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Open English Translation LUKE Chapter 22

LUKE 22 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

22:1 The plan to kill Yeshua

(Yhn 11:45-53, Mark 14:1-2, Mat. 26:1-5)

22[ref]By then the Flat Bread Celebration was getting closer—part of the Passover celebrations, 2and the chief priests and the religious teachers were trying to find a way to kill Yeshua without causing the people to riot.

22And the feast of_ the _non-fermented bread, which being_called the_passover_feast was_nearing.
2And the chief_priests and the scribes were_seeking, the way how they_may_kill him, because/for they_were_fearing the people.

22:3 Yudas agrees to betray Yeshua

(Mark 14:10-11, Mat. 26:14-16)

3Then Satan entered Yudas Iscariot, one of the twelve apprentices. 4He left the others and went to the chief priests and their officers to discuss a way that he could turn Yeshua into them. 5They were very pleased and decided to give him some silver, 6so agreeing to that, he started looking for an opportunity to turn Yeshua into them sometime when he wasn’t surrounded by a crowd.

3And Satan/(Sāţān) came_in into Youdas/(Yəhūdāh), the one being_called Iskariōtaʸs, being of the number of_the twelve.
4And having_gone_away, he_conversed_with with_the chief_priests and officers, the way how he_may_give_ him _over to_them.
5And they_were_elated and they_decided to_give to_him silver.
6And he_consented, and was_seeking opportunity which to_give_ him _over to_them without a_crowd.

22:7 Yeshua organises their Passover dinner

(Yhn 13:21-30, Mark 14:12-21, Mat. 26:17-25)

7Then the day of the flat bread dinner arrived when the Passover celebration is observed. 8Yeshua sent Peter and Yohan, telling them, “Go on ahead and prepare our Passover meal ready for us to eat.

9Where should we prepare it?” they asked. 10Listen,” he said, “go ahead and when you enter the city you’ll meet a man carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house that he goes into. 11Then tell the home-owner that the teacher wants to know where the guest room is so that he can eat the Passover meal with his followers 12and he’ll show you a large upper room that’s already set-up. That’s where you should prepare the meal.13So the two of them went on ahead and found it exactly like he’d told them, and so they prepared the Passover dinner.

7And the day the of_non-fermented bread came, in_which it_was_fitting the passover_feast to_be_being_sacrificed.
8And he_sent_out Petros and Yōannaʸs having_said:
Having_been_gone, prepare the passover_feast for_us, in_order_that we_may_eat it.
9And they said to_him:
Where are_you_willing we_may_prepare?
10And he said to_them:
Behold, of_you_all having_come_in into the city, a_man, bearing a_pitcher of_water, will_be_meeting with_you_all, follow after_him into the house into which he_is_entering_in.
11And you_all_will_be_saying to_the home_owner of_the house:
The teacher is_saying to_you:
Where is the guest_room, where I_may_eat the passover_feast with the apprentices/followers of_me?
12And_that one will_be_showing to_you_all an_ large _upper_room, having_been_furnished, prepare there.
13And having_gone_away, they_found it as he_had_said to_them, and they_prepared the passover_feast.

22:14 The cups and the bread at dinner

(Mark 14:22-26, Mat. 26:26-30, 1 Cor. 11:23-25)

14When it was time to eat, Yeshua and his apprentices sat down together 15and he told them, “I’ve been really looking forward to eating this passover dinner with you all before my time of suffering begins, 16because I’m telling you that I certain won’t eat it again until it’s fulfilled in God’s kingdom.

17Then when the wine cup was passed to him, he gave thanks and said, “Take this and share it among yourselves, 18because I’m telling you that after this, I won’t drink the product of the vines again until God’s kingdom comes.

19Then picking up some bread and giving thanks, he broke the bread and gave it to them saying, “This is my body which is being given for you all. Do this when you remember me.20[ref]Similarly with the cup of wine that comes after they’ve eaten, he said, “This cup is the new agreement in my blood which will be poured out for you all.

21[ref]However, the one who will turn me in is sitting with me at the table. 22Now, humanity’s child has to endure that’s been previously designated, but on the other hand, it won’t end well for the man who turns him in.

