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Wyc 2KI

1Forsothe Moab trespasside ayens Israel, after that Achab was deed. 2And Ocozie felde thorou the aleris of his soler, which he hadde in Samarie, and was sijk; and he sente messangeris, and seide to hem, Go ye, and councele Belzebub, god of Acharon, whether Y may lyue after this sijknesse of me. 3Forsothe the aungel of the Lord spak to Elye of Thesbi, and seide, Rise thou, and go doun into the metynge of the messangeris of the kyng of Samarie; and thou schalt seie to hem, Whether God is not in Israel, that ye go to counsel Belzebub, god of Acharon? 4For which thing the Lord seith these thingis, Thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist. 5And Elie yede. And the messangeris turneden ayen to Ocozie. And he seide to hem, Whi turneden ye ayen? 6And thei answeriden to hym, A man mette vs, and seide to vs, Go ye, turne ye ayen to the kyng, that sente you; and ye schulen seie to him, The Lord seith these thingis, Whether for God was not in Israel, thou sendist, that Belzebub, god of Acharon, be counselid? Therfor thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist, but thou schalt die bi deeth. 7Which Ocozie seide to hem, Of what figure and abite is that man, that mette you, and spak to you these wordis? 8And thei seiden, An heeri man, and gird with a girdil of skyn in the reynes. Which seide to hem, It is Elie of Thesbi. 9And he sente to Elie a prince of fifti, and fifti men that weren vndur hym. Which prince stiede to hym, and seide to hym, sittynge in the cop of the hil, Man of God, the kyng comaundith, that thou come doun. 10And Elie answeride, and seide to the prince of fifti men, If Y am the man of God, fier come doun fro heuene, and deuoure thee and thi fifti men. Therfor fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride hym, and the fifti men that weren with hym. 11Eft he sente to Elie another prince of fifti, and fifti men with hym, which spak to Helye, Man of God, the kyng seith these thingis, Haste thou, come thou doun. 12Elie answeride, and seide, If Y am the man of God, fier come doun fro heuene, and deuoure thee and thi fifti men. Therfor the fier of God cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride hym and hise fifti men. 13Eft he sente the thridde prince of fifti men, and fifti men that weren with hym. And whanne this prynce hadde come, he bowide the knees ayens Elie, and preiede hym, and seide, Man of God, nyle thou dispise my lijf, and the lyues of thi seruauntis that ben with me. 14Lo! fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride tweyne, the firste princis of fifti men, and the fifti men that weren with hem; but now, Y biseche, that thou haue mercy on my lijf. 15Forsothe the aungel of the Lord spak to Helie of Thesbi, and seide, Go thou doun with hym; drede thou not. Therfor Elie roos, and cam doun with hym to the kyng; 16and he spak to the kyng, The Lord seith thes thingis, For thou sentist messangeris to counsele Belzebub, god of Acharon, as if no God were in Israel, of whom thow myytist axe a word; therfor thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist, but thou schalt die bi deeth. 17Therfor he was deed bi the word of the Lord, which word Elie spak; and Joram, hys brothir, regnyde for hym, in the secounde yeer of Joram, the sone of Josephat, kyng of Juda; for Ocozie hadde no sone. 18Sotheli the residue of wordis of Ocozie, whiche he wrouyte, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel? 2Forsothe it was don, whanne the Lord wolde reise Elie bi a whirlewynd in to heuene, Elie and Elisee yeden fro Galgalis. 2And Elie seide to Elisee, Sitte thou here, for the Lord sente me til into Bethel. To whom Elisee seide, The Lord lyueth and thi soule lyueth, for Y schal not forsake thee. And whanne thei hadden come doun to Bethel, 3the sones of prophetis, that weren in Bethel, yeden out to Elisee, and seiden to hym, Whether thou knowist, that the Lord schal take awey thi lord to dai fro thee? Which answeride, And I knowe; be ye stille. 4Forsothe Elie seide to Elisee, Sitte thou here, for the Lord sente me into Jerico. And he seide, The Lord lyueth and thi soule lyueth, for Y schal not forsake thee. And whanne thei hadden come to Jerico, 5the sones of prophetis, that weren in Jerico, neiyiden to Elisee, and seiden to hym, Whether thou knowist, that the Lord schal take awei thi lord to dai fro thee? And he seide, Y knowe; be ye stille. 6Forsothe Elie seide to Elisee, Sitte thou here, for the Lord sente me `til to Jordan. Which seide, The Lord lyueth and thi soule lyueth, for Y schal not forsake thee. Therfor bothe yeden togidere; 7and fifti men of the sones of prophetis sueden, which also stoden fer euen ayens; sothely thei bothe stoden ouer Jordan. 8And Elie took his mentil, and wlappide it, and smoot the watris; whiche weren departid `into euer ethir part, and bothe yeden bi the drie. 9And whanne thei hadden passid, Elie seide to Elisee, Axe thou that, that thou wolt that Y do to thee, bifor that Y be takun awey fro thee. And Elisee seide, Y biseche, that thi double spirit be `maad in me. 10Which Elie answeride, Thou axist an hard thing; netheles if thou schalt se me, whanne Y schal be takun awei fro thee, that that thou axidist schal be; sotheli, if thou schalt not se, it schal not be. 11And whanne thei yeden, and spaken goynge, lo! a chare of fier and horsys of fier departiden euer either; and Elie stiede bi a whirlewynd in to heuene. 12Forsothe Elise siy, and criede, My fadir! my fadir! the chare of Israel, and the charietere therof. And he siy no more Elie. And he took hise clothis, and to-rente tho in to twei partis. 13And he reiside the mentil of Elie, that felde doun to hym; and he turnede ayen, and stood ouer the ryuer of Jordan. 14And with the mentil of Elie, that felde doun to hym, he smoot the watris, whiche weren not departid. And he seide, Where is God of Elie also now? And he smoot the watris, and tho weren departid hidur and thidur; and Elisee passide. 15Sotheli the sones of prophetis, that weren in Jerico euene ayens, siyen, and seiden, The spirit of Elie restide on Elisee. And thei camen in to the meetyng of hym, and worschipiden hym lowli to erthe. 16And thei seiden to hym, Lo! with thi seruauntis ben fifti stronge men, that moun go, and seke thi lord, lest perauenture the Spirit of the Lord hath take hym, and hath cast forth hym in oon of the hillis, ethir in oon of the valeys. 17Which seide, `Nyle ye sende. And thei constreyneden hym, til he assentide to hem, and seide, Sende ye. And thei senten fifti men; and whanne thei hadden souyt bi thre daies, thei founden not. 18And thei turneden ayen to hym; and he dwelide in Jerico. And he seide to hem, Whether Y seide not to you, Nyle ye sende? 19Therfor the men of the citee seiden to Elisee, Lo! the dwellyng of this cite is ful good, as thou thi silf, lord, seest; but the watris ben ful yuele, and the lond is bareyn. 20And he seide, Brynge ye to me a newe vessel, and sende ye salt in to it. And whanne thei hadden brouyt it, 21he yede out to the welle of watris, and sente salt in to it, and seide, The Lord seith these thingis, Y haue helid these watris, and nethir deeth, nether bareynesse, schal be more in tho. 22Therfor the watris weren heelid til in to this dai, bi the word of Elisee, which he spak. 23Forsothe Elisee stiede fro thennus in to Bethel; and whanne he stiede bi the weie, litle children yeden out of the citee, and scorneden hym, and seiden, Stie, thou ballard! stie, thou ballard! 24And whanne he hadde biholde, he siy hem, and curside hem in the name of the Lord. And twey beeris yeden out of the forest, and to-rente fourti children of hem. 25Sotheli Elisee wente fro thennus in to the hil of Carmele, and fro thennus he turnede `ayen to Samarie. 3Forsothe Joram, sone of Achab, regnede on Israel, in Samarie, in the eiytenthe yeer of Josephat, kyng of Juda. And he regnede twelue yeer, 2and he dide yuel bifor the Lord, but not as his fader and modir; 3for he took awei the ymagis of Baal, whiche his fadir hadde maad, netheles in the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne, `he cleuyde, and yede not awei fro tho. 4Forsothe Mesa, kyng of Moab, nurschide many beestis, and paiede to the kyng of Israel an hundrid thousynde of lambren, and an hundrid thousynde of wetheris, with her fleesis. 5And whanne Achab was deed, he brak the boond of pees, which he hadde with the kyng of Israel. 6Therfor kyng Joram yede out of Samarie in that dai, and noumbride al Israel. 7And he sente to Josephat, kyng of Juda, and seide, The kyng of Moab yede awei fro me; come thou with me ayens him to batel. Which Josephat answeride, Y schal stie; he that is myn, is thin; my puple is thi puple; and myn horsis ben thin horsis. 8And he seide, Bi what weie schulen we stie? And he answeride, Bi the deseert of Ydumee. 9Therfor the kyng of Israel, and the kyng of Juda, and the kyng of Edom, yeden forth, and cumpassiden bi the weie of seuene daies; and `watir was not to the oost, and to the beestis, that sueden hem. 10And the kyng of Israel seide, Alas! alas! alas! the Lord hath gaderide vs thre kyngis to bitake vs in the hond of Moab. 11And Josephat seide, Whether ony prophete of the Lord is here, that we biseche the Lord bi hym? And oon of the seruauntis of the kyng of Israel answeride, Elisee, the sone of Saphat, is here, that schedde watir on the hondis of Elie. 12And Josephat seide, Is the word of the Lord at hym? Whiche seiden, `It is. And the kyng of Israel, and Josephat, kyng of Juda, and the kyng of Edom, yeden doun to hym. 13Forsothe Elise seide to the kyng of Israel, What is to me and to thee? Go thou to the prophetis of thi fadir and of thi modir. And the kyng of Israel seide to hym, Whi hath the Lord gaderid these thre kyngis, to bitake hem into the hondis of Moab? 14And Elisee seide to hym, The Lord of oostis lyueth, in whos siyt Y stonde, if Y were not aschamed of the cheer of Josephat, king of Juda, treuli Y hadde not perseyued, nethir Y hadde biholde thee. 15Now forsothe brynge ye to me a sautrere. And whanne the sautrere song, the hond of the Lord was maad on hym, and he seide, The Lord seith these thingis, 16Make ye the wombe, ether depthe, of this stronde dichis and dichis. 17For the Lord seith these thingis, Ye schulen not se wynd, nethir reyn, and this depthe schal be fillid with watris, and ye schulen drynke, and youre meynees, and youre beestis. 18And this is litil in the siyt of the Lord. Ferthermore also he schal bitake Moab in to youre hondis; 19and ye schulen smyte ech strengthid citee, and ech chosun citee, and ye schulen kitte doun ech tre berynge fruyt, and ye schulen stoppe alle the wellis of watris, and ye schulen hile with stonys ech noble feeld. 20Therfor it was doon eerli, whanne sacrifice is wont to be offrid, and, lo! watris camen bi the weie of Edom, and the lond was fillid with watris. 21Sotheli alle men of Moab herden, that kyngis hadden stied to fiyte ayens hem; `and men of Moab clepiden togidere alle men, that weren gird with girdil aboue, and thei stoden in the termes. 22And men of Moab risiden ful eerli, and whanne the sunne was risun thanne euen ayens the watris, thei sien the watris reed as blood euene ayens. 23And thei seiden, It is the blood of swerd, `that is, sched out bi swerd; kyngis fouyten ayens hem silf, and thei ben slayn togider; now go thou, Moab, to the prey. 24And thei yeden in to the castels of Israel; forsothe Israel roos, and smoot Moab, and thei fledden bifor men of Israel. Therfor thei that hadden ouercome, camen, and smytiden Moab, and destrieden cytees; 25and alle men sendynge stoonys filliden ech beste feeld, and stoppiden alle the wellis of watris, and kittiden doun alle trees berynge fruyt, so that oneli `wallis maad of erthe weren left; and the citee was cumpassid of men settinge engynes, and was smytun bi greet part. 26And whanne the kyng of Moab hadde seyn this, that is, that the enemyes hadden the maistrie, he took with hym seuene hundrid men drawynge swerdis, that thei shulden breke in to the kyng of Edom; and thei myyten not. 27And he took his firste gendrid sone, that schulde regne for hym, and offride brent sacrifice on the wal; and greet indignacioun was maad in Israel; and anoon thei yeden awei fro hym, and turneden ayen in to her lond. 4Forsothe sum womman of the wyues of prophetys criede to Elisee, and seide, Thi seruaunt, myn hosebonde, is deed, and thou knowist that thi seruaunt dredde God; and lo! the creaunser, `that is, he to whom the dette is owid, cometh to take my two sones to serue hym. 2To whom Elisee seide, What wolt thou that Y do to thee? seie thou to me, what hast thou in thin hows? And she answeride, Y thin handmayde haue not ony thing in myn hows, no but a litil of oile, bi which Y schal be anoyntid. 3To whom he seide, Go thou, and axe bi borewyng of alle thi neiyboris voide vessels not fewe. 4And entre, and close thi dore, whanne thou art with ynne, thou and thi sones; and putte ye therof in to alle these vessels; and whanne tho schulen be ful, thou schalt take awei. 5Therfor the womman yede, and closide the dore on hir silf and on hir sones, thei brouyten vessels, and sche `heldide in. 6And whanne the vessels weren fulle, sche seide to hir sone, Brynge thou yit a vessel to me. And he answeride, Y haue not. And the oyle stood. 7Forsothe sche cam, and schewide to the man of God; and he seide, Go thou, sil thou the oile, and yelde to thi creauncer; forsothe thou and thi children lyue of the residue. 8Forsothe sum day was maad, and Elisee passide bi a citee, Sunam; sotheli a greet womman was there, which helde hym, that he schulde ete breed. And whanne he passide ofte therbi, `he turnede to hir, that he schulde ete breed. 9`Which womman seide to hir hosebonde, Y perseyue that this is an hooli man of God, that passith ofte bi vs; 10therfor make we a litil soler to hym, and putte we therynne a litil bed to hym, and a boord, and a chaier, and a candilstike; that whanne he cometh to vs, he dwelle there. 11Therfor sum dai was maad, and he cam, and turnede in to the soler, and restide there. 12And he seide to Giezi, his child, Clepe thou this Sunamyte. And whanne he hadde clepid hir, and sche hadde stonde 13bifor hym, he seide to his child, Speke thou to hir, Lo! thou hast mynystride to vs bisili in alle thingis; what wolt thou that Y do to thee? Whether thou hast a cause, and wolt that Y speke to the kyng, ether to the prince of the chyualrye? And sche answeride, I dwelle in the myddis of my puple. 14And he seide, What therfor wole sche that Y do to hir? Giezi seide to hym, Axe thou not, for she hath no sone, and hir hosebonde is eeld. 15Therfor Elisee comaundide, that he schulde clepe hir. And whanne sche was clepid, and stood bifor the dore, 16he seide to hir, In this tyme and in this same our, if lijf schal be felow, thou schalt haue a sone in the wombe. And sche answeride, Nyle thou, my lord, the man of God, Y biseche, nyle thou lye to thin hondmaide. 17And the womman conseyuede, and childide a sone in the tyme, and in the same our, in which Elisee hadde seid. 18Sotheli the child encreeside; and whanne sum day was, and the child was goon out, and yede to his fadir, 19and to the repers, he seide to his fadir, Myn heed akith, myn heed akith. And he seide to a child, Take, and lede hym to his modir. 