide to Moises and to Aaron, For ye bileueden not to me, that ye schulden halewe me bifor the sones of Israel, ye schulen not lede these puples in to the lond which Y schal yyue to hem. 13This is the watir of ayenseiyng; there the sones of Israel stryueden ayens the Lord, and he was halewid in hem. 14In the meene tyme Moises sente messangeres fro Cades to the kyng of Edom, whiche seiden, Israel thi brother sendith these thinges. Thou knowist al the trauel that took vs, 15hou oure fadris yeden doun in to Egipt, and we dwelliden there myche tyme, and Egipcians turmentiden vs and oure fadris; and hou we crieden to the Lord, 16and he herde vs, and sente an aungel that ledde vs out of Egipt. And lo! we ben set in the citee of Cades, which is in thi laste coostis, 17and we bisechen that it be leueful to vs to passe thorou thi lond; we schulen not go bi feeldis, nether bi vyneris, nether we schulen drynke watris of thi pittis; but we schulen go in the comyn weie, and we schulen not bowe to the riyt side, nether to the left side, til we passen thi termes. 18To whom Edom answeride, Ye schulen not passe bi me, ellis Y schal be armed, and come ayens thee. 19And the sones of Israel seiden, We schulen go bi the weie comynli vsid, and if we and oure beestis drynken thi watris, we schulen yyue that that is iust; noon hardnesse schal be in prijs, onely passe we swiftli. 20And he answeride, Ye schulen not passe. And anoon he yede out ayens Israel, with a multitude without noumbre, and `strong hond, 21nether he wolde assente to Israel bisechynge, that he schulde graunte passage bi hise coostis. Wherfor Israel turnede awey fro hym. 22And whanne thei hadden moued tentis fro Cades, thei camen in to the hil of Hor, which is in the endis of the lond of Edom; 23where the Lord spak to Moyses and seide, Aaron go to his puples; 24for he schal not entre in to the lond which Y yaf to the sones of Israel, for he was vnbileueful to my mouth, at the watris of ayenseiyng. 25Take thou Aaron, and his sone with hym, and thou schalt lede hem in to the hil of Hor; 26and whanne thou hast maad nakid the fadir of his cloth, thou schalt clothe `with it Eleazar, his sone, and Aaron schal be gederid, and schal die there. 27Moises dide as the Lord comaundide; and thei stieden in to the hil of Hor, bifor al the multitude. 28And whanne he hadde maad nakid Aaron of hise clothis, he clothide with tho Eleazar, his sone. 29Sotheli whanne Aaron was deed in the `cop of the hil, Moises cam doun with Eleazar. 30Sotheli al the multitude siy that Aaron was deed, and wepte on hym thretti daies, bi alle her meyness. 21And whanne Chananei, the kyng of Arad, that dwellide at the south, hadde herd this, that is, that Israel cam bi the weye of aspieris, he fauyt ayens hem; and Chananei was ouercomere and ledde pray of Israel. 2And Israel bounde hym sylf bi avow to the Lord, and seide, If thou schalt bitake this puple in myn hond, Y schal do awei `the citees therof. 3And the Lord herde the preieris of Israel, and bitook the Chananey; and Israel killid hym, and distruyede hise citees; and clepide the name of that place Horma, that is, cursyng, `ethir hangyng up. 4`Forsothe thei yeden forth also fro the hil of Hor, bi the weie that ledith to the reed see, that thei schulden cumpasse the lond of Edom; and it bigan to anoye the puple, of the weie and trauel. 5And the puple spak ayens the Lord and Moises, and seide, Whi leddist thou vs out of Egipt, that we schulden die in wildirnesse? breed failith, watris ben not; oure soule wlatith now on this `meete moost liyt. 6Wherfor the Lord sente `firid serpentis in to the puple; at the woundis of whiche serpentis, and the dethis of ful many men, 7thei camen to Moyses, and seiden, We synneden, for we spaken ayens the Lord and thee; preie thou, that he take awey fro vs the serpentis. 8And Moises preiede for the puple; and the Lord seide to hym, Make thou a serpent of bras, and sette thou it for a signe; he that is smytun and biholdith it, schal lyue. 9Therfor Moyses made a serpent of bras, and settide for a signe; and men smytun and biholdynge it, weren heelid. 10And the sones of Israel yeden forth, 11and settiden tentis in Oboth; fro whennus thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in Neabarym, in the wildirnesse, that biholdith Moab, ayens the eest coost. 12And thei moueden fro thennus, and camen to the stronde of Zareth; 13which thei leften, and settiden tentis ayens Arnon, which is in the deseert, and apperith in the coostis of Amorrei. Forsothe Arnon is the terme of Moab, and departith Moabitis and Ammoreis. 14Wherfor it is seid in the book of batels of the Lord, As he dide in the reed see, so he schal do in the strondis of Arnon; 15the harde rochis of the strondis weren bowid, that tho schulen reste in Arnon, and schulden ligge in the coostis of Moabitis. 16Fro that place the pit apperide, of which the Lord spak to Moyses, Gadere thou the puple, and Y schal yyue watir to it. 17Thanne Israel soong this song, The pit stie; 18thei sungen togidere, The pit which the princes diggiden, and the duykis of the multitude maden redi, in the yyuere of the lawe, and in her stauys. And thei yeden forth fro the wildirnesse to Mathana, 19fro Mathana to Naaliel, fro Naaliel in to Bamoth; 20Bamoth is a valey in the cuntrey of Moab, in the cop of Phasga, that biholdith ayens the deseert. 21Forsothe Israel sente messangeris to Seon, kyng of Ammorreis, and seide, 22Y biseche that it be leueful to me to passe thorou thi loond; we schulen not bowe in to the feeldis and vyneris; we schulen not drynke watris of pittis; we schulen go in the kyngis weie, til we passen thi termes. 23Which nolde graunte that Israel schulde passe thury hise coostis, but rather, whanne the oost was gaderid, he yede out ayens Israel, in to deseert. And he cam in to Yasa, and fauyt ayens Israel; 24of whom he was smytun in the scharpnesse of swerd, and his lond was weldid fro Arnon `til to Jeboth and `the sones of Amon; for the termes of Amonytis weren holdun bi strong help. 25Therfor Israel took alle `the citees of hym, and dwelliden in the citees of Amorrei, that is, in Esebon, and hise townes. 26The citee of Esebon was Seons, kyng of Ammorei, which Seon fauyt ayens the kyng of Moab, and took al the lond that was of his lordschip, `til to Arnon. 27Therfor it is seid in prouerbe, Come ye in to Esebon, be it bildid, and maad the citee of Seon; 28fier yede out of Esebon, flawme yede out of the citee `ethir greet castel of Seon, and deuouryde Ar of Moabitis, and the dwelleris of the `hiye places of Arnon. 29Moab, wo to thee! thou, puple of Chamos, perischidist; it yaf the sones therof in to fliyt, and the douytris in to caitifte to Seon, kyng of Ammoreis; 30the yok of hem perischide, fro Esebon `til to Dibon; the wery men camen in to Jophe, and `til to Medaba. 31And so Israel dwellide in the lond of Ammorrey. 32And Moises sente men that schulden aspie Jaser, whos `townes thei token, and weldiden the dwelleris. 33And thei turniden hem silf, and stieden bi the weie of Basan. And Og, the kyng of Basan, with al his puple cam ayens hem, to fiyte in Edray. 34And the Lord seide to Moises, Drede thou not hym, for Y haue bitake hym, and al his loond, and puple, in thin hoond; and thou schalt do to hym as thou didist to Seon, kyng of Ammorreis, the dwellere of Esebon. 35Therfor thei smytiden `bothe hym with hise sones and al his puple, `til to deeth; and thei weldiden `the lond of hym. 22And thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in the feeldi places of Moab, where Jerico is set ouer Jordan. 2Forsothe Balach, the sone of Sephor, siy alle thingis whiche Israel hadde do to Ammorrei, 3and that men of Moab `hadden dred Israel, and miyten not bere the assailing of him. 4And he seide to the grettere men in birthe of Madian, So this puple schal do a wei alle men that dwellen in oure coostis, as an oxe is wont to do awei an eerbe `til to the rootis. Forsothe he, `that is, Balaac, was kyng in that tyme in Moab. 5Therfor he sente messangeris to Balaam, the sone of Beor, a fals diuynour, that dwellide on the flood of the lond of the sones of Amon, that thei schulden clepe hym, and schulden seie, Lo! a puple yede out of Egipt, `which puple hilide the face of erthe, and sittith ayens me. 6Therfor come thou, and curse this puple, which is strongere than Y, if in ony maner Y may smyte and dryue hym out of my lond; for Y knowe, that he is blissid whom thou blissist, and he is cursid whom thou hast cursid. 7The eldere men of Moab and the grettere men in birthe of Madian yeden forth, hauynge in hondis the prijs of fals dyuynyng; and whanne thei hadden come to Balaam, and hadden teld to hym alle the wordis of Balaach, he answeride, 8Dwelle ye here to nyyt, and Y schal answere what euer thing the Lord schal seie to me. Sotheli while thei dwelliden at Balaam, God cam, and seide to hym, 9What wolen these men at thee `to hem silf? 10Balaam answeride, Balaach, the sone of Sephor, kyng of Moabitis, sente to me, and seide, Lo! 11a puple which is gon out of Egipt hilide the face of erthe; come thou, and curse hem, if in ony maner Y may fiyte, and dryue hym awey. 12And God seide to Balaam, Nyle thou go with hem, nether curse thou the puple, for it is blessid. 