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1Blessid is the man, that yede not in the councel of wickid men; and stood not in the weie of synneris, and sat not in the chaier of pestilence. 2But his wille is in the lawe of the Lord; and he schal bithenke in the lawe of hym dai and nyyt. 3And he schal be as a tree, which is plauntid bisidis the rennyngis of watris; which tre schal yyue his fruyt in his tyme. And his leef schal not falle doun; and alle thingis which euere he schal do schulen haue prosperite. 4Not so wickid men, not so; but thei ben as dust, which the wynd castith awei fro the face of erthe. 5Therfor wickid men risen not ayen in doom; nethir synneres in the councel of iust men. 6For the Lord knowith the weie of iust men; and the weie of wickid men schal perische. 2Whi gnastiden with teeth hethene men; and puplis thouyten veyn thingis? 2The kyngis of erthe stoden togidere; and princes camen togidere ayens the Lord, and ayens his Crist? 3Breke we the bondis of hem; and cast we awei the yok of hem fro vs. 4He that dwellith in heuenes schal scorne hem; and the Lord schal bimowe hem. 5Thanne he schal speke to hem in his ire; and he schal disturble hem in his stronge veniaunce. 6Forsothe Y am maad of hym a kyng on Syon, his hooli hil; prechynge his comaundement. 7The Lord seide to me, Thou art my sone; Y haue gendrid thee to dai. 8Axe thou of me, and Y schal yyue to thee hethene men thin eritage; and thi possessioun the termes of erthe. 9Thou schalt gouerne hem in an yrun yerde; and thou schalt breke hem as the vessel of a pottere. 10And now, ye kyngis, vndurstonde; ye that demen the erthe, be lerud. 11Serue ye the Lord with drede; and make ye ful ioye to hym with tremblyng. 12Take ye lore; lest the Lord be wrooth sumtyme, and lest ye perischen fro iust waie. 13Whanne his `ire brenneth out in schort tyme; blessed ben alle thei, that tristen in hym. 3The title of the thridde salm. `The salm of Dauid, whanne he fledde fro the face of Absolon, his sone. 2Lord, whi ben thei multiplied that disturblen me? 3many men rysen ayens me. Many men seien of my soule, Noon helthe is to hym in his God. 4But thou, Lord, art myn vptakere; my glorye, and enhaunsyng myn heed. 5With my vois Y criede to the Lord; and he herde me fro his hooli hil. 6I slepte, and `was quenchid, and Y roos vp; for the Lord resseyuede me. 7I schal not drede thousyndis of puple cumpassynge me; Lord, rise thou vp; my God, make thou me saaf. 8For thou hast smyte alle men beynge aduersaries to me with out cause; thou hast al to-broke the teeth of synneris. 9Helthe is of the Lord; and thi blessyng, Lord, is on thi puple. 4The title of the fourthe salm. `To the victorie in orguns; the salm of Dauid. 2Whanne Y inwardli clepid, God of my riytwisnesse herde me; in tribulacioun thou hast alargid to me. 3Haue thou mercy on me; and here thou my preier. Sones of men, hou long ben ye of heuy herte? whi louen ye vanite, and seken a leesyng? 4And wite ye, that the Lord hath maad merueilous his hooli man; the Lord schal here me, whanne Y schal crye to hym. 5Be ye wrothe, and nyle ye do synne; `and for tho thingis whiche ye seien in youre hertis and in youre beddis, be ye compunct. 6Sacrifie ye `the sacrifice of riytfulnesse, and hope ye in the Lord; many seien, Who schewide goodis to vs? 7Lord, the liyt of thi cheer is markid on vs; thou hast youe gladnesse in myn herte. 8Thei ben multiplied of the fruit of whete, and of wyn; and of her oile. 9In pees in the same thing; Y schal slepe, and take reste. 10For thou, Lord; hast set me syngulerli in hope. 5The title of the fyuethe salm. To the ouercomere on the eritagis, the song of Dauid. 2Lord, perseyue thou my wordis with eeris; vndurstonde thou my cry. 3Mi kyng, and my God; yyue thou tent to the vois of my preier. 4For, Lord, Y schal preie to thee; here thou eerly my vois. 5Eerli Y schal stonde nyy thee, and Y schal se; for thou art God not willynge wickidnesse. 6Nethir an yuel willid man schal dwelle bisidis thee; nethir vniust men schulen dwelle bifor thin iyen. 7Thou hatist alle that worchen wickidnesse; thou schalt leese alle that speken leesyng. The Lord schal holde abhomynable a manquellere, and gileful man. 8But, Lord, in the multitude of thi merci Y schal entre in to thin hows; Y schal worschipe to thin hooli temple in thi drede. 9Lord, lede thou forth me in thi riytfulnesse for myn enemyes; dresse thou my weie in thi siyt. 10For whi treuthe is not in her mouth; her herte is veyn. 11Her throte is an opyn sepulcre, thei diden gilefuli with her tungis; God, deme thou hem. Falle thei doun fro her thouytis, vp the multitude of her wickidnessis caste thou hem doun; for, Lord, thei han terrid thee to ire. And alle that hopen in thee, be glad; thei schulen make fulli ioye with outen ende, and thou schalt dwelle in hem. 12And alle that louen thi name schulen haue glorie in thee; 13for thou schalt blesse a iust man. Lord, thou hast corouned vs, as with the scheeld of thi good wille. 6The title of the sixte salm. To the ouercomere in salmes, the salm of Dauid, `on the eiythe. 2Lord, repreue thou not me in thi stronge veniaunce; nether chastice thou me in thin ire. 3Lord, haue thou merci on me, for Y am sijk; Lord, make thou me hool, for alle my boonys ben troblid. 4And my soule is troblid greetli; but thou, Lord, hou long? 5Lord, be thou conuertid, and delyuere my soule; make thou me saaf, for thi merci. 6For noon is in deeth, which is myndful of thee; but in helle who schal knouleche to thee? 7I traueilide in my weilyng, Y schal waische my bed bi ech nyyt; Y schal moiste, `ether make weet, my bedstre with my teeris. 8Myn iye is disturblid of woodnesse; Y waxe eld among alle myn enemyes. 9Alle ye that worchen wickidnesse, departe fro me; for the Lord hath herd the vois of my wepyng. 10The Lord hath herd my bisechyng; the Lord hath resseyued my preier. 11Alle my enemyes be aschamed, and be disturblid greetli; be thei turned togidere, and be thei aschamed ful swiftli. 7The title of the seuenthe salm. For the ignoraunce of Dauid, which he songe to the Lord on the wordis of Ethiopien, the sone of Gemyny. 2Mi Lord God, Y haue hopid in thee; make thou me saaf fro alle that pursuen me, and delyuere thou me. 3Lest ony tyme he as a lioun rauysche my soule; the while noon is that ayenbieth, nether that makith saaf. 4Mi Lord God, if Y dide this thing, if wickidnesse is in myn hondis; 5if Y `yeldide to men yeldynge to me yuels, falle Y `bi disseruyng voide fro myn enemyes; 6myn enemy pursue my soule, and take, and defoule my lijf in erthe; and brynge my glorie in to dust. 7Lord, rise thou vp in thin ire; and be thou reysid in the coostis of myn enemyes. 8And, my Lord God, rise thou in the comaundement, which thou `hast comaundid; and the synagoge of puplis schal cumpasse thee. 9And for this go thou ayen an hiy; the Lord demeth puplis. Lord, deme thou me bi my riytfulnesse; and bi myn innocence on me. 10The wickidnesse of synneris be endid; and thou, God, sekyng the hertis and reynes, schalt dresse a iust man. 11Mi iust help is of the Lord; that makith saaf riytful men in herte. 12The Lord is a iust iuge, stronge and pacient; whether he is wrooth bi alle daies? 13If ye ben `not conuertid, he schal florische his swerd; he hath bent his bouwe, and made it redi. 14And therynne he hath maad redi the vessels of deth; he hath fulli maad his arewis with brennynge thingis. 15Lo! he conseyuede sorewe; he peynfuli brouyte forth vnriytfulnesse, and childide wickidnesse. 16He openide a lake, and diggide it out; and he felde in to the dich which he made. 17His sorewe schal be turned in to his heed; and his wickidnesse schal come doun in to his necke. 18I schal knouleche to the Lord bi his riytfulnesse; and Y schal synge to the name of the hiyeste Lord. 8The title of the eiythe salm. To the ouercomere, for pressours, the salm of Dauid. 2Lord, thou art oure Lord; thi name is ful wonderful in al erthe. For thi greet doyng is reisid, aboue heuenes. 3Of the mouth of yonge children, not spekynge and soukynge mylk, thou madist perfitli heriyng, for thin enemyes; that thou destrie the enemy and avengere. 4For Y schal se thin heuenes, the werkis of thi fyngris; the moone and sterris, whiche thou hast foundid. 5What is a man, that thou art myndeful of hym; ethir the sone of a virgyn, for thou visitist hym? 6Thou hast maad hym a litil lesse than aungels; thou hast corouned hym with glorie and onour, 7and hast ordeyned hym aboue the werkis of thin hondis. 8Thou hast maad suget alle thingis vndur hise feet; alle scheep and oxis, ferthermore and the beestis of the feeld; 9the briddis of the eir, and the fischis of the see; that passen bi the pathis of the see. 10Lord, `thou art oure Lord; thi name `is wondurful in al erthe. 9The title of the nynthe salm. In to the ende, for the pryuytees of the sone, the salm of Dauid. 2Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee in al myn herte; Y schal telle alle thi merueils. 3Thou hiyeste, Y schal be glad, and Y schal be fulli ioieful in thee; Y schal synge to thi name. 4For thou turnest myn enemy abac; thei schulen be maad feble, and schulen perische fro thi face. 5For thou hast maad my doom and my cause; thou, that demest riytfulnesse, `hast set on the trone. 6Thou blamedist hethene men, and the wickid perischide; thou hast do awei the name of hem in to the world, and in to the world of world. 7The swerdis of the enemy failiden in to the ende; and thou hast distried the citees of hem. The mynde of hem perischide with sown; 8and the Lord dwellith with outen ende. He made redi his trone in doom; and he schal deme the world in equite, 9he schal deme puplis in riytfulnesse. 10And the Lord is maad refuyt, `ether help, `to a pore man; an helpere in couenable tymes in tribulacioun. 11And thei, that knowen thi name, haue hope in thee; for thou, Lord, hast not forsake hem that seken thee. 12Synge ye to the Lord, that dwellith in Syon; telle ye hise studyes among hethene men. 13God foryetith not the cry of pore men; for he hath mynde, and sekith the blood of hem. 14Lord, haue thou merci on me; se thou my mekenesse of myn enemyes. 15Which enhaunsist me fro the yatis of deeth; that Y telle alle thi preisyngis in the yatis of the douyter of Syon. 16Y schal `be fulli ioyeful in thin helthe; hethene men ben fast set in the perisching, which thei maden. In this snare, which thei hidden, the foot of hem is kauyt. 17The Lord makynge domes schal be knowun; the synnere is takun in the werkis of hise hondis. 18Synneris be turned togidere in to helle; alle folkis, that foryeten God. 19For the foryetyng of a pore man schal not be in to the ende; the pacience of pore men schal not perische in to the ende. 20Lord, rise thou vp, a man be not coumfortid; folkis be demyd in thi siyt. 21Lord, ordeine thou a lawe makere on hem; wite folkis, that thei ben men. 22Lord, whi hast thou go fer awei? thou dispisist `in couenable tymes in tribulacioun. 23While the wickid is proud, the pore man is brent; thei ben taken in the counsels, bi whiche thei thenken. 24Forwhi the synnere is preisid in the desiris of his soule; and the wickid is blessid. 25The synnere `wraththide the Lord; vp the multitude of his ire he schal not seke. 26God is not in his siyt; hise weies ben defoulid in al tyme. God, thi domes ben takun awei fro his face; he schal be lord of alle hise enemyes. 27For he seide in his herte, Y schal not be moued, fro generacioun in to generacioun without yuel. 28`Whos mouth is ful of cursyng, and of bitternesse, and of gyle; trauel and sorewe is vndur his tunge. 29He sittith in aspies with ryche men in priuytees; to sle the innocent man. 30Hise iyen biholden on a pore man; he settith aspies in hid place, as a lioun in his denne. He settith aspies, for to rauysche a pore man; for to rauysche a pore man, while he drawith the pore man. 31In his snare he schal make meke the pore man; he schal bowe hym silf, and schal falle doun, whanne he hath be lord of pore men. 32For he seide in his herte, God hath foryete; he hath turned awei his face, that he se not in to the ende. 33Lord God, rise thou vp, and thin hond be enhaunsid; foryete thou not pore men. 34For what thing terride the wickid man God to wraththe? for he seide in his herte, God schal not seke. 35Thou seest, for thou biholdist trauel and sorewe; that thou take hem in to thin hondis. The pore man is left to thee; thou schalt be an helpere to the fadirles and modirles. 36Al to-breke thou the arme of the synnere, and yuel willid; his synne schal be souyt, and it schal not be foundun. 37The Lord schal regne with outen ende, and in to the world of world; folkis, ye schulen perische fro the lond of hym. 38The Lord hath herd the desir of pore men; thin eere hath herd the makyng redi of her herte. 39To deme for the modirles `and meke; that a man `leie to no more to `magnyfie hym silf on erthe. 10The title of the tenthe salm. To the victorie of Dauid. 2I triste in the Lord; hou seien ye to my soule, Passe thou ouere in to an hil, as a sparowe doith? 3For lo! synneris han bent a bouwe; thei han maad redi her arowis in an arowe caas; `for to schete in derknesse riytful men in herte. 4For thei han distryed, whom thou hast maad perfit; but what dide the riytful man? 5The Lord is in his hooli temple; he is Lord, his seete is in heuene. Hise iyen biholden on a pore man; hise iyelidis axen the sones of men. 6The Lord axith a iust man, and vnfeithful man; but he, that loueth wickidnesse, hatith his soule. 7He schal reyne snaris on `synful men; fier, brymston, and the spirit of tempestis ben the part of the cuppe of hem. 8For the Lord is riytful, and louede riytfulnessis; his cheer siy equite, `ethir euennesse. 11The title of the eleuenthe salm. To the victorie on the eiyte, the song of Dauid. 2Lord, make thou me saaf, for the hooli failide; for treuthis ben maad litle fro the sones of men. 3Thei spaken veyn thingis, ech man to hys neiybore; thei han gileful lippis, thei spaken in herte and herte. 4The Lord destrie alle gileful lippis; and the greet spekynge tunge. 5Whiche seiden, We schulen magnyfie oure tunge, our lippis ben of vs; who is oure lord? 6For the wretchednesse of nedy men, and for the weilyng of pore men; now Y schal ryse vp, seith the Lord. I schal sette inhelt he; Y schal do tristili in hym. 7The spechis of the Lord ben chast spechis; siluer examynyd bi fier, preued fro erthe, purgid seuen fold. 8Thou, Lord, schalt kepe vs; and thou `schalt kepe vs fro this generacioun with outen ende. 9Wickid men goen in cumpas; bi thin hiynesse thou hast multiplied the sones of men. 12The title of the twelfthe salm. To the victorie of Dauid. Lord, hou long foryetist thou me in to the ende? hou long turnest thou awei thi face fro me? 2Hou long schal Y sette counsels in my soule; sorewe in my herte bi dai? 3Hou long schal myn enemy be reisid on me? 4My Lord God, biholde thou, and here thou me. Liytne thou myn iyen, lest ony tyme Y slepe in deth; 5lest ony tyme myn enemye seie, Y hadde the maistri ayens hym. Thei, that troblen me, schulen haue ioie, if Y schal be stirid; forsothe Y hopide in thi merci. 6Myn herte schal fulli haue ioie in thin helthe; Y schal synge to the Lord, that yyueth goodis to me, and Y schal seie salm to the name of the hiyeste Lord. 13The `title of the threttenthe salm. To the victorie of Dauid. The vnwise man seide in his herte, God is not. Thei ben corrupt, and ben maad abhomynable in her studies; noon is that doith good, noon is til to oon. 2The Lord bihelde fro heuene on the sones of men; that he se, if ony is vndurstondynge, ethir sekynge God. 3Alle bowiden awei, togidere thei ben maad vnprofitable; noon is that doth good, noon is `til to oon. The throte of hem is an open sepulcre, thei diden gilefuli with her tungis; the venym of snakis is vndur her lippis. Whos mouth is ful of cursyng and bittirnesse; her feet ben swift to schede out blood. Sorewe and cursidnesse is in the weies of hem, and thei knewen not the weie of pees; the drede of God is not bifor her iyen. 4Whether alle men that worchen wickidnesse schulen not knowe; that deuowren my puple, as mete of breed? 5Thei clepeden not the Lord; thei trembliden there for dreed, where was no drede; 6for the Lord is in a riytful generacioun. Thou hast schent the counsel of a pore man; for the Lord is his hope. 7Who schal yyue fro Syon helthe to Israel? Whanne the Lord hath turned awei the caitifte of his puple; Jacob schal `fulli be ioiful, and Israel schal be glad. 14Lord, who schal dwelle in thi tabernacle; ether who schal reste in thin hooli hil? 2He that entrith with out wem; and worchith riytfulnesse. 3Which spekith treuthe in his herte; which dide not gile in his tunge. Nethir dide yuel to his neiybore; and took not schenschip ayens hise neiyboris. 4A wickid man is brouyt to nouyt in his siyt; but he glorifieth hem that dreden the Lord. Which swerith to his neiybore, and disseyueth not; 5which yaf not his money to vsure; and took not yiftis on the innocent. He, that doith these thingis, schal not be moued with outen ende. 15The title of the fiuetenthe salm. `Of the meke and symple, the salm of Dauid. Lord, kepe thou me, for Y haue hopid in thee; 2Y seide to the Lord, Thou art my God, for thou hast no nede of my goodis. 3To the seyntis that ben in the lond of hym; he made wondurful alle my willis in hem. 4The sikenessis of hem ben multiplied; aftirward thei hastiden. I schal not gadire togidere the conuenticulis, `ethir litle couentis, of hem of bloodis; and Y schal not be myndeful of her names bi my lippis. 5The Lord is part of myn eritage, and of my passion; thou art, that schalt restore myn eritage to me. 6Coordis felden to me in ful clere thingis; for myn eritage is ful cleer to me. 7I schal blesse the Lord, that yaf vndurstondyng to me; ferthermore and my reynes blameden me `til to nyyt. 8I purueide euere the Lord in my siyt; for he is on the riythalf to me, that Y be not moued. 9For this thing myn herte was glad, and my tunge ioyede fulli; ferthermore and my fleisch schal reste in hope. 10For thou schalt not forsake my soule in helle; nether thou schalt yyue thin hooli to se corrupcioun. Thou hast maad knowun to me the weies of lijf; thou schalt fille me of gladnesse with thi cheer; delityngis ben in thi riythalf `til in to the ende. 16The title of the sixtenthe salm. The preier of Dauid. Lord, here thou my riytfulnesse; biholde thou my preier. Perseuye thou with eeris my preier; not maad in gileful lippis. 2Mi doom come `forth of thi cheer; thin iyen se equite. 3Thou hast preued myn herte, and hast visitid in niyt; thou hast examynyd me bi fier, and wickidnesse is not foundun in me. 4That my mouth speke not the werkis of men; for the wordis of thi lippis Y haue kept harde weies. 5Make thou perfit my goyngis in thi pathis; that my steppis be not moued. 6I criede, for thou, God, herdist me; bowe doun thin eere to me, and here thou my wordis. 7Make wondurful thi mercies; that makist saaf `men hopynge in thee. 8Kepe thou me as the appil of the iye; fro `men ayenstondynge thi riyt hond. Keuere thou me vndur the schadewe of thi wyngis; 9fro the face of vnpitouse men, that han turmentid me. Myn enemyes han cumpassid my soule; 10thei han closide togidere her fatnesse; the mouth of hem spak pride. 11Thei castiden me forth, and han cumpassid me now; thei ordeyneden to bowe doun her iyen in to erthe. 12Thei, as a lioun maad redi to prey, han take me; and as the whelp of a lioun dwellynge in hid places. 13Lord, rise thou vp, bifor come thou hym, and disseyue thou hym; delyuere thou my lijf fro the `vnpitouse, 14delyuere thou thi swerd fro the enemyes of thin hond. Lord, departe thou hem fro a fewe men of `the lond in the lijf of hem; her wombe is fillid of thin hid thingis. Thei ben fillid with sones; and thei leften her relifis to her litle children. 15But Y in riytfulnesse schal appere to thi siyt; Y schal be fillid, whanne thi glorie schal appere. 17The title of the seuenetenthe salm. To victorie, the word of the Lord to Dauid; which spak the wordis of this song, in the dai in which the Lord delyuerede hym fro the hond of alle hise enemyes, and fro the hond of Saul; and he seide: 2Lord, my strengthe, Y schal loue thee; the Lord is my stidfastnesse, and my refuyt, and mi deliuerere. 3Mi God is myn helpere; and Y schal hope in to hym. My defendere, and the horn of myn helthe; and myn vptakere. 4I schal preise, and ynwardli clepe the Lord; and Y schal be saaf fro myn enemyes. 5The sorewis of deth cumpassiden me; and the strondis of wickidnesse disturbliden me. 6The sorewis of helle cumpassiden me; the snaris of deeth `bifor ocupieden me. 7In my tribulacioun Y inwardli clepide the Lord; and Y criede to my God. And he herde my vois fro his hooli temple; and my cry in his siyt entride in to hise eeris. 8The erthe was mouede togidere, and tremblede togidere; the foundementis of hillis weren troblid togidere, and weren moued togidere; for he was wrooth to hem. 9Smoke stiede in the ire of hym, and fier brente out fro his face; coolis weren kyndlid of hym. 10He bowide doun heuenes, and cam doun; and derknesse was vndur hise feet. 11And he stiede on cherubym, and flei; he fley ouer the pennes of wyndis. 12And he settide derknesses his hidyng place, his tabernacle `in his cumpas; derk water was in the cloudes of the lowere eir. 13Ful cleer cloudis passiden in his siyt; hail and the coolis of fier. 14And the Lord thundrid fro heuene; and the hiyeste yaf his vois, hail and the coolis of fier `camen doun. 15And he sente hise arowis, and distriede tho men; he multipliede leytis, and disturblide tho men. 16And the wellis of watris apperiden; and the foundementis of the erthe weren schewid. Lord, of thi blamyng; of the brething of the spirit of thin ire. 17He sente fro the hiyeste place, and took me; and he took me fro many watris. 18He delyuerede me fro my strongeste enemyes; and fro hem that hatiden me, fro thei weren coumfortid on me. 19Thei camen bifor me in the dai of my turment; and the Lord was maad my defendere. 20And he ledde out me in to breede; he maad me saaf, for he wolde me. 21And the Lord schal yelde to me bi my riytfulnesse; and he schal yelde to me bi the clennesse of myn hondis. 22For Y kepte the weies of the Lord; and Y dide not vnfeithfuli fro my God. 23For alle hise domes ben in my siyt; and Y puttide not awei fro me hise riytfulnessis. 24And Y schal be vnwemmed with hym; and Y schal kepe me fro my wickidnesse. 25And the Lord schal yelde to me bi my riytfulnesse; and bi the clennesse of myn hondis in the siyt of hise iyen. 26With the hooli, thou schalt be hooli; and with `a man innocent, thou schalt be innocent. 27And with a chosun man, thou schalt be chosun; and with a weiward man, thou schalt be weiward. 28For thou schalt make saaf a meke puple; and thou schalt make meke the iyen of proude men. 29For thou, Lord, liytnest my lanterne; my God, liytne thou my derknessis. 30For bi thee Y schal be delyuered fro temptacioun; and in my God Y schal `go ouer the wal. 31Mi God, his weie is vndefoulid, the speches of the Lord ben examyned bi fier; he is defendere of alle men hopynge in hym. 32For whi, who is God out takun the Lord? ethir who is God outakun oure God? 33God that hath gird me with vertu; and hath set my weie vnwemmed. 34Which made perfit my feet as of hertis; and ordeynynge me on hiye thingis. 35Which techith myn hondis to batel; and thou hast set myn armys as a brasun bouwe. 36And thou hast youe to me the kyueryng of thin helthe; and thi riythond hath vptake me. And thi chastisyng amendide me in to the ende; and thilke chastisyng of thee schal teche me. 37Thou alargidist my paaces vndur me; and my steppis ben not maad vnstidefast. 38Y schal pursue myn enemyes, and Y schal take hem; and Y schal not turne til thei failen. 39I schal al to-breke hem, and thei schulen not mowe stonde; thei schulen falle vndur my feet. 40And thou hast gird me with vertu to batel; and thou hast `supplauntid, ether disseyued, vndur me men risynge ayens me. 41And thou hast youe myn enemyes abac to me; and thou hast distried `men hatynge me. 42Thei crieden, and noon was that maad hem saaf; `thei crieden to the Lord, and he herde not hem. 43And Y schal al to-breke hem, as dust bifor the face of wynd; Y schal do hem awei, as the cley of stretis. 44Thou schalt delyuere me fro ayenseiyngis of the puple; thou schalt sette me in to the heed of folkis. 45The puple, which Y knewe not, seruede me; in the herynge of eere it obeiede to me. 46Alien sones lieden to me, alien sones wexiden elde; and crokiden fro thi pathis. 47The Lord lyueth, and my God be blessid; and the God of myn helthe be enhaunsid. 48God, that yauest veniaunces to me, and makist suget puplis vndur me; my delyuerere fro my wrathful enemyes. 49And thou schalt enhaunse me fro hem, that risen ayens me; thou schalt delyuere me fro a wickid man. 50Therfor, Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee among naciouns; and Y schal seie salm to thi name. 51Magnyfiynge the helthis of his kyng; and doynge merci to his crist Dauid, and to his seed til in to the world. 18The title of the eiytenthe salm. To victorie, the salm of Dauid. 2Heuenes tellen out the glorie of God; and the firmament tellith the werkis of hise hondis. 3The dai tellith out to the dai a word; and the nyyt schewith kunnyng to the nyyt. 4No langagis ben, nether wordis; of whiche the voices of hem ben not herd. 5The soun of hem yede out in to al erthe; and the wordis of hem `yeden out in to the endis of the world. 6In the sunne he hath set his tabernacle; and he as a spouse comynge forth of his chaumbre. He fulli ioyede, as a giaunt, to renne his weie; 7his goynge out was fro hiyeste heuene. And his goyng ayen was to the hiyeste therof; and noon is that hidith hym silf fro his heet. 8The lawe of the Lord is with out wem, and conuertith soulis; the witnessyng of the Lord is feithful, and yyueth wisdom to litle children. 9The riytfulnessis of the Lord ben riytful, gladdynge hertis; the comaundement of the Lord is cleere, liytnynge iyen. 10The hooli drede of the Lord dwellith in to world of world; the domes of the Lord ben trewe, iustified in to hem silf. 11Desirable more than gold, and a stoon myche preciouse; and swettere than hony and honycoomb. 12`Forwhi thi seruaunt kepith thoo; myche yeldyng is in tho to be kept. 13Who vndurstondith trespassis? make thou me cleene fro my priuy synnes; 14and of alien synnes spare thi seruaunt. `If the forseid defautis ben not, Lord, of me, than Y schal be with out wem; and Y schal be clensid of the mooste synne. 15And the spechis of my mouth schulen be, that tho plese; and the thenkynge of myn herte euere in thi siyt. Lord, myn helpere; and myn ayenbiere. 19The title of the nyntenthe salm. To victorie, the salm of Dauid. 2The Lord here thee in the dai of tribulacioun; the name of God of Jacob defende thee. 3Sende he helpe to thee fro the hooli place; and fro Syon defende he thee. 4Be he myndeful of al thi sacrifice; and thi brent sacrifice be maad fat. 5Yyue he to thee aftir thin herte; and conferme he al thi counsel. 6We schulen be glad in thin helthe; and we schulen be magnyfied in the name of oure God. 7The Lord fille alle thin axyngis; nowe Y haue knowe, that the Lord hath maad saaf his crist. He schal here hym fro his hooly heuene; the helthe of his riyt hond is in poweris. 8Thes in charis, and these in horsis; but we schulen inwardli clepe in the name of oure Lord God. 9Thei ben boundun, and felden doun; but we han rise, and ben reisid. 10Lord, make thou saaf the kyng; and here thou vs in the dai in which we inwardli clepen thee. 20The title of the twentithe salm. To victorie, the salm of Dauid. 2Lord, the kyng schal be glad in thi vertu; and he schal ful out haue ioye greetli on thin helthe. 3Thou hast youe to hym the desire of his herte; and thou hast not defraudid hym of the wille of hise lippis. 4For thou hast bifor come hym in the blessyngis of swetnesse; thou hast set on his heed a coroun of preciouse stoon. 5He axide of thee lijf, and thou yauest to hym; the lengthe of daies in to the world, `and in to the world of world. 6His glorie is greet in thin helthe; thou schalt putte glorie, and greet fayrnesse on hym. 7For thou schalt yyue hym in to blessing in to the world of world; thou schalt make hym glad in ioye with thi cheer. 8For the kyng hopith in the Lord; and in the merci of the hiyeste he schal not be moued. 9Thyn hond be foundun to alle thin enemyes; thi riythond fynde alle hem that haten thee. 10Thou schalt putte hem as a furneis of fier in the tyme of thi cheer; the Lord schal disturble hem in his ire, and fier schal deuoure hem. 11Thou schalt leese the fruyt of hem fro erthe; and `thou schalt leese the seed of hem fro the sones of men. 12For thei bowiden yuels ayens thee; thei thouyten counseils, whiche thei myyten not stablische. 13For thou schalt putte hem abac; in thi relifs thou schalt make redi the cheer of hem. 14Lord, be thou enhaunsid in thi vertu; we schulen synge, and seie opinly thi vertues. 21The `title of the oon and twentithe salm. To ouercome, for `the morewtid hynd; the salm of Dauid. 2God, my God, biholde thou on me, whi hast thou forsake me? the wordis of my trespassis ben fer fro myn helthe. 3Mi God, Y schal crye bi dai, and thou schalt not here; and bi nyyt, and not to vnwisdom to me. 4Forsothe thou, the preisyng of Israel, dwellist in holynesse; 5oure fadris hopiden in thee, thei hopiden, and thou delyueridist hem. 6Thei crieden to thee, and thei weren maad saaf; thei hopiden in thee, and thei weren not schent. 7But Y am a worm, and not man; the schenschip of men, and the outcastyng of the puple. 8Alle men seynge me scorneden me; thei spaken with lippis, and stiriden the heed. 9He hopide in the Lord, delyuere he hym; make he hym saaf, for he wole hym. 10For thou it art that drowist me out of the wombe, thou art myn hope fro the tetis of my modir; 11in to thee Y am cast forth fro the wombe. Fro the wombe of my modir thou art my God; departe thou not fro me. 12For tribulacioun is next; for noon is that helpith. 13Many calues cumpassiden me; fatte bolis bisegiden me. 14Thei openyden her mouth on me; as doith a lioun rauyschynge and rorynge. 15I am sched out as watir; and alle my boonys ben scaterid. Myn herte is maad, as wex fletynge abrood; in the myddis of my wombe. 16Mi vertu driede as a tiyl stoon, and my tunge cleuede to my chekis; and thou hast brouyt forth me in to the dust of deth. 17For many doggis cumpassiden me; the counsel of wickid men bisegide me. Thei delueden myn hondis and my feet; 18thei noumbriden alle my boonys. Sotheli thei lokiden, and bihelden me; 19thei departiden my clothis to hem silf, and thei senten lot on my cloth. 20But thou, Lord, delaie not thin help fro me; biholde thou to my defence. 21God, delyuere thou my lijf fro swerd; and delyuere thou myn oon aloone fro the hond of the dogge. 22Make thou me saaf fro the mouth of a lioun; and my mekenesse fro the hornes of vnycornes. 23I schal telle thi name to my britheren; Y schal preise thee in the myddis of the chirche. 24Ye that dreden the Lord, herie hym; alle the seed of Jacob, glorifie ye hym. 25Al the seed of Israel drede hym; for he forsook not, nethir dispiside the preier of a pore man. Nethir he turnede awei his face fro me; and whanne Y criede to hym, he herde me. 26Mi preisyng is at thee in a greet chirche; Y schal yelde my vowis in the siyt of men dredynge hym. 27Pore men schulen ete, and schulen be fillid, and thei schulen herie the Lord, that seken hym; the hertis of hem schulen lyue in to the world of world. 28Alle the endis of erthe schulen bithenke; and schulen be conuertid to the Lord. And alle the meynees of hethene men; schulen worschipe in his siyt. 29For the rewme is the Lordis; and he schal be Lord of hethene men. 30Alle the fatte men of erthe eeten and worschipiden; alle men, that goen doun in to erthe, schulen falle doun in his siyt. 31And my soule schal lyue to hym; and my seed schal serue him. 32A generacioun to comyng schal be teld to the Lord; and heuenes schulen telle his riytfulnesse to the puple that schal be borun, whom the Lord made. 22The title of the two and twentithe salm. `The salm, ether the song of Dauid. The Lord gouerneth me, and no thing schal faile to me; 2in the place of pasture there he hath set me. He nurschide me on the watir of refreischyng; 3he conuertide my soule. He ledde me forth on the pathis of riytfulnesse; for his name. 4For whi thouy Y schal go in the myddis of schadewe of deeth; Y schal not drede yuels, for thou art with me. Thi yerde and thi staf; tho han coumfortid me. 5Thou hast maad redi a boord in my siyt; ayens hem that troblen me. Thou hast maad fat myn heed with oyle; and my cuppe, `fillinge greetli, is ful cleer. 6And thi merci schal sue me; in alle the daies of my lijf. And that Y dwelle in the hows of the Lord; in to the lengthe of daies. 23The title of the `thre and twentithe salm. The song of Dauid. The erthe and the fulnesse therof is `the Lordis; the world, and alle that dwellen therynne `is the Lordis. 2For he foundide it on the sees; and made it redi on floodis. 3Who schal stie in to the hil of the Lord; ethir who schal stonde in the hooli place of hym? 4The innocent in hondis, and in cleene herte; whiche took not his soule in veyn, nether swoor in gile to his neiybore. 5`This man schal take blessyng of the Lord; and mercy of God his helthe. 6This is the generacioun of men sekynge hym; of men sekynge the face of God of Jacob. 7Ye princes, take vp youre yatis, and ye euerelastynge yatis, be reisid; and the kyng of glorie schal entre. 8Who is this kyng of glorie? the Lord strong and myyti, the Lord myyti in batel. 9Ye princes, take vp youre yatis, and ye euerlastynge yatis, be reisid; and the kyng of glorie schal entre. 10Who is this kyng of glorie? the Lord of vertues, he is the kyng of glorie. 24The title of the foure and twentithe salm. To Dauid. 2Lord, to thee Y haue reisid my soule; my God, Y truste in thee, be Y not aschamed. 3Nethir myn enemyes scorne me; for alle men that suffren thee schulen not be schent. 4Alle men doynge wickyd thingis superfluli; be schent. Lord, schewe thou thi weies to me; and teche thou me thi pathis. 5Dresse thou me in thi treuthe, and teche thou me, for thou art God my sauyour; and Y suffride thee al dai. 6Lord, haue thou mynde of thi merciful doyngis; and of thi mercies that ben fro the world. 7Haue thou not mynde on the trespassis of my yongthe; and on myn vnkunnyngis. Thou, Lord, haue mynde on me bi thi merci; for thi goodnesse. 8The Lord is swete and riytful; for this he schal yyue a lawe to men trespassynge in the weie. 9He schal dresse deboner men in doom; he schal teche mylde men hise weies. 10Alle the weies of the Lord ben mercy and treuthe; to men sekynge his testament, and hise witnessyngis. 11Lord, for thi name thou schalt do merci to my synne; for it is myche. 12Who is a man, that dredith the Lord? he ordeyneth to hym a lawe in the weie which he chees. 13His soule schal dwelle in goodis; and his seed schal enerite the lond. 14The Lord is a sadnesse to men dredynge hym; and his testament is, that it be schewid to hem. 15Myn iyen ben euere to the Lord; for he schal breide awey my feet fro the snare. 16Biholde thou on me, and haue thou mercy on me; for Y am 17oon aloone and pore The tribulaciouns of myn herte ben multiplied; delyuere thou me of my nedis. 18Se thou my mekenesse and my trauel; and foryyue thou alle my trespassis. 19Bihold thou myn enemyes, for thei ben multiplied; and thei haten me bi wickid hatrede. 20Kepe thou my soule, and delyuere thou me; be Y not aschamed, for Y hopide in thee. 21Innocent men and riytful cleuyden to me; for Y suffride thee. 22God, delyuere thou Israel; fro alle hise tribulaciouns. 25The title of the fyue and twentithe salm. `To Dauid. Lord, deme thou me, for Y entride in myn innocens; and Y hopynge in the Lord schal not be made vnstidfast. 2Lord, preue thou me, and asaie me; brenne thou my reynes, and myn herte. 3For whi thi merci is bifor myn iyen; and Y pleside in thi treuthe. 4I sat not with the counsel of vanyte; and Y schal not entre with men doynge wickid thingis. 5I hatide the chirche of yuele men; and Y schal not sitte with wickid men. 6I schal waische myn hondis among innocentis; and, Lord, Y schal cumpasse thin auter. 7That Y here the vois of heriyng; and that Y telle out alle thi merueils. 8Lord, Y haue loued the fairnesse of thin hows; and the place of the dwellyng of thi glorie. 9God, leese thou not my soule with vnfeithful men; and my lijf with men of bloodis. 10In whose hondis wyckidnessis ben; the riythond of hem is fillid with yiftis. 11But Y entride in myn innocens; ayenbie thou me, and haue merci on me. 12Mi foot stood in riytfulnesse; Lord, Y schal blesse thee in chirchis. 26The title of the sixe and twentithe salm. To Dauid. The Lord is my liytnyng, and myn helthe; whom schal Y drede? The Lord is defendere of my lijf; for whom schal Y tremble? 2The while noiful men neiyen on me; for to ete my fleischis. Myn enemyes, that trobliden me; thei weren maad sijk and felden doun. 3Thouy castels stonden togidere ayens me; myn herte schal not drede. Thouy batel risith ayens me; in this thing Y schal haue hope. 4I axide of the Lord o thing; Y schal seke this thing; that Y dwelle in the hows of the Lord alle the daies of my lijf. That Y se the wille of the Lord; and that Y visite his temple. 5For he hidde me in his tabernacle in the dai of yuelis; he defendide me in the hid place of his tabernacle. 6He enhaunside me in a stoon; and now he enhaunside myn heed ouer myn enemyes. I cumpasside, and offride in his tabernacle a sacrifice of criyng; Y schal synge, and Y schal seie salm to the Lord. 7Lord, here thou my vois, bi which Y criede to thee; haue thou merci on me, and here me. 8Myn herte seide to thee, My face souyte thee; Lord, Y schal seke eft thi face. 9Turne thou not awei thi face fro me; bouwe thou not awei in ire fro thi seruaunt. Lord, be thou myn helpere, forsake thou not me; and, God, myn helthe, dispise thou not me. 10For my fadir and my modir han forsake me; but the Lord hath take me. 11Lord, sette thou a lawe to me in thi weie; and dresse thou me in thi path for myn enemyes. 12Bitake thou not me in to the soules of hem, that troblen me; for wickid witnessis han rise ayens me, and wickydnesse liede to it silf. 13I bileue to see the goodis of the Lord; in the lond of `hem that lyuen. 14Abide thou the Lord, do thou manli; and thin herte be coumfortid, and suffre thou the Lord. 27The title of the seuen and twentithe salm. To Dauid. Lord, Y schal crye to thee; my God, be thou not stille fro me, be thou not stille `ony tyme fro me; and Y schal be maad lijk to hem, that goen doun in to the lake. 2Lord, here thou the vois of my bisechyng, while Y preie to thee; whyle Y reise myn hondis to thin hooli temple. 3Bitake thou not me togidere with synneris; and leese thou not me with hem that worchen wickidnesse. Whyche speken pees with her neiybore; but yuels ben in her hertis. 4Yyue thou to hem vpe the werkis of hem; and vpe the wickidnesse of her fyndyngis. Yyue thou to hem vpe the werkis of her hondis; yelde thou her yeldyng to hem. 5For thei vndurstoden not the werkis of the Lord, and bi the werkis of hise hondis thou schalt destrie hem; and thou schalt not bilde hem. 6Blissid be the Lord; for he herde the vois of my bisechyng. 7The Lord is myn helpere and my defendere; and myn herte hopide in hym, and Y am helpid. And my fleisch flouride ayen; and of my wille Y schal knowleche to hym. 8The Lord is the strengthe of his puple; and he is defendere of the sauyngis of his crist. 9Lord, make thou saaf thi puple, and blesse thou thin eritage; and reule thou hem, and enhaunse thou hem til in to with outen ende. 28The title of the eiyt and twentithe salm. The salm, ethir song of Dauid. Ye sones of God, brynge to the Lord; brynge ye to the Lord the sones of rammes. 2Brynge ye to the Lord glorie and onour; brynge ye to the Lord glorie to his name; herie ye the Lord in his hooli large place. 3The vois of the Lord on watris, God of mageste thundride; the Lord on many watris. 4The vois of the Lord in vertu; the vois of the Lord in greet doyng. 5The vois of the Lord brekynge cedris; and the Lord schal breke the cedris of the Liban. 6And he schal al to-breke hem to dust as a calf of the Liban; and the derling was as the sone of an vnycorn. 7The vois of the Lord departynge the flawme of fier; 8the vois of the Lord schakynge desert; and the Lord schal stire togidere the desert of Cades. 9The vois of the Lord makynge redi hertis, and he schal schewe thicke thingis; and in his temple alle men schulen seie glorie. 10The Lord makith to enhabite the greet flood; and the Lord schal sitte kyng with outen ende. 11The Lord schal yyue vertu to his puple; the Lord schal blesse his puple in pees. 29The title of the nyne and twentithe salm. The salm of song, for the halewyng of the hows of Dauid. 2Lord, Y schal enhaunse thee, for thou hast vp take me; and thou delitidist not myn enemyes on me. 3Mi Lord God, Y criede to thee; and thou madist me hool. 4Lord, thou leddist out my soule fro helle; thou sauedist me fro hem that goen doun into the lake. 5Ye seyntis of the Lord, synge to the Lord; and knowleche ye to the mynde of his hoolynesse. 6For ire is in his indignacioun; and lijf is in his wille. Wepyng schal dwelle at euentid; and gladnesse at the morewtid. 7Forsothe Y seide in my plentee; Y schal not be moued with outen ende. 8Lord, in thi wille; thou hast youe vertu to my fairnesse. Thou turnedist awei thi face fro me; and Y am maad disturblid. 9Lord, Y schal crye to thee; and Y schal preye to my God. 10What profit is in my blood; while Y go doun in to corrupcioun? Whether dust schal knouleche to thee; ethir schal telle thi treuthe? 11The Lord herde, and hadde merci on me; the Lord is maad myn helpere. 12Thou hast turned my weilyng in to ioye to me; thou hast to-rent my sak, and hast cumpassid me with gladnesse. 13That my glorie synge to thee, and Y be not compunct; my Lord God, Y schal knouleche to thee with outen ende. 30The title of the thrittithe salm. To victorie, the salm of Dauid. 2Lord, Y hopide in thee, be Y not schent with outen ende; delyuere thou me in thi riytfulnesse. 3Bouwe doun thin eere to me; haaste thou to delyuere me. Be thou to me in to God defendere, and in to an hows of refuyt; that thou make me saaf. 4For thou art my strengthe and my refuyt; and for thi name thou schalt lede me forth, and schalt nurische me. 5Thou schalt lede me out of the snare, which thei hidden to me; for thou art my defendere. 6I bitake my spirit in to thin hondis; Lord God of treuthe, thou hast ayen bouyt me. 7Thou hatist hem that kepen vanytees superfluli. 8Forsothe Y hopide in the Lord; Y schal haue fulli ioie, and schal be glad in thi merci. For thou byheldist my mekenesse; thou sauedist my lijf fro nedis. 9And thou closidist not me togidere withynne the hondis of the enemy; thou hast sett my feet in a large place. 10Lord, haue thou merci on me, for Y am troblid; myn iye is troblid in ire, my soule and my wombe `ben troblid. 11For whi my lijf failide in sorewe; and my yeeris in weilynges. Mi vertu is maad feble in pouert; and my boonys ben disturblid. 12Ouer alle myn enemyes Y am maad schenship greetli to my neiyboris; and drede to my knowun. Thei that sien me with outforth, fledden fro me; Y am youun to foryetyng, 13as a deed man fro herte. I am maad as a lorun vessel; 14for Y herde dispisyng of many men dwellynge in cumpas. In that thing the while thei camen togidere ayens me; thei counceliden to take my lijf. 15But, Lord, Y hopide in thee; Y seide, Thou art my God; my tymes ben in thin hondis. 16Delyuer thou me fro the hondis of mynen enemyes; and fro hem that pursuen me. 17Make thou cleer thi face on thi seruaunt; Lord, make thou me saaf in thi merci; 18be Y not schent, for Y inwardli clepide thee. Unpitouse men be aschamed, and be led forth in to helle; 19gileful lippys be maad doumbe. That speken wickidnesse ayens a iust man; in pride, and in mysusyng. 20Lord, the multitude of thi swetnesse is ful greet; which thou hast hid to men dredynge thee. Thou hast maad a perfit thing to hem, that hopen in thee; in the siyt of the sones of men. 21Thou schalt hide hem in the priuyte of thi face; fro disturblyng of men. Thou schalt defende hem in thi tabernacle; fro ayenseiyng of tungis. 22Blessid be the Lord; for he hath maad wondurful his merci to me in a strengthid citee. 23Forsothe Y seide in the passyng of my soule; Y am cast out fro the face of thin iyen. Therfor thou herdist the vois of my preier; while Y criede to thee. 24Alle ye hooli men of the Lord, loue hym; for the Lord schal seke treuthe, and he schal yelde plenteuousli to hem that doen pride. 25Alle ye that hopen in the Lord, do manli; and youre herte be coumfortid. 31The title of the oon and thrittithe salm. Lernyng to Dauid. Blessid ben thei, whose wickidnessis ben foryouun; and whose synnes ben hilid. 2Blessid is the man, to whom the Lord arrettide not synne; nethir gile is in his spirit. 3For Y was stille, my boonys wexiden elde; while Y criede al dai. 4For bi dai and nyyt thin `hond was maad greuouse on me; Y am turned in my wretchednesse, while the thorn is set in. 5I made my synne knowun to thee; and Y hidde not my vnriytfulnesse. I seide, Y schal knouleche ayens me myn vnriytfulnesse to the Lord; and thou hast foryoue the wickidnesse of my synne. 6For this thing ech hooli man schal preye to thee; in couenable tyme. Netheles in the greet flood of many watris; tho schulen not neiye to thee. 7Thou art my refuyt fro tribulacioun, that cumpasside me; thou, my fulli ioiyng, delyuere me fro hem that cumpassen me. 8Y schal yyue vnderstondyng to thee, and Y schal teche thee; in this weie in which thou schalt go, Y schal make stidefast myn iyen on thee. 9Nile ye be maad as an hors and mule; to whiche is noon vndurstondyng. Lord, constreyne thou the chekis of hem with a bernacle and bridil; that neiyen not to thee. 10Many betyngis ben of the synnere; but merci schal cumpasse hym that hopith in the Lord. 11Ye iust men, be glad, and make fulli ioie in the Lord; and alle ye riytful of herte, haue glorie. 32The two and threttithe salm hath no title. Ye iust men, haue fulli ioye in the Lord; presyng togidere bicometh riytful men. 2Knouleche ye to the Lord in an harpe; synge ye to hym in a sautre of ten strengis. 3Synge ye to hym a newe song; seie ye wel salm to hym in criyng. 4For the word of the Lord is riytful; and alle hise werkis ben in feithfulnesse. 5He loueth merci and doom; the erthe is ful of the merci of the Lord. 6Heuenes ben maad stidfast bi the word of the Lord; and `al the vertu of tho bi the spirit of his mouth. 7And he gaderith togidere the watris of the see as in a bowge; and settith depe watris in tresours. 8Al erthe drede the Lord; sotheli alle men enhabitynge the world ben mouyd of hym. 9For he seide, and thingis weren maad; he comaundide, and thingis weren maad of nouyt. 10The Lord distrieth the counsels of folkis, forsothe he repreueth the thouytis of puplis; and he repreueth the counsels of prynces. 11But the counsel of the Lord dwellith with outen ende; the thouytis of his herte dwellen in generacioun and into generacioun. 12Blessid is the folk, whose Lord is his God; the puple which he chees into eritage to hym silf. 13The Lord bihelde fro heuene; he siy alle the sones of men. 14Fro his dwellyng place maad redi bifor; he bihelde on alle men, that enhabiten the erthe. 15Which made syngulerli the soules of hem; which vndurstondith all the werkis of hem. 16A kyng is not sauyd bi myche vertu; and a giaunt schal not be sauyd in the mychilnesse of his vertu. 17An hors is false to helthe; forsothe he schal not be sauyd in the habundaunce, `ether plentee, of his vertu. 18Lo! the iyen of the Lord ben on men dredynge hym; and in hem that hopen on his merci. 19That he delyuere her soules fro deth; and feede hem in hungur. 20Oure soule suffreth the Lord; for he is oure helpere and defendere. 21For oure herte schal be glad in him; and we schulen haue hope in his hooli name. 22Lord, thi merci be maad on vs; as we hopiden in thee. 33The title of the thre and thrittithe salm. To Dauid, whanne he chaungide his mouth bifor Abymalech, and he `droof out Dauid, `and he yede forth. 2I schal blesse the Lord in al tyme; euere his heriyng is in my mouth. 3Mi soule schal be preisid in the Lord; mylde men here, and be glad. 4Magnyfie ye the Lord with me; and enhaunse we his name into it silf. 5I souyte the Lord, and he herde me; and he delyueride me fro alle my tribulaciouns. 6Neiye ye to him, and be ye liytned; and youre faces schulen not be schent. 7This pore man criede, and the Lord herde hym; and sauyde hym fro alle hise tribulaciouns. 8The aungel of the Lord sendith in the cumpas of men dredynge hym; and he schal delyuere hem. 9Taaste ye, and se, for the Lord is swete; blessid is the man, that hopith in hym. 10Alle ye hooli men of the Lord, drede hym; for no nedynesse is to men dredynge hym. 11Riche men weren nedi, and weren hungri; but men that seken the Lord schulen not faile of al good. 12Come, ye sones, here ye me; Y schal teche you the drede of the Lord. 13Who is a man, that wole lijf; loueth to se good daies? 14Forbede thi tunge fro yuel; and thi lippis speke not gile. 15Turne thou awei fro yuel, and do good; seke thou pees, and perfitli sue thou it. 16The iyen of the Lord ben on iust men; and hise eeren ben to her preiers. 17But the cheer of the Lord is on men doynge yuels; that he leese the mynde of hem fro erthe. 18Just men cryeden, and the Lord herde hem; and delyueride hem fro alle her tribulaciouns. 19The Lord is nyy hem that ben of troblid herte; and he schal saue meke men in spirit. 20Many tribulaciouns ben of iust men; and the Lord schal delyuere hem fro alle these. 21The Lord kepith alle the boonys of hem; oon of tho schal not be brokun. 22The deth of synneris is werst; and thei that haten a iust man schulen trespasse. 23The Lord schal ayenbie the soulis of hise seruauntis; and alle, that hopen in him, schulen not trespasse. 34The title of the foure and thrittithe salm. `To Dauid. Lord, deme thou hem, that anoien me; ouercome thou hem, that fiyten ayens me. 2Take thou armeris and scheeld; and rise vp into help to me. 3Schede out the swerd, and close togidere ayens hem that pursuen me; seie thou to my soule, Y am thin helthe. 4Thei that seken my lijf; be schent, and aschamed. Thei that thenken yuels to me; be turned awei bacward, and be schent. 5Be thei maad as dust bifor the face of the wynd; and the aungel of the Lord make hem streit. 6Her weie be maad derknesse, and slydirnesse; and the aungel of the Lord pursue hem. 7For with out cause thei hidden to me the deth of her snare; in veyn thei dispisiden my soule. 8The snare which he knoweth not come to hym, and the takyng which he hidde take hym; and fall he in to the snare in that thing. 9But my soule schal fulli haue ioye in the Lord; and schal delite on his helthe. 10Alle my boonys schulen seie, Lord, who is lijk thee? Thou delyuerist a pore man fro the hond of his strengere; a nedi man and pore fro hem that diuersely rauischen hym. 11Wickid witnessis risynge axiden me thingis, whiche Y knewe not. 12Thei yeldiden to me yuels for goodis; bareynnesse to my soule. 13But whanne thei weren diseseful to me; Y was clothid in an heire. I mekide my soule in fastyng; and my preier schal be turned `with ynne my bosum. 14I pleside so as oure neiybore, as oure brother; Y was `maad meke so as morenynge and sorewful. 15And thei weren glad, and camen togidere ayens me; turmentis weren gaderid on me, and Y knew not. 16Thei weren scaterid, and not compunct, thei temptiden me, thei scornyden me with mowyng; thei gnastiden on me with her teeth. 17Lord, whanne thou schalt biholde, restore thou my soule fro the wickidnesse of hem; `restore thou myn oon aloone fro liouns. 18I schal knowleche to thee in a greet chirche; Y schal herie thee in a sad puple. 19Thei that ben aduersaries wickidli to me, haue not ioye on me; that haten me with out cause, and bikenen with iyen. 20For sotheli thei spaken pesibli to me; and thei spekynge in wrathfulnesse of erthe thouyten giles. 21And thei maden large her mouth on me; thei seiden, Wel, wel! oure iyen han sien. 22Lord, thou hast seen, be thou not stille; Lord, departe thou not fro me. 23Rise vp, and yyue tent to my doom; my God and my Lord, biholde in to my cause. 24Mi Lord God, deme thou me bi thi riytfulnesse; and haue thei not ioye on me. 25Seie thei not in her hertis, Wel, wel, to oure soule; nether seie thei, We schulen deuoure hym. 26Shame thei, and drede thei togidere; that thanken for myn yuels. Be thei clothid with schame and drede; that speken yuele thingis on me. 27Haue thei ful ioie, and be thei glad that wolen my riytfulnesse; and seie thei euere, The Lord be magnyfied, whiche wolen the pees of his seruaunt. 28And my tunge schal bithenke thi riytfulnesse; al day thin heriyng. 35`The title of the fyue and thrittithe salm. `To victorie, to Dauid, `the seruaunt of the Lord. 2The vniust man seide, that he trespasse in hym silf; the drede of God is not bifor hise iyen. 3For he dide gilefuli in the siyt of God; that his wickidnesse be foundun to hatrede. 4The wordis of his mouth ben wickidnesse and gile, he nolde vndirstonde to do wel. 5He thouyte wickidnesse in his bed, he stood nyy al weie not good; forsothe he hatide not malice. 6Lord, thi merci is in heuene; and thi treuthe is `til to cloudis. 7Thi riytfulnesse is as the hillis of God; thi domes ben myche depthe of watris. Lord, thou schalt saue men and beestis; 8as thou, God, hast multiplied thi merci. But the sones of men; schulen hope in the hilyng of thi wyngis. 9Thei schulen be fillid gretli of the plentee of thin hows; and thou schalt yyue drynke to hem with the steef streem of thi likyng. 10For the wel of life is at thee; and in thi liyt we schulen se liyt. 11Lord, sette forth thi mercy to hem, that knowen thee; and thi ryytfulnesse to hem that ben of riytful herte. 12The foot of pryde come not to me; and the hond of the synnere moue me not. 13There thei felden doun, that worchen wickidnesse; thei ben cast out, and myyten not stonde. 36The title of the sixe and thrittithe salm. To Dauith. Nile thou sue wickid men; nether loue thou men doynge wickidnesse. 2For thei schulen wexe drie swiftli as hey; and thei schulen falle doun soone as the wortis of eerbis. 3Hope thou in the Lord, and do thou goodnesse; and enhabite thou the lond, and thou schalt be fed with hise richessis. 4Delite thou in the Lord; and he schal yyue to thee the axyngis of thin herte. 5Schewe thi weie to the Lord; and hope thou in hym, and he schal do. 6And he schal lede out thi riytfulnesse as liyt, and thi doom as myddai; 7be thou suget to the Lord, and preye thou hym. Nile thou sue hym, that hath prosperite in his weie; a man doynge vnriytfulnessis. 8Ceese thou of ire, and forsake woodnesse; nyle thou sue, that thou do wickidli. 9For thei, that doen wickidli, schulen be distried; but thei that suffren the Lord, schulen enerite the lond. 10And yit a litil, and a synnere schal not be; and thou schalt seke his place, and schalt not fynde. 11But mylde men schulen enerite the lond; and schulen delite in the multitude of pees. 12A synnere schal aspie a riytful man; and he schal gnaste with hise teeth on hym. 13But the Lord schal scorne the synnere; for he biholdith that his day cometh. 14Synners drowen out swerd; thei benten her bouwe. To disseyue a pore man and nedi; to strangle riytful men of herte. 15Her swerd entre in to the herte of hem silf; and her bouwe be brokun. 16Betere is a litil thing to a iust man; than many richessis of synneris. 17For the armes of synneris schal be al to-brokun; but the Lord confermeth iust men. 18The Lord knowith the daies of vnwemmed; and her heritage schal be withouten ende. 19Thei schulen not be schent in the yuel tyme, and thei schulen be fillid in the dayes of hungur; 20for synneris schulen perische. Forsothe anoon as the enemyes of the Lord ben onourid, and enhaunsid; thei failynge schulen faile as smoke. 21A synnere schal borewe, and schal not paie; but a iust man hath merci, and schal yyue. 22For thei that blessen the Lord schulen enerite the lond; but thei that cursen hym schulen perische. 23The goyng of a man schal be dressid anentis the Lord; and he schal wilne his weie. 24Whanne he fallith, he schal not be hurtlid doun; for the Lord vndursettith his hond. 25I was yongere, and sotheli Y wexide eld, and Y siy not a iust man forsakun; nethir his seed sekynge breed. 26Al dai he hath merci, and leeneth; and his seed schal be in blessyng. 27Bouwe thou awei fro yuel, and do good; and dwelle thou in to the world of world. 28For the Lord loueth doom, and schal not forsake hise seyntis; thei schulen be kept with outen ende. Vniust men schulen be punyschid; and the seed of wickid men schal perische. 29But iust men schulen enerite the lond; and schulen enabite theronne in to the world of world. 30The mouth of a iust man schal bithenke wisdom; and his tunge schal speke doom. 31The lawe of his God is in his herte; and hise steppis schulen not be disseyued. 32A synnere biholdith a iust man; and sekith to sle hym. 33But the Lord schal not forsake hym in hise hondis; nethir schal dampne hym, whanne it schal be demed ayens hym. 34Abide thou the Lord, and kepe thou his weie, and he schal enhaunse thee, that bi eritage thou take the lond; whanne synneris schulen perische, thou schalt se. 35I siy a wickid man enhaunsid aboue; and reisid vp as the cedris of Liban. 36And Y passide, and lo! he was not; Y souyte hym, and his place is not foundun. 37Kepe thou innocence, and se equite; for tho ben relikis to a pesible man. 38Forsothe vniust men schulen perische; the relifs of wickid men schulen perische togidere. 39But the helthe of iust men is of the Lord; and he is her defendere in the tyme of tribulacioun. 40And the Lord schal helpe hem, and schal make hem fre, and he schal delyuere hem fro synneris; and he schal saue hem, for thei hopiden in hym. 37The title of the seuene and thrittithe salm. `The salm of Dauid, to bythenke on the sabat. 2Lord, repreue thou not me in thi strong veniaunce; nether chastice thou me in thin ire. 3For thin arowis ben fitchid in me; and thou hast confermed thin hond on me. 4Noon helthe is in my fleisch fro the face of thin ire; no pees is to my boonys fro the face of my synnes. 5For my wickidnessis ben goon ouer myn heed; as an heuy birthun, tho ben maad heuy on me. 6Myn heelid woundis weren rotun, and ben brokun; fro the face of myn vnwisdom. 7I am maad a wretche, and Y am bowid doun til in to the ende; al dai Y entride sorewful. 8For my leendis ben fillid with scornyngis; and helthe is not in my fleisch. 9I am turmentid, and maad low ful greetli; Y roride for the weilyng of myn herte. 10Lord, al my desire is bifor thee; and my weilyng is not hid fro thee. 11Myn herte is disturblid in me, my vertu forsook me; and the liyt of myn iyen `forsook me, and it is not with me. 12My frendis and my neiyboris neiyiden; and stoden ayens me. And thei that weren bisidis me stoden afer; 13and thei diden violence, that souyten my lijf. And thei that souyten yuels to me, spaken vanytees; and thouyten gilis al dai. 14But Y as a deef man herde not; and as a doumb man not openynge his mouth. 15And Y am maad as a man not herynge; and not hauynge repreuyngis in his mouth. 16For, Lord, Y hopide in thee; my Lord God, thou schalt here me. 17For Y seide, Lest ony tyme myn enemyes haue ioye on me; and the while my feet ben mouyd, thei spaken grete thingis on me. 18For Y am redi to betyngis; and my sorewe is euere in my siyt. 19For Y schal telle my wickidnesse; and Y schal thenke for my synne. 20But myn enemyes lyuen, and ben confermed on me; and thei ben multiplyed, that haten me wickidli. 21Thei that yelden yuels for goodis, backbitiden me; for Y suede goodnesse. 22My Lord God, forsake thou not me; go thou not awei fro me. 23Lord God of myn helthe; biholde thou in to myn help. 38The title of the eiyte and threttithe salm. For victorie, to Iditum, the song of Dauid. 2I seide, Y schal kepe my weies; that Y trespasse not in my tunge. I settide kepyng to my mouth; whanne a synnere stood ayens me. 3I was doumb, and was mekid ful gretli, and was stille fro goodis; and my sorewe was renulid. 4Myn herte was hoot with ynne me; and fier schal brenne out in my thenkyng. 5I spak in my tunge; Lord, make thou myn eende knowun to me. And the noumbre of my daies what it is; that Y wite, what failith to me. 6Lo! thou hast set my daies mesurable; and my substaunce is as nouyt bifor thee. Netheles al vanytee; ech man lyuynge. 7Netheles a man passith in ymage; but also he is disturblid veynli. He tresorith; and he noot, to whom he `schal gadere tho thingis. 8And now which is myn abiding? whether not the Lord? and my substaunce is at thee. 9Delyuere thou me fro alle my wickidnessis; thou hast youe me schenschip to the vnkunnynge. 