20And whanne he hadde take, and hadde brouyt hym to his modir, sche settide hym on hir knees `til to myddai, and he was deed. 21Sotheli she stiede, and leide hym on the litil bed of the man of God, and closide the dore. 22And sche yede out, and clepide hir hosebonde, and seide, Y biseche, sende thou with me oon of the children, and an asse, and Y schal renne out `til to the man of God, and Y schal turne ayen. 23And he seide to hir, For what cause goist thou to hym? to dai ben not calendis, nether sabat. And she answeride, Y schal go. 24And sche sadlide the asse, and comaundide to the child, Dryue thou, and haaste; make thou not tariyng to me in goyng, and do thou this thing which Y comaunde to thee. 25Therfor sche yede forth, and cam to the man of God, in to the hil of Carmele. And whanne the man of God hadde seyn hir euene ayen, he seide to Giezi, his child, Lo! thilke Sunamyte; go thou therfor in to the metyng of hir, 26and seie thou to hir, Whether it is doon riytfuli aboute thee, and aboute thin hosebonde, and aboute thi sone? And sche answeride, Riytfuli. 27And whanne sche hadde come to the man of God, in to the hil, sche took his feet; and Giezi neiyede, that he schulde remoue hir. And the man of God seide, Suffre thou hir; for hir soule is in bitternesse, and the Lord helde priuy fro me, and schewide not to me. 28And sche seide to hym, Whether I axide my sone of my lord? Whether Y seide not to thee, Scorne thou not me? 29And he seide to Giezi, Girde thi leendis, and take my staf in thin hond, and go; if a man metith thee, grete thou not hym; and if ony man gretith thee, answere thou not hym; and putte thou my staf on the face of the child. 30Forsothe the `modir of the child seide, The Lord lyueth and thi soule lyueth, Y schal not leeue, `ether forsake, thee. Therfor he roos, and suede hir. 31Sotheli Giezi yede bifor hem, and puttide the staaf on the face of the child; and `vois was not, nether wit. And Giezi turnede ayen to the meetyng of hym; and telde to him, and seyde, The child `roos not. 32Therfor Elisee entride in to the hows, and, lo! the deed child lai in his bed. 33And he entride, and closide the dore on hym silf, and on the child; and preiede to the Lord. 34And he stiede, and lay on the child; and he puttide his mouth on the mouth of the child, and hise iyen on the iyen of the child, and hise hondis on the hondis of the child. And he bouwide hym silf on the child; and the fleisch of the child was maad hoot. 35And he turnede ayen, and walkide in the hows onys hidur and thidur; and Elisee stiede, and lai on the child, and the child yoxide seuene sithis, and openyde the iyen. 36And he clepide Giezi, and seide to hym, Clepe thou this Sunamyte. And sche was clepid, and entride to hym. And he seide, Take thi sone. 37She cam, and felde doun to his feet, and worschipide on erthe; and sche took hir sone, and yede out. 38And Elisee turnede ayen in to Galgala. Forsothe hungur was in the lond, and the sones of prophetis dwelliden bifor hym. And Elisee seide to oon of his children, Set thou a greet pot, and sethe thou potage to the sones of prophetis. 39And oon yede out in to the feeld to gadere eerbis of the feeld; and he foond as a wilde vyne, and he gaderide therof gourdis of the feeld. And he fillide his mentil, and he turnede ayen, and schredde in to the pot of potage; for he wiste not what it was. 40Therfor thei helden yn to felowis to ete; and whanne thei hadden taastid of the sething, thei crieden out, and seiden, Deth in the pot! deeth in the pot! thou man of God. And thei miyten not ete. And he seide, Brynge ye meele. 41And whanne thei hadden brouyt, he puttide in to the pot, and seide, Helde ye to the cumpany, that thei ete; and ony thing of bitternesse was nomore in the pot. 42Forsothe sum man cam fro the pleyn of Salisa, and bar to the man of God looues of the firste fruytis, ten looues of barli, and newe wheete, in his scrippe. And the man of God seide, Yyue thou to the puple, that it ete. 43And his mynystre answeride to hym, `Hou myche is this, that Y sette bifor an hundrid men? Eft Elisee seide, Yyue thou to the puple, that it ete; for the Lord seith these thingis, Thei schulen ete, and it shal leeue. 44Therfor he puttide bifor hem, whiche eeten; and it lefte, bi the word of the Lord. 5Naaman, prince of the chyualrye of the kyng of Syrie, was a greet man, and worschipid anentis his lord; for bi hym the Lord yaf helthe to Sirie; sotheli he was a strong man and riche, but leprouse. 2Forsothe theues yede out of Sirie, and ledden prisonere fro the lond of Israel a litil damysele, that was in the seruyce of the wijf of Naaman. 3`Which damysele seide to hir ladi, `Y wolde, that my lord hadde be at the prophete which is in Samarie; sotheli the prophete schulde haue curid hym of the lepre which he hath. 4Therfor Naaman entride to his lord, and telde to hym, and seide, A damysel of the lond of Israel spak so and so. 5Therfor the kyng of Syrie seide to hym, Go thou, and Y schal sende lettris to the kyng of Israel. And whanne he hadde go forth, and hadde take with hym ten talentis of siluer, and sixe thousynde goldun platis, `ether floreyns, and ten chaungyngis of clothis, 6he brouyte lettris to the kyng of Israel bi these wordis; Whanne thou hast take this pistle, wite thou, that Y haue sent to thee Naaman, my seruaunt, that thou cure hym of his lepre. 7And whanne the kyng of Israel hadde red the lettris, he to-rente his clothis, and seide, Whether Y am God, that may sle and quykene, for this kyng sente to me, that Y cure a man of his lepre? Perseyue ye, and se, that he sekith occasiouns ayens me. 8And whanne Elisee, the man of God, hadde herd this, that is, that the kyng of Israel hadde to-rente hise clothis, he sente to the kyng, and seide, Whi to-rentist thou thi clothis? come he to me, and wite he, that a prophete is in Israel. 9Therfor Naaman cam with horsis and charis, and stood at the dore of the hows of Elisee. 10And Elisee sente to hym a messanger, and seide, Go thou, and be thou waischun seuensithis in Jordan; and thi fleisch shal resseyue helthe, and thou schalt be clensid. 11Naaman was wrooth, and yede awei, and seide, Y gesside, that he schulde go out to me, and that he schulde stonde, and clepe the name of `the Lord his God, and that he schulde touche with his hond the place of lepre, and schulde cure me. 12Whether Abana and Pharphar, floodis of Damask, ben not betere than alle the watris of Israel, that Y be waischun in tho, and be clensid? 13Therfor whanne he hadde turned hym silf, and yede awei, hauynge indignacioun, hise seruauntis neiyiden to hym, and spaken to hym, Fadir, thouy the prophete hadde seid to thee a greet thing, certis thou owist to do; hou myche more for now he seide to thee, Be thou waischun, and thou schalt be clensid. 14He yede doun, and waischide hym seuensithis in Jordan, bi the word of the man of God; and his fleisch was restored as the fleisch of a litil child, and he was clensid. 15And he turnede ayen with al his felouschipe to the man of God, and cam, and stood bifor hym; and seide, Verili Y knowe, that noon other God is in al erthe, no but oneli God of Israel; therfor, Y biseche, that thou take blessyng of thi seruaunt. 16And he answeride, The Lord lyueth bifor whom Y stonde, for Y schal not take. And whanne he made `strengthe, that is, greet preier, Elisee assentide not outirli. 17Therfor Naaman seide, As thou wolt; but, I biseche, graunte thou to me, thi seruaunt, that Y take of `the lond the birthun of twei burdones; for thi seruaunt schal no more make brent sacrifice, ether slayn sacrifice, to alien goddis, no but to the Lord. 18Forsothe this thing is oneli, of which thou schalt preie the Lord for thi seruaunt, whanne my lord shal entre into the temple of Remmon, that he worschipe, and while he `schal lene on myn hond, if Y worschipe in the temple of Remmon, while he worschipith in the same place, that the Lord foryyue to thi seruaunt for this thing. 19Which Elisee seide to hym, Go thou in pees. `Therfor he yede fro Elisee in a chosun tyme of the lond. 20And Giezi, the child of the man of God, seide, My lord sparide this Naaman of Syrie, that he took not of hym that, that he brouyte; the Lord lyueth, for Y schal renne aftir hym, and Y schal take of hym sum thing. 21And Giezi suede aftir the bak of Naaman; and whanne Naaman hadde seyn Giezi rennynge to hym, he skippide doun of the chare in to the metyng of Giezi; and seide, Whether alle thingis ben riytfuli? 22And he seide, Riytfuli; my lord sente me to thee, and seide, Twey yonge men of the hille of Effraym, of the sones of prophetis, camen now to me; yyue thou to hem a talent of siluer, and double chaungyng clothis. 23And Naaman seide, It is betere that thou take twei talentis. And Naaman constreynede hym; and Naaman boond twei talentis of siluer in twei sackis, and double clothis, and puttide on his twey children, `that is, seruauntis, whiche also baren bifor Giezi. 24And whanne he hadde come thanne in the euentid, he took fro the hond of hem, and leide vp in the hows; and he delyuerede the men, and thei yeden. 25Forsothe Giezi entride, and stood bifor his lord. And Elise seide, Giezi, fro whennus comest thou? Which answeride, Thi seruaunt yede not to ony place. 26And Elise seide, Whether myn herte was not in present, whanne the man turnede ayen fro his chare in to the metyng of thee? Now therfor thou hast take siluer, and thou hast take clothis, that thou bie places of olyues, and vyneris, and scheep, and oxis, and seruauntis, and handmaydis; 27but also the lepre of Naaman schal cleue to thee, and to thi seed withouten ende. And Giezi yede leprouse as snow, `fro hym. 6Forsothe the sones of prophetis seiden to Elisee, Lo! the place in which we dwellen bifor thee, is streiyt to vs; 2go we `til to Jordan, and ech man take of the wode `a mater for hym silf, that we bild to vs here a place to dwelle. 3Which Elisee seide, Go ye. And oon of hem seide, Therfor `and thou come with thi seruauntis. He answeride, Y schal come. And he yede with hem. 4And whanne thei `hadden come to Jordan, thei hewiden trees. 5Sotheli it bifelde, that whanne `o man hadde kit doun mater, the yrun of the axe felde in to the watir; and he criede, and seide, Alas! alas! alas! my lord, and Y hadde take this same thing bi borewing. 6Sotheli the man of God seide, Where felde it? And he schewide to hym the place. Therfor he kittide doun a tree, and sente thidur; and the yrun fletide. 7And he seide, Take thou. Which helde forth the hond, and took it. 8Forsothe the kyng of Syrie fauyte ayens Israel; and he took counseil with hise seruauntis, and seide, Sette we buschementis in this place and that. 9Therfor the man of God sente to the kyng of Israel, and seide, Be war, lest thou passe to that place, for men of Sirie ben there in buschementis. 10Therfor the kyng of Israel sente to the place, which the man of God hadde seid to him, and bifor ocupiede it, and kepte hym silf there not onys, nether twies. 11And the herte of the kyng of Sirie was disturblid for this thing; and whanne hise seruauntis weren clepide togidere, he seide, Whi schewen ye not to me, who is my tretour anentis the kyng of Israel? 12And oon of hise seruauntis seide, Nay, my lord the kyng, but Elisee, the prophete, which is in Israel, schewith to the kyng of Israel alle thingis, what euer thingis thou spekist in thi closet. 13And the kyng seide to hem, `Go ye, and se, where he is, that Y sende, and take hym. And thei telden to him, and seiden, Lo! he dwellith in Dothaym. 14And the kyng sente thidur horsis, and charis, and the strengthe of the oost; whiche, whanne thei hadden come bi nyyt, cumpassiden the citee. 15Sotheli the mynystre of the man of God roos eerli, and yede out, and he siy an oost in the cumpas of the citee, and horsis, and charis. And he telde to the man of God, and seide, Alas! alas! alas! my lord, what schulen we do? 16And he answeride, Nile thou drede; for mo ben with vs than with hem. 17And whanne Elisee hadde preied, he seide, Lord, opene thou the iyen of this child, that he se. And the Lord openyde the iyen of the child, and he siy. And, lo! the hil ful of horsis, and of charis of fier, in the cumpas of Elisee. 18Sotheli the enemyes camen doun to hym; forsothe Elisee preiede to the Lord, and seide, Y biseche, smyte thou this folc with blyndenesse. And the Lord smoot hem, that thei sien not, bi the word of Elisee. 19Forsothe Elisee seide to hem, This is not the weie, nether this is the citee; sue ye me, and Y schal schewe to you the man, whom ye seken. And he ledde hem into Samarie. 20And whanne thei hadden entrid into Samarie, Elisee seide, Lord, opene thou the iyen of these men, that thei see. And the Lord openyde her iyen, and thei siyen, that thei weren in the myddis of Samarie. 21And the kyng of Israel, whanne he hadde seyn hem, seide to Elisee, My fadir, whether Y schal smyte hem? 22And he seide, Thou schalt not smyte hem, for thou hast not take hem bi thi swerd and bouwe, that thou smyte hem; but sette thou breed and watir bifor hem, that thei ete and drynke, and go to her lord. 23And `greet makyng redi of metis was set forth to hem; and thei eten, and drunken. And the kyng lefte hem, and thei yeden to her lord; and theues of Sirie camen no more in to the lond of Israel. 24Forsothe it was don after these thingis, Benadab, king of Sirie, gaderide alle his oost, and stiede, and bisegide Samarie. 25And greet hungur was maad in Samarie; and so long it was bisegid, til the heed of an asse were seeld for fourescore platis of siluer, and the fourthe part of a mesure clepid cabus of the crawe of culueris was seeld for fyue platis of siluer. 26And whanne the kyng of Israel passide bi the wal, sum womman criede to hym, and seide, My lord the kyng, saue thou me. 27Which seide, Nai, the Lord saue thee; wherof may Y saue thee? of cornfloor, ethir of pressour? And the kyng seide to hir, What wolt thou to thee? 28And sche answeride, This womman seide to me, Yyue thi sone, that we ete hym to dai, and we schulen ete my sone to morewe. 29Therfor we setheden my sone, and eten him. And Y seide to hir in the tother day, Yyue thi sone, that we ete hym; and she hidde hir sone. 30And whanne the kyng hadde herd this, he to-rente hise clothis, and passide bi the wal; and al the puple siy the heire, `with which the kyng was clothid at the fleisch with ynne. 31And the kyng seide, God do to me these thingis, and adde these thingis, if the heed of Elise, sone of Saphat, schal stonde on hym to dai. 32Sotheli Elisee sat in his hows, and elde men saten with hym; `therfor he biforsente a man, and bifor that thilke messanger cam, Elisee seide to the elde men, Whether ye witen, that the sone of manquellere sente hidur, that myn heed be gird of? Therfor se ye, whanne the messanger cometh, close ye the dore, and `suffre ye not hym to entre; for, lo! the sown of the feet of his lord is bihynde hym. 33And yit `while he spak to hem, the messanger that cam to hym apperide; and the kyng seide, Lo! so greet yuel is of the Lord; sotheli what more schal Y abide of the Lord? 7Forsothe Elisee seide, Here ye the word of the Lord; the Lord seith these thingis, In this tyme to morewe a buschel of flour schal be for a stater, and twei buschels of barli for a stater, in the yate of Samarie. 2And oon of the duykis, on whos hond the kyng lenyde, answeride to the man of God, and seide, Thouy `also the Lord make the goteris of heuene to be openyd, whether that, that thou spekist, mai be? Which Elisee seide, Thou schalt se with thin iyen, and thou schalt not ete therof. 3Therfor foure leprouse men weren bisidis the entryng of the yate, whiche seiden togidere, What wolen we be here, til we dien? 4Whether we wolen entre in to the citee, we schulen die for hungur; whether we dwellen here, we schulen die. Therfor come ye, and fle we ouer to the castels of Sirie; if thei schulen spare vs, we schulen lyue; sotheli if thei wolen sle, netheles we schulen die. 5Therfor thei risiden in the euentide to come to the castels of Sirie; and whanne thei hadden come to the bigynnyng of the castels of Sirie, thei founden not ony man there. 6Forsothe the Lord hadde maad a sown of charis, and of horsis, and of ful myche oost to be herd in the castels of Sirie; and thei seiden togidere, Lo! the kyng of Israel hath hirid bi meede ayens vs the kyngis of Etheis and of Egipcians; and thei camen on vs. 7Therfor thei risiden, and fledden in derknessis, and leften her tentis, and horsis, and mulis, and assis, in the castels; and thei fledden, couetynge to saue her lyues oonli. 