13Which Balaam roos eerli, and seide to the princes, Go ye in to youre lond, for God forbeed me to come with you. 14The princes turneden ayen, and seiden to Balaach, Balaam nolde come with vs. 15Eft Balaach sente many mo and noblere men, than he hadde sent bifore; 16whiche seiden, whanne thei hadden come to Balaam, Balaach, the sone of Sephor, seith thus, Tarye thou not to come to me, redi to onoure thee; 17and what euer thing thou wolt, Y schal yyue to thee; come thou, and curse this puple. 18Balaam answeride, Thouy Balaach schal yyue to me his howsful of siluer and of gold, Y schal not mowe chaunge the word of my God, that Y speke ethir more ethir lesse. 19Y biseche, that ye dwelle here also in this nyyt, that Y may wite what the Lord schal answere eft to me. 20Therfor the Lord cam to Balaam in the nyyt, and seide to hym, If these men comen to clepe thee, rise thou, and go with hem, so oneli that thou do that that Y schal comaunde to thee. 21Balaam roos eerli, and whanne his femal asse was sadelid, he yede forth with hem. 22And God was wrooth. And the `aungel of the Lord stood in the weie ayens Balam, that sat on the femal asse, and hadde twei children with hym. 23The femal asse siy the aungel stondynge in the weie, with swerd drawun, and `turnede a wei hir silf fro the weie, and yede bi the feeld. And whanne Balaam beet hir, and wolde lede ayen to the path, 24the aungel stood in the streitnessis of twei wallis, with whiche the vyneris weren cumpassid. 25And the femal asse siy the aungel, and ioynede hir silf to the wal, and hurtlide the foot of the sittere; and he beet eft `the asse. 26And neuer the lesse the aungel yede to the streit place, where me `myyte not go out of the weie, nether to the riyt side nether to the left side, and stood ayens hym. 27And whanne the femal asse siy the aungel stondynge, sche felde doun vndir the feet of the sittere, which was wrooth ful greetli, and beet hir sidis with a staaf. 28And the Lord openyde the `mouth of the femal asse, and sche spak, What have Y doon to thee? whi smytist thou me, lo! now the thridde tyme? 29Balaam answeride, For thou hast disserued, and hast scornyd me; Y wolde that Y hadde a swerd to sle thee. 30And the femal asse seide, Whether Y am not thi beeste on which thou were wont to sitte euere til in to this present dai? seie thou, what lijk thing Y dide euere to thee? And he seide, Neuere. 31Anoon the Lord openyde `the iyen of Balaam, and he siy the aungel stondynge in the weie, holdynge a drawun swerd in the hoond; and Balaam worschipide hym lowli in to erthe. 32To whom the aungel seide, Whi `betist thou thi femal asse `the thridde tyme? Y cam to be aduersarie to thee, for thi weie is weiward, and contrarye to me; 33and if the femal asse hadde not bowid a wey fro the weie, and youe place to ayenstondere, Y hadde slayn thee, and sche schulde lyue. 34Balaam seide, Y synnede, not witynge that thou stodist ayens me; and now, if it displesith thee that Y go, Y schal turne ayen. 35The aungel seide, Go thou with these men, but be war that thou speke not other thing than Y schal comaunde to thee. Therfor Balaam yede with the princes. 36And whanne Balaach hadde herde this, he yede out in to the comyng of hym, in the citee of Moabitis, whiche is set in the laste coostis of Arnon. 37And he seide to Balaam, Y sente messangeris to clepe thee; whi camest thou not anoon to me? whethir for Y may not yelde meede to thi comyng? 38To whom Balaam answeride, Lo! Y am present, whethir Y schal mow speke other thing than that, that God schal putte in my mouth? 39Therfor thei yeden forth to gidere, and camen in to a citee, which was in the laste coost of `his rewme. 40And whanne Balaach hadde slayn scheep and oxun, he sente yiftis to Balaam and the princes that weren with hym. 41Forsothe whanne the morewtid was maad, Balaach ledde Balaam to the hiye placis of Baal, and he bihelde the laste part of the puple, `that is, al the oost til to the laste part. 23And Balaam seide to Balaach, Bilde thou here to me seuene auteris, and make redi so many caluys, and rammes of the same noumbre. 2And whanne he hadde do bi the word of Balaam, thei puttiden a calf and a ram to gidere on the auter. 3And Balaam seide to Balaach, Stond thou a litil while bisidis thi brent sacrifice, while Y go, if in hap the Lord meete me; and Y schal `speke to thee what euer thing he schal comaunde. 4And whanne he hadde go swiftli, God cam to hym; and Balaam spak to hym, and seide, Y reiside seuene auteris, and Y puttide a calf and a ram aboue. 5Forsothe the Lord `puttide a word in his mouth, and seide, Turne ayen to Balaach, and thou schalt speke these thingis. 6He turnede ayen, and fond Balach stondynge bisidis his brent sacrifice, and alle the princes of Moabitis. 7And whanne his parable `was takun, he seide, Balaach, the kyng of Moabitis, brouyte me fro Aran, fro the `hillis of the eest; and he seide, Come thou and curse Jacob; haaste thou, and greetli curse thou Israel. 8How schal Y curse whom God cursid not? bi what resoun schal Y `haue abhomynable whom God `hath not abhomynable? 9Fro the hiyeste flyntis Y schal se hym, and fro litle hillis Y schal biholde hym; the puple schal dwelle aloone, and it schal not be arettid among hethene men. 10Who may noumbre the dust, that is, kynrede, of Jacob, and knowe the noumbre of the generacioun of Israel? My lijf die in the deeth of iust men, and my laste thingis be maad lijk hem! 11And Balaach seide to Balaam, What is this that thou doist? Y clepide thee, that thou schuldist curse myn enemyes, and ayenward thou blessist hem. 12To whom Balaam answeride, Whether Y may speke othir thing no but that that the Lord comaundith? 13Therfor Balaach seide to Balaam, Come with me in to anothir place, fro whennus thou se a part of Israel, and mayst not se al; fro thennus curse thou hym. 14And whanne he hadde led Balaam in to an hiy place, on the cop of the hil of Phasga, he bildide seuene auteris to Balaam, and whanne calues and rammes weren put aboue, 15he seide to Balaach, Stonde here bisidis thi brent sacrifice, while Y go. 16And whanne the Lord hadde `come to him, and hadde put `a word in his mouth, he seide, Turne ayen to Balach, and thou schalt seie these thingis to hym. 17He turnyde ayen, and foond Balach stondynge bisidis his brent sacrifice, and the princis of Moabitis with hym. To whom Balach seide, What spak the Lord? 18And whanne his parable `was takun, he seide, Stonde, Balach, and herkene; here, thou sone of Sephor. God is not `as a man, 19that he lye, nethir he is as the sone of a man, that he be chaungid; therfor he seide, and schal he not do? he spak, and schal he not fulfille? 20Y am brouyt to blesse, Y may not forbede blessyng. 21Noon idol is in Jacob, nethir symylacre is seyn in Israel; his Lord God is with hym, and the sown of victorie of kyng is in hym. 22The Lord God ledde hym out of Egipt, whos strengthe is lijk an vnicorn; 23fals tellyng bi chiteryng of bryddis, `ethir idolatrie, is not in Jacob, nethir fals dyuynyng is in Israel. In his tymes it schal be seide to Jacob and Israel, What the Lord hath wrought! 24Lo! the puple schal rise to gidere as a lionesse, and schal be reisid as a lioun; the lioun schal not reste, til he deuoure prey, and drynke the blood of hem that ben slayn. 25And Balach seide to Balaam, Nether curse thou, nether blesse thou hym. 26And he seide, Whether Y seide not to thee, that what euer thing that God comaundide to me, Y wolde do this? 27And Balach seide to hym, Come, and Y schal lede thee to an other place, if in hap it plesith God that fro thennus thou curse hym. 28And whanne Balaach hadde led hym out on the `cop of the hil of Phegor, that biholdith the wildirnesse, 29Balaam seide to hym, Bilde here seuene auteris to me, and make redi so many caluys, and rammes of the same noumbre. 30Balaach dide as Balaam seide, and he puttide caluys and rammes, bi alle auteris. 24And whanne Balaam siy that it pleside the Lord that he schulde blesse Israel, he yede not as he `hadde go bifore, `that he schulde seke fals dyuynyng `bi chiteryng of briddis, but he dresside his face ayens the desert, 2and reiside iyen, and siy Israel dwellynge in tentis bi hise lynagis. And whanne the Spirit of God felde on hym, and whanne a parable was takun, 3he seide, Balaam, the sone of Beor, seide, a man whois iye is stoppid seide, 4the herere of Goddis wordis seide, which bihelde the reuelacioun of almyyti God, which fallith doun, and hise iyen ben openyd so, Hou faire ben thi tabernaclis, 5Jacob, and thi tentis, Israel! 