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OET-RV by cross-referenced section LUKE 9:37

LUKE 9:37–9:43a ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Yeshua heals a demon-possessed boy

Luke 9:37–43a

Mark 9:14–27

Mat 17:14–18

9:37 Yeshua heals a demon-possessed boy

(Mark 9:14-27, Mat. 17:14-18)

37When they came back down the hill the next day, a big crowd was waiting for them. 38Then, look, a man in the crowd shouted out, “Teacher, I implore you to come and look at my son, because he’s my only child. 39A spirit takes control of him and suddenly he cries out and it makes him convulse and foam at the mouth, and only leaves him after a long time when he’s bruised and battered. 40I tried to get your apprentices to drive it out, but they couldn’t.”

41Oh you unbelieving and perverted generation,Yeshua answered, “how much longer do I have to be with you and put up with all of you? Bring your son here.

42While they were still approaching, the demon attacked the boy and threw him in a convulsion, but Yeshua rebuked the evil spirit and healed the boy and led him back to his father. 43Everyone there was astounded at God’s power.

9:14 Yeshua drives out a stubborn demon

(Mat. 17:14-21, Luke 9:37-43a)

14When they got back to his other followers, Yeshua saw that they were surrounded by a large crowd and the religious teachers were debating with them. 15The crowd were very surprised when they noticed Yeshua and came running to greet him. 16He asked them, “What were you all talking about?

17One of the people answered, “Teacher, I brought my son here—he has a demon that prevents him from speaking. 18Whenever it takes hold of him, it attacks him and he starts foaming at the mouth and grating his teeth and his joints lock up. I tried to get your followers to command it to leave but they couldn’t.”

19Yeshua replied, “You are a faithless generation. How much longer will I have to be here? How much longer can I tolerate you all? Bring him here.20So they brought the boy to him. When he saw Yeshua, the demon immediately caused him to have convulsions and fall on the groundrolling over and foaming at the mouth.

21Yeshua asked his father, “How long has this been happening?

“Since he was small,” he replied, 22“and often it throws him into the fire or into water to try to destroy him. But if you feel sorry for us and can do it, please help us.”

23Yeshua asked him, “If I can? A person who believes can do anything.

24The boys father cried out, “I do believehelp me to fight unbelief.”

25Then Yeshua noticing that a big crowd was quickly forming, scolded the evil spirit, “You spirit who causes muteness and deafness. Leave this boy now and never return to him.

26There was yelling and strong convulsions, and then the demon left him and the boy lay still as if dead, and many people thought he was. 27But Yeshua took his hand and lifted it, and the boy got up.

17:14 Yeshua drives a demon out of a boy

(Mark 9:14-29, Luke 9:37-43a)

14When they got back to the crowd, a man approached Yeshua and knelt down before him 15saying, “Master, show mercy to my son, because he has seizures and isn’t well, often falling into the fire or the water. 16I brought him to your apprentices, but they weren’t able to heal him.”

17Oh you unbelieving and depraved generation,Yeshua answered, “how much longer will I have to be with you all? How much longer can I tolerate you all? Bring your son here to me.18Then Yeshua rebuked the demon and it came out of him, and the boy was healed that very hour.