10I was doumbe, and openyde not my mouth; for thou hast maad, 11remoue thou thi woundis fro me. 12Fro the strengthe of thin hond Y failide in blamyngis; for wickidnesse thou hast chastisid man. And thou madist his lijf to faile as an yreyne; netheles ech man is disturblid in veyn. 13Lord, here thou my preier and my bisechyng; perseyue thou with eeris my teeris. 14Be thou not stille, for Y am a comelyng at thee; and a pilgrime, as alle my fadris. 15Foryyue thou to me, that Y be refreischid, bifor that Y go; and Y schal no more be. 39The title of the nyne and threttithe salm. For victorie, the song of Dauid. 2Y abidynge abood the Lord; and he yaf tent to me. 3And he herde my preieris; and he ledde out me fro the lake of wretchidnesse, and fro the filthe of draft. And he ordeynede my feet on a stoon; and he dresside my goyngis. 4And he sente in to my mouth a newe song; a song to oure God. Many men schulen se, and schulen drede; and schulen haue hope in the Lord. 5Blessid is the man, of whom the name of the Lord is his hope; and he bihelde not in to vanitees, and in to false woodnesses. 6Mi Lord God, thou hast maad thi merueils manye; and in thi thouytis noon is, that is lijk thee. I teld, and Y spak; and thei ben multiplied aboue noumbre. 7Thou noldist sacrifice and offryng; but thou madist perfitli eeris to me. Thou axidist not brent sacrifice, and sacrifice for synne; 8thanne Y seide, Lo! Y come. In the heed of the book it is writun of me, 9that Y schulde do thi wille; my God, Y wolde; and thi lawe in the myddis of myn herte. 10I telde thi riytfulnesse in a greet chirche; lo! Y schal not refreine my lippis, Lord, thou wistist. 11I hidde not thi riytfulnesse in myn herte; Y seide thi treuthe and thin helthe. I hidde not thi mercy and thi treuthe; fro a myche counsel. 12But thou, Lord, make not fer thi merciful doyngis fro me; thi mercy and treuthe euere token me vp. 13For whi yuels, of whiche is no noumbre, cumpassiden me; my wickidnessis token me, and y myyte not, that Y schulde se. Tho ben multiplied aboue the heeris of myn heed; and myn herte forsook me. 14Lord, plese it to thee, that thou delyuere me; Lord, biholde thou to helpe me. 15Be thei schent, and aschamed togidere; that seken my lijf, to take awei it. Be thei turned abac, and be thei schamed; that wolen yuels to me. 16Bere thei her confusioun anoon; that seien to me, Wel! wel! `that is, in scorn. 17Alle men that seken thee, be fulli ioyful, and be glad on thee; and seie thei, that louen thin helthe, The Lord be magnyfied euere. 18Forsothe Y am a beggere and pore; the Lord is bisi of me. Thou arte myn helpere and my defendere; my God, tarie thou not. 40The title of the fourtithe salm. For victorie, the song of Dauid. 2Blessid is he that vndurstondith `on a nedi man and pore; the Lord schal delyuere hym in the yuel dai. 3The Lord kepe hym, and quykene hym, and make hym blesful in the lond; and bitake not hym in to the wille of his enemyes. 4The Lord bere help to hym on the bed of his sorewe; thou hast ofte turned al his bed stre in his sijknesse. 5I seide, Lord, haue thou mercy on me; heele thou my soule, for Y synnede ayens thee. 6Myn enemyes seiden yuels to me; Whanne schal he die, and his name schal perische? 7And if he entride for to se, he spak veyn thingis; his herte gaderide wickidnesse to hym silf. 8He yede with out forth; and spak to the same thing. Alle myn enemyes bacbitiden pryuyli ayens me; ayens me thei thouyten yuels to me. 9Thei ordeineden an yuel word ayens me; Whether he that slepith, schal not leie to, that he rise ayen? 10For whi the man of my pees, in whom Y hopide, he that eet my looues; made greet disseit on me. 11But thou, Lord, haue merci on me, and reise me ayen; and Y schal yelde to hem. 12In this thing Y knew, that thou woldist me; for myn enemye schal not haue ioye on me. 13Forsothe thou hast take me vp for ynnocence; and hast confermed me in thi siyt with outen ende. 14Blessid be the Lord God of Israel, fro the world and in to the world; be it doon, be it doon. 41The title of the oon and fourtithe salm. To victorie, to the sones of Chore. 2As an hert desirith to the wellis of watris; so thou, God, my soule desirith to thee. 3Mi soule thirstide to God, `that is a `quik welle; whanne schal Y come, and appere bifor the face of God? 4Mi teeris weren looues to me bi dai and nyyt; while it is seid to me ech dai, Where is thi God? 5I bithouyte of these thingis, and Y schedde out in me my soule; for Y schal passe in to the place of the wondurful tabernacle, til to the hows of God. In the vois of ful out ioiyng and knoulechyng; is the sown of the etere. 6Mi soule, whi art thou sory; and whi disturblist thou me? Hope thou in God, for yit Y schal knouleche to hym; he is the helthe of my cheer, 7and my God. My soule is disturblid at my silf; therfor, God, Y schal be myndeful of thee fro the lond of Jordan, and fro the litil hil Hermonyim. 8Depthe clepith depthe; in the vois of thi wyndows. Alle thin hiye thingis and thi wawis; passiden ouer me. 9The Lord sente his merci in the dai; and his song in the nyyt. 10At me is a preier to the God of my lijf; Y schal seie to God, Thou art my `takere vp. Whi foryetist thou me; and whi go Y sorewful, while the enemy turmentith me? 11While my boonys ben brokun togidere; myn enemyes, that troblen me, dispiseden me. While thei seien to me, bi alle daies; Where is thi God? 12Mi soule, whi art thou sori; and whi disturblist thou me? Hope thou in God, for yit Y schal knouleche to hym; `he is the helthe of my cheer, and my God. 42`The two and fourtithe salm. God, deme thou me, and departe thou my cause fro a folc not hooli; delyuere thou me fro a wickid man, and gileful. 2For thou art God, my strengthe; whi hast thou put me abac, and whi go Y soreuful, while the enemy turmentith me? 3Sende out thi liyt, and thi treuthe; tho ledden me forth, and brouyten in to thin hooli hil, and in to thi tabernaclis. 4And Y schal entre to the auter of God; to God, that gladith my yongthe. God, my God, Y schal knowleche to thee in an harpe; my soule, 5whi art thou sory, and whi troblist thou me? Hope thou in God, for yit Y schal knouleche to hym; he is the helthe of my cheer, and my God. 43The title of the thre and fourtithe salm. `To victorie, lernyng to the sones of Chore. 2God, we herden with oure eeris; oure fadris telden to vs. The werk, which thou wrouytist in the daies of hem; and in elde daies. 3Thin hond lost hethene men, and thou plauntidist hem; thou turmentidist puplis, and castidist hem out. 4For the children of Israel weldiden the lond not bi her swerd; and the arm of hem sauyde not hem. But thi riyt hond, and thin arm, and the liytnyng of thi cheer; for thou were plesid in hem. 5Thou art thi silf, my kyng and my God; that sendist helthis to Jacob. 6Bi thee we schulen wyndewe oure enemyes with horn; and in thi name we schulen dispise hem, that risen ayen vs. 7For Y schal not hope in my bouwe; and my swerd schal not saue me. 8For thou hast saued vs fro men turmentinge vs; and thou hast schent men hatinge vs. 9We schulen be preisid in God al dai; and in thi name we schulen knouleche to thee in to the world. 10But now thou hast put vs abac, and hast schent vs; and thou, God, schalt not go out in oure vertues. 11Thou hast turned vs awei bihynde aftir oure enemyes; and thei, that hatiden vs, rauyschiden dyuerseli to hem silf. 12Thou hast youe vs as scheep of meetis; and among hethene men thou hast scaterid vs. 13Thou hast seeld thi puple with out prijs; and multitude was not in the chaungyngis of hem. 14Thou hast set vs schenschip to oure neiyboris; mouwyng and scorn to hem that ben in oure cumpas. 15Thou hast set vs into licnesse to hethene me; stiryng of heed among puplis. 16Al dai my schame is ayens me; and the schenschipe of my face hilide me. 17Fro the vois of dispisere, and yuele spekere; fro the face of enemy, and pursuere. 18Alle these thingis camen on vs, and we han not foryete thee; and we diden not wickidli in thi testament. 19And oure herte yede not awei bihynde; and thou hast bowid awei oure pathis fro thi weie. 20For thou hast maad vs lowe in the place of turment; and the schadewe of deth hilide vs. 21If we foryaten the name of oure God; and if we helden forth oure hondis to an alien God. 22Whether God schal not seke these thingis? for he knowith the hid thingis of herte. For whi we ben slayn al dai for thee; we ben demed as scheep of sleyng. 23Lord, rise vp, whi slepist thou? rise vp, and putte not awei in to the ende. 24Whi turnest thou awei thi face? thou foryetist oure pouert, and oure tribulacioun. 25For oure lijf is maad low in dust; oure wombe is glued togidere in the erthe. 26Lord, rise vp thou, and helpe vs; and ayenbie vs for thi name. 44The title of the foure and fourtithe salm. To the ouercomere for the lilies, the most loued song of lernyng of the sones of Chore. 2Myn herte hath teld out a good word; Y seie my workis `to the kyng. Mi tunge is `a penne of a writere; writynge swiftli. 3Crist, thou art fairer in schap than the sones of men; grace is spred abrood in thi lippis; therfor God blessid thee withouten ende. 4Be thou gird with thi swerd; on thi hipe most myytili. 5Biholde thou in thi schaplynesse and thi fairnesse; come thou forth with prosperite, and regne thou. For treuthe, and myldenesse, and riytfulnesse; and thi riyt hond schal lede forth thee wondurfuli. 6Thi scharpe arowis schulen falle in to the hertis of the enemyes of the kyng; puplis schulen be vndur thee. 7God, thi seete is in to the world of world; the yerde of thi rewme is a yerde of riyt reulyng, `ethir of equite. 8Thou louedist riytfulnesse, and hatidist wickidnesse; therfor thou, God, thi God, anoyntide thee with the oile of gladnesse, more than thi felowis. 9Mirre, and gumme, and cassia, of thi clothis, of the `housis yuer; 10of whiche the douytris of kyngis delitiden thee. A queen stood nyy on thi riyt side in clothing ouergildid; cumpassid with dyuersitee. 11Douyter, here thou, and se, and bowe doun thin eere; and foryete thi puple, and the hows of thi fadir. 12And the kyng schal coueyte thi fairnesse; for he is thi Lord God, and thei schulen worschipe hym. 13And the douytris of Tire in yiftis; alle the riche men of the puple schulen biseche thi cheer. 14Al the glorye of that douyter of the kyng is with ynne in goldun hemmes; 15sche is clothid aboute with dyuersitees. Virgyns schulen be brouyt to the kyng aftir hir; hir neiyboressis schulen be brouyt to thee. 16Thei schulen be brouyt in gladnesse, and ful out ioiyng; thei schulen be brouyt in to the temple of the kyng. 17Sones ben borun to thee, for thi fadris; thou schalt ordeyne hem princes on al erthe. 18Lord, thei schulen be myndeful of thi name; in ech generacioun, and in to generacioun. Therfor puplis schulen knouleche to thee withouten ende; and in to the world of world. 45The title of the five and fourtithe salm. To the ouercomere, the song of the sones `of Chore, `for yongthis. 2Oure God, thou art refuyt, and vertu; helpere in tribulacions, that han founde vs greetly. 3Therfor we schulen not drede, while the erthe schal be troblid; and the hillis schulen be borun ouer in to the herte of the see. 4The watris of hem sowneden, and weren troblid; hillis weren troblid togidere in the strengthe of hym. 5The feersnesse of flood makith glad the citee of God; the hiyeste God hath halewid his tabernacle. 6God in the myddis therof schal not be moued; God schal helpe it eerli in the grey morewtid. 7Hethene men weren disturblid togidere, and rewmes weren bowid doun; God yaf his vois, the erthe was moued. 8The Lord of vertues is with vs; God of Jacob is oure vptakere. 9Come ye, and se the werkis of the Lord; whiche wondris he hath set on the erthe. 10He doynge awei batels til to the ende of the lond; schal al to-brese bouwe, and schal breke togidere armuris, and schal brenne scheldis bi fier. 11Yyue ye tent, and se ye, that Y am God; Y schal be enhaunsid among hethene men; and Y schal be enhaunsid in erthe. 12The Lord of vertues is with vs; God of Jacob is oure vptakere. 46The title of the sixte and fourtithe salm. To victorie, a salm to the sones of Chore. 2Alle ye folkis, make ioie with hondis; synge ye hertli to God in the vois of ful out ioiyng. 3For the Lord is hiy and ferdful; a greet kyng on al erthe. 4He made puplis suget to vs; and hethene men vndur oure feet. 5He chees his eritage to vs; the fairnesse of Jacob, whom he louyde. 6God stiede in hertli song; and the Lord in the vois of a trumpe. 7Synge ye to oure God, synge ye; synge ye to oure kyng, synge ye. 8For God is kyng of al erthe; synge ye wiseli. 9God schal regne on hethene men; God sittith on his hooli seete. 10The princes of puplis ben gaderid togidere with God of Abraham; for the stronge goddis of erthe ben reisid greetli. 47The title of the seuene and fourtithe salm. The song of salm, of the sones of Chore. 2The Lord is greet, and worthi to be preisid ful myche; in the citee of oure God, in the hooli hil of hym. 3It is foundid in the ful out ioiyng of al erthe; the hil of Syon; the sidis of the north, the citee of the greet kyng. 4God schal be knowun in the housis therof; whanne he schal take it. 5For lo! the kyngis of erthe weren gaderid togidere; thei camen into o place. 6Thei seynge so wondriden; thei weren disturblid, thei weren mouyd togidere, tremblyng took hem. 7There sorewis as of a womman trauelynge of child; 8in a greet spirit thou schalt al to-breke the schippis of Tharsis. 9As we herden, so we sien, in the citee of the Lord of vertues, in the citee of oure God; God hath foundid that citee with outen ende. 10God, we han resseyued thi mercy; in the myddis of thi temple. 11Aftir thi name, God, so thin heriyng is spred abrood in to the endis of erthe; thi riyt hond is ful of riytfulnesse. 12The hil of Sion be glad, and the douytris of Judee be fulli ioiful; for thi domes, Lord. 13Cumpasse ye Syon, and biclippe ye it; telle ye in the touris therof. 14Sette ye youre hertis in the vertu of him; and departe ye the housis of hym, that ye telle out in an other generacioun. 15For this is God, oure God, in to withouten ende, and in to the world of world; he schal gouerne vs in to worldis. 48The title of the eiyte and fourtithe salm. To victorie, a salm to the sones of Chore. 2Alle ye folkis, here these thingis; alle ye that dwellen in the world, perseyue with eeris. 3Alle the sones of erthe and the sones of men; togidere the riche man and the pore in to oon. 4Mi mouth schal speke wisdom; and the thenkyng of myn herte schal speke prudence. 5I schal bouwe doun myn eere in to a parable; Y schal opene my resoun set forth in a sautree. 6Whi schal Y drede in the yuel dai? the wickidnesse of myn heele schal cumpasse me. 7Whiche tristen in her owne vertu; and han glorie in the multitude of her richessis. 8A brother ayenbieth not, schal a man ayenbie? and he schal not yyue to God his plesyng. 9And he schal not yyue the prijs of raunsum of his soule; and he schal trauele with outen ende, 10and he schal lyue yit in to the ende. 11He schal not se perischyng, whanne he schal se wise men diynge; the vnwise man and fool schulen perische togidere. And thei schulen leeue her richessis to aliens; 12and the sepulcris of hem ben the housis of hem with outen ende. The tabernaclis of hem ben in generacioun and generacioun; thei clepiden her names in her londis. 13A man, whanne he was in honour, vndurstood not; he is comparisound to vnwise beestis, and he is maad lijk to tho. 14This weie of hem is sclaundir to hem; and aftirward thei schulen plese togidere in her mouth. 15As scheep thei ben set in helle; deth schal gnawe hem. And iust men schulen be lordis of hem in the morewtid; and the helpe of hem schal wexe eld in helle, for the glorie of hem. 16Netheles God schal ayenbie my soule from the power of helle; whanne he schal take me. 17Drede thou not, whanne a man is maad riche; and the glorie of his hows is multiplied. 18For whanne he schal die, he schal not take alle thingis; and his glorie schal not go doun with him. 19For his soule schal be blessid in his lijf; he schal knouleche to thee, whanne thou hast do wel to hym. 20He schal entre til in to the generaciouns of hise fadris; and til in to with outen ende he schal not se liyt. 21A man, whanne he was in honour, vndurstood not; he is comparisound to vnwise beestis, and is maad lijk to tho. 49The title of the nyne and fourtithe salm. The salm of Asaph. God, the Lord of goddis, spak; and clepide the erthe, 2fro the risynge of the sunne til to the goyng doun. The schap of his fairnesse fro Syon, 3God schal come opynli; oure God, and he schal not be stille. Fier schal brenne an hiye in his siyt; and a strong tempest in his cumpas. 4He clepide heuene aboue; and the erthe, to deme his puple. 5Gadere ye to hym hise seyntis; that ordeynen his testament aboue sacrifices. 6`And heuenes schulen schewe his riytfulnesse; for God is the iuge. 7Mi puple, here thou, and Y schal speke to Israel; and Y schal witnesse to thee, Y am God, thi God. 8I schal not repreue thee in thi sacrifices; and thi brent sacrifices ben euere bifor me. 9I schal not take calues of thin hows; nethir geet buckis of thi flockis. 10For alle the wyelde beestis of wodis ben myne; werk beestis, and oxis in hillis. 11I haue knowe alle the volatils of heuene; and the fairnesse of the feeld is with me. 12If Y schal be hungry, Y schal not seie to thee; for the world and the fulnesse therof is myn. 13Whether Y schal eete the fleischis of boolis? ethir schal Y drynke the blood of geet buckis? 14Offre thou to God the sacrifice of heriyng; and yelde thin avowis to the hiyeste God. 15And inwardli clepe thou me in the dai of tribulacioun; and Y schal delyuere thee, and thou schalt onoure me. 16But God seide to the synnere, Whi tellist thou out my riytfulnessis; and takist my testament bi thi mouth? 17Sotheli thou hatidist lore; and hast cast awey my wordis bihynde. 18If thou siyest a theef, thou `hast runne with hym; and thou settidist thi part with avowtreris. 19Thi mouth was plenteuouse of malice; and thi tunge medlide togidere giles. 20Thou sittynge spakist ayens thi brother, and thou settidist sclaundir ayens the sone of thi modir; 21thou didist these thingis, and Y was stille. Thou gessidist wickidli, that Y schal be lijk thee; Y schal repreue thee, and Y schal sette ayens thi face. 22Ye that foryeten God, vndurstonde these thingis; lest sum tyme he rauysche, and noon be that schal delyuere. 23The sacrifice of heriyng schal onoure me; and there is the weie, where ynne Y schal schewe to hym the helthe of God. 50The title of the fiftithe salm. To victorie, the salm of Dauid; 2`whanne Nathan the prophete cam to hym, whanne he entride to Bersabee. 3God, haue thou merci on me; bi thi greet merci. And bi the mychilnesse of thi merciful doyngis; do thou awei my wickidnesse. 4More waische thou me fro my wickidnesse; and clense thou me fro my synne. 5For Y knouleche my wickidnesse; and my synne is euere ayens me. 6I haue synned to thee aloone, and Y haue do yuel bifor thee; that thou be iustified in thi wordis, and ouercome whanne thou art demed. For lo! 7Y was conseyued in wickednessis; and my modir conceyuede me in synnes. 8For lo! thou louedist treuthe; thou hast schewid to me the vncerteyn thingis, and pryuy thingis of thi wisdom. 9Lord, sprenge thou me with ysope, and Y schal be clensid; waische thou me, and Y schal be maad whijt more than snow. 10Yyue thou ioie, and gladnesse to myn heryng; and boonys maad meke schulen ful out make ioye. 11Turne awei thi face fro my synnes; and do awei alle my wickidnesses. 12God, make thou a clene herte in me; and make thou newe a riytful spirit in my entrailis. 13Caste thou me not awei fro thi face; and take thou not awei fro me thin hooli spirit. 14Yiue thou to me the gladnesse of thyn helthe; and conferme thou me with the principal spirit. 15I schal teche wickid men thi weies; and vnfeithful men schulen be conuertid to thee. 16God, the God of myn helthe, delyuere thou me fro bloodis; and my tunge schal ioyfuli synge thi riytfulnesse. 17Lord, `opene thou my lippis; and my mouth schal telle thi preysyng. 18For if thou haddist wold sacrifice, Y hadde youe; treuli thou schalt not delite in brent sacrifices. 19A sacrifice to God is a spirit troblid; God, thou schalt not dispise a contrit herte and `maad meke. 20Lord, do thou benygneli in thi good wille to Syon; that the wallis of Jerusalem be bildid. 21Thanne thou schalt take plesauntli the sacrifice of riytfulnesse, offryngis, and brent sacrifices; thanne thei schulen putte calues on thin auter. 51The title of the oon and fiftithe salm. To victorie, the salm of Dauid, 2`whanne Doech Idumei cam, and telde to Saul, and seide to him, Dauid cam in to the hows of Abymelech. 3What hast thou glorie in malice; which art miyti in wickidnesse? 4Al dai thi tunge thouyte vnriytfulnesse; as a scharp rasour thou hast do gile. 5Thou louedist malice more than benygnite; `thou louedist wickidnesse more than to speke equite. 6Thou louedist alle wordis of casting doun; with a gileful tunge. 7Therfor God schal distrie thee in to the ende, he schal drawe thee out bi the roote, and he schal make thee to passe awei fro thi tabernacle; and thi roote fro the lond of lyuynge men. 8Iust men schulen se, and schulen drede; and thei schulen leiye on hym, and thei schulen seie, Lo! 9the man that settide not God his helpere. But he hopide in the multitude of his richessis; and hadde maistrie in his vanite. 10Forsothe Y, as a fruytful olyue tre in the hous of God; hopide in the merci of God with outen ende, and in to the world of world. 11Y schal knowleche to thee in to the world, for thou hast do mercy to me; and Y schal abide thi name, for it is good in the siyt of thi seyntis. 52The title of the two and fiftithe salm. To the ouercomer bi the quere, the lernyng of Dauid. The vnwise man seide in his herte; God is not. 2Thei ben `corrupt, and maad abhomynable in her wickidnessis; noon is that doith good. 3God bihelde fro heuene on the sones of men; that he se, if `ony is vndurstondynge, ether sekynge God. 4Alle boweden awei, thei ben maad vnprofitable togidre; noon is that doith good, ther is not til to oon. 5Whether alle men, that worchen wickidnesse, schulen not wite; whiche deuouren my puple as the mete of breed? 6Thei clepiden not God; there thei trembliden for drede, where no drede was. For God hath scaterid the boones of hem, that plesen men; thei ben schent, for God hath forsake hem. 7Who schal yyue fro Syon helthe to Israel? whanne the Lord hath turned the caitifte of his puple, Jacob schal `ful out make ioie, and Israel schal be glad. 53The title of the thre and fiftithe salm. To victorie in orguns, ether in salmes, the lernyng of Dauid, 2`whanne Zyfeys camen, and seiden to Saul, Whethir Dauid is not hid at vs? 3God, in thi name make thou me saaf; and in thi vertu deme thou me. 4God, here thou my preier; with eeris perseyue thou the wordis of my mouth. 5For aliens han rise ayens me, and stronge men souyten my lijf; and thei settiden not God bifor her siyt. 6For, lo! God helpith me; and the Lord is vptaker of my soule. 7Turne thou awei yuelis to myn enemyes; and leese thou hem in thi treuthe. 8Wilfuli Y schal make sacrifice to thee; and, Lord, Y schal knouleche to thi name, for it is good. 9For thou delyueridist me fro al tribulacioun; and myn iye dispiside on myn enemyes. 54The title of the foure and fiftithe salm. `In Ebreu thus, To victorie in orguns, the lernyng of Dauid. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, To the ouercomer in salmes of Dauid lernid. 2God, here thou my preier, and dispise thou not my biseching; 3yyue thou tent to me, and here thou me. I am sorewful in myn exercising; and Y am disturblid of the face of the enemye, 4and of the tribulacioun of the synner. For thei bowiden wickidnessis in to me; and in ire thei weren diseseful to me. 5Myn herte was disturblid in me; and the drede of deth felde on me. 6Drede and trembling camen on me; and derknessis hiliden me. 7And Y seide, Who schal yyue to me fetheris, as of a culuer; and Y schal fle, and schal take rest? 8Lo! Y yede fer awei, and fledde; and Y dwellide in wildirnesse. 9I abood hym, that made me saaf fro the litilnesse, `ether drede, of spirit; and fro tempest. 10Lord, caste thou doun, departe thou the tungis of hem; for Y siy wickidnesse and ayenseiyng in the citee. 11Bi dai and nyyt wickidnesse schal cumpasse it on the wallis therof; 12and trauel and vnriytfulnesse ben in the myddis therof. And vsure and gile failide not; fro the stretis therof. 13For if myn enemye hadde cursid me; sotheli Y hadde suffride. And if he, that hatide me, hadde spoke greet thingis on me; in hap Y hadde hid me fro hym. 14But thou art a man of o wille; my leeder, and my knowun. 15Which tokist togidere swete meetis with me; we yeden with consent in the hous of God. 16Deth come on hem; and go thei doun quyk in to helle. For weiwardnessis ben in the dwelling places of hem; in the myddis of hem. 17But Y criede to thee, Lord; and the Lord sauede me. 18In the euentid and morewtid and in myddai Y schal telle, and schewe; and he schal here my vois. 19He schal ayenbie my soule in pees fro hem, that neiyen to me; for among manye thei weren with me. 20God schal here; and he that is bifore the worldis schal make hem low. For chaungyng is not to hem, and thei dredden not God; 21he holdith forth his hoond in yelding. Thei defouliden his testament, 22the cheris therof weren departid fro ire; and his herte neiyede. The wordis therof weren softer than oyle; and tho ben dartis. 23Caste thi cure on the Lord, and he schal fulli nurische thee; and he schal not yyue with outen ende flotering to a iust man. 24But thou, God, schalt lede hem forth; in to the pit of deth. Menquelleris and gilours schulen not haue half her daies; but, Lord, Y schal hope in thee. 55The title of the fyue and fiftithe salm. `In Ebreu thus, To the ouercomyng on the doumb culuer of fer drawing awei, the comely song of Dauid, whanne Filisteis helden hym in Geth. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, To the ouercomer for the doumb culuer, for it yede awei fer. Dauid meke and symple made this salm, whanne Palesteyns helden hym in Geth. 2God, haue thou merci on me, for a man hath defoulid me; al dai he impugnyde, and troublide me. 3Myn enemyes defouliden me al dai; for manye fiyteris weren ayens me. 4Of the hiynesse of dai Y schal drede; but God Y schal hope in thee. 5In God Y schal preise my wordis; Y hopide in God, Y schal not drede what thing fleisch schal do to me. 6Al dai thei cursiden my wordis; ayens me alle her thouytis weren in to yuel. 7Thei schulen dwelle, and schulen hide; thei schulen aspie myn heele. 8As thei abiden my lijf, for nouyt schalt thou make hem saaf; in ire thou schalt breke togidre puplis. 9God, Y schewide my lijf to thee; thou hast set my teeris in thi siyt. As and in thi biheest, Lord; 10thanne myn enemyes schulen be turned abak. In what euere dai Y schal inwardli clepe thee; lo! Y haue knowe, that thou art my God. 11In God Y schal preise a word; in the Lord Y schal preyse a word. Y schal hope in God; Y schal not drede what thing a man schal do to me. 12God, thin auowis ben in me; whiche Y schal yelde heriyngis to thee. 13For thou hast delyuerid my lijf fro deth, and my feet fro slidyng; that Y pleese bifore God in the liyt of hem that lyuen. 56The title of the sixte and fiftithe salm. `In Ebreu thus, To the victorie, lese thou not the semeli song, `ether the `swete song of Dauid, `whanne he fledde fro the face of Saul in to the denne. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, For victorie, that thou lese not Dauid, meke and simple, whanne he fledde fro the face of Saul in to the denne. 2God, haue thou merci on me, haue thou merci on me; for my soule tristith in thee. And Y schal hope in the schadewe of thi wyngis; til wickidnesse passe. 3I schal crye to God altherhiyeste; to God that dide wel to me. 4He sente fro heuene, and delyuerede me; he yaf in to schenschip hem that defoulen me. God sente his merci and his treuthe, 5and delyuerede my soule fro the myddis of whelpis of liouns; Y slepte disturblid. The sones of men, the teeth of hem ben armuris and arowis; and her tunge is a scharp swerd. 6God, be thou enhaunsid aboue heuenes; and thi glorie aboue al erthe. 7Thei maden redi a snare to my feet; and thei greetly boweden my lijf. Thei delueden a diche bifore my face; and thei felden doun in to it. 8God, myn herte is redi, myn herte is redi; Y schal singe, and Y schal seie salm. 9Mi glorie, rise thou vp; sautrie and harpe, rise thou vp; Y schal rise vp eerli. 10Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee among puplis; and Y schal seie salm among hethene men. 11For thi merci is magnified til to heuenes; and thi treuthe til to cloudis. 12God, be thou enhaunsid aboue heuenes; and thi glorie ouer al erthe. 57The title of the seuene and fiftithe salm. `In Ebreu thus, To victorie; `lese thou not the swete song, ether the semely salm, of Dauid. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, To the ouercomere, that thou lese not Dauid, meke and simple. 2Forsothe if ye speken riytfulnesse verili; ye sones of men, deme riytfuli. 3For in herte ye worchen wickidnesse in erthe; youre hondis maken redi vnriytfulnessis. 4Synneris weren maad aliens fro the wombe; thei erriden fro the wombe, thei spaken false thingis. 5Woodnesse is to hem, bi the licnesse of a serpent; as of a deef snake, and stoppynge hise eeris. 6Which schal not here the vois of charmeris; and of a venym makere charmynge wiseli. 7God schal al to-breke the teeth of hem in her mouth; the Lord schal breke togidere the greet teeth of liouns. 8Thei schulen come to nouyt, as water rennynge awei; he bente his bouwe, til thei ben maad sijk. 9As wexe that fletith awei, thei schulen be takun awei; fier felle aboue, and thei siyen not the sunne. 10Bifore that youre thornes vndurstoden the ramne; he swolewith hem so in ire, as lyuynge men. 11The iust man schal be glad, whanne he schal se veniaunce; he schal waische hise hondis in the blood of a synner. 12And a man schal seie treuli, For fruyt is to a iust man; treuli God is demynge hem in erthe. 58The title of the eiyte and fiftithe salm. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, To the ouercomer, that thou lese not Dauid, meke and simple, `whanne Saul sente and kepte the hous, to slee hym. `In Ebreu thus, To the ouercomyng, leese thou not the semeli song of Dauid, and so forth. 