6as valeys ful of woodis, and moiste gardyns bisidis floodis, as tabernaclis whiche the Lord hath set, as cedris bisidis watris; 7watir schal flowe of his bokat, and his seed schal be in to many watris, `that is, puplis. The kyng of hym schal be takun a wei for Agag, and the rewme of hym schal be doon awai. 8God ledde hym out of Egipt, whos strengthe is lijk an vnicorn; thei schulen deuoure hethene men, enemyes `of hym, that is, of Israel; and thei schulen breke the boonus of hem, and schulen perse with arowis. 9He restide and slepte as a lyoun, and as a lionesse, whom no man schal dore reise. He that blessith thee, schal be blessid; he that cursith, schal 10be arettid in to cursyng And Balaach was wrooth ayens Balaam, and seide, whanne the hondis weren wrungun to gidere, I clepide thee to curse myn enemyes, whiche ayenward thou hast blessid thries. 11Turne ayen to thi place; forsothe Y demede to onoure thee greetli, but the Lord priuyde thee fro onour disposid. 12Balaam answeride to Balaach, Whethir Y seide not to thi messangeris, whiche thou sentist to me, 13Thouy Balaach schal yyue to me his hows ful of siluer and of gold, Y schal not mow passe the word of my Lord God, that Y brynge forth of myn herte ony thing, ethir of good ethir of yuel, but what euer thing the Lord schal seie, Y schal speke this? 14Netheles Y schal go to my puple, and Y schal yyue counsel to thee, what thi puple schal do in the laste tyme to this puple. 15Therfor whanne a parable was takun, he seide eft, Balaam, the sone of Beor seide, a man whos iye is stoppid, 16seide, the herere of Goddis wordis seide, which knowith the doctrine of the hiyeste, and seeth the reuelacioun of almiyti God, which fallith doun and hath opyn iyen, 17Y schal se hym, but not now; Y schal biholde hym, but not nyy; a sterre schal be borun of Jacob, and a yerde schal rise of Israel; and he schal smyte the duykis of Moab, and he schal waste alle the sones of Seth; and Ydumye schal be hys possessioun, 18the eritage of Seir schal bifalle to his enemyes; forsothe Israel schal do strongli, of Jacob schal be he that schal be lord, 19and schal leese the relikis of the citee. 20And whanne he hadde seyn Amalech, he took a parable, and seide, Amalech is the bigynning of hethene men, whos laste thingis schulen be lost. 21Also `he siy Cyney, and whanne a parable was takun, he seide, Forsothe thi dwellyng place is strong, but if thou schalt sette thi nest in a stoon, 22and schalt be chosun of the generacioun of Cyn, hou longe schalt thou mow dwelle? forsothe Assur schal take thee. 23And whanne a parable was takun, he spak eft, Alas! who schal lyue, whanne the Lord schal make thes thingis? 24Thei schulen come in grete schippis fro Ytalie, thei schulen ouercome Assiries, and thei schulen distrie Ebrews, and at the last also thei hem silf schulen perische. 25And Balaam roos, and turnide ayen in to his place; and Balaach yede ayen bi the weye in which he cam. 25Forsothe in that tyme Israel dwellide in Sechym; and the puple dide fornycacioun with the douytris of Moab; 2whiche douytris clepiden hem to her sacrifices, and thei eten, and worschipiden the goddis of tho douytris; 3and Israel made sacrifice to Belphegor. And the Lord was wrooth, 4and seide to Moises, Take thou alle the princes of the puple, and hange hem ayens the sunne in iebatis, that my wodnesse, `that is stronge veniaunce, be turned awai fro Israel. 5And Moises seide to the iugis of Israel, Ech man sle his neiyboris, that maden sacrifice to Belphagor. 6And, lo! oon of the sones of Israel entride bifor his britheren to `an hoore of Madian, in the siyt of Moises, and al the cumpeny of the sones of Israel, whiche wepten bifor the yatis of the tabernacle. 7And whanne Phynees, the sone of Eleazar, sone of Aaron, preest, hadde seyn this, he roos fro the myddis of the multitude; and whanne he hadde take a swerd, 8he entride aftir the man of Israel in to the `hoore hows, and stikide thorou both togidere, that is, the man and the womman, in the places of gendryng. And the veniaunce ceesside fro the sones of Israel, 9and foure and twenti thousand of men weren slayn. 10And the Lord seide to Moises, 11Fynees, the sone of Eleazar, sone of Aaron, preest, turnede away myn yre fro the sones of Israel; for he was stirid ayens hem bi my feruent loue, that Y my silf schulde not do awai the sones of Israel in my greet hete, `ether strong veniaunce. 12Therfor speke thou to hym, Lo! Y yyue to hym the pees of my couenaunt, 13and it schal be an euerlastynge couenaunt of preesthod, as wel to hym silf as to his seed; for he louyde feruentli for his God, and he clenside the greet trespas of the sones of Israel. 14Forsothe the name of the man of Israel, that was slayn with the womman of Madian, was Zambri, the sone of Salu, duyk of the kynrede and lynage of Symeon. 15Forsothe the womman of Madian that was slayn togidere, was clepid Cobri, the douyter of Sur, the nobleste prince of Madianytis. 16And the Lord spak to Moises and seide, 17`Madianytis feele you enemyes, and smyte ye hem; 18for also thei diden enemyliche ayens you, and disseyueden thorow tresouns, bi the idol of Phegor, and bi `the douyter of Corbri, duyk of Madian, her sister, which douyter was sleyn in the dai of veniaunce, for the sacrilege of Phegor. 26Aftir that the blood of gilti men was sched out, the Lord seide to Moises and to Eleasar, 2preest, sone of Aaron, Noumbre ye al the summe of the sones of Israel, fro twenti yeer and aboue, bi her housis, and kynredis, alle men that mowen go forth to batels. 3And so Moises and Eleasar, preest, spaken in the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayens Jerico, to hem that weren of twenti yeer and aboue, 4as the Lord comaundide; of whiche this is the noumbre. 5Ruben, the firste gendrid of Israel; the sone of hym was Enoch, of whom was the meynee of Enochitis; and Phallu, of whom the meynee of Phalluytis; and Esrom, 6of whom the meynee of Esromytis; and Charmy, of whom the meynee of Charmytis. 7Thes weren the meynees of the generacioun of Ruben, of whiche meynees the noumbre was foundun thre and fourti thousand seuene hundrid and thretti. 8The sone of Phallu was Heliab; 9the sones of hym weren Namuel, and Dathan and Abiron. `These weren Dathan and Abiron, prynces of the puple, that riseden ayens Moises and Aaron, in the rebelte of Chore, whanne thei rebelliden ayens the Lord; 10and the erthe openyde his mouth, and deuouride Chore, while ful many men dieden, whanne the fier brente two hundrid men and fifti; and a greet myracle was maad, 11that whanne Chore perischide, hise sones perischiden not. 12The sones of Symeon bi her kynredis; Namuel, of hym was the meynee of Namuelitis; Jamyn, of hym was the meynee of Jamynytis; Jachin, of hym was the meynee of Jachynytis; 13Zare, of hym the meynee of Zarenytis; Saul, of hym the meynee of Saulitis. 14These weren the meynees of Symeon, of whiche all the noumbre was two and twenti thousynde and two hundrid. 15The sones of Gad bi her kynredis; Sephon, of hym the meynee of Sephonytis; Aggi, of hym the meynee of Aggitis; Sumy, of hym the meynee of Sumytis; 16Ozny, of hym the meynee of Oznytis; Heri, of hym the meynee of Hereytis; 17Arod, of hym the meynee of Aroditis; Ariel, of hym the meynee of Arielitis. 18These weren the meynees of Gad, of whiche al the noumbre was fourti thousynde and fyue hundrid. 19The sones of Juda weren Her and Onan, whiche bothe weren deed in the lond of Canaan. 20And the sones of Juda weren bi her kynredis; Sela, of whom the meynee of Selaitis; Phares, of whom the meynee of Pharesitis; Zare, of whom the meynee of Zareitis. 21Sotheli the sones of Phares weren Esrom, of whom the meynee of Esromytis; and Amul, of whom the meynee of Amulitis. 22These weren the meynees of Juda, of whiche al the noumbre was seuenty thousynde and fyue hundrid. 23The sones of Isachar bi her kynredis; Thola, of whom the meynee of Tholaitis; Phua, of whom the meynee of Phuitis; 24Jasub, of whom the meynee of Jasubitis; Semran, of whom the meynee of Semranytis. 25These weren the kynredis of Isachar, of whiche the noumbre was foure and sixti thousynd and three hundrid. 26The sones of Zabulon bi her kinredis; Sarad, of whom the meynee of Sareditis; Helon, of whom the meynee of Helonytis; Jalel, of whom the meynee of Jalelitis. 27These weren the kynredis of Zabulon, of whiche the noumbre was sixti thousynde and fyue hundrid. 28The sones of Joseph bi her kynredis weren Manasses and Effraym. 29Of Manasses was borun Machir, of whom the meynee of Machiritis. Machir gendride Galaad, of whom the meynee of Galaditis. 30Galaad hadde sones; Hizezer, of whom the meynee of Hizezeritis; and Helech, of whom the meynee of Helechitis; 31and Ariel, of whom the meynee of Arielitis; and Sechem, of whom the meynee of Sechemytis; 32and Semyda, of whom the meynee of Semydaitis; and Epher, of whom the meynee of Epheritis. 33Forsothe Epher was the fadir of Salphath, that hadde not sones, but oneli douytris; of whiche these weren the names; Maala, and Noha, and Egla, and Melcha, and Thersa. 