8Therfor whanne thilke leprouse men hadden come to the bigynnyng of the castels, thei entriden into o tabernacle, and eetun, and drunken; and thei token fro thennus siluer, and gold, and clothis; and yeden, and hidden; and eft thei turneden ayen to anothir tabernacle, and in lijk maner thei token awei fro thennus, and hidden. 9And thei seiden togidere, We doen not riytfuli, for this is a dai of good message; if we holden stille, and nylen telle til the morewtid, we schulen be repreued of trespassyng; come ye, go we, and telle in the `halle of the kyng. 10And whanne thei hadden come to the yate of the citee, thei telden to hem, and seiden, We yeden to the castels of Sirie, and we founden not ony man there, no but horsis and assis tied, and tentis fastned. 11Therfor the porteris yeden, and telden in the paleis of the kyng with ynne. 12Which king roos bi niyt, and seide to hise seruauntis, Y seie to you, what the men of Sirie han do to vs; thei witen, that we trauelen with hungur, therfor thei yeden out of the castels, and ben hid in the feeldis, and seien, Whanne thei schulen go out of the citee, we schulen take hem quyk, and thanne we schulen mowe entre in to the citee. 13Forsothe oon of his seruauntis answeride, Take we fyue horsis, that leften in the citee; for tho ben oonli in al the multitude of Israel, for othere horsis ben wastid; and we sendynge moun aspie. 14Therfor thei brouyten forth twei horsis; and the kyng sente in to the castels of men of Sirie, and seide, Go ye, and se. 15Whiche yeden after hem `til to Jordan; lo! forsothe al the weie was ful of clothis, and of vessels, whiche the men of Sirie castiden forth, whanne thei weren disturblid. And the messangeris turneden ayen, and schewiden to the kyng. 16And the puple yede out, and rauyschide the castels of Sirie; and a buyschel of flour was maad for o stater, and twei buyschels of barli for o stater, bi the word of the Lord. 17Forsothe the kyng ordeynede at the yate that duyk, in whos hond the kyng lenyde; whom the cumpeny to-trad with her feet, and he was deed, bi the word, which the man of God spak, whanne the kyng cam doun to hym. 18And it was doon bi the word of the man of God, which he seide to the kyng, whanne he seide, Twei buyschels of barli shulen be for a statir, and a buyschel of wheete flour for a stater, in this same tyme to morewe in the yate of Samarie; 19whanne thilke duyk answeride to the man of God, and seide, Yhe, thouy the Lord schal make the goteris in heuene to be openyd, whether this that thou spekist may be? and the man of God seide, Thou schalt se with thin iyen, and thou schalt not ete therof. 20Therfore it bifelde to hym, as it was biforseid; and the puple to-trad hym with feet in the yate, and he was deed. 8Forsothe Elisee spak to the womman, whose sone he made to lyue, and he seide, Rise thou, and go, bothe thou and thin hows, and `go in pilgrimage, where euer thou schalt fynde; for the Lord schal clepe hungur, and it schal come on the lond bi seuene yeer. 2And sche roos, and dide bi the word of the man of God; and sche yede with hir hows, and was in pilgrimage in the lond of Philistym many daies. 3And whanne seuene yeer weren endid, the womman turnede ayen fro the lond of Philisteis; and sche yede out, to axe the kyng for her hows, and hir feeldis. 4Sotheli the kyng spak with Giezi, child of the man of God, and seide, Telle thou to me alle the grete dedis whiche Elisee dide. 5And whanne he telde to the kyng, hou Elisee hadde reiside a deed man, the womman apperide, whos sone he hadde maad to lyue, and sche criede to the kyng for hir hows, and for hir feeldis. And Giesi seide, My lord the king, this is the womman, and this is hir sone, whom Elisee reiside. 6And the kyng axide the womman, and sche tolde to hym, that the thingis weren sothe. And the kyng yaf to hir o chaumburleyn, and seide, Restore thou to hir alle thingis that ben hern, and alle fruytis of the feeldis, fro the dai in which she left the lond `til to present tyme. 7Also Elisee cam to Damask, and Benadab, kyng of Sirie, was sijk; and thei telden to hym, and seiden, The man of God cam hidur. 8And the kyng seide to Azael, Take with thee yiftis, and go thou in to the meetyng of the man of God, and `counsele thou bi hym the Lord, and seie thou, Whether Y may ascape fro this `sikenesse of me? 9Therfor Azael yede in to the meetyng of hym, and hadde with hym silf yiftis, and alle the goodis of Damask, the burthuns of fourti camels. And whanne he hadde stonde bifor Elisee, he seide, Thi sone, Benadab, kyng of Sirie, sente me to thee, and seide, Whether Y may be helid of this `sikenesse of me? 10And Elisee seide, Go thou, and seye to hym, Thou schalt be heelid; forsothe the Lord schewide to me that he schal die bi deth. 11And he stood with hym, and he was disturblid, `til to the castyng doun of cheer; and the man of God wepte. 12`To whom Azael seide, Whi wepith my lord? And he answeride, For Y woot what yuelis thou schalt do to the sones of Israel; thou schalt brenne bi fier the strengthid citees of hem, and thou schalt sle bi swerd the yonge men of hem, and thou schalt hurtle doun the litle children of hem, and thou schalt departe the women with childe. 13And Azael seide, What sotheli am Y, thi seruaunt, a dogge, that Y do this grete thing? And Elisee seide, The Lord schewide to me that thou schalt be kyng of Sirie. 14And whanne he hadde departid fro Elisee, he cam to his lord; which seide to Azael, What seide Elisee to thee? And he answeride, Elisee seide to me, Thou schalt resseyue helthe. 15And whanne `the tother day hadde come, Azael took the cloth on the bed, and bischedde with watir, and spredde abrood on the face of hym; and whanne he was deed, Azael regnede for hym. 16In the fyuethe yeer of Joram, sone of Achab, kyng of Israel, and of Josephat, kyng of Juda, Joram, sone of Josephat, kyng of Juda, regnede. 17He was of two and thretti yeer whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede eiyte yeer in Jerusalem. 18And he yede in the weies of the kyngis of Israel, as the hows of Achab hadde go; for the douyter of Achab was his wijf; and he dide that, that is yuel in the siyt of the Lord. 19Forsothe the Lord nolde distrie Juda, for Dauid, his seruaunt, as he `hadde bihiyt to Dauid, that he schulde yyue to hym a lanterne, and to hise sones in alle daies. 20In tho daies Edom, `that is, Ydumee, yede awei, that it schulde not be vndur Juda; and made a kyng to it silf. 21And Joram cam to Seira, and alle the charis with hym; and he roos bi nyyt, and smoot Ydumeis, that cumpassiden hym, and the princis of charis; sotheli the puple fledde in to her tabernaclis. 22Therfor Edom yede awei, that it was not vndur Juda `til to this day; thanne also Lobna yede awey in that tyme. 23Forsothe the residues of wordis of Joram, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kingis of Juda? 24And Joram slepte with hise fadris, and was biried with hem in the citee of Dauid; and Ocozie, his sone, regnede for hym. 25In the tweluethe yeer of Joram, sone of Achab, kyng of Israel, Ocozie, sone of Joram, kyng of Juda, regnede. 26Ocozie, the sone of Joram, was of two and twenti yeer whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede o yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his moder was Athalia, the douyter of Amry, kyng of Israel. 27And he yede in the waies of the hows of Achab, and dide that, that is yuel, bifor the Lord, as the hows of Achab dide; for he was hosebonde of a douyter of the hows of Achab. 28Also he yede with Joram, sone of Achab, to fiyt ayens Azael, kyng of Sirie, in Ramoth of Galaad; and men of Sirie woundiden Joram. 29Which turnede ayen, to be heelid in Jezrael; for men of Sirie woundiden hym in Ramoth, fiytynge ayens Azael, kyng of Sirye. Forsothe Ocozie, sone of Joram, the kyng of Juda, cam doun to se Joram, sone of Achab, in to Jezrael, that was sijk there. 9Forsothe Elisee, the prophete, clepide oon of the sones of prophetis, and seide to hym, Girde thi leendis, and take this vessel of oile in thin hond, and go in to Ramoth of Galaad. 2And whanne thou schalt come thidur, thou schalt se Hieu, sone of Josephat, sone of Namsi; and thou schalt entre, and schalt reise hym fro the myddis of hise britheren, and thou schalt lede hym in to the ynnere closet. 3And thou schalt holde the vessel of oile, and schalt schede on his heed, and schalt seie, The Lord seith these thingis, I haue anoyntid thee in to kyng on Israel; and thou schalt opene the dore, and schalt flee, and schalt not abide there. 4Therfor the yong wexynge man, the child of the prophete, yede in to Ramoth of Galaad, and entride thidur. 5Lo! sotheli the princes of the oost saten; and he seide, A! prince, Y haue a word to thee. And Hieu seide, To whom of alle vs? And he seide, To thee, thou prince. 6And he roos, and entride into the closet. And thilk child schedde oile on the heed of hym, and seide, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Y haue anointid thee in to kyng on the puple of the Lord of Israel; and thou schalt smyte the hows of Achab, 7thi lord, that Y venge the blood of my seruauntis prophetis, and the blood of alle the seruauntis of the Lord, of the hond of Jezabel. 8And Y schal lese al the hows of Achab, and Y schal sle of the hows of Achab a pissere to the wal, and closid, and the laste in Israel. 9And Y schal yyue the hows of Achab as the hows of Jeroboam, sone of Nabat, and as the hous of Baasa, sone of Ahia. 10Also doggis schulen ete Jezabel in the feeld of Jezrael; and `noon schal be that schal birie hir. And `the child openyde the dore, and fledde. 11Forsothe Hieu yede out to the seruauntis of his lord, whiche seiden to hym, Whether alle thingis ben riytfuli? What cam this wood man to thee? Which seide to hem, Ye knowen the man, and what he spak. 12And thei answeriden, It is fals; but more telle thou to vs. Which seide to hem, He spak these and these thingis to me, and seide, The Lord seith these thingis, Y haue anoyntid thee kyng on Israel. 13Therfor thei hastiden, and ech man took his mentil, and puttide vndir hise feet bi the licnesse of a trone. And thei sungen with a trumpe, and seiden, Hieu schal regne. 14Therfor Hieu, sone of Josephat, sone of Namsi, swoor to gidere ayens Joram. Forsothe Joram hadde bisegid Ramoth of Galaad, he and al Israel, ayens Azael, kyng of Sirie. 15And he turnede ayen to be heelid in Jezrael for woundis; for men of Sirie hadden smyte hym fiytynge ayens Azael, kyng of Sirie. And Hieu seide, If it plesith you, no man go out fleynge fro the citee, lest he go, and telle in Jezrael. 16And he stiede, and yede forth in to Jezrael; for Joram was sijk there, and Ocozie, kyng of Juda, cam doun to visite Joram. 17Therfor a spiere, that stood aboue a tour of Jezrael, siy the multitude of Hieu comynge, and he seide, Y se a multitude. And Joram seide, Take thou a chare, and sende in to the metyng of hem; and seie the goere, Whether alle thingis ben riytfuli? 18Therfor he, that stiede on the chare, yede in to the meetyng of hym, and seide, The kyng seith these thingis, Whether alle thingis ben peesid? And Hieu seide to hym, What to thee and to pees? Passe thou, and sue me. And the aspiere telde, and seide, the messanger cam to hem, and he turneth not ayen. 19Also the kyng sente the secounde chare of horsis, and he cam to hem, and seide, The kyng seith these thingis, Whether pees is? And Hieu seide, What to thee and to pees? Passe thou, and sue me. 20Sotheli the aspiere telde, and seide, He cam `til to hem, and he turneth not ayen; forsothe the goyng is as the goyng of Hieu, sone of Namsi; sothely he goith faste. 21And Joram seide, Ioyn ye a chare. And thei ioyneden his chare. And Joram, kyng of Israel, yede out, and Ocozie, kyng of Juda, yede out, ech in his chare; and thei yeden out in to the meetyng of Hieu, and thei founden hym in the feeld of Naboth of Jezrael. 22And whanne Joram hadde seyn Hieu, he seide, Hieu, `is pees? And he answeride, What pees? Yit the fornycaciouns of Jezabel, thi modir, and many poisenyngis of hir ben in strengthe. 23Forsothe Joram turnede his hond, and fledde, and seide to Ocozie, Tresouns! tresouns! 24Ocozie. Forsothe Hieu bente a bouwe with the hond, and smoot Joram bitwixe the schuldris, and the arowe yede out thoruy his herte; and anoon he felde doun in his chare. 25And Hieu seide to Badacher duyk, Take thou awei, cast forth hym in the feeld of Naboth of Jezrael; for Y haue mynde, whanne Y and thou saten in the chare, and suede Achab, the fadir of hym, that the Lord reiside on hym this birthun, and seide, If not for the blood of Naboth, 26and for the blood of hise sones, which Y siy yistirdai, seith the Lord, Y schal yeeld to thee in this feeld, seith the Lord. Now therfor do awei him, and cast forth him in the feeld, bi the word of the Lord. 27Forsothe Ocozie, king of Juda, siy this, and fledde bi the weie of the hows of the gardyn; and Hieu pursuede hym, and seide, Also smyte ye this man in his chare. And thei smytiden hym in the stiyng of Gaber, which is bisidis Jeblaam; and he fledde into Mageddo, and was deed there. 28And hise seruauntis puttiden hym on his chare, and brouyten hym in to Jerusalem; and thei birieden hym in a sepulcre with hise fadris, in the citee of Dauid. 29In the eleuenthe yeer of Joram, sone of Achab, kyng of Israel, Ocozie regnede on Juda. 30And Hieu cam in to Jezrael. Forsothe whanne his entryng was herd, Jezabel peyntide hir iyen with oynement of wymmen, and ournede hir heed; 31and sche bihelde bi a wyndow Hieu entrynge bi the yate, and sche seide, Whether pees may be to Zamri, that kyllide his lord? 32And Hieu reiside his face to the wyndow, and seide, What womman is this? And tweyne ether thre chaumbirleyns bowiden hem silf to hym, and seiden to hym, This is thilke Jezabel. 33And he seide to hem, Caste ye hir doun. And thei `castiden doun hir; and the wal was bispreynt with blood, and the howues of horsis, that `to tredden hir. 34And whanne he hadde entrid to ete and drynke, he seide, Go ye, and se thilke cursid womman, and birie ye hir, for sche is a kyngis douyter. 35And whanne thei hadden go to birie hir, thei founden not, no but the sculle, and the feet, and the endis of hondis; 36and thei turneden ayen, and telden to hym. And Hieu seide, It is the word of the Lord, which he spak bi his seruaunt, Elie `of Thesbi, and seide, Doggis schulen ete the fleisch of Jezabel in the feeld of Jezrael; 37and the fleischis of Jezabel schulen be as `a toord on the face of erthe in the feeld of Jezrael, so that men passynge forth seie, Lo! this is thilke Jezabel. 10Forsothe seuenti sones in Samarie weren to Achab. Therfor Hieu wroot lettris, and sente in to Samarie to the beste men of the citee, and to the gretter men in birthe, and to alle the nurschis of Achab, and seide, 2Anoon as ye han take these lettris, ye that han the sones of youre lord, and the charis, and horsis, and stronge citees, and armeris, 3chese the beste, and hym that plesith to you of the sones of youre lord, and sette ye him on the trone of his fadir, and fiyte ye for the hows of youre lord. 4And thei dredden greetli, and seiden, Lo! twei kyngis myyten not stonde bifor hym, and how schulen we mowe ayenstonde hym? 5Therfor the souereyns of the hows, and the prefect of the citee, and the grettere men in birthe, and the nurchis senten to Hieu, and seiden, We ben thi seruauntis; what euer thingis thou comaundist, we schulen do, and we schulen not make a kyng to vs; do thou what euer thing plesith thee. 6Forsothe he wroot ayen to hem lettris the secunde tyme, and seide, If ye ben myne, and obeien to me, take ye the heedis of the sones of youre lord, and come ye to me in this same our to morewe in to Jezrael. Sotheli the sones of the kyng, seuenti men, weren nurschid at the beste men of the citee. 