2Mi God, delyuer thou me fro myn enemyes; and delyuer thou me fro hem that risen ayens me. 3Delyuer thou me fro hem that worchen wickidnesse; and saue thou me fro menquelleris. 4For lo! thei han take my soule; stronge men fellen in on me. 5Nethir my wickidnesse, nether my synne; Lord, Y ran with out wickidnesse, and dresside `my werkis. 6Rise vp thou in to my meetyng, and se; and thou, Lord God of vertues, art God of Israel. Yyue thou tent to visite alle folkis; do thou not merci to alle that worchen wickidnesse. 7Thei schulen be turned at euentid, and thei as doggis schulen suffre hungir; and thei schulen cumpas the citee. 8Lo! thei schulen speke in her mouth, and a swerd in her lippis; for who herde? 9And thou, Lord, schalt scorne hem; thou schalt bringe alle folkis to nouyt. 10I schal kepe my strengthe to thee; 11for God is myn vptaker, my God, his mercy schal come byfore me. 12God schewide to me on myn enemyes, slee thou not hem; lest ony tyme my puples foryete. Scatere thou hem in thi vertu; and, Lord, my defender, putte thou hem doun. 13Putte thou doun the trespas of her mouth, and the word of her lippis; and be thei takun in her pride. And of cursyng and of leesyng; thei schulen be schewid in the endyng. 14In the ire of ending, and thei schulen not be; and thei schulen wite, that the Lord schal be Lord of Jacob, and of the endis of erthe. 15Thei schulen be turned at euentid, and thei as doggis schulen suffre hungur; and thei schulen cumpas the citee. 16Thei schulen be scaterid abrood, for to eete; sotheli if thei ben not fillid, and thei schulen grutche. 17But Y schal synge thi strengthe; and eerli Y schal enhaunse thi merci. For thou art maad myn vptaker; and my refuyt, in the dai of my tribulacioun. 18Myn helper, Y schal synge to thee; for thou art God, myn vptaker, my God, my mercy. 59The title of the nyne and fiftithe salm. `In Ebreu thus, To victorie, on the witnessyng of roose, the swete song of Dauid, to teche, `whanne he fauyte ayens Aram of floodis, and Sirie of Soba; and Joab turnede ayen, and smoot Edom in the `valei of salt pittis, twelue thousynde. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, 2To the ouercomer for lilies, the witnessing of meke and parfit Dauid, to teche, whanne he fauyte ayens Sirie of Mesopotamye, and Soba, and so forth. 3God, thou hast put awei vs, and thou hast distried vs; thou were wrooth, and thou hast do merci to vs. 4Thou mouedist the erthe, and thou disturblidist it; make thou hool the sorewis therof, for it is moued. 5Thou schewidist harde thingis to thi puple; thou yauest drynk to vs with the wyn of compunccioun. 6Thou hast youe a signefiyng to hem that dreden thee; that thei fle fro the face of the bouwe. That thi derlyngis be delyuered; 7make thou saaf with thi riyt hond `the puple of Israel, and here thou me. 8God spak bi his hooli; Y schal be glad, and Y schal departe Siccimam, and Y schal meete the greet valei of tabernaclis. 9Galaad is myn, and Manasses is myn; and Effraym is the strengthe of myn heed. 10Juda is my king; Moab is the pot of myn hope. In to Idumee Y schal stretche forth my scho; aliens ben maad suget to me. 11Who schal lede me in to a citee maad strong; who schal leede me til in to Ydumee? 12Whether not thou, God, that hast put awei vs; and schalt thou not, God, go out in oure vertues? 13Lord, yyue thou to vs help of tribulacioun; for the heelthe of man is veyn. 14In God we schulen make vertu; and he schal bringe to nouyt hem that disturblen vs. 60The titil of the sixtithe salm. To the victorie on orgun, to Dauid hym silf. 2God, here thou my biseching; yyue thou tent to my preyer. 3Fro the endis of the lond Y criede to thee; the while myn herte was angwischid, thou enhaunsidist me in a stoon. 4Thou laddest me forth, for thou art maad myn hope; a tour of strengthe fro the face of the enemye. 5I schal dwelle in thi tabernacle in to worldis; Y schal be keuered in the hilyng of thi wengis. 6For thou, my God, hast herd my preier; thou hast youe eritage to hem that dreden thi name. 7Thou schalt adde daies on the daies of the king; hise yeeris til in to the dai of generacioun and of generacioun. 8He dwellith with outen ende in the siyt of God; who schal seke the merci and treuthe of hym? 9So Y schal seie salm to thi name in to the world of world; that Y yelde my vowis fro dai in to dai. 61The titil of the oon and sixtithe salm. To the victorie on Iditum, the salm of Dauid. 2Whether my soule schal not be suget to God; for myn heelthe is of hym. 3For whi he is bothe my God, and myn heelthe; my `taker vp, Y schal no more be moued. 4Hou longe fallen ye on a man? alle ye sleen; as to a wal bowid, and a wal of stoon with out morter cast doun. 5Netheles thei thouyten to putte awei my prijs, Y ran in thirst; with her mouth thei blessiden, and in her herte thei cursiden. 6Netheles, my soule, be thou suget to God; for my pacience is of hym. 7For he is my God, and my saueour; myn helpere, Y schal not passe out. 8Myn helthe, and my glorie is in God; God is the yyuer of myn help, and myn hope is in God. 9Al the gaderyng togidere of the puple, hope ye in God, schede ye out youre hertis bifore hym; God is oure helpere with outen ende. 10Netheles the sones of men ben veyne; the sones of men ben liers in balauncis, that thei disseyue of vanytee in to the same thing. 11Nile ye haue hope in wickidnesse, and nyle ye coueyte raueyns; if ritchessis be plenteuouse, nyle ye sette the herte therto. 12God spak onys, Y herde these twei thingis, that power is of God, and, thou Lord, mercy is to thee; 13for thou schalt yelde to ech man bi hise werkis. 62The titil of the two and sixtithe salm. `The salm of Dauid, `whanne he was in the desert of Judee. 2God, my God, Y wake to thee ful eerli. Mi soule thirstide to thee; my fleisch thirstide to thee ful many foold. 3In a lond forsakun with out wei, and with out water, so Y apperide to thee in hooli; that Y schulde se thi vertu, and thi glorie. 4For thi merci is betere than lyues; my lippis schulen herie thee. 5So Y schal blesse thee in my lijf; and in thi name Y schal reise myn hondis. 6Mi soule be fillid as with inner fatnesse and vttermere fatnesse; and my mouth schal herie with lippis of ful out ioiyng. 7So Y hadde mynde on thee on my bed, in morewtidis Y shal thenke of thee; 8for thou were myn helpere. And in the keueryng of thi wyngis Y schal make `ful out ioye, my soule cleuede after thee; 9thi riythond took me vp. 10Forsothe thei souyten in veyn my lijf, thei schulen entre in to the lower thingis of erthe; 11thei schulen be bitakun in to the hondis of swerd, thei schulen be maad the partis of foxis. 12But the king schal be glad in God; and alle men schulen be preysid that sweren in hym, for the mouth of hem, that speken wickid thingis, is stoppid. 63The titil of the thre and sixtithe salm. `In Ebrewe thus, To the victorie, the salm of Dauid. `In Jerom `thus, To the ouercomer, the song of Dauid. 2God, here thou my preier, whanne Y biseche; delyuere thou my soule fro the drede of the enemy. 3Thou hast defendid me fro the couent of yuele doers; fro the multitude of hem that worchen wickidnesse. 4For thei scharpiden her tungis as a swerd, thei benten a bowe, a bittir thing; 5for to schete in priuetees hym that is vnwemmed. 6Sodeynli thei schulen schete hym, and thei schulen not drede; thei maden stidefast to hem silf a wickid word. Thei telden, that thei schulden hide snaris; thei seiden, Who schal se hem? 7Thei souyten wickidnessis; thei souyten, and failiden in sekinge. A man neiyhe to deep herte; 8and God schal be enhaunsid. The arowis of `litle men ben maad the woundis of hem; 9and the tungis of hem ben maad sijk ayens hem. Alle men ben disturblid, that sien hem; 10and ech man dredde. And thei telden the werkis of God; and vndurstoden the dedis of God. 11The iust man schal be glad in the Lord, and schal hope in hym; and alle men of riytful herte schulen be preisid. 64The titil of the foure and sixtithe salm. `To victorie, `the salm of the song of Dauid. 2God, heriyng bicometh thee in Syon; and a vow schal be yolden to thee in Jerusalem. 3Here thou my preier; ech man schal come to thee. 4The wordis of wickid men hadden the maistrye ouer vs; and thou schalt do merci to oure wickidnessis. 5Blessid is he, whom thou hast chose, and hast take; he schal dwelle in thin hallis. We schulen be fillid with the goodis of thin hous; 6thi temple is hooli, wondurful in equite. God, oure heelthe, here thou vs; thou art hope of alle coostis of erthe, and in the see afer. 7And thou makest redi hillis in thi vertu, and art gird with power; 8which disturblist the depthe of the see, the soun of the wawis therof. 9Folkis schulen be disturblid, and thei that dwellen in the endis schulen drede of thi signes; thou schalt delite the outgoingis of the morewtid and euentid. 10Thou hast visitid the lond, and hast greetli fillid it; thou hast multiplied to make it riche. The flood of God was fillid with watris; thou madist redi the mete of hem, for the makyng redi therof is so. 11Thou fillynge greetli the stremes therof, multiplie the fruytis therof; the lond bringinge forth fruytis schal be glad in goteris of it. 12Thou schalt blesse the coroun of the yeer of thi good wille; and thi feeldis schulen be fillid with plentee of fruytis. 13The feire thingis of desert schulen wexe fatte; and litle hillis schulen be cumpassid with ful out ioiyng. 14The wetheris of scheep ben clothid, and valeis schulen be plenteuouse of wheete; thei schulen crye, and sotheli thei schulen seye salm. 65The titil of the fyue and sixtithe salm. To the victorie, the song of salm. 2Al the erthe, make ye ioie hertli to God, seie ye salm to his name; yyue ye glorie to his heriyng. 3Seie ye to God, Lord, thi werkis ben dredeful; in the multitude of thi vertu thin enemyes schulen lie to thee. 4God, al the erthe worschipe thee, and synge to thee; seie it salm to thi name. 5Come ye and se ye the werkis of God; ferdful in counseils on the sones of men. 6Which turnede the see in to drie lond; in the flood thei schulen passe with foot, there we schulen be glad in hym. 7Which is Lord in his vertu withouten ende, hise iyen biholden on folkis; thei that maken scharp be not enhaunsid in hem silf. 8Ye hethen men, blesse oure God; and make ye herd the vois of his preising. 9That hath set my soule to lijf, and yaf not my feet in to stiryng. 10For thou, God, hast preued vs; thou hast examyned vs bi fier, as siluer is examyned. 11Thou leddist vs in to a snare, thou puttidist tribulaciouns in oure bak; 12thou settidist men on oure heedis. We passiden bi fier and water; and thou leddist vs out in to refreschyng. 13I schal entre in to thin hous in brent sacrifices; Y schal yelde to thee my vowis, 14which my lippis spaken distinctly. And my mouth spake in my tribulacioun; 15Y shal offre to thee brent sacrificis ful of merowy, with the brennyng of rammes; Y schal offre to thee oxis with buckis of geet. 16Alle ye that dreden God, come and here, and Y schal telle; hou grete thingis he hath do to my soule. 17I criede to hym with my mouth; and Y ioyede fulli vndir my tunge. 18If Y bihelde wickidnesse in myn herte; the Lord schal not here. 19Therfor God herde; and perseyuede the vois of my bisechyng. 20Blessid be God; that remeued not my preyer, and `took not awei his merci fro me. 66The titil of the sixe and sixtithe salm. `In Ebreu thus, To the victorie in orguns, the salm of the song. `In Jerom `thus, To the ouercomer in salmes, the song of writing of a delitable thing with metre. 2God haue merci on vs, and blesse vs; liytne he his cheer on vs, and haue merci on vs. 3That we knowe thi weie on erthe; thin heelthe in alle folkis. 4God, puplis knowleche to thee; alle puplis knouleche to thee. 5Hethen men be glad, and make fulli ioye, for thou demest puplis in equite; and dressist hethene men in erthe. 6God, puplis knouleche to thee, alle puplis knouleche to thee; 7the erthe yaf his fruyt. God, oure God blesse vs, God blesse vs; and alle the coostis of erthe drede hym. 67The titil of the seuene and sixtithe salm. To the victorie, the salm `of the song `of Dauid. 2God rise vp, and hise enemyes be scaterid; and thei that haten hym fle fro his face. 3As smoke failith, faile thei; as wax fletith fro the face of fier, so perische synneris fro the face of God. 4And iust men eete, and make fulli ioye in the siyt of God; and delite thei in gladnesse. 5Synge ye to God, seie ye salm to his name; make ye weie to hym, that stieth on the goyng doun, the Lord is name to hym. Make ye fulli ioye in his siyt, enemyes schulen be disturblid fro the face of hym, 6which is the fadir of fadirles and modirles children; and the iuge of widewis. 7God is in his hooli place; God that makith men of o wille to dwelle in the hous. Which leedith out bi strengthe hem that ben boundun; in lijk maner hem that maken scharp, that dwellen in sepulcris. 8God, whanne thou yedist out in the siyt of thi puple; whanne thou passidist forth in the desert. 9The erthe was moued, for heuenes droppiden doun fro the face of God of Synay; fro the face of God of Israel. 10God, thou schalt departe wilful reyn to thin eritage, and it was sijk; but thou madist it parfit. 11Thi beestis schulen dwelle therynne; God, thou hast maad redi in thi swetnesse to the pore man. 12The Lord schal yyue a word; to hem that prechen the gospel with myche vertu. 13The kyngis of vertues ben maad loued of the derlyng; and to the fairnesse of the hous to departe spuylis. 14If ye slepen among the myddil of eritagis, the fetheris of the culuer ben of siluer; and the hyndrere thingis of the bak therof ben in the shynyng of gold. 15While the king of heuene demeth kyngis theronne, thei schulen be maad whitter then snow in Selmon; 16the hille of God is a fat hille. The cruddid hil is a fat hil; 17wherto bileuen ye falsli, cruddid hillis? The hil in which it plesith wel God to dwelle ther ynne; for the Lord schal dwelle `in to the ende. 18The chare of God is manyfoold with ten thousynde, a thousynde of hem that ben glad; the Lord was in hem, in Syna, in the hooli. 19Thou stiedist an hiy, thou tokist caitiftee; thou resseyuedist yiftis among men. For whi thou tokist hem that bileueden not; for to dwelle in the Lord God. 20Blessid be the Lord ech dai; the God of oure heelthis schal make an eesie wei to vs. 21Oure God is God to make men saaf; and outgoyng fro deeth is of the Lord God. 22Netheles God schal breke the heedis of hise enemyes; the cop of the heere of hem that goen in her trespassis. 23The Lord seide, Y schal turne fro Basan; Y schal turne in to the depthe of the see. 24That thi foot be deppid in blood; the tunge of thi doggis be dippid in blood of the enemyes of hym. 25God, thei sien thi goyngis yn; the goyngis yn of my God, of my king, which is in the hooli. 26Prynces ioyned with syngeris camen bifore; in the myddil of yonge dameselis syngynge in tympans. 27In chirchis blesse ye God; blesse ye the Lord fro the wellis of Israel. 28There Beniamyn, a yonge man; in the rauyschyng of mynde. The princis of Juda weren the duykis of hem; the princis of Zabulon, the princis of Neptalym. 29God, comaunde thou to thi vertu; God, conferme thou this thing, which thou hast wrouyt in vs. 30Fro thi temple, which is in Jerusalem; kyngis schulen offre yiftis to thee. 31Blame thou the wielde beestis of the reheed, the gaderyng togidere of bolis is among the kien of puplis; that thei exclude hem that ben preuyd bi siluer. Distrie thou folkis that wolen batels, 32legatis schulen come fro Egipt; Ethiopie schal come bifore the hondis therof to God. 33Rewmes of the erthe, synge ye to God; seie ye salm to the Lord. 34Singe ye to God; that stiede on the heuene of heuene at the eest. Lo! he schal yyue to his vois the vois of vertu, yyue ye glorie to God on Israel; 35his greet doyng and his vertu is in the cloudis. 36God is wondirful in hise seyntis; God of Israel, he schal yyue vertu, and strengthe to his puple; blessid be God. 68The title of the eiyte and sixtithe salm. `In Ebreu thus, To the victorie, on the roosis of Dauid. `In Jerom thus, To the ouercomer, for the sones of Dauid. 2God, make thou me saaf; for watris `entriden til to my soule. 3I am set in the sliym of the depthe; and `substaunce is not. I cam in to the depthe of the see; and the tempest drenchide me. 4I traueilide criynge, my cheekis weren maad hoose; myn iyen failiden, the while Y hope in to my God. 5Thei that hatiden me with out cause; weren multiplied aboue the heeris of myn heed. Myn enemyes that pursueden me vniustli weren coumfortid; Y paiede thanne tho thingis, whiche Y rauischide not. 6God, thou knowist myn vnkunnyng; and my trespassis ben not hid fro thee. 7Lord, Lord of vertues; thei, that abiden thee, be not aschamed in me. God of Israel; thei, that seken thee, be not schent on me. 8For Y suffride schenschipe for thee; schame hilide my face. 9I am maad a straunger to my britheren; and a pilgryme to the sones of my modir. 10For the feruent loue of thin hous eet me; and the schenschipis of men seiynge schenschipis to thee fellen on me. 11And Y hilide my soule with fastyng; and it was maad in to schenschip to me. 12And Y puttide my cloth an heire; and Y am maad to hem in to a parable. 13Thei, that saten in the yate, spaken ayens me; and thei, that drunken wien, sungen of me. 14But Lord, Y dresse my preier to thee; God, Y abide the tyme of good plesaunce. Here thou me in the multitude of thi mercy; in the treuthe of thin heelthe. 15Delyuer thou me fro the cley, that Y be not faste set in; delyuere thou me fro hem that haten me, and fro depthe of watris. 16The tempest of watir drenche not me, nethir the depthe swolowe me; nethir the pit make streit his mouth on me. 17Lord, here thou me, for thi merci is benygne; vp the multitude of thi merciful doyngis biholde thou in to me. 18And turne not awei thi face fro thi child; for Y am in tribulacioun, here thou me swiftli. 19Yyue thou tente to my soule, and delyuer thou it; for myn enemyes delyuere thou me. 20Thou knowist my schenschip, and my dispysyng; and my schame. 21Alle that troblen me ben in thi siyt; myn herte abood schendschipe, and wretchidnesse. And Y abood hym, that was sory togidere, and noon was; and that schulde coumforte, and Y foond not. 22And thei yauen galle in to my meete; and in my thirst thei yauen `to me drinke with vynegre. 23The boord of hem be maad bifore hem in to a snare; and in to yeldyngis, and in to sclaundir. 24Her iyen be maad derk, that thei se not; and euere bouwe doun the bak of hem. 25Schede out thin ire on hem; and the strong veniaunce of thin ire take hem. 26The habitacioun of hem be maad forsakun; and `noon be that dwelle in the tabernaclis of hem. 27For thei pursueden hym, whom thou hast smyte; and thei addiden on the sorewe of my woundis. 28Adde thou wickidnesse on the wickidnesse of hem; and entre thei not in to thi riytwisnesse. 29Be thei don awei fro the book of lyuynge men; and be thei not writun with iust men. 30I am pore and sorewful; God, thin heelthe took me vp. 31I schal herye the name of God with song; and Y schal magnefye hym in heriyng. 32And it schal plese God more than a newe calf; bryngynge forth hornes and clees. 33Pore men se, and be glad; seke ye God, and youre soule schal lyue. 34For the Lord herde pore men; and dispiside not hise boundun men. 35Heuenes and erthe, herye hym; the se, and alle crepynge bestis in tho, herye hym. 36For God schal make saaf Syon; and the citees of Juda schulen be bildid. And thei schulen dwelle there; and thei schulen gete it bi eritage. 37And the seed of hise seruauntis schal haue it in possessioun; and thei that louen his name, schulen dwelle ther ynne. 69The titil of the nyne and sixtithe salm. To the victorie `of Dauid, `to haue mynde. 2God, biholde thou in to myn heelp; Lord, hast thou to helpe me. 3Be thei schent, and aschamed; that seken my lijf. Be thei turned a bak; and schame thei, that wolen yuels to me. 4Be thei turned awei anoon, and schame thei; that seien to me, Wel! wel! 5Alle men that seken thee, make fulli ioie, and be glad in thee; and thei that louen thin heelthe, seie euere, The Lord be magnyfied. 6Forsothe Y am a nedi man, and pore; God, helpe thou me. Thou art myn helper and my delyuerere; Lord, tarye thou not. 70The seuentithe salm hath no title. Lord, Y hopide in thee, be Y not schent with outen ende; 2in thi riytwisnesse delyuere thou me, and rauysche me out. Bowe doun thin eere to me; and make me saaf. 3Be thou to me in to God a defendere; and in to a strengthid place, that thou make me saaf. For thou art my stidefastnesse; and my refuit. 4My God, delyuere thou me fro the hoond of the synner; and fro the hoond of a man doynge ayens the lawe, and of the wickid man. 5For thou, Lord, art my pacience; Lord, thou art myn hope fro my yongthe. 6In thee Y am confermyd fro the wombe; thou art my defendere fro the wombe of my modir. 7My syngyng is euere in thee; Y am maad as a greet wonder to many men; and thou art a strong helpere. 8My mouth be fillid with heriyng; that Y synge thi glorie, al dai thi greetnesse. 9Caste thou not awei me in the tyme of eldnesse; whanne my vertu failith, forsake thou not me. 10For myn enemyes seiden of me; and thei that kepten my lijf maden counsel togidere. 11Seiynge, God hath forsake hym; pursue ye, and take hym; for noon is that schal delyuere. 12God, be thou not maad afer fro me; my God, biholde thou in to myn help. 13Men that bacbiten my soule, be schent, and faile thei; and be thei hilid with schenschip and schame, that seken yuels to me. 14But Y schal hope euere; and Y schal adde euere ouer al thi preising. 15Mi mouth schal telle thi riytfulnesse; al dai thin helthe. For Y knewe not lettrure, Y schal entre in to the poweres of the Lord; 16Lord, Y schal bithenke on thi riytfulnesse aloone. 17God, thou hast tauyt me fro my yongthe, and `til to now; Y schal telle out thi merueilis. 18And til in to `the eldnesse and the laste age; God, forsake thou not me. Til Y telle thin arm; to eche generacioun, that schal come. Til Y telle thi myyt, 19and thi riytfulnesse, God, til in to the hiyeste grete dedis which thou hast do; God, who is lijk thee? 20Hou grete tribulaciouns many and yuele hast thou schewid to me; and thou conuertid hast quykenyd me, and hast eft brouyt me ayen fro the depthis of erthe. 21Thou hast multiplied thi greet doyng; and thou conuertid hast coumfortid me. 22For whi and Y schal knowleche to thee, thou God, thi treuthe in the instrumentis of salm; Y schal synge in an harpe to thee, that art the hooli of Israel. 23Mi lippis schulen make fulli ioye, whanne Y schal synge to thee; and my soule, which thou ayen bouytist. 24But and my tunge schal thenke al dai on thi riytfulnesse; whanne thei schulen be schent and aschamed, that seken yuelis to me. 71The title of the oon and seuentithe salm. `To Salomon. 2God, yyue thi doom to the king; and thi riytfulnesse to the sone of a king. To deme thi puple in riytfulnesse; and thi pore men in doom. 3Mounteyns resseyue pees to the puple; and litle hillis resseyue riytfulnesse. 4He schal deme the pore men of the puple, and he schal make saaf the sones of pore men; and he schal make low the false chalengere. 5And he schal dwelle with the sunne, and bifore the moone; in generacioun and in to generacioun. 6He schal come doun as reyn in to a flees; and as goteris droppinge on the erthe. 7Riytfulnesse schal come forth in hise dayes, and the aboundaunce of pees; til the moone be takun awei. 8And he schal be lord fro the-see `til to the see; and fro the flood til to the endis of the world. 9Ethiopiens schulen falle doun bifore hym; and hise enemyes schulen licke the erthe. 10The kyngis of Tarsis and ilis schulen offre yiftis; the kyngis of Arabie and of Saba schulen brynge yiftis. 11And alle kyngis schulen worschipe hym; alle folkis schulen serue hym. 12For he schal delyuer a pore man fro the miyti; and a pore man to whom was noon helpere. 13He schal spare a pore man and nedi; and he schal make saaf the soulis of pore men. 14He schal ayen bie the soulis of hem fro vsuris, and wickidnesse; and the name of hem is onourable bifor hym. 15And he schal lyue, and me schal yyue to hym of the gold of Arabie; and thei schulen euere worschipe of hym, al dai thei schulen blesse hym. 16Stidefastnesse schal be in the erthe, in the hiyeste places of mounteyns; the fruyt therof schal be enhaunsid aboue the Liban; and thei schulen blosme fro the citee, as the hey of erthe doith. 17His name be blessid in to worldis; his name dwelle bifore the sunne. And all the lynagis of erthe schulen be blessid in hym; alle folkis schulen magnyfie hym. 18Blessid be the Lord God of Israel; which aloone makith merueiylis. 19Blessid be the name of his maieste with outen ende; and al erthe schal be fillid with his maieste; be it doon, be it doon. 20`The preieris of Dauid, the sone of Ysay, ben endid. 72The `title of the two and seuentithe salm. `The salm of Asaph. God of Israel is ful good; to hem that ben of riytful herte. 2But my feet weren moued almeest; my steppis weren sched out almeest. 3For Y louede feruentli on wickid men; seynge the pees of synneris. 4For biholdyng is not to the deth of hem; and stidefastnesse in the sikenesse of hem. 5Thei ben not in the trauel of men; and thei schulen not be betun with men. 6Therfore pride helde hem; thei weren hilid with her wickidnesse and vnfeithfulnesse. 7The wickidnesse of hem cam forth as of fatnesse; thei yeden in to desire of herte. 8Thei thouyten and spaken weiwardnesse; thei spaken wickidnesse an hiy. 9Thei puttiden her mouth in to heuene; and her tunge passide in erthe. 10Therfor my puple schal be conuertid here; and fulle daies schulen be foundun in hem. 11And thei seiden, How woot God; and whether kunnyng is an heiye, `that is, in heuene? 12Lo! thilke synneris and hauynge aboundance in the world; helden richessis. 13And Y seide, Therfor without cause Y iustifiede myn herte; and waischide myn hoondis among innocentis. 14And Y was betun al dai; and my chastisyng was in morutidis. 15If Y seide, Y schal telle thus; lo! Y repreuede the nacioun of thi sones. 16I gesside, that Y schulde knowe this; trauel is bifore me. 17Til Y entre in to the seyntuarie of God; and vndurstonde in the last thingis of hem. 18Netheles for gilis thou hast put to hem; thou castidist hem doun, while thei weren reisid. 19Hou ben thei maad into desolacioun; thei failiden sodeynli, thei perischiden for her wickidnesse. 20As the dreem of men that risen; Lord, thou schalt dryue her ymage to nouyt in thi citee. 21For myn herte is enflaumed, and my reynes ben chaungid; 22and Y am dryuun to nouyt, and Y wiste not. 23As a werk beeste Y am maad at thee; and Y am euere with thee. 24Thou heldist my riythond, and in thi wille thou leddist me forth; and with glorie thou tokist me vp. 25For whi what is to me in heuene; and what wolde Y of thee on erthe? 26Mi fleische and myn herte failide; God of myn herte, and my part is God withouten ende. 27For lo! thei that drawen awei fer hem silf fro thee, `bi deedli synne, schulen perische; thou hast lost alle men that doen fornycacioun fro thee. 28But it is good to me to cleue to God; and to sette myn hope in the Lord God. That Y telle alle thi prechyngis; in the yatis of the douyter of Syon. 73The title of the thre and seuentithe salm. The lernyng of Asaph. God, whi hast thou put awei in to the ende; thi strong veniaunce is wrooth on the scheep of thi leesewe? 2Be thou myndeful of thi gadering togidere; which thou haddist in possessioun fro the bigynnyng. Thou ayenbouytist the yerde of thin eritage; the hille of Syon in which thou dwellidist ther ynne. 3Reise thin hondis in to the prides of hem; hou grete thingis the enemy dide wickidli in the hooli. 4And thei that hatiden thee; hadden glorie in the myddis of thi solempnete. 5Thei settiden her signes, `ethir baneris, signes on the hiyeste, as in the outgoing; and thei knewen not. 6As in a wode of trees thei heweden doun with axis the yatis therof in to it silf; thei castiden doun it with an ax, and a brood fallinge ax. 7Thei brenten with fier thi seyntuarie; thei defouliden the tabernacle of thi name in erthe. 8The kynrede of hem seiden togidere in her herte; Make we alle the feest daies of God to ceesse fro the erthe. 9We han not seyn oure signes, now `no profete is; and he schal no more knowe vs. 10God, hou long schal the enemye seie dispit? the aduersarie territh to ire thi name in to the ende. 11Whi turnest thou awei thin hoond, and `to drawe out thi riythond fro the myddis of thi bosum, til in to the ende? 12Forsothe God oure kyng bifore worldis; wrouyte heelthe in the mydis of erthe. 13Thou madist sad the see bi thi vertu; thou hast troblid the heedis of dragouns in watris. 14Thou hast broke the heedis of `the dragoun; thou hast youe hym to mete to the puplis of Ethiopiens. 15Thou hast broke wellis, and strondis; thou madist drie the flodis of Ethan. 16The dai is thin, and the niyt is thin; thou madist the moreutid and the sunne. 17Thou madist alle the endis of erthe; somer and veer tyme, thou fourmedist tho. 18Be thou myndeful of this thing, the enemye hath seid schenschip to the Lord; and the vnwijs puple hath excitid to ire thi name. 19Bitake thou not to beestis men knoulechenge to thee; and foryete thou not in to the ende the soulis of thi pore men. 20Biholde in to thi testament; for thei that ben maad derk of erthe, ben fillid with the housis of wickidnessis. 21A meke man be not turned awei maad aschamed; a pore man and nedi schulen herie thi name. 22God, rise vp, deme thou thi cause; be thou myndeful of thin vpbreidyngis, of tho that ben al dai of the vnwise man. 23Foryete thou not the voices of thin enemyes; the pride of hem that haten thee, stieth euere. 74The title of the foure and seuentithe salm. `To the ouercomere; leese thou not the salm of the song of Asaph. 2God, we schulen knouleche to thee, `we schulen knouleche; and we schulen inwardli clepe thi name. 3We schulen telle thi merueilis; whanne Y schal take tyme, Y schal deme riytfulnesses. 4The erthe is meltid, and alle that duellen ther ynne; Y confermede the pileris therof. 5I seide to wickid men, Nyle ye do wickidli; and to trespassouris, Nyle ye enhaunce the horn. 6Nyle ye reise an hiy youre horn; nyle ye speke wickidnesse ayens God. 7For nether fro the eest, nethir fro the west, nethir fro desert hillis; for God is the iuge. 8He mekith this man, and enhaunsith hym; for a cuppe of cleene wyn ful of meddling is in the hoond of the Lord. 9And he bowide of this in to that; netheles the drast therof is not anyntischid; alle synneris of erthe schulen drinke therof. 