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Open English Translation MARK Chapter 7

MARK 7 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

7:1 Yeshua suggests obeying God, not tradition

(Mat. 15:1-9)

7Some from the Pharisee party and some of the law teachers had come from Yerusalem to observe Yeshua 2and noticed that some of his followers were eating their food without following their religious customs, i.e., without washing their hands. 3(The Pharisees and, in fact, all the Jewish religious leaders do not eat without first ceremonially washing their hands as taught by their elders over the generations. 4They won’t eat at the market if they can’t do this first, and have many other regulations about ceremonial washing of cups and jugs and copper kettles.)

5And the Pharisees and religious teachers asked Yeshua, “How come your followers don’t follow our Jewish traditions, but eat without the ceremonial washing of hands?”

6And he answered, “Isayah got it exactly right when he expressed God’s thoughts about you hypocrites and wrote:[ref]

‘These people honour me with their lips,

but their real desires are far away from mine.

7Their worship of me is worthless,

teaching man-made rules as if they are from God.’

8You’ve ignored God’s commands instead accepting human traditions.

9And Yeshua continued, “You all simply dismiss God’s commands in favour of your own customs. 10[ref]Mosheh teaches us,

‘Honour your parents,’


‘Anyone dishonestly slandering their parents deserves the death penalty.’

11But when you all encourage people to say, ‘Whatever I had that may have helped you guys has been given to God’, 12you are actively discouraging them from helping their parents— 13overriding God’s voice for your very convenient teaching that you disseminate instead. And that’s not the only example!

7And the Farisaios_party and some of_the scribes, having_come from Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim), are_being_gathered_together to him, 2and having_seen some of_the apprentices/followers of_him, that they_are_eating the loaves with_unclean hands, this is with_unwashed.
3(For/Because the Farisaios_party and all the Youdaiōns, are_ not _eating if they_may_ not _wash the hands with_the_fist, taking_hold_of the tradition of_the elders, 4and from the_marketplace they_are_ not _eating if they_may_ not _wash, and many other things there_is which they_received to_be_taking_hold_of, washings of_cups and pitchers and copper_kettles.
) 5And the Farisaios_party are_asking him and the scribes:
For/Because_ why _reason the apprentices/followers of_you are_ not _walking according_to the tradition of_the elders, but they_are_eating the bread with_common hands?
6And he answering said to_them:
Aʸsaias/(Yəshaˊyāh) rightly prophesied concerning you_all the hypocrites, as it_has_been_written, that This the people is_honouring me with_the lips, but the heart of_them is_being_away far_away from me.
7And they_are_worshipping me uselessly, teaching the_commands of_humans as_teachings.
8Having_left the command of_ the _god, you_all_are_taking_hold_of the tradition of_ the _humans.
9And he_was_saying to_them:
You_all_are_rejecting well the command of_ the _god, in_order_that you_all_may_keep the tradition of_you_all.
10For/Because Mōsaʸs/(Mosheh) said:
Be_honouring the father of_you and the mother of_you, and:
The one speaking_evil father or mother let_be_dying in_death.
11But you_all are_saying:
If a_person may_say to_the father or the mother:
whatever you_may_be_benefited if from me it_is Korban (that is a_gift, 12you_all_are_ no_longer _allowing him to_do nothing for_the father or the mother, 13annulling the message of_ the _god for_the tradition of_you_all to_which you_all_gave_over.
And many similar such things you_all_are_doing.

7:14 Evil comes from inside a person

(Mat. 15:10-20)

14Yeshua called out to the crowd, “Everyone listen to me carefully: 15Nothing that enters your mouth makes you guilty in God’s eyes. It’s what comes out of you that demonstrates your culpability.

16 17When Yeshua came back inside, his apprentices asked him what he meant. 18But he scolded them, “Can’t you understand something so simple! Can’t you see that anything from the outside that enters your body doesn’t make you guilty in God’s sight, 19because it doesn’t enter your mind but merely goes into your stomach and ends up in the toilet.” (By saying this he clearly showed that is was ok for Jews to eat any food.)

20He continued, “It’s what comes out of you that makes you guilty in God’s eyes.21-22 21-22That’s because evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, arrogance, lust, slander, pride, and foolishness all come from inside people’s hearts and minds. 23So it’s the evil that’s inside a person and comes out that makes them guilty in God’s eyes.

