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OET-RV by cross-referenced section LUKE 12:35

LUKE 12:35–12:40 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

The well-prepared slave

Luke 12:35–40

12:35 The well-prepared slave

35[ref]Get up and get dressed and get the lamps burning 36[ref]like someone who’s waiting for their master. When he leaves the wedding celebrations and comes and knocks, you’ll be ready to immediately open the door. 37The master would bless the slaves that are ready, watching for when he arrives. I can assure you that he’ll dress himself and then he’ll seat them on couches and come and serve them there himself. 38If he arrives around midnight or even in the small hours of the morning, he’ll find them ready. Yes, they’ll be blessed. 39[ref]But you should also know this: if the home-owner knew what time the thief would arrive, he’d be ready watching and not allow his house to be burgled. 40So you all need to be ready because you don’t know when humanity’s child is going to arrive.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Mat 25:1-13:

25:1 The parable about not being prepared

25[ref]The kingdom of the heavens can also be likened to ten young women in a wedding party who took their lamps and went off to meet the groom. 2Five of them were harebrained and five were sensible. 3The less clever ones took their lamps but didn’t take any oil for them, 4whereas the sensible ones had oil in containers along with the lamps. 5When the groom was held up, they started nodding off and napping.

6But in the middle of the night there was a shout, ‘Look, the groom’s on his way. Come out and meet him.’ 7So all the young women got up and trimmed the wicks on their lamps, 8and the less sensible ones asked the others, ‘Here, give us some of your oil because our lamps are starting to splutter.’ 9But the sensible ones answered, ‘We don’t have enough for everyone. You need to go to the stall and buy some for your lamps.’ 10However, while they were still away buying oil, the groom appeared and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding and the door was shut.

11[ref]Later the other young women arrived and called out, ‘Master, master, let us in.’ 12But he answered, ‘I can assure you all that I don’t know you.’

13So then, be watchful because you all don’t know the day or the time.

25:1: Luk 12:35.

25:11-12: Luk 13:25.

Mrk 13:34-36:

34[ref]It can all be compared to a man who was about to leave his house and go on a trip. Before he leaves, he gives certain jobs and responsibilities to his various slaves, and instructs his security guard to stay alert. 35So you all watch and stay alert, because you don’t know when the master of the house might return—perhaps one evening or at midnight, or at dawn or maybe mid-morning. 36You certainly don’t want to be caught napping when he comes.

13:34: Luk 12:36-38.

Mat 24:43-44:

43[ref]But you do know that if the home-owner knew when the thief would come, he would be there watching and not allow the thief to break into the house. 44Because of that, you all should also be ready because otherwise you wouldn’t realise that humanity’s child is coming at that time.

24:43-44: Luk 12:39-40.