10Forsothe Y schal telle in to the world; Y schal synge to God of Jacob. 11And Y schal breke alle the hornes of synneris; and the hornes of the iust man schulen be enhaunsid. 75The title of the fyue and seuentithe salm. To the victorie in orguns, `the salm of the song of Asaph. 2God is knowun in Judee; his name is greet in Israel. 3And his place is maad in pees; and his dwellyng is in Syon. 4Ther he brak poweris; bowe, scheeld, swerd, and batel. 5And thou, God, liytnest wondirfuli fro euerlastynge hillis; 6alle vnwise men of herte weren troblid. Thei slepten her sleep; and alle men founden no thing of richessis in her hondis. 7Thei that stieden on horsis; slepten for thi blamyng, thou God of Jacob. 8Thou art feerful, and who schal ayenstonde thee? fro that tyme thin ire. 9Fro heuene thou madist doom herd; the erthe tremblide, and restide. 10Whanne God roos vp in to doom; to make saaf al the mylde men of erthe. 11For the thouyt of man schal knouleche to thee; and the relifs of thouyt schulen make a feeste dai to thee. 12Make ye a vow, and yelde ye to youre Lord God; alle that bringen yiftis in the cumpas of it. 13To God ferdful, and to him that takith awei the spirit of prynces; to the ferdful at the kyngis of erthe. 76The `title of the sixte and seuentithe salm. `To the ouercomere on Yditum, `the salm of Asaph. 2With my vois Y criede to the Lord; with my vois to God, and he yaf tent to me. 3In the dai of my tribulacioun Y souyte God with myn hondis; in the nyyt `to fore hym, and Y am not disseyued. Mi soule forsook to be coumfortid; 4Y was myndeful of God, and Y delitide, and Y was exercisid; and my spirit failide. 5Myn iyen bifore took wakyngis; Y was disturblid, and Y spak not. 6I thouyte elde daies; and Y hadde in mynde euerlastinge yeeris. 7And Y thouyte in the nyyt with myn herte; and Y was exercisid, and Y clensid my spirit. 8Whether God schal caste awei with outen ende; ether schal he not lei to, that he be more plesid yit? 9Ethir schal he kitte awei his merci into the ende; fro generacioun in to generacioun? 10Ethir schal God foryete to do mercy; ethir schal he withholde his mercies in his ire? 11And Y seide, Now Y bigan; this is the chaunging of the riythond of `the hiye God. 12I hadde mynde on the werkis of the Lord; for Y schal haue mynde fro the bigynnyng of thi merueilis. 13And Y schal thenke in alle thi werkis; and Y schal be occupied in thi fyndyngis. 14God, thi weie was in the hooli; what God is greet as oure God? 15thou art God, that doist merueilis. Thou madist thi vertu knowun among puplis; 16thou ayenbouytist in thi arm thi puple, the sones of Jacob and of Joseph. 17God, watris sien thee, watris sien thee, and dredden; and depthis of watris weren disturblid. 18The multitude of the soun of watris; cloudis yauen vois. 19For whi thin arewis passen; the vois of thi thundir was in a wheel. Thi liytnyngis schyneden to the world; the erthe was moued, and tremblid. 20Thi weie in the see, and thi pathis in many watris; and thi steppis schulen not be knowun. 21Thou leddist forth thi puple as scheep; in the hond of Moyses and of Aaron. 77The `title of the seuene and seuentithe salm. The lernyng of Asaph. Mi puple, perseyue ye my lawe; bowe youre eere in to the wordis of my mouth. 2I schal opene my mouth in parablis; Y schal speke perfite resouns fro the bigynnyng. 3Hou grete thingis han we herd, aud we han knowe tho; and oure fadris. telden to vs. 4Tho ben not hid fro the sones of hem; in anothir generacioun. And thei telden the heriyngis of the Lord, and the vertues of hym; and hise merueilis, whyche he dide. 5And he reiside witnessyng in Jacob; and he settide lawe in Israel. Hou grete thingis comaundide he to oure fadris, to make tho knowun to her sones; 6that another generacioun knowe. Sones, that schulen be born, and schulen rise vp; schulen telle out to her sones. 7That thei sette her hope in God, and foryete not the werkis of God; and that thei seke hise comaundementis. 8Lest thei be maad a schrewid generacioun; and terrynge to wraththe, as the fadris of hem. A generacioun that dresside not his herte; and his spirit was not bileued with God. 9The sones of Effraym, bendinge a bouwe and sendynge arowis; weren turned in the dai of batel. 10Thei kepten not the testament of God; and thei nolden go in his lawe. 11And thei foryaten hise benefices; and hise merueils, whiche he schewide to hem. 12He dide merueils bifore the fadris of hem in the loond of Egipt; in the feeld of Taphneos. 13He brak the see, and ledde hem thorou; and he ordeynede the watris as in a bouge. 14And he ledde hem forth in a cloude of the dai; and al niyt in the liytnyng of fier. 15He brak a stoon in deseert; and he yaf watir to hem as in a myche depthe. 16And he ledde watir out of the stoon; and he ledde forth watris as floodis. 17And thei `leiden to yit to do synne ayens hym; thei excitiden hiye God in to ire, in a place with out water. 18And thei temptiden God in her hertis; that thei axiden meetis to her lyues. 19And thei spaken yuel of God; thei seiden, Whether God may make redi a bord in desert? 20For he smoot a stoon, and watris flowiden; and streemys yeden out in aboundaunce. Whether also he may yyue breed; ether make redi a bord to his puple? 21Therfor the Lord herde, and delaiede; and fier was kindelid in Jacob, and the ire of God stiede on Israel. 22For thei bileueden not in God; nether hopiden in his heelthe. 23And he comaundide to the cloudis aboue; and he openyde the yatis of heuene. 24And he reynede to hem manna for to eete; and he yaf to hem breed of heuene. 25Man eet the breed of aungels; he sent to hem meetis in aboundance. 26He turnede ouere the south wynde fro heuene; and he brouyte in bi his vertu the weste wynde. 27And he reynede fleischis as dust on hem; and `he reinede volatils fethered, as the grauel of the see. 28And tho felden doun in the myddis of her castels; aboute the tabernaclis of hem. 29And thei eeten, and weren fillid greetli, and he brouyte her desire to hem; 30thei weren not defraudid of her desier. Yit her metis weren in her mouth; 31and the ire of God stiede on hem. And he killide the fatte men of hem; and he lettide the chosene men of Israel. 32In alle these thingis thei synneden yit; and bileuede not in the merueils of God. 33And the daies of hem failiden in vanytee; and the yeeris of hem faileden with haste. 34Whanne he killide hem, thei souyten hym; and turneden ayen, and eerli thei camen to hym. 35And thei bithouyten, that God is the helper of hem; and `the hiy God is the ayenbier of hem. 36And thei loueden hym in her mouth; and with her tunge thei lieden to hym. 37Forsothe the herte of hem was not riytful with hym; nethir thei weren had feithful in his testament. 38But he is merciful, and he schal be maad merciful to the synnes of hem; and he schal not destrie hem. And he dide greetli, to turne awei his yre; and he kyndelide not al his ire. 39And he bithouyte, that thei ben fleische; a spirit goynge, and not turnynge ayen. 40Hou oft maden thei hym wrooth in desert; thei stireden hym in to ire in a place with out watir. 41And thei weren turned, and temptiden God; and thei wraththiden the hooli of Israel. 42Thei bithouyten not on his hond; in the dai in the which he ayen bouyte hem fro the hond of the trobler. 43As he settide hise signes in Egipt; and hise grete wondris in the feeld of Taphneos. 44And he turnede the flodis of hem and the reynes of hem in to blood; that thei schulden not drynke. 45He sente a fleisch flie in to hem, and it eet hem; and he sente a paddok, and it loste hem. 46And he yaf the fruytis of hem to rust; and he yaf the trauels of hem to locustis. 47And he killide the vynes of hem bi hail; and the moore trees of hem bi a frost. 48And he bitook the beestis of hem to hail; and the possessioun of hem to fier. 49He sente in to hem the ire of his indignacioun; indignacioun, and ire, and tribulacioun, sendingis in bi iuel aungels. 50He made weie to the path of his ire, and he sparide not fro the deth of her lyues; and he closide togidere in deth the beestis of hem. 51And he smoot al the first gendrid thing in the lond of Egipt; the first fruytis of alle the trauel of hem in the tabernaclis of Cham. 52And he took awei his puple as scheep; and he ledde hem forth as a flok in desert. 53And he ledde hem forth in hope, and thei dredden not; and the see hilide the enemyes of hem. 54And he brouyte hem in to the hil of his halewyng; in to the hil which his riythond gat. And he castide out hethene men fro the face of hem; and bi lot he departide to hem the lond in a cord of delyng. 55And he made the lynagis of Israel to dwelle in the tabernaclis of hem. 56And thei temptiden, and wraththiden heiy God; and thei kepten not hise witnessyngis. 57And thei turneden awei hem silf, and thei kepten not couenaunt; as her fadris weren turned in to a schrewid bouwe. 58Thei stiriden him in to ire in her litle hillis; and thei terriden hym to indignacioun of her grauen ymagis. 59God herde, and forsook; and brouyte to nouyt Israel greetli. 60And he puttide awei the tabernacle of Sylo; his tabernacle where he dwellide among men. 61And he bitook the vertu of hem in to caitiftee; and the fairnesse of hem in to the hondis of the enemye. 62And he closide togidere his puple in swerd; and he dispiside his erytage. 63Fier eet the yonge men of hem; and the virgyns of hem weren not biweilid. 64The prestis of hem fellen doun bi swerd; and the widewis of hem weren not biwept. 65And the Lord was reisid, as slepynge; as miyti greetli fillid of wiyn. 66And he smoot hise enemyes on the hynderere partis; he yaf to hem euerlastyng schenschipe. 67And he puttide awei the tabernacle of Joseph; and he chees not the lynage of Effraym. 68But he chees the lynage of Juda; he chees the hil of Syon, which he louede. 69And he as an vnicorn bildide his hooli place; in the lond, which he foundide in to worldis. 70And he chees Dauid his seruaunt, and took hym vp fro the flockis of scheep; he took hym fro bihynde scheep with lambren. 71To feed Jacob his seruaunt; and Israel his eritage. 72And he fedde hem in the innocens of his herte; and he ledde hem forth in the vndurstondyngis of his hondis. 78The `title of the eiyte and seuentithe salm. Of Asaph. God, hethene men cam in to thin eritage; thei defouliden thin hooli temple, thei settiden Jerusalem in to the keping of applis. 2Thei settiden the slayn bodies of thi seruauntis, meetis to the volatilis of heuenes; the fleischis of thi seyntis to the beestis of the erthe. 3Thei schedden out the blood of hem, as watir in the cumpas of Jerusalem; and noon was that biriede. 4We ben maad schenschipe to oure neiyboris; mowynge and scornynge to hem, that ben in oure cumpas. 5Lord, hou longe schalt thou be wrooth in to the ende? schal thi veniaunce be kyndelid as fier? 6Schede out thin ire in to hethene men, that knowen not thee; and in to rewmes, that clepiden not thi name. 7For thei eeten Jacob; and maden desolat his place. 8Haue thou not mynde on oure elde wickidnesses; thi mercies bifore take vs soone, for we ben maad pore greetli. 9God, oure heelthe, helpe thou vs, and, Lord, for the glorie of thi name delyuer thou vs; and be thou merciful to oure synnes for thi name. 10Lest perauenture thei seie among hethene men, Where is the God of hem? and be he knowun among naciouns bifore oure iyen. The veniaunce of the blood of thi seruauntis, which is sched out; the weilyng of feterid men entre in thi siyt. 11Vpe the greetnesse of thin arm; welde thou the sones of slayn men. 12And yelde thou to oure neiyboris seuenfoold in the bosum of hem; the schenschip of hem, which thei diden schenschipfuli to thee, thou Lord. 13But we that ben thi puple, and the scheep of thi leesewe; schulen knouleche to thee in to the world. In generacioun and in to generacioun; we schulen telle thin heriyng. 79The title of the nyne and seuentithe salm. To victorie; this salm is witnessing of Asaph for lilies. 2Thou that gouernest Israel, yyue tent; that leedist forth Joseph as a scheep. Thou that sittist on cherubym; be schewid bifore Effraym, 3Beniamyn, and Manasses. Stire thi power, and come thou; that thou make vs saaf. 4God of vertues, turne thou vs; and schewe thi face, and we schulen be saaf. 5Lord God of vertues; hou longe schalt thou be wrooth on the preier of thi seruaunt? 6Hou longe schalt thou feede vs with the breed of teeris; and schalt yyue drynke to vs with teeris in mesure? 7Thou hast set vs in to ayenseiyng to oure neiyboris; and oure enemyes han scornyde vs. 8God of vertues, turne thou vs; and schewe thi face, and we schulen be saaf. 9Thou translatidist a vyne fro Egipt; thou castidist out hethene men, and plauntidist it. 10Thou were leeder of the weie in the siyt therof; and thou plauntidist the rootis therof, and it fillide the lond. 11The schadewe therof hilide hillis; and the braunchis therof filliden the cedris of God. 12It streiyte forth hise siouns til to the see, and the generacioun ther of `til to the flood. 13Whi hast thou destried the wal therof; and alle men that goen forth bi the weie gaderiden awei the grapis therof? 14A boor of the wode distriede it; and a singuler wielde beeste deuouride it. 15God of vertues, be thou turned; biholde thou fro heuene, and se, and visite this vyne. 16And make thou it perfit, which thi riythond plauntide; and biholde thou on the sone of man, which thou hast confermyd to thee. 17Thingis brent with fier, and vndurmyned; schulen perische for the blamyng of thi cheer. 18Thin hond be maad on the man of thi riythond; and on the sone of man, whom thou hast confermed to thee. 19And we departiden not fro thee; thou schalt quykene vs, and we schulen inwardli clepe thi name. 20Lord God of vertues, turne thou vs; and schewe thi face, and we schulen be saaf. 80The title of the eiytetithe salm. To the ouercomer in the pressours of Asaph. 2Make ye fulli ioye to God, oure helpere; synge ye hertli to God of Jacob. 3Take ye a salm, and yyue ye a tympan; a myrie sautere with an harpe. 4Blowe ye with a trumpe in Neomenye; in the noble dai of youre solempnite. 5For whi comaundement is in Israel; and doom is to God of Jacob. 6He settide that witnessing in Joseph; whanne he yede out of the lond of Egipt, he herde a langage, which he knew not. 7He turnede a wei his bak fro birthens; hise hondis serueden in a coffyn. 8In tribulacioun thou inwardli clepidist me, and Y delyuerede thee; Y herde thee in the hid place of tempest, Y preuede thee at the water of ayenseiyng. 9My puple, here thou, and Y schal be witnesse ayens thee; 10Israel, if thou herist me, a fresche God schal not be in thee, and thou schalt not worschipe an alien god. 11For Y am thi Lord God, that ladde thee out of the lond of Egipt; make large thi mouth, and Y schal fille it. 12And my puple herde not my vois; and Israel yaue not tente to me. 13And Y lefte hem aftir the desiris of her herte; thei schulen go in her fyndyngis. 14If my puple hadde herde me; if Israel hadde go in my weies. 15For nouyt in hap Y hadde maad low her enemyes; and Y hadde send myn hond on men doynge tribulacioun to hem. 16The enemyes of the Lord lieden to hym; and her tyme schal be in to worldis. 17And he fedde hem of the fatnesse of whete; and he fillide hem with hony of the stoon. 81The title of the oon and eiytetithe salm. Of Asaph. God stood in the synagoge of goddis; forsothe he demeth goddis in the myddil. 2Hou longe demen ye wickidnesse; and taken the faces of synneris? 3Deme ye to the nedi man, and to the modirles child; iustifie ye the meke man and pore. 4Raueische ye out a pore man; and delyuere ye the nedi man fro the hond of the synner. 5Thei knewen not, nether vndirstoden, thei goen in derknessis; alle the foundementis of erthe schulen be moued. 6I seide, Ye ben goddis; and alle ye ben the sones of hiy God. 7But ye schulen die as men; and ye schulen falle doun as oon of the princis. 8Ryse, thou God, deme thou the erthe; for thou schalt haue eritage in alle folkis. 82The title of the two and eiytetithe salm. The song of the salm of Asaph. 2God, who schal be lijk thee? God, be thou not stille, nether be thou peesid. 3For lo! thin enemyes sowneden; and thei that haten thee reisiden the heed. 4Thei maden a wickid counsel on thi puple; and thei thouyten ayens thi seyntis. 5Thei seiden, Come ye, and leese we hem fro the folk; and the name of Israel be no more hadde in mynde. 6For thei thouyten with oon acord; 7the tabernaclis of Ydumeys, and men of Ismael disposiden a testament togidere ayens thee. Moab, and Agarenus, Jebal, and Amon, and Amalech; 8alienys with hem that dwellen in Tyre. 9For Assur cometh with hem; thei ben maad in to help to the sones of Loth. 10Make thou to hem as to Madian, and Sisara; as to Jabyn in the stronde of Sison. 11Thei perischiden in Endor; thei weren maad as a toord of erthe. 12Putte thou the prynces of hem as Oreb and Zeb; and Zebee and Salmana. Alle the princis of hem, that seiden; 13Holde we bi eritage the seyntuarie of God. 14My God, putte thou hem as a whele; and as stobil bifor the face of the wynde. 15As fier that brenneth a wode; and as flawme brynnynge hillis. 16So thou schalt pursue hem in thi tempeste; and thou schalt disturble hem in thin ire. 17Lord, fille thou the faces of hem with schenschipe; and thei schulen seke thi name. 18Be thei aschamed, and be thei disturblid in to world of world; and be thei schent and perische thei. 19And knowe thei, that the Lord is name to thee; thou aloone art the hiyeste in ech lond. 83The title of the thre and eiytetithe salm. The salm of the sones of Chore. 2Lord of vertues, thi tabernaclis ben greetli loued; 3my soule coueitith, and failith in to the porchis of the Lord. Myn herte and my fleische; ful out ioyeden in to quyk God. 4For whi a sparewe fyndith an hous to it silf; and a turtle fyndith a neste to it silf, where it `schal kepe hise bryddis. Lord of vertues, thin auteris; my king, and my God. 5Lord, blessid ben thei that dwellen in thin hous; thei schulen preise thee in to the worldis of worldis. 6Blessid is the man, whos help is of thee; he hath disposid stiyngis in his herte, 7in the valei of teeris, in the place which he hath set. 8For the yyuer of the lawe schal yyue blessyng, thei schulen go fro vertu in to vertu; God of goddis schal be seyn in Sion. 9Lord God of vertues, here thou my preier; God of Jacob, perseyue thou with eeris. 10God, oure defender, biholde thou; and biholde in to the face of thi crist. 11For whi o dai in thin hallis is bettere; than a thousynde. I chees to be `an out cast in the hous of my God; more than to dwelle in the tabernaclis of synneris. 12For God loueth merci and treuthe; the Lord schal yyue grace and glorie. 13He schal not depriue hem fro goodis, that gon in innocence; Lord of vertues, blessid is the man, that hopith in thee. 84The title of the foure and eiytetithe salm. Of the sones of Chore. 2Lord, thou hast blessid thi lond; thou hast turned awei the caitifte of Jacob. 3Thou hast foryoue the wickidnesse of thi puple; thou hast hilid alle the synnes of hem. 4Thou hast aswagid al thin ire; thou hast turned awei fro the ire of thin indignacioun. 5God, oure helthe, conuerte thou vs; and turne awei thin ire fro vs. 6Whether thou schalt be wrooth to vs withouten ende; ether schalt thou holde forth thin ire fro generacioun in to generacioun? 7God, thou conuertid schalt quykene vs; and thi puple schal be glad in thee. 8Lord, schewe thi merci to vs; and yyue thin helthe to vs. 9I schal here what the Lord God schal speke in me; for he schal speke pees on his puple. And on hise hooli men; and on hem that ben turned to herte. 10Netheles his helthe is niy men dredynge him; that glorie dwelle in oure lond. 11Merci and treuthe metten hem silf; riytwisnesse and pees weren kissid. 12Treuthe cam forth of erthe; and riytfulnesse bihelde fro heuene. 13For the Lord schal yyue benignyte; and oure erthe schal yyue his fruyt. 14Riytfulnesse schal go bifore him; and schal sette hise steppis in the weie. 85The `title of the fyue and eiytetithe salm. The preier of Dauid. Lord, bowe doun thin eere, and here me; for Y am nedi and pore. 2Kepe thou my lijf, for Y am holi; my God, make thou saaf thi seruaunt hopynge in thee. 3Lord, haue thou merci on me, for Y criede al day to thee; 4make thou glad the soule of thi seruaunt, for whi, Lord, Y haue reisid my soule to thee. 5For thou, Lord, art swete and mylde; and of myche merci to alle men inwardli clepynge thee. 6Lord, perseyue thou my preier with eeris; and yyue thou tente to the vois of my bisechyng. 7In the dai of my tribulacioun Y criede to thee; for thou herdist me. 8Lord, noon among goddis is lijk thee; and noon is euene to thi werkis. 9Lord, alle folkis, whiche euere thou madist, schulen come, and worschipe bifore thee; and thei schulen glorifie thi name. 10For thou art ful greet, and makinge merueils; thou art God aloone. 11Lord, lede thou me forth in thi weie, and Y schal entre in thi treuthe; myn herte be glad, that it drede thi name. 12Mi Lord God, Y schal knouleche to thee in al myn herte; and Y schal glorifie thi name withouten ende. 13For thi merci is greet on me; and thou deliueridist my soule fro the lower helle. 14God, wickid men han rise vp on me; and the synagoge of myyti men han souyt my lijf; and thei han not set forth thee in her siyt. 15And thou, Lord God, doynge merci, and merciful; pacient, and of myche merci, and sothefast. 16Biholde on me, and haue mercy on me, yyue thou the empire to thi child; and make thou saaf the sone of thin handmayden. 17Make thou with me a signe in good, that thei se, that haten me, and be aschamed; for thou, Lord, hast helpid me, and hast coumfortid me. 86The title of the sixte and eiytetithe salm. `The salm of the song of the sones of Chore. The foundementis therof ben in hooli hillis; 2the Lord loueth the yatis of Sion, more than alle the tabernaclis of Jacob. 3Thou citee of God, with outen ende; gloriouse thingis ben seide of thee. 4I schal be myndeful of Raab, and Babiloyne; knowynge me. Lo! aliens, and Tyre, and the puple of Ethiopiens; thei weren there. 5Whether a man schal seie to Sion, And a man is born ther ynne; and that man altherhiyeste foundide it? 6The Lord schal telle in the scripturis of puplis; and of these princis, that weren ther ynne. 7As the dwellyng `of alle that ben glad; is in thee. 87The title of the seuene and eiytetithe salm. The song of salm, to the sones of Chore, to victorie on Mahalat, for to answere, the lernyng of Heman Ezraite. 2Lord God of myn helthe; Y criede in dai and nyyt bifore thee. 3Mi preier entre bifore thi siyt; bowe doun thin eere to my preier. 4For my soule is fillid with yuels; and my lijf neiyede to helle. 5I am gessid with hem that goon doun in to the lake; Y am maad as a man with outen help, 6and fre among deed men. As men woundid slepinge in sepulcris, of whiche men noon is myndeful aftir; and thei ben put awei fro thin hond. 7Thei han put me in the lower lake; in derke places, and in the schadewe of deth. 8Thi strong veniaunce is confermed on me; and thou hast brouyt in alle thi wawis on me. 9Thou hast maad fer fro me my knowun; thei han set me abhomynacioun to hem silf. I am takun, and Y yede not out; 10myn iyen weren sijk for pouert. Lord, Y criede to thee; al dai Y spredde abrood myn hondis to thee. 11Whethir thou schalt do merueils to deed men; ether leechis schulen reise, and thei schulen knouleche to thee? 12Whether ony man in sepulcre schal telle thi merci; and thi treuthe in perdicioun? 13Whether thi merueilis schulen be knowun in derknessis; and thi riytfulnesse in the lond of foryetyng? 14And, Lord, Y criede to thee; and erli my preier schal bifor come to thee. 15Lord, whi puttist thou awei my preier; turnest awei thi face fro me? 16I am pore, and in traueils fro my yongthe; sotheli Y am enhaunsid, and Y am maad low, and disturblid. 17Thi wraththis passiden on me; and thi dredis disturbliden me. 18Thei cumpassiden me as watir al dai; thei cumpassiden me togidere. 19Thou madist fer fro me a frend and neiybore; and my knowun fro wretchidnesse. 88The title of the eiyte and eiytetithe salm. The lernyng of Ethan, Ezraite. 2I schal synge with outen ende; the mercies of the Lord. In generacioun and in to generacioun; Y schal telle thi treuthe with my mouth. 3For thou seidist, With outen ende merci schal be bildid in heuenes; thi treuthe schal be maad redi in tho. 4I disposide a testament to my chosun men; Y swoor to Dauid, my seruaunt, 5Til in to with outen ende I schal make redi thi seed. And Y schal bilde thi seete; in generacioun, and in to generacioun. 6Lord, heuenes schulen knouleche thi merueilis; and thi treuthe in the chirche of seyntis. 7For who in the cloudis schal be maad euene to the Lord; schal be lijk God among the sones of God? 8God, which is glorified in the counsel of seyntis; is greet, and dreedful ouere alle that ben in his cumpas. 9Lord God of vertues, who is lijk thee? Lord, thou art miyti, and thi treuthe is in thi cumpas. 10Thou art Lord of the power of the see; forsothe thou aswagist the stiryng of the wawis therof. 11Thou madist lowe the proude, as woundid; in the arm of thi vertu thou hast scaterid thin enemyes. 12Heuenes ben thin, and erthe is thin; thou hast foundid the world, and the fulnesse therof; 13thou madist of nouyt the north and the see. Thabor and Hermon schulen make ful out ioye in thi name; 14thin arm with power. Thin hond be maad stidefast, and thi riythond be enhaunsid; 15riytfulnesse and doom is the makyng redy of thi seete. Merci and treuthe schulen go bifore thi face; 16blessid is the puple that kan hertli song. Lord, thei schulen go in the liyt of thi cheer; 17and in thi name thei schulen make ful out ioye al dai; and thei schulen be enhaunsid in thi riytfulnesse. 18For thou art the glorie of the vertu of hem; and in thi good plesaunce oure horn schal be enhaunsid. 19For oure takyng vp is of the Lord; and of the hooli of Israel oure kyng. 20Thanne thou spakist in reuelacioun to thi seyntis, and seidist, Y haue set help in the myyti; and Y haue enhaunsid the chosun man of my puple. 21I foond Dauid, my seruaunt; Y anoyntide hym with myn hooli oile. 22For myn hond schal helpe him; and myn arm schal conferme hym. 23The enemye schal no thing profite in him; and the sone of wickidnesse schal not `ley to, for to anoye him. 24And Y schal sle hise enemyes fro his face; and Y schal turne in to fliyt hem that haten hym. 25And my treuthe and mercy schal be with him; and his horn schal be enhaunsid in my name. 26And Y schal sette his hond in the see; and his riyt hoond in flodis. 27He schal inwardli clepe me, Thou art my fadir; my God, and the vptaker of myn heelthe. 28And Y schal sette him the firste gendrid sone; hiyer than the kyngis of erthe. 29With outen ende Y schal kepe my merci to hym; and my testament feithful to him. 30And Y schal sette his seed in to the world of world; and his trone as the daies of heuene. 31Forsothe if hise sones forsaken my lawe; and goen not in my domes. 32If thei maken vnhooli my riytfulnessis; and kepen not my comaundementis. 33I schal visite in a yerde the wickidnessis of hem; and in betyngis the synnes of hem. 34But Y schal not scatere my mercy fro hym; and in my treuthe Y schal not anoye hym. 35Nethir Y schal make vnhooli my testament; and Y schal not make voide tho thingis that comen forth of my lippis. 36Onys Y swoor in myn hooli; 37Y schal not lie to Dauid, his seed schal dwelle with outen ende. 38And his trone as sunne in my siyt, and as a perfit mone with outen ende; and a feithful witnesse in heuene. 39But thou hast put awei, and hast dispisid; and hast dilaied thi crist. 40Thou hast turned awei the testament of thi seruaunt; thou madist vnhooli his seyntuarie in erthe. 41Thou distriedist alle the heggis therof; thou hast set the stidefastnesse therof drede. 42Alle men passynge bi the weie rauyschiden him; he is maad schenschipe to hise neiyboris. 43Thou hast enhaunsid the riythond of men oppressinge him; thou hast gladid alle hise enemyes. 44Thou hast turned awei the help of his swerd; and thou helpidist not hym in batel. 45Thou destriedist him fro clensing; and thou hast hurtlid doun his seete in erthe. 46Thou hast maad lesse the daies of his time; thou hast bisched him with schenschip. 47Lord, hou longe turnest thou awei in to the ende; schal thin ire brenne out as fier? 48Bithenke thou what is my substaunce; for whether thou hast ordeyned veynli alle the sones of men? 49Who is a man, that schal lyue, and schal not se deth; schal delyuere his soule fro the hond of helle? 50Lord, where ben thin elde mercies; as thou hast swore to Dauid in thi treuthe? 51Lord, be thou myndeful of the schenschipe of thi seruauntis, of many hethene men; whiche Y helde togidere in my bosum. 52Whiche thin enemyes, Lord, diden schenschipfuli; for thei dispisiden the chaungyng of thi crist. 53Blessid be the Lord with outen ende; be it don, be it don. 89The title of the nyne and eiytetithe salm. The preier of Moises, the man of God. Lord, thou art maad help to vs; fro generacioun in to generacioun. 2Bifore that hillis weren maad, ether the erthe and the world was formed; fro the world and in to the world thou art God. 3Turne thou not awei a man in to lownesse; and thou seidist, Ye sones of men, be conuertid. 4For a thousynde yeer ben bifore thin iyen; as yistirdai, which is passid, and as keping in the niyt. 5The yeeris of hem schulen be; that ben had for nouyt. 6Eerli passe he, as an eerbe, eerli florische he, and passe; in the euentid falle he doun, be he hard, and wexe drie. 7For we han failid in thin ire; and we ben disturblid in thi strong veniaunce. 8Thou hast set oure wickidnessis in thi siyt; oure world in the liytning of thi cheer. 9For alle oure daies han failid; and we han failid in thin ire. Oure yeris schulen bithenke, as an yreyn; 10the daies of oure yeeris ben in tho seuenti yeeris. Forsothe, if fourescoor yeer ben in myyti men; and the more tyme of hem is trauel and sorewe. For myldenesse cam aboue; and we schulen be chastisid. 11Who knew the power of thin ire; and durste noumbre thin ire for thi drede? 12Make thi riythond so knowun; and make men lerned in herte bi wisdom. 13Lord, be thou conuertid sumdeel; and be thou able to be preied on thi seruauntis. 14We weren fillid eerli with thi merci; we maden ful out ioye, and we delitiden in alle oure daies. 