7And whanne the lettris hadden come to hem, thei token the sones of the kyng, and killiden seuenti men, and puttiden the heedis of hem in coffyns; and senten to hym in to Jezrael. 8Forsothe a messanger cam to hym, and schewide to hym, and seide, Thei han brouyt the heedis of the sones of the king. Which answeride, Putte ye tho heedis to tweyne hepis, bisidis the entring of the yate, til the morewtid. 9And whanne it was cleer dai, he yede out, and stood, and seide to al the puple, Ye ben iust men; if Y conspiride ayens my lord, and killide hym, who killide alle these? 10Therfor se ye now, that noon of the wordis of the Lord felde doun in to the erthe, whiche the Lord spak on the hows of Achab; and the Lord hath do that, that he spak in the hond of his seruaunt, Elie. 11Therfor Hieu smoot alle that weren residue of the hows of Achab in Jezrael, and alle the beste men of hym, and knowun men, and preestis, til no relikis of hym leften. 12And he roos, and cam in to Samarie; and whanne he hadde come to the chaumbir of schepherdis in the weie, 13he foond the britheren of Ocozie, kyng of Juda; and he seide to hem, Who ben ye? And thei answeriden, We ben the britheren of Ocozie, and we comen doun to grete the sones of the kyng and the sones of the queen. 14Which Hieu seide, Take ye hem quyke. And whanne thei hadden take hem quyke, thei strangliden hem in the cisterne, bisidis the chaumbre, two and fourti men; and he lefte not ony of hem. 15And whanne he hadde go fro thennus, he foond Jonadab, the sone of Rechab, in to meetyng of hym; and he blesside hym. And Hieu seide to hym, Whether thin herte is riytful with myn herte, as myn herte is with thin herte? And Jonadab seide, It is. Hieu seide, If `it is, yyue thin hond. Which yaf his hond to hym; and he reiside hym to hym silf in to the chare. 16And he seide to hym, Come thou with me, and se my feruent loue for the Lord. 17And he ledde hym, put in hys chare, in to Samarie. And he killide alle men that weren residue of Achab in Samarie `til to oon, bi the word of the Lord, which he spak bi Elie. 18Therfor Hieu gaderide to gidere alle the puple, and seide to hem, Achab worschipide Baal a litil, but Y schal worschipe hym more. 19Now therfor clepe ye to me alle the prophetis of Baal, and alle hise seruauntis, and alle hise preestis; `noon be that come not, for grete sacrifice is of me to Baal; who euer schal faile, he schal not lyue. Forsothe Hieu dide this bi tresoun, that he schulde distrie alle the worschipers of Baal. 20And he seide, Halewe ye a solempne day to Baal. 21And he clepide, and sente in to alle the termes of Israel; and alle the seruauntis of Baal camen, `noon was residue, and sotheli `not oon was that cam not. And thei entriden in to the temple of Baal; and the hows of Baal was fillid, fro oon ende `til to `the tothir. 22And he seide to hem that weren souereyns ouer the clothis, Bringe ye forth clothis to alle the seruauntis of Baal; and thei brouyten forth clothis to hem. 23And Hieu entride, and Jonadab, the sone of Rechab, in to the temple of Baal. And Hieu seide to the worschiperis of Baal, Enquere ye, and se, lest perauenture ony of the seruauntis of the Lord be with you; but that the seruauntis be aloone of Baal. 24Therfor thei entriden, to make slayn sacrifices, and brent sacrifices. Sotheli Hieu hadde maad redi to hym with outforth foure scoore men, and hadde seid to hem, Who euer schal fle of alle these, whiche Y schal brynge in to youre hondis, the lijf of hym schal be for the lijf of hym that ascapith. 25Forsothe it was don, whanne the brent sacrifice was fillid, Hieu comaundide to hise knyytis and duykis, Entre ye, and sle hem, that noon ascape. And the knyytis and duykis smytiden `hem bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and castiden forth. And `thei yeden into the citee of the temple of Baal, 26and thei brouyten forth the ymage fro the temple of Baal, 27and brenten it, and al to braken it. Also thei destrieden the hows of Baal, and maden priuyes for it `til in to this dai. 28Therfor Hieu dide awei Baal fro Israel; 29netheles he yede not awei fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne, nether he forsook the goldun caluys, that weren in Bethel and in Dan. 30Forsothe the Lord seide to Hieu, For thou didist bisili that that was riytful, and pleside in myn yyen, and hast do ayens the hows of Achab alle thingis that weren in myn herte, thi sones `til to the fourthe generacioun schulen sitte on the trone of Israel. 31Forsothe Hieu kepte not, that he yede in the lawe of the Lord God of Israel in al his herte; for he yede not awei fro the synnes of Jeroboam, that made Israel to do synne. 32In tho daies the Lord bigan to be anoyed on Israel; and Asahel smoot hem in alle the coostis of Israel, 33fro Jordan ayens the eest coost, al the lond of Galaad, and of Gad, and of Ruben, and of Manasses, fro Aroer which is on the stronde of Arnon, and Galaad, and Baasan. 34Forsothe the residue of wordis of Hieu, and alle thingis whiche he dide, and his strengthe, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel? 35And Hieu slepte with hise fadris; and thei birieden hym in Samarie; and Joachaz, his sone, regnyde for hym. 36Forsothe the daies, in whiche Hieu regnede on Israel in Samarie, ben eiyte and twenti yeer. 11Forsothe Athalie, modir of Ocozie, siy hir sone deed, and sche roos, and killide al the seed of the kyng. 2Sotheli Josaba, douyter of kyng Joram, the sistir of Ocozie, took Joas, sone of Ocozie, and stal him fro the myddis of the sones of the kyng, that weren slayn; and sche took the nursche of hym fro the hows of thre stagis; and sche hidde hym fro the face of Athalie, that he were not slayn. 3And he was with hir in the hows of the Lord priueli sixe yeer. Forsothe Athalia regnede on the lond sixe yeer. 4Forsothe in the seuenthe yeer Joiada sente, and took centuriouns, and knyytis, and brouyte to hym in to the temple of the Lord; and couenauntide with hem boond of pees, and he made hem to swere in the temple of the Lord, and schewide to hem the sone of the kyng. 5And he comaundide to hem, and seide, This is the word, which ye owen to do; 6the thridde part of you entre in the sabat, and kepe the wakyngis of the `hows of the kyng; sothely the thridde part be at the yate of Seir; and the thridde part be at the yate which is bihynde the dwellyng place of the makeris of scheeldis; and ye schulen kepe the wakyngis of the hows of Messa. 7Forsothe twei partis of you alle goynge out in the sabat, kepe ye the wakyngis of the hows of the Lord aboute the kyng. 8And ye schulen cumpasse hym, and ye schulen haue armeris in youre hondis; forsothe if ony man entrith in to the closyng of the temple, be he slayn; and ye schulen be with the kyng goynge in and goynge out. 9And the centuriouns diden bi alle thingis whiche Joiada, the preest, hadde comaundid to hem; and alle takynge her men that entriden to the sabat, with hem that yeden out fro the sabat, camen to Joiada, the preest. 10Which yaf to hem speris, and armeris of kyng Dauid, that weren in the hows of the Lord. 11And alle stoden hauynge armeris in her hond, fro the riyt side of the temple `til to the left side of the auter and of the hows, aboute the kyng. 12And he brouyte forth the sone of the kyng, and puttide on hym a diademe, and witnessyng; and thei maden hym kyng, and anoyntiden hym; and thei beeten with the hoond, and seiden, The kyng lyue! 13Forsothe Athalia herde the vois of the puple rennynge, and sche entride to the cumpenyes in to the temple of the Lord, 14and sche siy the kyng stondynge on the trone bi custom, and syngeris, and cumpenyes nyy hym, and al the puple of the lond beynge glad, and syngynge with trumpis. And sche to-rente hir clothis, and criede, `Swerynge togidere! swerynge togidere! ether tresoun. 15Forsothe Joiada comaundide to the centuriouns, that weren on the oost, and seide to hem, Lede ye hir out of the closyngis of the temple; and who euer sueth hir, be smytun with swerd. Forsothe the preest seide, Be sche not slayn in the temple of the Lord. 16And thei puttiden hondis on hir, and hurliden hir bi the weie of the entryng of horsis bisidis the paleis; and sche was slayn there. 17Therfor Joiada made boond of pees bitwixe the Lord and the kyng, and bitwixe the puple, that it schulde be the puple of the Lord; and bitwixe the kyng and the puple. 18Al the puple of the lond entride in to the temple of Baal; and thei distrieden the auteris of hym, and al tobraken strongli the ymagis; and thei killiden bifore the auter Mathan, the preest of Baal. And the preest settide kepyngis in the hows of the Lord; and he took centuriouns, and the legiouns of Cerethi and Pherethi, and al the puple of the lond. 19And thei ledden forth the kyng fro the hows of the Lord; and thei camen bi the weie of the yate of makeris of scheldis in to the paleis; and he sat on the trone of kyngis. 20And al the puple of the lond was glad, and the citee restide. Forsothe Athalia was slayn bi swerd in the hows of the kyng. 21And Joas was of seuen yeer, whanne he bigan to regne. 12Joas regnede in the seuenthe yeer of Hieu; Joas regnede fourti yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Sebia of Bersabee. 2And Joas dide riytfulnesse bifor the Lord in alle the daies, in whiche Joiada, the preest, tauyte hym. 3Netheles he dide noyt awey hiy thingis; for yit the puple made sacrifice, and brente encense in hiye thingis. 4And Joas seide to the preestis, `Preestis bi her ordre take al that money of hooli thingis, which is brouyt of men passyng forth in to the temple of the Lord, `which money is offrid for the prijs of soule, and `which money thei bryngen wilfuli, and bi the fredom of her herte, in to the temple of the Lord. 5And `the preestis reparele the hilyngis of the hows, if thei seen ony thing nedeful in reparelyng. 6Therfor the preestis repareliden not the hilyngis of the temple, `til to the thre and twentithe yeer of kyng Joas. 7And Joas, the kyng, clepide Joiada, the bischop, and the prestis, and seide to hem, Whi han ye not reparelid the hilyngis of the temple? Therfor nyle ye more take money bi youre ordre, but yelde it to the reparacioun of the temple. 8And the prestis weren forbodun to take more the money of the puple, and to reparele the hilyngis of the hows. 9And Joiada, the bischop, took a cofere of tresorie, and openyde an hole aboue, and settide it bisidis the auter, at the riytside of men entrynge in to the hows of the Lord; and preestis, that kepten the doris, senten in it al the money that was brouyt to the temple of the Lord. 10And whanne thei sien that ful myche money was in the tresorie, the scryuen of the kyng and the bischop stieden, and schedden it out, and thei noumbriden the money that was founden in the hous of the Lord. 11And thei yauen it bi noumbre and mesure in the hond of hem, that weren souereyns to the masouns of the hows of the Lord, whiche `spendiden that money in `crafti men of trees, and in these masouns, that wrouyten in the hous of the Lord, 12and maden the hilyngis, and in these men that hewiden stoonys; and that thei schulden bie trees and stoonys, that weren hewid doun; so that the reparacioun of the hows of the Lord was fillid in alle thingis, that nediden cost to make strong the hows. 13Netheles water pottis of the temple of the Lord weren not maad of the same money, and fleischokis, and censeris, and trumpis; ech vessel of gold and of siluer weren not maad of the money, that was brouyt in to the temple of the Lord. 14For it was youun to hem that maden werk, that the temple of the Lord schulde be reparelid. 15And rekenyng was not maad to these men that token monei, that thei schulden deele it to crafti men; but thei tretiden it in feith. 16Sotheli thei brouyten not in to the temple of the Lord the money for trespas, and the money for synnes, for it was the preestis. 17Thanne Asael, kyng of Sirie, stiede, and fauyte ayen Geth; and he took it, and dresside his face, that he schulde stie in to Jerusalem. 18Wherfor Joas, kyng of Juda, took alle `thingis halewid, whiche Josephat hadde halewid, and Joram, and Ocozie, fadris of hym, kyngis of Juda, and whiche thingis he hadde offrid, and al the siluer, that myyte be foundun in the tresours of the temple of the Lord, and in the paleis of the kyng. 19And he sente to Asael, kyng of Sirie; and he yede awei fro Jerusalem. Sotheli the residue of wordis of Joas, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 20Forsothe hise seruauntis risiden, and sworen togidere bitwixe hem silf, and smytiden Joas in the hows Mello, and in the goyng doun of Sela. 21For Jozachat, sone of Semath, and Joiadath, sone of Soomer, hise seruauntis, smytiden him, and he was deed; and thei birieden hym with hise fadris in the citee of Dauid; and Amasie, his sone, regnyde for hym. 13In the thre and twentithe yeer of Joas, sone of Ocozie, kyng of Juda, Joachaz, sone of Hieu, regnede on Israel, in Samarie seuentene yeer. 2And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, and he suede the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne; and he bowide not awei fro tho. 3And the strong veniaunce of the Lord was wrooth ayens Israel, and he bitook hem in to the hondis of Azael, kyng of Sirie, and in the hond of Benadab, sone of Asael, in alle daies. 4Forsothe Joachaz bisouyte the face of the Lord, and the Lord herde hym; for he siy the anguysch of Israel, for the kyng of Sirie hadde al to brokun hem. 5And the Lord yaf a sauyour to Israel, and he was delyuered fro the hond of the kyng of Sirie; and the sones of Israel dwelliden in her tabernaclis, as yistirdai and the thridde dai ago. 6Netheles thei departiden not fro the synnes of the hows of Jeroboam, that made Israel to do synne; thei yeden in tho synnes; sotheli also the wode dwellide in Samarie. 7And to Joacham weren not left of the puple, no but fyue hundrid kniytis, and ten charis, and ten thousynde of foot men; for the kyng of Sirie hadde slayn hem, and hadde dryue hem as in to poudur in the threischyng of a cornfloor. 8Forsothe the residue of wordis of Joachaz, and alle thingis whiche he dide, and the strength of hym, whether these ben not wrytun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel? 9And Joachaz slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden hym in Samarie; and Joas, his sone, regnyde for hym. 10In the seuenthe and threttithe yeer of Joas, king of Juda, Joas, sone of Joachaz, regnede on Israel in Samarie sixtene yeer. 11And he dide that, that is yuel in the siyt of the Lord; for he bowide not awei fro alle the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne; he yede in tho synnes. 12Forsothe the residue of wordis of Joas, and alle thingis whiche he dide, but also his strengthe, hou he fauyt ayens Amasie, kyng of Juda, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel? 13And Joas slepte with hise fadris; forsothe Jeroboam sat on his trone. Sotheli Joas was biried in Samarie with the kyngis of Israel. 14Forsothe Elisee was sijk in sikenesse, bi which and he was deed; and Joas, kyng of Israel, yede doun to hym, and wepte bifor hym, and seide, My fadir! my fadir! the chare of Israel, and the charietere therof! 15And Elisee seide to hym, Brynge thou a bouwe and arowis. And whanne he hadde brouyte to Elisee a bouwe and arowis, 16he seide to the kyng of Israel, Set thin hond on the bouwe. And whanne he hadde set his hond, Elisee settide his hondis on the hondis of the 17kyng, and seide, Opene thou the eest wyndow. And whanne he hadde openyd, Elisee seide, Schete thou an arewe; and he schete. And Elisee seide, It is an arewe of helthe of the Lord, and an arowe of helthe ayens Sirie; and thou schalt smyte Sirie in Affeth, til thou waste it. 18And Elisee seide, Take awei the arowis. And whanne he hadde take awei, Elisee seide eft to him, Smyte thou the erthe with a dart. And whanne he hadde smyte thre tymes, 19and hadde stonde, the man of God was wrooth ayens hym, and seide, If thou haddist smyte fyue sithis, ether sixe sithis, ethir seuen sithis, thou schuldist haue smyte Sirie `til to the endyng; now forsothe thou schalt smyte it thre sithis. 