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UBS Dictionary of the Greek New Testament



MainId: 002316000000000

Version: 0

HasAramaic: False

InLXX: False

AlphaPos: θ

StrongCodes: G2310

AlternateLemmas: θεμέλιον

Notes: [{'Caller': 1, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': [], 'Content': 'In Greek literature θεμέλιος (masc.) and θεμέλιον (neuter) occur in the meaning of ‘foundation,’ but in the NT θεμέλιον in the sense of ‘foundation’ happens to occur only in the plural form ({S:04401602600018}).'}, {'Caller': 2, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': [], 'Content': 'λίθος in the sense of ‘building stone’ (that is, a shaped stone in contrast with a field stone) is treated in Domain 2 Natural Substances ({D:2.24}).'}]


  1. BaseFormID: 002316001000000

    PartsOfSpeech: noun, m.


    1. Lemma: θεμέλιος

      BaseFormIndex: 1

      Realizations: -ου

    RelatedLemmas: {'Word': 'τίθημι', 'Meanings': []}


    1. LEXID: 002316001001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXEntryCode: 7.41

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Constructions

      LEXSubDomains: Parts and Areas of Buildings


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-08-13 09:57:01

        DefinitionShort: that on which a structure is built{N:001}

        Glosses: foundation

        Comments: In some languages it is possible to describe a typical foundation in ancient times as ‘large stones underneath the walls.’ In other languages, however, this may seem to be quite a meaningless type of expression, since foundations are only made secure by driving stakes deep into the ground. Therefore, it may be best to describe the function of a foundation by ‘what keeps the walls firm’ or ‘how the walls are made not to move’ or ‘what goes beneath the walls.’

      LEXReferences: LUKE 6:48, LUKE 6:49, LUKE 14:29, ACTs 16:26, ROM 15:20, 1COR 3:10, 1COR 3:12, EPH 2:20, HEB 11:10

      LEXLinks: realia:3.1.1

    2. LEXID: 002316001002000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXEntryCode: 7.43

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Constructions

      LEXSubDomains: Parts and Areas of Buildings


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-08-13 09:57:01

        DefinitionShort: a stone used in the construction of a foundation{N:002}

        Glosses: foundation stone

        Comments: Such foundation stones may be described as ‘stones beneath the walls’ or ‘stones beneath the walls to make the walls strong.’

      LEXReferences: REV 21:14, REV 21:19, REV 21:19

      LEXLinks: realia:3.1.1

    3. LEXID: 002316001003000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: M

      LEXEntryCode: 89.12

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Relations

      LEXSubDomains: Basis


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-08-13 09:57:01

        DefinitionShort: (a figurative extension of meaning of {L:θεμέλιος}[a] ‘foundation,’ {D:7.41}) the basis for some action or event

        Glosses: ['basis', 'foundation']

      LEXReferences: 1COR 3:10, 1COR 3:11, 1COR 3:12, 1TIM 6:19, 2TIM 2:19, HEB 6:1