34These weren the meynees of Manasse, and the noumbre of hem was two and fifty thousynde and seuene hundrid. 35Forsothe the sones of Effraym bi her kynredis weren these; Suthala, of whom the meynee of Suthalaitis; Bether, of whom the meynee of Betherytis; Tehen, of whom the meynee of Thehenytis. 36Forsothe the sone of Suthala was Heram, of whom the meynee of Heramytis. 37These weren the kynredis `of the sones of Effraym, of whiche the noumbre was two and thretti thousynde and fyue hundrid. 38These weren the sones of Joseph, bi her meynees. The sones of Beniamyn in her kynredis; Bale, of whom the meynee of Baleytis; Azbel, of whom the meynee of Azbelitis; Ahiram, of whom the meynee of Ahiramitis; 39Suphan, of whom the meynee of Suphanitis; Huphan, of whom the meynee of Huphanitis. 40The sones of Bale, Hered and Noeman; of Hered, the meyne of Hereditis; of Noeman, the meynee of Noemanitis. 41Thes weren the sones of Beniamyn bi her kynredis, of whiche the noumbre was fyue and fourti thousynde and sixe hundrid. 42The sones of Dan bi her kynredis; Suphan, of whom the meynee of Suphanytis. These weren the kynredis of Dan bi her meynees; 43alle weren Suphanytis, of whiche the noumbre was foure and sixti thousynde and foure hundrid. 44The sones of Aser bi her kynredis; Jemma, of whom the meynee of Jemmaytis; Jesuy, of whom the meynee of Jesuytis; Brie, of whom the meynee of Brieitis. 45The sones of Brie; Haber, of whom the meynee of Haberitis; and Melchiel, of whom the meynee of Melchielitis. 46Sotheli the name of `the douytir of Azer was Zara. 47These weren the kynredis of the sones of Aser, and the noumbre of hem was foure and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid. 48The sones of Neptalym bi her kynredis; Jesehel, of whom the meynee of Jeselitis; Guny, of whom the meynee of Gunytis; 49Jeser, of whom the meynee of Jeserytis; Sellem, of whom the meynee of Sellemytis. 50Thes weren the kynredis of the sones of Neptalym bi her meynees, of whiche the noumbre was fyue and fourti thousynde and foure hundrid. 51This is the summe of the sones of Israel, that weren noumbrid, sixe hundrid thousynde and a thousynde seuene hundrid and thretti. 52And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide, 53The lond schal be departid to these, bi the noumbre of names in to her possessiouns; 54thou schalt yyue the grettere part to mo men, and the lesse part to fewere men; possessioun schal be youun to alle bi hem silf, as thei ben noumbrid now; 55so oneli that lot departe the lond to lynagis and meynees. 56What euer thing bifallith bi lot, ethir mo ether fewere men take this. 57Also this is the noumbre of the sones of Leuy bi her meynees; Gerson, of whom the meynee of Gersonytis; Caath, of whom the meynee of Caathitis; Merary, of whom the meynee of Meraritis. 58These weren the meynees of Leuy; the meynee of Lobny, the meynee of Ebron, the meynee of Mooli, the meynee of Musi, the meynee of Chori. And sotheli Caath gendride Amram, 59which hadde a wijf, Jocabeth, douyter of Leuy, which douyter was borun to hym in Egipt. This Jocabeth gendride to hir hosebonde `Amram sones, Aaron, and Moyses, and Marie, `the sister of hem. 60Nadab, and Abyu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar weren bigetun of Aaron; 61of whiche Nadab and Abyu weren deed, whanne thei hadden offrid alien fier bifor the Lord. 62And alle that weren noumbrid weren thre and twenti thousynde of male kynde, fro o monethe and aboue, whiche weren not noumbrid among the sones of Israel, nether possessioun was youun to hem with othir men. 63This is the noumbre of the sones of Israel, that weren discryued of Moises and Eleasar, preest, in the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayen Jerico; 64among whiche noon of hem was that weren noumbrid bifor of Moises and Aaron, in the deseert of Synay; 65for the Lord bifore seide, that alle schulden die in `the wildirnesse; and noon of hem dwellide, no but Caleph, `the sone of Jephone, and Josue, the sone of Nun. 27Forsothe the douytris of Salphaat, sone of Epher, sone of Galaad, sone of Machir, sone of Manasses, that was `the sone of Joseph, neiyeden; of whiche douytris these ben the names; Maala, and Noha, and Egla, and Melcha, and Thersa. 2And thei stoden bifore Moises, and Eleazar, preest, and alle the princes of the puple, at the dore of tabernacle of boond of pees; and seiden, 3Oure fadir was deed in the deseert, nether he was in the rebelte, that was reisid ayens the Lord, vndur Chore, but he was deed in his synne; he hadde no male sones. Whi is `the name of hym takun awei fro his meynee, for he hath no sone? Yif ye possessioun to vs among `the kynesmen of oure fadir. 4And Moises telde `the cause of hem to the doom of the Lord; 5which seide to Moyses, The douytris of Salphaath axen a iust thing; yyue thou possessioun to hem among `the kynnysmen of her fadir, 6and be thei successouris to hym in to eritage. 7Forsothe thou schalt speke these thingis to the sons of Israel, 8Whanne a man is deed with out sone, the eritage schal go to his douyter; 9if he hath not a douyter, he schal haue eiris his britheren; 10that and if britheren ben not, ye schulen yyue the eritage to `the britheren of his fadir; 11forsothe if he hath no britheren of his fadir, the eritage schal be youun to hem that ben next to hym. And this schal be hooli, `that is, stidefast, bi euerlastynge lawe to the sones of Israel, as the Lord comaundide to Moises. 12Also the Lord seide to Moises, Stie thou in to this hil of Aberym, and biholde thou fro thennus the lond, which Y schal yyue to the sones of Israel. 13And whanne thou hast seyn it, also thou schalt go to thi puple, as thi brother Aaron yede; 14for thou offenddidist me in the deseert of Syn, in the ayen seiyng of the multitude, nether woldist halewe me bifor it, on the watris. These ben the watris of ayen seiyng, in Cades, of the deseert of Syn. 15To whom Moises answeryde, 16The Lord God of spiritis of al fleisch puruey a man, that be on this multitude, 17and may go out, and entre bifor hem, and lede hem out, and lede hem yn, lest the `puple of the Lord be as scheep with out schepherde. 18And the Lord seide to hym, Take thou Josue, the sone of Nun, a man in whom the spyrit of God is, and set thin hond on hym; and he schal stonde bifore Eleazar, 19preest, and bifore al the multitude. 20And thou schalt yyue to hym comaundementis, in the siyt of alle men, and a part of thi glorie, that al the synagoge of the sones of Israel here hym. 21If ony thing schal be worthi to be do for this man, Eleasar, preest, schal counseil the Lord; he schal go out, and schal go yn, at the word of Eleazar; he, and alle the sones of Israel with him, and the tother multitude. 22Moises dide as the Lord comaundide, and whanne he hadde take Josue, he settide hym bifore Eleazar, preest, and bifore al the multitude of the puple; 23and whanne he hadde set hondis on his heed, he reherside alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide. 28Also the Lord seide to Moises, Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, 2Offre ye bi her tymes myn offryng, and looues, and encense of swettist odour. 3These ben the sacrificis whiche ye owen to offre; twey lambren of o yeer, with out wem, ech dai in to euerlastynge brent sacrifice. 4Ye schulen offre oon eerli, and the tother at euentid. 5`Ye schulen offre the tenthe part of ephi `of floure, `which be spreynt with pureste oile, and haue the fourthe part of hyn. 6It is continuel brent sacrifice, which ye offriden in the hil of Synai, in to `odour of swettiste encense to the Lord. 7And ye schulen offre the fourthe part of hyn of wyn, bi ech lomb, in the seyntuarie of the Lord. 8And ye schulen offre in lijk maner the tother lomb at euentid, bi al the custom of the morewe sacrifice, and of moist sacrifices therof, an offryng of swettist odour to the Lord. 9Forsothe in the `dai of sabat ye schulen offre twey lambren of o yeer, without wem, and twei tenthe partis of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in sacrifice, `and ye schulen offre moiste sacrificis that ben sched bi custom, 10bi alle sabatis, in to euerlastynge brent sacrifice. 11Forsothe in calendis, that is, in the bigynnyngis of monethis, ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord, tweyne calues of the droue, o ram, seuene lambren of o yeer, without wem, 12and thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt to gidere with oile, in sacrifice, bi ech calf, and twey tenthe partis of flour spreynt to gidere with oile, bi ech ram; 13and the tenthe part of `a dyme of flour of oile in sacrifice, bi ech lomb; it is brent sacrifice of `swetist odour, and of encense to the Lord. 14Forsothe the moiste sacrifices of wyn, that schulen be sched bi alle slayn sacrificis, schulen be these; the half part of hyn bi ech calf, the thridde part bi a ram, the fourthe part bi a lomb; this schal be brent sacrifices bi ech monethe, that comen oon aftir anothir while the yeer turneth. 