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OET Missing Verse page

The Open English Translation Readers’ Version uses the symbol to indicate places where we intentionally did not include the translation of an entire verse. This is not because we’re trying to trying to hide anything that was in the original scriptures, but rather it’s because the majority of scholars believe that the verse was added later by a scribe and most likely was not written by the original author of the document or letter.

It’s clear that the oldest copies of the manuscripts that we have, are not the originals which were first dictated by their authors, but rather they’re copies made over the next few centuries. Often, the copyists wanted to fix errors which they believed earlier copyists may have made, or add additional information that they thought would help the reader. And then of course, some of them introduced accidental errors of their own, especially in the New Testament era where scribes often were not professionals.

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In the interest of complete transparency, here is a list of the passages that we didn’t include with a rough, literal translation of each: