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OET-RV by cross-referenced section 2COR 11:1

2COR 11:1–11:15 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Paul and the fake missionaries

2Cor 11:1–15

11:1 Paul and the fake missionaries

11I wish you all could tolerate a bit of foolishness from me, but yes, you do tolerate me, 2because I’m jealous of you all with godly jealousy as I had committed you to your future husband—a pure bride to present to the messiah. 3[ref]But I’m afraid that just as the crafty serpent somehow deceived Heva (Eve), your thinking might get corrupted from its sincerity and purity in the messiah. 4Indeed even if another Yeshua came and proclaimed something different from what we proclaimed, or if you receive another spirit that you hadn’t received already, or a good message different from what you’ve already heard, you might tolerate it.

5I reckon that I wasn’t deficient compared to the ‘super missionaries’, 6but even if my speaking is just ordinary, my knowledge isn’t and I’ve made everything clear to you all in every way.

7Or did I disobey God when I humbled myself so that all of you might be elevated, because I shared the good message with you all without any personal gain? 8I’ve ‘robbed’ other assemblies in order to support my ministry to all of you, 9[ref]and when I was with you and needed something, I wasn’t a burden to anyone, because the believers who came from Macedonia supplied what I needed. Thus I have kept myself from being a burden to you in any way, and will keep doing so. 10The messiah’s truth is in me such that my boasting in the regions of Achaia won’t be stopped. 11Why’s that? Because I don’t love you all? God knows that I do.

12But what I’m doing, I’ll keep on doing, so that I can deny the opportunity to those people who’re looking for an opportunity so that what they boast about, we’ll already be doing, 13because they are false ambassadors and deceitful workersmasquerading themselves as Messiah’s missionaries, 14and that’s no surprise because Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light. 15So then it’s no great surprise if his servants are masquerading as God’s servants, but their end will be the consequence of their actions.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Gen 3:1-5,13:

3:1 The couple disobey God

3Now the snake was the craftiest of all the animals that Yahweh God had created, and one day he asked the woman, “Did God really command you to not eat fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”[ref]

2“No,” answered the woman, “we can eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden, 3except from the tree that is in the centre. He commanded us to not eat that fruit or even touch it, because if we do, we will die!”

4But the serpent said to the woman, “It’s not definite that you’ll die. 5Actually, God knows that as soon as you eat fruit from that tree, you’ll understand new things, so that you will know what’s right and what’s wrong just like God does.”

6The woman saw that the tree’s fruit looked good to eat and that the tree itself was very attractive, plus she wanted to eat the fruit so that it would make her wise. So she picked some of the fruit and ate it and she also gave some of it to her husband who was there with her, and he ate it too. 7Immediately they both had new understanding and they felt their nakedness. So they sewed some fig leaves together and made skirts for themselves.

8Late that afternoon, during the cool time of the day, the man and his wife heard Yahweh God’s voice as he walked in the garden, but they hid from him behind some trees in the garden, 9so Yahweh God called out to the man, “Adam, where are you?”

10“I heard you walking in the garden,” he replied, “but I was scared because I was naked, so I hid myself.”

11“Who told you that you’re naked?” Yahweh God asked. “Have you eaten the fruit that I told you not to eat?”

12“The woman that you put here beside me,” answered the man, “she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it.”

13Then Yahweh God asked the woman, “What did you do?”[ref]

“The snake tricked me, so I ate some of the fruit,” the woman replied.

3:1: Rev 12:9; 20:2.

3:13: 2Cor 11:3; 1Tim 2:14.

Php 4:15-18:

15I’ve know all you Philippians, that when I left Macedonia to begin preaching the good message, no other assembly shared with me in giving and receiving—only you there. 16[ref]Even when I was in Thessalonica, once you sent me what I needed—actually twice17not that I was looking for a gift from my perspective, but because I was thrilled to see you all accumulating heavenly rewards. 18[ref]But now I’ve received everything I need. I have plenty now that Epaphroditus arrived with what you all sent. It was like a fragrant sacrifice that’s acceptable to God and which pleases him.

4:16: Acts 17:1.

4:18: Exo 29:18.