15We weren glad for the daies in whiche thou madist vs meke; for the yeeris in whiche we siyen yuels. 16Lord, biholde thou into thi seruauntis, and in to thi werkis; and dresse thou the sones of hem. 17And the schynyng of oure Lord God be on vs; and dresse thou the werkis of oure hondis on vs, and dresse thou the werk of oure hondis. 90`The nyntithe salm. He that dwellith in the help of the hiyeste God; schal dwelle in the proteccioun of God of heuene. 2He schal seie to the Lord, Thou art myn vptaker, and my refuit; my God, Y schal hope in him. 3For he delyuered me fro the snare of hunteris; and fro a scharp word. 4With hise schuldris he schal make schadowe to thee; and thou schalt haue hope vnder hise fetheris. 5His treuthe schal cumpasse thee with a scheld; thou schalt not drede of nyytis drede. 6Of an arowe fliynge in the dai, of a gobelyn goynge in derknessis; of asailing, and a myddai feend. 7A thousynde schulen falle doun fro thi side, and ten thousynde fro thi riytside; forsothe it schal not neiye to thee. 8Netheles thou schalt biholde with thin iyen; and thou schalt se the yelding of synneris. 9For thou, Lord, art myn hope; thou hast set thin help altherhiyeste. 10Yuel schal not come to thee; and a scourge schal not neiye to thi tabernacle. 11For God hath comaundid to hise aungels of thee; that thei kepe thee in alle thi weies. 12Thei schulen beere thee in the hondis; leste perauenture thou hirte thi foot at a stoon. 13Thou schalt go on a snake, and a cocatrice; and thou schalt defoule a lioun and a dragoun. 14For he hopide in me, Y schal delyuere hym; Y schal defende him, for he knew my name. 15He criede to me, and Y schal here him, Y am with him in tribulacioun; Y schal delyuere him, and Y schal glorifie hym. 16I schal fille hym with the lengthe of daies; and Y schal schewe myn helthe to him. 91The `title of the oon and nyntithe salm. `The salm of `song, in the dai of sabath. 2It is good to knouleche to the Lord; and to synge to thi name, thou hiyeste. 3To schewe eerli thi merci; and thi treuthe bi nyyt. 4In a sautrie of ten cordis; with song in harpe. 5For thou, Lord, hast delitid me in thi makyng; and Y schal make ful out ioye in the werkis of thin hondis. 6Lord, thi werkis ben magnefied greetli; thi thouytis ben maad ful depe. 7An vnwise man schal not knowe; and a fool schal not vndirstonde these thingis. 8Whanne synneris comen forth, as hey; and alle thei apperen, that worchen wickidnesse. 9That thei perische in to the world of world; forsothe thou, Lord, art the hiyest, withouten ende. For lo! 10Lord, thin enemyes, for lo! thin enemyes schulen perische; and alle schulen be scaterid that worchen wickidnesse. 11And myn horn schal be reisid as an vnicorn; and myn eelde in plenteuouse merci. 12And myn iye dispiside myn enemyes; and whanne wickid men rysen ayens me, myn eere schal here. 13A iust man schal floure as a palm tree; he schal be multiplied as a cedre of Liban. 14Men plauntid in the hous of the Lord; schulen floure in the porchis of the hous of oure God. 15Yit thei schulen be multiplied in plenteuouse elde; and thei schulen be suffryng wel. That thei telle, that oure Lord God is riytful; and no wickidnesse is in hym. 92The two and nyntithe salm. The Lord hath regned, he is clothid with fairnesse; the Lord is clothid with strengthe, and hath gird hym silf. 2For he made stidefast the world; that schal not be moued. 3God, thi seete was maad redi fro that tyme; thou art fro the world. Lord, the flodis han reisid; the flodis han reisid her vois. Flodis reisiden her wawis; of the voicis of many watris. 4The reisyngis of the see ben wondurful; the Lord is wondurful in hiye thingis. 5Thi witnessingis ben maad able to be bileued greetli; Lord, holynesse bicometh thin hous, in to the lengthe of daies. 93The thre and nyntithe salm. God is Lord of veniauncis; God of veniauncis dide freli. 2Be thou enhaunsid that demest the erthe; yelde thou yeldinge to proude men. 3Lord, hou longe synneris; hou longe schulen synneris haue glorie? 4Thei schulen telle out, and schulen speke wickidnesse; alle men schulen speke that worchen vnriytfulnesse. 5Lord, thei han maad lowe thi puple; and thei han disesid thin eritage. 6Thei killiden a widowe and a comelyng; and thei han slayn fadirles children and modirles. 7And thei seiden, The Lord schal not se; and God of Jacob schal not vndurstonde. 8Ye vnwise men in the puple, vndirstonde; and, ye foolis, lerne sum tyme. 9Schal not he here, that plauntide the eere; ethere biholdith not he, that made the iye? 10Schal not he repreue, that chastisith folkis; which techith man kunnyng? 11The Lord knowith the thouytis of men; that tho ben veyne. 12Blessid is the man, whom thou, Lord, hast lerned; and hast tauyt him of thi lawe. 13That thou aswage hym fro yuele daies; til a diche be diggid to the synner. 14For the Lord schal not putte awei his puple; and he schal not forsake his eritage. 15Til riytfulnesse be turned in to dom; and who ben niy it, alle that ben of riytful herte. 16Who schal rise with me ayens mysdoeris; ether who schal stonde with me ayens hem that worchen wickidnesse? 17No but for the Lord helpide me; almest my soule hadde dwellid in helle. 18If Y seide, My foot was stirid; Lord, thi merci helpide me. 19Aftir the multitude of my sorewis in myn herte; thi coumfortis maden glad my soule. 20Whether the seete of wickidnesse cleueth to thee; that makist trauel in comaundement? 21Thei schulen take ayens the soule of a iust man; and thei schulen condempne innocent blood. 22And the Lord was maad to me in to refuyt; and my God was maad in to the help of myn hope. 23And he schal yelde to hem the wickidnesse of hem; and in the malice of hem he schal lese hem, oure Lord God schal lese hem. 94The foure and nyntithe salm. Come ye, make we ful out ioie to the Lord; hertli synge we to God, oure heelthe. 2Bifore ocupie we his face in knowleching; and hertli synge we to him in salmes. 3For God is a greet Lord, and a greet king aboue alle goddis; for the Lord schal not putte awei his puple. 4For alle the endis of erthe ben in his hond; and the hiynesses of hillis ben hise. 5For the see is his, and he made it; and hise hondis formeden the drie lond. 6Come ye, herie we, and falle we doun bifore God, wepe we bifore the Lord that made vs; 7for he is oure Lord God. And we ben the puple of his lesewe; and the scheep of his hond. 8If ye han herd his vois to dai; nyle ye make hard youre hertis. 9As in the terryng to wraththe; bi the dai of temptacioun in desert. Where youre fadris temptiden me; thei preueden and sien my werkis. 10Fourti yeer I was offendid to this generacioun; and Y seide, Euere thei erren in herte. 11And these men knewen not my weies; to whiche Y swoor in myn ire, thei schulen not entre in to my reste. 95The fyue and nyntithe salm hath no title. Singe ye a newe song to the Lord; al erthe, synge ye to the Lord. 2Synge ye to the Lord, and blesse ye his name; telle ye his heelthe fro dai in to dai. 3Telle ye his glorie among hethene men; hise merueilis among alle puplis. 4For the Lord is greet, and worthi to be preisid ful myche; he is ferdful aboue alle goddis. 5For alle the goddis of hethene men ben feendis; but the Lord made heuenes. 6Knouleching and fairnesse is in his siyt; hoolynesse and worthi doyng is in his halewing. 7Ye cuntrees of hethene men, brynge to the Lord, bringe ye glorye and onour to the Lord; 8bringe ye to the Lord glorie to hys name. Take ye sacrificis, and entre ye in to the hallis of hym; 9herie ye the Lord in his hooli halle. Al erthe be moued of his face; 10seie ye among hethene men, that the Lord hath regned. And he hath amendid the world, that schal not be moued; he schal deme puplis in equite. 11Heuenes be glad, and the erthe make ful out ioye, the see and the fulnesse therof be moued togidere; feeldis schulen make ioye, 12and alle thingis that ben in tho. Thanne alle the trees of wodis schulen make ful out ioye, for the face of the Lord, for he cometh; 13for he cometh to deme the erthe. He schal deme the world in equite; and puplis in his treuthe. 96The sixe and nyntithe salm. The Lord hath regned, the erthe make ful out ioye; many ilis be glad. 2Cloude and derknesse in his cumpas; riytfulnesse and doom is amending of his seete. 3Fier schal go bifore him; and schal enflawme hise enemyes in cumpas. 4Hise leitis schyneden to the world; the erthe siy, and was moued. 5Hillis as wax fletiden doun fro the face of the Lord; al erthe fro the face of the Lord. 6Heuenes telden his riytfulnesse; and alle puplis sien his glorie. 7Alle that worschipen sculptilis be schent, and thei that han glorie in her symelacris; alle ye aungels of the Lord, worschipe him. 8Sion herde, and was glad, and the douytris of Juda maden ful out ioye; for `thi domes, Lord. 9For thou, Lord, art the hiyeste on al erthe; thou art greetli enhaunsid ouere alle goddis. 10Ye that louen the Lord, hate yuel; the Lord kepith the soulis of hise seyntis; he schal delyuer hem fro the hond of the synner. 11Liyt is risun to the riytful man; and gladnesse to riytful men of herte. 12Juste men, be ye glad in the Lord; and knouleche ye to the mynde of his halewyng. 97The seuen and nyntithe salm hath no title. Singe ye a newe song to the Lord; for he hath do merueils. His riyt hond and his hooli arm; hath maad heelthe to hym. 2The Lord hath maad knowun his heelthe; in the siyt of hethene men he hath schewid his riytfulnesse. 3He bithouyte on his merci; and on his treuthe, to the hous of Israel. Alle the endis of erthe; sien the heelthe of oure God. 4Al erthe, make ye hertli ioye to God; synge ye, and make ye ful out ioye, and seie ye salm. 5Singe ye to the Lord in an harpe, in harpe and vois of salm; 6in trumpis betun out with hamer, and in vois of a trumpe of horn. Hertli synge ye in the siyt of the Lord, the king; the see and the fulnesse therof be moued; 7the world, and thei that dwellen therynne. 8Flodis schulen make ioie with hond, togidere hillis schulen make ful out ioye, for siyt of the Lord; 9for he cometh to deme the erthe. He schal deme the world in riytfulnesse; and puplis in equite. 98The eiyte and nyntithe salm. The Lord hath regned, puplis ben wrooth; thou that sittist on cherubyn, the erthe be moued. 2The Lord is greet in Sion; and hiy aboue alle puplis. 3Knouleche thei to thi greet name, for it is ferdful and hooli; 4and the onour of the king loueth doom. Thou hast maad redi dressyngis; thou hast maad doom and riytfulnesse in Jacob. 5Enhaunse ye oure Lord God; and worschipe ye the stool of hise feet, for it is hooli. 6Moises and Aaron weren among hise preestis; and Samuel was among hem that inwardli clepen his name. Thei inwardli clepiden the Lord, and he herde hem; 7in a piler of cloude he spak to hem. Thei kepten hise witnessyngis; and the comaundement which he yaf to hem. 8Oure Lord God, thou herdist hem; God, thou were merciful to hem, and thou tokist veniaunce on al her fyndyngis. 9Enhaunse ye oure Lord God, and worschipe ye in his hooli hil; for oure Lord God is hooli. 99The titil of the nyne and nyntithe salm. `A salm to knouleche; `in Ebrew `thus, A salm for knouleching. 2Al erthe, singe ye hertli to God; serue ye the Lord in gladnesse. Entre ye in his siyt; in ful out ioiyng. 3Wite ye, that the Lord hym silf is God; he made vs, and not we maden vs. His puple, and the scheep of his lesewe, 4entre ye in to hise yatis in knoulechyng; entre ye in to hise porchis, `knouleche ye to him in ympnes. 5Herye ye his name, for the Lord is swete, his merci is with outen ende; and his treuthe is in generacioun and in to generacioun. 100The titil of the hundrid salm. `The salm of Dauid. Lord, Y schal synge to thee; merci and doom. 2I schal synge, and Y schal vndurstonde in a weie with out wem; whanne thou schalt come to me. I yede perfitli in the innocence of myn herte; in the myddil of myn hous. 3I settide not forth bifore myn iyen an vniust thing; Y hatide hem that maden trespassyngis. 4A schrewide herte cleuede not to me; Y knewe not a wickid man bowynge awei fro me. 5I pursuede hym; that bacbitide priueli his neiybore. With the proude iye and an herte vnable to be fillid; Y eet not with this. 6Myn iyen weren to the feithful men of erthe, that thei sitte with me; he that yede in a weie with out wem, mynystride to me. 7He that doith pride, schal not dwelle in the myddil of myn hous; he that spekith wickid thingis, seruede not in the siyt of myn iyen. 8In the morutid Y killide alle the synners of erthe; that Y schulde leese fro the citee of the Lord alle men worchynge wickidnesse. 101The title of the `hundrid and o salm. The preier of a pore man, whanne he was angwishid, and schedde out his speche bifore the Lord. 2Lord, here thou my preier; and my crie come to thee. 3Turne not awei thi face fro me; in what euere dai Y am troblid, bowe doun thin eere to me. In what euere day Y schal inwardli clepe thee; here thou me swiftli. 4For my daies han failid as smoke; and my boonus han dried vp as critouns. 5I am smytun as hei, and myn herte dried vp; for Y haue foryete to eete my breed. 6Of the vois of my weilyng; my boon cleuede to my fleische. 7I am maad lijk a pellican of wildirnesse; Y am maad as a niyt crowe in an hous. 8I wakide; and Y am maad as a solitarie sparowe in the roof. 9Al dai myn enemyes dispisiden me; and thei that preisiden me sworen ayens me. 10For Y eet aschis as breed; and Y meddlide my drinke with weping. 11Fro the face of the ire of thin indignacioun; for thou reisinge me hast hurtlid me doun. 12Mi daies boweden awei as a schadewe; and Y wexede drie as hei. 13But, Lord, thou dwellist with outen ende; and thi memorial in generacioun and in to generacioun. 14Lord, thou risinge vp schalt haue merci on Sion; for the tyme `to haue merci therof cometh, for the tyme cometh. 15For the stones therof plesiden thi seruauntis; and thei schulen haue merci on the lond therof. 16And, Lord, hethen men schulen drede thi name; and alle kingis of erthe schulen drede thi glori. 17For the Lord hath bildid Sion; and he schal be seen in his glorie. 18He bihelde on the preier of meke men; and he dispiside not the preier of hem. 19Be these thingis writun in an othere generacioun; and the puple that schal be maad schal preise the Lord. 20For he bihelde fro his hiye hooli place; the Lord lokide fro heuene in to erthe. 21For to here the weilingis of feterid men; and for to vnbynde the sones of slayn men. 22That thei telle in Sion the name of the Lord; and his preising in Jerusalem. 23In gaderinge togidere puplis in to oon; and kingis, that thei serue the Lord. 24It answeride to hym in the weie of his vertu; Telle thou to me the fewnesse of my daies. 25Ayenclepe thou not me in the myddil of my daies; thi yeris ben in generacioun and in to generacioun. 26Lord, thou foundidist the erthe in the bigynnyng; and heuenes ben the werkis of thin hondis. 27Tho schulen perische, but thou dwellist perfitli; and alle schulen wexe eelde as a clooth. And thou schalt chaunge hem as an hiling, and tho schulen be chaungid; 28but thou art the same thi silf, and thi yeeris schulen not faile. 29The sones of thi seruauntis schulen dwelle; and the seed of hem schal be dressid in to the world. 102The title of `hundred and secounde salm. `Of Dauid. Mi soule, blesse thou the Lord; and alle thingis that ben with ynne me, blesse his hooli name. 2Mi soule, blesse thou the Lord; and nyle thou foryete alle the yeldyngis of him. 3Which doith merci to alle thi wickidnessis; which heelith alle thi sijknessis. 4Which ayenbieth thi lijf fro deth; which corowneth thee in merci and merciful doyngis. 5Which fillith thi desijr in goodis; thi yongthe schal be renulid as the yongthe of an egle. 6The Lord doynge mercies; and doom to alle men suffringe wrong. 7He made hise weies knowun to Moises; hise willis to the sones of Israel. 8The Lord is merciful doer, and merciful in wille; longe abidinge, and myche merciful. 9He schal not be wrooth with outen ende; and he schal not thretne with outen ende. 10He dide not to vs aftir oure synnes; nether he yeldide to vs aftir oure wickidnessis. 11For bi the hiynesse of heuene fro erthe; he made strong his merci on men dredynge hym. 12As myche as the eest is fer fro the west; he made fer oure wickidnessis fro vs. 13As a fadir hath merci on sones, the Lord hadde merci on men dredynge him; 14for he knewe oure makyng. 15He bithouyte that we ben dust, a man is as hey; his dai schal flowre out so as a flour of the feeld. 16For the spirit schal passe in hym, and schal not abide; and schal no more knowe his place. 17But the merci of the Lord is fro with out bigynnyng, and til in to with outen ende; on men dredinge hym. And his riytfulnesse is in to the sones of sones; 18to hem that kepen his testament. And ben myndeful of hise comaundementis; to do tho. 19The Lord hath maad redi his seete in heuene; and his rewme schal be lord of alle. 20Aungels of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord; ye myyti in vertu, doynge his word, to here the vois of hise wordis. 21Alle vertues of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord; ye mynystris of hym that doen his wille. 22Alle werkis of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord, in ech place of his lordschipe; my soule, blesse thou the Lord. 103The hundrid and thridde salm. Mi soule, blesse thou the Lord; my Lord God, thou art magnyfied greetli. Thou hast clothid knouleching and fairnesse; and thou art clothid with liyt, 2as with a cloth. And thou stretchist forth heuene as a skyn; 3and thou hilist with watris the hiyer partis therof. Which settist a cloude thi stiyng; which goest on the fetheris of wyndis. 4Which makist spiritis thin aungels; and thi mynystris brennynge fier. 5Which hast foundid the erthe on his stablenesse; it schal not be bowid in to the world of world. 6The depthe of watris as a cloth is the clothing therof; watris schulen stonde on hillis. 7Tho schulen fle fro thi blamyng; men schulen be aferd of the vois of thi thundur. 8Hillis stien vp, and feeldis goen doun; in to the place which thou hast foundid to tho. 9Thou hast set a terme, which tho schulen not passe; nether tho schulen be turned, for to hile the erthe. 10And thou sendist out wellis in grete valeis; watris schulen passe bitwix the myddil of hillis. 11Alle the beestis of the feeld schulen drynke; wielde assis schulen abide in her thirst. 12Briddis of the eir schulen dwelle on tho; fro the myddis of stoonys thei schulen yyue voices. 13And thou moistist hillis of her hiyer thingis; the erthe schal be fillid of the fruyt of thi werkis. 14And thou bringist forth hei to beestis; and eerbe to the seruyce of men. That thou bringe forth breed of the erthe; 15and that wiyn make glad the herte of men. That he make glad the face with oile; and that breed make stidefast the herte of man. 16The trees of the feeld schulen be fillid, and the cedris of the Liban, whiche he plauntide; 17sparewis schulen make nest there. The hous of the gerfaukun is the leeder of tho; 18hiye hillis ben refute to hertis; a stoon is refutt to irchouns. 19He made the moone in to tymes; the sunne knewe his goyng doun. 20Thou hast set derknessis, and nyyt is maad; alle beestis of the wode schulen go ther ynne. 21Liouns whelpis rorynge for to rauysche; and to seke of God meete to hem silf. 22The sunne is risun, and tho ben gaderid togidere; and tho schulen be set in her couchis. 23A man schal go out to his werk; and to his worching, til to the euentid. 24Lord, thi werkis ben magnefiede ful myche, thou hast maad alle thingis in wisdom; the erthe is fillid with thi possessioun. 25This see is greet and large to hondis; there ben crepinge beestis, of which is noon noumbre. Litil beestis with grete; 26schippis schulen passe there. This dragoun which thou hast formyd; for to scorne hym. 27Alle thingis abiden of thee; that thou yyue to hem meete in tyme. 28Whanne thou schalt yyue to hem, thei schulen gadere; whanne thou schalt opene thin hond, alle thingis schulen be fillid with goodnesse. 29But whanne thou schalt turne awey the face, thei schulen be disturblid; thou schalt take awei the spirit of them, and thei schulen faile; and thei schulen turne ayen in to her dust. 30Sende out thi spirit, and thei schulen be formed of the newe; and thou schalt renule the face of the erthe. 31The glorie of the Lord be in to the world; the Lord schal be glad in hise werkis. 32Which biholdith the erthe, and makith it to tremble; which touchith hillis, and tho smoken. 33I schal singe to the Lord in my lijf; Y schal seie salm to my God, as longe as Y am. 34Mi speche be myrie to him; forsothe Y schal delite in the Lord. 35Synneris faile fro the erthe, and wickid men faile, so that thei be not; my soule, blesse thou the Lord. 104The title of the hundrid and fourthe salm. Alleluya. Knouleche ye to the Lord, and inwardli clepe ye his name; telle ye hise werkis among hethen men. 2Synge ye to hym, and seie ye salm to him, and telle ye alle hise merueylis; 3be ye preisid in his hooli name. The herte of men sekynge the Lord be glad; 4seke ye the Lord, and be ye confermed; seke ye euere his face. 5Haue ye mynde on hise merueilis, whiche he dide; on his grete wondris, and domes of his mouth. 6The seed of Abraham, his seruaunt; the sones of Jacob, his chosun man. 7He is oure Lord God; hise domes ben in al the erthe. 8He was myndeful of his testament in to the world; of the word which he comaundide in to a thousynde generaciouns. 9Which he disposide to Abraham; and of his ooth to Isaac. 10And he ordeynede it to Jacob in to a comaundement; and to Israel in to euerlastinge testament. 11And he seide, I shal yiue to thee the lond of Canaan; the cord of youre eritage. 12Whanne thei weren in a litil noumbre; and the comelingis of hem weren ful fewe. 13And thei passiden fro folk in to folk; and fro a rewme in to another puple. 14He lefte not a man to anoye hem; and he chastiside kyngis for hem. 15Nile ye touche my cristis; and nyle ye do wickidli among my prophetis. 16And God clepide hungir on erthe; and he wastide al the stidefastnesse of breed. 17He sente a man bifore hem; Joseph was seeld in to a seruaunt. 18Thei maden lowe hise feet in stockis, irun passide by his soule; til the word of him cam. 19The speche of the Lord enflawmede him; 20the king sente and vnbond hym; the prince of puplis sente and delyuerede him. 21He ordeynede him the lord of his hous; and the prince of al his possessioun. 22That he schulde lerne hise princis as him silf; and that he schulde teche hise elde men prudence. 23And Israel entride in to Egipt; and Jacob was a comeling in the lond of Cham. 24And God encreesside his puple greetli; and made hym stidefast on hise enemyes. 25He turnede the herte of hem, that thei hatiden his puple; and diden gile ayens hise seruauntis. 26He sent Moises, his seruaunt; thilke Aaron, whom he chees. 27He puttide in hem the wordis of hise myraclis; and of hise grete wondris in the lond of Cham. 28He sente derknessis, and made derk; and he made not bitter hise wordis. 29He turnede the watris of hem in to blood; and he killide the fischis of hem. 30And the lond of hem yaf paddoks; in the priue places of the kyngis of hem. 31God seide, and a fleische flie cam; and gnattis in alle the coostis of hem. 32He settide her reynes hail; fier brennynge in the lond of hem. 33And he smoot the vynes of hem, and the fige trees of hem; and al to-brak the tree of the coostis of hem. 34He seide, and a locuste cam; and a bruk of which was noon noumbre. 35And it eet al the hey in the lond of hem; and it eet al the fruyt of the lond of hem. 36And he killide ech the firste gendrid thing in the lond of hem; the firste fruitis of alle the trauel of hem. 37And he ledde out hem with siluer and gold; and noon was sijk in the lynagis of hem. 38Egipt was glad in the goyng forth of hem; for the drede of hem lai on Egipcians. 39He spredde abrood a cloude, in to the hiling of hem; and fier, that it schynede to hem bi nyyt. 40Thei axiden, and a curlew cam; and he fillide hem with the breed of heuene. 41He brak a stoon, and watris flowiden; floodis yeden forth in the drye place. 42For he was myndeful of his hooli word; which he hadde to Abraham, his child. 43And he ledde out his puple in ful out ioiyng; and hise chosun men in gladnesse. 44And he yaf to hem the cuntreis of hethen men; and thei hadden in possessioun the trauels of puplis. 45That thei kepe hise iustifiyngis; and seke his lawe. 105The `title of the hundrid and fifthe salm. Alleluya. Kouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is with outen ende. 2Who schal speke the powers of the Lord; schal make knowun alle hise preisyngis? 3Blessid ben thei that kepen dom; and doon riytfulnesse in al tyme. 4Lord, haue thou mynde on vs in the good plesaunce of thi puple; visite thou vs in thin heelthe. 5To se in the goodnesse of thi chosun men, to be glad in the gladnes of thi folk; that thou be heried with thin eritage. 6We han synned with oure fadris; we han do vniustli, we han do wickidnesse. 7Oure fadris in Egipt vndirstoden not thi merueils; thei weren not myndeful of the multitude of thi merci. And thei stiynge in to the see, in to the reed see, terreden to wraththe; 8and he sauede hem for his name, that `he schulde make knowun his power. 9And he departide the reed see, and it was dried; and he lede forth hem in the depthis of watris as in deseert. 10And he sauede hem fro the hond of hateris; and he ayen bouyte hem fro the hond of the enemye. 11And the watir hilide men troublynge hem; oon of hem abood not. 12And thei bileueden to hise wordis; and thei preisiden the heriynge of hym. 13Thei hadden `soone do, thei foryaten hise werkis; and thei abididen not his councel. 14And thei coueitiden coueitise in deseert; and temptiden God in a place with out watir. 15And he yaf to hem the axyng of hem; and he sente fulnesse in to the soulis of hem. 16And thei wraththiden Moyses in the castels; Aaron, the hooli of the Lord. 17The erthe was opened, and swolewid Datan; and hilide on the congregacioun of Abiron. 18And fier brente an hiye in the synagoge of hem; flawme brente synneris. 19And thei maden a calf in Oreb; and worschipiden a yotun ymage. 20And thei chaungiden her glorie; in to the liknesse of a calf etynge hei. 21Thei foryaten God, that sauede hem, that dide grete werkis in Egipt, 22merueils in the lond of Cham; feerdful thingis in the reed see. 23And God seide, that he wolde leese hem; if Moises, his chosun man, hadde not stonde in the brekyng of his siyt. That he schulde turne awei his ire; lest he loste hem. 24And thei hadden the desirable lond for nouyt, thei bileueden not to his word, and thei grutchiden in her tabernaclis; 25thei herden not the vois of the Lord. 26And he reiside his hond on hem; to caste doun hem in desert. 27And to caste awei her seed in naciouns; and to leese hem in cuntreis. 28And thei maden sacrifice to Belfagor; and thei eeten the sacrificis of deed beestis. 29And thei wraththiden God in her fyndyngis; and fallyng was multiplied in hem. 30And Fynees stood, and pleeside God; and the veniaunce ceesside. 31And it was arrettid to hym to riytfulnesse; in generacioun and in to generacioun, til in to with outen ende. 32And thei wraththiden God at the watris of ayenseiyng; and Moises was trauelid for hem, for thei maden bittere his spirit, 33and he departide in his lippis. 34Thei losten not hethen men; whiche the Lord seide to hem. 35And thei weren meddlid among hethene men, and lerneden the werkis of hem, 36and serueden the grauen ymagis of hem; and it was maad to hem in to sclaundre. 37And thei offriden her sones; and her douytris to feendis. 38And thei schedden out innocent blood, the blood of her sones and of her douytris; whiche thei sacrificiden to the grauun ymagis of Chanaan. 39And the erthe was slayn in bloodis, and was defoulid in the werkis of hem; and thei diden fornicacioun in her fyndyngis. 40And the Lord was wrooth bi strong veniaunce ayens his puple; and hadde abhominacioun of his eritage. 41And he bitook hem in to the hondis of hethene men; and thei that hatiden hem, weren lordis of hem. 42And her enemyes diden tribulacioun to hem, and thei weren mekid vndir the hondis of enemyes; 43ofte he delyuerede hem. But thei wraththiden hym in her counsel; and thei weren maad low in her wickidnessis. 44And he siye, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he herde the preyer of hem. 45And he was myndeful of his testament; and it repentide hym bi the multitude of his merci. 46And he yaf hem in to mercies; in the siyt of alle men, that hadden take hem. 47Oure Lord God, make thou vs saaf; and gadere togidere vs fro naciouns. That we knouleche to thin hooli name; and haue glorie in thi preisyng. 48Blessid be the Lord God of Israel fro the world and til in to the world; and al the puple schal seye, Be it don, be it don. 106The `title of the hundrid and sixte salm. Alleluya. Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his merci is in to the world. 2Sei thei, that ben ayen bouyt of the Lord; whiche he ayen bouyte fro the hond of the enemye, fro cuntreis he gaderide hem togidere. 3Fro the risyng of the sunne, and fro the goyng doun; fro the north, and fro the see. 4Thei erriden in wildirnesse, in a place with out watir; thei founden not weie of the citee of dwellyng place. 5Thei weren hungri and thirsti; her soule failide in hem. 6And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem fro her nedynesses. 7And he ledde forth hem in to the riyt weie; that thei schulden go in to the citee of dwelling. 8The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueilis knouleche to the sones of men. 9For he fillide a voide man; and he fillide with goodis an hungry man. 10God delyuerede men sittynge in derknessis, and in the schadowe of deth; and men prisoned in beggerye and in yrun. 11For thei maden bitter the spechis of God; and wraththiden the councel of the hiyeste. 12And the herte of hem was maad meke in trauelis; and thei weren sijk, and noon was that helpide. 13And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem from her nedynessis. 14And he ledde hem out of derknessis, and schadowe of deth; and brak the boondis of hem. 15The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueils knouleche to the sones of men. 16For he al to-brak brasun yatis; and he brak yrun barris. 17He vptook hem fro the weie of her wickidnesse; for thei weren maad lowe for her vnriytfulnesses. 