14And when the hour became, he_sat_down and the ambassadors with him.
15And he_said to them:
With_desire I_desired to_eat this the passover_feast with you_all, before the time for_me to_suffer.
16For/Because I_am_saying to_you_all that by_no_means I_may_ not _eat it, until of_which it_may_be_fulfilled in the kingdom of_ the _god.
17And having_received the_cup, having_given_thanks he_said:
Take this, and divide it among themselves.
18For/Because I_am_saying to_you_all, by_no_means I_may_ not _drink of the fruit of_the vine from the time now, until of_which the kingdom of_ the _god may_come.
19And having_taken the_bread, having_given_thanks, he_broke and gave it to_them saying:
This is the body of_me, which being_given for you_all, be_doing this in the my remembrance.
20Also the cup likewise after which to_dine saying:
This the cup is the new covenant in the blood of_me, which being_poured_out for you_all is.
21However see, the hand of_the one giving_over me is with me on the table.
22Because on_one_hand the son of_ the _man is_going according_to the place having_been_designated, on_the_other_hand woe to_ the that _man by whom he_is_being_given_over.

22:23 The apprentices argue about being the greatest

23This got them debating among themselves about which one of them it might be who was going to do that 24[ref]and soon it turned into a dispute between them about which one of them was the greatest, 25so Yeshua said, “In other countries, the kings are the master over the people and they call themselves ‘benefactors’ of those they have authority over. 26[ref]But all of you shouldn’t be like that, but rather the greatest one of you should become like the youngest, and the one who leads you all should become like the servant. 27[ref]Because who is greater: the one on the couch or the one who’s serving? Isn’t it the one on the couch? But among all of you, I’m like the one serving 28and you all are the ones who have stuck with me even in my trials.

29And I’m making an agreement with you (just like my father agreed that the kingdom would be mine), 30[ref]so that you all will be able to eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and you’ll sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

23And they began to_be_debating to themselves, which who consequently it_might_be of them, who going to_be_doing this.
24And it_ also _became a_contention among them, that which of_them is_supposing to_be the_greater.
25And he said to_them:
The kings of_the pagans are_mastering of_them, and the ones having_authority over_them:
are_being_called benefactors.
26But you_all not thus, but the greater among you_all, him _let_be_becoming as the younger, and the one leading, as the one serving.
27For/Because who is greater, the one reclining or the one serving?
Not the one reclining?
But in the_midst of_you_all I am as the one serving.
28And you_all are the ones having_continued with me, in the trials of_me.
29And_I am_covenanting to_you_all as the father of_me covenanted a_kingdom to_me, 30in_order_that you_all_may_be_eating and you_all_may_be_drinking at the table of_me in the kingdom of_me, and you_all_are_sitting on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of_ the _Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl).

22:31 Yeshua predicts Peter’s denial

(Yhn 13:36-38, Mark 14:27-31, Mat. 26:31-35)

31Simon, Simon, Satan has requested to sift you all like wheat grains, 32but I interceded for you that your faith wouldn’t fail and that once you turn back again, you’ll strengthen your brothers.

33Master,” Simon responded, “I’m prepared to go to prison with you, or even to die.”

34I can tell you, Peter,” replied Yeshua, “that the rooster certainly won’t crow today until you’ve gone and three times denied even knowing me.

31Simōn, Simōn, see, the Satan/(Sāţān) requested to_sift you_all which as the wheat, 32but I was_besought for you that the faith of_you may_ not _fail, and you once having_turned_back, strengthen the brothers of_you.
33And he he_said to_him:
master, I_am ready to_be_going with you both to prison and to death.
34And he said:
I_am_telling to_you, Petros, the_rooster will_ by_no_means _be_crowing today, until three-times you_will_be_renouncing to_have_known me.

22:35 Take a wallet, backpack, and sword now

35[ref]Then Yeshua told them, “When I sent you all out without a wallet or backpack or spare sandals, did you have to go without anything?

“Nothing,” they answered.

36But now,” Yeshua continued, “if you have a wallet, take it and same with a backpack. If you don’t have a sword, sell your coat and buy one, 37[ref]because it was written that ‘he was considered to be a lawbreaker’ and I’m telling you all that everything that was written about me, will be fulfilled and my time here is soon about to end.

38Master,” they said, “we’ve got two swords here.”

That’s plenty,” he replied.

35And he_said to_them:
When I_sent_ you_all _out without purse, and knapsack, and sandals, not you_all_lacked of_anything?
And they said:
36and He_said to_them:
But now the one having a_purse let_him_take_up it, likewise also a_knapsack, and the one not having, a_sword let_him_sell the coat of_him, and let_him_buy.
37For/Because I_am_saying to_you_all that this which having_been_written, it_is_fitting to_be_accomplished in me, which And he_was_counted with the_lawless, because/for also the thing concerning me is_having an_end.
38And they said:
master, see, two swords here are.
And he said to_them, it_is Much.