15Also a `buc of geet schal be offrid to the Lord for synnes, in to euerlastynge brent sacrifice, with his moiste offryngis. 16Forsothe in the firste monethe, in the fouretenthe dai of the monethe, schal be phase, `that is, pask `ethir passyng, of the Lord; 17and in the fiftenthe day schal be the solempnyte of the therf looues. Bi seuene daies ye schulen ete therf looues; 18of whiche the firste dai schal be worschipful and hooli; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk therynne. 19And ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord, twey calues, o ram, seuene lambren of o yeer, without wem; 20and the sacrifices of ech bi itsilf of flour, which be spreynt to gidere with oile, thre tenthe partis bi ech calf, 21and twey tenthe partis bi a ram, and the tenthe part of `a dyme bi ech lomb, that is, bi seuene lambren. 22`And ye schulen offre o `buc of geet for synne, that clensyng be maad for you, 23outakun the brent sacrifice of the morewtid, which ye schulen offre euere. 24So ye schulen do bi ech dai of seuene daies, into the nurschyng of fier, and in to swettist odour to the Lord, that schal rise of the brent sacrifice, and of moiste sacrifices of ech. 25Also the seuenthe day schal be moost solempne and hooli to you; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne. 26Also the dai of the firste fruytis, whanne ye schulen offre newe fruitis to the Lord, whanne the wokis schulen be fillyd, schal be worschipful and hooli; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne. 27And ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord, in to `swettiste odour; twey calues of the droue, o ram, and seuene lambren of o yeer, with out wem; 28and in the sacrifices of tho ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt togidere with oile, bi ech calf, twei tenthe partis bi rammes, 29the tenthe parte of `a dyme bi the lambren, whiche ben to gidere, seuene lambren. `And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet, which is offrid for clensyng, outakun brent sacrifice euerlastynge, and the moiste sacrifices therof; 31ye schulen offre alle thingis with out wem, with her moyste sacrifices. 29Forsothe the firste dai of the seuenthe monethe schal be hooli, and worschipful to you; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne, for it is the day of sownyng, and of trumpis. 2And ye schulen offre brent sacrifice, in to swettest odour to the Lord, o calf of the droue, o ram, and seuene lambren of o yeer, with out wem; 3and in the sacrificis of tho `ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt togidere with oile, bi ech calfe, twey tenthe partis bi a ram, 4o tenthe part bi a lomb, whiche togidere ben seuen lambren. 5And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet, which is offrid for synne, in to the clensyng of the puple, 6with out the brent sacrifice of kalendis, with hise sacrifices, and without euerlastynge brent sacrifice, with customable fletynge offryngis; and bi the same cerymonyes ye schulen offre encense in to swettiste odour to the Lord. 7Also the tenthe dai of this seuenthe monethe schal be hooli and worschipful to you, and ye schulen turmente youre soulis; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk ther ynne. 8And ye schulen offre brent sacrifice to the Lord, in to swettiste odour; o calf of the droue, o ram, seuene lambren of o yeer with out wem. 9And in the sacrifices of tho `ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt togidere with oyle, bi ech calf, twey tenthe partis bi a ram, 10the tenthe part of a dyme bi each lomb, that ben togidere seuene lambren. 11And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out these thingis that ben wont to be offrid for synne in to clensyng, and `ye schulen offre euerlastinge brent sacrifice in sacrifice, and fletinge offryngis of tho. 12Forsothe in the fiftenthe dai of this seuenthe monethe, that schal be hooli and worschipful to you, ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk, but ye schulen halewe solempnyte to the Lord in seuene daies; and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice, 13in to swetiste odour to the Lord, threttene calues of the droue, twey rammes, fouretene lambren of o yeer, with out wem. 14And in the moiste sacrifices of tho `ye schulen offre thre tenthe partis of flour spreynt to gidere with oile bi ech calf, that ben togidere threttene calues, and ye schulen offre twei tenthe partis to twei rammes togidere, that is, o tenthe part to o ram, and `ye schulen offre the tenthe part of `a 15dyme to ech lomb, whiche ben to gidere fourteene lambren. 16And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 17In the tother dai ye schulen offre twelue calues of the droue, twei rammes, fouretene lambren of o yeer without wem. 18And ye schulen halewe riytfuli sacrifices, and moiste offryngis of alle, bi calues, and rammes, and lambren. 19And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moist offryng therof. 20In the thridde dai ye schulen offre euleuen calues, twei rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer, without wem. 21And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis of alle, bi the caluys, and rammes, and lambren. 22And ye schulen offre a `buk of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 23In the fourthe day ye schulen offre ten calues, twey rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer with oute wem. 24And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 25And ye schulen offre a `buk of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 26In the fyuethe dai ye schulen offre nyne calues, twei rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer, with oute wem. 27And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 28And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 29In the sixte dai ye schulen offre eiyt calues, and twei rammes, fourtene lambren of o yeer with out wem. 30And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 31And ye schulen offre a `buk of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 32In the seuenthe dai ye schulen offre seuene calues, twei rammes, fourtene lambren `of o yeer with out wem. 33And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices, and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 34And `ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice and moiste offryng therof. 35In the eiythe dai, which is moost solempne `ether hooli; ye schulen not do ony seruyle werk, 36and ye schulen offre brent sacrifice in to swettest odour to the Lord, o calf, o ram, seuene lambren of o yeer with out wem. 37And ye schulen halewe riytfuli the sacrifices and moiste offryngis `of alle, bi the calues, and rammes, and lambren. 38`And ye schulen offre a `buc of geet for synne, with out euerlastynge brent sacrifice, and `with out the sacrifice, and moiste offryng therof. 39Ye schulen offre these thingis to the Lord, in youre solempnytees, with out avowis, and wilful offryngis, in brent sacrifice, in sacrifice, in moist offryng, and in peesible sacrifices. 30And Moises telde to the sones of Israel alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to hym. 2And he spak to the princes of the lynagis of the sones of Israel, This is the word, which the Lord comaundide, If ony of men makith a vowe to the Lord, 3ethir byndith hym silf bi an ooth, he schal not make voide his word, but he schal fille al thing which he bihiyte. 4If a womman which is in the hows of hir fadir, and is yit in the age of a damysel, `that is, not yit weddid, avowith ony thing, ethir byndith hir silf bi an ooth, `if the fadir knowith the avow, which sche bihiyte, and the ooth bi which sche boond hir soule, and he is stille, sche schal be gilti of the ooth, that is, boundun bi the ooth; 5what euer thing sche bihiyte and swoor, sche schall fille in werk. 6Forsothe if the fadir ayenseide anoon as he herde, bothe the vowis and `oothis of hir schulen be voide, and sche schal not be holdun boundun to the biheeste, for the fadir ayenseide. 7If sche hath an hosebonde, and avowith ony thing, and a word goynge out of hir mouth onys byndith hir soule with an ooth, 8in what dai the hosebonde herith, and ayenseith not, sche schal be gilti `of avow; sche schal yelde, what euer thing sche bihiyte. 9But if the hosebonde herith, and anoon ayenseith, and makith void alle hir biheestis, and wordis bi whiche sche boond hir soule, the Lord schal be merciful to hir. 10A widewe, and a womman forsakun of hir hosebonde, schulen yelde, what euer thing thei avowen. 11Whanne a wijf in `the hous of hir hosebonde byndith hir silf bi a vow and an ooth, 12if the hosebonde herith, and is stille and ayenseith not the biheest, sche schal yelde, what euer thing sche bihiyte. 