20Therfor Elisee was deed, and thei birieden hym. And the theuys of Moab camen in to the lond in that yeer. 21Forsothe sum men birieden a man, and thei siyen the theues, and thei castiden forth the deed bodi in the sepulcre of Elisee; and whanne it hadde touchid the bonys of Elisee, the man lyuede ayen, and stood on his feet. 22Therfor Azael, kyng of Sirie, turmentide Israel in alle the daies of Joachaz. 23And the Lord hadde merci on hem, and turnede ayen to hem for his couenaunt, which he hadde with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and he nolde distrie hem, nether cast awei outirli, til in to present tyme. 24Forsothe Azael, kyng of Sirie, diede; and Benadad, his sone, regnede for hym. 25Forsothe Joas, sone of Joachas, took awei citees fro the hond of Benadad, sone of Asael, which he hadde take bi the riyt of batel fro the hoond of Joachaz, his fadir; Joas smoot hym thre tymes, and he yeldide the citees of Israel. 14Yn the secounde yeer of Joas, sone of Joachas, kyng of Israel, Amasie, sone of Joas, kyng of Juda, regnyde. 2Amasie was of fyue and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne; forsothe he regnyde in Jerusalem nyne and twenti yeer; the name of his modir was Joade of Jerusalem. 3And he dide riytfulnesse bifor the Lord, netheles not as Dauid, his fadir; he dide bi alle thingis whiche Joas, his fadir, dide, no but this oonli, 4that he dide not awei hiy thingis; for yit the puple made sacrifice, and brent encence in hiy thingis. 5And whanne he hadde gete the rewme, he smoot hise seruauntis, that hadden killid the kyng, his fadir; 6but he killide not the sones of hem that hadden slayn `the kyng, bi that that is writun in the book of the lawe of Moyses, as the Lord comaundide to Moises, and seide, Fadris schulen not die for the sones, nethir the sones for the fadris, but eche man schal die in his owne synne. 7He smoot Edom in the valey of makyngis of salt, `he smoot ten thousynde, and took `the Stoon in batel; and he clepide the name therof Jethel, `til in to present dai. 8Thanne Amasie sente messangeris to Joas, sone of Joachaz, sone of Hieu, kyng of Israel, and seide, Come thou, and se we vs `in batel. 9And Joas, kyng of Israel, sente ayen to Amasie, kyng of Juda, and seide, The cardue, `that is, a low eerbe, and ful of thornes, of the Liban sente to the cedre, which is in the Liban, and seide, Yyue thi douytir wijf to my sone; and the beestis of the forest, that ben in the Liban, passiden, and tredden doun the cardue. 10Thou hast smyte, and haddist the maistri on Edom, and thin herte hath reisid thee; be thou apaied with glorie, and sitte in thin hows; whi excitist thou yuel, that thou falle, and Juda with thee? 11And Amasie assentide not `to be in pees; and Joas, kyng of Israel, stiede, and he and Amasie, kyng of Juda, sien hem silf in Bethsames, a citee of Juda. 12And Juda was smytun bifor Israel; and thei fledden ech man in to his tabernaclis. 13Sotheli Joas, kyng of Israel, took in Bethsames Amasie, kyng of Juda, the sone of Joas, sone of Ocozie, and brouyte hym in to Jerusalem; and he brak the wal of Jerusalem, fro the yate of Effraym `til to the yate of the corner, bi foure hundrid cubitis. 14And he took al the gold and siluer, and alle vessels, that weren foundun in the hows of the Lord, and in the tresours of the kyng; and he took ostagis, and turnede ayen in to Samarie. 15Sotheli the resydue of wordis of Joas, whiche he dide, and his strengthe, bi which he fauyt ayens Amasie, kyng of Juda, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of dayes of the kyngis of Israel? 16And Joas slepte with hise fadris, and was biried in Samarie with the kyngis of Israel; and Jeroboam, his sone, regnede for hym. 17Forsothe Amasie, sone of Joas, kyng of Juda, lyuede fyue and twenti yeer, after that Joas, sone of Joachaz, kyng of Israel, was deed. 18Forsothe the residue of wordis of Amasie, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 19And `sweryng togidir in Jerusalem was maad ayens hym, and he fledde in to Lachis; and thei senten aftir hym in to Lachis, and killiden hym there. 20And thei baren out hym in horsis, and he was biried in Jerusalem with hise fadris, in the citee of Dauid. 21Forsothe al the puple of Juda took Azarie, hauynge sixtene yeer; and maden hym king for his fadir Amasie. 22And he bildide Ahila, and restoride it to Juda, after that `the kyng slepte with hise fadris. 23In the fiftenethe yeer of Amasie, sone of Joas, kyng of Juda, Jeroboam, sone of Joas, kyng of Israel, regnyde in Samarie oon and fourti yeer; 24and dide that, that is yuel bifor the Lord; he yede not awei fro alle the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne. 25He restoride the termes of Israel, fro the entryng of Emath `til to the see of wildirnesse, bi the word of the Lord God of Israel, which he spak bi his seruaunt Jonas, sone of Amathi, bi Jonas, the prophete, that was of Jeth, `which Jeth is in Ophir. 26For the Lord siy the ful bittir turment of Israel, and that thei weren wastid `til to the closid men of prisoun, and the laste men, and `noon was that helpide Israel. 27And the Lord spak not, that he schulde do awei Israel fro vndur heuene, but he sauyde hem in the hond of Jeroboam, sone of Joas. 28Forsothe the residue of wordis of Jeroboam, and alle thingis whiche he dide, and the strengthe of hym, bi which he fauyt, and hou he restoride Damask, and Emath of Juda, in Israel, whether these ben not wrytun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel? 29And Jeroboam slepte with hise fadris, the kyngis of Israel; and Azarie, his sone, regnede for hym. 15In the seuenthe and twentithe yeer of Jeroboam, king of Israel, Azarie, sone of Amasie, kyng of Juda, regnede; 2he was of sixtene yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede two and fifti yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Jecelia of Jerusalem. 3And he dide that, that was plesaunt bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis which Amasie, his fadir, hadde do; 4netheles he distriede not hiy thingis; yit the puple made sacrifice, and brente encense in hiye thingis. 5Forsothe the Lord smoot the kyng, and he was leprouse til in to the day of his deeth; and he dwellide in an hous freli bi hym silf. Sotheli Joathas, sone of the kyng, gouernde the palis, and demyde the puple of the lond. 6Forsothe the residue of the wordis of Azarie, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 7And Azarie slepte with hise fadris; and thei birieden hym with hise eldre men in the citee of Dauid; and Joathas, his sone, regnede for hym. 8In the eiyte and threttithe yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, Zacharie, sone of Jeroboam, regnede on Israel in Samarie sixe monethis. 9And he dide that, that was yuel bifor the Lord, as his fadris diden; he departide not fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne. 10Forsothe Sellum, the sone of Jabes, conspiride ayens hym in Samarie; and Sellum smoot hym opynli, and killide hym, and regnede for hym. 11Sotheli the residue of the wordis of Zacharie, whethir these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel? 12Thilke is the word of the Lord, which he spak to Hieu, and seide, `Thi sones `til to the fourthe generacioun schulen sitte `of thee on the trone of Israel; and it was doon so. 13Sellum, sone of Jabes, regnede in the nynthe and thritty yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda; sotheli he regnyde o monethe in Samarie. 14And Manaheu, the sone of Gaddi, styede fro Thersa, and cam in to Samarie; and he smoot Sellum, sone of Jabes, in Samarie, and killide hym, and regnede for hym. 15Sotheli the residue of wordis of Sellum, and his conspirasie, bi which he settide tresouns, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel. 16Thanne Manaheu smoot Capham, and alle men that weren thereynne, and the termes therof fro Thersa, for thei nolden opyn to hym; and he killide alle wymmen therof with child, and karf hem. 17In the nynthe and thrittithe yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, Manaheu, sone of Gaddi, regnede on Israel ten yeer in Samarie. 18And he dide that, that was yuel bifor the Lord; he departide not fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne. 19In alle the daies of hym Phul, the kyng of Assiries, cam in to Thersa. And Manaheu yaf to Phul a thousynde talentis of siluer, that he schulde be to hym in to help, and schulde make stidefast his rewme; 20and Manaheu settide taliage of siluer on Israel to alle myyti men and riche, that he schulde yyue to the kyng of Assiries; he settide fifti siclis of siluer bi alle men; and the king of Assiries turnede ayen, and dwellide not in Thersa. 21Forsothe the residue of wordis of Manaheu, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not wrytun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel? 22And Manaheu slepte with hise fadris; and Phaceia, his sone, regnyde for hym. 23In the fiftithe yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, Phaceia, sone of Manaheu, regnede on Israel in Samarie twei yeer. 24And he dide that, that was yuel bifor the Lord; he departide not fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne. 25Forsothe Phacee, sone of Romelie, duyk of his oost, conspiride ayens hym, and smoot hym in Samarie, in the tour of the kyngis hous, bisidis Argob, and bisidis Arib; `and he smoot hym with fifti men of the sones of Galaditis; and Phacee killide hym, and regnede for hym. 26Sotheli the residue of wordis of Phacee, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel? 27In the two and fiftithe yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, Phasee, sone of Romelie, regnyde in Samarie twenti yeer. 28And he dide that, that was yuel bifor the Lord; and he departide not fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne. 29In the daies of Phacee, kyng of Israel, Teglat Phalasar, kyng of Assur, cam, and took Aion, and Aibel, the hows of Maacha, and Janoe, and Cedes, and Asor, and Galaad, and Galilee, and al the lond of Neptalym; and translatide hem in to Assiriens. 30Forsothe Osee, sone of Hela, conspiride, and settide tresouns ayens Phasee, sone of Romelie, and smoot hym, and killide hym; and he regnyde for hym, in the twentithe yeer of Joathan, sone of Ozie. 31Forsothe the residue of wordis of Phacee, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel? 32In the secounde yeer of Phacee, sone of Romelie, kyng of Israel, Joathan, sone of Ozie, kyng of Juda, regnyde; 33he was of fyue and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede sixtene yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Jerusa, the douyter of Sadoch. 34And he dide that, that was plesaunt bifor the Lord; he wrouyte bi alle thingis, whiche his fadir Ozie hadde do; 35netheles he dide not awey hiy thingis; yit the puple made sacrifice, and brente incense in hiy thingis; he bildide the hiyeste yate of the hows of the Lord. 36Forsothe the residue of wordis of Joathan, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 37In tho daies the Lord bigan to sende in to Juda Rasyn, the kyng of Sirie, and Phacee, the sone of Romelie. 38And Joathan slepte with hise fadris, and was biried with hem in the citee of Dauid, his fadir; and Achaz, his sone, regnyde for hym. 16In the seuententhe yeer of Phacee, sone of Romelie, Achaz, the sone of Joathan, kyng of Juda, regnyde. 2Achaz was of twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde sixtene yeer in Jerusalem; he dide not that, that was plesaunt in the siyt of his Lord God, as Dauid, his fadir dide, but he yede in the weie of the kyngis of Israel. 3Ferthermore and he halewide his sone, and bar thorouy the fier, bi the idols of hethene men, whiche the Lord distriede bifore the sones of Israel. 4And he offride sacrifices, and brente encense in hiy placis, and in hillis, and vndur ech tree ful of bowis. 5Thanne Rasyn, kyng of Sirye, and Phacee, sone of Romelie, kyng of Israel, stiede in to Jerusalem to fiyte; and whanne thei bisegide Achaz, thei miyten not ouercome hym. 6In that tyme Rasyn, kyng of Sirie, restoride Ahila to Sirie, and castide out Jewis fro Ahila; and Ydumeis and men of Sirie camen into Ahila, and dwelliden there til in to this dai. 7Forsothe Achaz sente messangeris to Teglat Phalasar, kyng of Assiriens, and seide, Y am thi seruaunt and thi sone; stie thou, and make me saaf fro the hond of the kyng of Sirie, and fro the hond of the kyng of Israel, that han rise togidere ayens me. 8And whanne Achaz hadde gaderide togidere siluer and gold, that myyte be foundun in the hows of the Lord, and in the tresours of the kyng, he sente yiftis to the kyng of Assiriens; 9whiche assentide to his wille. Sotheli the kyng of Asseriens stiede in to Damask, and wastide it, and translatide the dwelleris therof to Sirenen; sotheli he killide Rasyn. 10And kyng Achaz yede in to metyng to Teglat Phalasaar, kyng of Assiriens; and whanne kyng Achaz hadde seyn the auter of Damask, he sent to Vrie, the preest, the saumpler and licnesse therof, bi al the werk therof. 11And Vrie, the preest, bildide an auter bi alle thingis whiche king Achaz hadde comaundid fro Damask, so dide the preest Vrie, til kyng Achaz cam fro Damask. 12And whanne the king cam fro Damask, he siy the auter, and worschipide it; and he stiede, and offride brent sacrifices, and his sacrifice; 13and he offride moist sacrifices, and he schedde the blood of pesible thingis, which he hadde offrid on the auter. 14Forsothe he dide awei the brasun auter, that was bifor the Lord, fro the face of the temple, and fro the place of the auter, and fro the place of the temple of the Lord; and settide it on the side of the auter `at the north. 15Also kyng Achaz comaundide to Vrie, the preest, and seide, Offre thou on the more auter the brent sacrifice of the morewtid, and the sacrifice of euentid, and the brent sacrifice of the king, and the sacrifice of hym, and the brent sacrifice of al the puple of the lond, and the sacrifices of hem, and the moist sacrifices of hem; and thou schalt schede out on that al the blood of brent sacrifice, and al the blood of slayn sacrifice; sotheli the brasun auter schal be redi at my wille. 16Therfor Vrie, the preest, dide bi alle thingis whiche kyng Achaz hadde comaundid to hym. 17Forsothe kyng Achaz took the peyntid foundementis, and the waischyng vessel, that was aboue, and he puttide doun the see, that is, the waischung vessel `for preestis, fro the brasun oxis, that susteyneden it, and he settide on the pawment araied with stoon. 18Also he turnede the tresorie of sabat, which he hadde bildid in the temple, and `he turnede the entryng of the kyng with outforth, in to the temple of the Lord for the kyng of Assiriens. 19Forsothe the residue of wordis of Achaz, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 20And Achaz slepte with hise fadris, and was biried with hem in the citee of Dauid; and Ezechie, his sone, regnede for hym. 17Yn the tweluethe yeer of Achaz, kyng of Juda, Osee, sone of Hela, regnyde in Samarie on Israel nyne yeer. 2And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, but not as the kyngis of Israel, that weren bifor hym. 3Salmanasar, kyng of Assiriens, stiede ayens this Osee, and Osee was maad seruaunt to hym, and yildide tributis to hym. 4And whanne the kyng of Assiriens hadde perseyued, that Osee he enforside to be rebelle, and hadde sent messangeris to Sua, kyng of Egipt, that he schulde not yyue tributis to the kyng of Assiriens, as he was wont bi alle yeeris, `the kyng of Assiriens bisegide hym, and sente him boundun in to prisoun. 