22:39 Yeshua prays in the garden

(Mark 14:32-42, Mat. 26:36-46)

39Then leaving the upper room, he went to the Mount of Olives as usual and his apprentices followed him. 40When they got to the place, he told them, “You all pray that you won’t give in to temptation.

41Then he went on several metres, and kneeling on the ground he prayed, 42Father, if you want, allow me to avoid this suffering, however, I want to do what you want—not just what I want.43 44

45Then standing again after praying, he went back to the apprentices and found that they’d fallen asleep from the sorrow 46and he asked them, “Why are you all sleeping? Sit up and pray that you won’t give in to temptation.

39And having_come_out, he_was_gone according_to the custom to the Mount of_ the _Olives, and the apprentices/followers also followed after_him.
40And having_become to the place, he_said to_them:
Be_praying to_ not _come_in into temptation.
41And he was_withdrawn from them about a_stone throw, and having_knelt the knees, he_was_praying 42saying:
father, if you_are_wishing, take_away this the cup from me, however not the will of_me, but the let_ your will _be_becoming.
43 44 45And having_risen_up from the prayer, having_come to the apprentices/followers, he_found them being_fallen_asleep from the sorrow, 46and he_said to_them:
Why are_you_all_sleeping?
Having_risen_up be_praying that you_all_may_ not _come_in into temptation.

22:47 Yeshua is arrested at night

(Yhn 18:3-11, Mark 14:43-50, Mat. 26:47-56)

47While he was still speaking, wow, a crowd turned up with Yudas Iscariot in the front, and he went up to Yeshua to kiss him. 48But Yeshua asked him, “Yudas, are you turning in humanity’s child with a kiss?

49When the other apprentices around Yeshua saw what was about to happen, they asked, “Master, should we attack with our swords?” 50Then one of them slashed at the chief priest’s slave and sliced off his right ear.

51That’s gone far enough!” countered Yeshua, and touching the side of the man’s head, he healed him.

52Then Yeshua spoke to those who had come to capture him—the chief priests and temple officers and the local elders, “So you all came out here with swords and clubs as if I was a robber? 53[ref]I was there in the temple with you all everyday and yet you didn’t arrest me there. Yes, because this is your time with the power of the darkness.

47Still of_him speaking, see, a_crowd and the one being_called Youdas/(Yəhūdāh), one of_the twelve, was_going_ahead them, and he_neared the to_Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) to_kiss him.
48But Yaʸsous said to_him:
Youdas, are_you_giving_over the son of_ the _man with_a_kiss?
49And the ones around him having_seen what going_to be, they_said:
master, if will_we_be_striking with the_sword?
50And a_certain one of them he_struck the slave of_the chief_priest, and he_cut_off the the right ear of_him.
51But the Yaʸsous answering said:
Be_allowing as_far_as this.
And having_touched against_the ear, he_healed him.
52And Yaʸsous said to the ones having_come against him, chief_priests, and officers of_the temple, and elders, you_all_came_out with swords and clubs As against a_robber?
53In_every day of_me being with you_all in the temple, you_all_ not _stretched_out your hands against me.
But this is the hour of_you_all, and the power of_the darkness.

22:54 Peter denies knowing Yeshua

(Yhn 18:12-18, Mark 14:53-54, Mat. 26:57-58)

54Then after capturing Yeshua, they led him along to the chief priest’s house, but Peter followed them from a distance. 55The staff at the chief priest’s place had lit a fire to sit around in the middle of the courtyard and Peter slipped in with them. 56Then a servant girl noticed him in the light and peering at him she said, “This man was with him as well.”

57But Peter disowned him, saying, “Woman, I don’t even know him.”

58A little while later someone else noticed him and said, “You’re also one of them!”

“Man, I’m not!” Peter retorted.

59About an hour later, someone else insisted on saying, “This fellow was definitely with him because he’s also a Galilean!”

60“Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Peter responded, and while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed.

61Just then the master turned at looked at Peter and he suddenly remembered what the master had said, “Before the rooster crows today, three times you’ll deny even knowing me.62Then Peter went out of the courtyard and cried like a baby.