13Sotheli if the hosebonde ayenseide anoon, sche schal not be holdun gilti of biheest, for the hosebonde ayenseide, and the Lord schal be merciful to hir. 14If sche avowith, and byndith hir silf bi an ooth, that sche turmente hir soule bi fastyng, ethir bi abstynence of othere thingis, it schal be in the doom of the hosebonde, that sche do, ether do not. 15That if the hosebonde herith, and is stille, and delaieth the sentence in the tother dai, sche schal yelde what euer thing sche avowide and bihiyte, for he was stille, anoon as he herde. 16Forsothe if the hosebonde ayenseide aftir that he wiste, he schal bere his wickidnesse. These ben the lawis, which the Lord ordeynede to Moyses bitwixe the hosebonde and the wijf, bitwixe the fadir and the douytir, which is yit in the age of a damysel, `that is, not yit maried, `ether which dwellith in `the hows of the fadir. 31And the Lord spak to Moyses, and seide, 2Venge thou firste the sones of Israel of Madianytis, and so thou schalt be gaderid to thi puple. 3And anoon Moises seide, Arme ye men of you to batel, that moun take of Madianytis the veniaunce of the Lord. 4Of ech lynage be chosun a thousynde men of Israel, that schulen be sent to batel. 5And of ech lynage thei yauen a thousynde, that is twelue thousynde of men, redi to batel; 6whiche Moises sente with Fynees, the sone of Eleazar, preest. And he bitook to hem hooli vesselis, and trumpis to make sown. 7And whanne thei hadden fouyt ayens Madianytis, and hadden ouercome, thei killiden alle the malis, 8and `the kyngis of hem, Euy, and Reem, and Sur, and Hur, and Rebe, fyue princes of `the folc of hem. Also thei killiden bi swerd Balaam, the sone of Beor. 9And thei token the wymmen of hem, and the litle children, and alle beestis, and al purtenaunce of howshold; what euer thei myyten haue, thei spuyleden; 10flawme brente as wel citees, as litle townes and castels. 11And they token pray, and alle thingis whiche thei hadden take, as wel of men as of beestis, and thei brouyten to Moyses, 12and to Eleazar, preest, and to al the multitude of the sones of Israel. Forsothe thei baren othere `thingis perteynynge to vss, to the castels in the feldi places of Moab bisidis Jordan, ayens Jericho. 13Moises and Eleazar, preest, and alle the princes of the synagoge, yeden out in to the comyng of hem, with out the castels, `that is, of the tabernacle. 14And Moises was wrooth to the princes of the oost, to tribunes, and centuriouns, that camen fro batel; and he seide, Whi reserueden ye wymmen? 15 16whether it be not these that disseyueden the sones of Israel, at the suggestioun of Balaam, and maden you to do trespas ayens the Lord, on the synne of Phegor, wherfor also the puple was slayn? 17And therfor sle ye alle men, what euer thing is of male kynde, and litle children; and strangle ye the wymmen that knew men fleischli; 18forsothe reserue ye to you damesels, and alle wymmen virgyns, 19and dwelle ye with out the castels in seuene daies. He that sleeth a man, ether touchith a slayn man, schal be clensid in the thridde and the seuenthe dai; 20and of al the pray, whether it is clooth, ether vessel, and ony thing maad redi in to thingis perteynynge to vss, of the skynnys and heeris of geet, and `of tre, it schal be clensid. 21And Eleazar, preest, spak thus to the men of the oost that fouyten, This is the comaundement of the lawe, which the Lord comaundide to Moises, 22The gold, and siluer, and bras, and yrun, and tiyn, and leed, and al thing that may passe by flawme, schal be purgid bi fier; 23sotheli what euer thing may not suffre fier, schal be halewid bi the watir of clensyng. 24And ye schulen waische youre clothis in the seuenthe dai, and ye schulen be clensid; and aftirward ye schulen entre in to the castels `of the tabernacle. 25And the Lord seide to Moises, Take ye the summe of tho thingis that ben takun, fro man `til to beeste, 26thou, and Eleazar, preest, and alle the princes of the comyn puple. 27And thou schalt departe euenli the prey bytwixe hem that fouyten and yeden out to batel, and bitwixe al the multitude. 28And thou schalt departe a part to the Lord, of hem that fouyten, and weren in batel, `o soule of fiue hundrid, as wel of men, as of oxun, and of assis, and of scheep. 29And thou schalt yyue `that part to Eleazar, preest, for tho ben the firste fruytis of the Lord. 30Also of the myddil part of the sones of Israel, thou schalt take the fiftithe heed of men, and of oxun, and of assis, and of scheep, and of alle lyuynge beestis; and thou schalt yyue tho to the dekenes, that waken in the kepyngis of the tabernacle of the Lord. 31And Moyses and Eleazar diden, as the Lord comaundide. 32Forsothe the prey which the oost hadde take, was sixe hundrid fyue and seuenti thousynde of scheep, 33of oxun two and seuenti thousynde, of assis sixti thousynde and a thousynde; 34 35the soules of persones of femal kynde, that knewen not fleischli men, two and thretti thousynde. 36And the myddil part was youun to hem that weren in the batel, of scheep thre hundrid seuene and thretti thousynde and fyue hundrid; 37of whiche sixe hundrid fyue and seuenti scheep weren noumbrid in to the part of the Lord; 38and of sixe and thretti thousynde oxun, 39two and seuenti oxun, and of thretti thousynde assis and fyue hundryd, oon and sixti assis; 40of sixtene thousynde persoones of men, twei and thretti persoones bifelden in to the `part of the Lord. 41And Moises bitook the noumbre of the firste fruytis of the Lord to Eleazar, preest, as it was comaundid to hym, 42of the myddil part of the sones of Israel, which he departide to hem that weren in batel. 43And of the myddil part that bifelde to the tother multitude, that is, of thre hundrid seuene and thretti thousynde scheep and fyue hundrid, 44and of sixe and thretti thousynde oxun, 45and of thretti thousynde assis and fyue hundrid, and of sixtene thousynde wymmen, 46Moyses took the fyftithe heed, 47and yaf to the dekenes, that wakiden in the tabernacle of the Lord, as the Lord comaundide. 48And whanne the princes of the oost, and the tribunes and centuriouns hadden neiyed to Moises, 49thei seiden, We thi seruauntis han teld the noumbre of fiyters, whiche we hadden vndur oure hoond, and sotheli not oon failide; 50for which cause we offren `in the fre yiftis of the Lord, alle bi vs silf, that that we myyten fynde of gold in the pray, girdelis for `the myddil of wymmen, and bies of the armes, and ryngis, and ournementis of the arm nyy the hond, and bies of the neckis of wymmen, that thou preye the Lord for vs. 51And Moises and Eleazar, preest, token al the gold in dyuerse spices, 52`ether kyndis, bi the weiyte of the seyntuarye, sixtene thousynde seuene hundrid and fifti siclis, of the tribunes, and centuriouns. 53For that that ech man rauyschide in the prey, was his owne; 54and thei baren the gold taken in to the tabernacle of witnessyng, in to the mynde of the sones of Israel, bifor the Lord. 32Forsothe the sones of Ruben and of Gad hadden many beestis, and catel with out noumbre was to hem, in werk beestis. And whanne thei hadden seyn Jazer and Galaad, couenable londis to beestis to be fed, 2thei camen to Moyses and Eleazar, preest, and to the princes of the multitude, and seiden, 3Astaroth, and Dibon, and Jacer, and Nemra, Esebon, and Eleale, and Sabam, 4and Nebo, and Beon, the lond which the Lord smoot in the siyt of the sones of Israel, is of moost plenteuous cuntrey to the pasture of beestis; and we thi seruauntis han ful many beestis; 5and we preyen, if we han founde grace bifor thee, that thou yyue to vs thi seruauntis that cuntrey in to possessioun, and make not vs to passe Jordan. 6To whiche Moises answeride, Whether youre britheren schulen go to batel, and ye schulen sitte here? 7Whi peruerten ye the soulis of Israel, that thei doren not passe in to the place, which the Lord schal yyue to hem? 8Whether youre fadris diden not so, whanne Y sente fro Cades Barne to aspie the lond, 9and whanne thei camen to the valey of Clustre, whanne al the cuntrey was cumpassid, thei peruertiden the herte of the sones of Israel, that thei entriden not in to the coostis, whiche the Lord yaf to hem. 10And the Lord was wrooth, and swoor, 11seiynge, Thes men that stieden fro Egipt, fro twenti yeer and aboue, schulen not se the lond which Y bihiyte vndur an ooth to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and nolden sue me, 12outakun Caleph, Cenezei, the sone of Jephone, and Josue, the sone of Nun; these tweyne filliden my wille. 13And the Lord was wrooth ayens Israel, and ledde hym aboute the deseert bi fourti yeer, til al the generacioun was wastid, that hadde do yuel in the `siyt of the Lord. 14And Moyses seide, Lo! ye encressyngis, and nurreis, `ether nurschid children, of synful men, han ryse for youre fadris, that ye schulden encreesse the strong veniaunce of the Lord ayens Israel. 15That if ye nylen sue the Lord, in `the wildirnesse he schal forsake the puple, and ye schulen be cause of the deeth of alle men. 16And thei neiyiden nyy, and seiden, We schulen make foldis of scheep, and the stablis of beestis, and we schulen make strengthid citees to oure litle children. 