5And he yede thoruy al the lond, and he stiede to Samarie, and bisegide it bi thre yeer. 6Forsothe in the nynthe yeer of Osee, the kyng of Assiriens took Samarie, and translatide Israel in to Assiriens; and he puttide hem in Hela, and in Thabor, bisidis the flood Gozam, in the citee of Medeis. 7Forsothe it was don, whanne the sones of Israel hadden synned bifor her Lord God, that ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt, fro the hond of Farao, kyng of Egipt, thei worschipeden alien goddis; 8and yeden bi the custom of hethene men, whiche the Lord hadde wastid in the siyt of the sones of Israel, and of the kyngis of Israel, for thei hadden do in lijk maner. 9And the sones of Israel offendiden her Lord God bi wordis not riytful, and thei bildiden to hem silf hiy thingis in alle her citees, fro the tour of keperis `til to a strengthid citee. 10And thei maden to hem ymagis, and wodis, in ech hiy hil, and vndur ech tree ful of bowis; 11and thei brenten there encence on the auteris bi the custom of hethene men, whiche the Lord hadde translatid fro the face of hem. And thei diden werste wordis, and thei wraththiden the Lord; 12and worschipiden vnclenesses, of whiche the Lord comaundide to hem, that thei schulden not do this word. 13And the Lord witnesside in Israel and in Juda, bi the hond of alle prophetis and seeris, and seide, Turne ye ayen fro youre werste weies, and kepe ye my comaundementis, and ceremonyes, bi al the lawe whiche Y comaundide to youre fadris, and as Y sente to you in the hond of my seruauntis prophetis. 14Whiche herden not, but maden hard her nol bi the nol of her fadris, that nolden obeie to her Lord God. 15And thei castiden, awei the lawful thingis of hym, and the couenaunt which he couenauntide with her fadris, and the witnessyngis bi whiche he witnesside to hem; and thei sueden vanytees, `that is, idols, and diden veynli; and sueden hethene men, that weren `bi the cumpas of hem; of whiche vanytees the Lord comaundide to hem, that thei schulden not do as also tho hethene men diden. 16And thei forsoken alle the comaundementis of her Lord God, and thei maden to hem twei yotun calues, and wodis, and worschipiden al the knyythod of heuene; and thei seruyden Baal, and halewiden to hym her sones, 17and her douytris thoruy fier, and thei seruyden to fals dyuynyng, and to dyuynyng bi chiterynge of briddis; and thei yauen hem silf to do yuel bifor the Lord, and thei wraththiden hym. 18And the Lord was wrooth greetli to Israel; and he took awei hem fro his siyt, and noon lefte, no but the lynage of Juda oneli. 19But nether Juda hym silf kepte the heestis of `his Lord God, netheles he erride, and yede in the errour of Israel, whiche it wrouyte. 20And the Lord castide awei al the seed of Israel, and turmentide hem, and bitook hem in the hond of rauynouris; til he castide awei hem fro his face, 21fro that tyme in which Israel was departid fro the hous of Dauid, and maden to hem a kyng, Jeroboam, sone of Nabath. For Jeroboam departide Israel fro the Lord, and made hem to do a greet synne. 22And the sones of Israel yeden in alle the synnes of Jeroboam, whiche he hadde do; and thei departiden not fro tho synnes, 23til the Lord dide awei Israel fro his face, as he spak in the hond of alle hise seruauntis prophetis; and Israel was translatid fro his lond in to Assiriens til in to this dai. 24Forsothe the kyng of Assiriens brouyte puple fro Babiloyne, and fro Cutha, and fro Hailath, and fro Emath, and fro Sepharuaym, and settide hem in the citees of Samarie for the sones of Israel; whiche hadden in possessioun Samarie, and dwelliden in the citees therof. 25And whanne thei bigunnen to dwelle there, thei dredden not the Lord; and the Lord sente to hem liouns, that killiden hem. 26And it was teld to the kyng of Assiriens, and was seid, The folkis whiche thou translatidist, and madist to dwelle in the citees of Samarie, kunnen not the lawful thingis of God of the lond; and the Lord sente liouns in to hem, and lo! liouns sleen hem; for thei kunnen not the custom of God of the lond. 27Sotheli the kyng of Assiriens comaundide, and seide, Lede ye thidur oon of the preestis, whiche ye brouyten prisoneris fro thennus, that he go, and dwelle with hem, and teche hem the lawful thingis of God of the lond. 28Therfor whanne oon of these preestis had come, that weren led prisoneris fro Samarie, he dwellide in Bethel, and tauyte hem, how thei schulden worschipe the Lord. 29And ech folk made his god, and thei settiden tho goddis in the hiy templis, whiche the men of Samarie hadden maad, folk and folk in her citees, in whiche thei dwelliden. 30For men of Babiloyne maden Socoth Benoth; forsothe men of Cutha maden Vergel; and men of Emath maden Asyma; 31forsothe Eueis maden Nabaath and Tharcha; sotheli thei that weren of Sepharuaym brenten her sones in fier to Adramelech and Anamelech, goddis of Sepharuaym. 32And netheles thei worschipiden the Lord; forsothe of the laste men thei maden preestis of the hiye thingis, and settiden hem in hiye templis. 33And whanne thei worschipiden God, thei serueden also her goddis, bi the custom of hethene men, fro whiche thei weren translatid to Samarie; 34`til in to present dai thei suen the eld custom; thei dredden not the Lord, nethir thei kepen hise cerymonyes, and domes, and lawe, and comaundement, which the Lord comaundide to the sones of Jacob, whom he nemyde Israel; 35and he smoot a couenaunt with hem, and comaundide to hem, and seide, Nyle ye drede alien goddis, and onoure ye not outwardli hem, nethir worschipe ye inwardli hem, and make ye not sacrifice to hem; 36but youre Lord God, that ledde you out of the lond of Egipt in greet strengthe, and in arm holdun forth, drede ye hym, and worschipe ye hym, and make ye sacrifice to hym. 37And kepe ye the cerymonyes, and domes, and the lawe, and comaundement, which he wroot to you, that ye do in alle daies; and drede ye not alien goddis. 38And nyle ye foryete the couenaunt, which he smoot with you, nether worschipe ye alien goddis; 39but drede ye youre Lord God, and he schal delyuere you fro the hond of alle youre enemyes. 40Forsothe thei herden not, but diden bi her formere custom. 41Therfor these hethene men dredden sotheli God; but netheles thei serueden also her idols, for bothe her sones and the sones of sones doen so, til in to present dai, as her fadris diden. 18In the thridde yeer of Osee, sone of Hela, kyng of Israel, regnyde Ezechie, sone of Achaz, kyng of Juda. 2He was of fyue and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde in Jerusalem nyne and twenti yeer; the name of his modir was Abisa, douyter of Zacharie. 3And he dide that, that was good bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis, which Dauid, his fadir, hadde do. 4And he distriede hiye places, and al to-brak ymagis, and kittide doun wodis, and he brak the brasun serpent, whom Moyses hadde maad; for `til to that tyme the sones of Israel brenten encense to it; and he clepide the name therof Noestam. 5And he hopide in the Lord God of Israel; therfor aftir hym noon was lijk hym of alle the kyngis of Juda, but `and nether in tho kyngis that weren bifor hym. 6And he cleuyde to the Lord, and yede not awei fro hise steppis, and he dide the comaundementis of the Lord, whiche the Lord comaundide to Moises; 7wherfor and the Lord was with hym, and he gouernede wiseli hym silf in alle thingis, to whiche he yede forth. Also he rebellide ayens the kyng of Assiriens, and therfor he seruede not to `that kyng of Asseriens; 8and he smoot Philisteis `til to Gazam, and alle the termes of hem, fro the tour of keperis `til to a citee maad strong. 9In the fourthe yeer of kyng Ezechie, that was the seuenthe yeer of Osee, sone of Hela, kyng of Israel, Salmanazar, kyng of Assiriens, stiede to Samarie, 10and fauyt ayens it, and took it. For after thre yeer, in the sixte yeer of Ezechie, that is, in the nynthe yeer of Osee, kyng of Israel, Samarie was takun; 11and the kyng of Assiriens translatide Israel in to Assiriens, and settyde hem in Haila, and in Habor, ryueris of Gozam, in the citees of Medeis; 12for thei herden not the vois of her Lord God, but thei braken his couenaunt; thei herden not, nether diden alle thingis, whiche Moises, the seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide. 13In the fourtenthe yeer of kyng Ezechie, Senacherub, kyng of Assiryens, stiede to alle the strengthide citees of Juda, and took tho. 14Thanne Ezechie, kyng of Juda, sente messangeris to the kyng of Assiriens in to Lachis, and seide, Y haue synned; go awei fro me, and Y schal bere `al thing, which thou schalt putte to me. Therfor the kyng of Asseriens puttide on Ezechie, kyng of Juda, thre hundrid talentis of siluer, and thretti talentis of gold. 15And Ezechie yaf al the siluer, that was foundun in the hows of the Lord, and in the kyngis tresories. 16In that tyme Ezechie brak the yatis of the temple of the Lord, and the platis of gold, whiche he hadde fastned, and he yaf tho to the kyng of Assiriens. 17Forsothe the kyng of Assiriens sente Thercha and Rabsaces fro Lachis to kyng Ezechie, with strong hond to Jerusalem; and whanne thei hadden stied, thei camen to Jerusalem, and stoden bisidis the water cundijt of the hiyere cisterne, which is in the weie of the fullere, `ethir toukere. 18And thei clepiden the kyng; sotheli Eliachym, sone of Elchie, the souereyn of the hows, and Sobna, scryueyn, and Joahe, chaunseler, the sone of Asaph, yeden out to hem. 19And Rabsaces seide to hem, Speke ye to Ezechie, The grete kyng, the kyng of Assiriens, seith these thingis, What is this trist, in which thou enforsist? 20In hap thou hast take counsel, that thou woldist make thee redi to batel. In whom tristist thou, that thou be hardi to rebelle? 21Whethir thou hopist in a `staf of rehed and brokun, Egipt, on which, if a man lenith, it schal be brokun, and schal entre in to hys hond, and schal peerse it? So is Farao, kyng of Egipt, to alle men that tristen on hym. 22That if thou seist to me, We han trist in `oure Lord God; whether this is not he, whos hiye thingis and auteris Ezechie took awei, and comaundide to Juda and to Jerusalem, Ye schulen worschipe bifor this auter in Jerusalem? 23Now therfor passe ye to my lord, the kyng of Assiriens, and Y schal yyue to you twei thousynde of horsis, and se ye, whether ye moun haue rideris of `tho horsis? 24And hou moun ye withstonde bifor o prince of the leste seruauntis of my lord? Whether thou hast trist in Egipt, for charis and knyytis? 25Whether Y stiede with outen `Goddis wille to this place, that Y schulde distrie it? `The Lord seide to me, `Stie thou to this lond, and distrie thou it. 26Forsothe Eliachym, sone of Elchie, and Sobna, and Joahe, seiden to Rabsaces, We preien, that thou speke bi the langage of Sirie to vs, thi seruauntis; for we vndirstondun this langage; and that thou speke not to vs bi the langage of Juwis, while the puple herith, which is on the wal. 27And Rabsaces answeride, `and seide, Whethir my lord sente me to thi lord and to thee, that Y schulde speke these wordis, and not rather to the men `that sitten on the wal, that thei ete her toordis, and drynke her pisse with you? 28Therfor Rabsaces stood, and criede with greet vois bi langage of Jewis, and seide, Here ye the wordis of the greet kyng, the kyng of Assiriens. 29The kyng seith these thingis, Ezechie disceyue not you, for he may not delyuere you fro myn hond; 30nether yyue he trist to you on the Lord, and seie, The Lord delyuerynge schal delyuere vs, and this citee shal not be bitakun in the hond of the kyng of Assiriens; 31nyle ye here Ezechie. For the kyng of Assiriens seith these thingis, Do ye with me that, that is profitable to you, and go ye out to me; and eche man schal ete of his vyner, and of his fige tree, and ye schulen drynke watris of youre cisternes, 32til Y come, and translate you in to a lond which is lijk youre lond, in to a fruytful lond, and plenteuouse of wyn, a lond of breed, and of vineris, a lond of olyue trees, and of oile, and of hony; and ye schulen lyue, and ye schulen not die. Nyle ye here Ezechie, that disseyueth you, and seith, The Lord schal delyuere yow. 33Whether the goddis of hethene men delyueriden her lond fro the hond of the kyng of Assiriens? 34Where is god of Emath, and of Arphat? Where is god of Sapharuaym, of Ana, and of Aua? Whether thei delyueriden Samarie fro myn hond? 35For who ben thei in alle goddis of londis, that delyueriden her cuntrey fro myn hond, that the Lord may delyuere Jerusalem fro myn hoond? 36Therfor the puple was stille, and answeride not ony thing to hym; for thei hadden take comaundement of the kyng, that thei schulden not answere to hym. 37And Eliachym, sone of Elchie, the souereyn of the hows, and Sobna, scryuen, and Joahe, chaunceler, the sone of Asaph, camen with to-rent clothis to Ezechie; and telden to hym the wordis of Rabsaces. 19And whanne kyng Ezechie hadde herd these thingis, he to-rente his clothis, and was hilid with a sak; and he entride in to the hous of the Lord. 2And he sente Eliachym, souereyn of the hous, and Sobna, scryueyn, and elde men of the preestis, hilid with sackis, to Ysaie, the prophete, sone of Amos. 3Whiche seiden, Ezechie seith these thingis, This dai is a dai of tribulacioun, and of blamyng, and of blasfemye; sones camen `til to the childberyng, and the `traueler of childe hath not strengthis. 4If perauenture thi Lord God here alle the wordis of Rabsaces, whom the kyng of Assiryens, his lord sente, that he schulde dispise the Lord lyuynge, and repreue bi wordis, whiche thi Lord God herde; and make thou preier for these relikis, that ben foundun. 5Therfor the seruauntis of kyng Ezechie camen to Isaie; 6and Isaie seide to hem, Seie ye these thingis to youre lord, The Lord seith these thingis, Nyle thou drede of the face of wordis whiche thou herdist, bi whiche the children of the kyng of Assiriens blasfemeden me. 7Lo! Y schal sende to hym a spirit, and he schal here a messanger, and he schal turne ayen in to his lond; and Y schal caste hym doun bi swerd in his owne lond. 8Therfor Rabsaces turnede ayen, and foond the kyng of Assiriens fiytynge ayens Lobna; for he hadde herd, that the kyng hadde go awei fro Lachis. 9And whanne he hadde herd of Theracha, kyng of Ethiope, `men seyynge, Lo! he yede out, that he fiyte ayens thee; that he schulde go ayens `that kyng, he sente messangeris to Ezechie, 10and seide, Seie ye these thingis to Ezechie, kyng of Juda, Thi Lord God, in whom thou hast trist, disseyue not thee, nether seie thou, Jerusalem schal not be `bitakun in to the hondis of the kyng of Assiriens; 11for thou thi silf herdist what thingis the kyngis of Assiriens diden in alle londis, hou thei wastiden tho; whether therfor thou aloone maist be delyuered? 12Whether the goddis of hethene men delyueriden alle men whiche my fadris distrieden, that is, Gozam, and Aran, and Reseph, and the sones of Eden, that weren in Thelassar? 13Where is the kyng of Emath, and the kyng of Arphat? and the kyng of the cytee of Sepharuaym, of Ana, and of Aua? 14Therfor whanne Ezechie hadde take the lettris fro the hond of messangeris, and hadde red tho, he stiede in to the hows of the Lord, and spredde abrood tho bifor the Lord; 15and preiede in his siyt, and seide, Lord God of Israel, that sittist on cherubym, thou art God aloone of alle kyngis of erthe; thou madist heuene and erthe. 16Bowe thin eere, and here; opyn thin iyen, Lord, and se; and here alle the wordis of Senacherib, which sente, that he schulde dispise `to vs `God lyuynge. 17Verili, Lord, the kynges of Assiriens distrieden hethene men, and the londis of alle men, 18and senten the goddis of hem in to fier; for thei weren not goddis, but werkis of `hondis of men, of tre and stoon; and thei losten `tho goddis. 