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Cvdl 1CH Chapter 27

1CH 27 ©

27The children of Israel acordinge to their nombre, were heades of the fathers, and ouer thousandes and ouer hundreds, & officers waytinge vpon the kynge, to go of & on after their course euery moneth one, in all ye monethes of ye yeare. Euery course had foure & twentye thousande. 2Ouer the first course of the first moneth, was Iasebeam ye sonne of Sabdiel, and vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 3Of the children of Phares was the pryncipall amonge all the chefe captaynes in the first moneth. 4Ouer the course of the seconde moneth was Dodai the Ahohite, and Mikloth was the prynce ouer his course. And vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 5The thirde pryncipall captayne of the thirde moneth, was Benaia the sonne of Ioiada ye prest, and vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 6This is yt Benaia the Worthie amonge thirtie and aboue thirtie, And his course was vnder his sonne Ammi Sabad. 7The fourth in ye fourth moneth was Asahel the brother of Ioab, and Sabadia his sonne after him, and vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 8The fifth in the fifth moneth was Samehuth the Iesrahite, and vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 9The sixte in the sixte moneth, was Ira ye sonne of Ickes the Thecoite, and vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 10The seuenth in the seuenth moneth, was Helez the Pelonite of the children of Ephraim, and vnder his course were foure and twetye thousande. 11The eight in the eight moneth, was Sibechai the Husathite of ye Sarehites, and vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 12The nyenth in the nyenth moneth, was Abieser the Anthothite of the childre of Iemini, & vnder his course were foure and twetye thousande. 13The tenth in the tenth moneth, was Maherai the Netophatite of the Serahites, and vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 14The eleuenth in the eleueth moneth, was Benaia the Pirgathonite of the children of Ephraim, and vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 15The twolueth in the twolueth moneth was Heldai ye Netophatite of Athniel, and vnder his course were foure and twentye thousande. 16Ouer the trybes of Israel were these: Amonge the Rubenites was Prynce Elieser the sonne of Sichri. Amonge the Simeoninites was Sephatia the sonne of Maecha. 17Amonge the Leuites was Hasabia the sonne of Kemuel. Amonge the Aaronites was Sadoc. 18Amoge Iuda was Elihu one of Dauids brethren. Amonge Isachar was Amri the sonne of Michael. 19Amonge Zabulo was Iesmaia the sonne of Obadia. Amonge Nephtali was Ieremoth the sonne of Asriel. 20Amonge the children of Ephraim was Hosea the sonne of Asasia. Amonge the halfe trybe of Manasses was Ioel the sonne of Pedaia. 21Amonge the halfe trybe of Manasses in Gilead was Ieddo the sonne of Zacharias. Amonge BenIamin was Iaesiel the sonne of Abner. 22Amonge Dan was Asareel the sonne of Ieroham. These are the princes of the trybes of Israel. 23But Dauid toke not the nombre of them that were twentye yeare olde and there vnder: for the LORDE had promysed to multiplye Israel as the starres of the?kie. 24Howbeit Ioab the sonne of Zeruia had begonne to nombre them, and perfourmed it not: for there came wrath vpon Israel for the same cause, therfore came not the nombre in to ye Cronicles of kynge Dauid. 25Ouer the kynges treasures was Asmaueth the sonne of Adiel. And ouer the treasures in the lode, in the cities, vyllages and castels was Ionathan the sonne of Vsia. 26Ouer the hu?bandmen to tyll the londe was Esri the sonne of Chelab. 27Ouer the vynyardes was Simei the Ramathite. Ouer the wyne Cellers and treasures of wyne was Sabdi the Siphimite. 28Ouer the oyle gardens and Molberytrees in the lowe feldes, was Baal Hanan the Gaderite. Ouer the treasure of the oyle was Ioas. 29Ouer ye oxen of the pasture at Saron was Sitari the Saronite. Ouer the oxen in the valleys was Saphath the sonne of Adlai. 30Ouer the Camels was Obil the Ismaelite. Ouer the asses was Iehethia the Meronothite. 31Ouer the shepe was Iasis the Hagarite. All these were rulers ouer kynge Dauids goodes. 32Ionathan Dauids vncle was of the councell a wyse man and a scrybe. And Iehiel, the sonne of Hachmoni was with the kynges children. 33Achitophel also was of the kynges councell. Husai the Arachite was the kinges frende. 34After Achitophel was Ioiada ye sonne of Benaia and Abiathar. As for Ioab, he was the kynges chefe captayne of warre.

1CH 27 ©