14And again having_called_to the crowd, he_was_saying to_them:
All be_hearing from_me and be_understanding:
15there_is nothing outside the person entering_in into him, which is_able to_defile him but the things going_out out_of the person is the things defiling the person.
16 17And when he_came_in into the_house from the crowd, the apprentices/followers of_him were_asking him the parable.
18And he_is_saying to_them:
Are you_all thus also unintelligent?
You_all_are_ not _understanding that everything the part outside entering_in into the person is_ not _able to_defile him, 19because it_is_ not _entering_in into the heart of_him but into the belly, and it_is_going_out into the latrine?
(Purifying all the foods.
) 20And he_was_saying that The thing going_out out_of the person, that is_defiling the person.
21For/Because from inside the heart of_ the _people are_going_out the the evil speculations, sexual_immoralities, thefts, murders, adulteries, 22greediness, wickedness, deceit, wantonness, eyeing evil, slander, pride, foolishness.
23All these the evil things inside is_going_out and is_defiling the person.

7:24 The bold faith of a non-Jewish woman

(Mat. 15:21-28)

24Yeshua left that place and went up north into the regions of Tyre and Tsidon. He tried to enter a house without being noticed but didn’t succeed, 25and straight away a woman who had heard about him turned up. She knelt in front of him because she had a little daughter who was demon-possessed. 26The woman was Greek from Phoenicia in Syria and she begged Yeshua to command the demon to leave her daughter. 27But he replied, “Let the Jewish children be treated first, because it’s not good to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.

28And she responded, “Yes, master, but the puppies under the table do get to eat the little crumbs that the children drop.”

29And he answered, “Go home now. As a result of how you just spoke, the demon has already left your daughter.

30And when she got home, the demon had indeed gone and her little girl was lying quietly on her bed.

24And from_there having_risen_up, he_went_away into the regions of_Turos/(Tsor) and Sidōn/(Tsīdōn).
And having_come_in into the_house, he_was_wanting no_one to_know, but was_ not _able to_escape_notice.
25But immediately a_woman having_heard about him, of_whom the little_daughter was_having of_her a_ unclean _spirit having_come, fell_before at the feet of_him.
26And the woman was Hellaʸn, from_Foinikaʸ_in_Suria the by_descent, and she_was_asking him that he_may_throw_out the demon out_of the daughter of_her.
27And he_was_saying to_her:
Allow the children to_be_satisfied first, because/for it_is not good to_take the bread of_the children, and to_throw it to_the little_dogs.
28And she answered and is_saying to_him:
Yes, master, even the little_dogs beneath the table are_eating of the the little_crumbs of_the little_children.
29And he_said to_her:
Because_of this the message be_going, the demon, has_come_out out_of the daughter of_you.
30And having_gone_away to the home of_her, she_found the demon having_come_out and the little_child having_been_laid on the bed.

7:31 Yeshua heals a deaf man who couldn’t speak

31Yeshua left the Tyre region, passed through Tsidon, and came down the eastern side of the Lake of Galilee to the Decapolis region. 32The people there brought a man to him who couldn’t hear or speak, and asked Yeshua to heal him. 33So Yeshua took the man back away from the crowd, put his fingers in the man’s ears, then he spat and touched the man’s mouth. 34Looking up to the sky, he sighed and said, “Open up!

35Then the man could hear, and his tongue was released and he began to speak properly. 36The Yeshua advised that they shouldn’t tell anyone, but the more he said that, the more they seemed to spread it around. 37The crowds were totally amazed, saying, “He can do anything—he makes the deaf able to hear, and enables the ones who couldn’t speak.”

31And again having_come_out from the regions of_Turos, he_came through Sidōn to the sea of_ the _Galilaia/(Gālīl), among the_midst of_the regions of_Dekapolis.
32And they_are_bringing a_deaf and speech_impaired man to_him, and they_are_imploring him that he_may_lay_on his hand on_him.
33And having_taken_ him _back from the crowd by himself, he_put the fingers of_him to the ears of_him, and having_spat, touched against_the tongue of_him, 34and having_looked_up to the sky, he_groaned and is_saying to_him:
Effatha/(Fətaḩ), that is:
35And the ears of_him were_opened_up, and the bond of_the tongue of_him was_untied/released, and he_was_speaking correctly.
36And he_instructed to_them that they_may_be_telling to_no_one.
But as_much_as was_instructing to_them, they were_proclaiming it more more_abundantly.
37And they_were_being_ exceedingly _astonished saying:
He_has_done all things well, he_is_making both the deaf to_be_hearing and the_mute to_be_speaking.

MARK 7 ©