19Now therfor, oure Lord God, make vs saaf fro the hond of hem, that alle rewmes of erthe wite that thou art the Lord God aloone. 20Forsothe Isaie, sone of Amos, sente to Ezechie, and seide, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Y haue herd tho thingis, whiche thou preidist me on Sennacherib, king of Assiriens. 21This is the word, which the Lord spak of hym, Thou virgyn douytir of Syon, he dispiside thee, and scornyde thee; thou douyter of Jerusalem, he mouyde his heed aftir thi bak. 22Sennacherib, whom `dispisidist thou, and whom `blasfemedist thou? Ayens whom hast thou reisid thi vois, and hast reisid thin iyen an hiye? Ayens the hooli of Israel. 23Bi the hond of thi seruauntis thou dispisidist the Lord, and seidist, In the multitude of my charys Y stiede in to the hiye thingis of hillis, in the hiynesse of Liban, and kittide doun the hiye cedris therof, and the chosyn beechis therof; and Y entride `til to the termes therof, 24and Y kittide doun the forest of Carmele therof; and Y drank alien watris, and Y made drie with the steppis of `the feet of myn `alle watris closid. 25Whether thou herdist not, what Y made at the bigynnyng? Fro elde daies Y made it, and now Y haue brouyt forth; and strengthid citees of fiyteris schulen be in to fallyng of hillis. 26And thei that sitten meke of hond in tho, trembliden togidere, and ben schent; thei ben maad as the hei of the feeld, and as grene eerbe of roouys, which is dried, bifor that it cam to ripenesse. 27And Y bifor knew thi dwellyng, and thi goyng out, and thin entryng, and thi weie, and thi woodnesse ayens me. 28Thou were wood ayens me, and thi pride stide in to myn eeris; therfor Y schal putte a cercle in thi nosethirlis, and a bernacle in thi lippis, and Y schal lede thee ayen in to the weie bi which thou camest. 29Forsothe, Ezechie, this schal be a signe `to thee; ete thou in this yeer that, that thou fyndist; forsothe in the secounde yeer tho thingis, that growen bi her owne wille; sotheli in the thridde yeer sowe ye, and repe ye, plaunte ye vyneris, and ete the fruytis of tho. 30And what euer thing schal be residue of the hows of Juda, it schal sende root dounward, and schal make fruyt vpward. 31For relikis schulen go out of Jerusalem, and that, that schal be sauyd, `schal go out of the hil of Syon; the feruent loue of the Lord of oostis schal do this. 32Wherfor the Lord seith these thingis of the kyng of Assiriens, He schal not entre in to this citee, nethir he schal sende an arowe in to it, nether scheeld shal occupie it, nether strengthing, ethir bisegyng, schal cumpasse it. 33He schal turne ayen bi the weie `bi which he cam, and he schal not entre in to this citee, seith the Lord; 34and Y schal defende this citee, and Y schal saue it for me, and for Dauid, my seruaunt. 35Therfor it was don, in that niyt the aungel of the Lord cam, and smoot in the castels of Assiryens an hundrid foure score and fyue thousynde. And whanne Sennacherib hadde rise eerli, he siy alle bodies of deed men; and he departide, and yede awei. 36And Sennacherib, the kyng of Assiriens, turnede ayen, and dwellide in Nynyue. 37And whanne he worschipide in the temple Nestrach his god, Adramelech and Sirasar, his sones, killide hym with swerd; and thei fledden in to the lond of Armenyes; and Asaradon, his sone, regnyde for hym. 20In tho daies Ezechie was sijk `til to the deeth; and Isaie, the prophete, sone of Amos, cam to hym, and seide to hym, The Lord God seith these thingis, Comaunde to thin hows, for thou schalt die, and thou schalt not lyue. 2Which Ezechie turnyde his face to the wal, and worschipide the Lord, 3and seide, Y biseche, Lord, haue mynde, hou Y yede bifor thee in treuthe, and in a parfit herte, and Y dide that, that was plesaunt bifor thee. Therfor Ezechie wepte bi greet wepyng. 4And bifor that Ysaie yede out half the part of the court, the word of the Lord was maad to Isaie, and seide, 5Turne thou ayen, and seie to Ezechie, duyk of my puple, The Lord God of Dauid, thi fadir, seith thes thingis, Y herde thi preiere, and Y siy thi teer, and, lo! Y heelide thee. In the thridde dai thou schalt stie in to the temple of the Lord, 6and Y schal adde fiftene yeer to thi daies; but also Y schal delyuere thee and this citee fro the hond of the kyng of Assiriens, and Y schal defende this citee for me, and for Dauid, my seruaunt. 7And Ysaie seide, Brynge ye to me a gobet of figis. And whanne thei hadden brouyte it, and hadde putte on `his botche, he was heelid. 8Forsothe Ezechie seide to Isaie, What schal be the signe, that the Lord schal heele me, and that in the thridde dai Y schal stie in to the temple of the Lord? 9To whom Ysaie seide, This schal be `a signe of the Lord, that the Lord schal do the word which he spak; wolt thou, that the schadewe stie by ten lynes, ethir turne ayen bi so many degrees? 10And Ezechie seide, It is esy that the schadewe encreesse bi ten lynes, nethir Y wole that this be doon, but that it turne ayen bacward bi ten degrees. 11Therfor Ysaie, the prophete, clepide inwardli the Lord, and brouyte ayen bacward bi ten degrees the schadewe bi lynes, bi whiche it hadde go doun thanne in the orologie of Achaz. 12In that tyme Beradacbaladan, sone of Baladam, the kyng of Babiloyne, sente lettris and yiftis to Ezechie; for he hadde herd that Ezechie was sijk, and hadde couerid. 13Forsothe Ezechie was glad in the comyng of hem, and he schewide to hem the hows of spyceries, and gold, and siluer, and dyuerse pymentis, also oynementis, and the hows of hise vessels, and alle thingis whiche he myyte haue in hise tresouris; `no word was, `which Ezechie schewide not to hem in his hows, and in al his power. 14Sotheli Ysaie, the prophete, cam to the kyng Ezechie, and seide to hym, What seiden these men, ether fro whennus camen thei to the? To whom Ezechie seide, Thei camen to me fro a fer lond, fro Babiloyne. 15And he answeride, What `sien thei in thin hows? Ezechie seide, Thei sien alle thingis, what euer thingis ben in myn hows; no thing is in my tresouris, which Y schewide not to hem. 16Therfor Isaie seide to Ezechie, Here thou the word of the Lord. 17Lo! dayes comen, and alle thingis that ben in thin hows, and `whiche thingis thi fadris maden til in to this dai, schulen be takun awey into Babiloyne; `not ony thing schal dwelle, seith the Lord. 18But also of thi sones, that schulen go out of thee, whiche thou schalt gendere, schulen be takun, and thei schulen be geldyngis in the paleis of the king of Babiloyne. 19Ezechie seide to Isaie, The word of the Lord, `which he spak, is good; ooneli pees and treuthe be in my daies. 20Forsothe the residue of wordis of Ezechie, and al his strengthe, and hou he made a cisterne, and a watir cundijt, and brouyte watris, `in to the citee, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 21And Ezechie slepte with hise fadris, and Manasses, his sone, regnyde for hym. 21Manasses was of twelue yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde fyue and fifti yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Asiba. 2And he dide yuel in the siyt of the Lord, bi the idols of hethene men, whiche hethene men the Lord dide awei fro the face of the sones of Israel. 3And he was turned, and bildide hiye thingis, whiche Ezechie, his fadir, distriede; and he reiside auteris of Baal, and he made woodis, as Achab kyng of Israel hadde do; and he worschipide `with out forth al the knyythod of heuene, and worschipide it in herte. 4And he bildide auteris in the hows of the Lord, of which the Lord seide, Y schal sette my name in Jerusalem. 5And he bildide auteris to al the knyythod of heuene in the twei large places of the temple of the Lord; 6and he `ledde ouer his sone thorouy the fier; and he vside false dyuynyngis in auteris, on whiche sacrifice was maad to feendis, and he kepte false dyuynyngis bi chiteryng of bryddis; and he made men to haue yuele spiritis spekynge in the wombe, and he multipliede false dyuynours in entraylis of beestis sacrified to feendis, that he schulde do yuel bifor the Lord, and terre hym to ire. 7And he settide an ydol of wode, which he hadde maad, in the temple of the Lord, `of which temple the Lord spak to Dauid, and to Salomon, his sone, Y schal sette my name withouten ende in this temple, and in Jerusalem which Y chees of alle the lynagis of Israel. 8And Y schal nomore make the foot of Israel to be moued fro the lond which Y yaf to the fadris of hem; so netheles if thei kepen in werk alle thingis whiche Y comaundide to hem, and al the lawe whiche Moises, my seruaunt, comaundide to hem. 9Sotheli thei herden not, but weren disseyued of Manasses, that thei diden yuel ouer hethene men, whiche the Lord al to-brak fro the face of the sones of Israel. 10And the Lord spak in the hond of his seruauntis prophetis, and seide, 11For Manasses, kyng of Juda, dide these worste abhomynaciouns ouer alle thingis which Ammorreis diden bifor hym, and maden also the puple of Juda to do synne in hise vnclennessis; 12therfor the Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge in yuelis on Jerusalem and Juda, that who euer herith, bothe hise eeris tyngle; 13and Y schal holde forth on Jerusalem the corde of Samarie, and the birthun of the hows of Achab, and Y schal do awei Jerusalem, as tablis ben wont to be doon awei; and Y schal do awey and turne it, and Y schal lede ful ofte the poyntel on the face therof. 14Forsothe Y schal leeue relikis of myn eritage, and Y schal bitake hem in to the hond of enemyes therof; and thei schulen be in distriynge, and in raueyn to alle her aduersaries; 15for thei diden yuel bifor me, and thei continueden terrynge me to ire, fro the dai in which her fadris yeden out of the lond of Egipt `til to this day. 16Ferthermore also Manasses schedde ful myche ynnocent blood, til he fillide Jerusalem `til to the mouth, with outen hise synnes bi whiche he made Juda to do synne, to do yuel bifor the Lord. 17Forsothe the residue of the wordis of Manasses, and alle thingis whiche he dide, and his synne whiche he synnede, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 18And Manasses slepte with hise fadris, and was biried in the gardyn of his hows, in the gardyn of Azam; and Amon, his sone, regnyde for hym. 19He was of two and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne; and he regnede twei yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Mesalamech, the douyter of Arus of Gethela. 20And he dide yuel in the siyt of the Lord, as Manasses, his fader, hadde do. 21And he yede in al the weie, bi which his fader hadde go, and he seruide to vnclennessis, to whiche his fadir hadde seruyd, and he worschipide tho; and he forsook the Lord God of hise fadris, 22and he yede not in the weye of the Lord. 23And hise seruauntis settiden tresouns to hym, and killiden the kyng in hise hows. 24Sothely the puple of the Lord smoot alle men, that hadden conspirid ayens kyng Amon, and thei ordeyneden to hem a kyng, Josias, `his sone, for hym. 25Forsothe the residue of wordis of Amon, whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 26And he slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden hym in his sepulcre in the gardyn of Azam; and Josias, his sone, regnede for him. 22Josias was of eiyte yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde oon and thritti yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Ydida, the douytir of Phadaia of Besechath. 2And he dide that, that was plesaunt bifor the Lord, and he yede be alle the wayes of Dauid, his fadir; he bowide not, nethir to the riytside, nethir of the leftside. 3Forsothe in the eiytenthe yeer of kyng Josias, the kyng sente Saphan, sone of Asua, the sone of Mesulam, scryueyn, ethir doctour, of the temple of the Lord, 4and seide to him, Go thou to Elchie, the grete preest, that the money, which is borun in to the temple of the Lord, be spendid, which money the porteris of the temple han gaderid of the puple; 5and that it be youun to crafti men bi the souereyns of the hows of the Lord; which also departide that money to hem that worchen in the temple of the Lord, to reparele the rooues of the temple of the Lord, 6that is, to carpenteris, and to masouns, and to hem that maken brokun thingis, and that trees and stoonus of quarieris be bouyt, to reparele the temple of the Lord; 7netheles siluer, which thei taken, be not rekynyd to hem, but haue thei in power, and in feith. 8Forsothe Helchie, the bischop, seide to Saphan, the scryuen, Y haue founde the book of the lawe in the hows of the Lord. And Elchie yaf the book to Saphan, the scryuen, which also redde it. 9Also Saphan, the scryuen, cam to the kyng, and telde to hym tho thingis, whiche Elchie hadde comaundid, and he seide, Thi seruauntis han spendid the monei, which was foundun in the hows of the Lord, and yauen, that it schulde be departid to crafti men of the souereyns of werkis of the temple of the Lord. 10Also Saphan, the scriueyn, telde to the kyng, and seide, Helchie, the preest of God, yaf to me a book; and whanne Saphan hadde red that book bifor the kyng, 11and the kyng hadde herd the wordis of the book of the lawe of the Lord, he to-rente hise clothis. 12And he comaundide to Elchie, the preest, and to Aicham, sone of Saphan, and to Achabor, sone of Mycha, and to Saphan, the scryuen, and to Achia, seruaunt of the kyng, 13and seide, Go ye, and `counsele ye the Lord on me, and on the puple, and on al Juda, of the wordis of this book, which is foundun; for greet ire of the Lord is kyndlid ayens vs, for oure fadris herden not the wordis of this book, to do al thing which is writun to vs. 14Therfor Helchie, the preest, and Aicham, and Achabor, and Saphan, and Asia, yeden to Olda, the prophetesse, the wijf of Sellum, sone of Thecue, sone of Aras, kepere of the clothis, which Olda dwellide in Jerusalem, in the secounde dwellyng; and thei spaken to hir. 15And sche answeride to hem, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Seie ye to the man, 16that sente you to me, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge yuelis on this place, and on the dwelleris therof, alle the wordis `of the lawe, whiche the kyng of Juda redde; 17for thei forsoken me, and maden sacrifice to alien goddis, and terriden me to ire in alle the werkis of her hondis; and myn indignacioun schal be kyndlid in this place, and schal not be quenchid. 18Sotheli to the kyng of Juda, that sente you, that ye schulen `counsele the Lord, ye schulen seie thus, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, For thou herdist the wordis of the book, 19and thin herte was aferd, and thou were maad meke bifor the Lord, whanne the wordis weren herd ayens this place and ayens the dwelleris therof, that is, that thei schulden be maad in to wondryng, and in to cursyng, and thou to-rentist thi clothis, and weptist bifor me, and Y herde, seith the Lord; 20herfor Y schal gadere thee to thi fadris, and thou schalt be gaderid to thi sepulcre in pees; that thin iyen se not alle the yuelis, whiche Y schal brynge yn on this place. 23And thei telden to the kyng that, that sche seide; `which kyng sente, and alle the elde men of Juda, and of Jerusalem, weren gaderid to hym. 2And the kyng stiede in to the temple of the Lord, and alle the men of Juda, and alle men that dwelliden in Jerusalem with hym, the preestis, and the prophetis, and al the puple, fro litil `til to greet; and he redde, while alle men herden, alle the wordis of the book of boond of pees of the Lord, which book was foundun in the hows of the Lord. 3And the kyng stood on the grees; and he smoot boond of pees bifor the Lord, that thei schulden go aftir the Lord, and kepe hise comaundementis and witnessyngis and cerymonyes in al the herte and in al the soule, that thei schulden reise the wordis of this boond of pees, that weren writun in that book; and the puple assentide to the couenaunt. 