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Bshps REV Chapter 15

REV 15 ©

15And I sawe another signe in heauen, great & marueylous, seuen angels hauyng the seuen last plagues, for in them is fulfylled the wrath of God. 2And I sawe as it were a glassie sea mingled with fyre, and them that had gotten the victorie of the beast, and of his image, and of his marke, and of the number of his name, stande on ye glassie sea, hauyng the harpes of God. 3And they sang the song of Moyses the seruaunt of God, and the song of the lambe, saying: Great and marueylous are thy workes Lorde God almightie, iust and true are thy wayes thou kyng of saintes. 4Who shall not feare thee O Lorde, and glorifie thy name? for thou only art holy: And all gentiles shal come and worship before thee, for thy iudgemetes are made manifest. 5And after that I loked, and beholde, the temple of the tabernacle of testimonie was open in heauen: 6And the seuen angels came out of the temple, which had the seuen plagues, clothed in pure and bryght lynnen, and hauing their brestes girded with golden girdels. 7And one of the foure beastes, gaue vnto the seuen angels seuen golden vials, full of the wrath of God which lyueth for euermore. 8And the temple was full of the smoke of the glorie of God, and of his power: and no man was able to enter into the temple, tyll the seuen plagues of the seuen angels were fulfylled.

REV 15 ©
