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Cvdl 1CH Chapter 25

1CH 25 ©

25And Dauid with the chefe captaynes sundered to the offices amonge ye childre of Assaph, Heman & Iedithun ye prophetes with harpes, psalteries & Cymbales, and they were nombred vnto the worke acordynge to their offyce. 2Amonge the childre of Assaph was Sakur, Ioseph, Nethania, Asarela, childre of Assaph vnder Assaph which prophecyed besyde ye kynge. 3Of Iedithun: The children of Iedithun were, Gedalia, Zori, Iesaia, Hasabia, Mathithia (Simei) these sixe vnder their father Iedithun wt harpes, whose prophecienge was to geue thankes and to praise the LORDE. 4Of Heman: The children of Heman were Bukia, Mathania, Vsiel, Sebuel, Ierimoth, Hanania, Hanani, Eliatha, Gilthi, Romamthieser, Ia?baksa, Mallochi, Hothir and Mehesioth. 5All these were the children of Hema the kynges Seer in the wordes of God to lyfte vp the horne: for God gaue Heman fourtene sonnes & thre daughters. 6All these were vnder their fathers Assaph Iedithun and Heman, to synge in the house of the LORDE with Cymbales, Psalteries & harpes, acordynge to the office in the house of God besyde the kynge. 7And their nombre with their brethren, which were taughte in the songe of the LORDE (euery one hauynge vnderstondinge) was two hundreth & eight and foure score. 8And they cast the lottes ouer their offyce, for the leest as for the greatest, for the master as for the scolar. 9And the first Lot fell vpo Ioseph which was of Assaph: the seconde vpo Gedolia wt his brethre and sonnes, of whom there were twolue. 10The thirde vpo Sacur with his sonnes & brethre, of who there were twolue. 11The fourth vpon Iezri with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 12The fyfth vpo Nethania with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue. 13The syxte vpon Bukia with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 14The seuenth vpon Iesreela with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue. 15The eighte vpon Iesaia with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 16The nyenth vpon Mathania with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue. 17The tenth vpon Simei with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 18The eleuenth vpon Asraeel with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 19The twolueth vpon Hasabia with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue. 20The thirtenth vpon Subael with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue. 21The fourtenth vpon Mathithia with his sonnes & brethre, of whom there were twolue. 22The fyftenth vpo Ieremoth with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue. 23The syxtenth vpon Anania with his sonnes and brethren of whom there were twolue. 24The seuenteth vpon Ia?bekasa with his sonnes & brethren of whom there were twolue. 25The eightenth vpon Hanani with his sonnes and brethre, of whom there were twolue. 26The nyententh vpon Mallothi with his sonnes & brethren, of whom there were twolue. 27The twentieth vpon Eliatha with his sonnes and brethre of whom there were twolue. 28The one & twetieth vpon Hothir with his sonnes & brethre of whom there were twolue. 29The two and twentieth vpon Gidalthi with his sonnes & brethren, of whom there were twolue. 30The thre and twentieth vpon Mehesioth with his sonnes and brethren of whom there were twolue. 31The foure and twetyeth vpon Romamthieser with his sonnes and brethren, of whom there were twolue.

1CH 25 ©