18The soule of hem wlatide al mete; and thei neiyeden `til to the yatis of deth. 19And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem fro her nedynessis. 20He sente his word, and heelide hem; and delyuerede hem fro the perischingis of hem. 21The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueils to the sones of men. 22And offre thei the sacrifice of heriyng; and telle thei hise werkis in ful out ioiyng. 23Thei that gon doun in to the see in schippis; and maken worching in many watris. 24Thei sien the werkis of the Lord; and hise merueilis in the depthe. 25He seide, and the spirit of tempest stood; and the wawis therof weren arerid. 26Thei stien til to heuenes, and goen doun `til to the depthis; the soule of hem failide in yuelis. 27Thei weren troblid, and thei weren moued as a drunkun man; and al the wisdom of hem was deuourid. 28And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he ledde hem out of her nedynessis. 29And he ordeynede the tempest therof in to a soft wynde; and the wawis therof weren stille. 30And thei weren glad, for tho weren stille; and he ladde hem forth in to the hauene of her wille. 31The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueilis to the sones of men. 32And enhaunse thei him in the chirche of the puple; and preise thei him in the chaier of eldre men. 33He hath set floodis in to deseert; and the out goingis of watris in to thirst. 34He hath set fruytful lond in to saltnesse; for the malice of men dwellyng ther ynne. 35He hath set deseert in to pondis of watris; and erthe with out watir in to outgoyngis of watris. 36And he settide there hungri men; and thei maden a citee of dwelling. 37And thei sowiden feeldis, and plauntiden vynes; and maden fruyt of birthe. 38And he blesside hem, and thei weren multiplied greetli; and he made not lesse her werk beestis. 39And thei weren maad fewe; and thei weren trauelid of tribulacioun of yuelis and of sorewis. 40Strijf was sched out on princes; and he made hem for to erre without the weie, and not in the weie. 41And he helpide the pore man fro pouert; and settide meynees as a scheep bringynge forth lambren. 42Riytful men schulen se, and schulen be glad; and al wickidnesse schal stoppe his mouth. 43Who is wijs, and schal kepe these thingis; and schal vndirstonde the mercies of the Lord? 107The `title of the hundrid and seuenthe salm. The song of `the salm of Dauid. 2Min herte is redi, God, myn herte is redi; Y schal singe, and Y schal seie salm in my glorie. 3My glorie, ryse thou vp, sautrie and harp, rise thou vp; Y schal rise vp eerli. 4Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee among puplis; and Y schal seie salm to thee among naciouns. 5For whi, God, thi merci is greet on heuenes; and thi treuthe is til to the cloudis. 6God, be thou enhaunsid aboue heuenes; and thi glorie ouer al erthe. 7That thi derlingis be delyuerid, make thou saaf with thi riythond, and here me; God spak in his hooli. 8I schal make ful out ioye, and Y schal departe Siccimam; and Y schal mete the grete valei of tabernaclis. 9Galaad is myn, and Manasses is myn; and Effraym is the vptaking of myn heed. Juda is my king; Moab is the caudron of myn hope. 10In to Ydume Y schal stretche forth my scho; aliens ben maad frendis to me. 11Who schal lede me forth in to a stronge citee; who schal lede me forth til in to Idume? 12Whether not thou, God, that hast put vs awei; and, God, schalt thou not go out in oure vertues? 13Yyue thou help to vs of tribulacioun; for the heelthe of man is veyn. 14We schulen make vertu in God; and he schal bringe oure enemyes to nouyt. 108The title of the hundrid and eiytthe salm. To victorye, the salm of Dauid. 2God, holde thou not stille my preisyng; for the mouth of the synner, and the mouth of the gileful man is openyd on me. 3Thei spaken ayens me with a gileful tunge, and thei cumpassiden me with wordis of hatrede; and fouyten ayens me with out cause. 4For that thing that thei schulden loue me, thei bacbitiden me; but Y preiede. 5And thei settiden ayens me yuelis for goodis; and hatrede for my loue. 6Ordeyne thou a synner on him; and the deuel stonde on his riyt half. 7Whanne he is demed, go he out condempned; and his preier `be maad in to synne. 8Hise daies be maad fewe; and another take his bischopriche. 9Hise sones be maad faderles; and his wijf a widewe. 10Hise sones tremblinge be born ouer, and begge; and be cast out of her habitaciouns. 11An vsurere seke al his catel; and aliens rauysche hise trauelis. 12Noon helpere be to him; nether ony be that haue mercy on hise modirles children. 13Hise sones be maad in to perisching; the name of him be don awei in oon generacioun. 14The wickidnesse of hise fadris come ayen in to mynde in the siyt of the Lord; and the synne of his modir be not don awei. 15Be thei maad euere ayens the Lord; and the mynde of hem perische fro erthe. 16For that thing that he thouyte not to do merci, 17and he pursuede a pore man and beggere; and to slee a man compunct in herte. 18And he louede cursing, and it schal come to hym; and he nolde blessing, and it schal be maad fer fro him. And he clothide cursing as a cloth, and it entride as water in to hise ynnere thingis; and as oile in hise boonus. 19Be it maad to him as a cloth, with which he is hilyd; and as a girdil, with which he is euere gird. 20This is the werk of hem that bacbiten me anentis the Lord; and that speke yuels ayens my lijf. 21And thou, Lord, Lord, do with me for thi name; for thi merci is swete. 22Delyuere thou me, for Y am nedi and pore; and myn herte is disturblid with ynne me. 23I am takun awei as a schadowe, whanne it bowith awei; and Y am schakun awei as locustis. 24Mi knees ben maad feble of fasting; and my fleische was chaungid for oile. 25And Y am maad schenschipe to hem; thei sien me, and moueden her heedis. 26Mi Lord God, helpe thou me; make thou me saaf bi thi merci. 27And thei schulen wite, that this is thin hond; and thou, Lord, hast do it. 28Thei schulen curse, and thou schalt blesse, thei that risen ayens me, be schent; but thi seruaunt schal be glad. 29Thei that bacbiten me, be clothid with schame; and be thei hilid with her schenschipe as with a double cloth. 30I schal knouleche to the Lord greetli with my mouth; and Y schal herie hym in the myddil of many men. 31Which stood nyy on the riyt half of a pore man; to make saaf my soule fro pursueris. 109The `title of the hundrid and nynthe salm. `The salm of Dauith. The Lord seide to my Lord; Sitte thou on my riyt side. Til Y putte thin enemyes; a stool of thi feet. 2The Lord schal sende out fro Syon the yerde of thi vertu; be thou lord in the myddis of thin enemyes. 3The bigynnyng is with thee in the dai of thi vertu, in the briytnessis of seyntis; Y gendride thee of the wombe before the dai sterre. 4The Lord swoor, and it schal not repente him; Thou art a preest with outen ende, bi the ordre of Melchisedech. 5The Lord on thi riyt side; hath broke kyngis in the dai of his veniaunce. 6He schal deme among naciouns, he schal fille fallyngis; he schal schake heedis in the lond of many men. 7He dranke of the stronde in the weie; therfor he enhaunside the heed. 110The `title of the hundrid and tenthe salm. Alleluya. Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee in al myn herte; in the counsel and congregacioun of iust men. 2The werkis of the Lord ben greete; souyt out in to alle hise willis. 3His werk is knoulechyng and grete doyng; and his riytfulnesse dwellith in to the world of world. 4The Lord merciful in wille, and a merciful doere, hath maad a mynde of hise merueilis; 5he hath youe meete to men dredynge hym. He schal be myndeful of his testament in to the world; 6he schal telle to his puple the vertu of hise werkis. 7That he yyue to hem the eritage of folkis; the werkis of hise hondis ben treuthe and doom. 8Alle hise comaundementis ben feithful, confermed in to the world of world; maad in treuthe and equite. 9The Lord sente redempcioun to hys puple; he comaundide his testament with outen ende. His name is hooli and dreedful; 10the bigynnyng of wisdom is the drede of the Lord. Good vndirstondyng is to alle that doen it; his preising dwellith in to the world of world. 111The `title of the hundrid and enleuenthe salm. Alleluya. Blissid is the man that dredith the Lord; he schal wilne ful myche in hise comaundementis. 2His seed schal be myyti in erthe; the generacioun of riytful men schal be blessid. 3Glorie and richessis ben in his hous; and his riytfulnesse dwellith in to the world of world. 4Liyt is risun vp in derknessis to riytful men; the Lord is merciful in wille, and a merciful doere, and riytful. 5The man is merye, that doith merci, and leeneth; he disposith hise wordis in dom; 6for he schal not be moued with outen ende. 7A iust man schal be in euerlastinge mynde; he schal not drede of an yuel heryng. His herte is redi for to hope in the Lord; 8his herte is confermed, he schal not be moued, til he dispise hise enemyes. 9He spredde abrood, he yaf to pore men; his riytwisnesse dwellith in to the world of world; his horn schal be reisid in glorie. 10A synner schal se, and schal be wrooth; he schal gnaste with hise teeth, and schal faile; the desijr of synneris schal perische. 112The `title of the hundrid and twelfthe salm. Alleluya. Children, preise ye the Lord; preise ye the name of the Lord. 2The name of the Lord be blessid; fro this tyme now and til in to the world. 3Fro the risyng of the sunne til to the goyng doun; the name of the Lord is worthi to be preisid. 4The Lord is hiy aboue alle folkis; and his glorie is aboue heuenes. 5Who is as oure Lord God, that dwellith in hiye thingis; 6and biholdith meke thingis in heuene and in erthe? 7Reisynge a nedi man fro the erthe; and enhaunsinge a pore man fro drit. 8That he sette hym with princes; with the princes of his puple. 9Which makith a bareyn womman dwelle in the hous; a glad modir of sones. 113The titil of the hundrid and thrittenthe salm. Alleluya. In the goyng out of Israel fro Egipt; of the hous of Jacob fro the hethene puple. 2Judee was maad the halewyng of hym; Israel the power of hym. 3The see siy, and fledde; Jordan was turned abac. 4Munteyns ful out ioyeden as rammes; and litle hillis as the lambren of scheep. 5Thou see, what was to thee, for thou fleddist; and thou, Jordan, for thou were turned abak? 6Munteyns, ye maden ful out ioye as rammes; and litle hillis, as the lambren of scheep. 7The erthe was moued fro the face of `the Lord; fro the face of God of Jacob. 8Which turnede a stoon in to pondis of watris; and an hard rooch in to wellis of watris. 9Lord, not to vs, not to vs; but yyue thou glorie to thi name. 10On thi merci and thi treuthe; lest ony tyme hethene men seien, Where is the God of hem? 11Forsothe oure God in heuene; dide alle thingis, whiche euere he wolde. 12The symulacris of hethene men ben siluer and gold; the werkis of mennus hondis. 13Tho han mouth, and schulen not speke; tho han iyen, and schulen not se. 14Tho han eeris, and schulen not here; tho han nose thurls, and schulen not smelle. 15Tho han hondis, and schulen not grope; tho han feet, and schulen not go; tho schulen not crye in her throte. 16Thei that maken tho ben maad lijk tho; and alle that triste in tho. 17The hous of Israel hopide in the Lord; he is the helpere `of hem, and the defendere of hem. 18The hous of Aaron hopide in the Lord; he is the helpere of hem, and the defendere of hem. 19Thei that dreden the Lord, hopiden in the Lord; he is the helpere of hem, and the defendere of hem. 20The Lord was myndeful of vs; and blesside vs. He blesside the hous of Israel; he blesside the hous of Aaron. 21He blesside alle men that dreden the Lord; `he blesside litle `men with the grettere. 22The Lord encreesse on you; on you and on youre sones. 23Blessid be ye of the Lord; that made heuene and erthe. 24Heuene of `heuene is to the Lord; but he yaf erthe to the sones of men. 25Lord, not deed men schulen herie thee; nether alle men that goen doun in to helle. 26But we that lyuen, blessen the Lord; fro this tyme now and til in to the world. 114The titil of the hundrid and fourtenthe salm. Alleluia. I louede `the Lord; for the Lord schal here the vois of my preier. 2For he bowide doun his eere to me; and Y schal inwardli clepe in my daies. 3The sorewis of deth cumpassiden me; and the perelis of helle founden me. 4I foond tribulacioun and sorewe; and Y clepide inwardli the name of the Lord. Thou, Lord, delyuere my soule; 5the Lord is merciful, and iust; and oure God doith merci. 6And the Lord kepith litle children; Y was mekid, and he delyuerede me. 7Mi soule, turne thou in to thi reste; for the Lord hath do wel to thee. 8For he hath delyuered my soule fro deth; myn iyen fro wepingis, my feet fro fallyng doun. 9I schal plese the Lord; in the cuntrei of hem that lyuen. 115I bileuede, for which thing Y spak; forsoth Y was maad low ful myche. 2I seide in my passing; Ech man is a lier. 3What schal Y yelde to the Lord; for alle thingis which he yeldide to me? 4I schal take the cuppe of heelthe; and Y schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord. 5I schal yelde my vowis to the Lord bifor al his puple; 6the deth of seyntis of the Lord is precious in his siyt. 7O! Lord, for Y am thi seruant; Y am thi seruaunt, and the sone of thi handmaide. Thou hast broke my bondys, 8to thee Y schal offre a sacrifice of heriyng; and Y schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord. 9I schal yelde my vowis to the Lord, in the siyt of al his puple; 10in the porchis of the hous of the Lord, in the myddil of thee, Jerusalem. 116The title of the hundrid and sixtenthe salm. Alleluya. Alle hethen men, herie ye the Lord; alle puplis, herie ye hym. 2For his merci is confermyd on vs; and the treuthe of the Lord dwellith with outen ende. 117The titil of the hundrid and seuententhe salm. Alleluia. Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his merci is with outen ende. 2Israel seie now, for he is good; for his merci is with outen ende. 3The hous of Aaron seie now; for his merci is with outen ende. 4Thei that dreden the Lord, seie now; for his merci is withouten ende. 5Of tribulacioun Y inwardli clepide the Lord; and the Lord herde me in largenesse. 6The Lord is an helpere to me; Y schal not drede what a man schal do to me. 7The Lord is an helpere to me; and Y schal dispise myn enemyes. 8It is betere for to trist in the Lord; than for to triste in man. 9It is betere for to hope in the Lord; than for to hope in princes. 10Alle folkis cumpassiden me; and in the name of the Lord it bifelde, for Y am auengide on hem. 11Thei cumpassinge cumpassiden me; and in the name of the Lord, for Y am auengid on hem. 12Thei cumpassiden me as been, and thei brenten out as fier doith among thornes; and in the name of the Lord, for Y am avengid on hem. 13I was hurlid, and turnede vpsedoun, that Y schulde falle doun; and the Lord took me vp. 14The Lord is my strengthe, and my heryyng; and he is maad to me in to heelthe. 15The vois of ful out ioiyng and of heelthe; be in the tabernaclis of iust men. 16The riyt hond of the Lord hath do vertu, the riyt hond of the Lord enhaunside me; the riyt hond of the Lord hath do vertu. 17I schal not die, but Y schal lyue; and Y schal telle the werkis of the Lord. 18The Lord chastisinge hath chastisid me; and he yaf not me to deth. 19Opene ye to me the yatis of riytfulnesse, and Y schal entre bi tho, and Y schal knouleche to the Lord; 20this yate is of the Lord, and iust men schulen entre bi it. 21I schal knouleche to thee, for thou herdist me; and art maad to me in to heelthe. 22The stoon which the bilderis repreueden; this is maad in to the heed of the corner. 23This thing is maad of the Lord; and it is wonderful bifore oure iyen. 24This is the dai which the Lord made; make we ful out ioye, and be we glad ther ynne. 25O! Lord, make thou me saaf, O! Lord, make thou wel prosperite; 26blessid is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. We blesseden you of the hous of the Lord; 27God is Lord, and hath youe liyt to vs. Ordeyne ye a solempne dai in thicke puplis; til to the horn of the auter. 28Thou art my God, and Y schal knouleche to thee; thou art my God, and Y schal enhaunse thee. I schal knouleche to thee, for thou herdist me; and thou art maad to me in to heelthe. 29Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his merci is with outen ende. 118`The titil of the hundrid and eiytenthe salm. Alleluia. Blessid ben men with out wem in the weie; that gon in the lawe of the Lord. 2Blessid ben thei, that seken hise witnessingis; seken him in al the herte. 3For thei that worchen wickidnesse; yeden not in hise weies. 4Thou hast comaundid; that thin heestis be kept greetly. 5I wolde that my weies be dressid; to kepe thi iustifiyngis. 6Thanne Y schal not be schent; whanne Y schal biholde perfitli in alle thin heestis. 7I schal knouleche to thee in the dressing of herte; in that that Y lernyde the domes of thi riytfulnesse. 8I schal kepe thi iustifiyngis; forsake thou not me on ech side. 9In what thing amendith a yong waxinge man his weie? in keping thi wordis. 10In al myn herte Y souyte thee; putte thou me not awei fro thin heestis. 11In myn herte Y hidde thi spechis; that Y do not synne ayens thee. 12Lord, thou art blessid; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 13In my lippis Y haue pronounsid; alle the domes of thi mouth. 14I delitide in the weie of thi witnessingis; as in alle richessis. 15I schal be ocupied in thin heestis; and Y schal biholde thi weies. 16I schal bithenke in thi iustifiyngis; Y schal not foryete thi wordis. 17Yelde to thi seruaunt; quiken thou me, and Y schal kepe thi wordis. 18Liytne thou myn iyen; and Y schal biholde the merueils of thi lawe. 19I am a comeling in erthe; hide thou not thin heestis fro me. 20Mi soule coueitide to desire thi iustifiyngis; in al tyme. 21Thou blamedist the proude; thei ben cursid, that bowen awei fro thin heestis. 22Do thou awei `fro me schenschipe and dispising; for Y souyte thi witnessingis. 23For whi princis saten, and spaken ayens me; but thi seruaunt was exercisid in thi iustifiyngis. 24For whi and thi witnessyngis is my thenkyng; and my counsel is thi iustifiyngis. 25Mi soule cleuede to the pawment; quykine thou me bi thi word. 26I telde out my weies, and thou herdist me; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 27Lerne thou me the weie of thi iustifiyngis; and Y schal be exercisid in thi merueils. 28Mi soule nappide for anoye; conferme thou me in thi wordis. 29Remoue thou fro me the weie of wickidnesse; and in thi lawe haue thou merci on me. 30I chees the weie of treuthe; Y foryat not thi domes. 31Lord, Y cleuede to thi witnessyngis; nyle thou schende me. 32I ran the weie of thi comaundementis; whanne thou alargidist myn herte. 33Lord, sette thou to me a lawe, the weie of thi iustifiyngis; and Y schal seke it euere. 34Yyue thou vndurstonding to me, and Y schal seke thi lawe; and Y schal kepe it in al myn herte. 35Lede me forth in the path of thin heestis; for Y wolde it. 36`Bowe thou myn herte in to thi witnessingus; and not in to aueryce. 37Turne thou awei myn iyen, that `tho seen not vanyte; quykene thou me in thi weie. 38Ordeyne thi speche to thi seruaunt; in thi drede. 39Kitte awey my schenschip, which Y supposide; for thi domes ben myrie. 40Lo! Y coueitide thi comaundementis; quikene thou me in thin equite. 41And, Lord, thi merci come on me; thin heelthe come bi thi speche. 42And Y schal answere a word to men seiynge schenschipe to me; for Y hopide in thi wordis. 43And take thou not awei fro my mouth the word of treuthe outerli; for Y hopide aboue in thi domes. 44And Y schal kepe thi lawe euere; in to the world, and in to the world of world. 45And Y yede in largenesse; for Y souyte thi comaundementis. 46And Y spak of thi witnessyngis in the siyt of kingis; and Y was not schent. 47And Y bithouyte in thin heestis; whiche Y louede. 48And Y reiside myn hondis to thi comaundementis, whiche Y louede; and Y schal be excercisid in thi iustifiyngis. 49Lord, haue thou mynde on thi word to thi seruaunt; in which word thou hast youe hope to me. 50This coumfortide me in my lownesse; for thi word quikenede me. 51Proude men diden wickidli bi alle thingis; but Y bowide not awei fro thi lawe. 52Lord, Y was myndeful on thi domes fro the world; and Y was coumfortid. 53Failing helde me; for synneris forsakinge thi lawe. 54Thi iustifiyngis weren delitable to me to be sungun; in the place of my pilgrimage. 55Lord, Y hadde mynde of thi name bi niyt; and Y kepte thi lawe. 56This thing was maad to me; for Y souyte thi iustifiyngis. 57Lord, my part; Y seide to kepe thi lawe. 58I bisouyte thi face in al myn herte; haue thou merci on me bi thi speche. 59I bithouyte my weies; and Y turnede my feet in to thi witnessyngis. 60I am redi, and Y am not disturblid; to kepe thi comaundementis. 61The coordis of synneris han biclippid me; and Y haue not foryete thi lawe. 62At mydnyyt Y roos to knouleche to thee; on the domes of thi iustifiyngis. 63I am parcener of alle that dreden thee; and kepen thin heestis. 64Lord, the erthe is ful of thi merci; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 65Lord, thou hast do goodnesse with thi seruaunt; bi thi word. 66Teche thou me goodnesse, and loore, and kunnyng; for Y bileuede to thin heestis. 67Bifor that Y was maad meke, Y trespasside; therfor Y kepte thi speche. 68Thou art good; and in thi goodnesse teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 69The wickidnesse of hem that ben proude, is multiplied on me; but in al myn herte Y schal seke thin heestis. 70The herte of hem is cruddid as mylk; but Y bithouyte thi lawe. 71It is good to me, that thou hast maad me meke; that Y lerne thi iustifiyngis. 72The lawe of thi mouth is betere to me; than thousyndis of gold and of siluer. 73Thin hondis maden me, and fourmeden me; yyue thou vndurstondyng to me, that Y lerne thin heestis. 74Thei that dreden thee schulen se me, and schulen be glad; for Y hopide more on thi wordis. 75Lord, Y knewe, that thi domes ben equite; and in thi treuth thou hast maad me meke. 76Thi merci be maad, that it coumforte me; bi thi speche to thi seruaunt. 77Thi merciful doyngis come to me, and Y schal lyue; for thi lawe is my thenkyng. 78Thei that ben proude be schent, for vniustli thei diden wickidnesse ayens me; but Y schal be exercisid in thin heestis. 79Thei that dreden thee be turned to me; and thei that knowen thi witnessyngis. 80Myn herte be maad vnwemmed in thi iustifiyngis; that Y be not schent. 81Mi soule failide in to thin helthe; and Y hopide more on thi word. 82Myn iyen failiden in to thi speche; seiynge, Whanne schalt thou coumforte me? 83For Y am maad as a bowge in frost; Y haue not foryete thi iustifiyngis. 84Hou many ben the daies of thi seruaunt; whanne thou schalt make doom of hem that pursuen me? 85Wickid men telden to me ianglyngis; but not as thi lawe. 86Alle thi comaundementis ben treuthe; wickid men han pursued me, helpe thou me. 87Almeest thei endiden me in erthe; but I forsook not thi comaundementis. 88Bi thi mersi quikene thou me; and Y schal kepe the witnessingis of thi mouth. 89Lord, thi word dwellith in heuene; with outen ende. 90Thi treuthe dwellith in generacioun, and in to generacioun; thou hast foundid the erthe, and it dwellith. 91The dai lastith contynueli bi thi ordynaunce; for alle thingis seruen to thee. 92No but that thi lawe was my thenking; thanne perauenture Y hadde perischid in my lownesse. 93With outen ende Y schal not foryete thi iustifiyngis; for in tho thou hast quikened me. 94I am thin, make thou me saaf; for Y haue souyt thi iustifiyngis. 95Synneris aboden me, for to leese me; Y vndurstood thi witnessingis. 96I siy the ende of al ende; thi comaundement is ful large. 97Lord, hou louede Y thi lawe; al dai it is my thenking. 98Aboue myn enemyes thou madist me prudent bi thi comaundement; for it is to me with outen ende. 99I vndurstood aboue alle men techinge me; for thi witnessingis is my thenking. 100I vndirstood aboue eelde men; for Y souyte thi comaundementis. 101I forbeed my feet fro al euel weie; that Y kepe thi wordis. 102I bowide not fro thi domes; for thou hast set lawe to me. 103Thi spechis ben ful swete to my cheekis; aboue hony to my mouth. 104I vnderstood of thin heestis; therfor Y hatide al the weie of wickidnesse. 105Thi word is a lanterne to my feet; and liyt to my pathis. 106I swoor, and purposide stidefastli; to kepe the domes of thi riytfulnesse. 107I am maad low bi alle thingis; Lord, quykene thou me bi thi word. 108Lord, make thou wel plesinge the wilful thingis of my mouth; and teche thou me thi domes. 109Mi soule is euere in myn hondis; and Y foryat not thi lawe. 110Synneris settiden a snare to me; and Y erride not fro thi comaundementis. 111I purchasside thi witnessyngis bi eritage with outen ende; for tho ben the ful ioiyng of myn herte. 112I bowide myn herte to do thi iustifiyngis with outen ende; for reward. 113I hatide wickid men; and Y louede thi lawe. 114Thou art myn helpere, and my `taker vp; and Y hopide more on thi word. 115Ye wickide men, bowe awei fro me; and Y schal seke the comaundementis of my God. 116Vp take thou me bi thi word, and Y schal lyue; and schende thou not me fro myn abydyng. 117Helpe thou me, and Y schal be saaf; and Y schal bithenke euere in thi iustifiyngis. 118Thou hast forsake alle men goynge awey fro thi domes; for the thouyt of hem is vniust. 119I arettide alle the synneris of erthe brekeris of the lawe; therfor Y louede thi witnessyngis. 120Naile thou my fleischis with thi drede; for Y dredde of thi domes. 121I dide doom and riytwisnesse; bitake thou not me to hem that falsli chalengen me. 122Take vp thi seruaunt in to goodnesse; thei that ben proude chalenge not me. 123Myn iyen failiden in to thin helthe; and in to the speche of thi riytfulnesse. 124Do thou with thi seruaunt bi thi merci; and teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 125I am thi seruaunt, yyue thou vndurstondyng to me; that Y kunne thi witnessingis. 126Lord, it is tyme to do; thei han distried thi lawe. 127Therfor Y louede thi comaundementis; more than gold and topazion. 128Therfor Y was dressid to alle thin heestis; Y hatide al wickid weie. 129Lord, thi witnessingis ben wondirful; therfor my soule souyte tho. 130Declaring of thi wordis liytneth; and yyueth vnderstonding to meke men. 131I openede my mouth, and drouy the spirit; for Y desiride thi comaundementis. 132Biholde thou on me, and haue merci on me; bi the dom of hem that louen thi name. 133Dresse thou my goyingis bi thi speche; that al vnriytfulnesse haue not lordschip on me. 134Ayeyn bie thou me fro the false chalengis of men; that Y kepe thin heestis. 135Liytne thi face on thi seruaunt; and teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 136Myn iyen ledden forth the outgoynges of watris; for thei kepten not thi lawe. 137Lord, thou art iust; and thi dom is riytful. 138Thou hast comaundid riytfulnesse, thi witnessingis; and thi treuthe greetli to be kept. 139Mi feruent loue made me to be meltid; for myn enemys foryaten thi wordis. 140Thi speche is greetli enflawmed; and thi seruaunt louede it. 141I am yong, and dispisid; Y foryat not thi iustifiyngis. 142Lord, thi riytfulnesse is riytfulnesse with outen ende; and thi lawe is treuthe. 143Tribulacioun and angwische founden me; thin heestis is my thenking. 144Thi witnessyngis is equite with outen ende; yyue thou vndirstondyng to me, and Y schal lyue. 145I criede in al myn herte, Lord, here thou me; and Y schal seke thi iustifiyngis. 146I criede to thee, make thou me saaf; that Y kepe thi comaundementis. 147I bifor cam in ripenesse, and Y criede; Y hopide aboue on thi wordis. 148Myn iyen bifor camen to thee ful eerli; that Y schulde bithenke thi speches. 149Lord, here thou my vois bi thi merci; and quykene thou me bi thi doom. 150Thei that pursuen me neiyden to wickidnesse; forsothe thei ben maad fer fro thi lawe. 151Lord, thou art nyy; and alle thi weies ben treuthe. 152In the bigynnyng Y knewe of thi witnessingis; for thou hast foundid tho with outen ende. 153Se thou my mekenesse, and delyuere thou me; for Y foryat not thi lawe. 154Deme thou my dom, and ayenbie thou me; quikene thou me for thi speche. 155Heelthe is fer fro synners; for thei souyten not thi iustifiyngis. 156Lord, thi mercies ben manye; quykene thou me bi thi dom. 157Thei ben manye that pursuen me, and doen tribulacioun to me; Y bowide not awei fro thi witnessingis. 158I siy brekers of the lawe, and Y was meltid; for thei kepten not thi spechis. 159Lord, se thou, for Y louede thi comaundementis; quikene thou me in thi merci. 160The bigynnyng of thi wordis is treuthe; alle the domes of thi riytwisnesse ben withouten ende. 161Princes pursueden me with outen cause; and my herte dredde of thi wordis. 162I schal be glad on thi spechis; as he that fyndith many spuylis. 163I hatide and wlatide wickidnesse; forsothe Y louede thi lawe. 164I seide heriyngis to thee seuene sithis in the dai; on the domes of thi riytfulnesse. 165Miche pees is to hem that louen thi lawe; and no sclaundir is to hem. 166Lord, Y abood thin heelthe; and Y louede thin heestis. 167Mi soule kepte thi witnessyngis; and louede tho greetli. 168I kepte thi `comaundementis, and thi witnessingis; for alle my weies ben in thi siyt. 169Lord, my biseching come niy in thi siyt; bi thi speche yyue thou vndurstonding to me. 170Myn axing entre in thi siyt; bi thi speche delyuere thou me. 171Mi lippis schulen telle out an ympne; whanne thou hast tauyte me thi iustifiyngis. 172Mi tunge schal pronounce thi speche; for whi alle thi comaundementis ben equite. 173Thin hond be maad, that it saue me; for Y haue chose thin heestis. 174Lord, Y coueitide thin heelthe; and thi lawe is my thenking. 175Mi soule schal lyue, and schal herie thee; and thi domes schulen helpe me. 176I erride as a scheep that perischide; Lord, seke thi seruaunt, for Y foryat not thi comaundementis. 119The `title of the hundrid and nyntenthe salm. The song of greces. Whanne Y was set in tribulacioun, Y criede to the Lord; and he herde me. 2Lord, delyuere thou my soule fro wickid lippis; and fro a gileful tunge. 3What schal be youun to thee, ether what schal be leid to thee; to a gileful tunge? 4Scharpe arowis of the myyti; with colis that maken desolat. 5Allas to me! for my dwelling in an alien lond is maad long, Y dwellide with men dwellinge in Cedar; my soule was myche a comelyng. 6I was pesible with hem that hatiden pees; 7whanne Y spak to hem, thei ayenseiden me with outen cause. 