54And having_captured him, they_led him and brought_in him into the house of_the chief_priest.
But the Petros was_following afar.
55And having_kindled a_fire in the_midst of_the courtyard, and having_sat_together, the Petros was_sitting in_the_midst of_them.
56And having_seen him, a_ certain _servant_girl sitting near the light, and having_looked_intently at_him said:
This one was also with him.
57But he disowned him saying:
I_have_ not _known him, woman.
58And after a_little, another having_seen him was_saying:
You are also of them.
But the Petros was_saying:
Man, I_am not.
59And one hour having_passed_by about, a_certain other was_insisting saying:
In truth also this one was with him, because/for he_is also a_Galilaios.
60But the Petros said:
Man, I_have_ not _known what you_are_saying.
And immediately of_him still speaking, the_rooster crowed.
61And the master having_been_turned, focused_in the on_Petros, and the Petros was_reminded of_the message of_the master, how he_said to_him, that Before the_rooster to_crow today, you_will_be_renouncing me three-times.
62And having_come_out outside, he_wept bitterly.

22:63 Yeshua is mocked and beaten

(Mark 14:65, Mat. 26:67-68)

63Meanwhile the officers who were holding Yeshua started mocking him and beating him. 64They blindfolded him and then challenged him, “Prophesy and tell us who just slapped you!” 65as well as saying many other things to insult him.

63And the men which holding him, were_mocking at_him beating.
64And having_blindfolded him, they_were_asking saying:
Prophesy, who is the one having_struck you?
65And they_were_saying many other things slandering, to him.

22:66 Yeshua’s brief interrogation by the Jewish council

(Yhn 18:19-24, Mark 14:55-64, Mat. 26:59-66)

66As the daylight came, the council of local elders including both the chief priests and the religious teachers, gathered together and Yeshua was led in to the council 67who demanded, “If you’re the messiah, tell us so.”

Even if I told you,” he replied, “you certainly wouldn’t believe me, 68and if I asked you all anything, you certainly wouldn’t answer. 69But from now on, humanity’s child will be sitting in the seat of power on God’s right.

70So then you are God’s son!” they all reacted.

Well, you all are saying that I am,” he said.

71“Why would we need any more witnesses than this?” they asked, “because we heard it ourselves straight out of his mouth.”

66And when it_became day, the council_of_elders of_the people, both chief_priests and scribes was_gathered_together, and they_led_away him into the council of_them 67saying:
If you are the chosen_one/messiah, tell to_us.
But he_said to_them:
If I_may_tell to_you_all, by_no_means you_all_may_ not _believe, 68and if I_may_ask, by_no_means you_all_may_ not _answer.
69And from the time now the son of_ the _man will_be sitting on the_right of_the power of_ the _god.
70and said all:
Therefore are you the son of_ the _god?
And he was_saying to them:
You_all are_saying that I am.
71And they said:
What are_we_having need of_testimony anymore?
For/Because ourselves we_heard it from the mouth of_him. Maps:

Jesus’ Arrest, Trial, Crucifixion, and Burial

Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15; Luke 22-23; John 13-19

On the Thursday before he was crucified, Jesus had arranged to share the Passover meal with his disciples in an upper room, traditionally thought to be located in the Essene Quarter of Jerusalem. After they finished the meal, they went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus often met with his disciples. There Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ own disciples, betrayed him to soldiers sent from the High Priest, and they took Jesus to the High Priest’s residence. In the morning the leading priests and teachers of the law put Jesus on trial and found him guilty of blasphemy. The council sent Jesus to stand trial for treason before the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, who resided at the Praetorium while in Jerusalem. The Praetorium was likely located at the former residence of Herod the Great, who had died over 30 years earlier. When Pilate learned that Jesus was from Galilee, he sent him to Herod Antipas, who had jurisdiction over Galilee. But when Jesus gave no answer to Herod’s many questions, Herod and his soldiers sent him back to Pilate, who conceded to the people’s demands that Jesus be crucified. Jesus was forced to carry his cross out of the city gate to Golgotha, meaning Skull Hill, referring to what may have been a small unquarried hill in the middle of an old quarry just outside the gate. After Jesus was unable to carry his cross any further, a man named Simon from Cyrene was forced to carry it for him. There at Golgotha they crucified Jesus. After Jesus died, his body was hurriedly taken down before nightfall and placed in a newly cut, rock tomb owned by Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Jewish high council. This tomb was likely located at the perimeter of the old quarry.

LUKE 22 ©