17Forsothe we vs silf schulen be armed `to defence, and schulen be gird `with armeris to asailyng, and schulen go to batel bifor the sones of Israel, til we bryngen hem in to her places; oure litle children and what euer thing we moun haue, schulen be in strengthid cytees, for the tresouns of the dwelleris. 18We schulen not turne ayen in to oure housis, til the sones of Israel welden her eritage; 19and we schulen not axe ony thing ouer Jordan, for we han now oure possessioun in the eest coost therof. 20To whiche Moises seide, If ye doen that, that ye biheten, be ye maad redi, and go ye to batel bifor the Lord; 21and ech man fiytere be armed, and passe Jordan, til the Lord distrye hise enemyes, 22and al the lond be maad suget to hym; thanne ye schulen be giltles anentis God, and anentis Israel, and ye schulen holde the cuntreys, whiche ye wolen, bifor the Lord. 23But if ye doon not that, that ye seien, it is not doute to ony man, that ne ye synnen ayens God; and wite ye, that youre synne schal take you. 24Therfor bilde ye citees to youre litle children, and foldis and stablis to scheep, and to beestis; and fille ye that, that ye bihiyten. 25And the sones of Gad and of Ruben seiden to Moises, We ben thi seruauntis; we schulen do that, that oure lord comaundith. 26We schulen leeue oure litle children, and wymmen, and scheep, and beestis in the citees of Galaad; 27forsothe alle we thi seruauntis schulen go redi to batel, as thou, lord, spekist. 28Therfor Moyses comaundide to Eleazar, preest, and to Josue, the sone of Nun, and to the princes of meynees, bi the lynagis of Israel, and seide to hem, 29If the sones of Gad, and the sones of Ruben goen alle armed with you, to batel bifor the Lord, and the lond be maad suget to you, yyue ye to hem Galaad in to possessioun; 30but if thei nylen passe with you in to the lond of Chanaan, take thei places to dwelle among you. 31And the sones of Gad and the sones of Ruben answeriden, As the Lord spak to hise seruauntis, so we schulen do; 32we schulen go armed bifor the Lord, in to the lond of Chanaan, and we knowlechen, that we han take now possessioun ouer Jordan. 33And so Moises yaf to the sones of Gad and of Ruben, and to half the lynage of Manasses, sone of Joseph, the rewme of Seon, kyng of Ammorey, and the rewme of Og, kyng of Basan, and `the lond of hem, with her citees, bi cumpas. 34Therfor the sones of Gad bildiden Dibon, and Astaroth, and Aroer, 35and Roth-Sophan, and Jazer, and Jebaa, 36and Beeth-Nemra, and Betharan, strengid citees; and foldis to her beestis. 37Forsothe the sones of Ruben bildiden Esebon, and Eleale, and Cariathiarym, and Nabo, 38and Balmeon, whanne the names weren turned, and thei bildiden Sabama; and puttiden names to the citees, whiche thei hadden bildid. 39Forsothe the sones of Machir, sone of Manasses, yeden in to Galaad, and distrieden it, and killiden Ammorei, enhabitere therof. 40Therfor Moises yaf the lond of Galaad to Machir, sone of Manasses, which Machir dwellide ther ynne. 41Forsothe Jair, the sone of Manasses, yede, and occupiede the townes therof, whiche he clepide Anochiair, that is, the townes of Jair. 42Also Nobe yede, and took Canath, with hise townes, and clepide it, bi his name, Nobe. 33These ben the dwellyngis of the sones of Israel, that yeden out of the lond of Egipt, bi her cumpenyes, in the hond of Moises and of Aaron; 2whiche dwellyngis Moises discriuede bi the places of tentis, that weren chaungid bi comaundement of the Lord. 3Therfor the sones of Israel yeden forth in `an hiy hond fro Ramesses, in the firste monethe, in the fiftenthe dai of the firste monethe, in the tother dai of pask, while alle Egipcians sien, 4and birieden the firste gendrid children, whiche the Lord hadde slayn; for the Lord hadde take veniaunce also on the goddis `of hem. 5`The sones of Israel settiden tentis in Socoth, 6and fro Sochoth thei camen into Etham, which is in the laste coostis of `the wildirnesse; fro thennus thei yeden out, 7and camen ayens Phiayroth, whiche biholdith Beelsephon, and settiden tentis bifor Magdalun. 8And thei yeden forth fro Phiairoth, and passiden bi the myddil see in to the wildirnesse, and thei yeden thre daies bi the deseert of Ethan, and settiden tentis in Mara. 9And thei yeden forth fro Mara, and camen in to Helym, where weren twelue wellis of watir, and seuenti palm trees; and there thei settiden tentis. 10But also thei yeden out fro thennus, and settiden tentis on the Reed See. And thei yeden forth fro the Reed See, 11and settiden tentis in the deseert of Syn, 12fro whennus thei yeden out, and camen in to Depheca. 13And thei yeden forth fro Depheca, and settiden tentis in Haluys. 14And thei yeden forth fro Haluys, and settiden tentis in Raphidyn, where watir failide to `the puple to drinke. 15And thei yeden forth fro Raphidyn, and settiden tentis in the deseert of Synai. 16But also thei yeden out of the wildirnesse of Synay, and camen to the Sepulcris of Coueitise. 17And thei yeden forth fro the Sepulcris of Coueytise, and settiden tentis in Asseroth. 18And fro Asseroth thei camen in to Rethma. 19And thei yeden forth fro Rethma, and settiden tentis in Remon Phares; 20fro whennus thei yeden forth, and camen in to Lemphna. 21And fro Lemphna thei settiden tentis in Ressa. 22And thei yeden out fro Ressa, and camen into Celatha; fro whennus thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in the hil of Sepher. 24Thei yeden out fro the hil of Sepher, and camen in to Arada; 25fro thennus thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in Maceloth. 26And thei yeden forth fro Maceloth, and camen in to Caath. 27Fro Caath thei settiden tentis in Thare; 28fro whennus thei yeden out, and settiden tentis in Methcha. 29And fro Methcha thei settiden tentis in Esmona. 30And thei yeden forth fro Asmona, and camen in to Moseroth; 31and fro Moseroth thei settiden tentis in Benalachan. 32And thei yeden forth fro Benalachan, and camen in to the hil of Galgad; 33fro whennus thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in Jethebacha. 34And fro Jethebacha thei camen in to Ebrona. 35And thei yeden out fro Ebrona, and settiden tentis in Asiongaber; 36fro thennus thei yeden forth, and camen in to deseert of Syn; this is Cades. 37And thei yeden fro Cades, and thei settiden tentis in the hil of Hor, in the laste coostis of the lond of Edom. 38And Aaron, the preest, stiede in to the hil of Hor, for the Lord comaundide, and there he was deed, in the fourti yeer of the goyng out of the sones of Israel fro Egipt, in the fyuethe monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe; 39whanne he was of an hundrid and thre and twenti yeer. 40And Chanaan, kyng of Arad, that dwellide at the south, in the lond of Canaan, herde that the sones of Israel camen. 41And thei yeden forth fro the hil of Hor, and settiden tentis in Salmona; 42fro thennus thei yeden forth, and camen in to Phynon. 43And thei yeden forth fro Phynon, and settiden tentis in Oboth. 44And fro Oboth thei camen in to Neabarym, `that is, into the wildirnesse of Abarym, which is in the endis of Moabitis. 45And thei yeden forth fro Neabarym, and thei settiden tentis in Dibon of Gad; 46fro whennus thei yeden forth, and settiden tentis in Helmon of Deblathaym. 47And thei yeden out fro Helmon of Deblathaym, and camen to the hillis of Abarym, ayens Nabo. 48And thei yeden forth fro the hillis of Abarym, and passiden to the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayens Jericho. 49And there thei settiden tentis, fro Bethsymon `til to Belsathym, in the pleynere places of Moabitis, 50where the Lord spak to Moises, 51Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, and seie thou to hem, Whanne ye han passid Jordan, and han entrid in to the lond of Canaan, 52distrie ye alle the dwelleris of that cuntrey; breke ye the titlis, `that is, auteris, and dryue ye to poudre the ymagis, and distrie ye alle heiy thingis, 53and clense ye the lond, and alle men dwellynge thereynne. For Y yaf to 54you that lond into possessioun whiche ye schulen departe to you bi lot; to mo men ye schulen yyue largere lond, and to fewere men streytere lond, as lot fallith to alle men, so eritage schal be youun; possessioun schal be departid bi lynagis and meynees. 55But if ye nylen sle the dwelleris of the lond, thei, that abiden, schulen be to you as nailes in the iyen, and speris in the sidis, `that is, deedli aduersaries; and thei schulen be aduersaries to you in the lond of youre abitacioun; 56and what euer thing Y thouyte to do `to hem, Y schal do to you. 34And the Lord spak to Moises, 2and seide, Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, Whanne ye han entrid in to the lond of Canaan, and it bifelde in to possessioun `to you bi lot, it schal be endid bi these endis. 