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Cvdl 1CH Chapter 20

1CH 20 ©

20And whan ye yeare came aboute, what tyme as ye kynges vse to go forth, Ioab broughte the power of the hoost, & destroyed the londe of the children of Ammon, and came and layed sege vnto Rabba. But Dauid abode at Ierusalem. And Ioab smote Rabba, and brake it downe. 2And Dauid toke their kynges crowne from his heade, and founde the weighte of a talent of golde theron, & precious stones. And it was set vpo Dauids heade. And very moch spoyle caried he out of the cite. 3As for the people that were therin, he broughte the forth, & parted them in sunder wt sawes, & hokes & betels of yron. Thus dyd Dauid vnto all ye cities of the childre of Ammon. And Dauid departed againe, with the people vnto Ierusalem. 4Afterwarde arose there warre at Gasar with the Philistynes. Then Sibechai ye Husathite smote Sibai, which was one of the children of Rephaim, and he subdued him. 5And there arose warre agayne wt the Philistynes. The Elhamah ye sonne of Iair smote Lahemi ye brother of Goliath ye Gathite, whose speares staff was life a weeuers lome. 6Afterwarde was there a battayll at Gath, where there was a man of a greate stature, yt had sixe fyngers and sixe toes, which make foure and twentye. And he was borne also of Rapha, and spake despytefully vnto Israel. 7But Ionathas the sonne of Simea Dauids brother smote him. 8These were the childre of Rapha at Gath, & fell thorow ye hande of Dauid, and of his seruauntes.

1CH 20 ©