120The `title of the hundrid and twentithe salm. The song of greces. I reiside myn iyen to the hillis; fro whannus help schal come to me. 2Myn help is of the Lord; that made heuene and erthe. 3The Lord yyue not thi foot in to mouyng; nether he nappe, that kepith thee. 4Lo! he schal not nappe, nether slepe; that kepith Israel. 5The Lord kepith thee; the Lord is thi proteccioun aboue thi riythond. 6The sunne schal not brenne thee bi dai; nether the moone bi nyyt. 7The Lord kepe thee fro al yuel; the Lord kepe thi soule. 8The Lord kepe thi goyng in and thi goyng out; fro this tyme now and in to the world. 121The `title of the hundrid and oon and twentithe salm. The song of the grecis of Dauid. I am glad in these thingis, that ben seid to me; We schulen go in to the hous of the Lord. 2Oure feet weren stondynge; in thi hallis, thou Jerusalem. 3Jerusalem, which is bildid as a citee; whos part taking therof is in to the same thing. 4For the lynagis, the lynagis of the Lord stieden thidir, the witnessing of Israel; to knouleche to the name of the Lord. 5For thei saten there on seetis in doom; seetis on the hous of Dauid. 6Preie ye tho thingis, that ben to the pees of Jerusalem; and abundaunce be to hem that louen thee. 7Pees be maad in thi vertu; and abundaunce in thi touris. 8For my britheren and my neiyboris; Y spak pees of thee. 9For the hous of oure Lord God; Y souyte goodis to thee. 122The `title of the hundrid and two and twentithe salm. `The song of grecis. To thee Y haue reisid myn iyen; that dwellist in heuenes. 2Lo! as the iyen of seruauntis; ben in the hondis of her lordis. As the iyen of the handmaide ben in the hondis of her ladi; so oure iyen ben to oure Lord God, til he haue mercy on vs. 3Lord, haue thou merci on vs, haue thou merci on vs; for we ben myche fillid with dispisyng. 4For oure soule is myche fillid; we ben schenschipe to hem that ben abundaunte with richessis, and dispising to proude men. 123The `title of the hundrid and thre and twentithe `salm. The song of grecis `of Dauith. Israel seie now, No but for the Lord was in vs; 2no but for `the Lord was in vs. Whanne men risiden vp ayens vs; 3in hap thei hadden swalewid vs quike. Whanne the woodnesse of hem was wrooth ayens vs; 4in hap watir hadde sope vs vp. 5Oure soule passide thoruy a stronde; in hap oure soule hadde passide thoruy a watir vnsuffrable. 6Blessid be the Lord; that `yaf not vs in taking to the teeth of hem. 7Oure soule, as a sparowe, is delyuered; fro the snare of hunters. The snare is al to-brokun; and we ben delyuered. 8Oure helpe is in the name of the Lord; that made heuene and erthe. 124The `title of the hundrid and foure and twentithe salm. `The song of greces. Thei that tristen in the Lord ben as the hil of Syon; he schal not be moued with outen ende, 2that dwellith in Jerusalem. Hillis ben in the cumpas of it, and the Lord is in the cumpas of his puple; fro this tyme now and in to the world. 3For the Lord schal not leeue the yerde of synneris on the part of iust men; that iust men holde not forth her hondis to wickidnesse. 4Lord, do thou wel; to good men, and of riytful herte. 5But the Lord schal lede them that bowen in to obligaciouns, with hem that worchen wickidnesse; pees be on Israel. 125The `title of the hundrid and fyue and twentithe `salm. The song of grecis. Whanne the Lord turnede the caitifte of Sion; we weren maad as coumfortid. 2Thanne oure mouth was fillid with ioye; and oure tunge with ful out ioiyng. Thanne thei schulen seie among hethene men; The Lord magnefiede to do with hem. 3The Lord magnefiede to do with vs; we ben maad glad. 4Lord, turne thou oure caitifte; as a stronde in the south. 5Thei that sowen in teeris; schulen repe in ful out ioiyng. 6Thei goynge yeden, and wepten; sendynge her seedis. But thei comynge schulen come with ful out ioiyng; berynge her handfullis. 126The `title of the hundrid and sixe and twentithe `salm. The song of greces of Salomon. `No but the Lord bilde the hous; thei that bilden it han trauelid in veyn. No but the Lord kepith the citee; he wakith in veyn that kepith it. 2It is veyn to you to rise bifore the liyt; rise ye after that ye han sete, that eten the breed of sorewe. Whanne he schal yyue sleep to his loued; lo! 3the eritage of the Lord `is sones, the mede is the fruyt of wombe. 4As arowis ben in the hond of the miyti; so the sones of hem that ben schakun out. 5Blessid is the man, that hath fillid his desier of tho; he schal not be schent, whanne he schal speke to hise enemyes in the yate. 127The title of the hundrid and seuene and twentithe salm. The song of greces. Blessid ben alle men, that dreden the Lord; that gon in hise weies. 2For thou schalt ete the trauels of thin hondis; thou art blessid, and it schal be wel to thee. 3Thi wijf as a plenteous vyne; in the sidis of thin hous. Thi sones as the newe sprenges of olyue trees; in the cumpas of thi bord. 4Lo! so a man schal be blessid; that dredith the Lord. 5The Lord blesse thee fro Syon; and se thou the goodis of Jerusalem in alle the daies of thi lijf. 6And se thou the sones of thi sones; se thou pees on Israel. 128The `title of the hundrid and eiyte and twentithe `salm. The song of greces. Israel seie now; Ofte thei fouyten ayens me fro my yongth. 2Ofte thei fouyten ayens me fro my yongthe; and sotheli thei miyten not to me. 3Synneris forgeden on my bak; thei maden long her wickidnesse. 4The `iust Lord schal beete the nollis of synneris; 5alle that haten Sion be schent, and turned abak. 6Be thei maad as the hey of hous coppis; that driede vp, bifore that it be drawun vp. 7Of which hei he that schal repe, schal not fille his hond; and he that schal gadere hondfullis, schal not fille his bosum. 8And thei that passiden forth seiden not, The blessing of the Lord be on you; we blessiden you in the name of the Lord. 129The `title of the hundrid and nyne and twentithe `salm. The song of greces. Lord, Y criede to thee fro depthes; Lord, here thou mi vois. 2Thin eeris be maad ententif; in to the vois of my biseching. 3Lord, if thou kepist wickidnessis; Lord, who schal susteyne? 4For merci is at thee; and, Lord, for thi lawe Y abood thee. Mi soule susteynede in his word; my soule hopide in the Lord. 5Fro the morewtid keping til to niyt; 6Israel hope in the Lord. 7For whi merci is at the Lord; and plenteous redempcioun is at hym. 8And he schal ayen bie Israel; fro alle the wickidnessis therof. 130The title of the hundrid and thrittithe salm. The song of greces, `to Dauith himself. Lord, myn herte is not enhaunsid; nether myn iyen ben reisid. Nether Y yede in the grete thingis; nether in merueilis aboue me. 2If Y feelide not mekely; but enhaunside my soule. As a childe wenyde on his modir; so yelding be in my soule. 3Israel hope in the Lord; fro this tyme now and in to the world. 131The title of the hundrid and oon and thrittithe salm. The song of greces. Lord, haue thou mynde on Dauid; and of al his myldenesse. 2As he swoor to the Lord; he made a vowe to God of Jacob. 3I schal not entre in to the tabernacle of myn hous; Y schal not stie in to the bed of mi restyng. 4I schal not yyue sleep to myn iyen; and napping to myn iye liddis. 5And rest to my templis, til Y fynde a place to the Lord; a tabernacle to God of Jacob. 6Lo! we herden that arke of testament in Effrata, `that is, in Silo; we founden it in the feeldis of the wode. 7We schulen entre in to the tabernacle of hym; we schulen worschipe in the place, where hise feet stoden. 8Lord, rise thou in to thi reste; thou and the ark of thin halewing. 9Thi prestis be clothid with riytfulnesse; and thi seyntis make ful out ioye. 10For Dauid, thi seruaunt; turne thou not awei the face of thi crist. 11The Lord swoor treuthe to Dauid, and he schal not make hym veyn; of the fruyt of thi wombe Y schal sette on thi seete. 12If thi sones schulen kepe my testament; and my witnessingis, these whiche Y schal teche hem. And the sones of hem til in to the world; thei schulen sette on thi seete. 13For the Lord chees Sion; he chees it in to dwelling to hym silf. 14This is my reste in to the world of world; Y schal dwelle here, for Y chees it. 15I blessynge schal blesse the widewe of it; Y schal fille with looues the pore men of it. 16I schal clothe with heelthe the preestis therof; and the hooli men therof schulen make ful out ioye in ful reioisinge. 17Thidir Y schal bringe forth the horn of Dauid; Y made redi a lanterne to my crist. 18I schal clothe hise enemyes with schame; but myn halewing schal floure out on hym. 132The `title of the hundrid and two and thrittithe salm. The song of grecis. Lo! hou good and hou myrie it is; that britheren dwelle togidere. 2As oynement in the heed; that goith doun in to the beerd, in to the beerd of Aaron. That goith doun in to the coler of his cloth; as the dew of Ermon, 3that goith doun in to the hil of Sion. For there the Lord sente blessing; and lijf til in to the world. 133The `title of the hundrid and thre and thrittithe salm. The song of greces. Lo! now blesse ye the Lord; alle the seruauntis of the Lord. Ye that stonden in the hous of the Lord; in the hallis of `the hous of oure God. 2In nyytis reise youre hondis in to hooli thingis; and blesse ye the Lord. 3The Lord blesse thee fro Syon; which Lord made heuene and erthe. 134The title of the hundrid and foure and thrittithe salm. Alleluya. Herie ye the name of the Lord; ye seruauntis of the Lord, herie ye. 2Ye that stonden in the hous of the Lord; in the hallis of `the hous of oure God. 3Herie ye the Lord, for the Lord is good; singe ye to his name, for it is swete. 4For the Lord chees Jacob to him silf; Israel in to possessioun to him silf. 5For Y haue knowe, that the Lord is greet; and oure God bifore alle goddis. 6The Lord made alle thingis, what euere thingis he wolde, in heuene and in erthe; in the see, and in alle depthis of watris. 7He ledde out cloudis fro the ferthest part of erthe; and made leitis in to reyn. Which bringith forth wyndis fro hise tresours; 8which killide the firste gendrid thingis of Egipt, fro man `til to beeste. 9He sente out signes and grete wondris, in the myddil of thee, thou Egipt; in to Farao and in to alle hise seruauntis. 10Which smoot many folkis; and killide stronge kingis. 11Seon, the king of Ammorreis, and Og, the king of Basan; and alle the rewmes of Chanaan. 12And he yaf the lond of hem eritage; eritage to Israel, his puple. 13Lord, thi name is with outen ende; Lord, thi memorial be in generacioun and in to generacioun. 14For the Lord schal deme his puple; and he schal be preied in hise seruauntis. 15The symulacris of hethene men ben siluer and gold; the werkis of the hondis of men. 16Tho han a mouth, and schulen not speke; tho han iyen, and schulen not se. 17Tho han eeris, and schulen not here; for `nether spirit is in the mouth of tho. 18Thei that maken tho, be maad lijk tho; and alle that tristen in tho. 19The hous of Israel, blesse ye the Lord; the hous of Aaron, blesse ye the Lord. 20The hous of Leuy, blesse ye the Lord; ye that dreden the Lord, `blesse ye the Lord. 21Blessid be the Lord of Syon; that dwellith in Jerusalem. 135The title of the hundrid and fyue and thrittithe salm. Alleluya. Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good, for his merci is withouten ende. 2Knouleche ye to the God of goddis. 3Knouleche ye to the Lord of lordis. 4Which aloone makith grete merueils. 5Which made heuenes bi vndurstondyng. 6Which made stidefast erthe on watris. 7Which made grete liytis. 8The sunne in to the power of the dai. 9The moone and sterris in to the power of the niyt. 10Which smoot Egipt with the firste gendrid thingis of hem. 11Which ledde out Israel fro the myddil of hem. 12In a miyti hond and in an hiy arm. 13Whiche departide the reed see in to departyngis. 14And ledde out Israel thoruy the myddil therof. 15And he `caste a down Farao and his pouer in the reed see. 16Which ledde ouer his puple thoruy desert. 17Which smoot grete kingis. 18And killide strong kingis. 19Seon, the king of Amorreis. 20And Og, the king of Baasan. 21And he yaf the lond of hem eritage. 22Eritage to Israel, his seruaunt. 23For in oure lownesse he hadde mynde on vs. 24And he ayenbouyte vs fro oure enemyes. 25Which yyueth mete to ech fleisch. Knouleche ye to God of heuene. 26Knouleche ye to the Lord of lordis; for his merci is with outen ende. 136The hundrid and sixe and thrittithe salm. On the floodis of Babiloyne there we saten, and wepten; while we bithouyten on Syon. 2In salewis in the myddil therof; we hangiden vp oure orguns. 3For thei that ledden vs prisoners; axiden vs there the wordis of songis. And thei that ledden awei vs seiden; Synge ye to vs an ympne of the songis of Syon. 4Hou schulen we singe a songe of the Lord; in an alien lond? 5If Y foryete thee, Jerusalem; my riyt hond be youun to foryeting. 6Mi tunge cleue to my chekis; if Y bithenke not on thee. If Y purposide not of thee, Jerusalem; in the bigynnyng of my gladnesse. 7Lord, haue thou mynde on the sones of Edom; for the dai of Jerusalem. Whiche seien, Anyntische ye, anyntische ye; `til to the foundement ther ynne. 8Thou wretchid douyter of Babiloyne; he is blessid, that `schal yelde to thee thi yelding, which thou yeldidist to vs. 9He is blessid, that schal holde; and hurtle doun hise litle children at a stoon. 137The `title of the hundrid and seuene and thrittithe salm. `To Dauith him silf. Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee in al myn herte; for thou herdist the wordis of my mouth. Mi God, Y schal singe to thee in the siyt of aungels; 2Y schal worschipe to thin hooli temple, and Y schal knouleche to thi name. On thi merci and thi treuthe; for thou hast magnefied thin hooli name aboue al thing. 3In what euere dai Y schal inwardli clepe thee, here thou me; thou schalt multipli vertu in my soule. 4Lord, alle the kingis of erthe knouleche to thee; for thei herden alle the wordis of thi mouth. 5And singe thei in the weies of the Lord; for the glorie of the Lord is greet. 6For the Lord is hiy, and biholdith meke thingis; and knowith afer hiy thingis. 7If Y schal go in the myddil of tribulacioun, thou schalt quikene me; and thou stretchidist forth thin hond on the ire of myn enemyes, and thi riyt hond made me saaf. 8The Lord schal yelde for me, Lord, thi merci is with outen ende; dispise thou not the werkis of thin hondis. 138The `title of the hundrid and eiyte and thrittithe salm. `To victorie, the salm of Dauith. Lord, thou hast preued me, and hast knowe me; 2thou hast knowe my sitting, and my rising ayen. 3Thou hast vndirstonde my thouytis fro fer; thou hast enquerid my path and my corde. 4And thou hast bifor seien alle my weies; for no word is in my tunge. 5Lo! Lord, thou hast knowe alle thingis, the laste thingis and elde; thou hast formed me, and hast set thin hond on me. 6Thi kunnyng is maad wondirful of me; it is coumfortid, and Y schal not mowe to it. 7Whidir schal Y go fro thi spirit; and whider schal Y fle fro thi face? 8If Y schal stie in to heuene, thou art there; if Y schal go doun to helle, thou art present. 9If Y schal take my fetheris ful eerli; and schal dwelle in the last partis of the see. 10And sotheli thider thin hond schal leede me forth; and thi riyt hond schal holde me. 11And Y seide, In hap derknessis schulen defoule me; and the nyyt is my liytnyng in my delicis. 12For whi derknessis schulen not be maad derk fro thee, aud the niyt schal be liytned as the dai; as the derknessis therof, so and the liyt therof. 13For thou haddist in possessioun my reines; thou tokist me vp fro the wombe of my modir. 14I schal knouleche to thee, for thou art magnefied dreedfuli; thi werkis ben wondirful, and my soule schal knouleche ful miche. 15Mi boon, which thou madist in priuete, is not hyd fro thee; and my substaunce in the lower partis of erthe. 16Thin iyen sien myn vnperfit thing, and alle men schulen be writun in thi book; daies schulen be formed, and no man is in tho. 17Forsothe, God, thi frendis ben maad onourable ful myche to me; the princeheed of hem is coumfortid ful myche. 18I schal noumbre hem, and thei schulen be multiplied aboue grauel; Y roos vp, and yit Y am with thee. 19For thou, God, schalt slee synneris; ye menquelleris, bowe awei fro me. 20For ye seien in thouyt; Take thei her citees in vanite. 21Lord, whether Y hatide not hem that hatiden thee; and Y failide on thin enemyes? 22Bi perfite haterede Y hatide hem; thei weren maad enemyes to me. 23God, preue thou me, and knowe thou myn herte; axe thou me, and knowe thou my pathis. 24And se thou, if weie of wickidnesse is in me; and lede thou me forth in euerlastinge wei. 139The `title of the hundrid and nyne and thrittithe `salm. To victorie, the salm of Dauith. 2Lord, delyuere thou me fro an yuel man; delyuere thou me fro a wickid man. 3Whiche thouyten wickidnesses in the herte; al dai thei ordeyneden batels. 4Thei scharpiden her tungis as serpentis; the venym of snakis vndir the lippis of hem. 5Lord, kepe thou me fro the hond of the synnere; and delyuere thou me fro wickid men. Which thouyten to disseyue my goyngis; 6proude men hidden a snare to me. And thei leiden forth cordis in to a snare; thei settiden sclaundir to me bisidis the weie. 7I seide to the Lord, Thou art mi God; Lord, here thou the vois of my biseching. 8Lord, Lord, the vertu of myn heelthe; thou madist schadowe on myn heed in the dai of batel. 9Lord, bitake thou not me fro my desire to the synnere; thei thouyten ayens me, forsake thou not me, lest perauenture thei ben enhaunsid. 10The heed of the cumpas of hem; the trauel of her lippis schal hile hem. 11Colis schulen falle on hem, thou schalt caste hem doun in to fier; in wretchidnessis thei schulen not stonde. 12A man a greet ianglere schal not be dressid in erthe; yuels schulen take an vniust man in perisching. 13I haue knowe, that the Lord schal make dom of a nedi man; and the veniaunce of pore men. 14Netheles iust men schulen knouleche to thi name; and riytful men schulen dwelle with thi cheer. 140The `title of the hundrid and fourtithe salm. `The salm `of Dauith. Lord, Y criede to thee, here thou me; yyue thou tent to my vois, whanne Y schal crye to thee. 2Mi preier be dressid as encense in thi siyt; the reisyng of myn hondis be as the euentid sacrifice. 3Lord, sette thou a keping to my mouth; and a dore of stonding aboute to my lippis. 4Bowe thou not myn herte in to wordis of malice; to excuse excusingis in synne. With men worchinge wickidnesse; and Y schal not comyne with the chosun men of hem. 5A iust man schal repreue me in mersi, and schal blame me; but the oile of a synner make not fat myn heed. For whi and yit my preier is in the wel plesaunt thingis of hem; 6for the domesmen of hem ioyned to the stoon weren sopun vp. Here thei my wordis, 7for tho weren myyti. As fatnesse is brokun out on the erthe; oure bonys ben scatered niy helle. Lord, Lord, 8for myn iyen ben to thee, Y hopide in thee; take thou not awei my soule. 9Kepe thou me fro the snare which thei ordeyneden to me; and fro the sclaundris of hem that worchen wickidnesse. Synneris schulen falle in the nett therof; 10Y am aloone til Y passe. 141The `title of the hundrid and oon and fourtithe salm. The lernyng of Dauid; `his preier, `whanne he was in the denne. 2With my vois Y criede to the Lord; with my vois Y preiede hertli to the Lord. 3I schede out my preier in his siyt; and Y pronounce my tribulacioun bifor him. 4While my spirit failith of me; and thou hast knowe my pathis. In this weie in which Y yede; proude men hidden a snare to me. 5I bihelde to the riyt side, and Y siy; and noon was that knew me. Fliyt perischide fro me; and noon is that sekith my soule. 6Lord, Y criede to thee, Y seide, Thou art myn hope; my part in the lond of lyueris. 7Yyue thou tent to my biseching; for Y am maad low ful greetli. Delyuere thou me fro hem that pursuen me; for thei ben coumfortid on me. 8Lede my soule out of keping to knouleche to thi name; iust men abiden me, til thou yelde to me. 142The `title of the hundrid and two and fourtithe salm. The salm of Dauid. Lord, here thou my preier, with eeris perseyue thou my biseching; in thi treuthe here thou me, in thi riytwisnesse. 2And entre thou not in to dom with thi seruaunt; for ech man lyuynge schal not be maad iust in thi siyt. 3For the enemy pursuede my soule; he made lowe my lijf in erthe. He hath set me in derk placis, as the deed men of the world, 4and my spirit was angwischid on me; myn herte was disturblid in me. 5I was myndeful of elde daies, Y bithouyte in alle thi werkis; Y bithouyte in the dedis of thin hondis. 6I helde forth myn hondis to thee; my soule as erthe with out water to thee. 7Lord, here thou me swiftli; my spirit failide. Turne thou not a wei thi face fro me; and Y schal be lijk to hem that gon doun in to the lake. 8Make thou erli thi merci herd to me; for Y hopide in thee. Make thou knowun to me the weie in which Y schal go; for Y reiside my soule to thee. 9Delyuere thou me fro myn enemyes, Lord, Y fledde to thee; 10teche thou me to do thi wille, for thou art my God. Thi good spirit schal lede me forth in to a riytful lond; 11Lord, for thi name thou schalt quikene me in thin equite. Thou schalt lede my soule out of tribulacioun; 12and in thi merci thou schalt scatere alle myn enemyes. And thou schalt leese alle them, that troublen my soule; for Y am thi seruaunt. 143The title of the hundrid and thre and fourtithe salm. `A salm. Blessid be my Lord God, that techith myn hondis to werre; and my fyngris to batel. 2Mi merci, and my refuyt; my takere vp, and my delyuerer. Mi defender, and Y hopide in him; and thou makist suget my puple vnder me. 3Lord, what is a man, for thou hast maad knowun to him; ether the sone of man, for thou arettist him of sum valu? 4A man is maad lijk vanyte; hise daies passen as schadow. 5Lord, bowe doun thin heuenes, and come thou doun; touche thou hillis, and thei schulen make smoke. 6Leite thou schynyng, and thou schalt scatere hem; sende thou out thin arowis, and thou schalt disturble hem. 7Sende out thin hond fro an hiy, rauysche thou me out, and delyuere thou me fro many watris; and fro the hond of alien sones. 8The mouth of which spak vanite; and the riythond of hem is the riyt hond of wickidnesse. 9God, Y schal synge to thee a new song; I schal seie salm to thee in a sautre of ten stringis. 10Which yyuest heelthe to kingis; which ayen bouytist Dauid, thi seruaunt, fro the wickid swerd rauische thou out me. 11And delyuere thou me fro `the hond of alien sones; the mouth of whiche spak vanyte, and the riythond of hem is the riyt hond of wickidnesse. 12Whose sones ben; as new plauntingis in her yongthe. The douytris of hem ben arayed; ourned about as the licnesse of the temple. 13The selers of hem ben fulle; bringinge out fro this vessel in to that. The scheep of hem ben with lambre, plenteuouse in her goingis out; 14her kien ben fatte. `No falling of wal is, nether passing ouere; nether cry is in the stretis of hem. 15Thei seiden, `The puple is blessid, that hath these thingis; blessid is the puple, whos Lord is the God of it. 144The title of the hundrid and foure and fourtithe salm. `The ympne of Dauith. Mi God king, Y schal enhaunse thee; and Y schal blesse thi name in to the world, and in to the world of world. 2Bi alle daies Y schal blesse thee; and Y schal herie thi name in to the world, and in to the world of the world. 3The Lord is greet, and worthi to be preisid ful myche; and noon ende is of his greetnesse. 4Generacioun and generacioun schal preise thi werkis; and thei schulen pronounse thi power. 5Thei schulen speke `the greet doyng of the glorie of thin holynesse; and thei schulen telle thi merueils. 6And thei schulen seye the vertu of thi ferdful thingis; and thei schulen telle thi greetnesse. 7Thei schulen bringe forth the mynde of the abundaunce of thi swetnesse; and thei schulen telle with ful out ioiyng thi riytfulnesse. 8The Lord is a merciful doere, and merciful in wille; paciente, and myche merciful. 9The Lord is swete in alle thingis; and hise merciful doyngis ben on alle hise werkis. 10Lord, alle thi werkis knouleche to thee; and thi seyntis blesse thee. 11Thei schulen seie the glorie of thi rewme; and thei schulen speke thi power. 12That thei make thi power knowun to the sones of men; and the glorie of the greetnesse of thi rewme. 13Thi rewme is the rewme of alle worldis; and thi lordschipe is in al generacioun and in to generacioun. The Lord is feithful in alle hise wordis; and hooli in alle hise werkis. 14The Lord liftith vp alle that fallen doun; and reisith alle men hurtlid doun. 15Lord, the iyen of alle beestis hopen in thee; and thou yyuest the mete of hem in couenable tyme. 16Thou openest thin hond; and thou fillist ech beeste with blessing. 17The Lord is iust in alle hise weies; and hooli in alle hise werkis. 18The Lord is niy to alle that inwardli clepen him; to alle that inwardli clepen him in treuthe. 19He schal do the wille of hem, that dreden him, and he schal here the biseching of hem; and he schal make hem saaf. 20The Lord kepith alle men louynge him; and he schal leese alle synners. 21Mi mouth schal speke the heriyng of the Lord; and ech man blesse his hooli name in to the world, and in to the world of world. 145The `title of the hundred and fyue and fourtithe `salm. Alleluya. 2Mi soule, herie thou the Lord; Y schal herie the Lord in my lijf, Y schal synge to my God as longe as Y schal be. Nile ye triste in princis; 3nether in the sones of men, in whiche is noon helthe. 4The spirit of hym schal go out, and he schal turne ayen in to his erthe; in that dai alle the thouytis of hem schulen perische. 5He is blessid, of whom the God of Jacob is his helpere, his hope is in his Lord God, that made heuene and erthe; 6the see, and alle thingis that ben in tho. 7Which kepith treuthe in to the world, makith dom to hem that suffren wrong; yyueth mete to hem that ben hungri. The Lord vnbyndith feterid men; 8the Lord liytneth blynde men. The Lord reisith men hurtlid doun; the Lord loueth iust men. 9The Lord kepith comelyngis, he schal take vp a modirles child, and widewe; and he schal distrie the weies of synners. 10The Lord schal regne in to the worldis; Syon, thi God schal regne in generacioun and in to generacioun. 146The `title of the hundrid and sixe and fourtithe salm. Alleluya. Herie ye the Lord, for the salm is good; heriyng be myrie, and fair to oure God. 2The Lord schal bilde Jerusalem; and schal gadere togidere the scateryngis of Israel. 3Which Lord makith hool men contrit in herte; and byndith togidere the sorewes of hem. 4Which noumbrith the multitude of sterris; and clepith names to alle tho. 5Oure Lord is greet, and his vertu is greet; and of his wisdom is no noumbre. 6The Lord takith vp mylde men; forsothe he makith low synneris `til to the erthe. 7Bifore synge ye to the Lord in knoulechyng; seye ye salm to oure God in an harpe. 8Which hilith heuene with cloudis; and makith redi reyn to the erthe. Which bryngith forth hei in hillis; and eerbe to the seruice of men. 9Which yyueth mete to her werk beestis; and to the briddys of crowis clepinge hym. 10He schal not haue wille in the strengthe of an hors; nether it schal be wel plesaunt to hym in the leggis of a man. 147It is wel plesaunt to the Lord on men that dreden hym; and in hem that hopen on his mercy. 2Jerusalem, herie thou the Lord; Syon, herie thou thi God. 3For he hath coumfortid the lockis of thi yatis; he hath blessid thi sones in thee. 4Which hath set thi coostis pees; and fillith thee with the fatnesse of wheete. 5Which sendith out his speche to the erthe; his word renneth swiftli. 6Which yyueth snow as wolle; spredith abrood a cloude as aische. 7He sendith his cristal as mussels; who schal suffre bifore the face of his cooldnesse? 8He schal sende out his word, and schal melte tho; his spirit schal blowe, and watris schulen flowe. 9Which tellith his word to Jacob; and hise riytfulnessis and domes to Israel. 10He dide not so to ech nacioun; and he schewide not hise domes to hem. 148The `title of the hundrid and eiyte and fourtithe salm. Alleluya. Ye of heuenes, herie the Lord; herie ye hym in hiye thingis. 2Alle hise aungels, herie ye hym; alle hise vertues, herye ye hym. 3Sunne and moone, herie ye hym; alle sterris and liyt, herie ye hym. 4Heuenes of heuenes, herie ye hym; and the watris that ben aboue heuenes, 5herie ye the name of the Lord. 6For he seide, and thingis weren maad; he comaundide, and thingis weren maad of nouyt. He ordeynede tho thingis in to the world, and in to the world of world; he settide a comaundement, and it schal not passe. 7Ye of erthe, herie ye the Lord; dragouns, and alle depthis of watris. 8Fier, hail, snow, iys, spiritis of tempestis; that don his word. 9Mounteyns, and alle litle hillis; trees berynge fruyt, and alle cedris. 10Wielde beestis, and alle tame beestis; serpentis, and fetherid briddis. 11The kingis of erthe, and alle puplis; the princis, and alle iugis of erthe. 12Yonge men, and virgyns, elde men with yongere, herie ye the name of the Lord; 13for the name of hym aloone is enhaunsid. 14His knouleching be on heuene and erthe; and he hath enhaunsid the horn of his puple. An ympne be to alle hise seyntis; to the children of Israel, to a puple neiyynge to hym. 149The `title of the hundrid and nyne and fourtithe salm. Alleluya. Synge ye to the Lord a newe song; hise heriyng be in the chirche of seyntis. 2Israel be glad in hym that made hym; and the douytris of Syon make ful out ioye in her king. 3Herie thei his name in a queer; seie thei salm to hym in a tympan, and sautre. 4For the Lord is wel plesid in his puple; and he hath reisid mylde men in to heelthe. 5Seyntis schulen make ful out ioye in glorie; thei schulen be glad in her beddis. 6The ful out ioiyngis of God in the throte of hem; and swerdis scharp on `ech side in the hondis of hem. 7To do veniaunce in naciouns; blamyngis in puplis. 8To bynde the kyngis of hem in stockis; and the noble men of hem in yrun manaclis. 9That thei make in hem doom writun; this is glorye to alle hise seyntis. 150The title of the hundrid and fiftithe salm. Alleluya. Herie ye the Lord in hise seyntis; herie ye hym in the firmament of his vertu. 2Herie ye hym in hise vertues; herie ye hym bi the multitude of his greetnesse. 3Herie ye hym in the soun of trumpe; herie ye hym in a sautre and harpe. 4Herie ye hym in a tympane and queer; herie ye hym in strengis and orgun. 5Herie ye hym in cymbalis sownynge wel, herye ye hym in cymbalis of iubilacioun; 6ech spirit, herye the Lord.