3The south part schal bigynne at the wildirnesse of Syn, which is bisidis Edom, and it schal haue termes ayens the eest, 4the saltiste see, whiche termes schulen cumpasse the south coost bi the `stiynge of Scorpioun, `that is, of an hil clepid Scorpioun, so that tho passe in to Senna, and come to the south, `til to Cades Barne; fro whennus the coostis schulen go out to the town, Abdar bi name, and schulen strecche forth `til to Asemona; 5and the terme schal go bi cumpas fro Assemona `til to the stronde of Egipt, and it schal be endid bi the brynke of the grete see. 6Forsothe the west coost schal bigynne at the greet see, and schal be closid bi that ende. 7Sotheli at the north coost, the termes schulen bigynne at the greet see, and schulen come `til to the hiyeste hil, 8fro which tho schulen come in to Emath, `til to the termes of Sedada; 9and the coostis schulen go `til to Ephrona, and the town of Enan. These schulen be the termes in the north part. 10Fro thennus thei schulen mete coostis ayens the eest coost, fro the town Henan `til to Sephama; 11and fro Sephama termes schulen go doun in to Reblatha, ayens the welle `of Daphnyn; fro thennus tho schulen come ayens the eest to the se of Cenereth; 12and tho schulen strecche forth `til to Jordan, and at the laste tho schulen be closid with the salteste see. Ye schulen haue this lond bi hise coostis `in cumpas. 13And Moises comaundide to the sones of Israel, and seide, This schal be the lond which ye schulen welde bi lot, and which the Lord comaundide to be youun to nyne lynagis and to the half lynage; 14for the lynage of the sones of Ruben, bi her meynees, and the lynage of the sones of Gad, bi kynrede and noumbre, and half the lynage of Manasses, 15that is, twey lynagis and an half, han take her part ouer Jordan, ayens Jerico, at the eest coost. 16And the Lord seide to Moises, 17These ben the `names of men that schulen departe the lond to you, Eleazar, preest, and Josue, the sone of Nun, and of each lynage, o prynce; 18of whiche these ben the names, of the lynage of Juda, 19Caleph, the sone of Jephone; 20of the lynage of Symeon, Samuhel, the sone of Amyud; 21of the lynage of Beniamyn, Heliad, sone of Casselon; 22of the lynage of the sones of Dan, Bochi, sone of Jogli; of the sones of Joseph, 23of the lynage of Manasses, Hamyel, sone of Ephoth; 24of the lynage of Effraym, Camuhel, sone of Septhan; 25of the lynage of Zabulon, Elisaphan, sone of Pharnat; 26of the lynage of Isacar, duyk Phaltiel, the sone of Ozan; of the lynage of Azer, 27Abyud, the sone of Salomy; 28of the lynage of Neptalym, Fedahel, the sone of Amyud. 29These men it ben, to whiche the Lord comaundide, that thei schulden departe to the sones of Israel the lond of Chanaan. 35And the Lord spak these thingis to Moises, in the feeldi places of Moab, aboue Jordan, 2ayens Jericho, Comaunde thou to the sones of Israel, that thei yyue to dekenes of her possessiouns, 3citees to dwelle, and the suburbabis of tho bi cumpas, that thei dwelle in `the citees, and the suburbabis be to beestis, and `werk beestis; 4whiche suburbabis schulen be strecchid forth fro the wallis of citees with outforth `bi cumpas, in the space of a thousynde paacis; 5ayens the eest schulen be two thousynde cubitis, and ayens the south in lijk manere schulen be two thousynde cubitis, and at the see that biholdith to the west schal be the same mesure, and the north coost schal be endid bi euene terme. And the citees schulen be in the myddis, and the suburbabis with outforth. 6Forsothe of tho citees whiche ye schulen yyue to dekenes, sixe schulen be departid in to helpis of fugityues, `ether of fleynge men, that he that schedde blood, fle to tho; and outakun these sixe, ye schulen yyue to dekenes othere two and fourti citees, 7that is, togidere eiyte and fourti, with her surburbabis. 8And tho citees that schulen be youun of the possessiouns of sones of Israel, schulen be takun awey, mo fro hem that han more, and fewere `schulen be takun awey fro hem that han lesse, alle bi hem silf schulen yyue bi the mesure of her eritage, citees to dekenes. 9The Lord seide to Moises, 10Spek thou to the sones of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, Whanne ye han passid Jordan, in the lond of Canaan, 11deme ye whiche citees owen to be in to the helpis of fugityues, whiche not wilfuli han sched blood. 12In whiche whanne the fleere hath fled, the kynesman of hym that is slayn, schal not mow sle hym, til he stonde in the siyt of the multitude, and the cause of hym be demed. 13Forsothe of tho citees that ben departid to the helpis of fugityues, 14thre schulen be ouer Jordan, and thre in the lond of Canaan; 15as wel to the sones of Israel as to comelyngis and pilgryms; that he fle to tho citees, that schedde blood not wilfuli. 16If ony man smytith a man with yrun, and he that is smytun is deed, `the smyter schal be gilti of mansleyng, and he schal die. 17If he castith a stoon, and a man is deed bi the strook, he schal be punyschid in lijk maner. 18If a man smytun with a staf dieth, he schal be vengid bi `the blood of the smytere. 19The niy kynesman of hym that is slayn schal sle the mansleere; anoon as he takith hym, `that is, the manquellere, he schal sle hym. 20If bi haterede a man hurtlith, `ethir schoufith, `a man, ethir castith ony thing in to hym bi aspiyngis, 21ether whanne he was enemy, smoot with hond, and he is deed, the smytere schal be gilti of mansleyng. The kynesman `of him that is slayn, anoon as he findith him, `that is, the sleere, schal sle hym. 22That if bi sudeyn caas, and without hatrede and enemytees, 23he doith ony thing of these; 24and this is preued in heryng `of the puple, and the questioun of blood is discussid bitwixe the smytere and the kynesman, 25the innocent schal be delyuered fro the hond of the vengere, and bi sentence of iugis he schal be led ayen in to the citee, to which he fledde, and he schal dwelle there, til the grete preest die, which is anoyntid with oile. 26If the sleere is foundun with out the coostis `of the citees that ben asigned to exilid men, 27and is slayn of him that is vengere, he that sleeth him, `that is, the exilid man, schal be with out gilt; 28for the exilid man ouyte sitte in the citee `til to the `deth of the bischop; forsothe aftir that thilke bischop is deed, the mansleere schal turne ayen in to his lond. 29These schulen be euerlastynge and lawful thingis in alle youre dwellyngis. 30A mansleere schal be punyschid vndur witnessis; no man schal `be dampned at the witnessyng of o man. 31Ye schulen not take prijs of him which is gilti of blood, anoon and he schal die. 32Men exilid, and fugityues, schulen not mow turne ayen in ony maner in to her citees, bifore the deeth of the bischop, lest ye defoulen the lond of youre abitacioun, 33which is defoulid bi the blood of innocent men; and it may not be clensid in other maner, no but bi the blood of hym, that schedde the blood of anothir man. 34And so youre possessioun schal be clensid, for Y schal dwelle with you; for Y am the Lord, that dwelle among the sones of Israel. 36Forsothe and the princes of the meynees of Galaad sone of Machir, sone of Manasses, of the generacioun of the sones of Joseph, neiyiden, and spaken to Moises bifor the princes of Israel, 2and seiden, The Lord comaundide to thee oure lord, that thou schuldist departe the lond bi lot to the sones of Israel, and that thou schuldist yyue to the douytris of Salphaat, oure brothir, possessioun due to the fadir. 3And if men of anothir lynage schulen take to wyues these douytris, her possessioun schal sue, and it schal be translatid to anothir lynage, and schal be decreessid fro oure eritage; 4and so it schal be doon, that whanne the iubilee, that is, the fiftithe yeer of remyssioun, cometh, the departyng of lottis be schent, and that the possessioun of othere men passe to othere men. 5Moises answeride to the sones of Israel, and seide, for the Lord comaundide, The lynage of the sones of Joseph spak riytfuli, 6and this lawe is denounsid of the Lord on the douytris of Salphaat; be thei weddid to whiche men thei wolen, oneli to the men of her lynage; 7lest the possessioun of the sones of Joseph be meddlid fro lynage in to lynage. For alle men schulen wedde wyues of her lynage and kynrede; 8and alle wymmen schulen take hosebondis of the same lynage, that the erytage dwelle in meynees, 9and lynagis be not meddlid to hem silf, but dwelle so, 10as tho ben departid of the Lord. And the douytris of Salphaat diden, as it was comaundid to hem. 11And Maala, and Thersa, and Egla, and Melcha, and Noha, weren weddid to the sones of her fadris brother, 12of the meynee of Manaasses, that was `the sone of Joseph, and the possessioun that was youun to hem, dwellide in the lynage and meynee of her fadir. 13These ben the comaundementis and domes, whiche the Lord comaundide, bi the hond of Moyses, to the sones of Israel, in the feeldi places of Moab, aboue Jordan, ayens Jericho.