4And the kyng comaundide to Helchie, the bischop, and to the preestis of the secounde ordre, and to the porteris, that thei schulden caste out of the temple alle the vesselis, that weren maad to Baal, and in the wode, and to al the knyythod of heuene; and he brente tho vessels with out Jerusalem, in the euene valey of Cedron, and he bar the poudir of tho `vessels in to Bethel. 5And he dide awei false dyuynours `that dyuynyden in the entrailis of beestis sacrified to idols, whiche the kingis of Juda hadden sett to make sacrifice in hiy thingis bi the citees of Juda, and in the cumpas of Jerusalem; and he dide awey hem that brenten encense to Baal, and to the sunne, and to the moone, and to twelue signes, and to al the knyythod of heuene. 6And he made the wode to be borun out of the hows of the Lord without Jerusalem in the euene valey of Cedron, and he brente it there; and he droof it in to poudir, and castide it forth on the sepulcris of the comyn puple. 7Also he distriede the litle housis of `men turnyd into wommens condiciouns, whiche housis weren in the hows of the Lord; for whiche the wymmen `maden as litil howsis of the wode. 8And he gaderide alle the preestis fro the citees of Juda, and he defoulide the hiye thingis, where the preestis maden sacrifice, fro Gabaa `til to Bersabee; and he distriede the auters of yatis in the entryng of the dore of Josie, prince of a citee, which dore was at the lift half of the yate of the cytee. 9Netheles the preestis of hiye thingis stieden not to the auter of the Lord in Jerusalem, but oneli thei eten therf looues in the myddis of her britheren. 10Also he defoulide Tophet, which is in the euene valey of the sone of Ennon, that no man schulde halewe his sone ether his douytir bi fier to Moloch. 11Also he dide awei horsis, whiche the kyngis of Juda hadden youe to the sunne, in the entryng of the temple of the Lord, bisidis the chaumbir of Nathanmalech, geldyng, that was in Pharurym; forsothe he brente bi fier the charis of the sunne. 12Also the kyng distriede the auteris, that weren on the roouys of the soler of Achaz, whiche auteris the kyngis of Juda hadden maad; and the kyng distriede the auteris, whiche Manasses hadde maad in the twei grete placis of the temple of the Lord; and he ran fro thennus, and scateride the askis of tho in to the strond of Cedron. 13Also the kyng defoulide the hiye thingis, that weren in Jerusalem at the riyt part of the hil of offencioun, whiche Salomon, kyng of Israel, hadde bildid to Astroth, the ydol of Sidoneis, and to Chamos, the offencioun of Moab, and to Melchon, abhominacioun of the sones of Amon; 14and he al to-brak ymagis, and kittide doun wodis, and fillide the places of tho with the boonys of deed men. 15Ferthermore also he distriede the auter that was in Bethel, and `he distriede the hiye thing, which Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, hadde maad, that made Israel to do synne; and he distriede that hiy autir, and brente it, and al to brak it in to poudir, and kittide doun also the wode. 16And Josias turnyde, and siy there sepulcris that weren in the hil; and he sente, and took the boonys fro the sepulcris, and brente tho on the auter, and defoulide it bi the word of the Lord, which word the man of God spak, that biforseide these wordis. 17And the kyng seide, What is this biriel, which Y se? And the citeseyns of that citee answeriden to hym, It is the sepulcre of the man of God, that cam fro Juda, and biforseide these wordis, whiche thou hast doon on the auter of Bethel. 18And the kyng seide, Suffre ye hym; no man moue hise boonys. And hise boonys dwelliden vntouchid with the boones of the prophete, that cam fro Samarie. 19Ferthermore also Josias dide awei alle the templis of hiye thingis, that weren in the citees of Samarie, whiche the kyngis of Israel hadden maad to terre the Lord to ire; and he dide to tho templis bi alle thingis whiche he hadde do in Bethel. 20And he killide alle the preestis of hiye thingis, that weren there on the auteris, and he brente mennus boonus on tho auteris; and he turnede ayen to Jerusalem; 21and comaundide to al the puple, and seide, Make ye pask to `youre Lord God, vp that, that is writun in the book of this boond of pees. 22Forsothe sich pask was not maad, fro the daies of iugis that demyden Israel, and of alle daies of the kyngis of Israel and of Juda, 23as this pask was maad to the Lord in Jerusalem in the eiytenthe yeer of kyng Josias. 24But also Josias dide awei men hauynge fendis spekinge in her wombis, and false diuinouris in auteris, and `he dide awei the figuris of idols, and alle vnclennessis, and abhomynaciouns, that weren in the lond of Juda and in Jerusalem, that he schulde do the wordis of the lawe, that weren writun in the book, `which book Elchie, the preest, foond in the temple of the Lord. 25No kyng bifor him was lijk hym, `that turnede ayen to the Lord in al his herte, and in al his soule, and in al his vertu, bi al the lawe of Moises; nether aftir hym roos ony lijk hym. 26Netheles the Lord was not turned awei fro the ire of his greet veniaunce, bi which his strong veniaunce was wrooth ayens Juda, for the terryngis to ire by whiche Manasses hadde terrid hym to ire. 27Therfor the Lord seide, Y schal do awei also Juda fro my face, as Y dide awei Israel; and Y schal caste awei this citee, which Y chees, Jerusalem, and the hows `of which Y seide, My name schal be there. 28Forsothe the residue of wordis of Josias, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 29In the daies of hym Farao Nechao, kyng of Egipt, stiede ayens the kyng of Assiriens, to the flood Eufrates; and Josias, kyng of Juda, yede in to metyng of hym, and Josias was slayn in Magedo, whanne he hadde seyn hym. 30And `hise seruauntis baren hym deed fro Magedo, and brouyte him in to Jerusalem, and birieden hym in his sepulcre; and the puple of the lond took Joachaz, sone of Josias, and anoyntiden hym, and maden hym kyng for his fadir. 31Joachaz was of thre and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede thre monethis in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Amychal, douyter of Jeremye of Lobna. 32And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis which hise fadris hadden do. 33And Farao Nechao boond hym in Reblatha, which is in the lond of Emath, that he schulde not regne in Jerusalem; and he settide `peyne, ether raunsum, to the lond, in an hundrid talentis of siluer, and in a talent of gold. 34And Farao Nechao made kyng Eliachim, sone of Josias, for Josias, his fadir; and he turnede the name of hym Joachym; forsothe Farao took Joachaz, and ledde hym in to Egipt. 35Sotheli Joachym yaf siluer and gold to Farao, whanne he hadde comaundid to the lond bi alle yeeris, that it schulde be brouyt, bi the comaundement of Farao; and he reiside of ech man bi hise myytis bothe siluer and gold, of the puple of the lond, that he schulde yyue to Pharao Nechao. 36Joachym was of fyue and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede eleuene yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Zebida, douyter of Phadaia of Ruma. 37And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis which hise fadris hadden do. 24In the daies of hym Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, stiede, and Joachym was maad seruaunt to hym by thre yeeris; and eft Joachym rebellide ayens hym. 2And the Lord sente to hym theuys of Caldeis, and theuys of Sirie, and theuys of Moab, and theuys of the sones of Amon; and he sente hem `in to Juda, that he schulde destrie it, bi the word of the Lord, which he spak bi hise seruauntis prophetis. 3Forsothe this was doon bi the word of the Lord ayens Juda, that he schulde do awei it bifor him silf, for the synnes of Manasses, and alle thingis whiche he dide, 4and for the giltles blood which he sched out; and he fillide Jerusalem with the blood of innocentis; and for this thing the Lord nolde do mercy. 5Forsothe the residue of wordis of Joachim, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda? 6And Joachym slept with hise fadris, and Joakyn, his sone, regnyde for him. 7And the kyng of Egipt addide no more to go out of hys lond; for the kyng of Babiloyne hadde take alle thingis that weren the kyngis of Egipt, fro the strond of Egipt `til to the flood Eufrates. 8Joakyn was of eiytene yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde thre monethis in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Nahesta, douytir of Helnathan of Jerusalem. 9And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis whiche hise fadir hadde do. 10In that tyme the seruauntis of Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, stieden `in to Jerusalem, and the citee was cumpassid with bisegyngis. 11And Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, cam to the citee with hise seruauntis, that he schulde fiyte ayens it. 12And Joakyn, kyng of Juda, yede out to the king of Babiloyne, he, and his modir, and hise seruauntis, and hise princis, and hise chaumburleyns; and the king of Babiloyne resseyuede him, in the eiythe yeer of `his rewme. 13And he brouyte forth fro thens alle the tresours of the `hous of the Lord, and the tresours of the kingis hous; and he beet togider alle the goldun vessels, whiche Salomon, king of Israel, hadde maad in the temple of the Lord, bi the `word of the Lord. 14And he translatide al Jerusalem, and alle the princis, and alle the strong men of the oost, ten thousynde, in to caitiftee, and ech crafti man, and goldsmyyt; and no thing was left, outakun the pore puplis of the lond. 15Also he translatide Joakyn in to Babiloyne, and the moder of the king, `the wyues of the king, and the chaumburleyns of the king; and he ledde the iugis of the lond in to caitifte fro Jerusalem in to Babiloyne; 16and alle stronge men, seuene thousynde; and crafti men and goldsmyythis, a thousynde; alle stronge men and werriouris; and the king of Babiloyne ledde hem prisoners in to Babiloyne. 17And he ordeynede Mathanye, the brother of his fadir, for hym; and puttide to hym the name Sedechie. 18Sedechie hadde the oon and twentithe yeer of age, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde eleuene yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Amychal, douyter of Jeremye of Lobna. 19And he dide yuel bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis which Joachym hadde do. 20For the Lord was wrooth ayens Jerusalem, and ayens Juda, til he caste hem awey fro his face; and Sedechie yede awei fro the king of Babiloyne. 25Forsothe it was don in the nynthe yeer of his rewme, in the tenthe moneth, in the tenthe dai of the moneth, Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, cam, he, and al his oost, in to Jerusalem; and thei cumpassiden it, and bildiden `stronge thingis in the cumpass therof. 2And the citee was closid, and cumpassid, `til to the eleuenthe yeer of king Sedechie, 3in the nynthe day of the monethe; and hungur `hadde maistrie in the citee, and `breed was not to the puple of the lond. 4And the citee was brokun, and alle men werriours fledden in the niyt bi the weie of the yate, which is bitwixe the double wal, to the gardyn of the kyng; sotheli Caldeis bisegiden the citee `bi cumpas. Therfor Sedechie fledde bi the weie that ledith to the feeldi placis of the wildirnesse; 5and the oost of Caldeis pursuede the king, and it took him in the pleyn of Jerico; and alle the werriours, that weren with him, weren scaterid, and leften him. 6Therfor thei ledden the king takun to the king of Babiloyne, in to Reblatha, which spak dom with him, `that is, with Sedechie. 7Sotheli he killide the sones of Sedechie bifor him, and puttide out his iyen, and boond him with chaynes, and ledde him in to Babiloyne. 8In the fifthe monethe, in the seuenthe dai of the monethe, thilke is the nyntenthe yeer of the king of Babiloyne, Nabuzardan, prince of the oost, seruaunt of the king of Babiloyne, cam in to Jerusalem; 9and he brente the hows of the Lord, and the hows of the king, and the housis of Jerusalem, and he brente bi fier ech hows; 10and al the oost of Caldeis, that was with the prince of knyytis, distriede the wallis of Jerusalem `in cumpas. 11Forsothe Nabuzardan, prince of the chyyualrie, translatide the tother part of the puple, that dwellide in the citee, and the fleeris, that hadden fled ouer to the king of Babiloyne, and the residue comyn puple; 12and he lefte of the pore men of the lond vyntilieris, and erthe tilieris. 13Sotheli Caldeis braken the brasun pilers, that weren in the temple, and the foundementis, and the see of bras, that was in the hous of the Lord; and thei translatiden al the metal in to Babiloyne. 14And thei token the pottis of bras, and trullis, and fleisch hokis, and cuppis, and morteris, and alle brasun vessels, in whiche thei mynystriden; 15also and censeris, and violis. The prince of the chyualrie took tho that weren of gold, and tho that weren of siluer, 16that is, twei pileris, o see, and the foundementis, whiche king Salomon hadde maad `in to the temple of the Lord; and no weiyte was of metal of alle the vessels. 17O piler hadde eiyten cubitis of hiyte, and a brasun pomel on it of the heiyte of thre cubitis, and a werk lijk a net, and pomgarnadis on the pomel of the piler, alle thingis of bras; and the secounde piler hadde lijk ournyng. 18Also the prince of the chyualrie took Saraie, the firste preest, and Sophony, the secunde prest, 19and thre porteris, and oon onest seruaunt of the citee, that was a souereyn ouer men werriours, and fyue men `of hem that stoden bifor the king, whiche he foond in the citee; and he took Sopher, the prince of the oost, that preuide yonge knyytis, `ether men able to batel, of the puple of the lond, and sixe men of the comyns, that weren foundyn in the citee; 20whiche Nabuzardan, prince of the chyualrie, took, and ledde to the king of Babiloyne, in to Reblatha. 21And the kyng of Babiloyne smoot hem, and killide hem in Reblatha, in the lond of Emath; and Juda was translatid fro his lond. 22Sotheli he made souereyn Godolie, sone of Aicham, sone of Saphan, to the puple that was left in the lond of Juda; which puple Nabugodonosor, king of Babiloyne, hadde left. 23And whanne alle the duykis of knyytis hadde herd these thingis, thei, and the men that weren with hem, that is, that the king of Babiloyne hadde ordeyned Godolie, thei camen `to Godolie, in Maspha, Ismael, sone of Nathanye, and Johannan, sone of Charee, and Saraie, sone of Thenameth of Nechophat, and Jeconye, sone of Machati, thei, and Machat, and the felowis of hem. 24And Godolie swoor to hem, and to the felowis of hem, and seide, Nyle ye drede to serue the Caldeis; dwelle ye in the lond, and serue ye the king of Babiloyne, and it schal be wel to you. 25Forsothe it was don in the seuenthe monethe, `that is, sithen Godolie was maad souereyn, Hismael, the sone of Nathanye, sone of Elysama, of the `kyngis seed, cam, and ten men with hym, and thei smytiden Godolie, which diede; but also thei smytiden Jewis and Caldeis, that weren with hym in Maspha. 26And al the puple roos fro litil `til to greet, and the prynces of knyytis, and camen in to Egipt, and dredden Caldeis. 27Therfor it was doon in the seuenthe and threttithe yeer of transmigracioun, `ether passyng ouer, of Joakyn, kyng of Juda, in the tweluethe monethe, in the seuene and twentithe dai of the monethe, Euylmeradach, kyng of Babiloyne, in the yeer in which he bigan to regne, reiside the heed of Joakyn, kyng of Juda, 28fro prisoun, and spak to hym benygneli; and he settide the trone of Joakyn aboue the trone of kyngis, that weren with hym in Babilonye. 29And he chaungide `hise clothis, whiche he hadde in prisoun; and he eet breed euer in the siyt of Euylmeradach, in alle the daies of his lijf. 30Also Euylmeradach ordeynede sustenaunce `to hym with out ceessyng; which sustenaunce also was youun of the kyng to hym bi alle daies, and in alle the daies of his lijf.